#oliver tries to bond with alan post mother of all evil like ''wow both our moms are villains...guess we arent so different after all''
dezwade · 1 year
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i know the doylist explanation for this exchange is that this is from the fourth episode of mighty med so the writers hadn't figured out what they were doing with the diazes yet or decided that horace was the one who raised alan
however, taking it as canon opens up the opportunity for the fun and absolutely baseless hc that alan's mom is a villain
i know it sounds farfetched but stick with me here. this line in conjunction with later episodes about optimo establish three things. 1) Alan is in contact with his mom and appears to have a positive relationship with her 2) despite this, Horace was the one to raise Alan and 3) The reason why his mom couldn't raise him is different from Optimo's since neither Horace nor Alan's mom herself seem to think Alan being in contact with her is dangerous
and there are still a multitude of reasons as to why this particular family dynamic came to be but i still think the most fun one is "Alan's mom is a supervillain who is currently in Mighty Max"
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