#oddly enough there exists one manga that i wish was made into an anime! and that's
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snkception · 6 years ago
So @momtaku​ tagged me in a ‘list your 5 fave anime characters’ meme, which promptly made me wonder: do I even have 5 fave anime characters?? The truth is that I mostly read manga, and anime is not my favourite medium. As such, this meme will be an exciting journey of self-discovery
Rules: list your top 5 favorite anime characters and tag 10 people.
1. The first one to pop into my head was Touya Akira from Hikaru no Go
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Again with the caveat that I prefer him, and everything always, in the manga. But I do remember enjoying the anime! (Why does Touya have green hair in it? No one knows)
2. Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist is an obvious choice
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(Don’t ask me in which anime I like him better. Both! Both. But mostly the manga, lol.)
3. Mikasa from Attack on Titan. This is tricksy, because I like the SnK anime for the music and the epicness, but the characters didn’t do much for me. But surely loving Mikasa on the strength of the manga (I know, I know, broken record here) means she must make the list!
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4. Aion from Chrno Crusade
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Hello, obscure anime nobody but me probably knows! But it was the first anime I watched, like, outside of my childhood, and the main villain made an impression. So very villainous.
5. Terry from Candy Candy
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Yes, we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here!!! This was the first anime I watched ever, and Terry was baby’s first anime crush. (I don’t even know how old this anime is. Certainly way older than I am.)
Puzzling this out has sapped my brain powers, haha, so no clue whom to tag. Consider yourself tagged, whoever wants to do it!
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yetremains · 4 years ago
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“Well damn, alright.” Yang downed the rest of her tea quickly, before gasping for a breath as she shoved her cup away.
“Lightning round, lets go!”
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
“It was in my young teen years, 15 I think. I’d been dating that individual for a couple weeks before they abruptly decided to kiss me then and there. We’d been dancing around the subject for a while. It wasn’t spicy or romantic, merely spur of the moment. Was sweet though. The year after that we had broke up and remained friends for a while until we lost contact.”
french vanilla: how old are you?
“You shouldn’t ask someone their age when they been through shit. Too god damn old is the best answer if you must know. I’m older than 28, trust me. Don’t let looks fool you. But hey, I’m getting even older come December 25th!”
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
“Do places long gone count? Can I say Home? Nah probably not. So three places let’s see... Japan, China, Romania. The actual places not whatever anything makes them out to be.”
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
“I know a damn lot of languages actually. Sometimes it’s hard to think of the right words to say because of this, knowing so many. It’s one reason I’m so odd with my way of speaking. However, I would not mind learning some dead languages. If that doesn’t count, then... Persian?”
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
“Ah hell. I mean, I’m not much of a cosmetic expert here. I work with whatever I really need for a music show or for just every day. I could say L’Oreal because I’m worth it joke but that seems in bad taste. If I was using cosmetics just for the enjoyment or to look special, I just try and get whatever works for me.”
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
“Answered this one~!”
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
“Plenty. I’ve decided to learn a few different ones so I can mix together my own music needs of demands arise for it. But I really enjoy stringed instruments or wind instruments. I carry a small harmonica or Ryūteki in my packs.”
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
“Not easy to give an answer for, I’ve got a really broad taste. But I’m thinking something with a heavier beat at the moment-”
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
“Oh come on this makes it harder. As I said, broad taste. I can find enjoyment in many kinds of music and lyrics. Can’t exactly answer a favorite song for life here.”
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
“Which zodiac are we talking here? There are a lot out there. But the first one into my head is Capricorn. I am on the 25th of December.”
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
“As nice as the ocean can be, fuck the ocean. I’ll enjoy the coast line just fine but you won’t catch me swimming that far out in it. There is damn good reason why I don’t like the ocean much anymore. I’ll relax in a pool or a lake or river, thank you.”
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post?
“Good question. I’ve made a few social media posts that exploded. But that’s probably not fair considering the music I do. I think my most popular is from years ago when I spray painted a statue of a certain someone to look like a baboon.”
bubblegum: books or movies?
“Both! Why choose? I enjoy both quite a bit. and besides, Books can always be there no matter what. And can hold so much valuable information depending what you are reading.”
pistachio: manga or anime?
“... Both again? But I prefer novels. This is more a guilty pleasure.”
salted caramel: favorite movies?
“I can’t remember the last movie I watched, if I’m honest, let alone a favorite movie.”
birthday cake: favorite books?
“Hmmm. Hard one. I enjoy the collected works of Edgar Allen Poe? There is Shōgun. The Mark of Zorro, Sherlock Holmes, Bram Stoker Dracula... There’s several.”
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
“Not exactly applicable, I don’t remember the name of any I like when I was young.”
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
“The same as above. Wow I am old... I should really get in touch with these things again.”
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
“Hah, I loved science and history. A damn lot really. I’ve used both to really help my self along and it’s come in handy. My need for knowledge had me spend a lot of time researching.”
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
“I’ve not had any pets since I was a rookie. Never had the time to truly care for one, and now with a hectic life, I’m not gonna do that to an animal.”
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
“Suppose just to exist and have something to do between pit stops.”
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
“It is torn between two for me. A nice warm day, clear, maybe with a gentle breeze. Some clouds above, and calm. That’s the ideal outing day... But, I suppose due to my birthday, I can enjoy a soft snow coming down,some snow on the ground, watching through a window with tea in hand while bundled up and warm. Much prefer clear day though.”
black cherry: four words that describe you?
“Now that’s just not fair. Let me think... Loyal, Determined, Caring, Protective.”
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
“Being reminded of my failings and those I’ve lost... the people I’ve hurt... Thinking about friends I wish I was closer too but too fearful to be that close. Hm. I can also be stressed out by far too much stimulation for my brain at once that it can spin my gears way too quickly.”
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
“Again, broad tastes. But depending on my mood or feelings, it changes what my favorite kind of music can be. But I will always enjoy something gentle and calming.”
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
“I’ve always been partial to chocolates, or cream items.”
toffee: a card game that you’re good at?
“Ever hear of a game called Egyptian Rat Race? Also known as Egyptian Rat Screw, dunno why of course. I learned this game when I was a kid. 52 card deck, deal to each player until the deck is entirely used and everyone has a pile face down. Starting to the left of the dealer players pull the top card off their pile and place it face-up in the middle. If the card played is a number card, the next player puts down a card, too. This continues around the table until somebody puts down a face card or an Ace. When a face card or an ace is played, the next person in the sequence must play another face card or an ace in order for play to continue.If the next person in the sequence does not play a face card or an ace within their allotted chance, the person who played the last face card or an ace wins the round and the whole pile goes to them. The winner begins the next round of play.“
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
“Uh... Admittedly not often. With my metabolism problem I absolutely should, considering the demanding needs. I just can’t always bring my self to do so, the will for it isn’t there. I do snack though.”
dark chocolate: turn ons?
“Ooohh boy... Now this one has me turning a bit red here. I mean there is biting and tight holds, the usual stuff. But... I’m not gonna list a lot here, a turn on can be blindfolding me if I trust my partner enough.”
fudge: turn offs?
“Being an asshole, for one.”
peach: how do you relax?
“A nice cup of tea, maybe some soft music, and let my mind unwind a little. That’s if I’m alone. Otherwise a gentle conversation with a friend about small things... Once upon a time long ago I would have said long hugs or cuddling. Not an option these days.”
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet?
“I’ve not read The Golden Compass, that has been on my to do list.”
superman: do you like sweaters?
“Weird how this one is with sweaters... but yeah I can enjoy sweaters in the right weather. They can be soft and warm, comfy. Great for cold days.”
