#ok back to our normal broadcast
jyoongim · 3 months
Supeeerrr fluffy and cute!
The radio played in the background as you snuggled against Alastor. It had been a pretty long day and after his radio broadcast, the red demon came to your shared room to relax for the night. 
You were doing a crossword and Alastor was reading a book, it was pure bliss.
It must have grown late as the chiming of the clock rung through the hotel.
You let out a yawn and set your puzzle down and really cozied up to the demon.
”I think we should see Rosie for lunch, I heard she has inquired new flavors of pinkies and I am dying to try them” you said as you began to get comfortable.
Alastor let out a hum, seemingly to agree.
He was too busy soaking up the warmth your soft body provided, happily curling his limbs around yours.
Your fingers danced across his features, tracing his face, twirling his hair and playing with his ears. They flicked about as you tickled the fluff around them.
A soft shriek caught your attention and looking up you see Alastor’s shadow peering down at you.
The shadow had a happy smile on its face, flitting about the wall and finally following your movements on the wall.
You smiled and using your own shadow to curl around it.
Alastor cut his eyes to watch as his shadow practically had heart eyes as your shadow nuzzled his. You watched as they danced around the walls, before your shadow settled back in place and returned to normal.
Alastor’s shadow dawned a sad look, before sliding down the headboard and curling around you. You giggled at the buzzing feeling it gave, feeling the shadow squeeze you as it settled on your side of the bed.
Alastor sucked his teeth at the entity, making the shadow’s face etch into a wide sharp grin as it happily snuggled against you, purring.
You were always in awe at Alastor’s shadow. It rarely left its owner, but it was always willing to be by your side. Your own shadow manifested and the two chirped happily with hearts as they morphed together, cuddling themselves.
”Aww even our shadows adore each other” you said yawning, head leaning against Alastor.
He took a look at the shadows and watched as the two tangled together.
He nuzzled you, sighing as he felt sleep try to overcome him
”It seems so my dear. Seems even the shadows like a good snuggle every now and again”
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
hello!! I saw you mention your AU a few times, i'm really curious what it's all about! give us the lore 👀
OHOHO a chance to ramble about my hcs yes please and thank you ^-^
Gonna be a loooong post since I'm gonna use this as reference later too and maybe changed according to stuff that i add in
All game events all the way to between Monk and Rivulet is the same. Suns' failing to reach Pebbles, Pebbles' rot, Moon's collapse, and Sig reviving Moon happened.
After Moon's last broadcast during Spearmaster, Suns has spent all this time developing a Travel Puppet.
What's a Travel Puppet?
Another iterator puppet basically, one that is more equipped to move outside the can
It is powered by several neurons and a minor rarefaction cell.
Iterators transfer their sentient AI to the travel puppet to use it, but the Chamber Puppet MUST deactivate and the superstructure goes on Sleep Mode. This is done to prevent excessive water intake (like Pebbles' case when he ran multiple parallel experiments, it'll take alot of processing to have TWO puppets working)
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Travel Puppets does NOT replace or have the same functions as Chamber Puppets (ex. Moon)
Travel Puppets has limited memory, limited processing power, no telekenesis, and no access to the superstructure network. But as reinforced robots they are atleast strong and can still somewhat check in on their superstructures via overseers. This is also why I assigned them with weapons.
Travel Puppets are made with biomechanical parts without the self-destruction taboo or any related directives assuming the creator used fresh materials, therefore can be used to do restricted maintenance and modifications towards the superstructure.
Travel Puppets have no default template and later on each iterators can make their own puppets with different modifications and capabilities.
If a Travel Puppet breaks, the iterator can choose to transfer their AI back to the Chamber Puppet. If the Travel Puppet's cell is compromised it will explode.
So Suns used their new puppet to walk to Pebbles and try to get him to stop before fully succumbing to the rot. Mind you this is before Suns added the vulture wings and claws modifications.
Well it works (gonna write the confrontation at some point sobs). Pebbles stopped his experiments and later on used the Travel Puppet freedom to do install Subzero blast cooling modifications in an attempt to kill off the rot.
Everyone in the international sphere eventually hears the news about the loophole that the Travel Puppet brings and it became a widespread thing. You can assume that some finally can do life-saving maintenance on their structures or finally went off to ascend, our main cast continues to live because i want them to live out a normal life ok.
After they were able to repair themselves, the local group tried to help Moon rebuild her structure or salvage what's left before deciding it was too far gone. So Moon is given a permanent Travel Puppet to reside in and she loves to travel especially with scug colonies. For everyone else i'll still haven't thought of so I may update this post but you can assume they all do alot of visiting and travelling!
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floral-moon-light · 7 months
Ok, the entirety of Purgatory for the QSMP is now officially over, so I am going to talk about it and the Cucurucho streams and related media that has poped up! I'm not going to give a day to day rundown of Pergatory, so if you came for that I suggest instead going for the vods. Personally there was to much fighting, sound, and general chaos (along side the fact that the majority of the streams were long) for me to give a good recap of all the days.
However, I will give a timeline of events outside Purgatory; if you do not want to be spoiled about Cucurucho's actions or any related news, I suggest you look at the QSMP Twitter and Cucuruchos streams!
Ok, so timeline of the events on Pergatory and QSMP.
QSMP Islanders wake up on Egg island and are split into 3 teams: Bolas!?! Headed by Philza, Soulfire headed by Tubbo, and the Green Gay Ninjas headed by Etoiles. Where the teams would spend 2 weeks competing to try and save some of the eggs.
At the half way point (day 7 or 8) the Green Gay Ninjas team were eliminated, and roughly the same day we got the first of 2 streams with Cucurucho as our main actor. The stream at the beginning was just Cucurucho at his home going about his normal life outside of being in charge of the local Federation branch. However, during this we get the actual timeline of when this happened in the flow of Purgatory. The video that played while sending the islanders off the island played before Cucurucho's eyes and the bear was from the sounds of it confused on what was going on. Pointing to the fact that Cucurucho was either not kept in the loop, or that potential the broadcast was not actually the federations doing. After which Cucurucho gets an island report from a federation worker with glasses (which, cute) that points to a huge problem involving what we later learn is called the "shadow virus" before calling for a meeting with all available federation workers.
During this meeting we learn a few things (this is I no particular order). 1. The workers and guards are definitely scared from Cellbit's murder spree, but do not known it was him. 2. The coffee machine is broken and a federation worker is not happy about this fact or the fact they have to drink tea instead. 3. A worker reports that while the islanders were sent off because of matanance, they have lost complete contact with them likely due to a third party (-cough cough-eyeball man -cough cough-). And as such suggested sending someone off to try and gain contact and return the islanders to the island. 4. The scientific team has yet to figure out anything involving the black concrete 5. Fred is still missing and the federation workers are worried. 6. The code entities were trying to send out a signal... And the reporting federation member also mention a plan to fource all federation members to drink apple juice?
Honestly part of what the initial meeting showed along side all that was revealed was the individual personalities of all the federation workers. Something Cucurucho does not reprimand them for, instead just seeming to sigh at.
After this Cucurucho sets all but one federation worker/guard to go clean up the black concrete, with the last member being sent off to Egg island. Cucurucho also left a note for Forever asking to talk.
After this we a stream showing us the federation worker that was sent off on Egg island, infected by the shadow virus and seemingly being forced to help direct the team allocation of green between the two remaining teams, before the worker promptly drops dead.
We don't see the last Cucurucho stream till either the 17th or the 18th where in we are given a tour of part of the upper level of Cucuruchos home before He sets of back to the federation office for an update meeting with all workers not in the med bay or in a good enough state to preform tasks and talk.
We see that the office has been mostly cleaned up, but the shadow virus now infects the majority of the federation workers with one worker being infected by something else. Once in the meeting room, where a table had been set up closer to the podium a new set of reports was given (interrupted on occasion by Cucurucho getting distracted by lizards that are somehow in the facility.)
(also, new Cucuruchovoice lines!) the updated reports are: 1. There is still no progress on the murders, but it is very likely an Island member conducting the action. 2. All actions to try and trace the islanders have failed, and the worker sent off was also lost. While mentioning that the islanders left by a non-official route. 3. The eggs are still missing, and they have no apparent leads on what happened to them. As well as mentioning that the Eggs should not have been able to leave on their own... Also, the apple juice worker again says a plan to get all to drink it. 4. ... The coffee maker is still broken, and the worker seems to be going insane from the tea... 5. As well as a report of while cleaning resident homes of the black concrete finding code monster residual.
The last report was an unofficial one while the group checked out the progress on removing the black concrete... During this, Cucurucho fell into a deep hole that was left unfixed in front of the bridge to the president's office, leading to Cucurucho giving an exasperated sigh before saying "it's tough to be a boss sometimes". The unofficial report reports the biggest spot of the second virus problem, this time relating back to the code monsters and the code egg. Leading to samples being taken.
After this, while Cucurucho went to leave a note to Foolish with a guard and a single worker once of the little eyeball creatures from Pergatory (Luffy) sails into the area and Cucurucho has a brief interaction with them as the child reveals "purgatory" that something is happening with the residents, as well as the instigator of Pergatory. Eventually leading Luffy to be taken into custody to gain more information before Cucurucho goes home with the picture of the purgatory man as he questions who they are in relation to this incident.
After this the end of predatory happens where a tie is broken between the Bolas and soulfire team in Bolas's favor. After which the predatory man reveals they have a spy in their talks and tells them to play hide and seek with him. Bringing them to an area with a federation worker with a single eye before the eggs are revealed, as well as El Quackity being the spy. It is then revealed that the egg "choice" was a single egg chosen by luck, before a confrintation leads to the island creator setting off a nuke timber. That leads to most of the islanders not making it off? (certain. Need official channal information that might not be available till wensdsy if Phil can't get on QSMP tomorrow.)
Also, on the official twitter a video of Richarlison having survived the bomb is shown as well as a missing poster for... Cucurucho...
Whatever is going on has just made everything much more confusing.
Also, just an odd note, has the QSMP info canal logo changed to a black cucurucho face for anyone else (or... A white shirted man screaming?)? Or is this just me...
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Cody sobbed, curled on the couch as that, that- deer man, called for him. He was alone with Heatwave and Boulder at the firehouse, his lungs aching from running all the way from the Greenes lab through the tunnels. Boulder had grabbed him and fought off the demon, sealing them and Heatwave inside. Chase and Blades and the rest of Cody's family were stuck in town, unable to break through the shield Alastor threw over the firehouse.
"Cody. You know you belong to me."
"I- I swear, I didn't, believe me! I knew something was wrong, so I kept him away and signed nothing, ok, he shouldn't be here after I said no, why isn't he gone?" His voice shook, clutching the hand that was so close to sealing the deal, to taking thar monster's hand.
"Cody... we have business to settle. You did a very bad thing, almost gained a place with me. It's a shame you couldn't follow through. Your mother could."
His voice shook the walls, the sigils Boulder had painted out of habit over the garage doors glowed. They were just a superstition, something Charlie let him paint on a little after they had arrived. You could barely see them. The script was painted in almost the same color as the walls, but they held, the intention held, so until Pastor Mike arrived, and Chase broke through the barrier, Cody would be safe as long as he stayed away from the creature knocking on the doors, pleading to be let inside.
The man brought with him red rumbling skies, dark clouds, and an oppressive humidity to every breath taken. Alastor had taken Frankie as collateral, her mother's cross fastened around her neck, warning her of danger beyond the grave, that the old summoning board found in Charlie Burns' closet wasn't some old board game bought at the store.
No, it was the real deal, and poor Frankie paid the price. She was alive, but comatose, floating in a blood-red bubble above Alastor's head. He couldn't harm her, but could take Cody, for the reason of his conception.
Cody was the product of a deal.
The board was blessed by Catherine, Cody's mother, a pastor's daughter who knew her prayers forwards and backward, but knowledge of the Bible didn't protect her from Alastor in the end.
After all, Alastor was a faithful Southern Baptist in life, and hell didn't scare him, despite his dear mother's efforts.
The point was, he knew his prayers too.
Backwards and forward.
Alastor pounded on the garage doors, hearing the singular broadcast leaving the firehouse.
"Prime? Prime! If you are hearing this, get down here NOW. There's a pit beast at our doors, and he's here for Cody. We will be okay for a few days, but if the human priest can't banish it, you will have to step in, for Cody's sake. We can't fight it. Our faith is the only thing keeping it out of the firehouse. This is Heatwave of Sigma 17, signing off."
Alastor frowned. He's had many types of priests called him over the decades, but never a "Prime." He smiled wider. This could be fun.
Heatwave ran back downstairs, sitting next to his charge. Like it or not, if Cody gets dragged down, so will he.
"Cody, Catherine, oh, I love a matching set of sinners in my arsenal."
Alastor screeched, clawing at the doors again. No matter what he did, he couldn't shred the thin metal under his claws.
He leered through the big front windows, tapping on the glass with his microphone.
"What are you doing there, my lambs? Preparing for hell? Silly Silly tin cans, so willing to fall with him. I'll have you holding up the pillars of my hotel till the end of time for this little inconvenience"
Alastor threw his head back and howled with laughter, his curled antlers shaking.
The firehouse bell, a decommissioned church bell, rang loudly, the sound pushing Alastor back. It burned his antler down to its normal size, Alastor cursing in Latin as he backed away to recover.
"REALLY, CODY? You think a bell could stop ME?"
Inside, Cody shivered despite the heat. "I want my dad." He cried out, curling up against Heatwave's hand as he scooped him into his cab.
"I promise Cody, I will protect you."
The pounding continued, Alastor pulling back his antlers to avoid disturbing the bell again.
Chase broke through the shields, letting the pastor through while the others stayed behind.
"Ah! I was wondering when they would throw in a faithful lamb."
Alastor smiled wider, his grip on his microphone tightening. This was always the hard part. His own faith worked against him on this front, but he has succeeded in spite of it in the past, and this would be no different.
"Reverend Michael Rivers, correct?"
Mike said nothing, confirmed nothing. He couldn't risk anything. "Release the girl, then we will talk." He commanded, ignoring the whispers in his ears to stand down, let Alastor win- Alastor? "Your name is Alastor. Let the girl go."
The demon laughed.
"That's not how that works. But, I am feeling generous, and she's not the one I am looking for, so it's right to at least give you this. After I drag down both tin cans and my prize, it won't matter anyway."
Alastor threw Frankie through the shield, Blades catching her in the knick of time. She groaned, and coughed up black foam from her lungs.
Pastor Mike tried his best, using every trick he could think of to force Alastor to leave Cody be.
It wasn't his efforts that got Alastor to leave, but his own boredom.
"Well, this is going nowhere. No fight, no leverage. You won this round, but know that the Radio Demon always wins."
Alastor sunk into his portal, the shield disapating as he disappeared back into hell.
The sky cleared, birds chirping as life returned to normalcy.
Inside the firehouse, the air cooled. Cody sniffed and wiped away his tears as Chase opened the garage doors.
"Cody?" He called out.
"He's right here." Heatwave said, getting up off the floor. Boulder smiled and waved at him.
He had gone nonverbal during the fighting, and it would be a few days before he would speak more than necessary.
Charlie left the bots to babysit while the adults talked. Chase left to bring Frankie to the urgent care in town, since the cross she wore left a burn where it and the chain it was on touched her due to being surrounded by Alastor's magic. Dani drove, Graham staying with them.
"Why that - he got what he asked." Charlie sat at the kitchen table, wiping at his eyes. "He wanted our stillborn daughter's corpse for- for- I can't even understand why. He drank her blood and then made Cathy prepare her like a suckling pig - his words, not mine. He ate the entrails and guts, Cathy the meat. He made her eat it while I watched. He then sealed the rest in a coffin and took it with him. Two months later, Cody was concieved without issue. That was it. Nothing about Cody being his son."
Pastor Mike set his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. "You didn't know. Nobody knew. I didn't, and Cathy and I were thick as thieves. I will bless the site, leave you with some holy water, and crosses to put in your and Cody's bedroom. I know Boulder is going to retouch all the sigils and paint more where he thinks they would be beneficial. I want you to do the same with the crosses, paint them if you can't put them up."
Charlie looked up at him. "You think that would work?"
"I pray it does." He answered gravely.
"How about the bots? Are you worried that maybe something the prime does can disrupt what you did?" Kade asked. He chose to ignore the part about his mother eating his younger sister. That was a whole other conversation for another day.
"The difference between a piece of wood and a cross is the belief in it." Pastor Mike answered. "No amount on preaching I can do to the bots can help or harm them if they don't believe in it. If our neighbors downstairs believe that the prime can help, then in my mind, the prime will help my efforts, not stiffle it."
"Alrighty then." Kade said, not sounding convinced.
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kvetchlandia · 2 years
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Uncredited Photographer     Jello Biafra and Frank Zappa     1985
Frank Zappa's first impact on me was in ninth grade. We'd go to a friend's house near school during lunch hour, and roll on the floor laughing at the Mothermania LP on Verve. The all-too-true satire in the grooves gave us strength--it wasn't just OK to be a mutant, it was damn good fun. Terrorizing normal classmates with my very existence was something to be proud of. In high school, I joined the radio club that broadcast music into the cafeteria during lunch hour. Crushed when people didn't dig the obscure sounds we were trying to turn them on to, we started playing music designed to make them mad. Big band records dug out of the store room got a reaction, but not as much as the jocks storming the barred studio windows over "Brown Shoes Don't Make It." By then the Zappa fans (we all knew each other) had memorized every word on his albums. For drama class, I directed a stage adaptation of "Billy the Mountain." Due in no small part to Frank, my musical horizons expanded too: the avant-electronics on Freak Out, jazz and fusion on Hot Rats and Weasels Ripped My Flesh, symphonic forays on Lumpy Gravy and Uncle Meat, and seamless ventures into funk and progressive by the time of Roxy and Elsewhere. All crowned by Frank's fountain of humor. Those album covers! Those titles! When most rock trailblazers were running out of ideas, Frank had more and more. Without touching drugs, no less. In 200 Motels, he called his work "comedy music," but we knew better. I didn't truly grasp what a brilliant production wizard Frank was in the studio until Dead Kennedys' drummer D.H. Peligro played "Apostrophe" in the van late one night as we crossed the Canadian Rockies in a snowstorm. Here was Frank changing sound and atmospheres every 30 seconds and somehow making it all work--Phil Spector one minute, Roy Thomas Baker the next. I was floored. When Tipper Gore and her Religious Right pals sat across from their husbands and lied at the '85 Senate anti-music hearings, I couldn't believe it. No one fought back. When Frank finally took them on with his wit and fire and intelligence, it truly showed how out-of-it and spineless the rest of the commercial music industry is to this day. Everything Frank predicted about half-hearted '60s idealists in "We're Only In It for the Money" had come true. People thought I was crazy when I said Tipper and the Washington Stepford Wives were a Trojan Horse for the religious right and were out to bust people. Within weeks, it happened to me. Frank called my house (not the other way around) offering friendship and some very valuable advice, 'Remember: You are the victim. When you fight back, do it with dignity.' About the only silver lining from Dead Kennedys' Frankenchrist album obscenity trial was getting to meet Frank and come to his--well, let's call it a lab. Straight from the "True Cheepnis" monster movies he loved, there were loose wires and bits of equipment in the den, creeping out from under the couch. The Xerox machine was in the shower. A piece of metal collage from the Burnt Weeny Sandwich cover hung from a wall. My generation has not produced anyone the caliber of Frank Zappa. I see no one on the horizon even interested in mastering rock, jazz, classical, studio production, and above all intelligence and humor the way Frank did. Unlike most entertainment icons, he wasn't afraid to keep growing. When Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution came, Frank was energized. When he announced his candidacy for president to wake up our country, no one claimed it was to further his own career. Could he have been our Vaclav Havel? We need something like that in the worst kind of way. More likely it will take all of us, and a few thousand more, if we ever hope to fill Frank's shoes.
-- Jello Biafra, “Tribute to Frank Zappa”  1997
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Vol:13 - Looking back at the 25th Anniversary tour. 
*As soon as the wait screen appears, the sound of the director instructing Kaoru about the plan for the free half and the paid half can be heard. A few comments pop up saying, "We can hear you" etc, and the mics are promptly turned off until the official start time😅*
K: Hi, and welcome to The Freedom of Expression live on our Niconama channel. Im Kaoru from Dir en grey. 
J: Im Joe Yokomizo. 
T: And Im Tasai from Tokyo Sports. 
K: Its been a while since we were here. 
J: This studio? It has, yeh. Is this where we did the Christmas tree last year?
K: Was that last year? Yeh, last year. 
J: Was it this year?
T: It was last year, wasn't it? Eh?! Was that last year??
K: Eh? haha
J: It was last year, right?
T: Yeh, yeh. It was last year. 
J: Since covid though, don't you feel like its kinda hard to know what happened when over these last two years? Don't you like, lose a sense of it? Or is that just me getting old?
K: Hm, Im not sure. 
J: We did do the tree here though, right?
K: Yeah, we did. And we made that cake. 
J: We did! 
T: Oh, yes. 
K: And we made Takoyaki. It makes me think we are gonna eat whenever I come here. And we had all the Umaibos!
J: Was it here where we went up to the roof at New Year?
K: Oh, what was it?...Bubbles, and stuff. 
J: Was that here?
K: Yeah, I think it was. 
T: *reading comments* One year since the cake, that black cake.  
K: *notices the comments* Eh?! It looks like umaibo. (*there is a kind of wierd graphic in the comments*)
J: Woah. How do they do that? People are so creative. Ahh, the cake of darkness, yeh. 
T: That tasted good. 
J: Ah, memories, memories. Well, anyway, today we dont have any cake, or Christmas activities, but more importantly, Kaoru, congratulations on completing the 25th anniversary tour!
K: Thank you. 
J: So, the tour is now finished, after starting on October 25th and continuing nationwide. And you did one extra show on Dec 16th, with audience cheering allowed! I wonder if anyone who went to that show is watching now? I think a lot of the people watching us today will have gone to at least one show during the tour...Oh, whats that? Kaoru's mic is hitting his necklace? 
*Kaoru fixes his mic*
T: (*reading comments*) "Thank you for coming to Tokorozawa!"
J: Ah, "I went to Shinjuku". That has become a legendary performance. 
T: "It was so much fun!"
J: "At last, I could use my voice!" Ahh, keep sending in your comments. Oh, so by the way, the theme of this live broadcast is 'Tour 22: From Depression to____ After-Talk Special'!
J: Ahh, "I couldn't get tickets to Shinjuku", "I went to Sendai", "I went to Osaka and Amagasaki". Ok, so Leader, the tour is over, but first just give us a quick word on your feelings about it. 
K: Well, hmm, a lot of people came, so I'm really thankful to everyone who did. 
J: I see. Tasai, what would you like to ask?
T: Well, I went to Haneda. It was quite a different feeling there. It looked like you guys were having a lot of fun on stage, but how was it really for you?
K: Well...I'm gonna get a bit serious here, haha...Uh, well, normally we'd release an album, and do a tour, and the songs would be all kinda new, right? So as we do the tour, we'd be kinda gradually chasing the songs up to a higher level as we play them. But this time, we've already done all there is to do with these songs...It might sound strange to say it, but there is nothing higher to achieve with them. Plus, parts of them are ingrained in us, so we know exactly how they will flow out. 
J: You mean, you've perfected them live?
