#obv id prefer truscum etc not to interact but this isn''t my creation soooo
xeno-aligned · 5 years
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the ultimate lgbtia+ flag!
this was originally made by @lesbianweirdal but they’ve deactivated (here’s a link to the original post in case they come back). i recreated it at a 5000x3000 size, and added the meanings.
the flag is a compilation of the philadelphia pride flag, the updated version of the original flag by gilbert baker, the victory over aids flag, and the white stripe is from monica helm’s transgender flag (although i took the liberty of changing the meaning of the white stripe from nonbinary people to the meaning from the são paulo love fest flag, which still includes nonbinary people as it signifies the gender (and sexual) spectrum as well as peace and union). you can read about all these flags over on wikipedia.
colour meanings:
(top) black & brown = support for queer people of colour
hot pink = sex
red = life
orange = healing
yellow = sunlight
white = nonbinary people, the gender and sexuality spectrum, and peace and union
green = nature
turquoise = magic & art
indigo = serenity
violet = spirit
lavender = diversity
(bottom) black = victory over aids & remembrance for those who have died from it.
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