#okay thats 1 XD next up is greasy
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Ok ok ok I NEED to wrote that drabble... But after your ask of what the weasels would do if Poppy tried to leave them, I HAD to write a 'after the fact' scenario for all of them. Basically, now that Toontown is gone, and they're the only toons left... Now what? Does she come back to them? Does she stay away? Is she still trapped?These are definitely gonna be long, so all the ships are going to get their individual asks.
I've been catapulted into a Peezy mood, so Wheezy gets to go first XD... Also this one's got two endings, since I can see this going in two different routes, and I don't know which I like more. So YOU get to be the judge!
Since Wheezy told her when they were going to strike, or at least gave her a vague time of when, Poppy chooses to leave town entirely. Pack what she can, and find somewhere to stay- hopefully temporarily- in the human side of LA. She hates it; she worked her tail off to find a stable place to live after Henry took everything from her, and now she's about to lose her home again. Unless she can stop this plot from happening. So, unfortunately, that's just another thing that these weasels took from her when they decided to do this.
Poppy would be so, so miserable out there. It's been years since she's had to be around humans, so she had forgotten how they looked down on her own kind. It's a miracle that she manages to find a motel that would even allow her to stay, as long as she "keeps that crazy toony shit to herself". So now, she's managed to buy herself some time in the motel... It's time for her to step up and find the hero Toontown needs right now.
But she doesn't. None of the humans she tells will listen to her. Why would they believe that somebody would want to destroy Toontown? And she already tried to talk to Eddie despite knowing he doesn't help toons anymore, but he drove her away before she could tell him everything... And now, the week is up.
It's the talk of the town rather next day. All the humans shocked as if they hadn't been warned of this. Poppy's heart is torn into pieces as she watches Cloverleaf start to build over her former home... And there's no sign of the only other toons that could possibly be left.
Poppy has no choice but to find a way to make ends meet. But finding a stable job among the humans is quite difficult. She's managed to pick up some odd jobs here and there, but she's barely scraping by with that. And it's while she's out trying once again to find a more permanent job, that's when she runs into him. Wheezy.
The former lovers' eyes meet, and share the same look; surprised to find the other here of all places, yet relief. Wheezy feeling relieved that the one he still loves Poppy made it out ok, and Poppy feeling a slight comfort at finally seeing another toon after so long. A familiar toon at that... A toon she misses so much.
"... Heya, 'Pops..." He decides to say first, taking a drag from his cigarettes- human cigarettes now... She would have thought they'd stock up on toon cigarettes before. The not-so-familiar smoke billowing out of the corners of his mouth as he takes the chance to see all of Poppy again, before she leaves again, "You doin' alright?"
Her eyes are wide in shock, still processing that he was actually here... But there's also a tiny bit of warmth in those brown orbs, too. She still remembers how sweet he was to her, and how accepting he had been when she gave him the ultimatum... It still hurt deeply that he still chose to do what he did, but she can't bring herself to forget his kindness...
Outcome 1
No. No, she had to be strong. Wheezy may have treated her right before, but he wasn't good. He still willingly destroyed everything she loved... She had to be strong now.
Poppy didn't even have to say a word for him to know what she was thinking. All he had to see was that little warmth being forcefully shoved back, and she looked at him like anybody else now. Aside from the sudden sharp drag he took, Wheezy doesn't seem to notice the shift in her eyes. But he does nod solemnly, accepting her decision despite how much he yearned for her now, "I see... You better get back to whatever you were doin'. Seems important."
The rabbit just nodded as well, and went to turn on her heel... Before she stops and turns back to the old weasel. The love she had tried to hide was shining through her glossy eyes again, and Wheezy wonders what she's about to do. Now it was his turn to show his shock when she spoke, "I'll never forget you. No matter what happens..."
It was her final goodbye... He knew that. And it only made his heart feel heavier. His usually cold eyes were soft- they always were, for her- and he actually took the cigarettes out of his mouth as he looked back to her, the smoke cloud around his face able to dissipate now, allowing her to see him clearly now, "I won't forget you either... Take care of yourself, sweetheart. Ok?"
She only responds with a silent nod, and then quickly walks away. Too scared of what she'd do if she stayed longer. And Wheezy is left there, watching her retreating back, knowing that she wouldn't be coming back.
Outcome 2
Her eyes fill with tears and her lips tremble as she remembers everything she's been through out here, all alone in this strange world, without Wheezy. And now he was here, and he still loved her. She could see it in his eyes.
Before she can even consider the consequences, Poppy ran to him. Crashing into his safe ashy arms- even after everything, he always would welcome her with open arms no matter what- and clings onto him like a lifeline. Passing humans look at them oddly, but she doesn't care. If anything, it just spurs her to breakdown in her smokers arms.
She hated herself so much right now. Why couldn't she be strong enough to stay away? Wheezy had done something she could never forgive... But now, with the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her, the toxic smell of his addiction surrounding her, and the dirty dress shirt clenched in her paws, it was only cemented in her mind that she couldn't stay away, "I l-love you... I-I'll always love you..."
It's said with heartbreak and not love. Wheezy knew that she didn't want to be here with him because of what he did. She didn't want to love him, and it did hurt... But right now, with his girl in his arms after being separated from her for so long, all he wanted to do was hold her snug against him, lose his nicotine stained fingers in those curls of hers he missed, and whisper soothingly in her ear, "Shh, shh, it's ok baby girl. I got you."
They could go pick up her things later- he wasn't going to let her go back to wherever she was staying, he knew it couldn't have been anywhere good. Right now, the two united, unfortunate, lovers let themselves sink in each other's embrace. Even if they both knew that these circumstances were terrible, they couldn't let each other go again.
Peezy is my favourite Poppy ship XD I LOVE THEM ALL, but Peezy??? <3<3<3<3 Poppy with this scary looking old man who's actually got the most integrity in the group but still does what he 'gotta do'???? Holy crap, holy moly, holy crap.
First of all- I love that Wheezy warns her ^^ Of course he does. I mean, he's still doing the terrible thing-- but he's warning his girl even though he knows she wont want him anymore?? (or *cough* wont want to want him anymore, at least) Completely on brand.
OOH BOY the shivers I get reading that 'and now, the week is up' bit.
and AGHHHHH Poppy feeling comfort at seeing him cuz she hasn't seen someone of her kind in a long time even though he is the reason for that??!! and also because its him, its wheezy, and she loved (loves) him- holy moly guacamole- I've been h i t-
Oh I love the detail that its a human cig he's sucking on. That's straight-up just a killer detail, that's all.
'The not-so-familiar smoke billowing out of the corners of his mouth as he takes the chance to see all of Poppy again, before she leaves again' <- <- this is my favourite line right here. I dunno, it feels like it could be predatory (especially considering this is an older man who destroyed her home and everyone she knew) but its not? Its just a man trying to hold onto something he loves for the few moments he's got it. And and and- 'take care of yourself sweetheart, ok?' <- THAT ONE IS MY FAVOURITE TOO! Oh wait wait no- 'knowing that she wouldn't be coming back' is painful too, oh my god--
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That outcome is my cruel-heart's favourite, definitely. Ughhhh they're gonna be so unhappy together but so addicted to each other at the same time and I- I- wooooooooooooooooo boy I need a moment XD
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