#ok no . i've seen her give heavy criticism before
crescentmp3 · 2 years
now to transfer the poem to a sheet of paper <-trembling
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Realisations in mess (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Masterlist Part 5 Part 6
Summary: you're finally home! But what is this mess? clean up + cooking with alhaitham basically
Warnings: vulgarities, trashed up house (matra's fault), reader's ankle is sprained, cleaning up, alhaitham spewing out absolute bs, they eat an onion lol (no joke i was far gone when i wrote that part), sword,
Word count: <3.4k
Inspired by:-
Author's note: im learning how to make gifs! also im not sure if its obvious, but this is gonna be a 'slowburn' type of story!
Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement! I can;t thank you all enough!
as usual i hope this is ok i tried
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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Her house is a fucking mess.
Al Haitham can try, but he can't recall what her house looks like. But he knows it's not supposed to look like this.
Archons, what the hell did the Matra do? 
He doesn't stop her when she unslings her arm from around him. Instead, he holds the door open as she hobbles into her living room. He hears her let out a defeated sigh, but when she turns around to face him, she smiles.
"Well, at least I'll have something to do this afternoon," she looks around with pursed lips. "Been thinking of rearranging stuff anyway!"
Her cheerful tone doesn't fool him. It's as clear as day that she's beyond upset at the state of her home.
"You're...going to clean up this mess on your own?" she can't be serious. The place is completely trashed (is that...Harra Spice on the floor?). "Just you. With your sprained ankle." 
"Well, you did see the looks that the neighbours gave me," no, he didn't. He was focusing on other things. Like making sure she leans her weight on him, not her ankle. "I should probably keep to myself for now," she replies, her eyes downcast. "Hopefully, whatever rumours about me will die out soon." 
With that, she squats down, picking up a book off the floor. 
Huh, now that he thinks about it, there are a lot of books here (and yes, that's definitely Harra Spice on the floor.). And no, not notebooks or record books. Actual books- look, there's a book on languages over there and a thick book about Liyue Adeptuses right next to it. Al Haitham has never seen another house with this many books (apart from his own). In fact, most of her living room floor is covered in them, ripped from their bookshelves which lay not too far away from them. 
It must have taken her years to collect this many books. He's impressed that she managed to keep them all hidden all this time.
"I'll be fine, really," her voice strains as she reaches for another book. "Thank you for helping me back! And for everything else." 
Al Haitham's moving before he knows it. One second he's standing up, looking down at her picking up her books. The next, he's dropping his overnight bag and squatting down, grabbing her book for her.
"Oh! Thank you."
"You need to rest your ankle," Al Haitham states, reaching over to take the book already in her hands. "Stand up." 
Moving over to her, he gestures for her to sling an arm over him before standing up with her.
"There's no way you're going to be able to clean up this mess," he unslings her hand gently before walking over to her overturned couch. "I'll help."
"Ah! It's fine," she hobbles over to him, but he's already flipped her couch over. "You must be busy. I can-"
"It's lunchtime now. Everyone's on break." 
"Then you should be taking a break too!"
"I've already done so on the boat."
"Well, what about your lunch? I didn't see you eat anything."
"I had a heavy breakfast."
"That's not lunch."
"Sit down and rest your ankle."
"Hey! Did you hear what I just said?"
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Despite your protests, you're grateful you won't have to clean up this mess alone.
"How do you arrange your books?" Al Haitham asks as he lifts your last toppled bookshelf back upright. "By topic? Height?" He then shoots you a wary glance. "…Colour?"
"Topic, then by height," you reply, feeling slightly useless as you sit on the couch with a newly bandaged ankle (courtesy of Al Haitham). "Wait, colour? Do people do that?"
"You'll be surprised," he chuckles, and you see his shoulders relax. "There exists a certain individual that insists on making it their personal mission to convince others to arrange their bookshelves that way purely 'for the aesthetic'," he picks up a red book off the floor, running a hand over the slightly dented cover. "You have a lot of books here."
"Do… you find it strange?" you ask meekly. You wouldn't be surprised if he did. Hardly anyone in Sumeru used books, much less kept them thanks to the (recently abolished) Personal Book Act. This wouldn't be the first time a visitor judges you about it.
"Not at all," Al Haitham replies, flipping through the book gently. "I'm just surprised that you read," he stops at a folded page. "Almost no one reads in Sumeru. Not even Akademiya scholars. All they relied on was the Akasha terminals."
He balances the book in a hand and shuts it.
"I'm impressed that you managed to get your hands on this many. The Akademiya doesn't print any books. And there aren't any bookstores in Sumeru."
He passes the red book to you, and you swear his lips curve upwards for a fraction of a second.
"It's well written, but the author gives no evidence to back up his hypothesis. It's pure speculation on his part."
"You've read this before?"
"It's a title in the House of Daena," he explains, bending down to pick up another book and reading its title. "Although it's better off as a storybook."
"The House of Daena has books about Liyue?" you ask. The book in your hands is a Liyue publication which took you many pains to obtain. If there's an easier way to get access to such books-
"Definitely," he seems intrigued by your enthusiasm. "Many darshans' studies involve learning about other cultures and regions. So, books on such topics would be provided. Although whether the students want to read them is a different story."
So they'll have books about Liyue Law! You haven't been able to get your hands on any thus far.
He picks up a few more books off the floor and places them on a bookshelf nearest to him.
"You have a lot of books on Law. And Liyue."
"Ah! Yeah," his observation shocks you back into reality. "I…actually wanted to study in Liyue's Law School."
"Well, you know," he turns to look at you, and you look away. You know you won't be able to control the disappointment written all over your face if you talk about this. "Times aren't exactly the best now. Money is tight right now, with inflation and all. So…"
"I see."
"Yeah," you sigh and quickly plaster a smile, as you turn back to him. "But it's alright. I can still read about it! There are many more books in the House of Daena, so I'll borrow them!"
"…You can only borrow books if you're a student or teacher at the Akademiya."
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It takes Al Haitham about an hour to finally get all the books off the ground and into a somewhat orderly manner. The floor is much more empty now, save for shards of glass and foodstuff amongst overturned furniture. Al Haitham knows that the Matra are thorough in their investigations, but wrecking a house to such an extent in search of evidence is seriously going overboard.
He's going to have a long talk with the Matra stationed at Port Ormos when he gets there.
"Here?" Al Haitham asks the lady standing next to him. She's insisted on helping, against his protests. Eventually, they came to a compromise- he'll carry and arrange the books, and she'll point out where to put everything.
