#oh today i found green key room across from spawn room and then red key was the next room over
butwhyduh · 4 years
The Batmobile
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Jason todd x reader
Warning: angst, fluff, smut, it’s fucking in the fucking batmobile 🤷🏻‍♀️😏
It was a whole year ago that you found out about Jason being Red Hood. He had left a spare helmet in the back of his closet and you had pulled it on top of you when you grabbed a hoodie. After mentally freaking out, Jason had gotten you a bag of ice for the knot on your head.
It took a whole freaking year of knowing his secret and almost 2 years of dating for you to be invited to the Wayne Manor. Okay, actually Bruce had invited you within the first 6 months of dating. Jason was the one who wanted to keep you a secret.
You spent a good 2 hours looking through your entire closet to find something to wear. What the hell do you wear to dinner at a billionaire’s house? You relaxed a little when you saw Jason wearing plain jeans and a hoodie. Okay, yeah good. Casual was better. Not to mention that you were taking a motorcycle there.
You arrived in skinny jeans and a leather jacket that felt like a protection. You could act like a punk and most people won’t touch you. Especially when Jason had the scowl he was currently wearing. You followed his eyes to see the unmistakable form of Bruce Wayne in the drive.
Did Bruce specifically find children that resembled him? Much like Jason he was tall and muscular with dark hair and as you got closer you could see he also had blue eyes. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes and grey in his hair that seemed to add to his beauty rather than take it away. You’d never met a billionaire before.
“Hello,” Bruce said.
“Hello.” You shook his hand.
“I apologize for not having you over sooner but Jason seems to have wanted to keep you a secret,” he said with a tiny smile you almost missed.
“I wonder why,” Jason whispered sarcastically. Bruce ignored it. “Hello demon spawn,” he said and you gasped at the person you hadn’t seen before standing only a few feet from you.
“Damian Wayne,” he said with his hand out to you. You shook the young man’s hand and stated your name. He was only a inch or two within your height despite his youth and heavily resembled his father except for his deep olive skin tone and green eyes.
The door opened and a voice called out, “perhaps you should bring your party inside the manor. It will be snowing soon.” The polished English accent must have been Alfred.
Bruce moved to the side and you all walked in. Alfred had walked to the dinning room. The hallway had deep polished wood walls and was dimly lit by candles on candelabras. As you walked towards the room, a warm body grabbed your hand and you shrieked.
“Sorry! Sorry!” He said releasing your hand. You flushed, embarrassed. “I thought you saw me. I’m Dick.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
Jason grasped your hand and stepped towards Dick with a look of murder on his face. You put your hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. It was an accident,” you said with a little awkward laugh. Jason relaxed a little.
Alfred stood in the doorway to the dinning room with a small smile. He gently cleared his throat and you all followed him in the dinning room. It was then that you truly took in the beauty of the house. You had been too nervous about meeting his family when walking in.
The room was breathtaking. A long mahogany table was lined with emerald tuffed chaired and heavy gold curtains over the windows. The wooden floor gleamed and you noticed that your feet were the only ones making any noise as you sat down.
“Hello master Jason. It’s nice to see you here again. And you must be y/n. I’m glad he finally brought you around,” Alfred said quietly, shaking your hand. “Excuse me, I must serve dinner.”
A lovely smelling soup was placed before you all and water and wine was served. You watched as everyone ate. Bruce ate casually while Dick animatedly told a story. Another brother, Tim, shook your hand across the table before eating and typing away on his phone. Jason stared at Damian while eating and the teen glared back. You put your hand on Jason’s knee and he seemed to relax a little.
“I need to speak you, Jason, about work after dinner,” Bruce said casually. All of Jason’s tension came back.
“Not today,” he said. “We can talk later.”
“Well it’s quite important WE business,” Bruce said and everyone at the table watched the two closely.
“Is that why we came over? For you to talk business?” Jason said. He almost had a grimace on his face.
“Of course not. We wanted to meet your girlfriend,” Dick interjected. Jason ignored him.
Bruce finally spoke. “He’s right. We can talk about it later. Tell us more about yourself, y/n.”
