#ofc I have Benny with a little strand off the front. cause that's when he's at his most good lookin
Why do so many of the characters in New Vegas have pompadours like jesus I am adamantly trying to make their hair look just slightly different when I draw them so they don’t all have same hair syndrome
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Balance on the Head of a Pin
Chapter Twenty Two
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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OFC  |  Word Count: 6536 Warnings: none
“So, she just… took him in?” Lauren blinked at Loki in shock. “Without so much as a peep of protest?”
Loki tilted his head, smiling wide at her surprise. “Svengil was quite taken with her, and she with him. They will do well with each other.” He reached out and tucked a strand of her hair back behind Lauren’s ear as Thor looked on with a goofy grin Loki was incredibly familiar with.
“Well, shut my mouth. I never thought I’d see the day.” She shook her head and lifted up on her tiptoes to peck a kiss to Loki’s cheek. “Thank you, peaches. I’ve been tryin’ to get her to see reason and bring someone in to help her out, but she’s a stubborn old woman. Always says she doesn’t need anyone makin’ a fuss over her.”
“She needs the care, darling, and while Svengil may look like a boy of no more than sixteen, his is of Asgard and far more capable of caring for and protecting your Gran than someone of Midgard.” He caught her by the waist and kept her pressed against him. “One would think I deserved more than a simple peck to the cheek for my thoughtfulness.”
“Humph,” Thor huffed. “As I am the one who found him to begin with, one would think I would get at least a peck to the cheek.”
Lauren’s smile turned shy when she looked up at Loki through her lashes. She stroked her palms down his chest in a tender, sensual caress which set Loki’s senses ablaze, and informed him without her needing to speak that she would thank him properly later.
Her flowers had been placed in a vase and sent to her room via one of the bustling maids, of which Loki could not recall her name though Lauren had asked about both her mother and her sister, causing the young woman to blush and chatter like a raven.
Or perhaps the blush had been Thor’s doing. His charming brother had only to smile at a woman to have them swoon at his feet.
It usually made Loki roll his eyes, but this time, when the women were not looking, he’d punched Thor in the ribs and told him to cut it out. He’d slipped easily into the old tongue to quietly scold his brother. This was not Asgard or even New York where he could dally with a willing wench to his heart’s content. This was Lauren’s home, and these were her people. Thor was to keep it in his pants.
While Thor had pouted, it was only for a moment before they’d moved on, heading now for the kitchen as Lauren had still not eaten, and Loki had heard her stomach rumble from across the room.
She escaped his hands to step closer to Thor, lay her hand on his arm and place the same quick peck to his brother’s cheek when Thor was gracious enough to bend down for her. “Thank you for your help, Thor. Y’all have really made today better, knowin’ Gran’s gonna be looked after. I worry about her.”
“Of course you do, darling,” Loki said, taking her hand and leading her onward. “Your soft heart could do no less.”
“Says the man who gave her fairies,” Lauren quipped, her eyes full of wicked amusement.
“Heimdall said you were being especially tricky, brother,” Thor smirked at him over Lauren’s head.
Loki shrugged it off as nothing. “I am always tricky.”
“I don’t ever recall you creating fairies for me,” Thor teased.
“But I did turn into a snake once.” Loki snickered when Thor scowled.
“And then you stabbed me, brother!” he huffed, taking Lauren’s other hand and linking it through his elbow, so she walked arm and arm with them both.
“You stabbed him?” Lauren gasped, looking to Loki.
“He had it coming!” Loki defended himself. “It was shortly after he’d invented that stupid game.”
Thor gasped. “Get help is not stupid! It has worked numerous times when we were in need of a diversion.”
“Well, next time we’ll just use you as the brother needing to be tossed and see how you like it.” Loki shot him a glare.
“You squabble like children,” Lauren muttered, but a smile twitched her lip.
“We bicker like brothers,” Thor corrected her. “Is it not so with your own siblings?”
She looked down and away. “No.”
The glare Loki sent Thor darkened considerably. Had he not told his brother they were atrocious women who were as poisonous as a viper? But, then, had he not also misunderstood the ferocity of their venom until he’d seen it first hand?
Remorse coated Thor’s features. “Forgive me, little sister. I have overstepped.”