"Yep! These few are fine- ok, switch those two," she instructs. "Everything else is in order. Thank you!"
"Where's the broom?" Al Haitham asks, kicking a shard of glass away from her. "There's glass everywhere."
"It must be the bottle of Harra Spice I bought," she hobbles past the dining table over to the kitchen, Al Haitham following closely behind her. "I bought some groceries the day before I got arrested. I left it on the dining table and… forgot to unpack it."
She didn't forget. Al Haitham takes the opportunity to quickly pick up the chairs and push them under the table, which she thanks him for. She was taking care of me and didn't have the time to put it away.
They both ignore the splinters of wood that fall out when he moves the chairs.
"I'm sorry about this whole mess," Al Haitham sighs. It doesn't matter how he tries to reason with himself. No matter what, this whole situation is his fault. And it leaves a really bad taste in his mouth that she's the one paying the price for it. "I'll be sure to pay for whatever damages there are."
"None of this is your fault," she quickly retorts, grabbing the broom's handle…which immediately detaches from the broom's head. "And like I said," she reaches for the broom head, but Al Haitham beats her to it, taking the handle from her as well. "I've been thinking about rearranging the place anyway!"
Yeah. Rearranging, not refurbishing. Past her shoulder, he sees the wrecked kitchen. And shards of broken tableware among other objects sprinkled all over the floor. She's going to need to replace a lot of things.
"Still, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you-"
"If you really want to make it up to me, take care of yourself and don't faint in front of a random person's house again!"
"I'll do my best."
"Is…that a yes or a no?" her head tilts as she frowns, eyeing him puzzledly. "And wait! Do your best to not do that or to do that?"
And out of nowhere, Al Haitham feels the sudden urge to 'push it', as Kaveh call it. Just to see how she'll react. For research purposes.
"Celestia wills the movement of the mountain and hills." he recites an old rhyme while observing her increasingly perplexed expression with great interest. The rhyme was just his grandmother's way of saying that no one knew what the future held- except fate.
"May the stars align your wish alongside their plans."
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The good news is that cleaning your kitchen didn't take very long. The bad news is that you pretty much have to buy a new set of almost everything for your kitchen.
No, you're not joking. All you could do was grab things off the floor and counter and throw them into the bin. It hadn't taken long for you to realise that the Matra had destroyed almost everything, save for your stove and sink, a dented, but still usable pot, a single onion and a small bottle of oil.
Nothing else was spared. Not your tableware. Not your bottles of sauce. Not any of your newly bought ingredients. And most definitely not your bottle of Harra spice.
"This should be the last of it," Al Haitham re-enters the kitchen with a fully filled dustpan. "You need any help in here?"
"No, I'm done here," you groan. The Matra had destroyed all your groceries for the week. Do you even have enough Mora to buy food again this week? "Squeaky clean!"
"…and empty."
"Don't remind me," you grumble, sitting on the counter. "How did they break so many plates? It's not even fragile! It's made of wood!"
"A hidden ability of overzealous and bored Matra, I suppose," Al Haitham says as he dumps the contents of the dustpan into your overflowing bin. "Is there anything else?"
"No, just my room. I'll settle that myself," you answer. Rubbing at your bandaged ankle, you sigh, leaning your head against the overhead cabinet. "Thank you for your help, really. I wouldn't have been able to clean this all on my own."
"It's no problem. How does your ankle feel?"
"It's alright. Doesn't hurt too much."
"That's good. Elevate it when you can."
"I will."
A peaceful silence washes over the two of you as you finally get some rest after cleaning the entire house. But all that's interrupted when your stomach suddenly rumbles.
Oh, Archons. 
"I…I'm so sorry."
"Well, it is a little bit past lunchtime. How are you settling lunch?"
"I have an onion."
"I have oil too."
"You're going to eat an onion?"
"I gotta," you grip the onion in your hands. "But all my knives are broken, so I can't dice it."
"Can't you go out to buy some ingredients?" Al Haitham looks a little concerned. "You don't need to eat the onion."
"The only person who sells groceries these days is Bahram," you begin peeling the onion. "But he closes shop early. He should be closed right now."
"So, how are you planning on eating this…onion?"
"I'll try to fry it."
"You're just going to toss that whole sphere of onion onto a pan?"
"Well, I don't have a pan anymore so I'll use my pot," you grab your pot and place it over the stove. "Hopefully, it won't roll out."
"Now, hold on. Don't do that."
"I mean the other alternative is eating it raw, but-"
"Use this."
"Hm?" you pour some oil into the pot before turning to him. "What the he-"
"Calm down. You're going to spill the oil onto the floor."
"Where did that come from?!"
"From me."
Before you is a beautiful green blade, rounded by a white and gold spine. A majestic aura surrounds it- as if it belongs to a higher being. It almost looks too holy to touch.
"Here. Use it to dice the onion."
"Waitjustholdonasecond," your words jumble as you struggle to understand his request. "You want me to take your fancy blade and use it to cut the onion?"
"Yes," he pushes the blade further towards you. "Go on."
"You can't be serious. I can't do that to your sword!"
"If it's hygiene you're worried about, I assure you that-"
"No, it's not that!" honestly, it kind of scares you how hygiene isn't your main concern here. "Your sword! I can't cut an onion with your sword! What if I break it?"
"If my sword breaks from cutting an onion, I wouldn't carry it around."
"You carry it around? Where? I didn't see- ok, I'm going off-topic," you sigh. "Are you sure I can use it? It looks really expensive and I don't wanna, uh, desecrate it."
"It's a sword. It's meant for cutting things," he takes the onion from you and slices it into two before handing it over to you. "You're using it as intended. I don't see the problem."
"If you say so…" he lets the blade go into your hands, and you jerk at the sudden weight. "Oh- Archons, how do you carry this?"
"You alright there?"
"Yep, yep, I- I'll be fine!"
Your onions end up more chunky than usual, but you'll take it. You heat up the oil (after trying to squeeze out every last drop of oil from the small bottle) and gently add in the onions later. The sounds of sizzling oil fill the kitchen, and you happily take in the scent emitting from the pot. After a while, you feel that it's time to stir it around so you-
Wait. How are you gonna stir it?
"Uh oh," you grab the handle of the pot, tilting it from one end to the other. But it's no use. The onions aren't flipping over. "Oh no."
"I forgot I don't have a spatula. I can't flip it."
"Use the sword."
"I- fine. Use the sword."
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The final product looks better than you expected. Golden brown onions lay on top of each other inside the pot and your mouth waters at the sight.
