#oh yeah. bc my mom said she didnt want to go to another funeral
allforthecourtt · 7 years
so this is how i accidentally attended a funeral
i hit 1k and i promised this story so here it is
okay so i was 16? or 17? when this happened and basically my mom came home and was like “put on black and get in the car” because my mom is always extra™ so i went with it bc that’s what you do when you’re 16 you just go with everything so anyways we drive for 2 hours to the middle of nowhere ontario and my mom parks the truck and it was january i was like yikes its cold out because canada gets cold in the winter so im not fuckin with it and i run into the building which unsurprisingly is a funeral home 
and i get there and kind of get pulled to the right and these people start talking to me in Korean and the biggest problem with that is i dont speak Korean. so i was just kind of like “yes?” and they took me into a funeral chapel where a funeral is taking place in Korean (i know it was Korean because i recognised the writing on the pamphlet they gave me about the guy whose funeral it was)
so they put me, this random white girl, on this couch in the back with a pamphlet and kleenex and i have no idea where my mom is because she just like fucked off and i didnt want to text her because i couldn’t check my phone because it was a funeral and i didnt want to be disrespectful i was literally just sitting there like “our lord and saviour who art in heaven what the fu-”
so i tried to follow the funeral which felt christian so that was good because im christian but at random times i’d be like “AMEN” when i thought it was appropriate but it probably wasnt and since i was more into acting at that time and i was confused and didnt know what to do i made myself start crying
so yeah i was crying in the back of the funeral of a man i did not know in a language i cannot speak
anyways the funeral ends and i was like “hallelujah i can slip out and nobody will ever know i was here”
i got pulled into the receiving line to go and give my condolences to the family of the deceased and im in the line and everyone is bowing to each other because it’s a Korean funeral and i was like “oh fuck do i bow? do i not bow?” because i didnt want to be insensitive especially at such an important thing
so i guess they saw the obviously pale look on my face and they shook my hand instead and started speaking Korean and i was like “my dude i have no idea what you’re saying” so they switched to english which is great because i can speak english so they were like “when did you meet him?” and i was like “ahh uh it feels like just today we met honestly i cant remember” and they were like “he looks so peaceful and so fantastic, doesn’t he?” and i was like “he looks exactly how i’ve always known him to look” (i was panicking okay? and i didnt want to lie) and i bet they were all thinking “how the fuck did grandpa know this white girl?”
then i get to the widow, the woman grieving for the loss of her husband, and she looks at me, having obviously been crying, and she hugs me and thanks me for coming
and i looked her dead in the eyes and said “you’re welcome”
which is probably the worst thing i’ve ever said in my life (followed closely by the time i dropped a bill off at a table while waitressing said “enjoy” and then walked away)
i left the funeral chapel, feeling like i had just left another plane of existence like honestly my dude it felt like i would turn around and not actually see a room there it was so surreal and i see my mother standing there being like “where have you been?” and i was like “i dont even know momma” and she takes me to the room on the left which is where the visitation i was actually supposed to be at was
so the moral of the story is uhhhh always know which way to turn when you enter a funeral home and uh maybe know the language of the funeral you accidentally attend
that would help
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