#oh but it was cute last year watching my nephew guide my niece along he's so good with his sisters
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autumnrory · 1 year ago
damn sometimes i agree to things just to see my nieces/nephew and it's like why did i do that
0 notes
nebulous-frog · 7 years ago
FaceMeeting the Family
(For the Love of Elsa, Part 2)
Summary: Dan goes home for Christmas and tells his family that he met his soulmate. When they won’t stop asking him questions about Phil, he introduces them to him over FaceTime.
Part One
Word Count: 4098
Pairing: Phan
Genre: Fluff, Soulmates AU, Christmas
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I wrote this at the suggestion of a lovely anon. Thanks to my bro Live_Long_and_ExploreJC for help with the title 
Link to AO3 Fics Masterlist
Dan and Phil had been texting practically nonstop since they met. As soon as Dan had gotten home, he had texted Phil to establish contact, then began wrapping presents for his family. He only had a few hours before his train left for home, so he was grateful Phil was still at work. He would neatly tape the paper over a present and sigh dazedly, lost in a daydream of dark hair and vibrantly blue eyes, before continuing with his work.
Eventually, he was all packed and headed for the train station. While on the train, his phone buzzed with a text.
Hi Dan :D I just got off work
It was from Phil! Dan smiled stupidly at his phone, blushing dark red.
Hi :D I’m on the train home to visit family
Well isn’t that exciting! Where are you from? I’ll be off to the north to see my family on Christmas Eve
Wokingham. I’ll be there until New Year’s, but maybe we can meet up in the new year?
Good. I already miss your face
Dan quit making me blush!
Conversation continued like that for the whole of the train ride and the taxi ride to his family home from the station.
I have to go now, sorry. I just got home.
That’s fine. Have fun!
Dan put away his phone and pulled his luggage out of the taxi before walking up to his parents’ house.
“Dan! Oh, darling, it’s so good to see you!” Dan’s mother called from the open door. “I heard someone pull up to the house and I thought ‘Oh, that has to be my little Danny!’”
Cringing internally at the nickname but smiling outwardly, he gave her a hug. “Hi, Mum. It’s good to see you, too. Is anybody else here yet?”
“Well, your father and I are here, of course, and your brother and his family are here, but more people will be coming closer to Christmas.” She reluctantly pulled away from the hug as she realized how cold it was on the front stoop. “Come in, now, wouldn’t want you to catch cold right before Christmas!”
After greeting the rest of his family and putting his luggage in his room, Dan let out a big sigh and sat on his bed. He couldn’t believe how much he already missed Phil. They had only met that day but he was already so entranced by the cute toy shop employee.
He was yanked from his thoughts by his nephew charging into the room and jumping on top of him.
“Uncle Dan! We’re gonna watch Frozen downstairs, come on! Elsa will be there! And Olaf! And Sven! And-“
“Alright, Eli, I’m coming!” Dan laughed. “But first, can I get a proper hug?”
Eli threw his arms around Dan’s neck in a big hug, his curly brown hair tickling Dan’s ear.
“Now can we go watch Frozen?” Eli whined.
“Of course. Let’s go!” Dan stood up, still holding the 6-year-old, and walked downstairs to where his family was gathered around the TV.
As the movie played, Dan watched his nieces and nephews sing along to all of the songs, even joining in with the rest of his family for “Let it Go”, much to Eli’s delight.
While Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven were rushing back to Arendelle to kiss Hans, Dan subtly checked his phone again to find that Phil had texted him a picture of a dog he had seen earlier that day. He grinned stupidly at his phone; Phil really was too cute.
He wasn’t as subtle as he thought, though, as his mum nudged his arm. “What’s got you all giddy?” she whispered.
Dan blushed at being found out. “Just some texts from- from a friend.” He didn’t know why he didn’t say soulmate. It would’ve been much easier to tell the truth and get it all out of the way, especially since someone might see his secondary mark at any time. He was kind of glad for it, though, as, this way, he’d be able to tell his whole extended family at once over Christmas.
Dan’s mum sent him a knowing look, clearly seeing right through his lie, but didn’t push it. “That’s great, dear. I’m glad you have a friend that makes you so happy.” She turned back to the movie and Dan typed out a quick response to Phil.
Omg it’s so fluffy
A few minutes later, he got a response.
I know! I just wanted to hug it and never let go :’(
I don’t think its owner would appreciate that, Phil. I’m glad you showed some restraint.
They continued texting, Dan occasionally looking up from his phone to make sure nobody wanted him to be more “present” with his family. All he ever saw were subtle, pleased glances from his mum, so they kept texting until the movie ended and everyone went to bed. Knowing his family would demand an early start for Christmas cleaning and decorating, Dan bade Phil a quick goodnight before heading off to sleep.
The next few days went by in a blur of family time and trying not to text Phil constantly. They’d have their whole lives to talk to each other, so the least Dan could do was play with his nieces and nephews at Christmas. His brother, John, lived several hours by train from London, so his family of four kids didn’t really see Dan that often.
When Christmas Day finally rolled around, all of Dan’s extended family was finally in one place, for a grand total of Dan’s aunt and uncle, four grandparents, Dan’s other aunt, and too many cousins and first-cousins-once-removed to count. Dan was incredibly uncomfortable with all of the people in close proximity, but, while his family wasn’t always touchy-feely, it was still family and he missed them when he wasn’t with them. Plus, this meant he could tell them all at once about meeting his soulmate, although he decided to tell his mum in private first.
When she took a quick break from micromanaging the kitchen and table settings, Dan went up to her to ask for a word.
“Mum? Can I talk to you for a second? It won’t take long, promise.”
“Of course, Daniel. What is it?”
Dan opened his mouth to tell her, but quickly shut it when he realized some cousins were a little too close for privacy. “Um, let’s just- go over here, a bit.” He guided her down the hall a ways and pushed her into an empty room.
“Dan? What’s wrong? Why are we here?”
Dan shut the door and turned to face his mum but avoiding her gaze. “Well, I- I wanted to tell you before I told everybody, and I didn’t want to be overheard when I told you first, and it’s- well, it’s honestly a bit ridiculous, I know, but-“
“Sweetheart, it’s okay! What did you want to tell me?”
Dan swallowed the awkward lump in his throat and finally looked her in the eye. “I- well, I, um. I sort of- maybe- metmysoulmate?” he rushed out. He had no doubt that his family would accept that his soulmate was another man, he was just nervous because his mum was bound to be pissed when she found out it had been four days since he met Phil and he hadn’t told her yet.
“Dan, honey, you know I can never understand you when you mumble. Please, try again. What did you say?”
He took a steadying breath, then decided it’d be easiest to just show his secondary mark. He lifted his sleeve and displayed the mark. “I met my soulmate.”
His mum squealed and jumped on him in a bear hug. “Oh, my little Danny is all grown up! He’s found his soulmate! It still feels like only yesterday you were this big and now look at you! Oh, my sweet boy!”
Dan blushed and groaned. “Muuuum, stop! You’re embarrassing!”
“You have to tell me everything! Who is it?”
“His name is Phil and I met him when I was getting Eli’s present. We’ve been texting ever since.”
She gasped. “Daniel James Howell, when did you meet this boy?”
Dan looked at the floor sheepishly. “Well... four days ago...”
“You mean to tell me that you’ve known your soulmate for four days and you didn’t tell your own mother?!”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to tell everybody at once and Christmas seemed like the right day, especially because I can’t talk about meeting him without talking about Eli’s present. The mark even has to do with Eli’s present, I couldn’t ruin the surprise!”
“You didn’t tell me, though! I’m your mother and you didn’t tell me!”
“I mean, I did tell you before I told anybody else? I swear, in the last four days, I’ve only talked to family or Phil and I haven’t told anybody about him.”
His mum gasped again. “Phil was the friend you were texting, wasn’t he? I knew something was off but I figured you were just having a fling while you waited to meet your soulmate, I never expected you to keep it a secret from me!” She gave him a pointed glare on the last few words and Dan shrank away from her a bit.
“Sorry? I promise, if we ever get married, you’ll be the first to know about the engagement, immediately after it happens.”
“I had better be, Daniel. Now, what is this boy like?”
As his mum relaxed, Dan felt a goofy grin grow on his face. “He’s about as tall as I am, incredibly pale, and he has black hair. We’ve been talking almost nonstop, and we like all the same music and shows and everything. We never run out of things to say to each other, either. Honestly, Mum, he’s perfect.”
Dan’s mum cooed. “Awww, my little boy is falling in love with his soulmate! I’m so very happy for you, Daniel. Now, come here and give me another hug.”
Dan laughed lightly and accepted the hug from his mum. “I’m planning on telling everyone after presents, if you think that’s a good idea? I just want Eli to have opened his before I talk about it,” he said into her neck.
“Of course, dear, that’s a wonderful idea. We should be heading back out there, now, as I’m sure there’s plenty more work for me to do.”
