#obviously he could've been like huh what a coincidence
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tinandabin · 2 years ago
Traveller meets the creator
hi guys this doesn't occur in the main story just so u know
It was a quiet afternoon in Liyue Harbor, after defeating Osial things were going back to normal and everything was calm. Of course, the creator had heard of the sudden calamity upon Liyue, but they had no intention to interfere with the matters of the mortal realm. The Archons are there to take care of their respective nations. So, you left it to them to deal with.
You'd heard a few tales from wandering rumours, of the 'Mighty Traveller' the one who not only defeated your dear Dvalin but one of the Fatui Harbingers and then Osial. That was truly impressive. However, you had no intention of meeting the Traveller.
So, meeting the Traveller right now was a pure coincidence. But the thing is, the traveller doesn't know you are The Creator. I mean, who would know when you are disguised to the brim? No one could know except your dear acolytes.
They had a flying companion named 'Paimon' who was busy gobbling down all the food at the moment.
"So dear Traveller, what are you looking for?" You asked, looking at the female who was obviously an outlander considering the clothing she wore.
"...I'm looking for my brother," She answered, becoming suspicious of you. Why are you asking her this? More importantly, why would you care for a traveller? Everyone always just asked her for help; no one asked her if she needed help.
"Oh, did he perhaps get lost?" You asked yet another question. It was obvious you were just toying with her for your own amusement. I mean, she did just say she was looking for her brother.
"Not particularly, me and my brother got separated by some unknown God.." She doesn't know why, but she just knows she can trust you. It doesn't hurt to tell another stranger of her sad tale, does it now? Who knows, you might even have seen her brother somewhere.
"Oh my, is that why you have been saving nations?" You were a bit shocked, who could've thought that one of your own children would have been the culprits, huh. She was most likely looking for the Archons to find some answers.
Before Lumine could reply, a black cat approached you. "Will you look at that? I have to take my leave now; thank you dear Lumine for sparing your time. We shall meet again." And with that, you went away with the cat dutifully following you.
Lumine's mind was in a daze, why couldn't she stop you? It felt as if what had just happened was a dream. "----ELLER!!" Paimon's voice brought Lumine back from her mind.
You were gone and that was when she noticed, you knew her name. Her real name.
"Paimon, who was that lady?"
"What lady, Traveller? Are you okay..?"
That was her first encounter with you.
A few weeks passed and Lumine stepped afoot into Liyue again, after doing her daily commissions. She headed to the Adventure's Guild and heard a few passersby talk of The Creator. She had heard of her and hoped to have an audience with her, if even she didn't know of her brother's whereabouts, Lumine didn't know what to do then.
Obviously, getting an audience with the Creator isn't an easy task; it isn't like they are even in the 'Mortal Realm'. People say that the creator lives far away from the grounds of Teyvat.
"Katheryne! We are here," Spoke Paimon, waving at the female.
"Ad Astra Abyssosque! Hello Traveller and Paimon!" She greeted back with enthusiasm, already handing off their rewards for doing the commissions.
"Katheryne, do you know what the hustle and bustle is about in Liyue?" Lumine questioned, everyone looked very happy, nothing bad of course, but it wasn't everyday you saw Liyue like this. It was almost as if they were celebrating some festival.
"Ah yes! The Holy Creator has decided to head into Liyue regarding the passing of Rex Lapis and some trivial matters." She informed the pair Lumine was a bit stunned for a second, it almost felt surreal to her. Maybe luck was with her, considering she is able to get an audience with the Creator so soon. Of course; there was a chance for the Creator to not help her.. But she will try to keep a positive attitude, at the very least, she will be able to see this 'Holy Creator'. She only heard of the Creator through the tales of Teyvat. Everyone praised this Creator, and even the Archons looked love-struck whenever they spoke of the Creator. Even Paimon— 'Teyvat's Best Guide' didn't know much of the creator. 
Paimon gasped loudly and hurriedly asked about the exact timing of the Creator's arrival. "Oh, Traveller! We have to prepare an offering right NOW!! The Creator is gonna be here in a few hours!! Oh, Archons, what will we do??" She started to relentlessly kick her legs and went to different stalls for some inspiration for the offering. 
"Calm down, Paimon. I'm sure we will arrange an offering." Lumine calmly followed Paimon and so the small hunt for the 'Best Offering Of Teyvat' as Paimon phrased it, began. 
"Alright! Our basket of offerings is ready!" Paimon stuck her nose up in the air proudly. The basket of different items the pair arranged was remarkable; considering the small amount of time they were given. Of course, it wouldn't be possible without Zhongli's help. Sure he may not have Mora, but he did certainly have good tastes and keenly knew of the dislikes and likes of the Creator; he wasn't the Geo Archon for naught now, was he? 
The basket consisted of a few carefully plucked fresh Glaze Lillies. Some Sunettias were placed, all of them looking very sweet. A few more different & exotic fruits were placed. Zhongli insisted for the Traveller to teleport to Mondstadt and get a bottle of Dandelion Wine. Lumine didn't really have a choice in the matter, so she did. The basket itself wasn't anything extraordinary; nor were the items in it much special. However, Lumine did trust Zhongli's judgement, considering he was the Geo Archon. 
"Alright! Thanks for your help, Zhongli!" Paimon waved the man goodbye as Lumine carried the basket. She was starting to have doubts of the creator like this offering. No use in overthinking now, best to head towards Liyue Harbor. 
In some time, The Creator was to step into Liyue Harbor. Everyone was waiting patiently, all eager to show-off their offerings. 
Meanwhile, the said Creator was busy feeding her koi fish. It was comical, because she was barely even dressed up for the event. Well, it wasn't really an event for you. It's normal for you to drop by in different regions; sometimes as the Creator, sometimes as a mortal. The humans were the ones to exaggerate whenever you dropped by. Really, all you wanted to do in Liyue Harbor was eat grilled tiger fish and go back to your home. 
But of course, you wouldn't dare disappoint your devotees. If they wish for you to play along with their shenanigans, you would gladly do so. So long as no one was harmed. 
