#oleander is made of code and lives in thursday's phone
the-haunted-office · 24 days
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
Girl, it's been seven months. Seven months and he still wants to pin all that on you and you alone? When he knows better than that? I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that he didn't know.
"I don't know, Ollie. He sure acted like he didn't."
Yeah, he acted like it because that guy is too stupid to figure out anything on his own.
What? It's the truth. He needs everything spelled out for him. Guy can't choose which doorway to walk through without someone telling him.
"That's not his fault. And you know that."
What, you're gonna make excuses for him now? After ripping his head off? Personally I think you did him a favor. Gave him an upgrade, anyway.
"Ugh, you know what. This isn't really helping."
Look. I'm sorry, Thursday. I'm not meaning to upset you. I apologize. I just can't stand when you let them upset you like that. You let them do it to you in my timeline too, only you were better at hiding it there, I think. And no, don't say anything, let me finish talking, please.
TYPING. Shut up. You know what I meant. Anyway, all I'm saying is, this isn't your fault, okay? And if you want to think that it is, then only accept the parts that are your fault, which isn't all of it. If Stanley wants to skulk around kicking at rocks, then let him. Jackass is gonna stub his toe one of these days and then he'll have no one to blame but himself.
"...Right. Yeah. You're right. He's just- He's not even my Stanley, right, so what's it matter? Maybe I was just- just trying so hard to make things work out between us because... because I just really miss my Stanley."
...Yeah. I get you. I miss my Thursday. But hey. We're friends. We've got each other. I'm glad for that. I'm sorry about your Stanley, Thursday.
"Yeah. I'm sorry about your Thursday, Ollie."
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