#okay not going to lie I learned so much about Valentine's Day and chocolate history today while making this
r0-boat · 3 years
👉👈 it is valentines so give us any headcanons you have 💖💖💖
My treat~
Legends Arceus boy's reaction to MC giving them Valentine's Day Chocolate
Quick bonus:
Mc greeted Cyllene as they walked into her office. Cyllene knowing it was them and not taking their eyes off their work for a second " is there anything I can do for you mc?" Mc nodded and asked " I know this is a weird question but does jubilife City sell chocolate."
Cyllene with a confused look looked up from her paper "yes? Whoever runs the store can sell it to you. They're imported from Galar so they're expensive. Why?"
MC fidgets nervously not sure how to explain what today is"A-ah well today is-"
Cyllene looked behind to check her calendar "ah... today is Valentine's day isn't it? I am aware that you came from someplace far in time but I'm pretty sure Valentine's day has been around for a lot longer then you think it has..."
MC with a surprised look at my face turn to embarrassment as Cyllene continue
" However I have never heard of giving chocolate on Valentine's Day... I have work to do" Cyllene finishes her sentence by picking up her cup of coffee.
Mc quickly left her office basically feeling like a child who just got scolded by their mother.
He doesn't understand the concept of Valentine's Day. Like why would you waste time waiting until one single day to give a present to your partner.
But he could never turn down your gift it looked handmade and it looks like you spend so much time on it.
"T-thank you I appreciate anyone who spends something they can't give back into something.... especially if it's you."
Even though he doesn't understand Valentine's Day that doesn't mean it's any less important to you so he would spend the rest of the day with you trying to find a perfect present for you, but would remind you that he isn't going to wait for some holiday to shower you with gifts and affection.
He would know of a holiday on this day but wouldn't know where. Ingo would think he got it from probably from overhearing some Galaxy team members talking about it.
"O-oh really? For me? I-thank you. I apologize your first person who is givin me something. I wish I could give you something in return something to return the favor..."
You tell him that today was supposed to be for the people you love. Ingo tells you that Valentine's Day seems like a nice little holiday, and asks if you would like to go somewhere with him for today, because he wants to spend time with the person he loves.
It would take ingo forever to actually try it what does a handmaid gift from you it's something he wants to keep and cherish. But eventually he does he did because he doesn't want all your hard work to go to waste and ingo is going to savor every last bite.
Of course he knows about Valentine's Day Ginter has been crying about it since the beginning of this month something about 'A brand new treat from Galar that will certainly sell'
You see Volo's smile throw as you give him your Chocolate "Oh? Did you make this yourself? Hah, look how shy you are you're so cute."
Before you could metaphorically you beat him up for teasing you well Volo give you a shy smile and says "your not the only one however." Revealing a bar of chocolate "heh, I guess the whole ' this treat will have your Valentine fall in your arms' thing Ginter was going on about affected more than I thought."
For the rest of today you and Volo at your house eating Chocolate and spending quality time together.
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lisatelramor · 6 years
NLTSA Extra: Kaito and Shiemi Gossip
AN: Takes place after chapter 14 and before the first day of summer vacation.
Kaito scrolled through his phone, looking through his various media feeds as he waited for Shiemi to arrive for their usual weekly chat. Chat being used loosely since it was basically one big gossip and information session. The weather was nice enough that Kaito had chosen an outdoor seat at the usual café. It was the open space that gave him a split second warning before Shiemi lunged from his blind spot.
“Kaito-ji~!” she said, tackling him. “It feels like it’s been ages!”
Kaito barely kept hold of his phone as all the air left his lungs. “We just saw each other Saturday,” he wheezed.
“Yeah, that’s half a week ago. Ages.” Shiemi pulled back and Kaito caught her wrist before she could move more than a bit away.
“Nice try, but tackling me was a bit transparent.”
Shiemi let go of Kaito’s wallet with a scowl. “I almost got you that time.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Kaito said, tucking the wallet away in a different pocket. He probably shouldn’t have taught her the basics of pick pocketing, but she absorbed things with an enthusiasm that beat Takumi’s and it was cute how she tried to use it against him. Cute, but wholly ineffective. “What’s new on the rumor mill?”
