idyllcy · 9 months
a pathological people pleaser
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word count: 4.4k
warnings: smut || pt 2 to and i wouldn't marry me either
summary: Jinshi's getting desperate to bed you.
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Jinshi contemplates what kind of a ring to get you. He really does. He looks through the designs that had been initially made for your marriage, but he finds inspiration in none of them. You would suit a ring that's crafted with only the finest of materials, not a ring that was just bought from the streets. Though, you had been going out with Maomao more often with some guards to have fun and buy food. At some point, the palace chefs are going to need to learn how to make a roujiamo that tastes like the ones on the street and not the fancy food that you had grown used to having.
He calls Maomao and Gaoshun for help picking a ring, but ultimately neither of them come up with something that would suit you. (He even asks his mother, but she is no help either.)
So, he rots in the confinement of your shared office, head spinning as he sketches more and more ring designs. The one of the current empress is nice, but it is not something of your style. The one that his mother had received was pretty as well, but not something that he desired to put on you. Perhaps a simple jade ring of your size would do better, but it seemed too plain compared to the kind of treatment he was supposed to give you. A simple jade ring would be fitting for him, but not necessarily for you. He would give you gold, but he wasn't quite sure what kind of a ring design would fit you.
He's gonna age from this, he swears.
Yet, he continues sketching at it between his paperwork, frowning at how big of a demand there are for eunuchs. The lower ranking concubines were still desperate, he finds. Perhaps especially with the announcement of his marriage... not announcement. He was married, but with the revealing of his marriage, it seems some concubines are getting desperate for some sexual release. Jinshi... really is no better than they are. He finds that he can't sit still around you these days.
He's... desperate. Yeah. Desperate is the right word.
"Rotting in here again?"
"You know, I'm starting to think you're actually Diu from your actions." Jinshi grumbles from his desk, shoving the paper with the ring designs to the side, catching your eye.
"To be fair, I am him, and he is me." You pick up the paper, tilting your head at the ring designs. "Designing rings for me? How sweet of you. Why not just use one from the treasury?"
"You deserve a new one." He groans. "I wanted to design one for you."
"Why not just gold?" You hum. "And then thread a pearl and jade orb through them."
"A jade ring would be nice." Jinshi hums, staring up at the pin in your hair. "To match your pin."
"Whatever you design." You hum. "I'm sure I will be satisfied."
"It has to be perfect." He mopes. "Or else I will not forgive myself."
"That's rather harsh on yourself." You hum, reaching for his brush as you sketch a design. "I liked the ring presented to the empress."
"The blue gem?"
You tap your chin. "Though, the gold isn't my favorite combination." You finish your sketch, noting down the color scheme, and Jinshi blinks at the choice.
"You just want a plain jade ring?"
"For the wedding ring." You blink. "The westerners are quite intriguing with the tales they tell. The women there boast many rings."
"You went to the west?"
You shrug. "A season is plenty of time to explore."
"She went to a port city." Maomao speaks up from the door. "Gaoshun is asking for the report."
"I sent it to him already?" You raise a brow.
"The one regarding the ceremony in the winter."
"Ah." Jinshi's fingers slide down the stack, pulling out a booklet between all of it. "Here."
Maomao nods, pausing as she catches wind of the ring design. "How about a ring with the royal family's seal?"
"I'm not becoming crown prince." Jinshi grimaces.
"I am sure the emperor would allow it regardless."
"I don't want a ring like that." You pause. "though, it would be quite a statement to wear it on the pinky."
"You want a divorce?!" Jinshi cries, heartbroken as Maomao leaves the room with the report.
"No." You shrug. "I might if you keep putting off the concubines' requests."
Jinshi jumps in his skin as he goes back to the papers, and you glance at the ring you've drawn.
"Carve a jade ring with a phoenix for our wedding ring. I do not desire gold." You hum. "And you are to have a dragon on yours."
Jinshi looks up at you, eyes gentle as he drinks in your figure under the setting sun, summer wind rustling the leaves outside, heat not too much to handle either. There is something delicate and breathless about you to him. You are worth so much, yet he had to spend such little time compared to the age of the universe to prove that you are his only one. Time is suck a fickle thing when it came to the clouds and sky. He supposes that's more a reason to treat you well and make up for time lost.
"Is that all you want?"
"What else would I want?"
"How about a jade pendant?"
"With the royal family's seal carved into it?"
Jinshi laughs. "Why not my last name?"
"Sure, pretty prince."
Jinshi flushes.
You have tea with Ah-Duo a lot during fall. The weather cools bit by bit, and you sit in your yard, peeling the sugarcane as she looks through the files, humming at your writing, each stroke nice and clean. She puts the papers down, a maid rushing over to take them to your study, and she glances at the sickle and cane in your hand. It seems you have found new talents outside of the palace walls. It fills her with a sense of warmth, almost.
"How do you feel about the new eunuchs?" She hums.
"Some of them are rather attractive." You hum, not paying much mind as you cut off a piece for the lady.
"Is that so? Yue would have a heart attack if he heard you say that." She takes the piece, popping it in her mouth as she chews, humming. "It's sweet. I like it."
"That's good." You laugh. "I had the chefs just hand me whichever one." You continue to hack at the crop with the sickle. "Jinshi would be fine."
"I doubt it." She hums, spitting out the dry cane into the bowl prepared beforehand by the maids. "He is rather protective when it comes to things he desires... you included."
"It is only recently that he has become protective over me." You hum, putting a piece into your own mouth as you chew. She was right. It is sweet. "Which is also why he refuses to become the imperial prince."
"You would make a great empress."
"I would." You chuckle. "I have been raise for the role, after all."
"Though, this is better." She smiles. "You are happier like this."
"Oh, well as empress, I suppose I would not do too much. Jinshi, though? That poor man."
"He would have quite the work set out for him." She hums. "Though, you would be there to support him."
"I suppose." You hum. "It would be better had you been ascended to the position of empress."
"What is done is done." She hums. "I find it more amusing that your talk with the emperor of letting me visit worked."
You snort. "I saw the chance and took it. It would be a shame to not host you at least once in a house that is now warm."
"I suppose so." She smiles. "Does it not hurt to cut the sugarcane yourself?"
"It does not." You hum. "My hands are stained with sugar, and I work up a good sweat. I find it fun."
You snap the plant in half, handing the peeled half to Ah-Duo as you continue with the unpeeled half.
She bites it, humming. "It is good. Is there a reason to cut it? I no longer remember."
"It's so you can get the most of it." You offer her one of the knives on the table. "Be careful not to cut yourself."
"I will." She nods. "Have you learned anything else?"
"A foreigner showed me how to peel a pomegranate." You pause. "Oh, and I have developed a strange talent for peeling oranges. It is incredible how clean it can peel with the right tools."
She nods, popping a piece into her mouth.
"How are the children?" You tilt your head, cutting another piece to put in the central bowl.
"They are faring well." She hums. "They are children, after all."
"I suppose." You mumble. "Jinshi went a little insane on their family."
"Not to mention he had full right, holding the army seal." She chuckles. "I heard from the maids that the imperial court threw a fit upon the realization that you had been holding onto something so precious and had just casually given it to Jinshi in order to save a maid."
"Not just any maid at the time." You snort. "Jinshi's dear maid."
"Of course." She smiles. "Though, he had been in love you. He had simply pushed it down."
"Like father like son, I suppose." You mumble. "Has the emperor visited?"
"Not yet." She pauses. "Is he planning so?"
You turn your head at the sound of footsteps.
"Jinshi." You hum, smiling.
He steps over to press his lips to your forehead, smiling fondly at your juice-stained hands, only freezing when he remembers his mother is with you. "...niang."
Ah-Duo waives her hand. "How cute."
Jinshi flushes, and you chuckle, pinching his cheek.
"You needed something?"
"The emperor is coming for a visit, niang." He pauses. "To our residence. He will be visiting the tearoom."
You raise a brow at Jinshi.
Jinshi shakes his head at you.
"Very well." You grin, shaking Jinshi off of you as you peel the sugarcane with eerie accuracy, cutting the rest into bits for the late consort to enjoy. "You can take the bowl."
"None for me?" Jinshi pouts.
"The emperor matters more in this case." You shrug. "I shall send some maids to accompany you."
"Alone will be fine." Ah-Duo nods. "Thank you."
You smile as she leaves, and Jinshi takes her spot, pouting at the sugarcane she had left behind.
"I want a bite."
You take the plant from him, cutting pieces off for him, watching as he chews, reaching for his throat as he threatens to swallow. This fucking dumbass.
You pry his jaw open, ignoring the fact that your hands probably taste like some sort of sugar, ordering him to spit it out. He listens, dry cane spat into the bowl you've held before his mouth, and his spit slides down with hit, the poor male panting like some bitch in heat. You let go of his mouth, exhaling as you mumble. "Good boy."
The words ring in Jinshi's head and shoot straight to his dick, and he licks your fingers unconsciously, eyes half-lidded as he tastes the sugar on them. Wait.
He was NOT supposed to do that.
You freeze as something brushes your knee, and you stare into Jinshi's eyes as he stares back up at you, blinking rapidly, praying you wouldn't point it out. The two of you meet eyes, and you back up, sitting back down as the two of you wait for the other to speak up. Jinshi refuses to speak up.
You break the silence. "I'll wait."