"Oh Holiest Of All Creator! When the fuck will you get ready?" The cat, Seraphina, now morphed into a human male, not-so-graciously asked you. "Now, now, there is no need to rush. We still have like 1 hour."
"Oh, are you sure? Because the last time I checked you have exactly 5 minutes 52 seconds," He said, glaring at you while closing his pocket watch. 
"Ah, how will I, the Creator, care for measly affairs like time." You replied, dramatically placing a hand on your forehead for added effects. In your next life, you are gonna be a fucking actor. 
Seraphina sighed and told you to get ready. What does he even mean by that? You are ready. Who cares about clothes and all. Definitely not you. Nope. 
Anyways, by the next second, you were seen frantically rushing back and forth through your wardrobe and getting ready. Typical Creator behaviour, am I right? 
"The Creator is here! Everybody, kindly step aside!"  
As everyone parted away, you could see a stunning throne situated between an open garden. It was made of gold and had beautiful designs carved into it. Whoever did the work on this throne definitely deserved a raise. You settled onto the throne with Seraphina standing beside you. Everyone looked at you, hoping for you to say something. You looked at the crowd— it was awkward. Yeah, even the Creator feels awkward. Big surprise huh? "Alright, this is awkward. Why is this part of the ceremony always awkward?" You whispered. Maybe you should ask Seraphina to prepare a speech for you beforehand from now on. That would be nice. 
Deep breaths now, and you gotta speak. Why is everyone looking at you? Like, yes, you are the Creator but chill out. It looks like everyone wants to eat you. "Greetings, subjects of Liyue." You started. But what to say now..? You don't know!! You aren't built for situations like these. Someone help. 
Seraphina sweatdropped, sighing at your awkward state. Are you even the Creator? "Apologies, the Creator is feeling awkward.. I shall take it upon myself to do all the talking part then." He spoke up in an authoritative tone and started with all the pleasantries which the Author can't be bothered to write about. The crowd couldn't help but swoon over their Creator, could you be any more adorable? 
As Seraphina did all the talking, you looked through the crowd hoping to spot a familiar face; of Morax, to be specific. Obviously, you knew he wasn't dead. It was all just a play to step down from the role of Archon. Not that you blamed him though, if given the chance, you would most likely fake your death and leave the role of creator. Not now, though. Maybe when Teyvat could live without you. 
Whilst looking through the crowd, you spotted the Traveller. You were surprised at seeing her, and it looked like she even had an offering. And will you look at that? Even Morax— or Zhongli, was beside her. He was looking at you since the start, and when you finally noticed him he couldn't help but feel a bit giddy on the inside. 
Smiling, you waved at Zhongli and The Traveller. The movement didn't go unnoticed by the crowd, but they thought you were simply waving to the Traveller. Why would you even wave at the assistant of a funeral parlour? That would be laughable. 
Within some time, all of the talking part was over and people began to come up one by one to offer something. Most of it was jewellery, clothes, gold and everything not eatable. You wouldn't complain about it though, it would be rude to do so. But personally, you really had no use of most of these mortal things. Well, whatever you suppose. 
Everyone would simply leave the offerings near your feet, none really had the courage to actually speak with you. You were getting sleepy, it was probably time for you to take a nap. 
But all the sleep vanished when Zhongli came up to place his offering— a silk flower. You'd always loved flowers, especially silk flowers and glaze lilies. They were just so pretty, how could you not? The crowd gaped at the audacity of this assistant to just offer a mere flower, but luckily so, their Creator was kind and accepted the offering with a smile on their face. "Why, thank you. I've always loved silk flowers." You twirled the flower in your hand, deliberating whether to eat it or not. 
After Zhongli came the Traveller, who placed her offering beside the others. She wouldn't so blatantly speak to you— in front of such a crowd at that. 
Soon enough all the offerings were placed and the Creator got up, intending to leave because it has been 5 minutes since your nap time started. Cannot miss it!! 
You started walking away, with Seraphina who has already teleported all the offerings to your palace. "Wait, I would like to speak with the Creator." Lumine stepped out from the crowd as Seraphina glanced at her, annoyed. "Right now?" He asked, irritated. But Lumine was persistent and said, "Right now." 
 "How about we arrange an appointment? Come tomorrow at like..4PM. Starsnatch cliff." And with that Seraphina and the Creator vanished. Thank Seraphina because bro, your social battery for today is in the negatives. You wouldn't be able to handle another interaction now... 
Even if Zhongli had been the one to stop you, you would've still vanished because sleeping is your top priority, sorry not sorry.
TIME: 3:47PM 
"Wew, we made it! And we still have time to spare." Paimon spoke up, huffing a bit. Hey, floating also takes energy, okay? 
"And the Creator is nowhere..." Lumine muttered, looking around her surroundings. For some reason, the other people yesterday didn't heard what that man— most likely your assistant said, it was perhaps only meant for her to hear. And Paimon. 
Maybe it was to prevent any other people from coming? If news spreads that the Creator is somewhere, prying eyes are always sure to follow. Come now, it isn't everyday you see the Creator. They barely make a presence nowadays, it is only natural to levitate towards your creator, right? 
A plop was heard and the sound of another body falling. "Motherfucker.." The voice groaned. Lumine took out her dull blade, getting into a fighting stance as Paimon looked over Lumine's shoulder to see the person. 
"See? I told you to be careful. But who even listens to me nowadays, huh? I am now just an old lady..none cares for me." You landed gracefully, much to Seraphina's displeasure.
"Well, hello Traveller! Do you remember me?" You waved at her, helping Seraphina up. At first, Lumine didn't recognise you. But the longer she looked at your face and imagined a hood covering it, she knew you were definitely that lady at Liyue Harbor. 
Her eyes widened a bit, wondering if she should be on guard or not. Her dull sword didn't disappear to her inventory, that you noticed. You had no qualms with her having a weapon with her. You weren't cocky or anything being the Creator, but you also didn't doubt your strength when it came to protecting Teyvat. Sure, you may be nearing your retirement age but who cares! 
"I suppose you want answers?" You laughed nervously, awkwardly clapping your hands. Lumine wasn't much of a talker, nor were you. So Paimon has to take the job upon herself!
