#old case traktor
randostufforino · 9 months
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faggotfungus · 4 months
Met an interesting lady at the Grocery Outlet in town.
I was holding my $1 bag of floss picks and lookin at the other hygiene products when the lady next to me pointed out how gross looking a line of hair sprays were, in the way you could see in layers all the different components.
We talked about how she opens some items before she buys them because she doesn't know if they're still good, like gummy vitamins. She then mentioned she's balding because she's on testosterone, and she shows me her thinning hair at the back of her head. I told her I was too in both cases, on T and balding. She asks me how I manage it since my hair looks so good, I tell her about the Finasteride, and the rosemary oil, and the Biotin, etc.
She tells me about how "when she was younger" she was a body builder and how now at 52 she missed the way the testosterone made the shape of her body look and made her feel, so she's started again. It's during all this I start thinking about gender expression, but that's another post.
I give her a subtle up and down, and I decide to tell her I'm trans, that "I was born a woman." A risky thing where I live, especially in the heart of town like this. She lights up. She tells me how she had no idea and how she couldn't tell. Then she gets excited because she's realized, "So you understand then!" And now, in the middle of this grocery store aisle, we're talkin bottom growth and how much she's loved that, how she's just horny all the time, how she hates all the body hair especially the facial hair, how she's had to start training her voice to still sound higher. Her suddenly being seen and understood was infectious, I felt happy for her and shared parts of myself.
I found out her husband loves her body and finds all her changes attractive. I found out she's on soooo much testosterone. I told her, "You're on more T than I am and I'm Trying to look like a man." To put it in terms she'd understand. That made her pause. 1ml twice a week is what she's been doing. I told her to bring it down to my level, that she'd still get the effects she's after while the others wouldn't be as fast or aggressive. And if she finds she's comfortable at .5ml once a week, then good, or if she even feels like she could go lower, then to take it down .1ml at a time till she feels comfortable.
Anyway, then she started talkin about how she goes across the border to mexico to get botox, dental work, and her medications. I told her about how I had to take some old antibiotics from the vet a couple of months ago, and we commiserated over the failure of the USAmerican healthcare system. Then she told me how every time she gets Covid, she goes into Traktor Supply, gets some Ivormectin and some kinda tablet meant for fish tanks, and takes both of them... Well, ya win some ya lose some.
I gave her my number and told her to text me anytime she had questions about testosterone. It's been an interesting day.
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a-wanderin-whirlybird · 9 months
Invader Zim has once again over taken my brain. Bringing back some old ocs for a series of Random fun facts/Headcannons! Going by category with Headcanons about Irk/Irkens, then Hives, then Characters. If they are AU specific I'll mention which AU (Mainly the 18 Years Later Au by @messinwitheddie ).
Irk/Irken HC: (these are general HCs I have about Irk and Irkens not Au specific)
Irk is the third closest planet to a Massive blue star.
Most Fauna is nocturnal and requires a Massive amount of nutrients to survive.
The atmosphere is very dense and the storm clouds are Nitrogen
Infact Nitrogen is the basis of the planet much like how earth is Oxygen based
As such the seas are Liquid Nitrogen
Irkens are a subterranean species that adapted to the surface
Despite this Modern Irkens still retain hyper sensitivity to light in general
Irkens are built to thrive in specific roles and their species often develops mutations to fill these roles
Irkens are much Like ants or Bees in that they have Hive structures.
Before the first civilization on Irk most Hives were a Queen and her Drones/mates and Smeets.
Females were even rarer before the first True Hive occured.
The pheromones that assigned early Irkens roles are still dormant in modern Irkens.
It is almost unheard of for these pheromones to reactivate and release save a few cases since the rise of Civilization
Irken reproduction is incredibly dangerous and often fatal for female Irkens
Irkens have Massive swarm with the average size being between 80 and 100 smeets
Birthing a swarm over 250 is high risk and often fatal
Few Irken women ever have more than 2 swarms. The third is fatal except in a few incredibly rare circumstances
Specific Hives:
Hive Traktor: 18 Years Later AU
The birth place of Cyder and Irk's various alcoholic drinks
Tallest Flapjack was the world's first Gourmond and often liked to travel to Hives across the globe to taste their delicacies. In return he created the World's first International and Trans Trans Continental trade Route. He had a mutation that gave him 8 eyes and a hyper sensitive palate.
The most common mutations in Hive Traktor are not visible traits. One makes the Irken's bones incredibly durable and allows more Muscular growth than usual. Another is an actual sense of smell, touch and sight that allows them to pick up the slightest change in atmospheric pressure and accurately predict weather patterns.
Hive Traktor is the reason the 5 Star Alliance fell to ruin. Tallest Olst was a power mad dictator that drove his own Hive to ruin. But not before he slaughtered Tallest Aria of Hive Octave and collapsed ever possible entrance and exit to Hive Geo.
Tallest Olst singlehandedly destroyed 3 Hives. He is at the Tallest Table in the afterlife and will never leave. Forever trapped at the table unable to enjoy any of the food and power he had in life. The entirety of Hive Traktor despises him
Hive Geo:
Some irkens born to Hive Geo never see Moonlight as they never leave the Caves and Mines of their Hive.
I changed the main mutations of this Hive. The main mutations present are Albinism, Gem like Eyes, and Echolocation. Most Mining drone have a mutation where they have no eyes and see with radar. This allows them to find veins of ore and gems in the walls.
The last Tallest of Hive Geo was Tallest Vista. He was a Chimera who absorbed his entire swarm. He had patches of every different skin color possible in an irken. He was Nicknamed the Irken Rainbow by Tallest Uthril of Hive Sol. Vista was incredibly kind and caring towards his Fellow Irkens and his Hive flourished under him. But his kindness killed him.
Tallest Vista caught Miner's Rattle. A Splooch Infection from exposure to various trapped gasses in the Mines. He was unable to do anything as Olst collapsed the Enterances and exits to Hive Geo. Vista quickly realized that if Hive Geo was trapped so was Hive Octave. Vista sent all his Miner's towards the Tunnels heading for Hive Traktor. Hoping they could dig his Hive out while he took a significantly smaller force to Try and get a single tunnel to Hive Octave.
Vista Failed. The small team found another pocket of Noxious gasses. This one combusted and collapsed the tunnels behind then.
This triggered a complete collapse of Hive Geo. Killing everyone inside and cutting off Hive Octave from any assistance.
Tallest Aria: 18 Years Later Au
Final Tallest of Hive Octave.
Aria had a Partner, a short Drummer named Pitch. The two had a swarm with a surrogate.
Aria used to be a selfish and moody Irken. She often snapped and intimidated to get her way. In her pursuit of Pitch, Aria changed for the better. But her biggest turning point was when she nearly lost Pitch during birth.