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
“I drink both actually. But if I have the option for a good tea I’m going to take it without hesitation. Yet the spark of energy from Coffee can’t be denied.”
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
“Without a doubt, Taisho-goto. Have you seen one of those? It’s so intricate and amazing, and can sound wonderful. It can be used to play all sorts of things. Fascinates me that the item was half inspired by a typewriter.”
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
“Oh a few times actually. It’s been a good long while now since I’ve gone that far, but it’s come close. But once upon a time this has happened!”
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
“To Become A Functioning Website.”
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
“Now that’s just kissing and telling...” (( I’d also have to tag and dont wanna spam. ))
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“Oddly specific, but... Variations of ‘One time she punched me in the face. It was awesome.’. “
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
“Uh, natural and colorless? I’ve not painted my nails in a while.”
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
“I have yes.”
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
“Again, yes. We’re not gonna go into this can of worms.”
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
“Sometimes. There comes the occasion when one does get exhausted and needs a damn nap.”
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
“Get way too flustered and accidentally admit I liked someone.”
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
“Completely! You say we’re going to get Sushi and you have my full attention.”
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
“Home unfortunately.”
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
“Nope! I’m thankful for that, but one day I have no doubt that’s going to change.”
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
“Mochi green tea, chocolate chip mint, red bean, Strawberry shortcake... Gelato raspberry or orange cream.”
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natsspammityspamspamham · 5 years ago
Dino Watches Anime (Nov 28)
Obviously, I’m not going to list the ongoing anime that I’ve still watching as that hasn’t changed much. I will put the ones that I recently completed though!
Recently Completed!
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
I was going to put this in chronological order until I realized that I just wanted to get this piece of crap out of the way. Seriously, I regret watching this show. I HATE how it’s the highest rated out of all of them! It’s almost an 8/10! I gave it a 4! Here’s why:
This anime started out okay. I liked the sound of its premise. I liked the idea of teenage psychology being pushed but not as life-or-death but more of status. Because believe it or not, sometimes a person values their image and status more than their life. That plot was... kind of there? I don’t know. It was mostly boobs and ass. Those jiggle physics don’t stop here. They make sure to remind you that every character in this anime has large assets and asses every two seconds. 
The characters are probably the most deplorable part of this show. They were so bad. Seriously, we just took the worst parts of every trope and threw them together! The “I don’t talk to anyone. I don’t have any friends. I’m EDGY and don’t belong here. I’m this close to selling myself to Orochimaru for power”, the “cardboard houseplant that’s so monotone that it hurts”, the “double-sided dipstick that will take out a person’s intestines and use them as a jump rope”, and the “arrogant older brother who is way more accomplished than his sister”. We also have more assorted bastards, but those are the main ones. The characters ruined everything. Their interactions were so coarse, forced, hard to watch, and everything is executed so poorly that it made me wonder whether people rated this for ulterior motives or not. Everyone here is an asshole. 
Let’s look at the first three characters:
“cardboard houseplant that’s so monotone that it hurts” - Shoya Chiba isn’t even a bad voice actor. He does give me Hiroshi Kamiya vibes though (not a bad thing), but his voice acting in this show was hard to listen to because his expression didn’t change and neither did his voice. Seriously, over 12 episodes, he has that same expression. Someone threatened to harm him, and he’s still looking like a dead fish. I can’t describe how much worse it is to have a main character whose facial muscles don’t move. He has no personality.
“I don’t talk to anyone. I don’t have any friends. I’m EDGY and don’t belong here. I’m this close to selling myself to Orochimaru for power” - I like her design, but what else is going for her? How many times does she need to say, “I don’t need friends. I just want to move up in school.” Bitch, I get it. You can calm down. You keep doing things for other people but you say you don’t care? She arguably gets the most growth. Akari Kito voiced her and it was just like how any other person on earth would voice this character. 
“double-sided dipstick that will take out a person’s intestines and use them as a jump rope” - She’s exactly what she sounds like. She’s in that gif. She’s sweet and nice until you catch her being not that. Yurika Kubo did a pretty alright job voicing her. Nothing really to say here besides I hated her with a burning passion.
Music was alright. Animation was... Lerche standard. Nothing special. It looks nice until you are flashed so many times that you can’t tell what this show is even about anymore.
This is one of the worst shows I’ve watched in a while. It wastes a perfectly good premise and voice cast.
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2006 was a good year for anime, and this probably got swept over because Code Geass took the fall season by storm. But this anime was genuinely good. I wanted a good shonen/comedy with action and this filled that void and more. I even read some of the manga before realizing that I just don’t like reading manga that much.
I genuinely like the cast of characters and find them amusing. I also like how they incorporate a stay-at-home dad who wears an apron and no one judges him because it’s what they see as normal. We have a female character whose not being sexualized every few seconds. Sunrise did cheat a little with other female characters though because the manga made their proportions okay while the anime decided to make them look more like a Barbie rather than a human. The animation was pretty okay too. For 52 episodes, it did some pretty okay stuff but with today’s technology, it’s probably not as “wow” as it was back in the day.
I’m just mad that they developed a character only to kill him a couple of episodes later. That’s sad. 
The soundtrack was pretty standard, but I was impressed by the fact that I liked the voice acting. I originally wasn’t as much of a fan of Hiroyuki Yoshino’s works because I found his voice annoying, but when he finds the right character (like Yoshimori or Eraser Mic), he works really well. It’s unfortunate that a lot of the main cast aren’t as prolific as they once were, but I guess that’s life.
No one was hurt in the making of that gif. 
I rated this a 9/10 because it was for pure enjoyment. I didn’t have this much fun watching an anime in a while. This is the anime that got me binge-watching again.
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Nobunaga Concerto
This anime has a blaring problem. It’s not the story, it’s not the writing, it’s not the characters, and it’s not the music. It’s the art. Watch any clip and it will give some Berserk flashbacks.
The writing was pretty good too. The story was genuinely interesting, but in the end, it didn’t feel like it did enough. It didn’t cover enough. The dialogue and the incorporation of modern culture with the historic parts were smart. Saburou was really likeable and oddly adaptive. The characters around him (the historic ones) are pretty cut and dry. The music was pretty good too! The art and lack of adaptation are the only things truly holding this show back.
Mamoru Miyano plays the main character and obviously makes him charming and funny, Yuki Kaji plays Nobunaga Oda, and Nana Mizuki plays Oda’s betrothed. I actually didn’t know anything about Oda’s tale prior to this anime so don’t think that’s required. 
I rated it a 7/10
*Another important note is that they get suddenly racist in the last episode. A black guy appears, and people scream that it’s a monkey like they’ve never seen a darker-skinned human before. It was honestly disappointing.
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Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
Okay, this anime surprised me because of how much I liked it. It wasn’t even anything special. They took the same JC Staff rom-com tropes and put them into another anime combined with some fairy tale lore. But this anime was so entertaining and charming with its cast that I genuinely didn’t hate any of the characters. There were a few moments that made me go, “okay, that’s a bit too much”, but a girl going around punching people with neko boxing gloves? That’s pretty cool. Ookami was a really funny character who I actually found a bit interesting which is weird for a story that’s supposed to be superficial and comedic. Ryoushi is practically a spitting image of my anxiety and personality but in a charming way? He has some cool moments. He’s almost a little like Zenitsu. Courageous when push comes to shove but he’s actually awake. Ringo was the innocent loli until she wasn’t because if you mess with her friend, she will poison you. Again, they made these references to regular rom-com anime and fairy tales that completely roll together nicely. JC Staff didn’t mess this one up, and as always, there’s a tsundere Rie Kugimiya role in there somewhere. 