"Thank you." He mumbles, cheeks red in embarrassment as he rushes off to somewhere private.
This is awful.
some days you wonder how long Jinshi went without sexual release.
It's a strange thought, really. So, when you and Jinshi are wedded and you're waiting for him on the wedding night in your shared bed, you don't know what to think. Alright, wedded is the wrong word. The two of you are rewedded, and you are dressed in the robes the late empress had prepared for the two of you to sleep together in. You think it's too little, but apparently it's supposed to rile Jinshi up. Speaking of Jinshi, you wonder how he's dealt with getting boners. He... can't sleep with someone because he's a eunuch, but he can't just leave himself hard forever.
Jinshi stares at you from the door as you're lost in thought.
Skin. You're showing skin. He feels rabid at the sight— as though he were some carnivore in the wild, grew before his eyes. He feels as though he would go feral if he were to get his hands on you, so he stands there, collecting himself. He can't scare you off. He finally has you in his hands again, this time treating you properly, and he can't just scare you off because he's wanted to touch you for ages but couldn't.
"Jinshi?" You tilt your head at him, and he musters up a smile.
"I don't want to scare you." He pauses. "But I fear the maids did a little too good of a job with you."
He offers you a drink, and the two of you down it before you lick your lips to speak up.
"Why? You want to defile me?" You lean forward, almost as if to emphasize your point, and Jinshi flushes red.
"I really wonder how you learned to flirt like that when you were Diu." Jinshi sits next to you, fingers pushing your hair back as he leans in. "This is fine, right?"
"Would be funnier if I were Diu right n-" You're cut off as Jinshi presses his lips to have you shut up. He loves you, but god, were you infuriating sometimes. It was as though the winter and spring without him had changed you into a different person— not that he minded. You're charming no matter how you act or react. Your hair scrunches between his palm and fingers, and you tilt your head to give him better access, passion and longing staining your face as he presses his lips to yours and his fingers bloody with something he's wanted forever. Some sort of twisted passion beats from his chest to yours, a whimper spilling past his lips as you thread your fingers through his hair.
He only pulls away when you soften against him, chest pressed to his as he feels your muscles tensing from the lack of breath.
"You still with me?" He moves his hand out, your hair slipping between his fingers as you hang your head to breathe.
"I sure wish you weren't good at everything you did," You keep your head hung, unraveling his robes with ease, palming his cock through the fabric wrapped around his waist. Jinshi's hips shift slightly for more friction, and your hand presses down on his hipbone, forcing him to still as you pull on the strand to free him, licking your lips at his length. "I don't think you're going to fit, pretty boy."
"We'll make it fit." He hisses out as you let the spit on your tongue roll onto the tip of his cock, smearing the precum with your saliva, your fingers smooth against his length as you spread it. Jinshi whimpers as you do, the ring around your finger cool against his skin, and you lean in to stare up at him through your lashes, biting your bottom lip as your hand speeds up. Jinshi whimpers, hand flying to wrap around your wrist and hold you still, and you tilt your head, yelping as he takes your lips pushing you back into the mattress. You lean into the kiss as he tugs on the bow, string coming out and top falling off with ease as his fingers brush your tits, thumb pressed to your nipple, humming into your mouth at the feeling of it hard. "Let me take care of you tonight." He huffs, pulling from you as he forces your tits up with his hands, pinching your nipple to catch a wince from you.
"Mean." You pout, no real annoyance on your face, and Jinshi busies himself with your chest, lips pressing a kiss to the meat of your chest, biting down— almost as though to mark you as his territory. It irks him some days that the maids still have lingering crushes on you from when you were Diu. So, his bites trail up from your chest to your neck, canines crazing over your pulse point as he bites down, hands sliding down to hold your waist as you crane your neck and whimper. Jinshi leans to force his chest to yours, and your fingers curl uncomfortably next to you as he sucks on your neck, purple blooming across your skin wherever his lips were.
"You're so pretty." Jinshi mumbles, finally pulling his lips off of you with a pop, staring down at you as you're suddenly aware that you are bare. You try to hide yourself but Jinshi makes work of his hands swiftly, holding your wrists together as he rolls his hips against yours experimentally. "I wonder how much of my reading is going to pay off."
"Studying through indecent literature? How sinful of you." You arch your back as he pulls your undergarments off, spreading your legs slightly as he slides his index finger down your slit, taking note of the slick threatening to spill out.
"I'd say this is worse, though." He slides a finger into you with ease, and you whimper as he curls it, nails slightly grazing your walls, making you gasp. "You sound so sinful like this. I sure hope you didn't let any other man see you like this."
"And if I did?"
"Then I'd suppose I'd just have to ruin their life." Jinshi straightens his middle finger as he curls his index out of you, sliding both into you at once. You shift slightly at the stretch. Jinshi curses under his breath at how tight you are. He doesn't want to break you your first night. So, he spreads his fingers in you slightly, thumb on your clit as he tries to loosen you. Instead, you flutter around him, only a light gasp freeing from your lips as he furrows his brows. He spreads his fingers, trying to make space for a third and get a reaction out of you. Instead, you don't react, simply shifting your hips to accommodate the stretch from his fingers.
"Am I bad?" He pouts, thumb finding your clit.
"No." You breathe, squirming from his touch.
"Am I average?"
"Jinshi, I have no idea. This is as much of my first time as it is yours." Your wrists fight against the grip of his hand, and he lets them go, lowering his face to your pussy instead, hooking your knees over his shoulders as he pulls you up. You back arches dramatically as he wraps his arms around your thighs, and Jinshi presses his tongue flat against your cunt, licking up as you jolt. He watches as your pussy flutters around nothing, and he slides his tongue in, moaning into your against as he tastes you. So this is what you taste like— some mixture of sin and lust, nectar that would put even the sweetest of peaches to shame. It would drive Jinshi to madness, he supposes.
Your fingers grasp at the pillow above your head, whimpering with each flex of Jinshi's tongue, and his fingers dig into your thighs, earning a squeal from your lips as you feel something tighten in your stomach. Your eyes widen as your nails dig into the sheets and your back arches impossibly more, tears in the corner of your eyes as Jinshi sucks at your orgasm, ignoring the mess of slick sliding down his chin and splattering onto the sheets. You turn red in embarrassment at the mess, but Jinshi pays it no mind, continuing to lap at your pussy, eyes digging into yours as he puts on a show for you. You look away from his eyes, opting to make a mess on his tongue instead, eyes rolled to the back of your head as a second orgasm crashes upon you. Jinshi drinks it up just as eagerly as the last, eyes half-lidded as
Your legs shake as Jinshi lets you down, fingers wiping the slick from his face as he pumps himself with it, and then sliding his tip beneath the hood of your clit to further coat his dick in your cum. You shift against his cock, grinding lightly into him as he chuckles. "Patience, beloved."
"I'd say you're worse than me." You heave, walls fluttering around Jinshi's length as he slides in. He notices the way your skin lifts with him inside of you, and he presses down on the bulge, blinking slowly. You gasp, stomach flexing out of instinct, pussy clenching around Jinshi with a hiss. Jinshi stays still, thumb brushing your clit to incite a reaction from you, earning him a lewd whimper. The sound shoots straight to his cock, head spinning as he slides his palm up your abdomen to your chest, pinching your nipple as he swallows.
"This is fine, right?"
"Insecure?" You roll your hips in affirmation. "I wouldn't have married you or let you catch me if it wasn't."
"Tease." He grumbles, taking your legs and folding them to your shoulders, forcing himself further into you. You moan, clenching around him as he moves, holding you down by the hips as he slams into you with each thrust, gasps slipping past your lips and colors in your vision as he moves. Flowers blossom in your lungs as you try to catch your breath, head spinning deliciously at the taste of Jinshi's lips on yours, a light fragrance from the rice wine he had taken mixing with the one on your lips, and you moan into his mouth, squirming from his touch. Your legs relax over his shoulders as he presses into you, fingers digging into the plush of your thighs, hair sliding off his shoulders to cage you in as you whimper.
The wind rustles the trees outside as you cum around Jinshi the first time, brows knit together and eyes closed as your face twists from the unfamiliar sensation, head thrown back and lips parting once the crash ended, and Jinshi stills, hand reaching to brush your hair to the side, cupping your face with his hand. "You alright?"
"Felt weird." You mumble. "Did you..?"
"No." Jinshi hums. "Would you like me to? Inside?"
"I don't mind." You whisper.
"Alright," He starts moving again, focusing on himself as your legs slide off his shoulders and fall into the mattress, hooking behind his pelvis as he thrusts, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he pistons into you, your breath caught in your throat as you see white and stars, drool threatening to leak down your chin and choke you with your head thrown back and muscles tense. Jinshi pants into your ear as he feels himself get close, pulsing and ebbing inside of you with each roll of his hips, your name spilling past his lips in some sort of raw desperation and begging, only spilling into you once you call his name back through your cloudy haze, white painting your walls as white fills your vision, the same white visible in the air on the snowy trees.
His breath mixes with yours as he rests his forehead on yours, bare skin pressed to yours, sweat and cum mixing with your own, the two of you merged as one. In the distant past, you loved him until it physically destroyed you, and in the distant future he will love you until he is stuck in the same destruction that had dragged you away from him. Only then would he forgive himself, lips spreading into a gentle smile, eyes staring into yours as yours are closed, catching your breath as your chest rises and falls, vine of hickeys and bruises trailing down from your neck to your waist. Your walls flutter around him as you recover from another orgasm, skin flushed like peonies as Jinshi tilts his head to press a kiss to your shoulder.