"You'll have to wait till the pot cools down a little," Al Haitham cautions as he places the pot on the dining table. "Or else you'll burn your hand when you reach in for a slice."
"Haha, no."
"Hey! What did I just say-"
You really can't help yourself. You're too hungry. Reaching into the pipping hot pot, you pinch a piece of onion and quickly toss it into your mouth.
"Ah- hwot-"
"Take- a slice!" you say between blowing out hot air. "It tastes pretty good! Must be the fancy sword flavour."
"I'll take one when it cools down a little. So I don't burn my fingers and the roof of my mouth."
"Suit yourself."
And the two of you fall into another cycle of silence- this time only interrupted by the sound of you blowing out hot air and Al Haitham scoffing at the display before him. Eventually, the pot cools down, and he takes up your offer and grabs a piece.
"What do you think? Pretty good, right?"
"It's good."
"That's all you have to say about the onions your sword painstakingly chopped?" you hold your chest in fake shock. "How dare you, good sir!"
"Well, my sword seems happy enough," he plays along, reaching a hand out. In an instant, the blade materialises. "I don't see any dissatisfaction from it."
And then the blade disappears. And his hand is again as empty as your kitchen is.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what? Keep my sword?"
"Yeah! And make it reappear!"
The rest of your meal is spent happily chatting and making the poor man materialise and keep his blade over, and over again.
As selfish as it sounds, you don't want him to go. Because the moment he does, you'll be alone in Vimara Village, with nothing but rumours to keep you company.
But he has a job to do- an important one, at that. He's Sumeru's Acting Grand Sage. He's not a friend.
"I think it's about time I take my leave," he finally says, snapping you out of your train of thought. Standing up from his shaky chair, he grabs his overnight bag. "Thank you for your hospitality."
"Not at all," you reply, slowly standing from your chair as well. "I'm sorry that I couldn't host you under better circumstances."
"Would you happen to know where a certain Dilawar lives?" he asks. "I was told that he lives here."
Ah, so that's why he's here.
"Mr Dilawar lives not too far from here. Just head upwards from here and stop at the second house from the bridge," you answer. "Are… you here to fix Port Ormos?"
"Yes," he replies. "The closure of the port is not a problem I can ignore. Discussing the current state and future of the port with the trade supervisors is a crucial step in fixing the problem."
"Well, if you're on the case, then there's nothing for us common folk to worry about," you let out a relieved sigh. "With you as the Acting Grand Sage, Sumeru is in good hands."
"…Thank you."
You walk him to your front door, and he pauses outside for a moment to look back at you.
"Make sure to rest your ankle."
"I will."
"Keep a look out for any shards of glass on the floor. I may have missed them."
"I highly doubt that, but alright."
"And," he pauses again, looking over at your bookshelves. "Don't give up hope on going to Law school."
"You must have taken a lot of effort to collect and read through all those books," he says. "It'd be a pity if all that effort went to waste."
He stands a little straighter, looking you in the eye this time.
"This is a temporary issue. Don't let something like that ruin a lifetime of fulfilment."
With that, he turns around.
"Well then, see you."
"Ah! Yeah, see you."
And he walked off.
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"Well, you know," she doesn't turn away fast enough for Al Haitham to miss that crushed expression of hers. "Times aren't exactly the best now. Money is tight right now, with inflation and all. So…"
"I see."
So, it's a money issue. The reason that she's giving up her dream is because of money.
Like hell he's going to let that happen.
He'll solve it. He'll fix Sumeru's entire economy. He'll force the port open with his own two hands.
Just get that look off her face.
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gubbin-galoshes · 9 months
Everything went strange today so I ended up watching the live-action Bleach.
My car had been making crazy noises. Creaks and squeals and grating. So I'd made an appointment, and this morning I got up super early, my shaking body wrecked by anxiety, and drove up to the dealer. I checked in, explained the creaky crunchy noise, and left my car key with them. So far, according to plan.
I walked across to the mall, where I'd confirmed via four different resources that there was a bus stop. I'd never taken the bus alone before: I've always had horrific motion sickness on buses, and I had nightmares of throwing up five minutes after setting foot on a bus. But today I was determined to support public transit and told myself this fear is stupid.
A girl was there, younger than me, and asked me for some confidence. We compared the bus apps on our phones and confirmed our respective buses were indeed on their way. She got on hers, we waved through the window, and then she was gone.
My bus arrived. I got on and showed the driver the ticket on my phone. He told me to scan it. I have no idea what I'm doing. When I don't know what I'm doing, my brain freezes. So I'm shoving my phone at this thing like a monkey trying to slam a square peg in a round hole and the driver is like no, just- put it on the- no the other way- there you go! And I got it and thanked him. He was very patient with my incompetent ass.
I was the only one on the bus.
I did not throw up. I am delighted to announce that I did not even get motion sick the whole way to work. I successfully requested a stop without making a further ass of myself and walked to work.
The rest of the day I was a wreck. I couldn't think straight. I kept checking my phone for communication about my car and the crazy noises. I have no idea what I said or did. I was twitchy.
4 pm comes around and there's still no communication. I texted the service guy: so uh, hey, is everything ok? I'm imagining that they've accidentally destroyed my car and are scrambling to fix it. Or they're putting off giving me bad news.
4:45, I'm about to call when I get a video in my text. It's of my car. I can't breathe. I play it and turn up the volume, the mechanic is talking.
"So I couldn't replicate the noise and nothing seems to be wrong but it's probably something not serious, I don't recommend a repair"
Another text comes in:
We close at 5 but I'll stay late if you want to pick up tonight
At this point it felt too late. My soul had left my body. I texted back, I'll pick it up tomorrow. And I took the train home.
On the walk back from the train station I picked up a sandwich. I met my neighbor at the door, she asked about the hot water that's still throwing tantrums after the landlord claimed to have fixed it, and prompted me to send a complaint.
I've spent so long figuring out that there's no bus from home to the dealer so I'll have to take the train to work then a bus from work to the dealer then drive back in my car that had nothing wrong with it in the first place.
So I showered (there was, gratefully, some hot water left), unwrapped my sandwich, and turned on the live-action Bleach movie.
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I had seen most of the anime a very long time ago, which was critical to understanding what is even happening. This obviously wasn't going to be amazing, but all I wanted was a distraction.
If you've seen the anime and can therefore follow along, this is a very good movie to have on while you're in your pajamas, eating a hot sandwich from the corner pizzeria, trying to forget what a dumbass you've been all day. They leaned heavy into the anime tropes and sound effects, and most of the scenes were obviously just hey it'd be cool to see these two characters fight in live action. Don't worry about the story. The Hollows were done pretty well though. And I like the continued focus on Ichigo's mom as an anchor for the cobbled plot.
