#oh ho ho I can't wait for the doilies
✍️ mOrE sHaKaRiAn
Jk pls keep making the Crusty Raft™️ even crustier, i may or may not be crocheting us some doilies
Also I’d love to see more of seasick pirate, I love the way you write Kaidan
I'm pleased to announce the only shakarian on the 2023 plans aside from Good Men Don't Go To War, fuck is as background decoration to these two sad old men living their shitty little lives. (As a fun fact bc idk if I've ever mentioned it but y'all do know calling them crusty is a direct reference to That One Thing Avitus Says In The Background (whilst talking to Cora in pathfinder HQ) bc we go niche or we go home, right?) And Seasick Pirate should come out in somewhere between a week to uuuuuhhhh 8 months time because time is fake.
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