"Still with me?" He presses his palm to your cheek, palm brushing your skin.
"Yes." You pant, grimacing at the squelch that sounds when he pulls out of you.
"I wonder if we'll be with child."
"I doubt it's this easy." You mumble, lashes fluttering. "Would you want one?"
"Up to you." He mumbles, reaching to the side to pour himself another glass of wine. "We do not have to worry about succession either."
"Oh, I've never been so thankful to have not ended up where I was supposed to." You sigh in relief.
"You do not want one?"
"Not my priority." You hum. "Unless you wish for one."
"You are my priority." Jinshi hums, offering you a glass. "Another?"
"No." You roll onto your stomach to stretch your back. "We have plenty of time as well."
"I suppose." Jinshi hums, holding his hand out for yours.
You give him your right hand, and he pouts.
"Your left. The ring."
You free your arm and hold it out, and Jinshi kisses your knuckles gently, eyes closed as he hums contently.
"We match." He smiles, lips curled into a gentle smile, eyes full of a warmth you had forgotten he was capable of. You smile, a laugh bubbling out of your chest as he fiddles with your fingers, some sort of domestic ambiance filling the room. And just like that, your anxieties fade away, and a smile makes way on your face.
"I love you." He hums, lips pressed to your forehead as he lays next to you, still holding your hand, his ring brushing against yours.
"I love you too." and you close your eyes, body relaxing into his, heartbeat one below the missing sun.
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idyllcy · 9 months
i've never had somebody, so I don't know how to love
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word count: 8.45k
warnings: children (idk), smut, reader has a kid?, fem reader, spoilers
summary: "I shall come back for you." "I shall wait."
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Jinshi swears he just wanted a bite. One bite.
He just wanted a taste. That was all. It's called chocolate, Maomao had told him. He was supposed to save a little for you to taste when he got back to your chambers, but he supposes he ate too much, because by the time he arrives in your room, he's warm and flushed, and the only thing on his mind is folding you in half on the mattress. His poor mind.
"My love! Welcome back." You grin, opening your arms for him as he sinks into your touch. His skin is flush against yours as he mumbles something, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as he lets his hands roam. You squirm under his touch as you try and ask him about his day.
"Maomao made me chocolate," He whispers, tugging at the string around your garment. "When I asked her for an aphrodisiac..."
"Mhm?" You hum, running your hand through his hair to pull off the hair tie. "Why would you need one?"
"I felt bad," He bites your collarbone, sucking gently as he slides the dress down your body. "I have not been paying attention to you all that much these days."
"I told you it was fine, and that I would be fine by myself." You tilt your head back for him to kiss up your neck.
He doesn't answer, hand crawling to the back of your head and kissing you instead. You lean back to comply, tilting your head as you taste the chocolate on his lips, humming in content as his tongue explores your mouth and you get to taste the sugar. You whimper as his fingers brush your bare chest, the fabric pooling around your hips as he fondles your boobs, lips still slotted against yours as you moan into his mouth, mind fuzzy from the lack of oxygen. You whimper when he pulls away to pull his own robes, skin pale under the moonlight as your eyes drink in the color of his skin and the curves of his muscles.
"Mhm." You mumble. "You are beautiful, my love."
"As are you, beloved." He takes your hand, pressing his lips to your knuckles delicately and turning over to your palm to swipe at it with his tongue, eyes locked on yours as he hums. "I may touch you, yes?"
"Yes." You whisper. "Of course."
He goes back to your skin, lips pressed to the plush of your chest as he bites and such, fingers digging into your waist as he holds you still, the chill of the winter night brushing against your back as you squirm from his touch. You wonder how much longer he will pretend to still like you and convince himself that he needs you. Though, as his lashes flutter against your skin as he pulls from your chest with a pop, you feel it's not too far away.
Each time he sleeps with you, there is less love in his hands than before.
This time, he only holds you like this because of the chocolate presented by the maid, and it makes your heart sour when he stares up at you, eyes sick with affection, affection that you're sure would dry out for you one day— affection that haunts your life an uncanny amount. Yet, you sink into his touch as he kneels to slide the rest of the fabric off of you, parting your legs to slide a finger in and pleasure you, lips latched to your clit as it was with your nipple, and you gasp sharply, a ghost of a moan slipping past your lips.
You wonder if he's going to do this with Maomao one day—
You whimper as he slides a second finger into you with ease, mind fuzzy and empty as you glance down at Jinshi, tears blurring your vision as he fucks you on his fingers with practiced precision, quickly sending you into a blurry high, mind fuzzy as you clench around his fingers with your first orgasm of the night. Though, it isn't enough for him, his fingers still sliding in and out of you, even when your eyes blur over and tears fall from the lack of time you get to breathe. His name breaks past your lips in shattered syllables, tears staining the silk of the pillow as you stare down at him, lips puffy and cheeks red.
Jinshi shushes you instead, pressing a kiss to your clit as one of his hands holds your thighs open, the bottom of his chin wet with your slick, and he hums gently, vibrations brushing against your clit as you jolt. The combination with his fingers becomes too much, and you cream around his fingers again, splashing his face with your cum as he laps at it, eyes half-lidded as he does. He stays there until you're whimpering for him to leave you be, tears in the corner of your eyes. He licks the cum off his fingers as he reaches to wipe your tears, leaning forward to kiss them away as your bottom lip quivers.
"Jinshi, my love." You whimper as he lifts one of your legs to rest the ankle on his shoulder.
"Yes, beloved?"
"Please don't leave in the morning." You whisper, arching your back and closing your eyes as he fits himself into you slowly. He's such a good stretch. It makes you sad to think that he would leave you one day. He waits for you to adjust, hand warm on your thigh as you whimper, shifting your hips to adjust to his size. You let a breath out when it doesn't burn, and Jinshi takes it as a sign to start moving, the roll of his hips deliberate to nudge your sweet spots that have you seeing stars, and you hold a strand of his hair between your fingers as he leans forward, dark hair caging the two of you in as you gasp with each thrust, heart hammering in your chest and making you ditzy. You cry his name in broken sobs, a mix of overstimulation and your own heartbreak making the tears indistinguishable to you.
He reaches to wipe your tears as he makes love to you, concern all over his face, and the flush on his cheeks just tears your heart to pieces. He's only here because he had the chocolate. He doesn't visit you during the day anymore, and he only ever comes when he needs to borrow your wisdom— something he doesn't need anymore. something he has Maomao for now. The thought shatters your heart as it twists and turns in your stomach, the tears becoming too much for you to process as your mind blurs over and you let Jinshi do whatever with you. Maybe that would be your last use to him. To be a shell of what you used to be and let him do whatever with you. Maybe that would be replaced one day as well.
One day, you wouldn't even be worth dirt to him.
The thought makes your mind spin as your rationality slips, and you don't notice the way Jinshi slows down to check on you, fingers brushing your cheek as he legs your leg down. You press your hips flush against his, shaking your head as he pries for why you are crying. It is a worthless reason— it is a hopeless case. You quietly beg him to continue, hoping he would let you keep it to yourself.
"Beloved, I can't do that." He reaches to brush your hair to the side as you flinch, and you stare into his eyes as he stares down at you with the same pain in his eyes, and it kills you. He shouldn't look at you like this. You shouldn't be capable of hurting him. You reach to smoothen out the wrinkle on his skin, mumbling about how he would get wrinkles, and he leans into your touch, eyes glossing over with the same kind of hurt that was all over your face when he was missing. His voice strains as he begs you to tell him. To be honest.
"I can fix it." He chokes out.
"Don't leave in the morning." You whisper.
"You know I can't do that." He breaks.
"Then I can't tell you." You crumble. "If you'd like to stop, then you may—"
His hands fly down to hold your waist down into the bed, eyes wide out of some fear, some fear that you would despise him somehow.
"You have to give me time."
"I've given you almost a month. We've been distant for ages." You cry. "Hurry up and fulfill your marital duties so I can give you a son and you can leave me for the one you really want."
"I don't want her!"
"You don't show that!" You sob. "Just..." You sink into the bed, blinking to get the tears out. "may the heavens let us have a son so you can move on."
"I don't want to move on." He whispers, tears falling on your bare skin as he refuses to look you in the eye. "I love you. You are my beloved. The sun and moon may break and shatter, and the winds could blow in the wrong direction, but it could not stop my love for you. Why do you insist I will leave you?"
You go quiet, turning your head to the side as he gets frustrated.
"Fine. You've always been this way anyway." He picks up the pace again, giving you no time to breathe between his thrusts, and you gasp and throw your head back as he uses you like you wanted him to. It frustrates him to end that you just refused to talk to him, but who was he to ask? Who was he to ask you whether or not you would be honest with him? The most emotion you had ever shown was when he bedded you anyway. Why does it matter what you do? The love you had been so adamant to show when you first got married had gone stale anyway.
Jinshi lets you cum one last time before flooding you with his own seed, bent over your body, his hair imitating bars to cage you in as he hangs his head to catch his breath. You, you, you. You, his first love. You, the love of his life. You, the very wife that he had sworn he would cherish. You who refused to marry into a higher level family and had chosen. You who had gone distant because he had... it was his fault, huh? His issue. He had neglected to spend time with you since the arrival of Maomao. No wonder you were so sad.