“Oh, uh...” you said quite put on the spot. “I’m a photographer.”
“You should have brought your camera. The courtyard can be very pretty in the evening,” Bruce said. “Do you work for a newspaper?”
“Of course she doesn’t,” Jason scoffed.
“I don’t. I mainly take portraits but I have been taking urban photos lately,” you said. “Like the effects of urban areas. I mean-“ you felt a loss of words to describe what you meant.
“She takes photos of the worst parts of Gotham to expose the poverty. That’s where we met. I don’t really let her go alone anymore,” he said with the smallest hint of a smile. “It’s pretty damn dangerous.”
“I’ve been fine,” you insisted and Jason thought back on the multiple shady characters he’s had to beat for you to get your shots without knowing what he was doing. “But I’m putting together a piece for South Gotham Gallery. A few more shots and it will be complete.”
“I’ve heard certain areas can be very dangerous,” Dick commented. “I would be very careful. Especially with a camera.”
“Yeah, like the East End,” Tim said.
“I grew up there,” you admitted with a laugh. “Stay away from Crime Alley and you’re probably okay. During the day.”
“It’s unwise to visit at all. Crime has risen 11 percent in the past 3 years,” Damian said. Alfred served a salad next.
“And unemployment by over 15 percent in the Bowery. That’s why I’m doing my piece. Poverty and crime is caused by wealth,” you said frankly before realizing that you just said that to a bunch of billionaires. Jason stifled a snicker.
“I suppose so,” Bruce said slowly. Jesus, you had just insulted your boyfriend’s adoptive father.
“Sorry,” you said quietly looking at your salad.
“It’s fine. It’s true,” Jason said with a shrug.
“So do you two live together,” Dick asked, changing the subject.
“You’re saying that crime is caused by wealth? Can you explain,” Damian said. Jason almost crushed the stem of his wine glass.
“I just mean, Gotham’s rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer and the ones with the money can control that,” you said delicately.
“So the rich can prevent poverty? All poverty?” Damian asked. And to the 13 year old’s credit, he just seemed to be curious. He could clearly feel the tension he was creating but didn’t actually care as he wanted answers.
“Paying people enough to live, healthcare for all, rehabilitation services that actually rehab, good education. All will help prevent crime and poverty. Many studies have shown this,” you said and you wanted to remain impartial but your voice betrayed your passion for the subject.
“We donate and run many foundations that support most of those things. Right father?” Damian asked. You sighed but kept silent. Throwing money doesn’t solve a problem.
Bruce cleared his throat. “Yes.”
“Drop it Damian,” Tim said. He roughly stabbed at his salad.
“I just want to know how she could possibly know what the rich do if she has always been poor.”
Jason crushed the stem at this point. “Shit,” you said quickly wrapping his bleeding hand in a handkerchief from the table. He looked close to exploding.
“Don’t forget that she’s not the only poor kid at the table. I grew up on the streets and moved here. Rich people are shit,” Jason said. He started standing and Damian watched him with a glint in his eyes. He was ready to fight too.
“Sit down, Jason,” Bruce commanded. “He’s just a curious boy.”
“Not surprising. He gets it from his old man. Disregard for anyone else,” Jason all but growled. Tonight was only the tip of the iceberg. You put a hand on his forearm. The last thing you wanted was a fight.
“You’re angry,” Bruce said quietly. He swallowed harshly. “Sit down.”
“I’m a grown man,” Jason said scoffing.
“Not acting like that,” Bruce said. Jason’s hands twitched towards his gun on his hip but he resisted the urge.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here. Alfred, food was great. Fuck you, Bruce,” Jason said grabbing your hand.
“Don’t leave,” Dick called as Jason pulled you down the hall. He didn’t go towards the front door but downstairs to a garage. There was probably 20 cars. Many of them were cars you had never seen in person.
“You wanna go for a drive?” He asked and you felt a thrill.
“One of these?” You asked.
“Nope,” Jason said pressing a code into a computer. A hidden garage door opened to expose a very conspicuous vehicle. The batmobile. You’d definitely never seen that car in real life.