Dan reluctantly released his mum from the hug and followed her back out. Luckily, it seemed as though nobody had heard her yell at him, or, if they had, they hadn’t caught the words.
As the day went on, Dan relaxed and found himself looking forward to telling his family about Phil. In fact, he had trouble not talking about him at every opportunity, anyway. He also realized how much he missed Phil already, which was ridiculous because they’d only met once four days ago. He had to put his phone in his room to try to forget about it and resist the urge to check it constantly, since he really did want to spend time with his family.
It was hard not to feel the absence of Phil, though, when his brother and his wife were so natural together, or his aunt would laugh and wipe a bit of sauce off her husband’s cheek with so much fondness it hurt, or when his parents moved in tandem through the house to make sure everyone was well taken care of. Dan desperately wished he could talk to Phil, but he also knew that Phil was busy at home for Christmas and they should both try to be with family more than each other.
After dinner, they had a huge present-opening party that went by in a blur of laughter, joy, and Christmas music. The highlight for Dan was the look on his brother’s face when he realized Dan had given his four excitable children bags of candy in addition to a toy each.
“Candy! Candy! Candy!” the kids yelled.
John closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, letting it out as he opened his eyes and shot Dan a look that screamed How could you now I will never get any sleep. Dan snickered.
“It’s for a good reason, believe me. I’ll tell you why later,” he reassured.
“Thank you, Uncle Dan!” The four small children all jumped into his lap to give him a hug for their presents.
“You’re very welcome!” Dan laughed.
Although, maybe the real highlight was Eli’s reaction to his much-awaited, very special Disney Frozen Elsa Play-A-Melody Gown doll. He unwrapped the paper, saw what it was, and let out the cutest squeal Dan had ever heard.
“I got Elsa for Christmas! I got Elsa! I love Elsa!” Of course, Dan was not the only family member that got Eli an Elsa toy for Christmas, as noted by the stack of unwrapped Frozen merchandise in the corner of the room, but this one sang, so, really, Dan was the winner of the Best Gift-Giver Prize this year. He also got another crushing hug, this time not as nice as he got kneed in the stomach by a hyper little boy, but just as good as the others.
Finally, after all the presents were unwrapped and all the kids were playing with their new toys, Dan decided it was time to share his good news.
“Could I get everyone’s attention for a minute? I promise I’ll be quick,” he called out. He waited a moment as the room settled down. “I just- I have some exciting news. A few days ago, I met my soulmate.”
Immediately, the room exploded back into noise as Dan’s family reacted to this latest life event. Dan didn’t really know what he had been expecting, really, but this was a little louder than he thought his family had ever been. He could pick out a few words from a person here or there, but it was mostly lost in the chaos.
“He’s all grown up now, I remember when he was-“
“Does this mean we have a new aunt or uncle?”
“What’re they like?”
“Where’d you two meet?”
“Are they pretty?”
“I remember meeting my soulmate-“
Dan shrank back a bit into the couch cushions at the influx of questions he could only sort of hear. He certainly wouldn’t be heard over the ruckus, anyway, so he tried to come up with a way to get them to quiet down again.
“Oi! One at a time, we all have the same questions! He can’t answer any of them if we act like a bunch of animals!” John yelled. Dan gave him a grateful nod.
“I didn’t really hear any of your questions, but I’m guessing you want to know the whole story-“ he began but was interrupted by a roar of excited “yes”es from his family. “Okay, okay!” Dan laughed. “Well, his name is Phil. He works at a toy store in London, which is where we met. I was out to get Christmas presents and accidentally fell on top of him when someone pushed me.”
“Of course that’s how you met him. Our clumsy Dan,” said his brother with a laugh. The rest of the family joined in the laughter, making Dan flush bright red.
“What’s he look like?” yelled one of his cousins over the laughter. The room fell silent again, eagerly awaiting his response.
“He’s almost as tall as I am, he has black hair and really pale skin. His eyes are this gorgeous blue and he’s got this absolutely adorable smile-“
“Gross, he’s already in love!” said another cousin.
Dan blushed again but didn’t refute the claim. “We’ve been texting constantly since we met. Except today, obviously.”
“Uncle Dan, Uncle Dan! If you met your soulmate, then what’s your secondary mark?” asked Emily, one of his nieces.
Dan rolled up his sleeve, displaying the words, “Oh my god, are you okay?” and the snowflake next to them.
“It’s a snowflake because I met Phil when I got Eli’s present,” Dan explained.
“Elsa!” Eli shouted elatedly. “Elsa gave you your soulmate, Uncle Dan!” In a softer tone filled with wonder, he added, “She really is magic.”
Everyone laughed, and Dan reached over to ruffle Eli’s hair. “Yes, she is, Eli. Yes, she is.”
“Can we meet Phil?” asked Dan’s other nephew, Christopher.
“He’s with his family for Christmas, Chris, but I’m sure you’ll meet him someday.”
The kids all pouted at that. “We can’t meet him now?”
Dan shook his head sadly. He wished they could, since that would mean Phil was with Dan, but it just couldn’t happen yet.
“You have his number, right?” asked John. Dan nodded. “You could try FaceTiming him, maybe?”
Dan hadn’t thought of that, but it could work. “I could, couldn’t I? Although, I don’t want to interrupt his time with family…”
“I’m sure Phil’s family will want to meet you just as much as we want to meet him, sweetheart,” his mum chipped in.
“I guess that’s true. I’ll go get my phone and see if he’s available.”
Dan walked to his room with excited nieces and nephews all on his heels, continuing to pester him with questions about Phil.
“Is he pretty?”
“Yes, he’s very pretty.”
“Do you like him?”
“Of course I like him! He’s my soulmate!”
“No, do you like like him!”
Dan blushed. “Yes, I do.”
“Ooooooh, Uncle Dan has a crush! I’m gonna tell him!”
“Does he like Elsa?!”
Dan snorted out a laugh. “Of course he does, buddy.”
They finally made it to his room and Dan grabbed his phone. He had three messages from Phil.
Happy Christmas, Dan!
I miss you already. Is that weird?
My relatives all want to meet you O_o It’s too bad we’re hours apart
Dan felt his cheeks heating up again and he accidentally let out a little giggle, forgetting his audience.
“Hey, why are your cheeks red?”
“What did he say?”
“Why did you laugh?”
“Uncle Dan has a cruuuuuush!”
My relatives want to meet you, too. They insisted I ask if you can FaceTime, but I understand if you don’t want to, since you’re with family and all.
I miss you, too, by the way.
“What are you saying to him?”
“I asked if he can FaceTime now, but I don’t know if he will. He’s with family right now, guys.”
Dan was about to reassure them that they’d get to meet him at some point when his phone started vibrating. He looked down to see that he was getting a call from Phil. He grinned as he accepted the call.
“What’s happening, Uncle Dan?”
“Did he call you?”
“Hi, Phil,” Dan giggled. He was practically giddy at the chance to see his soulmate again.
“Hey, Dan!”
Dan’s nieces and nephews squealed. “Is that him?” they asked.
Dan laughed again, a loud, genuine laugh. “Yes, this is Phil.”
“Let me see! Let me see!”
“My nieces and nephews are begging me to let them meet you, Phil. I think they’re about to start jumping up to grab the phone out of my hand.”
Phil laughed, his tongue poking through his teeth the way that made Dan swoon. “Alright, let me see them, then.”
Dan sat on his bed and the kids all climbed on behind him to see the phone. “This is Phil. Phil, this is Eli, Chris, Carla, and Emily.”
“Hi, guys!” Phil waved. “Happy Christmas!”
“Happy Christmas!” they all said, and then everything descended into chaos again.
“Are you gonna be our new uncle?”
“Do you have a pet turtle?”
“Can we see your secondary mark?”
“Do you like Elsa?!”
Phil laughed again at the bombardment. “Whoa, guys, slow down! Emily, I might be your new uncle someday, but I only met Dan a few days ago! We have to give it some time first. Carla, I do not have a pet turtle, or any pets, but I want a dog someday. My mark should be the same as Dan’s, Chris, but here’s mine.” Phil held his wrist up for the camera, showing off the snowflake and the words, “I am so, so sorry.” “And Eli, of course I like Elsa! She’s a fantastic queen and she’s very pretty.”
Chris gasped. “Does that mean you don’t think Uncle Dan is pretty? I thought soulmates were supposed to think they’re pretty!” He seemed to be on the brink of a crisis.
“Oh, no, I think your Uncle Dan is absolutely beautiful! You can find people that aren’t your soulmate pretty, Chris, you just think your soulmate is the prettiest of them all,” Phil explained.
Dan blushed heavily at the compliment, which Emily noticed.
“Uncle Phil! Uncle Dan has a crush on you! He thinks you’re pretty, too!”
“Alright, guys, that’s enough. Now let’s bring Phil back out so he can meet the rest of our family, okay?” Dan cut off the rest of that conversation as quickly as he could and stood up.