He pulls out of you and covers you in a blanket, fetching a maid to help you wash off as he redresses himself.
"Will you... stay?" The maid is the one to ask, and Jinshi shakes his head.
"I must clear something up. Let the madam know I will stay next time."
The next nine months pass in a blur. You bear a son to Jinshi, handing him off to the wet nurse, and you move to another residence in the name of recuperating. Jinshi doesn't pay you a visit once. You wonder if it's because he is busy with palace affairs, but you do not touch upon it. You request the emperor to send you to another residence after recuperation without letting Jinshi know, and the old man lets you go. He knows. The whole palace knows. You have become nothing more than a mockery since your husband flounders around with some new maiden he found, and you are let go. You promise your child will serve the emperor well one day with the care of the maids. The emperor laughs and tells you to focus on yourself.
Thus, your son becomes playmates with the young princess, and you disappear from the records of the imperial palace.
The life the emperor had bestowed upon you is restful and serene. The spring residence is quiet and calm with the other concubines, and you are treated as the empress mother would be. There are no conspiracies and you sit down to enjoy tea with all the ladies, quickly forgetting the life you had to bear before. The maids write to you regarding your son under an alias, and you learn that his first word is neither mother nor father, but grandfather. You smile sadly at the letters each time you receive them, and you are never once paid a visit to your residence.
You wonder if you should have taken your son with you in another life.
Maybe in another life, Jinshi had continued to treasure you.
Then, he comes to visit, and you watch from the street as he carries your son with Maomao, getting asked if the young boy was theirs. You observe to see what kind of an answer he has for the kind merchant. You don't know what force compels you to listen, but you do, going quiet as you stare at the apple in your hand. You shouldn't care, but considering the way Jinshi was carrying your son, he must have learned a lot from the maids.
"Ah, she is not my wife." Jinshi's voice resembles silk as always. "My wife is in recuperation after having our son. Childbirth had taken a toll on her."
You have never been so glad that your son had resembled Jinshi so much.
You pull the veil over your head further, and you slip the woman a copper wen, rushing off with the apples you picked. You pass behind Jinshi with haste, wondering if he would recognize your perfume or such. It doesn't bother you. It shouldn't bother you. You had erased all signs of your existence from the palace forever, so even if he were to recognize the scent, he could simply think it of a maid from the spring residence. It didn't matter. It was years, so even if—
A gust of wind blows your hair as the veil is knocked off, and your son calls.
You make a run for it.
The palace maids had been showing him the art of you. Of course they had. There was no way that you could have forgotten what they wrote to you. Your heart races in your chest as you make it into the palace walls, and you hide from the footsteps that have been chasing after you. Your heart burns in your chest as you catch your breath, eyes wide as you try your best to remain silent to stay still, and you watch as a maid asks what Jinshi is doing on the residence's grounds with your son. He apologizes and lies that his son had wandered off into the court, and you let a breath out when you no longer hear footsteps. You don't want to face him. You can't. You refuse to.
"So? What was that about? Miss?" The maid raises a brow at your figure between the residence buildings.
"Uh..." You smile awkwardly. "Expect to never see me again. Let's pack up and m—"
"I thought it was you." Jinshi speaks up from behind you, and you turn to look away.
"I am afraid I do not know you, kind sir." You turn to face the maid, nodding.
"Beloved." His voice goes weak. "I understand if you wish not to see me, but at least look at our son."
You stop, not moving.
"I won't... do anything. I promise."
You grimace, setting the bitterness in your chest as you open your arms for your son, eyes weary and tired as look at him. You refuse to look up at Jinshi. You refuse to look at the man who had ruined your life and thrown you away during your pregnancy. Yet, you look at your son, a copy of the man you had loved, and you unconsciously put yourself on the verge of tears.
"No frown." Your son reaches for the furrows between your brows. "Niang, smile."
You muster up a sad smile for him, heart crumbling and crinkling in your chest. It feels like paper. The guilt you had so desperately tucked away in your heart shatters you in the worst of ways, and you smile at your son, holding his head to your chest as you carry him off. Jinshi follows behind you, neither of you speaking up as your son falls asleep on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as you walk around the residence.
"Where are you staying?" You speak up, stopping to stare at Jinshi.
For the first time in forever, Jinshi gets to stare into your eyes again, and his heart crumbles and cracks as he holds his demeanor, trying his best to pretend that it would be fine. You left him because of his own shortcomings. He has no right to beg for you to return without showing that he had improved as a person. So, he stares into your eyes instead, letting the silence pass as he opens his mouth to speak. Right. You... probably moved on and no longer cared for him. The emperor had granted the two of you to live separately, after all.
"The resting quarters in the city center." He stares into your eyes as he talks, hoping you could see the affection in his eyes that he had refused to let go of.
You stare back at him, eyes cold as the winter snow— it hurts him in a way, but he supposes it was deserved for leaving you all alone. You open your mouth to speak, but your son wakes in your arms, blinking slowly as he shifts to stare at you.
"Niang?" Your son wipes his eyes.
"Would you like to go home with diedie?" You ask your son, hand on the back of his head. He's much heavier than when you first had him, but it makes no difference to you. Your son is your son. The day you pass away is the day you would no longer hold him in your arms.
"Will niang go missing again if I do?"
"You have such a big vocabulary." You praise, lips curled into a smile as you press a kiss to his forehead. "Niang has to stay here. Niang promised yeye to stay here."
Jinshi opens his arms for your son, and he clings onto you instead, pouting. "Then I stay with niang."
"What about Maomao auntie?" You hum, raising a brow at him.
"Mm, I like niang better." He clings onto the fabric around your chest, and you give in.
"You will have to return to yeye with diedie when diedie leaves, though." You stroke his hair. "Alright?"
"What if diedie never leaves?"
Your eyes trail to Jinshi, eyes hardening as you warn him not to stay. "That won't happen, er."
"What if you come back with diedie?"
Some sort of weird hope blooms in Jinshi's chest at your son's words. Maybe your son could convince you.
"That would mean breaking yeye's promise, so no to that as well." You press a kiss to his forehead. "Shall we get you rested?"
He nods, leaning back onto your chest, and you wave for a maid.
"Prepare a room for my guests as well." You nod. "Eunuch Jinshi, please let Maomao know to stay at the spring residence for the duration of your stay."
"I thought you hated her."
"I hate you, not her." You turn to stare at him.
"And me?" He points at himself, pout on his lips.
"Prepare a room in the north." You hum.
"...Are you cursing me with feng shui?"
You stick your tongue out at him.
"And for the young one in your arms?" The maid inquires, peering at the eerie similarity between Jinshi and the boy.
"He shall stay with me."
The maid understands, escorting Jinshi away as you continue about your evening with your son, setting him on your bed as you sit next to him to continue embroidering. At night, when you are sure he is resting, you get out of your room, requesting the maids for some rice wine, and you settle in your garden, staring at the stars as you drink. You blink slowly, trying to recall what constellations were visible to the naked eye. You don't remember. Maybe the liquor is getting to you.
"Drinking?" Jinshi stands next to you as you lay on the ground, and you raise a brow at him.
"You shouldn't be allowed here." You hum. "I'll call the guard—"
"Wait." He holds a hand over your mouth, holding you down, and you lick his palm. "Don't scream."
You stare at him as he removes his hand, and you open your mouth to scream before he holds his hand over your mouth again, eyes wide.
"Depends what you want to do to me."
"Nothing bad." He whispers. "I just want to talk. I promise."
You let him remove his hand and sit up, offering him a drink. He goes quiet, drinking it in one sip as he frowns. You sit in the silence, only the wind to whisper your worries, and you don't bother reacting. Perhaps he just needed a drink and wanted to use talking as an excuse.
He finally speaks up, voice wavering.
"Why did you leave?"
"Why wouldn't I? I gave you a son, didn't I?"
"No, why did you..." He hides his face in his hands. "You didn't tell me."
"You didn't come to see me once during my pregnancy. What courtesy did I owe you?" You click your tongue uncomfortably.
"I had Maomao prescribe you medicine to keep the baby healthy—"
"You did not come see me. Maomao is not you." You stare at him. "And you can not expect to make it up by taking care of our son. It is your paternal duty to spend time with your own blood. So if you expect—"
"I don't." He mumbles. "I don't expect you to come back to me because I'm forming a bond with our son. I thought maybe... you would come back if our son asked you to."
"I promised your father I would not step foot back into the imperial palace."
"I will bring you back and bear the blame." He whispers. "As long as you come back to me."
"Not happening." You stand up. "Feel free to finish the rest of the mijiu."
You don't let him finish, walking off.
You are not his beloved anymore. You are his partner-in-law, but you are not his beloved. You are the woman he left behind at her weakest and caused to spiral. You are the woman who supposedly mattered to him enough to wed you, but not enough to stay with you after the introduction of someone new. You are not his beloved simply because that was not how one treats their beloved.
You wake up the next morning to your son out of bed and dressed with Jinshi in the room. You raise a brow at him, questioning what he was doing in your room, but he points at your son, who had been on the ground playing with the toys the maids had prepared. You blink at him, smiling when he tells you good morning sweetly. Jinshi smiles gently at the way you smile at your son, and he continues playing, a smile on his face.