“Seriously? Won’t he get mad?” You asked a little shocked.
“Fucking furious. We’re just going to get something to eat,” Jason said grabbing the key and unlocking it.
“Ugh... what the hell? Why not? Yeah,” you finally said. You knew the value of not missing a ride in the freaking batmobile. He grinned and opened the door for you. You climbed in and noticed a billion buttons. As Jason started the car, a string of lights pulsed on before the car showed multiple sensors. Jason pressed a few buttons before shifting the gear and driving out of the garage. The front gate automatically opened and he started putting on some speed once the car hit the road.
It felt like he was driving 50 when the speedometer was showing a cool 120. Your heart beat quickly in fear and excitement. Jason slowed down to 70 and grasped your hand. You could see tiny little cuts on his hand from the glass he crushed earlier.
“Is your hand okay?” You asked looking it over.
“It’s fine. Doesn’t hurt at all. Let’s get some food. I know a spot. But you’ll have to wear this,” he said pulling out a small black mask to cover your eyes. He took his own. “Can’t exactly drive the batmobile and show our face.”
The spot he knew was a tiny little taco truck strung with Christmas lights and a white board advertising “elotes con chile y limon.” It was on an empty corner lot in a not so great area of Gotham. It was extremely conspicuous as the pair of you got out of the car. Most people watched but as they thought they were watching freaking Batman order tacos, they didn’t say or do anything.
“Hello,” said the truck owner nervously. “Would you like something to eat? Elotes? Carnitas?”
“Yeah, 6 carnita tacos with cilantro and lime. A Mexican coke. 2 orders of sopapillas. What do you want?”
“That’s all for you?” You laughed always amazed at the amount he could eat. It made sense with all the energy he used but still. “Same but just 2 tacos and and a coke.”
Jason wrapped an arm around you waist and swayed slightly to the Mexican music playing in the truck. People started to get used to you both being there. Maybe Batman just wanted some tacos?
After receiving a plastic take out bag with foil wrapped tacos, a sign of good tacos, you both climbed back in the car. The masks were haphazardly tossed on the dash. Jason drove you both back the way you came and you wondered if you were going back to the manor when, no he was taking you to a quiet rest stop outside the city. You ate the tacos and sopapillas on the hood of the car. You watched as Jason added way to much spicy green chile sauce to his tacos.
“Want some?”
“I choose life but thank you,” you said. You giggled as he cleared his throat and gulped down his coke. But to his credit, he ate it. Maybe he just enjoyed pain? “Now what?” You asked watching the stars. They weren’t visible in the city.
Instead of answering, Jason pulled you close. Your back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. You held his hands and looked at the little scars that littered his skin. Always fighting. Jason bent to kiss your neck.
“Wanna be really bad,” he asked with audacity that you knew meant something interesting. You leaned into him more.
“What do you mean?” You purred. Dating a guy like Jason Todd, you weren’t exactly new to taking some risks.
“Let’s fuck. Right. Here,” he said and with every word he slowly spoke in a husky voice, he pushed his hips against you and you knew exactly what he wanted. You went to turn in his arms but he moved quicker and you were quickly bent over the car with a gasp. He pulled off his jacket and threw it on the hood. Little did you know but he was covering the camera.
Jason’s hand ran along your back and you shivered as your skin pressed against the hard metal. He kissed the back of your neck and kneaded the flesh on your hips and he ground his hard on against you. “Fuck you’re pretty. And letting fucking Bruce know what you think of the rich. That was hot as shit. I’ve been wanting to do this for months.”
“This was on your bucket list,” you asked grinding your hips back against him. “To bend me over the batmobile and fuck me?”
“Jesus,” he said before pulling down your jeans and panties in one push. You shivered at the cold air touched your ass. “Your fucking mouth, Princess. I love it.”
You weren’t cold for very long because after a few seconds of rustling with a belt and zipper, you felt Jason press against your ass. He rubbed his cock through your folds a few times before pulling away. You turned to whine only to see him rolling on a condom. He sunk into you without ceremony. His fingers roughly held your hips as he thrust into you.