Because I enjoyed it so much, I gave it a 9/10.
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Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
I literally finished this one an hour ago, read the last chapter of the manga, and went “what the heck?” Because... I enjoyed this, but I also didn’t? Bitter-sweetness at its best. Houko Kuwashima is a really underrated voice actress because she hasn’t taken that many big roles as of recent, but she has incredible range. The characters of this are incredibly plain, but I don’t mind that because they aren’t painful to watch unlike the first anime I mentioned (seriously, I watched the last three shows on this list to wash that bad anime out of my brain). Everyone in this anime seems to be perfect in one way or another because they don’t really wish ill on anyone. Not gonna lie, characters like that aren’t for everyone because “everyone is a scum at some point in their lives”. I definitely respect for the need of balance. The story is pretty simple and plain and so is the art. The music was nice and pleasant. Basically, it’s a palette-cleanser of an anime after watching some bad anime. It’s about developing middle school romance and this... “teenage” couple on the side. It’s about friendship! And discovering yourself, and yes, one character found out she was gay, and I was rooting for that character so hard only to find out that she didn’t get her conclusive ending. Everyone else gets some bullshit ending one way or another! This is published in the same publication as Bungou Stray Dogs, and I wouldn’t have been able to tell if I didn’t look it up. 
I rated this one an 8/10 because I enjoyed it still despite the ending being a little idealistic, sad, and far-fetched (seriously, someone becomes a god and gets their existence erased). 
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acetokens · 7 years ago
My (post game) opinions on the ndrv3 cast
Alright, before the game came out I made this post where I basically vomited out my opinions on how I felt about the newly revealed ndrv3 cast onto a post and it was 50% jokes, 50% venting at fangirls. But now I've actually played the game, delved into the fandom and looked at the changes between the Japanese and English versions, I feel I can make a more genuine list of how I feel about all these good kids that deserved better. I realize my opinions are just that, and I’m probably yelling into the void here. But I felt I had to do a followup to the last post because MY GOD WAS I WRONG ABOUT (MOST) THINGS. I've listed every character in ‘favorite to least favorite’ order for convenience sake. Also this post will contain Spoilers. You have been warned.
Placed under a break for your skipping convenience. Ya’ll are welcome.
1. Himiko Yumeno - I absolutely adore everything about Himiko. Her design, her lazy attitude, her voice (NYEH), her development across the game to become a more driven and energetic person...I found her really funny, really cute and oddly relatable. Himiko is probably in my top 5 DR characters of all time. Which is even crazier when I remember she’s one of the few survivors. I've never had a favorite character who survives a killing game before. So unlike past Dangan Ronpa games where my interest sorta dies off by Chapter 6, Himiko kept me fully invested in everything until the end. She’s a special bean and I love her.
2. Gonta Gokuhara - Continuing the DR trend of a Big Guy who’s a Big Friend, Gonta was so good and so pure and so friendly and deserved so much better. He was always trying to do his best and protect everyone until the very end. R.I.P Gonta. You were a true gentleman. Chapter 4 can suck my ass.
3. Tenko Chabashira - I literally D E S P I S E D Tenko when she was first revealed. I hated her stupid, sexist guts. But come Ndrv3′s release and Tenko turned out to be a dorky, kind, protective and strong willed girl who was skilled enough to be admirable but pathetic enough to be pitiable at the same time. I loved her undying adoration of Himiko (even if it was a bit creepy at times) and the two make a really cute ship. I was expecting some kind of tragic backstory in her FTE’s to explain why she hates men (I believe she mentions a drunken father at one point, and I really wish they went more into that), and the lack of a reasonable explanation for such a strong hatred is what prevents her from sharing (or even taking) the top spot in my book. But misandry aside, Tenko is a Great Gal and I wanna hug her. Although she’d probably bodyslam me.
4. Kirumi Tojou - Kirumi was my favorite when all the characters were revealed at first. I made multiple posts about how I’d die for her and how she was beautiful and whatnot and I was confident about two things when the game came out: 1) She’d be my favorite. And 2) She’d die - following in the footsteps of all previous ‘best girls’ before her. And well, I did really like her. Just...not as much as I thought I would. Kirumi is efficient, brave, elegant, caring and has a really cool design. But her talent occupies most of who she is as a person, and she isn't too dissimilar to most maid characters in anime or manga. So it made her quite predictable at times and I feel they could’ve done so much more with her..ah well. Kirumi is still a super awesome maid and a great Mom. Even if she hates being called that.
5. Kaede Akamatsu - Ahh...I remember when I was wishing someone else would be our protagonist when she was first announced...I think I cursed it. Because Kaede was just *incredible*. She was headstrong, perceptive, kind and left such a big impact on me after Chapter 1. You know that ‘Do It For Her’ meme? Yeah, that about summarizes the rest of Ndrv3 for me. Also Kaede is a huge gay and all the Ndrv3 girls are her girlfriends, pass it on.
6. Ryouma Hoshi - Congratulations to Ryouma for being the only non-standard design character not to be terrible. Far from it, in fact. Ryouma is a badass! A lil’ badass with such a depressing backstory and death that when they showed his motive video, I let out a single manly tear. Or several. Or many. I just...I just want this man to be happy...
7. Miu Iruma - Miu has zipped up and down my lists more than any other character. I had her ranked highly pre-game, lowly during the game, and mid/high post-game. Her design and talent are really cool and she makes several neat inventions over the course of the game, but her personality was so damn prickly and vulgar that I found her really offputting while she was alive. It was only after finishing her FTE’s and seeing her Love Hotel scene that I realized holy shit this girl has some serious trust and abandonment issues. It put all of her behavior in perspective and I began to feel really sorry for her all of a sudden. The hurt/comfort potential here is just WAITING to be uncovered but, alas, most Miu fanfics I've come across are just smut or crackfics. Out of all the Ndrv3 girls, Miu deserves the most headpats. Lots and lots of headpats.
8. Kaito Momota - A good, supportive friend and an effective comic relief. His optimism was a bit grating for me now and again (I never like it when DR plays the ‘’Oh we should just believe in him/her because s/he’s our friend :)’’ card because of how biased it always is. Like, DR will sometimes bend over backwards and completely 180 its own rules to make sure certain characters survive. In a game where finding the truth by objective evidence and fact is key, the times where it just says ‘’nah fuck the truth who needs proof just b e l i e v e’’ just feel so...stupid). But criticisms of the series aside, Kaito is a bro and he’s great. Who doesn’t love the luminary of the stars?
9. Kokichi Ouma - I realise putting the most popular character at 9th is going to make hoards of fangirls despise me but!!!! I don’t dislike Kokichi. In fact I like him a lot. His character is probably the most enjoyable to analyze out of everyone, his interactions are hilarious but also disturbing, the Kokichi memes are funny, and I too think the changes they made to his dialogue in the English translation was utter bullshit (almost as greater character assassination as Mukuro in the DR3 anime). But, I really love most of the characters in the game which leaves characters I’m torn on (like Kokichi or Kiyo) hovering at a position which makes it seem like I dislike them when actually I enjoy them immensely. Just...not as consistently as some of the others. Also Chapter 4 was an kick to the nads that I can’t get over. Sorry Kokichi.
