#oc: eden's garden
neoncityrain · 6 months
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chronic pain taking me out of commission today on top of everything else so ill just start posting old art. heres some mouse-art quill
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🍎-ˏˋ⋆ eden in the garden! ⋆ˊˎ-🍒
✎ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ eek! sorry for my absence! ive been in a funk but weekly posting on instagram hahah- but heres some personal original character art! ⋆ˊˎ-
🍈 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ links/comms info in pinned! ⋆ˊˎ-
| my work is not to be reposted without permission, reblogs are always encouraged! |
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theautumnaldemon · 4 months
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various doodles
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iivantablackii · 5 months
Chapter 2 - Always
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Adam x Eve Story (Hazbin Hotel)
A/N: It took me a while to write this since it's finals and I've been trying to lock in. I've had little motivation to physically write something rather than just idea toss thanks to school killing the artist in me and overall just being a little overworked and overstressed with life. I will be uploading this to AO3 and Wattpad in due time I'm just terrified I will get hit with the fanfic writer tragedy phenomena
Stirring awake, Eve was very persistent in trying to wake the first man, Adam’s irritation came out as a tired groan as he turned away from her. At first, she was gentle, lightly pushing at his side to try and wake him, but unfortunately, the first man seemed to be a heavy sleeper. So she tried to shove him with just a bit more force, but when that also didn’t work it slowly spiraled into the woman just violently shaking him by his shoulders while calling out his name over and over again. 
Putting his hand over his face, his voice set deeper in his chest than usual when he spoke, his annoyance evident in his words,  “Eve- it’s still dark outside, why are you even up?”
“We have to hurry or we’ll miss it-!!” Eve moved from her kneeling position, standing amongst the soft grass they were sleeping by at the man who was still laid out on the floor. He was faced away from her, which only made her snatch his arm and try to drag him herself, but she barely moved him since Adam was almost comically larger than her. Pulling too hard she huffs and plops back on the ground next to him.
Adam’s eyes opened, he couldn’t help but let out a snort when he saw how she was pouting next to him, he knew trying to fall back asleep would be useless, pushing himself to sit up he gave her a look, silently asking her to explain herself.
“The sun is about to wake up!” She was quick to hold onto either side of his face, bringing him close to hers so he had no choice but to stare directly into her eyes as she began to speak of pure nonsense, “We have to go find it now!!!”
He was just lost as he thought about what she said, staring into her eyes with disbelief. With his face held somewhat tightly in her hands, his words were slightly muffled, “You mean the sun is going to rise?”
She nodded vigorously, letting his face go all he could do was sigh in annoyance, before forcing himself to stand. He had known Eve for a short period, but she’d already proven that it was hard to say no to her. And even harder to stay mad at her. Reaching his hand out to help her up, Eve let out a squeal of excitement as she took his hand. 
Quickly rushing him to follow her, she dragged him to the tree line. Passing by many different animals, where the dirt under his feet slowly transitioned into the sand, she brought him closer to the waters from the previous days. Beginning to slow down, she hadn’t let go of his hand, eagerly bringing him closer to the edge of the water.
Sitting down on the ground with her, he took another look around at the familiar landscape, it was the same lake he had brought her to just days before. It was hard to recognize the path, as the night sky was cloaking all familiar landmarks that would have made him realize where the woman was bringing him. But now the sky had switched from inky skies to a dark azure, his gaze suddenly being lost at the line where the waters met the sky.
Ever since Eve was made, there were rare moments when either of them was away from the other. They played for hours, exploring the gardens and vast amounts of land together, the feeling of solitude slowly becoming foreign to him. Two souls playing in a world created truly just for them. But doubts still existed in the cracks of Adam’s mind. But he couldn’t help but wonder why she was so much different than the other woman, he almost forgot about her, Lilith. 
Independent, stubborn, and ran away with another being, Adam almost felt bad about how he called into question Eve’s actions at times. He wasn’t good with words, he wouldn’t know how to ask, it seemed every time he did try to speak about how he felt he always stubbled on his words. Choking out something brash and coming off harsher than he ever meant to be, it was shameful truly. The poison from his previous companion made him skeptical of Eve, even if it was unfair of him to compare his mind sometimes wandering back to the lonely man he was before heaven made him someone new to spend his time with.
So caught up in his thoughts, that he hardly noticed how the sky was lighting up, only realizing it when the sun began to peak enough to highlight the woman beside him. Turned to face her, her rich dark skin slowly being highlighted into a soft pink, the sky turning a symphony of shades. Violets, golds, and only for this moment, a rosy hue dominated the clouds- the same color that melted his doubts, and for the first time he didn’t have to think about his words to say something kind,
“Right now, the heavens look like your eyes…”
Eve brought her gaze to him, her face feeling as if it were warming up at the comment, the corners of her lips softly tugging upwards as his words began to settle. She did have the most radiant smile, tilting her head up at Adam as she spoke,
“Maybe only for this moment, you always hold heavens in your eyes, Adam.”
