#obligatory I am friends and mutuals with many people who ship it and it's fine disclaimer
thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
Hey, you might have done this before, but if you would rank all the mash ships how would you rank them
Well, what is all? All the, like, popular ones? Because there are a loooottttt of rarepairs or possible ships.I've done this in my head but I don't think I've ever done it in public. It's complicated, because I like different things about them. I'm limiting this to like, ships involving main characters (plus Sidney) that I see mentioned just to keep it manageable. If you want to know about any I didn't mention please just send a follow up ask!!
Best to worst:
Houlihawk (Hawkeye/Margaret) and hawnk (Hawkeye/Frank) Houlihawk because they just have so much chemistry it makes me insane and there's just some wonderful "opposites attract but they're more likely than they think" romance, narrative foils make a powerful couple Hawnk because it is very funny
Piercentyre (Hawkeye/Trapper) Best-friends-to-lovers is so cute! I'm already obsessed with their friendship so sure. The chemistry is fun. They're obnoxious (affectionate). The show jokes about them being a couple or situates them as the other couple to Frank/Margaret a lot.
Hawkeye/Charles There's not a lot to this except for whatever the fuck Alan Alda and David Ogden Stiers were doing whenever they had a scene together. I think they're both just such great actors (and Alan Alda's approach to acting heavily involves relating to a scene partner) that it creates chemistry. I don't know!!
Henry/anyone from the main cast I have no real opinion but Henry is the epitome of This Dude Fucks and McLean is sexy so why not. I don't seek this out. Someone wrote Henry/Hawkeye/Trapper porn based on my post one time so I have to have a little affection.
Trapper/Margaret I don't get it at all, even when the show teases it I just get no spark, but it would be hot.
Hawkcahy (Hawkeye/Mulcahy) I don't get it and I'm not into shipping the priest with anyone but I mostly just don't react when I see it.
Klinger/anyone from the main cast I just don't see it!
Charles/Klinger Don't get it!! None of their interactions seem this way to me.
Radar/anyone from the main cast A little squicky for me because of how Radar is written especially in his later seasons. I also just don't really get it.
Hawkeye/Sidney There are already enough ethical problems in this relationship. Also they have no sexual chemistry and Sidney could like men but I have no reason to think he does (and headcanon him as straight and happily married).
BJ/Hawkeye (aka hunnihawk or beejhawk) Whatever the opposite of romantic chemistry is, that's what they have to me. I'm not shocked slash of them exists because I know how slash fandom works, but I was still surprised at how big this ship was and like... the specific way it was popular when I got into the fandom. I do not see them as a couple under any circumstances. Specifically I cannot see Hawkeye having feelings for BJ, that's an immediate "he would not fucking say that" for me. Truly cannot emphasize enough this is a bottom-tier ship for me. I think across all the fandoms I've been in, I've only found one ship that's more NOTP to me than this one. If it weren't so popular with the fandom it'd be more "I don't think about you at all." Also like, if I could believe them as a couple, I don't think they'd be a good one based on their dynamic in the show.
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quebracabeca · 4 years
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Rules | Atem | Verses
Reading my rules is OBLIGATORY in order to interact with this blog.
This is a sideblog attached to Khxpresh, all follows/likes/asks/etc comes from it! Make sure you’re being followed by it, in the first place.
All of my YGO blogs are on hiatus. I’ll only be around for my friends only & current mutuals. I’m not looking for new partners around this community.
Thanks for the great times!
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About the mun:
*Mun’s face-claims are Anubis and Seth from the Oh, suddenly Egyptian God!* Hello there! I am Vani! Any pronouns is fine, idc how you guys will address me by. I am a brazilian, an university student. 25 years old In terms of YGO, I’ve got myself back into it! I haven’t touched this serie since the late 2000s, back when GX was the brand new hot stuff. I’ve watched the anime both dubbed and subbed. If you like my graphics or edits and would like something similar for you, then why not commission me? All my details are here! Promo - 16/09/2021
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Some further info:
Atem is being primarily based off the DM anime, I take very little influence from other sources unless it is for an AU.
THIS IS A +18 YEARS OLD BLOG (due to a wide variety of subjects that aren’t suitable for minors). AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE SOFTBLOCKED, REFOLLOWING ME WILL LEAD INTO BLOCKING.
Here’s my threads tracker! (please consider supporting the dev’s work on patreon!)
I tend to reblog fanarts/edits/etc of the following ships: Scandal. If you don’t wish to see them then blacklist the tag: Shipping cw.
There are very few things that I will refuse to write, obviously some subjects/ships/etc might be better kept off tumblr. But over all, don’t be afraid to approach me to discuss them! I will let  you know when something is making me uncomfortable, so we can change it.  Controversial shipping? Plots? Just toss @ me fam! I won’t judge you  based off these things!
I just ask you to do the same thing for me. If I ever end up making you feel uncomfortable, for WHATEVER reason, LET ME KNOW. without a doubt it was all a matter of genuine mistake.
I reserve the right to unfollow and block anyone, I don’t owe an explanation for doing so. Do not evade it, nor send people after me in an attempt to score an answer for you. If you find out you’ve been blocked by me, move on like any other person would.