10. Korekiyo Shinguuji - I was prepared to LOVE this guy so much. Seriously. I was ready for the moment where it would turn out creepy noodle man would be turn out to be a Wholesome noodle man. But uh, I think I’m with the rest of the fandom when I say that Korekiyo’s reveal as the SHSL incestuous serial killer made me drop him faster than Kirumi dropped in her execution (sorry). So, now I've establish Kork is the *real* Worst Boy...why did I put him at 10th? Why not 15th? Especially considering he killed Tenko? Truthfully, it’s the memes. Just...the Kork memes. And the fact he’s such an awful person and so obviously a murderer that it becomes genuinely hilarious to me. And his design is my favorite out of all of them. I’m so split on him. So, so split...
11. K1-B0 - Keebo made me laugh a bunch of times, and I enjoyed him more than I thought I would initially. Also his upgrades in Chapter 6 were badass as fuck. But I just don’t really feel the same affection for him like I do other characters. I’m afraid cute robot girls will always be my weakspot. Cute robot boys...not so much. (Although I’m all for Agender! Keebo that’s my jam).
12. Shuichi Saihara - This is the point in my list where I finally reach true neutral. I have no feelings on Shuichi either way. He’s deeper and has a more interesting plot arc than Makoto, which makes him a more effective protagonist in my opinion. But Hinata will always be the best protagonist in my book. And I just keep picturing what it would’ve been like if Kaede survived instead...
13. Rantaro Amami - I never understood why he was uber popular before the game came out and I don’t think I understand why he’s so popular now either. I have no negative feelings on the guy; he’s mysterious and has a ‘big brother’ attitude that I like. But the poor dude just died too quickly for me to feel anything for him. 
14. Maki Harukawa - I only dislike three characters in this game. Maki is one of them. I knew *exactly* what kind of character she was going to be and I knew I wouldn’t like her much and I knew she was going to survive. I didn’t guess she was going to be an assassin! But outside of that, There isn’t much going for me for me. The tsundere is never an archetype I like and the fact the deaths in Chapters 2 and 5 are partly her fault and no one calls her out on it is kinda frustrating also. 
15. Angie Yonaga - Angie’s creepiness is her most appealing trait to me. That should explain how low the bar is set here. Its difficult to write what I feel about her without coming across as a salty atheist (because most of her problems revolve around her use of her god to manipulate people) so I’m just going to leave it there.
16. Tsumugi Shirogane - Y’know I distinctly remember labelling Tsumugi as ‘’Hifumi but likable’’ on my previous Ndrv3 opinion post. I was wrong. She was hovering around mid/low level for me while I played the game, and I often forgot she existed (kinda funny considering her self admitted plainness) and her references were quite obscure a lot of the time so I didn’t find her funny either. I didn’t dislike her, I just forgot her. Then Chapter 6 happened and everyone knows the rest. It’d be difficult to truly ‘like’ Tsumugi after her reveal as the mastermind, after all. Although she was certainly entertaining when she started cosplaying as all the previous characters and I did like how her eyes glowed when she went all DanganRonpa crazy. I did actually consider putting her above Angie for those reasons, but if I dropped Kokichi’s placement because he killed Gonta then I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t slamdunk Tsumugi into last place for technically being responsible for everyones’ deaths as well (well, responsible as part of Team DanganRonpa. I understand it wasn’t *entirely* her behind it all). You know there’s a problem when *Hifumi* looks pure in comparison...
If you read through all of this, then congratulations? I don’t know how to end long ass posts like this...just pretend I said something witty. 
I need sleep.
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artsy-jandi · 8 years ago
Sebaka pt. 01
@sharingan-rasengan-chidori Erika, I have a present for you. =D
Sebastian and Erika. I ship them.
After that headcanon, I felt I had to add more to it since it felt incomplete to me. Since last year, I have been self-shipping myself with Sebastian secretly. I would even internally be scornful of girls pairing themselves with "my man", but I never went and attacked them over it as an anon, or non-anon, since I know Sebastian is not real. If I had, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself even after I apologized. I like my reputation as a sweet girl more than a fictious demon. I value my genuineness. When I was thinking about my crossover (the one I mentioned in my reblogged post after Erika posted my headcanon I shared with her), I jokingly thought up Sebastian whining up with Erika at the end of my story even though I already have an ending in mind. When Erika reblogged a "share your headcanons of me" post, I decided to share the one I thought up. She liked it enough to accept it as her love story for her and Sebastian.
So, here are my headcanons, or scenario, for Sebaka. The first third of the story. I originally wanted to post the entire thing. But seeing how much I have come up with in just three days, I think it would be better if I just posted them in parts.
Before They Married, Before the Adventure
- When Sebastian and Erika met; Erika thought she was dreaming, while Sebastian thought he whined up in the future of London since Erika does live there.
- Erika let Sebastian stay at her place, but they had to keep it secret since she still lives with her parents. Sebastian made that part easy for her being the demon he is.
- Erika introduced modern technology to Sebastian. He is fascinated with smart phones and tablets.
Sebastian: So, the telephones, or smart phones, of this era are just smaller tablets? Erika: Pretty much.
- While Erika was at school, Sebastian did a ton of homework while looking for a way to get back to his 'time'. Since the Victorian era ended 130+ years ago, Sebastian had a lot of questions about the gap between that era and the current one he was in. He went to the internet and library for this excessively.
- On the web Sebastian discovered:
Cat videos: he watched these for hours before he went on to something else. ((He learned about animal shelters from an add that played before watching a compilation of cats greeting their owners home on YouTube)) )
The Black Butler fandom: He's had many reactions to this population of people who oddly support him and Ciel. It intrigues him. But his spine became solid ice learning the horrifying fact that he has been shipped with Grell of all people, although he can't decide which pairing is more sickening: the Sebaciel, or the Sebagrell. He has accounts where he flame wars with people who attack Lizzie for any reason they can come up with. He has been banned from forums for this, and has even gotten people banned with him, or just flat out banned by "doing some research" and reporting them to the admins. He enjoys reading the theories and analysis people come up with. He has seen the impressions people have done of him and the others. Normally, he is not impressed by the amateurs, but when he does find some very impressive ones, he offers his wholesome critique. Same thing can be said of the fan art and fan fiction.
It was also because he found the fandom that he realized he was not only in the future, he was in the future of a dimension where the Phantomhives never existed. This was where Sebastian really had to think about what to do. He decided he would take advantage of his time here to learn about the past of this dimension while hoping it would prepare him for the future of his own.
The Kuroshitsuji anime and manga: Sebastian was surprised that his time with the young master had been recounted in these strange books people called "manga". He fondly read through the chapters of the past times working for his lord, and he was fascinated with the art of animation. The anime, of course. When he watched the Book of Circus animation, he laughed at Grell's shock over him seducing Beast. But that was short lived when Grell started enjoying it like a porno. Sebastian went back to reading the manga, and it would be a while before he went back to watching the anime.
As a result of reading the manga and learning the real circumstance of his situation, he is taking notes on what to do and what not to do during those "arcs" so he will be prepared by the time he gets back to his dimension (The Weston arc has yet to "start" at his dimension). He is also taking notes from the theories and predictions people have made about his dimension.
Black Butler II: He is taking note to ensure he has his arm intact when he does eat Ciel's soul, if that rule is very relevant in his dimension. His idea of being a butler doesn't involve starving for eternity. (But then there is that twin theory going around.)
Many cooking recipes: He is abusing Erika's printer for his recipe collection.
Arthur Conan Doyle's work: He is reading his work before they are even published in his own dimension while looking for those complete collection volumes of Sherlock Holmes. He wishes to bring them back with him for his young master.
Aoshima, the Isand of Cats: when Sebastian learned that Japan had an island mainly populated by cats, he ran over there to see it for himself. For the first time in his existence, Sebastian knew what Heaven felt like. But he wouldn't bring Erika here until their honeymoon. He also took note to visit this place again in his dimension when it became Aoshima Island.