“Oh!” she looked up at him, and a soft smile appeared. “No, you haven’t. It’s just, what you and Loki have… it’s nice. I’m… a little jealous.”
“Should I tease you as well?” Thor asked.
She flushed instantly red. “I don’t think I’d handle too much of your teasin’ ways.”
The big, booming laugh Thor was known for echoed down the hall ahead of them. “I think you would handle a little teasing just fine, Lauren!”
Loki chuckled softly, appeased in the fact Thor had put a smile back on her face after having wiped it off. They were near to the kitchen when two small sprouts bounced down the hallway toward them.
“Aunt Lu! Aunt Lu! You took forever!” Sara groaned, only to come to a dead stop when Benny jerked her back by the arm.
“Holy… holy geez! Wow!” Benny’s eyes filled his face as he stared up at Thor. “You’re Thor!”
“Indeed I am!” Thor chuckled, immediately dropping to a knee. “And who would you be, my young warrior?”
“I’m Benny. That’s my Aunt Lu!” He darted forward to shuffle from foot to foot in front of Thor. “You have the big hammer!”
“This hammer?” Thor asked, producing Mjolnir with a flourish.
While Benny was focused on Thor, Sara only had eyes for the fuzzy ball sitting at Lauren’s heel. “Is that… a puppy?” she asked, hope filling her face when she looked up at Loki.
Loki crouched as she drew closer and held out his hand. “It is. It’s your puppy, courtesy of myself and Thor.”
“Oh…” Her ocean blue eyes watered and her lip quivered. “Thank y'all so much, but… I have allergies. Mama says I can’t have a dog.”
“It’s alright, little dove. He is not a Midgardian dog but a dyrehund. A hound of Asgard. He will not cause your eyes to redden nor your nose to run.” Loki gave her a wink and scooped the pup up. “His name is Usun.”
“He’s so fluffy,” she said, reaching out tentatively to touch one silky ear. “Hello, Usun.” He licked excitedly at her hand and made Sara giggle. “Is he really mine?”
Her eyes were so full of wonder and hope, Loki was helpless but to reach out and tap her on the end of the nose. “Yes, precious. You and your brother.” With a gentle squeeze to the pup’s belly, he caught Usun’s attention. “This is Sara and Benny. They are yours to protect from anyone who would do them harm. Do you understand?”
The pup gave a high pitched ruff and wiggled from his arm to trot over and snuffle Sara’s leg, thoroughly catching her scent, before bouncing over to do the same with Benny, who giggled wildly and dropped to the floor to wrestle with the puppy.
“What did you do?” Lauren asked, her gaze on him and eyes narrowed.
“Nothing much.” Loki shrugged, trying hard not to smirk at the dyrehund, now wholly enamoured of the children.
“He gave them a furry bodyguard,” Thor chuckled.
Lauren frowned. “What? But he’s only a puppy.”
“Even puppies grow up, my heart, and dyrehunds do so at will. He will stay a pup, growing at the normal rate, unless the children are in distress. Then, Usun will simply grow up and become the guardian they need. He could stay a puppy for another year, or grow up next week. It really depends on the children’s… environment.” Loki took and squeezed her fingers.
She looked at him for a long moment, her mind clearly turning over what he was telling her. When it registered, her eyes filled but she sniffed the tears back as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest.
“Thank you,” Lauren whispered. “Twice over today you’ve solved problems that have been weighin’ on me.”
He held her close and played a little with her hair. “I know, elskan min. I know.” Loki relaxed against her, happy and content and at peace.
“Excuse me?” Sara’s sweet voice knocked them out of their trance.
She was standing a few feet away from Thor, the toe of her white shoe twisting against the hardwood floor. Her hands were clasped before her, and she looked angelic in her lacy pink dress.
Loki watched his brother all but melt.
“And who might you be, little darling?” Thor asked, holding out his hand for hers.
She placed her hand on his big one and giggled high and nervous when Thor bent to her knuckles. “I’m Sara Marie Avirett. Are you Mr. Loki’s brother? The King?”
“I am.” Thor smiled down at her.
Glee filled Loki as he watched Sara lift her chin proudly.
“I wish to make a pet… pet…” She frowned.
