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Breach pt. II | Criminal Minds
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. Spencer Reid xBAU! Reader .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Pt. I
Summary: Where Reader gets kidnapped with Aaron Hotchner and forced to do things that puts them in an uncomfortable position, and Dr. Spencer Reid is determined to help reader get back to a new normal.
A/N: this is my first time writing for CM I'm in the early seasons so l'm not too familiar with these characters yet but thought of this plot. I also am not familiar with tumbler so Please leave any suggestions! I am trying my best thank you!! Semi-proof read!| kind of a long chapter, sorry for the wait! Let me know what you think pls!!
Tags: un-established relationship, early season Reid, newly divorced Hotchner, mentions of SA, mentions of drug abuse, kidnapping, and death <- [warnings]
It’s been three weeks since you and the BAU team returned to Quantico after the kidnapping, but only two since you took leave at Aaron Hotchners request
Now the night before your return back to work you sat on your living room floor with a glass of wine by your side and sticky notes
“Pros” and “cons”
There were so many pros: The people that had become your new found family, Dream job, and being able to help families looking for answers.
You did so much to get to where you are so why were you so willing to throw it all away?
There weren't many downsides, aside from the high risk of getting shot, or the possible kidnappings—but you knew those were all possibilities when you joined the team. You just never thought it would've happened to you, especially so early on in your career.
You threw your head back and shut your eyes trying your best to not let the tears roll down your face
You didn’t want to leave. You knew that, but the truth was you were scared to go back. Scared to take on another case. You loved your job, but you couldn't be a profiler if you were afraid of it.
For the past two weeks you've been home mentally recovering you never thought it would lead to you questioning whether you wanted to go back. Especially since you never wanted to leave in the first place you just didn't want to argue with Hotch but looking back you realized how badly you needed to get out of there you were sinking…
~ 3 weeks prior ~
You walked into the bullpen with your head down trying to go unnoticed as you made your way to your desk. It was the first day back in Quantico and everyone on the floor was well aware of what happened back in Phoenix.
You were running on two hours of sleep, the dark circles around your eyes bleeding through your makeup, you look rough.
“Crazy morning huh?” Morgan asked as he looked at you smiling “um yeah.” you kept it short and focused your attention on your computer just wanting to hurry up and file your papers for the day
He didn't say much after that. As the day went on the change in your behavior had become clear to everyone. Your silence, staying at your desk, and the uneasy look on your face.
“Hey, you alright?” Spencer asked as he stood in front of your working area, you looked up at him and back to your computer “I’m good.” You assured him
He furrowed his eyebrows and sucked in his lips “right… well JJ, Emily, Derek, Penelope, and I were planning on heading out for lunch if you’d like to join us. It’s this new restaurant down the street.” Reid told you hoping you’d take him up on his offer
“Uh no I think I’m sitting this one out, I packed lunch. Have fun though.” You tell him as you stood up from your desk and walked off
“We’d really love it if you joined.” He continued as he followed you to wherever you were going “Reid, are you going to follow me into the restroom?” You question as you stopped by the woman’s door
“Oh uh no.” He nervously said “go to lunch without me, have fun okay?” You say giving him a small smile as you entered the restroom
Once you were done with your business you seen the floor was a bit more empty seemed like everyone wanted to go out for lunch today
You made your way to the lunch room and opened up the fridge grabbing your bag “So where are we eating at today?” Reid asked, you turned around quickly not expecting him to be there
“Jeez Reid, you scared me.” You scold him “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He tells you with serious guilt in his voice “it’s fine.” You walk towards the door but stop before fully exiting
“I’m eating in my car, if you’d like to join.” You say turning back to look at him, a smile quickly appeared on his face “Yeah, of course.”
The both of you made your way to your vehicle and set up your lunches, there was no conversation at first just the sound of faint music playing in the background
Dreams by The Cranberries
You ate your food trying your best not to be messy since you had company but he made you nervous especially with him staring intently at you
“Why are you staring?” You ask finally getting bothered enough by it to confront him “Don’t be profiling me.” You warned “no, I’m not.” He says “I’m just wondering about you.”
You give him a confused expression and put your fork into your bowl turning your whole body to give him your full attention so he can continue
“You’ve just been distant today.” He tells, he looked genuinely concerned
A sigh left your mouth “I’m not being distant. I’m with you.” You say and look out your window for a split second “only because I’m not letting you.” He matter of factly says “the others, they want to help you. They’re just scared.”
“I don’t need help, im an adult I’m capable of taking care of myself. Thank you though.” You state and go back to eating your food
He paused for a moment processing your words
“I know you’re capable. It just wouldn’t hurt to receive support. You know, statistically people who accept help recover faster from traumatic events. That’s not me saying you can’t handle this it’s just me reminding you that you don’t have to do it alone.” He explains as he stares deeply into your eyes
You bit your lip and nodded “Thank you Spencer.” he smiled and gently squeezed your hand, you weren’t prepared for his sudden touch so you quickly pulled back and looked out the window
“Uh, I think lunch is over.” You awkwardly say as you seen the team heading into the building “oh, yeah. Seems like it.” He replies with regret in his tone
You felt bad, you know you made him feel horrible with pulling away from him like that but it was unexpected and you just didn’t feel comfortable.
The two of you exited your car and made your way to the stairs and onto your floor, he walked you to your desk that wasn't to far from his “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Of course.” you smiled and sat down on your chair watching as he walked away
During the middle of the week, you had only gotten worse. You ran on no hours of sleep and became easily irritable. You weren't even eating, you continued to skip out on lunches and even accidently went off on Spencer telling him to give you space
Everyone was worried for you, they could see you slowly start to become someone you weren’t so the following Friday morning Hotch had asked you to meet him in his office.
You were Scared and nervous hoping it wasn’t to talk about what had happened to you guys, you weren’t ready to talk to him about it and you weren’t sure if you ever will be
“Goodmorning.” You say as you entered his office, he looked up at you and put down the papers he was going over “morning.” He responded and directed you to take a seat in front of him
Your heart started racing, and your fingers felt sweaty
You weren’t sure how you were gonna make eye contact with him, you couldn’t. You didn’t even want Hotch staring at you, it all took you back.
You stared around his office looking at every item in the room, there was a lot to look at.
“Agent, I brought you in here because I have been noticing changes in your behavior.” He explains. Your eyes dart to him “Is it Reid? Is he asking you to talk to me?” you question in a defensive tone, why would Reid do this to you?
“What? No. This is just from me but I don't doubt others haven’t noticed your behavior. Its not normal.” He tells you “how can I be normal?” You asked
His body and face softened once that question left your mouth, you sounded genuinely confused and hopeless. How could everything be the same? You couldn’t see the light.
Hotch sighed and rubbed his face upset seeing you go through so much stress and not wanting to reach out to those around you who cared for you
“I-I don’t know.” He responded truthfully “But what I do know is that not talking to anyone and denying help is all only going to make things worse for yourself.”
You slowly nodded biting the inside of your cheek and your gaze flickering down to look at your shoes
“Trust me.” He said and you thought back to when he was getting a divorce, he didn’t tell anyone. The only reason why it was found out was because he had gotten served in front of you and the team late one night in the office
Slowly after that night though he had become a bit open talking to mainly David and Spencer about what he was going through but he did look less tense after having people to confide in
“Okay.” You say understanding what he was saying to you “with that being said, I think it’s important for you to take leave. Have time for yourself.”
You look at him leaning back recoiling from what he just told you “no, it’s fine. I’ll do better here.” You responded but he shook his head “I’m not asking.”
You took a sharp breath in “Okay…thanks.” And with that you made your way out of his office and went to your desk collecting your items
“Where you headin’ to?” Morgan asked as you passed by him “Home. I’m taking a break.” You say “oh”
The first week of your leave, you spiraled bad.
You were left with your thoughts and though you knew you didn’t have to be, your mind didn’t let you reach out to anyone. You didn’t know it then but going in to work that week was easy, it was being home that was the hardest on you.
At work there was distractions, and at least able to see see people even though you didn’t really talk to them but now it was just you and the four white walls.
It was a Monday night only three days into your leave and you were laid on your couch blanket on you staring at the ceiling as tears streamed down your cheeks, there was a movie playing in the background but you paid it no mind
You wanted to feel different, and wanted to figure out a way to forget what happened but your mind didn’t want to let it go just yet
You took deep breaths trying to calm down but it just wasn’t working, you felt like you were gonna explode that was until a sing song knock was heard coming from your front door
You sit up and look at it “Anyone home?“ the guy behind the door asked you sighed and debated to just be quite and wait for him to leave “I know you’re home..”
You got up from your couch and made your way to the kitchen splashing your face with cold water then found your way to the front door opening it slowly
“Hey” Spencer said and quickly noticed the stained tear trails on your face “hi” you said and looked down seeing he had a take out bag
“Come in.” You say and opened the door wide “sorry it’s a mess, I would’ve cleaned if I knew you were going to be coming over.” You embarrassingly say as you do your best to try to clean up a bit
“No no it’s okay, my home is like way more messier. It’s disgusting actually.” He reassures you with a slight laughter to his tone but you knew he was only trying to make you feel better because there was no way in hell Dr. Spencer Reid will let his home get disgustingly dirty but it was nice he’d lie
“I wanted to drop this off.” He gestured to the bag in his hand lifting it up a bit “JJ told me it was one of your favorite restaurants so I decided why not come see you and bring a little gift.”
“Oh Spence, that’s really sweet.” You smiled “how much? I can repay you.”
He looked immediately taken aback by what you said and shook his head “What? No. Don’t do that.”
“Spencer, please.” You beg feeling uncomfortable that he’d go out of his way to do something like this “No, how about you just let me eat here with you.” He suggested as a form of payment
You chuckled and agreed “Fine but no picking at my food.” You warned him “Fine with me.”
You grabbed the bag from him and laid it on your table going through the food and sorting it out “We can eat on my couch.” You suggest
Knowing Spencer that was probably a crazy idea to him, he probably ate on his table when he was able too “oh yeah.” He said and followed you to your big comfortable couch
“So how have you been?” He asks after a while of watching whatever it was that you had on the T.V
“Oh erm good, yeah.” You nodded smiling at him
“You know, most people think they’re better at hiding things than they actually are. But facial microexpressions like the way your smile doesn't reach your eyes, or the way you tense your shoulders when you think no one’s looking those are hard to control.” he informs you
You look at him confused as to why he would throw that random fact at you “If you haven't been doing good, it's alright. I-i don't mean to pry but I want you to be able to tell me things.”
You look away from him and set your food down on the coffee table not having much of an appetite anymore “i’m sorry. I just wanted you to know.” he tells you
You squeeze your eyes closed trying to stop from letting all the emotions out but it only makes everything worse because the next thing you know your chest tightened and each inhale felt shallow and sharp your heart feeling as if it was slamming against your ribs too fast, too erratic like it was needing an escape.
“Hey, hey its okay.” Spencer says quickly getting up from the couch and centering himself in front of you kneeling down to your level “Just breathe.” he grabbed your hand laying it on his heart
“Focus on my heartbeat.” he instructed “in and out.”
And that is what you did, you held onto him focusing on his breathing, he made sure to hold deep eye contact with you and laid his hand over yours to comfort you
Once you were calmed down you finally had let go of him “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why that happened.” You apologized “Don’t be.” He says
You felt bad having Spencer see you like this, you didn’t want him to think of you as fragile
“Spencer, I—I know, okay? I know there are people who care about me, who want to help. I just… I can’t. I can't talk about it. Not yet.” You say, your voice unsteady
He looks at you, his eyes filled with a quiet sadness like if he’s carrying the weight of your pain with you
“That’s okay, you don’t have to talk before you’re ready. But when the time comes whether it be tomorrow, next week, or years from now. I’ll be here. You don't have to carry it alone.” he softly said
“I don't know how to not push people away.” you admit to him “I don't come from a family that helps each other out, or comforts each other.” you shook your head remembering all the times you were left alone at the end of the day comforting and consoling yourself
“Let me help you then.” he pleaded and reached his hand out for you, and by your own surprise you took it “I just want everything to be normal again, I want to be normal. I'm scared spencer, nothings ever going to be the same.” you sniffled as you squeezed his hand
“It wont.” he truthfully said “Normal isnt a fixed thing. It shifts, its adapts. One day you’ll find a version of it that’ll feel okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow but you will.” he continued
“Yeah, I know. Its just so hard to see right now.” you muttered “I understand.” he acknowledged
You stared at him seeing that it looked like he wanted to say something but was holding back or thinking against it “what is it?” You questioned
“I know how it feels.. to be held hostage.” He tells you and looks down “You were held hostage?” You asked
He nodded “it was a scary experience. I never spoke to anyone about it after.. not that I wanted to. I guess that’s why I feel so compelled to tell you and make sure you know how much you aren’t alone.”
“Spencer.. I am so sorry.” You whispered not wanting to ask to much about what happened not sure how comfortable he was to go into detail with you
“I was drugged, he used Dilaudid. After I was rescued I became addicted, I wasn’t myself. Didn’t tell anyone, but I-I’m sure they figured. It’s kinda hard to hide something like that y’know?”
Your eyes never left his as he dropped this news on you, you continued holding his hand and sharing expressions that let him know you were sympathizing with him.
“But the reason I’m telling you this is so you know things do get better, yeah I still think about it but not as much as before. I found a new normal, and it’s not bad.” He assured you “What should I do? How should I start?” You asked him
For once you actually felt a little bit of hope, seeing how Spencer was after his kidnapping made you feel like you can do it too, he inspired you.
“We can figure that out together.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
The following days Spencer would stop by your apartment when he was available and surprisingly he made himself available almost everyday which concerned you because working for the BAU it was rare when you were free
“Spencer you’re falling asleep, you can go home if you want to.” You tell him as you pause the movie you had put on seeing that he was slowly passing out
“Hmm? No it’s fine. We’re almost finished.” He says quickly opening his eyes you shook your head “It’s Thursday night, and you need to be awake early. Go home.” You sternly tell him
“I actually don't have work.” he admits “what? Why?” you asked confused because its hard to get a day off “I want to be with you…” he lowly said his cheeks getting flushed and he started to look nervous
“You can't call off because of me Spencer, they need you. People need you.” You tell him he nodded understanding “You need me right now, I said I’d help you and I am. You’re my focus right now.”
A small smile crept on your face you loved that he was being sweet but you still were against him doing this
“These last few days have been better with you, but that doesn’t mean you stop working. I am serious, next week you’re banned from coming here. Focus on work.” You told him
“I have a key to your apartment, I’m coming.” He protests “Yeah and I’m taking it back.” You warned him but let out a small laugh knowing you wouldn’t dare
Silence fell for a few seconds just you and Spencer stupidly smiling at each other
“So tomorrow since I have a free day, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out somewhere? N-not like a date just more so you can go outside.”
“Well I wasn’t expecting it to be a date anyway, but uh yeah I mean I guess we can try.” You say feeling nervous since it had been a while since you’ve left your apartment “It can be somewhere small.” He suggested sensing you were feeling a bit uneasy
“We can go to a coffee shop, there’s one not far from here with a bookstore right next door.”
“Oh, that seems fun. I’d love to go.” You smiled causing him to smile to and finally ease “Well then, I guess I’ll go. Don’t want to keep you up.” He says as he gets up from your couch
“You don’t have to leave, You’re going to come back tomorrow anyway. Why don’t you just stay the night?” You suggest “Uh yeah, yeah I can do that.” He nodded liking the idea of being here with you
“I have pajamas for you, they’re men so don’t worry.” You smiled as you made your way to your room and picked out a pair of blue pajama pants and a huge shirt
“I like sleeping in men’s pajama pants, more comfortable, and in huge shirts makes me feel like I have a blanket around me.” You state as you hand him the clothes “I was starting to think you had a boyfriend.” He joked
“no. Just me being my boyfriend.” You shrugged and let him go to the bathroom to change, while he did that you turned the TV off and grabbed blankets and a pillow for him
“This shirt, it really does feel like a blanket.” He said stepping into the living area you turned and saw him, the shirt was swallowing him not as much as it did you since he was tall but he looked a little silly
“Love the look.” you say teasing him “Styled by the best.” he shrugged
“Here are your blankets, if you need more they’re in the closet by my room door.” you point towards the closet “Thanks.” He gave you a small smile
“I sleep with my door opened, if you want I can close it.” You tell him “No, there’s no need. I just hope you don’t mind if I snore.”
You shook your head “Okay well I’ll let you rest, goodnight Spencer.” You say “Goodnight.” He replies back and with that you go off into your room, only closing the door to change but quickly opening it back up once you are done
It wasn’t hard for you to fall asleep, it actually felt easier with Spencer’s presence. You felt safe.
Later on into the night Spencer woke up to the sounds of restless murmurs at first it was barely audible but then it started to sound a bit louder
You sounded distressed and scared, your words leaving your mouth in fractured pieces.
He couldn’t bare hearing you anymore so he got up and slowly entered your room “hey, it’s alright.” He says as he sits on your side of the bed and gently shakes you awake