Phil was giggling with his hand over his mouth, a slight blush visible on his cheeks. “I think they like me.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “They definitely do. Are you gonna pass me around to the rest of your family so they can meet me, too?”
“Um, well… about that…”
Dan froze in his tracks, causing Carla to run into his legs and fall backwards into Emily. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well… my family has AppleTV so we hooked my phone up to our television and everyone’s been seeing your face this whole time…”
“What?! And you didn’t tell me?” Dan nearly dropped his phone in shock before realizing that he had to salvage his first impression to his future in-laws. “Um. Hi, everyone? Phil, why can’t I see them?”
“The camera is just on my phone, pointed at me right now.”
“Oh. Uh.” Dan kept walking, finally making it back to where the rest of his family was waiting.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, Dan, I was just so excited and then your nieces and nephews were asking me questions and-“
“It’s okay, Phil, no harm done. Right?”
They spent the next several minutes passing phones around rooms, introducing all the relatives they could. It was especially entertaining to watch the mums meet their sons’ soulmates.
“You must be Phil. Oh, Daniel, he just looks perfect for you! You have such a sweet face, dear, I know you’ll treat Dan right. Has he told you about the time when he was little-“
“Thank you, Mum, let’s not embarrass me more now than I already have been.”
Phil giggled and tried to send Dan’s mum a wink (it turned out as more of an awkward blink, which Dan found incredibly endearing). “You can tell me another time when he’s not here, I’m sure.”
Dan’s mum laughed at that and turned to Dan. “I like this one, you can keep him.”
Phil’s mum reacted much the same way, throwing in some assurances that she would be sending some goodies along for Phil to give to him when they saw each other next. She also insisted that Dan pass along his mum’s phone number so that they could get to know each other better.
The FaceTime call lasted longer than two hours because they kept getting interrupted by stories from relatives. At the end, Dan and Phil each brought their phones into a more private room to talk, ensuring that Phil’s was disconnected from the AppleTV.
“Hi,” Phil giggled as soon as they were alone.
“Hi.” Dan grinned.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, just basking in their own quiet little world, away from the prying eyes and ears of their relatives.
Dan sighed contentedly. “Everyone over here loves you already.”
“Everyone loves you, too. Especially my mum. I think she was getting a bit paranoid that I hadn’t met my soulmate yet because my brother and cousins all have already. I didn’t mind waiting, though. Now that I know you, I also know it was well worth the wait.”
Dan blushed and looked away. “Thanks. You know, Emily was right about what she said, earlier.”
Phil gave him a puzzled look.
“I do think you’re pretty, and I’m fairly certain I have a crush on you.”
Phil grinned with a blush to match Dan’s. “And I was telling the truth when I said you’re absolutely beautiful. The prettiest of them all. You know, I’m fairly certain I have a crush on you, too.”
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padfootagain · 7 years ago
Your Parents
I know it took me ages to write this, but this little imagine can be considered as the following part of 'Imagine : Ben Meeting Your Parents' that you can find right here. Although, you absolutely don't need to have read it to understand what's going in this imagine. I had to invent a whole family of course, just to put Ben in the situations I wanted him to be...
So watch out... fluff, fluff and more fluff with Ben, because we'll never have enough of it ;)
Hope you like it.
Gif not mine
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"So... who is the one who is nervous like hell now?"
Ben let out a groan next to you, making you laugh.
"I'm not nervous," he replied, mumbling under his breath.
"Why are you crushing my thigh then?"
He immediately took his hand away from your leg.
"Sorry," he breathed.
"Ben, relax. It's gonna be alright."
"I know it's gonna be alright."
"Stop biting your nails then."
He shifted on the passenger's seat next to you and you laughed at him again.
"My family is adorable," you said. "Everything is going to be alright."
"I know. I know, I know, I know..."
"Stop saying 'I know'," you laughed once more.
"The last time I did something like that was..." he seemed to search in his memories, before wincing. "Better not try to remember, that was too long ago."
"It went well?"
"Not really."
"What happened?"
"Apparently the 'actor thing' was not really... good."
He suddenly turned towards you.
"You think it's gonna be a problem?"
You rolled your eyes.
"As you are famous and constantly working... no, it's not going to be a problem."
"Good... good, good, good, good..."
"Sorry. Did you tell them who I am?"
"Of course. My mum would have had a heart attack if I hadn't."
You finally parked the car before your parents' house. You could hear the laughs of your nieces and nephews even from inside the car. You guessed that your family was in the garden.
"You're ready?" you asked Ben, taking his hand in yours.
He nodded, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I love you," he said softly.
"I love you too."
You leaned across the car to kiss him, before you would both climb out of the vehicle.
It smelled like barbecue and cooked tomatoes, and you smiled as the scents reminded you of your childhood. You didn't bother to knock, knowing that the door would be open, and you walked inside the house, calling for your mother and holding Ben's hand as you guided him to the garden.
All your family had already arrived, or at least the part of your family you wanted Ben to meet had gathered in your parent's house. Your parents were there of course, but your grandmother was here too, along with your sister, your brother and their children. You smiled at the sight of your merry family all gathered together.
Your mother finally spotted you and Ben as you walked out of the house.
"Y/N! Here you come. Right on time, we were just waiting for you."
Your mother hugged you, before turning towards Ben.
"Oh, and you must be Ben then," she said with a warm smile, offering your boyfriend her open palm.
"I am indeed," Ben answered, offering your mother his most charming smile. "It's really nice to meet you, madam."
"Maggie will do," she laughed, and Ben nodded, blushing slightly.
Before you could reach the table and introduce Ben to your family, you were suddenly attacked by your two young nephews and your niece who hugged your legs.
"Aunt Y/N!" they all shouted, jumping in joy at your sight.
"How are you all, my monsters?"
You took care at kissing all of them, before turning towards Ben.
"That's Ben," you told the children. "This is Luis, Arthur and Lucy."
"Hi Ben!" they all greeted him, giggling.
"Hi guys," Ben smiled.
They laughed, before running away across the grass.
"Don't mind them," you smiled, taking his hand again to guide him to the table, where you family was already sitting, staring at you and your boyfriend.
"They look full of energy," he smiled, looking at them as they ran through the grass.
"They are," you nodded, laughing.
You introduced Ben to your sister and your brother-in-law, then to your brother and your sister-in-law. Your grandmother was instantly seduced by Ben's bright smile and smooth voice and she didn't try to hide it.
"Well... you did pick up a handsome one!" she said in your ear, looking excited.
You merely winked at her in response, before turning to your father.
You felt Ben's hold on your hand tightening slightly, but his wide smile didn't falter for a second.
"So, this is my dad, Lance. Dad, this is Ben."
"It's very nice to meet you, sir," Ben smiled, shaking your father's hand.
"It's very nice to meet you as well, Ben."
Your father was smiling but both Ben and you could feel that he was rather cold. After all, he had always been protective towards his children, and especially when it came to their love lives. You winced at the memory of what he had done to the first boy you had brought home...
"Sit down, both of you, sit down," your mother said, and Ben took place around the table between you and your sister.
Ben finally noticed the crib behind him and your sister.
"Our daughter is sleeping," your sister explained.
"I see. How old is she?" Ben asked.
"She's just barely a year old. She's starting to stand up now, she can almost walk."
"That's wonderful!"
"Well... it means that she moves all around the house, crawling on the floor... it's a bit complicated."
"I can imagine."
"So... Ben," your father called for your boyfriend, and Ben immediately turned towards him. "Y/N told us that you were an actor, is that right?"
"I am indeed," Ben nodded.
"And you're working right now?" your father asked.
"I'll start a new project in a couple of weeks," Ben nodded.
"And I guess that you must be travelling a lot because of your job, right?"
"Quite a lot, yes."
Ben shrugged, feeling that your father was not convinced.
"It's the job," he said with a smile.
"And... do you struggle to find roles or... you're quite fine?"
"No, I reckon I'm quite lucky," Ben reassured him. "It's very rare that I spend more than a few weeks without anything to do really."
"Right," your father nodded, apparently reassured on this point.
You and Ben exchanged a smile.
The meal went smoothly, Ben being his adorable self, and your family seemed to quickly enjoy his company.
And as you realized that everything was going just fine, a grin formed on your face, and it never left your lips as you ate your vegetables.
You were about to eat the dessert when the baby woke up, and her mother went to keep the little girl on her knees for a while.
The blond girl seemed obsessed with the idea of standing, struggling to place our little feet on her mother's laps. Once she had found a more comfortable position, the baby looked around her, and she spotted Ben's unfamiliar face. She didn't seem afraid at all though, even if he was just a stranger, as she stared at him. He smiled back at her, and she extended her little arms towards him, signaling that she wanted him to hold her.
"No, you're not going to bother Ben," her mother admonished, holding her child closer to her, and dropping a kiss on the baby's forehead.
