#oh to be hugged by clingy drunk sasha
crisalidaseason · 2 years
what headcanons you have of the scouts that you strongly believe or/and really like?
Oh no you said the magic word
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Sorry about that, I have no shame
Okay, let's go. Some of those headcannons apply for Alternative Universe and also Canonverse, some of them are specific for canon or alternative.
Scouts headcanons I strongly (and obsessively) believe
She seems tough and "I need nobody" type of person but that's NOT true! She actually craves a lot of affection and attention. She gives too much and doesn't get that much back and I think it makes her feel a little undeserving. Her friendship with Sasha helped a lot, since Sasha is very willing to care for her.
Mikasa is so stealthy and discreet that she finds out a lot of tea and gossip without looking for it. She isn't a gossiper at all, but bruh she knows everything! EVERY DIRTY SECRET.
She is a little petty. Don't cross her because you will become a target in a very silent game of death glares and intimidating aura.
Emotionally stunted, like, really stunted. She doesn't know how to express anything she's feeling unless is a very stressfull situation. Which gives her a lot of commitment issues that drives Armin and Sasha completely crazy because they just want her to be happy.
An extremely functional anxious person, which is why he is constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. It's really dificult for him to slow down his thoughts.
Honestly, a wolf in sheeps clothing in many ways. First, he is really shy and insecure, but don't underestimate his ability to be sassy af, specially as he gets older. Although he can be a little nasty sometimes, he makes it very subtle to not cause many problems.
I think he would be a wonderfull storyteller and author, the kind of writer that loves exploring many themes and is very open to any form of reading. He would be an amazing teacher too!
Cries whenever someone asks him for "one more quick favor" but does it anyway because he's a people pleaser. Mikasa is the one who usually rescues him when she feels his anxiety go through the roof.
Severe ADHD.
Honestly, annoying as f*ck. I don't mean it in a manchild way, but he is spoiled rotten by his mother so he IS ANNOYING and clingy. Can be a little self-centered but also very caring and helpful if well oriented.
Would try to solve bullying with violence and get bullied in the process. He genuinely tries, but Mikasa is the one who actually stops the bullying with violence and he just accepts it.
Needs serious anger issues treatment and is in fact working on it quite well. Unfortunately he has a lot of imposter syndrome and thinks he is just a bad person seeking attention. He needs a little hug sometimes.
Does not like Zeke at all. I don't think Eren would feel any attachment towards Zeke, specially if they met as adults or late teens. Maybe if they were introduced as kids it could work out.
tries to give a stoner vibes in college but hates smoking weed so he only eats the spicy gummies and brownies. He is a garbage disposal, eats everything wihtout a single thought.
An artist, a full blown artist. He is good in every art field he tries and everything turns out beautifull. He gets mad if he isn't good at it immediatly though and that can be quite annoying.
He seems like a heartbreaker but it's actually a clueless guy that is looking for real love. Even if he's oblivious as a baby pidgeon. I also headcannon him as TERRIFIED of dating men because of daddy issues (look at me and tell me he doesn't have daddy issues, I dare you)
Honestly, probably a mama's boy, but a very sweet and responsible one. I see him as being a super helpful son to a very hardworking mother. He cooks, cleans, fixes stuff, makes sure his momma has medical care and entertainment. I like to think he would be into soap opera because it used to be his bonding time with his mother.
Doesn't really remember why he is still Eren's rival, they just keep it for reputation. If they get drunk together you'll find them cuddling and crying together.
Unhinged but also good vibes. He is a comedian because of insecurity and low self-esteem and people rarely notice that. Sasha has helped him a lot with those issues.
The stoner vibes Eren tries to imitate Connie does it perfectly. And he's super chill, no forcing anyone to smoke or eat anything with drugs, will guide and help anyone who might wanna try it.
I feel he likes anime a little too much and ends up spending a lot of money on merch and figures. But the good part is that everyone is obssessed with his anime collection. Even if he is getting completely broke, he loves adding more.