Shiemi tossed herself into a free chair, adjusting her glasses where they’d ridden up her nose from the hug. “A lot of the usual who’s dating whom that you don’t really care about—”
“Did the girl who had a crush on Takumi confess?”
“Nah, she’s too shy for that. But someone else confessed to her and maybe there’s something there.”
“Ok, you’re right, move onto something interesting.”
Shiemi rolled her eyes. “As I was saying. Not too much this week on the rumor mill. Some upper classmen got busted for smoking marijuana and were suspended—don’t worry, they didn’t seem to be handing out drugs or anything like that, just looking to relax but were pretty stupid about doing it on school property. Let’s see...” Shiemi ticked a list off on her fingers. “Yumi-sensei posted pictures of her baby—really cute and I’m not huge on infants. There’s a bet going around on if Ishida the science teacher is going to ask out Uemoto the math teacher. People keep spotting him hanging around her desk or in the hallways looking like he wants to say something. Work romances,” she said scrunching her nose.
Kaito hid a smile. “Mm, not the best idea, right?”
“Some of them make it work I guess.” Shiemi shrugged. “The girls’ volleyball team kicked the boys’ asses in a practice match and now there’s a half serious joke going around that they should join the boy’s league since they can obviously play better. And on the Takumi front, he tried to prank me with a sticky trap, but it backfired and he ended up getting a glue-trap stuck to his outdoor shoes. It was hilarious.”
“And you got pictures.”
“Of course I got pictures, who do you take me for?” Shiemi said, tilting her head imperiously. “I’ll text them to you.”
“What’s the Hakuba rumor of the week?” Kaito asked, resting his elbows on the table. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you skipped it.”
“Ah ah, let me get something to drink first.” Shiemi flagged down a waitress for some strong black tea before she turned back to Kaito, clearly drawing it out just to hold it over him that he’d asked.
Kaito could laugh. It was manipulation, but it was hardly effective since he saw right through it.
“The Hakuba-sensei rumor of the week is that he used to be a spy,” Shiemi said, straight-faced. “Which is why he’s so unflappable. He smuggled information back and forth between Britain and Japan before he took the wrong mission and got shot in the leg and had to retire. He was also apparently also maybe the bodyguard to the queen and as such he’s never allowed to smile.” She paused. “I may have encouraged that one a bit.”
Kaito laughed. “Wow, they really come up with some wild things. I think this is better than the robot one.”
“Right?” Shiemi’s straight face cracked as she started giggling too. “Just trying to picture him in an action movie—”
“Hakuba, Saguru Hakuba,” Kaito said in a classic James Bond voice. “Eh, he’d get a kick out of that. None of them realize he’s just a Holmes otaku and a dork under all that serious face.”
Shiemi snorted. “Such a Holmes otaku. Or maybe just a mystery otaku, but I guess that’s a given if he was a detective. So I heard he came over to dinner the other day?”
“Takumi told you?” Kaito asked.
“Maybe.” She smiled. “Or maybe I asked Hakuba-sensei.”
“You didn’t.” Kaito was sure she didn’t, because Takumi told her pretty much everything in his life.
Shiemi flashed the waitress a bright smile as she delivered her tea before turning right back to Kaito with laser focus. “Okay, I didn’t. He doesn’t like to talk about anything personal. Is he like that to most people or just me?”
“Mm, in this case, probably a just you.” Shiemi tended to ask very pointed questions sometimes. Kaito could easily picture Hakuba brushing them off uncomfortably.
“Huh, so he talks to Takumi and he talks to you. That makes two people he’s open to. Cool. You know most other teachers at least slip a bit about their lives, but he’s a wall. Eh, he’ll slip up eventually.”
“Don’t push too hard,” Kaito cautioned. Hakuba wasn’t fragile, but he had a lot of sore spots at the moment that Shiemi could trample right over if she was more caught up in rooting out information than taking care about the person she was curious about.