“Petition,” Loki supplied for her.
“A petition, to the King.” Her lashes fluttered, and Thor nearly sighed, the big softy.
Blue eyes gleamed with adoration, Thor already well and truly captured by Sara’s sweetness. “Speak, petitioner, and if moved, I will grant your request.”
Sara glanced at Loki and whispered, “What’s that mean?”
“He means, make it good, precious, and maybe he will say yes.” Loki’s grin widened when Thor arched a speculative brow his direction.
Lauren snickered but must have bit her tongue to retain the rest of her laughter as she, too, watched the happenings with delight.
“When Aunt Lu marries Mr. Loki she gets to be a princess.”
“That she will.” Thor nodded.
Loki only pulled Lauren closer when she whimpered.
Sara stood tall and proud before Thor. “I think it’s very unfair that Aunt Lu gets to be a princess, but not me. Mr. Loki said some stuffy old king made the rule. Will you change it? I would be ever so pleased if I could be one too.”
Loki watched his brother waffle before sighing. “I’m sorry, little darling. That is not how it works.”
“But…” Sara’s eyes watered a second time. “I would make a very good princess. I can curtsey." She held out the edges of her dress and did just that. “Everyone says I look like Aunt Lu, so I must be pretty enough to be a princess. And… and… I just really want to,” she finished, gazing up at Thor. “Oh, please, your majesty, sir? Please change the rule? I’d be ever so happy.”
Thor swallowed rather thickly, his eyes wide and a little panicked as she stared up at him. “While I cannot change the law, sweet, I can make you an honorary princess of Asgard. Would that suffice?”
“Would I get to wear a tiara and pretty dresses, and go to the ball?” She clasped her hands together and almost vibrated with excitement.
When Thor cast him a pleading glance, Loki took pity. Here, too, he could still come out on top. “Come here, Sara, love.”
She cast a longing glance Thor’s way before skipping over to him. “I’m almost a princess, Loki!” she whispered loudly.
“I know, darling. But while Thor can grant you the title, I can grant you the rest.” If his smile was a touch devious, no one said anything, and he placed his hand on Sara’s head.
His magic washed down and around her, turning her pink dress into one of shimmering tulle and glittering beads. The skirt belled out and fell to her ankles. He gave her shoes small heels. Her hair was twisted up into braids and curls, and he dusted her cheeks with sparkles. Lastly, he created a small, tasteful, sparkling diadem of gold and precious stones to place upon her brow. “There, precious. A perfect princess.” A mirror appeared before her, and he watched as her eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“Oh, my stars!” she gasped. “I’m a princess! Aunt Lu, look!”
Lauren had to clear her throat twice, her cheeks flushed and eyes damp. “I see that, sugar cube. Aren’t you just the belle of the ball?”
“Thank you! Thank y'all so much! I ain’t never been so happy!” Sara squealed and spun in a circle. “Look, Benny! I’m a princess!”
“It’s just a…” Benny trailed off when Lauren sent him a hard look. “You look real nice, Sara.”
“Better,” Lauren murmured and smiled for the boy.
“And what a magnificent princess you make,” Loki said, holding out his hand for hers and bowing over her knuckles when she took it. “You must save me a dance, Lady Sara.”
“Of course, kind sir,” she giggled, repeating her curtsy from before.
“C’mon, Sara!” Benny tugged at her hand. “We should show mama!”
“Oh! I…” Lauren started but it was too late, the children already rushing down the hall to disappear through an open doorway. “Oh dear,” she muttered. “Loki, tell me that tiara wasn’t real.”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Oh crap,” she whispered, dashing after the children.
“Loki?” Thor asked, frowning after her.
“Wait for it,” Loki said, holding up his hand. It was time to show Thor just how heinous Lauren’s elder sister was.
“Sara! Get away from that mongrel. Benjamin William, y’all know your sister can’t be around dogs, and where did you find that atrocious get up, Sara Marie?” Marabeth snapped.
“Marabeth!” Lauren gasped. “Why would you say that? She looks like a little darlin’!”
“But… but mama.”
Loki could hear the quiver in Sara’s voice and headed for the door.
“Don’t you but mama me, Sara Marie! You look ridiculous! Like somethin’ out of a foolish Disney film.”