But the little girl started to cry. By now, all the conversations around the table had died out and everyone was looking at the crying baby.
"Lisa..." your sister sighed, before turning towards Ben. "Would you mind?"
"Err... I guess not," Ben answered, his voice hesitant, and an uncomfortable smile on his face.
But your sister ignored Ben's hesitations and handed him her baby. He took the child clumsily in his hands at first, letting the little girl rest her feet on his thighs as he held her up with both his hands so that she was standing on his knees.
She immediately stopped crying, and looked at his face with an intrigued expression, her blue eyes shining with curiosity. She extended her little hand towards his face, and he let her reach for his beard. She giggled at the feeling of his tickling beard under her fingers.
He let out a low chuckle.
"Yep, that's a beard, sweetheart," he told the baby.
She laughed, clapping her hands together, apparently delighted, and everyone around the table let out a tender laugh.
She touched his beard again, laughing like mad.
The conversations slowly resumed, as Ben was still holding the baby girl, letting her play with his beard.
"Clearly I'm not the only one who loves your beard," you said, shifting on your chair to rest your chin on his shoulder.
"Perhaps you should be worried," he teased.
"Really? You would choose my niece over me?" you said faking outrage.
"Look how cute she is," he replied.
"Right... I can't deny it," you smiled, looking at the child.
You rested your head upon his shoulder, watching the laughing baby. The little girl's hand landed on Ben's lips this time, and he opened his mouth wide and closed it, faking to eat her hand. She laughed harder than ever.
"You seem to have your way with kids," your grandmother told Ben.
"Well... I don't know," he answered, blushing.
"Would you like to have some?"
"Hey!" you protested, but the elder woman merely shrugged, and looked at Ben.
"I guess," Ben said, letting out a chuckle. "One day, sure."
The baby played with his beard again, running her hands in it and giggling at the tickling sensation.
"I bet you would be a wonderful father," the elder woman nodded.
"I hope so," he smiled.
The little girl yawned, and extended her arms to Ben. He held her closer to him, letting the baby rest against his chest, grabbing a handful of his dark T-shirt. She yawned again, and closed her eyes.
In less than five minutes, she was sleeping again.
"I guess my chest must be comfortable," Ben joked as your sister noticed that her daughter was asleep.
You nodded.
"It is comfortable," you told him with a playful smile.
He chuckled.
"So, if my career as an actor comes to an early end, I can still try to find a job as a pillow?" he asked, joking.
"No, you can't," you replied, your voice tender.
You leaned to whisper in his ear.
"'Cause you're my pillow. And I don't share my man."
He smirked as you kissed his cheek.
"How selfish of you!" he teased.
He stood up to put the baby back in the crib behind him, and your sister seized the occasion to give you a wide grin and a wink.
Clearly she liked him, and she wasn't the only one, judging by the looks your mother sent you.
"And so you met his parents?" your mother asked you while Ben was sitting by your side again.
"When we were in London, yes," you nodded.
"Did it go well?"
"I think so..." you said, turning towards Ben, a grin on your face.
"It went very well," he nodded, giving you a tender smile.
"So... what's the next step now?" your sister asked with a mischievous smile.
Ben and you both laughed, slightly blushing.
"We... might be looking for a flat," you mumbled, raising your glass of wine to your lips.
"Oh... this is most definitely serious between you two then..." your mother smiled.
"It is," Ben nodded.
You were both blushing hard and your family showed the two of you some mercy and didn't insist further more... although you noticed your father's strange stare, and you were not sure if it was a good sign or not.
Cakes were eaten and coffee and tea were drunk, and it was time to clean up the table. But your niece and nephews had other plans for your boyfriend.
"Could you play with us?" Luis asked, pulling Ben by the arm.
"Let me clean this first, okay?" your boyfriend answered.
"We'll do that, keep an eye on them," your mother told him.
"Alright," Ben nodded, and he looked at the kids with a bright smile on his face, letting the three children pull him towards the grass.
When you walked out of the house again after having cleaned the plates with your brother, it was to find Ben running across the garden with the two boys, Lucy running after the three of them and laughing.
"Hurry! She'll catch us," he urged the two boys, faking to run as fast as he could when he was barely running at all.
The girl started to be a bit tired of running, so he intentionally slowed down, and she laughed as she grabbed his arm.
"Oh! You're too fast for me!" he cried, making the girl giggle.
The two boys shouted, running towards him and jumping on him, making Ben fall backwards on the grass.
"Hold him down!" Luis cried, and Arthur and Lucy both sat down on Ben's chest, while Luis was holding his legs.
Ben laughed, faking to try to stand, before letting himself fall back to the ground again.
"I can't escape, you're too heavy for me," he said, panting from his laughter.
"Do you surrender?" Lucy asked.
"I do, I do surrender."
"Let's free him then," the girl proposed to her brothers.
"We should use this as an advantage and tickle him!" Arthur replied.
Ben laughed again, looking at three young children.
Your brother leaned closer to you.
"I like him," he whispered in your ear. "He's good for you."
You nodded. A smile was crossing your face, but somehow there were happy tears in your eyes as well at the sight of Ben playing with your niece and nephews.
"I know, he's wonderful," you told your brother.
"You might have found the right one," your brother breathed cautiously.
You nodded again.
"I know I have."
You exchanged a glance, before you heaved a sigh.
"Perhaps I should free him from your terrible children," you told your brother, who merely laughed in response.
You walked towards the kids, who had now started to try to tickle Ben, although for now, they hadn't found his weak spot.
"What are you doing to my boyfriend?" you asked, putting your hands on your hips and throwing the children a disapprobative look.
"We're trying to tickle him!" the five year old girl answered, laughing.
"But he's not ticklish at all," Arthur complained.
"That's because you haven't found his weak spot yet," you said, sitting next to Ben.
"Don't you dare..." Ben warned you.
"Because you see, he's only ticklish in one spot," you said, staring at Ben with a mischievous grin.
"Where? Where?" the kids asked, jumping up and down in excitement.
"Don't..." Ben warned you again.
"Right... Here!" you said, tickling his side, right under his ribcage, and Ben started to uncontrollably laugh, the children joining you and tickling him.
"Traitor!" he hiccupped, looking at you.
"Leave the poor man alone," your mother admonished, laughing as she walked out of the house, and the children ran to their grandmother, leaving you and Ben alone.
He took a minute to find back his breath.
"You're gonna pay for that," he warned you.
You laid down on the grass to rest your head on his chest, and your hand stroked his torso softly.
"It was worth your vengeance," you laughed.
Ben finally noticed that your entire family was walking out of the house again.
"We should get up," he said.
But you shook your head.
"Come on, love. Your family's back," he insisted.
"But my niece was right, your chest is very comfortable," you protested.
He let out a low chuckle.
You both started when your father called for Ben.
"Would you mind a word?" he told your boyfriend.
You both stood up immediately, and you threw your father a warning glance, while taking some grass away from Ben's dark hair.
"Of course not," Ben answered, and he followed your father inside the house.
You walked to the table again, a worried expression on your face.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine," your sister reassured you.
"You think so?" you replied. "If dad gives Ben a hard time I swear I'll kill him."
"He won't," your mother winked at you. "He likes Ben."
"Where the hell did you find this one?" your brother asked. "It most definitely changes from Mr. Lawyer that you brought us one day. I had never met someone as boring at this git..."
You couldn't help but smile.
"That's a long story."
"Well, he seems to be great," your sister nodded.
"I just hope dad doesn't give him a hard time..." you sighed. "I'm not a teenager anymore for him to overprotect me like that."
"But you're our girl, and you'll always be," your mother replied, kissing your cheek.
You waited for Ben and your father to come back, worried. The last time you brought a man to your parents' house, your father had been quite harsh.
But when the two men emerged from the house again, they were both laughing, your father patting Ben's shoulder. And you grinned at the sight.
"Everything's okay?" you asked them as they walked towards the table again.
"It's okay," your father nodded.
And you were on a little cloud.
When you left, your parents were eager to see the two of you again, and they insisted on you bringing Ben the next time you came to visit them.
The second you had left the street where your parents lived, now both you and Ben back in your car as you drove through the streets of L.A, Ben heaved a deep sigh.
"It went well, right?" he breathed, looking at you.
"I reckon it went more than well," you laughed.
"Your family's wonderful."
"You are wonderful," you smiled, taking his hand in yours.
He grinned.
"What did my father and you talked about?" you asked. "When you were alone in the house."
Ben shrugged.
"I think he just wanted to make sure that I was honest with you."
"What did he say?" you insisted.
"He asked me a few questions, about how we met, if I had been married, if I wanted to get married..."
"I see..." you said slowly.
"How I saw my future... this kind of things," Ben added.
"And how do you see your future?" you asked, teasing.
But when he answered, Ben had a dreamy smile, and he was deadly serious.
"With you in it."
You grinned.