- When Sebastian started staying at Erika's place, he couldn't stand how dirty it was. Naturally, he set to cleaning up her home. When her parents got back, they wondered how everything was so spotless. Erika got scared, and tries to make Sebastian stop cleaning her place because she thinks it could give him away. But she remembered how sneaky our butler is, so she eventually dropped it.  
- As a result of staying at Erika's place, Sebastian has spoiled her cat, Morrigan. Morrigan wouldn't be going back to eating dry cat food. Her parents are concerned about this.
- It goes without saying Sebastian (and Erika when she isn't busy) had been looking for Ciel and his group. Unfortunately, they have not been found. Sebastian fears they might be in separate dimensions.
- When Sebastian and Erika are not busy, they either watch Holmes, or Erika shows Sebastian around Modern London.
- When Sebastian was watching Black Butler on the computer or TV, he tried to jump into the screens thinking he could go back to his dimension that way. But that didn't work. He just made a fool out of himself by knock the screens over.
- When Sebastian and Erika watched Black Cat, Sebastian said he would gladly feed the Sweepers as long as Sven Vollfied gave him a couple of cat bombs as payment. (Sven has cat bombs that summon cats. Sebastian's favorite toy.)
- When going through London, Sebastian questioned why Erika is not a people person. But that was just the start of the many questions he had for her.
- It's safe to say everyone that saw Sebastian thought he was a spot-on cos-player. That didn't stop them from calling him Sebastian and requesting him to take pictures with them while Erika plays camerawoman. Just wait for those comic cons.
- A guy caught a Pokemon that was on Sebastian's head. Sebastian then asked Erika what a Butterfree was.
- Sebastian is appalled with the excessive language people use.
- Sebastian is impressed with the independence women have gained in the future.
- He never intends to tell Grell about the sex changes that would be readily available to him in this dimension when he gets back to his own. Not like he would bat an eye at him if Grell did become a she, he just doesn't want him to know about this dimension's accessible sex changes.
- When Sebastian and Erika went to a book store, Erika introduced him to Garfield. Sebastian is amused. They also ran into the guy that caught the Butterfree. He named it Sebstian.
- When Erika is working on her blog homework (the requests she gets), Sebastian reads through them and offers her some suggestions. Hence, he became her muse.
- When Sebastian was going through her blog, he discoveries to his horror that Erika fancies him with Ciel. He didn't take it very well. More like he didn't what to think of it. But he doesn't confront her about it for a while. When he does, he pops question after question why it fancies her.
"I am not very amused with people pairing me with my young lord. To be frank, I find it disgusting." - Sebastian Michaelis
As long as she wasn't attacking people who ship Lizzie with Ciel, he could let it go.
- When he learned about Erika's fear of the dark, he teased her about it in anyway he could think of. As he naturally would. He did it a bit out of revenge for being shipped with Ciel, but mainly out of amusement. But when it got out of hand, he apologized and went easy on her. He made it up to her by playing cat videos on her computer as she fell asleep since he knows it would soothe her. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/155276499266/since-sebastian-is-a-creature-of-the-night-and-he#notes
- Sebastian had to learn how to brew a perfect cup of coffee for Erika to enjoy since she is not a tea drinker. This took time, but Erika was patient with him.
- Sebastian offers Erika a shoulder to cry on when she is lonesome for her cat, Allaidh. As a demon who has lived a long life, he has had many cats come and go. It goes without saying he knows the painful agony of having his precious cats pass on from this life. It isn't one of the best things about his existence. Erika's sorrow over her deceased cat was where Sebastian and her really started to bond once he started to share with her tales of some of the cats he fondly remembers.
- When Sebastian and Erika realize he might in this dimension longer than he wished, she suggested he get a job so he could afford a place to stay. He immediately jumps at the opportunity to look for a animal shelter to work at. He also took a job at the book store he and Erika went to before. He did this to further educate himself.
- Have you read the headcanon Erika has for Sebastian working at a cat shelter? Everything, but the parts about owning it, is pretty much what happens there. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/158151477181/can-i-have-a-sebastian-headcanon-of-him#notes
- When Sebastian started working at the book store, lots of people went there just to see Sebastian. Mainly girls. But he manages to get them to buy a few books. When he is not busy, he reads history books, and Garfield. He read every volume available in his first week on the job.
- Eventually, Sebastian got another part time job at the university’s library. This influenced his decision to work as a teacher in the Weston Arc.
- Have you read the headcanon Erika has for Sebastian working at a cat shelter? Everything, but the parts about owning it, is pretty much what happens there. https://sharingan-rasengan-chidori.tumblr.com/post/158151477181/can-i-have-a-sebastian-headcanon-of-him#notes
- As a result of going to Japan to see Aoshima Island, he discovered who Yana Toboso really is. But he wouldn't tell anyone about it, except Erika. But she wouldn't know that until their first time between the sheets on their wedding night.
- Sebastian figured the best way he would get back to his dimension is to break into the government's secret files for any projects regarding traveling to other dimensions. So he did just that on Erika's computer. (He has yet to purchase a laptop.) Sebastian is willing to look through all government files just to get home. Rather it be the United Kingdoms, or other foreign nations. Sebastian is very determined.
- When he is not using Erika's computer to rummage through the government's archives, he is breaking into their bases to go through them himself.
- Sebastian discovers in Mexico that a dimensional warper had been stolen by a thieves back in the 1980s. Sebastian speaks to the literally stars of space to find this stolen machine. (Demons are capable of talking to the stars. I learned this reading Solomon's Testimony where he actually dealt with demons during the Temple's construction.
110. And behold, in those days one of the workmen, of ripe old age, threw himself down before me, and said: "King Solomon, pity me, because I am old." So I bade him stand up, and said: "Tell me, old man, all you will." And he answered: "I beseech you king, I have an only-born son, and he insults and beats me openly, and plucks out the hair of my head, and threatens me with a painful death. Therefore I beseech you avenge me."
111. And I Solomon, on hearing this, felt compunction as I looked at his old age; and I bade the child be brought to me. And when he was brought I questioned him whether it were true. And the youth said: "I was not so filled with madness as to strike my father with my hand. Be kind to me, O king. For I have not dared to commit such impiety, poor wretch that I am." But I Solomon on hearing this from the youth, exhorted the old man to reflect on the matter, and accept his son's apology. However, he would not, but said he would rather let him die. And as the old man would not yield, I was about to pronounce sentence on the youth, when I saw Ornias the demon laughing. I was very angry at the demon's laughing in my presence; and I ordered my men to remove the other parties, and bring forward Ornias before my tribunal. And when he was brought before me, I said to him: "Accursed one, why didst thou look at me and laugh?" And the demon answered: "Prithee, king, it was not because of thee I laughed, but because of this ill-starred old man and the wretched youth, his son. For after three days his son will die untimely; and lo, the old man desires to foully make away with him."
112. But I Solomon, having heard this, said to the demon: "Is that true that thou speakest?" And he answered: "It is true; O king." And I, on hearing that, bade them remove the demon, and that they should again bring before me the old man with his son. I bade them make friends with one another again, and I supplied them with food. And then I told the old man after three days to bring his son again to me here; "and," said I, "I will attend to him." And they saluted me, and went their way.
113. And when they were gone I ordered Ornias to be brought forward, and said to him: "Tell me how you know this!" and he answered: "We demons ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly about among the stars. And we hear the sentences which go forth upon the souls of men, and forthwith we come, and whether by force of influence, or by fire, or by sword, or by some accident, we veil our act of destruction; and if a man does not die by some untimely disaster or by violence, then we demons transform ourselves in such a way as to appear to men and be worshipped in our human nature."
