#oh and glaives? best fantasy weapons. i'm right
oops new ocs
Okay well they aren’t actually “new”, I’ve had these two kicking around in my brain for a couple years now but I felt that since there is now one (1) observer to this blog who’s interested, I might as well post about them! This serves as a more longform introductory oc post to these two lovely ladies, though I’ll also put the brief information on my regular OC post too. Anyway! Vampire and Warrior Queen OC Ladies beneath the cut:
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Sara Penderghast, Warrior Queen of Kalin: (Yeah I bet you’ve never heard that very predictable cool surname before! It’s not creative but it is what stuck). 
Born to Marcus and Gertrude Penderghast (nee: Harte) Sara inherited the kingdom of Kalin at twelve years old, after her mother died in childbirth and her father was assassinated (something she witnessed, and it still haunts her). Being their only child, Sara had been taught, pretty much from the time she could walk, to rule the kingdom. She was polite, prim, proper, and refused to be manipulated by her advisors... especially her court mage (he’d been her parent’s court mage, and it was decided he shouldn’t be replaced because Sara was so young). Sara grew up ruling a kingdom that was torn; some loved her, the girl queen, some thought she needed to die as she refused to let anyone else take the reins behind the scenes. So it was no surprise that, when Sara was sixteen, there was an assassination attempt. Yet it was here that Sara, in a last ditch attempt to protect herself, emitted a blast of True Power. Magic, and unlike anything anyone had ever seen. She survived only with the intervention of her court mage, who cut off the surge of power before it consumed her entire life force. This was when Sara discovered she was a Living Rune-- a person naturally imbued with magic, who could direct magic both in and out of their body through special techniques, and surges of power like what she’d experienced.
Sara was determined to harness this power, use it as a strength rather than a weakness, and so at eighteen she commissioned the elven mage Articia to forge a glaive that would allow her to use her power in short burst; power could surge from her hands to the blade of the glaive. At around the same time, a war broke out between Kalin and a dangerous warlord. This is when the legend of the warrior queen was born, as Sara fought beside her soldiers against the invader. When the sadistic conqueror was defeated, the rules of warfare also meant they gained his prize…. A captive vampire, tortured, beaten, kept in silver chains and a silver cage, starved of blood.
Naturally, Sara’s advisors and generals were wary of such a creature, but Sara ordered the vampire taken back to the capital (in the cage, for safety) and then released. However, Sara’s court mage had other plans, and wanted to experiment on this vampire to learn what made them tick, since the species was so little known of them. When Sara refused to let him do that, the mage planned to assassinate Sara (because of course.)
The vampire learned of this (court mage loved to evil monologue, I suppose) and used quite a bit of strength to escape her cage, her chains; and arrive just in time to stop the assassination by running the court mage through with her claws…. and then sucking all his blood.
This vampire had no reason to care about humans, but she cared about Sara. Sara had tried to have her released from her prison; Sara treated her as something other than a monster. This vampire saved Sara, and, still in her debt, requested a Blood Pact with her-- a ritual that would bind the two of them with a simple drop of blood into a magic circle. Sara, to just about everyone’s surprise, was honored to do this. Yet a Blood Pact is more than just a ritual. It’s a form of intimacy unlike anything most humans will ever feel; it links the emotions, feelings, thoughts and minds. 
That was about the time the two started to fall in love. Was it because of the pact? Who can say. All that matters if that their love is real, and true... It was also at this point that the vampire, who had long forgotten her original name, was christened Annabell, and pledged to protect Sara and all of her line with her life by becoming her court sorceress, thanks to her magical ability. And while many are afraid Annabell for what she is, Sara just loves her. She always will. 
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Annabell, Vampire: Annabell comes from the race of vampires, which once held a thriving civilization before humans came along. Now, thanks to the curse which makes them immortal and hunger for blood, vampires are seen as monsters. Annabell, to that end, may have skin as cold and as pale as death, she may have red eyes, sharp teeth, claws and immense strength, regenerative ability... but she is no monster. She feels just as humans do, feels pain and sadness and anger. And love. 
(The only difference between her and a human is, she can regrow a hand in five minutes and she feels like she’s burning alive in the sunlight. And she drinks blood. Not such a difference, no? Ha.)
The truth is that Annabell doesn’t remember much about her life, or unlife, before Sara freed her from her cage. Perhaps her memories are repressed, perhaps she has simply truly lost them. What she does know is that she would trade every memory in the world for another moment with Sara.  Sara gave her purpose, and she cares deeply about for her warrior queen and will protect her by any means she can, always caring for and about her, even to the detriment of herself. To Annabell, nothing matters but Sara. After all, she is immortal, and she has all the time in the world. Sara... isn’t, and doesn’t, but like all humans she tries her best to make her mark on the world anyway, and that’s what Anna loves about her... one of the many things.
(lol I promise Anna has a past I just don’t have it all detailed yet.... maybe someday I’ll get there)
Anyway.... those are my two ABSOLUTE favorite generic/original fantasy ocs. The art/meiker is done by aukanemin on meiker.io, check them out if you like meikers because I sure do. https://meiker.io/user/aukanemin/63436
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