Adam’s face slowly turned red, looking down at their hands, his onto of hers, his grip became more firm as he smiled down at them. Eve watched him with nothing but admiration in her eyes, moving closer to him, she moved his hand into her lap, incasing his larger hands in her own, treating his hand as if it were made of glass. She leaned her side against him as she too took a moment to gaze at their jointed hands before she moved so her cheek was leaning against his arm. 
Their eyes met again, and Adam could feel as if something was trying to escape his chest, it was a fluttering feeling that left him with a warm feeling. He never knew a smile like hers could exist, that someone could look at him like he was the most wonderful thing he was the most wonderful thing to grace this world. 
Turning back to the sunrise, its light gleaming against the clear waters, they were met with two creatures that were not originally there. Two swans, craned their necks as they nuzzled their heads against one another. Floating in the water, they spun slowly and danced with one another, two creatures made to fly settled just for a moment to enjoy the warmth of one another. The two humans just watched with curiosity,
“Such curious little creatures…do you ever wonder if we would be able to fly together like those two?” Eve spoke, not looking at Adam but clearly, she was speaking of him. Who else would she want to fly with other than him?
Adam laughed a little, watching as the birds continued to move in sync with one another as the sun continued to rise behind them, “Wouldn’t we need wings for that though?”
“Then we shall grow them!” Eve turned to gaze up at him, a soft breeze brushing through his brown locks softly, she could not help but wonder what his hair would look like if the winds combed through them if they glided in the air, “Why should we not learn to soar through the skies together?”
“That’s quite the lofty dream of yours.” Though he couldn’t help but feel immense joy to know if there was anyone she wanted to fly with the most, it would be him.
“Perhaps it is.” For a moment he believed she would leave it at that, but he should have known better. Letting go of his hand, her warmth left his side, as she moved to stand in front of him, something new shining brightly in her eyes as she looked down at him with determination in her smile.
Adam looked at her with wide eyes, watching as she reached a hand out to him, excitement lacing her features as she wished for him to take her hand once more, “How about we start off small then? Let us learn to dance before we take off into flight.”
Adam couldn’t help but laugh a little, but took her hand anyway, “You’re stupid…”
And yet he let her lead him into the waters, they allowed their legs to slowly be engulfed by the lake, it reaching their knees before the two could go any deeper. Facing each other, they did not know what to do other than get lost in another for a moment. Eve was the first to turn away, looking to the swans that continued to dance farther away from them, turning back to Adam she held her hand up flatly. Starting at her hand, if she pushed it forward she would be laying her palm against his chest, but she waited. Putting his hand up, he slowly brought his hand against hers.
It was only now did he noticed how much smaller her hand seemed to be, how the palms of her hands seemed shades lighter than her deeply colored skin, and he watched as her hand slowly slid up against his- and her fingers intertwining in between his own. And for a moment, he just watched before he began to relax his fingers with hers as well, their hands perfectly crafted to fit with one another. 
Bringing up her other hand, she placed it airly against his chest, the feeling of his heartbeat softly under her fingers, he brought his free hand to gently hold her waist. The action pulled them closer together, Eve did not hesitate to place her head down against his chest, shutting her eyes softly.
They began to move, waltzing slowly in the water, with the sun rising behind their figures, in this moment everything was even more than perfect, it was just meant to be. And of all the sights in this garden, he only looked at her. The first step to heaven was to learn to dance with one another.
No one would ever claim Adam to be an observant man, he wasn’t stupid but he didn’t notice the little things. And yet, he noticed how her lashes fluttered ever so slightly against the faint breeze, the way when they danced the light shifted against her hair, and how her heartbeat seemed to be so much steadier than his own. 
It was all just perfect- until a strange sound pierced through the air.
Eve’s eyes opened in surprise, lifting her head she stayed in place as he still held onto her, and then the dancing stopped. Slowly, the two humans turned to the source, and a small ball of yellow floated close to them, the sound of another quack coming from the duckling as it looked up at the two. 
The man watched slightly irked at the small bird that interrupted such a beautiful moment, Eve’s eyes widened in curiosity, as she tilted her head at the creature. It dived its small head into the water for a moment, before coming back up to the surface as it attempted to clean itself, the rustling of its feathers as it shook itself dry causing water to splash onto the first man-
“Why you little-” Adam huffed, moved his leg he kicked at the water, creating a small splash at the small duck, that seemed to almost squeal at the small attack. The duckling was fine, it was just slightly pushed back by the miniature wave made by the man.
There was a dramatic gasp from beside Adam, Eve with her jaw slightly dropped as she looked at the way the first man was so quick to push away the small defenseless bird, she pulled away from him and went to the small duckling that seemed to swim its little legs desperately to the woman. Her hips were now deep into the water as she bent down to cup her hands underneath the creature, holding them up to her face. She looked sad momentarily before she turned to the first man with a pout.
“How dare that big awful man try to attack you like this-” The duck made a sad honk noise in response, and that’s when a mischievous look came over her features- a look Adam grew familiar with, despite what always came after she gave him this look he grew to slowly adore it. “How about you say we get back at him?”
“Wait what-”
A slash of water was quickly shot his way, some even getting on his face, he was quick to try and wipe it off with a huff. His face was slightly flushed, and his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration but the smirk on his face made his intentions clear. Adam was not about to just let her get away with her attack.