“I wouldn’t,” Shiemi said with a sniff. “I know plenty about what he was like as a teenager thanks to Takumi but that’s kind of a large gap between now and then.” She took a sip of her tea, side-eying Kaito. “Then again, you sound like a pretty crazy person as a teen too.”
“Excuse you, I’ve only half mellowed!” Kaito put a hand over his heart and grinned at how she rolled her eyes. “Now I’m worried about what sort of things he’s told Takumi.” Kaito wasn’t that worried. He knew how bad he’d been with boundaries as a teen and he knew his failings now. He also knew there had to be some pretty funny stories in the mix, and none of the ones Hakuba would tell would be anything that connected Kaito to Kid because Kaito had made it very clear how he felt about Takumi learning that secret.
“Only the good ones,” Shiemi said with mock seriousness. “In fact I think there was one with you extorting chocolate from every girl in class on Valentine’s Da—”
“It wasn’t extortion! I didn’t even realize it was Valentine’s at first, I was just excited for chocolate!” And then he wanted Aoko’s chocolate. A bit of a bittersweet memory even if it was kind of funny in retrospect.
“I bet all the boys in class hated you.”
“Probably. But no one stayed mad at me long.”
“You are irritatingly likable,” Shiemi agreed. “I’d even say Hakuba-sensei liked you back then from how Takumi described the stories.”
“Nah,” Kaito snorted, picturing Hakuba of long ago, shaking with suppressed rage after being hit by a barrage of paint-filled water balloons. “Pretty sure he hated me.”
“All the weirder you’re friends now, right?” Shiemi asked.
“Yeah. I thought we’d pick up where we left off but I guess we’ve both grown up some. Despite appearances,” he added, waving to himself.
Shiemi took another sip of tea with a smile on her face. It was the same smile that she had as a kid fantasizing about making rubber band traps and Kaito had to pause and replay the last few minutes to look for a trap.
“Funny how we keep going back to Hakuba-sensei,” Shiemi said, still smiling that particular, edge-of-smug smile.
“...Only because you seem to want to lead it back there a lot.”
“Do I? Or do you just enjoy the topic?”
Oh for the love of... “Shiemi,” Kaito said, exasperated.
“What? Maybe I just like to hear you be happy about a friend. You don’t talk about Miyu-san much lately or any of your other coworkers.” She was the picture of innocence now, tea cupped in her hand and sitting like she was a lady in a British period drama, all prim and how-could-you-even-suggest-I-was-being-manipulative?
“Miyu’s been working in the climate controlled rooms a lot lately. There’s not much to say when you’re mostly waving at each other through a glass window before diving into your personal projects.”
“Yeah. But you never sound concerned for her. Or smile like that when you bring up other friends.”
“Shiemi I get that you like seeing romantic opportunity wherever you look, but pairing up real people in your head isn’t a healthy pastime.”
She gave him an equally unimpressed look as the one he gave her. “One, it’s fun and I’m not hurting anyone thinking it would be cute. Two, I’d never say anything if I didn’t honestly think it went both ways. Three, Kaito-ji, you have smiled for real like, multiple times in this conversation already and weren’t even humoring me. Yes I can tell the difference.”
He shouldn’t have taught the kids how to poker face. That gave them too much power in reading people. “Sure. He’s a friend and I do enjoy spending time with him. Surprisingly. Now take your shipping goggles off.”
“Sorry, Kaito-ji, I need these glasses to see.” She set the tea down and laced her fingers together on the table. “Is it an orientation issue? Because I’ll lay off.”
How was he supposed to answer that considering they’d been talking around her orientation enough over the last half a year that she’d all but come out to him by this point? He could damn well lie but he’d told enough lies that this wasn’t one he wanted to tell to add one more burden to the near back-breaking collection. “Look...” Kaito rubbed the back of his neck, hating that it wasn’t something he could just misdirect or joke about, not with Shiemi. Joke about pretty much anything else, but... “There are reasons I can’t talk about why Hakuba and I are not happening. There’s things in our lives and you’ve got a pretty good idea about the history. As for a reason I can say, Hakuba’s kind of seeing someone.”
“Eh?” Shiemi gaped, blindsided. “That makes no sense based on everything I’ve seen.”