K: Yeah, so it wasn't really a case of 'How is this tour going to go?', but rather, 'How can we make each day exciting?'. So, that was actually quite difficult, haha.
T: Ah, like retaining your motivation?
K: Yeh, or like trying to decide which parts we need to spice up on each day, and stuff. It wouldn't be very exciting if we just played the songs the same old way as usual. I mean, even for us too. So we kinda fumbled along, trying to make each day of the tour exciting. 
J: I see, so if you have a new album out, your big goal is to perfect the songs live, but with these songs that you already know so well, you had to kind of set yourself new objectives, or missions for each day of the tour?
K: Yes. It also reminded me of my past self, well, in my playing style too, but also in my movements and stuff. It was almost as if my past self was trying to emerge, I remembered how I used to be on stage. It felt too different from my current self, and I didn't really want to go there. That was hard for me.  
J: Well, a live show is a bit like a documentary of current times, so in that sense, you didn't want to fall back into your old habits?
K: You could say that, for me. It was difficult anyway. 
T: What exactly do you mean by your past self emerging? 
K: Well, it could be anything. When I'm playing a song, the feelings I had in the past emerge in my body, you know? I mean, I don't know if thats actually how I really was, but, you know? 
J: It happens spontaneously, right?
K: Also, we had a bit of leeway with them this time, right?
J: Ah, yeh, because they are not new songs? 
K: So, I ended up feeling like I need to do something different with them. I could simply just play them as they were, but I did end up feeling like I need to do something with them. I had this kind of ongoing internal conflict in my head..'You don't need to change it, its fine', and 'Oh, you need to do something with this!'. 
J: Were there any parts of the tour where you really tried to challenge yourself with the old material?
K: Well, no, in that sense we put a group of recent songs in the middle of each set, then we put in the new 'ain't' after those. That was the part where we could challenge our current selves. So thats what we considered while making the rest of each setlist. 
J: I see. Someone asked, "How do you feel about the re-recorded versions?" Everyone is sending a lot of enthusiastic questions. But, I was gonna say, a live show happens in the moment, right? So you must have had a lot of incidents ocurring on tour, like in the dressing rooms, or in transit etc? Can you tell us about anything that happened during this tour? 
K: Now? Incidents?(*thinks*)
J: Yeah, backstage gossip. We wanna hear about it. 
K: Well, at Haneda, my amp broke. 
T: Which day at Haneda??
K: Day 1, during the rehearsal before the main show. (*To his manager off camera*) It was day 1 wasn't it? Yeah. So we had an emergency substitute brought in. Oh, no, actually on that day we just used a back up one that we already had, but we got a proper substitute in for the following day. I still havn't got mine back yet. 
J: Oh, its still being repaired?
K: Yeah. 
J: ???
K: Well, the staff did their best.
J: Ahh, I see. Well, this kind of thing can happen on tour. 
T: What about food? Did you eat anything nice?
K: Well, we went to Hokkaido at long last. I ate some nice things in Hokkaido. Well, there is good food everywhere though. 
J: Well yeah. What did you eat in Hokkaido?
K: Seafood...Uh, I had Shirako ponzu (*cod milt/sperm with ponzu sauce*)
J: Ahhhh, I wanna eat that!!
K: Hahaha
J: I couldn't go to any of the regional dates, I wanted to go to Osaka though.
K: They don't call it shirako in Hokkaido though, do they? What do they call it again? Tachi?
J: So like 'tachi ponzu'? 
K: Tachipon. 
J: Ahh, did you have sake with it?
K: No, I had a highball. Haha
J: You always drink highballs!
T: Thats the type of thing that would come up in a Kaoru quiz. 
J: Oh, will it?
T: Yeah, you have to remember this. 
K: For another time, right? haha. 
J: Yes, for another time. Thats the keyword to remember with Tachipon. Oh, look, some people are saying they went to Hokkaido. Well, we'll talk more about those details later, but for now the director is telling us to move to the next page. 
(*They all pick up thier notes and turn the page*) 
J: Ok, just notifications to read out. Uh, on this show we really, really welcome lots of comments and messages. Suppport, thoughts, feelings about the show, anything is ok, so please send them in. Twitter users can use the hashtag TFOE. The first part of this show is free for anyone to watch, but the second part is for channel members only. As a member, you can watch the live broadcasts in the archives for one year, and there are also members only videos for you to see, so please everyone...can you see the link at the top of your screen? Leader, point to it. Thank you. Everyone, please use this link to become a member and stay with us to the end. Ok, so for this 25th Anniversary Tour After-Talk Special, here is our first corner. "Ego-surfing for reports of the tour!"
T: Lets do it!
J: We did this once when the album was released, right?
K: Yeah 
J: Well we are going to do another forbidden search, now that the tour is over. Its scary, right?! Searching for yourself online. Eh, someone said  "Aghhh, don't do it!" No, we will do this live. Tasai is currently searching on the PC, but this same Tasai has an injured foot. 
T: Haha, sorry. 
J: What happened? Show us. 
(*Tasai lifts up a bandaged foot*)
T: Its embarrassing, haha. 
J: What happened?
T: I fell over. 
J: Where? 
T: In front of my office. 
J: Ehhh?! Were you drunk?!
T: No I was just setting off for home like normal, and there was a pothole in the road. My foot got caught in it and I fell over sideways. 
J: Honestly though, Leader, don't you think Tasai has gotten bigger? I think he has. 
K: Well, he looks big. 
T: Oh dear, thats not good. What should I do?
J: Whats your weight?
T: About 100kg. 
J: I bet it is, that sounds about right. You fall in a hole with that much weight, this is what happens! How embarrassing. 
K: (*Laughing at Joe*) How embarrassing? Hahaha
J: Look, someone said, "I want to nurse him"
T: Thank you. 
J: There are people like that out there! When you get guys like me laughing at your pain and embarrassment, there are still people out there who want to nurse you. Haha, someone said, "He's getting plump" haha, "Tasai is becoming a Titan". Oh, ok  yes, lets do some ego-sufing. 
T: (*Reading tweets*) Ok, whats this one..."ワシら(wasihra/us)"
K: Thats my tweet, haha.
T: Hahaha  
J: The first one you chose, and its Kaoru's?? Oh, right, Im being told to explain the hashtag. Right, yes. So what we are doing is searching on Twitter for tweets about the tour. We want to see the reports from people who went to see the lives. We are searching using the tag DIRENGREY25th, so if you havn't already tweeted your thoughts, do it now with this tag, and the injured Tasai may just pick up your comment. 
K: These tweets go right back to the start of the tour. 
J: There's so many, its hard to choose, right?
K: Should I do the scrolling (*takes over*)
J: Poor Tasai with his foot, he can't move much. 
T: Haha 
J: Well, if you remember when we did this with Phalaris, even if you write something now, it might still get seen. 
K: (*Reading a tweet*) "There were a load of songs from Vulagar and Withering to Death, it was a great setlist. I wish they had played The Final and Obscure though". 
J: Ahhh
K: Ahh, we didn't play those two on this day. We did on other days, just not this day. 
J: I see, yeh. It depends on the day. Well, later we will talk more about how every single day was different, the director is telling me. 
K: Haha, they weren't that different from each other. They were only a little bit different each time. 
T: You can talk about the reasons for the changes and stuff. 
K: No no, its not that we planned to change stuff, its just like I said before, we just needed to make each day more exciting by changing little things here and there. 
J: Oh, so you didn't have a big plan from the start to make each day totally different?
K: No no. 
J: It was just a little bit to keep up the excitement after each show. 
K: Yeah. 
J: So would you like, finalise or change up your setlists at the last moment?
K: On the same day?
J: Yeah. 
K: Well, we have done that...
J: Amazing!
K: Well, I mean, thats not really a big deal for us. haha. The staff will have to change a few things round for us, but thats about it. 
J: Ahh, I see. (*reading comments*) "Thats backstage gossip too". Right?
K: (*Looking at computer screen*) These are all tweets from Sendai. 
J: Did something special happen at Sendai? 
K: No, no, I mean, we've only scrolled as far as Sendai, haha. 
T:(*Reads out a tweet mentioning Rasetsukoku*)
K: Hm, yeh, we played Rasetsukoku each time. Im just gonna scroll right down...Ah still Sendai.
J: There are so many tweets for each live. 
K: There's still tonnes. Tasai, I was hoping you would have scrolled a bit further by now. Hahaha. 
J: Yep, there they are both, scrolling away. Are you past Sendai yet?
K: Uh, Zepp Sapporo. 
T: (*Reads out a tweet saying that Saku was the first song*). Ah, starting with Saku!
J: Yeh, I noticed a few days started with Saku when I saw the setlists. Im honestly a bit envious. Starting with Saku is epic, right?!
K: Really?
J: Yes. 
K: Actually, we started with Rasetsukoku for the first two days. 
J: Oh, really?! Thats the rule??
K: The rule? Haha, no, we just decided off the cuff. 
J: Oh, is that it?
K: Yeah. 
(*Louds noise blares out. Kaoru looks shocked and wide-eyed. The sound goes off, and then the video stops for several mins. A message pops up informing of technical difficulties*) 
K: Ok 
J: Ok, we're back! We did it!
T: We're back!
J: The tech staff got us back. 
K: That was quite scary wasn't it?
J: Yeah! Like 'Kyaaaaa' all of a sudden. 
T: It was like a screech from another world. 
K: I was pretty shocked. 
J: Someone in the comments asked if it was Kyo. 
K: Haha
T: Haha. One comment said that its because Joe was predicted many blocked paths this year. You remember our shrine visit?
J: Ah, maybe thats it. I was predicted that at the start of the year, wasn't I?
K: It was Tasai's mic acting up though  wasn't it? And then this huge noise exploded. 
T: As soon as I talked about my leg, it started doing stuff. 
J: Tasai, you need to be purified at the shrine, you have evil on you. 
K: We went at the start of the year though, right?
J: But if its Tokyo Sports there could be all sorts hanging around. 
T: No, but since I hurt my foot, my wife won ¥10000 on the lottery, and WestLand, who I'm reporting on, won the M-1. So there are a lot of good things happening around me. 
K: What about us(Dir)? hahaha 
J: There's nothing bad hanging around you! Ehh, what could it be? Well, at least we've got the sound back. What were we talking about before? Oh, Saku!
T: Yeah, Saku. 
J: Where was it? Hokkaido! Saku was the first song in Hokkaido. 
T: You need a lot of power to burst open with Saku though, right? 
K: What else did we say? About how we opened with Rasetsukoku only on those two days. 
J: Yeah, I think the viewers probably heard that. So continuing the search. Actually there was a question about Sendai...something about a sauna in the dressing room? Did you go in the dressing room sauna?
K: Ahhh, no I didn't. 
J: Oh, more background noise? There is definitely some evil hanging around. 
T: Is it me??
K: We didn't hear anything here, right? Its better now?
J: Ah, lots of ghost emojis..."Its Rasetsukoku" (*land of rakshasas*)
K: Well, I mean, weird stuff just happens to us a lot. 
J: Yeah, so we are probably ok, right? 
T: Anyway lets do this search. 
J: Yes, lets get on with that. Someone wrote, "Sprinkle salt around Tasai's leg"
T: Haha 
J: Someone bring us some salt!
T: Haha, yes please. Ok, now we are at Nov 18th which is Amashin..
K: While we were off air, we did some mega scrolling, haha. 
J: Yeh, the sound guy and you two were working hard, I was just sat here. Sorry, haha. 
T: Ok, here's a tweet. "The speed at which Toshiya crossed the stage during KR cube was incredible!" Do you remember this Kaoru?
K: Uh, I dunno. Haha. He's being doing that for years though, right?
T: Another one, "C straight after Merciless Cult was amazing!" What do you think? This song order is great on the album too. 
K: Yeah, we tried that. I think we only did that once though. 
T: (*Correctly reads out a tweet containing a few song names*)
K: Oh, you really do know the songs! Just from this?!
T: Yes (*reads the name Mamachen/Marmalade Chainsaw*)
K: You even know Mamachen!
T: Yes, because I listen to them. 
K: Oh, thank you. 
T: (*Reading more tweets*) "It was amazing beyond words", also, "Toshiya is really macho" etc. 
K: (*scrolling*) Joe, speak for a bit. 
J: Ah, ok. There are a lot of comments coming here, as well as the tweets, especially about Toshiya cutting across the stage, like his legs are so long he can cross the stage in three steps.
T: No way!
J: Thats was was written in the comments! There are lots of comments about Toshiya..."I was happy to see Die all in red"...."I thought Toshiya's body was 90% legs"
K: Hahaha 
J: That must be a joke. But people are saying its right! Someone wrote that you were chasing each other around the stage at Amashin. 
K: Eh?
J: Were you chasing each other? 
K: Uh, no. What does that mean?
J: Give us some more details people...Did you chase the other members around the stage? 
K: Oh, like following behind? Yeh.
J: "Kaoru and Shinya chased Kyo"
K: Ahhh, yeh.
J: Also, "Kaoru's paper airplane"
K: Oh yeh, I did that. Where was that again?
J: Osaka? 
K: Yeh. I folded the setlist into a paper airplane while I was on stage, but my folding technique was a bit off. I folded it like this (*demonstrates with notes*), so it just flew in a vertical drop as soon as I threw it. Haha
J: It didn't even reach the audience??
K: It fell in the space just infront of the audience. 
J: Ah, someone just said it was Osaka day 2, the paper airplane story. If you guys have any other events from the tour that you want to know about, please send a comment...."The towel throwing was also great". Did you throw it far, Leader? 
K: Well, it flew. 
J: Oh, someone said the water bottles and towels flew as far as the second floor at Hatch. 
K: If you throw the water bottles right, they do go quite far. 
J: To the second floor?
K: Yeah. 
T: (*scrolling*) I think I've reached to the newest tweets...."I made so many memories, it was amazing. My neck is sore"..."I was glad they played Saku and Kodou"...Where is this? Hm, maybe Hatch day 2..."The 25th anniversary tour was great! KR was so much fun, and I've always wanted to hear songs like Wake, Drain, and Jessica live, so I cried a lot during the show"
K: Well, songs are like that. Each person has their own particular meaning and memories attached to each song. So yeh, I can understand that. 
T: It seems like there were a lot of songs from earlier albums. 
K: Well, that was decided by the song battle which Fujieda did. Sitting and talking by himself all that time, haha. But we tried to just include most of the highest ranking songs from that. The songs that we chose ourselves are actually very few. 
J: Ahh. "The mistake at the start of Jessica was also good" Did you make a mistake?
K: Yeah 
J: They spotted it. 
K: Well, we stopped the song. 
J:Oh! Please write where that was if you saw it, guys. "Thank you for spraying water on me, Kaoru". 
T: "The excitment was crazy with Rasetsukoku at the start". That must have been one of those two lives. 
K: Yeh, people like that song.
J: They really do. "Citta day 2"? Ahh. 
T: Also "They didn't play 'I'll' after all". A fan sent this with a crying emoji. 
K: Well, well, well...hahaha. 
T: Ok, I get you, haha. 
J: "I love Rasetsukoku so much, I want it at the start and the end!"
K: Nah...I don't think so, hahaha. I'd want a different song. 
J: Yeh, we get that they love it, but we need variety too. 
T: "Happy Birthday to my favourite guitarist, Die"
K: Ah, yeh, it was his birthday yesterday. 
J: Happy Birthday Die. 
T: Yes, Happy Birthday. Hm, what else can I find here.."It was so emotional at Shinjuku Blaze"
K: Oh yeh, it was the first time in ages for me to go to Kabukicho, the last time was for that talk event we did in Loft. 
J: Oh yes, that was 4 or 5 years ago, right? Ah, but Blaze, yes. 
K: Yeah, Kabukicho really doesn't suit me. Hahaha. 
J: Its so garish, right?
K: Well, it felt kind of dirty. 
J: Ahhh, yeh. 
K: Like, people lined up everywhere,  drinking. I know people do that from the daytime in Ueno and places too, but Kabukicho has a kind of slimy feel to it. 
J: Yeah, Shinjuku is unique. Uneo and places are different. 
T: People are commenting about Tōyoko (*トー横 - An area in Kabukicho*). 
K: Yeh , it was next to Tōyoko. 
J: But this was the first 'cheering allowed' live in ages, right? How was it?
T: Yeah, I wanted to go. 
K: Well...it was a step in the right direction. 
J: Yeah. So cheering was allowed from when the members appeared on stage?
K: Yes 
J: Ahh, somebody write how it felt in the comments! Well, as Leader said it was the first step. Uh, we will talk more about the setlist in the second half. Ah, someone said, "I cried". Well, of course yeh, its been a long time. 
T: (*Reads out a couple of tweets praising the Blaze live*) 
J: Oh, but that moment where the lights go down and everyone screams, right? 
K: But at first, when the lights changed, everyone clapped. 
J: Oh, out of habit? 
K: Yeh. Then when Shinya went out, he was the first out...thats when the cheering started. Well, as far as I heard.
J: Ah yeh. "I wanna scream their names". Yeah, people who couldn't go to Shinjuku will be feeling this. People really want to know whether cheering will be allowed at the tour next year?
K: Well, with current circumstances, the answer is no. It depends on each venue. A lot of them are saying that cheering is allowed at half capacity, which would be a bit tough for us. But if they say cheering is allowed at full capacity...well, I don't know yet. But for now, no. 
J: Its not really something a band can decide on their own, right? It depends on the venue and the region, but im sure people will understand. Anyway, we had a bit of a break earlier, but we are now at the end of the first part of the broadcast. I think we've made up for the part that we lost earlier. In the second part, we will take a much closer look at the setlists from the 25th Anniversary tour, so please join us for that. As was mentioned a bit earlier, each setlist was different!
K: Haha, I don't think thats such an impressive thing really though. 
J: Oh no no. Im not sure if the audience and the performers feel the same about this, but changing just one song can change the whole atmosphere, right?
K: Well, that is true, yes. 
J: So its really exciting for the audience, if they compare it to previous shows. You may even see setlists from the shows you went to, so please send in any questions you like. Ok, ill just inform you of how you can watch part 2. The next part is for channel members only, so you have to be a member if you want to watch to the end. Then you'll be able to watch this broadcast in the archives for a year, and we also have members only videos for you. In these we set various challenges for ourselves. There are some funny ones and some more serious ones. Ok, here's how to join. There should be a blue link at the top of your screen. Leader, point to it please. Thank you. Leader's fingers are on the move. If you click this link you will get a payment method screen. Thank you for pointing sideways, Leader. Choose you preferred method, click proceed, and then enter your info. Its really simple, so if you haven't already joined, please do so to stay with us to the end. Ok, Leader, before we switch over, do you have any announcements you'd like to make?
K: Announcements? 
J: If you have any. Its ok if you don't. 
K: Hmm, do I have any?
J: Haha, I don't know. For example, TheTheDay stuff, or something?
K: TheTheDay is the day after tomorrow. 
T: How about what you will eat tomorrow morning or something? haha
K: Should I really announce that? haha. 
J: I think you could. 
K: I haven't decided yet, haha. Oh, just earlier...today we were rehearsing for the New Year festival, and I had a bit of time before coming here, so I got some ramen, but the soup was lukewarm. It was so disappointing. 
T: Hahaha
J: Ahhh, what a shame for your post-rehearsal ramen!
T: Thats quite an important announcement. 
J: Yeah, it is. 
K: I was disappointed. 
J: Yeah. What will the New Year festival be like? Well, you probably can't say anything, right? 
K: Nah. Anyway, we don't even have a timetable yet. 
J: Well, we can look forward to it. Someone asked what kind of ramen you had?
K: Soy sauce type. 
J: Is that your usual type?
K: No, I like miso, soy sauce, tonkotsu, anything salty, but I guess if im trying a place for the first time, i would choose soy sauce. 
J: Ahh, but still, the sauce was lukewarm. Well, lets get rid of your disappointment and cheer you up in the second part. 
K: In Hokkaido I had miso ramen. It was the first time in absolutely ages to have ramen in the middle of the night after drinking. 
J: Ah, but I guess you didn't care much if you were drunk?
K: I wasn't that drunk though. 
J: Was it like, you went straight in without having to wait in line?
K: I did have to wait. 
J: Oh, you did? Ahh, someone wrote "ramen report". Maybe we will have to do that next year. Ok, we will stop here to switch over. The change over screen will appear for a moment, so members hang tight. See you in part 2 for more 25th Anniversary tour talk!
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seongminiz · 7 months
vampire!minhee 📝 — 🛹
never a day of peace on thsi account stop attacking me
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no bc ..
VAMPIRE!MINHEE ?!!???!!??!!!
like i already think normal minhee would have an oral fixation And a biting kink but VAMPIRE MINHEE ???!!??????
ok back to our regular broadcast uhhh
im so normal i swear (im not) im trying to come up with a normal thought but im struggling
vampire!minhee whos so possessive n doesn't just bite u to feed off ur blood but also to mark u to make sure everyone (human or not) knows u r off limits
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literally started kicking my feet n punching the air i need to be sedated or completely put down
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chynandri · 7 months
New Start GO! 🌸 Anniversary 1
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Three days later. Fourth day of the work experience
Mitsuru: Nii~chan Nii~chan! Look at this computer! I didn’t even do anything and it broke!?
Nazuna: Shh~ Don’t yell, Mitsuru-chin. The computer is processing data. It looks like it just froze, that’s all.
It’ll be back to normal in a moment. You can calm down a little.
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Mitsuru: I-I understand. Deep breath…… hhh, hhhuu♪
Oh oh. It’s working! As expected of Nii~chan, you’re really handy with these things!
Nazuna: I guess so, after all I had a lot of opportunities to use tech in the broadcasting committee~ Makoto-chin taught me too, so when it comes to computer problems I have some idea of what to do.
Why don’t I help Mitsuru-chin enter the data? I’ve mastered work like accounting during our unit activities.
Mitsuru: Ah, really? Then please help me!
In exchange, I’ll go make some tea for Nii~chan and everyone♪ I’ll deliver it to the office and program staff, and Anzu nee-chan too!
Please and thank you, Nii~chan! Dash~♪
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Tomoya: Ah, with that he dashed to the kitchen.
Though I appreciate him going to make tea for us, it’s best that he actually learned the basics of using a computer…..
Ahh, he’s not even here so there’s no point saying anything.
Mitsuru’s weaknesses and strengths are really obvious, huh~?
Hajime: Haha, I think it’s really because Mitsuru-kun’s personality is so upbeat that he’s able to boost everyone’s team spirit and get along with them.
Because we’re so focused on work itself, we don’t think about this aspect at all.
Nazuna: It’s using everyone’s talents to their fullest, I guess~ These past few days we’ve tried out various departments and everyone’s strengths were demonstrated.
Mitsuru-chin was extremely active in the sales department, while Tomo-chin was outstanding in the general affairs department, right?
On the first day I was hesitant and anxious, but now everyone’s shown that they can contribute in various ways. It’s a relief.
Hajime: It is. There’s two days left, let’s keep up this attitude and continue working hard♪
Tomoya: Mn. Let’s make ‘New Start GO!’ an exciting program-
Alright. Let’s stop chatting and get back to work?
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Mitsuru: Not good not good! This is bad~!
Tomoya: What’s wrong? You rushed over here all blue in the face…. is there another problem?
Mitsuru: Mhm. I was just at the kitchen, and there’s a young employee crying in there!
I was a little worried, but if I asked what’s wrong by myself I might’ve made him mad - so I came back to tell everyone!
