#oh. T_T this is why i hate writing when i'm emotional
merakiui · 1 year
I honest to God need to share this with you cause as a Trey fan...this has me in a chokehold so damn bad >///> (Also why the fuck did I come across this beauty in the morning Dx I'm trying not to squeal like a feral motherfucker!!!)
Trey + Octavinelle uniform 🛐🛐🛐
I hope you love it just as much as I do. I'd help formulate writing ideas for this, but my sleep schedule's been shit the past few days x.x Also, I'm so glad I came across your blog months ago ♡ I first read your Princess AU fic for Azul and holy fucking crap, as if I didn't love this character enough, you sealed it ♡ Android Jade really got me going!! You written him so fucking well, plus it sealed my fate on him being my top tier favorites as well ^^ (I'm lowkey curious on where things would go if you ever write about Android Rollo. May GloMas inspire!!)
I feel bad on saying this >.>, but Floyd was a so-so choice for me at first when going through the game, but because of your fics (and random luck given from receiving both his dorm SSR and Beans Day SSR during the event), damn guy squeezed my heart good ^^ ♡ 100% would have this guy be my designated cuddle buddy.
Thank you for your writing and daily rambles about ideas you've had ^^ they're something I look forward to reading and they get me out from a depression funk ♡ (I hope that's not weird to say ^^;)
I can't wait to read what you have next ♡
TREY IN THE OCTAVINELLE UNIFORM????? OH MY...... OTL I think he and Jade should switch dorms for the day. <3 seeing them in the different dorm's uniform!!!!! >w< so cool... Jade should just switch dorms whenever he's fed up with Azul and make it his goal to travel to each one as if he's on world tour lol. He's already spent time in Pomefiore. He should make Heartslabyul his next stop hehe!! But omg Trey!!!!!!!!! OTL OTL OTL he would have so much fun using the lounge kitchen to bake all kinds of yummy, sea-themed treats. I volunteer to be his taste-tester. >:D
Also, thank you so much for reading and enjoying those fics!!!!!! I'm always happy to spread Octavinelle love. (˘ ˘ ˘) they are a very wonderful dorm who keep me in a consistent chokehold.
And android!Rollo omg!!!!! GloMas gives me many inspirations and all of them are about Rollo. I love him a lot. T_T <3 android!Rollo is an android who hates all other androids (despite being one himself ;;;) and he's determined to protect you from the influences of other androids. I'd imagine him as a housekeeping android of sorts who handles domestic affairs within the house (cooking, cleaning, etc). It takes a very long time for him to actually embrace his own emotions and humanity, but when he finally does he is a force to be reckoned with.
Floyd is a fun case for me because I also wasn't a very big fan of him initially. Actually, both of the tweels did not catch my attention. ^^;;; I'm not sure when I started liking him or what caused me to like him, but I'm happy to be a Floyd fan. He's so cute and sweet and I would definitely make him my cuddle buddy, too (also he's so so so fun to write for omg!!!!). And Jade... >:( Jade Leech. >:( I am his hater (affectionate means of saying I love him a lot). The grip both eels have on me is so embarrassing because without realizing it I unconsciously started doing that thing Jade does where he covers his mouth with his fist when he laughs... he's infected me with his mannerisms... orz I need to be lobotomized to get the eels out of my brain!!!!!!!! >:(
Thank you for reading my writing and daily rambles!!!! I'm very happy they can be enjoyable and can help you out of depression funks (it's not weird to say at all)!!! I will continue to write yummy meals for you to read and love!!!! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
One of my favorite aspects of ETL is seeing how the hero half's friends react to their being a couple... I think reading a lot of Austen and G Eliot at a young age turned me on to how delicious scandal can be @_@ Merc and Emerald being present for the Knightfall hug (!!) was everything to me. And thank you for linking the song that gave your story its name... I loved it! If only it had a full version :p
I think this is also your ask:
Oh and thank you for delaying the kiss (as well as the consummation and even the mere acknowledgement of the developing romantic dynamic) of their relationship. All romance is best when attenuated to the finest webs imo, and this tension in an ETL ship makes reading this fic genuinely make my heart race even when J & C aren't interacting haha
Omg I squeed at my computer receiving these asks. T_T We are clearly resonant with one another vis-à-vis romance. I was reared on Austen before I chewed through other classics so it was very formative - I am completely with you on social scandal, the part that gets me with Darcy/Elizabeth is the way her secret feelings cultivate whilst everybody still believes her to loathe him. Anything that toys with perspective gets me (I love unreliable narration, limited perspective), and especially any themes related to it too (see title of my fic lol) - particularly the idea of 'seeing and not just looking'.