"With you, me, a house and why not a few children running all over the place..." he said softly.
You looked at him, stopping at a traffic light.
You dived into his eyes, the same dreamy smile as his painted on your lips. And you knew he meant it. Every word of it. You couldn't remember being as excited by anything in your life.
"Sounds like a plan," you nodded.
He grinned.
"And you told my dad about all this?" you asked.
He nodded.
"And what did he say?"
"That he didn't have any problem with that for now."
Your grin widened. Ben shrugged.
"But he also said that he would cut off my balls if I ever hurt you in any way. Which sounds quite fair."
You laughed, driving the car again.
"That sounds more like my dad."
You were grinning, happiness oozing from every inch of your skin, and you were just... shining even more brightly than the sun. Ben stroked your cheek.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered.
"I love you too, Ben..." you breathed.
You parked the car before his home, and you turned towards him, staring at his deep brown eyes.
"I think... I think you're the one," you whispered.
He grinned, leaning to capture your lips into a tender kiss.
"I know you're the one," he answered, resting his forehead against yours.
You both grinned, closing your eyes, and you remained there, sitting in your car for a long while, just enjoying the fact that you loved each other, and were ready to live a happy life together.
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stuckinthekookiejar · 8 years ago
Therapy pt 1
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 (final)
REQUEST: Helloo can i request for a story (it can be a one shot, a drabble or a long chapter ff its up to you) of AU! Semi canon Yoongi falls in love with his psychiatric that helped him going through his dark days? If i can add an addition he started to fall in love w/her the first time she helped him cure his mental health but he didn't have the gut to admit it at that time and he was busy being a trainee to even have a relationship so he kept the feeling for himself only. and like 11 years later they accidentally met and he is now laid back and able to manage a relationship and the girl is having trouble forgetting her ex because he cheat on her on their 1000days anniv and it was d-2 b4 her mother died so it's her that feeling down now but she manage to be strong in front of people. and yoongi is the one who helps her going through all this.
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Summary: You were there for him when he needed you, but now it seemed like the tables have turned.
Word Count: 7187
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“Oh, Jungkooookie-aaaah...ish t-that you?” Taehyung stumbled out of the bar with Jungkook and Jimin who struggled to guide him through the door mostly because he was flailing his arms about,
“Hyung watch it!” The older was flushed, his boxy smile overtook his face. He turned to Jimin,
“Jiminie! Aww, cute Jiminie...you’re so schmol...and c-cute...” Taehyung pinched Jimin’s cheek and Jungkook was struggling to stifle back his laughter. Jimin, on the other hand, was very irritated,
“Who was it that allowed Taehyung to drink today, huh?” 
Jin managed to hail a cab for the maknae line, “The stairs are steep so you guys make sure to get him to your apartment safely.”  They nodded as they stuffed the drunken boy into the car. 
Hoseok laughed, “Wah, how could he get so drunk...he’s not even the one going into the military. Right, Namjoon?”
“Ah, don’t worry too much. If Jin-hyung could survive training, then you guys will be just fine.” Yoongi assured. 
“YAH! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” The eldest’s ears grew red as he shook his head in disbelief prompting the other three to burst out into laughter. 
“It’s such a shame, though,” Hoseok said with sad eyes, “It was just a few days ago that Yoongi-hyung came back from service and now Namjoon and I have to leave...I wish we could’ve at least have had some time to record something for our fans as a group.”
Another cab was hailed and Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok hopped in. Only Yoongi chose to remain outside.
“Hyung?” Namjoon asked, “Aren’t you coming?”
“Nah, I think I’m going to do some stuff at the studio. You guys go home. You and Hoseok will need your rest for tomorrow.” 
“Don’t go home too late,” Jin nagged.
“Hyung, I’m not a child you know.”
“Yah, just because we don’t live in the same apartment anymore doesn’t mean I have to stop worrying about you. Besides, we’re neighbors. Technically we do still live under the same roof.”
“Yeah, yeah just go.”  Yoongi waved for them to leave. He stared at the back of the car and watched as Hoseok stuck his head out the window, smiling and waving. With sad eyes, Yoongi waved back. That moment would probably be the last time he’d see his friend for next two years. 
Once the taxi left his vision, Yoongi turned around and walked down the empty street with his hands stuffed in his pockets. These empty streets allowed him to walk freely without the coverage of a mask, and Yoongi basked in the feeling of complete freedom. It wasn’t every day that he got the opportunity to take walks like this without being bombarded with flashing cameras. Fans even loitered around the police station he was placed in, not to mention the police chief asking for many autographs for his nieces and nephews.
His breath came out in the form of a miniature cloud as he let out a heavy breath and closed his eyes. This freedom he felt unlocked a door in his mind letting memories of the past play again and again like a movie. The days of being a trainee were brought back. Although the workload had pretty much remained the same, he did have time to be alone back then. He could venture out into busy streets without the use of a mask. He could sit out by the Han River all day and compose without attracting a crowd. He could....he could see you. You were nothing but a memory to him now, a beautiful one. 
“Hey, lady,” Yoongi’s eyes opened at the sound of a voice nearby, “If you aren’t here with somebody, then how about coming with oppa, hmm?” 
A sigh escaped from Yoongi’s lips at he peeked at the situation unfolded out of the corner of his eye. It was some punk trying to coax a drunk woman into sleeping with him. Yoongi couldn’t stand people like him. 
“What do you say? C’mon, it’ll be fun. Why don’t we just go to my...”
“Hey, just leave her alone!” Yoongi made long strides to the man all while putting on his hood hoping that it’d be enough to cover his identity. 
The punk, who had been prodding at the drunk woman, turned to Yoongi with an expression of pure agitation, “Mind your own business.” he smirked before going back to bother the woman. He even grabbed her arm prompting Yoongi to do the same to the man. 
“I said, leave her alone.” The glare that Yoongi gave the man could pierce through the soul of any being, maybe even the devil himself. But that didn’t stop the punk from provoking Yoongi.
“Hey, dude, look why don’t you find yourself a catch somewhere else.” That smirk on the guy’s face grew even more and that, along with his rudeness, really pissed Yoongi off.
“Wow...‘catch’? Really? Ah, I see. The only way you’ll ever get laid is by bringing any random drunk woman home. If you’re that desperate then why don’t you go around and actually get a life? Maybe then someone would be willing to sleep with your poor thirsty ass.” 
The man’s face grew red and anger seeped from within him, “What did you just say?” 
“If you didn’t get the memo, I’m telling you to fuck off.” Again, the man smirked and attempted to throw a punch at Yoongi. Yoongi managed to dodge the punch, grab the man’s arm and jab him hard in the stomach.
At least the military training finally paid off.
He fell to the ground, wheezing for air, “Geez, why are kids like you so stubborn? Leave before I call the cops.” The man started to tear up a little as he got up and ran away. 
Yoongi turned his attention to the woman leaning against the brick wall behind her, “Miss?” As Yoongi approached her, he could clearly smell the alcohol in her breath. She was pretty dazed and out of it. Her head hung low and her disheveled hair covered her face. Sounds escaped from her lips, mumbles or something of the sorts. 
“Miss? Do you need me to get a cab? Miss?”
“Why would you...do that...WHY?” Something about her voice sounded familiar, but Yoongi couldn’t recall why.
“Excuse me? I thought I was helping you...”
“How could you....leave me...” She pointed a shaky finger at Yoongi, “Leave me...for that BITCH?” Weakly, she lifted her arm to hit Yoongi, but he caught her wrist before contact was made.
“Miss, you’re very drunk right now. I’ll get you a cab, okay?”
“Why...why...? I...I loved you...and...and you....you....leave......why....” Suddenly the woman started to wail. Yoongi released her wrist and started to panic. He’d never had to deal with someone this drunk before...well, aside from Taehyung, but he only drank when it was a special occasion. 
“Please calm down...” 
“And...and how could you....you knew about my mother....YOU KNEW WHAT I WAS GOING THROUGH...and you...you did that...to me....YOU BETRAYED ME...LEFT ME ALL ALONE...SHE FUCKING DIED YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD!” 
She shook her head, her hair getting even more disheveled and tangled up and weakly punched at Yoongi’s chest before trying to walk away.
“Miss, it’s dangerous to walk by yourself in the middle of the night like this.” He placed a hand gently on the woman, trying to prevent her from leaving.
“....l-leave me....ALONE!” She swung her arm outward causing Yoongi’s hand to fly right off. In the process, she managed to stumble forward and almost fall over, but Yoongi caught her just in time. 
All her wailing and sobbing had died down, but now she was out cold in Yoongi’s arms. Her head bobbed back against his arm and the hair that had covered her face fell to her sides. Yoongi’s eyes widened as he began to realize why her voice sounded so familiar. 
A huge sigh of relief escaped Yoongi’s lips once he finally tossed you onto his bed. You were out cold, your hair was all over the place, and you were drooling a stream from the corner of your mouth.
