#of course their hot daddy can't be a disabled person/s
the-firebird69 ยท 3 months
He got $30K to leave the military when it needed to downsize. Now the government wants that money back. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/got-30k-leave-military-needed-downsize-now-government-wants-money-back-rcna158823
This a****** next door threatens to extort from our son our stuff everyday and he is getting Palmer than shot and killed in mutilated and burned and everything is happening a piece of s*** and he won't stop doing it. He has no special information is just a mean stupid a******. His talk and rhetoric can discuss these stupid and he's encouraging people just to run around and try and force people to do stuff and it probably won't work but people might get hurt and he is useless okay he's got an absolutely nothing for himself from all this shouting and yelling he's lost most of his army he's down to like 1/4 the size he's lost most of his army almost all of it and he's just swearing insulin f***** up stupid person tell you what he doesn't know a damn thing about what he's doing and all our son would be better at it of course little kids are better at it the guy is a stupid son of a b**** and we need them out and we're going to put we're going to make it go right now
Thor Freya
He's a huge a****** all right he's sitting there sitting on that stuff and not telling anybody and he keeps on going around somehow brainwashing people we're occupied doing all the stupid s*** it's time to go after him and shut him down
Mac Daddy
I don't care what you say you're working for the empire you're insulation and you're in the ignorant prick Trump and we're going to take you down
Tommy f we have the sites we're going to keep them manned that's how we're going to remember and we're going to question you when we have to
Oh this is happening so fast I don't know what to do no it's happened before and it went away before I don't know what would be new
I tell you what's new nothing
It's kind of a very simple formula when you're smaller you don't have the power to do what you used to do they going around now and a lot of you guys get grabbed trying to enforce the hood of silence along with that the max are getting engaged and you're a buffer for them and they're doing a lot of the work that you think you're doing
Zues Hera
Well that looks right from what I say is he's saying it like it is and we're getting smaller and we can't stop people like we used to and the max are getting engaged and smaller not much smaller but they're busy there's a third item he says they're going to have me killed and I mean myself as in trump. And yeah that's what it means September 22nd Nathan Hale everybody forgets even I do. And that's only really it's two and a half months away to live so it's in the movie it's already happened and they're counting it down and then that's over and that's what Max up that's what Max do to people in the hospital with cancer or other and have done it for a long time death sentences or give you a dead end and I'm one of them more or less I help them a lot so it's probably coming from my people too he says because they noticed that I was helping them and not having anything that works at my side and encouraging the behavior that they want and I hear all this of course and I approve it to go out because of what I'm doing and I can't help it and he says it worked like silver because I've got a big mouth mostly people like me like the clans and just disappear that's horrendous this guy's horrendous and a buffoon and you're a loser. And he says that and I kind of agree I went around and told everyone to come hot s*** and it's not turning out so great sure I blame him and threaten him but I'm aware that I'm telling people stuff on purpose
Your name is levon and you're kind of a son of the clans and they said it to you too you're not us and you're going to have this name and I remember George saying it and he got it from our friend here he's not really a fan of it but it's the only thing that's ever worked and you're restoring people's memory and trying to erase it and the max were helping and you were doing it and now that's how it works but it really doesn't work and it's fascinating because it's only slightly different than what people do but you go around and actually bring it back and people go after you
Mac Daddy
I saw it got something I sort of get something I think it's my son and no that would be me he's Jesus what a process to try and fight them but I'm not really a hero or a fighter it's just working out that way so watch out when you come up here
We have to tell you the foreigners just drive right over you Trump's but that's great maybe we'll drive over all of you like they should
And holy s*** are you annoying. Little kid we're going to get to you for that. And we'll get to you again for your second comment. Says you're not my friend because I explain how lame you are to everyone. And he's saying that to Trump and the guys clueless. There's something to report we'll get to it in a minute
Thor Freya
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