Probably has a reptile as a pet and knows a lot about exotic animal care. I picture him having a snake or a bearded dragon (maybe both), some frogs because he likes the dumb face. I also think he would name them weird shit like "eustacius" "cornelius" or "tibaultus".
Ugly cried when Sasha started to date Nicollo because he couldn't go on their date nights. He wants to be a supportive bestie but sometimes he is a little too much and Jean has to intervene.
The chillest person ever, a sweetheart in many many ways. BUT she is Connie's friend and being unhinged is also a thing (honestly, Jean is the only "normal" one, which explains why he seems the mom of the trio). She takes no shit and will humiliate any mean person with freaking class. One time a bully cried like a baby because he got roasted by Sasha.
She is a super extrovert and is the one who actually brings people to the friend group because she is the easiest and most adorable person to meet. She is known by many people because of that.
Loves food but, on the contrary belief, has a perfect relationship with food and doesn't feel bad about anything she eats. She will recomend the best places to eat (and affordable!!) and some of them are so hidden that you wonder if she spends her free time wandering around and trying food.
She is a food lover but doesn't like to cook at all! (that's how Nicollo actually got her, he cooked for her once and boom she was in love).
Will blast music anytime for any reason, she doesn't do a single activity without music.
She is the best big sister, the best. Her siblings all love her so much.
A prince, a perfect and sweet prince. The kindest soul you'll ever meet. He is also a classic literature and music lover, but in a super inclusive and non-judgmental way. He loves arts, much like jean, but he is more inclined to music and writing.
Marco is the worried mom of the group. He is also asking about everyone's health and moods. He makes sure to pay attention to every person and include them in the conversation.
In my mind he was raised by two lesbians, idk why but he seems like a boy who was raised by super alt lesbians and I'm here for that.
Has two cats despite having allergies. Will play with stray cats and dogs and baby talk with them.
He is also a little cupid and love advisor even if he never dated himself. It's funny how people follow his tips so strongly even if he has no real experience.
Impatient af. She seems sweet and cute because of her looks but she low-key is super impatient and IDGAF vibes. She uses her looks as an advantage and plays sweet girl so she can get what she needs. She isn't unpleasant though, she loves and protects her friends very much.
In my head she would be a power lawyer (much like Camille Vasquez from the Dep and Heard trial) and be extremely intimidating in knowledge. I just know Historia is a very smart person.
She hates being a leader, but people often put her on leading roles because of how well she communicates. She is extremely eloquent and well spoken, sometimes even a little too formal.
Eren became her bestie because those two have a very similar dark humor, although she used to absolutely hate Eren during pre-teen years.
If historia has IDGAF vibes, Ymir is the worst of them. Not only she doesn't care, but also is a little unpleasant. Ymir can be a little too mean and unecessarily snarky. Which explains why she doesn't have a lot of friends.
I think Ymir is scared of intimacy or love, probably because of how neglected she was. But I like to think she would eventually warm up and become more open to people in her life. Once she considers them friends, she would be very helpfull and understanding.
HORRIBLE driver, do not let her drive in any circunstances. She drives like a maniac even when traffic is calm. Poor historia almost had a heart attack.
People associate Ymir with drugs but I think she would despise them. She wouls be a "no drugs allowed" kind of person. But she doesn't mind the ones that consume drugs, just don't offer it to her.
Honestly, dad vibes, but not in a seggsual way. He would be a dad in the embarassing way.
Old man that doesn't understand modern social cues. The kind of person to post a tweet or send a message and ALWAYS sign it with "From Erwin Smith". He also doesn't understand slangs but ends up using them at random times and Levi just wants to punch him so hard.
Very patient, almost annoyingly patient. Would be into cross words or diorama building because of how long it takes. Would not loose his cool so easily but can get mad without expressing it.
He likes fancy sweets. You know those super fancy cakes, deserts? He would die to try them. I feel his favorite would be a blueberry flavored thing.