Nazuna: So that’s it. Crying in the kitchen…. it’s hard not to worry about him.
Can we do something for him? Honestly, I know it’s a bit meddlesome, but who knows if the other person has something he can’t figure out.
Tomoya: You’re right. That person purposefully hid somewhere to cry in secret, so that means he could open up to us outsiders more easily about what’s bothering him….
If we can help him out, I wanna listen to his troubles.
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Hajime: Anzu-senpai, please agree with us.
Hiding away to cry by himself, it’s a lot like how I was in the past. He shouldn’t be left alone.
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Ten minutes later
Hajime: A-are you ok….?
Ah, don’t force yourself. You can respond when you’re feeling calmer.
Tomoya: It’s cold out, so Mitsuru and I will go buy some coffee or tea. Maybe drinking something warm will help you feel better.
Mitsuru: If there’s anything else you want, we’ll get it for you too~ We’ll leave listening to your worries to the experienced Nii~chan and Hajime-chan!
Nazuna: Thanks for being considerate. After all, if everyone’s gathered here it might be hard to open up.
I remember you’re the- let me think, a new employee at the PR department, right?
If there’s anything you want to share then please let us listen. Even though we may not be reliable, sometimes if you just get it off your chest, you’ll feel a lot better inside.
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Nazuna and Hajime: ………
Hajime: (Looks like this person still won’t open up to us outsiders about his troubles.)
(We thought that maybe the issue would be hard to discuss in the office, so it wasn’t a bad idea bringing him to the park nearby. But I feel like we’re still falling short.)
(What do you say in a situation like this….. is it ok if we just quietly wait?)
(Uuu. An idol and an office worker are two different positions. Maybe he doesn't feel like we’re suitable to confide in.)
(But, I really want to do something for this person-)
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Nazuna: ….. Pardon me.
If it’s not a bother, maybe we can talk about ourselves?
Hajime: Nii~chan….?
Nazuna: Sorry. I felt that it might be embarrassing for you if we just silently sat here.
If we talk about some of our experiences as Ra*bits, or some ridiculous stories about the idol industry, maybe it’ll close the gap between us.
Hajime: You’re right. If you’re not against it then please listen to us.
Even though the positions of an office worker and an idol are different, Ra*bits were rookie idols who have been through a lot of failure…
If our failures can make you laugh, then our experiences won’t be a waste then.
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Nazuna: “It’s ok”? Then we won’t hold back♪
Let me think~ where should we start, Hajime-chin?
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
What's the deal with the Irish broadcaster?
BUCKLE UP i’m so glad someone asked
ok so i’m gonna bullet point this. it may be long
• it was revealed a couple of weeks ago that RTÉ (raidio teilifis eireann/ radio television ireland - our national broadcaster payed for by the taxpayer) had under-declared the earnings of Ryan Tubridy
• who is Ryan Tubridy you ask? he’s the host of a radio show but more importantly, he used to host our Late Late Show for years (ireland’s longest running and most famous talk show)
• IMPORTANT INFO: Tubridy stepped down from his role as host in March
• it is revealed by an audit report that RTÉ had been making secret payments to Tubridy even though he had promised to take a pay cut. because he had been earning upwards of €400,000
• his secret payments amounted to an extra €345,000 of TAXPAYER MONEY
• keep in mind ireland is a tiny, tiny country and our media and journalism landscape is so small. competition is basically zero and nothing justifies that much money
• also quote unquote normal RTÉ employees are paid dirt and all had their pay slashed in recent years and have shite benefits and so are justifiably raging that a man who only worked a few hours a week as a presented gets this much fucking money in secret all because he’s a big name “talent”
• under questioning by the government last week, waaayyyy more drama is revealed: RTÉ made a sketchy sponsorship deal between Tubridy and Renault to sneak money to him without it showing up on company accounts, RTÉ used a barter account (complicated, basically a third party/secret account) to get concert tickets, rugby tickets, and CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL tickets to their board members. all with taxpayer money
• it is revealed today that there are MULTIPLE barter accounts
• all this is happening while RTÉ shut down regional radio stations and refuse to pay their journalists a living wage
• RTÉ knew there was a storm coming back in early March, and people are theorising that’s THAT is why Tubridy stepped down. greedy coward
• RTÉ’s CEO also promptly resigned a couple of weeks ago and the whole board is trying to blame stuff on her
• oh also there have been some succession-like moments in the questioning sessions last wednesday and thursday, including when RTÉ’s CFO didn’t know what his salary was
• basically the entire country is gonna refuse to pay their TV licence now in protest of how our money is being used to sneak more money into the pockets of people who are already earning more than ordinary people make in a decade
here is a quick article with more detail than my tired brain can provide: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41172604.html
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aspenwriter · 2 years
Bloody Ann: Chapter 4
(CW: Violence, Smut, Torture)
If I were to compare the situation I was in right now, I'd say it was very similar to a medieval court.
We had our Queen, Anastasia I of House Rayne, sitting in her throne (an executive level office chair) attending to her supplicant peasants. We had an interminable row of people entering the HQ asking for a myriad of things to be done for City 43. Queen Anastasia heard all of them patiently, while I, the royal scribe, annotated diligently.
Now, the thing was, Ann was quite affectionate with me. Petting my head and stroking my back very frequently as I tried to work. And of course, everyone saw it. I could hear them whispering to each other, and oh I could see the tabloids speculating already.
I desperately needed something interesting to happen. Three hours of hearing supplicants. God someone put me out of my misery.
And then something interesting happened.
This woman climbed up Ann's desk. She was tall and buff, probably a construction worker, with a black pixie cut. There was she looked at me with pity, and disdain. And she looked at Ann defiantly.
"Leave us alone Rayne!" She proclaimed "we're not scared of you!"
If Anastasia was bored, if somehow the endless stream of supplicants had crushed her spirit a bit, that feeling dissipated immediately. She laughed. Loudly, mockingly.
"And who are you to make demands to me, speck?" She asked, wiping a small tear from the corner of her eye amidst the laughter.
Yeah, who the hell did she think she was?
"Does it matter bitch?" The woman replied defiantly. "Do you think I will give you the pleasure of entertaining your sick mind!?"
"You're already entertaining me sweetheart, that's for sure" Ann said, resting her head on her lowered arms to be almost at eye level with the woman. Then she… began sniffing around her.
The woman still stood defiantly, but I could see her closing her eyes as Ann got closer and closer.
"You… smell funny, speck" Ann said, almost as a whisper. I was captivated by the scene. I needed to know where this was going.
Oh god, did I…
Did I want to see Ann doing something horrible?
Holy shit I did. The fucked up shit she does… It's hot.
OK OK I will confess. I've spent every free hour since we slept together looking at her social media posts… and broadcasts of her delivering the Director’s justice.
I will confess that thing she did with the gang leaders, well it was true, she did deep fry then alive. She looked gorgeous doing it. As gorgeous as she looked intimidating this random woman.
Ok that's enough of me daydreaming about her, back to the show.
"I don't know what you're talking about" said the woman to Ann's comment.
"Yes. You. Do." Said Ann. "Otherwise you wouldn't have said that. What are you hiding? Do I need to pick you apart to find it?"
Did she mean that literally? Oh please do.
"I will not say anything to you, tyrant!" Screamed the woman.
"Oh, you will" whispered Ann. And immediately her open palm came crashing down like if slamming a bug. The woman screamed. Ann most probably broke some of her bones.
And then, she pulled something out of a drawer, a strange device consisting of a needle and a screen. She injected it, uncharacteristically carefully, on the woman's back. The device turned on, and numbers, symbols and data started appearing on its screen.
"Ohhhh, so that was the smell, little one…" Ann said, tasting every word like some sort of candy. "Pounds of pills filled with poison inside you".
The woman started sweating profusely.
"You didn't ingest them, of course… you're packing enough to kill a normal sized person" Ann said "If I had to take a guess…"
Anastasia grabbed the woman with the same hand that had restrained her, and lifted her up. With her other hand's sharp nails, she cut through the woman's vest. Revealing a huge, recently stitched scar on her abdomen.
Ann laughed again, longer, genuinely amused. "Oh dear… did you really think I was going to fall for it?" She asked.
The woman was silent, Ann smashed her down on the table again. Her mood radically changed from amused to outraged.
Oh please scream like that more often.
The supplicants on the row backed, the woman screamed in pain and I didn't move an inch. I wanted to see. I wanted to see whatever punishment awaited this random woman.
"You walked here, trying to bait me into eating you, so you could get all that poison inside my belly did you?" Ann said, with a grin. Her mood returning to amusement.
"We… ughhh" tried to say the woman, amidst her pain. "We…"
"Ugh, you're in a pathetic state" said Ann with disdain. "Lilibeth!"
She called to me!
"My lady!" I said, standing up. It's true we were on a first name basis already, but I had to keep appearances even if Ann wasn't going to. Also, she's still my hierarchical superior here. "What do you need?"
"Call the doc, make them extract the poison out of this bitch and then send her to our quarters for interrogation, I want to handle this personally"
Our quarters!
Anastasia sighed and sat down, still clutching the now desperate woman in her hands until the medical team arrived on a drone and sedated her. She took a glance at me during that ordeal. I could only respond with a look.
A look that said: I'm going to watch my giant girlfriend rip you apart.
Believe it or not, we attended supplicants for two more hours. Nothing stopped the wheels of government, not even a lousy assassination attempt. When Ann announced that petitions to the authority will resume tomorrow, there was still a long line in waiting.
Anastasia picked me up and raised me to her shoulder, where I sat comfortably. Interaction with normal sized people is always a thrill, no matter how mundane, but this was another level. The Director already carried me sometimes from place to place but never on her shoulders. It felt like riding a moving skyscraper. A walking castle.
"What did you think of that, Lilibeth?" She asked, turning her head to me.
"Attempted magnicide is a serious thing" I replied.
"It is… I fear little Lydia has left our City infested not with simple rioters, but an actual rebel organisation"
"An entire organisation?" I asked.
"A capsule of the things the docs found inside her would have killed you. They found enough to kill me. Someone supplied her".
"Do we have any suspects?"
"Oh, that's what we're going to find out, my pet" she said, smiling gleefully as she entered our room in the HQ.
There, she awaited us.
The woman was trapped inside a transparent jar on the kitchen's table. Ann gleefully sat down at the counter, me still on her shoulder, and opened the jar, letting the woman fall down on her back.
"So the docs got you all prepped for me!" Ann said cheerfully "they even got your whole info via your biometric registers"
The woman was still defiant. Although shaken.
"It says here your name is Mia Brown. 32, a healthy 3 inch and a half…" the woman scoffed at the mention of her height. "From a middle class family, school dropout, suspected of radical thought, now construction worker for the Rayne Public Works Consortium"
Mia stood up. "I'm not saying anything".
"You won't, but Lisa will" Ann said.
That made Mia freeze.
"Ohhhh, yes, I know about her" Ann said. "In fact, give me a sec…" she shoved Mia back in the jar and set me down on the counter.
She then planted a soft kiss in my head and said "take care of Mia while I'm gone, alright Lilibeth"
"I… will!" I replied a little surprised by the kiss.
"That's a good girl! I'll be back in half an hour, if my calculations are correct"
Ann left me in the table and left the room. As soon as she did, Mia tried breaking the glass with the weight of her body. And looked at me with some eyes injected in blood.
"You monster! DON'T TOUCH LISA!" She screamed at me.
"Hey, I don't know who this Lisa person is, keep quiet" I said.
"Don't tell me to keep quiet you pet!" She barked.
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I said, somewhat arrogantly I must admit.
"You're nothing to them. Amusement, at best. They don't see you as human and yet there you are, playing along their stupid god fantasy" she said "They literally stomp over the human spirit and you gladly offer your face to the boot and thank them for it"
I'm not gonna lie, I would let Ann hover her boots above me.
"And yet, from my point of view, I live a happy life, while you're in a jar" I said.
"And you aren't?" She replied.
I didn't reply. I stood there for ten minutes without looking nor talking to Mia. Was it true? Did I lack any agency in this relationship?
Then Ann came back, holding a brunette girl firmly in her hand. Mia's eyes let tears drop, as she whispered a simple "no…"
"Well well well… I thought you two had broken up" Ann said. "Or at least that's what little Lisa barked at the enforcers that took her, I heard she put on quite a fight and she cursed like a sailor, I wonder why she's been so quiet since I picked her up at the helipad then…"
"Please… please don't do anything to her…" Mia said, almost whimpering.
Ann sat back and, same as with Mia before, slammed Lisa on the table with the palm of her hand. The brunette screamed in pain. I sat down on the floor (Well, the kitchen's table actually) and watched the spectacle.
"Listen to me, Mia" Ann said "you're gonna tell me about your rebel friends or you'll have to watch your cute little girlfriend's limbs break one bone at a time"
"I… I…." Suttered Mia.
Ann's finger came for Lisa's left arm. She started pulling, slowly. I heard her muscles stretching. I heard Lisa begging. And I heard Mia screaming a name.
"Tch, tch, well, whoever this General person is, they should have sent a suicide agent with no loose ends" Ann said. "Tell me about them Mia, now"
"She operates on sector T9…" Mia said, defeated. "I've… only seen her once, when she thanked me for my bravery"
"Quite an interesting friend you had there… what organisation she runs, huh?"
"The Torchbearers" Mia said, amidst a whimper.
"Oh, interesting, I thought they'd been disbanded…" Ann said. "Is that all?"
"It's all I know I swear! I'm just a footsoldier, I now nothing about the upper command I swear!"
"I believe you" said Ann. "And therefore, you're of no use to me, neither is your little girlfriend"
Ann picked Mia and Lisa up, and held them in her clutches. She took a moment to appreciate the pair. I had no possible means of understanding the purpose of it. Was it pity? Disdain? Disgust?
She left them both on the floor. Near her right foot. I peeked out from the table to see what was happening.
Mia and Lisa were hugging and crying, apologising to each other. Mia kept telling Lisa that everything was going to be ok. But I looked at Ann and knew that wasn't going to be the case by a longshot.
But just as her foot was about to go down on the couple, I yelled.
"Huh? Lilibeth?" She said, turning to me.
"I know attempted magnicide and association with a terrorist are two things that deserve death… but I beg you, don't crush them"
"And why shouldn't I, my dear?" She asked, genuinely curious.
I confess I was acting just on sympathy for the couple. I didn't know a reason for Ann to spare them. I had to act quick.
"Mia was ready to die anyway" I improvised. "Killing her is no true punishment.
"I see…" Ann said, biting her thumb, thinking.
"And Lisa, didn't directly threaten you, killing her will be unsatisfying!" I bluffed.
"I… suppose you're right Lilibeth"
Holy shit. Did it work?
"I suggest" I continued "that Mia should attone by living the rest of her life in your service. If she was so ready to die to see you gone, a life under your shadow will be poetic justice!"
"That's actually a great idea Lilibeth!" Ann said, with an ear to ear smile.
"As for Lisa, she wanted to cut off ties with Mia, if we believe her, and she used that as a defense… so as punishment… she should remain the rest of her life with Mia, a slave of your needs too!"
"You're getting pretty good at this pet! You make this young woman proud!" Ann said.
She slammed her foot on the floor, barely millimetres away from the couple and said:
"Listen up you lovebirds! My dear Lilibeth thinks killing you would be a waste of two healthy slaves, so I'm keeping you here. You will spend the rest of your lives at my service, you will answer first to me and second to my pet! And you will thank her every day for the rest of your sad, pathetic lives that you're alive because of her intervention alone" she proclaimed. "Now kiss my fucking shoe while you thank me for being so nice to you two! That's an order!"
Lisa scurried away to Ann's shoe, I've never seen anyone so relieved and terrified at the same time. She thanked, and spilled almost an epic poem in praise of her new owner. Mia too, went and kissed that giant shoe, she thanked Ann, but every word coming from her mouth was like I was seeing her vomiting her soul.
"Good job little ones!" Ann said. "And great idea my pet!"
I couldn't believe it. I actually influenced her mind. I was of actual value to her. I was a partner.
Her index finger came to pat me. I let it, of course, but as soon as Ann began to pull it away I grabbed it, pulled it down and hugged it. Of course I didn't have the strength to pull it down, she just let me. I was now rubbing myself against her digit.
She looked down at me, blushing.
I looked up. She was biting her lips. I was sweating. Shaking even. And then I dropped the bomb.
"Let's fuck, let your slaves watch"
Anastasia Frederica Rayne, the most powerful woman on Earth besides the Director, let out a long moan.
"I love you, Elizabeth" she said, and carried the three of us to our bed.
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bakurapika · 2 years
because no one asked, here is my testimonial about ocd and gayness
when i was a kid i was raised conservative evangelical homophobic etc and was also diagnosed with ocd around age 11. i also had undiagnosed depression/adhd/autism but i didn't know that. i currently identify as nonbinary and i like women, but for most of my adult life, identified as a lesbian. ok background covered
one ocd symptom is having intrusive thoughts, which is when you have sudden thoughts that are upsetting and gross to you. I still have these. Think of sudden gory fantasies about hurting your favorite animal or disturbing sexual imagery or slurs etc. This is a normal thing for ocd and does not make you a bad person. In my religion, there were some thoughts you could have that were "unforgivable sins" and that was a treat to try to get around. I had a full-time job as a brain censor.
So given all this, it's not surprising that I had some intrusive thoughts about being gay, but also some regular thoughts about being gay (because I was gay and didn't know it). I remember looking this up at the time and finding some relatively good internet advice - a gay guy was interviewed about this and said that for him, gay thoughts weren't gross and didn't cause distress. That's how to distinguish between intrusive gay thoughts and actually being gay.
Of course, this didn't account for internalized homophobia, but I don't think any internet article could have fixed that. It wasn't until I left Christianity for other reasons (I just didn't believe in it tbh. It seemed like the odds of Christianity being true were too small, so I was officially agnostic) that I had the Gay Revelation. I had to make a conscious choice when I had those intrusive thoughts - I realized that the reason I was homophobic was Christianity. I was no longer Christian. Therefore, why should I be automatically homophobic? (I didn't know any gay people or even pro-gay people, except a few friends online that would share occasional yaoi. So this was a genuine realization I had to come to.)
So now, with the intrusive gay thoughts, I started reacting to them calmly, like "Is this a real emotion I'm feeling? Because if so, it isn't bad. And if not, I can ignore it without censoring it." (By censoring, I guess I mean that I would try to bury that thought with other ones, thinking repeatedly about how wrong the original thought was - I also have OCD rituals to this day that include prayer to "cancel out" any negative thoughts.)
The result was me coming out, but it wasn't especially traumatic. I think some of those gay thoughts were genuinely intrusive thoughts, but it was impossible to distinguish them from regular attraction. It didn't help that I had almost no sex education either - I used to be jealous of boys because at least they could tell when they were aroused. (I went to counselors for OCD as a kid and teenager, but they would ask me if I had any traumatic experiences. What Christian counselor would be like "ah yeah, the Jesus shit is messing you up"?) I'm still unpacking a lot of that - heck, I used to try to be covered up as often as possible because I believed that our deeds and thoughts were being recorded at all times to be broadcast to everyone who had ever existed on Judgement Day. This was supposed to scare us into not committing sin in secret, but I was most self-conscious about how everyone who had ever lived was going to see me naked, and about how voyeuristic the angels were being right now.
I don't really have a tl;dr except I wish I could send this post back in time to myself. Maybe not to age 11, since I would freak out, but maybe age 16 at least.
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the-firebird69 · 4 days
We do see a line of troops forming and they're forming at the edge of the rings but perpendicular to the rings as they go out and it is the boar line and it's saying that the greater trap them in there so that's what they're doing and it doesn't look like it's gonna do much and they called up like 9.5 million inside the rings might be 30 million it's a disaster. this is Tommy F is watching he is watching it and the two big fellows say there are some indicators sending some people in and intercepting their messages and we are aware of that what they're saying so and it's not good and we can't have military coming in so they say we won't come in as military and we say probably not so it's gonna be a problem here.
Thor Freya
These are dangerous times the dangerous things to say but these people seem like they wanna come in and kidnap everyone and just hold us there and who the hell cares you people are stupid. Can be valuable to you and they're gonna wanna just kill you and it's gonna suck for us even worse which is amazing. This has been the worst time of my life and my grandson has said so many times you spill your own blood as a waste of damn time it's gonna be hard to defeat the max with everybody and here you go again I said this morning he is right on and so am I impressed in Ken knows it's wrong too can't do anything about it and it's horrible you're really mean about it too just say the stupidest things and it doesn't even match up and we mean both sides and you're not saying to buzz off or anything that sounds normal what we know is it sounds like you're on drugs and you're just angry and you wanna let it out and you're going to dissolve it happens to groups in war that they can't handle the pressure and they turn inwards and it's over and innocent people get hurt women and children of yours are suffering all the time because of your ridiculous behavior it's uncalled for it's unsuited and I don't like it I don't think that your heroes in any way I don't think either sides a pseudo empire or the Mac Warlock I don't think that you people should broadcast anything you're doing it's it's a mess. We can't sign with anybody you're both wrong. Right now you're entering the third ring where the Pseudo Empire has taken it back and they practically have the whole 3rd ring and they're going in to try and stop them from advancing which is normal and from your perspective it's correct. And from ours you're stopping them and then they have to stop you so this might never end in the rings and if there weren't other things happening we would be stuck in what we were for a couple years which was this perpetual ring nightmare it was going on before but it was fighting in the middle then this ring **** came out and it's like torture and it does not serve a purpose and my grandson says it does it's getting rid of the two parties is there a cover for the max who are taking the diamonds and cadmium below and above and that's what they're doing still. Despise you idiot for what you're doing now
and we hate you but ok. yoiu wont stop thats why
wtf over
Zues Hera
we cant stop ok and you see it adn why hthey wont.
we can you take it we are done and ok forg stoped and we do the job lol goo
mac daddy
this is over soon you two better talk t ends now
we see it ocming and it iwll be quick. no tears for you no but wow. you are hienous..mean driven. to do what? kill us all and yoiu and no you have to be stopped
and a shisp is there least you can do is thank trupmp for his coaxing to ruin yourselves try to see if he has a key or knows werhe might need my body to fetch it
oh brotehr we see it though hahah me too mb
andre and me preston
0 notes
makahimetenshi · 6 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 6 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
Ok back to the normal programming, here comes the next chapter! And I have two more already written
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
He may be getting obsessed lately.
But it was because he couldn’t have her.
She has gone on a mission, a mission she presented a folder for some other elders a while ago.
To restore Paradise Falls and do it a shopping mall again. Argumenting that the buildings were still in good conditions.
In custody of the brotherhood of steel of course.
Her business were always related to the resources she had, in the commonwealth with Nukatown, the minutemen, in DC, the brotherhood of steel.
Its been weeks since they see each other, how they were going to make a baby if she was away? Ah…does he really wants a baby? With her? He knew he wanted to see her…This was part of her plan surely. But that folder was summited months ago…but she surely plan the dates even…she is smart…
He wanted to see her, that’s for sure.
So contrary to everything he always do, he took a ventibird to go there, a ride to paradise falls, after all he was a elder, he can go outside the fucking Citadel to supervise if he wanted. After all he was always inside a cage, call it the Prydwen or the Citadel, to not risk his security and lineage because he was the last one.
It was a good exercise anyway, lets check on first hand if the Sentinel management and operations were as good as everyone talked.
