#of course he's a complex character (and he definitely deserves credit for his more noble efforts when he was v)
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Hey, I have seen a lot of people sending you headcanons and I loved the way you did them! So I was wondering if you maybe had some headcanons for Sir Leon? Cause I think he is actually a great character. Consitent and always loyal and kind but we know so little of him because he is barely shown if not with the knights so I was hoping you had some ideas for him🌻
Hi! I love Sir Leon too honestly and I wish we'd seen more of him, because I think there's a really nice dynamic of him being the only true noble among the round table knights (Excepting Arthur, who's King, because Gwaine rejected his family and blood).
But anyways here you go:
~ I wrote something here that Leon probably wasn't a huge fan of Uther either, which I probably could explain more because I think his opinions are far more complex than I gave credit for.
~ Either way I think Leon has probably seen some really horrible things and had to learn to cope with some of the things he's done (he's older than Arthur and must have been a knight for a while to gain the status he has).
~ Leon was very much the Mum Friend™, early on. Because he felt responsible for making sure the round table knights were respected because of his duty to Arthur. BUT as soon as he got to know them, he returned to being the annoying older brother friend. The actual mum friend was Elyan. The actual ACTUAL mum friend was Merlin.
~ He was close to Arthur when he was younger, and couldn't ever move past seeing him as a younger brother, though he ofc respected him like a king.
~ Leon cannot hold his alcohol. He drinks, but never very much. Gwaine finds this hilarious.
~ He is incredibly protective to sometimes stupid extents. He'll tease Elyan, Percival, Lancelot, and Gwaine about "n0biLiTy" to the ends of the earth, but if anyone ELSE dares to bring it up, he is ready to throw hands.
~ Seriously, you saw how ready he was to fight Gaius of all people in the tavern in Goblins Gold. Now imagine his reaction to hearing one of the noble born knights say that "Elyan's not a knight, he's a blacksmith" or "Gwaine is an insult to the notion of knighthood" or "Arthur's servant needs someone to kick some bloody manners into him". Elyan has restrained him, and Percival has physically restrained him, from throwing his gauntlet down, on several occasions.
~ Leon completely denies this ever happened. He's definitely far too noble and gentle to ever fight with his fellow knights.
~ He makes fun of Gwaine's lack of nobility most of all in the presence of the others because he knows the truth about Gwaine's noble blood, and while he'd never betray that secret, he's not above bullying him until his face turns red and he's ready to yell it at everyone himself.
~ He found out after the battle with Annis. Gwaine's anger seemed a little too personal, his comments about Caerleon a little too scathing.
~ Leon's very good at finding out personal secrets about people when he wants to (he never suspected Merlin of course, but if he had, it wouldn't have stayed secret). Arthur jokes that Leon probably has enough blackmail on everyone to stage a coup and take the throne himself and he's not wrong.
~ The round table knights all have rooms in the palace (4x10) which is a privilege reserved for high ranking knights. This does mean that they all live quite closely, and are somewhat responsible for each other. They have all discovered that Leon is not a morning person. Neithers Gwaine to be fair, though Elyan and Percival very much are and they tend to get up very early most days. They'll make sure Gwaine wakes up (which is fairly easy) and then make it Lancelots problem to get Leon up, because dear goddess above the foul mouth on that man when he's tired. Lancelots a good and patient man. Leon at 7am tests this.
~ Leon completely denies this. He's definitely a morning person, they're just mean. Once they said "fine" and told Lancelot not to wake him up. He was two hours late for training. As First Knight, he ensured that he took full responsibility for his shortcomings and worked on them in the future. By that he means he made training several hours longer for all of them and then sentenced them to strength training for a full week. Because he can.
~ But then Percival actually worked himself too hard and was so sore he couldn't get up the next day and Leon was very apologetic and sorry and then worked himself way too hard at which point Merlin put his foot down and told them they were all being absolutely ridiculous and seriously, Gaius only has so much time to make salves for sore muscles.
~ Leon can read and write the best out of any of them — literacy was mostly reserved for nobility. Elyan only learned enough to make a living as a blacksmith, Lancelot tried to learn but never had the resources to, and Percival never learnt at all. Upon learning this, Leon decided to give them all literacy lessons.
~ More Gwaine focused but its needs to be added to this — Gwaine could read and write of course, but he couldn't admit that so Leon roped him in as well. The image of Leon trying to teach everyone to read, while Gwaine pretends he can't, is more amusing to me than it deserves to be. (Merlin joined in and said his mum taught him and no one questioned this which Gwaine finds endlessly annoying and Leon finds hilarious).
I can't think of any more off the top of my head, but I probably will at some point because Leon is honestly an amazing character and deserved so much more development and love.