With much care, he awkwardly changed you out of your clothes, closing his eyes as he did so. He didn’t want to feel like he violated your privacy in any way, but he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable sleeping the clothes he had assumed you wore for work. 
After finally getting you changed in on of his shirts and sweat pants, he tucked you into his bed making sure that you were well-taken care off. You were still sound asleep, nothing seemed like it could wake you up now. With a sad sort of smile, Yoongi pushed away a few strands of hair from your face. 
Despite your current state and the fact that he hadn’t seen you in 11 years, you still looked like the same breathtaking person from before.
"I don’t even know why I have to do this, hyung.” Yoongi grumbled into the phone as he spoke with his older brother.
“Yoongi, it’ll be good for you. This whole trainee thing is taking a toll on you and you just need to find a way to....distress.”
“Sending me to a psychiatrist will help me ‘distress’? Sure, hyung, that’s totally how it works.”
“Huh, you know what I mean...we’re all just worried about you. Just please give it a try.”
“It’s not only for your sake. Think about mom and dad. They’re worried about you too.” Yoongi was a family man. Despite his previous disagreements with his parents, he’d never want them to fell worried.
“...Fine, but I am just trying it out. If I don’t like it, then I’m done.”
“Thank you, Yoongi. I have to go now, but I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Yeah, whatever. Bye, hyung.”
Yoongi scowled as he shoved his phone into his pocket. The door gave off a jingling sound as it slid open for him, and the woman behind the front desk stood up to greet Yoongi. He was given papers to fill out and was told to wait in the small sitting area. The place was too pistine. White walls, white chairs, white floors, even the flowers that decorated the coffee table was the color white. It felt so airy, so free...and Yoongi hated it. It was just too bright for his liking. 
“Min Yoongi-ssi.” The receptionist beckoned, “Dr. Y/L/N will be seeing you now.” He got up and handed the clipboard with the filled out forms to the lady and entered the room he was led to. 
The room was entirely different from the openess he felt in the waiting area. It was still light in color with soft beige shade flooring, and a pale blue coating the walls, but it was just more...cluttered. The desk area to the left of the door was haphazardly adorned with piles of files and papers. The bookshelves were filled with different small knick knacks and house plants. The only real spot that was free of such clutter was the sitting area to the right. There was a brown leather chair long enough for any patient to lay their legs on. Beside it was a simple white seat along with a basic night stand and two mugs on it. 
You were sat on the white chair with your legs crossed giving a Yoongi a welcoming smile, “Please, have a seat.” You gestured for him to come over and he obediently complied. As he sat down, he softly mumbled frustrating curses that you couldn’t hear. He didn’t want to be here. He thought that therapy was pointless and that he could be using this time to make music. But even Bang Shi Hyuk insisted for him to get consulted, so here he was. 
You automatically sensed the kind of attitude he had. The way he didn’t bother to look at you and the way he was reluctant told you that he clearly did not want to be here. Not only that, but you could tell that he was a kind of closed off person, someone who wasn’t one to openly share his experiences even to the closest of friends or family. You had many patients like him...but for some reason, somthing inside you felt like he was special. 
“My name is Dr. Y/L/N.” You held out your hand. Yoongi just stared at it and scoffed before adjusting himself into a more comfomfortable spot in his chair. 
“I’m Min Yoongi.” He didn’t even look at you. 
Looks like it’s gonna take some time for me to crack this one... You thought.
Awkwardly to retracted your hand back onto your lap, “So, since this is our first session why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself.”
Yoongi was about to spit out some smart ass answer when the sound of his hyung’s voice popped into his head, “Think about mom and dad.” He sighed and gave in knowing that he promised his hyung that he’d try for the sake of his family. 
He turned to you, and looked at you closely for the first time since the beginning of the session. Your hair was pulled back in a ponytail, a pair of thin framed glasses sat on the bridge of your nose and your smile felt like it could cure blindness. As Yoongi’s eyes dilated at the sight of you, his mind was screaming at him. He could never have imagined becoming so infatuated in one single moment. 
“Min Yoongi-ssi? Are you alright?” Your smile faded into a look of conern as you watched Yoongi stare at you. You were worried that maybe he was just too shocked or scared or nervous to even slightly open up in any way, “You don’t need to tell me anything too personal if you’re uncomfortable.”
Yoongi closed his mouth that had been agape and gulped blinking a few times, “Um...no...I’m fine...I can tell you a bit about myself.” 
After that first session, Yoongi came to your office on a regular basis every week. He didn’t need to see you weekly, he had just wanted to. Even when his mental state got better and he was told he didn’t need to come o frequently, he’d still go at the same time on the same day every single week. The one hour sessions he had with you was always something he looked forward to. Something about talking with you made him feel liberated. Only with you did he feel completely comfortable taking off his tough exoskeleton revealing his true vulnerable self that he vowed never to reveal. 
“I hear you moved in with your new members a little while ago?” 
“Yeah, I did. It’s kinda surreal now that I know that we’ll be debuting together.” He smiled with his genuine gummy smile. He sat on the side of his chair, his feet planted onto the floor, his posture hunching forward with his elbows on his knees as he held onto the mug of coffee you had offered him. 
“I’m sure it must be very surreal. I mean we’ve been talking about your worries about debuting for quite some time, and now that it actually is gonna happen...I’m so proud of you Yoongi. You’ve come a long way.” He brought the mug to his lips hoping that he could block your view from his reddening cheeks. The way you said his name without the honorifics made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
“But it’s weird living with six other guys. The dorm is very tiny and there’s barely any room. It’s practically impossible to get privacy when you want it.”
“I see. Well, if you are in any need to privacy take a step outside and do those breathing exercises we had established together before.” 
The sound of the alarm on your watch sounded and you looked down to surprisingly see just how fast the hour had gone by, “Well, it seems like time is up.” You and Yoongi stood at the same time and he sadly looked down at his feet. He always hated leaving because when he was with you, he felt like his true self. 
You walked him to your door, “It was wonderful having you, Yoongi.” 
Something like a punch to the gut hit Yoongi. A cold sweat started to form and he curled his hands into fists. This session was his last with you.
He couldn’t bare to think that he wouldn’t be seeing you anymore. He had been consulted by you for a little more than a year, and during all that time he felt like you were someone he could rely on, someone to just completely be free with. Yoongi knew that his sessions with you would come to an end eventually. Now that the permanent lineup of his debuting boy group had been determined, he had become more and more busy. And once he debuts, there would be even less time to do anything else other than practicing and recording nonstop. 
Ever since the beginning, he told himself that he couldn’t be with you. He was busy with his own life. Being a trainee was demanding, and he’d have no time for a relationship, but he knew he was just giving himself excuses. The full honest truth was that he was scared. He was scared that you’d reject him. You were a psychiatrist, a pretty popular one at that. You had many patients who came to you, even other famous celebrities and idols consulted you. Unlike you who had a stable job, and a stable life, Yoongi was going to jump out into the industry only hanging by a single thread. Becoming an idol...it wasn’t promising. He couldn’t promise you a stable income or care free life or even just a little bit of his time. He felt like he couldn’t offer you anything to make you happy, and that was what kept him from confessing his feelings. 
For one final time, you extended your hand out to give him a final handshake. Yoongi looked at it and remembered that first time when he paid no attention to your welcoming gesture which he regretted. This time, though, he would make it right. 
He took your hand and shook it firmly, and too your surprise he unexpectedly pulled you forward and into a hug. For a second, he rested his chin on your shoulder trying to forever engrave your prescence in his mind knowing that this would probably the last he’d ever see you. “ Thank you for everything, Songsaengnim. Thank you, so much.”
Shards of glass stabbed at your head...at least that was what your headache felt like. Your eyes fluttered open allowing the beams of light to hit your irises, soaking you in its warmth. You turned over, laid on your stomach and groaned into the pillow,
Damn...how much did I drink last night? 
You took in a deep breath, expecting the smell of the light lavender detergent that usually coated your sheets, but instead, you smelled something else....something that smelled more like pine. Using your arms, you lifted yourself up from your spot on the bed and realized that these bedsheets were black...yours were blue. 
What the....where am I? 
You looked around. The walls were white decorated with neatly framed graphic art, posters, and photographs. The dresser across from the bed was made of a sleek dark wood that complimented the walls as well as the smooth concrete floor. You peeked to the side of you, a fluffy zebra patterned rug laid right beneath the simple steel framed bed. It was very clean and minimalistic...nothing like your own apartment. You were messy and very unorganized while this place...it was the complete opposite. 
That wasn’t the only thing that was different. You felt a draft through your shirt which you thought was weird because the night before you were still in your work clothes: a button down tucked into some khaki pants.The clothes you had on right now definitely wasn’t as uncomfortable as your work clothes. You looked down, examining yourself. You were wearing a loose-fitting black t-shirt and some sweatpants that looked like it hadn’t been from your own selection of clothing. 