They lost 73 out of 99 smeets and Pitch nearly bled to death. Aria spent 3 days desperately trying to save as many smeets as she could while trying to keep her Love alive. It gave her some perspective on how her own actions affected others especially those under her.
Aria gave her Hive a public apology for her previous behavior and restarted her regime from the ground up. She made major changes to many of the laws in her Hive to ensure her people were better cared for and heard.
Her downfall began when she suggested ending a tradition in the 5 Star Alliance. Specifically the use of 2 separate fertility festivals to separate "desirable Irkens" and "Defective Irkens". She suggested simply eliminating the second festival and letting everyone participate in 1 big festival.
Tallest Olst of Hive Traktor saw this as both a personal offense and a possible way to grab power. He tried to rally the other Hives against this suggestion only to discover that he was entirely unsupported. Hives Sol, Opal, and Geo agreed with Aria.
Olst would later Poison Aria under the guise of an apology. Using Aria's love of noodles to kill her painfully. Pitch would then fly into a rage and brutalized Olst with her own bare hands as the drone from Hive Octave slaughtered the tall members of Olst's party and retreated. Pitch died not moments after Olst, impaled by one of Olst's loyal generals.
Olst survived only a few days after. Just long enough to trap Hive Octave and Hive Geo in their Hives.
Hive Octave had lost all their Tall drones to Olst's generals as well. Leaving them leaderless. Even after 3 fertility festivals no new Tallest entered the world.
Aria's Neice, Flit, Became The Almighty Smallest when no Tall Smeets remained after 4 years.
In Death Aria haunts Irk, Finding any Irken related to her Hive, and very specifically her Love Pitch. She gladly assists any of Pitch's descendants when she finds then.
The best example of this being @messinwitheddie Tallest Dava.
Flit, The Almighty Smallest: 18 Years Later Au
The last Ruler of Hive Octave. While Aria was the final Tallest is was her dear neice Flit who ruled until none but herself remained.
Flit was born without legs a few years after Aria's own Swarm reached Aprentice age. Flit's mother, Aria's only surviving swarmmate, died giving birth and only Flit survived.
Aria and Pitch raised Flit. Aria even made Flits first pair of Prostetics.
Flit had a deep connection to the Strings the Weaver wove. Hearing them in songs all around her. Flit was a Talented Oracle because of this and tried desperately to turn her abilities to help her Hive.
Aria was stiff with Flit. Always seeing her dead sister in her niece. Aria always regretted the distance she created between them.
Flit has an uneasy relationship with Aria. Neither know what to say to the other as both feel guilty for failing the other. But Flit Loves her Coddle Drone a lot and always respected her.
Flit was the last irken left Alive in Hive Octave. A combination of Disease, famine and declined birth rates killed the Hive in a matter of decades. No new Tallest was ever born and Flit remained alone in the Shell of her Hive until she perished on New Years.
Flit did not pass to the Tallest Table immediately after death. Instead Flit was pulled into a horrible vision of Irk's Future. She saw the Control Brains and Smeetries. The pain inflicted to other species. The complete loss of Irken culture and Diversity, the smog that blanketed the moons and sun from the sky, and the loss of all life upon the Irken surface. She saw the statue of the Colossus being pulled to her knees by an unholy beast of metal and flesh. And as the Colossus fell, a spike through her head, Cyder pouring forth, the ground beneath them split and the sun burned through the smog, engulfing the battlefield whole
Flit arrived to the warm greetings of her dead Hive with a mission. She had a spot reserved at the Tallest Table, but she gave it to her Drones instead.
Flit spends her eternity trying to reach the mind of a living Irken in the modern Era. Desperate to halt the destruction of Irk and Irkens as a whole.
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compellingselling · 2 months
Yeah. More griping about fun spots that don't sell.
I feel like such a curmudgeon scoffing at another wonderfully entertaining commercial that doesn’t sell. But I can’t help but scoff at this wonderfully entertaining commercial that doesn’t sell.
So… it feels great having Sky TV. Is that enough for me to pony up for one more monthly streaming service fee? Not for me.
I don’t live in the countries where Sky is offered, so maybe I’m not seeing the whole campaign. Perhaps this is the big, mass brand campaign and it’s followed up by lower funnel specifics of the movies, shows, and sports I can get only through Sky TV and not Netflix, Prime, Apple TV, Paramount+, Disney+, and Hulu?
Is the end benefit feeling enough? There was a brilliant campaign in the US for DirectTV in the 90s that was this campaign’s evil twin. It took the bad feeling you get from having cable TV and took it to extremes. President Clinton even said he liked the campaign. But it still didn’t make a compelling case for getting Direct TV. Probably because Direct TV isn't better than cable. 
This Sky TV spot got a whopping 4.3 in System1 testing which measures emotional involvement, likability and branding. I’m a believer in System1’s methodology, but this ad might be an example of something that’s fun to watch that's well-branded but actually won’t do much for the brand other than contribute to brand awareness because it doesn’t sell anything.
You can have fun and use borrowed interest AND sell. This old Little Caesars ad does. All it takes is the line, “Just when you thought things couldn’t get any better…” and a mention of the deal.
But the chameleon singing? That’s a great gag. 
Agency: In-house. Director: Traktor.
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perulomo · 2 years
Mixed in key 6
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“Identical features on both platforms.”ġ2- Mixed in Key will be putting a beta link up on their Facebook wall “soon” (day or time was not specified).
“But trust me, it will be reasonable.”ġ1- It works on both Windows and Mac OS X. A laptop is all you need to get started, but you can add hardware on top of that.”ġ0- No word on pricing yet. “The cool thing is, you can use it with just a touchpad/mouse too, in case something goes wrong. Free mixed in key 6 download software at UpdateStar - 1,746,000 recognized programs - 5,228,000 known versions - Software News. This product guide provides essential presales information to understand the PM1655 SSDs and their key features, specifications, and compatibility. “It analyzes everything in one step, with no other tools required.”ĩ- Audio output is configurable, so you can plug in a dedicated USB sound card or MIDI controller. The ThinkSystem PM1655 Mixed Use SAS 24Gb SSDs in capacities of up to 6.4 TB are next-generation high-performance 24Gb SAS SSDs suitable for a wide range of applications of running on ThinkSystem servers. We’re going 100% MIDI.”Ĩ- This software has the Mixed In Key 6.0 algorithm already built in. We recommend their software if you want that feature. “We think Serato has done an awesome job with timecode support, and we don’t plan to compete with that. “Your music is safe.”ħ- There is no time code support in their software. We did something very different”Ĥ- They are still making minor tweaks to the system, so an exact date of release is unavailable.ĥ- The new software does not write anything to ID3 tags at all. “In the future, we fully plan to support all hardware available in the DJ booth.”ģ- Unique beat grids: the beat gridding system is “not like Serato or Traktor, even though it looks like a two deck DJ app. Here’s what we’ve gathered so far:ġ- The software works perfectly with all standalone MIDI controllers but does not support CDJs….for now. Not much information was released, but a representative from Mixed in Key has been answering fan questions on the Facebook page. When you find a root note of a tune, you can then ask the software to play the major and minor chords based around that note, helping you to decide for yourself what key the tune is in.