“But… but…”
Loki rounded the corner in time to witness the first tear roll down Sara’s cheek. “Come now, little dove,” he crooned, picking her up and cuddling her close, “no tears. You are an honorary princess of Asgard after all.” He sent Marabeth a hard glare.
“I suppose I have you to thank for this?” The wretched woman waved her hand at the child clinging to him, and the one hovering behind Lauren’s leg. “Fillin’ their heads with nonsense. Givin’ them things without askin'.”
“Marabeth! Even if Loki had, what’s so wrong with the kid's gettin’ presents?” Lauren snapped, her hand going comfortingly to both Benny’s head and Sara’s back.
She moved to place herself between Marabeth and the children, and while Loki wasn’t happy with her putting herself in a position of danger, he found her defence of the children merely another part of her he admired. What a fierce mother she would be one day.
Back in the blue room from the night of Lauren’s confrontation with her family, Loki slowly shook his head. “I’m afraid you are mistaken. Thor is the one who claimed her as a princess. I simply bestowed up her the gown.” His brother rounded the door at that moment, almost as if they’d rehearsed it beforehand. They had not, but, it was not the first time they had worked together in such a way as to throw off a room. “Isn’t that right, my King?”
Thor quirked a brow his way, a smirk tugging at his lips before his features fell into lines of displeasure when they settled on the woman in the center of the room.
For once, Marabeth was not garbed in a suit, but in red pants and a fluttery white top which, had she not been wearing a scowl, would have looked quite nice upon her. Evidently, not all her clothes fit her poorly.
Shock rippled across her features when Thor posed in the doorway, arms crossed and hammer resting upon his bicep. “I-I… why I…”
“Something displeases you about the King of Asgard bestowing gifts and titles upon the children close to his brother’s Ástvinur?”
Loki glanced at Lauren who appeared to be waffling between enjoying the discomfort of her eldest sister and stepping in. When the wicked light, the glorious light of mischief danced in her eyes and a smile graced her lips, he knew she would not interfere.
A shiver of delight worked its way up his spine. He loved it when she let the naughty side of her free.
Marabeth gaped a moment longer before she drew herself up and patted self-consciously at her hair. Her shock smoothed into a welcoming smile as she walked toward Thor with a decidedly sensual swing to her hips.
Thor shot him a look, one Loki answered with a minute tilt of his head and brow raise. Loki had warned him after all.
“Why, no of course not.” Marabeth smiled graciously and held out her hand. “I’m was simply shocked at the extravagance, but knowin’ the gifts came from you, your majesty, I am ever so grateful. But I’m afraid my daughter is allergic to dogs.”
He ignored her hand, and Loki had to fight not to laugh, finding the repeat of his own meeting with Marabeth amusing.
“Charmed, I’m sure,” Thor muttered, eyeing Marabeth warily.
Lauren’s snort of laughter was soft and quickly muffled as a cough, but Loki still sent her a wide grin.
Thor glanced at her but continued to speak with Marabeth. “The puppy is a dyrehund. Your son and daughter’s new companion will not give her the allergies.”
A sharpness hardened Marabeth’s features. “Well, ain’t that just the berries? Still, they do not want a dog.”
“Yes, we do!” Sara piped up. When Marabeth turned those hard eyes on her though, she clung to Loki’s neck all the tighter.
“Your father said no pets, Sara Marie. The answer is no!”
“I’m afraid it is far too late to take Usun back,” Thor said, drawing Marabeth’s attention.
Loki watched with hardly contained glee as Thor reached for Marabeth’s hand, and lifted it to his lips. Heat seemed to lick at the walls when the God of Thunder turned on his charm. The children were far too young to be affected by the sensual heat Thor exuded, and Lauren was protected from it by the brúðr steinn, but Loki had born witness to Thor’s secondary nature on more than one occasion and knew very well Marabeth was no match for him.
“Once a dyrehund is gifted, it cannot be taken back. He shall be an exceptional watchdog for your children. A protector in times of trouble. Would that not please you? To know they will always be safe?” he asked, voice dropping lower until it seemed to rumble on the air.