“Help!” You shout and jump up clenching your chest, Spencer’s hands quickly find your arms “I’m here, it’s fine.” He assures you “Oh god Spencer, I'm so sorry.” you apologize knowing you woke him up
“No, no it's fine.”
You sigh and close your eyes thankful to be awake and out of that bad nightmare you were having “Have you been having nightmares?” He curiously asks
You nodded ashamed for not telling him “Yeah, I just I try not to think about them throughout the day.” You confessed “You need to tell me these things.” He says in a serious tone causing you to look down
“I know, I’m sorry.” You apologize once again “I’ll get you some water.” He tells you and gets up heading to your kitchen and quickly comes back
“Here you go.”
You take the cup and drink the water, that dream sure made you thirsty.
“Thank you.” You whisper setting the cup down on your nightstand, you turned on your little lamp “I think I might sleep with this on.” You laughed a bit
“You don’t have to be scared.” Spencer tells you “It was just a dream, and I’m here.”
You bit your lip and before thinking you had asked him to sleep next to you “If you don’t feel comfortable, I understand.”
“No, I feel comfortable.” He quickly nodded, you opened up the sheets and patted the spot next to you, he slipped in and laid down
You turned the light off not seeing the need for it anymore, and laid down but faced him
“If I wake you up again, just pinch me or something.” You smile even though he probably couldn’t see “I’ll never.” He said
“Goodnight.. again.”
With that you faced the other direction and slowly slipped back into sleep feeling even more safe now that he was right beside you.
The days after that night were easy on you, with Spencer with you most of the time and slowly getting you used to going places and finding things to keep your mind at ease
Even on the days where he wasn’t able to be with you, you were still doing good. He helped you figure out methods to soothe your mind like reading or trying out a new recipe
“I’m telling you Spencer this cake I made, it’s the best, and I am horrible at baking.” You laugh as you take another bite
“I’d love to try it.” He said through the phone you could tell he was smiling, he sounded happy
“You should.” You hinted at him possibly coming over later “I don’t think I’m staying late tonight. Mind if I come over with a surprise?” He asked
“A surprise?” You question as you raised your eyebrows “Yeah.” He simply said
“Alright. I like surprises.”
“Good, I’ll give you a call when I’m leaving the office.” He stated “Okay. Be safe, and have fun with your paperwork.” You tell him
“Yeah, paperwork’s always fun.” He sarcastically said
“Yeah, it is.” You replied it was obvious none of you wanted to say bye and leave the call but he had to go
“So who’s gonna end the call first?” You questioned
“You are.” He said matter of factly “I can’t.” You admitted, “Why is that?”
“I don’t want to.” you smiled and looked down at your shoes “I don't want to either.”
You sighed “Well I don’t want you getting in trouble with Hotch so I guess I’ll let you go. I’m hanging up now. Bye.” You tell him
“Bye.” He says and after a few seconds you finally end the call, you were excited he was coming back over.
Not that he left a lot, but he had spent the night at your place quite a few times after the first so when he was gone the apartment felt empty.
It was later into the day, the sun was setting and you were finishing up cleaning your tiny apartment and then all of a sudden your phone rang
“Hey! I’m on my way.” He said with excitement in his voice “yay, can’t wait.” You smiled “I should be home in about five minutes.”
Home. He should be home.
“N-not my home, your home. I’m sorry.” He awkwardly laughed “hey it’s alright, I’m glad you see my space as yours. It’s cool.” You assured him
He took a breath of air “alright. Be prepared for me.”
“I will.” And with that, you both said your goodbyes and you went to your kitchen to get the saved piece of cake so he could try it once he entered your home
After a few minutes, you heard your door knob jiggle meaning Spencer was here so you walked closer to the door, and to your surprise it wasn’t just him
“What.” You laugh as your coworkers made their way into your home “Oh my god hello.” You greet them each giving them a small hug
There was the whole team, to your surprise Hotch was even there.
This time you didn’t feel nervous to be around him, and although he saw you in your most vulnerable position he wasn’t there judging you, he understood why it was so hard for you in the beginning
“Welcome to my home.” You told them and gestured to the living room where they all tried to fit
After a while of catching up with everyone Derek interrupted “Okay enough with the chit chat let’s play some games.”
Everyone cheered and Spencer took out a board game, Emily had brought drinks and everyone just hung out with each other not as co-workers but as actual friends, you missed them.
It was now Friday two days before your return back to work, you were at your desk journaling writing about your week and how the team had come over quite a few times, how you even went out with them a day ago, and that you enjoyed it.
You loved having your friends near you, especially Spencer you weren’t sure where you’d be without him.
You felt bad that there wasn’t a Spencer for everyone but also extremely grateful that you at least got him “I just realized that you return on Monday. Are you excited?” Spencer asked as he walked into your room
You shut your journal and gave him your full attention turning to look at him in your chair
He had your pink apron on, and a bit of sauce on his face “are you fighting the food?” you asked walking up to him and wiping the tomato juice off
He laughed “I’m winning though.”
“Doesn't look like it”
“So, are you trying to avoid my question or did you just want to touch my face?” he questioned causing you to raise an eyebrow, he's been getting bold.
“I'm not avoiding anything. I’m excited to return,” you told him, it wasn't a lie just half the truth you were excited but you were worried
“Good. The team is excited to have you back.”
“Are you sure it’s not just you?” You asked “no it’s mainly me.” He answered smiling and looking down at you “Food is also almost ready.”
“Yay, I’m starving.”
You both walked into the kitchen and you noticed the table was set, it’s never been set. There were even flowers in the middle.
“When did you go out and get these?” You asked smelling them “When I went to the grocery store. Figured it’ll look nice.”
You nodded agreeing because they did look really nice, you also didn’t realize you had nice dinner plates. Must’ve forgotten with work.
“Have a seat, I’ll serve you first.” He pointed to the chair “Spencer no, let me serve you.” You protested making your way to him and forcing him to let go of the pasta bowl “I got it.”
He seemed reluctant but he listened “you made dinner so the least I can do is serve it to you.” You tell him as you grab his plate and neatly place the pasta, with the sauce on top, and lastly, add the meatballs.
Presentation looked nice
“Thank you.” He proudly smiled, you did the same for your plate and went back into the kitchen to grab the garlic bread “I love garlic bread.” You stated and took a seat across from him
“Okay Dr. Spencer Reid, who knew you were an excellent chef.” You gasped as the fork left your mouth his Spaghetti was phenomenal
He blushed “Well you never let me make you dinner, you could’ve found out way sooner.”
“Now you’re always making me food, this was probably a huge mistake on your end.” You inform him taking another bite
After dinner you helped Spencer clean up but it was mostly you singing to the radio and trying to get him to dance, he did eventually but looked awkward.
After cleaning you both watched a movie, your legs over his lap and his hand gently drawing circles on one leg, you knew this was a bit intimate and could be seen as not friendly but it felt nice, you loved having him all to yourself.
“Hey, you want to go lay down?” Spencer asked as he watched the way your heavy eyes kept closing “No” you protested and opened them up again
“You're falling asleep.” he laughed you sighed and sat up “I am,” you admitted and rubbed your eyes
“I wish I could stay.” he lowly said “I wish you could too, but you have a case to figure out in a different city tomorrow.” you remind him “Yeah.”
You got up from the couch and grabbed his hands pulling him up knowing he wasn't going to move himself, he’d stay there all day.
He smiled as he stood in front of you “I’ll be back.”
“I know you will, you can’t be without me.” You joked
“I can’t.” He admitted causing you to look into his eyes they were soft and full of admiration for you
Your cheeks heated up and so did his, both of your hearts pounding he grabbed a hold of your hands this time but you let go and instead wrapped your arms around his neck laying your head on his chest
His hands found your waist gently squeezing them and he rested his chin on the top of your head,!you both know this was crossing a line but so was him sleeping next to you so it wasn’t the first
The silence took over you guys, words didn’t need to be exchanged to show how you both felt for each other
“You’re making it hard for me to want to leave”
“Good.” That is all you say but you pulled away first “I’ll be here when you come back.”
He moved a strand of hair behind your ear and nodded “alright.”
“Kiss me.” You blurt out, at first his reaction was shocked and confused but then it turned into a wide smile and he did but not where you expect it to be
He laid a gentle kiss on your forehead
You closed your eyes wanting to savor this moment forever, you wish time froze.
~ Present day ~
Looking back on the last two weeks a lot has changed, and it was a good change. Possibly even better than before but you still had a dilemma which was if you were going to return to work
You sighed wishing Spencer was here to help guide you or even just to tell you what to do, he knew you best and you trusted he’d make the right decision for you.
A few seconds passed, and as if your wish had been granted, your front door opened. The man you needed so badly right now stepped in
“You’re back.” You said making your way toward him “I caught the fastest flight back here.” He told you “the others aren’t back?”
He shook his head “They will be tomorrow morning, I just needed to be here.”
You smiled “I’m glad.”
He watched you but his eyes trailed to your living room seeing the sticky notes “what is that for?” He questioned you bit your lip nervous to tell him what you’ve been contemplating
“Spencer, I’m not sure if I want to go back.” You admit to him he nods understanding “Whatever you decide, I’m right here.” He assured you as he grabbed your hand
“Thank you.” You say. . .
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Introducing…. 𓆝 ⋆.𖦹°‧
꧁𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐢꧂
สุชลที ทิพย์ชลาลัย
“He claims that his father is a king.”
Height : 167 cm.
Birthday : 15th of November (Loy Kratong)
Age : 18
Homeland : East of Scalding Sands (Attidaya)
Best Subject : Practical Magic
Club : Equestrian club
Talents : Horseback riding, swimming.
Hobby : Taking care of his pet *jet dragon horse (Nhil - ม้านิลมังกร)
Dislikes : Nagas, sea snakes
Favorite Food : Tom Yum Khung (ต้มยำกุ้ง)
Least Favorite Food : Traditional medicine, bitter herbs.
꧁𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜꧂
- 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝗼�� 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚: the ability to summon an extinct, magic creature of the sea: the Jet Dragon Horse. Suchol can command the horse at will whether to attack or to use it as a means of transportation, both on land and sea.
- Suchol can breathe underwater.
꧁𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Suchol’s first name “Sucholatee” means beautiful sea and his last name “Thipchalalai” means the angel’s ocean✨
- Suchol is based off of another famous literature piece (famous as in it has been in plays for countless of times- like Romeo and Juliet💀) called Phra Apai Manee (พระอภัยมณี) and he’s based on a character named Sudsakorn! The story is a bout Sudsakon, a half mer half human boy, goes on a journey to find his father.
- Spoiler alert: tbh his father is lowley a piece of shit based on what I remember😭 He has a lot of wives (at that time having many wives is a power status, and he’s a king) and he fell in love with a mermaid who is Sudsakorn’s mother. THEN HE LEAVES SO THAT’S WHY SUDSAKORN GREW UP TO LOOK FOR HIM. The dad’s also the protagonist of the story (his name is on the title) but I’m purely writing this out of memory because so many things happened in the story and I have to go reread it again. The dad left for some “duties” but got a new wife along the journey like bruh🗿
- Back to Suchol though, his horse Nhil (or should I say his unique magic👀) is based off of the horse dragon in the literature piece! The horse dragon is a wild animal, and its strength even rivals yakshas. But Sudsakorn decided that no☝️you are my friend and I will treat you like you’re some stray cat on the street☝️ and that’s how Sudsakorn got his mount HSJDJUJSUJDU
- To elaborate further on his Unique magic, it’s kind of like Kalim’s magic carpet. The magic carpet is a replica of the original one, and Suchol’s horse dragon ability is a replica of the extinct animal🫶✨
꧁𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Sucholatee Thipchalalai or Suchol for short, is an aspiring and dutiful young half-mer of Royal sword Academy- sorry that was a lie, he’s actually a trouble maker. Don’t let his pretty face fool you!
- Oh, he’d stir up trouble and pranks everywhere. Like dude, how’d you get here in this academy of all places?? You sure you’re not from NRC? You didn’t snuck in here did you?
- Aside from his infamous tricks and such at the academy, he’s quite a sweetheart to his family; his single mother who is a mermaid, and his surrogate father who is an old man next door.
- Growing up on an island with fairytales and stories being told to him constantly, he grew up to believe it is all true. That is to say, he’s the type to believe that Santa Claus is real (and he still does please don’t break the news to him🙏)
- Suchol was a young prodigy due to the mysterious ways his surrogate father taught him magic. It ranges from animal linguistics to ancient magic! That said, he doesn’t find a need to study and still gets good grades. Lucky bastard🙄 /lh
- The general rule of hanging out with Suchol is to NEVER mention Charin. Ever. Not because he hates the yaksha, it’s more like Suchol sees him as his idol. Charin was the older brother Suchol never had. The red eye shadow he wears is proof that he wants to grow up to be just like Charin!
- Suchol is the type of guy who says the most mind boggling, crazy, unbelievable thing ever but it turns out to be true.
- “My dad is a king from a far away land!” Yeah sure buddy 🤥 (it’s actually true)
- But hey, being a bad boy and a trickster aside, having a friend like Suchol is like a breath of fresh air. He’ll drag you to fun fairs and games, making sure you having the time of your life is his priority.
- One of his best qualities (maybe the only one /j im kidding) is honesty. Suchol finds it difficult to lie. While he wouldn’t be blunt about it (*cough* Mathura *cough*), he still makes sure to be honest without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- So what do you say? You don’t wanna miss out on one of the best rides of your life, right? Suchol can’t wait to show off his new friend his legendary horse!
*jet in this case refers to the gemstone
*picture of the dragon horse since I’m too lazy to draw it (the horse has shining black scales that looks like the jet gemstone)
“PS. Invite Charin if you can!” <- his words not mine.
#Suchol 𓆝 ⋆.𖦹°‧#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#twst wonderland#twst oc#twisted wonderland oc#original character#Suchol#☂︎︎siphok-museum☂︎︎#he got some brotherly instincts from Charin#so he feels the need to look after Pin-Cha sometimes🫶#and yes Charin has a side job#he’s a warden for the most dangerous prison in Attidaya#and it’s in the deepest parts of the ocean!#Charin Kamolnath#Charin#Charin Kamolnath༄
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for the 21 q thing 1) James
2) Prongsfoot
3) I have so many controversial opinions-- I hate WS and Jegulus and i don't think they could ever really work. I don't like Remus much. I hate Snape. I think PF is the best ship. I don't like Jily. feel like James would have been a bit neglected growing up (bc I see his parents as like dumbles age-ish old). I think Remus and Peter and sirius were all inlove with James but James only was in lov with Sirius and that he (james) was the guy like everyone wanted and I think James was Voldy's kid. James is scottish
4) Sirius.
5) First came in 2019 (I only read fics then and had no idea that there was a fandom j thought people randomly made fics aboug HP lol) but then left and came back in 2022 (properly with knowledge of fandoms)-- both times thro WS fics that i abondened withint he first 10 chps bc I could not get WS at all. But i came and stayed for James both times.
6) Tall Sirius! With James being second and like 5 or so cm shorter (remus is so average hieght in canon that JK didn't even bother mentioning his height lol) like that dude could never be short. Regulus got the short genes j like he got the ugly genes :>
7) Prongsfoot
9) ooh I have a few-- Marauders Guide to Saving the Wizarding World Tattered I've never known colour (like this morning reveals to me) Professor Tommy Welcome to The Black Charade These Wounds don't seem to heal Never Leave I don't want to Listen Anymore Darkness Only For an Year Till My Last Breath
15) I like AUs a bit more, though I'm fine with canon compliant. fav AU is either Werewolf James, Vampire James, Royalty AU neglected James AU or Voldy is James' father AU (PF fics tho)
16) I started reading but then dnf it. I was given the impressiont hat ATYD was a prequel, and I'd even seen people say it was written by JK and completely canon and stuff, so I looked for it for two years b4 finding and dowloading it and the whole thing confused me so much. Orphaned Remus, Sirius and Remus' dynamic, Dyslexic Remus. I left it aft the scene where Sirius points out the book james wanted in the 6th I think chapter. tbh is I read it as a fanfiction i might have been less bothered and read for a bit longer, but the way it was presented and how long I'd waiting meant that I couldn't manage it bc i was filled with confusiont hat gave way to pure rage and hatered. It is a WS fic so tbh I was neve gonna finish it.
17) I feel like James would have been a bit neglected growing up (bc I see his parents as like dumbles age-ish old). I think Remus and Peter and sirius were all inlove with James but James only was in lov with Sirius and that he (james) was the guy like everyone wanted and I think James was Voldy's kid. James is scottish. I also like the thought of a vampire or werewolf James. And I think the Blacks were legimens/occlumens and Poitters were necromancers. James is ambidextrous, a mother hen and pretty good and is not good at asking for help (thinks he has to be there for others but that he doesn't deserve someone to be there for him). Oh and that James spent like 60% of his money in the war making sure everyone was alive an not dyign of dehydration or starvation or summat (my fav character is pretty clear lol)
20) is being a necromancer secretly a secret talkent (my HC for James/Potters)
21) I think Jily would have broken up and James and Sirius would choose to do some stupidly dangerous thing-- a curse breaker and a magizoologist or something like that.
Hellooooo, thanks for playing! I'm glad you're a prongsfoot enthusiast because I've been wanting to write some more prongsfoot recently and haven't had the energy to open up and work on my longfic for them, lol. Anyway, I'm gonna write some vampy prongsfoot for you :)
Warning, it gets a bit suggestive at the end sorry
James is fascinated by the tall, dark man across the pub.
He's got long hair, a set jaw, the most piercing eyes, is unequivocally handsome, and his blood smells divine. James hasn't smelt blood like his in a very long time.
He's been watching the man all night, as he dances and drinks and beats every man he challenges to an arm wrestle. James is under his spell, completely, without much worry about it at all.
He wondered, for a moment, if the man were a warlock, or perhaps a wizard, a spell caster of some sort. Though, vampires can sense the magic sorts from a fair way away, their blood smells metallic and rusted. No vampire wants to feed on a magic man.
So James is at a standstill, wondering how such a man has him this heavy under trance. It's almost embarrassing. Well, it would be if the man weren't so unbelievably handsome.
And James can't quite put his finger on why he's so familiar.
James knows that if he had ever seen this man before, he's sure he would remember it. He could never forget a face so charmingly perfect, never forget a smile so sharp. But there's something about him, something James can't quite place.
And so he remains stumped. And he stares, and watches, and daydreams all through the night.