Putting his hands together, he pushed a wave of water over to the woman as she let out a high-pitched squeal, holding the small duck above her head as she was practically slapped across the face with water. Her face now dripping wet, her eyes were shut and her cheeks puffed out, she comically blinked her eyes quickly open before she spat out the water that found its way into her mouth. Adam couldn’t help but laugh loudly at how strange she looked in that moment, and she laughed softly along with him, placing the duck on top of her head, the creature happily nuzzled into its spot.
“Oh it is so on-”
And they played for what seemed like forever, what was once a beautiful scene of two learning to sway together, devolved into a splash fight. Adam was good at creating big waves to try and knock down the woman who kept making a fist in the water to shoot water directly at his face between her palm and fingers, and the duck quaking from atop Eve’s head. 
“Adam! You keep getting water in my hair- careful of the duck!!”
“That’s what that stupid bird gets-”
“Be nice to him he’s just a little guy!”
Through their bickering, they couldn’t help but laugh, any threat or insult was empty as the two splashed about. Eventually, they grew out of breath, the two began to snicker as they pulled themselves out of the water, Adam watching as his companion lagged behind. Turning around he watched her bend down closer to the surface of the lake surface, the small tuff of yellow that she was protecting the whole time left her hands as she gently let it down. It seemed to say its goodbyes to her as Eve giggled and gave a small wave to the duck, letting it swim away as she turned back to Adam.
“Your hair looks so strange, it’s much more flattened all wet.” He couldn’t help but tease, but he did like how her hair seemed to shine more when it was soaked. 
Her normally beautiful big curls muted to waves at how much water was being held in them. Eve huffed in minor annoyance, grabbing onto her long hair, she began to ring out the water, Adam walked closer to help her pull her long hair out of the water, “Maybe you should cut it?”
“No! I love how long and pretty my hair is!” He liked how long her hair was as well, it added an ethereal air to her, but he also was logical enough to call out how impractical it was to constantly be waving around by her calves. Sitting back on the sand, her feet still partly in the water in front of her, she sighed at how heavy her head felt with her hair still mostly soaked, “But…you may be right, it might get in the way…”
Eve seemed to go deep into thought as she continued to try and dry her hair, with Adam beginning to sit beside her, helping her dry her hair. As he watched the water drip and fall from her hair, his face began to lighten up as he curiously began to play with her locks that began to curl once more, “I think, I have an idea on how to fix your problem-”
The man began to move to sit behind her as to sitting beside her before, when she began to turn over her shoulder, Adam huffed and lightly put his hand at the top of her head, turning her so she had to face forward.
“Just keep staring at the water, or else this might not look the way I imagine…”
Eve silently obliged, Adam behind her started at the crown of her head and began to cross sections of her hair over themselves, he would swear under his breath at first trying to find a way to get it right while the lady whose hair he was trying to do was attempting to stifle her giggling with little to no luck. 
But eventually, he got into the groove, so focused he almost didn’t notice the soft humming coming from Eve in front of him, his frustrated muttering ceased. His motions became more fluid, his shoulders less tense, just continuing to brush his hands gently through her hair, at some points even just twirling small sections in between her fingers. There was no purpose to the last thing, he just enjoyed it and his attentiveness to her hair seemed to make the woman relax.
Once he was almost at the very end of her hair, he twirled the ends of it into a loop, tying her hair onto itself, for a moment he observed his work, but not before Eve had stopped her melody to face him.
“Is my hair ready yet?”
Eve had turned around, curiously tilting her head at Adam, and his face heated up. With her hair more out of the way, he got to look at her face more, the angels truly took their time making her. Her features were so delicate and gentle, that each small mark on her skin looked meticulously placed for him to admire. And her eyes, seemed to glow softly even when she faced away from the sun, the slightest hint of blue in her iris as her eyes caught the color of his own. 
“How about you see for yourself?” Adam gestured to the lake, letting the woman take a look at herself in the water. Gasping, he did not fail to notice the was her eyes somehow lightened up even more at the sight of her reflection, a beautiful smile stretched wildly across her face as she looked at him with so much admiration.
“It looks amazing!” Eve said, in disbelief before standing at her feet. Taking a moment to do a small spin and feeling the way it felt much more manageable to move around, it was not as if it was unmanageable before, but with how much she and Adam ran around, her hair tended to act somewhat wildly. So this elegant new hairdo helped immensely, she would have to ask him to teach her how to make it so she could begin doing it for herself.
Adam felt his chest swell with pride, a cocky smirk spreading on his face. He stood tall again, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke proudly, “Uh duh, I am THE man after all…I call this, a braid.”
“I…I love it.” Eve moved her braid over her shoulder, it was thick thanks to how long her hair was, admiring it she looked back at herself in the water for a moment with a fond smile, “You made me look beautiful…”
“You were always this beautiful.” Adam could not hold back that comment, quick to argue against even at the slightest hint of an insult or disservice to her beauty.
Eve couldn’t help but laugh a bit, embarrassed but also happy by the way he sounded so assured in what he said, “I am always beautiful?”