He is a gossiper, and Levi is always the one he tells the gossip first even if he BEGS for Erwin to stop.
Just wants some peace tbh. This man wants a quiet house in the middle of nowhere where he grows herbs and small vegetables. He wants to spend his miserable remaining lifespan drinking tea and relaxing in the porch.
BUT NO. He has to be babysitting a bunch of hormonal teenagers. People just trust him with a bunch of young kids as if he's not gonna snap and murder them all. But I think that deep down he has fun with the younger ones, specially when they get themselves in trouble and he just watches.
Erwin is the bane of his existence. He might be loyal to the blond man, but he also wants to break his nose on a daily basis. Don't even get me started on Hange, they are Levi's nightmare. He loves them both though.
Also an old man who likes gossip but pretends not to.
Nothing, I said NOTHING about Hange is conventional. They are the most chaotic and unhinged creature I've ever seen.
Social cues? Doesn't know them. Hange will do and say weird things in the middle of a serious conversation. If you mention Hange's special interest be ready to listen to hours and hours of very detailed facts about titans or science in general.
I have this weird headcanon that Hange would become a mortician and open a funeral home. I know it's weird but I really think Hange would be obsessed with the human body but not in a doctor way.
Has tarantulas, like many of them. Levi absolutely hates visiting them.
Will bother Levi, but also Erwin. Hange doesn't give a single f*ck if Erwin is their boss, they will interrupt and be inconvenient.
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wearethestraydogs · 2 years
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Armin x everyone hc’s
*Some intentionally romanctic, others not. Take it as you will.
*modern au
*TW: (a little) nsfw, mentions of self-harming and other mature themes.
Marco/Armin :
-✨ Besties ✨
-would cuddle with each other until they fell asleep.
-Armin has nightmares and panic attacks and he always goes to Marco whenever it gets too much.
-the type to slow dance with each other at prom
-takes each other to prom because no one asked them.
-sleepovers ( either it be with the squad or just themselves ) are a must.
-Korean dramas. All I’m gonna say.
-Just dance buddies ( and sometimes Connie joins )
-they have kissed each other once, on a middle school dare. They didn’t really know what to say.
-Marco loves to drag Armin over to his house to play Mario Kart or Minecraft.
-The loving supporters, will hold each other up for everything.
-Marco is the only one ( well Mikasa too, ) Armin trusts when it comes to his feelings and secrets.
-have matching bff necklaces. More like ‘promise rings’ for besties. Never take them off.
-Marco drinks, kinda, but Armin doesn’t. And Marco revels in that.
-Both know Morse code so they’ll literally be tapping to each other during class.
-Whenever Armin started to ‘stress-cut’, Marco would spend every waking hour with him, taking care of him, making him feel loved.
-Marco met Armin’s grandpa about a year before he died and has always comforted Armin after that.
-Armin’s Grandfathers last wishes to Marco was to “take care of him, make sure he’s okay and make sure he sees the ocean.”
-these are the bestie pairs.
Connie/Armin :
-these crazy bitches-
-met when Connie wanted to hide his weed stash in Armin’s locker and the blonde agreed.
-after that they became friends.
-they will literally jam to bts at full volume in their car.
- ✨ Just Dance for the soul ✨
-Mario Kart reigning champions.
-Connie knows Armin hates the smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke or weed so he keeps all that stuff away from him.
-founder of the #protectbabyArmin club.
-will beat up anyone who fucks with Armin.
-Onesie buddies. Got matching ones for sleepovers.
-Armin was the first to find out Connie was bi.
-Admittedly Connie has a crush on Armin.
-Wanted to make-out with him on several occasions.
-Armin will constantly be picking up drunk Connie from parties and bringing him home to rest and relax.
-These two could live off red-bulls and Poptarts for days.
-Study Buddies. ( more or less )
-Connie helped dress Armin. Like, took him to the mall for a major shopping spree and got him his own style instead of cheap hand-me-downs.