If you guys liked what Mixed In Key can do for you, wait until you try this app. Mixed in Key comes full circle What Mixed In Key 6 has done is give you a built in keyboard that you can play over any tune in the software, just like the old days. We aren’t looking to compete with them, we’re just looking to create another style of DJing. We love our friends at Serato, Pioneer and other companies, but they have a legacy to maintain and they can’t change EVERYTHING. We had the opportunity to create the most fun, most dynamic and exciting DJ software possible. Yesterday, Mixed in Key announced on its Facebook page that it will be releasing a new DJ software in the coming months.
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discountpolh · 2 years
Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air
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#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air how to#
#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air update#
#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air manual#
The application allows to remote control and receive feedback from software and hardware that implement the OSC or MIDI protocols such as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Ableton Live, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue/Arena, Modul8, Plogue Bidule, NI Traktor, NI Reaktor, Quartz Composer, Supercollider, vvvv, Isadora and many others. It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control and MIDI messages over Wi-Fi and CoreMIDI inter-app communication and compatible hardware. He was also active in a lot of the OSC threads here.TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad by hexler. He's done a In-Ear-Monitor mix setup for his band with iOS devices and his MOTU 828mk3: Musicians should stay out unless they 'really-know-what-they-are-doing'. Tweaking this might solve the 'update' problem.įor the moment I would add a separate 'setup' tab in the TouchOSC layout with > and > buttons. I'm looking into this: there's a 'TouchOSC-iPad.layout_description' file inside the Cuemix FX app bundle.
#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air update#
) won't update if someone else changes it. It wil control the 18th channel on the 5th bus (counting starts at zero - 0 ).įor some reason if you step outside the current 8-slider block the slider (or text, led. the 8 sliders in the 'mix' tab have this as OSC statement: If you make sure that all band members devices are always at bus 1 and channel 1 (which, I think, is the case when Cuemix fx starts), you can address channels 'semi-directly'.Į.g. Cuemix keeps track of them on a device basis, so multiple devices are no problem (I was wrong about that).īut you're not stuck to controlling faders on the current bus or current group of 8 sliders. Or MOTU releasing the documentation of the CueMix API so someone can write a new 'OSC driver'.Īn update after some experimenting on my good old ipod touch and a new ipad air (love it!) with CueMix fx, TouchOSC and the TouchOSC editor.īuses and channels are always relative to the current 'osc-bus' or 'osc-channel'. The perfect solution would be MOTU to update the OSC implementation. If person A then moves a slider, it will affect mix B and not their own mix A. Person A pushes the 'switch to bus A button' and before they can update their mix, another person pushes the 'switch to bus B' button. I still see problems when more than one person want's to change his/her monitor mix settings at the same time: In this case pd would present itself as a control surface to Cuemix. This page provides a lot of info about OSC and pd: You could define your own custom 'channel X on bus Y' OSC command, filter all TouchOSC traffic trough something like 'pd' (, the free version of MAX/MSP). They'l need a similar solutionĪnd now that I think of it (I'm improvising here). If I remember correctly there is a 'ch+8' (or something similar) to move the channel display up and down. This leaves the problem with the channels as they are grouped per 8.
#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air manual#
It's probably possible with 'Lemur' (expensive!): According to the manual you assign scripts to GUI elements.
#Touchosc editor custom layout ipad air how to#
I can't think of a way to do this with TouchOSC as it only allows 1 OSC command per GUI-item (unless someone knows how to work around that limitation). If one button could send more than one OSC command, you could create a workaround:įirst send 8 times '>' to get to bus number X.
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loadingdeli296 · 3 years
Photoshop Catalina
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Photoshop 2021 crashing on macOS Catalina defaultdfbye5nqzta0. Community Beginner, Nov 09, 2020. Copy link to clipboard. Hi, I really need some help! I have a brand new Macbook Pro - well, I bought it mid year. I have Photoshop 21 and all Apple updates are current. Adobe recommends that customers using older versions of Photoshop Elements or Premiere Elements (versions 2019 or earlier) DO NOT upgrade to macOS 10.15 Catalina. If you have installed the Elements products and have not upgraded to macOS 10.15 Catalina, the Elements products will function normally. If you have installed the Elements products and have upgraded to macOS 10.15 Catalina, reach out to. ☛ Get Adobe Photoshop For Mac - how to get Adobe Photoshop on Mac. Adobe Photoshop for Mac from the link in the description.#Adob. After last updates (Osx Catalina and CC 2020), when the save window appear, the focus, highlite, is on all the file name and extension instead only the filename. I suspect the issue is relat.
If you work with Lightroom and Photoshop, think twice before upgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina. While Apple’s new operating system comes with some stunning features, there’s no progress without sacrifice. For designers who work with Adobe products, the sacrifice can be too big.
The company has recently warned there are “known compatibility issues” with Photoshop 20.0.6 and Lightroom 2.4.1 running on Catalina, while older versions of both apps will stop working on macOS 10.15 altogether.
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Download Setapp to fix any Photoshop and Lightroom issues on macOS Catalina. Discover photo editing tools that surpass Adobe power.
What’s wrong with Catalina compatibility
The thing is, Catalina kills lots of Mac software. This is due to Apple ending support for 32-bit applications and urging developers to switch to 64 bits. With 64-bit app architecture, your Mac is supposed to get faster and more powerful. Yet, not every app developer is ready to take a step.
Since the first days of Catalina release, there have been many complaints about apps not working on the new system. DJs say they can’t use popular music software like Traktor and Rekordbox because macOS is no longer supporting apps that rely on iTunes syncing features. Oh, and iTunes is dead on Catalina, too. Now you’ll have to access your music, podcasts, and movies via three different apps.
Apart from Adobe and music software incompatibility, macOS 10.15 brings along some major issues with iCloud file download, iPad not connecting to Mac, and apps freezing. You can find the full list of Catalina problems and fixes here.
Known Photoshop issues on macOS Catalina
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The main reason why Adobe apps don’t work on macOS 10.15 is many of them entail 32-bit components. Photoshop 19.x and earlier versions are entirely out of Catalina space — so if you use them, you’ll have to say no to the new macOS.
