#of course he lacked the confidence/knowledge to do that. but if he'd met the harkers earlier maybe he would have felt emboldened to do so..
vickyvicarious · 1 year
Maybe Van Helsing should have revealed the truth to Jack the way Mina revealed the truth to Jonathan: make him supper first. She also probably didn't thrust the telegram into his face.
I respect this, and I certainly agree that a more gradual method of revealing the truth to Jack would have been better. However I also don't think that (a) van Helsing is capable of smoothly turning the post-dinner conversation to "so you know the woman you love who died very recently, I think she's a creature of the night", or (b) Jack would have taken it any better if it were delicately brought up after a nice meal.
The man was so miserable and is repeatedly so envious of others being comforted, I kind of feel like he would interpret the whole meal/gentle introduction of the topic of Lucy as an effort from someone to take care of him and just break down. Van Helsing gets as far as a soft "It's been a few days since the funeral of Miss Lucy," and Jack, who has a glass of alcohol in hand, a belly full of good food, has been enjoying someone seeking out his company after he has been isolating himself miserably in work, who feels like he doesn't have a right to ask for comfort for multiple reasons but who is very frayed at always trying to be the one to offer it and wants it so badly for himself - Jack starts crying hard.
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