“Oh… my,” Marabeth whispered, melting toward Thor. “Yes… I guess that… that would be nice.”
“Excellent! Then it’s settled!” Thor lifted his head and smirked Loki’s direction as he walked away, leaving the woman standing there agape and shaking, to crouch down beside Lauren with Benny who had dropped to his knees to cling to Usun’s neck.
The pup’s eyes were hard when he looked up, and Loki gave a small nod. The dyrehund knew in that instant why he’d been summoned and just whom he was to see as enemy number one.
Marabeth blinked a few times, trying to figure out what had just happened. Cold calculation cleared the confusion, and she turned a harsh glare on Lauren. “A word if you would, Lauren Guillemin?”
Before Lauren could agree or decline, heels on hardwood could be heard coming rapidly toward them. When Magnolia cleared the doorway, Loki had to bite hard the inside of his cheek to keep from howling with laughter.
Magnolia was decked out in a dress of deep blue, a thick belt of white around her waist, matching the thin gloves she wore upon her hands. A small, square hat complete with mesh veil draped over her forehead sat jauntily upon her heavily sprayed hair. Ropes of pearls hung around her neck, while a clutch was tucked beneath her arm.
“Mama?” Lauren said, her voice full of surprise. "You're lookin'... um, fancy."
“Oh, Lauren! There you are!” Magnolia said, only to stumble to a stop when she caught sight of Thor. “Your majesty!” she fairly yelped and dropped into a curtsey, a wobbly one.
“No formality needed. Thor is perfectly acceptable,” Thor said, rising to his full height from the floor, and stepping forward to take Magnolia’s hand. “I can see where my lovely sister-to-be gets her looks, fair lady.”
A twitter of a giggle burst from Magnolia as she blushed and fluttered her other hand against her heart. “You flatter me, sir.” She sent a pointed look toward Lauren.
Lauren smiled tightly. “Thor, my mother Magnolia, and you’ve already met Marabeth, my sister.”
“Thank you for having me, Lady Magnolia,” Thor said, bowing over her hand. “Though it seems I have overstepped myself, bringing gifts for your grandchildren.”
“What?” Magnolia shot a second look at Lauren. “How ungracious of you, Lauren!”
Thor stiffened and released her fingers. “Forgive me, but it wasn’t Lauren to whom I was referring.”
Magnolia turned on Marabeth. “You insulted the King of Asgard in my home!?”
“It was a misunderstandin’, mama,” Marabeth said through gritted teeth.
“He brought us a puppy!” Benny giggled, his arms still wrapped around Usun while the pup licked at his face.
“Before you protest,” Loki was quick to cut her off when Magnolia looked to speak out, “Usun is a hound from Asgard. Sara will take no issue with him. Isn’t that right, little dove?” he said to the girl in his arms.
She lifted her head from where it had been tucked in against his throat and nodded. “I like him. Please can we keep him?” she turned pleading eyes on Magnolia.
Lauren’s mother took one look at Sara and had her mouth drop open. “My goodness, child. What are you wearin’?”
“An outfit befitting an honorary Asgardian princess,” Thor stated, reaching out to take the girl from Loki.
“Prin… princess?” Magnolia squeaked.
Thor tilted his head and frowned at her. “An honorary one, yes. She made a most fitting argument for it. After all, Lauren will carry the title in the future. Why not this sweet child as well?”
She stared at Thor and Sara for a moment before her eyes turned to them, Loki and Lauren standing together but a few feet from her. “Lauren… a princess?”
Loki huffed out a sigh. “How is it none of you made that connection when a seven-year-old had thought of it within hours of meeting me? Am I not a prince of Asgard? Did you revoke my title at some point, brother and not tell me?”
“No one would dare,” Thor said, soft and deadly.
“See, my heart?” he winked at Lauren. “A prince I remain. You are a princess in the making.”
“Haha…” Lauren gave a soft whimper a second time and swayed slightly, her face pale.
“Darling, you have still not eaten. How weak you must be feeling,” Loki fussed, drawing her closer. Against her ear, he whispered, “Breathe. It is not that big a deal.” It kind of was, but he would not stress her out more.
She took a shaky one while clutching at his arm.
“Here y’all are! Why whatever’s goin’ on in here?”
