#obviously I am currently writing Maverick because I haven't in a while
ace-malarky · 1 month
first two scenes of the shapeshifter wip done!! arguably the first chapter? idk they might be. short. we can ease in.
anyway, Syn's already mourning the times that haven't changed yet which really just sets the whole mood lmao
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susiecarter · 3 months
hi are u working on any new top gun? those fics of yours always hit the spot <3<3
Hi, anon! :D I am so so thrilled my Top Gun stuff has worked for you so well (;-;!), and while they're not at the top of my list right now because of reasons you will learn about in a couple days a few other things that have to come first, I currently have juuuuuust barely started writing, have outlined but not actually begun drafting, or am working on nailing down in advance of outlining:
Ice/Mav "it's just sex" wingfic (spoiler: it is not just sex, and there will be gentle dirty wing-stroking to prove it)
Rooster/Hangman time loop (spoiler: it actually took Hangman QUITE A FEW TRIES to learn to be less of a dick and also figure out exactly what he needed to do to save Rooster's and Maverick's asses :D)
Ice/Mav Ice whump where hazing always gets taken a lot further when it's the Iceman, who never reacts, no matter what's being done to him, and it's fine, because he is definitely not traumatized by it or anything (spoiler: he is, and Maverick realizes it)
Rooster/Hangman accidental baby acquisition :D
Ice/Mav where Maverick is punishing himself after Goose's death through risky BDSM with strangers, and Ice realizes what he's doing and steps in to offer him a safer option (spoiler: it is not the safer option FOR THEIR FEELINGS <3)
(Yes, like half of these are from/based on kinkmeme prompts I still haven't finished writing fills for, don't judge me! /o\)
If any of those sound especially good to you, fantastic—if none of them are your jam, though, feel free to tell me about an idea you'd like to see me try to write! I am (obviously :'D) pretty slow with prompts, but I'm always happy to receive them, and I'll do my best to write them eventually. ♥!
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