He orders another drink, and looks back into the room to find he's misplaced his dark beauty. Frantically, he scours the pub with his eyes in hopes of finding him, of following him home and feasting on his sweet, sweet blood.
"Missed me?" A deep, raspy voice whispers in James' ear from behind, and he spins to find himself a mere breath away from the man he's captivated by.
"I beg your pardon?" James splutters out, already a mess somehow.
One thing James prides himself on is his ability and confidence to talk to people, to flirt with people, but there's something about this man. Something that's frying his brain.
"I hope you don't think you've been subtle." He smirks, looking James up and down as he sits dumbstruck on his stool.
He feels as though he's stripped bare under the mans intense gaze.
"I noticed you watching me hours ago. I was curious to see how long it would take for you to approach me." He leans in closer to whisper again, "I've been waiting, Vampire."
If James still had the ability to blush, he knows he would absolutely be flushed pink in the cheeks right now. However, he is un-dead, and so such a thing has not happened, and he has never been so thankful.
How on earth does this man know?
He stands up straight, holds his fore-arm out and pulls his sleeve up for James to see, and there, on his lovely, pale skin, upon his muscular arm, is a tattoo-- Or, rather, not a tattoo, but a mark.
A hunters mark.
Well, shit.
"Oh, well, would you look at the time. I really must be going now, farewell--" James tried, but he was immediately shoved right back down onto his seat.
"You're not going anywhere."
Bloody hell.
"I'm not here to feed, I'm just after a few drinks is all! Not a bad vampire, I promise."
"So that's not blood in your glass?"
James peered back at his glass on the bar and coward, "Well, not fresh blood."
"Hmm." The hunter nodded, squinted his eyes to assess, "It's my sworn responsibility to kill any vampires I come across, the moment that I do, you know?"
"So why didn't you?" James asked, finding the gall, "You said you noticed me watching hours ago, what took you so long?"
"Maybe I couldn't be bothered..." He muttered before a sly smirk appeared on his lovely, pink lips, "Maybe I liked the attention."
"Wanted a fight, did you? Wanted to see if I'd try and feed on you?"
"Were you planning on it?"
"Well, it depended." He began to ramble, hoping to find a safe rout out of this inevitably terrible situation, "Do you have low iron? Because you look rather pale, and low iron blood tastes terrible--"
"I don't get out much throughout the day." He interrupts, "A perk of the job, hunting you night creatures."
James studies him for a moment, the lack of distaste on his perfect face. The hunter is almost smiling, like he's enjoying this back and forth, isn't repulsed by James' mere existence like the rest of them.
And no wonder it's taken so long for him to realise the familiarity of the hunter, he's a Black. The Blacks have been hunting him for centuries, and he has their face, for sure, but he's never seen a Black wear any expression other than a disgusted frown.
It's almost charming, how different this one seems, even though he's planning to kill James tonight.
Why the bloody hell did he have to be attracted to his predator?
"How does it feel to be the fist Black to ever catch me, hm?" James asks, desperate to drag this out as much as he possibly can, "Centuries your ancestors have been itching to get half as close to me as you are right now. Your father, I'm guessing, the great Orion, almost tore the last town to smithereens on the hunt for me."
"Yes, it's all a little bit homoerotic, isn't it?"
James couldn't help but snicker at his joke, "Well, I don't know if I'd call it that, but sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Hunter."
"My family would be very proud." He answered stiffly, "They'd implore me to take over our Clan. I'd be Sirius the Victorious, a hero, my story passed down for generations. It would be... everything to the clan."
"Well, isn't that just neat?" James sighed, "I almost feel bad, trying to escape from you now. It would be rather depressing for you to get so close and then have to head home defeated, like every other hunter in your family, Sirius."
Sirius kisses his teeth, arms folded across his broad chest, and James spots a sheath with wooden bullets slung over his shoulder, and guns and spikes on his sides. He wonders if the hunter had been wearing them the whole time, or, if James had been so distracted by his mere beauty that he hadn't even noticed the obvious.
"Yes, depressing, sure." He mumbles, rolling his gorgeous blue eyes and sets a heavy gaze on James, "In a family like mine, eternal fame is not something to take lightly. To be the best hunter, means a life time of high expectations, and that sounds like an awful lot of responsibility and effort."
James raised an eyebrow at the hunter, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow. Are you going to capture and kill me, or not?"
The hunter reaches a strong hand out, his finger tracing along the thin wire of James' glassess, over the shell of his ear, and up into his unruly hair before grabbing a fist full of it and pulling back.
"Capture you, yes. To kill you though? Hm, well, that's undecided."
"Lovely." James groaned, rather confused at the combination of emotions circling through him right now; terribly afraid he's about to die, and rather flustered by this devilishly handsome man.
"Now, you're going to quietly follow me up to my room. If you dare make a sound, or so much as try to escape, I will kill you instantly, and I will make it hurt." He whispered, pointing upwards towards the boarding rooms above the pub, "But if you comply, you may get your chance to live."
James has never been very good at following instructions, he rather hates being told what to do. However, this charming man has him under wraps, and so, for once in his un-life, James does as he's told.
The pair of them make their way up stairs with kind smiles and head nods to passers by, and James longs for his half finished glass of blood on the bar, and prays that he is not about to die in a moldy little boarding room.
The room is full of weaponry, and James knows there is no hope for him now. He should have tried to escape when he had the chance, yet, he's an idiot, apparently. His brain turned to mush at the sight of one damming attractive man, who's about to be his demise.
Welp. He's had a good five hundred years, he supposed.
"I'm not going to kill you." Sirius says, as he binds James wrists together behind his back and shoves him into a chair, pouring himself a tall glass of whiskey, "Well, not yet at least. It really depends on how much you piss me off."
"Right, well, good chance I won't make it much longer than." James comments, "I'm known to be rather annoying. Big mouth, people say, been saying it for years."
"Hmm, charming." Sirius sighs, "My family, as you know, is renowned for hunting vampires, all our incredible feats over the years. We're bread to be the perfect hunters, I made my first kill at age five, I remember it vividly."
"Sounds tragic."
"It's... suffocating, all those expectations to be perfect, all these... responsibilities. I'm rather sick and tired of it all. My parents have been high on my tail about it for years. And slowly, I've been rebelling. I'm sick of all the murder."
"You want out." James wonders in bewilderment.
"Yes." Sirius answers, "To an extent. But I know it's stupid, I have nothing without them. But I'm through with them all. I want to see how hard I can push before they snap."
"Oh, you're acting out are you? Hmm, I remember my rebellious phase. Happened before I was turned, I said the fuck word to my parents-- terrible, terrible things. We were from high society, the fifteen-hundreds, it was rather inappropriate."
"Charming." Sirius hummed, sitting down on the edge of the bed across from him, "What had you watching me for so long tonight? You didn't know who I was-- if you realised I was a hunter you would have ran. So why?"
"Hm, you really want an honest answer?" James asked, and the man nodded, "Your blood."
"What about it?"
"It smells good." James grinned, "It smells divine. I've been dreaming about sinking my teeth into your neck and draining you of every drop." He chuckled to himself, "How tragic would it be for your family to find you dead at my hand?"
"So very tragic." Sirius said with a grin, and James' stomach begin to twist, "Which is why you're going to feed on me--"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Kill me or not, I don't care." Sirius shrugged, already unbuttoning his vest and removing it, along with his jewelry, a sight which has James rather flustered again, "Feed on me, make it known you were here. Seek them out and brag about it."
"Wouldn't that just be terrible for you?" James asks, eyes fixed on Sirius' broad chest as he unbuttons his shirt. He's covered in black swirly ink, and James is entranced.
"Perhaps. Though, not if you kill me." And with the most crazed grin James has ever seen, Sirius said, "Not if you turn me."
Oh bloody hell.
"Turn you?"
"Wouldn't it be fun?"
"I doubt that, Star."
Sirius stood up, unbuckling his trousers next, removing his shoes, "Leave your mark on me, Vampire. Make it stick. Make them pay for all the harm they've caused you over the years."
James snickered, "Hmm, revenge would be sweet."
"I could be sweet." He says, now completely naked, "Turn me, and I'll run by your side for eternity, protect you from their attempts to kill you. It will be the ultimate revenge for the both of us, for all that they've done to me to shape me into their killer. Now, the very thing they've sworn to kill."
"Hmm, love, I admire your ambition, and you're rather fit I must say." James nods, giving him a once over, "But I fear you're a little young for me."
"I'm twenty seven." Sirius mutters.
"I'm five hundred and sixteen-- or maybe seventeen now. What month is it? It's hard to keep track after all these years."
Sirius glared at him, "Turn me."
"Feisty, aren't you?" James said, "You just met me."
"I've been studying you my whole life." Sirius smiles, wanders over to lean into James' space, "I've been dreaming of you my whole life."
"Well, no pressure." James muttered, really quite surprised. This man has to be insane, dreaming of his enemy for twenty seven years.
James wonders if that's why his blood smells so sweet. Perhaps they're intertwined. Perhaps...
Every magical creature has one soul that they're designed for. One soul they're meant to stand by for all of eternity. One soul, instant attraction, a sworn desire to protect them at all costs, intertwined until death, and when one dies, the others life loses all meaning.
It's just... usually they'll pair with another magical creature. Not the one designed to hunt and kill them.
But maybe...
"Let me smell you."
Sirius isn't perturbed by this, and he leans into James' space, his neck bared for James to breathe in his scent. And it's perfect, brilliantly sweet, metallic and warm. He smells of everything James has ever dreamed about, he's what James has spent the past five hundred years searching for.
"Hmm, well, I suppose I was turned when I was twenty one."
With that, Sirius grins, climbs into his lap and kisses him. And Merlin, his blood tastes divine.
Hope you enjoyed and thanks for sending an ask!!! This was fun to write lol :))
#jay writes#jays 21st birthday event!#marauders era edition#prongsfoot#james potter#sirius black#James x sirius#vampire James#hunter sirius#vampire hunter sirius#sirius x james#marauders era#marauders#ficlet#mini fic#one shot#rarepair
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Gamer boy gives birth, that's it. I'm sorry if the story I made is a mess, I haven't polished my narrative writing skills in a long time since I have done nothing in 2023, but write conventional stuff. My brain got fried on our 24 page manuscript. Uncensored ver is in the void because I can't verify my twitter :d
Edit: up on pixiv again with revisions and additional stuff :D
The contractions started hours ago, but he doesn't care. He needs to finish this chapter of the game or else he'd be behind everyone else. Why did the game had to update today of all days?
He'd been sat on that gaming chair sweaty, and determined to finished that game. His eyes focus on the screen as he ignores the contractions tht ripple throughout his lower half. They were getting closer from each other. It's almost time, he knows, but couldn't it wait until he finds the exit of this level? The pressure in his ass is getting harder, and harder to ignore. He wants the little shit out, but then he can't finish this game if he's too occupied giving birth. His water breaks during the height of the chase between him the monster. It soaked his expensive gaming chair, and trickles from his legs to the floor, his shorts were long discarded in the laundry pile.
"Oh, goddammit why now?!Couldn't you wait a little longer baby?! Augh!!!" He bores down as a strong contraction pulses through him, denying his body's urge to push.
"Fuck do I gotta push yet? Ughhhh, this is horrible..." He reaches down his anus to feel and check himself. 10 cm, he's fully dilated. He doesn't immediately pull out his fingers, he sticks three fingers in and thrusts in and out to help ease the pain. His other hand pauses the game with his controller.
"Hahhh..." He pants, for a moment, then looks at the paused game on the screen. He died and respawned back to the room before the chase begins. "I don't wanna do it agaaaiiinnn....!" He whines, and push through another contraction. His pushing does little to his emerging bundle. He continues to finger himself for a moment, then takes his hand out and unpauses the game. He pushes again a bit before playing again. His character runs in a long dark hallway with many obstacles to dodge, he troubles to focus on avoiding them as he begins to succumb to his body's urge to get up and give birth.
Another contraction, he pushes hard, almost letting go of the controller in his hand.
"AUGHHH!! Get out already!" He feels the head begin to crown. He should definitely be in a better position, so he does. He squats on the gaming chair, his hole stretches with the head of his baby. Panting he stops, and the head goes back in. He grips the armrest for support with one hand, the controller being crushed in the other.
"Oh god... Don't go back in... " He looks at the screen again. His character's in that room again. He doesn't touch the controller to restart the chase again. This time he pushes harder than ever on the next contraction.
His anus opens a window that his baby is beginning to peer into. It widens as he pushes and pushes. it's beginning to crown again. He release a push and this time the head did not go back in. All this birthing fluid and birthing in general is ruining his expensive gaming chair.
"Yeah... That's it. Be good for mommy... hah... And come out...! Augh!!" He bears down as he pushes He feels his anus be engorged in a fiery pain as his baby slowly comes to full crown. Stopping before he reaches his widest point, he reaches down and feels. The waterworks are waterworking their way, he was willing to finish a stupid video game rather than this? He continues and he's at his widest. The pain is almost over. There's a full length mirror in front of him and he looks at his baby. The stretched flesh around the head makes gives him the ick, he's never doing this again, the head looks like a human baby's head and not an alien like he first hoped. The head's seems to have blonde hair like his, it makes him thankful that his baby didn't get the sperm donor's shit brown hair. He doesn't have the time to appreciate it more when he starts to push again. The pain felt like nothing he'd ever experienced before, his dick's hard, and his face contorted into a pained expression. Whines escapes his throat, and doesn't care if noise leaks into the apartment next to his.
"Ugh,... Hah..." He grunts as he pushes again. The head pops out completely, he's thankful for it, it's almost over.
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the way i see the whump prompts for your trick or treat event and immediately think 'punk should go through all of this' argh im too mean to him!
i've seen ficlets from others where he's either drugged, concussed, traumatized, or injured so i guess to complete the collection im gonna choose high fever as a ficlet prompt for punk. he could be on his own, or it could feature his biggest enemy drew. do whatever feels right and make him suffer <3
Well, I did say you can send as many asks as you want, didn't I? You can never have too much Punk whump in my humble opinion! 😈
Here you go (this may seem a little... familiar for you, Erase! Tee hee)
Trick - 'High Fever'
Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre
Pairing - Punkintyre
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Whump, illness, vomit, medical 'play', drugging
This wasn't good!
He'd been feeling a little 'off' since they'd arrived at the restaurant, a strange ache in his shoulders. Nothing new, every part of him ached these days. The joys of getting older after punishing his body for nearly three decades. Shit, how had it been that long? No wonder everybody thought he was crazy for going back.
Punk just assumed he was hungry so they all ordered their food but as soon as his plate was laid before him and the hot, fatty stench hit his nostrils, he felt like retching. After forcing down a couple of bites, he admitted defeat and sat sipping his water instead, feeling his condition getting worse and worse. The ache spread, into his neck, his head, his spine, filling up his guts. The conversation blurred into noise, and when the room started spinning, he finally gave his apologies and left.
It was only a short drive back to the hotel, but he couldn't make it, which was why he found himself parked up in a strange, dark street, in a strange, dark city, trying to focus, trying to breath. He was dripping with sweat, his shirt stuck fast to his clammy skin like Saran wrap, his bare shoulders velcroed to the leather seat of his rental, all while his forehead rained relentlessly into his eyes. Eyes that were trying so hard to stay open, stay awake.
Punk's inked fingers gripped tighter around the steering wheel, arms numb and flimsy like two under-inflated balloons. They were shaking violently, he couldn't stop the shaking. He was shaking all over. Like he was cold but he was so, so, so hot!
Punk shot up with a start. When had he fallen asleep? He glanced around him, looking up and down the empty, dark streets. Thank god there hadn't been a cop around. One look at him slumped unconscious against the steering wheel and they would have locked his ass in the drunk tank without even bothering to breathalyse him. They'd probably just scoff at his claims of being straight edge. They always did.
He felt scared. Like he had back then, a month or so after that thing had appeared on his lower back and the medicine the doctor prescribed him wasn't working, and he became trapped in a never-ending cycle of fever and dizziness and vomit and diarrhoea and vomit and diarrhoea and fever and vomit and... oh shit, he was about to vomit!
He swiped the car door open and bent out, dry heaving until the measly chunks of his abandoned meal came spilling out of him followed by bile and water and spit. Cold. It was so cold! The shaking got worse and he collapsed against the seat, his head lolling listlessly. What could he do? There was no way he could drive back to the hotel like this.
A taxi, he should call a taxi.
It took every effort for Punk to reach into his back pocket.. and found it empty. He breathed out a curse as he tried every other pocket with the same result. His bag was on the floor on the passenger side. With a grimace of pain, he creaked towards it, a fresh wave of nausea snarling in his belly now with an added shriek in his temple but he managed to push through and grab it, zipping it open.
'Fuck!' Nothing. Where was his fucking phone? Had he left it at the restaurant? Had it been stolen? 'Fuckfuckfuckfuck...'
He was lost. He couldn't move, could barely fight the urge to fall under again. Didn't even have the strength to shut his car door or move to the back seat to try and sleep whatever the hell this ailment was off.
'Punk? Is that you?'
No! Not him! No, not fucking him, no. No. NO!
A large shadow fell over him. Punk's hazy gaze found blue jeans through the fluttering of his lashes. The legs bend down to a crouch and there was his stupid, fucking face right in front of him.
'What's the matter with you?' Drew clicked his fingers an inch from Punk's nose, making the older man start. 'You feeling alright?'
Idiot! He was always a fucking idiot. Punk wobbled his head back and forth, slurring out a 'no... dumbass...'
'Fine, be that way,' Drew stood back up. 'If you don't want my help then-'
'No!' Punk tried to grip Drew's arm but his hand flopped through thin air. 'Help... please...'
The Scot paused for a long, long time. Punk began to panic that he'd gone already when he heard his car keys being yanked out of the ignition. 'Come on then. I'll drive you back.'