No preparation, no alert, no announcement or previous warning that the elder was moving there. The security had to be top excellence anyway.
So when he arrived and the ventibird landed in the middle of the camp. Danse greet him in first hand.
-Elder, good to see you –the paladin help the elder to come down and move him away from the bustle of the ventibird.
-I didnt know you were here –said a very surprised Arthur, but its true, the man goes where she goes despites everything.
-I detailed it in the folder –said a very surprised paladin walking by the man.
-Yeah that’s why I remark the importance of the summarys –he said hitting on the other man arm- surprise me
-You are here for other reason
-Give me a tour –the paladin rolled his eyes but okay he was his boss more than his old friend- I read the title of the folder and have only a general idea
-Well –he grasped a bit his throat and started walking- with now the area secured with Brotherhood troops we have now merchants and caravans cleaning the place up, this fences are all unnecessary, same with the trash and debris, it’s a pretty heavy work but the idea is to make a polo of commerce for people to rent tents and shops, not very different from what it was before, but without slaves
Something sound wrong in the back of his mind
-And what kind of technology are we securing here…? –after all, the mission of the brotherhood wasn’t charity, was to recover old technology and they shouldn’t forget that again.
A feminine but strong voice interrupted him from behind.
-The MDPL-21 Power Station, WKML Broadcast Station, SatCom Array NN-03d, Broadcast Tower LP8, MDPL-13 Power Station and more importantly the Train Tunnel –Arthur smiled on the insides, of course the Train Tunnel to Pittsburg, why it didn’t surprise him
Before she say anything spicy, Danse spoke –its all detailed in the folder, sir
She seems…angry…but it was good to see again.
-I just don’t see any special here in particular
-Any building without the rooft falling its special for our soldiers to rest without the fear of getting crushed in their sleep…elder
Again Danse interrupted, fearing that she would ruin it in front of the elder
-The distances between The Pitt and the citadel are too big, we need a second base in between for the ventibirds to stop by and do maintenance, also, like the sentinel said, the locations with antennas and radios around here could be very useful
Arthur cant keep his eyes from the upset woman, and she was growing annoyed by it.
-And why do we need the collaboration with the caravans and merchants?
-It all detailed in the fol –Danse kick on her boots and stop her
-Defense purposes mostly, with our shortage in soldiers the collaboration with the caravans wanting to protect their goods…
-This place has a lot of open points –state Nora, more pissed than the elder wished-Paladin please give the elder a tour, explain him the purposes of each building once they are cleaned up, Im helping the scribes with the inventory of the infirmary
Well that didn’t go well.
The old bowling center was going to be a shopping for merchants. The liquor bar was still on discussion because well half of the first floor and some walls were collapsed despite being cleaned up for use, rare from raiders. The velmas could still be an infirmary or a clinic, yes. The old cinema was in pretty good state and it was going to be the brotherhood barracks indeed. The big boy building was still on discussion since it needed a lot more work than another builders and the old coffee shop was going to be a barn, end of discussion, no people there.
When they walked by the new infirmary she look like very…concentrated with the scribes.
He breath in at that vision but quickly Danse moved them both out of there to keep the tour.
Its true, the place needed much work, but the trash was quickly moving out with the work of the citizens
-For the sentinel its crazy how much vehicles still have gas and can explode if you shoot at them so the first thing we did when arriving was draining all from fuel, we have a few gallons for ventibird emergencys –that counted like securing old tech, good work- the cars will stay, they are good protection in case of…
-A riot
-I see you got it, the troops of the brotherhood will prevail in weapons and protection at all times, no matter who the tenants or clients of the place are. The most important task its to clean up the trash and debris for now
-I didn’t see any bed in the cinema, you said that place are barracks.
-That’s because the Sentinel its saving it for something, I think she wants to use the projector to actually make it a cinema again since its functional, if that’s the case our brotherhood building will be the bowling center because it has a nice basement but right now we are sleeping everywhere, taking turns to protect the place from the Deathclaws from Old Olney we see from far. Theres 15 of us here  but since the merchants are working in the place we don’t feel in danger
-I should talk with the sentinel, this is an awful organization for our soldiers to sleep and rest and its been two weeks since you arrived here
-Its work field Arthur –said a very stranged Danse, he was the first to critize Nora for anything he doesn’t agree but this was strange from the elder- its always like this
-Our troops can’t be scattered everywhere between strangers…
-We work with what we have –Danse stop for a second and look at him disturbed- don’t you remember your days as knight?
-Of course I do but I don’t think  this differentiate us from the common citizens and townspeople of the wastelands
-This is taking a lot of work, real work, physical work, like when we cleaned up the airport for the arrival of the Prydwen in the commonwealth. It looked awful for a lot of time until it started to actually look good –geez he would really step on to defend her methods.
-You weren’t there when we did that work
-Because you send me on a retcom team remember? –said Danse biting his tongue, the elder was really getting with his nerves- and so I meet Nora there
Arthur can see something in his gaze. She was the light of his life. The way she talks about her. How he defended her.
Then why he never accepted her?
This was weird.
What they were up to? He said he will always reject her. And Nora said she surrender.
-I still want to talk to the sentinel –he stated, calm.
-Have you forgotten your days of work field? This is always like this at first but with hard work it will get better
-Paladin –he repeated, calm- I wish to talk to the sentinel
He may be right anyway, he forgot how precarious and hostile everything was outside the commodities of his last name, his knight days were very very away, after all he was named elder at a very early age.
Danse stood in silence for a moment, then breath out, sighting.
-I think she is in the cinema right now.
-Ill go by my own, thanks, you are dismissed
When Arthur walk inside the cinema, he found the woman sitting next to the projector, playing with a box.
-Why are you here elder? –she ask, looking between old films to check if the movie tapes were too damaged.
-Are you upset? –ask the man behind her, walking slowly.
-I don’t like to be questioned when im following a very careful and studied schedule  
- I am neither questioning nor discrediting your work here
-Then why are you here elder?
-Please call me Arthur, we are alone –Nora look at him, stranged, what was this all about
-Fine, what are you doing here Arthur?
-Im…-he wasn’t sure at all, this morning at waking up he knew he wanted to see her and in an impulse take a ventibird here, it was all an excuse to be with her- I wanted to see you –the woman stand from her chair, leaving the box on it- just that, I came to see you.
That came directly from his heart, he didn’t have more or secret motives, he wanted to see her, period.
-I thought you came here for the mission –she said surprised, frozen.
-No, I didn’t even know what was all about, just came to see you –her cheeks blushed so bad the man can see it, sometimes, Nora didn’t feel her age, flustering just with silly words…
-Im just working here
-I know but then…I realized something –he took a breath and spoke, getting closer- I get why you want to retire –she raised an eyebrow, confused- this filthy, dangerous, improvised…
-Hold on it’s a work in progress and…
-I don’t want any of this for the mother of my children –Nora was all the way to get offended but then stop in her place, with her heart almost coming out from her chest- its awful, dirty and risky –everytime they talk about this she wonder if he was saying it seriously but anyway the effect was there, it was difficult to no react to such a thing
-But its always like this at first
-Im realizing I may be too old to always have a hard time and not living comfortably –she laught at that, him? Too old? What was left for her then- now I can say that I understand you, I was too comfortable in the life that my last name allows me to have not to see further
-So do you believe a bit more in my plan of retirement? –he nooded.
-This was a good opportunity for me to…came out of my cage...its been a while since I left the amenities of the brotherhood –she laughed, and came closer to him.
-Maybe the last time was when we fight the institute together.
Arthur think on that, maybe.
-What is this anyway? –now that she wasn’t as butthurt as before because the misunderstanding was solved he really needed this out of his chest.
In front of the chair with the projector there was a mattress with the shape of a heart.
-Back then you can pay for a room with your couple to fuck for a couple of hours and some beds had this very…lustful shape…-she said laughting low, leaning her head to a side looking at him- did you really came to see me?
-Yeah –he blushed a bit, feeling a bit pressured now- this is a bag of STDs –said the elder pointing at the mattress.
-The old owner should put it here to watch some movies while doing it, an smart idea –she pointed at the box of tapes- some are moldy and erased, but others are in good state –lately she was separating them, classificating the states, but it was a work because you have to watch the entire tape to really judge the state and how you want to separate it.
-Why you didn’t burn this thing? –it has some clean sheets even.
-I been cleaning it with baking soda, salt and warm water this days, its my little secret.
-You are kidding –she wasn’t- you know what kind of disgusting motherfuckers have sex-
-Oh please the mattress were we sleep wasn’t in much better conditions, none its manufactured from zero, get over it, at least this doesn’t have holes on it, and now it doesn’t stinks.
-I wanna throw up
-Don’t in my heart bed! I always wanted a heart bed but it was wacky even back then, now I don’t have anyone’s opinion to worry about
-Its not wacky, its tacky even for me
-Talks a wastelands child
-You are not letting soldiers sleep inside this building because you are hoarding this disgusting sack of lices? –when she confronted her about that she smiled and walked backwards, laughing- Sentinel that should require disciplinary action! for negligence at least!
-If you want to punish me the bed smells like citrus at least…-when she said that now he blushed and smiled, ok, playful.
Silence, he covers his mouth looking at the mattress.
-Were do you plan to move this thing? There’s no way you are getting it inside the citadel, I will not allow it
-I have a room in the Tenpenny Tower, a caravan will move it in a few days, I was just trying to see if I can make this place a working cinema or not using the projector, meanwhile I was the one sleeping here
-The only one?
-Well no one will look at me the same if they found out I spend hours cleaning a heart shaped bed –she had a funny smile on her face, it was one of those things that you want to do but at the same time its humiliate you and you don't want anyone to find out
-So you really banned everyone to come here because of…this thing? –she nodded with a small smile- unveliable.
-Ill write in the report that its because of the projector so no one will question my management over the soldiers wellbeing…
-Its really everyone banned to come here? –the way he repeated the question made Nora search for an spark in his eyes and…she found it, she swallowed saliva getting closer to him.
-I mean they can open the door but no one really enters since it’s the Sentinel place so…-he was still covering his mouth, trying to hide a mischievous smile- I had some really quiet noons working here…
-Do you really promise me this mattress won’t give me cancer?
Something wake up inside the woman at hearing him, getting in front of him.
-Do you swear you really came all the way here to see me? –Nora said that with a very seductive tone that make the elder stupid and lightheaded, but quickly recompose laughing.
-You have to promise first that it is really clean –she exploded in laughs but anyway close her arms around his neck doing small turns with the toes of her boots on the ground hanging from it
-Its clean I swear! –the man sneak both arms around her waist and kiss her with a smile, exited, happy, deeply kissing her, eating her mouth with hunger. She still laughed a bit inside his mouth, but in no time her tunes were replaced with moans, expressive and very feminine moans, she clanged now seriously from his neck and turned her head so a side, letting him explore her mouth with his tongue in a new angle, robbing her a moan again–a quick one? –she mumble between his lips,  the vibration of her voice against his soft flesh felt nice
-I don’t know I never do it in a bed so huge –the way his masculine voice tremble against her mouth sent a powerful sensation to her core
-It’s a beyond a king bed yes –she whisper with a smile, leaving his neck and standing- get comfortable, ill put a movie to hide any sounds, I have some more  to test and know their state, if the movie jumps its going to make some awful loud sounds so…it’s a win win…
-You are still working, brilliant –he said sitting on the bed and quickly starting to unlace his boots, forgetting at all what he said about the mattress early, now it didn’t matter.
I less than an hour Arthur felt like he was living in a dream, his head was light, his body on fire, there was alien sounds in the background, flashing lights all around but…if he used all his concentration he had the most beautiful woman he had ever cross paths riding him, asking for his seed, wanting to get pregnant specifically from him.
Oh my god this had to be a dream
She was full naked with her legs closed around his hips, using his hands as a support to keep jumping on his cock. Squeezing and sucking everything from his hard cock, her lips half open moaning and screaming by times, her boobs moving up and down constantly and damn it looked amazing.
He was there with his boots unlaced and suit to the knees, laying on the bed entirely, comfortably, letting her work her orgasm riding him, just seeing her do her thing was okay, he was loving it, it was enough, he can be his toy today and every day she needed it.
And the way her body shivers of pleasure have him on the edge, she feel it, he feel it too. Even the warm fluids on his crotch made everything amazing, filling the room with an intoxicating aroma, an aroma so strong it gets on his nose but it was theirs, you don’t realize it until you are so much into enjoying the experience it gets overwhelming in every sense.
-You are hard –she said still moving, closing his fingers tighter around his- I can feel you, you are close –his cock was throbbing inside her, it was difficult to notice it but Nora was so lost in pleasure that every sensation it maximizes.
-Yeah –he said very very aware that he was close to orgasming, he can feel it too, she was milking him for good.
She open her eyes and stop a bit her peace, slowly, moving her hips in circles over his cock, reapiting herself for him to pay attention, leaning over to look at his eyes- if you orgasm ill cum with you, im close.
-Then do it –he said with a suffocating heat on the face, making speech difficult. Nora gasped outloud and realized he was talking seriously- cum for me –and all over me please
He was allowing it, conscious, giving her consent, he wanted to do it, this time inside. A big heat took over Noras body and she started to move faster again, with her hands on his pecs as support, ridding harder, crashing her hips against his thights, the man grab her wrists and look up at her chest jumping all over him.
Its okay, hell cum inside today and make this woman the mother of his children and…
Her screams became louder, both were growing closer and closer but…
-Nora!? –suddenly and out of nothing the door opens, Danse was inside with a laser rifle in hand running were he believed the woman was in trouble and then…
She stopped, Arthur looked back, the three of them were frozen, unable to speech.
Mood killer of course. No one reach orgasm.
-The hell are you doing here!? –she ask screaming displeased using a pillow to cover her chest, getting up with a hand over the man pects to step out, causing the elder a slightly pain but nothing the surprise of this…interruption can’t make up
-You are banging the elder!? –the paladin ask also screaming looking at both, Arthur move aside  fixing his underwear, at realizing that she was  at a disadvantage because for being totally naked, he began to look for a way to get the sheet off the bed to give it to her.
-What are you doing here Danse!? –she ask grabbing on the sheet Arthur was offering looking for her underwear on the ground while tying up around her boobs.
-Well I heard screams so I thought you were in trouble! –all this shouting was disturbing the elder who was trying to move up his zipper and get in better shape, while Nora was getting her legs inside the pantys at least, her chest covered in the sheet- I also sleep here so I came to pick my…!
-He sleeps here!? –ask Arthur also screaming annoyed as fuck at hearing that picking up his coat.
-Shut the fuck up Danse! –she scream throwing a pillow to the paladins face getting her legs inside the suit, then looking at Arthur- its not like that!
-You know what Nora? Im out of here! –said Danse upset as hell throwing the laser rifle to the ground, making it sound harsh.
-Come back here so I can put a plasma grenade in your ass! –she said moving the zipper up and taking out her hair from the suit neck- Danse! come back! Come back here right now!–and she ran behind him, barefoot, disappearing from Arthurs sight.
The man stood there looking were she disappeared.
She really ran after Danse.
Not him.
With his eyes watering and a very heavy feeling of frustration he pressed his lips and laced his boots to get the fuck out there.
This was a bad idea. Why did he bother at all.
Once he finished dressing correctly, he got on the ventibird ready to return to the Citadel. All that journey for nothing, it doesn’t matter, it wasn’t his project anyway, that folder was presented to other elders, he had nothing to do with it.
0 notes
deadmemefrom2012 · 11 months
April 30th, 2020
Memories that stand out in my mind:
As an elementary school kid, walking the halls after school because my mom was a teacher. Feeling acid rise in my throat outside the bathroom near the principal’s office. Going to my mom and asking her if throwing up in my mouth every once in a while was normal. She gives a distracted yes because I don’t tell her how often it happens.
Being about 9 or 10 in the doctor’s office, finally getting a name for what I’m experiencing: Acid Reflux. I’m so excited to have some bit of information that I tell my friends as soon as I see them next. They seem disinterested and I can’t understand why. A weight is off my shoulders and I feel hopeful that the pain will stop.
I’m thirteen years old in my career and college readiness class. I ask the teacher if I can go get some water. She tells me no, there’s only a few minutes until the bell. With tears in my eyes, I plead with her, but she is set in her decision. After three excruciating minutes, the bell rings and I run to the water fountain to gargle water over and over. Finally, the taste of bile leaves the back of my mouth and the burning sensation starts to recede. The tears of pain that had been building release at last as tears of relief.
I’m still thirteen. I’m laying on the doctor’s examination table as he feels my stomach with cold gloved hands. He thinks the cause may be an ulcer, so he attempts to book me for an endoscopy. All of the specialists nearby have transferred, so for the long months of waiting, I take gigantic pills in an effort to stop the pain. They don’t work, but I keep taking them. Eventually, we drive the four or so hours to Memphis. My mom is with me when I go under for the first time. When I awake, they tell me they saw nothing outwardly abnormal except scar tissue in my throat. We wait and wait just to receive lab reports with no answers.
We see another specialist, who hypothesizes it’s a bacterial infection in my stomach. I have another pill to take and a humiliating stool sample to give, before more waiting for test results with no answers.
At fourteen, my doctor prescribes me anxiety medication. It does wonders for my mental health, but absolutely nothing to the near constant pain. Another cause ruled out and I’ve nearly lost hope.
It’s ninth grade, I’m fourteen years old and walking down the upstairs hallway of the fine arts building with my broadcasting friends. Acid suddenly floods my throat and nasal cavity and I cry out in pain. At the water fountain I gargle over and over, before breathing the water in and blowing it out to maybe stop the burning that’s spread from my nose all the way down to my lungs. My friends stand around me, startled and asking frantically if I’m ok.
Tenth grade, I receive a new medication. It still doesn’t work, and my new doctor doesn’t have any new answers.
The summer after eleventh grade, I’m excitedly waiting to go with my best friend and his family on a trip to see our favorite musician in concert. As we wait to get in the car, my stomach begins to hurt and I feel overheated and nauseous. This is the worst of the symptoms, worse than even breathing in the stomach acid. I can’t move, and my best friend holds me as I try not to cry. Eventually it passes, but the humiliation and helpless feeling stays with me.
Finally, I meet a doctor with new ideas at the beginning of the year. The specialist at the children's hospital tests me for gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance, but both tests come back negative. Still, she suggests that it may be a dairy sensitivity and I agree to slowly stop eating dairy over the next two months. I’m prescribed new medications and receive new hope.
In November of my senior year, on a mission trip in a room all alone in the middle of the night, the same feeling that I got in the summer comes back ten times worse. I’m not completely off dairy, but I avoided it as much as possible during the trip. I take my strongest meds kept in the bag right next to my bed. It doesn’t matter, and I can barely move enough to rest my head on a cool metal chair and call my youth director. He doesn’t pick up, and I end up calling a friend to wake him up. I feel humiliated to have anyone see me so helpless, but there’s nothing I can do. My youth director brings me some over the counter medications to go with my prescriptions and I spend another hour fighting the urge to vomit or pass out before the pain finally ebbs away.
I send off the new year and enter 2020 with one last taste of real ice cream. I regret it almost immediately and am in pain for days afterwards. I think the doctor is definitely right about the dairy sensitivity and I give up milk entirely. The pain doesn’t go away entirely, but it helps somewhat.
In February, I go to my state's Thespian Festival. For the weekend, I eat almost only salads along with the other dairy free and gluten free kids. They told us we would have options to choose from, but we didn’t, and none of us prepared to spend the weekend eating only from the hotel concessions and the meager salad bar. Eventually I can’t take it and order food for whoever nearby needs it. We spend hours talking and eating food that I checked over and over to ensure it was diary free. The pain still doesn’t go away entirely and I still have to swallow down rising bile multiple times a day. My hopelessness turns to rage because why won’t it just stop, please make it stop already, why?
It’s the end of my senior year, only two more days of school. I’m sitting here at four in the morning writing this because for the second time this week I’ve been kept awake by the burning pain in my stomach that has almost become commonplace. I know my grades are suffering, but I can’t focus from the pain and when it stops I’m too tired to focus. It’s only this, my recollections of the pain, that I’ve been able to focus on enough to ignore the current pain. It’s irony, and I feel bitter as I finish this, with tears in my eyes and unfinished assignments open in other tabs. I’m only left with one question:
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biguns60plus · 1 year
Post by Maryann Chambers on Telegram — 1 Flynn’s FROGS on 05/29/2023.
(Urgent audio to listen to —but it’s been censored by F.B.)
“It basically tells us we are almost here. We will be given 24 hrs to get our supplies. So i suggest you have everything in now. This audio says to be ready for 4 weeks. Apparently we may be down for 2-4 weeks. No work no school no bank etc. so get food water meds and gas up your vehicles. This can happen any day now.
I would normally think ok here we go again. But….. I was planning my move back to Boston end of June and my red piller was aware of that. I received a private message from him saying no you will be hunkering down where you are. Then he warned me i needed to get my supplies etc in NOW. I was red pilled three plus years ago by JFK Jr. John is the one that placed me with Whiplash. I’m not telling you this to impress you….i am telling you that our Vice President warned me i will not be going anywhere. Sooo please take this seriously. Make sure you get some cash out because banks and atms etc will be down. This audio says prepare for four weeks. There is nothing to fear. Just go to your phone settings-notifications-scroll down and make sure your emergency broadcast us turned on. Also make sure your friends and family have downloaded Signal messenger. It is only thing that will be on. Stay safe all. We are ready.” Mar ❤️❤️❤️
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
another turn, better or worse.
 I fear we settled on the wrong shores
gave our best to the wrong stores
did our chores with the worst lot
who brought us nothing but rot
 Eldest son Shaun
(won't tell you of me
how I put down my head in shame
when as a girl the Head of my C of E-
having given out the honours of that year
added: and even our foreign girl
got distinctions, one in English)
He was jumped upon
by a whole class, seriously
when a little Junior lad
broke his bone
cause he's like a wop
means he tans easily
and to those who don't know
a wop is an Eitei!
 then when he grew
with his ten GCE's clutched
wished a place in the Airforce
-this comes from me
the Women's Junior Air Corp
trained me too
-we love aviation-
where I was much liked
till I decided it was not on
to pray for strangers
but not to pray for my own
 I'll give them this
the Royal Air Force
were honest with him
 lad- they gruffly said
you and your family
all bright as buttons
but you know
your name is not only Irish
great-grandfather was from Mayo
and your mother
woe be me
from behind the Iron Curtain
Hunnish refugee
'but, we had been ejected
they had not wanted us!'
 honest though the officer was
so we listened
go Civilian and so he did
and never regretted
forty over now
an American company is his employ
leads a good and fulfilling life
 but now the youngest son too
has got a full hundred minus one at Uni
 are we still from behind the Iron Curtain
or has the curtain moved?
has their great grandfather
and his old lady
barmaid from Dublin
retained their former status
or are they now friends of this Kingdom?
Three generations I was told today
before you can be cleared to climb
and then, well expect complications..
 settled? You're all wrong what ever you assume
they use us for Experiments illegal now
 which they normally use on Down's Syndrome
but how can we complain
we were with her Ladyship
the dear Princess
-just don't let me hear a word said against her-
she was on the same programme
a programme with no safety net
(So why has the lab raised all those lab pakis?)
so off to China I am off again
 so I conclude we chose the wrong place
then I learnt this amazing revelation
 Obama was not even BORN in America
I am still in shock -
 they never break the law
they never have scandals
they never do anything wrong
 this is how it is done
microsound this morning:
(microsound is sound cut into pieces
and replaced by what is on the computer
-see BBC broadcast some ten years ago)
the microsound was supposed to send her mad
we wanted to get her into hospital
then we were going to walk around
talking talking talking
-wasn't supposed to write it all up-
so we have to pinch it from her house
 follow normal procedures
but in secret
no we do not open parcels#
(giggle - normally!)