Ichigo worked his ass off and still lost in the end. Sounds familiar.
I feel a little better. I know how to ride the bus now. I know way more about local public transit than I did a week ago. I submitted a map correction to google maps, which had tried to tell me to walk through someone's private yard. I made hot chocolate.
Tomorrow I'm going to get my car back, now that I know how to avoid driving it.
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Journaling vs. Podcasting in Dracula/Murrary Mysteries
No spoilers provided you are caught up to dracula daily
So I love Murray Mysteries, to date it's the best adaptation I've seen of Dracula and the only one that gets the found family down. But as I have occasionally said, my biggest criticism is the Podcast format does not work for me. A great example is all this with the Demeter. In the book Mina just pastes the newspaper in her journal, ok she's interested by this and is saving it for herself later. Totally works for me.
In Murray Mysteries Mina airs the frantic dying logs of a captain who we can audibly hear slowly losing her mind as the trip continues and then she ends her podcast segment like "cool mystery huh we'll give you updates as the story progresses" and I found that I just had to ignore it in order to still like Mina. Who just airs something like that, to get views on their podcast?? You do not have the right to do that to that poor woman and her loved ones, and is that even legal?? Girl literally just died. In general, the podcast's heavy emotional moments pretty much always hit for me, but I would have to forcibly over look that in no way would anyone actually experiencing these things be ok with putting them on the internet forever.
Then we got to the section in the book, and I realized that Murray Mysteries did face a difficult challenge in translating the epistolary style (which is a cool style I emulate it when I write fic for Dracula too) into the 21st century. Why doesn't the correspondent publishing the logs feel as icky to me? Well for one it is news, and he's publishing it, like, the captain went to an awful lot of work to make sure there was an account of the last days of the Demeter, seems that somebody should. Mina is not a news reporter, she's doing it for entertainment, and it just feels so wrong to me that her response to hearing this tragedy that Just Occurred is immediately "ooohh I can use this for profit." I don't want to get too hypocritical, we all love true crime stories and what not but her delivery just felt really insensitive to me. And there's something much more invasive about hearing the captain's despair rather than reading it that just made me go "wow this is not your place to share and the Mina Murray I know would think so too, she recorded this for the authorities not for people to oogle at her demise."
But then, what other possibility other than podcast was really open to these writers? The reason the framing device of Dracula works is journalling is naturally more private. You journal in order to put down your thoughts and experiences for posterity, and you probably are writing with the thought that someone will read them one day, but you can have control over that. You can be more intimate because you can decide which hands its going into. And you can always destroy the pages and the information is gone. Writing down all his horrors really is just Jonathan's way of processing what is going on in his life first, and is meant as a record for really really loved ones like Mina second. That makes all the sheer intensity of these entries and this novel possible in a believable way for me anyway.
That's just... not really done in the same way today. Who journals anymore? If you tried to tell the story of Dracula through a bunch of 21st century journalers I would be extremely skeptical. I'm sure some people still do, I know I was enamored with the thought of being a diary keeper when I was a kid (not that I had the perservance for it though many attempts were tried). It's all become blogs, vlogs and podcasts and although you can be an unreserved, open sort of person very authenticly on these sort of things if you have that personality, there's still a difference in how you present yourself when you're putting yourself out there to the whole internet. The manufactured authencity is so much more real- I mean you literally edit yourself before posting.
I don't really have a conclusion to make for this post, other than I never realized how much ye olde journalling has transforming into mediums that are by and large public with an audience the producer can only marginally control. This really makes it difficult for anyone wanting to adapt the framing device of an old epistolary novel into a modern setting with the same intimacy and sincerity. We're really not a private world anymore at all.
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huntective-kyeo · 4 years
❗Warning❗ TYPOS, SPELLING, AND GRAMMAR. And English is not my first language. Kinda angry hehehe
This is my first time to post it here and I hope you like it. Feel free to criticize my writing so I can improve.
So enjoy.
My Father is Dean Winchester
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Dean POV
I sat down on the chair and open the lid of the beer. It's been hectic two weeks. Sam and I hunt a witch in Colorado and it took us a week to find the witch and killed it. That witch got Sam to bruise his ankle, and a concussion but thankfully nothing major injuries that needed stitches and so. Most of all the sonavabitch wore witch almost touch and probably hex my Baby which I did make her pay for it.
All in all, it took us a few days to get back at the bunker and now I'm sitting on the chair, probably wanted to eat some pies and get drunk.
My thoughts interrupt when the door opened and I looked up wonder who that person is. My instinct is to grab my trustful gun and aim it towards that intruder. However instead of getting alert, and hunting instinct it exactly quite opposite to what I feel right now.
Third POV.
A girl took a deep breath and with her shaky hand, she holds the handle and she pauses before she opened the door.
She didn't know what to do or what to say. She felt nervous to face them all. She wants to keep it secret however it keeps harder and harder to hide all the symptoms she felt during the last few months.
with heavy heart and soul, she opened the door and wish that bunker is well as empty as when she leaves it a few hours ago.
She didn't notice that the Impala, her first love park on her usual spot, she didn't notice a man sit on the chair seem like thinking something, she didn't notice her dad.
Dean POV
" y/n? " I blurted out. I didn't notice that my daughter y/n leave the bunker without telling us, or wasn't I?
Y/n my precious daughter, my little sunshine, and the only reason aside from my little brother who keeps me alive. 16 years ago Her mother and I met at the bar and happened to have one night stand. I was drunk to forget us condoms. I didn't realize it until, nine months later, Kylia found me and she shove the newly baby born into arms. I didn't hear her rants about not wanting kids because I was so fallen to my baby girl. I swear y/n is the most beautiful baby girl that I've ever seen. From that fateful night, I swore that I protect and love her no matter what.
With the help of my brother and my family, we did a good job raising a finest and yet mini-me y/n which kinda bit frustrated when she becomes a rebellious teenager and seeking for a new way to hunt.
I know that being a father and hunter ain't hood to raise a child in a world full of darkness but I did try my best to become a father that she deserved and not the father that I used to grow up
I again clear up my throat and by the time that I saw her, I know something is terrible up. Called it father instinct. My stomach began to feel something that I don't know if it's about the food or the worriedness about my daughter.
"Where have you been, I told you not to go outside not unless if you needed something but should-" I stumble and am shocked by a sudden hug coming from my daughter. My eyebrows meet and speculate more thoughts about what happened to her during a few weeks.