- Testimony of Solomon, verse 113
Winter, Dr. Jay. The Complete Book of Enoch: Standard English Version (Kindle Locations 2147-2150). Lulu.com. Kindle Edition. )
- Sebastian finally learns the whereabouts of the stolen dimension from a certain star: a man from Oklahoma took the machine when he was visiting Mexico during a vacation. A friend of his made during his trip wanted to take the machine. When they successfully took it, the Mexican played decoy while the other took the machine. The Mexican promised he'd meet up with him after they escaped the cops. But the Mexican friend was captured and sent to prison where he died of old age. The man from Oklahoma still kept the machine and waited for him all those years. He went on to have a son, who just happened to have been the guy that caught the Butterfree on Sebastian's head in London.
Sebastian: What a strange coincidence.
- When Sebastian came back to his apartment, Erika was there with the recently released Kuroshitsuji chapter. Sebastian informs her of what he has learned from his hunt, and Erika reveals she had met the guy he's looking for at her university. His name is Harold Larry Lewis, and he is an exchange student from Oklahoma. Sebastian asks Erika that she set up a meeting date for them. He has questions to ask him.
- Sebastian and Erika meet Harold at the farmer's market where he was buying a bag of buns with olives and dried berries. (I had one of those, and I really would like one right now. I'm hungry.) He just happened to have been eating one, too.
- Sebastian, Erika, and Harold go to a secluded place where they won't draw too much attention. Sebastian proceeds to inform Harold:
Sebastian: Mr. Lewis, I had learned something very interesting about your father. Back in the 80s, he had stolen some government owned property. A dimension warper, to be exact. From what Erika has told me about you, you are studying for a degree in technology and engineering. This studious pursuit of yours wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the warper, now would it?
Harold is dead quite. He is wondering if Sebastian is a detective, FBI, a secret agent, or even the actual Sebastian Michaelis. Before he can run, Sebastian places his hands on Harold's shoulders. "I'm not going to hurt you.", Sebastian starts, "But I will tell you this. If you so much as tell anybody who I am, I personally will do you in. You can keep the machine, but I need it to find my master, and hopefully get back to my dimension." "You... You really are-", Harold turns to him with his face paling in fear. Sebastian grins smuggishly, and draws closer to his ear to finish Harold's sentence, "One hell of a butler.... So, do we have a deal, Mr. Lewis?"
To Be Continued
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youngavengersfeels · 8 years ago
Honestly, I Just Came Out To Have A Good Time
Pairing: Stucky
Word Count: 2408
Summary: The first time Steve met Bucky, Bucky was jumping into a pond only a smidge less polluted than the from The Simpsons, butt naked. Things could really only go up from there.
Steve made a point of going to the park at least once a week to draw. Even though he did plenty of art as a freelance artist, he found less and less time to focus on his own art as opposed to just meeting deadlines. Even though he was normally exhausted and didn't really have the motivation Steve still dragged himself to the park once a week to sketch, it didn't have to be good, he just had to do it.
His preferred spot was a little secluded but still had enough foot traffic to stay interesting. Although considering it was already 9pm and the beginning of winter, Steve had the park to himself. The bench he claimed as his own faced the little man made pond which looked so incredible polluted Steve felt gross just looking at it. Still, Steve’s little bench was a great place to sit down and sketch, or in what was more likely to happen, stare off into space with a blanket page in his lap.
A man came running down the path completely breaking Steve’s concentration. It wasn't until the man was already leaping into the pond that Steve realized the guy was straight up naked and Steve got a pretty good view before the guy hit the water. It was late-October so the water was probably bitterly cold. Steve watched the pond and when the guy didn't resurface Steve started to panic. He was already pulling his hoodie off, ready to leap in after the guy when a head emerged. Steve let out a breath of relief, he was really glad he didn't have to save the guy; freezing water really wasn't hai thing.
“What the hell are you doing?” Steve yelled jogging over to the pond’s edge. “You're gonna get arrested jumping in public lakes naked.”
The guy must not have seen Steve before violently skinny dipping because he let out the funniest squeak Steve had ever heard. The guy had been standing in the water but at Steve’s gaze he ducked back in the water apparently concerned about his modesty after all. Not that it spared Steve anything since he had already gotten an eyeful.
“Please don't call the police! My friends dared me to do it!” The guy said sounding so incredibly pitiful.
“You're friends dared you to jump in a freezing lake nude and you just did it?” Steve asked astonished. He wasn’t the best person to be telling someone off for doing stupid stuff on a dare, but this guy didn’t know it so Steve didn’t feel like too much of a hypocrite.
“The loser has to shave their head and I can't let the world be robbed of these luscious locks,” the guy said.
“Whatever you say dude, you should probably get out before you get hypothermia though,” Steve said. He wasn't really willing to spend his Friday night trying to coax a crazy person out of a pond but he also didn't want the guy to freeze to death. Darn his mother for instilled basic human decency in him at an early age.
“Um, I kind of left my clothes with my friends,” the guy said squirming. Steve rolled his eyes.
“It's a little late for the modesty I already saw the whole show and while I definitely don't want an encore performance but you really need to get out of the lake. You're probably absorbing so many toxins into your skin.” The guy still didn't budge. Steve sighed deeply. “You can take my jacket to cover up,” Steve said resigned to the fact some other guy’s junk was going to touch his clothes.
The guy finally got out of the lake though, so little victories. Steve pulled off his hoodie and handed it to the guy, averting his eyes. The guy wrapped the hoodie around his waist and clapped Steve on the back in what he assumed was gratefulness but Steve really wished he hadn't because now he had pond water on him which was disgusting.
“Let me just run to grab my clothes and I’ll give you back your hoodie,” the guy said. Steve couldn’t help looking down at his hoodie which was wrapped around the guy’s waist already soaked. There was no way Steve was going to be able to decontaminate that. Even if he could he wouldn’t be able to wear the damn thing without thinking of the guy in all his naked glory jumping into the lake. Steve said a silent goodbye to his fourth favorite hoodie.
“You know what keep it as a ‘congrats for not having to shave your head’ present,” Steve said ready to be done with this and hopefully never think of it again. The guy beamed at him.
“Thanks man,” the guy said before jogging off. Steve couldn’t help but admire the guy’s toned ass as he jogged away.
If Steve had his way he would purchase almost all his furniture from goodwill. He drew the line at buying a second hand mattress, there just wasn't a good way to clean a mattress both physically and spiritually. Peggy though had better taste than him so as a compromise Steve agreed to go to Ikea with her to pick out a few new items for his bare apartment.
It took all of ten minutes for Steve to lose Peggy. He had wondered a little bit away to laugh at some oddly named pieces of furniture and when he looked back, Peggy was gone. It felt like he was a little kid lost in the grocery store but Peggy wasn't just in the next isle over. Steve tried calling her but of course he didn't have service inside the store. It almost felt like the store was trying to separate the weak from the group to pick them off one by one. If Steve didn't find Peggy soon he would probably be absorbed by the store and get spit back out as an employee. Steve shuddered at the thought.
Steve kind of figured he might as well look around while he looked for Peggy, no sense wasting the opportunity so he let himself be distracted by things he found interesting. Even though he didn't really need a new entertainment center, and certainly not one that enormous, Steve still inspected the item, pulling the cabinets open to peer inside. He wasn't really looking inside the cabinets so he almost missed the man curled up inside the bottom right cabinet. Steve was already half way closing the cabinet door when it registered.