"Eek!! I mean, yes! We umumum, need answers. Traveller's brother, what do you know about him, errr creator?" It was funny seeing Paimon stumble over her words, haha. She seems so nervous, you could just eat her. Literally. 
"Yes..What do you know of my brother?" Lumine finally spoke up, looking at you. Your eyes were filled with a bitter emotion. 
And so the tale of Khaenri'ah began, being spoken of for the very first time. 
A knock resounded on your door. "Come in."  A muffled voice replied. 
The 3 Gods, which made up the Heavenly principles were crowded around your bed in which you slept peacefully. It has been decades.. Or even more since you last awoke. The first was a woman, Asmoday, with beautiful long white hair. She had golden— or amber eyes. The 'Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.' 
The second was a man with short black hair, possibly the most closest with the Creator. He never really engaged with the Heavenly Principles, finding them to be simply absurd. He had emerald eyes, and he was also your familiar. He went by the name 'Seraphina' meaning "Purifying Angel". The seraphim are the highest-ranking angels of God and are known for their intense passion and zealous love. The name was given to him by the Creator himself, and he wore it with pride.
The last one was an outlander, the weakest among all. She had a kind heart and would happily give herself up for you. She had short [H/C] and delicate [E/C]. One would say she was a ditto copy of yours. Many had even mistaken her as the creator. She called herself Revelyn.
The informant cowered in these Gods presence. The Creator always radiated a warm, kind and gentle aura. He never felt fear with the Creator. "There is something strange occurring in Teyavt.. A nation without a God ruling it has recently come into existence.." The voice informed, clutching a few papers. 
"Oh? Is that so. Humans and them thinking they can foolishly rule without a God." Asmoday scoffed, glaring at nothing. 
"Well, what does it even have to do with us?" Seraphina said, raising an eyebrow. "The Creator would have let them be; it isn't our place to interfere." 
"Sir.. The nation has been building monstrous machines.. Our team fears they may be a threat to the future of Teyavt." The informant spoke out, his voice wavering a bit. Seriously, why do they have to be so intimidating? Can't they like, take a chill pill for a second?
"A threat to the future of Teyvat... The Creator wouldn't want that, now would she, S-e-r-a-p-h-i-n-a?" Asmoday smirked a bit at him, he was just always full of himself. 
"You shut your mouth. We will not take any action until the Creator is awake." Seraphina declared and left the room, leaving the rest alone.
"I agree with Seraphina.. We shouldn't take any action.. But if it harms Teyvat.. Then I fear I wouldn't be so compliant."  Revelyn spoke in a soft tone. Her hand held yours. 
And so the Archon war started.
Messages were passed onto the Archons, to make sure this new nation will not survive. Do whatever it takes, it doesn't matter if you all die in the war. The Heavenly Principles said. That was when Seraphina officially left the Heavenly Principles and Revelyn went back to her world with a silent promise to see you again in her heart.
"And now..The nation is but a lost tale to time." You finished with a whisper, your eyes recalling the bitter memory. It always soured your mood, to think Asmoday and Revelyn would do this.. Seraphina played no part in it, considering he never agreed to what they said and left when they officially declared war on the nation. 
"Oh, also, your brother is the Prince Of Abyys." 
Anyways have some incorrect quotes cuz why not?
[Name]: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Revelyn: What?
Seraphina: That you're a child.
[Name]: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Revelyn: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Seraphina: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!
Asmoday: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
[Name]: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
[Name]: Dammit, Revelyn!
Revelyn: What?! It wasn’t me!
[Name]: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Seraphina!
Seraphina: Not me either.
[Name]: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Asmoday: *whistles*
[Name]: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Revelyn: You were flirting with Seraphina.
[Name]: So what? They're my partner.
Revelyn: You asked them if they were single.
Revelyn: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
[Name]: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Revelyn: The car takes a screenshot.
Seraphina: For the last time, get the fuck out.
[Name]: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
Revelyn: Just rip the bandage off.
[Name]: It’s Seraphina.
Revelyn: Put the bandage back on.
Seraphina, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
[Name]: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Seraphina: Do you take constructive criticism?
[Name]: I only take cash or credit.
Seraphina: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Seraphina: No! Four to five seconds!
[Name]: Too late!!!
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thevoidstaredback · 10 months ago
(I'm also having a lot of fun, so here's some more)
The only thing Danny's brain could register as he woke up was pain. When had he fallen asleep? In between the shocks of hurt and pain, he remembered fighting and an ambulance, but nothing much other than that. He knows that he was in a hospital at some point, but that sure as hell wasn't where he was now.
Had the G.I.W gotten him? Probably. He didn't have the energy to care, though. The pain taking over his senses completely. That's not good.
The haze of pain lessened a bit over time, though he couldn't tell how long it was, and allowed him feel other things. The first thing he felt was that he was missing a few pieces of himself. The next thing he felt was the warm air on the inside of his skin. If his stomach had still been in its proper place, he would've been sick.
The next thing to make itself known to him were the voices. Loud, obviously not caring who or what heard them. They were talking about him and cores or something. It sounded important. Why did it sound important?
His sense of sight was the next to return to him, though he used it sparingly. The room was bright. White walls, white ceiling, white LED lights, and he assumed even the floor was white tiles. Though, he figured the table he was on - silver if he had to guess - and the floor were both stained neon green and dark red. Green because of the ectoplasm that made up his ghostly form and red because of the blood that flowed through his very human veins. He opted to close his eyes again.
That was another thing to worry about. He was Phantom right now. He could've sworn he was Danny at the hospital. When did he change? Did someone force him to? How? Why? Danny didn't know. He doesn't like not knowing. Memory lapses are dangerous.
The very top of his list of surprises was when the LEDs and the voices in the room were drowned out by ominus red and a blaring alarm. That, added with the frantic running through the halls, painted the picture that someone was either attacking or raiding the base. Huh. What a coincidence.
Not that it mattered to him. Whoever it was would either be taken down or leave after they got what they came here for. Best not to get his hopes up. Intead, he was going to focus on piecing himself back together. Not having use of his limbs was making the task difficult, but he'd handle it.