“Aish...” you mumbled to yourself scratching at your hair frustratingly. 
From behind the closed door next to the dresser, you heard the clattering of plates. Panic started to course through your veins and you grabbed the closest thing to you: the lamp on the nightstand. After unplugging the lamp, you took it in your hands lifting it above you and you quietly tiptoed towards the door. Slowly you wrap one of your hands around the silver knob and twisted it ever so quietly, but suddenly another forced from the other side opened it almost hitting you with the door. You screamed, startled by the movement, and swung the lamp down onto whoever opened it. A hand caught your wrist before you could actually hit the figure,
“WHO ARE YOU AND WHY AM I HERE?” You cried trying to pry your arm out the hand that clutched onto it, “LET GO OF ME!”
“Yah, calm down.”
“S-Seonsaengnim, it’s me. Min Yoongi.” You looked up surprised at the mention of the name. Low and behold, you so called “captor” was indeed the Min Yoongi. The Min Yoongi that was part of the internationally famous boy group BTS. The Min Yoongi who had just come back from military service. The Min Yoongi who you had taken care of over a decade before. 
“M-Min Yoongi-ssi? What....” He sighed in relief seeing that you finally calmed down. Well, you weren’t really calmed down. It was just the shock that had caused you to freeze, “Um...what am I doing here?
The grip on your wrist was released and he took the lamp from you, “I’ll explain, but first, there’s some hangover soup for you on the table.”
“Oh...okay...” You gulped and reluctantly stepped out of the bedroom as Yoongi made way for you. 
The minimalistic theme of Yoongi’s bedroom carried on into the rest of the open plan apartment. The floors were a shiny concrete like material with a few white rugs here and there. The dining table was a deep brown, the couch was a shade of black. Even more framed photos and stylistic graphic art lined the walls. The apartment wasn’t that large, probably good enough to house a young couple. 
Behind you, Yoongi stepped out of his bedroom. With a small chuckle, he watched as you stood there wide eyed scanning the entirety of his modest apartment, “Does my place look ugly or something?” 
At the sound of his voice, your hunched back straightened and you hid your face with your hands in embarrassment, “N-No...it’s just smaller than what I imagined.”
You scurried over to the table and plopped onto the chair in front of the bowl of piping hot soup. The aroma of the broth tickled your nose and drool began to form at the edges of your dry mouth. As if Yoongi could read your mind, he brought you a glass of water, 
“You better drink up. You’re probably dehydrated from all that alcohol.” 
“Thank you...” That glass of water was chugged down your throat and the soup had vanished from the white ceramic bowl in a matter of seconds. Once you completed the meal, Yoongi came over and took away the dishes and placed them in the sink before coming back to sit across from you. 
The atmosphere was awkward. Here you were sitting in front of a guy who you haven’t seen in years, let alone him being one of your previous patients. Sure, the two of you had been particularly close and he used to be one of your most favorite patients, but that professional kind of relationship was still there. You were a psychiatrist and he was your patient, and nothing would change that. 
“So,” Yoongi finally broke the silence, “I guess you’re wondering why you’re in my apartment?” You blinked a couple times and nodded. He explained how a guy was trying to bring you home and how he kicked his ass and how he had to carry you on his back all the way to his place. By the end of the story, a deep pit had grown in your stomach with the feeling of guilt,
“Omo...I’m so sorry I caused you so much trouble...” You brought your hand to your mouth and shut your eyes as you mentally berated yourself. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid....you little shit....how could you drink so much...
“It’s okay. It was the least I could do to after you took care of me for the entire last year of my trainee period.” 
“Yoongi-ssi, you came to my office to get consultations. Taking care of you was my job. No one’s paying you to care for a stupid drunken crazy lady.” You laughed trying to somehow feel less bad about the situation, “Look, I’ll pay you back somehow...”
“No, it’s fine. Really, don’t worry about it.” 
“I can’t just ‘not worry about it’, Yoongi-ssi. For real, I’ll pay you back for sure.” 
“You’re really determined, huh?”
“I just don’t like to feel indebted to people, that’s all. If you think of anything that you want then tell me. I can get it for you.” 
You brought your arms over your chest and crossed them in a protective stance, “Not ‘anything’ per say...” 
Yoongi chuckled, amused by your assumption, “That’s not what I meant by ‘anything’. Don’t worry, I’m not that kind of man.”
“O-Oh....yeah...I knew that. I was just...setting boundaries...that’s all. So do you know what you want?”
Leaning back in your chair, you stretched your arms out after a long day’s work of consultations and documentation. As if it were now second nature, your eyes glanced down at your idle phone that sat in the corner of your desk. You promised Yoongi that you’d pay him back for the trouble you caused him and he said that he needed time to think of how you’d consolidate him. You gave him your number and told him to text you once he figured it out. 
That was a week ago, and no message was ever sent to your phone. 
A notification popped up on your phone and you jumped in your chair hoping that you’d finally be able to pay this debt off. Beads of sweat formed as you clutched your hand into a fist after seeing who had messaged you. It wasn’t Yoongi, it was your ex. 
[Heartless Bastard]: Y/N txt me back 
You scoffed and threw your phone back on the desk. Ever since you caught the unfaithful little prick in bed with none other than your former receptionist on your 1000th day anniversary, you refused to talk to him. The last thing you told him was to “fuck off”. 
[Heartless Bastard]: Wut’s the code to ur apartment. U changed it
[Heartless Bastard]: I still hav some of my things in ur place
[Heartless Bastard]: C’mon, Y/N. U know I need my PS4 back 
Imaginary fumes were expelled from your ears in anger. Not only did he cheat on you on a very special day, but he didn’t seem to give any fucks when it came to the fact that your mother passed away just 2 days after you found him and that bitch in bed. He knew about how your mother was battling cancer and how her days were numbered. He knew that you were hurting and he knew that he was only one of the very few people you had in your life to help you through hard times. He knew all of that yet he still hurt you, and his stupid messages only confirmed how little you must have meant to him. He didn’t even ask how you were, he just wanted his damned PS4 back.
Your ex was just a straight up terrible guy, but for some reason, you just couldn’t forget about him. You still kept his phone number, and you didn’t throw away the drawer of his belongings at your apartment. On social media, you still had his post notifications turned on. Even when he posted a picture with that bitch who called his new girlfriend, you still couldn’t bring yourself to completely forget about him. Maybe it was because you still did remember the happy times with him when he did care. 
You wanted to forget about the happy memories you had with him so that you could finally let go of him. That’s why you turned to alcohol. By no means were you an alcoholic. Before the breakup, you rarely even drank and even now you didn’t drink that much to be very honest. The problem was, was that you had low tolerance because of how rarely you used to drink before. After two drinks, your control over yourself would be thrown completely out the window, but knowing that didn’t stop you. 
After you made sure that you had finished all your work, you decided to wrap things up for the night. On your way out, you bid your current receptionist a good night and told her to carefully lock up the place before she went home. She just nodded and looked at you with worried eyes. By the drained look on your face, she could tell just where you were heading: the bar.
“Yeah, I’m on my way home now, Jin-hyung.....no.....hyung, I am not a child....yes, I remember how to get home.......hyung.....okay, hyung you can stop worrying about me.....yeah, yeah, bye.” Quickly Yoongi jabbed at his phone hanging up on Jin. 
Yoongi was on his way back from the studio after recording a few things for his upcoming solo album. Fans had been anticipating the release of one ever since he came back from the military, and he had been working hard to complete it. He was nearing the street where he remembered he had rescued you when he saw you in the near distance. From the looks of it, it seemed like you were going to the bar again. Before you could reach the door, Yoongi called out for you,
“Songsaengnim!” You were startled by the sudden shout and was surprised to see Yoongi running towards you.
“Y-Yoongi-ssi?” He was barely out of breath by the time came to your side, “What are you doing here?” 
“I’m just on my way home from the studio...it’s nearby.” 
“Oh, I see.” You really didn’t know how to respond. It was quite awkward bumping into him again in front of the bar, “Um...well I’ll just get going then. Oh, and I’m still going to repay you and I’m still waiting for your text. So think of something soon, okay?”  
“Wait.” He grabbed your arm just as you were going to walk past him, “Are you going to drink again?” You looked into his eyes and you could really see a sense of concern 
“After what happened last time, I don’t think you should be drinking without a friend.” 
A sigh left your lips as you gently remove his hand from your arm, “Look, Yoongi-ssi. I appreciate the concern, but we’re both grown adults. I can take care of myself.”
“After last week? Sure, I totally can see that you can take care of your drunken self.” 
As much as you wanted to argue with him, you knew that he was right. 
Yoongi noticed your frustration, and he could tell that something was bothering you...bothering you enough to make you want to drink, “I’ve got an idea.”
The couch was soft and fluffy despite the rough look of the material it was made up of. 
