#of talented artists that share the vision uwu
reginrokkr · 10 months
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My contribution to Sinday (it's over here since an hour ago, but it doesn't matter dfjhg) is this gem I have found that is peak half-nekkid Dain with long hair vibes. He just needs more muscle, black skin on his right half and Ley Lines covering it—
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mochikeiji · 4 years
You Found Me
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↠ Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Reader
↠ Warning: none, fluffy for my boy akaamshi uwu Writer!Reader, Aged Up characters.
↬ Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: He was just a fictional character, how can you be foolish enough to believe he were to be reincarnated and to be born in the same world as you live in? Will it even be possible for him to notice you in billions of people and far places?
⇢ Day 1: Reincarnation
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You loved him.
More than words can describe.
"Love." can never be enough to portray the amount of adoration you had for this man. Nothing.
He doesn't know you.
He was just a character; written by people who held the most artistic perspectives into capturing a character's personality. They made him seem so real, so easy to love and to be succumbed into his entire being.
But he wasn't real.
Nor is he aware of the millions of eyes and fans from reality admiring him for simply being ethereal in his world of ink and colorful dialogues made by his author.
Nor will he be aware of the amount of love you were pouring out to his inexistence. To reciprocate the feelings, let alone acknowledge you from a crowd filled with much more dedicated people to him.
Yet every night you prayed; longed that one day there will be someone to be reborn as he is. A man to be born with that natural charismatic aura. The blunt, yet soft hearted soul of a person, the dedication he has shown in the show with his desr senior. Everything.
He was the embodiment of everything you wanted, needed.
Perfection at the most flawed world.
"Nobody compares to you, Keiji."
Day dreaming for what seemed like an everyday routine for you, you clicked on the next tab of your laptop away from the world of fictional sight— where mostly your safe haven is. Where you get to imagine a world with him and pondered back into your field of writing.
How long has it been since you've been off your draft? Was it 2 hours ago? Had you been submerged again with the same story you've memorized over the times you've read it? Well, no one can't help it. It was your coping mechanism, your escape from the cruel reality. Though the stories are imprinted in your mind and everyday dreams, you admired the fact how they were well written by different varieties of writers that came to admire his character and brought him to life. How they managed to make him and every character from the show come to life. It was as if all the scenarios you've wanted was all there, all granted. Except for one.
Where he was truly existing in the same world as you do.
"Well done, sweetie, you've lost another promised motivation to write." groaning with your head leaned back on your pillow, you closed your eyes for a short break. By instinct, the stories scenarios began playing inside your head.
All the fluffy ones that made your body feel somewhat lighter from the ghost, feathered kisses as you recalled the lines of your favorite ones. The ones where they would further describe how he would hold you in his arms like a fragile being, link his hands with yours, giving you his warm kisses as he presses you close to his chest.
The angst ones where he would be there to comfort you immediately, wiping away your tears as he helps you out of your struggles and battles in life. Letting him be your resting place and safety.
And lastly the explicit ones where you could only go so far to imagine the lewd things as the words from the screen pages come up to the surface and bound your body at his presence.
What a paradise, you would call.
Yet what a tragic for someone who longs for a person like that to be real.
Eyes opening after the self pitied thoughts, your sudden decision to go out in the cold, rainy afternoon came by. For a shy person you are, you never really liked the idea of squeezing in a crowd or to be seen, but as you eventually grew up, you begin to like places that felt like a second home to you. Be it a cafe or a bookshop, or just an area with a few people and closed walls where you were free to be in dazed once more.
Shutting you laptop closed and placing it back on your desk, you picked out some of your most comfortable clothing; mostly jogging pants and an adorable sweater. Having to be in highschool and growing out the habit of wearing long sleeved shirts even though it was hot was amusing to many. Though, today was exemptional.
You contemplated whether or not you would tie yor hair into a bun or leave it down, like that one character you read in your favorite show, he didn't like his field of vision to be wide. It brought a small amount of relief someone felt the same as you did, so you decided to just put it in a lower bun with your fringes hidig the sides of your face.
Grabbing you small bag and an umbrella, you walked out from your dorm. Your roommate had been stranded in her university from the sudden pouring, ordering her a coffee after coming back from the shop may be a good welcoming gift for her. She was the only person you managed to get close to at the time of your adulthood. It's only fair you have gotten attached and wanted to show her how much you love and appreciate her.
Thank goodness it was only pouring. If the rain happened to be coming with thunder and lightning, you would've gotten out and hid underneath your blankets. It isn't all the time you get to enjoy the droplets from the sky without the God of Thunder stomping down in anger.
The streets were absolutely stunning during the dark or gloomy weather, the lights from each building and shop were lighted up, combining with the rain and its pattering, it felt so serene to you than it did to others. The odd musk from the rain filling nostrils as your eyes cast upon the cemented streets that had colorful lights illuminating them, made you feel at ease and somehow your mind was starting to stir up multiple writing prompts and ideas that made you excited and happy.
