#ohm holding sea's hand is somehow so soft
puppy-phum · 1 year
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23.7.2023 - Last Twilight Filming
This is the first time we properly see Ohm (August?) interact with Day and Mork. I'm very curious to see what type of role he will play in the series bc the trailer showed us very little of him. I know people expect him to cause jealousy in Mork, and I've personally accepted that it might as well be. But I refuse to believe that will be his sole purpose in the series. Rather than that, I keep thinking he might make Mork question his motives for being around Day (he comes for the money but grows to care for him, more than as a caretaker on top of that) or even question his capability to help Day with all the things he's going through. I've also seen ppl on Twt theorize that Ohm might be involved with Day's accident or might have been in the accident with him (judging by the wrap he uses around his wrist. Maybe he got hurt too? Or is it just a strain caused by all the training?).
Then there's the character played by Kun. He's another mystery as this production chooses to keep all the roles under tight wraps (Who is Film even going to act as? Will we see her soon?). But judging by that one video clip we got of their workshops, I assumed Kun and Sea were practicing to play similar roles with Ohm and Jimmy as their "guides". With this, my brain instantly went to a) Ohm and Kun will get paired up as the side couple and b) Ohm will bring Kun to help Day as someone who has similar experiences. This would probably make Mork question his own place in all of this even further bc how is he able to help Day in the way he requires and deserves when he doesn't have the knowledge or the experience? How is he in any way better than Ohm? This might make him step down until it becomes clear that Day needs Mork bc it's Mork and they come to understand their feelings are the same.
Very curious to see how all of this actually plays out tho. For now, I'm just happy to see more of Ohm and Kun! Also, catching a glimpse of Mork's arm tattoo is always a plus hehe
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