“Always, Eve.”
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proj-edens-garden · 1 year
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Despite withholding his physical appearance from the public, Jett Dawson's charming personality continues to capture the hearts of many. Like all hotheads, the Ultimate Drag Racer has a flame that needs to keep burning, and close friends can expect to be challenged to many good-spirited competitions. At the end of the day, Jett tries his best… even if he doesn’t always succeed.
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
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So, I was bored and looking around the ‘net for something to draw, when I found this awesome “draw six characters like this” template on a random Reddit post.
Anyways, even though I had to look up what almost all of these prompts were, I really liked essentially all the potential designs that could come out of them based off of my quick Google searches, so I went ahead and did it!
This whole thing took me a total of NINE HOURS, making it the longest time it’s ever taken me to finish any singular artwork. As you can see, I also finally figured out how to upload images onto canvases on ibisPaint X! THE POWER I NOW WIELD!
(basic rundown of designs under cut)
B-Side Wiggly - Most B-Side designs are basically just “the character but with a different colour scheme and a few new accessories”, at least from what I’ve seen. I don’t know why I chose Tinky’s colour scheme specifically, but I like the mix between blue and gold.
Naturally, as this is a B-Side design, I gave him a microphone for the whole… rapping thing. I also replaced his coral crown with a dollar store paper one, turned the frown on his fur pattern upside-down, and you can’t really see it because of the pose, but he also has Wiley’s dog tag necklace.
Dark World Adam - This was the only form I didn’t look up, but mainly because I knew even if I did, I wouldn’t get much out of it. We haven’t seen enough Dark World designs to be able to see much consistency from them.
The stripes on his horns kinda looking like an Imp’s (and being pieced with jewels because if his horns were real he’d totally do that) and his wings being more demon-y was intentional, but him kinda dressing like Toriel wasn’t. I just thought his robe being dark purple with flames on the sleeves and the Delta Rune on his chest would be fitting- a complete coincidence, but a fairly fitting one nonetheless!
Tainted Tozu - This one’s kind of a bastardisation of Tainted forms, because all I did was look it up once and go, “Ah, yes. I have to make one of my favourite characters look like a character from a bad creepypasta with some shoehorned-in religious symbolism.”
Naturally, Tozu was the only fitting option for that. I gave his mask a black half to call back to his OG design, turned his fake horns into real horns, and turned the X on his cape into a real X made of blood. I also went ABSOLUTELY HARD on making his eye look as creepy as possible without overdoing it- I think I did well!
Shimmering Pomni - Now, I didn’t technically need to look this one up, but I haven’t touched Terraria in a while so I needed a recap on what exactly Shimmer forms looked like. I was surprised to see that a fair bunch of them are actually references to various other games- with that, I was left with only one option.
Gave her cape a star design on its interior… mainly because it looked good, but also because the Star Cloak exists, and no matter how subtle it was, I needed to throw some Terraria stuff in there SOMEHOW. Hence the presence of the little magical girl stars around her: no matter how much of a Deltarune reference it seems, it’s still a Shimmer design at heart.
Moonbound Mind - Looked up what exactly a Moonbound design was only to quickly see that they are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME holy fuck I love this aesthetic???
Naturally, there was noone more fitting for a Moonbound Design than… the Sun. What, did you think I’d say Heart? Gave him a nice little royal design (he’s the ruler of everything in the end~) …and I don’t know why I made that moss so sparkly, but. It looks good. I like sparkly things, alright?!
Mirror Dimension Myke - That’ll only make sense to people who have been following me for the past few months, but that’s right! Myke’s a Visitant in the Mirror Dimension! A fairly sadistic and hostile Visitant, but… hey, it’s Myke, what were you expecting?
I chose the Mirror Dimension specifically for this free space… pretty much because I wanted another excuse to talk about it. The thought process behind his design was basically just “make him look like a really cool superhero”, fitting for a defender of the truth such as himself.
The visor was inspired by Peridot from Steven Universe, what with the similar colour schemes they have, and… hey- hey Myke, THE TEMPLATE! STAY INSIDE THE TEMPLATE, FOR FUCK’S SAKE!
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rhobeta-and-epsilon · 1 month
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Dr. R. Cable XI
The olive tree
The god-fucker
The patient
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mycelliate · 6 months
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This isn’t really my BEST work, but I was looking at @monsoon-of-art ‘s OCS and wondered what Hayday would look like in Myceliate’s universe (he’s a pinkgill mushroom — skinny with a pointy cap! It reminded me of his design, lol). I think he’d end up trying to convince a very young and very stupid Eden to go home given their shared family motivation (him trying to keep his mom healthy, them trying to make a map of the world for their grandma, who permanently injured her leg in youth).
…they did not listen. And now he gets to almost die about it. Repeatedly. The guy just can’t catch a break, huh?
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masaworkdesignfan · 1 month
I don't have a canon idle for Eden so I use the fanon(yet canon) eden design
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And that's how Eden and Mr paper tried to held hostage stone merchant (it failed)
@crumbledupp (love you sm pookie/pos)
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pirunika · 4 months
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noonthuwu · 4 months
DAY 16 OF Maydendressup 2024
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Outfit by UnknownSpy !