Well, that had been the plan. He was alone in the room now, so he could do it, but the door was thrown off its hinges before he got very far. How unfortunate.
A gasp and several curses filled the room as someone (multiple someones?) rushed in and stopped by his bedside.
"Are you alright?" someone asked.
"He's probably asleep," that was a different voice. Definitely at least two people in there with him now.
The fingers on Danny's right hand twitched as he growled a soft "No," to answer the question.
"Shit!" a third person swore.
"You mean he's awake?!" a fourth.
Damn. There are a lot of people in this room. If he wasn't currently an open book, he'd say he was getting claustrophobic. As it stands, that's the least of his problems.
"Oracle?" he heard the first voice ask, "What do we do?"
He didn't hear a response from whoever 'Oracle' was, but he did hear the people get closer to him. Two on one side, one on the other, and one probably by the door. That's four people, plus whoever 'Oracle' is.
"We should've told father or the Justice League." the second voice said, "They would know how to deal with this better."
Now that was a name Danny knew. Everyone knows who the Justice League are! But, why did these guys not tell them? The Justice League are heroes! Don't tell him these are kids that're here!
He groaned, moving his head and prying his eyes open. He had to get them out of here. They weren't safe here. He needs-!
"Sh, sh, sh!" the first guy started, his hands waving a bit but not touching Danny, "Hey, hey, don't move. You're, um..."
"A little bit everywhere," the third voice said.
"I k'nda fig'red tha'." Danny slurred. Wow, maybe he lost a bit more than he expected. Oh, well. Nothing to do about it now. "Got'a ge' up!" It was proving to be a very difficult task, seeing as he was still strapped down and wide open.
"Whoa," the third guy pushed his shoulder back down like it would do any good. He had leather gloves on. "You're not going anywhere."
Danny mustered up the best glare he could and sent to the guy. A red helmet? Weird, but okay. "Why no'?"
The first guy spoke again, his voice smoother and a bit higher than little red riding hood's. "You're a little stuck," He was wearing black and blue with a black mask, the eyes whited out.
There was a scoff from over by the door, "He's been cut open, he's little more than 'stuck'." Rude little gremlin, obviously younger than the others, but speaking more formally.
"I'm working on it!" that was the last one. His voice was familiar. Why?
Danny leaned his head back down. He knew he couldn't do anything while strapped down like this, and it was very upsetting. Why did this always happen to him?
No use lamenting about it now. He's at the mercy of whoever the hell these guys are. Hopefully, they're a step up from his previous company.
DPxDC Prompt:
The vigilante meant well, taking the kid to the hospital to treat his injuries. The kid mumbled the entire time, barely conscious. "No hospital, please," he said more than once.
Poor kid, the vigilante thought. He must have a phobia of needles or something.
They never could have anticipated the danger they put that kid in, placing him in the care of that hospital.
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fourlynchclover · 4 years ago
earlier i thought of yet another pll plot hole that i don’t recall ever seeing anyone mention before 
so we all know how charlotte went by the name cece drake right? years and years later we meet jessica dilaurentis’ identical twin, mary drake. 
knowing ali and jason’s dad, i’d say it’s safe to assume he’d want to at LEAST know jason’s girlfriend’s last name before she came on their family vacation. 
so..why wouldn’t he question why she literally had his wife’s maiden name? 
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years ago
Hey so that Dainsleif quest huh 👀
[Spoilers for those who haven't played it yet ofc]
These are just some disorganized initial thoughts for your consideration:
So I'm pretty sure his "travel companion" that he keeps mentioning is our twin
Does that mean our twin has gone to the exact same places as we've been going?? Dainsleif seemed to be familiar with all the locations we visited in Mondstadt but I suppose that could've been from an even earlier journey
And the possibility that the Abyss is trying to mislead us bc we hadn't encountered any abyss mages since Dvalin 🤔🤔🤔 what do they want??? We know (kinda) that our twin is watching our progress and that they're the prince/princess of the Abyss so like are they trying to keep us from getting in the way of their plans so as not to accidentally hurt us? Though something tells me we're gonna get tangled up in it one way or the other lmao
Dainsleif said that his goal is to oppose the Abyss so perhaps he's got his own secret plans to try to stop our twin (as is also supported by what he said at the end of the mortal travails video about proving ourselves worthy of stopping "her"/Lumine probably)
Also turns out I'd been pronouncing his name wrong the whole time lmao I had been saying dains-leaf instead of dains-lif
No Vision as confirmed by his full character model
Also his eyepatch is more of a phantom of the opera mask lmao
Important observation he looks like post timeskip Dimitri from a distance when I had to meet him in Dvalin's Lair I legit thought he was Dimitri for a sec XD
Anyway those were my thoughts about the new quest lmao my internet was cutting out the whole time while I was trying to play like dsfkdksjf pls I just wanted to talk to blond eyepatch man
Important part of this post: 
I took a lot of pictures of Dainsleif if you want to use them as references (or appreciation).  The pictures are under the read more tag so if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read anything and skip to the read more. 
Also, he calls you and your sibling “idiots” through money.
He asks for 500 mora and (this is probably just a coincidence but considering Zhongli tips Xiangling 888 mora I’m sus). The number 250  [二百五] or ( èr bǎi wǔ) means “idiot”. 
If someone calls you 250, they can say (nǐ shì wǔ bǎi) or “You are [250]”. But if you give someone 500, this can be taken as saying two people are stupid (250 + 250 = 500). I mean, that’s probably not how it works but I think it’s funny to imagine Dainsleif being too polite to call us stupid. 
I know right? When I saw the leak for it and seeing it confirmed in patch notes, I was so confused. Wha-Why are you here so early? I wasn’t expecting you for another 5 years at least. I’m happy to see you and your beautiful model in game but at the same time I was so worried that we were going to get crumbs of interactions. Same thing with Guizhong in Zhongli’s story quest. Genshin please...finish your stories (that’s fucking hilarious coming from me considering I still have a part 2 to Childe that I need to write), but I’m honestly just happy that he’s in the game. But yes 👀👀 more lore food. 