-ARMIN IS CLINGY WITH EVERYONE OKAY! And he will snuggle up to Connie whenever he’s not feeling too well that day and the baldy is always up for snuggle time.
-had to “fake” being Connie’s boyfriend so some creepo would stop hitting on Armin.
Sasha/Armin :
-same as Connie.
-Met her through Connie, at one of his parties.
-Will share food constantly.
-always getting boba and mochi.
-Sasha once walked in on Armin having a panic attack in the bathroom of Connie’s apartment, went into protective mode and started comforting and went to grab his plushies and snacks.
-will sit there and have a Disney marathon for no reason whatsoever.
-it’s just one of those days.
-cosplayers. Change my mind.
-Sasha taught him how to ask people out. He used it on someone and it worked.
-wEeBs. Breaking the fourth wall but oh well-
-will share hoodies if Armin’s are dirty.
-will also take Armin shopping.
-the vice-president of Connie’s club.
-Hugs. Needs them. Constantly.
Reiner/Armin :
-star football athlete and nerdy geek dynamic.
-teaches Armin the basics of flirting, kissing, sex…
-ngl, he wanted to fuck Armin. Thought he was pretty.
-Smacked his ass a couple of times.
-Head pats. Reiner will just randomly pat Armin’s head and ruffle his hair, it’s his way of showing affection.
-Will give Reiner answers to tests, only if he takes him out for some fast-food and binge watch some new Netflix show.
-Armin is good friends with Annie, Reiners almost “sister” and will constantly be stopping fights between the two.
-confessed to Armin he liked him but he was hella drunk so Armin didn’t think he meant it.
-also drives out of his way to pick up a drunk Reiner, who’ll talk shit about everyone and everything the whole ride home.
-Reiner saw Armin cry for the first time and hugged him, which was weird cuz Reiner hates hugs.
-tried to get Armin to drink, to no avail.
Mikasa/Armin :
-Childhood best friends.
-knew each other since they were five.
-she’s like a mother to him. Keeps him out of trouble.
-will SLAP anybody who hurts him. Has done it before.
-will constantly be around each other. Mikasa’s paranoid something may happen to him.
-cuddles and hugs. She’s kissed him on the forehead once or twice after a panic attack or anxiety spike.
-the one to take care of him when he’s sick.
-she’s so motherly it’s unreal.
-she listens to everything Armin has to say, and vice versa.
-completely understood when Mikasa came out as Aro/Ace. And Armin did everything in his willpower to keep any pervs away.
-Mikasa practically threw herself at Armin when she found out he was self-harming.
-showered him in love and support, bought him so many new plushies.
-will keep Armin as pure and innocent as she possibly can.
-didn’t judge Armin when he said he enjoyed dressing as a girl sometimes.
Jean/Armin :
-Jean is the biggest simp oh my lord-
Used to like Mikasa until he met Armin.
-always gets flustered around Armin. Blushing at nearly everything he says.
-Marco’s step-brother, met Armin through him.
-my dude is LITERALLY oblivious to Jeans attempts.
-will take him out to dinner, sit down to watch a movie, anything.
-loves to cuddle with Armin. And Armin enjoys it equally.
-Armin’s Jeans tutor, although Jean never studies and would rather stare at his blonde beauty all day.
-Jean doodles in Armin’s notebooks/textbook.
-they sit beside each other in science.
-would stay up late questioning life in general.
-Jean gets jealous whenever Eren comes back around.
-with get all pissy and bratty.
-Armin will have to take care of him.
-✨ pillow forts ✨
-TikTok dancers.
-American crime shows.
Eren/Armin :
-little to nonexistent.
-used to be BEST friends, like, soulmates.
-until Eren left without saying goodbye.
-Armin cried every night for the six months after that.
-frankly, hates Eren for that.
-though some part of him still loves him.
-Eren will come visit every now and then, just to see Armin.
-Eren hates everyone, accept Armin. He loves Armin, wants him to be his. But since he’s away so much…eh.
-HATES Jean. Despises him.