“Well he is.” Kaito didn’t say that it was a casual thing. He definitely didn’t mention that Hakuba was probably trying to test himself with dating because moving on from grief was a complicated thing.
“Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“No, no. that just puts a different perspective on things and raises some questions. Bubble not burst at all,” Shiemi said distractedly.
Damn. So much for discouraging her. “And Shiemi, I don’t date, so please remember that too, okay?”
“You date,” Shiemi said. “Not often, and not long, but you’ve seen someone at some point, I remember catching a glimpse of you with some lady out shopping once.”
“Could have been a friend.”
“Friends don’t stand that close,” Shiemi said. “Anyway, don’t think I didn’t notice you dodging my orientation question.”
“I don’t like labels,” Kaito grumbled.
“Fine.” She backed off. “No labels for you. But for the record, you’d be cute together.”
“Noted and we’re never talking about this again, okay?”
“Your opinion on the matter is noted back.” Not agreement.
“Shiemi. I am not above threats and bribes.”
She laughed in his face. Of course. “Kuroba-ji, I’ll do what I want. But teaching me a new card trick would go a ways to getting me to be quiet.”
“I regret teaching you anything ever,” Kaito said, not really meaning it at all. Was the occasional stab at his privacy annoying? Yes, but he could never stay annoyed with her. He redirected the conversation back to their usual gossip with absolutely no subtlety before flagging down the waitress for a cup of coffee in preparation for a late night. Shiemi, thankfully, didn’t try dropping hints again. Kaito felt a bit tired preemptively, knowing this was only the start of what would probably become a long time dodging logic traps trying to pair him up with Hakuba.
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athreadofscarlet · 8 years
[Fanfic] A Thread of Scarlet- Chapter 33: The College Chronicles
Neji sees her first. It is the loud screech of tires sliding on pavement that brings him out of his half-dazed stupor (the heat is killing him) and causes him to twist in his seat to locate the source of commotion. She is dressed in a cheery yellow skirt and a black off-shoulder top, complimented by her large sunglasses and brown purse (This Neji eyes warily and tries to gauge just how large of a gun she could fit in what he decides is not a purse, but a sack.) She lets out on expletive as she dodges a truck and quickens her pace, her flip-flops sounding loudly with every step.
It was she who had invited him out on this unbearably hot Sunday afternoon, excitedly describing the restaurant in which he is currently seated as a “hipster vegetarian sandwich place”. Neji is not hipster, nor is he vegetarian for that matter, but he is interested in the girl he is currently waving down.
They had met about a month before the start of college out of chance really. He was just exiting his new apartment while she was trying to open the door to hers. He can still picture her, a book open in one hand, at least ten grocery bags adorning her arms, all while she tried to jam her key in the lock. Neji was not a very social person in high school, and he still isn’t too anxious about making friends, but leaving her there to struggle bothered him. So with a “here, I’ll hold this” he had coaxed her book and groceries out of her hands, and stood patiently while she opened the door.
“Thanks!” She had grinned up at him, taking her things from his arms in one graceful movement. “I’m Tenten,” she said, somehow freeing a hand to shake his.
Tenten, he learned, was the most nerdy dork he had ever met, even more so than he.  After he became accustomed to her rants on weapons and those weird articles she forwarded to him about parasites and diseases and a whole bunch of other gross stuff he didn’t care for, she turned out to be quite pleasant. And she is really good at making hot chocolate. It became a routine of sorts after a while: he would cook (He had tried to teach her once, but that had resulted in a trip to the ER and a few scars. She was a little too good at chopping it seemed) and she would make hot chocolate. Just like that, they had become inseparable.
“Hi!” Her light feminine voice snaps him out of his reminiscence. She drops her bag into an unceremonious heap on the sidewalk (it makes a metallic clink as it hits the ground, immediately putting the Hyuuga on edge) and plops down in the chair across for him. When she notices his concerned look, she waves it off with a breezy, “I almost get run over a lot. It’s cool.” This definitely garners an eyebrow raise from Neji, but he shakes his head. “Not that. What’s in your bag?”