You know, I was talking about the archons a bit with @maagdalen and, I may have been misunderstanding or reading the wrong message, but they brought up the idea that what if the archons’ personality is based on their regions country's? So for example, Venti’s personality adopts the German mentality because Mondstadt was modelled after Germany? Obviously, I have no idea if that’s true because I’m not from or am German but in the context of Liyue and Zhongli. I can definitely see some sort of connection. 
But some food for thought:
“But cyro archon is very viable since she's suppose to be a kind hearted person that needed to be cold for the sake of freedom. or peace. something like that.”
 “Sorry, but this is stupidly Russian style. No matter what you say, people will always be dissatisfied. Of course it's not that bad...but it's something to think about.“ 
But yess, @svnflowery​ said the same thing. That Dainsleif was Lumine’s “guide” the same way Paimon is our guide. I actually think that’s an interesting idea. That Lumine has gone to the exact same places as we’ve been through. It actually makes me wonder (since we can play as both her and Aether), that Lumine went through the same story line as Aether. She met Venti, Zhongli, everything that’s happening right now. She’s already been through, then when she reached the Khaenri’ah chapter she failed. So she decided to spin the clock back and change destiny. I mean, this is me spit balling and I don’t think this happened but it’s something to think about. 
You know funny enough, hasn’t Venti been asleep for a while? Either way, he doesn’t really strike me as the type that truly wants to be an Archon. He says in his voicelines as well that “that’s a problem for Mondstadt to deal with”. So it would be easier for the Abyss Order to mess some things up. While Zhongli has been alive for 6000 years and I highly doubt Abyss Order can do anything to him haha. If we’re going on that “Lumine has already been through this journey” she could be trying to re-make or lead us on the same path. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dainsleif was our guide, then when Lumine spun the clock back and aligned herself with the abyss, that’s when they split. That could be a reason why he’s trying to oppose the abyss order but really I think it’s because the Abyss Order’s goal is to basically set the world on fire (or something like that). I always pronounce character names wrong and I don’t understand why people make such a big deal out of it. You know who I’m talking about, my pronunciation isn’t completely shit to the point you don’t know. So why do you keep yelling at me??
Also. The most important part of his quest was it was “Aether’s version” of the “We will be reunited” trailer. 
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It even showed the crushed dandelion flower and the ruin guard footprints. IT’S OUR SISTER. 
I knoww, I was searching for his vision and got weird pics but that’s alright, I LOWKEY HATE THE OPERA MASK SO MUCH. GIVE ME ACTUAL MASK. THERE GOES THE “SEPERATE COLOURED EYE” ART OF KHAENRIAH PEOPLE. Yo, knock off Dimitri let’s go. 
I love Dainslief’s english voice but I hate Xiao’s en voice. What a dilemma. I usually play in chinese but wow does Dainslief sound old. Jp is slightly better but I hear grandpa vibes. Korean isn’t bad and I actually don’t mind korean xiao so korean we shall go. It’s weird. I like Dainsleif english voices, Xiao chinese voice, paimon korean voice haha. Jp is usually just good all around but I have preferences. But tyty for telling me your thoughts! I’d love to hear about the Xiao quest that just dropped. Beautiful boy 
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yeah about that...xiao scammed me. I wonder if his speech changes based on what you say. i kind of doubt it though. 
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I’m looking at his outfit from every angle while Xiao stays pretty in the back. 
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I like that you can see his magic arm there. 
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While on this side you can’t. 
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I swear this is for research. IM TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS A VISION. IM INNOCENT!!
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he also has some sort of weird...blue thingy on his foot?
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Im using Xiao as a personfication of me BUT TELL ME YOUR SECRETS 
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rivertheshimmerscale · 5 years ago
Continuing from a different post, but I decided not to reblog because this would be one long-ass reblog, plus it kinda goes off topic as well.
I also don't know how to use the "read more" so... Well, fuck. Sorry.
Apparently by "a little," my subconscious meant to dump all of my OC's designs, evolution and backstory at your feet. I'll try to summarize lmao.
I had gotten this idea at the beginning of 2019. Maybe a month after CYM was released. I really wanted a SU OC and my favorite color was blue at the time, so, naturally, I ended up researching a ton of blue gemstones and minerals. The very first name I contemplated was Blue Spinel, which I thought sounded kinda dorky written down and I preferred Kyanite. But the name grew on me and I couldn't decide on Kyanite or Blue Spinel.
Here's a referenced version of Kyanite's very first concept:
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I briefly had an idea where she was bubbled on Earth and still got hit with the Corrupting Light, but it only half affected her because of the bubble. This was because I wanted to make her design really feral and monstrous because frankly, I love those designs. Then I decided not to because that idea had too many inconsistencies for her backstory.
Instead I settled to changing her name to Cat's Eye Kyanite, - after discovering that was a thing - using this as an excuse to give her some catlike features. Cats are cool.
Kyanite gets fangs and claws.
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I know she looks a little like Lapis, and this is probably because I have some annoying drawing habits. I can only draw Peridot, Spinel and Lapis, so I tend to lapse into these habits when I try to draw anyone else.
Kyanite/Blue Spinel's main power was:
Dissolving her form into a beam of striated light, which resembles actual raw kyanite. It's kinda ironic because the beam is just a simplified, liquid version of her physical form. Raw, primitive light. She can only move in a straight line while using this attack, as light only moves forward.
This reflects off of Steven's shield and bubble. He unintentionally curb stomped her attack the first time they met; she simply ricocheted off his shield and went flying in the opposite direction.
After lately discovering Sonic, this ability has been removed since the coincidence was a little too much for me lmao.
She was a very insecure, melodramatic Gem prone to anxiety, though very protective of those she cared about. She would leap in front of a poofing blow without a second thought, and could be a little scrappy at times.
Kyanites can detect a falsity from miles away, so never lie to her. She will know.
Her full gem name was Cat's Eye Kyanite Facet-8 Cut 3YK. Quite a mouthful, huh?
Her original backstory is kinda janked, so after this I'll share her scrapped one that's still kinda in progress.