You moaned and the echo reminded you that you were outside. Anyone could come up on the pair of you fucking on the goddamn Batmobile. It made you moan even louder. He rubbed his hand up and down your spine before sliding down to the front of your body to rub your clit. It didn’t take long for you to grip him tighter.
“Fuck, Princess, are you close?” He moaned in your ear. His thrusts were rough and deep and his fingers moved quickly over your clit.
“Yeah, oh shit, yeah,” you moaned. “Jay,” you whined when he readjusted his hand.
“I got you. Let go, Princess,” he purred in your ear. You reached a hand up and grabbed his hair. You pulled him close and moaned his name on repeat as you came. He grunted and a few more thrusts found his release. Jason pulled out and pulled up your pants with a pat on your ass and took care of his condom.
“We probably need to get the car back before Bruce come looking for it,” he said grabbing his jacket. Jason gave you a long sweet kiss before getting back in the car.
“Does he have a tracking device in it,” you asked with sudden realization.
“Yeah but all we did was get some tacos and stopped to eat them,” Jason said with a wink. “He won’t care too much. Plus he’ll only be mad at me anyways. Don’t worry about it, Princess.”
You held his hand all the way back to the front drive of Wayne Manor. As soon as you were in his car, his phone lit up and before he put it away, it was a message from Tim. “Clean it before you bring it back. I don’t even want to know what happened and Bruce is ofc mad.😩”
You laughed a little and Jason went from grinning to laughing out loud. “At least we didn’t fuck in the car,” you said. He laughed some more.
“Maybe next time, baby,” he said with a wink before speeding out of the drive.
“Oh god. I wouldn’t do Alfred like that.”
“I knew I liked you for some reason. Let’s get home. It’s cold as balls out here and I’d like to spend some time with my hot as shit girlfriend before the other shoe drops,” Jason said taking your hand again.
“That’s a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
Demon AU: 666 So Fresh- Chapter 1
I have tried to tag everything I think should be tagged. If there’s something else that you’d like me to tag, anything, please let me know. If you want more warning tags here at the beginning as well, please let me know. The last thing I wanna do is trigger trauma for anyone.
Warnings: Attempted rape, attempted suicides (by a member), violent scene descriptions
Type: Angst, fluff, romance
Taehyung (V), Yoongi (Suga), OC Zula
Summary: College sophomore Zula is a demon. Yoongi is a Demon. Taehyung is a demon. Well, sort of. Two of them are half demon and have gotten into some deep trouble recently. This trouble helped them to find each other and more importantly, their freedom from human confines. What will they do with this freedom? Read and find out. Bonus points if you get the reference, aka the basis for this story.
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Zula knew she should have just stayed home. This was her first time at a frat party, and everything sucked. If only her roommate wasn’t fucking in their dorm right now. She decided to sit on the porch in her short tennis skirt and a crop top with The Beatles on it to catch her breath.
“Want a sip?” A familiar voice asked her.
Zula looked up and it was one of the frat brothers who offered her a red solo cup filled with something strong in smell and blue in color.
“No thanks, Jungkook. I don’t like to drink. Dulls the senses too much.” She turned her attention back to the campus scenery.
He sat next to her, “Your loss.” He drank the liquid and then looked at her. “I see you around campus all the time, but you mostly keep to yourself, don’t you?”
Zula nodded in reply. “If I were a brand, I’d be the Anti Social Social Club.”
Jungkook laughed, “You’re such a girl next door, but like, with an edgelord twist. I like it.”
“Thanks,” she chuckled.
Jungkook was called away and some Frat Bro took his place talking to Zula. She wasn’t interested. He was a joke of a human. Laughable.
“What are you into?” He asked, drinking out of a green bottle.
She tapped her daggers-shaped earrings, “Knives. I think they’re cool.”
He started talking about his knife collection. “I live here at the house, so we can go up to my room if you wanna see them.”
Zula said she would go up to see the knives and nothing more. He put his arms up in mock surrender and promised it would only be for the knives.