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shenmeizhuang-blog · 6 years
the crowned clown, episode 6
(Yes, I’m really that behind. Despite the cliffhanger, I still plan to write about this more coherently, re: on WordPress before I move onto the next episodes.) 
So the finale is airing tomorrow, and though I’ve been surprisingly good at avoiding spoilers, I guess I do need to look into how it ends to...evaluate if I should really actually complete this watch. (Who am I kidding—my completist streak, when it comes to short shows, is really bad, and what if I think differently? At least I’m DEFINITELY watching ep 7.) 
I thought, from episode 2, that the show would grab me: if not with trying to have a doppelganger king take over while the real, unhinged, one is still alive and able to wreak chaos (which is happening later, probably), maybe the balance between keeping the nobility happy & implementing reform (*waves at The Firmament of the Pleaides*), or, since it’s going the idol drama route, all the gloriously complex character building and angsting that comes with accidental adultery (that also delves into Yi Heon and So-woon’s former relationship.) But these episodes...I don’t know. Everything just mellowed out from the dramatic ending of ep 2. 
I think my problem is that everything’s coming together way too easily, and hence unsatisfyingly: while I do see why So-woon has fallen in love with what she thinks is an improved version of her husband (...a little like his old, idealistic self?) and Lee Se-young certainly gives her character a lot of charisma, I’m not sold on the OTP yet, so I’m not emotionally connected to much here. Episodes 3-6 just started shoving a bunch of OTP scenes in our face: episodes 3-4 at least being some sort of development (though did that have to involve Ha Seon saving the Queen?). By the time we got to the kiss (I mean it was cute/surprising how direct So-woon was), however, it was obvious that the show was just all “here are some OTP scenes because you should be 100% shipping this by now!” 
...No? Not that I was keen on shipping So-woon with Yi Heon, for sure not really, but the show promised that they had a complex dynamic. A much more complex dynamic than Ha-Seon is as a character, and hence how Ha-Seon’s relationships are playing out. But now that they’ve made it clear-cut that So-woon was never into Yi Heon, and only fell in love with her husband when Ha-Seon stood in, everything is just disappointedly simplified. (Did I just head-canon a ton of character development for Yi Heon?) Of course, that itself is a HUGE moral dilemma, especially for characters like So-woon and Ha-Seon, but the show is just 100% cutting out all fluidity of desire (so what of their relationship before?!) which fit modern sensibilities but for me is just unsatisfying. :(
(Yeah, I guess if I wanted my angst I should’ve just gone to my c-dramas. I will be watching Goodbye My Princess.) 
On the political front (which is, I imagine, why we’re getting so many OTP scenes), it feels somewhat familiar to that mellow stretch in The Advisors’ Alliance. That show was obligated to show Sima Yi implementing the nine ranks system, just like how Ha-Seon (but mostly Secretary Lee) is trying to make the rice payment tax law a thing, but the show also wants to keep more audiences interested, so I feel like they’re padding the rest of the episode with romance. And I have a feeling they’re padding the episodes, in general, to reach that obligatory dramatic cliffhanger scene, and it’s getting strangely painfully obvious. Because I don’t ship the OTP. (Why can’t I just fully enjoy kdramas ughhhhhhh.) 
Another thing: if I sit down and think about it, Ha-Seon decided to play the role of king for a surprisingly self-centered reason: making another character suffer to the point of 生不如死. It’s actually a pretty far cry from how noble he comes off as, even though said character obviously deserves punishment, but the way the other characters react to him indicate that Ha-Seon is like the ideal ruler of the people, from the people: from the Queen to Ho-geol to Officer Jang, etc., etc. I mean, he’s basically going along with what Secretary Lee and the Minister of Taxation is orchestrating: which is a noble thing that maybe aligns with his ideals, but that doesn’t mean he should get all the credit? I just don’t like how black and white the difference between Yi Heon and Ha-Seon is coming off as; Ha-Seon is not a product of the palace/toxic court politics, so of course he seems more noble in comparison. His morality also hasn’t really been tested (because this stretch of episodes have been really, really mellow): even though he seems really “nice,” he really is still politically Yi Kyu’s puppet. 
So? I’m curious what the coming episodes have in store, but my enthusiasm has kind of died down. MAKE ME SHIP THE OTP (because it literally feels like 80% of each episode)! (Also, does anyone feel the same?) 
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himbowelsh · 7 years
What's your first thoughts when you hear every bob character name? What are your feelings towards them?
okay, let’s give this a try.