 'I will be pleased when you are gone'
off to China again?
I don't think that is part of the same bumph
 'and remember all of you'
added lab Anna from St Barths
and I quote here:
'you all owe me till you die
 time for another revue
revues are necessary to keep bashing
 we have your history
means a whole range of lies
says lab Anna from St Barths
I'm off to see the Ministry
(for a bit of gymnastics and sport mayhap?)
sort it out
play as much as you want
 it is ok
totally destroying the rule of law
is perfectly ok
as long as no one can catch you..
 once coming home from late nursing shift
at London's Newham Hospital
I picked up my phone at Plashet Road
my daughter chatting
over which a voice said
'and what if she dies
she dies that is all..
who is going to care
no one can prove anything..'
and I won't tell you of what they got up to
at that hospital
They say hospitals are their play ground
I had thought it was the Ministry!
 'watch your back from friends
that is whom we are using..'
we wrote the report the lab are using
to spread around the world
doing what is outlawed everywhere-
you don't understand
like this:
anti-social means the same as
keeping your own council
and never gossiping about people
Iffy is an expert at it..'
 Iffy was a little boy from a Pakistani family
friends who lived two doors away
(they give themselves names)
so I presume an asian at the lab
 pressed my sternum at night and hyped B.P
milder than recently though
 ''The-we want you dead group-
are still here don't forget..
 'watch her cash flow
doesn't spend
make everything ten times more expensive for her
and cause all sorts of problems
dirty tricks boys get going..'
 'as she ever pinched anything at all
anything, the smallest thing...
(when lab Anna was young she did)
we could put things in her cupboards
If we are caught out
we could say they are replacements
for those things we had taken'
 'ou are an enemy of the State
(I am always teaching interesting stuff about the Isle)
ok you are an enemy of lab Anna
which amounts to the same
especially now that the connection
between you and Tony Banks and others
has been realised
but they won' say anything...'
 ''YOu all owe me for the rest of your lives don't forget!"
we have to break the respect they have for her
as a teacher..
say, it is no good
she won't conform
say she has experience
but lacks experience
say that she...
 pick up something, anything
which happened once
blow it out of all proportion
change the perspective
add a few lies
 you have just got to make her spend
once she is totally dependant on our hand outs.........
 it is all legal
we have just had another revue
we have a revue regularly
to talk about your case
we are not illegal
we told you on microsound
you have had your revue
prove it
 we told the Parliament people
we were supporting you through this experiment
the microsound telling you after the event
is the support
no way for you to ever prove it..
 it is all legal really
and the information from the simulations
deaths, slaughters, torture and maiming
sits in the computer
it is actually useless stuff
but they pay us good money
we all pay good taxes to keep it all going
it is all legal!
 no one asked if they could film us constantly
day and night
night and day
 no one asked if they could beam us constantly
day and night
night and day
 no one asked from New  York
the sister company of London
Behavioural science
if they could do anything at all to us
 they did it to us
and to anyone whom they could get
never telling anyone
 said the jewess at New  York
sister company of London
(why do all jews work at the mental experimentation places)
 and now you know who taught the Nazis
in their experimental camps
the tricks they got up to
amongst the ordinary population
the same system
which ran the experimental camps then
 she said:
I wouldn't have thought of using pea green with deep purple
like she does lots of the time
as we watch her daily
painting the night away
and the days at Sheffield Art College
that is worth copying
by our New York designers
who no doubt were also all jewish
 do you know
we had lost everything to save jews
I am a bit miffed
but they copied it all
and the rest..........
and the rest........
and the rest....
 well well well....
 there won't even be chastisement
for the lab St Barths behavioural science
it came from above this slaughter
 all the people killed
all those maimed
all those destroyed
 by the whim of a rogue lab
I told it simply enough
held silence till I was sure
 the answer
no one will find out
maybe a long time in the future
 it came from above
she must have done something--
that's me who is the she
 one can't help wondering
why God made some people so naive
but then we have to be of every spectre, I suppose
 --no, have you ever heard of vulnerable
and useful for a purpose
because they can't be heard, can't fight
 what she can do, said the Tory, proof?
can be taken and destroyed
there won't even be chastisement
 the troublesome ones at the top are dead
cover all the straight rub them outs
then cover the covers
 those given good positions without education
will intime make mistakes
then there will be more chaos
 watching a porn film made up
and writing about your own sex life
is not a profession
 and slowly the sun which sank over the Empire
will sink over the grey rock
as the water eats its shores
 and you would have thought the Germans had learnt
to keep their noses clean at last
there is a simple word, NO...this is corrupt though seems legal.
 Francene is a Scotts lass
she likes the fellas and a laugh
her laugh is disliked by the bossess
at the lab where she has been brought to heights
St Barths Behavioural Science
 she was brought to heights
because Francene was happy to copy
to use up my work on their blasted machine
which has on it my whole life
and every word I ever writ or drew
 all who copy the work
are brought to heights by the lab
as their students had copied the work
as their own thesis stuff
and then the lab made out
that american students had copied for their thesis
so they needed the americans to help clear them
 The lab operatives, wives and such of the quacks
that is the qualification, or to be jewish
were sending my Uni work and creative
from Art College and Literature degree
to Cosmopolitan as their own work
under their own name
Imagine Women's World
printing Hungarian refugee stories
changed to Jewish refugee stories
printed in major magazines in England
and they all wonder why the Iranians doubt...
 so their system guy
which New York sister lab said was the most evil
in all of the States came up with a plan
to destroy me and us
sad really as he was a jew as were New York
and my family had lost everything
and faced concentration camp each day
to feed jews and keep them alive
(I almost feel I should pray for him poor beggar
though he thinks he has everything
loyalty is greater than power or money)
 the bossess didn't like Francene
so put her in charge of another nest of evil
and Francene wrote my work
and got concerned that she didn't even have a GCSE
(I got English a-star in my GCE)
under the lab bossess's instructions
(can you imagine
all that scottish history
and she writes about an elderly east european
refugee from transit and refugee camps!
me, I would want to write about my own problems)
 The bossess pushes her protegees work very hard
like Christopher the Oxford gran she fancied as a toy boy
she gave four books
packaged and sold to
I almost laugh when I imagine the Oxford Dons reading
and passing high comments about my work in disguise
and Francene, though she wa common as muck she said
she pushed very hard too
 Nicely presented said the book club
well it would be, with the best in the land presenting it
(I know it is all that woman's work
but it doesn't matter)
so now the book club sells my work in disguise
for Francene who's laugh we have all heard
 and Francene said to Anna of the lab
I think I prefer a career to writing that woman's books
(I think she thinks it will be discovered one day)
please can you 'career forward' me
 we never knew how corrupt England was
studied the Letter A at Degree level
seen endless films about them
spoke of why they fled to the new world
but had no idea
nothing has changed
they use their subcontinent slaveys to do the dirty work
and gather all in for themselves
corrupt old devils at that Ministry!
 what is a bit of a shock
is that such low life
gets such professional situations
that is something we didn't know...
 I have always been polite at public offices
never one to insult or be impatient
never again
I sit there laughing at them now
con merchants
the lot of them over here.
 living at Jihad Headquarters
no problem
they don't know what two sided snakes
some of theirs are over here
playing both sides and the middle
for big money against their own people
watching their own people even in bed
giving them simulated illnesses remote
on screens for the Ministry's lab
at that time
neither did I
Lab-Pakistani Big Brother is watching you too
 fleeing from big brother at the Ministry
-still thinking in the British way
back then with problems-
and the lab St Barths put over
the Queen adviced clear off to there
as had always been the case in this country
and I even wrote to Buckingham Palace
 but then the Palace promised no more rape
and they didn't keep to their promise at all
 We both believe in a God
it is just the Church of England
which receives its pay from the State
which is a worry
this political wasp unwanted
as it is a State organisation from another country
differentiation the media never bothers to declare
 invited to Sunday lunch
it was time for Mass
lunch was dropped
and all the guest perturbed
rush her over to the Cathedral
 got lost on the bus
thought I'd try a new route
walked and walked
getting nowhere
saw the Punjab Reclamation Centre
ah......all at work
at the desk a group of workers
take me to your leader
I declared with heat
the little devil walking me up the stairs
kept trying to get hold of my arm
sliding his hand onto my chest
 got to the room of the boss
a lady in green sitting on a stage
behind a huge desk
below a fair way on chairs
four young men taking notes
 could you help me please
I need to get to prayer
no one knows where
but we will try to get you there
 get out the motor scooter
WHAT-- I am well over half a centuary old
perched on the back
we flew through the city
promptly got lost
passed the police man at the corner
who used to laugh each morning
as I tried to cross the road to the Uni
he waved the traffic on as I was half way across
 now these subcontinent ladies
knew how to keep their scarves on their head not as a flag
navy chiffon scarf flying six foot behind me
and again as we got more lost
till the policeman bent double laughing
and we finally found the Cathedral
 but best Mass of all was Tuesday night
which was the Urdu Mass
bongo drums and all
most amazing music
Cathedral filled beyond the doors
I am sure the lady next to me is saying Muslim prayers
I've lived with them, rich and poor and know
then at the end
I discover why
a bag of rice and a loaf of bread
just like the Sermon on the Mount
for every one who attended.......
 and a smile for me
when I come with the kids
to the Mosque
 life and people are fun everywhere
Governments are a pain.
 Little Mary
whose dad had a big business
came from some where in the hinterland
China is huge
her friend was a lovely Mongolian girl
who clung to me
 little Mary knew she was Christian
but later told me
I don't think I am one of your type
the missionary told my gran
one lot believe God is a woman called Mary
but our lot believe God is a man
I suspect she was some form of Protestant
 She believed I was a- one who called God a woman
well, a bit of woman worship is a good thing too-
never the less she was one of my groupies
sharp little madam she was too
but got jealous when the Mongolian girl
also became a groupie
The missionaries left impressions
but where not trained teachers
so a lot of them over there
are more confused than ever
but cling to single items
 like my top Monitor
at the previous State Uni I taught at
knew his granny had a Bible
but didn't know anymore than that
I took him to Mass
but he found it to complicated
 Chinese Priests yell like billy-ho
even my friend-Priests
and lay down the law rather strictly
just like when I was a kid in Bavaria
though their congregation attends well
well it was a German Protectorate
and the old Priest still speaks fluent German-
all sorts of people have come to Church with me
all over the place
then the Church frightens them away..
 -very like a Rabbi I knew
at a Synagogue where I had been
who would yell constantly
angrily at his congregation
Why? I had to ask one day, so you yell so
because they are such bad bu**ers I was told!
 I had to smile
when visiting St  Petersburg at a dinner
I pointed to a lovely barometer
German said the hostess proudly
brought by my grandfather from the Black Forest
but you know the purges
nearly everyone is part german here
but we all had to burn or destroy all our past
but I managed to save that
 after a while a little group of girls gathered
most of them LOVE religion out there
and I always have them discuss and debate
the Ten Commandments in class
as all law is based on them
and they need to understand them
then they talk about what they believe
including the young men who strongly announce
'I believe in myself only..'
there are also refugee tales I could tell them to that
but I desist..
 Take us to Church Miss they begged
so one Sunday morning we set off
one half hours on the bus into the city
one hour on the bus to the right place
lost a time or two
finally we got there
the English Mass had finished
stay I told my girls
another is about to begin
 no one understood the language
another large catholic community
very beautiful singing but different order
Mary didn't understand it either
(she felt herself to be an authority on these things)
and all the girls followed us two
finally methought
that must be Communion
come Mary I said
all the girls followed into the line
(you can never tell them at first
it is only for catholics)
 a basket with a lacy cloth over it
I dipped my hand in
thinking how every catholic in the world also..
and fetched out... an RMB
a chinese coin
being watched curiously
too late,
Mary was already dipping in
bringing out a coin
the girls were in a line behind
we had to get the girls back
and returned to their seats
as some of them might not
relinquish their coins so easily
 and I am not talking
of the time
we went to Mass at St Bernadettes
and toddler Jonathan dropped the plate
and one year older Ryan thought wey hey
all those pennies and silver
and started filling his pockets
Big Sister and Big Brother Shaun
embarrassed turned away
so there I was unfilling the little pockets
back into the plate
got it all I hope
 The girls did not understand at all
and decided it was a lot of nothing
but getting money was a jolly good thing
we didn't tell them they were supposed to give
but the congregants
where ever it was
they had all come from
living presently in Beijing
giggled under their hankies
 I never did manage to explain
but have had many laughs
in many places and countries
over many mishaps
and people are always wonderful..
 disastrous war
might as well develop south-america now
 it'll be a free for all
at first the whites skills will dominate
 then it'll be an Indian and black overturn
there are only seventeen per cent of us in the world
 but that's where to put your money now
The chinese are already viewing
 they have a lovely saying:
where ever the americans don't go
 we go....what about starting with Patagonia
no wonder Thatcher hung onto the Falklands..
 but that woman loved her country what ever she was
unlike some who have followed her!
 say that lot, the english are awful, really horrible
we prefer the germans, they keep their noses to themselves
 just what the Africans said, most of our lot
are heading back east once we have the money
 we don't really reckon YOUR style democracy at all
and the Isle population-stress and weather stinks.
''tell them to cool the thing
about China
 and about Tibet
they are all telling the same story
 absolutely identical-
it's become like the german thing
 but they show  marks on their bodies
yes, well, those also can be got''
 was the quote which was interesting
and why I like the americans
 you can befuddle them for a while
then common sense takes over
 delete delete delete orders St Barths from the machine
I don't keep secrets, that is how wars are made!
 and last night cleverly said on tv
makes you think at times
 we have five times your population
(five?) and ten times less crime in China!
 so which system works and as for me
I don't believe in democracy anymore at all
 I listen to crimes in Tibet and make no excuses
but sit here going through unbelieveable pain
 with no where to complain
knowing what else this lab have done to innocent people
 I know all the reasons and shortcomings
bothwestern and of the East
 the chinese 'do' criminals according to their law
whilst over here we 'do' the most innocent by remote-
 begging is not permitted in China
at times a blind eye is turned
 they are supposed to be in the appropriate place
even at my local Catholic Church at my first city of teaching
 one only sat outside, a catholic who then joined into Mass
there were two thousand catholics in that city
 and many other churches and temples sign posted
mainline Churches are not frowned upon
 Catholics have good Posts if law abiding
I was delivered to and from Church by catholic friends
 in one of those big black cars which seemed quite fun
and yes, back way back then, they closed the nunneries
 this is why, the population not fed, starving, births needed control
good or bad, emergency measures were in force
 the law says you may worship what or whom you please
but you should NOT coerce anyone else
 I have always been given Sundays off in China
have always been respected for my Beliefs or what ever
 work round the system, teaching Christmas Day
pupils bring food and films, party time
 can't have Good Friday off
all pupils in the class come to Church to study architecture
 there are a dozen and one easy ways round every 'problem'
which cause no one any pain
 my only agro is those who yell they are Christian
to get a free passage to the West, annoying blighters
 in Muslim countries too, follow laws but stand firm to your rules
why fly a red rag at a bull, use a white flag if it is more productive
 by the same token when Muslims here shout at me
about how the Bible and literature are linked so need to be learnt
 my short answer is, you decided to come here
we did not force you to come, you have to live in our Culture
 o.k. I try never to take sides as ALL parts have good and bad
democracy means: not what you think it means-
 it is merely better bureacracy to cover all ill doings!
the rest the chinese are working at, and others try to work at
 that nice bit for the rest of the population who abide
and 'who are the north Americans
 who claim they have just taken all her work?
oh, more jews..,'
 You will find, said the lab, that the jews are into taking
from Huns who helped them live through Hitler!
  alyson needed a career
she was a dud painter
painted all my stuff for the lab
wrote all my stuff for the lab
but had no qualifications what so ever
 she needed raising
the lab St Barths Behavoural Science
raises all friends and all those whom it uses
who use my work automatic passes
or use a prgramme of abuse and theft
which uses me as its centre
 Now why three days ago
did someone suddenly press my lungs so hard
that even I was in severe pain beyond bearing
and then during the night pressed my skull so hard
that it hurt all day
the quack Miller usually used to do that
bashed my skull to shreds
especially during lessons
daddy of Fay who intoned
my daddy works with the retarded
after they had given her all my work
with guarantees to sell
(why do all jews want to be painters and writers
and copy Hungarians work as theirs?)
and the lab laughed
and added
and usually kills them..
 It's ok, we put on the file
which spins and spins
not the old M.P. is the child molester
it all goes on her file
everyone's misdeeds
so all our sadistic killers have an excuse
we are each one of us
supposed to destroy every part of your life
your health, family, work and everything
 and it has continued ..
for the others, maimed, dead and the rest -
their thieves continue to rob the house endlessly
the up to the total limit pain each has to produce
on the machine of death
then slowly they have to dacker it down
and I am supposed to believe
or make others believe it was 'just pain'
though they use us for their experiments
and the microsound goes endlessly
 'Kill her dead, three or four women could lose their jobs
we have to destroy her reputation everywhere
in education too, that is in hand,
however professional she is
we do it by tuning people
but they don't know about that technique yet
the americans kept it secret
she-victim only guessed because she thinks
and mother was an interpreter for the russian von-Braun
they keep their eyes and ears open
whilst talking about the food at Marks and Spencers
we don't tell governments what we are doing
and we call that 'challenging her' (me)
her grandfather came from a small market town in Hungary
force her back there and then push her down further...
 Alyson is no better than I am says lab Anna
-oh well birds of a feather
Can I work with you she wanted to know
-No, this works only because I move everyone around
I qualify the unqualifyable
they get a professional qualification
then I move them to a good post
then they are lost in the system
Let the copers sort it out
except they can't
cause they don't know the technology
and the lab England's political police
uses them too!
 We have already understood
lab Anna will lie on the stand
and tell all others what to lie
 My God, I didn't know it was developed so far
the clever americans who gave it to the worst criminals
who have added their own blend of sadism to it
what a shame
The Time - Watch people will discover in time
they WILL find out one day
just keep telling the truth
though we know you say very little of what you know
how ever much they ridicule you
how ever much the lab destroys all your hard work
how ever much they destroy your successes
 pressing heart badly now
my computer is tied to theirs at the lab
and I am on screen
all I say and do is seen
I wanted to give you a heart attack or collapsed lungs
and put you into hospital
it says you signed for it
 you fool, added lab Anna
it is not a proper form...keep that out of it
pressing lungs badly now
and I have to teach the rest of the day
 until someone tumbles on us
we will carry on destroying, using, destroying using
destroying, using, destroying, using..
 alyson needed a career
she was a dud painter
painted all my stuff for the lab
wrote all my stuff for the lab
but had no qualifications what so ever
 she needed raising
the lab St Barths Behavoural Science
raises all friends and all those whom it uses
who use my work automatic passes
or use a prgramme of abuse and theft
which uses me as its centre
 Now why three days ago
did someone suddenly press my lungs so hard
that even I was in severe pain beyond bearing
and then during the night pressed my skull so hard
that it hurt all day
the quack Miller usually used to do that
bashed my skull to shreds
especially during lessons
daddy of Fay who intoned
my daddy works with the retarded
after they had given her all my work
with guarantees to sell
(why do all jews want to be painters and writers
and copy Hungarians work as theirs?)
and the lab laughed
and added
and usually kills them..
 It's ok, we put on the file
which spins and spins
not the old M.P. is the child molester
it all goes on her file
everyone's misdeeds
so all our sadistic killers have an excuse
we are each one of us
supposed to destroy every part of your life
your health, family, work and everything
 and it has continued ..
for the others, maimed, dead and the rest -
their thieves continue to rob the house endlessly
the up to the total limit pain each has to produce
on the machine of death
then slowly they have to dacker it down
and I am supposed to believe
or make others believe it was 'just pain'
though they use us for their experiments
and the microsound goes endlessly
 'Kill her dead, three or four women could lose their jobs
we have to destroy her reputation everywhere
in education too, that is in hand,
however professional she is
we do it by tuning people
but they don't know about that technique yet
the americans kept it secret
she-victim only guessed because she thinks
and mother was an interpreter for the russian von-Braun
they keep their eyes and ears open
whilst talking about the food at Marks and Spencers
we don't tell governments what we are doing
and we call that 'challenging her' (me)
her grandfather came from a small market town in Hungary
force her back there and then push her down further...
 Alyson is no better than I am says lab Anna
-oh well birds of a feather
Can I work with you she wanted to know
-No, this works only because I move everyone around
I qualify the unqualifyable
they get a professional qualification
then I move them to a good post
then they are lost in the system
Let the copers sort it out
except they can't
cause they don't know the technology
and the lab England's political police
uses them too!
 We have already understood
lab Anna will lie on the stand
and tell all others what to lie
 My God, I didn't know it was developed so far
the clever americans who gave it to the worst criminals
who have added their own blend of sadism to it
what a shame
The Time - Watch people will discover in time
they WILL find out one day
just keep telling the truth
though we know you say very little of what you know
how ever much they ridicule you
how ever much the lab destroys all your hard work
how ever much they destroy your successes
 pressing heart badly now
my computer is tied to theirs at the lab
and I am on screen
all I say and do is seen
I wanted to give you a heart attack or collapsed lungs
and put you into hospital
it says you signed for it
 you fool, added lab Anna
it is not a proper form...keep that out of it
pressing lungs badly now
and I have to teach the rest of the day
 until someone tumbles on us
we will carry on destroying, using, destroying using
destroying, using, destroying, using..
 says the lab
give Myrtle the play she wrote
and you Emma
the many sneak thieves
tuned by us from our lab
especially our lab parkis
all around her
will continue thieving the works
and paintings and what they fancy
 and she, me says to you
do you recall in the England of old
they would put people into the stocks
then the citizens would throw cabbage at them
the prisoner guilty or not
could not defend themselves
 and do you recall
when the British took over from the Moguls
they hunted down the kings four sons
brought their heads and placed them on the throne
then dragged the old King through the streets
before throwing him into a darkened dungeon
to finish his life
 and do you recall
how Africa had many Kings
but they would have been standing
when meeting the Great British Queen
so they had to demote them to tribal chiefs
to ensure everyone had to kneel to the Queen
 and do you recall
how the new world happened
corruption on this Isle
was so bad
and its people here so badly abused
they fled to any corner of the world
to escape their own Ministries
not much changes with these island savages, does it
 one I wrote on the BE'd
English specialist
at Sheffield Polytechnic
from which the lab terrorised me
after two years and in the classrooms-
as well as poetry and short stories
I wrote plays one or two
 all is lodged on the computer
at St Barths Behavioural Science
which takes and makes prisoners
from the community
breaks people and makes its friends
to the top to cover its own terrors
 this prison is for life
we took them prisoner in 1983
 if we release them
so we cannot control every action
every word every farthing
close every door as she tries to open it
we of the lab all face prison
some of it for manslaughter
prisoners for life....
 laugh, came to the West for freedom
from the dictatorship of the East
 Go to the United Nations they say
but please kind Sirs
tell me how
they even block a simple police visit...
 lab Parkis blocking all post to friends in Russia now
''we just tear up the envelopes and what is inside them
and any email we don't like is deselected
anything in which we had a hand
and anything about parki bad behaviour in the land..
 it keeps circling, circling, spinning
spinning as the L.A. Jew there taught
each crime is repeated
each torture concreted
worse than worst communist China here now
 Lauren lab jewish wife of the lab axe man says
I dread going on the stand
Anna lab bossess just says
say this and say that
has no conception of what lies are
and I can cheat but not lie very well
 but how can you run-
with a ninety one year old mum
still alive and kicking
who BELIEVES in the british democracy
it's the KGB doing all this she thinks!