Basically, she was made alongside a team of cabochon Kyanites, but was a defective deep-cut. Her Gem was faceted instead of smooth, she was shorter than she should've been, and instead of being calm and balanced like all other Kyanites, she was nervous and impulsive. Despite being off-color, her defects had benefits. She was a brighter color and slightly stronger than her fellow Kyanites, so her superior ended up keeping her anyways. Though a lot of abuse was still directed at her from said superior and teammates. She also had limb enhancers.
At some point, the Kyanites' manager got sent to earth to help with the colony's construction. While the Corrupting Light was being initiated, 3YK ended up being left behind and bubbled in the Facet 5 Cluster lab. In this version of the AU, the Crystal Gems found her bubble after destroying all of the force fusion shards. They took it back to the temple and Steven convinced them to pop it in case it was an innocent Gem. After all, if it was just another corruption or Homeworld Gem, they could catch it again and no harm done... Right?
I ended up just kinda putting this OC down for a while and never came back to it, but after the movie came out, things got interesting. I never would've anticipated an actual canon Spinel, and, to my mild surprise, my own OC had some obvious similarities besides part of the same name. Some of which include a widow's peak or whatever it's called, similar stature, short hair/fur and then longer tufts, similar coloring system, personality, and some more subtle things.
But I liked both of these characters so much that I just have 2 sub-characters; Blue Spinel and Cat's Eye Kyanite. They each have their own individual AUs, I guess, as well.
Ok, for Blue Spinel now!
I have a headcanon that there are other Spinels on Homeworld, but they're not necessarily the same as the Spinel everyone knows and loves.
As you might know, spinel in real life is rather rare and as such not many people know about it. One could say it's underrated. Gem hierarchy on Homeworld seems to be primarily based on Gem worth and popularity on earth. For example, Diamonds being the highest rank gem. Diamonds are actually one of the most common gemstones on earth; and they're very well known by the community.
Ask someone what the most important gemstone is (not in the context of Steven Universe) and they'll probably answer "diamond" without skipping a beat. So by this logic, Spinels on Homeworld could be kinda rare, and not of a particularly high rank but still important nonetheless. Like Pearls, they could be considered the expensive pets or toys of the upper classes.
Take Pink Spinel. She was made for Pink Diamond, especially customized to look and behave like her. She was made to entertain and be Pink's best friend.
In the movie, Pearl sings:
"This will be fun
Aren't you the lucky one?
Her cut is perfect and she's pink, as well
She'll bring you endless entertainment
Your new best friend, Spinel!"
Steven is lucky to have a Spinel? Are they rare? Perhaps only for the highest of the elites, and most likely much more important than Pearls.
Pink Spinel is, in a way, the ultimate or Diamond quality Spinel. Like Jasper is the Ultimate Quartz.
She's the same color as Pink Diamond/Steven, but, how would Pearl know that Steven was Pink? He shows no physical traits of her, besides her Gem, which is also covered and not obviously even Pink Diamond. Pearl was also reset and completely disregarded Steven in all scenes, as Greg was her new owner.
Is there something different or special about Pink Spinels that deserved a mention in Pearl's basic description of these Gems?
These are, as it seems, in an order. Lucky to have a Spinel. She's perfect and,
She'll entertain you.
It's unlikely that these two are connected, but it could be possible that different color Spinels have different purposes.
Pink gems, as a stereotype, might be more fun-loving and goofy. Take Pink Pearl and Pink Diamond. We haven't met very many Pink Gems, but they all seem to share this trait. This could also be because they were modeled after Pink Diamond, but hear me out anyways. Blue Gems tend to be rather solemn. (Lapis Lazuli, Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, Sapphire.) Green/yellow/orange/red Gems tend to be more sassy, energetic and/or egotistical. (Peridot, Yellow Pearl, Yellow Diamond, Ruby.)
Why wouldn't there be a trait for pink Gems?
Homeworld could've utilized this to create a naturally happy-go-lucky Spinel whose purpose is to be happy and entertain other Gems.
But are all Spinels entertainers?
Entertainment seems like a foreign concept for Gems, and within the busy hierarchy, who would ever have time for fun?
In real life, spinel is known as the copy gem. It can mimic almost any crystal because it comes in such a wide range of colors and has a hardness of 8 on the MOHs scale.
So I created an adaptive theory.
Real spinels can be used to mimic other gems. Homeworld Spinels are one of the customizable "accessory" Gems, which take an appearance and personality very similar to that of their owner.
If this were the case, they would be like a higher quality Pearl with more diverse skills. Programmed to have a base personality exactly like their owner, and if their owner screws up bad, they could just be replaced by their Spinel if they're essential to the hierarchy.
Spinels can be entertainers, friends, substitutes or replacements.
Possibly, not all Spinels are solely entertainers. There could be others out there either way, and with this they could be much more relevant in the Gem society though still very rare.
Anyways, it's just a theory. I hope that made sense.
I might put that specific theory on a separate post as well since I'm rather fond of it lmao.
And now, for her backstory.
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Celestine was an important Gem. Her role was to manage a portion of Blue's court, and give reports on how her Diamond's colonies were progressing. She, along with all the other Celestines recorded everything that happened and acted as messengers for higher elites. She oversaw colonies when Blue was away and aided her Diamond in their managements. She specializes in this position of great responsibility.
Alongside their roles, Celestines in general can quickly freeze liquids and control them in their solid state or at a certain temperature below freezing. Unlike Sapphires, however, they cannot generate ice out of thin air. Celestine has a pair of ice wings she can summon from her Gem. These Gems also have construction jobs on colonies. They typically work alongside Lapis Lazulis, who use their powers to excavate Kindergardens. Celestines either froze or evaporated the excess water for later use once the Kindergarten was completed.
At some point, Celestine made an error in her job managing Earth's resources and was threatened by her manager, an overreacting Aquamarine, to be replaced. She couldn't be rejuvenated or harvested because she needed all of her documents of colonies, so her Aquamarine instead requested Blue that she be given a backup Gem as a warning. This was Blue Spinel. Blue Spinel was programmed to behave like Celestine, and replace her immediately if need be. She was also meant to record and report her behaviors to Aquamarine.