"So? Did the court ladies find out?"
"That you can have kids."
"They think he's child that the emperor took in." Jinshi mumbles. "Of course, the palace maids assume I am called diedie because I took him in as soon as I found out, not because he is my son."
"Perhaps they believe he looks like you so the heavens assigned you as his father. Do they know I am the mother?"
"No. The palace maids who assisted with your birth were all executed per the emperor's orders."
"Ah." You hum. "How old is he this year?"
"Five. Do you not know your own son's name?" Jinshi stares down at you almost pitifully.
You turn to stare at Jinshi. "I named him. Of course I do."
"Why do you not call him by name?"
"Jingui." You hum, reaching your hand out for your son as he smiles.
"Yes, niang?" He holds your finger in his free hand.
"Did the maids tell you niang named you?"
"After luxury." He smiles, hugging you. "I love you, niang."
"I love you too, er." You mumble, squeezing him. "Niang's sorry I couldn't watch you grow up."
"It's okay," He whispers back. "Guigui is glad niang is here now."
You let him play again, eyes on him as Jinshi continues staring at you.
"What do you want?"
"Return to the imperial court with me."
"I'd rather die." You grumble. "I promised Agong that I would not return in exchange for residence here. I was a laughingstock there. I do not wish to return."
"You will not be. We can—"
"It doesn't matter." You hum. "You are Gui's father. I am not his mother."
"You are his mother."
"In birth." You stand up, Jinshi catching you as you stumble. You thank him with a nod, continuing. "He only needs his capable father."
"And his mother." Jinshi insists, not letting go of your wrist. "He needs his mother. The maids can not replace you for all of his life, especially since he has met you now."
"He does not need me. He may want me, but he does not need me." You hum. "He is capable of existing without his mother."
"That is not true." Jinshi slides his fingers down to your palm, hurt all over his face. "He needs you. Both he and I need you."
You shake your hand free from his. "Then you should have shown your need earlier."
Jinshi fiddles with his fingers, pout on his lips as you raise a brow incredulously at him. You ignore it, calling for a maid instead to change into the day's garments.
"Do you need—"
"I will stab you." You warn. "Out."
"What about our son? Jingui, don't you want your diedie to stay with you?"
Jingui blinks at Jinshi, and he looks at you before standing up and dusting off his robes, taking Jinshi's hand as he leads him outside of the room.
"The maids said not to watch a woman get dressed to respect her privacy." Jingui waves at you as he steps outside of the room, and you laugh at Jinshi's baffled expression. You stick your tongue out at him, lips curled into a smile as the door shuts.
He looks betrayed.
You wonder what kind of parenting the maids did to end up with Jinshi, but you don't ask. You let the maids dress you for the day, and you yawn as you step out of the room, ruffling Jingui's hair as you walk off. He trails behind you, holding your hand as
"Are you not going out with me?"
"Back to work." You hum. "I manage the estate now, you know? Lotssss of paperwork."
"Like diedie?"
"Kind of." You hum. "Diedie does more than niang, though."
"If you leave, does that mean you will have no more work?" He looks up at you.
"I can't do that. You will have to have yeye send someone else to manage the estate." You hum, pulling the doors to your study open. "Bring some snacks."
The maids nod.
"Oh, and you." You point at Jinshi. "Out."
He feigns offense, raising a brow. "What did I do?"
You open your mouth to start listing, and he grumbles. "I get it."
You smile. "Don't you have errands to run with Maomao?"
"She's looking for medicine."
"You should help her out." You hum. "The wilderness out here is quite scary. You wouldn't want someone to hurt her."
Jinshi hangs his head as he steps out of the room.
The day passes without fret, and you watch as the sun sets and you wash up for bed, the heat in the bath gentle against your skin as you take a bath by yourself. Jinshi stays with Jingui to help him wash up, and you tell the servants to stay out of the bath while you wash up. Jinshi leaves first with Jingui, and you leave last, nodding at the servants as they all rush in to wash up.
"I wanna go with niang." Jingui reaches for you as you carry him, lips curled upward.
"Hear that?"
"But diedie spends so much more time with you!" He feigns hurt.
"Exactly!" Jingui sticks his tongue out, and you laugh, cheeks warm. "I have to leave niang soon!"
"I'll take you to bed with niang." You smile. "Hear that, Jinshi? He's niang's boy."
Jinshi pouts, faking annoyance.
You tuck Jingui in for bed first, looking over a book as you stroke his hair, and a branch snaps outside of your window as your hand flies to the sword on the wall.
You whistle for the hawk to yell, sliding out one of the swords for decoration as you hold your weight against the intruder, and you watch as his eyes dart to your son. He disregards you as he aims for Jingui, and you slide your blade to his stomach, kicking him. He lands on the ground with a thud, and you hold your sword above his neck, forcing him down. Your weight isn't enough, and he throws you off of him as you throw your sword at him. It's not sharp enough. It won't cut him.
You throw yourself at him instead, his blade grazing your face as your hands wrap around his throat, your hair a mess as it falls around him, and you hold down until his face turns purple and he no longer thrashes against your grip.
At this point, you expect the maids to rush in. Instead, the first one to come is Jinshi, his thumb brushing the wound on your face as he checks your body in panic.
"Beloved, are you alright?"
"Jingui is fine." You hum, trying to pull your face from his hands.
He tightens his grip instead, staring into your eyes. "You. You're hurt."
"It's fine." You try again as the maids rush in, and you have the guards pull him to the prison. Jinshi doesn't move once, hands still on your face, only trailing down to your shoulders when you crane your neck to talk to the guards and maids.
"Will you be alright, madam?"
"I'll be fine. It's no—"
"Bring me ointment." He tells the maid. "At least let me do that much for you."
The maid looks at you for confirmation, and you nod.
"Get off of me." You push him gently, standing up as he lands on his butt. "Pretending to be worried now? You didn't bother when we were still married."
"We are married." Jinshi whispers, getting up to hold your face in his hands again. "Come on. Let me treat the wound before it turns into a scar."
"Wouldn't that be better? Then I would be uglier." You tilt your head as he takes the ointment from the maid. His fingers brush over your cheek as he leans in to take a look at you properly, and you look to the side as he applies the ointment. Now that you look at it, his face is awfully close to yours. You take note of the blush on his face as he does, and his fingers are cool against your cheek as he applies the medicine. You don't give him a reaction, and he sighs.
"Beloved, you will never be ugly to me." He mumbles, leaning in further, breath mixing with yours, and you stare at him through your lashes, wondering if he would do something.
"Diedie, are you kissing niang?"
You pull away from Jinshi abruptly, and Jinshi looks to the side, face red.
"You're awake?" You get up to hold Jingui, and he rubs his eyes.
"Niang, are you hurt?"
"It was just an intruder. No worries, er." You smile. Jingui reaches for your cheek, trying to touch the wound as Jinshi holds his wrist gently.
"Mommy has medicine on. You're going to rub it off." He hums, taking Jingui from your arms instead. "Die will hold you instead."
"Can we sleep together?"
Jinshi freezes up, blinking at you as you freeze up too, blinking slowly at Jingui.
"Can we?" He pouts.
"I'll keep watch." Jinshi nods. "Maybe another time. Niang is still mad at Diedie."
"You can rest with diedie for the night. Niang has to clean up after the mess." You hum, kissing his cheek. "Niang will go find you in the morning."
"I can clean up." Jinshi frowns.
"It'll be fine." You hum. "The heavenly emperor assigned me to this residence, so I shall fulfill his will."
"He is my father. He would not mind if I were to help my own wife—"
"There's no need." You smile firmly. "Keep your hands clean of my dirt."
You shut the door behind you as you follow the maids to your office, and Jinshi presses his lips to your son's head, resting your son's head on his shoulder as he hums.
"Um, Sir." One of the maids whispers. "If I may... the mistress has a bed in her office. Perhaps the boy could rest there?"
"You think so?" He chuckles. "I'll keep watch for the night. Please lead me there."
He wanders through the residence, the red poles dark in the night, even with the lanterns lit. The floor is crafted of white, and the intricacies of stone along the pillars are dusted gold, and he wonders how much of it had been brought back to life by you. It eats him alive, even with your son in his arms, he wonders if you had worked out to be able to carry your son one day, even if he were too old to be carried.
The stars twinkle in the distance, and he lets himself smile.
"Mistress? May the child borrow your bed?"
"Meimei," You grumble. "I thought I told you to check on them, not bring them to me."
"The boy missed you."
You sigh. "Come in."
"I shall guard." Jinshi nods.
"You may rest as well." You hum. "I shall be heading to the prison tomorrow. I just need to send the hawk."
Jinshi watches as you attach the note to the hawk, and he gets up to hold your face again. "Why not leave Jingui to Meimei? I'll fetch Maomao to see if there's a better ointment for your face to prevent scarring."
"I told you, I am not bothered by such trivial matters."
"It matters to me." He mumbles. "Tomorrow."
"I must interrogate the criminal tomorrow."
"Then right now."
"You do not dare to wake her up for something so minuscule." You glare at him. "Rest with Xiaogui today. I shall call for the two of you tomorrow after dealing with the assassin."
"You must rest well." Jinshi mumbles, kissing your forehead gently. "Please."
You grimace at the kiss. "Very well."