The whole world disappearing before you as you were at the best day you claimed. The musk of the rain mixing up with the cinnamon and coffee like scent as you opened the door from the nearby cafe from your dorm welcomes you. Smiling shyly, you moved to the side a bit and removed your glasses to cleanse it as it got fogged up from the cool air before placing it back on your face and walked towards the cashier.
It was a miracle that the infamous coffee and sweets cafe of yours wasn't crowded today, managing to order quickly and waited on the other side of the counter. Your usual frappucino and a chocolate cake for your cravings.
"Ah, you're here again?"
The lovely male behind the counter chirped at the newly arrived customer. He was the nicest crew you knew in this cafe, you loved how he makes you feel at ease.
"Yeah, I got caught up in my papers and it went pouring all of a sudden."
"Always a workaholic aren't we, Kei?"
Kei? Cute name.
Kinda reminds you of that tall, player in the show you watched, Tsukishima.
"Wait there for a second, we're preparing two orders."
In instinct of the male's voice, you scooted away from the receiving counter a little for the next person to be standing next to you. You really didn't like sitting to waot for your order, who knows? You might trip and cause an embarrassing accident.
His scent however, was filling in your nostrils. Combining with the soft, delicious treats, he smelled like someone you would love to hug for days and feel safe. He smelled like home.
Was that weird? Yes.
Suddenly, this scene had made a perfect prompt pop in your head, you had to fish out your phone from your bag to write it down on your notes. It had been too long since you've written a good story. You missed your passion in writing, a good opportunity will never be passed as this.
"Do you write as well?"
Squeaking a bit with your palms already forming a sweat from nervousness and the cold air, you turned your head to your left side of the male costumer, who had an amused smile at his face from your reaction.
You wete never one to come and talk to a random stranger as a kid and teenager. But even as an adult, you felt inferior of them. But taking a few seconds to regain your breathing and judging by your surroundings, nothing seemed to be harmful to reply, right?
"A-ah, yeah, but it's not that good or a job, y'know?....Just a hobby."
Stuttering out and muttering the last part, inside your head you were screaming, had you lost your people skills too? Soft chuckling can be heard from him, he gives you a small smile, not noticing how he scooted closer to you since he couldn't quite hear your voice from afar.
"I think it's incredible how a person can put their imaginations into words and share it so freely to everyone across the world."
Heart beating fast.
He hits it home. He was definitely speaking the language of a writer, and you find yourself standing straighter and smiling a bit wider. There wasn't much people that shared your interest, your relatives and friends were always into musical and artistic drawings, or the domestic kind of jobs and talents. You were the only one who loved writing so much and pursued secretly. Meeting someone who shared the same thought and words as you cannot be forgotten.
You had to know him.
"Thank you..I take it you write as well?"
Score, you manage out a normal reply without being awkward.
"An editor to be exact, it's not as fun as it sounds. I was aiming for literature but it seems life wanted me to have a little detour."
Nothing was boring. In fact, it was making you more happy to hear how much you had in common with him. Not able to hold back the next words, you blurted out,
"I think it's amazing you're still part of the writing community. Be it any position I know you must have such potential in your work."
You catch his eyes just staring at yours behind his glasses. Biting your lip in habit gor when you feel nervous, you clamps your hands together and immediately stammered an apology for invading his personal life.
He laughs, but not too loudly.  The longer you reviewed his features and everything, the more he was starting to look like someone you've been day dreaming.
No, fate cannot be this powerful.
But he seemed so much like him that you wanted so badly to point your fingers to all the matched characteristics he was performing. From his outfit, hair, glasses, and his feature but more realistic, different. His eyes weren't the same gun metal ones as you remember from that character, but he radiates so much of his aura.
"Here are your orders, Kei, ma'am."
Ah damn, you didn't catch his name.
The both of you thanked the kind male before walking away from the counter. Scanning your surroundings quickly for a good spot to sit, you saw the free spot by the window where the rain was pattering and went there. It was like having a television show for free. Seeting your tray down the small coffee table, you stabbed in the straw to your beverage and mixed it up a bit before taking a sip, feeling empty and sad from not getting to know who that person was or to befriend him.
He was nice, gentle, something you would in a man before befriending them. You wanted to know more about his works and his ways of writing, maybe show you his ideas on literature writing. But mostly, you were intrigued from his entire existence.
You wanted to know more about him that it made your stomach twist in guilt and regret from the opportunity slipping away.
"May I sit here?"
And it slipped right back to you.
Biting the straw in your mouth as he smiled at you holding his tray of waffle and steaming coffee, awaiting for your permission before you nod out of daze and watched as he takes a seat in front of you.
Cliche was the first word that came up in your mind. You never would've thought that the scenario of a cute boy in glasses and a sweater hugging his body would want to be seated in a cafe with you.
And you loved cliche scenarios, even dreamed of having your own story-like life.
"The cafe is pretty empty, and you looked like you could use some company."
"I didn't take it that you enjoyed company so I sat far away.."
"You're right, I'm not. I wonder why now."
Was this his way of flirting? If it was, you're buying it. You loved how his voice was smooth and calm. The stoic look on his face earlier replaced by a pleased one with a small smile while taking a sip of his coffee.