Then suddenly y/n cried up and my heart broke up thousand of pieces. Through I used to her cry of nonsense but this is different. I can feel it.
I began to think of a different reason why she cried like this. Is she on her period? Did a boy break her heart? If it is, then who? Oh god, my baby girl is heartbroken?! No-no-no.
" Hey, baby girl what's wrong? " I managed to ask a few words as I stroke her hair.
I didn't get her reply as she continues sobbing and sniffing on my chest. I continuously stroke her hair and rubbed a small circle on her back. With her tears I heard, I began to tear up which probably I got hurt when my baby girl gets hurt.
I saw Sam holding a can and some books and gave me confused look. I know he was confused about what is going on and the same as me. I only gave her shrug off before concentrate on keeping her calm down.
I sigh and sing a song that makes her calm down. It's a song that I always sing to her whenever she feels scared and upset. it her lullaby and till now I always sing to her when she felt like this. And now even though she's growing up ain't stopping this.
'Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better'
I sang softly and smile. I heard her sobs subside and her shoulder is no longer tensed. I kissed her head and quietly sing the rest of the song
By the song ends, y/n look up to me and hate to see her red-rimmed eyes and red nose face at me.
" Daddy... "
After the song finish, I felt quite comfortable and my heart no longer pains me.
" daddy" I called up again. I hate seeing my dad worried glances and I wanted to back down but I know it's too late, now that I cried to his chest, and makes my father worried.
" what's wrong, princess " I nearly chuckle to hear the old nickname that I used to love but hate now. I should give my father annoying and death glares to him but I'm drained and tired to argue with my father.
Instead of the reply to his question, I took a piece of paper inside my leather jacket. With my shaky hand, I hesitate to give it to him. I saw my father unfold the paper and read it.
I know he reads it as I saw his face turn to a worried and horrifying face. I bit my lip as teardrops start to stream to his face and suddenly it aches my heart.
I didn't realize that my uncle Sam was there and he took the paper that my dad read it. My dad was frozen and saw Sam has the same reaction but he stumbled a bit and luckily sat on the chair or else he would hurt more.
The air was tense and several minutes seemed like a century to me as I was forced to see my dad and uncle of their horrifying reaction.
I was about to leave them and lock them up in my room but my dad grabs my wrist and put pressure on it, so I couldn't shove it off, I hesitate to look at his now red-rimmed eyes just like mine.
" Is this true? "
My heart broke as I nod
" when... When did it start? "
I flinched to hear a tone when my dad wanted a straight answer but I could see the difference of it. Instead of deadly and threatened, it's a broken and saddened tone that probably haunt me the rest of my life.
" honey, when did start... " I look up to him as a surprise to hear the familiar fatherly sweet tone that only me can know.
"a few months ago. When you just back from purgatory dad... " I mumble but I know that dad heard it because he mumbles coherent words that I know he's cursing, I wish it's not from me.
Then suddenly my dad sat down on the chair and then he hugged tightly couldn't breathe but slightly loose the tightness but still hugging me
" We can pull this up alright, we will. N/n we will fight this together okay, we'll find ways to rid this shit. We will be on your battle. " I then look up at my father and saw the tense and urging look " we will fight this out but you'll do your job ok, you'll kick this shit out, and keep fighting. Don't give up okay please, little n/n. " I heard him crack as didn't say anything considering, I was crying again and the inky response I can get is nodding.
Then I hug my father again and I feel another wrapped strong arms. I smile softly that uncle Sam joined the party. Now we are Complete, I feel like I'm ready to fight this shut out.
" Winchester is hard to kill, not even cancer. " I chuckle to hear uncle Sammy spoke.
"Yeah right, so you gonna do your part little princess, aright. Don't give up. " My father kiss my forehead. We parted away and wipes the tears we have. We laugh as we sniffle then finally our tears died down.
My father, Dean wipe the remaining tears and I look up to him confused. I saw him sad and regret my eyes and my heart sank.
" I love you N/Niepie, " then he kisses my forehead.
----AND CUT!!! ---
" Nice work J2 and Jodi damn there are no dried tears here " Robert yelled as all the staff and crew wipe their tears. " okay thirty minutes break, Jared, come to me I gotta asked you something" he added.
A group of assistants swarms the actors and did their task. Some wipe their sweats, do makeup, fixing their hair, and so on.
Jensen chuckles a little bit and wipes the remaining tears from his eyes.
" nice job dude, seem like the Days of our Lives gig paid off huh" A sixteen years old, young actress Jodi Smith tease him.
He rolled his eyes and ruffle her hair. " nice try but no you not riding my Baby" Jodi groan and about to reply when her assistant came and whisper to her ear "You're lucky, Mr. Ackles. Robert needs me now but I won't stop bothering you not until I sat on the driver seat and ride the impala".
When Jodi is out of sight, Jensen Ackles began to walk through his trailer. The thirty minutes of break is not enough of yearning for his daughter.
By the time he got inside. He locks it and sits on the couch. He rubbed his tired face as he grabs the old filthy Cinderella wallet. Today scene was emotional to him, not because of the scene itself but because he truly did miss his daughter y/n
In the finale of season 12, alongside Jack Kline played Alexander Calvert, and y/n Winchester played Jodi Smith we're both introduced and a new cast of Supernatural. Jensen was supposed to be glad that there are two new members of their family, but instead, it replaces guilt and dreadful feelings.
It's not the new cast members but the fact that Jodi Smith portrays is seem a great punch to his heart that he starts to realize he still has a daughter that should be taken care of.
No one knows not even Jared. Danneel and the kids, the crew nor the fans knew that the great Jensen Ackles has a secret daughter and only his close family knew about this truth.
" I'm sorry princess, How I wish I was there for you but you know I can't."
Jensen stroke a faded picture of an eight-year-old girl holding a doll whilst hugging the twenty-year-old Jensen Ackles.
" I'm sorry, I love you" he kisses the picture with so much love and tears began to stream down his cheeks
Hope you like it keep safe everyone. Reblog and like will yah.
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ts1989fanatic · 6 years
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Todrick Hall's Comments About Taylor Swift Are All About Support – EXCLUSIVE
Todrick Hall has some famous friends and co-workers. His YouTube channel (which has close to 3 million subscribers) has gotten him worldwide recognition and into the room where it happens with the likes of Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. He choreographed Beyoncé's "Blow" music video after she saw some of his own videos, and his friendship with Taylor Swift got him a featured cameo in the "Look What You Made Me Do" music video. Todrick Hall's comments about Taylor Swift prove that working and being close friends with the star is not what you may think.