Yanking the cabinet open again the guy looked up at him, finger pressed to his lips as a sign to be quiet. Like hell Steve was going to listen to a clearly insane man living inside a model ikea entertainment center. There were worse places to live than IKEA; there were plenty of places to sleep and there was even a food court but still.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Steve asked.
“Shhh! They'll hear you!” The guys said shushing Steve who felt his hackles raise. Nothing was nothing like getting shushed to make a person want to beat the crap out of someone else.
“Don't you fucking shush me. You're the one hiding in a cabinet,” Steve hissed unsure of why he lowered his voice, he didn't have to go along was the idiot in the cabinet.
“I'm playing hide and seek with my friends and the loser has to buy dinner. I know better than to be stuck with the pizza bill when Clint’s around,” the guy sai like Steve would know what any of that meant.
“Are you really just stuck? There's no shame in admitting you got in over your head and need help,” Steve asked actually concerned for the man’s well being.
“Shh! This isn't even the worst thing you've seen me done so I'm not sure why you're acting so weird about it,” the guys said. Squinting Steve did think the guy looked familiar. All cramped up in the cabinet though, Steve couldn't get a good look at him. Then Steve realized it was the clothes throwing him off. This was the guy he saw skinny dipping in the park. What the fuck kind of games did this guy play with his friends?
“You really should consider doing something that isn't going to get you kicked out of places,” Steve said settling on amused.
“The threat of getting banned from Ikea makes the game all the more fun. You should play sometime,” the guy said.
“I don't need to intentionally hide from my friends in here,  the maze from hell that is IKEA does a pretty good job for me,” Steve said. The guy laughed at him which was actually a kind of nice sound. Steve couldn't get a great look at the guy since he was literally stuffed in a cabinet, but without the distraction of him being completely naked Steve was able to get a better look at him. The guy was actually really attractive, if not a little weird.  
“My name’s Bucky. I feel like since you’ve already seen me naked you should at least know my name,” Bucky said. Great, now when Steve recounted the latest strange encounter to his friends, he would have a name instead of just referring to Bucky as the unfairly hot streaker.
“Steve,” he said earning a smile from Bucky.
“Are you talking to the furniture now? I haven’t been gone that long, no need to integrate yourself into the environment,” Peggy said snapping Steve’s attention away from Bucky.
“No, just talking to…” Steve said looking down but Bucky was nowhere to be seen. How the fuck did he manage to get out of the cabinet so easily. Steve kind of really hoped he won hide and seek because damn that must take a lot of skill. “It’s nothing. Let’s just pick out a new coffee table and leave before anything starts sing about us being their guest,” Steve said.
The only good let about going to the mall was the people watching. The mall was a depressing space where time didn't exist, the only even hint of time passing was constant repetition of the Rainforest Cafe show every hour on the hour. Society barely prevailed as packs of middle schoolers roamed their territory taking out the weak and solo shoppers. Steve had almost been trampled by a group of anime weirdos heading for the manga section of Barnes and Nobles while he browsed the history section. Only the consumerist dream could survive in such a harsh habitat.
The fact that it was the holiday season and the same three pop Christmas carols played over and over again on the loudspeakers and Christmas cheer were shoved down everyone's throats only made it worse. Still there were some really good sales Steve wanted to hit up and the mall had the closest Lush to him and bath bombs were a must. He hadn't had time to eat before heading to the mall so even though Steve hated food court food he ended up at Panda Express. So he was sitting by himself munching contently in organs chicken when a guy plopped down into the chair facing him out of nowhere.
“Can I kiss you? the guys said. Steve jerked back at the sudden appearance a strange man right in front of him. He dropped the piece of chicken on his fork and he stared at the waste of food pitifully until what the person had asked him registered. His head jerked up a speech about boundaries already forming. Now that he was actually paying attention he realized it was only Bucky so he relaxed. It spoke a lot to how use to Bucky’s antics after only a couple of meetings that the question didn't even phase him.
“What?” Steve asked dumbly because while he wasn’t really surprised he was still a little concerned.
“We're doing a mall scavenger hunt and I have to kiss someone wearing khaki in the food court and I really would prefer it be someone under the age of 60,” Bucky said nonchalantly. Did Bucky and his friends ever just sit around and hang out or did they always have to have some weird challenge going on?
“Yes, taking a dig at my sense of fashion is a great way to get me to agree to kiss you,” Steve said rolling his eyes. “Also that is so specific and kind of invasive. What would you do if no one agreed?” Steve asked.
“I guess I would lose,” Bucky said with a shrug which suggested casualness but the tightness of his voice and everything Steve knew about the guy told Steve he cared very deeply about winning. Honestly at this point Steve was kind of just amused by the dedication.
“Alright,” Steve said.
“Wait really?” Bucky said eyes lighting up.
“I can't really let you lose, that would be bad for my karma,” Steve said with a smile. If he was being completely honest he wouldn't really mind kissing Bucky anyway.
Bucky has his phone out ready to take the picture and as Steve squeezed close to Bucky to fit in the frame he felt incredibly self conscious. They looked like a couple.
Steve’s palms got sweaty as Bucky leaned in. Even though Steve had agreed to the kiss in he was inching so at the last second he veered off course and gave Bucky a peck on the cheek. Bucky pulled away laughing after snapping the picture.
“I guess that technically counts but I feel a little cheated,” Bucky said while sending the picture to his friends. Steve felt a little nervous at the fact that people were going to be judging the photo.
“Well you'll just have to earn a real one,” Steve said in a teasing tone to mask his total lack of chill because he kind of wish he had kissed Bucky for real.
“The mall has a laser tag arena. How about If I win you have to give me a kiss?” Bucky suggested.
“What is with you and stupid little bets?” Steve asked rolling his eyes but with a grin. “And if I win?”
“I'll buy you dinner,” Bucky said extending his hand to shake on it, which Steve accepting the terms. This was definitely the weirdest way Steve ever got a date but at this point he wouldn't expect anything less.
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localgayanimeboy · 6 years ago
Anime Overview 2018
So as the year comes to a close and this blog just gets started, I thought it would be interesting to look back on the shows I watched this year and just collect some general thoughts on them. I watched at least some of 14 anime this year, which is a decent number, considering the amount of schoolwork I’ve had and just my life in general, but I would have liked to watch a few more so that I would have more to talk about, but whatever. Note that some of these shows aren’t from 2018, I just watched them this year, so yeah I’m late to the party on a few things. None of this is actual analysis or anything either, just whatever came up over the past few days, so some of these are just a few short sentences and others are pretty long paragraphs.
Top 3, Aka: Shows with Unbelievably High Amounts of Fucked Up Shit Going On (in no particular order)
Devilman Crybaby: What even was this. Like, I know what it was, because I watched it twice, and enjoyed it both times. But what was this. Everything about this show was insane, and yet somehow it came together into something that was both incredible and mostly comprehensible. I will say that I was sad to discover that the whole show was not going to be rendered in the crazy color schemes from the first episode, but maybe it's better that way in the long run, and the more desaturated colors in the rest of the show also have an interesting effect, so I'm not really complaining. I also wish i had gotten around to reading the original manga at some point during the year, since I know it’s completely different, but alas, school kept me away from it, even though I have a physical copy of the first half waiting on my manga shelf. Other things: I fucking love the animation in this show. Its weird and kind of ugly, but I love it because it’s supposed to look like that and it works perfectly for portraying all of the crazy things that happen. The soundtrack also absolutely slaps, 10/10. If you ever want to feel depressed listen to the last song on this soundtrack, it’s guaranteed to work.