"Maybe because I look lonely and you felt bad?"
"I simply wanted to enjoy my treat while chatting with someone who knows my interest rather than myself. Besides,"
He places down his cup on the tray before leaning his head a bit and smiling,
"It's not bad to get out of my shell now, right?"
His face stayed up close as yours was heating with your body getting ligther. He looked like him, he acts like him when he was all grown up. You didn't want to believe in the source of reincarnation and their mysterious, yet hopeful glimmer, but you knew. You knew and you would bet everything that this person was the perfect resemblance to the Akaashi Keiji.
"You never told me your name."
It came out like a whisper from your lips, the rain outside pouring harder as night fall came. He remains the same, smiling like a cheeky person, now fully interested in a person like you, a random stranger whom he just caught writing a romance prompt about a man she met in a cafe.
The detour his life had turned around for him to take, and yours to be fulfilled.
All the possibilities or unexplainable books, movies, theories. The characters, the events, all now making you dizzy at the idea of it all being true at a specific time and place. All of it was too good to be true. Too much that it made your eyes a bit teary to have finally encounter the person who has raised you high and kept you moving. The person who could never compare to the other people, be it fiction or reality.
"My name is, Keiji."
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theodcra-blog · 5 years
✱  kim  doyeon.  she  /  her.  cis  female.  —  i  know  that  theodora  “  theo  ”  jung  is  one  of  the  roses.  which  makes  sense  because  the  twenty  year  old’s  parents  are  hollywood  royalty  known  for  producing  and  recording  multi-platinum  awarded  albums.  rumors  say  that  they  are  the  quixotic  of   the   group  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s true.  +  plucking  petals  off  of  daisies  in  the  name  of  a  crush  ,  steeping  teabags  for  too  long  ,  the  scent  of  perfume  left  behind  on  a  pillowcase.
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                   hello  !  im  xan  and  im  late  as  usual  but  alas  ...  😔  im  22  ,  from  the  est  timezone  (  even  though  my  sleeping  schedule  …  does  not  reflect  that  sjbdwjkbdjdw  )  &  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  !  i  truly  ...  never  know  what  im  doing  with  intros  they  just  turn  out  long  &  messy  aha  ... are  u  ready  ?  *jungkook vc*  let’s  get  it  !  😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK STATS  !
full name: theodora marie jung.
nickname(s): theo, teddy, dora (  but only by bullies 😠 ).
zodiac: libra sun, aqua moon ( click ! ) 
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: singer / songwriter, model. 
birthplace: los angeles, california.
current residence: wherever this rp is taking place aha x
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY ! ( tw: sexual themes )
so her parent’s story was actually a pretty big scandal in the 90′s ! basically theo’s mom was the pretty famous front woman of a band ( think stevie nicks in fleetwood mac ) who was long engaged to the guitarist of that same band....until one day it was announced she was quitting the group and starting her solo career, leaving her fiance, and signing to a new label.....which was run by theo’s father, a young up & coming producer taking over the family business. not even three months later theo’s mom releases her first solo album, produced and co-written by theo’s father, basically detailing this years long affair the two had been having... in a series of really catchy, moving, and wildly successful songs. 
the public went crazy over the drama, especially when rumors started circulating ( through detailed analysis of the lyrics to all of theo’s mom’s solo songs ) that the well known band had actually been quite toxic. basically it was enough to convince media outlets and fans alike to forgive theo’s parents for being cheaters and breaking up the band JSDBWBDJWBD. by the time theo was born in the last year of the iconic decade that launched both her parents into stardom, everyone couldn’t be happier the two stars were getting the happy life they deserved <3
so here comes baby theo.....and the world kind of just immediately labels her as america’s sweetheart. her mom had some minor health issues which just meant it would be safer to not have anymore kids after theo, so not only was she this little angel to the public, she was also her parent’s little miracle baby ! lets just say she had some big shoes to fill bc of all the expectations ..
luckily no one had to worry abt her being a demon child JSBDJWDWJ because she turned out to be a very sweet kid ! she was a HUGE daydreamer since she spent a lot of time alone growing up </3 her mom had retired from singing and was now helping theo’s dad run the label, and the two of them were always busy looking for new talent to sign. she didn’t have any siblings and although she had a really attentive nanny it just .. wasn’t the same ?? so to #Cope JSBDWBSBDJW theo was always creating these super elaborate little fantasy worlds. it wasn’t uncommon for u to find her deeply engrossed playing barbies alone like she had scripts and everything 
by the time she was a preteen her parents were both really pressuring theo into thinking about a singing career, so wanting to please them ( and knowing that it was something she was kinda into anyway ) theo said ok sure ! and that’s where.....things start to take a turn. since she was so young she had this very very clean, innocent, cute image ( think disney stars ) & most of the music she was making was used for kids shows or movies. she didn’t really mind it so much but she noticed that her creative process wasn’t really valued ? or taken very seriously by her parents, because in their eyes like that’s their kid you know she’s still young, she’s always had her head in the clouds, they just really didn’t think it was a big deal if they took control. 