Richard Winters
actual team dad
lowkey i love richard winters so much?? mostly because he was just this KID. he was a guy, still in college. he wasn’t particularly special or talented, he wasn’t wealthy but wasn’t poor, he wasn’t all that driven… he wasn’t even a leader in school. he was just this generic guy who happened to be a good dude with some good principles, and then the war happened.
that’s when dick really grew up. he came into his own, became the man he was meant to be. he grew into himself as a leader and figured out who he was. 
and it turns out, he’s a really great guy.
he’s the sort of person not built for war or violence. he just does his duty. that’s what he’s good at, and he still goes above and beyond for the people he’s leading. that’s what makes dick winters stand out more than anything else.
he’s such a noble guy, and so humble. he deserves all the credit he gets.
Lewis Nixon
the thing about nix is that he has a lot of issues?? and i really feel like the fandom both pays too much and too little attention to them. or pays attention to them in the wrong ways. i dont know.
nix is an alcoholic. this is a disease, and he struggles as it worsens throughout the series. he also probably suffers from PTSD, or at least some pretty heavily guilt, and i think he lays a lot of that blame on himself.
overall, nix is a very interesting, very HUMAN character. he was portrayed in the show masterfully – i think the real lewis nixon would have been proud to see himself on screen.
i love nix at his best – witty, charming, and happy. at his worst (see: why we fight) he’s a lot harder to love, but through it all he’s very human and very vulnerable. i think he’s an exceptional and interesting character.
Carwood Lipton
okay, first, why is his name what it is (is that?? a thing??? what the hell is a carwood??? like, what does it mean??)
besides that, carwood lipton is a fantastic dude
lip bears the responsibility for a lot of other guys. that’s just the sort of guy he is. he’s willing to lead, but mostly he protects others, and is willing to put his own wellbeing on the line to do it.
lip is a team player, but he’s also very shrewd. he knows how to talk to people. he’s able to tell them what they want to hear, and make himself seem nonoffensive while trying to get his men what they need. the way he handles himself in the ardennes with dike is so careful, but he advocates for them masterfully.
lip is also not afraid to speak up if he feels he can make a difference. he’s not afraid of a lot of things, but he’s far from a reckless man.
he’s also??? such a great guy?? so levelheaded and good.
i really appreciate carwood lipton, okay
Ronald Speirs
my first thought about speris was, “hmm, his name sounds stabby.” lo and behold, he was.
i’m so interested in speirs. i think he’s an incredibly complex character and it’s hard not to be fascinated by him. he just kind of draws you in.
he’s... unnerving. a little scary. weird, intelligent, startling, clever, and so, so fascinating. no matter what, he’s an enigma, and i feel like no one can ever truly figure out ron speirs.
that said, he’s a hell of a fun puzzle to try to solve.
Harry Welsh
i fell in love with harry the moment he did his little “thunder” thing, and flashed that smirk which send me head-over-heels. 
there’s just… something about him, okay?? he’s a shamelss romantic, he’s a tease, he’s so dedicated and sharp and funny, and i… i love him.
he’s a crazy bastard, has got the luck of the irish, and is almost as short as me. harry is my guy and i’d kill someone for him.
Eugene Roe
i just knew roe as the medic at first, and i read a lot about him before i actually started to know him. i knew he was cajun, was sort of serious, and that bastogne was his episode
i actually find gene really interesting because of everything he keeps locked away. he’s the definition of “still waters run deep” and i find his internal struggle between saving lives and having blood on his hands fascinating.
he’s also so humble, and clever, and will put himself on the line for the men it’s his job to save. he takes his job seriously, and is the best medic easy could ask for.
he’s so... compassionate?? so great?? he’s fantastic.
Babe Heffron
i’ll admit when i first heard babe’s name i laughed out loud, because??? “babe?? his name’s BABE?? tell me that’s not his actual name”
it wasn’t. i was a little relieved.
aside from that
he’s so great!! so great! 
he’s such a good guy, and so genuine. there’s nothing artificial about him. he’s true to himself and to others, and maybe that’s what i love most about him. 
he’s very upfront, very loyal to his own feelings and motivations – esp to his people. babe is fiercely devoted to his people.
he’s also such a nice guy. he actively goes around trying to encourage other people, to make them feel better, and he’s not afraid to show his own emotions. he’s tough, he’s firey, but he’s also very genuine and that’s why i think he’s such a cool guy. (also he’s a dork, so that helps.)