Hall and I are on the set of his "Glitter" music video when we sit down to chat about his career. He had already met T. Swift by the time he starred as Lola in Kinky Boots on Broadway in 2016, but it was during this stint in Harvey Fierstein and Cindy Lauper's Tony-winning show that his friendship with the "Delicate" singer really solidified.
"When I moved to New York, I went out to eat with her when I was doing Kinky Boots," Hall tells Elite Daily, "and I had done shows in New York before, but it had been so many years and I felt like I had lost my friend circle. And so I was so happy that she was [living in New York]." Hall says their friendship was a casual one, so he didn't expect her to come see him in the Broadway show.
"She said that she was going to come and see the show and I was like, I'm never going to ask her to come and see it again because I know she's busy, I don't want to pressure her. And she just showed up to the show one day." He says Swift not only saw the show, but she stayed for two hours after meeting, speaking, and taking pictures with everyone in the cast and crew. From then on, he knew he had a solid friend in her.
Hall reveals that, like many on the internet, he believed Swift's niceness was just a front she put on for her famous persona. But he maintains that niceness still holds true in their personal and professional relationships.
"Huge things will happen and she'll be like, 'OK, great. This is what we have to do, this is what the universe has given us, this is what we're faced with. How are we going to fix this?' I would love to handle my minor issues the way that she handles some of her huge issues that billions of people are going to see and judge." He doesn't hint as to what any of those "huge issues" he's talking about are, but her public beef with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West comes to mind, as well as incessant tabloid coverage of her past relationships. (Miraculously, she and actor Joe Alwyn have managed to keep their two-year relationship under tight lock and key.)
"I think that one thing that I really love about her is she has been burned by a lot of people," Halls continues, "and you would think in a lot of ways that she would be totally OK with being a princess locked in a tower that nobody was able to enter. But she's willing to get back up again and trust people again, which is a very scary thing when you're somebody in that position."
Hall has proven himself to be a loyal friend to Swift as well, going to bat for her frequently against Kanye West.
When Swift finally voiced her political opinions in what the internet felt was a long overdue Instagram post, Hall posted on Instagram as well, showing his pride in her decision.
He explained in the lengthy caption that Swift being so guarded for so long about her political beliefs was part of the reason he kept their friendship casual at first. He echoes the same sentiment in our conversation.
Referencing her complete lack of a public political stance over the years, Hall tells me, "She has such power that I don't even think she realizes how much of an affect it would have on people."
He continues, "I was explaining to her that, as a gay person, I didn't know for sure how you felt about gay people and I was a little bit nervous to talk to you about my love life or whatever." And he recognizes the criticism she would receive for not voicing her political opinions before the 2016 presidential election.
Many people justifiably feel that Swift, with such a powerful influence over newly 18-year-old potential voters, could have done much more political advocacy in 2016 than just posting a picture of herself with an "I Voted" sticker. When you have a platform as large as Swift's, it's easy to see how not using said platform in a tumultuous political time would garner heavy criticism. Some of that criticism, Hall says, was pointed at him as well.
As a gay man of color, Hall tells me that people online occasionally placed the onus of getting Swift to "come out" as a democrat on him.
"Sometimes, people would give me flack online that she wasn't doing certain things," he tells me. "I love the fact that she has grown and evolved in her own time, as every artist has to do." He continues, "It can be very scary to potentially risk your career or your reputation to stick your neck out for something when you don't have to do it. You don't have to stand up for gay rights, you don't have to voice your opinion, and you'll sell the same amount of records. But somebody who truly cares about the way this country is falling apart and will take it upon themselves to use their voice to do something — that, I believe, is just the right thing to do."
She did that when she officially endorsed democratic candidates running in Tennessee elections in 2018 (and there was a massive surge in voter registration as a result). But Hall recognizes this was overdue. But Hall knew that being a good friend meant supporting her decision, regardless of how late it was.
So when Kanye West tweeted that he was "distancing" himself from politics, Hall couldn't help but laugh (and call the rapper out on Twitter).
“Well well well Miss @kanyewest," he said, "while I’m thrilled that you claim to have hopped off the Trump train, I cannot help but bask in the irony that you are now ‘distancing yourself from politics’ while the girl everybody was dragging is now promoting a blue candidate like it’s her job." Look what you made him do, Kanye! Elite Daily reached out to West's team for comment on Hall's tweets, but did not hear back by the time of publication.
All tea and shade aside, Hall tells me that Swift is one of those friends who is basically a therapist for him, and vice versa.
Throughout their entire friendship, however, they never had the chance to work together. That is, until Swift asked him to be in the "Look What You Made Me Do" music video.
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"I feel like I owe her money for the amount of therapy that she's given me for the boys that I've dated," Hall quips. He reveals that he hasn't always approved of her past relationships either, although he stays tightlipped on just which of her famous exes he's referring to. (Booooo.)
"I think that it's easy to be surrounded with a lot of 'yes' people," he says, "but with Taylor, there was somebody that she was dating that I didn't necessarily approve of and I was definitely very honest with her about how I felt about it. She just would always be like, 'Thank you so much for your honesty.'"
"I feel like it is the most expensive music video that's ever been created in history," Hall jokes.
Outside of working with his bestie on the video, Hall says it was a wonder to see director Joseph Kahn at work on the video. Kahn has directed a large number of Swift's videos in the past, including most of the videos from Reputation. The biggest were "Look What You Made Me Do" and "...Ready For It?" both of which Hall was on set. To perform in the former, and just observe the latter.
"It was amazing to watch [Joseph Kahn] work and to see everything," Hall says, adding, "I was also on the set of '...Ready For It?' to watch that as well. And it was just really, really awesome and to be able to hear the song and to see the sets. I make videos for a living, but to see the budget of how these sets were built and how amazing they look, it was just insane. I had never seen anything like that before in my life."
He brings up his choreography for Beyoncé on the "Blow" music video as a comparison. Beyoncé's self-titled surprise album was famously more low-budget than some of her other videos because it was being kept as such a huge secret, so seeing Swift's massive budget for her Reputation videos was an eye-opener.
"When I did the video with Beyoncé, we went to a location, a roller skating rink, and that's where we did it, so that was the aesthetic of that video," he explains, "But I've never been somewhere where they built an entire world and a cemetery and a thrown and all these things. It was just really crazy to see it and to be a part of it was just really, really awesome."
As for her dancing in the video (people have always trolled Swift for dancing even though she's not near someone like Beyoncé's level), Hall says she's doing it for the joy it brings her.