Lauren’s grip on Loki's arm tightened. She hissed a nearly silent swear and looked up to the door through which Cissy had just entered. Her face paled so swiftly, then flushed such a vivid red, Loki was worried she’d faint and drew her in tighter to his body.
“Priscilla Elizabeth!” Magnolia gasped, causing Loki to look toward the door.
If he’d thought the outfit she’d had on during their initial meeting was short, this one was scandalously so. It seemed to be painted on, a dress of deep green which barely covered her assets. Trashy took on a whole new meaning in his mind.
Thor blinked a few times, staring open-mouthed at the preening Cissy.
Loki palmed a short dagger. If his idiot brother so much as made a move toward the spoiled little bitch, he was going to stab him, repeatedly, until Thor wised up.
It took another two breaths before Thor seemed to find his voice. “Loki… you did not tell me they had bedding wenches. I wouldn’t have bothered to flirt with the maid if you had.” Thor turned toward Loki with such a malicious glint in his eye, Loki was hard pressed not to roar with laughter.
Three shocked gasps rippled through the room. Lauren made a choked sound and turned away, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. From the quick look he’d gotten, Loki was reasonably sure she was in the same boat as he, trying desperately not to laugh.
Clearing his throat, Loki managed to get out a sentence relatively free of amusement, “They do not, brother.”
“Really?” Thor gasped, looking shocked. “Forgive me, Lady Magnolia for my incorrect assumption. I’m afraid I am still… unused to the way women of Midgard flaunt themselves.”
“That’s… that’s quite alright,” Magnolia said, recovering quickly to glare at the red-faced Cissy. “I have been tellin’ my daughter for some time she dresses inappropriately.”
“Still, my words were harsh. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d have ladies of ill repute running the halls of your home when there are young children present.” He bent slightly in apology.
“What’s ill repute?” Sara asked, looking confused.
“Well, you see, precious-”
“Thor!” Lauren barked, reaching out for Sara and taking her back with a glare. “I think that’s quite enough excitement for the mornin’. C’mon Sara, Benny. I need to eat, and y’all can take Usun outside for a bit.” She herded the children and the puppy from the room.
“In trouble with Lauren again, brother?” Loki tsked and shook his head at Thor.
“Least this time didn’t involve broken toes,” Thor sighed, frowning at Mjolnir. Lightning flashed, causing the women to jump in surprise when Mjolnir disappeared to be replaced by a pair of sunglasses Thor tucked on the top of his head.
“No umbrella?” Loki teased.
“Hands-free is the way to be.” Thor chuckled. “Ladies,” he said with a slight bow. “It seems I must make amends to my little sister. If you will excuse me.”
They made it out the door past the ruby faced Cissy, and down the hall a few yards before all hell broke loose behind them. The yelling was intense, doing an excellent job of muffling the two Asgardians laughter.
“Thor, Mother would be appalled!” Loki chuckled. “I, however, have never been more impressed.”
Thor snickered softly, clapping his hand down on Loki’s shoulder. “Think you I can’t read your body language well enough to know which ones are the most disagreeable to you? I had no desire to be knifed, brother. Do you think your Ástvinur will forgive me for calling her sister, in essence, a whore?”
“As she had to fight not to snort with laughter? I think you are safe, brother. You’re more likely to need to grovel for trying to explain it to a seven-year-old. What the hell were you thinking?”
“That it was the most expedient way of getting out of that room.” Thor grinned deviously.
“How devilishly wicked of you, brother!” Loki laughed.
“What do you expect? I learned from the best, after all.”
Loki continued to chuckle as they walked into the kitchen, only to find his Ástvinur in the arms of Lafayette. “Take your hands from her at once!”
Ice coated walls, windows, and doors as everyone within the room froze in fear.
“Loki,” Lauren said, righting herself and pulling away from Lafayette. “I slipped, peaches. He caught me from takin’ a nasty spill.”
The ice melted as swiftly as it formed. “I beg your pardon. My thanks, Lafayette.” His strides across the room were long, seeing him to her side with little effort, where he guided her away from the other male and into his chest. “Are you alright, darling?” Loki asked, his hands stroking her arms as he looked her over.