so theo put up with it, but the years kept going by, she kept getting older, and nothing was really changing. she still had a squeaky clean image, little say in the type of music she was making, but on the outside everything looked great. the public loved her, she was a role model for kids ( even though she was a teenager now ), it was all perfect.....until it wasn’t. when she was 16, she had a scandal akin to the vanessa hudgen’s nude photo leak, except it wasn’t as explicit ( not a nude, just a suggestive pic ) and it was way way worse considering theo was a minor. 
legal action was immediately taken by her parents, but once something’s out there you can’t really stop it from circulating, so the photos existed, just not on any official media sites. it was traumatizing for theo having her privacy breached like that, especially because instead of talking about how disgusting it was that someone would leak those photos when she was just a teen, gossip sites & fans alike were too busy talking about how her image was ruined. since she’d had such a clean, innocent reputation, people kinda forgot that... she was an actual person going through life growing up, and that she wasn’t perfect. 
theo, being the optimist she is, was like hey you know what? this is my chance to stop making music i dont love. after what was probably her first truly honest convo with her parents, they agreed she should be free to figure herself and her art out. so for the remainder of her teenage years theo fell off the face of the music world....
only to pop back up in the modeling one ! like most celebrities, social media had a big say in this. since reputation wasn’t something theo had going for her anymore, what she did have was a hell of a following still and two famous parents ( not to mention ... shes tall JSBDJWBDWJ ) she did maybe one runway show before deciding she hated that. tbh she hated any modeling that felt too constricting, which is why she never ended up doing anything for big names & mostly does stuff for foreign brands & magazines. 
she liked how much aesthetics had to do with modeling, and to some extent being a part of shoots satisfied that creative itch she had, but music was always her first love. theo really wanted to go back and revisit it, but she was scared the public’s reaction wouldn’t be what she hoped /: 
so following in her mother’s footsteps, theo’s re entrance into the music scene was an ep ( 100% written, produced, edited, you name it, by her ) she released on the eve of her 18th bday basically explaining everything she went through with art. it was only four songs + an interlude, which would become the most talked about part of the whole thing because it was snippets of various reporters talking about that photo leak.
the public had mixed feelings ! unlike with what happened with her parents, not everyone was ready to “forgive” theo. and since she hadn’t done any promo for her music, or for her career as an artist independent from her parent’s famous label, it wasn’t like she was making crazy money and getting all this recognition. but !! she was insanely insanely happy, and that’s when she realized making music wasn’t something she did for other people, just something she liked to share, so what did it really matter if she could be more famous if she was an artist under her parent’s label ? 
cue present day theo, model & singer, although the labels are pretty loose. although her music is getting way more recognition than it did three years ago, she’s still trying to do things independently from her parents, and she still has yet to become a chanel ambassador or anything crazy SDWBKWKFW. because of that she’s kind of garnered this new reputation for herself as one of those celebs that don’t really feel like celebs, like maybe she’s just like u except let’s be real she’s rich and her experiences are NOT universal even if her cute insta pic talking about ~her feelings~ in the caption makes u think they are
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY + TIDBITS !
not even gonna lie to u guys....she is baby. i dont mean that in a uwu shes 20 but im gonna weirdly make her act like a child way im not a freak shes just baby ! like i mentioned earlier theo was a HUGE daydreamer growing up, and tbh she still is except now that’s she’s older her overactive imagination can kinda get her into trouble. a good example of that is the fact that since she’s so keen to see the silver linings in life and the bright sides, she can neglect the bad sides of people and situations so things still fit into her romanticized vision /: this was the cause for many heartbreaks in theo’s life, and she’s still guilty of doing this although she’s trying to work on it !
very much the kind of person to treat everyone like a friend ( that means strangers too ) until you prove you should be treated otherwise. it takes a lot for her to not fuck with you, so if she doesn’t like you then you probably did something to deserve it /: she’s always had a curious personality as well so it’s really easy for her to connect with people just because she’s constantly fascinated by what she doesn’t know about a person. sometimes it can make ppl uncomfortable just how casually she can have a deep convo, but she just never had that filter where she has to know you for 5 years before she opens up about her trauma </3 you know how when bp’s rose and red velvet’s joy had dinner for the first time rose made joy cry bc she was talking abt her family and stuff ? JSDBWBDW theo is rose ... she’s out there sharing trauma deepening that bond day 1 of knowing you baby !  🤧
despite all that she’s still kind of maintained this elusive air to her? it’s not like she does it on purpose, or like no one knows the real her, it’s more like just when you’ve learned one new thing about her you realize there’s that many more things you don’t know. it also doesn’t help the fact that she’s constantly romanticizing everything, most of all herself, so she’s really crafted this “dream girl” persona without fully realizing it. im not exaggerating when i say john green wants what she has </3 
a lot of times people see her as naive, not because she often sees the good in people or anything like that ( although she does ), but because she has this overwhelming sureness that everything works out in the end. to be fair though, for her, things usually do. call it good karma, luck, whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is even when it looks like there’s no way a situation can turn out well for her, somehow it does. it’s a healthy combination of money, privilege, and a charming personality but to theo it’s proof that she’s right.