You interrogate the assassin in the morning, sighing when he reveals the target was your son. It must have been a jealous consort or something. You wonder if she thought he would be next in line for the throne since the emperor let the boy call him Grandpa. The consort is some low-ranking one in the main palace, and you don't bother sparing him any mercy, telling the guards to kill him and send his head as a warning. That ought to teach her.
"The eunuch and boy are looking for you."
"Send them to my tea room. I'll see them there."
"Mistress, would you like a change of clothes?" Another maid asks.
"No need." You mumble. "It's fine to go like this."
"What tea shall I prepare?"
"Honey ginger." You hum. "And some cookies for the child."
They nod as you open the door to the room.
"Niang!" Jingui runs up to hug you, and you hum.
"Did you sleep well?"
He nods. You let Jinshi carry him as you work on the papers, and you speak up after Jingui gets drowsy. Perhaps he had been living in a life of assassinations and you were not aware. It would make you feel most awful if he was.
"Are they common?"
Jinshi raises a brow.
"The assassins."
Jinshi shakes his head. "Not in the imperial palace. The emperor has the most security for him compared to anyone."
"I see." You mumble. "How about Maomao? Surely people try poisoning her because she is close to you?"
"She is immune to poisons."
"Right." Your lips quirk up. "I'll send her with a gift this time. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."
Jinshi raises a brow, significantly worried. "Not a poison, right?"
"No promises." You grin.
Jinshi spends the rest of his time trying to spend more time with you and your son, desperation practically reeking off his skin as he sticks to you like a lost puppy without an owner, and the maids start gossiping with you about the potential marriage partner. You snort, telling them that there was no reason he would want a woman who had been used before. You avoid telling them the truth out of an unknown fear. You don't know what stops you. Perhaps you are still worried that he loves Maomao and is only doing this for his blood. Maybe he isn't being honest with you.
It takes a week for him to get to visit you at night, and another week for him to be allowed in your chambers. Maomao reminds him that he can only spare a week here per the emperor's orders, but he pays no mind. He is sure that the heavenly emperor would not mind him spending more time with you. He's sure the old man knew it. After all, he had given him a knowing smile when he had told him to travel with his son and Maomao. It made him feel as though the emperor were up to something. Perhaps he had known Jinshi would see you here.
It is the third week that he had stayed past his welcome when he sits down for a drink with you.
"Play with me." He holds the board with him. "I miss playing wuziqi with you."
"Hm. What do I get if I win?" You reach for the white, placing it down in the center.
"Whatever you want."
"I haven't played in a long time." You hum. "Your turn."
"May we have a heart to heart talk?"
"Be my guest." You hum.
"Why did you leave?"
"You took an interest in Maomao." You hum, placing another bead down. "And I ran away before you could divorce me."
"I did not wish to divorce you." He frowns.
"The whole palace was talking about it, and the emperor did not stop me, so I decided to leave." You shrug.
"I took Maomao in because I wished that she would prescribe some medicine for fertility."
"We had a son, no?"
"We did, but I had been taking medicine prior to that prescribed by her."
"You wanted her for her wisdom just like you wanted me for mine." You hum. "It was a fear, or maybe I just saw myself in her. She is my age, after all."
"Our age." Jinshi reminds. "We are all the same age."
"I suppose." You shrug. "But it felt like I was replaced."
"You were not."
"There was no way to confirm. Not when you had been trying to shove honey down her throat, anyway." You hum. "Four."
He clicks his tongue, stopping you. "What do I get if I win?"
"I suppose you get to bed me." You mumble. "Assuming you haven't bedded Maomao."
"I have not." He clenches his jaw. "I have not touched another woman in years. I am not as so much of a degenerate as to bed women who are not my wife."
"Who knows." You hum. "Four."
"I am not able to bed women there, anyway. After all, I am an eunuch."
"Except I heard Maomao found out you were not one."
"Ah." He freezes up, stopping your newly formed row of four. "That much was an accident. I suppose I saw fragments of you in her."
"Perhaps you had just found her beautiful." You hum. "I most certainly did. She is quite smart, drawing freckles on her face to hide her radiance."
"I found her beautiful, but only because she had reminded me of the plum blossoms on the day I met you." He smiles. "I win."
"What would you like?"
"Let me bed you, please." He whispers. "My wife. My beloved. Let me bed you."
"You must be desperate for some touch." You take off your outer robe, letting the maids know to retire for the night. "Very well."
"You may say no." He whispers, forehead pressed to yours, eyes genuine as he looks at you. "I am not forcing you."
"I don't care if you are using me for your own pleasure." You mumble. "I have not been bedded in the same amount of time."
"Heavens, that burns me more than it should." He wastes no time in undressing, lips pressed to yours as he leads you to the bed, caging your body in as he leans over you, a leg pressed between yours, lips moving against yours messily as his yearning crashes into your body like a wave, his hands tugging at your robes desperately, freeing your skin from the silk and fabric, lips latching to your collarbone to suck, biting all to desperately, rutting into you as he were some rabid dog, his body craving yours as though you were some drug he could not live without.
His fingers slip past your folds as he had done before all the times he had slept with you, bone of his wrist brushing your clit as he slides a finger in with ease, his mouth moving up to your neck, sucking gently as he listens to the way your breath hitches and you whimper when his fingers brush your sweet spot, and he continues, fingers pressing hard as you squeak, sucking you as he pants, desperate to remember your scent for the next handful of months he would no longer be able to see you during. When you quiver around his fingers and flutter, he slides his fingers out, licking them as he pushes you onto the bed, lining himself up, staring down at you for one last promise of consent.
"We can stop." He whispers.
And that's all Jinshi needs.
Jinshi presses your hips down into the mattress, hips moving against yours as he fucks you, desperation all over his fingers, lips attached to your neck as he sucks, his own breathy ragged as he spends his own stamina satisfying you, passion bleeding past his fingers as his body consumes you, desperate to make up the lost time with you from before. At this point, he disregards how many passing maids will hear his own moans, too focused on the way your skin felt between his fingers and too focused on the way your head was thrown back in a bliss he hadn't seen you wear before.
He wondered how many years you went without being bedded.
Well, not that it mattered. He had probably gone the same amount of time without bedding someone. How could he? The guilt would have eaten him alive from the inside out. So, he channels all his lost years into you instead, groaning when you cum around him again, eyes teary and cheeks puffy, your lips red from his kissing earlier. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your words become incoherent, slurred as he moves a hand down to play with your clit. You squeal as he does, squirming under his touch as he continues to hold you down.
"I love you." He whispers, tears in the corner of his eyes as you can barely hear him.
"I love you." He repeats, with his chest this time, tears splattering onto your chest as he whimpers.
"I love you so much." He gasps as his thumb speeds up on your clit, making you gasp sharply at his confession, your head spinning.
You gush around him again as he finally feels himself reach a high, heart racing against his ribcage as he groans, crashing into you as he pumps you full, resting his head on your collar as you both catch your breaths, and Jinshi feels himself get hard in you again, his shoulders tensing as he does. He can't. He's going to break you, and you're never going to talk to him ever again. He's going to ruin you like he did years ago, and the universe is going to punish him by taking you away again—
"More." You whimper. "Until you've had your fill."
"I'm going to break you." He whispers.
"I'm sure Jingui wouldn't mind having a sibling..." You whisper back.
Jinshi's pupils dilate as he starts again, and you yelp as he goes without warning, a mix of your cum and his making a squelch with each thrust of his. It's lewd. It sounds like the most sinful thing in the world, yet Jinshi thinks of it as music to his ears, all too focused on pleasing you and getting rid of his pent-up lust, your body finally under his as he's waited all these years. He thinks of it as some kind of blessing, to be able to consume your sense as wholly as he used to, only this time sure that you weren't crying because of something he did. He still had lots of making up to do for you, but he supposes this is a start.
You gush around him another time, crying over how it hurt, but still no safe word. He laughs something between a chuckle and scorn, thrilled at the way that you looked like that under him. The maids had been whispering about how you had never bedded anyone once despite your status as supposedly single in the residence, and it made his head spin with possessiveness at the thought that you had still been loyal despite how much he hurt you. He would make it up, he promised. He would stay until the morning this time, and you would get to wake up in his arms like you used to.
The thought makes his hips stutter into yours as you're flooded with warmth a second time, your moan depraved as you feel him fill you again, the white from the sex staining the sheets and your thighs, and you both catch your breath this time, and Jinshi rests his forehead on yours, heavy breaths slipping past his lips as he stares into your eyes, hand moving to brush the hair from your face as you stare at him through glassy eyes.
"I'll be here when you wake up." He whispers. "I'll be here in the morning."
You close your eyes, nodding to the best of your ability.
"I'll kill you if you aren't."
He laughs, rolling over to rest on his back, fingers intertwined with yours as he rolls to his side to look at you.
"You're sticky." You grimace.
"And?" He hums. "So are you."
"We need a bath." You grumble. "I should call a maid to clean me up."
"That will be tomorrow's problem, beloved." He hums, lips curling upward. "Lay with me, my dear."
"If you insist, my love."
You help Maomao and Jinshi pack up their things to go, sending small gifts for the journey with them, and you laugh when Maomao thanks you profusely for the fritillaria unibracteata, and you wave it off as nothing big, a smile on your lips. She promises you that she'll owe you one the next time you need something from her, and you chuckle as she gets onto the carriage with Jingui. Your son gives you one last kiss before getting on as well, and only Jinshi stays behind and refuses to let you go, brushing his thumb over your knuckles as he talks to you.