"Taylor Swift doesn't have to ever dance," he, a professional dancer, says. "She'll still sell the same amount of tickets. She just loves to dance." She danced alongside Hall in the "Look What You Made Me Do" video, and Hall sees it as a huge moment of pride. He tells me, "She was scared at first, she was for sure nervous. But once we saw the playback and I was like, 'You look amazing,' she just kept going in more and more and more and more. Every single time, she'd give it more energy, more performance, and now I see her dancing in [the Reputation stadium tour] more than she's ever danced before. And I'm just so proud of her."
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This is why he gets his own membership card
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leaveharmony · 6 years
It's sad how you've allowed these white men take over real estate in your heard mortgage free. You used to be really cool before you allowed your bitterness to take over. I've unfollowed you and am probably going to block you because while i respect that you don't have to like any one you constantly shitting on people just because you dislike it is sad and seeing as my life is hard enough I don't need your negativity in my life.
Um...Ok?  And you should?  If my TIDAL WAVE OF NEGATIVITY AND BITTERNESS during the maybe 7 seconds per week I'm forcibly reminded that whoever it is you're talking about exists outweighs whatever it was that caused you to bestow the honour of "really cool" on me in the first place then godspeed, nonners.  Go seek your bliss.I'm not...sure why you feel the need to tell me this tbh, as the tragedy of being Deemed Uncool by an anonymous stranger who's never interacted with me in any way is a comparatively minor one, but if the acknowledgement makes you feel better about it than I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.Farewell, follower number...uh...follower who had a number probably, idk I don't know how many I have.
All clowning aside though, I genuinely don't understand why someone would send a message like that.  And I had no idea how to respond to it...or if I should.  If they're looking for attention, isn't that just giving them what they want?  But then...if I ignored it, would that make them send more?  Can you block an anon?  I have no idea.  For the terrible crime of vocally disliking certain popular wrestlers in her own space, I've literally seen people spend over a month relentlessly harassing a friend of mine in the most vile and vicious manner, while the person that triggered it all egged them on and laughed about it.
So...I never know what to do.  Probably it wouldn't lead to anything that bad, but how do I know?  If they've been around since I was “really cool” (I'm sorry, that's still funny.  I've never been cool in my life) then they'd know I'm seeing a therapist.  They'd know I have pretty crippling social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, severe depression.  Were they trying to set it off?They did, actually - messages like that always spike my anxiety badly when I see them.  Heartrate went right up, stomach sank.  It isn't the content so much as the intent, you know?  Random message out of nowhere RE hey I think you're awful: what's the point of that?  Why take the time?Is that what they were trying to do?  Somehow...get me to correct my fiendish refusal to *looks at smeared writing on hand* um, tailor my space to their exact specifications?  Did they unfollow me a few days ago and get frustrated when I didn't mention it (or indeed, notice)?  Were they looking for attention?  Validation?  Just acknowledgement?  I don't keep any track of how many followers I get tbh, except to check that new ones aren't porn bots.  How many people are here or why doesn't affect my life in any way.
It's...I don't wanna use the word triggering, necessarily.  But like.  As I say...if they've been here however long, they know I have anxiety.  They know I live in an active abuse situation.  They know I get extremely defensive over my space bc I've got a history of people coming into my spaces both real and virtual and taking things.  My father's sold or given away or thrown out or destroyed my things on more than one occasion, once or twice while I literally sobbed and begged him not to.  That time it was a doll cradle.  I was maybe 6.  He sold it to a lady for five dollars while I cried in the driveway.When I got home from a school trip to New York one day, I came into my room to find he'd been in here and rearranged all my furniture even up to moving the bed from where I had it...and of course, he got furiously angry when I burst into tears.  I couldn't move the bed back, it was too heavy for me and I wasn't strong enough...and he wouldn't do it, so I just sat there sobbing hysterically until he finally came raging back in, shouting abuse and calling me everything under the sun, and moved it back.Imagine coming home exhilarated from a great experience to find out people you were meant to trust had come into your space without your consent or knowledge and reorganized everything in it, then had an explosion of temper because you weren't “grateful” they'd done it.  There's a reason I have a hoarding problem I'm just now trying to address, after decades of being terrified to let anything out of my sight lest it be gone when I go to look for it.  There's a reason I'm protective of my space.
This blog is my space.  I don't know what nonners thought I started it for, but it sure as fuck wasn't for anyone else's pleasure or interest; hell, some nights when I'm really plugging away I can churn out like 60 gif posts in a single sitting, and most of them end up with less than ten notes.  It's not for the attention.  Half of why I have alternate tags for wrestlers is so I'm not constantly clogging their tags w/ my nonsense - and I don't tag my hate at all, on the rare occasion I bother with criticisms.  You're looking at the repository of the hyperfixation I use to keep myself alive.  If other people enjoy it, that's super!  But at its heart, it isn't for other people.  
They wanna know about the white man who has real estate in my head?  It's my abusive piece of shit father, who has all but beaten the ability to express negative emotion at all out of me over a period of decades. 
Compared to him, some coward I don’t know from adam hiding on anon trying to chide me for occasional snarky comments about their faves looks like a pair of nail clippers next to a goddamn threshing machine.
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fawninthewinter · 6 years
Direct to DVD Disney Sequels: The Little Mermaid lll: Ariel's Beginning
So one of my earlier reviews of this Disney Sequel review series was The Little Mermaid 2, which I found bland yet it still held some place in my heart despite that. This prequel I'm reviewing now I never even saw as a kid. Odd seeing as how The Little Mermaid was one of my favorites in my childhood, so I don't know why I didn't at least rent it when it came out. I was ten at the time so I was still young enough to be interested in these movies. I still watched a butt load of animated films at that age, so I don't know why I never saw this one. Anyway, who cares. I've seen it now and I’m ready to talk about it. The Little Mermaid lll: Ariel’s beginning. Doesn't that title just scream prequel?
Yes, for DisneyToon studios last but not planned to be direct to DVD tie in to the animated canon films they decided to go with a prequel that is actually their only prequel out of these films. I'm not kidding. The majority of them were actually midquels or never aired TV pilots as apposed to actual sequels. This is the sole movie taking place before the events of the first film. Out of all the films to give a prequel I guess The Little Mermaid makes sense. I mean, it is interesting to learn how Ursula came to be banished and what Ariel's life was like before the whole wanting to go to the surface and falling in love with Eric thing (Oh, Ursula’s not in this and It’s some other new antagonist? Ok then). This might actually be sort of interesting. Actually, it kind of is. Remember how I said from a critical standpoint the Little Mermaid 2 was pretty weak? While this one isn't particularly what I would call strong, it’s infinitely more interesting than the sequel. Let me explain how.