I'm so glad you enjoyed that part especially with the hug XD XD I think it partially works (for me personally in constructing it) because Em and Merc see Cinder vulnerable in an emotional way. We can have our cake and eat it too :D also I wanted to very steadily build on other people perceiving the romance/interaction between them so we're not immediately thrust in coldwater, which is why I think the solitude of chapter 2 works (and I did try to calculatedly play with this increasing exposure).
oh and the song yes! I adore it because you have to search for it/wait for it to play at the end of the vinyl so it's more of that theming I really love lol. I love the gentle, twinkling sweet sound of it. I appreciate you listening and liking it too, I absolutely adore the song (and Purity Ring).
Oh and thank you for delaying the kiss (as well as the consummation and even the mere acknowledgement of the developing romantic dynamic) of their relationship
yes yes okay we're DEFINITELY on the same page lol, it's a very fine line to walk and I am *fingers crossed* hoping I'm stepping correctly, there is that inherent issue of unrealistically drawing out tension which I'm constantly cognisant of.
As it stands though I think their relationship is obviously weird enough and Cinder's only just brought up to him that welllll maybe it's not so bad :o) (meanwhile Cinder has been monologuing how much she fucking loves it lol) we can give them leeway. There are a lot of other character considerations for the two of them as it is.
Honestly I was worried it developed too fast. I had to spend time rereading the posted chapters and chapter outlines to convince myself to let chapter 7 happen as it happened - even chapter 6 - so then I had to inhabit the reader mindset a little bit. I obviously won't elaborate on what happens next (lol!) but I hope you enjoy it - I'm one for the slowest of slowburns. I hate when they kiss 'too early' lol - or at least when the romance is sort of solved early and then there's another conflict brought in quite late and potentially even too contrived (not knocking on the whole idea of third-act breakups). To me feelings/confession/resolution of the problem of having feelings is the overarching plot and not all relationships actually need third-act breakup, but have reasonable motivation for taking time to consummate, or even be acknowledged. But then one needs to write it well! I think ETL gives one much more space because overcoming personal (not structural) antagonism is essentially the first act. Sadly it's also skipped over a lot with ETL, both published and fanfic! But it's my favourite!!!!!!!!!!! Well one of my favourite elements... where they have personal conversations but also perceive each other as enemy. Cinder is trying so so hard to keep reminding him of that lol. (That, plus structural antagonism. There's personal feelings and then there's all the stuff that one is meant to do and be).
this tension in an ETL ship makes reading this fic genuinely make my heart race even when J & C aren't interacting haha
And omg that's the highest praise, truly T_T T_T yes the scenes where they're not interacting but still thinking about each other honestly get me..... I love that... and it's a love story, not trying to be canon or tell the show's story (though by necessity there's everything going on in the background and structurally I think the romance is significant re: Salem/Ozma) so I want that to be front and centre. Truly I cannot convey to you how happy these asks make me, as a fellow romance afficionado. My favourite things about romance are like... 1. the way it carries theme and character 2. the juiciness of intense feelings 3. eroticism 4. the fucking heart twinges!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you again for your ask T_T it made my afternoon truly. I hope you like the rest of the story, and if you liked that Purity Ring song, I can recommend so many more for the fic lol. <3 <3 <3
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jimlingss · 7 years
I literally hate myself i'm so damn emotional it's BARELY THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER & i'm already getting all emotional cuz of the baby shower & taehyung's letter inviting her to his graduation 😭😭😭 just thinking about him sitting at his desk, thinking about y/n, biting his lip a lil to hold back a smile as he thinks about her, a warm yellow desk light turning his caramel skin gold 😭 & then the fact that i could somewhat imagine what the baby looks like due to that one baby pic of jin 😂😭
[Potential Spoilers Below]
A-and then... The self control... The maturity... The-the IDK MAN THE FACT THAT YOONGI WAS ABLE TO DO THAT AND /FORGIVE THE DAMN GUY/ I'M 💀 i'm so amazed and proud and happy i'm like that gif of that girl crying and covering her mouth with one hand while fist pumping with the other
T_T Now I can imagine Jungkook doing that too *screams*. You’re making me think of the other characters and their future and oh man...I got a really soft spot for Taehyung’s character....BUT DAMN THAT IMAGE OF JUNGKOOK WASHING THE DISHES - DON’T MAKE SWERVE LANESSSS. *fans self*
Namjoon turned into a softy my HEART also the image of him just picking up the child & throwing him into the light is quiet amusing tbh
Namjoon’s my favourite character of the trio. I’m very satisfied with his character development. And I love softness. I love soft people, soft gestures - I’m a very soft person inside as you can tell lol.