-It’s awkward trying to show Armin physical affection. Cuz it’s been so long.
-loves Armin. Is crazy for him.
-Armin doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. He hates the fact he’s here.
-whenever he found out Armin was cutting, he felt so heartbroken and to know he was one of the causes to it- made him cry.
-honestly though, Eren should just go back to Zeke.
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theyrejustboys · 3 years
Written for @tma-valentines-exchange
For @voiceless-terror, who requested fluff and pre-canon JonTim. I hope you enjoy it!
Read it on AO3 or under the cut!
Content Warnings: drinking, alcohol
Summary: Tim half expects Jon to be embarrassed, but he just blinks up at him, still apparently in the dazed, barely conscious state of waking. Then he stretches, arms reaching over his head and back arching slightly. He makes an honest to goodness squeak as he does. Exactly like a little cat. Tim wants to kiss him.
Oh. Tim wants to kiss him.
So it hadn’t just been the alcohol last night, then.
The first thing that Tim becomes aware of as he’s pulled unwillingly from slumber is the gentle weight pressing down on his legs. The second is the cold hand resting lightly on the strip of bare skin where his t-shirt has risen up in the night. He stirs reluctantly. When he finally opens his eyes, his bedroom is blurry, and he has to blink a few times to clear his vision and his head as the world forms in pieces around him. There’s a low thrumming in his skull that bears the potential of a fully fledged headache if not dealt with swiftly. Perhaps that’s why it takes him another few moments for the implications of the small body snuggled against him to set in.
He can’t see the face of the person in bed with him, not without turning and risking waking them up, but his memories from last night are pouring in too quickly to leave him with any doubt.
“Shame Sasha couldn’t make it,” Tim said, sliding into the booth across from Jon.
Jon nodded as he shrugged out of his corduroy jacket. “She’ll be missed,” he said, and if Tim hadn’t spent so long studying his facial expressions across his desk, he might not have noticed the slight upward quirk of his mouth.
“The first round shall be in her honor,” Tim said with only half Jon’s solemnity, lifting a hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
Jon let him order for the both of them, seemingly content to sit back and glance around the pub while Tim spoke. It was a quiet, if kitschy, little place, and Tim had chosen it strategically for that reason. He might not mind the atmosphere in some of London’s more crowded bars, but it had only taken one outing with Jon to realize how desperately uncomfortable that sort of chaos made him. He seemed appreciative of the location tonight, even gracing Tim with a reserved smile once the waiter had disappeared. Tim wanted to take that smile and store it in a treasure chest with all the other beautiful things Jon had offered him throughout their slow-blooming friendship. He smiled back.
“So, that case you were working on this week. Did you ever get past the hurdle with the widow?”
Jon leaned forward eagerly to explain his findings. Tim settled in to listen.
It’s Jon. Jon had come home with him. They’d both been too drunk to deal with the hassle of bundling Jon into a taxi, especially when Tim lived only two blocks behind the warm little pub they’d spent their Friday night in. It was convenient.
And now Tim is in bed with Jonathan Sims. Not just in bed, either - Jon is practically on top of him, with one leg slung over both of his own and the hand not resting against Tim’s hip nestled beneath the pillow Tim is lying on. If Tim is very still, he can feel the soft puff of Jon’s breath against his neck.
He resists the urge to hide the smile tugging at his lips. He’d suspected before last night that Jon was more tactile than he let on, but he hadn’t imagined he’d be this clingy.
He understands, of course, that Jon doesn’t feel safe often, that others have not allowed him the time to be cautious with his affection. It’s no secret in the research office that his snippiness and chronically furrowed brows have won him few friends. It’s taken Tim months of steady, gentle friendliness to break through Jon’s carefully prickly exterior into the softness he’d seen hiding beneath. It feels, in a way, like reaching a new level of a video game - once he’d gotten past the grouchiness, the wariness, and then the bashfulness, he’d unlocked the awkward but horribly endearing kindness. And cuddles, apparently.