Drew pulled Punk's limp arm over his shoulder, heaved him up to his feet. The older man's legs fell out beneath him and he hung like a corpse at Drew's side. Until a strong hand swooped under his knees and lifted him up, another arm at his back, cuddling him in tight to a taut, warm chest. And Punk was so cold, so very cold, quivering at the freeze, so he snuggled in closer, burying his cheek into the groove between Drew's shoulder and pec. He could smell something minty, like eucalyptus. Probably Drew's body wash, fresh on his skin.
Then things got weird. Visions and shapes and places and people that he felt like he should know but didn't, stretching and contorting. Spiralling, twisting, winding like the serpent on his chest, wrapping around his shoulders and chest and arms and legs and head, crushing him in its coils. He felt like he was floating and falling at the same time. Spinning around like water gushing down a drain, washed away in the deluge.
Colours! Every pigment and hue and tint and shade. Red. Red like passion. And purple and white and yellow and orange and... blue! Large, pools of blue, rippling and cool.
The heat fell away and he opened his eyes. He was in a room he didn't recognise. Not his hotel room. The pools of blue were still there, fuzzy and unclear, but slowly coming into focus. Eyes, two blue eyes, crinkled with worry, staring down at him.
'D-drew...?' It looked like Drew. Dark hair, dark beard, dark brows. Dimples in his cheeks. Broad shoulders. Horns growing out of his brow, pointed, up and up. Wait... that's not right.
'Good morning, sleeping beauty,' the Scotsman purred. He leant back. He was wearing a little white... dress? A nurse's uniform, right down to the cute, little cap on his head. Yeah, this definitely isn't right! Drew's large, hairy hands rung the excess water out of a cloth then pressed it to Punk's fiery forehead. Despite himself, he sighed sweetly as the flames died down for a while. 'How are you feeling?'
'W-where are-?' He tried to look around the room but his eyes grew weary again. He could barely move. There was a clink-clink, a tinkling nearby.
The bed quaked beneath him. Drew was getting up and walking to the far end of the room. Punk's blurry gaze followed him, followed the hem of his tiny dress as he bent over slightly and it lifted to showcase the frilly panties underneath. A forked tail snaking out from under the lace. The fuck kind of fever dream is this?
'Can you remember anything from when you were under?'
Drew's voice was vibrating through him, rumbling in his chest. Like a Doppler effect.
'Punk. I need you to answer me.'
The older man grimaced, tried to wade through the murk in his mind. 'No... I don't remember... anything...'
'Good,' Drew turned around. He had a needle in his hand, he was filling it from a vial of something from the other. 'Let's keep it that way, shall we?'
He advanced, loaded injection at the ready and Punk tried to pull away. No, no, no, no... The tinkle went clang then silent. His wrist hurt. He spied something around it, like a bracelet, only metallic.
'Tut tut, naughty baby,' Drew chastised, mounting the bed again. He had on thigh high stocking with red bows on them. Not real! This isn't fucking real! Wake up! Wake up!
'Now be good and take your medicine.' His arm was pinned down, the needle jabbed in and the plunger drove down. The poison swamped his system, flooding through him, tarnishing his blood stream. Punk tried to fight it off, tried to wash it away when he became distracted by thick, hot fingers on his brow.
'Dear, oh dear,' Drew hissed through his teeth. 'Feels like you're getting worse again.' The horns on the Scot's forehead were huge now, gnarled and twisted. Plumes of smoke and fire lapped from his open lips. You called me the succubus? You called me the demon?
'We'd better let AJ know you won't be home for a few days. Don't want her or your stupid-looking dog Larry to worry now, do we?'
The fog in his head was returning, lulling him back to the blackness. Before the mists took over, Punk spied the phone in Drew's large hand. His phone? How did he-?
The last, terrible thought that plagued his throbbing head as he went under was of a strange, dark street in a strange, dark town. A parked rental car, its driver retching onto the sidewalk, vulnerable and desperate and alone.
A chance meeting with his most bitter enemy.
Drew... how exactly did you know where to find me...
#Thlayli's Trick or Treat#Thlayli-writes#cm punk#drew mcintyre#punkintyre#drewpunk#wrestling fanfiction#wwe fanfiction#tw vomit#tw whump
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Merry Christmas
Parring: Dr. Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Summary: You throw some Christmas party at your house where you show the BAU team your traditiona
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Hi! So, I'm currently in the 2nd season of CM, so there aren't more characters or anything, I'm new to the series, kinda, so please forgive. Second, the traditions in the ff are my country's traditions. Feel free to share yours in the comments!
"Merry Christmas!" Penelope opened her arms to hug you at the doorframe, big smile decorating her beautiful face. "Thank you for the invitation, sweetheart."
"I'm glad you came." You moved a bit to the side to let your coworker come in. "Make yourself at home, Pen."
"Sure will do." She winked at you and started to walk around your house, from time to time she was making nice comments about the decor.
The next person to come was Spencer. In a red sweater, Mr. "I know it all" greeted you with little, and cute, hand waving, his iconic move.
And after him, the others came in, in the order: Jason, Emily with JJ, Aaron and Derek.
"Your Christmas is a lot different than ours." Started Emily when you put another fish on the table.
"Yeah. Only 12 dishes? You have to try everything? That's insane." Murmured Derek with a glass of dried-fruit juice. "Where did you all get that from?"
"The Bible." Before you could answer, Spencer was faster. "You know, according to the Bible, there were 12 apostles so Catholic countries put 12 dishes on the Christmas table. They also leave an empty seat for an unannounced guest or, more spiritual, for those that had died."
"Yeah." You nodded with a smile. "That's right. Just the tradition, nothing more."
"Tradition is good." Whispered Gideon. "Tells a lot about the person."
"Once again, thank you for having us." Hotchner interrupted the info dump. "It might be a new experience for us, but that's life, right? We learning."
"Oh, stop. You making my angel blush!" Garcia petted your back in a soothing manner but with a smile on her face.
You were glad they came. Hey, they were family and Christmas is family time. You needed them now due to your family being all dead.
After dinner, came the present time! Everyone gathered in the living room and Derek, with a red Santa's hat, started to dispense the presents. Of course, he had to add something funny before giving it to the final owner, which has been making everyone laugh.
The atmosphere was amazing. It felt family-like and you didn't want it to go away any moment soon.
"It's party time!" Said Morgan, and with Emily by his side, they opened champagne and other alcoholic drinks they had brought.
Immediately , it reminded you of New Year Eve and the party your friends had always thrown. There was always lots of alcohol, music, dancing and many more.
"Let's go!" JJ grabbed your wrist and pulled into the dancing circle, you had no other choice but to join them, and you did.
Saying you weren't having the best time of your life would be a lie. You were so happy with those people, you were ready to call the your fucking family, and in your head you were. You loved each of them in your own way, and you hoped they noticed that. Well, they were profilers, they sure did.
The clock on the wall was showing 3:15am, with its quiet ticking interrupting the quiet carols. You turned off the tap in the kitchen and dried your hands. Everyone was asleep, either on the couch, armchairs or floor while you had been washing the dishes and cleaning after the party.
As quiet as possible, you came back to the living room with blankets and covered everyone with one, you didn't want them to catch a cold.
"Happy Christmas." You whispered with a shy smile before you started walking to the stairs.
"Happy Christmas, Y/N." The quiet voice of Reid's made you stop in the half way and smile again before you looked his way.
"I thought you were sleeping. Sorry if I woke you up."
"You didn't, don't worry." He shook his head with his innocent smile you liked so much.
"Would you like to join me for a movie?" You hesitated some time before asking that, it was your little secret.
"Sure." Spencer lifted himself from the armchair and came up to you, then followed you upstairs.
You had this thing, you needed to watch your favourite movie after Christmas Eve to fall asleep. It was hard to explain why only this time of year but you didn't complain. You loved the movie, so it was a pleasure.
"If you don't mind, we will watch 'The Nightmare before Christmas'." You said when you finally reached your room and turned on the TV.
"Whatever you want. I'm fine with that." Spencer sat next to you, on the floor by the bed and placed his head on his knees. "Did you know that Tim Burton only produced the movie, not directed it?"
"I read it somewhere. But thank you for reminding me that." A little smile appeared on your lips before you clicked 'play' and the movie began.
Only a few minutes of the movie passed and in the corner of your eye you saw Spencer rock back and forth.
"You know you can say that, right?" You whispered with your head turned his way and a smile. "That's okay. Go on."
"Did you know that Danny Elfman only voices Jack's singing, not his spoken voice?" With your permission, Reid lets out his kept breath, what made you chuckle, and he started to talk. "He also voices two other characters, Barrel and the Clown."
"Really? That's so amazing." You whispered. "It's good to have you by my side."
"Oh, that's... nothing big." Spencer scratched the back of his head in a shy manner.
You moved on with the movie, with Reid giving you some fun facts about it. And even though you knew all that, you'd been a fan since day one, you've been listening carefully like if you didn't know them. You loved listening to Spencer, you loved his knowledge and how passionately he was sharing it. You loved... Spencer. You liked it or not, you were in love with him and his knowledge.
Unluckily, the movie ended, so did your time with Reid.
"Thank you for your company." You said and turned the TV off. "And thank you for coming...to the party. I had the best time."
"We should be thankful." Chuckled Spencer. "You taught us a lot. We now understand more."
"Don't tell me you don't profile each other on a daily basis?" You joked.
"We do....At least I do. Especially Hotch." Reid looked at the open door as if Aaron was about to come in. "He's the easiest to read."
"True." You both laughed but immediately hushed it because you remembered about sleepyheads downstairs. "Especially his mood."
Your coworker smiled and nodded his head as an agreement.
You both were going along very well, even too well sometimes, from Emily's point of view (good meaning). She really often has been telling you, that you and Spenc were acting like siblings.
"If you want, you can stay here." You offered when Reid started to get up from the ground, you didn't think what were you saying.
"I-...A-... I'll go downstairs. I have my stuff there." He looked hesitant and a bit embarrassed, especially his eyes were hesitant.
"Sure." You nodded and watched him leave the room. "Spenc."
Seconds after him leaving, you called after him and ran up to him.
"Yeah?" Asked Reid with confusion.
"Merry Christmas." Shy kiss was planted on Spencer's cheek before you turned around and disappeared behind the door to your room.
"Me-....merry Christmas." Whispered the man while touching the place your lips touched.
#ff writer#ff#spotify#criminal minds#criminal minds ff#criminalminds#spencer reid#dr spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader
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Me: I read/watch Delicious in Dungeon for The Plot The Plot (spoilers for S01E16: Cleaners/Dried with Sweet Sake and the manga, Chapter 31: Sea Serpent, Part 1):
Never escaping from the crotch indeed lakjdladj
I also really love this fond look Marcille has for Laios and his excitement/him appreciating her genius/making use of the dungeon/whatever. It's really sweet. Chilchuck is tired and doesn't like being nearly drowned in a wall by a handsy elf.
Laios is so adorable when he's happy like this. Poor Senshi lol
Finally we get the first true Labru episode, my beloved.
Just shocked to see this mess of an adventurer. Kabru thoughts: Oh no he's hot. (yes I know he's not the one talking here, it just looks funny)
Kabru is so good-looking this episode, I took so many screencaps of him. He just looks so amazing in the anime. I love it.
Putting on smooth talker mode. Love him. Gotta flirt with the blonde tall-man for intel. I blame this whole arc for making me think Kabru is short; he's not short, Laios is just taller lol (Laios is 6'1"/185 cm tall, Kabru is 5'7"/170 cm tall). Or at least Kabru is still fitting the tall-man name and a lot taller than most other races, like the elves, just not as much as Laios is. (And for the curious: Toshiro is 5'11"/180 cm tall, so even he's shorter than Laios). I think between Toshiro, Laios, and Inutade (a 6'5"/195 cm ogre), I just had a weird impression of Kabru's height. (All heights from Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: The Adventurer's Bible)
Kabru being dangerous and also cute still. I just... I have too many screencaps of him alkdjalj Beautiful man.
Toshiro is a saint for tolerating this man. But they are cute together.
Kabru and Laios kill me T-T I wanted to fic for them ever since Kabru first showed up in the manga cause he was really cute and I wanted more of him and he seemed fucky enough that he would be fun to fic for, especially with the sort of enemies to lovers vibes of his party chasing Laios' party for revenge.
And then there's this chapter cover lol (this is actually two episodes ago story-wise, but it feels more relevant here):
And I was screaming in joy XD Particularly after we got to Kabru's obsession/curiosity about Laios in particular. I was putting off ficcing for them in case they actually met and yup, they did lol I still have a lot of ideas for fics for them. Maybe someday.
This man is having the time of his life with this nonsense and I love it roflmao He was like "they're either evil masterminds or stupid" and it's kind of the latter and mostly just "they're weird and it's funny" lol
I know he's faking so hard but it's still cute lol (Especially cause Laios offered to treat him to a meal, like hello, Labru date????) One thing I love about them as a pairing is their weirdness interacts in fun ways and it is hilarious.
This man is here for this absolute train wreck and I could not be happier for him. And them. Look at that little blush. Bless him.
Truly a phenomenal episode. It's also interesting seeing how... disrespectful, shall we say, to be polite, just about every character is to each other. You've got Chilchuck insulting Marcille for getting incapacitated, Marcille shoving Chilchuck into a wall to nearly drown without explanation, Toshiro's retainers - particularly Maizuru - being patronizing to all the non-tall-men (and any outsiders, really, considering at least what Maizuru thinks of Falin), Laios being... disrespectful to Toshiro with his name, and Kabru lying his ass off to get the deets on what the heck is going on and essentially being the human embodiment of -grabs popcorn-. It's a lot of really interesting character, social, and political dynamics. Everyone's a mess and I love it. I'm late cause of various nonsense with me misreading something and thinking they skipped a week and being busy but ahhhh such delicious food to catch up on. So good.
Other delicious Plot:
The Plot in Episode 3
The Plot in Episode 7
The Plot in Episode 9
The Plot in Episode 11
The Plot in Episode 13
The Plot in Episode 14
The Plot in Episode 15
The Plot in Episode 16 (you are here)
The Plot in Episode 17
The Plot in Episode 18
The Plot in Episode 20
The Plot in Episode 21
The Plot in Episode 24
#ダンジョン飯#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi#dungeon meshi spoilers#delicious in dungeon spoilers#fallfthoughts#laios touden#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#toshiro nakamoto#labru#kabru of utaya#such a good episode#maizuru#like people get mad at the elves when this episode happened and it's like folks what were you reading lol#maizuru won't even dignify senshi with a name#and laios and chilchuck won't correct laios' fuckup with toshiro#the social dynamics of dungeon meshi are really good
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🦉Positivity owl reporting for duty! This was sent by a friend who wants you to smile as much as your posts make them smile. Please list five things that make you unique, four things you are super passionate about and why, OR three of your favorite memories. Feel free to send the owl to those who you feel deserve to smile🦉
Thank you so much! I've been trying to compile five things that make me unique because I think that a) most of us need practice on that (as well as complimenting ourselves), b) it sounds like fun, and c) the other two were somehow even harder 🤣
So yeah! Five things that make me unique:
1. Despite being fairly tall (176 cm or 5'9) I have small and dainty feet. Like, disorientingly dainty. It looks ridiculous.
2. I burp when I'm hungry, not when I'm full (I also burp from carbonated drinks, but that's pretty normal, I'd say). And, usually, it's only when I'm really hungry. This means that sometimes when I hang out with people who know me, I burp and they go: "Oh shit, right. We need to eat something." In other words, my burps have become the universal — and urgent — signal of "drop everything, it's time to eat!" to many of my friends.
3. I'm really good at reading people and figuring out why they behave the way that they do. And then replicate it in my fanfics, if I feel so inclined 😆 I try my best not to do it with people in real life, though, since I feel that's kind of invasive. I don't want to assume that I know what they're thinking or who they are as people. Fictional characters are fair game, though, and, as most people who have read my fanfics know, I can write pretty much every character I've run across at least passably well. So yeah.
4. I'm good with my hands and any activity that requires the use of them I can usually perform really well within my first five attempts (often fewer). Which is why I have so many goddamn hobbies, and why I use so many mediums when I draw, and why I sculpt, and why I cross-stitch, and weave rugs, and can build furniture, and cut hair, and... you get the point. It even works with video games, where I'm surprisingly good at them from the moment you put the controller in my hands. Hilariously, one thing I do not excel at is having nice handwriting. I can write prettily with some practice, sure, but my regular handwriting is honestly pretty mid.
5. When I grew up, I spent a lot of time on the island where my dad's family has lived since the late 1800's. I'm related to the majority of the people there and so, when we were children, me, my cousins, and any kid our age, were let loose like little wildlings. We climbed trees, walked to one end of the island to the other, explored the ruins of old cottages, went bathing in the lake unsupervised (that none of us drowned is a miracle), went fishing, played in the nearby church etc. We were running free in a way few kids get to. And, since we were all related or knew each other, it wasn't uncommon to just wander into whatever house you were closest to when you were thirsty or needed to go to the bathroom. Or when you wanted a cookie or sweet treat (my dad's Aunt Rut always gave me raisins and I got to sit underneath her kitchen counter munching on them while listening to her bake). I think that has impacted not just my sense of independence and courage, but also how I view a community and how I treat other people. Especially now, when my cousins's kids are the newest generation of little wildlings, running through our house, asking for water and treats on their way to their next big adventure, and I get to continue the tradition. There's something very special about being in a community like that, where you feel safe and taken care of, and can offer the same in return. And the fact that it has been going on for generations and, hopefully, will continue to do so.
So there! Those were five things! Not all of them were compliments, as such, but at least things that, in some way, make me unique.
Thank you so much, positivity owl! 💜
#Amethystina Replies#Anonymous#Positvity Owl#This was a nice change I will admit#But I was also a little stumped#Because while there are a lot of things that are unique about me#I don't know which ones are actually fun to hear about#And I know that I've mentioned some of these before#But still#I tried!
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I have many questions about the Flammable Lizard, but in relation to the ask meme-
Which canon character annoys your OC?
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?