With Photoshop 20.0.6, things are a bit easier. Yet, we have to warn you about the known Photoshop macOS Catalina issues you may encounter:
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File naming problems. You may notice that Photoshop doesn’t change file extension when you’re changing file format in the Save As dialog, or doesn’t change file name if you try to save a copy. This will lead to the program not being able to open your file. The only solution is editing the extension and file name manually.
Unable to download Photoshop plugins. If you try to install plugins after upgrading to Catalina, do expect that many of them are unnotarized — and so Photoshop won’t be able to open them. We recommend to ensure you have notarized plugins in advance. If you’ve already upgraded and you need your old plugins, check out some workarounds on Adobe’s website.
Video rendering process not completed. Access Security & Privacy > Privacy tab and enable full disk access for Photoshop. This should fix the problem.
Photoshop For Mac Os Catalina
Apart from it, Photoshop 2019 might misbehave in many other cases — when you try to launch Droplets, use ExtendScript Toolkit, or set color picker to Apple. So we totally recommend you test Photoshop 20.0.6 on a partition before completely switching to Catalina.
Known Lightroom issues on macOS Catalina
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Once you got Lightroom update — it should be 2.4.1 or later — you can try using the program on macOS Catalina. Adobe doesn’t promise a flawless experience, though. Here are the known compatibility issues:
Lens Profile Creator not working on Catalina. Adobe says they are working on adding the 64-bit version soon.
Unable to migrate Apple Photos to Lightroom Desktop. If you select File > Migrate From > Apple Photos, you’ll see a message saying the migration was unsuccessful. Adobe hasn’t come up with a fix just yet, but they are aware of the problem and looking for solutions.
Another Catalina pitfall waiting for Lightroom Classic users is that they will have issues with Nikon cameras. When you start the tethering process, you’ll see an error saying Lightroom can’t detect your camera.
Back to safety: Get an Adobe app alternative
Catalina-related Adobe updates might be arriving soon. But no one can say for sure if they will work for you. Right now, it’s clearly too risky to clean install macOS Catalina if you use Photoshop and Lightroom for important tasks. This means you have two options — hold off upgrading to Catalina or find compatible alternatives.
One of the good tools you can try is Luminar Flex, Skylum’s collection of photography plugins that you can add to any photo editor — including Apple Photos. The app comes with rich filters, layers, blending modes, and even tailored workspaces that help you enhance photos.
If you want a solid photo and video editor in one pack, you can go with CameraBag Pro. It’s less complex than Adobe’s programs, yet very powerful in terms of what it can do:
Photoshop Catalina
Batch-edit your images and videos — from cropping to creating custom presets for all your media files.
Instantly remove dead pixels in images and experiment with color grading in videos.
Work with simple retouching tiles to change exposure, contrast, light, hue, tone, etc.
Get a package of 200+ professional filters.
Both CameraBag Pro and Luminar Flex are available via Setapp subscription.
If Photoshop and Lightroom are your only companions throughout the design journey — and you have no intention to switch — Adobe recommends to give it a test drive first. While the company hasn’t ensured Photoshop and Lightroom compliance just yet, they won’t be taking any responsibility for the programs misbehaving on Catalina. So it’s your decision to make.
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Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.
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Photoshop Catalina Free
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traktorpower · 7 years
Nice Plow-Man on a old Case! #traktorpower #tractor #traktor #case (på/i Sevalla kyrka)
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Player and Coaches alike are making moves these days and more announcements are expected. PLAYER AND COACHING MOVEMENT Former Hartford Whaler, Dave Tippett, gave up a luxurious job of creating the new Seattle NHL team to hop behind the bench of the talented, but underachieving Edmonton Oilers as he signed a multi-year deal with the team's new GM Ken Holland, who he himself was just hired from the Detroit Red Wings. Ex Bridgeport Sound Tiger and ex-Hartford Wolf Pack, Chris Bourque makes his third foray to Europe signing with EHC Munich (Germany-DEL) for next season. In 794 games, Bourque leaves the AHL with 746 points, good for tenth place in AHL history.  The son of Hall-of-Famer, Ray Bourque, has several scoring titles, made many All-Star teams, has been the regular season MVP, the playoff MVP, and won several Calder Cups. He is a sure-fire first ballot AHL Hall of Famer when he becomes eligible. Ex-Pack Chris McCarthy re-signs with the Hershey Bears on a one-year AHL deal for next season. Goalie Harri Sateri leaves the Grand Rapids Griffins for Sibir Novosibirsk (Russia-KHL). Grayson Downing, who split the year with the Colorado Eagles and the Utah Grizzlies (ECHL) signs with Esbjerg (Denmark-DHL). Tomas Hyka, who's started the AHL Calder Cup Finals, leaves for Traktor Chelyabinsk (Russia-KHL) next season and Filip Pyrochta leaves the Milwaukee Admirals and heads back to HC Brno (Czech Republic-CEL). Its official defenseman Adam Ollas Mattsson is leaving the Stockton Heat to go to Malmo IF (Sweden-SHL). Brett Walchyka leaves the Rockford IceHogs for Esbjerg (Denmark-DHL). Mike McMurty leaves Stockton for HC Banska Bystrica (Slovakia-SLEL) and ex-Sound Tiger, David Ullstrom, leaves the Tucson Roadrunners and signs with Dynamo Riga (Latvia-KHL). That makes for 32 AHL’ers that have left for Europe and 19 of 31 AHL teams have lost at least one player thus far to Europe. Stephon Williams, an ex-Sound Tiger goalie, signs with SC Bietigheim-Bissen (Germany DEL-2) for next year. Josh Norris has left Michigan (Big-10) after his