#ok turtle here's ur sof
woolspun · 4 years
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          kiss drabble meme idk // accepting
@goyokuborn​ said: (▰˘◡˘▰) 🤔 
     to say that today had been a long one was an UNDERSTATEMENT.       okay, okay. maybe not really THAT long, but enough had gone on that tough fluff was... thoroughly exhausted. and also very much fulfilled with what she’d done during today’s shift      she’d gotten to help out with getting some civilians out of a smaller apartment building that had caught fire, and sure, sure ! the ram had gotten a few bumps and bruises in the midst of it all, but worse had happened to her before.      like now.      etsu sits quietly, tucked away in the back of some swanky restaurant that’s FULL of people all dressed to the nines. these joints weren’t common for the heroine to be found within due to well, her usual work schedule that consisted of VERY long nights. sometimes early mornings ? basically, any free time that she got usually never went hand-in-hand with the times that this place would be open... and reservations were already hard enough to get.      the redhead is at least a drink or two in, her phone screen briefly lit with her lockscreen ( a very fitting photo of her cat, tangled up in multicolored strands of yarn ) ... and also the time. she’d been sitting by herself for at least forty-five minutes now, and the waitress who initially had seated her was beginning to contemplate giving her a freebie dessert-- a sweet treat to hopefully soothe any bitterness at being stood up.      maybe this was a hint to just give dating apps up, huh ?      heesh, what a drag.      honey-colored eyes dip to the dress adorning her form, just another thing to be banished to the back of the closet. hell, even the makeup etsu had dolled herself up with was more ‘’ fancy ‘’ than what she wore in correspondence with her hero uniform. all-in-all, she felt RIDICULOUS.       exiting the restaurant only made things worse, some of the staff who’d witnessed her walk in murmuring amongst themselves. sure, over the ambient sounds ( and the forceful ‘ clicks ‘ of her heels against the wooden floor ) etsu had NO IDEA what they were saying, but going off the piteous expressions they all shared... sigh.      the moment the ram steps foot outside, she inhales deeply and opts to merely stand there, her small frame resisting the desire to shudder and shake. how dramatic could she be without garnering any attention from the media ? well, weighing in on the fact that she was in a busier part of the city ?       the calling of her hero name has etsu, no, TOUGH FLUFF’S back straightening and shoulders lifting, all of her problems being stuffed away elsewhere in her mind. she’d deal with it later. however, the person calling for her isn’t a civilian or a journalist, thankfully. it’s just hawks. wait. just hawks ? just ? who is etsu kidding ?       ❝ good evening, hawks-kun. ❞      was his appearance a blessing or a curse ?      ...      before the ram knows it, hours have passed.      and during those hours, more alcohol has been introduced to her system ( not enough to really DO much, thankfully ), as has some DELICIOUS yakitori. oh, and a higher level of camaraderie towards the literal bird-man.       the two walk side-by-side... which actually ! etsu is pleasantly surprised that he’s bothering to even do such a thing for her, the WING hero usually seen well, flying. or floating in place. feet off the ground stuff !      ❝ mmm.      i know that this is... probably really, really random !      but... i really don’t believe all the stuff that the media puts out about you. ❞      her home lingers a little further down the street, and as much as she loathes the heels punishing her feet, etsu finds herself drawing out the time she’s spending with him. her footsteps come to a brief halt, hands coming together before her front as she forces herself to meet his eyes. gold drowns in gold.      ❝ they always try to paint you as some sort of two-timing womanizer. like you’re some sort of ... i dunno, j-jackass or something. ❞      a few more steps and she’s standing at the little gate that blocks the path to her door. etsu’s eyes are looking anywhere but to the blond before her, lips pursing some.      ❝ i think you’re really cool, hawks-kun. ❞      for once, the honorific isn’t drawn out in her usual teasing purr. it’s genuine. full of adoration.      pale fingers fidget some before she’s stepping into his space, petite hands lightly pressing to hawks’ chest as her form leans upwards, a chaste peck being placed half on his lips, half on his cheek. pulling back, etsu’s eyes crinkle fondly and she grasps the latch of the gate, flicking it up and pushing the mock wood inwards.      ❝ thanks for spending time with me, you sure do know how to make a girl feel special. have a nice night-- no really, you should go home and get some rest. make sure to get some shuteye, for me at least ! ❞
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