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nondescriptrock · 4 months
Adam and Eve
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Garden of Eden
Part iii
Cw: infidelity, mentions of sex, drama lots of fucking drama
Gif by @crackshipandcrap
Heaven Shelby is @call-sign-shark oc
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Gabriel has his distinctive features( and her coloring)and his premature birth is what moved his father’s heart to forgive her finally.
“I love you.” He had said without a hint of resentment or distrust. “Always have and always will.”
“We’re a match made in hell, Tom.” Eva had kissed him again as they enjoyed the quiet peace in her hospital room.
The witch doesn’t know who was more terrified, Eva who had never had a baby come earlier than the cards said or Tommy who had been about to tell her something before her back pain became a contraction.
As much as she is loath to admit it, this baby saved her marriage.
If it hadn’t been for him, Eva doesn’t know what would be of her knowing the wedding band on her finger won’t come off unless she’s dead.
But it’s easy to ignore the chains when you are happy, and she is happy with her children and her husband as her world tilts itself back into its right place in the months after Gabriel's birth.
Tommy ---unsurprisingly--- wins his election and had Eva cared about the feelings of the women he used like knives to hurt her; she would’ve been nicer to Jessie Eden who rounded up every communist to vote for him.
They are to celebrate this great achievement with a party they won’t forget.
Arthur and Heaven will be there.
And because she is coming, Tommy has decided he must stake his claim on his witch.
“Did you have to bite me?” Eva asks relieved to know no one will see it in the sexy number she’s gotten for the occasion.
“No one else but me is gonna be looking at you down there, Evie. If you’re a good girl for daddy, I’ll kiss it better when its over.” He said, burying his face in her stomach as they came down from that high she’d never trade for anything.
She had missed this, missed his neediness and unconditional trust and love.
As much as she had loved Heaven, she loved Tommy more.
Tommy was her soulmate; she couldn’t exist without him just as he couldn’t exist without her.
“Might lose a fork and return the favor during dinner.” She muttered and he agreed she should do it, mentioning with great fondness all those times he’d been handling business and she’d suck his prick like the good wife she is.
During one of the first campaign dinners, she’d snuck under the table and reminded him how good she was with her wicked mouth.
Eva had jokingly said she had gotten a sudden craving only he could satisfy and to this day she can’t look at white floor-length tablecloths without getting hot.
“I can lie and say we got a call from the American offices, that will give us all the time we need.” Her husband said as this pregame ritual ended.
They never got to do that.
Despite the awkwardness of two ex-lovers seeing each other and their husbands feeling the pinpricks of jealousy and other insecurities, the party is going fine.
Something is going make it all go to hell and Eva can’t relax because it has this feeling telling her it will be an unforgettable affair.
“You feel it too?” the French witch asks in her native language so only they ---and Thomas--- know what’s going on.
The last time she had a bad feeling this strong, she was shot by an Italian hired by Section D.
But everything is going great, too great. Like the calm before the storm.
In her anxiety, Eva bumps into someone and gets wine spilled all over her dress. Maybe it was that the witch thinks as she went upstairs to change.
But then Frances quietly pulled her aside saying a woman had come asking for her and her alone.
“Miss Stark is here.” Frances warns as she leads her to the kitchen and servant’s entrance and her wet dress forgotten.
This was the bad thing.
She knows it.
The witch knows exactly why Lizzie had the nerve to show up here after destroying their friendship by fucking her husband while their marriage was on the skids.
She knows what is waiting for her in the kitchen and yet Eva tells herself it might be something else.
And yet, Lizzie Stark stands there with a baby maybe a few weeks older than Gabe.
A little girl with a ruby red blanket with her name stitched on by Polly’s neat hand.
Eva hasn’t had a fainting spell in some years and suddenly it all came crashing down.
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When she comes to, it takes Heaven and Ada to keep her from murdering Polly.
“You knew! You knew! You knew!” the witch seethed as the realization dawns on those gathered in the kitchens.
She had been brought upstairs, Lizzie taken to the cottage where the rest of the family stayed when they visited, and some lie is told to keep their guests none the wiser.
After her episode where she nearly throttled Polly, Polly who she trusted like an older sister, Polly who never kept a thing from her, she and tommy are left alone in their room.
“Evie, sweetheart.” He tries to calm her down, but she pushed him away feeling disgust at his touch. “I tried, but I---”
“But what, you knew you wouldn’t have a fucking leg to stand on when you made me beg for your love all those months.” The witch scoffed as she dried her tears and poured herself a glass of water and felt it shatter in her hands when her anger breaks it.
“I wanted to tell you, believe me, but I, I didn’t want to lose you.” He said justifying his fucking lies.
“She had a child, your child, Thomas!” Eva reminds him with a hiss.
In comparison to his fuck up, her fuck up looks minimal.
And it had been, Eva had not treated him differently, loved him just as she always did even when she escaped to Pebblebrock with Heaven for a weekend or two.
Lizzie had told him the day he called her to his office, and he’d told her it was over.