“Fine, Loki. Just fine,” she soothed instinctively, her fingers straightening the collar on his shirt.
“Y’all need to get on outta my kitchen,” Sue Ann huffed, her cheeks red with exertion. “Spills are what happens when there are too many bodies in my space. Go on outside, Lauren. I’ll send someone out with a tray- oh, my! Ain’t you a big fella?” She cut herself off to stare up at Thor.
Thor chuckled and gave her a wink. “So I have been told, gracious lady.”
“Do go on!” she giggled, blush darkening before fluttering her hands at the group of them. “Get on with you!”
Lauren gave Loki’s arm a tug, encouraging him toward the door out to where the children were already laughing and racing over the lawn. Loki sent a last look toward Lafayette, well aware the feelings he was harbouring for Lauren went far beyond the sibling ones Lauren held for him.
There was a distinct look of longing which appeared whenever Lafayette looked at his Lauren.
Loki didn’t appreciate it one bit, but he wouldn’t begrudge the man saving his Ástvinur from taking a tumble. “Coming, my love,” he said instead to Lauren, walking out into the sun and high joyous laughter of the children.
Thor waited a moment longer, pausing by the man who’d put hands on Loki’s woman, to put his big palm down on the man’s shoulder. His voice was low, for the man’s ears only, not easily heard above the renewed chaos of the busy kitchen behind him. “I do not know you, my friend, but I will offer you a word of advice. As Loki’s brother, I caution you to keep your hands to yourself when it comes to the lovely, Lady Lauren. Yes,” Thor cut the man off when he tried to speak, motioning towards the wet spot being cleaned up on the floor, “both he and I are well aware your actions saved her from a fall, and he is grateful. But with how you look at her, though she remains oblivious, Loki will take offence. She is his as he is hers. He will not let her go. Do not make the mistake of trying to step between them.”
The man’s face ran a gamut of emotions from annoyed to angry to offended, and finally into acceptance. “I can see what they have with my own two eyes. I ain’t so stupid as to think I could compete with him for her heart.”
“Good. It has been quite some years since I have had to assist Loki in disposing of a body. It would be a pity to have to take it up again.” Thor grinned when the man’s eyes widened and wandered outside.
Loki glanced up at Thor when he settled down at the small patio table beside himself and Lauren and shook his head. “Dispose of a body? Brother, please. Like I need anyone’s assistance in that area.” He rolled his eyes, reverting again to the old tongue.
“Loki, you are being rude to your lady,” Thor chided with a chuckle, refusing to change languages.
“Oh, no,” Lauren blushed, her gaze locked on Loki’s mouth when he looked her way. “That was… rather, um…”
“Did you find it sexy, my heart?” Loki asked, leaning toward her to cup her chin and rub his thumb across her lower lip.
The flush darkened, and she grew slightly flustered. “Maybe.”
“And that is my cue to go entertain the little ones,” Thor snickered, rising from his seat and wandering off after the laughing children.
“You chased him away,” Lauren scolded, but her tongue was nowhere near sharp nor were her words harsh.
“Mmm, my brother knows what is good for him.” Loki snaked his arm around Lauren’s back and jerked her from her seat to his lap. When she settled there without a single sound of protest, he smiled a sensual grin. “So, pet,” he murmured, skimming his hand up her waist, his fingers coming to rest on the outer edge of her breast while his thumb caressed the unseen but easily felt bud of her nipple and the ridge of the shield which surrounded it. “You like it when I speak the language of the Æsir, the old tongue of our people?”
She relaxed further into his chest, wrapped one arm over his shoulders, and let the other rest on his bicep, leaving his sweeping thumb and gently squeezing fingers unrestricted while protecting her modesty. “Yeah, peaches. Your fancy tongue turns all guttural and wild. You’re always so refined, Loki. Like this, you play the prince, the dignified lord of Asgard, but that…” she sighed, and he watched her eyes darken to deep emerald green, “you sounded like a warrior god. Like the leader of a conquerin’ army, come to steal me away.”
“I would not have to steal you though, would I, my sweet? In days of old, I would have walked into your village, and you would have come away with me willingly,” he said slyly.
She smirked and shook her head. “I would have, would I?”