sophomore year and signed a two-way, three-year ELC deal with the Ottawa Senators. Ryan Black of Northern Michigan (WCHA) signs with HC Briancon (France-FREL). Joining him is Felix Chamberland of Canisius College (AHA) and Chris Moquin of Southern New Hampshire University (CCC). He heads to the Sydney Bears (Australia-AIHKL) that makes 31 collegians that have signed with European teams and 217 overall in total have signed pro deals. There are college hockey coaching changes as well. Merrimack (HE) hires the long-time Division III head coach of Plattsburgh State, (SUNYAC) Bob Emery, as their Director of Hockey Operations. Former AHL’er Karl Goehring was named the new assistant coach with North Dakota (NCHC) University Alaska-Anchorage (WCHA) announces it's moving its team’s home games from the Sullivan Arena to the on-campus Wells Fargo Center in a cost-cutting move with a state budget crisis in Alaska. Ex-CT Whale Kelsey Tessier departs Vienna (Austria-EBEL) and heads back to Sweden. He will lace them up for Vasteras IK (Sweden-Allsvenskan) in the fall. Ex-Sound Tiger Mike Halmo leaves Ilves Tampere (Finland-FEL) to Iserlohn (Germany-DEL). Ex-Pack David Stich leaves KLH Chomutov (Czech Republic-CEL) signs with HC Litvinov (Czech Republic-CEL) for next year. Ex-Pack, Kyle Beach, departs Tolzer Lowen (Germany DEL-2) for DVTK (Romania-EBEL). Ben Lake (Sacred Heart University) stays in the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL) going from Coventry (England) to Belfast (Northern Ireland). Defenseman Mike Cichy of New Hartford and born in New Britain, has re-signed with GKS Tychy (Poland-PZIHL). The lowest level of minor league hockey, the Federal Hockey League (FHL), has added two more teams in addition to the Danbury Colonials. The latest team is the Columbus (GA) River Dragons. The city last had a minor pro team, the Columbus Cottonmouth of the SPHL, but that team ceased operations in 2016. The new team hired the old team's head coach/GM as former New Haven Nighthawk, and Whaler draft pick, Jerome Bechard, joins as the VP of Public Relations. No coaching staff has been hired yet. The other team that will be joining the league will be the Delaware Thunder who also have no coaching staff but does have a mini-roster listed with Ray Boudiette (Redding) on the roster. The Canadian National Junior A tournament concluded in Brooks, Alberta. The host Brook Bandits (AJHL) took home the title winning the series and the final game by the same score. They beating the Prince George Spruce Kings 4-3 in the final and won the series 4-3 as well. Six teams competed and some familiar names were involved, the Oakville Blades (OJHL) have Jamie Storr, the former LA King, as head coach and his two player development coaches are former player Jamie Allison and ex-Sound Tiger Rob Hisey. The Ottawa Jr. Senators (CCHL) has Ethan Manderville on the roster. He's the son of former Whaler, Kent Manderville, and the team’s assistant coach is former CT Whale, Ryan Garlock. Former Nighthawk Mark Ferner has stepped down GM/head coach of the Vernon Vipers (BCHL). The QJAAAHL has renamed and they saw former Danbury Trasher, Dustin Traylen, sell the team which was once known as the St. Lazare Revolution. They moved last year and become the Lac (Lake) St. Louis Revolution and are now under new ownership and will be called the West Island Shamrocks. The league is also relocating a team to St. Georges-de-Beauce which is along the Maine and Canadian border. The Hershey Bears have signed Steve Whitney, the younger brother of former Wolf Pack captain and Sound Tiger, Joe Whitney. They've also added goalie Parker Milner (Avon Old Fames) to one year AHL deals for 2019-20. Michael McCosh, the son of former New Haven Nighthawk and Senator Shawn McCosh, commits to the New Mexico Ice Wolves (NAHL) for next year. Remember former Yale University (ECACHL) assistant coach, Dan Poliziani Sr.? He who served under the late Tim Taylor for 11 years in the late 1980s and in the 1990s. His son, Dan Poliziani Jr., graduated from a Canadian college, Ryerson University (OUAA), and signs a deal with Dunkirk (France-Division-2). The elder Poliziani is a head coach with the Canadian high school team called Stanstead College in Quebec (CAHS/MPHL) which is just over the Vermont-Canada border on I-91. Their arena is called the Pat Burns Arena. Prior to his passing, Burns was present for the groundbreaking to make a new hockey rink at the school and sadly passed away a month later in November 2010. Poliziani Sr. played for Yale for four years (1978-1982) was the captain his senior year and had 131 points in 101 games. THE BALDWINS If you think Howard Baldwin Sr. has learned his lessons and changed his ways read these astonishing accounts of their shenanigans that dates back to their CT Whale days. Simply amazing! Read it HERE With that background in mind, we can now return to the facts of this case. In the district court, the Baldwins did not dispute that the amended 2005 tax return they claim to have mailed in June 2011 was never received by the IRS. The Baldwins, therefore, sought to rely on the common-law mailbox rule to establish that the document was presumptively delivered to the IRS in June 2011, shortly after they mailed it. They offered the testimony of two of their employees, who had been tasked with mailing the document on the Baldwins’ behalf. The employees explained that they deposited the amended 2005 return in the mail at the post office in Hartford, Connecticut, on June 21, 2011. Under the common-law mailbox rule, that testimony, if credited by the court, would give rise to a rebuttable presumption that the amended return was delivered to the IRS well before the October 15, 2011, deadline. The district court credited the testimony of the Baldwins’ employees and found, on the basis of the common-law mailbox rule, that the Baldwins’ claim for a refund had been timely filed. Read the full article
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serakax · 6 years
scent of lavender fills the air, zapdos and i help console those who have lost their loved ones. pain, dysphoria, and a certain emptiness, but it’s not about me, it’s about those in need and we are here to help. ew, long title.