“Wine or beer?” From across the decently-sized studio apartment, Yoongi called for you from his kitchen. In one hand he held a bottle of red wine and in his other, he held a can of beer. Were you feeling classy tonight? ....not really.
“Beer.” He nodded and put the wine bottle back on the mini wine rack that sat on his counter. 
The cold touch of the can sent a shiver down your spine, but the golden liquid felt so refreshing as you gulped a sip down. To the right of the couch, Yoongi sat in a chair watching you intently without even taking a swing from his own can.
“Yoongi-ssi, you invited me to have a drink, not to babysit me.”
He shrugged, “You never know when you’ll go berserk again. And just to clarify, me inviting you over for a drink doesn’t count towards that debt you owe me.”
“Wow, look at you. Weren’t you the one who insisted that ‘it’s okay’, ‘you don’t have to pay me back’?” You shook your head and laughed as you downed another gulp of beer. You let out a satisfying “ah” enticing Yoongi to take at least a sip from his can which worked. 
It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up, “Uh...it’s kinda awkward isn’t it?”
“It’s only awkward if you say it’s awkward, Songsaegnim.”
“Looks like some things never change. You’re still a smart ass.” Your gaze was trained to the floor as you laughed yet again. 
“Hey, are you supposed to be talking about patients like that?” A gummy smile arose from his lips.
“No, but you’re no longer a patient of mine, Yoongi-ssi.”
“Touche.” It became quiet again. 
It was nice, though, the silence. It allowed you to really have a gander and Yoongi. You couldn’t lie to yourself when you first met him eleven years ago. He was attractive and talented and you got to know him through your consultations...it was safe to say you had formed a bit of a crush. Despite your own feelings, you suppressed it. He was a patient of yours back then, and he was considerably younger. Aside from that, he had his own life and his own problems to deal with. Even if it was your job to provide him with therapy, you weren’t close to him like that and you never thought you’d ever be able to have that kind of relationship with him. 
Now, eleven years later, here you were having a drink at his apartment. Looking at him now, he had grown up so much within the last decade. Not only did his looks become even more dashing, but the way he carried himself and just the aura around him...it seemed more mature. 
Your heart thumped in your chest. These thoughts that whirled in your mind...it must have brought back the feelings you had so carefully locked away. But you pushed them back down and stomped on them internally.  Despite your inner turmoil, you managed to keep still. You were always like this: an expert at hiding your feelings.
As if it were a blessing sent from heaven, a knocking on Yoongi’s door pierced through the awkwardness between the two of you. Yoongi excused himself to get the door,
“Oh, Jin-hyung. What’s up?”
“The three maknaes ordered some chicken at their place. Want some?” 
Yoongi thought about it. Eating with a group of people would probably be less awkward for the two of you, “Alright. Do you mind if I bring a friend?”
“I’m sure the others wouldn't mind. Plus, since Namjoon and Hoseok left, Taehyung probably accidentally ordered too much out of habit.”
“Okay, see you on the roof.” 
“Also, bring the beer.”
“Got it.”
You didn’t hear any of the conversation Yoongi had with Jin so you were confused when he started to grab his coat and the stuff a plastic bag full of all the cans of beer he had in his refrigerator. 
“Are you going somewhere?” 
Yoongi peeked from behind the door of the fridge, “Get ready, we’re going somewhere.” 
You hesitantly stood up and collected your things curious about where you’d be heading, “Is it far?”
“No,” He was all ready with two plastic bags in hand as he stood by the now open front door, “We’re going to the roof.” 
You slipped on your shoes, walked out and waited for him in the hallway as he locked his door, “The roof? What’s on the roof?” 
“Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook’s place.”
“What? I thought you guys lived together...”
“You think all seven of us could fit in my tiny apartment?”
“Well, I don’t know...”
“It’s okay, you probably wouldn’t know. It’s not like we announce these things to the public. We actually don’t live together anymore. Although, we all still live in the same apartment complex, and we’re all practically neighbors, so it really doesn’t feel like I moved out to be completely honest.” 
“Oh, I see. So you live alone then?”
“Yeah, I do. The four of us older members live separately in our own apartments. The younger ones still wanted to room together, so they got the house on the rooftop. Oh, watch your step.” Yoongi guided you as you reached the end of the narrow hall. There were steep metal stairs that led up to the roof unit. He made sure to watch you from behind making sure you didn’t fall like a true gentleman. 
As you climbed the stairs, you could see a faint glow at the top and hear the noise of laughing and screaming. Behind you, Yoongi let out a sigh,
“Those rascals never change.” 
You could see what he meant when you finally reached the top. Taehyung and Jungkook were running around while Jimin was yelling at them to be careful. 
“JEON JUNGKOOK, GIVE IT BACK!” Taehyung jumped over the chairs and stools that littered the rooftop as he chased the maknae.
“Yah! It’s dangerous to do that on the roof!” Jimin was worriedly looking back and forth between the Taehyung and Jungkook. The younger laughed as he ran around with some sort of silver chain in his hand. Yoongi, who had quickly grown tired of the fiasco unfolding before him, managed to snatch the chain from Jungkook’s grip as he ran past you and Yoongi. You only got a small glance of the thing in Yoongi’s hand, but you knew immediately just how expensive it must’ve been since a Gucci charm was dangling from the chain. 
“Yah, what is this thing?” Yoongi held it up by its end and waved it around. Taehyung, whose eyes became wide and twinkly, became worried as his hyung carelessly handled his bracelet,
“Yoongi-hyung! Don’t just wave it around like that!” He came and took it from Yoongi, “It’s a one of a kind, engraved silver diamond encrusted wristlet. Only those who model for Gucci get them.” 
It was difficult to keep your jaw closed. You had almost forgotten Gucci’s newly appointed model was standing right before you. Taehyung noticed you gaping at him and looked at you curiously,
“I didn’t know hyung was bringing a lady friend over.” 
“LADY FRIEND?” Jungkook and Jimin joined Taehyung.
Yoongi sighed and took one step in front of you, “This is Y/N-songsaengnim. She’s an...old friend.” 
Jungkook, the only one who dared to taunt Yoongi, came up to his hyung and nudged at his side with his elbow while whispering, “Old friend? What kind of old friend? Or is she an old crush or something hmmm?” 
Yoongi only gave the pleasure of jabbing the maknae sharply in his gut before leading you to the table set up in front of the rooftop house. 
The unit was humble, nothing too extravagant. The roof was painted a bright green and a long lunch table sat on the deck in front of the home. Exposed light bulbs hanging from wires were strong along the railings and overtop the roof from poles. It was really like a scene you’d find in a typical kdrama. 
Jin was nowhere to be found, but the three youngest members had no problem entertaining you. Once you took a seat at the wooden table the three immediately hit you with a barrage of questions, mostly having to do with how you and Yoongi knew each other. Over a can of beer, you enjoyed making conversation with them. Despite the age gap, you felt right at home talking with them. 
Yoongi quietly sat as you interacted with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. Watching you smile and laugh...it made him almost forget about the emotional, tear-filled, blabber of a mess you were one week ago. 
Right now, you were the Y/N that Yoongi knew when he was a trainee. You were poised and elegant...the kind of person who sat with their shoulders held high, yet very amiable. You were the woman that he fell in love with. He was so used to seeing you in this light that he never really considered that you had times when you were down. You helped him during his down days, and now he wanted to help you. 
The sound of laughter came from down the stairs and Jin slowly made his way to the top. In his hand was the bag of chicken that had been just delivered, but behind him was another person: a man who looked to be older than Jin. Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin all rose from their seats leaving you at the table alone,
“Oh guys, I didn’t know that he’d be in town, but this is an old university sunbae of my older brother.” 
The man was dressed in an expensive looking coat and a button up shirt tucked into some navy pleated pants. The aura around him displayed nothing but professionalism, but his smilely expression gave away his seemingly light personality, 
“You make me sound old.”
“What? I’m only stating the truth. You know, this hyung of mine, he’s a famous prosecutor now.”
“Yah, Jin-ah, now you’re going to make me blush.” The man smiled and lightly poked at Jin to make him stop gushing about him to the guys,
“Omo...aren’t you Ha Jae Hee?” It took him a little while, but Taehyung seemed to recognize him: Ha Jae Hee, the nationally famous prosecutor Ha Jae Hee.
“Why yes, yes I am.” He chuckled humbly, but you knew that he was just waiting to be showered with compliments. That’s how he always was, you would know. 
You stood from your chair and took your belongings before making your way to Yoongi. Lightly you tapped him on the shoulder, “Hey, I think I’ll be going now. Remember to text me when you think of how I can repay you.”
Jae Hee noticed you shying away behind Yoongi, “Y/N? Is that you?”
Everyone looked at you the moment he said your name, and just like that, your poised composure fell as you ran away.
A/N: this was only supposed to be one part...but then it got too long...so this will be a 2 part scenario 
Gif not mine, cred to the owner
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