naturally.....as an air sign JSBDJWBJWBD she’s a huge flirt ! the media’s always linking her to someone because she really makes it seem like she’s dating half of hollywood when the reality is she’s just being friendly. when she actually likes someone it kind of turns into a huge deal like she gets infatuated with her crushes, swears she’s in love — and then poof. one day she wakes up & realizes she’s kinda over it ... until the next person comes along of course <3
hates conflict and confrontation.....and i mean HATES it to the point where she doesn’t even confront stuff within herself ( i.e. “negative” feelings like sadness ) until one day it all bubbles over and she’s having a legit breakdown and dying her hair red. 
yes, that’s exactly what happened last year, although if you ask theo about it she’ll just be like aha what do you mean i just wanted red hair luv x 
pictures like these ( click ! ) of theo when she'd be walking around LA in her school uniform used to go viral on twitter. 
desperately wishes she was the type of singer ppl would throw their bras at on stage when the reality is she’s out there making some chill bedroom pop kind of stuff so rip that dream </33333 
knows how to play the piano and the guitar, but keeps joking one day she’s gonna make an album and only use her recorder as the instrumentals.
has a white british longhair kitty named zoe.
is 100% that bitch that can only drink sweet drinks & fruity cocktails and u know what she’s valid for it ! 
if she wasn’t famous she’d be making slime. legit running a slime making insta, those were her guilty pleasure & shes so mad they aren’t that popular anymore JSBDJWBDJW
u know that post that’s like “i hate making tea i always feel so bad about throwing away the tea bag i feel like i should just eat it” ? thats theo 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED CONNECTIONS !
BEST FRIENDS: a power duo the public either loves or hates, ride or dies, that 1 person theo would drop everything for no matter what.....yeah 🥺 they’d be the person she’s closest to & vice versa !   
CHILDHOOD / FAMILY FRIENDS: their famous parents were friends, so it’s only natural they wanted their kids to be friends too. just imagine the stories ..... the memories .... maybe they got along really well and are still friends today ! or maybe theo pushed your muse off of the swings ( she claims it was an accident ) and your muse never forgot and to this day they’re sworn enemies.....</3 or less dramatic......they just drifted apart and now it’s like hey we used to be so close aha thats awkward let me just smile at you and walk away ....
LIKE SIBLINGS: someone who sees theo as a sister, and who theo considers her unofficial sibling. most likely she’s gonna bother the shit out of this person as siblings do but they really mean a lot to her because it’s the family she never had /: 
CONFIDANTS: the one person theo keeps finding herself talking about the things she usally keeps inside with. i think it’d be funny if both of them find it weird to do things like go out to lunch or shop together because that’s not what they’re used to !
ACQUAINTANCES: friends who are only really friends when both of them are wasted or friends who only comment heart eye emojis and fire sign emojis under each others insta posts but don’t actually talk much for whatever reason
FRIENDS THAT DATED: maybe things just ended amiably between them, or maybe it’s like an “everyone told us we should date so we tried it and boy was that the weirdest thing we ever did” situation. either way the outcome is they’e still friends <3
CAHOOTS: what is this u may ask ? someone theo can be in cahoots with. she has a dumb idea that no one else is likely to say yes to? she goes to ur muse. ur muse has an idea no one in their right mind would say yes to? they go to theo. these two are in cahoots !  
BAD INFLUENCE: although that america’s sweetheart reputation is gone, overall theo is still seen as a “good girl” by the public. she’s not one to be in a lot of scandals so i think it’d be really fun if your muse is corrupting that ( whether they’re doing it on purpose or not ) and whenever theo’s with them she just somehow always manages to end up in trouble. 
THE BIG EX: theo’s first real relationship, and first real heartbreak. everyone before them had been an infatuation, but your muse was the real deal. maybe the media ruined it, or they ruined it themselves by being too scared of their feelings to stick around, or maybe one of them was willing to try but the other wasn’t. either way it ended badly, and whether those feelings are resolved or not....thats a secret i’ll never tell x
SUMMER FLINGS: give me past & current ( or maybe even recurring ) summer flings where they both know it’s temporary but boy is it fun while it lasts. google their names together and you’ll find paparazzi snapshots on the backs of vespas, on million dollar yachts, holding hands in museums or sunbathing on the beach but by the time fall comes creeping in the romance is over. 
HOOKUPS: friends with benefits and it’s not awkward between them, friends with benefits and it’s super weird between them because they may be crossing over into real feeling territory, one night stands / hookups that were huge mistakes, one night stands or hookups that were or are being kept secret from the rest of the roses for whatever reason, someone who leads theo on but never gets serious about her, or someone she leads on but she never gets serious about, her go-to hookup on a night out when she’s partying, etc. 