It’s worth being patient for, worth earning. Tim’s chest feels tight with the weight of his fondness. He wants to pull Jon into his arms and hold him close like he had in the pub last night.
Before Tim can move, however, there's a mumble near his ear as he feels Jon shift. The leg draped over his own slides down. He hears a soft yawn, and then, before he can process that, Jon is rubbing his face into the back of Tim's shirt like a sleepy little cat. Tim grins and faces him.
"Good morning," he says.
Tim half expects Jon to be embarrassed, but he just blinks up at him, still apparently in the dazed, barely conscious state of waking. Then he stretches, arms reaching over his head and back arching slightly. He makes an honest to goodness squeak as he does. Exactly like a little cat.
Tim wants to kiss him.
Oh. Tim wants to kiss him.
So it hadn’t just been the alcohol last night, then.
Jon peers at him, apparently roused to alertness by whatever expression has taken over Tim’s face. "What?"
"Rest well?" Tim says in lieu of a response, because if he dwells on this development any longer he might do something foolish, like brush a hand through the wild mess of dark curls spread across both the pillow he had offered Jon last night and Tim’s own pillow.
"Yes," Jon says.
Ah, there's a touch of the primness Tim loves. “Glad to hear it,” he says, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “I’ll take the bathroom first, if you don’t mind.”
He thinks Jon burrows deeper into the blankets as he leaves the room.
Across the hallway, Tim stares at his reflection in the vanity mirror. His heart is beating a little too quickly. "Keep it cool, Timothy," he warns himself. Then he splashes some water on his face and knocks back a couple of ibuprofen tablets before he brushes his teeth. "All yours," he calls into the bedroom when he finishes. Jon makes an unintelligible noise in response, and Tim huffs out a soft, breathless laugh as he crosses the flat toward his kitchen.
“... but my landlord is utterly heartless,” Jon concluded, looking rather dejected as he finished off his third pint. “He wouldn’t budge on the no pets rule, even for the Captain.”
Tim made a quiet, sympathetic noise, handing back Jon’s mobile after having admired the extraordinarily fluffy cat on the shelter’s front page for an appropriate length of time. “I would have,” he vowed. “For the Captain. Anything for him.”
Jon’s eyes shone briefly, and Tim wondered if he was going to cry. He just sniffed with marginally less dignity than usual and accepted the mobile. “Yes, well,” he said after taking a beat to gather himself. “You’re nice. Of course you would.”
“You think I’m nice?” Tim grinned, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hand.
“Yes,” Jon said simply.
“Careful, Jon, if you keep up this sweetness I’ll have no choice but to hug you.” Tim was only half-joking.
Jon ducked his head and mumbled, “Well. You could.”
“What?” For a moment, Tim thought he’d misunderstood.
“I said you could.” Jon didn’t look up at him. “If you wanted. I wouldn’t mind.”
Tim could feel his cheeks begin to ache from the force of his smile. He stood quickly and slid into the opposite side of the booth. Jon didn��t pull away as he moved closer, only sat looking at him expectantly from the corner of his eye. “Bring it in, then,” Tim said, and he draped one arm around Jon’s narrow shoulders.
Jon sat stiff and awkward at first contact, but then he melted against him. He rested his head in the crook beneath Tim’s collarbone, sighing so softly Tim could barely hear it over the quiet clatter of the pub. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Tim asked. His voice came out a bit strangled from the sudden warm pressure in his chest.
“For being a nice person,” Jon said with a trace of his familiar exasperation but none of the spikiness. As if it were obvious, as if Tim could see it if only he paid attention.
Tim had been paying attention for a while now. He thought he understood what Jon meant. “Of course,” he said. He didn’t pull away. Neither did Jon.
He’s measuring out flour into a glass bowl when he hears Jon pad into the kitchen, and for one exhilarating second Tim wonders if he’s going to hug him from behind. He doesn’t. Tim lingers over the bowl for a few breaths more, then turns to face him. “I’m making muffins,” he announces.