While I have no problems with personal/non-rp blogs following and interacting with me/my posts, I need you guys to refrain from reblogging my threads/headcanons/edits/art that originates from this blog. This is because I don’t want it spreading around, and messing with my activity!
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Reblog karma is in effect, if I reblog a prompt from you I will send in something back. And I expect the same from you, if you do nothing but reblog memes directly from me without sending anything back, you will be blocked. I have a tolerance when it comes to mutuals, I’ll contact you to stop with it. However, I have zero tolerance for non-mutuals.
Just don’t be a dick man, let’s all be civil around here.
I am NOT fictionkin nor self-insert friendly, I’ve had way too many bad run ins with those folks, and want nothing to do with them! Mun =/= Muse, if you can’t understand that concept then leave.
Harassment will not be tolerated in any shape or form. Anon function is turned off to prevent people from abusing it. If you have a problem with me, you should reach me out through DMs or block me. Do not under any circumstance, harass or attack people who interact with my blog just because of its content.
Non-mutuals: please refrain from sending prompts that have been  specifically tagged/marked as ‘mutuals’. They have been marked in such  way, for a reason. I get you may want to draw my attention to your blog,  however, that’s not the way to go about it (If you do this, I’ll likely  take it as an attempt to brute force your way into my boundaries. DMing  me is a whole lot better.). I take a while to follow people back, you can find more info in regards to  what I look into people’s blogs & take into consideration before  following back in my rules doc.  
I’m strongly against the idea of “if we’re mutuals, then we’re immediately friends!” (as it promotes an unhealthy sense of overfamiliarity, and it has put me in awkward situations in the past). My primary goal for RP is to write, I’m not actively seeking out to make friends. I’ll always treasure friendships made along the way, but this needs to be something that happens naturally. So please, don’t go around calling me a friend, unless we’ve known each other and have been in constant contact for quite some time. It’s nothing against anyone, that’s just how I roll.
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maesterkenobi · 5 years
I’ll say this once, because I’m too old to waste time on tumblr drama, but I feel like it’s something my followers should know about me - especially if they haven’t looked at my rules lately.
If you cannot follow the Three Laws of Fandom, I am not interested in talking to you, or writing with you. I don’t get offended if someone dislikes my ships, I truly couldn’t care less. I have people I write certain ships with, I have other people to write other ships with, I have people to write non-shippy things with.. and that’s how it should be. It’s insane to expect that everyone will always like the same things you do. The same principle applies here that would apply in real life, if I met you at a party, and we’d get along well until you suddenly said that you think playing video games is an utter waste of time that only lazy people enjoy, and movies are for people who never grew up. If you did that I’d say my polite goodbyes and go talk to someone else, because that attitude goes against a substantial part of my life (unless I was drunk, then I’d probably start a discussion but thaT’S BESIDES THE POINT). I won’t attack you for it, and if that’s the belief you want to go through life with, then be my guest. But I won’t try to befriend you and I won’t talk to you and I will certainly not listen to anymore of your potentially insulting opinions - because I don’t have to. And I don’t want to. There are 7,5+ billion people on this planet, I’m sure someone out there is interested in listening to you. I’m not.
The Three Laws are a pretty nice way of telling people some basic rules about mutual respect in a fandom community. You can dislike someone or their interests and still choose to be polite (but distant) about it. You can choose to attack someone for it, but that really only proves that you’re immature and kind of a jerk. Yes, it does. It makes you look like the jerk, not them.
I think it’s absolutely fine to ask people to unfollow you if they like something that you don’t, even though it’s kinda their own fault if they keep following you while you maybe post negative things about whatever it is you dislike. It’s their responsibility to seek out or avoid content/opinions that upset them. I don’t think it’s okay for anyone to send (anon) hate about anything to anyone. I don’t think it’s nice to write rude and very subjective things about someone’s ship on a public post - but you’re not required to be nice. Unless you want to be perceived as a collected, and decent person. If you don’t, at the end of the day, what you put on your own blog is your own business, as it is for everyone. 
< Insert obligatory phrase here that unnecessarily points out that none of this applies to topics that create real life harm to any individuals or living beings, such as abuse in any shape or form, etc. > That being said, fictional ships create no real-life harm to anyone. If you are seriously “triggered”, in the actual psychological/medical sense of this word, by a fictional ship, then I whole-heartedly suggest that you seek out psychological counselling because it’s probably related to an actual real-life problem of yours. Insulting strangers online about a fictional ship they adore is not going to change anything about the way you feel. If anything, engaging with the topic you dislike in a negative manner will most likely upset you even more and lead you to actions that you might regret later on.
Please. Just try to be decent. We all encounter so much shit in your lives, so many people who insult us, betray us, try to cheat us, use us.. we created fandom to share our love for something with a community. Not to hate on each other for not liking something the right way.
If this post offended you, please don’t come and tell me. Re-read it. Think about it. Or don’t! Hate me if you will, bitch about me to your friends. I don’t care. This is not a post that’s meant to start a discussion, this is meant to inform you about my attitude towards a tiny fraction of the truly toxic content I see on this website so often. I don’t want to deal with this anymore, and I won’t. I’m here to find people who love what I love and to talk to them about it. I’m not here to defend myself or convince anyone that my way of being a fan is somehow better than theirs.
Thank you for reading, I suppose.
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