Yoongi knew he shouldn’t have used his powers in public especially when his targets were also demons. He had just shown his horns for intimidation. Either way, it didn’t work and now he was being chased by humans and demons that looked like humans.
It was just his wallet this time. They were stronger Spawn than him, so he ran. He had to lose these guys. Yoongi bolted down the new pathway only to be blocked by a wall, so he turned around. They were already there. Fuck this shit.
Yoongi just laughed as an inhuman hand grabbed his collar and another punched him. Survival instincts kicked in, and his Demon form came out. The others couldn’t keep their human forms either and revealed their true selves in their scaled glory. The actual humans ran away screaming at the sight, hoping to blame it on the alcohol come morning.
“Run, run, fast as you can!” Yoongi giggled until he passed out from pain.
Taehyung’s fascination with death had always been. Not all death. His death. Ever since he was young, people always called him a sick freak because of all his attempts and now refused to help him. Maybe if they hadn’t written off his terrorizing of girls as liking them, he would have gotten help. He would have been normal now, not this laughable shell of a human.
He sighed. Welp, it was too late for that. Time for death. What would be today’s method? He looked at the options before him.
He’d suffocate by putting a plastic bag over his head. Yeah, that seemed cool. He used tape to secure it to his throat. This version of death felt so cool. This version of leaving this planet. And yet like every time before, it wouldn’t come. Taehyung was forced into this place that acted as a sort of in between, it was like–
Ripping the bag open, he returned to the world of the living. Well, another attempt failed. He sighed and used his dead mother’s lipstick to make a mark on the horizontal mirror on the wall. There were hundreds of marks in different shades of red and orange that had accumulated over the years.
“I’ll go for a walk.” He said to himself. Maybe if he got out, the world would finally crush him.
Frat Bro took the knives out of the closet, and she ran her fingers over their curves. Noted the colors. He placed his hands on her hips.
“So, is it sexual?” He pressed himself against her back. “Your knife thing. Does it get you off? If that’s what you’re into, we can do that.”
She furrowed her brows, “I’m not. No! Get off of me!” He caught her arms as she turned and tried to push him away. “I said I just came for the fucking knives, I’m not the type of girl you want.”
Her body twisted as she tried to get free. His hands slid over her sides.
A dirty smile on his lips, “I just have to have you, though.”
“I said, NO!” Her whole body felt ripped apart. She blacked out. The music covered the screams, so no one bothered to intrude.
Yoongi woke up alone and in pain around dusk. Had he spent the day passed out in an alleyway? Hell Spawn healed quickly, so a good stretch, and he was good to go.
He thought it’d be the usual routine. Sneaking into bars. Stealing stuff. Drinking. However, when he got to the bar, the devil in him got a bit too excited and wouldn’t be satisfied with a wallet or two.
Not tonight. He needed a ride. Which idiots left their keys out in the open? Two chicks at the bar, dressed up in sequins and smelling like an entire bath bomb. Bingo. He acted rowdy and threw both arms over them.
“Ey, pretty ladies, which one of you wants a good time with me?”
The two shoved him off, “We’re girlfriends, asshole!”
“Sorry, sorry, my bad. Cute couple!” He backed away after grabbing their keys and heading to the parking deck to see which ride they belonged to.
Zula woke up and looked at her throbbing and wet hands. Why were they red? Blood. The walls were covered with it. The floor was dyed with its hue. Oh fuck oh fuck. There’s no way she could have done all of this. Zula tried to clean up the mess. She wasn’t strong enough to do this on her own.
So, Zula grabbed one of his zip up hoodies, put it on, and ran. She always had a bunch of stamina, so she ran for a while. She had to get away, far away from this place. The more distance there was, the less they’d suspect it was her. Walking was better for thinking though, so she slowed her pace.
What happened? What would she tell the cops if she was found out? The truth: He tried to rape her. Lured her to his room with the promise of knives. Didn’t he deserve sex then for showing her something she liked? No, no, that’s not how it worked. People don’t deserve sex for being nice. Besides, she only went with him because he said he wouldn’t try anything.
Wait, where was she? Didn’t matter. Wherever she was, it was awful quiet for a Friday night. She was trembling so much that she couldn’t feel her legs.