WILL THEY WON’T THEY: a friendship that always teeters on the line of something romantic ! maybe they’re both oblivious to the chemistry / tension or maybe they’re aware of it because they get jealous when they hear about the other being with someone else… maybe they refuse to do anything about it because they don’t want to complicate things or maybe they purposefully cross lines when they feel that jealousy…..could be more angsty or it could be more wholesome depending on which way it goes 😈
ARTIST TO ARTIST: i don’t think .... we have any other singers / ppl in the music industry but i could for sure be wrong JSBDSJBDJWD but ! i still would love to have people theo’s worked with before. maybe if your muses has been acting since they were little, theo could have mingled with them back when she was doing music for kids shows & movies. maybe your muse is a model and theo and them have done shoots together before. maybe theo’s written a current song for a movie / tv show your muse was a part of. maybe your muse is a model and theo asked them to feature on the cover of one of her albums. maybe she hired your muse to act in the music video of one of her songs ! maybe your muse can also sing even though that’s not their main thing and theo’s asked them to feature on a song with her. there are soooo many possibilities that could be lots of fun <33
MISC: “we used to party together all the time until that one thing happen that neither of us talk about and now we don’t do that anymore”, someone who took care of drunk theo once and ever since then she’s taken that as an open invitation to knock on your muse’s door at 3 am completely wasted, “we tried to date but the paparazzi caught us on a date and we were too scared / sick of the public eye so we never got far”, flirty friends who say no i’d never sleep with you haha…unless you’re down?, your muse was theo’s first time OR theo was your muse’s first time, stereotypical happy go lucky and grumpy relationship where the grumpy muse pretends not to enjoy the other’s presence, enemies but it can’t be anything petty it would have to be pretty serious so if u want that drama.... 
that’s the end i promise it’s finally over 😭😭😭 i truly just ramble & ramble im really so sorry abt that JSDJWBDJWBDJWBDJW i tried to include as much info as possible to make plotting a little easier for all of us so lets pray this works </3 u can come message me on discord to plot @ seulgi ily ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172 so give this a like if u wanna .... do that ahahahaha x 
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yadesghostninja · 5 years
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Ninjago Characters as Zodiac Sings
“I wake up today thinking on this for us uwu// so just have fun, let me know what you think about”
Note : some characters have an alternative sugestion because some descriptions on the sings didn’t suit them at all.
Kai Smith (Aries : March 21 – April 19)
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's his talents
- Fire!- Rash and  hot-head ninja is the best example to represent Aries energy. There’s well know that Kai has a protective and pathernal side specially whit Nya and Lloyd so I was not really sure at the beginig if Leo can be treated as his secondary sing. (Curiously it suits whit some alike whit Sensei Garmadon) 
Cole Brookstone (Taurus: April 20 – May 20)
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable,Persistance
Weaknesses: Stubborn,Slowly,Jealous.
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands
Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics
Earth!- Strong and Friendly, Cole is the Taurus ninja. Food lover even if your body is a temple and good music at the order of the day! Practical and well-grounded to work whit nature. It is sayed that Taurus is a good sing for artists and artisans, but it is too for hardworkers and anything how needs constance and patience like take care of your young baby master 
Jay Walker (Gemini: May 21 – June 20)
Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas
Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive
Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town
Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine
Thunder! Expressive, whit a fun word over his mouth Jay can suit Gemini sing, no matter what Gemini allways have something to say if it is serious or not. as Jay, Gemini thinks,create and acts fast as lightning! but needs some serene-Tea to clear your ideas. 
Skylor Chen (Cancer: June 21 – July 22)
Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends
Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life
Deeply intuitive and sentimental, can be apparently selfish or cold whit people how distrust. Familly and friends are his life! As Skylor disguse herself, or help in the ressistance, She do anything nessesary to take care from they most close circle people. his heart is a real treasure!
Lord/Sensei Garmadon (Leo: July 32 – August 22)
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, inflexible
Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends
Leo dislikes: Being ignored or underestimated, not being treated like a Most Important Person.
Leo allways want to be MIGHT AND GREAT AS LORD GARMADON!!!
Allways looking for something to conquer! Leo needs to be at the top, or being noticed by his most important persons. But, as Garmadon, Leo have a fatherly golden heart inside that Oni self-centered personality they’ll carry somethimes They just want to have something at his own image and share it whit the whole world!
P.I.X.A.L. Vorg (Virgo: August 23 – September 22)
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Learn new things, A&Q, nature, cleanliness,order
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help to others, taking center stage
For sure, P.I.X.A.L. is allways ready to be your personal asistance, You can trust a Virgo any research or servicial task, this things makes them feel alive and less unusless. Virgo is pround to saves the day being useful and caring! Take care of you is his strong and weak point at the same time. Is not bad think on you somethimes Virgo, you’re more special than you think
Sensei Wu (Libra September 23 – October 22)
Strengths: Cooperative,diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social
Weaknesses:  avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity
Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors
Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity
There’s something you must know about Libra! They’re the Masters of wathever they loves! The secret of Sensei Wu as any Libra is that their  focus in whatching a balance in anything they’re doing or done and seeing diferent point of views of all. Libra is in the bottom of his soul a person how looks for peace for everyone and in his own, however he is going to tend to feeling misunderstood to “doing the right thing”. (a secondary sing for Wu is sagittarius, because is the sing of “great wisdom” and a never-ending student of life itself)
Morro (Scorpio: October 23 – November 21)/ Ophiuchus:November 21 to December 21)
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people
Scorpio are famous for being too possesive and obstinate people. Well the thing is that Scorpios, as Morro, they’re strong belivers and dreamers, so they’ll do ANYTHING to reach they objetives, good or bad, in the hard or the easy way. Never lied or break a promise that you’re not certaion you can carry at all, because Scorpio is going to take it SO SERIOUS! FOR REAL!, Inside a scorpio is an unexplored world talking about feelings and thoughts. However is a very loyal, and GREAT confident and protective person and deeeep deep inside a lovely heart.