Meet Sally!
(Yes, Sally the Salamander. I let my players name her in the RPG and the Leonardo player got to her before the Michelangelo player, so. Our Leo was a little basic, so the name's a little basic, but Sally doesn't mind.)
Sally was a bio-engineered mutant who started life as an animal. In addition to being bigger and brighter than the average salamander—about 3 foot long and about as smart as a search and rescue dog—Sally also produces a viscous layer of highly flammable ooze. Intended as an untraceable weapon of sabotage, Sally's Evil Handlers™ trained her to squeeze into walls, vents, duct work, gaps, crawlspaces, etc and smear her pyro-goo on as many surfaces as possible. After she infiltrated a place, the Evil Handlers™ could touch open flame to the slime trail and take out an entire complex. Sally herself is fireproof, cannot speak, eats meats and chemicals (any), and has a compressible cartilaginous skeleton that allows her to fit down any pipe 3 inches (7.5 cm) or bigger. Her mucus-y layer of arson-snot takes about 24 hours to regenerate. If she gets into any chemicals (like lighter fluid, cleaning products, charcoal briquettes, or fossil fuels,) she may re-ooze faster. Like a goopy, squishy, flaming golden retriever, she's eager to please and infinitely bribe-able with treats. (She loves mothballs.) In game, the TMNT needed to figure out why a pattern of laboratories, manufacturing sites, and science firms were all getting burned down in bizarre arson attacks. They did not manage to find Sally's Evil Handlers™, but they did find Sally. Specifically, Leo found Sally in a burned out building. And Sally was friendly. And not gloppy because she'd just had all her fire-smear burned off. And she was hungry and cold and… Yeah. He took her home. (Of course she got loose in Don's lab. Of course there was a fire scare. Of course Master Splinter isn't crazy about her. But she's just so darn cute! Kinda. In a bug-eyed, fleshy, loogie kinda way.)
Which canon character annoys your OC?
Sally is very frustrated by Donatello. He smells delicious, but won't let her nibble his hands. He has a whole room of delicious chemical treats, but he won't share. He's all the time scraping her for samples, but he never wants to play. He says discouraging things like, "No, Sally! Don't eat that! Leave that alone! You can't come in! Stop it! Where did you get that?! Are you oozing in here?!?!" All in all, he's a buzzkill.
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
Sally loves her whole new family. Way better than the Evil Handers™. Raphael gives her his used engine oil. (R: It's environmentally responsible! Need an oil change? Jus' give the old stuff to the lizard! D: That's not—no. Raph. Also, she's a salamander. Those are amphibi— R: Look, you want I should pour it down the drain? That's bad for the harbor! An' look'it her. She likes it.) Michelangelo also sneaks her all kinds of treats. (M: One pepperoni for me. One pepperoni for the pizza. One pepperoni for Sally. OH! I got a whole can full of cooking grease! You want the grease, baby girl? Do ya? Do ya? Spl: Michelangelo, oils may be unwise. M: She can handle it! Can't you girl? She just makes goo with it! Spl: We have yet to see what other waste she makes—giving an animal like Sally a laxative would be madness.) Even Donatello can be a good companion. He was the first to give her mothballs! She loves mothballs! (L: Is that safe? D: She's a self-ambulatory, compressible, industrial sabotage weapon. There's nothing safe about her. The mothballs keep her out of my chemical cabinet. L: I'll go get the fire extinguisher just in case.) But her best buddy, her ride-or-die, her new Not-Evil Handler™ is Leonardo. He gives clear instructions. He stays calm. He got her a giant glass aquarium to sleep in. He lets her into his room (unlike the other three who are scared she'll eat/ignite/slime some precious collectible or reading material.) He gives nice neck rubs. He does all her 'controlled burns.' And most fun of all, he gives her games! Challenging stuff like "find the bottle cap" or "obstacle course" or "hide and seek tag." Sally's not a human-level intelligence mutant, but she's not a sleepy house pet either. She deeply appreciates Leonardo's interest in her enrichment.
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?
The RPG that included Sally did not go on long enough to call it a 'full' character arc. And Sally herself, being 'clever-dog' levels of smart wouldn't have really grokked what she was seeing anyways. But the Leonardo at the beginning of game was pretty stressed and troubled. Over the span of having Sally in sessions, Leonardo did relax more, play more, and tease more casually. He was responding very well to having a pet and Sally was in love with having a Not-Evil Handler™. So yeah, I'd say there was character development.
Thank you so much for sending me questions, @the-starry-seas! I had a lot of fun with this. Happy New Year! <3
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#leonardo#donatello#michelangelo#raphael#tmnt fandom#tmnt fanfiction#fanfic#tmnt 2003#tmnt 2007#rpg#tmnt RPG#OC#tmnt oc#ocs#Sally Salamander#arson#mutant oc#oc ask game
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I can't take a picture of him without him looking like a smug ass.
Elroy Vincennes
Usually people call him Mr. Vincennes. His friends call him Elroy. His CLOSEST friends call him Roy.
49 in 2077
He doesn't care about what people have in their pants, but what's in their head. So he's pansexual, but in truth, he isn’t really interested in sex and he definitely doesn't have sex with people he's in a relationship with.
•Hair Color and style
Dark red, usually worn short and combed back.
•Eye Color
Light brown with a hint of gold. It might sound like a surprise, but they are his natural eyes. He has very little chrome and it's just aesthetic.
178 cm.
•Body Type
Quite average. He's used to creating art with metal, glass, and whatever inspires him, so he's used to some sort of hard work, but he doesn't work out.
Clever, extrovert, enthusiastic about the best things in life. Extremely hedonist. Loves to observe people and molds himself on them. So his tone and behavior might change according to who is in front of him. Has a hard time forming romantic relationships and at this point in his life he doesn't care at all about it.
A series of paint strokes that from his fingers run through his arms. He designed and tattooed it himself and every stroke represents a close person he lost or drove away.
A golden stud.
•Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, etc.
A few scars on his face, gifts from a chaotic youth.
Everything that's good in life. The thing he loves the most of course is art, but he's also passionate about music (old French classics he sang with his mother and classical music), fine wine, and fine dining. Literature and poetry. Vintage decors, vintage cars, high-end clothing. He truly is an eclectic character who knows and is passionate about many things.
He also consumes a few high-end drugs, as a habit at this point. A hit every morning to keep him balanced and focused.
•Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
He's really independent. Everyone who can pay is welcome to do business with him. Since 2070 he has had a close cooperation with Kurt Hansen.
•Do they smoke?
Yes. Rolled-up cigarettes, pipes, or cigars.
•Do they drink? If so, what's their poison of choice?
Yes, of course. Wine, French, and especially red. Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon. He also likes the Beaujolais Nouveau, especially for the ritualistic party that he has every year with his friend Vlad (and well, the rest of France).
•What do they usually wear on a normal day?
Usually, he wears suits in dark gray, red, or black. Always with fancy fabrics. At home, he usually wears an open shirt and dark pants or a silk robe. If he's working on his artistic projects… well, tank tops and old ripped jeans. But nobody can enter his studio at this point in his life so nobody has seen him in that outfit.
•What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"?
And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
The suits tend to turn more eccentric and a bit more colorful. He loves brocade and tends to gravitate to autumn colors. Copper, gold, bronze, dark red, and green are colors that he loves and suit him. Sometimes he mixes feminine and masculine clothes. Skirts, high heels and so on. He likes to play with fashion.
A special occasion for him is usually a big party he's hosting. Usually on New Year's Eve. That's the only thing he considers fancy enough to spruce his outfit up at the maximum level. He dresses well anyway, but that's an over-the-top special event.
•What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon-flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
He uses a particular perfume his buddy has gifted him. Oud wood with patchouli and musk, with a lavender’s and saffron’s hint.
Without it probably tobacco and alcohol.
•How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
Confident, really relaxed, and often smiling. He doesn't have a fast stride and doesn't need to be intimidating. The pace of someone who truly believes in himself and has nothing to prove.
•Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
He's a “not sleep at all” guy. He sleeps from 6 to 9 every day and to him, it's already too much.
Not really, but it explains the dark circles around his eyes.
•If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
•What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
He doesn't have any particular catchphrase. He's used to change easily the way he talks, and even his accent, according to who is in front of him. But when things don't go the way he wants a muttered: "Merde". That's the only thing he says in every dire situation.
•Favorite Season
Autumn. In France.
•Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
Foggy mornings that turn into cold sunny days.
•Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Not actually. He isn't interested in love at this point in his life. He has friends and likes to observe them live their lives.
•Main Ship/Pairings:
•Side Pairings:
He had a girl when he was young, Sophie. They were quite close, but she died of an overdose when she was 21 years old. He feels really guilty about it because he was the one procuring her drugs. Later, in his 30s he had a relationship with a young art student named Azure and a seminarist, Lasse. They were his muses and he was their mentor. He loved them in his own way but ended up driving them away because he used to have an obsessive and toxic behavior at the time (he was also way more addicted to drugs than now).
•Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
The BrOTP with Vlad. Their relationship is weirdly positive and enriching for both of them. It's cozy.
•How do they show affection to their loved one?
He spends time with them, sharing the thing he loves the most. Eating together, drinking together, and talking a lot. He loves to show them beautiful things: art in every form, nature, and cities. And he's also quite generous with gifts. There are really few people he cares about, but he likes to share everything he can with them.
•How do they sit in a chair?
Comfortable, calm, leaning on the backrest, legs often crossed. If it's an armchair he'd spread his arms on the armrests, if not he rests them on his lap.
•How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
The same as before. It's really hard to make him feel uncomfortable… and even if he is, he is really good at masking it.
•What do they wear to bed?
A few drops of Chanel n° 5. Kidding, but he doesn't wear anything. I'm afraid that some of his guests have seen him wearing only an open silk robe when he comes out for breakfast.
•How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backward, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
He takes his space. Usually on his back, his arm spread over a lot of cushions.
•How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short-lived, holding themselves, etc}
He usually doesn't sleep in places he feels uncomfortable (or he feels comfortable everywhere…).
•Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
No, he doesn't need to. If he's in France during the summer he opens the windows and listens to the sounds of nature. In certain Asus he listens to Violet playing the piano as he drifts asleep.
•What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
France. His family estate is in Saint-Remy-de-Provence. He loves that place, it reminds him of his mother.
•What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
He's rarely nervous, but when he is he tends to joke and laugh more.
•What is their "tell" for lying?
None. He's used to lying and is extremely good at it. He practically wears a mask in every social interaction, so you could argue that it's hard to differentiate when he's lying because he's always lying. So probably 2-3 people on earth know how he is while he's not wearing a mask.
•What is their favorite color?
Warm and autumn tones. Copper and gold fit him a lot and he likes them.
•Favorite flower/plant
He likes lavender and vine.
•Favorite sweet of choice
Not really a sweet person
•Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
He has animals in his estate in Provence. The one he considers "his animal" is an old bloodhound called Siegbert II. Or Bertie. He also keeps in his estate Violet's rabbit Milky Bun.
•What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
He has a tiny tendency to get obsessed by people he likes… they become his muses and he tends to create a series of art pieces on them. All while being extremely ambivalent in his relationship with them. One moment he's an obsessive presence, the other he can shut himself in his studio and you won't hear from him for a week or more. He is never honest with them, he doesn't show his true feelings and he is quite cold and manipulative. He doesn't deal well with romantic relationships (or well, whatever you like to call what he does with people he loves). It's truly easier to have him as a friend. Friendship doesn't trigger this side of him.
•If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
He's been around a lot. When he travels for pleasure, he goes back home.
•What is their favorite comfort meal?
He likes a lot of different dishes, but the one that speaks to his heart is roasted chicken. His grandma during his family vacations used to make it and he remembers fondly that the chicken was running around the yard at 11 and at 12.30 was on the table.
He didn't know how she prepared it so quickly, but it had a different flavor from anything he tasted in his life.
•Do they have a food they hate?
Everything industrial-made, or made without care.
•What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
Nonalcoholic??? Water rusts bridges, you know? But probably sparkling water. Not the type for soft drinks.
•What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
Keep things as they are now. He's in a good place. Calm, self-content, enjoying friendships and a good life.
•What's a song that "fits" them?
Only one???? Basitlle - The Poet
•Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
He loves to sing old French love songs.
Every time he meets with Vlad they come up with some silly thing to do together. I think that the most idiotic one so far has been going around with some vintage scooters, while dressed in the Frenchiest way. Vlad was not amused. Roy had the time of his life.
Every year on New Year's Eve he has a big party. A. BIG. PARTY. Something super lavish and extravagant, in a new location every year, with new different attractions every year. He calls it “La Fête de la fin du Mot” or “World’s End Party”.
He has a vintage Polaroid camera he brings around everywhere. He likes to take pictures of whatever tickles his interest. He rarely lends it: the only people he trusts with it are Vlad, Jago, and barely Violet.
He'd never put it into Kurt's clumsy big pawns.
When he was young his mother pushed him to explore “real life”. So at 14 years old he went to live alone in Night City’s suburbs and joined a gang. That's where he met Kurt and later Violet for the first time. When Kurt left for the army he got stuck with Violet. He wasn't the most protective and secure figure for her, and she ended up resenting him a little for his ambivalent behavior. But when he finally left she understood how much of a safety net he was for her. Things turned to shit pretty quickly after.
•Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Born in France on the 19th of November 2028. His mother was an eccentric and quite famous actress at the time. His father came from old money and had a good position in Eurobank. He grew up in France and after a probably too sheltered childhood, his mother took him to NC and pushed him to explore real life. He ended up joining a gang at 18 years old. Here he met Kurt for a few years. A quick, deep connection, but at the time he was smarter and more careful and observant than anyone else in the block, so Kurt asked him and a girl of the block, Sophie, to keep an eye on the at the time 3-year-old Violet. He didn't like having a little girl depending on him, but he liked how close she brought him to Sophie. They ended up together. First big love, lots of feelings. Elroy wanted to please her in every way possible, so he leaned into her addictions and was the one with the means and connections to give her drugs whenever she wanted, being addicted himself.
So when she died of an overdose he internalized the blame of having led her to and enabling her ending. He got back to France at 26, leaving a 12-year-old Violet alone, entered rehab, and started his art journey with the support of his mother. He had his first big art show in Paris at 28 years old, where he met Vlad. Elroy’s works about the loss and pain of love made them connect and they turned into real good friends for the rest of their lives. At the same time he adjusted himself and started to intertwine different relationships in the corpo and criminal world, understanding pretty quickly that, even if art was a nice income, he needed something more to maintain the standard of life he wanted for himself. He turned pretty quickly into some kind of high-end fixer. The kind of person to turn to if you wanted something nobody else could find.
In 2070 he got back in contact with Kurt Hansen, offering his help to establish the new Dogtown empire. A big gamble at the time, but it quickly ended up paying him well for his efforts.
•Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
I think I've exhausted pretty everything about him XD
I thought... But! Even if Roy is super Frenchie when I created him (an embarrassing amount of time ago, he's a long time companion of mine) his name originated from a distortion of "Ellroy", the noir author, and Jack Vincennes, a character in LA Confidential (by guess who, Ellroy!). Oh, blessed my noir era.
Template from @vincentmatthews, template here. Have fun !
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so many of the plots for CM were so fucking stupid (why is JJ in the middle east for example) but the Maeve one feels so flat!! they tried to re do the impact of "100" but didn't put the multi EP effort into it, so we get barely 5 minutes of them as a couple and everything we know about Maeve is info dump, like I've cared more about single episode victims than I've done her. It also doesn't help that what little we get of her is too samey? so it just comes off as "person literally designed to be a good match for Spencer" instead of A Person I should care about. OH! and to do all of that only for the show to be like wait no nvm Spencer's been into JJ the entireee time sorry Maeve!
i've said it before and i'll say it again: spencer had more chemistry with those one off love interests in single episodes than he did with any of the "long term" gf's he had (really just maeve and max) (my beef with max is so niche)
i'm talking like. austin from "52 pick up". dorian from "rock creek park". and dylan (einstein) from "hero worship".
"you speak yoruba?" "i can get by" shit fucking gets me every time. you're telling me he asks her out in russian and NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED??????
when spencer is with maeve we literally see them having whisper conversations in phone booths. people always say he's so shy and insecure but watch those episodes because that man can fucking FLIRT with the best of them. there is so such thing as having a love interest be too similar to a character and that is such a huge fault in the writing for maeve!!
i could write a fucking essay with citations on why the jeid plotline in season 15 is the worst thing to happen to the show.
and since you brought it up WHY THE FUCK WAS JJ IN THE MIDDLE EAST??? she's so wonderful in her role as communications liaison it makes no sense to me why she'd be in the middle east just because... she's good at talking to people??? it was also pretty obviously a last minute thing because several times in season 7 and 8 there's mention of jj having been home. spencer went to her house for 10 (?) weeks mourning emily - so jj was home. will even tells her that things were easier when she was at the pentagon. one of the major selling points from strauss was that she'd be able to be home more.
anyways suspension of belief in criminal minds goes crazy. continuity isn't real.
#i'm writing this at work nothing gets me heated quite like fuckass criminal minds plotlines#criminal minds#criminal minds rewatch#spence reid#maeve donovan#maeve haters rise up#margot speaks#margot's asks#anon
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DS9 S4 E11 Homefront & E12 Paradise Lost, slippery thoughts