"Will you... return?"
You shake your head, lips curled into a smile. "Unless you would like to stay?"
"Would you let me?"
"No. I would let Jingui stay, though." You smile at your son peeking at you through the window.
"You would met Jingui stay?" He gasps.
"Yeye would not be happy." Jinshi reminds. "We will return to pick niang up, alright?"
"I will tell yeye to let you come with Jingui next time." Your son stares into your eyes, eerily serious, and you smile.
"Tell yeye I said hi."
Jingui motions for you to come over instead, pressing his lips to your cheek through the window as you laugh, lips curled into a smile as you give him one back. He giggles, reaching his hand out the window to hold yours, and Jinshi shakes his head at his son. He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek, making Maomao gag in the carriage. He takes your other hand and presses your knuckles to his lips, a smile on his face as he hums against them.
"I shall return for you."
"I shall be waiting."
Jinshi lets go of your fingers, not without one more kiss to your lips, lifting his sleeve to hide the two of you from your son and Maomao as he does. You roll your eyes once he pulls away, and you nod at them as they leave. You stay in place until the carriage is long gone, and you hum, heading back to work with the maids to manage the estate.
When spring comes the next year, the wound on your cheek is gone, a golden carriage arrives, and you laugh as Jingui jumps out of it into your arms, much bigger, smile much brighter. Jinshi steps out next, offering you a hand to pull you up as he introduces the new manager of the estate. Maomao grins at you, whispering about the trade, and you let her know there are farms upon farms of medicine in the land, only for her to grin cheekily at you. You suppose she has her much wanted freedom now.
"Shall we go?" Jinshi offers his hand to help you up as Jingui holds his hand out for you on the carriage, and you smile.
"We shall."
And finally, you are home.
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idyllcy · 3 months
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God, I want Childhood Friend!Tim Drake
childhood friend!Tim whom your family trusts with your life for some twisted reason despite your protests about how he's more reckless than you
childhood friend!Tim who your friends all pester you about — well aware of the silly crush you've had on him since childhood
childhood friend!Tim who scared your family shitless when he revealed he dropped out of high school to search for his adoptive father
childhood friend!Tim who despite his status as drop out, your family still asks to have him over for dinner
childhood friend! Tim who has been at every single major event in your life whether in or out of his Robin mantle, flowers always in his arms as he greets you
childhood friend! Tim who has a file of photos of just you
childhood friend! Tim who happens to be... adding to that file at the moment
"Stop covering your face." He mumbles, fingers reaching to clasp around your wrist as you crane your neck to hide from his camera. "Please? Come on. You always look so pretty like this."
You only squirm in response.
"Come on." He whispers, pulling your wrist from your face as he's breathless from the way you look. "There you go. You're so pretty like this, birdie."
You try focusing on the way his camera clicks, but your eyes roll further back as he gives you a particularly harsh thrust — making you see stars. You trust that he wouldn't share the photos even if he was at death's door. You trust him with your life, but it doesn't mean you aren't embarrassed that he wants a photo of you like this so bad.
"Ah, Tim." You try, voice coming out in a whimper.
"Yes, birdie?"
"That's right, birdie." A hand moves down to hold you down by the hip, speeding up. "Let me see that gorgeous look on your face when you cum."
You make him swear on his hard drive to never let the photo that he gets of you fucked out see the light of day. (not that he would've either way. only he gets to see you so vulnerable.)
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idyllcy · 9 months
your good boy
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word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut, nsfw, switch!Grim, name spoilers
summary: he just looks so good in red ropes.
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“Hey, Casp.” You hum, staring at the red rope in your hand. “Have you ever been tied up?”
“Sunshine, I haven’t even had sex before meeting you.” Casper looks back at you, raising a brow.
“Can I tie you up?” 
He meets eyes with you, eyes trailing to the rope in your hand.
“...what about dinner.”
“What do you mean?” You grin, fingers trailing down his chest. “dinner’s right here .”
He swallows slowly as you press your chest to his, lips curled into a smile. 
“Let me turn off the stove, please.”
“Of course.” You hum.
Casper shifts against the red on his skin as you tug on the rope, sliding your fingers underneath to make sure it isn’t bruising. While you wouldn’t be against seeing his skin bloom with red because of the rope, you’d much rather have your mouth be the one to bruise him. The rope secures around the reaper snugly as you brush your thumb over his shoulder, lips curling upward at the sight of his skin flushed.
“Don’t you think you look pretty, Casp?” You coo, leaning to press a kiss to his temple as he whimpers.
“Yeah…” He whispers. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
“The prettiest.” You smile. “Color?”
“Green.” He whispers, tilting his head for you as you kiss him. His eyes go half-lidded as you hold his face, and he parts his lips to let you do whatever, a whimper in his throat as one of your hands slides down to his chest, thumb brushing his nipple as he jolts. He strains against the rope on his skin, eyes wide he stares up at you, biting his bottom lip to hold back a whimper.
“You can be vocal.” You mumble. “I like listening to you.”
Casper’s breath hitches as you press your lips to his neck, a silent beg slipping past his lips as you bite down on his collarbone, sucking gently until the familiar red shows up, and you smile at the flush on his skin. He whimpers when your teeth graze over his pulse point, eyes teary as he blinks at you, cock hard on his chest as you catch the precum form a bead on his tip, and you move your hand down his chest, tugging at the ropes slightly as your thumb brushes over the tip, sliding the precum down his length. 
Casper whimpers, straining against the rope against his skin.
“M-more,” He gasps. “Please. I want more.”
“You want more?” You raise a brow at him. “More?”
He nods feverishly. “Please? I’m… your good boy, right?”
“Right.” You hum. “You’re doing a great job.” You whisper. “Just hold on, alright?”
Casper nods, muscles flexing under the rope as you open your mouth. “Open up, pretty boy.” 
Casper listens, opening his mouth as you let the spit on your tongue roll into his.
“Now swallow.”
He complies, swallowing and showing you his tongue.
“And one more for…” The fluid is warm on your palm as you spit onto it, pressing your lips to Casper’s when your hand slides down his cock, causing his breath to hitch. Yet, he stays still as your hand moves up and down his length, his breath on your skin as you press your chest to his face. He nuzzles into your chest as you slide your hand up and down slowly, squeezing slightly at the base. Casper’s breath grows ragged as he whines about being close.
“P-please, sunshine, please.” He gasps in broken breaths. “Please let me cum. Please. Please. Pl— ”
You slow down, shushing Casper as he whines about losing the feeling of his orgasm. You lower yourself to latch your lips to his chest and suck as he chokes, curling forward as your hand continues slower than before. 
“Sunshine, please.” He whimpers. “wanna cum.”
“Beg for it, Casp.” You mumble. “Come on. You’re such a good boy, right?”
“please let me cum.” He whines. “Please, sunshine. I’ll be your good boy, please? I’m begging you. Sunshine, please.”
“Mm, maybe harder.” You mumble, speeding up again as he whines. “You can do that, right?”
“Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine , please, please please let me cum. I’ve been so good, right? I’ve listened and swallowed and obeyed. Please?” He gasps, mind going blank as the coil in his stomach tightens, his release just so close. “I’m your good boy. Please, I’ve been waiting for you to come home all day just so you could touch me. please , let me cum. Please?”
You stop altogether as he cries, straining against the rope as he tries to chase after your touch.
“Sunshine —”
“Shh,” You mumble. “Wouldn’t you much rather have my mouth than my hands? You’re such a good boy, right? Good boys deserve the best?”
Casper nods feverishly, moaning as you kiss the tip of his cock gently, lips curling into a smile as you move to bite his thigh, sucking as you latch your mouth to his pale skin, biting and leaving a mark, pulling back only when you’re sure it’ll stay, and you blink up at Casper, lashes thick and full, blinking innocently with a smile on your lips. 
“Sunshine, please touch me.” He whimpers.
“What do you mean, Casper? I am touching you.” You drum your fingers against his thigh as  he pouts.
“Please touch my…” His face grows impossibly red as it spreads to his ears, and he whimpers. “...cock” 
“What was that, pretty boy?”
“Please touch my cock and make me cum.” He cries, tears in the corner of his eyes as he looks to the side, embarrassed. 
You click your tongue. “Naughty boy.” You laugh, staring up at him as you give him a lick from the base to the tip. “Saying such dirty words.”
Casper throws his head back with a groan and whimper as you finally use your mouth, sucking on him as his muscles flex around the red on his skin. He gasps, breathing speeding up as he feels his orgasm climb up his spine again, and he’s so close, he’s almost there . He cries your name as he finally feels himself reach his orgasm. God, he’s so close.
“Sunshine, right, yes, please, hng — please please please please please plea—”
You stop all at once, pulling off of him with your mouth open and tongue out, batting your lashes at him innocently, and something snaps inside of him. He fights against the rope as his shoulders break free, and the rope around his arm loosens, and you stare at him as he sits up, hands flying to your waist as he forces you down on the mattress, 
“Open up, sunshine.” Casper mumbles, thumb on your bottom lip as he holds you down.
You comply, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out. 