Made in Abyss: So pretty much everything about this show is amazing. Even if the plot and world building hadn’t been incredible (which they were), the soundtrack and the art would probably be enough to keep it on this list. I didn’t really know what to expect here other than “children climb into a giant hole filled with monsters”, and I definitely did not expect it to be one of the most existentially terrifying shows I had ever watched, but here we are. Part of this is the actual scale of the Abyss, which is a kilometer across and a completely unknown depth, part of it is the fact that a lot of the characters, including some of the adults, are really adorable and do not blend in with the atmosphere of the show at all, and a lot of it is the fact that I am willingly watching two 12 year olds get mutilated and traumatized by going to a place that one of them physically cannot return from. But I also could not stop watching all of this go down, which I think the show is very aware of since unlike the other two shows on this list, which usually censored some of the fucked up shit in some way, nothing here is covered up or cut away from (unless it absolutely had to be for TV reasons), so you’re just forced to deal with it (points for one scene literally making me want to throw up). I love this show and I am so hype for season 2 hopefully next year.
Banana Fish: If you read my review of this, then you might be thinking what I am also thinking right now, which is that it might not be fair for me to make this type of judgement on this show since I don’t feel like I have a good grasp on it yet. Which yeah, you’re right, but there were enough really strong elements in this show to make it stand out to me as something that was worth my time, and despite my many problems with its execution, I still love this series a lot and have no problem putting it on this list. Some of the other shows on the complete list were also very good and could have ended up in this spot; some of them may have even been better shows at a technical level, but when I get right down to it, this show affected me more than the others, and just fit better into my personal preferences. It’s here because I feel like once I do have a better grasp on it, it will have earned its place on this list. It’s complicated.
Bottom 3 (also in no particular order)
Darling in the Franxx: I don’t have much to say here because I only made it 5 episodes into this. Mecha anime is already not at all my jam, and this was just, awkward to watch. If you’re unfamiliar, giant robot monsters exist in a post apocalyptic world that can only be defeated by mechas piloted by pairs of teens sitting in not-so subtle sex positions. It’s uhhh, yeah, interesting. Apparently there were some themes about adolescence and sexuality to be found here, but either they were communicated extremely poorly or I didn’t watch enough to get to those themes. It doesn’t really matter though, because I have no intention of ever finishing this.
Kado: the Right Answer: I have a whole post about this show coming up, but in summary, the first half is a masterpiece, and the second half is so bad that it was all I could think about for about 3 days after finishing it because I was so mad about it. If you do not like CG anime, this show will also not work for you, although that’s really the least of its problems. Also, queerbaiting bad. I will say this though: if the concept of this show interests you, go watch episodes 0-7 and then write your own ending, I promise it will be better than what actually happens. If you’ve already watched all 14 episodes, I’m sorry.
ACCA 13: I honestly have no idea if I actually watched this show this year or late last year, but I remember being upset because the premise was pretty interesting, but it kind of took a weird turn that I wasn’t expecting. It isn’t necessarily a bad show, but of the ones I watched this year, it was just okay. I also put it on this list because I can’t really remember anything about it other than that, so maybe I would enjoy it if I watched it again, but since it didn’t stick with me the first time, that seems unlikely.
Other shows I watched (again:no particular order)
BNHA/MHA Season 3: It’s BNHA. If you’re watching it, cool. If not, also cool. Season 3 was good, as always. I don’t really know what else to say here.
Hinamatsuri: Spring 2018 was pretty good to us, and I generally liked this show, although I wish it had stuck to more comedy in the later episodes rather than shifting towards a serious plot structure. Yakuza man attempts to raise a preteen girl with psychic powers who just appears in his house. Chaos ensues. Love that. It was weird, and I don’t really have any serious complaints, so there it is.
Yoitsuiro Biyori: This is a show about 4 attractive dudes running a cafe. They have a very cute cat and help people with their minor life inconveniences. That’s pretty much it. And despite my love of fucked up shit in shows (see my top 3), I really enjoyed this one. Maybe more than I should have. It’s chill. There isn’t anything to complain about because there’s nothing going on. In fact, if I had to make one complaint, it’s that there are moments where they attempt to create drama for one of the main dudes. Stop that. Also a fun thing: you can feel free to ship none, all, or any combination of the main characters and all of these choices are justified by canon. I’ve rambled enough here. Watch this show.
Houseki no Kuni: Yes I’m late to the party here. I am aware. I’m not sure how I feel about this show yet though. I love the concept, and the animation looks pretty amazing for CG (also, that soundtrack… seriously good shit), but I can’t get over the fact that the plot structure of this show is just… weird? At the beginning I felt like I had a decent idea of what kinds of things would happen and what it would be about. And then it wasn’t that, which is fine. But I never felt like I had a good grasp on what it actually was, and by the end of the season, it had oddly looped back to the original concept anyways, which was confusing. I think this is just one I’m going to have to read the manga/wait on season 2 to fully understand, which is fine with me.
Gakkuen Babysitters: Similar to Yoitsuiro Biyori, there really isn’t much substance here to discuss. If watching teenage boys take care of disgustingly cute toddlers fits within your interests, then you’ll love this. If not, then there really isn’t anything here for you. Then again, I never would have imagined myself enjoying something like this, and I still had a pretty decent time with it, so maybe you’ll surprise yourself.
Baby Steps: Okay so I didn’t finish this, but I’m definitely planning to, because for some god forsaken reason I am in love with this show. I’ve never enjoyed sports anime, and this show looks like shit 99% of the time, but for some reason I could not stop watching it when I started it at the end of the summer, and ended up watching like 25 episodes in 2 or 3 days before I had to do something else. Why do I love this show from 2014 (I refuse to believe this was created in 2014 but I suppose I have to trust wikipedia here) about a high school student giving up his position as the smartest person in his class to learn to play tennis instead? It is a mystery to me. I don’t even know if I can really recommend it, but if you’re looking for sports anime, it's there I guess, just don’t expect it to look as good as pretty much any other sports anime.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens: Where do I even start with this show. I make no promises about if it is actually that good, but I do love it a lot (it would probably be #4 or #5 on the list). The concept here is that 3% of the population of the Hakata ward in Fukuoka are employed as hitmen, and from there you can probably assume with a good amount of certainty what kinds of outrageously wild situations end up occurring as a result. I don’t really know how to categorize this series, because on one hand I think a lot of it is completely serious, but on the other hand, there are multiple scenes in which the main characters, all of whom are hitmen or other criminals, get together and play baseball against other teams of criminals. And don’t get me wrong, the serious parts of the story are pretty good, but my favorite moments were things like the baseball scenes, where the show just does whatever the fuck it wants because why not? Even something that isn’t inherently weird or funny like trading business cards suddenly becomes the funniest thing ever because the reality of this series is that hitmen and torturers and all types of criminals run into each other on a regular basis and need a way to trade information about their services. It’s ridiculous and I love it.
Neo Yokio:How much of this did I watch? 1 episode. Do I feel mentally capable of watching another episode? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy my time with that 1 episode? I don’t know. I’m also not sure I didn’t enjoy it. This show defies categorization and maybe that’s okay. Is this even an anime? Uncertain.
And that’s it for this post! I’m already working on a bunch of stuff for 2019, so I should be able to post ~twice a month (that’s the goal, anyways), and the next Banana Fish review will hopefully be written by mid-January, so in case you haven’t seen me say enough about it yet, do not worry, there is a lot more. It’s sounding like my first anime of the year might be Forest of Piano because a friend recommended it to me earlier today (this may be surprising, but no I do not enjoy torturing myself with CG anime), so we’ll see how that goes and if there’s anything worth writing about. Anyways, Happy New Years everyone! Hopefully 2019 will be a good year for all of us!
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