Wow....let me catch my breath. That was a wild and tense ride. Nice scenery too. Obviously these are just my opinions, but I wanted to share them because Star Trek makes me happy and passionate. I want you to be happy and passionate too!

Given the intensity of these two episodes I completely forgot it started off with Jadzia pulling off the most specific pranks on Odo.
Jadzia: I sneak into my coworker's private quarters and move his furniture by 3 cm every couple of days.
Quark: That's weird. They would not even notice that change.
Jadzia: Oh, no no no. He sees it every time and it drives him insane.
Audience: Oh you silly worm!

And I loved that we got to see these two besties playing pretend. We need more Miles and Julian aviation adventures. Super cute pals.
R.I.P. Clive

Playtime is over now because the changelings have basically infiltrated Earth and are ruining everything all the time and it isn't fun anymore....or are they? They are, but are they? Possibly. Probably. Perhaps.
To me this kind of episode is the pinnacle of what Star Trek writing has always been about. We see a complex evaluation of choices in conflict. It is not about an obvious "right" or "wrong", but one decision versus another. This is a battle between perspective and reason. All sides contain some merit. This episode also shows good intentions taken too far and taken beyond the ethical reasoning that initially inspired the action.
If this episode were to have a villain it would be fear and paranoia itself and not any particular character.
Vice Admiral Leyton was an amazing character. It was brilliant to establish that he had a close professional history with Sisko early in the episode because it immediately made me trust him. You sneaky writers!! But that was the whole point. The story that was unfolding to the audience purposefully made us feel betrayed with Sisko. We co-experienced in real time the feeling seeing a close friend commit treason.

Enter the most powerful man on Earth. He can move the most stubborn hearts, calm the most irrational mind, and fill up the most starved stomach. Replicated foods beware of Grandpa Sisko. I see where Jake gets his style too! It was so believable that these three were family. You could see how cadences, mannerism, and behaviors in Granddad Sisko were passed to Ben and then passed down to Jake, but in their own naturally developing ways in each generation.
*Spoiler Alert* Grandpa Sisko also saves the day.

Just when I thought this episode had all the ingredients for perfection Nog the keeper of all things pure and innocent shows up. Look at that smug Ferengi. He knows that he is the best thing at the Academy and so do we.
A great thing about these two episodes is that every character acts as an essential part of the story. Nog will lead Ben on the chase with his talk of the Red Squad. A+ Nog!

This ain't your normal seagull. This one loves Bajoran women.
Around this point we have all the main details of the episode. Admiral Leyton and Captain Sisko are working together to protect Earth from a suspected Dominion infiltration and invasion. The President of the Federation is against the proposed worldwide security changes but reluctantly allows their implementation.
With security personnel, blood tests of all crucial Starfleet staff and family members, and martial law practically in effect everywhere we are ready to repel any Dominion attacks. After all, the wormhole was winking at DS9 a lot so perhaps a cloaked invasion fleet is on Earth's doorstep.

HERE WE GO! Papa Sisko challenges Daddy Sisko's paranoia. Ben is seeing changelings in his sleep and not the Odo kind either.
So we start to see the episode present one of it's many challenges:
How far should we trade individual autonomy for protection?
And THIS is why I love Star Trek. Grandfather Sisko is absolutely correct!! And yet, Ben Sisko is also correct. Both want to protect what they love, life ad they know and perceive it.
We search for the highest good in each situation. Ben wants to secure and save everything he loves on Earth. He wants to protect his family, his home, and everything therein. Grandpa Sisko wants the EXACT same thing. The methods to achieve their shared goal is in conflict.
DS9 writers have a candy bar on me. Well done!!! (engage smooching sounds)
This very moment is crucial for Ben. His paranoia is pushing him toward the type of dictatorial control that Admiral Leyton is calling for, but Ben has found that not only is something odd happening in the background but this entire movement smell stinky.

Nog is such a good cadet. I love him with all my little heart. He provided critical information about Starfleet Academy's unofficial super special secret mean girls club Red Squad. This little snack of information sets Ben Sisko on the trail of breadcrumbs leading to the smorgasbord of treason committed by Leyton.

Smug Shapeshifting O'Brien is a gift. Enjoy every second of this hilarious goop boy. Colm really did a great job. We do see that there is a Dominion changeling on earth (saw it earlier in Homefront as well). We understand how real the threat of their activity can be. We especially see how terrifying a changeling can be when Dominion version O'Brien has a little chat with Ben. It might only take one hostile changeling to completely destabilize an entire world.

I do wish we figured out how the fake changeling blood was created to trap Sisko. Clever girl, Admiral.

I felt bad for Leyton. He is someone caught in a difficult position of authority and personal fears. His own paranoia drove him to the utmost extreme. I imagined that maybe he has a cute little family with a kid back home. I imagined what it might be like in his shoes. It would be hard to live thinking that your lack of effort led to the death of your child or friend or family member or significant other. It would be hard to go to bed knowing that the person you once shared it with prematurely died because of that you thought you failed to do. Even in much of the two episodes his facial expressions show a man full of internal strife and conflict. It is as if he kept questioning his actions as he made them.
What if his fear of failing his community drove him to radical dictatorship? He wanted to keep all that he loved safe, but he betrayed everyone he loved. He demanded that all his loyal friends trust him. Trust is a two way exchange though. He abandoned trusting his friends and confidants. That was the beginning of his downfall.
Leyton wanted to protect society at the cost of society itself. He could not see beyond his fear of losing society to war and enemies abroad to the point of blindness. He became an enemy of all he cherished, and I honestly think that he knew that too. He was just so scared that he desperately dug in to the one aspect of his life that he thought he could control, which is so relatable. We all can act irrationally under stress and pressure. This is not justification or approval. This is accepting that life may not have as many villains in it as we are told to believe. People are just trying to be people, meet their obligations and responsibilities while preserving what little bit of life exists to enjoy.
We are all prone to brash behaviors in order to protect what we love, but sometimes it is healthy to set down the admiralty bars and accept that you can't do it all, especially alone.
Remember that everyone in this episode wanted the same thing. Leyton wanted to protect life. Sisko wanted to protect life. Grandpa Sisko wanted to protect life. Everyone held the same belief and motivation.

I appreciated how solemnly Leyton gave in and how respectfully he surrendered. It actually felt less like defeat and more like he was relieved of a burden that he was too overwhelmed to carry alone. He didn't need to carry it alone but chose to go alone. In a symbolic way by removing the admiral bars he set down his fear and moved on.

The amount of time taken for these shots impressed upon me the symbolic significance of it. Sisko also lets go and moves on with Leyton. By setting the phaser down he too lets go and agrees it is time to move forward from this conflict. He is still betrayed and disappointed, but he is not stuck or trapped in the past. He sets down his weapon and joins Leyton in facing a reality outside the oppression of their own paranoia.

I loved that Paradise Lost ends with the restaurant opening up again. It is the resolution these episodes needed. It was closure showing that being open to others and not letting the world cloud you of the humanity in others is fundamental to life.
Despite the many differences in all these characters, regardless of where they were in the progress of their own lives, no matter the goal or intention, we all essentially desire the same things.
Star Trek is the future I hope for!
If you made it to the end of this post and are reading this then 10,000 sweet kisses to your forehead. If you didn't make it then I am still giving your forehead tender kisses, you are just not aware of it.
#pictures courtesy of trekcore.com#love you @trekcore#star trek deep space 9#ds9#DS9 gang#slippery thoughts#benjamin sisko#miles obrien#julian bashir#worf#jadzia dax#kira nerys#odo ital#nog#quark#morn#admiral leyton#i am not going to add any more tags
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I just watched Bad Blood and gosh dang it did I love some parts!!
I wasn’t really happy with the Drew/CM match. I respect both competitors, but I wasn’t down for CM winning. I didn’t think it was as impactful, him winning versus Drew. He screwed Drew over at Mania, Clash at the Castle, and so many other opportunities and I just don’t think that ending the feud on a CM Punk win was the way to do it. It just wasn’t satisfying to me.
The Nia/Bayley match was good, but I’m kind of getting tired of the tease of when will Tiffy cash in. I feel like it kind of overshadowed the match.
Rhea and Liv, great match overall. I wish that they didn’t end it in a no-contest. The addition of Raquel was unnecessary, IMO. But, I also don’t know who she is so maybe others liked it?
Damian and Finn had an insane match!! Damian mixing his MMA/Karate background with his wrestling style will always impress me. Finn, as usual, was so freaking insane too. I loved that Damian got the win ESPECIALLY after the interference of JD and Carlito!! Win, win match for me!!
And finally, the MAIN EVENT. I loved the athleticism shown by both tag teams. The communication between Fatu and Solo was impeccable, as always. Roman and Cody by comparison had next to no communication or coordination, which was to be expected. Cody saluting Roman before taking a dive off the turnbuckle support was insane and sooo goood!! Also, Cody checking on Fatu after he landed was an awesome display of sportsmanship and I’m glad that it was caught on camera. Of course the match was incredible with all kinds of smack talk from both sides, but I will say that when the man dressed in black showed up behind the Tongans, that was probably the moment of the night for me. I’m going to be honest, seeing Jimmy back and knowing that he is okay now made the rest of the show pale in comparison. I’m not a fan of the Rock, never really have been. So, seeing Jimmy back, embracing Roman and then convincing him to help Cody was awesome character development and I loved to see it.
So yeah, those are my thoughts. Jimmy coming back was AWESOME! So proud of him and the pop he got. Also, Rhea, yeeting in her match was so wholesome. And seeing Jey in the background shot of the suite, Naomi calling Jey her “brother” due to her being a part of the Anoa’i family was sooo precious! I love seeing him thriving with that IC title. And then finally, Sami making an appearance and beating Gunther was oh so satisfying!!
Let’s gooooo, WWE.
#wwe#wrestling with jayce#wwe bad blood#drew mcintyre#cm punk#nia jax#bayley wwe#liv morgan#rhea ripley#finn balor#finn balór#damian priest#roman reigns#cody rhodes#OTC#jacob fatu#solo sikoa#jimmy uso#jey uso#sami zayn#main event jey uso#team yeet#team no yeet
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1, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21? hope you feel better soon!!!
one: compliment your writing!
i am so good at writing funny dialogue. i'm a little biased because i am always my own intended audience but occasionally i write a scene that makes me cackle
twelve: what fandom do you want to write for more often?
criminal minds for sure, the one cm oneshot i ever posted got WAY more engagement than i expected and then i just casually never wrote anything for it again which is a shame because i've rewatched that show so many times.
seventeen: what trope is your favorite to write?
hurt/comfort ALLLLLLL THE WAY. my second fave is angst though i just love making blorbos really sad
eighteen: what trope have you not written yet, but want to?
hmmmm this one is tough. hmmmm. oh! i have never written a fix-it fic and i would actually love to. not in the sense of "i think the author did it wrong and i can do it better" AT ALL but more like "self-indulgent everything is beautiful and everyone i care about lives" au if you know what i mean
i would also like to try my hand at writing smut/a sex scene that doesn't fade to black immediately but every time i have ever tried i get embarrassed within two sentences, delete it, and never speak of it again LMAO. might be something to do with me being gray-ace but i'm not sex-repulsed in the slightest so idk *shrug*
nineteen: what headcanon do you always include in your stories?
cato and clove had something going on. i don't FULLY subscribe to the idea that it was for sure a romance (though i absolutely love a bit of self-indulgent clato fic and have written them romantically before), but i believe it went Further Than Friendship and could've been a qpp situation? my personal favorite reading of them is that clove is an ace lesbian and cato is a gay man and it's kinda like a lavender marriage but also not.
i also do not subscribe to the idea that 95% of the chars in thg were white and i make that abundantly clear in anything i write with the canon characters.
i haven't written anything for tbosas yet except the blurb where sejanus had a gun but persephone price knew she was eating human meat
twenty-one: what do you do when you get writer's block?
i get really melodramatic in my best friend's discord dms:
and then i keep writing anyways and eventually realize that i was just having a rough patch. or i pop a 25mg edible and the renaissance begins:
#ask game#tw: cannabis#tw: weed#twas just a mention but i'm being cautious#tumblr tried to autocorrect “cannabis” to “cannibalism” what does that say about me#OH WAIT there super is a cannibalism mention in this holdon#tw: cannibalism#TYSM FOR THE ASK YOU ALWAYS MAKE MY DAY#beloved mutuals#ongreenergrasses#i think the headache might be going away maybe?
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AF2 Profile