“don’t look back into black, don’t let the memory, of a sound, drag you down.” i’m in pain. the gabapentinoids help we’ll see. i miss phenibut. i miss the way life used to feel. i swear this thing called life was way trippier than this. this was with or without substances. a trip all of its own. a sober trip, save for the daily phenibut to keep the GAD at bay. i had tarzan and jane. I had friends from my past. i had an experience way different than what this is. this is like I went back in time to my old teenage years. when I expressed my trans gender identity in the icf I felt completely different than when I first discovered myself, even different from when i went to work at Chep ( i will capitalize other people’s names and company names as well, out of respect). life felt like a movie. life felt way different, so much less “real” as I know real to be from my upbringing here in chicagoland. what the fuck is this shit? will life ever be that way again? i miss my kitties. i miss the open space, the euphoria from music even when the drugs stopped working. Vyvanse (i suppose i’ll respect brand names too lol) became a way for me to jump out of my clothes and throw my Noot headphones on and dance away, I had different “syncs” going on at the drop of a thought.  sometimes these syncs would be stuck that way, and we would have an episodic like experience that i wish we caught on camera, could have had a lot of youtube fame from some of that stuff. yes, that must have been a tunnel reality of some sort. i’ll be honest here, i’m doing everything i can right now to just get a semblance of euphoria and well whatever just came on on soundcloud is definitely very good. but the euphoria isn’t there. my back is in pain. i have art supplies laying on the floor. do I dare try to create something? ok ok this song needs a nice <3 (edit: back pain subsided, but lower casing everything i typed sure is a pain in the neck) the smell of lavender fills the air, Lavender Town (must be capitalized, the elders here would be extremely upset and more than disappointed in me for such disrespect) is where zapdos (this is what i named zapdos, shiny and different shade in the stadium where a name can alter color, different areas must have a direct effect on pokémon somehow) zapdos and i live in a town of the deceased, as we must grow comfortable with the mortality of the others around us. mortality of myself? i don’t think i am mortal. i think zapdos and i will live on forever, continuing to find our purpose here in this world. https://soundcloud.com/anubeatzpro/valhalla https://soundcloud.com/luvyupedi/blast https://soundcloud.com/nineteenfuego/jlpf6odj7xe0 (the choice to refrain from using capital letters hearkens back to a time in my life where i was an avid AIM user. lowercase letters look nicer, especially if we’re using verdana) https://soundcloud.com/ap11beat/neishin  mashed up with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkiKUqtP-FU at .5 the speed with the timing and volume levels is very haunting and not at all unpleasant on the ears. Yeah, I took Steven Wilson’s masterpiece (they’re all masterpieces) and well, i have no doubt that he would take offense to my toying around with sound. Bass Communion comes to mind. song on soundcloud changed to https://soundcloud.com/nineteenfuego/jlpf6odj7xe0 and i sped up Vapour Trail Lulluby to .75 speed. you know what, i need to download traktor 2 or some sort of audio mixing software  the mashup ended beautifully. with a beautiful piano section and https://soundcloud.com/imseak/why-you-mad kicked in at the perfect time for Deform to Form a Star, I should note that I brought youtube back up to normal speed. this is no Girl Talk by any means. I’m going to listen to Steven Wilson Deform to Form a Star without ugh i can’t do it, during the silent sections the song on soundcloud works. mix mix mix mix music with proper software i should note that the Name Rater and i have become very good friends, i’ve informed them that the feeling they get when they don’t believe a name change is appropriate is coming from a traded pokémon and that sparked an enjoyable conversation on whether or not changing the name of a pokémon that someone else named is in good interest. i almost said stubbornly, however it is his moral and belief and i respect that. has me reconsidering my own thoughts on the subject. i asked zapdos and was met with a very concerned response in the form of a screech in agreement with Name Rater. this is a respect thing. “the scratching of a mellotron it always seemed to make her cry”
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dansam1313126-blog · 5 years
FLAC To AIFF Converter
The right way to convert FLAC to AIFF online with FLAC to AIFF Converter? For now iTunes can natively support MP3, AIFF, WAV, AAC, Apple Lossless and any audio file that QuickTime can play. AuI ConverteR 48x44 is DFF to FLAC converter (Mac OS, Home windows) of audio recordsdata. For music manufacturing and hi-end dwelling audio. On this article minimal price configurations are reviewed. What makes it stand out from the gang is offering music in the MQA format. It has an entire part dedicated to MQA downloads, with hello-res (FLAC) and MQA logos clearly seen, so you recognize exactly which format you're shopping for. Download master-high quality digital music directly to the Bluesound VAULT with as much as 2 terabytes of storage. SUPER can be your first choice when you're looking for a really a lot superior free audio converter. It has the lengthy checklist of audio codecs it helps. You may also extract the audio from commonest video formats with SUPER and FLAC to AIFF Converter free save it to any of codecs. Ideas: This video converter helps batch conversion thus you'll be able to add a number of MP3 formats at one time. The impartial labes are father out ahead by way of providing lossless files on the market. They see the purpose, since for them the web gives world distribution that they wrestle to get in brick and mortar. No one-stop-shop for these FLACs though (more on that below), though many good sources can be found. I use a software called iDealshare VideoGo for Mac to transform FLAC to AIFF, Apple Lossless , WAV, MP3, AAC on Mac. Audio file converter instruments are additionally useful in case your favorite music app on your phone or pill doesn't support the format that a brand new music you downloaded is in. An audio converter can convert that obscure format right into a format that your app helps. Open your FLAC recordsdata in xACT, All2MP3, or Tunesify, and FLAC to AIFF Converter free start the conversion course of. As a result of it's very arduous to listen to any artifacts at larger bitrates, we didn't embrace high bitrate audio files. In terms of backing up your uncompressed recordsdata, for now not less than, you will want to keep them saved on a bodily drive or an online backup service similar to Backblaze or Crashplan This is because no online music lockers that I do know of at present assist them with out compression. Drive the decoder to output Wave64 format. This option just isn't needed if the output filename (as set by -) ends withw64. Additionally, this selection has no effect when encoding since enter Wave64 is auto-detected. You may strive the next: remove the tracks from your track folder, convert them into aiff and place the brand new files back in your track folder. begin traktor. As old flacs have been moved it is going to say that tracks are lacking. Mark these tracks one by one and use relocate operate. Choose then the aiff version of each observe. Initially created by Apple, Audio Interchange File Format, or AIFF, is an audio file that's completely uncompressed and may be played on each Macs and PCs. AIFF is similar to CD-quality audio, however its massive recordsdata improve download time and take up important space, making the format lower than ultimate for moveable gadgets. Streaming is feasible in AIFF, but it's not generally used. This audio converter mobile app is barely available for Android devices , but it's free and has a formidable toolbox to transform and manipulate audio files. It helps all the favored audio formats, together with MP3, WAV and AAC, and has an in depth list of options for editing and merging audio recordsdata once they're transformed. The audio enhancing instrument is straightforward to use and allows you to zoom in on a portion of the audio file, trim the clip and set it as a ringtone or notification tone. This app additionally has a function that merges a number of songs together to make a customized remix. A: It is simple! Simply click the FLAC to AIFF Converter download button on the page. Clicking this link will begin the installer to obtain FLAC to AIFF Converter free for Home windows. And that preference has caught for some time now although MP3 doesn't have almost the same amount of quality as WAV or AIFF recordsdata. However despite this growing base of people using increased high quality codecs, there are nonetheless those that desire the MP3 — whether or not out of nostalgia or high quality, who is aware of.
Ogg Vorbis - The Vorbis format, usually known as Ogg Vorbis on account of its use of the Ogg container, is a free and open supply various to MP3 and AAC. Its predominant draw is that it is not restricted by patents, but that does not have an effect on you as a user—in actual fact, despite its open nature and comparable high quality, it is much less fashionable than MP3 and AAC, which means fewer gamers are going to support it. As such, we do not really recommend it until you feel very strongly about open source.
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sungjinluciddreams · 7 years
Lucid Dreams June Entry: Introductions
Mix link:
Hello! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Trever, and I have been DJing as a hobby for about a year and a half now, with a passion for music and the desire to create music, whether as an amateur or a professional, for the forseeable future. So I decided to create this: Lucid Dreams. This is going to be a monthly mix series of (mostly) electronic music based around a central theme each month. The themes could cover anything and the mixes could be anything from pre-planned, meticulous works to freestyle sessions to simple transition runs with breaks between them. And they will all be accompanied by a read-along that will be linked to the mix in some respect, sometimes it might be a little artsier or poetic, sometimes it’ll be about the music itself. So with that, let’s dive into it and begin with my first entry: Introductions.