She looked at herself in a shop window. Her eyes looked more reptilian, more gold than their regular hazel. Not possible. It was just Zula’s brain freaking out. She was just in shock. Obviously. That’s all it was.
The girl stopped in the middle of the road and looked at headlights. There was also a face. It wondered what the hell was she doing. It was the first human she had seen in a while.
The owner of the face opened the door and called out to her, “Are you gonna stand there all night, or ya gonna hop in?”
Nodding, Zula got in the car and the two drove off. She was waiting for his questions. He surely had to have a few. She was a mess, but he looked sort of messy too. Now she had questions, but no one said anything. He just handed her a beach towel that was left in the back seat.
After a quick glance, she took the towel and wiped her hands of the still wet blood. Why was he acting so ok about this? Zula was about to ask when a figure stepped in front of their car.
Taehyung wandered empty streets. Bright headlights caught the corner of his eye. A car. He’d never tried that before.
Tae smirked and stepped out in front of it. The gravel sharp against his skin as he tumbled across the road. Maybe a few broken bones if he was lucky. A new sensation. This was the most he’d felt in a while.
Someone grabbed the front of his shirt and was screaming something.
“What the hell was that, dude? What sort of demon just walks in the middle of the road in front of a car like that?” Yoongi yelled, pushing his face into the road.
“Demon?” It seemed like the girl he was with was trying to hold him back, but he pushed her away.
“Yeah, Demon. You’re one. I’m one. He’s and idiot, but he’s a demon too.” He spoke as if it was obvious. “Why else would I have let a person looking like you in anywhere near me? You’re covered in blood, for Lucifer’s sake!”
“Demon’s don’t exist, you crack pipe!” She screamed.
A deep voice filled with glee spoke, “Am I really a demon? How would you even know if I was or not?”
Yoongi looked at the stranger in his grasp, “Your eyes are a dead give away. Not to mention you’re Hiding yourselves right now.”
Zula spoke. So it wasn’t just her mind playing tricks on her, “My...my eyes? What do you mean Hiding?”
He looked at her then back at the man who was smiling and bleeding, “Are...are you serious? You really, you guys really don’t know what you are?”
“Hopeless.” V chuckled.
“A sophomore in college who is way in over her head!” She paced in the middle of the street and put her hands on her face.
Yoongi stood and put his hands on his head, “Oh my Hell. Just get back in the car. We’re taking him with us. I can’t have two demons who don’t know they’re demons acting crazy and outing us like this.”
Zula did as told while the first stranger lifted the crazy stranger over his shoulder and put him in the back seat of the car. He was crazy attractive too. He didn’t say anything more, just sort of watched. Yoongi got back into the driver’s seat.
“What year where you guys born?”
“1995″ He said.
“1998″ She said.
Yoongi nodded, “That explains it. From ‘95 until 2000, there was a spike in Spawn who fraternized with humans. You guys are Demi-Spawn. Like Hell Spawn, aka Demons, but half.”
Neither believed what they were hearing. It explained so much about them. According to the strange man, going through times of high emotion would activate a Demi-Spawn’s powers which depended on where their parent came from.
Zula spoke up, “So, one of my parents came from Hell?”
“And I killed a guy using demon powers? My demon powers.”
“Yeah. If you don’t mind me asking, what was he doing that made you wanna kill him?”
She swallowed and folded her arms, “He tried to rape me.”
“Lust, thought so. The highly negative but sexual encounter awakened you.” Yoongi’s eyes flickered to the back seat. “As for you, your mom or pop is probably from Wrath.”
“And you?” Taehyung asked.
V spoke up, scratching the lower part of his mullet, “So, should we tell each other our names or something?”
“No, no names. Once we get to the middle of nowhere, you're gone. I can't--”
“Please.” The husky voice said. “Let’s stay together. I’ve been searching for this all of my life. You can’t just drop us.”
Yoongi set his jaw, “We’ll see.”
They drove all night in silence. Yoongi looked at them. Unlike him, those two needed sleep. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they stuck together.
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