Personal Info
Age: “Everyone teases me about being childish, but I’m actually 19 years old.”
Height: “I’m 176 cm! But I can definitely grow taller, you know?”
Birthday: “I think…I heard it was sometime in May.”
Zodiac: “I think May means I’m a Taurus. Bulls sure are cool!”
Position: “I’m part of Intelligence, so if you need someone to gather information, just leave it to us!”
Other: “Actually, I haven’t done any Intelligence-like jobs lately. It’s been a while since I’ve stayed in Regalo for this long.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: I hear Nordia is made up of many islands and has canals instead of roads. And then have a festival for masks. You know how much I love masks! Ahh, I’m so excited!
Introduce Yourself: I’m the sailor who loves freedom, Liberta! 19 years old! And I’m done being called a fool, or an idiot, or a moron!
Recent Interests: That would be telling kids my “Liberta the Hero” stories. I’m actually starting to run out of ideas though.
Role in the Organization: You want to know about the Intelligence Division that I’m a part of? From investigating our allies, to negotiating with foreign countries, and even propaganda. We handle anything to do with gathering intelligence.
A Word to the Heroine: I’ve always thought you were cute, but now I think you’re uhh…well um…hot… *unintelligible*
Cast Comment (Liberta’s CV, Jun Fukuyama): Hello, everyone! Congrats on finishing the route! I’m Jun Fukuyama, the voice of Liberta in Arcana Famiglia 2. So everyone, how did you find this installment? Oh, you want to know why I sound so excited? Well, it’s because we just finished recording! It was a lot of work. As for exactly how much, I’ve been at this for one, two, three, four, five…about ten hours now! Well, obviously not all in one day. But anyway now we’re at Arcana Famiglia 2. Though technically we had Arcana Famiglia first, and then Vascello Fantasma, and then Festa Regalo, but this one’s Arcana Famiglia 2. If you want to know why it’s not called “due”… (TN: he was mumbling a lot here so I didn’t catch it. But made some Dante-level joke about “due” and “two”). Anyway, I had a lot of fun during the recording. And we even have new characters, new characters with routes this time. I’m sure there’s a lot of surprises about what each of the characters are like and how the Tarocco works, so if you’ve only done Liberta’s so far— *beep-boop* Oh whoops, I kicked something on accident, sorry. *laughing* Uh, then I hope you’ll get to the other ones soon too. There’s some super unexpected twists, so I really hope you’ll see them for yourselves. Then for anyone who did Liberta last, what did you think of him? Did you like him? Isn’t he great? I really wanted to be with Felicita, so I really liked the good ending for his route. Anyway, if I keep talking this’ll never end, so we’ll leave it there. Thank you everyone! This was Jun Fukuyama, the voice of Liberta!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 16 years old. I’m older now…but I still don’t like pickles.”
Height: “You don’t have to look so curious about it. I’ll just tell you. I’m 168 cm.”
Birthday: “My birthday is October 25th. I’d be happy if you remembered…”
Zodiac: “I’m a Scorpio. Oh right, didn’t you say you wanted to hear the rest of the story about the constellation?”
Position: “I’m the executive of the Chalices serie, which is in charge of security. And for the record, I am not actually a ‘samurai’.”
Other: “My parents weren’t strict with me at first. I think they were also acting in my best interests.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: Arriving at a new place can help you feel refreshed. I hope you’ll find something new in Nordia too. I’ll be with you the whole way.
Introduce Yourself: Hey, don’t pretend like you don’t know me. I’m Nova. I don’t feel like I’ve changed, but I think the Chalices members don’t tease me as much as they used to.
Recent Interests: I’d say buying new clothes. Why? Well I’m taller now so I don’t fit into my old ones anymore.
Role in the Organization: As the Executive of the Chalices and a member of the Family, I’m in charge of security for the mansion first and foremost, but also the entire island. Besides that, we also inspect the buildings under the Family’s jurisdiction.
A Word to the Heroine: You weren’t that reliable at first, but now you’ve grown into a trustworthy executive. Everyone has to grow to improve. And I’m not talking about my height.
Cast Comment (Nova’s CV, Tsubasa Yonaga): “Nova here. I’m happy that we got to meet again.” Hi there! I’m Tsubasa Yonaga and I played Nova in Arcana Famiglia 2. Congratulations on clearing his route. Sooo, how was it? Hmm, you know, if you ask me, I think Nova-kun’s gotten soft hahaha. Right? While playing as Nova, I was kind of surprised by how sweet he can be. So if you also found him cute or fell for him at all, it’d also make me happy. On the other hand, if you missed him being a tsundere, then you can go back to the original Arcana Famiglia haha. Then if you feel like seeing his sweet side again, then come back here to Arcana Famiglia 2. He’s just such a sweetheart. And another thing I’m sure you were all surprised about. But Nova looks different now, right? I think he might be the one who changed the most. I sure was surprised. He’s sure grown up into a handsome young man. But he actually hasn’t changed much on the inside. I find his hostility kind of cute. And I’m also really happy that I got to play Nova for all of you again. I hope you’ll keep playing and have fun getting to know the new characters of Arcana Famiglia too. Anyway, I hope we’ll get to meet again in the future. I think there’s still more to come from Arcana Famiglia, so I hope you’ll continue to support the series! Anyway, that’s all from me, Tsubasa Yonaga, the voice of Nova in Arcana Famiglia 2. “I hope we see each other again.”
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 24. The age where you have the perfect mix of refinement and allure. Want to see me change up close?”
Height: “I’m 180. I’ve had these clothes for two years now. …Don’t think I’ll be growing anymore.”
Birthday: “It’s September 20th. I’ll be looking forward to your gift of amore.”
Zodiac: “…It’s Virgo. Meaning what I love most, lovely young ladies like you, Bambina.”
Position: “I’m executive of the Coins serie, which is in charge of distribution. …I’m best known as one who spreads love.”
Other: “So, Bambina. How many casinos do you think there are? If you don’t know, I can’t take you to see them.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: A festival for both handicrafts and nice scenery… Sounds like there’s tons to see. Usually I’d be overseeing sales for events like this, but I guess showing you around will be my job this time.
Introduce Yourself: When it comes to Regalo men, you won’t find a more perfect example than me, Debito. It’s worth keeping in mind. Actually, only the good things in life are worth remembering. And by good things, I mean amore.
Recent Interests: Teaching others how to be popular isn’t anything new. Drinking and investigating crimes are also things I’ve done for a while now. Oh, I guess messing with the newbies is new for me.
Role in the Organization: As the Executive of the Coins, I deal with distribution in the island in a bunch of different ways. I also manage the flow of money at the casinos and some other things on top of that. If you’re interested, I don’t mind taking you along. If that’s what you want.
A Word to the Heroine: I’m sure everyone has been praising your performance at work. You can take that at face value. But you should also say how much you appreciate me in return.
Cast Comment (Debito’s CV, Hiroyuki Yoshino): Hello, it’s been a while. This is Hiroyuki Yoshino from Sigma Seven. I provided the voiceover for Debito. Hmm, how many games has it been now? It’s called “2”, but there’s actually been way more than that. I think that stuff has been gradually…like the developments from previous games and what made Debito appealing before…well I’m sure everyone’s impressions are different, but if you go through Debito’s route I think you’ll surprisingly find that it’s leading up to…hm how do you put it? Simply, I feel like he doesn’t get involved as frequently. Basically, he sort of grows cold once he’s in a relationship. Bye-bye!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m twenty…something. Oh right, I’m 26!”
Height: “My height is 187cm! I can lift up someone of your height easy.”
Birthday: “It’s in July, the 29th! I’m definitely a summer person too!”
Zodiac: “I’m a Leo! Rawr! So, a lion! I’m gonna eat you! …Haha.”
Position: “I’m the Executive of the Clubs, which is in charge of inspections. I can inspect anything!”
Other: “Lasaagna, ahh lasagna, lasaagna. Mama taught me how to do ‘haikus’. Did I do it right?”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: Nordia is known as an archipelago and has a lot of islands. And they have a suuuuper scary governer. Hehe. She might not like me saying that. But it’s a great place, so I’m sure you’ll like it.
Introduce Yourself: My name is Pace! I love both Ojou and lasagna! I’m also the Deputy Chief Executive, and…the lord’s son. Well anyway, I’ve got a ton of titles.
Recent Interests: Maybe customizing dishes to suit my tastes? Just throw a little something in and it’s my own unique spin! Wanna try?
Role in the Organization: I’m the Executive of the Coins, and the Deputy Chief Executive. I take care of stuff when Dante’s not at the mansion. Other than that I do…daily patrols? Hey! It’s not all just eating!
A Word to the Heroine: You’ve gotten really strong, Ojou. I’m always on the receiving end of it. Ah wait, I don’t mean the kicks! You’re always giving me the strength to make it to tomorrow. Thanks for everything, Ojou.
Cast Comment (Pace’s CV, Tomokazu Sugita): “Lasagna!” Congrats. I’m hungry. I’m Tomokazu Sugita and I played Pace. The recording’s all done now. I didn’t think there would be so many puns. I mean, I read it beforehand but actually voicing it feels completely different. Don’t worry, us VAs will take the fall. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve been waiting a long time for Arcana Famiglia 2. It’s always been about the Tarocco, and how it was implied that there were more. The Tower did show up before. And the the Magician in Vascello Fantasma. I always wondered what would happen after Vascello Fantasma, but we actually got even more characters! The Star being a girl surprised me the most. But I feel like we still don’t have all of them. I think? Kind of like the Egyptian gods, but I guess that’s different. Well, if you’ve cleared the game, I’m sure you know how your ending went. But there’s three of them that I recorded for, so I hope you do them all. Ahh, after all that I’m pretty hungry now. A said lasagna this, lasagna that so many times I feel really attached to it now. Actually I made lasagna twice before. Uh, or I guess I had it made for me? Haha… Anyway, to wrap up, I hope you’ll keep supporting Arcana Famiglia. Lasagna!
Personal Info
Age: “Um, right now…I’m 29. I’m just about to hit the age where I’ll look the most mature.”
Height: “I’m 176cm. It might be my imagination, but I feel like I’m shrinking…”
Birthday: “It’s December 6th. It’s the same day as the death of the bishop Saint Nicolas of Myra.”
Zodiac: “I’m a Sagittarius. Didn’t I tell you the story of the centaur when you were young? Yes, when we pretended to ride horses!”
Position: “Right now I’m your attendant and Papa’s secretary. So I’m actually quite busy.”
Other: “Everyday, I get to perform experiments and make dolce for Ojou-sama… This is truly the meaning of living a peaceful life.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: The gondolas in Nordia are famous. Have you heard of them? They’re the small boats that travel along the canals. Oh, we should ride on one together while we’re in Nordia! It’s a promise, Ojou-sama.
Introduce Yourself: I’m Luca. As you know, I am your attendant. Wait, why are you shaking your head? Ojou-sama!?
Recent Interests: Making dolce I suppose? Ever since we came to the mansion, more and more people have been requesting sweets for afternoon tea. But I’ll do it if I get to see everyone smile!
Role in the Organization: I’d say my role is being Ojou-sama’s attendant. I believe doing what’s best for Ojou-sama also makes the rest of the Family happy, after all.
A Word to the Heroine: No matter where you are, I believe you should take it one step at a time. I can’t be careless either. I’ll put in the effort, so will you allow me to stay by your side?
Cast Comment (Luca’s CV, Yuichi Nakamura): Hello everyone, Nakamura here. Oh, I’m the one who played Luca. Uhh, I guess I don’t know what order you would have cleared Luca in. I might get sad if I tried to guess… Some people might have cleared several endings already, or Luca might have been their first route. How was it? Arcana Famiglia 2? It’s been quite a while since the first Arcana Famiglia. I’m not even sure how many years it’s been. Frm a recording standpoint. The recording’s been done for a while now, and I don’t know when it’ll reach all of you. But it’s cold out right now. And when we recorded Vascello Fantasma, it was… Actually maybe I shouldn’t say. Am I even allowed to say? Haha. Probably shouldn’t say too much. Anyway, I’m supposed to reflect and talk a bit here. Hm, I wouldn’t know which endings or what routes you’ve seen so hmm. I guess there aren’t as many short scenes like before, and the lines are more story based. I think we recorded things more or less in order too, and that made it easier to get the emotions down. I’m not sure if that’s better from a player’s perspective. Like if it makes sense to have this conversation at this affection level, but it is one approach. It was easier though, so I hope you’ll enjoy this game too. The other characters and Luca. And a lot of the characters have…I don’t know if I’d say “bad ends” but there are some not that good endings. For Luca too. We had lots of discussions about it. Me with the staff. Like if he can’t talk, then do I need to talk? Shouldn’t he and Felicita be communicating with his expressions instead? And isn’t that what Felicita does and what makes her unique? That’s what I told them anyway. Not that I don’t want to talk. I just wondered if the scenes would be more impactful without voiceover. Wouldn’t that make the consequences more severe? But they said it was from Luca’s POV, so I guess that makes sense. Well anyway if you happen to agree with me, there’s a feedback card and a link on their webpage so you can let them know what you think. Maybe we’ll get a revised version. Hahaha. But anyway, the story is how it is because a lot of people came together. So there’s a lot of ways to enjoy Arcana Famiglia, you know. Anyway, this Yuichi Nakamura. I hope we meet again sometime. Is there even anymore time? Okay, bye!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 39 years old. It’s the age when a man has experienced both the ups, downs, and everything in between in life.
Height: “I’m 199cm. It’s not bad being this height, but I always need to get my clothes tailored to fit.”
Birthday: “My birthday is April 9th. Whenever spring comes around, it makes me realize that my age is catching up with me.”
Zodiac: “I’m an Aries. I hear many commanders have the same sign, but what do you think? ‘Sheep are cute’, you say? …I-I see.”
Position: “I am in charge of both the Intelligence division and the executives of all the serie. Though I feel Intelligence suits me better.”
Other: “Lately, I go fishing nearby when we go out to sea. At this rate, my reputation as a former pirate will be tarnished.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: It’s a city where you could learn a lot. The governor especially is a proud and eccentric woman. Though personally, I would rather you didn’t imitate her completely…
Introduce Yourself: I am Dante. You couldn’t forget this bald head of mine even if you tried. Haha! As long as I manage to leave an impression on you.
Recent Interests: Coming up with more puns, I suppose? But none of them seem to be landing lately. Maybe a siesta is all I need for a pun fiesta… Just kidding! (TN: original pun was on “neta” meaning both “joke” and “slept”)
Role in the Organization: I’m the Chief Executive of the Family. My job is to lead both the Intelligence division and the other executives. I’m no advisor, but feel free to ask me for advice on anything!
A Word to the Heroine: We can all tell how much of a hardworker you are, Ojou-san. But we also do worry whether you’re pushing yourself too hard. I’m always here to talk if things get difficult. No matter what it is, I’ll be sure to listen.
Cast Comment (Dante’s CV, Jurota Kosugi): This is Jurota Kosugi, and I voiced Dante. Sooo, what did you think of Arcana Famigia 2? Since it’s the second one, it really feels like the world of Arcana Famiglia got bigger. I think there’s multiple reasons for that, but I feel like the scenario had a lot more depth to it. I felt like a lot of the lines had some deep meaning to them. And as I’m sure you’re all aware, they’ve added quite a few new characters. We got some new friends, so that sure makes the world seem bigger too. And for me personally, we sure got a lot more of the younger Dante in Arcana Famiglia 2. Oh and this isn’t a spoiler, but while we were recording the director would tell me stuff like “this is the old one” and “this is the young one”. So they were differentiated but, I wonder if you all could actually tell hahaha. I did try to make the old one and the ~*young one*~ sound different, so I hope you could sort of tell haha. Anyway, I think it would take a lot of time for someone to experience all of Arcana Famiglia 2, but there’s no need to rush! I hope you’ll take your time and play through it as many times as it takes. So please have fun with Arcana Famiglia. This was Jurota Kosugi, the voice of Dante!
Personal Info
Age: “You want to know my age? …You sure are full of curiosity, Ojou-sama. In that case, come to my office later and I’ll tell you.”
Height: “I doubt you will gain anything by knowing that, but I’ll tell you. I’m 184cm.”
Birthday: “It’s March 8th, but I don’t particularily care. What matters is what you do after you are born.”
Zodiac: “I’m a Pisces. …Perhaps I have some connection with sea creatures.”
Position: “I serve Mondo as the Family’s advisor. But it appears that’s not what you wanted to hear.”
Other: “There are more flowers in my laboratory as of late. Perhaps someone is being kind enough to provide me with more materials for my research.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: It resembles Regalo, but I suppose its abundance in water makes it distinct. And its governor. As a woman in power, she is sure to be a good influence on you as our future Donna. I look forward to see how you may change after meeting her.
Introduce Yourself: Isn’t it a little late for introductions? I’m Jolly. If you want to know more, then you’ll have to come see me privately. I’ll take my time answering your questions.
Recent Interests: I enjoy alchemy in the purest sense. Hmph, if you doubt me then come and visit my lab.
Role in the Organization: I’m the advisor. But lately, I have been entrusting those duties to my assistant instead of performing them myself. But I’m not abandoning my post. This is simply in case of an emergency.
A Word to the Heroine: It’s suprising how much can change in a year. Though I suppose our relationship hasn’t changed all that much. However, I would like it to. As you learn more about me, I’ll learn more about you. Now, why don’t we see what happens?
Cast Comment (Jolly’s CV, Koji Yusa): Hello, this is Koji Yusa and I voiced Jolly. Thank you all for clearing his route. There sure were a lot of difficulties this time around. The Jolly fans really had it rough. Did you see all the endings yet? Personally I wanted to let ‘em have it over what happened, but I guess we can save that for next time. Hmm, what else… Oh, I was in some of the other character’s routes so I guess I saw some of those two. But I feel like they were especially harsh on Jolly. I wonder how you all felt about that… Is it what you wanted? If it’s not then maybe you can send in that you don’t want them to be mean to him and to fix his eyes and such. I’d appreciate it too. Then maybe we can see each other again someday. Thank you! This was Koji Yusa, the voice of Jolly.
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 17. Same age as you. Right, Strawberry Head?”
Height: “I’m 180cm. I don’t know what it is when I’m a tiger… But it’s definitely over two meters, right?”
Birthday: “It’s February 3rd. I used to celebrate every year with Joshua and the skeletons.”