Ten years prior to the events of this film when Ariel and her sisters were much younger, Triton's kingdom was filled with music and joy. He had a beloved queen named Athena was Ariel’s mother(no duh). Things seemed like they couldn’t be any better until tragedy struck one day. Won't give away any spoilers but I think most of you know what probably happened seeing as how Ariel's mother was nowhere to be seen in the first film. Ten years later, music is banned from the kingdom and deemed a federal offense to partake in due to Triton's sorrow. Ariel and her sisters lead very boring lives. Same old same old every day. Until Ariel discovers a secret hidden music and jazz club shortly after meeting her new best friend Flounder. Whom Sebastian happens to run. Ariel joins it much to the reluctance and worry of Sebastian and brings her sisters in secret. Meanwhile, Sebastian is also competing with the film's antagonist- Triton’s governess Marina Del Rey for the position of Triton's attaché. She happens to of course be plotting to rid of Sebastian and have control over Ariel and her sister's lives. Will Sebastian get the title and will him and Ariel make Triton remember what It’s like to be happy again and bring music back into everyone's lives? And why does Flounder beat box all of a sudden? And in the time this film takes place none the less? And why does the song Shake Senora exist in said time already?
So the plot sounds as simple and kiddie as you can imagine and for the most part it is. But hey it’s a direct to DVD Disney Film. You aren't necessarily expecting a deep and complex story. It's meant to be a fun film for kids. However there's a few things going on in the plot to keep you invested and there are even surprisingly heavy moments. Nothing too heavy going back to the fact that it is a direct to video Little Mermaid Film for kids, but enough to tug at your heartstrings. It's interesting and cute to see how Ariel met Flounder, how Sebastian became Triton's royal accountant, and what Ariel's life was like before the first film. They aren't questions we were begging to know the answers to, but they tell them in a way that makes you care. On top of that, there are some actually really funny holes here. Especially from Sebastian and Flounder’s band, Marina Del Rey, and her sidekick Benjamin. The band are a colourful bunch of comedic characters voices by great veteran voice actors and special mention goes to the antagonist and her sidekick. Whenever those two interact it's a joy. Especially from how they bounce off of one another. Marina, being a vain diva who bosses around the meek, cute, and not so villainous Benjamin who tries to talk her out of her plans. It's an enjoyable dynamic. I mean, the humor isn't always haha funny like it was in Cinderella lll. Yeah, Flounder’s beatboxing gag does get a tad irritating, and yeah there are some juvenile no less here and there, but for the most part it gets a good chuckle.
Marina Del Rey herself is very enjoyable. She's laughably vain in how much she enjoys being an evil doer, and it's clear her voice actress Sally Field is loving every second of the role and just eating it up every time She’s on screen. Though myself and a lot of other’s would probably agree it would have made much more sense if she was a younger Ursula. I mean, her personality is so similar and I get the same delight from watching her as I do from Ursula. It would also give a reason as to why Ursula was banished in the first place. There's a question many were probably asking that this movie doesn't deliver an answer to. I mean, nothing would change if this character was a younger Ursula. It’s a prequel. If anything, it would give her much more of a purpose as an antagonist. And I don't think a lot of people would have complained about Sally Field voicing a younger Ursula. I believe it would have worked fine. Minor nitpick, but I think it was kind of a silly choice to just have her serve as an antagonist from this film never to be mentioned after the events of this film as opposed to a younger Ursula.
Another element I love is the interactions between Ariel and her sisters. We barely know anything about them in the first film, so it was nice to see them all have fun together like teenage girls would. We learn more a little more about their individual personalities even if they are a bit stereotypical teenage girl ones. They're still fun to spend time with. Ariel and her friendship with Flounder and Sebastian is sweet as well. Once again, it's cute seeing how Ariel and Sebastian met and became best friends, and it's cute to see Sebastian acting as a sort of parent figure for them. It's a lot of fun to see him secretly disobey Triton's orders and have his own private music club dedicated to his love of it! It adds a more fun side to him that we didn't really see in the previous Little Mermaid films. You even feel sorry for him later on in the film when it looks like he may lose his chance at a position as Triton's attaché. Though is it just me or does Flounder does seem a tad out of character here? He was portrayed as this cowardly, shy young guppy before who liked hanging out with Ariel and having fun, but would quiver in fear at any real danger. He seems a lot more reckless and outgoing here. And where did the beatboxing come from? I mean, I guess I don't need to point out how beatboxing as well as songs like Shake Senora and the various dance and music styles shown in the film wouldn’t have quite caught on during the film's time period yet since it's Disney magic and all, but just an observation. Not too major, but I kind of felt there was something different about this Flounder.
The animation is very bright, colourful, and expressive. It's also fluid and has a lot of energy to it- something that was missing from Return to the Sea. Heck, just by some of the expressions alone you get a sense of the emotion a character is going through. The dance numbers are bouncy and fun, and I especially love the way the underwater physics and the water itself is animated. There's a lot of detail in both these elements that makes it so that the characters look like they are indeed underwater and part of the underwater environment rather than them looking like they're floating around in an animation of water. It’s obvious this film does a lot more with the character animation, art style, and environments then the sequel did.
The music is bouncy and fun too. Obviously not as grand as in the first film, but enough to keep your head bobbing along to it. Sure, Shake Senora is there despite the time period, but screw logic. It's Disney and it's a fun classic party song. Marina Del Rey even gets a fun musical montage and villain song number. That's always great. And the score manages to tap into your emotions as well.
So is it a good movie for anyone? Well, I don't know if I could say that. I mean, if you've fun youngsters, definitely out it on for them. I know a lot of kids will probably really like this one. I personally enjoyed it fine, though I'm not sure if I could say the same for everyone my age or older. Or even those in their teens. It all depends on the person. If you like cute, fun, sometimes emotional kid's movies with heart in them, if you're a huge Little Mermaid fan whose curious enough about this, or just like cute mostly lighthearted Disney films regardless of them being theatrical or direct to video, then give it a watch. Chances are you’ll enjoy it. If you don't fall into the categories, I don’t think this one is worth your time.
It's a cute, fun direct to video Disney Film that generally surprised me with how enjoyable it was. Even enough to give it a watch in the future. Not anything spectacular, but you don't expect it to be. Just a fun time killer or pick me up. And that's a lot more than I can say for Return to the Sea. If you’re a person with an open mind, give it a watch and see what you think.
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