Jon looks surprised. “You bake?”
Tim is momentarily distracted by the way Jon’s hair is piled on top of his head, wrangled into what might generously be called a bun. There are strands hanging around his cheekbones that Tim desperately wants to tuck behind his ears. He clears his throat and tosses a grin over his shoulder as he faces his mixing bowl again. “Why Jon, did you not notice the stupendous cakes I’ve brought to every office party this year? Of course I bake.”
“Oh,” Jon says. “I don’t usually stick around those long enough to eat anything.”
“You will once you’ve had a taste of my baking skills,” Tim promises. “These are going to be the best muffins you’ve tasted in your life.”
“My expectations are high,” Jon says in his dry voice. Months ago, Tim might have thought he was mocking him, but now he recognizes it for the friendly teasing it is. It makes something warm and lofty expand in his chest. Then, a moment later Jon asks, “Can I help?”
Tim opens his mouth to say no, that he’s a guest and should sit down and relax while Tim takes care of everything. He glances over again as Jon steps closer, fidgeting with the sleeve of his hoodie. It’s too long, dangling a few centimeters past his fingertips.
It’s Tim’s hoodie, he realizes with a start. His mouth shuts with a click. He wants to stare at Jon. He wants to turn his face away in case his adoration is too obvious. He still wants to kiss him.
Jon just watches him, picking restlessly at the fabric. He almost looks hopeful. Oh.
Tim gestures with his head toward the fruit basket on the countertop. “Dice an apple for me?”
“Sure.” Tim can hear the smile in his voice.
They work quietly for a few minutes, the only noise coming from the soft click of Jon’s knife against the cutting board and the muted sound of Tim’s whisk in the bowl. Once the fruit is mixed in with the batter, Jon watches as Tim carefully measures equal portions into his muffin tin and slides them into his oven. Tim has a sudden urge to turn on some music, to see if Jon might let him wrap his arms around him and spin him beneath the dim kitchen light.
“How much do you remember from last night?” Jon asks before he can.
Tim leans against the countertop. “Everything,” he says. Then he hesitates. “I think,” he adds nervously. “We weren’t that drunk, were we? Why do you ask?” He would have remembered if he’d -
Jon crosses the floor to the little table in Tim’s entryway. He has a habit of dropping his things there when he walks inside each evening, keys, wallet, and whatever else has accumulated in his pockets throughout the day. Jon rummages in the clutter before waving a short, shiny strip of paper triumphantly.
“Oh,” Tim says. No, he hadn’t forgotten that at all. “Right.”
Jon was the one who had pointed out the photo booth. Tim knew it was there - he’d spent a couple of tipsy evenings in it before. The last time had been with Danny. Maybe that memory was the reason he hadn’t brought it up to Jon. Maybe it was just that he didn’t think Jon was the sort to relax enough to enjoy something as trivial and objectively silly as a photo booth.
But Jon herded him away from their table and into the little box at the back of the pub with the same determination he directed toward his work, drawing the black curtain closed as Tim fiddled with the buttons. It smelled vaguely of wine inside. Jon didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve never done this before,” Jon confessed. He’d had enough drinks by now that there was an airy quality to his voice. He suppressed a yawn. “But I’ve always wanted to.”
Jon nodded. “Never had anyone to do it with,” he said, sounding almost ashamed.
Tim decided not to point out that wasn’t the part he’d been surprised about. “You have me,” he said, settling back as the countdown began for the first photo.
Jon stared at the camera, head tilted slightly as he arranged a smile on his face. “Yes,” he said, then jumped at the flash. The countdown began again. Jon moved closer to Tim, brushing their arms together. “I do have you. I’m glad for that.”