I know better................
 they did what?
they manipulated a nervous breakdown
for the Princess
for so many women
and me too
all of it unseen
done remote
they divorce everyone
then have the women
do what they do
bossess has had over fifty lovers
and cruises with no underwear on
in the evenings in her car
She feels this is normal behaviour
for normal women
 They have used these toys and tools
in mental homes
for a long long time
and the lab St Barths
is so guilty its only scare
it dare not be caught
our State hides and raises them
 which banks did your victim use
in an effort to save their little
the money from the sale of the family house
to be able to leave this Island of horrors for ever
where tiny helpless women
who work very hard to try to keep body and soul together
have money robbed from their bank accounts
by lab workers, toilet cleaners turned expert
personnell controllers and such
never had a holiday
wear second hand clothes
have second hand furniture
eat cheapest vegetables
don't drink
don't smoke
nothing all just to save enough to leave
 so they get the lab pakis
to take a thousand there
and a thousand there
at the Deutsche Bank
as soon as I put my money from teaching in
a whole months money
when is studied there for a year
(twin Uni of mine in London)
the lab had it disappear immediately
so I would be left penniless with rent to pay
 Then they gave a young Polish girl known to thieve
the same bank card as mine
she took out thousands
and I had no way to prove
so I had to take out what was left of my Grant
she is permanently on the scanner now
They over rid my tv programme once
to show me her visiting London
who knows if she will get cancer or not
but wants desperately to marry a german
as they all do
Now there's a turn around!
 this tv thing is a constant thing
they once showed a little boy being abused
which they had tuned
they say they take no sides
just make the crimes to see them in detail
Even the Nazis were not that mad
but criminals will be criminals even when in a lab
and they have the power from the POWER
hey wasn't it Hitler too
where chicken farmers became state leaders
every single parrallel is met by the lab
only they wear white coats instead of black
 and get this
the leaders are all in this
so every country I go to
I face the same rubbish
but britain is the worst
as they run it
and it eminates from here
and the lab here has committed
so many murders
lab pakistanis killing whites
''accidents in the making''
what can you do
when a country doesn't care for its own
that is why I prefer america
the british have a death wish it would seem!
 give every bank a present
give every member of those banks a present
for the thousands and thousands
the lab syphoned off
 the L.A. jew who designed this
(let's not forget Blaire and the whole nest here
are all jewish so let any crime happen
as my grandad who fed jews during the Nazis used to say
the whole island sits on jewish money)
L.A. jew said the victim must be left in poverty
with nothing, every dirty trick to be tried
though hard working and saving east europeans
 the lab killed Ukrainian uncle
the lab played all the Ukrainians in our community
who would never complain or even guess
after having Uncle change his will
to give it to...........
 remember this was an american jew who designed it:
(nothing personal, he is supposed to have said
I am just saving members of my own system
a lie, as we were absolutely no threat to anyone)
Uncle left all HIS hard earned savings
on his death bed to--
a girl in Russia!
a real russian by the way
(I wonder if you guys out there understand that
I am a different generation
I have nothing against the russians
three million Ukrainians died of starvation
in two months in the winter of '33
as Moscow took every scrap of food from them)
as the girl's aunt was our best friend
at the Elsham refugee camp
who had already thousands and were childless
till the lab put her on the scanner
 the lab says my pay off was:
the bosses of the Health Minstry and Pensions Ministry
watching us in our own home
and advising me constantly
 these so called bosses' constant advice?
 get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out.....
get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out.
 There is a new rat in the lab looks in his twenties
that is why torture was particularly bad
and he used the womb irritator all morning
though I am sixty two years old
 they tell them it is a trial
that the United Nations allowed it
that Annan signed for it
that world could be used by this criminal lab for crimes
 and then they say you signed for it
all secret, secret, top secret
and we are told a file of lies by jewish doctors so called
that you were supposed to make up
 the money and life we stole from you
well yes, sighed Mister english man
there is always someone vulnerable about
for use by this mob which ran Hitler's concentration Camps
 as the scarved women swarmed into the shop
well fed and happy at so much hand outs
all in their new clothes
as I return from the second hand market
 with some old clothes
which the Pakistani Carer stole
from my ninety one year old mother
we came back then to rebuild their island
 and as I sat and watched the hoards
no, I don't care, the english are asking for it
kicking and using them to rob us
who helped them and using lies
 one favourite 'it was long ago'
since eighty four lab Anna uses that one lie
and today all russian post withheld for a long time
who has robbed her post she asked
 because the Jewess lauren robbed the post
you have all got to rob her post
all rob her bank account
all rob her work and torture her and her family
 One city in England they admit
already has a larger coloured population than white
but the english lab keeps kicking us
because we are helpless to help ourselves
 a new rat in the lab
given all my bank account numbers
will rob more and take more
a thousand each they are told take
 so she can never move out of the country
having sold their family home to leave
as they hand over and hand over
allowance this and benefit that and money for that
 to the never ending stream of women in scarves!
I wonder when the lab will hit the refineries
The mother of all spins will shake the world to its very foundations
the earth will shudder in fear but it might be good or not good
 said the Americans and the black americans
are all coming here too that's how good it is over there
we'll stay here while its good  I heard our coloured over takers
Now new rat at St Barths Human Research, you have
 your targets of torture and robbery
and you actually thought
Auschwitz and Belsen
Theresienstadt and the rest had gone did you?#
 'and here some new unread stuff you can use'
put this in this is from Jesopps hospital, a lie
but we have had that knocked down already
(they move or knock down all they use)
 says lab Anna from the computer
Anna who is described as the most evil woman
who ever lived far above those of the KZ lagers
victim made notes all over the place at Uni
 and Uni writers groups and other places
I will have them robbed from her home later
its Oxford and Cambridge men
and Tyne Tees Prof joining in the gang bang.
 we'll tell the americans
after we have finished all the cons
after we have done all the scams
after there's nothing left to follow
what we have used
of what they have given us
says the lab St Barths
 say the Americans
we are nothing like as damaging
as the Brits
 but we are as one
the US and us
we are cousins after all
and go hand in hand
(actually, thought one Yank
my forebears were germans!)
you can't tell on us
we are together in all things
 for years now
they have been lasering and pressing
the brain and skull
the nerves and veins
in the poor head of the victim
during the night
 the aim is to create
very early senility
once she forgets
no one will know
 No one will know
and we can do what we wish
and have done as we wish
using clever language
on this language teacher
and the general population at large
 what they don't know
can not hurt anyone
and least of all us
 Just keep hitting her
night after night
added Dr Meyer...
 One reader out there
reading all my work no doubt
enquired curiously
why doesn't someone sue me?
 No one sues me
because it is the truth I write
and if they sued me
the truth would out
 To sue costs thousands
and months and years
of wasted time and life
over here in our democratic system
 One woman we have just heard of
had to pay twenty thousand
to sue someone when she was attacked
do you know how much twenty thousand pounds is?
 If 'they' sued me
I could speak
without having to bear the costs
how nice that would be
 so no one sues me
as long as I have a care how I write
because what I write is right
and to sue me would prove this Right!
 we should have a system
like they have in Spain
where if someone has done you
there is a collumn in newspapers for it to become known!
 it is an experiment
is what the lab calls
riding rough shod over the law
which they totally ignore
 so another invention
not only do they put imprints
of those who have been in the lab
(means they can peek at everything)
 they are using my imprint
on young teachers they have chosen
to tune them to perform my work
as they now scan brains onto machines
 see folk, I was voted top teacher
at a College though the oldest there
by thousands of students
and when I teach I guarantee
 The lab has been pressuring and blocking
throw a spanner in the works where ever I go
so now this young teacher has all my notes
all my lesson plans and asked for more
 because long ago, Pam Civil Servant of Pensions Ministry
who has a daughter studying Germanic and used in this 'trial'
was given all my notes lodged illegally on the lab computer
and given an A for my work, not her true value
 however does this young cheat of a teacher
realise that using the imprint of me
might make her successful in my way
means she is liable to get cancer from it
 as so many others already have and died
having had no choice..
enough for the moment they tell her
your courses (copied) are so successful
 and China has gone soft
Beijing USA College is on the London screen
and all its people and all they do and say
some due for cancer ofcourse.
 it is an experiment
is what the lab calls
riding rough shod over the law
which they totally ignore
 so another invention
not only do they put imprints
of those who have been in the lab
(means they can peek at everything)
 they are using my imprint
on young teachers they have chosen
to tune them to perform my work
as they now scan brains onto machines
 see folk, I was voted top teacher
at a College though the oldest there
by thousands of students
and when I teach I guarantee
 The lab has been pressuring and blocking
throw a spanner in the works where ever I go
so now this young teacher has all my notes
all my lesson plans and asked for more
 because long ago, Pam Civil Servant of Pensions Ministry
who has a daughter studying Germanic and used in this 'trial'
was given all my notes lodged illegally on the lab computer
and given an A for my work, not her true value
 however does this young cheat of a teacher
realise that using the imprint of me
might make her successful in my way
means she is liable to get cancer from it
 as so many others already have and died
having had no choice..
enough for the moment they tell her
your courses (copied) are so successful
 and China has gone soft
Beijing USA College is on the London screen
and all its people and all they do and say
some due for cancer ofcourse.
that was us
and that was us
 the Dalai Lama was on the machine too
he had to give an answer to me
to the issues raised by the lab
which were supposed to be me
that was a bit rough of you lot
said the lab 'that shook that lot up a bit'
the warning initially was though
be warned
it will really shake things up
 and everyone I used and use
is gifted now
 they still havn't asked
what does this machine do
at the moment
there are only three women
in the lab taking turns at torment
 and all my bank statements
are missing yet again
so the present lady
will be a-robbing again
(thieves enter our house constantly)
try telling the police this
I had fifty five entries in one year in London
 She'll climb to the top
was on the file
so we have to destroy her
this has to benefit one of mine
then wipe it off the file
 Remove the cancer and skin stuff
very little by very little from the machine
and find some nasties about her old mother
our american Solly from Friends
who has already used her work
''I'll work all this through again''
(oh God, we lost all to save jews then)
 don't bother to hide in Russia
they are in on it too
as you well know
but you never say
as you know it wouldn't be believed
(all internal weaknesses tested)
 destroy her reputation as a teacher
--get one pupil to say
I have found a metaphor / as - like
we at the lab who listen to your lessons
are now getting quite clever
then say the Miss didn't tell me the difference
we have to find ways of destroying your reputation
 I lab Anna, intended to leave one painting untouched
of the stream of your life you have painted
I must have seen it in a film
as nothing I Anna do has to do with brains or logic!
 my mother who never joined the Nazi party
but met the top as an interpreter
never talks of it
it isn't important, they were maniacs
and now I have the same situation
it isn't important, they are maniacs!
  Said the lab put onto the media
that Ben was seen on a bench
or something like that
it will make what we have done
seem like fiction then
 the bench comes from maximising
one of my long ago friends
was one day seen on a bench
by my children coming home
from their catholic school
St Bede's in Scunny town
 this woman later dumped her kids
and her old man
and set up with a toy boy
as did several of my friends
it seems to be a thing
the British do I have found
 ''Cull this work to Wales''
-we'll develop her
sleep experiments on the tv
on me they used the remote
which leaves you with a sick feeling
but you can barely drag yourself up
they used this when I was in China too
oh and start a running sore
 The running sore comes from a colleague
in america who had a sore on his willy
probably another one lab Anna comforted
they put it all on the file
then they have to use each fact
in every possible way
to maximise everything
 and the 'I took a hundred here and there'
was the Tory M.P. Archie
who had also been an ex lover
I wonder if they have ever worked out their order
and the account he took it from
was mine, a private citizen!
a lone woman and a lone kids
and octogenarian refugee
scared out of her life
who wouldn't say against england
to save her life
 We find the worst opinion ever
spoken against each of you
real spite no matter who
use that as the general opinion
and try to bring everyone's opinion
down to that one
Lab Anna used you
because you people never complain
nor do you gossip
so no one would really ever find out
the hints you put into your writing
no one but us understands
 brave people these english
arn't they!
 you thought social experiments were illegal
so did I
 The lab feels the Prince should do a whistle stop tour
covering what we have done
 usually we do what we did to you
to women in mental homes though remote
you had to cope with everything on your own
new city, new situations, University, kids alone, penniless
 we give our thieves heaven for using you
you get the hell says the tv
 we put someone on the interpals or something
and say that is your payment for us using your body and work
torture last night was pretty bad
we connect you rarely lasts long and we destroy all family ties
 we said Sarah was at fault for your situation, who was Sarah
the jewish Minister who enjoyed lab Anna's rear at the Ministry
we had gone too far so we had to destroy you
now we extreme, the government permits silent torture and murder
 the lab changed your Uni marks so the work had to disappear
the lab gave your creative work away so it had to disappear
 all your mother's clothes, all the thefts from your house
the treasured russian boxes, the sketch books, the writing books
from BE'd, from Sheffield University writers group
from the Spanish Schools is all in your neighbour hood
 we get them to sort out our problem then spread lies about you
and the last two days we have been razing your eye nerves
 torture was pretty bad last night
worse than the night before, even America has fallen
 said the notary persons:
if the Lords (old Sarah's the back side player of lab Anna)
permitted it, we can't do anything about it
Only the Russians refuse to come into the lab,
how can we get them in and onto our screen
 said lab Anna: I can't let her have her work back
not with people like Friedlander in it who used it all from me..
and Maureen 'Lipman' and all the other jews I gave it to
the people will cheer if the Prince shows himself!
 we have this machine
this machine can do anything
anything is possible now
no one stops us doing anything
anything which takes our fancy
all will be cleared in the next century
 bit like this will be the war
to end all wars
 we make a file to use of issues
and put it on her name to hex
so we could play around with sex
the lab Pakistanis ask
it says she drinks
does she drink
what does she drink
does she drink beer
 doesn't drink or smoke
today's quotes repeated
so lab Pakistani tried to press her chest with laser
I'll make her chest as bad as one who smokes
but doesn't drink at all
 lets have a go at some pubs
kill a few publicans
 we have a machine which can do anything
the biggest secret in the world
the hoy polloy have not yet discovered
too busy to check or find out
it can do anything
keep talking about bombs and things
every machine in her house has been broken
precisely with the laser from the machine
 they won't know what hit them
they'll be dead before they know what hit them........
 the machine in a London lab.
  lying in bed this morning
passers by speaking
this is another old one they use constantly
it is a relief when I go abroad to silent windows
the stinks and problems there are as nothing in comparison
 Meyer's voice said
stupid cow (me) she signed she'll give us everything
(actually I signed a nurses form at West Ham Community Health
in May 1991 yelled at by Nurse Hughes
stomped out for half an hour
but I had a mortgage
with no copy and not able to read it)
 Now Peter next door to her in Plashet Road
has all her work too
he also has our cancer
one of those on our machine
 weeps a lab paki voice
I didn't understand the pain limit
(normal torture continues daily but at a lower level
since my return from the States holiday)
that is why I put it onto full intensity for months and months
 that is one of her passages
I recognise it
so the States are using her work too
america is also under the british hammer
(Friends and one or two others have been using it for a long while
I recognise it, but it is lightweight general stuff
not monologues of total writing as the lab did)
 they've taken excessing and free hand outs to its ultimate limit
english fashion
contempt for life
corrupt to the core
world wide for their own popularity
outlawed in the States obsolete programmes
 why is all this happening
lab Anna beamed incursions into private citizens lives
for many decades now
''interesting bits'' from bedrooms
watching husbands and wives
lovers and engaged couples
to her lovers in the Big Apple sister lab
that is how they spend their days
illegally watching private citizens
and messing with them
the beaming looped all over the place
and a torso appeared
so then they made some sex films sticking on heads
and put them through all strong receivers world wide
 lab anna says she has a hobby horse
the sizes of members
lab students were found to be copying my work
from the lab computer as their thesis
and lab members copying all work to print as their own
including the bossess Anna
who sat on my dad who was a well known writer
so she could impress the Health Ministry
so they had to either destroy my ability to work
or my work
and decided to give it to everyone world wide
from the machine on which we are prisoners
use us as lab rats to train her evil staff on
(why do researchers
have to know how to syphon bank accounts?)
 and they now proudly declare
we are the SS or the KGB of Britain..
but no one can catch us
with our american friends taxes and help!
 she is running again
east, west anywhere away from blighty
this is coming through the wall
they all use that one
in Plashet road they used Esther Rantzen's voice
threatening me through the wall
 they said you were scum
now they will say you said someone is scum
though you make it a point never to talk of people
and nothing is made good which we do
they keep on repeating making it worse and worse
the kids (who are adult men) don't care
they get a good pay
they never question anything at all
 there wasn't a response there or anywhere nearly
put one in, imagine one, make it horrific
and don't imagine Anna of the lab cares about lying
it is her way of life
 Lauren who falsified the papers said the other morning
I am really worried about going on the stand
now you are contemplating sueing
Anna just says : say that and say that
to her lying is a way of life
but we are still playing with you and your family for life
 now to separate Shaun from the family
the family has to be divided it says on the file
(Hitler and Stalin did this one too)
we used the old lady all her life to make her sick
but we used old Semen when he was sick making him worse
 we want her out of Paki Homes (teaching) says the lab paki
she might talk to them, they believe her
-say that she doesn't respond well with our children
- they have used some of them to rob our house
their own children, turned them into thieves!-
 now we the lab are insured to the hilt
time for some insurance companies to collapse
('I can Northern Rock any company' said Anna)
every insult real or imagined has to be paid back
 the BBC has apologised for its part (really?)
and we will tell the President of Pakistan our truths
we have more tricks we want to try out
 I sell more now the lab sells me of her work
than I could ever have dreamed of
All the lab stooges have made heaps of money
royalties for your work to her copiers pours into them
and they have so much they are buying second homes
-if only you had had a bit of loose sex for Anna
you too could have been made rich by her-
 excess, simplify -
your work is hidden in the filth Anna wrote
they call that mix and match,
but I will find it
I will find it
the truth will never be found in this monster trial of evil...
 I am a fool
I admit that
but you know
our family has always been truthful and honest
and many times
in many situations across Europe
others have sold their souls
and disappeared
but we are still here
Maybe it is true what the lab says
maybe there is no God
or any such test of honesty
but we have to believe in something
and as former Mongols
we know that to trust our neighbours
is the greatest strength
greater than all gifts
spend your dirty, stolen gold
and dirty yourselves...
I eat it says the file
I being lab Anna of St Barths
(try some caviar dear!)
 well poets
in the sixties when I grew up
we did leap frogs on wooden horses in gyms
not on young men as they do now on tv
and as for eating sperm or throating
which these London ladessess do do
and I had never heard of till recently
the stuff these Ministers and Civil Servants get up to
in their Ministry offices and well, ministries!
 Old Sunny Scunny and our tough steelworkers
were really not quite up to that
My lebanese school mate
with her 'counting off' all the business men's sons
jewish most of them,
was about our limit
and I had a job supporting her as a friend
 so the lab have been told follow instructions
I am NOT to be allowed any happiness
because that will loosen me up
(put losen, it sounds better said lab Anna)
because the lab had a plan and she would not follow
adding to the present copying artist
adjust it
simplify it
then you can say it is your work not hers
don't worry I will have the originals robbed and destroyed
 and in China they called her the wonderful old teacher
well the lab Pakis informed me
we can't have that
we are going to put over horrid things
destroy your reputation
(they do incidentally
that is why I don't believe what they say about the Princess
she was on the same programme at the lab so I know)
''they'll all remember nasty things
we will make them up
we call it spinning..
and increase the drawing skills
of all we used and even those we gave cancer to
the young Prince will be amazed when he finds what he can do!''
given him remote for what we did to them'' I quote.
 it is all backed up and blocked
your life is forfeit to the lab
(I don't want to be forfeit to anyone
we didn't survive all the way West for this)
they will never catch the lab now
the wrong is the mother of all wrong doers
 so science is destroying the last human trait
its art and communication
along with love, decency and loyalty
 we will restore it later....they added
like the milk Thatcher took, I wonder?
and I took a hundred there from your account
and a hundred there says the lab
even Archie, conservative, ex lover and help
of anna lab bossess, will paint
and everyone knows lawyers cost thousands just for a letter
so the lab have got her again as they are now poor
 for robbing her old mother by the Ministry of Pensions
of the total life savings of their old dad
whom the lab manslaughtered
(they don't have murder here)
taxing her small life savings as a millionaire
give the british nation a rebate of some sort
(like when they lost my post
the lose all the pensioners books in the post
it is called spinning!)
 so, how strong was the womb tingle
Anna of the lab put onto the Princess
and was the machine ever switched off
did Anna direct the lovemaking
as Steve did that of the Prince
and said over my radio
''I taught the prince to play''
and I quote...
 by what show of arguement
the accusers of  of us
would persuade all and sundry
that we and particularly I
have forfeited our lives and life
to the lab St Barths Behavrioural Science
(not withstanding Lauren
falsifier of forms
 for though the crimes laid unto our charge
were great indeed
that she did not acknowledge the gods of england
that she introduced new ones
and farther
that she debauched teh youth
yet none of these
in the least
could be proven against the Miss
 For, as to the first
she taught the english well and with enthusiasm
to all who listened toher
bringing a love for the land of england to all
which had been hers long since
before the betrayal by the Queen and Country
 and instead of paying no homage to his country
he was frequently seen to assist sacrifice to them
both in his own family and in the temples of education
perpetually worshipping them to all the public in a solemn manner
 because they said he received genius from her forebears
intelligence so he must be accused of introducing the truth
 she frequently told all her students
that they could do or not do,
according to the instructions
what they believed in
but those who followed her advice
always found advantage in it
how could she avoid this censure
she is either a liar or a visionary
if the events had not justified the truth
of the things he pretended were revealed to her
she would not have spoken of them
if she did not believe them to be the truth
 though she advised friends what to do
if in cases which were doubtful
she would always send them to the Ten Commandments
though she believed that everyman should make a choice
of the conditions in life by which he or she lived
there are greater truths to be found
 what is even more surprising
the claim of debauchery of the youth
a most sober and chaste person
but not inclined to make a mountain out of a molehill
who could not easily be startled
 using always good texts
then how could she teach impiety
injustice, gluttony, impurity and luxury
 hey man, I laugh a little at us the human race
'cause on the whole
we take ourselves too seriously
and some think they are God incarnate
not a man here for a short time
and get so befuddled they need laughing at
 but that being that
she always tried to reclaim persons
and inspire them with love of virtue
putting in them hopes
 yet she never promised any man to teach them
they must learn to be taught
ok so she never neglected herself
and makes sure she is comfortable
but you know
a sick person is incapable of doing anything
and to work well
she herself needs to be comfortable enough
keep your own house in order
and everyone keep their house in order
and you have order...what!
 the accusers say that she taught to despise
she affirmed it to be a folly by elect
ok only God is perfect
mankind is flawed in every way
and we still aspire.....