(Capricorn and Leo was considerate to being the morro’s alternative sings by his perseverance and pridely Imthegreenninja mood, but I’m sure there’s more things to tell about him so the thend to be confident of scorpio suits him very well)
Lloyd Garmadon (Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21/ Ophiuchus:November 21 to December 21)
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors
Sagittarius dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details
The Green Ninja! Sagittarius is that kind of people how can join strangers to his cause as Lloyd keeps assembled the ninja team! Your’re a person how have a great inner vision of things and allways looking to found a place in the endless way of life, a sagittarius whitout a propouse or a challenge is lost. your sense of honor makes you a formal person, but you can somethimes get relaxed enjoing whit your friends or social ambientance. ah but you can be a littel EXTRAAAA!! As Lloyd and Sagittarius your challenge in life is being able to keep the way you chosse, you’re going to be a very sage person or a relentless child.
Theory Note: If you’re Ophiuchus, is not a sing (sorry if you belive it)  is really betwen Saguittarius and Scorpio (and even reaches part of Acuarius far in the constellation), so if you’re from  Nov 30 – Dec 10 you can be treated as a mix of them (?)   
Ronin (Capricorn: December 22 – January 19)
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst
Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some pointCapricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature.
Ronin the bounty hunter  Is and ambitious and stiff person as much as Capricorns can be! there’s no anything how can be to difficult or to risky to do from them If you pay enough cash to them of course! If you’re Capricorn you know that nothing is free and there’s allways a price to pay for, maybe you as Ronin can’t trust in much people because you have your own rules and self-point of view, others can learn from you how to manage themselves and being independant and self trusted and maybe you can learn from others to have some free time! As Ronin do, Capricorns allways have a business, a deal or something to do. There’s allways a plan whit Capricorn ahead.Sucsses is Life! From all how deals whit Capricorn (I first think that Capricorn was a good sing from Crox & Acronix (but not sure), but Ronin describes the sing very well,and side sing from Lord Garmadon) 
Zane Julien (Aquarius: January 20 – February 18) at some point Ophiuchus too
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them
 Deep thinkers and highly intellectual  Zane as Aquarius are created to protect those how can’t protect themselves!, as Master of Ice,Aquarius seems to be “c o l d” and wierd person. But Aquarius is allways in mood to help someone, somehow how is on his cause, maybe you’re not an nindroid but maybe for some people you have no sense of humor, but you can have original and inovative ideas how noobody would ever think. Aquarius as the new era, there’s sayed that Aquarius have a special connection whit any kind of technolgy and Electricity (by some of these facts, I considerate Aquarius as an Alternative sing from Jay). Aquarius is a great tactical thinker and scientific, secretly a genius! but you’re true potential is in turn on your emotions button (Zane has Virgo and Sagittarius as side sings, by his belives in visions and analityc system mind (right a nindroid duh))
Nya Smith (Pisces:February 19 – March 20)
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr, feeling useless.
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind
Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. 
Samurai and master of water! Strong and mild As Nya, Pisces are Very creative persons! Allways being your reinforcements no matter what! Piscies is happy whit friends and people how follow them or a place to shape his skills. Allways worried from others but they’ll never show to someone their problems, just when it becomes great, can make a great drama for it. 
As a Water master, you feel really good staying close of you element. because somethimes you can be some hot-headed as you bro Aries Kai (but worse) Let you flow and trust yourself as Nya did it and world would be more easy to carry on (It was too hard to me suit P.I.X.A.L. and Nya just in Virgo or Psicies because they have some similar personalities, but Psicies wins Nya by his emotive nature)
Hope that you like it guys, have fun! Let me know what was your character and what you think! Reblogs are very appreciated! not repost plz I have all the day correcting it and writing PLZ (YES I’M EXTRAA)
yes, some descriptions are not properly mines but I correct some things
SOURCES https://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/
Derek & Julia Parker’s Encyclopedia of Astrology’s 3rd edition 1982
My bro helping me whit my bad english grammar @mazapancajetosoxd
and Our Ninjago Wiki source  and watching some chapters again Lol! to be sure from correctly write some things (you know I’m really insecure sometimes about my knowlendge u_u)
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nozomikei · 7 years
All of my dearest friends are ones I found through ffxiv and I consider my life vastly enriched by knowing them.
