#okay actually looking and there are a couple toni morrison books I haven't read yet so I guess I should stop holding onto this one like
baejax-the-great · 4 months
32 and 34 for the bookworm ask!!!!!
32. Name your favorite author(s).
My favorite books of the past couple years were written by Martha Wells, Robin Hobb, and Ann Leckie. Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Terry Pratchett have been more historical loves of mine.
34. Favorite book narration voice actor(s).
Kevin R. Free, who does the Murderbot series, is fantastic. I highly recommend it. Adjoa Andoh in the Ancillary series is also really good. With both of these series, I do wonder how much of my enjoyment came from the performance of the VA's vs the writing.
I also really enjoyed Mary Robinette Kowal's reading of "A House with Good Bones" by T Kingfisher. The book itself isn't really my thing--it might be the only horror novel I've ever read--but I did enjoy it and she gave the narrator a really strong voice.
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