I have already begun to introduce myself, but one more time, my name is Trever, and I DJ under the name Starfox currently. The decision behind the name was mainly because I am a huge nerd and Nintendo fan. I mainly DJ with house music, although I will play with other genres like dubstep and trance mainly. No trap, no future anything. I wasn’t trained classically in music growing up outside of 6 months of piano lessons, but am self-taught at guitar. I grew up on a lot of alternative rock, punk, and pop punk. From there I grew into hip hop and then got into dubstep around the time Bassnectar and Skrillex were starting to blow up. From there I ended up delving deeper into different genres of electronic music, which led me to the amazing group of friends I have that encouraged me to get into DJing. I always enjoyed creating music, and with how in love I fell with electronic music, especially house music, it seemed like a natural fit for me. I started on a two channel Numark, a free version of Traktor, and no idea what I was doing. But with the help and encouragement of my friends (especially you, Danny, if you’re reading this. Thank you), I’m kind of sort of competent at this stuff. I’ll delve further into myself and background in further entries, but let’s get on to the mix.
The mix behind the theme this month is in itself a mirror of my own introduction to DJing, as well as an introduction to my music taste, or growth in it. This was actually very painful for me to make, since it was done completely freestyle with only a few transitions that I like to use for mixes or live sets being rehearsed. Especially with recorded mixes being a chance to really showcase your creativity and also technicality and getting it down as clean as possible, putting something with a few flaws in it (points if you can figure out where) up on the internet bothers me and gives me anxiety. However, the point of this mix was to try and recreate my origins, so here I am. I started DJing with a fairly small folder of 120-130 BPM electronic music, which was mainly future/bass/g-house. Which are all “styles” of genres, which I can get into in a different entry (could and would talk forever about that). From there I started to expand into deeper genres, picking up songs and artists where I could, but in the beginning it was all about familiarizing myself with song structure and beat counts. I used a lot of looping in order to properly phrase match, and a lot of my transitions were simple cuts, or layering vocals of one song over the drop of another. So near the beginning of my mix I really tried to capture the old essence of what I was doing. You’ll notice that the pace is very quick, the energy high, very bass driven. Most of these songs and transitions outside of a select few (Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff [which, by the way, is an absolute fucking nightmare to use in most cases] and Karlek are two songs that come to mind. And the Selfie into Technologic transition I use all the time, because it works extremely well, and although I hate the Chainsmokers, it gives me a good transition from poppy EDM to “proper house”) in the first 15 minutes or so I barely even use anymore. You’ll notice the mix start to change tones and genre after Selfie, an entry into the deeper side of house music, much like my entry into that side of the genre. I started really delving into deeper genres of house music like tech, prog, and minimal a few months after starting to DJ and absolutely fell in love with everything about the music. How it mixes, how it sounds, how it feels, there is nothing better to me. The back half of my mix includes a lot of songs that I really enjoy listening to and mixing with at the moment, and you might actually hear some of these transitions in future mixes I release (this is very much going to be an experimental format, and good discoveries are going into the vault). Honestly, there was little to no control of the energy or mood in the back half of the mix, as it’s hard to premeditate the direction you want to take when you don’t really know what you’re going to transition into next. Overall, really, there was no general idea or theme or direction behind the mix other than doing what I used to do. So just enjoy some tunes I like, and allow the music to carry you to whatever places it takes your mind. That being said, I still had a lot of fun with this mix, there’s something kinda fun about revisiting your roots, even if they are painful sometimes.
That’s all for this month. Intros are no fun, and I just shit out a ton of it onto a blank page without any memes or gifs, so naturally if you’re reading this I’m impressed. Hopefully these will get better the more I do them, I honestly didn’t really know what I wanted to write until I sat down, so bear with me. Stay tuned for next month’s entry. (Yes, I do already have a theme in mind, and it’ll be for all you Bassheads going to the Freestye Sessions ;) ).
- Starfox
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djmjukebox · 8 years
Impressed by the Mixxx, DJ?
by Sagar Mody (DJM)
REVIEW BOTTOM LINE: Mixxx 2.00- A FREE, open source DJ software that is not just for beginners and radio shows anymore, it is good for DJs on a budget and even good enough for many professional DJs.
COMPATIBLE: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
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The minute we think DJ today, we think digital and that's right because one way or the other, there is something digital involved in most setups. All the logistics and hardwork required in the days gone by seems alien to most younger DJs and producers today. Powerful DJ and music production software has become the choice of the trade, where most of the hardware is simulated and in recent years it has been perfected furthermore, making it a replacement for carrying bulky gear, vinyls or CDs. Although, the cost of the old ways was very high and moving to digital greatly reduces it, professional software and hardware still costs  a decent amount. The most popular DJ softwares out there demand no less than £80 for being nearly fully functional and usually to be featured further, the licenses can cost upto £200 or more. Then there is the dilemma of buying hardware that comes with a software license but that software may have its limitations for you and vice versa. What if someone told you, there is a fully featured software, you can install and use for FREE without limitations? Unbelievable? Not quite... welcome to Mixxx DJ! It is an open source music software available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux! (no joke!). Mixxx has been around in beta (1.110) for a long while but recently they released 2.00 and boy is it good! Whilst Mixxx 1.110 was just fine for basic mixing, load tracks, beat mix and looping, 2.00 takes it to level par with the big boys.
Compatibility and Cost
The monopoly in DJ software is held by a few, namely the top 3 : Traktor by Native Instruments, Serato DJ and Virtual DJ. At least these are the ones you'll have heard of if you aren't a DJ but the list does not end there. There is great software choice like, DJAY by Agoriddim (admittedly for Mac and tablets only), Rekordbox DJ by Pioneer (recently released with an aim to take over the software market), Mixvibes Cross DJ (brilliant and underrated) and Deckadance DJ.They each are set apart slightly by the performance oriented features and packages they offer.
All the above have their pros and cons and it would be a matter of a whole other article to discuss them. What is of importance is that they all cost money or come included when you buy hardware built for them. Whilst Traktor can be mapped to just about any MIDI controller, Serato DJ can't (you need Serato certified hardware). Virtual DJ and Cross boast the widest 'plug and play' compatibility to most hardware you're likely to come across. What Mixxx has in its bag is, a community which contributes to its progress and also to making more maps available for popular hardware. It isn't quite 'plug and play' but it isn't very difficult to get a controller from the list of those supported (apparently over 85) working in minutes. For something that costs £0, that is really good. What's more? Mixxx supports DVS with timecode with your existing Serato or Traktor DVS soundboxes.