Let's just start with my sweet boyfriend @thebeauregardbros , Alus! You are so precious to me, my darling. ♡ You are the shining sun in my life and I'm delighted to be able to look forward to spending the upcoming years of my life with your unique and endearing self. I love listening to you excitedly tell me about things you've seen or done every night before I sleep. You have the best giggle and the most gorgeous smile! ♡♡♡
Next is my incredible friend, @dice-domino , an absolutely amazing person with an enormous heart and drive. You were there for me from the first rough night I had with family after I added you to my collection of people I adored, my Diadem. You inspire me to work harder and to spread kindness and joy every day and I can never thank you enough for your understanding and support and friendship. You are my resilient Agate.
This could never be complete without a mention of my super sweet and talented friend, @auliander-ffxiv ! My beautiful black marble angel~ I continue to be honored by your thanks and by your claim that I was among the first to welcome you thoroughly to Balmung. You are a darling whose talents and taste I admire, a sweet angel who is always ready to hop in and help out. Thank you for being my marble.
@samurulantis , I was enamoured of your glorious Elezen from the moment I laid eyes on him, but even more I wanted to get to know and befriend the cool person behind such an elf. Thank you for honoring me with a tag in this, Ru, I truly appreciate it, and treasure your sweet words. I hope I can always continue to be a warm light of joy and friendship in your life.
@tidusyumemiru , how could I mention Ru and not you? I couldn't have guessed the day that I met the pretty elf, that I would also meet the sweet person who held their heart nor that I would grow to consider them a treasured friend. You are kind and understanding and your character is so edgy it's cute. Thank you for being my friend. ♡
@wayward-whelpling , You are one of my newest friends, but totally someone I enjoy talking to and learning about! I was so flattered by your teasing of Nozomi in his traffic cone look and the beautiful art you generously shared. XD ☆ I admit I feel a bit protective of you, like you're a little chicky I'm watching over.
@xhazi , I know we haven't talked much lately, but I still consider you a really really good friend and I often keep you in my thoughts. You were one of my very first rp partners and every exchange with you was incredible and helped me develop my Nozomi and gave me the confidence to keep rping. You are an insanely strong and intelligent person and I look up to you and cheer you on in my heart. Let's catch up soon!
@eorzeas-top-model , Another darling friend I haven't talked to nearly enough lately! Even though we don't chat much, just know that you have a place in my heart and that I admire your beautifully developed characters and your god-tier art skills that you've trained. I hope we can reconnect soon!
@jakejagged , Hey buddy! You give some great hugs and I'm reeaaally hoping to get another at this next fanfest! You're such a sweet guy, Jake, you really helped me feel comfortable in GHOST, and you did the same at fanfest. ♡ Karaoke was so much fun! Let's chat more soon, okay?
@finalvalor , @smilesforone , @ladyramora , I'm happy we've gotten to interract some lately and I'm glad I am getting to know each of you a bit better! I like seeing posts from you all on my dash. You write such great stories, Ramora, never let the world tell you different. ☆
@orangechaffinch , You probably reblog more of my content than any other person I've seen, thank you. XD
@ikayahtumet and @chaitearex , you two are total sweethearts and I'm really glad to know you both. ♡ You've both been so welcoming and warm from the start. Khona, your screenshots always look sooo cool!
@oleandre-ffxiv , dude, we haven't talked a lot lately but I still get happy every time I see you online! You are so talented and cool and I'll always consider you one of my dear jewels, Nacre. I still remember your first posts about this awesome idea you had, and then the ones that came after as you realised your vision of a grand opera house. I'm very proud of you. ♡
@the Equinox and Ghost in the Linkshell fcs, y'all are both filled with the funnest, friendliest, creativist, inspiringest people, and I'm overjoyed to call both places home. You both have made me feel super welcome on your respective servers and I'm glad I met you all when I did.
@dantroziman , @tiergan-vashir , @etani-a , @aidan-khontus , @ladyrivienne , @ranirus , @dewdlepies , @nuclearwasabi , @sharpe-vision , you have all been highlights of my ffxiv dash on tumblr. I've gotten the chance to talk to most of you a time or two and was proven correct that you're lovely people that I would be delighted to call friends. Thank you for being such chill, interesting, talented members of our community. UwU ♡☆♡☆♡ Danny, your alts are always beautiful and you yourself are one cool dude; Tiergan, I adore your sweet cat, his 'flaws' make me wanna cheer him on; Tani, your taste is impeccable and your writing is splendid; Aiden, you always make me laugh! Can't wait to see your cosplay next year!; Rivienne, don't think we've talked but your Elezen is gorgeous and so are you, nice writing!; Ranirus, the clothes you design are so perfect, I want theeeem, you have an interesting character!; Dewdle, your art is pretty much guaranteed to make me smile >w<, it's just so sweet and expressive! I can't wait to send you my card!; Wasabi, you are an amazing artist and you inspire me; Luther, it's been a pleasure to watch your character grow, you have such an enjoyable art style and I always get excited when I see a post of yours.
If your name isn't on here and we've interacted then it's prob because I'm terribly forgetful and/or I don't know your tumblr handle- Not because I hate you or don't consider you a friend. Thank you all for being positive parts of my life. ♡♡♡
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