#oh and the dolls are cute. i would buy draculaura but in Argentina you'd need to sell your organs to have that kind of money
cadygroves · 10 months
I started watching the new Monster High series and I like it! It's entertaining and not as bad as I thought. My problem is with some characters, like Clawdeen; even though I don't mind her new personality and her being half human, I remember Clawdeen being this fashionable diva and ahhh. :( It just feels like a completely different character. Same with Cleo, she was the popular girl, she was kinda mean but on the inside she loved her friends. Now she's not popular and she's kinda silly - I'm all for having these kinds of characters... but we already had them! Like Howleen: a great example of someone who felt like the shadow of her sister, who wanted to be popular and, she was a little silly.
And Lagoona :`( Lagoona is unrecognisable. She looks completely different, if it weren't for her name I would've thought it was a new character. She also acts completely different. She was the mom friend, she was helpful and understanding; now she's uh, I don't know lol. They went for that "creepy but cute" thing I guess.
In conclusion, I like the new series, but it makes me feel sad to see what they did to some of the classic characters.
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