Celestine was both terrified of and hated her new little replacement snitch. Spinel had to follow her everywhere, which sometimes tested Celestine's temper. The feeling was mostly mutual. Spinel had been occasionally hit and threatened by Cryolite/Celestine, and would try not to interact closely with her. Though, Spinel had a rather calm demeanor and never retaliated.
The two Gems got sent back to the Earth Colony alongside a few Lapis Lazulis to build the Beta Kindergarten. When the corrupting light was being initiated, Celestine found an opportunity to ditch Spinel and they both took seperate ships back to Homeworld. But as they were leaving, Celestine shot at Spinel's ship and knocked it offline. She was on the ship while the Gems were corrupted.
And Spinel's been stuck in the ship for a couple thousand years, eventually giving up trying to fix it. It circled in a slow spiral pattern towards the planet before finally being sucked in and crashing.
She met the CGs and now lives in Little Homeworld or something, this most likely took place after the movie. She had nothing against Steven or the CGs aside from the fact that she had to fight in the war a little bit at some point, but it was all fine and dandy. She didn't cause any problems when she ended up on Earth.
I don't actually have a finished design for Celestine, but I expect she'd have snow colored hair in a sort of angel wing shaped bob, feathery looking shoulder pads, sorta pale bluish skin and a blue-gray dress/skirt. Sorta sharp white boots like Holly Blue. Her gem is on her naval like Spinel, and of course she's really tall.
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Buster & Edie
Buster: I need to talk to you Edie: hot Edie: shoot Buster: Are you in a state to hear me or not? Edie: i got eyes n ears mckenna Buster: You know what I mean Edie: am i high, what you asking yeah Buster: Well, are you? Edie: when am i not, if you waitin for me be sober u gon be blueballed forever Buster: I just don't want to be talking to a brick wall Buster: Or repeating myself like it's my job Buster: Can you give me that or should we do this another time? Edie: i ain't indie i stay functioning unless i'm nodding Edie: and we wouldn't be flirting rn if i was so off you go Edie: i'm listening Buster: Alright Buster: Drew got lifted on St Paddy's night carrying fuck knows how much Buster: He could get as much as 14 years but I doubt it Edie: ha Edie: s'funny Buster: Do you want me to hit you up again when we know how long he's getting? Edie: nah i'll just pretend he got 14, fitting Edie: how old indie is yeah Edie: paroled himself into pen, ha Buster: No way that cunt'll get max Buster: He never does Buster: But sure Edie: you ain't need to tell me Edie: 'bout to be 16 right here Buster: I was more speaking my own frustrations, babe Buster: But you know Edie: tell me all about 'em Edie: peak daddy issues right now, i'll see u right init Buster: Shut up Buster: You've got a man for that Edie: you ain't Edie: omg are you coming out to me rn Buster: Obviously yeah Buster: Your sister's my beard, like Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: Also I ain't got daddy issues yet so why we talking about me? Edie: makes more sense than what u playing as truth Edie: wanna talk about mine some more Edie: cool Buster: I wanna make sure you're okay Buster: So sue me, babe Edie: sweet Edie: makes no odds to me does it Buster: You tell me Buster: I ain't speaking for you Edie: he ain't been about Edie: i ain't about Buster: I know that's bullshit 'cause they saw you Buster: You could've come in, had a drink Buster: You still can Buster: Fight your way through the tourists, like Edie: i dun wanna cover up your homo ways w you boy i'm soz Buster: Fuck off Buster: You love it Buster: What are you doing that's better? Edie: my mans Edie: like you said Buster: I'm so offended right now Buster: But fine Edie: gutted Edie: any more sad news to get me juiced Buster: I don't reckon Buster: You did talk my sister into therapy though so nice one Edie: whey Edie: slainte Buster: Yeah Edie: vulnerability all round Edie: get u some ur so welcome Buster: What is that meant to mean? Edie: u tellin me my daddy going gone so u can pipe me, so sayin Edie: uncovering all her trauma Edie: 🙌 Buster: Bullshit Buster: Don't be like that Edie: like what Buster: Fucked Edie: boring Buster: If that's your threshold Edie: for your boringness Edie: yeah Buster: Fine Buster: I'll go then Buster: See you later Edie: toodles Buster: Yeah yeah Buster: You know where I am if you actually need anything or wanna talk, babe Edie: desperate Edie: what you actually wanna say Edie: babe Buster: 'Course Buster: You're that irresistible, Eds Buster: I've said what I came here to say Buster: You can't blame me for wondering if that boy can string a sentence together, like Buster: Who else you talking to? Edie: fun times Edie: lots of people Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Edie: 'fact Edie: one of my lads 'bout to go in Edie: 🤞 they get the same pen, visit 'em both ay Buster: Someone's got to Edie: you know indie will Edie: probably ro too Buster: Nah Buster: They're both over it Edie: nah Edie: indie likes her free gear and ro likes her bit of rough Buster: You're out the loop, kid Edie: you're kidding yourself you think anything changed Edie: been here many times, u weren't about Buster: I know they have Buster: I've seen them both, you ain't Edie: oh babe Edie: no smart mckennas left Edie: so sad Buster: Don't patronise me, babe Buster: You wish Edie: don't play dumb Buster: Don't play like you know anything that's going on Buster: I'd say you'll see but we both know you won't Edie: i got bored of it Edie: wait til you on your thousandth rerun of everyone's shit, you will too Buster: Bored ain't the word for what I am Edie: nah Edie: go on then if ur so smart Edie: impress me with that vocab Buster: Fuck that Buster: I don't need to prove anything to you Buster: I'm smart enough to know it's not worth bothering Edie: that riveting is it Edie: well enjoy his downfall whilst it lasts Edie: dun expect me to join in celebrations Buster: I ain't celebrating nor waiting on you Buster: I've got plenty of other shit to do Edie: clearly Edie: clogging up my inbox inviting me for drinks Buster: I'm here for Rio I ain't