Lizzie had become his mistress because it hurt Eva. Lizzie had been amongst her first friends in Small Heath and that betrayal had hurt her enough to demand she never set foot in her house ever again.
Lizzie had held on to those feelings for him she had always had, and he used her weakness to hurt Eva.
Evie and I are going to give us another try; he had said looking at the coin that led him to his witch, we’re having another baby.
Tom, I’m pregnant, she had said in response.
Only Polly knew about Ruby and that picturesque cottage far away from Arrow, Warwickshire, Lizzie didn’t lack for anything.
She was free to live her own life and maybe one day Ruby would know her father and her half-siblings, or if her mother wanted to, have a better man to call father and not the fucker who only used her mother.
He had tried to tell her. He was going to that day Gabe was born, but he lost his nerve when he saw her look at him with the same adoration and love she had for him when Charlie and Diane had been born.
How could he ruin everything when they were finally happy again.
“I’m sorry, Evie.” He chokes on his words because he knows this is something she may not forgive.
Her affair didn’t result in a fucking child with his friend.
Her affair wasn’t the result of deliberate cruelty.
“If I wanted to leave, would you let me go?” she asks, and he stays silent.
The answer is no.
Tommy would never let her go, he’d rather kill her and himself than live a moment where Eva isn’t his nor he isn’t hers.
Even when he cheated on her to hurt her, his heart nor mind could ever entertain thoughts of letting her go and start anew with anyone else.
“We’re a match made in hell, love.” He said coming to sit beside her on their bed and cleaning up the mess he caused.
Whatever price she wanted him to pay, he’d pay it gladly.
One day she’d forgive him, just as he’d forgiven her.
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
Juliet: *Hurries down the hallway, her hair swaying behind her*
Kai: *Chases after her* Wait up! I just wanna talk!
Juliet: *Speeds up, running around the corner* DES!!
Kai: *Skids to a halt then runs the other way, looking alarmed*
Desmond: *Chases after him* Why were you chasing her!!
Juliet: *Peeks out, watching them*
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club
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iivantablackii · 4 months
Chapter 3 - Fire
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Adam x Eve Story (Hazbin Hotel)
A/N: I just finished finals a few days ago and after some other shenanigans finally got this out, hopefully you all enjoy soon we will kickstart the story most of us are all familiar with between these two...but I'll try to push more updates out so it's not just one post every month anymore since I should have more time to write since I am doing online schooling this summer.
Eve continued to wander around the meadow, picking random flowers off the ground, taking just a moment to admire them before moving them to be with the others she had gathered. Unknowingly building a bouquet with an array of colors to choose from but mostly pink as she seemed to favor that color over the rest, humming to herself- it was much more reliable now that her hair was tied back to move around. She did miss how the cool breeze would blow wildly through her locks, but she also liked how pretty her hair looked this way.
She felt as if she needed to move, most of the time just trying to find something new, she loved how wonderful this world was. It made her think, that she did not have that many answers but she felt comfort in what she was certain about, and one fact she knew is that she was happy. Just enjoying the evening and the company she had here in the garden.
“What are you doing?”
Looking back, she noticed the first man sitting with his back leaning against a nearby rock. His hand holding his head, propped against his knee. His gaze was curious, just his presence seemed to make her want to discover more. He was her only companion in the garden, her mind constantly on the move she felt as if he was her center point. Always wandering she was, but she always would make her way back to him.
“I am collecting flowers, I had the most wonderful idea!” She smiled, standing tall she pushed her arms forward to present the flowers to him, “You say I am beautiful with my hair braided, I was wondering if these flowers would look pretty braided as well.”
Adam laughed a bit, raising an eyebrow, his blue eyes challenging her own, “That’s so weird, what do you mean braid them?”
Eve did not respond, choosing to quickly make her way to him as she excitedly bounced, unable to contain her delight at the idea she had come up with. Laying the flowers out in front of the two of them, she began to scan the choices she had in front of her. Looking at the yellow flowers, she seemed to light up as she picked up gleefully.
She did not know how to put her thoughts into words, moving the stems of the flowers along. Calling back to what Adam had taught her when it came to braiding, taking the stems of the flowers, she began to try and focus. Failing a few times as the flowers occasionally would pop out of their place, she would take a moment to ponder how she would fix it, before getting into the grove until she slowly began to make a band out of the flowers. 
It was quite rough when she was done with the circle, but he began to see what she meant by how it could be pretty. Eve’s eyebrows furrowed as she began to fix her mistakes, pulling away at stray leaves or strengthening their structure so it wasn’t so fragile.
Adam watched her focus with great interest before he had a ring of blossoms shoved in front of his face. The woman was proud of her final product, “I call this a flower crown!”
“Oh dang,” Adam said, grabbing onto the flower crown, he did his best to make sure he wasn’t too rough with it. He seemed to be much stronger than her in physical strength, so he had a tendency to break things sometimes like large sticks or smashing fruits in his hands when he gripped them too hard. Eve was always curious, coming up with crazy ideas but this was the first time she made anything, “What does this thing do?”