The fire in her eyes stirred his loins to life. “Oh yes, pet. You would have been quite helpless against my charms. They would have hosted me, your village. The feasting would have been intense, for a visit from Loki would have been momentous. But, then, across the great hall, I would have caught sight of you. You with your hair like gold and skin of cream and eyes of such vivid green. I would have beckoned you over to sit with me, and once you had I would have turned to your ear… and whispered…” Loki cupped her cheek and drew her close, turning her head so he could do as he said and breath against her ear as he reverted to the old tongue. “You, my darling, are the most exquisite creature I have ever laid eyes upon. Are you a star? Did you fall from the heavens? For surely only a star could shine as beautifully as you. Tonight, when I take you to my bed, I shall have you amongst the furs, and you will be blessed by a God. Taken by the Trickster himself. Made to scream out in pleasure, and you will know no mere mortal will ever please you as I have.”
Her mouth was on his once the last syllable dropped from his lips. It was frantic, wild and desperate. A kiss which shot fire through his veins to grow into a flaming ball in his abdomen. Her fingers delved into his hair, closed into a tight fist, and Loki moaned into her mouth.
“I ain’t got a clue what you just said,” Lauren panted when she lifted her head, “but it sounded wicked and sexy and… Loki…” she sighed, diving back in.
A quiet growl rumbled in Loki’s chest when she tugged his hair a second time. “My darling,” he managed to get out when she had to breathe a second time, “I will be forced to find us a secluded room if you continue your course of action.”
“Maybe I want you to. Maybe I’m tired of waitin’, Loki.” There was a wealth of desire in her eyes when she opened them.
He nearly gave in, wanting nothing more than to take her upstairs and shut out the world, but that was not part of his plan. “I want you, my love, my sweet Lauren, but I will not be rushed. I want the night with you in a room free of interruptions where I can take you to Valhalla over and over and over again until you beg me for a reprieve.”
She shivered, and her hands flexed. “I still think you’re tryin’ to kill us, peaches,” Lauren sighed, pouting when she slouched down.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, is that not the saying?” he teased softly and traced his fingers up and down her spine. “Besides, you have not eaten, and I will see you fed.”
“Fine,” she huffed, resting her head on his shoulder.
The quiet stretched on as each took comfort in the other. The trauma and heartache from earlier well on its way to being mended as they watched together the man who was the King of Asgard listen intently to the child in her fluffy pink dress and sparkly tiara, explain the basics of croquet.
It was highly amusing, as Sara, resembling a tiny, glittering fairy without wings, demonstrated the proper technique for putting a ball through a wicket, only to have Usun chase said ball and return it to her each time. While she was scolding the puppy gently, trying to explain to him no you don’t chase these balls, Benny was rolling in the grass, belting out peals of laughter.
“Will you tell me what you said?” Lauren asked, breaking the silence.
“One day,” Loki chuckled.
“Why not now?” Her pout was present in her voice.
“Because, my Valkyrie, I have only just calmed from the flames of your kisses. If I were to tell you what I said, you would surely scorch me in the heat of your desire a second time.”
“That good, huh?” A smile had replaced the pout.
“Darling,” he drawled, placing a kiss to the crown of her head. “If you only knew.” She shivered, her renewed desire evident, but Loki closed his arms around her and kept her right where she was.
“Spoilsport,” she muttered, falling back into silence for a few moments before a giggle spilled from her lips.
“What is it?”
“Cissy’s face…” she giggled more. “Where in the world did Thor come up with beddin’ wenches?”
“It was a popular practice, millennia ago. Women of… that nature were provided for visitors of note.”
“And did you use women of ill repute?” she asked.
He was not so foolish to answer when he was not sure where this conversation was going. “That is another trick question, woman. If I say no, you will assume I am lying, and if I say yes, you will think less of me.”
She tilted her head back on his shoulder. “I already told you, elskan min. There ain’t nothin’ you could tell me that would make me think less of you. I know you’ve been ‘round a long time, hun. But… how’s about I withdraw the question.”
“Hm, an excellent idea.”
“But if Thor tries to explain things like that to Sara or Benny in the near future, I will find a way to bean him with his own hammer!”
Loki burst out laughing. “I have no doubt you would, darling. No doubt at all!”
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