here for you Buster: She wanted me to tell you so I have Buster: End of Edie: now u have Edie: probs suck ur dick well done u Buster: She doesn't need the incentive Buster: But thanks for caring Edie: disgusting Buster: You brought it up Buster: Don't if you don't wanna hear about it Edie: yeah just ignore it like it ain't happening with the rest Edie: cool Buster: There's not ignoring it or talking about my sex life as the only two options Buster: Again, you wish Buster: None of this is being ignored by any of my fam Edie: it ain't being dealt with either is it Buster: Speak for yourself Buster: I'm dealing with it every day Edie: no one making u do it Buster: Nobody's making you do anything you are either Edie: welllll i ain't fucking my cuz either so i'm good Buster: That don't make you good Buster: Hilarious maybe Edie: soz ill get to work so i can be up to standard Edie: options ain't limited Buster: Tell me something I don't know Buster: I can do anything I want Buster: How about you? Edie: you can Edie: i am Buster: Proud of you, like Edie: should be Edie: mixed messages otherwise Buster: That's not about to worry me Buster: I only came to deliver one message and it's done Edie: 💔 Edie: obvs Buster: Good to know Edie: relay that if you like Edie: get 'em all feeling good Buster: I don't chat shit anymore Buster: Sorry Edie: why u sorry Edie: idc Edie: they won't love it Buster: 'Cause I know you'd love me to pass this whole convo on but I ain't Edie: aw bummer Edie: so sad Edie: hit 'em with the round robin Buster: You always want me to be your errand boy Buster: So transparent Edie: you wanna be around em so much Edie: i don't Edie: both get what we want Buster: I wanna be here, I don't want them in my face Buster: And especially not on your account Edie: sure Edie: so transparent Buster: Funnily enough, your fam are really annoying Buster: You think you're the only one who knows that? Edie: also your fam but go off Edie: makes it weird when u think on it huh Buster: No, I'm talking about your mob Buster: They ain't my immediate Buster: I'm not seeing them all at breakfast like Edie: me either Edie: i'm as related to them as you are Buster: Bullshit Buster: Your saw your brothers the other fucking day Buster: What was that? A coincidence Buster: Come on Edie: Could be Edie: they were out on street alone Edie: i coulda been anyone Buster: They were outside the pub Buster: Lie better if you're gonna try Edie: on st paddys day Edie: do better if you really dont want ur kids missing Buster: If you were my kid I would Edie: hearteyes Edie: ain't that just what i wanna hear Buster: I don't give a fuck Buster: We're having a convo I'm not playing to an audience Buster: Your parents are shit, what do you want me to do? Edie: i dunna ring social Buster: Ring them yourself Buster: You're the one they failed Buster: It aint your brothers or me Edie: oh yh rest of em are golden Buster: Yeah, as good as they can be Buster: Nobody's perfect Edie: ha Edie: now u bullshitting Buster: No I ain't Buster: What's so fucked up about any of them? Go on Edie: long Edie: u wanted this list u should've given me 3 working days Buster: Keep stalling while you make up your bullshit, babe Buster: I'll be here then Edie: what i gotta make up Edie: your whole thing is evidence of the first and worst, like Edie: why i wasting my time telling u when u don't wanna hear Buster: There's nothing wrong with Rio Buster: But feel free to hit me with that list on the rest of them when you're ready Edie: oh god Buster: Is that all you've got? Buster: Good then Edie: all needs telling to u Edie: u dont care bout the rest of them and how fucked up they are 'til they of age Edie: end of Buster: You don't care about any of them so don't lecture me Edie: sure don't Edie: who lecturing you want the list so bad Edie: k bundy Buster: Whatever Edie: 😂 Buster: I'll see you around on your brother's twitter feed, like Edie: cute u care Buster: Yeah I know Buster: I've been told Edie: i bet Edie: ⭐ Buster: Feel free if you need the cash Buster: Low risk Edie: huh Buster: I'm a safe bet, babe Buster: Don't you know? Edie: u make me wanna throw up in my mouth a bit Edie: not rlly my thing but u make it work 4 u Buster: Yeah I do Edie: ick Edie: stop Edie: i just ate Buster: Good to know Buster: At least you're not gonna starve to death Edie: such a drama queen too Edie: how do u actually get laid its impressive Edie: b4 the whole incest vibe Buster: Talk about mixed messages Buster: Stop flirting with me, babe Buster: I liked it better when you were playing hard to get Edie: boiiiiii Edie: u think that flirting u need to watch out Edie: calling u repugnant Buster: Yeah yeah Edie: oh that's who u remind me of Edie: american psycho Edie: what was his name Edie: gets horny over card stock Buster: Good one Buster: You're funny Edie: i know Edie: imma rewatch Buster: Cute Buster: You don't have to miss me you can just come see me Edie: ew Edie: bateman Edie: ha Edie: funny Edie: indie would laugh Buster: I'll tell her Buster: See if she does Edie: aw Edie: domestic bliss Buster: Yeah Edie: gotta give it to yuh Edie: hustlin on the next Edie: been there Edie: clever Buster: What? Edie: got her good to go when u get bored of ri Buster: You're fucked Buster: She's a kid Edie: whatevs Edie: 4 years ain't a big deal Buster: Yeah it fucking is Buster: When she's 14 Buster: Don't fucking say shit like that to me or about me Edie: dry Buster: Sort your head out Buster: Seriously Edie: what Edie: i don't wanna fuck a 14 year old Edie: n i ain't Buster: Neither do I Buster: Fuck you Edie: cool Edie: keep it legal but dubious Edie: that's how u rollin Buster: Shut up Buster: You don't know what you're talking about Edie: sadly do Edie: u really splash it all over socials Buster: I'm not doing anything wrong Buster: Unlike that boy fucking you Edie: what u gonna do call garda Edie: who cares Buster: You have enough of an opinion about my moral code Buster: Sort yours Edie: oooo victim blaming hahaah Edie: have u for that the feminazis Buster: Give a shit Buster: What are you gonna do, tell on me? Edie: they sense that shit from mile way Edie: dun need to Buster: I'm so scared Edie: same Buster: It's been fun Buster: I gotta go Edie: it hasn't Edie: ✌
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