Humming to herself, she tilted her head to the side, “I am not sure, I guess I did not think about it that far…”
“So, it’s useless?” He jabbed, dragging out the ‘o’ as he spoke, “Not going to lie I thought there would be more to it than just being pretty.”
“Oh shut it-” She sent him a playful glare, rolling her eyes at his tease at her. But his comment did get her to think a little more, before gesturing somewhat urgently for him to do something, “Maybe it could be more, go on, try something-”
Sending her a confused glance, she just threw her hands up and gave him a ‘just try anything’ kind of look. He just fixated back to the flower crown confused, before he moved one of his arms through the hole of the band, wearing it and looking at Eve silently asking her what she thought of this use of her creation.
Staring for a few moments, she shook her head in disapproval, that did not seem right.
She watched as Adam shrugged, moving his arm outside of the flower crown, gazing down at the flowers as his brain racked for more ideas of what he could do. Before he just settled on looking through its center at Eve as maybe it could be some sort of frame for himself.
But she shook her head too, that did not feel right either.
He looked at the crown again, slowly he moved his hands up, placing it above his head before letting it rest on the top of his hair. And for a moment she felt as if he seemed to light up with the golden ring around his head.
Adam always seemed to be nice in his appearance, but right now he seemed more radiant than ever to her. The way streaks of his dark brown hair shined even more golden at the shift of the light with the flowers atop his head, his eyes holding the same azure blue of the sky above, how his pale skin would be dusted a slight rosy tint whenever her eyes held onto his for long. 
“Perfect.” Was all she could say to describe what she saw.
Adam blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously at her comment, “Really? Are you sure it isn’t stupid-looking?”
“I can assure you it looks anything but stupid.” Perfect was just the word that captured her thoughts, there was no other way. She could not hide how she admired him, how he inspired her. How she wished to share every thought, no matter how foolish, just to hear his laugh. How she wandered the garden always holding his hand, just to bask in the comfort of his company. How she loved to discover more, just to see how his eyes lit up at every new thing she showed him. “You are truly my muse, Adam.”
“You always have a funny way of flattering me.” Adam smiled as he let out a light laugh, but he couldn’t go another moment without teasing her again, “Or maybe you're just a funny little lady-”
“Oh hush it, you always ruin these moments.” The warmth of her smile clearly showed she felt the opposite of what she said. They spent most of their time when they weren’t exploring teasing another like this, playfully bickering, but there was always this undertone of just security. Eve knew nothing of discomfort, but with him, everything seemed okay.
“Do you mind if I give this a try?” Adam asked, looking down at the flowers she had left, and the normally cocky or playful smile disappeared to something a little more sheepish as he couldn’t meet her eyes when he admitted this last part, “And I might need some help on how to make one…”
“I’d be happy to show you if it helps?” Eve offered, to which her companion gave a slow bashful nod, which got a chuckle out of her. Moving back to the flowers, she began to pick out an assortment of more random colors she thought would look nice together rather than sticking into one color family.
But Adam went straight for specific flowers, they were like roses, but wilder in the number of petals they had and how it seemed to almost be frilly, they were pink but seemed to grow paler at the outer edges. He liked them a lot, they looked like her eyes.
At first, it started with her carefully explaining how to begin making the flower crown, as she began to move her hands along to visually show him how to do what she was saying. At first, it was slow but steady, but he began to fumble and grow frustrated at how difficult it seemed, followed by Eve showing him small tricks she had picked up and taught herself minutes earlier.
But it didn’t seem to be working, Adam muttering swears under his breath as he struggled with his flower crown, while Eve scolded him lightly for being too stubborn to ask for help from her to fix it.
“Come on let me help!” Eve had already finished two more larger crowns that she began to wear one around her neck and the other around Adams. She had been trying to grab onto the crown he was working on to help him fix it but he was being hard-headed about it.
“No- fuck you, I got this.” Adam turned his body away so she couldn’t grab onto it, shielding her from seeing what he was doing.
Eve persisted, trying to grab at it so she didn’t have to hear his whining, because as funny as it was she didn’t want him to be this upset. Enough was enough, she just wanted to help him.
Adam just decided it was done, before placing his half-finished flower crown onto Eve's head. He couldn’t get the shape just right, instead of the crown being a full circle it was shaped more like a crescent, framing the sides of her face as she looked up at him confused about what just happened.
His eyes darted away, his cheeks flushed as red as roses when he muttered, “I wanted it to be a gift for you, I thought it would be easier since I know how to braid your hair…and it’s not so much a gift since it’s kind of…broken.” Not finished, but he didn’t know how to fix it. And yet it still looked wonderful on her, like a laurel wreath but rather made from these special roses, that looked like they belonged with her. Adam could not continue to be frustrated with his creation when Eve’s smile suddenly became that much more dazzling. 
“I love it!” And those words seemed to make Adam more relieved, his gift weighed nothing atop the woman's head, it didn’t seem to move from her hair.
But a twist of sadness seemed to pool in Adam’s chest, not much but it did frustrate him that discovering new things came so easy for his companion. She was the more curious of the two, always pulling them along to the next thing, and while Adam had no qualms about being the only thing to keep the woman down to earth, he wanted to discover too.