Ohmygod jesus christ. What is this PAIN. That ending... Almost rivaled GoD because of the pain i felt in my chest... Geez. I am on the FLOOR i was /not/ ready for that. But i cannot tell you how releaved i was when i realized she was old and namjoon was there.... LOL i kinda feel bad cuz i was happy she died but like 😂😭 she was gonna see hoseok again! She was gonna be with him forever and that realization stitched my heart back together piece by piece
Part of me understand how you feel (since I cried sooo hard editing it) but the other part of me is laughing in my cave. I think it’s a very bittersweet ending - for sure.
And /girl/ i knew it!! I /knew/ y/n had to have known him in his past life... It's hard believing that she didn't tell him tho ;-; but i understand her reasons 💔 and GEEZ HE DIED IN SUCH A HORRIBLE WAY 😭😭 such a painful, painful way... Did you do that to show his strength and courage? I was thinking at first that that's such a cruel way to go but then again, i guess i kind of prefer it to an immediate death? Because.. Idk it's just kind of.. Beautiful in sad way? That ending also just (1/3)
seems to suite you as a writer more. It's more like, your style? And its more satisfying to see the prolonged way you write it. And our pain is kind of spared at the end knowing that she's gonna end up with hoseok anyway :') this series caused a lot of heart ache but in the most beautiful way. You have an amazing skill that never fails to blow me 👏 away 👏. How you can write to make people feel two polar opposite emotions and so well 👏 done 👏 always baffles me. This series (2/3)
might not be for everyone and i understand why but dear lord, i would do this all over again 😪 i'm just in awe right now 😂😭 another series... Well done :') 👏 (also on a side note that character 👏 growth 👏 tho!!!!!👏👏👏 for all three of them! I felt like a proud mom seeing her kids off to college 😭 but at the same time sad that they're leaving ya feel ;( ) i'm off to reread Devil's own luck :D (3/3)
I’m still working on my suspense skills - I think it’s better this time around than it was for His Name. (the following is a His Name Spoiler - do not read if you do not want to spoiled) I made it pretty obvious Yoongi was the mysterious boy in Jungkook’s head and ppl had already began guessing that in the second chapter ._. so I tried harder to make it more ambiguous if Y/N and Hoseok had ties or not. I’m still working on it haha but I think it was much better this time around. When I was considering the way Hoseok died...I had to select something that was far away from Y/N’s home so he couldn’t run into her automatically and it had to be a death that was slow - for the OC to be able to “finish” grieving (or at least the hysterical crying shock) so it wouldn’t be obvious. With creating a physical distance and a time distance, the OC is able to be more coldhearted towards Hoseok and not run into his arms, sobbing and stuff. Something like that. It ties together with the beginning - how Hoseok wakes up in darkness and in rubble. (Oooh). Also, a slower death allows him to think about his last wish and about the OC as opposed to a sudden one.
I’m glad you enjoyed the bittersweet ending :) And yes someone once said an angst story is only true if it ends with angst but man, if I read angst and it ends like that I become really sad so I try to find a medium. BUT WOW I AM SO HAPPY TO BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE A STYLE - THANKS :D Thank you so much for your support and detailed responses, I couldn’t have done it without you either.
For your dedication and for any readers who read the entirety of this message - I’ll reward you with an easter egg. A special secret hidden message.
In chapter 4, the OC describes someone she used to know, someone who hated spinach but it kept coming back to that person, in the same way she is forced to use her abilities. In the same chapter, later on...Hoseok expresses his disgust for spinach. 
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