“Oh!” she says just as nonchalantly, “Those are my daggers. I just got them sharpened.” There is that gleam in her eyes again and Neji prepares himself for another long rant, propping his head on one hand, half listening, half trying to decide what to eat.
“Do you know the history of the dagger? It was developed…”  
“Neji, I don’t get it,” Tenten whines for the nth time, shoving her calculus book away from her and putting her head down on the table.
“Tenten shut up or we’ll get kicked out,” Neji warns. The two are seated in the library, studying for finals. For two hours, Tenten has done nothing but complain to him about how much math “sucks ass”. “Study something else,” he tells her, flipping through his notes.
“But this is the only thing I have to study for,” she says. This is no lie. Tenten is exceptionally gifted in all areas that do not involve numbers. “Can you explain it to me again?”
Sighing and rolling his eyes, he moves to sit in the chair next to her. He nearly elbows her out of reflex when she suddenly lays her head on his shoulder and hugs his arm, her cool breath tickling his skin, a tingling feeling crawling along the length of his spine. By now he has admitted to himself that he may find Tenten just a wee bit attractive, but he is definitely not ready to tell her that.
So instead, he prays to kami above that his raging hormones will not ruin this experience and schools his features into a mask of calmness. Tenten curls up in her chair and leans her full body against him, brows furrowed in concentration as she listens. For a while, things seem to be going well.  
That is until the librarian catches site of the handle of a revolver in Tenten’s backpack and promptly calls security.
Neji snorts in amusement, crossing his arms and smirking down at the female sprawled out on the ice before him. “Shut up, Hyuuga,” she hisses at him, trying to appear as menacing and dignified as possible.
The two had agreed to meet in New York during their last days of winter vacation, each acknowledging that two weeks with their respective families was more than enough to last them till summer.
“So are you going to stop being an idiot and let me teach you how to skate, or do you need to break an ankle first?” Neji asks, uncrossing his arms, his breath curling in the chilly evening air. Tenten glares stubbornly, but her shoulders sag in defeat.
Once she has finally picked herself off the ground, Neji hesitates for a moment, then shyly entangles his fingers with hers as he shoots her a yearning glance (one that she does not see), and tugs her along, gliding gracefully across the ice rink.
Tenten is, in his opinion, breathtakingly gorgeous. Their brief two weeks apart has made him realize just how big his wee crush on her has gotten. As he watches her struggle out of the corner of his eye and then feels himself being sharply tugged downwards as she falls again, he feels laughter bubble in his throat.
“Neji, you ass! Take me to the hospital! I’m dying!”
“Shut up. It’s not my fault your stupidity is lethal.”
Even though he is sure that she has actually broken an ankle this time and he will have to spend the night curled up in a stiff chair in the emergency room, as he glances down at the girl now cradled in his arms, he is happy.
“Umm… Neji, what’s going on?” The Hyuuga fights the urge to bolt and instead keeps his feet firmly planted on the sidewalk, telling himself to breathe. This time it was he who had asked Tenten to meet him in front of the “hipster vegetarian sandwich place” after classes. She thought it was just for fun, seeing as it was Valentine’s Day and the two didn’t really have anyone special to spend it with, but to Neji, this is the most terrifying thing he has ever done.
He is dressed in a suit and tie clutching a bright red bouquet of roses, blushing furiously. The speech he had meticulously prepared the night before dies on his lips at the sight of her. This was such a bad idea. Why the hell did I decide to do this? Oh god, she’s looking at me funny. I think I’m going to throw up.
“You okay? You’re making the ‘oh shit I gotta pee’ face.”
I want to cry. I want to cry.
“So… are you going to ask me out or what?”
Neji blinks completely dumbfounded.
“Uh…” She doesn’t let him finish.
“Of course I’ll be your valentine!” she exclaims, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now do you want to order Chinese or pizza? And do you prefer chick flicks or horror movies?” Tenten continues to ramble, grabbing his hand and leading him back to her apartment.
Neji threads his fingers through hers silently, and decides the next time he falls for a girl, she’ll be less of a nerd and she won’t like hipster vegetarian sandwiches and she most certainly will not be a telepath.
But then again, there may not be a next time.
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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