Zodiac: “I’m an Aquarius. …I don’t know much about star signs. Huh? There should be a tiger one? Don’t make fun of me!”
Position: “I’m the inheritor of Vascello Fantasma. I’m just sticking around for the time being. Don’t forget that.”
Other: “The people on this island keep coming up to my ghost ship since they’ve never seen one before. It’s not a tourist attraction!”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: Nordia? Oh yeah, I heard it was that little city with the canals running through it. If you’re curious, I’ll take you. My ship can get us there within three days. If I feel like it, that is.
Introduce Yourself: I’m Ash. The Vascello Fantasma ship belongs to me. But I’m staying in Regalo for now… Hey, you got something to say!?
Recent Interests: The best way to eat apples. But they’re usually used in dolce, so you don’t see them in main courses often.
Role in the Organization: I ended up as the assistant advisor. Huh? You want to know what I do? …To put it honestly, I’m just that damn Sunglasses’s lackey…
A Word to the Heroine: I didn’t know you a year ago. But even I can tell that you worked real hard to get to where you are now, Strawberry Head.
Cast Comment (Ash’s CV, Nobuhiko Okamoto): Hello, I’m Nobuhiko Okamato, the voice of Ash. So, how was it playing the game? There were a variety of new characters, but personally I was most interested in Vir. And Ash actually said the name Vir Ingeniosus in the previous game, and now we finally know more about that mystery. So no wonder he’s so strong. And a lot of things ended up being connected. Oh and I’m sure you know from playing his route, but there’s a part where Ash leaves for a bit and comes back in a few years. I’m actually pretty curious about what happened with Ash and Felicita during that time when they couldn’t see each other. I wonder how they worked it out long distance. Anyway, I’m sure there’s more Arcana Famiglia to come and I’d appreciate all your support. Thank you!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 59. Almost in my sixties. It’s about time to give serious thought to handing over the torch.”
Height: “I should be 195cm. Haha, I wouldn’t seem as commanding if I wasn’t this tall.”
Birthday: “It’s April 1st. Thinking of my birthday reminds me of when I announced the Duello.”
Zodiac: “I’m an Aries. I suppose I do have the typical traits like being straightforward and a short temper.”
Position: “I’m the Papa of Arcana Famiglia. My duty is to lead the Family towards a bright future.”
Other: “To think my daughter would want to go abroad… I suppose this is her time to leave the nest… But, I still think it’s too early!”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: I just came back from a trip there a few days ago, but it’s a charming archipelago that’s completely different from Regalo. You should visit too. It’ll be a good experience. …You want to go on a couple’s retreat? No! You’re too young for that!
Introduce Yourself: As you know, I am the Papa of Arcana Famiglia, Mondo. In order to fulfill my daughter’s wish, I intend to maintain my position for as long as I can.
Recent Interests: Being affectionate towards my daughter! …Although my attempts always end in failure when I am driven off by a kick. Won’t you please understand how I feel, my dear daughter!?
Role in the Organization: As the head of the Family, my job is to lead the organization. I always have the final say. My actions are with the Family’s best interests in mind.
A Word to the Heroine: You do seem to face nothing but hardships. But that’s exactly why I wish for your happiness. I say this not as the leader of the Family, but as your father.
Cast Comment (Mondo’s CV, Fumihiko Tachiki): Welcome, hello, good evening. I’m the voice of Mondo, Fumihiko Tachiki. Welcome, welcome, welcome to Arcana Famiglia 2! Anyway, good work for getting this far. We’re far from done though. So I hope you’ll keep enjoying Arcana Famiglia even more. Now why am I saying all this right now? Well, that’s because we just finished recording for the amazing game that is sArcana Famiglia 2. And I hope this kind of raw…uh, not raw…organic message will help you enjoy the game even more. Anyway I hope you keep enjoying the Arcana Famiglia world, characters, and voice actors. Thank you! And Happy New Year!
Personal Info
Age: “You really shouldn’t ask a woman her age… How about I turn the question around. How old do I look to you?”
Height: “My height is 174cm. Haha, that’s when I’m wearing my boots mind you.”
Birthday: “It’s January 1st. Where I’m from, you turn one year older the moment the New Year starts. I’m not sure if it’s still like that though.”
Zodiac: “I’m a Capricorn. But that’s not based on the day I was actually born, so perhaps that doesn’t match. Haha.”
Position: “I’m the Family’s Mama. You can talk to me if you’re ever having any trouble.”
Other: “I’d like some new flowers for the rose garden. I’ve been enjoying gardening recently.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: We have long received goodwill from Nordia. It is a lovely place that is abundant in water. And above all, they have a wonderful governer. You could learn a lot there.
Introduce Yourself: I am Sumire, the Mama of this Family. Introducing myself to you after all this time has me feeling a little shy.
Recent Interests: I’ve taken a liking to chicken dishes lately. I wonder how it should best be cooked? Idealy, it should have good flavor, but not result in any weight gain…
Role in the Organization: Hmm… I suppose that would be supporting Mondo in his position as Papa. And fortune telling, though I’ve done that for a long time. I consult the Tarocco to determine its will. That’s an important job that only I can do.
A Word to the Heroine: You’ve grown strong. And you have someone who cherishes you. So you’ll be alright. I hope the two of you will work together towards your future. That is what Mondo and I both want from you.
Cast Comment (Sumire’s CV, Kikuko Inoue): I’m Kikuko Inoue and I voiced Sumire. I’m 17 years old, yes I am! So, how was Arcana Famiglia 2? For me, the script for this game was quite interesting so it was really exciting to work on. Sumire’s kindness and strength as a mother, along with her strict outlook on life came through a lot in her lines. And a lot of the scenes left a strong impression on me. She had a difficult past, but that didn’t matter! She did her best to push forward to the future. I really hope that you all will see that through playing the game. And I even got to play Felicita’s kids! It really is one of the perks of being a voice actor. So I hope you’ll enjoy experiencing that too! Thank you so much, everyone!
Personal Info
Age: “Exactly how I look. Perhaps 25 or 26. …You think I’m lying? Hm, perhaps.”
Height: “My height is 175cm. I look perfect standing next to Neve.”
Birthday: “I believe it is October 9th. It is quite a comfortable season, which I enjoy.”
Zodiac: “I’m a Libra. They are said to value nobility and are skilled at keeping their emotions in check… Haha, it looks like you have something to say about that.”
Position: “I am but a humble merchant from Nordia. I really have no idea why I’ve been summonded to the mansion.”
Other: “I enjoy painting and earning money. Besides that, I suppose I am fond of my own name as well.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: If I wasn’t so attached to Nordia, I wouldn’t be a merchant. Haha, no need to worry. You’ll come to visit one day It’s written in fate.
Introduce Yourself: I’ll keep it brief. My name is Vir. I’m a merchant. …Is there anything else you’d like to ask?
Recent Interests: Perhaps it comes from being a merchant, but I am quite fond of paintings. I am always drawn to lovely works of art.
Role in the Organization: I’m a merchant affiliated with Nordia. Nothing more, nothing less. Though it doesn’t look like you believe me.
A Word to the Heroine: I’ve long foreseen that I would come to this island. It was under the guidance of the Tarocco. I look forward to meeting you, Ojou-sama.
Cast Comment (Vir’s CV, Daisuke Hirakawa): Hello, this is Daisuke Hirakawa and I played Vir. Congratulations on clearing the game. How was it? Did you enjoy Arcana Famiglia 2? Oh, and what routes have you played and what was Vir like in what you’ve seen so far? He’s a shady character, but I feel like he changes a lot. So if you haven’t played all the routes yet, I hope you’ll try them out and see all the different sides to Vir. The characters aside from Vir are great too, so I hope you’ll keep enjoying all Arcana Famiglia 2 has to offer and supporting the series. Congrats again for clearing the game. Thank you! This was Daisuke Hirakawa.
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 18. So one year older than you. I hope we get along.”
Height: “I’m 179cm. You know a lot of people taller than that, so do I seem short to you?”
Birthday: “It’s July 12th. A birthday can be considered a turning point. It’s an opportunity to reflect.”
Zodiac: “My sign is Cancer. I thought I might talk about what Cancers are known for, but I guess that’s not very romantic.”
Position: “I suppose that would be my status as the only son of Nordia’s governor. Though I’ve been abroad…”
Other: “In Nordia, it is said that those skilled in gunmanship are dexterous. How about where you’re from?”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: Even the Capital of Water has some downsides. But I do think it’s a good city. If you ever visit, would you let me show you around?
Introduce Yourself: My name is Serafino. You can call me Sera. I’m usually focused on my studies while in Nordia, but I understand that’s not very interesting.
Recent Interests: I enjoy buying glass trinkets at the places we visit. I found a very nice key dish the other day. It had good color and shape. A real high quality piece.
Role in the Organization: I’m the son of Nordia’s governor. Right now, I’m traveling with Vir so I can see the world from a variety of perspectives.
A Word to the Heroine: I’ll be staying with you all for a short time. I hope you’ll get along with Teo and Neve too. Me? Of course. It’s nice to meet you, signorina.
Cast Comment (Sera’s CV, Yuki Ono): Congratulations on clearing the game! I’m Yuki Ono and I voiced Sera. Thank you, and congrats! *clapping* Hmm, so you have to clear the game to listen to this recording, so I think I can talk about what happened. Let’s see, I think what I like most about Arcana Famiglia would be how the towns look. I’ve got a panorama of the town with me right now, and I really like this illustration. It’s got all these white buildings, and you’ve got a view of the sea and the mountains too. I really like it. And I also had a lot of fun getting to know the world of Arcana Famiglia 2 along with all of you. I hope we get to meet again someday. Again, congratulations on clearing. This was the voice of Sera, Yuki Ono. Yaaaay! *clapping*
Personal Info
Age: “You think I look around 14? We can go with that then! No point thinking about it too hard.”
Height: “…I’m 163cm. It helps me maneuver more easily.”
Birthday: “I think it was in the summer. But I don’t really remember.”
Zodiac: “I think I’m a Cancer. But I like shrimp more. Now I want some shrimp!!”
Position: “I’m a merchant who works with Vir. Anything you want to buy from us?”
Other: “You think I talk weird? Don’t be dumb. It’s something uniquely me!”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: I don’t really like the place. Sure, the canals are pretty but that’s about it. Really! That’s it!
Introduce Yourself: I’m Teo. I travel around with Vir. Nobody beats me when it comes to dealing with customers or transporting products!
Recent Interests: I love looking for the places with the best shrimp dishes wherever we travel to! I love shrimp!
Role in the Organization: I had one before, but that doesn’t matter anymore. I’m just a merchant from Nordia. What else do I need to say?
A Word to the Heroine: I’m just going where Vir goes. I don’t plan on being friends… But if you treat me to some shrimp, I’ll think about it.
Cast Comment (Teo’s CV, Ryota Osaka): I’m Ryota Osaka, the voice of Teo. Congratulations on clearing the game. Teo can be quite a handful and is like a little brother to the heroine. I hope you all were able to give him a warm welcome and had fun being like a big sister to him. Umm, anyway, I played Teo in Arcana Famiglia 2 but I actually had a small role in one of the previous games. I never thought I’d get the chance to play Teo this time and I really enjoyed it. We’re already at AF2, but if there is a sequel I hope I’ll get to play Teo again in it too. I hope you’ll continue to love Teo. Thank you so much and congratulations!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 17 years old, the same as you… I’d be happy if we got to talk more.”
Height: “I’m 158cm. If I were a little taller, than when standing next to him, I’d… Oh, nothing!”
Birthday: “The day I met my husband is my birthday.”
Zodiac: “My occupation is in fortune telling. Looking at the stars is one method. Any further information will be 5000 Lira.”
Position: “I am a merchant along with my husband. And I do a little fortune telling…”
Other: “I like my monkey, Princess and your little owl. I hope they can become good friends.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: It’s the place that gave me a home. The people are wonderful too. I love this town.
Introduce Yourself: My name is Neve. I’m a traveling merchant along with my husband, Vir.
Recent Interests: I like teaching Princess new tricks. She learned how to do a somersault recently.
Role in the Organization: A fortune teller, I suppose? And I’m also Vir-sama’s… Ah, nevermind!
A Word to the Heroine: I’m not very good with my words. But I still want to try. Because I want to be friends with you.
Cast Comment (Neve’s CV, Sayuri Yahagi): Congratulations on clearing the game. I’m Sayuri Yahagi and I played Neve. I haven’t played a character that looks this cute in while. And she even has a partner. She’s a character with a lot of intimate lovey-dovey lines and getting her character profile even made my palms sweat. But we just wrapped up today, and I feel pretty satisfied. In the story, she’s already with Vir but after reading through the story, I think like Luca the most right now. The game hasn’t been released as of now, but once it is I think I’ll take the role of Felicita and experience the romantic moments with each of the guys. There really are a lot of characters, so I hope you get to enjoy this game many times. Thank you!
Personal Info
Age: “Well? I look around your age right?”
Height: “I’m 168cm. And I’ll get taller. Then you’ll be the one looking up at me.”
Birthday: “Jolly’s records say I was completed around April 10th. Is that a birthday?”
Zodiac: “My sign is supposed to be Aries. Do you think I’ll make a great grown up too?”
Position: “I don’t really have a position…but if I had to say, I guess I guard the laboratory.”
Other: “My old clothes didn’t fit anymore, so I got new ones. Do they look good on me?”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: I’ve seen it in books before. It’s a beautiful place with lots of canals. I wish you could see it. And I hope I’ll get to be the ones to show it to you.
Introduce Yourself: I’m Elmo. Haha, are you surprised? I look different now, but I’m still the same person.
Recent Interests: Right now, I’m curious about everything. But I think alchemy is what I’m most interested in. You can make something out of nothing. It really is amazing.
Role in the Organization: Hmm… I don’t think I have a role right now. You can just consider me a citizen of Regalo.
A Word to the Heroine: My heart is full of feelings towards you. Will I get to tell you about them someday? I really…want to.
Cast Comment (Elmo’s CV, Yuichi Iguchi): This is the voice of Elmo, Yuichi Iguchi. Congratulations on clearing the game. Since you’ve cleared Elmo’s part, that means you’ve seen all of his different sides. I feel like Elmo’s feelings and looks both really changed from the beginning of the game to the end. But I hope you got to see how he’s grown. Elmo just suddenly grew up. He physically got around 10 years older in under one year. So I wonder what he’ll be like in another year? Would he start looking older than Jolly? Like an old man? Since he grows so fast… Well, I wouldn’t know. But I think you’ll find out if there’s a sequel, so we’ll be counting on your support. This was Yuichi Iguchi, the voice of Elmo!
Personal Info
Age: “I’m 42. It’s an age that makes a leader look dignified.”
Height: “I’m 160cm. However, I don’t believe that height is a measure of one’s power.”
Birthday: “It’s June 11th. It’s always busy around that time of the year… Due to preparations for my birthday party, of course.”
Zodiac: “It’s Gemini. …I suppose I did always have a connection with twins.”
Position: “I serve as the governor of Nordia. I am eagerly awaiting your arrival.”
Other: “Quality ingredients and experienced hands make fine wine. Yes, I think I’ll enjoy myself with a drink tonight.”
About Nordia, the Capital of Water: I believe that the sights and people of Nordia are the greatest in the world. That may sound like I look down on other places, but this city won’t improve without love from its governor.
Introduce Yourself: I am the governor of Nordia, Agata. The position of governer requires me to be strict. I do hope you understand.
Recent Interests: Collecting whips. You may think I always use the same one, but they vary in length, material, color, and… Wait, are you listening?
Role in the Organization: I lead Nordia as its governor. Though, I may be nearing the end of my term…
A Word to the Heroine: As the daughter of Mondo and Sumire, I will be sure to witness you grow into far more than just a little girl.
Cast Comment (Agata’s CV, Miki Ito): Hello, this is Miki Ito, and I played the governor of Nordia, Agata, who is a new character. Congratulations on making it this far! You’ve cleared one route, right? Good work! For this game, I played the governor of Nordia, who is a very strong and accomplished lady which was fun. I wish I could be as cool as her too, though I wonder if it’s a little late to be saying that. I look forward to seeing you all again sometime. I hope you enjoy the other routes too! See you!
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I love your mad hatter design I wanna hear about his lore so much
Oh my gosh I didn’t think I’d get so many asks about my Jerv but okay! So I will be the first to admit that I’m not as well versed on mad hatter as I am other batman villains BUT I can give you my thoughts about Punch!verse Jervis:
- I styled his design based on a color scheme I found to be more fitting with the story than the orange and green. The pink stripes on his shirt are a nod to the Cheshire Cat while the teal I just found to be a good pair with that. The diamonds are a reference to the playing cards, and there are a few other Easter eggs
- I MADE HIM TALL!! My hot take is that I dislike short Hatters. I enjoy him more as a long, clumsy guy whose legs are too long for his body lmao. He also tends to fold in on himself a lot, making him look shorter but I put him at around a respectable 5’11 (180 cm). Plus I much prefer Eddie as the shortest member of the dork squad lol
- I haven’t really sat down to think about the ages of my rogues (I will if anyone is interested) but I’d put him at about a late 20’s early 30’s. Younger than Batman, Harvey and Jon but older than Eddie, Harley and Joker
- My Jervis was a librarian as a teen, before moving to his job for WayneTech. This introduced him to his love of books and also his childlike spirit
- Most people see his ‘Mind Control’ abilities to be solely tech based but I like to think of it as a mix of tech and hallucinogen drugs. (My Jervis is a stoner, what of it)
- While most of my rogues work together and get along just fine I’d say my Jervis is more of a loner. If he vibes with anyone it’s probably Jonathan (they sit in the same room in silence and just enjoy the other person’s company) and Freeze (also a quiet person whose very technologically inclined. They bounce ideas off of each other pretty often and tend to team up. Sort of the black sheep of the Rogues Gallery)
- He has such a child-like spirit that you think he wouldn’t be a very scary villain but he’s got this deep resentment for people who have put him down in life because of his awkward personality and general unawareness of boundaries. When writing for my rogues I always just try to keep in mind that these are criminals (doesn’t mean they can’t be layered characters though)
#I guess I had more to say about him than I thought#artists on tumblr#batman#dc comics#simon rambles#jervis tetch#mad hatter#mad hatter dc#jonathan crane#victor freeze#dc Punchverse
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