Bill Guarnere
i actually couldn’t recognize him by face for a while. all i pinned him with was “squeaky voice guy” because he does have… a very distinctive… voice. (babe is just as bad, though. those south philly boys, i swear…)
aside from my first impression, i really didn’t like bill for most of the first episode. the whole “he’s a jew” incident left a horrible taste in my mouth, and i thought, “well, this guy’s gonna be a jerk.”
bill surprised me, however. he could be a jerk, but he was also a great guy when it counted. he’s a good man in a storm, and it was around episode four that he really started to grow on me.
bill is loyal to a fault, he’s fearless, he cares so much. he’s a tough guy, but when something matters to him, he doesn’t give up on it.
if it wasn’t for bill, easy company’s camaraderie would not have lasted over the years. bill did so much, he was such an amazing guy, and i really appreciate him a lot.
bill guarnere rocks, okay
Frank Perconte
he’s so small, petty, and bitchy. he’s literally me.
i have such a soft spot for frank, okay? i don’t talk about him much but i’d go ride-or-die for him, because i RELATE, okay? i’m that friend who’s always worried about how i look, who complains a little too much, but who’s always there when his friends need him. sometimes i overreact, sometimes i’m stubborn, but i’ll do my best for my friends
(i’m like a really weird hybrid of web and perco. i don’t know.)
George Luz
i actually barely noticed him until i started scrolling through tumblr after watching the first episode. the first BoB blog i found was devoted to george, so i got a crash course in how great he was. i developed a healthy appreciation for my boy.
now, what would i do without george luz?
george is the heart of easy co, and keeps up their spirit in the darkest times. he’s supportive, he’s witty, and he boosted the morale of the entire company. without them, things would have been a whole lot darker.
he’s also not afraid to get sassy, which i appreciate. he tells it like it is.
he would shoot a chicken for biting him. while i do not condone this, i respect him for it. i, too, might try to kill someone if they bit me.
how much do i love george luz??? a hell of a lot.
Skip Muck
long before i knew his name i recognized him as the guy from supernatural, so i was like, “holy shit, it’s THAT guy!” then i read his name was skip, thought about the character, and was like, “yeah, sounds about right.”
i love skip, okay? he’s just the best guy. he’s the best friend, the most caring parson -- he’s heroic, he’s charming, he’s optimistic and funny.
skip never lost his faith in a brighter future. he loved his friends and family more than anything else. he died trying to bring his friend to safety, and if there’s an honorable sort of death, that would be it.
i would do anything for skip muck. he deserves so much better.
Donald Malarkey
my first thought when the show introduced us to malarkey was, “well, someone got the short end of the naming stick.”
i don’t feel as strongly about malarkey as i do about the other characters. i like him, to be sure, i just... he never stood out to me as much.
he’s a really great guy, and the emotional journey he goes on is shocking. he starts the war as one man, and ends it as another. seeing all that malarkey loses is terrible.
Joe Toye
it actually took me a long time to recognize joe in the show! i remembered him as “puppy dog eyes” for a little while tbh
i thought of joe as a tough, gruff, sort of stoic guy from the beginning, and that’s not too far off. he is tough as nails, that’s for sure.
but i find joe most interesting because of the softer side that he isn’t as willing to show. joe is a guy who’s deeply affected by things. his loyalty to his comrades is his strongest trait, but he also has an intense emotional side.
joe struggled with self-esteem issues. he cared for others with all his might. he took the events of the war hard enough that it took him years to recover.
joe’s emotional side is the most fascinating thing about him, in my opinion, and i love him for it.
Joseph Liebgott
the first ever clip i watched from BoB was the concentration camp scene, ft. winters shouting liebgott’s name very loudly, multiple times. “well,” i thought, “that sounds like a german name. this guy must speak german.” then i saw liebgott’s face, and it all spiralled from there.
joe liebgott is a complicated guy, okay
he’s so angry, and has every right to be. liebgott’s rage manifests itself in the most gut-wrenching, heartbreaking ways. the scene in the concentration camp is the most powerful of the series, and ross plays it so well. liebgott’s range of emotions in that scene is awful to watch.
aside from that, liebgott is an angry guy in general. he’s a little cruel, and he takes his emotions out on others. he’s by no means perfect, but he’s also sarcastic and charming and kind of a brat.
i think you learn the most about liebgott by seeing his interactions with others -- with winters, with webster, even when he offers to blow up sobel. he’s a conflicted, complex character who stands out because of the shades of grey in his own morality.
(he’s also gorgeous. superficial, but true.)
David Webster
the show (and ambrose’s book) were really kind to webster, okay? he wasn’t actually as important as he’s portrayed in the show -- he didn’t play a role in the patrol, he wasn’t on the drive with liebgott -- but i am very fond of the character we were given.
webster is a bit too relatable, okay??
he’s a writer, a little socially awkward, with obsessive interests. he likes thinking he’s smarter than he really is. he’s lazy, but he tells himself he’s following his own morals. he’s also a gifted writer with a strong set of principles and beliefs, who isn’t afraid to speak his mind.
i empathize with webster a bit too much, to be honest.
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