 I teach the young to think
I teach the young not just to accept but to check
I teach them to read enough to have a background for protest
I teach them if they don't want to protest that is ok too.......
I teach and I teach well so go to hell..........
  We tell them you have given your life to us
and being a DP and refugee
and fatherless
you had so many advantages
well I have never been one to complain
but try to look at the positive
 we have given all your lesson plans
to an english teacher of our choice
we do not like this damned foreigner
being voted top teacher in colleges
being liked and respected for her teaching abilities
this has to stop it has to be OUR success
 on top of that
we change your CV
and change letters of recommendation now
so that they see a different picture to the true one
and get former pupils to say nasty things
it isn't enough to spread nasty gossip in your area
you move all over the place
and your calm quiet firm manner is too much liked for our taste
 I the lab Bossess rule the world
I will say what goes
well, I did say I suppose I had a bit of a God complex
and we british have always ripped off the stripes from uniforms
 now hear what I, little poetess lady have to say
considering what they do to me
and how they continue
now consider this
the Princess was also a victim
--the lab calls me
a sacrifice for them--
I don't feel much like a sacrifice
but I don't know how a sacrifice should feel
I know I once respected the british
am so like them it is unbelievable
yet know I scorn them
as lower than the snakes of the desert
and I don't mean that damned snake god of India either
consider what they do to me
and draw your own conclusions about the dear Princess..
 they are liars, liars, liars..........to the core
the Princess was in the lab
the Princess was on that machine
the Princess had a programme written by lab bossess Anna
that is all I am saying
and trying to give me cancer
with all the money the States and Brussels has given you
will no longer shut me up
with your damned legal government of cowards
there are not enough white feathers in the world for you lot...
 Did you all know that Hitler got in legally too!
 microsound: now get another comic in
to copy all her work yet again on our crummy media....
 Your tax money
millions of it
Brussels and the States
has paid for the mother of all illegal
let us call it experiments..
experiment in England
is another word for undetectable crimes
by the lousiest load of criminals
since Auschwitz
which was also run by this self same system
 declared the lab
(I often tell you what they put out)
there will be no melt down
it has already happened
this has been it
planes crashed
trains bashed and all the rest
most of what happened was us
the killings and destruction
of this last decade
trying out all the stuff negatively
by british criminals covering their backs
permitted by a corrupt government
-let's get on with it then-
which the clever americans have found and outlawed
brought from the clever germans before them
turned nasty and spiteful and criminal by the Brits
 so on Bus eighty eight yesterday
gong to grannies who is ninety one
after teaching the Somalian girls english
(I don't mind them
they get favours but are real refugees
unlike the pakis
though we got no favours-
they brought as work donkeys
and now continue to use as lab rats)
this is a daily occurance every where I go by the way
-in their twisted terminology
it is called 'surrounding' someone...
and means using them day and night
and all those around them
grandly they proclaim
it will be this only once
batter the shit out of everyone - now
 what do they mean, once only
the lab have been using it for at least two decades now
and messed with dozens and dozens of individuals
in their private lives according to their own amusement
and all the lab have deaths on their slates
 an older woman with a white bun in a black indian coat
got on the bus, she smelled of sweat
and her coat was covered in dandruff
(I have never had dandruff
though Felix of Berlin, invited to the lab
took out fifty percent of my fine brown hair remote
which they use as punishment for retarded people)
she did  not look as though she had ever worked
' writer'said microsound, 'who pinched your work'
these look alike set ups are what these idiots do all day
with your taxes and mine...
 then a red haired chump, dyed of course
I think they called her Megan
a girl who had my mother' wheelchair taken from her
so we had to fight to get it back-
sneered at me though she was a quarter of my age
microsound..I saw that-
lifted her coat
they keep a camera from a satelite on me
day and night and all I do since 1983
once day they got an Ethiopian lodger of mine at Upton Park
to push me against a fire place
and pull my skirt up behind
 spite because my mother had said many years ago
the raping red army should have stuck their what's it
into a sauerkraut keg or a fireplace
and given us women a bit of peace
(her neighbour of seventy died of gang rape
by a whole plattoon of soldiers, to pinch a mirror
and some gold painted door handles in Bratislava
she bled to death, though we blocked her with cotton wool
and when they walked the streets
girls laid there being raped
as Kalashnikovs pointed at passers by
I need to explain this
why we are so bitter)
 well dear girl, what happened was
these north africans are on the whole civilised
surprised at first I quickly whipped round
pulled down my skirt (I wear them long)
and said to the young man of thirty three sex foot tall
(this is supposed to be the boy
they put on the file I had sex with boys!)
I don't care for these male approaches
and they tell me a lot of gay men are involved
who see sex very differently to me
and are into black and white sex-
an elderly lady who was raped t nine years old
Now young man if you want to rape me
kindly do so in my bed
as this would be most painful for me
having a ripped womb flap causing pain at times
and endless stitches up to my behind
from my very large five babies..
 he shrugged and gave up
we sat down and had a cup of tea
and discussed his thesis.
Now Arbroath is putting cancer scabs
all over my back again
because the Pakistanis have a lot of skin diseases
 Now I lived in Pakistan teaching there
to escape the British Civil Servants
many of the nomads there
who camp at the markets
never see water except for stand pipes
the government puts up for them by street sides
and the villages like that near Islamabad where I visited
the poorest have bad skins
because they live in dirt and filth
 as I said
all a lot of these countries need
is a good clean up
they have wonderful climate
rivers and mountains
the Brits did their sneaky muslim allies proud
but forgot what lazy devils they can be
 by the way,
entering Islamabad village
fields filled with women working their fingers to the bone
lying under the water spout sunning in the sun
lazing I saw so often time and again
a young male
the usual picture over there....
so the lab pakis give ME skin blemishes and poxes
though doctor Meyer
who always watched me in the shower daily
(I was very slim when a little younger)
put on microsound
don't shower so often my dear
your skin will dry
and coming out of the bath
the television would say
'not bad'
 we will fine her (me)
is spoken daily-
fine means punishment
I think for the file written
by the jewish doctors and the lab bossess
robbery, torture or destruction of some sort..
for you dear Anna of the fifty men
Brits can be such big pigs... real pigs.
 and a few new cancer victims they have caused
 and Al Fayed too
was on the machine
at London St Barths
 whether he knew or not
no one will ever know
but they let me know
 he snores now at night
though he has had his fancies
as they checked his life through
 I sent him my poetry books
I like Egyptians
probably because my father
 Semen Telewny the writer
had written FOR Nasser
how dare they take the canal
 and my dad had great influence
on the way I thought and lived
and I liked this man too
 so sent him poetry books
one two three
would he see the clues
 I wondered, but no
why should he
if the books ever got there
 I painted Dianas fate
three months before
and wept bitterly all night
 and in my odd dreams
Dodo became the owl
dreams are not willed
 I am with that man
in spirit though neither he
nor I will ever win!
 he has tried anything
bent every way
but cannot find the truth
 But Mr AlFayed
since when where the Brits
ever since time began, truthful?
 shouldn't you know better.
 at school
at college
my reports all prove
her top marks
do not tell how good
she paints even better than top
 we were refugees
we were poor
I was not really theirs
I was a good daughter
I always did as I was told
or my mother was going to send me back
back to where
 I am a displaced person from the age of one
you should work in a factory
you think you are a princess or something
I managed to get to a newspaper
I was a good wife
I was a good mother
then at last I signed for art school
encouraged by a young male teacher
I myself will ring and make the appointment
your talent should be used
(I used to sit in the corner
at the women's group painting, not chatting)
 I went to the nearby town of Grimsby
the Head looked at two paintings
done on the kitchen table using the kids' paints
you have your place
at the council grants office she said
you should stay at home with your children
have you nothing better to do at your age
than go running to nearby towns to art college
 It was difficult
jealousy from every side
I must be a good mother and wife
so to the hospital Path lab as receptionist
and everyone approved of me
but one day an assertive women's class taught me
as a woman I also have a right to life
but all I want to do is paint
I don't want to be a receptionist
I had followed everyone's wishes all my life
I had been that good person the nuns had taught me
and slowly I manipulated the situation
and was again at Art College
but this time with a sting in the tail
 the lab St Barths were watching
as they watched endless people on this Isle
and manipulate their lives to their own amusement
but I come from a communist past, much the same
so the axe man manipulated my old man
I do not want to be married to a woman better educated
ok and Meyer used the womb torture remote
so that in Life drawing classes I was bent double in pain
 they totally took over our lives
they reasoned, we separated them, just as the Royals later
so she must have many ahem affairs then marry again
unfortunately the last thing on my mind was ahem affairs
so they gave out the marks
fail, you did not do as we wished
my lecturer shot himself a week later, called manslaughter
they push them too far sometimes and that happens
what, paint, I know nothing about art the good doctor said
 no. assertive women would not give in
off to another course I went
here the lab doubled up the intervention into classroom
and private life I dare not mention
till it was too much
and to London I fled when my sons were old enough
hoping I had left my sons to safety
 I dare not tell you what they did at the UEL
it is called debasement, another obsolete programme
- these doctors and bossess have all had at least fifty lovers
they say this with pride along with their spouses-
using microsound all you hear is filth not lectures
and Anna wrote a file so filthy it is called heavy porn
 but I knew all this Uni study from my past
and as a german mother tongue speaker
the lab said they couldn't fail me
though they played with the lecturer and lectures
the lab put my mark at borderline
because Wayne one of theirs
had had that happen to him-
having taken off twenty percent
but from now on 'Fail all' however good said the lab
no complaints will be listened to
victim had enough education as far as we are concerned!
 they were permitted to torture, rob and torment
they said by some clerk at the United Nations
and we were only refugees who the hell cares
They said we were a danger to the Royals
because how the lab worked it out was
If they told me all they did
then I would know too much
and be a danger to them all
at first I was totally silent, said nor wrote not a word
 I thought of fleeing to Iran
(I had good friends Iranians
and my mother had since my childhood
taught me of Iranians, though not this lot
and Borneo and of Mountains and much more)
but I could not stand much more
You would not believe what they were doing to me
but their Embassy honestly wrote to me
saying: 'respectfully we ask you
are you sure you know what you are doing'
I have the letter still
(and later my son spoke on Iranian tv and radio
about the madness of wars in the middle East
unbeknown to me!)
which made me think again about my family
so I fled to Canada
but they began physical torture remote over there
and so it went on
 I taught at East Ham College
painted at their classes in my spare time
so the Civil Service closed those classes for the lab
though they were packed beyond the doors
I held exhibitions at our local Unis
so they made rules about framing and such
which they knew I could not afford
each door was closed
no matter how many I tried to open
 and now the final attacks
they steal the actual work
written and painted
nothing of her college days must remain
or she has proof that we failed her-
not the work she did-
they give it to their thieves and cheats to sell
saying to all and sundry :they sell
she doesn't as we block her from selling
yes, the lab guarantees their sales
anyone who uses me work
 and today's quote?
'your natural talent would have shone through!'
everything you did normally,
was more or less a 'first'
so, asked someone on high, you are still riding her?
Yes, the lab Pakistanis have her to play with
give cancers and poxes too or rare diseases,
destroy her skin or life,
(semi-literate goons on massive wages
each got a pay out of one thousand taken from my accounts)
 trying one more last for an art M.A.
the lab sits there
all our lab members
have used all her work
her drawings, sketches and writings
sent off to the magazines in our names
written books of her work copied and adapted slightly...
most of it about her life and studies
even the ancient Hebrew Verse I painted
studied for the Rabbi Rothchild-
no she cannot
her tale she might tell
and all will know what really happened to Colin
and even to Barry, also their manslaughter
as this little known technology kept secret
becomes more widely known
 there is to be no physical evidence
everything we do we cover
and a lone woman is so easy to use and abuse
such is the tale of one woman who wanted to paint
Know the joke
I studied feminism, british and german,  at Uni!
 the pay off,
all whom we used to cheat her
now on the machine
the ones who didn't get the cancer from it
will suddenly find they can draw
(think about it guys
it is quite easy to work out
I am an artist and even I know how)
and the little Princes too
will be given the physical or mental gift on line
for all the bad we have done to them.
and now the english girl at the lab warns
more robberies are due for you and your mum
(she's ninety one)
though you have nothing left
it is done to confuse you
so more books of sketches and uni work stolen
you are supposed to forget
as the crimes are constantly repeated
(I think they call it the spin)
you know
Hitler built autobahns and did good works
as he destroyed all of Europe!
 Remote prison for life for them
every thing destroyed
for our sins at the lab
we turn it all around
onto her as we rise higher and higher
 I want her work to be worthless
The Cambridge man has taken
all working lecturers
selling their souls for lab fame
destroying art and literature for ever
as was the Tyne Tees Uni man
as was Christopher of four books of copied poetry
from the lowest Pakistani
to the highest realm
all must use her work
 to cover what we the lab
have done to them
the british do NOT have scandals
we cover and kill them
and crunch them into the ground
Just tell everyone they volunteered
Lauren, liberal jewess signed their life away
They learnt a lot from the Nazis did these jews
or was it vice versa afterall?
 Now Oxford man
I want you to write it like this--
for that I will raise you above your peers
and you will remain on the machine
and I will guide and watch your life..
I want everyone in the lab
so everyone is at fault
the biggest greatest gang bang ever
against this one tiny woman and her little family
 the machine
the secret machine
at St Barths
of which the whole government is part
outlawed in the States
all already tried over there...
 but he whom we call Backhouse
from over the pond the States
is coming to help us out
to show us how to survive her tongue
 Backhouse good poets
how did that come about?
whilst studying at the UEL
I rang the german school in Islington
could I please work voluntarily there on Saturday
the Head, called Backhouse barked at me
''what do you want''
 so I have to tell you
all my phone calls are listened to
and interferred with
so I rarely use the phone
as you cannot see who is at the other end
Backhouse it seems
is also some boss over there
who sent St Barths the millions
for them to try out stuff on us
 they say they get massive wages
incase they are ever caught
and in the States the penalties are severe
here they just use us former D.P's
clever, hard working, talented
give us to their Pakis to use us for games
so the Pakis can get even richer
on our hard earned gains
 and there was Gus and Hank
and Kit and others over there
who at first had no idea
what this lot over here are like
and the bossess ofcourse entertained them
in her own particular fashion
anyway so Cambridge man has copied
so now Oxford man is also to copy
what cowards the British are!
 we decided to use this family
for reality experiments
they are so vulnerable
so many of theirs are dead
and my how we made their old suffer
who will believe her anyway?
 We raise everyone who uses her work
then to protect them
we rob her house constantly
she might as well leave the door open
and now we have another artist in to copy
 all of England is now just copied work
how is it done the New York jew Ziegler told us
you take the main words of each sentence
and add them to your own ideas
you take the main ideas of paintings
and add them to Anna's ideas
 we destroy all her friendships repeatedly
it is a psychiatrists dream
and our american teams showed us how
we have outdone them in every way
they would all be in prison
if they did what we do without a word raised
 does she stay in her jobs they ask
no because the lab always creates massive problems
to create conflicts no matter where she goes
once we gave her mother four seizures
to get her back home
when we went through the whole heart thing
 we have pressed her heart to its limit too
we cannot be found out
or it is prison for all of us
you would not believe the pain and suffering
that family has been put through
and others killed with the Royal Prerogative
 Doctor Meyer who used a lot of her work in his book
explains : I wanted her to know hardships
We didn't check anything
I destroyed all advances and blocked all she does
we were asked to tell them what we were doing
 we tell them after the event
over the tv over music and you name it
people walking past in the streets
the Soviet is nothing to this
but when she visited the Soviet and Russia
we used the sound over there too
 when she thinks of leaving for somewhere
we sweetly ask the system in that country
please will they take this patient of ours#
who has never been a patient
and this is her file, the bogus one we made up
and the dirty film we made with a second rate porn model
 there is no escape
the latest has been to spread gossip round her area
so that all who were her friends
now see them as someone terrible
she does now know what is said
so she cannot fight it
 as long as the lab escapes
with her money, her work and their lives
who the hell cares
about some useful people to society
who have talent
 we raise any of her friends
higher than she is
get them the best jobs
for which they go on our machine
and we use them all
controlling even their sex lives
as the final kick
 so she doesn't make friends anymore
and in the event
not one friend we have found for her
has been to her liking
not even one
and when we rob from her bank accounts
we try to make the bank clerk
into her friend as we roll the money
for our lab staff and they can never find it
 this follows from when we took away her jobs
we tried to turn the bosses into her lovers
we wanted her turned into a prostitute
first the high class
then the rubbish
then the filth
the Jew at L.A. who wrote this programm
told us that is how it is to be
(or that is what we say)
for poetessess to princessess
 so you came to Britain did you
and helped to rebuild our country
so you did working as our labourers
and saved jews under the Nazis'noses
and tried to keep safe Czechs and other Slavs
well,we at the lab tell you this
 Good people always go under!
  what do I want,
an american friend has asked...
 I want to belong to a country
which sees me as its own,
and allows me to use its law and work for it
which will defend me from others,
not use me for illegal deadly experiments
which allows me to use my intellect
and gifts for myself and for it..
not take them for its government's workers
and all their friends and lovers
I want a country which sees me
as an integral part of itself
not a thing they fetched to work
once long ago when they needed rebuilding
from somewhere East now no longer useful
so can be used for anything which is illegal
Back then you begged us to buy your goods
and licked out boots
 my fellow poets
why am I telling you this
 because it looks like after the long journeys
dragged out of our homes and I mean literally
yet we had dared to stand by our jews and others before
mother battered and beaten though nine months pregnant
for all the people she had saved
oddly only a mongolian Red Army sentry tried to help her
dragged West in cattle trucks
(West not East only because
President Klements was a friend of ours)
malnutrition time and again
the years in two children's homes
in different transit and refugee camps
different languages different cultures constantly
all the things which made up our life
 and then at the end
to have finally got to College and that too the lab destroyed
 I need to go on now not what for their freedom
nothing is worth waiting for here in this hell they want for us
though I have a Scotland Yard certificate of honesty
every three years as I teach
and our community was said to be the most decent
by their Home Office.
I really do not want to be illegal
after my life you can believe that
but now I have no choice
it is enough
there are no more corners to hide in
they keep telling us return whence you came
though over sixty and it was half a century ago
I cannot, just cannot, believe me I tried
I think there is only one country for us
and it is not corrupt old Brittania
yet they tell us that those who have countries
which just need a broom to sort them out
get stay when we do not..
because the Brits poached us back then
 again we have to take fear into our hands
and turn to the only place for mercy we know of
 but then every Asian who sites anything gets stay
and they have huge families who can sponsor
we have no families only our skills..
better life style is now a refugee matter
not something to work hard at to overcome at home
countries which do not organise themselves
peoples who leave dirt anywhere
and please do not deny it
I was a teacher in those countries too
trying to escape old Brittania's spite
as one Embassy top notch told me
if we had ten germans working in Pakistan
the country would be a top league place-
so those with no where to run can't run
can't run anywhere or anyhow
and those who have a country get to run
though it would be better if they organised
their own country first.
 telling us that we are the lost people
does not do much as another freedom disappears.
 and Immigration is adamant.
 said the Pakistani Lab worker last night
who raped a minor back home
I took a thousand from your bank account
money you had earned giving lessons
to Pakistani children to help them catch up
for half price and helping their mothers to cope
 I have used your poetry
and had your stories stolen
and the work you did at colleges stolen by neighbours
and deselected your letters on our computer
 no one will catch me here
the lab has seen to that
and by the way
anyone can get work in your health service
corrupt bosses create corrupt workers
so says the former toilet cleaner
now in charge of Personnell
 this is the new  britain
the Britain our Blaire created!
 It is just an idea you understand
we will get Jeremy Paxman into the lab
and he will notice odd things you understand
 we will engineer what he notices you understand
and then he will broadcast it on the tv
then the lab will be closed you understand
 and then the lab will ofcourse reopen you understand
we have already moved all our criminals to other jobs
and the lab can then begin from fresh you understand
 and understand this
sue them for the half century of torture and theft to you
but don't site Civil Servants in it
or we will get you
you understand!
 We at Behavioural Science have had the ability
of creating severe nervous reactions
for a long long time now
 we use this ability
where ever or on whom ever we want to
in poetessess and princessess
 then we do as we wish which we call basicing
from that point on
no one can find us out
 we merely call it
our 'little known technology'
people are to busy to listen to the whistle blowers
 the law needs updating ..
 they sorted them out over the pond
now they mess over here
 wasn't it enough what they did
in the experimentation camps
of Hitler's Germany and in the Gulags
from whence we came
 we mess over and above the call of duty
one of theirs put over
 look, a thousand pound slipped there
said the lab Pakistani who put it into his account
money from a retired teacher who worked constantly
page misssing, now lots of pages are missing
 the system which uses the barely intelligent
to destroy all in all ladders of society whilst furthering its friends
 for robbing them of their bodies, work and money
we say we get them 'contacts' and lovers to rape them
not one of our contacts has remained a friend or been a friend
they are merely people we want to watch on our machine..
 the machine which rules the world
yet has not yet been revealed to anyone except the top
 so now they've asked their system over the pond
to change the facts of when London set off the security alarms
there at Santa  Monica from their illegal, secret beaming
and I am an America friend, what is the point of the alarms then?
 we'll sort her out for you the Asians cry
but you have to guarantee our lives
she'll be destroyed
and no one will know
we do all this back home
 standing at the bus stop
coming from an english lesson
two massive north Africans is hear them say
''well now we have seen white behinds
nicer than that from our lot
and very slender too
like a child''
 are they talking of the little girls
forced into prosititution by these Asians
early teens in cotton socks
which makes us sad
as one threatens suicide
and I can only think
how daft I was at that age
 terrible happenings
but what can we say
when the very top like St Barths lab
play with the Ministers and Civil Servants
of their Ministries
and Ministries take part in endless corruption
then tries to turn it against them all
invites all even the BBC into the lab
on this survey of hers on sex
 there's little wonder
the country is going bad
from top to bottom
it all stinks..........
so this is it
the Asian group
our bossess Anna sponsors
to sort it all out for her.
 and who suffers in the end
hundreds of little girls
who know no better
as Anna bossess blares
get rid of Lynne
one of their torturers
she hates those lot more
even than
our victim does.
 we'll sort her out for you the Asians cry
but you have to guarantee our lives
she'll be destroyed
and no one will know
we do all this back home
 standing at the bus stop
coming from an english lesson
two massive north Africans is hear them say
''well now we have seen white behinds
nicer than that from our lot
and very slender too
like a child''
 are they talking of the little girls
forced into prosititution by these Asians
early teens in cotton socks
which makes us sad
as one threatens suicide
and I can only think
how daft I was at that age
 terrible happenings
but what can we say
when the very top like St Barths lab
play with the Ministers and Civil Servants
of their Ministries
and Ministries take part in endless corruption
then tries to turn it against them all
invites all even the BBC into the lab
on this survey of hers on sex
 there's little wonder
the country is going bad
from top to bottom
it all stinks..........
so this is it
the Asian group
our bossess Anna sponsors
to sort it all out for her.
 and who suffers in the end
hundreds of little girls
who know no better
as Anna bossess blares
get rid of Lynne
one of their torturers
she hates those lot more
even than
our victim does.
we'll sort her out for you the Asians cry
but you have to guarantee our lives
she'll be destroyed
and no one will know
we do all this back home
 standing at the bus stop
coming from an english lesson
two massive north Africans is hear them say
''well now we have seen white behinds
nicer than that from our lot
and very slender too
like a child''
 are they talking of the little girls
forced into prosititution by these Asians
early teens in cotton socks
which makes us sad
as one threatens suicide
and I can only think
how daft I was at that age
 terrible happenings
but what can we say
when the very top like St Barths lab
play with the Ministers and Civil Servants
of their Ministries
and Ministries take part in endless corruption
then tries to turn it against them all
invites all even the BBC into the lab
on this survey of hers on sex
 there's little wonder
the country is going bad
from top to bottom
it all stinks..........
so this is it
the Asian group
our bossess Anna sponsors
to sort it all out for her.
 and who suffers in the end
hundreds of little girls
who know no better
as Anna bossess blares
get rid of Lynne
one of their torturers
she hates those lot more
even than
our victim does.
 we'll sort her out for you the Asians cry
but you have to guarantee our lives
she'll be destroyed
and no one will know
we do all this back home
 standing at the bus stop
coming from an english lesson
two massive north Africans is hear them say
''well now we have seen white behinds
nicer than that from our lot
and very slender too
like a child''
 are they talking of the little girls
forced into prosititution by these Asians
early teens in cotton socks
which makes us sad
as one threatens suicide
and I can only think
how daft I was at that age
 terrible happenings
but what can we say
when the very top like St Barths lab
play with the Ministers and Civil Servants
of their Ministries
and Ministries take part in endless corruption
then tries to turn it against them all
invites all even the BBC into the lab
on this survey of hers on sex
 there's little wonder
the country is going bad
from top to bottom
it all stinks..........
so this is it
the Asian group
our bossess Anna sponsors
to sort it all out for her.
 and who suffers in the end
hundreds of little girls
who know no better
as Anna bossess blares
get rid of Lynne
one of their torturers
she hates those lot more
even than
our victim does.
 a wet nurse
so Hobson-Jobson tells us
sadly we all knew and watched
needed to provide beautiful children
 and of earlier
english regulations applied
a woman employed
to check the native women
 who could not appear in Court
to give evidence
and so she did
we saw it all as she lifted babies
 told us all of evidence
which could not appear in Court
if the bearer hath not strength
what can the Di do
 this mother for all
provided for for life
who got in the way
this children's nurse
 and the circle burns and turns
covering its tracks
destroying all reality
as the tears wash away the ash.
