#oh god. they're a fambilyyyy
angelsdean · 1 year
dean absolutely would try to name their magic angel grace + soul fusion baby zeppelin. regardless of gender he's like, "that's a perfectly good name for a baby!" (jackles did it with his kid. and dean was possessing him when he did) cas is like no<3 dean pouts abt it a lot. he's like "c'mon. zepp? zee? zeppy? lin ! soo many cute little nicknames. cas, think about it. zee. bee. zeebee. bzzzz. like a bee." cas: "you do realize i was insane when i said i was fascinated by bees. and that i thought they were the perfect representation of the oppressive angelic hierarchy?" dean: "uhhh. ok....but. you do like the honey at the farmer's market. and you have that one yellow sweater. and bees are cute 🥺 like our baby will be. our baby bee. our bizzee bee. zee! zeppy-zee. cas, please."
this is an ongoing conversation, they have not yet reached any agreement on the name. the magic baby is "due" in three weeks. no, neither of them are pregnant. but yes one of them is housing the little soul+grace orb of energy which will then be transplanted into a lump of clay earth through an ancient enochian ritual that will turn the clay into a body for the baby. yes i've thought abt this before. also both parents gotta mix their blood with the clay as an ingredient in the ritual.
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