The man looked to the side, grabbing a nearby rock and fiddling with it in his hand, his brows furrowed into a look as he pondered what he could do. Curiosity wasn’t something he strongly felt, on his own he was content with what he had, but with her? 
“I want to find something new for us.”
Eve looked up at him, before chuckling softly, “Why? Are you already growing bored?”
“Shut it, you’re getting too cocky from all these little discovers I swear.” 
“Wins are wins, who is to say my wins are not yours too?”
“Well, it’s not that I’m not happy that you're smart or anything but…” Adam let out a frustrated groan, he wished he knew how to convey his thoughts and feelings in words, but he drew a blank. Just staring at the stone in his hands, wiping at it with no real reason or intention for it. Just wished to do something with himself as he thought of what to do or say, how could he put it into words, how he wanted to leave her breathless just as he did with everything small miracle or joy she would carefully discover just to bring back to him. He knew of some already, but by her side, everything seemed so much more vivid, he just wanted to bring that same light into her eye as she did for him.
Instead of continuing to be her usual witty self, Eve just waited patiently for him to sort out what he meant, before the man just sighed and tiredly threw his hand to his side, the stone in his hand hitting the boulder he was leaning his back again.
But that’s when they both saw it, a spark from the stone he was holding, it seemed that much more bright thanks to the sun almost fully being down. The two sat there with their mouths slightly agape at what had just happened, just dumbly staring at the rock and then at another as they began to process what had happened. “How did you- do that again! Do that again!!” Eve quickly moved closer, wishing for the first man to make the light again. It was incredible, how he had created momentary beautiful despite his temporary vexation, it was quite funny how he managed to effortlessly catch her constant wandering attention. Even when he had never exactly meant to.
Adam didn’t exactly know how or really why it happened, he wasn’t paying all that much attention but he just decided to recreate the move again, but this time putting more force behind the swing, the spark was larger this time, as they both got a better look at how the small light seemed to almost jump around for a moment before disappearing.
Humming in confusion, Eve looked at Adam with a puzzled look, “Maybe the light needs something to land on?”
Looking to her side, she picked up the flower left and held it out to Adam, who took the flower by its stem from her. Holding the flower by the rock the two eagerly peered down at the spot, but not too close as to give the light more space to jump around. Adam struck the flint down at the rock once more, then quickly pushed the blossom closer to cushion the lights fall back down.
And this time, the blaze stayed, burning brightly as its flame began to slowly line the flower's petals. The two humans were fascinated with how it seemed to eat away so gently at the rose, holding the flower between the two, Eve’s hands slowly encased around the first man as she curiously looked down at the small sun Adam seemed to have brought down to share between them.
“You- You’re like magic…” Eve decided, looking around the two as she began to collect blades of grass and sticks to make a bed for the flames. Assuming it needed to lay on something to stay around longer, she placed it on a small dirt patch, before guiding Adam to place the flower among the collection of dry leaves and scraps of wood.
The fire only grew once it had something new to set upon, it danced happily at the two, and it illuminated the section of the meadow the two stayed at. Embers slowly rose through the air, glittering around the two, and now they had noticed how it warmed up the space around them, which normally was always cool at this time. 
Adam quite liked it, he always seemed to prefer the day overnight, as he found the warmth of the sun more comfortable than the crisp breezes of the night. Moving closer, he brought a hand closer to the flames, wanting to see if it would like to properly be held in his palm. But when the blaze licked his hand, he made a small yelp back, shaking his hand slightly while the woman beside him only seemed to laugh at the sudden noise he made.
It barely hurt, as it only touched him for a brief moment, but the more prideful side of him couldn’t help but be slightly upset at how she laughed at him when all he wanted was for his hands to hold warmth. But his frustration only made her giggle more, shutting her eyes as she held her stomach slightly.
But then she felt two hands encase her face, holding her in a soft but firm grip, the way Adam held her she was forced to look up at him when she opened her eyes once more. The light from the fire shone beautifully against his light skin, it made the flowers atop his head made it as if it was glowing above his head, creating a sort of spotlight for her to admire him under. A glimpse of gold in his eyes as he looked down at her.
It set something in her chest ablaze when she noticed how his lips stretched into a smirk, as he laughed a little feeling how her face seemed to grow hotter, under his touch, “Who’s laughing now?”
Bringing her hands up, holding his face in her soft touch. With the fire Adam had discovered beside them keeping the two toasty at night for once. She only could admire how he seemed to bring the sun to them, adoring the light not because of how brightly it shined but for how it illuminated him perfectly.
She brought him down to her height, placing her lips against his temple, before touching her forehead against his, laughing as she looked deeply into his eyes. Uncaring of how she got lost in the blue and comfort of his touch, as with Adam she had no clue what he had set ablaze in her heart. But with him perhaps it was okay not to know all the answers, just that in this moment how he made her feel like the happiest being in all of the universe,
“It’s still me…”
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proj-edens-garden · 1 year
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As the Ultimate Lawyer, Wolfgang Akire is no stranger to trials. His ability to defend the innocent makes him both a valuable ally and a formidable opposition in the killing game.
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