 I desperately need some new ideas
said the american
and the lab finds them all
 this is all we have on the computer
said Anna of the lab St Barths Human Research
and you can use them all
 we'll flood the market with her stuff
thank you Anna of the lab St Barths Human Research
and we can use them all
 now start tacking on to her work
use it as it stands
and use all of it
 different patterns of thought to ours
each country that comes into this trial gets all her work
and they can use it all
 they send some of their people of our system
to come to the lab and torture her and her family remote
and they can use them all
 yes, she cries but what can she do
and yes, it is inhumane but she can't stop it
so we use all her work and them all
 her husband used to say
nine tenths of the law is having it
and then you can use it all
 yes, she was always able, we made a mistake
no she was never mucky, that was Anna of the lab
we cover ourselves by giving them to the world.
 even the Belsen musician could play their own
even in Theresienstadt artists were asked to copy
but could retain their own work but this is Britain
 so that is the offshoot for visiting a friend in Arkansas
 and will they be freed
if they go to the States
 the lab in London
has put it on full again
 put what onto full
the womb irritator
 feels like super severe labour pains
and keep on pushining here in Arkansas
 though friends here try to help
as best they can
 the London lab will be allowed
to continue torture long range
 their citizen not ours for now
not a lot that we can do
 torture to continue
on our ground
 just like the stuff which happened
back then in Belsen and Auschwitz
 over and over battering without cause
that one little woman day and night
 who bows her head and begs the Lord
to help her and her kids through
 the artificial pain inflicted
by the murderous London lab
 of lechers and liars
though they weep tears at past deeds
 of those of theirs for whom our family lost all
to save and give life when THEY needed help
 and the skimming has already begun
Friends no less and what else?
 yesterday in a beautiful place
in this beautiful huge country
the lab put over
 the london lab
is feeding you work now
to americans
to jewish american mainstream
 so  no squeak will ever be mine
over here
and no one dare say a word
to jews over here
we lived together
we worked together
we got rich working with you
we helped you whenever you needed us
we were helped by a jewish GI major in Germany after
we needed your help then
we are not scared to talk to people
we see and saw our jewish neighbours as our friends and people
 the lab sayeth:
this is a new phrase of hers please use
make into a ad catch phrase in your name
(they have a super powerful computer which finds all that)
why can't you use her paintings for ads
we did in England
like this
all english media
and our sponsored designers
and our sponsored artists
and all our sponsored people
all the lab friends
write to cover the lab
and we gave it to Harvey
who got a divorce for it
so being on high
he would cover all of us with use
so now you can use all her work for us
we guarantee you success if you will use her work for us
 oh our jewish friends and former neighbours
how badly you have used us and me especially
I wonder when the day of reckoning will come for you, again..
said the lab in london
fetch the old Harvard Professor into the lab
it won't take him long to work it out
she's such a nice person
he'll smell a rat
 and we are the rats
and we don't want that
 but why did the lab
fetch the old Harvard Professor into the lab
for the Russian classes I attended at Sheffield University
to get out and meet new people
after they got my ex of twenty five years
to dump the kids and me there
 I don't write grammatical Uky
but I do write
I speak with a funny Slovak Uky accent
due to my mum
and it's where I was born
but a hun ethnic
but I do speak
I read well
and found at two Universities
I am only a step behind the young
who come from Poland and other slav countries
way infront of the westerners
 Tell you why
when I was little in the children's home in Germany
and the english took my mum to work as donkeys over there
combing the refugee places for workers
and then refused to let the lone women bring their children
who the heck in mainland europe had a live husband or father
and she married my Uky 'dad'
 I liked him from the day I arrived
he had clear grey eyes
said to me
Uky is my language and in my house you speak it
so we sat down with a Bookwar here and there
and quickly I learnt
and my daughter learnt from them too
 I smile now when I think
of how difficult I found to distinguish
all the different shhhhhs and jshhhhhs and chshssss
and how I had to say frog in Uky to get it right
each and every time
and then it was our home language
 mum spoke slovak
he spoke Uky
and I spoke something which all the kids there
at the refugee camp at Elsham spoke
my best friend Desdia
with Polish dad spoke it too
a sort of muddle of all the language
in the same sort of way as Yiddish you know
 'cause you know
we were all a muddle too
mum's best friend missus oneiko
a berlin jewess
and the others
the shulz'z
a POW who stayed and fetched his wife
 my best friend then
a latvian boy next door barrack
who flew of to Canada that year
and endless stories like that
even when I was grown
working on the local newspaper
if we saw each other
we'd smile
and I kept their wedding pics for myself too
 and my dad's friends
dead interesting
and everyone knew Telewny of Scunthorpe
he wrote in all the Uky papers
and visited everyone
so I listened to them discussing in Uky
sometimes heated always with passion
from the very beginning
he would take me down the the men's barracks
they fed me Polish sweets
and I sat and listened
 so why did this weird english bossess
fetch in the old Harvard Professor
who ofcourse was jewish
no disrespect meant at all
but why did the lab choose a jewish professor
to sit and listen to the Uni lessons
which were only my way of getting going again
amongst the local pop
 for herself methinks
to carve a name for herself
they gave a load of lies to all these americans
who never check anything from England
and the games herself played at those classes
 well guys
you should
not everything smells of roses over there
though they no longer pour the jerry pot into the streets
and the bossess says
she is stopping after I am dead
and that is why they are trying to hasten my death
with all sorts of technological tortures unbelievably crude
rather like the bossess and its staff
but then they found out
that the bossess has had this lecherous streak
since the age of eleven
says she is a non believer
which should explain it all and her jewish quacks there
 so now the rats are scared
that they might smell a rat over here
if they get the scent right
in this private little vendetta of the lab bossess.
 Mirroring is illegal
and there is good reason why
 at the start of all this
I knew there were lunatics here
 but no idea why or where
then when my jokes
 our families conversations
and more seemed to be on every programme
 as per instructions from L.A. Jew
I thought ey ey, nerve games
 listen guys, we come from all that
you don't ask why when you realise
 you just make sure to survive it
you gird your loins and stick cotton wools in your ears
 and twist wire round you tongue
and go into super alert
 that's how it was at home too
so the Mirror ran a series
 all of it came from Anna of St Barths
and a lot of it contained my work - so sayeth the lab
 hey guys, you gotta laugh
refugees from communism
 death threats don't really work on us in reality
some sat in the middle of american bombing and lived
 but I have to run to China for safety
and Chris of Oxford, you've shown your profs
 four books all copied from an old, well elderly lady teacher
I laugh out loud each time I hear 'Oxford' now
 graduated all right in copy right
in cheating and thieving from others called copy write
 and when I see the police
what police in this country..
 do her work though mirroring is illegal, is it
best go back to communism
 where at least you can complain
the capitalists don't even give you that
 shouting all that democratic purity
daren't be found out
 no different to my dad's stories of there
from the Kremlin and Stalin
 hey there, Paula of the Mirror
did you check your colleagues out
 what they copied- my dad killed by yous
was also a freelance Friedlander
 and my dad's mate at the Mail
got a scoop for forgetting her roots
 but my dad didn't have to copy anyone's work
and me, I just peruse how different the reality is
 to the rubbish they tell us
yet if you read history closely
 it is all there, all the truths though I really don't tell
mirroring is illegal...
 I love Easter
I just adore Easter
it is wonderful
 I can remember too well
as a kid in my Bavarian children's home
always being too small to reach the painted eggs
(Huns are generally smaller than Germans
and I am a very little Hun to boot)
hidden in the bushes by the nuns
for us to find after Mass
 and you know
Mass in Bavaria was something else
I watched in fear the golden snakes
slithering to the ground
and the only man in our lives
other than soldiers in jeeps and tanks
whizzing all over the place
after the girls
the Priest shouting away
in germanic sounding Latin
Latin was much better, mysterious
now we know what he is saying
and a lot has been lost-
or so I seem to remember
(I liked the nuns not the Priest)
 then when my kids were growing up
two of them altar servers
one had was suspended for a week for being naughty
twice, but Irish Priests understand naughty boys
and my daughter in the Legion of Mary and me too
we attended Maundy Thursday, Good Friday
right through to Easter Sunday
when the ex was always asked to take the collection
being our appendage and foreman
for many of the Irish there
(lots of tales to tell there too)
 and then older and alone
I would attend every single Station
in the East End at St Anthony's
I saw it not only as Jesus
but the cruelty of the whole human race
towards the human race
Huns are not inclined towards mourning
but this is a time one could mourn
 but here by the Pennine land
it is Methodist country
and their God was a cruel God
which kept them underground
the place is riddled with empty coal mines
and now their God is tree and grass for a change
 Things are changing however
and earthquakes shake the place
now we all know the Dutch will sort the shores
as they have done for three centuries
having come to Lincolnshire to sort the water
but what of these empty mines
one earth quake and two
more and more they will collapse
flood with water again
 the nation produces rubbish now
not coal but lots and lots of rubbish
so why not use this rubbish for good purpose
why not fill the old coal mines with rubbish
and give the people hereabout a rest
they've given enough of their generations
or is it british punishment
as their forebears came from Sachsen Anhalt
and just couldn't hack it over there?
 I arn't from these parts
but they've had little enough to thank God about
and when you look at the Stations
think of the young pregnant women
dragging coal waggons up pits
naked in the heat
and the rest of the horror of these parts
 Coming here to live I was shocked
at the colour of some of their faces STILL
coming from Lincolnshire
pig country as I did
God smiles in pink cheeked babies there
they're just getting some where here
for goodness sakes,
lets give 'em a chance
 think of that Easter Jesus suffering
then remember those miners
who made you all rich
and suffered terribly
 but I still love Easter the best.
 ..and why
has someone asked since
do you stick up for them constantly
when that area spends all its time
trying to knock you off your pedestal
 they know not what they do
in more ways than one-
they are fed untruths twisted
from a rogue lab
which has to keep itself out of prison
I cannot hold that against the people.
 best news I've heard in a decade or more
no space aliens to be seen anywhere
the Universe is all for us it seems
 do you realise what good news that is
it means we can with a little human ingenuity
build crafts, go to other worlds
think how to cart water to there, then produce it
how to build in new types of rocks
how to start new areas of civilisation
gosh it is endless
don't forget the coffee for those like me-
it is wonderful
I am brilliantly happy just thinking of it
I bags Jupiter here and now
for all my forebears
(my culture bears many similarities
to the very northern ones you see..so!)
 we can have interplanetary wars
said someone and I agree
 we can have children
that will have to fight
to get somewhere else
off this stagnating planet
(one or two sci-fi books
have already explored that path)
 it is not all over
it wasn't all for nothing
 oh dear God
Mary, mother of Jesus
and Jesus
and the Prophet Mohammed
blessed be his name
we can take them all over the place too
have you thought
what a pressy from God!
 it was all worth living and fighting for
we won't go under in a final fire
but then you know-
I know from my background
the british firebombing of Hamburg
my fairytales from my youth
wasn't the end
they even threw Phosphor into the river
to roast even those in the water
but look at the place now
nor the fires of Dresden-
My mother talked of it
as friends shrivelled black to fit in a sink
but I saw it clean and gleaming
full of life and people
there's me on the photos on that bridge
and the Palace all of them in Dresden
 thank you Lord
for such a wonder ful future you have given us
if only we can keep our heads
and our leaders can try just a little brains
give them half a brain at least
or damned good advisors
not a lot just a little
or we might have to topple
the lot of them
please God
just a little
 hey, but listen
do we have to call them aliens-
me, I was an enemy alien
not a refugee
from the age of eight
though I know this language
better than they do
I know their customs
better than they do
and could pass for one of them
if I wanted to anytime
but prefer not to
(they don't like our brains here)
and still get a kick or two for it
daily from a rotten London lab
which should disappear it is so stupid
or we will never have the Universe
with such idiots roving the Earth
with their stupid sexual perversions
just as Hitler had done
having learnt from their jewish freudian quacks
- the germans learn anything well-
(more of my childhood fairytales)
 and aliens is not nice
let's think of them as
our fellow space population
our future fellow citizens
whose land and planet we pinched
if we ever find any that is
Do we have to begin with hate
and turn to hate and destruction
what about a little bit of love and understanding
try the learning process for a change..
 as I always tell these guys who want to bed me
and hope to get british citizenship for it
go to College for two years
then come back and see me
never mind about how long before I will
I won't so try learning something instead
with this wonderful future we have...
 it's all ours
the whole Universe.
  hey but what great news
we've all got something to work for
for a long, long time to come...
Ok ok I am one of the descendants
of the horse men of Mongolia
who rode their horses all the way to France
from Irkutz and beyond the Urals
and still kept their traditions
so I suppose we are rather an optimistic bunch
but I still think it is a wonderful new beginning for us all.
 I quote:
Lee a bull murderer I think
 It will sweep the country-
 but people die of cancer on it-
 they'll die in their beds without knowing why
 (I have been saying that for two decades now
no one listens, too busy shopping)
 So, it will wipe out all the weak!
 We have come to that again
 though I am not one of the weak ones
 I don't reckon that's on-
 circles indeed
 planned by an L.A. jew
 put under covers
 carried out by the english.
 Did you know the first concentration camps
 were british and ............
 they even say
 Hitler got his ideas about national purity
 from the way the european jews
 kept separate from all of us.
 Load of bollocks if you ask me
 but then at school
 my nickname was
 'twenty one varieties'
 Being a central european D.P.
 no one could work out
 exactly what I was supposed to be
 not that it bothers me!
 my Uni of East London
sent me to Leipzig East Germany for one year
 when it became clear
that England and the english had gone mad
 giving all theirs away
and allowing any kind of horror in this land
 to cover three jewish doctors
and a rotten, rogue lab
 I sold my home
and put the money into a german bank
 though it was not that much
as the lab robs and rolls all english banks and building societies
 just as bad over there
the lab Pakistanis were shown how to hack and take
 each took one thousand of my house money
each took all my work as they have no english
 toilet cleaners, health workers and others now experts
wanted to show their new level with my work printed
 as did the english mob there
So last night a director of the german bank look alike
 came onto the television and said
we all know what they are doing to your account
 robbing and rolling but we daren't stop it..
now there was an Arab business man
 they did exactly the same to him
so he fled to Dublin where he now lives in peace
 the little Irish dare to stand in honesty
and you big nation are scared!
 so now the lab bossess Anna
has told her motley staff
 ''if one of you dares to talk
I have you all -the staff- on the machine
 Lynne will see you are dead in no time''
Isn't it time Europe got some new laws
 to go with the new technology from Belsen then America
and stopped having whores running its countries
 just so the Ministers and Civil Servants
can shake themselves out during the day at the office?
 Germany I am ashamed of you
though I have often spoken out in your cause
 and remember the only people who ever helped me in my life
which is why I chose a Bavarian Bank.
 says St Barths '' we can't go public
she (that is me) keep opening her gob''
 on that poetry site she writes on
was put over the television by Lauren the other night
 Lauren, liberal jewess, lab axe man's wife who now says my trilogy
from my english degree where her stories she wrote long ago
 a lab filled with staff so stupid they can't pass a GCSE
so copy all that they have on the machine which is mine with lies
 ''the criminals we tuned were not responsible
for their actions'' says the lab
 we are talking of the thieves, murders and the rest
all instigitated to their behaviour by this lab
 so we come back down to the same thing
was Hitler responsible or were his guards
 but no we don't as their victims are made into slaves
by de arranging energy, I am aware so I know, they don't
 and the judges arn't told who sentence them
only lab wheels will get them released early, with a reputation
 the Lab Staff at St Barths are all responsible
they had the people raped and murdered
 they made thieves and robbers even out of the famous
they had others cheat and write stuff not their own and lie and lie
 the victims of their actions are sitting in prison
on life sentences and quite a lot are dead
 even if as the lab put over the other day
the Prince instigitated it. For myself I doubt he even knew of it all
 '' and I am supposed to just live with it''
so said P.M.  Major, like Blaire another german jew
 as this lab runs rampage in the country
unstopped in all their evil
 and Brown was on it too so can't stop them
or they could stop him from the machine
 what sort of country is this
when a rather stupid woman- words of the civil servants
 who used her body not mine, whom she kept on the machine
to keep them horny, is running the whole damned show
 and pretty badly at that- hoping to keep herself young
with her own horny mind and past keeping herself on the machine!
 (I wanted to make you guilty
of all the lab staff had ever done!)
 Wake up you blithering idiots
didn't we have that idiot leading the germans
 and how did that end-
with your stupid circles
 Someone should admit which persons were used
they should not have been used without being told
 as indeed my family should not have been--------
like, I hate the irish, lets have him drunk and rape a two year old
 that is called modern technology and a trial
you are all off your rotten heads
 but blacking all others has always been a british mania
and then destroying them bit by bit
 I DO have enough knowledge to know that
and using anyone and everyone else to do it........
 a lab full of murderers, thieves and liars, female and male
even some of the Nazis were more honest than that
 they had reason for some of their prejudices
the lab women and men are just straight killers
 thank god for american sites, though the lab tortures me remote
at least there is somewhere where the naked truth can be told
 ''we'll show the americans how to do it'' says this low life creature
all that they said was unusable, we will use here and make it work
 hm,as someone said, killing, maiming and ageing by torture
are hardly a skilled occupation for such experts as yous claim TO BE..
 I teach and also learn a great deal
about many varied things
 on Sunday whilst teaching
I required a young student
to discover these dates
St David's Day
St George's Day
St Patrick's Day
and other such significant days
such as the shortest month
the shortest day in the year
the longest day in the year
and so on and so forth
 My text book was for a specific age
about seven to eight years
 I looked back into my own past
I came to this Isle at nearly eight
and knew all these days
and Saints' days back then-
although the lab St Barths Human Research
has treated us cruelly
has used us as lab animals
after we finished work as their pit ponies
these days give a feel of the country's culture
 but then, I went to Church schools
and loved my schools and all I learnt therein
 and though my mother had a problem
with - girls wear ties, really
and why do socks Have to be long and white
and thick school blazers, what for
we had come to join this nation
not to fight her though now they say they hate us
and the newspapers call my country men
those 'soviet countries'
yet it was Churchill who sold us all to Stalin
at the place Yalta
and my mum said:
you can't blame Roosevelt as he was not a European
and didn't really know the inside story of Europe
as Churchill certainly did
so now from Churchill's betrayal
we are suddenly soviets!!
 Nevertheless when in a country
we work hard to work hard
 and to respect what we have joined
so I was surprised when a shirty mum
stopped me with : but I don't know any of that
and I went to the school up the road
over twenty years ago
and we never learnt that
and so why should my son learn it
 surely when you join a country
at least respect their tradition
 I know America is going through a
'let's be nice to everyone who ever they are'
except the hard working person
as we have that one here too
but when my grandson was at school in America
my son commented that they sang
the national anthem before the Hail Mary
and rightly so I commented
 The Hail Mary is a wonderful thing
I am all for woman glorification
as a grandmother who's been kicked about
(not least by this rotten lunatic London lab)
but one should know who it is
who gives you your bread
whilst you can still be what you are
we are a mixed heritage family-
even my children went to Ukrainian Saturday schools
raised the Uky flag at Uky holiday camps
wrote to Mrs Thatcher about our people
we even have a letter from the afore said
had our beautifully embroidered national costumes
and even danced our own dances
up and down the country
(it helped my daughter with her Greek
in her later theology degree..)
I tell thee this-
the boy didn't know which month Christmas is
though two generations were born here
or how to spell it
I bet he knew when Eid was
but then so do I
so does everybody
because we celebrate all the colonies here-
is there something lacking here I wonder?
the person who loaded the machine today
had this to tell at eight a.m.
for me and all the world to know:
 I now know there is no law in the land
there is absolutely no law
if someone above wants to break the law
 no one can do a thing about it
this is our democratic West
the same as the East only fed like cattle for the slaughter
 and yesterday loaded onto the machine by the lab bossess:
yes, it is the end of Art
we have destroyed art
 all art is now meaningless
no more than decoration
or an entertainment
 man has fallen from his greatest
by one woman at a corrupt lab
the reformation is ended -the Barbarian has won
 all has been changed in the victim's life
What Edna thought (Edna was my mother in law
voluntary patient at Lincoln Mental Home)
 Diana now thinks (they swap files about!)
all has to be changed
total spin and no one will know
 all will be hidden
as operatives pretend to be specialists
as post, bank accounts and work is again robbed!
 and yes, said the lab over tv, another human Right gone long ago
we are still lasering and stressing and tensing night after night
we want to see  how strong she is when she will collapse
 we hoped we would burst a blood vessel in her head
we are battering as she writes this
or destroy some other organ in her body as others have had
 and then we know at what intensity to make the new weaponry
effectiveness and the activating of cancers amongst all and sundry
we brought these east european DP's here as slaves
 and this is our final use of these modern day slaves of ours
now that they have rebuilt us
for our and the Pakistanis and our colonials use
 be warned we did not heed the warnings...
don't listen to english promises
they are just blather, nothing but blather and no one listens to truth
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