That answers the question of compatibility but surely a FREE software, designed by a community can't come close to the 'paid-for' big boys, can it? I would say, with 2.00 Mixxx has come very close to the big boys. There are still some things that aren't just that bit perfect, for instance effects just don't sound right (to my ears at least) but for most other things you can think of, in my opinion Mixxx is on par or in some cases better!
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1. Skins and UI: Let's get this out of the way shall we? Skins is a love or hate thing! Virtual DJ lovers look at being able to customize and skin the DJ software as an essential function whilst those who play Serato or Traktor couldn't care less. However, skinning isn't just for making something look beautiful (the way you think it is, after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder or so they say). Skinning is extremely useful for different use cases, for example somebody using a mixdeck for radio won't need the same items displayed as a DJ would. Mixxx supports xml and css based skinning and comes with 3 very clean and useable skins which render beautifully on medium power hardware as well. Just like anything else in Mixxx, the UI and the resources used for drawing the waveforms is customizable in the preferences.
2. Waveforms: They weren't nearly good in 1.110 but in 2.00 the waveforms are brilliant. You can choose your framerate, RGB, filtered or monotone waves. Depending on the skin you can have them on each deck or you can stack them! They render cleanly, look sharp and scroll intuitively. There is great detail in them too and you can see the differences in the frequencies of the sound you are playing. I can compare them to all three, Traktor, Serato and Virtual DJ and say that I like these alot, the best for me being Traktor so far closely followed by Virtual DJ. Infact for those who have given Cross DJ (Mixvibes) a spin, these will remind you of those. (Why not Serato? Someday I'll write an article about that too- the programmers at Serato simply ignore Windows as a platform which is why the software is mostly ported from Mac OS to Windows. This has left a glaring error in waveform rendering and even in 2017 you have to deal with choppy and laggy waves even on premium hardware. There is plenty of discussion about this on the Serato forum and most folk even have trouble with this on certain Mac Books.)
3. Transport, Loops, Cues and Mixer: Mixxx has everything you have come to expect from a useful DJ software: Loops upto 64 beats, 8 hot cues, quantize, keylock, independent pitch control, slip mode, per channel filters, vinyl view and control and beat grid with full editing possibility. The best thing is, most of the functionality and emulation is customizable in the preferences. For example, you can select your transport behaviour to be like Pioneer hardware or Numark hardware etc. Options are also available for mixer behaviour and Vinyl (pitchbend) behaviour. Mixxx boasts one of the best Vinyl emulation engines to make your controller gigs sound just right. The EQs are great and you can customize just how much of suppression or kill you want, and also exactly where. Let's not forget, if you run short of options, you can contribute to the software yourself and build options (assuming you know your way around coding).
4. Track decks, Sample decks and Effects: Mixxx has upto 8 sample decks available, which can be triggered as normal. You can have upto 4 normal track decks in addition to the samples. The software comes with a handful built-in effects and 4 effect decks which gives you either superficial or more in depth control for each effect. The effects and the way they work, leaves a lot to be desired but this is only the one place I have found Mixxx to fall short.
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5. Library functions: This, in my opinion is the clincher. Whilst Virtual DJ has a very hassle free system of directly accessing your PC folders for the library and it used to be my favorite, I have come to like the Traktor library management system. Once the inital pain of adding and analysis is over with, Traktor does it all automatically from then on when you add to the collection. As for search, Traktor is extremely powerful there too! Serato on the other hand has the worst library management system, in that it doesn't have one- if you organise your music in iTunes, Serato uses that but otherwise if you want to organise independantly within Serato, it is a bit of a pain.
Once again, not going into too much detail and coming back to Mixxx- Mixxx is as good as Traktor. In version 2.00 Mixxx can pull your Traktor playlists, iTunes playlists and Rhythmbox (Linux users) playlists as is and they will appear in your browser already. As for adding and making a collection in Mixxx, it is extremely simple- just select watch folders and it will automatically add from there everytime you start up Mixxx. The track analysis engine is fantastic and if you're coming from Traktor, it can use most of the Traktor analysis already. Search is strong- you can search for tracks with a humanly understandable command line. For example, location: 'folder-name' will display all songs in that folder! This works for most of the tags like artist, track, album etc. Mixxx allows full editing of your music tags and will also pull relevant information from the MusicBrainz dastabase if you want it to. Also worth mentioning, that ALL of the functions in Mixxx including browsing (mainly jumping between browse and search) can be achieved using just the keyboard without ever having to touch the mouse. Between your keyboard and your controller, all of Mixxx can be navigated.
In Use
In the mix, Mixxx is intuitive and powerful- coming from Traktor to use this for a test, I've had no learning curve or needed time investment for getting music analysed and onto Mixxx. It took me 10 minutes from activating the Pioneer DDJ-SB2 with Mixxx, getting my music from Traktor and selecting my UI settings to start mixing. As the DDJ-SB2 is one of the supported controllers, all I had to do was select it from the drop down list in preferances and go. It is good to know that there is a mapping software within Mixxx that will allow you to create new maps or customise the current one (like Virtual DJ and Traktor). Once on the roll, I found myself getting carried away mixing without problems and I hardly noticed the change of software (unless when trying to use effects!). It is easy to mix and perform with Mixxx including the use of samples and things like loop roll. The mixes are easily recordable as well, in the format of your choice. The options to select multiple soundcards is easy if you aren't using a controller or hardware but simply trying to use a splitter cable or a secondary USB soundcard for cueing. This will make it super easy for beginner and hobby DJs to start mixing without having to buy or get involved in expensive hardware.
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All in all, Mixxx is a pleasant experience and the fact that it is FREE, enforces one of my personal motto's- 'All you need to mix well is basic controls and ears'- add to that a free software with waveforms and perfomance functions and you're a lucky DJ. The team at Mixxx has done a fantastic job with 2.00 and the community of Mixxx as well, in having provided so much compatibility to popular hardware already, including the most popular CDJs for MIDI/HID control. The bottom line on Mixxx- A FREE, open source DJ software that is not just for beginners and radio shows anymore, it is good for DJs on a budget and even good enough for many professional DJs.
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traktorpower · 7 years
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The big Volvo BM prototyp from the 70’s! It’s made out of a Volvo dumpertruck with a tractor but👍🏿👍🏿 #volvobm #traktorpower #tractor #traktor - - - - - I met the old champ a few years ago. It was not running well but still magnificent! #bmvolvo #bm #volvo #valmet #valtra #caseih #case #ih #newholland #ford #fiat #johndeere #claas #deutz #deutzfahr #bigmachine #prototype
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traktorpower · 6 years
Old Case Traction King with Volvo-engine! #traktorpower #tractor #traktor #case #Volvo (på/i Jönköping County)
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