Tim faltered, turning from the camera to look at Jon. Jon glanced up at him, and the careful smile on his face faded to something softer, gentler. Tim’s breath hitched. He’d like to kiss Jon like this, he realized, when he’s open and vulnerable and trusting. He leaned down slightly, suddenly breathless as he lifted a hand to cup Jon’s cheek. “Jon -”
The second camera flash made them both flinch hard, and Jon let out a startled noise that was almost a laugh, hiding his face in the collar of Tim’s shirt as if embarrassed. Tim laughed too, though he could barely hear himself over the pounding in his ears. He let his hand slide around the back of Jon’s head, cradling him, as if that was what he’d meant to do all along. He wondered if Jon could feel his heart thudding against his chest.
Before the last flash lit up the booth, Tim closed his eyes and pressed his forehead into Jon’s hair.
“I told you, you’re adorable,” Tim crows.
Jon splutters again, looking down at the photos in his hand in disbelief. “I’m an adult,” he says petulantly. “I can’t be adorable.”
Tim gasps, affronted. “Jonathan Sims! Are you putting an age limit on adorableness ? Please tell me you aren’t suggesting that I can’t be adorable.”
“I didn’t say that,” Jon grumbles.
“Good. I didn’t want to fight for my honor before breakfast.” Tim smirks at him and hopes the teasing is enough to distract from the painfully obvious yearning in his eyes on the strip of photo paper. His hand itches to take it from Jon, to cover up what feels practically like a confession, but he forces himself to be reasonable.
His oven timer beeps, drawing him from his nervous thoughts, and he busies himself tending to the muffins. Mercifully, Jon sets the photo strip aside to rummage in Tim’s cabinets for a pair of plates.
They migrate to the couch and eat quietly. Jon admits that Tim’s baking skills are rather spectacular, and Tim preens a normal amount. He wants to hug Jon again, but he resists. Whatever ease with which Jon had touched Tim the night before seems to have faded. His posture seems a bit stiffer, and he keeps his hands tucked closely in his lap, though Tim does catch him casting contemplative glances his way when he thinks he isn’t looking. He wonders how long it’s been since Jon has received affection.
Jon should receive affection always, Tim thinks, and should be held gently at each opportunity. He hopes he’s given another opportunity to hold Jon soon. He doesn’t push for it, though, doesn’t want to make Jon uncomfortable. He’s waited months to earn the trust he’s been allowed so far; he can be patient again.
“Tim,” Jon says after they’ve sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Yes?” Tim gives him an encouraging smile.
“I’ve - I’ve had a lovely time.” Jon doesn’t meet his eyes.
“That’s the Stoker guarantee,” Tim says with a smirk, though his chest twinges uncomfortably. There’s a but in there.
Jon takes a deep breath. “Yes. Well. Thank you. And - that is, I wanted to say…” He pauses. Opens his mouth and shuts it again.
That feeling in Tim’s chest is sinking lower. He waits.
Jon shifts abruptly, turning to fully face him on the couch. “Tim,” he says.
“Jon,” Tim answers quietly.
And then Jon surges forward and presses a chaste kiss into Tim’s jaw.
"Oh," Tim says. His hand flies up to touch his face.
Jon scrambles backward, blushing deeply. “Yes. Well,” he says again. “That’s all. Sorry, I should have -”
“Jon,” Tim says, “can I hug you?”
Jon makes another one of his soft little squeaks and nods wordlessly before tumbling forward into Tim’s arms. After a moment, he curls himself up smaller, wiggling onto Tim’s lap so as to better cling to him. Tim, very carefully, does not move except to tighten his hold on him.
“If you’re amenable,” Jon finally says, voice muffled in Tim’s shirt, “I would like to do this again sometime.”
Tim stifles a laugh. “And by this, you mean…?”
Jon sits up slightly, though he pouts a bit as he does. “Drinks? Dinner? And then cuddles. And I would like you to hug me again as soon as possible.”
“I don’t have to stop hugging you,” Tim points out. “You don’t have to leave. You can stay right here -” He pats his lap for emphasis. “For as long as you like.”
“You don’t mind?” Jon asks, peering up at him.
“Do I need to convince you how much I like hugging you?”
Jon considers. “No. But you could demonstrate anyway.”
Tim does.
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