“I am simply returning the favor.” Casper whispers, holding your jaw open as his spit slides off his tongue into yours. “There you go. You have it back now, sunshine. Be a good girl and take what I give you, alright? I took everything you gave me earlier, right? I’m your good boy? Right?”
You nod as he brushes his thumb over your clit, squirming as he slides it down between your folds, blinking twice when he notices how wet you are. 
“You had that much fun edging me?” Casper feigns a frown, sliding a finger into you as you gasp, squirming. His palm holds you down as he curls the finger, and your nails dig into the bedding as he slides a second one into you with ease, with a lewd squelch . You try and hide your face in embarrassment but he reaches for your wrists, holding them down as he continues fingering you, lips curled into a ghost of a smirk as you bite your lip down to try not to moan. “Come on, sunshine. You sound gorgeous when you’re being vocal. How come you get to hear me whimper when I do not get to hear you?”
You stare down at him, teary-eyed as he presses into a particular spot in you, and you gasp, letting go of your bottom lip.
“That sounds much better, sunshine.” He hums, thumb brushing your clit as that causes you to clench around him, walls fluttering around his fingers as you gush and make a mess around his fingers. 
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath, teary-eyed as Casper pulls his fingers out to lick your cum off his fingers. He maintains eye contact with you, making a show of it as you stare at him licking his fingers, tongue stuck out just for you. You swallow slowly, mind spinning as you feel your body heat up almost instantly. You swear you can feel yourself salivating too.
“Sunshineeee…” Casper drawls, hands sliding up your thighs to hook your ankle over his shoulder. He leans into your ankle, turning his head to kiss it gently, eyes still resting on your body, up your stomach, around your chest, to your lips… and finally to your eyes with a smirk. He presses another kiss to your ankle as you feel your heart race in your chest and your skin floods with warmth— as if you hadn’t been hot already. “I hope you listen well… sunshine.”
You yelp as he bottoms out in you instantly, eyes wide as your hands scramble to push against his chest. He’s too big dammit. You lean forward as you try and adjust to his size, pussy quivering from the stretch, refusing to stare down at the way he bulges in your skin. You reach down to push him away, but he pays no mind as your nails graze his abs, leaning in further to force your legs to your shoulders as his breath mingles with yours, a smile on his face at your tear-stained lashes, and you bat your lashes at him, a pout on your lips as he gives you a second to adjust to his size. You whimper out an affirmative for him to move, and he leans back, holds your legs with an arm, and hammers into you as you yell, eyes wide as your breathing hastens and you feel your breath catch in your throat. Casper’s name comes out in broken increments as you feel your first orgasm crash through your body, your pussy fluttering around Casper’s cock as he doesn’t show any signs of stopping.
“Ca- casper.” You gasp, nails digging into his shoulders. “S-slow down.”
“Sorry, sunshine.” He mumbles, speeding up instead. “Need… to cum…”
You choke as he cuts you off with a particularly rough slam of his hips, tears in the corner of your eyes as you squirm underneath his body, whining and whimpering with each roll of his hips, sensitive from the way his cock grazes your insides. You throw your head back as he presses into a particularly sensitive part of your insides, making you choke as you feel tears roll down the sides of your eyes. Casper reaches to wipe it, letting your ankles rest on his shoulders again as he leans forward to force your knees to your shoulders, arms supporting himself on both sides of you as he groans at the way you gush around him again. You cry as he continues, and you moan as you feel him pulse in you, signaling that he was close.
He leans his body weight on you as he cums in you, your eyes wide as you feel his warmth spread in you, and you wonder for a second if he’s done for good this time. Yet, as soon as he finishes, you gasp from oversensitivity as he starts thrusting again, making you yelp.
“One more.” He whimpers. “One more, please, sunshine. You have one more for me, right? Just one more. I’m not—” he grunts, “done. Please, sunshine.”
You don’t get to complain when he’s so desperate, practically panting and drooling all over you as your nails scratch down his back, red streaks on his skin as he continues thrusting into you, tears in the corner of both of your eyes as you flutter around him with another orgasm, squirting from your oversensitivity as he pauses to stare at the way you stain his abs and thighs, and his eyes sharpen as he picks up speed again.
“One more.” He begs. “Please, sunshine. I need to see you do that again. Just one more.”
You don’t have the strength to answer anymore, only whimpering in response.
He moves a hand to brush your clit as you clench around him in embarrassment, warmth all over your chest as you feel his cum and yours mix in you and slide out with each time he thrusts into you. You try and ignore the way it makes a lewd squish each time he slides into you, and you gasp and claw at his shoulders as you feel another orgasm building up, gushing around him as you cry and dig into his shoulders, nails drawing blood as he cums in you again, white mixing with yours as he slumps onto you, catching his breath as he waits for his heartbeat to return to normal. 
He nuzzles into your chest, brushing his lips over your nipples with gentle affection as he listens to your heartbeat. He blinks slowly, getting up as you catch your breath.
“So much for tying you up.” You grumble.
“Sorry… sunshine.” He mumbles. “I’ll let you tie me up another time.”
“It’s okay.” You sit up slowly, thanking Casper as he hands you a glass of water. “You too, pretty boy. Come on, Casp.”
He takes the glass from you when you finish drinking, and the two of you pause at the bruises on your hips and the hickey on his neck. 
“Shower.” Casper grimaces. “Shower, for sure.”
You nod. “Can I wash you?”
“Of course.” He whispers. “Can I wash you?”
“Always, Caspy.” You hum, taking his hand as you try to stand. You stumble, legs sore as he catches you, and the two of you stare into each other’s eyes before bursting into laughter. 
“I’ll carry you,” He holds his arms out for you as you let him hold you, and your legs squish together, a mix of cum and sweat, and the two of you start the shower.
“Are you doing to do your skincare?” You hold your hand out under the shower. 
“Yeah.” He steps under the shower first, motioning for you to join. “Will you watch?”
“Will you put the products on for me?” You tilt your head.
“We have different skin types.”
“Right.” You pout. “I’ll watch, then.”
Casper has you turn around first, fingers sliding down your skin as he scrubs the sweat from your skin, fingers smooth against your flesh as he wipes you down.
“You gonna slide your fingers back into me, pretty boy?” You wiggle your brows with a grin. 
“To clean you.” He pouts, jutting out his bottom lip. “Don’t forget to pee to avoid the UTI.”
“You’re so sweet.” You hum as he slides his fingers up your thigh to brush the soap on. “My sweetheart.”
He smiles in response to the name, rinsing you off. 
“My turn, pretty boy.” You hum, reaching for his body soap. “Turn around, please?”
You wash Casper off with ease, lips curled into a smile as he hums in satisfaction when your nails graze his skin. He leans his head back to rinse the shampoo from his hair, and you cheer. You sit on the counter as he does his skincare routine, humming happily as he kisses you between steps, explaining to you again what each product did. Then, Casper helps you dry your hair, spraying on a heat protectant before blow drying it, and you help him hold the hairdryer as he dries his own hair. You reach for a strand and press a kiss to the tip, lips curled into a teasing smile.
He shakes his head at you in harmless embarrassment.
Then, the two of you head to bed, your arm under his neck as you snuggle into him, eyes closed and pressing a lazy kiss to his forehead. 
“Sleep well, Casper.”
“You too, sunshine.”
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alienguts · 2 years
Warm Welcome (Harley Quinn x f!Reader)
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Summary: Harley’s back from Arkham and there’s only one thing she wants to do.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, F/F sex, cunnilingus, facesitting, fingering, just gals being pals 🔞
Request?: No
A/N: 🌈 gay shit here get your gay shit here 🌈
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Five minutes. It took just five minutes after getting home for Harley to try to get Y/N into bed.
The whole car ride home from Arkham was torturous for her. All she wanted to do was for Y/N to stop the car and let her rip her clothes off, but she had to show at least some restraint. But when she’d been behind bars for almost a year with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, she couldn’t exactly be blamed for being a total horndog. She sat with her hands wedged between her knees for the 45 minutes it took to get home, her legs bouncing in excitement.
As soon as they got home and the front door to the apartment was locked, Harley pounced on Y/N, almost knocking her to the floor as she mashed her lips into hers. Y/N tried to keep her balance by throwing her hands out behind her, but she toppled over anyway, Harley following and crashing on top of her.
“Cool your jets, Harl!” Y/N said as she tried to wriggle out of Harley’s grasp. “We only just got home!”
“Six months, baby!” Harley whined. “I had to go six whole months without any action! The least you could do is let me fuck you now.”
“Not in the doorway! At least hold on until we can go to bed.”
Harley huffed and got off Y/N, letting her stand up. She’d just started to push her towards the bedroom when Y/N planted her feet firmly on the ground and her hands on Harley’s shoulders.
“Alright, now just wait a second, sweetie,” Y/N said, using the same tone she would with a hyperactive child. “You just got home after being away for so long. Just take a second to enjoy being home before jumping my bones.”
“But I haven’t seen you,” Harley said with a pout. “Or your titties.”
Y/N flushed and sighed deeply.
“Okay, but give me five minutes so we can put your stuff away.”
Harley grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet before kissing Y/N again.
“You’re an angel!” Harley said as she wrapped her arms around her. “I could do with a shower, my skin’s all dry from that nasty Arkham soap.”
“Take as much time as you need, I’ll still be here.”
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When she’d finished putting Harley’s things back in their places, Y/N was ambushed by an overpowering smell of shower and bath products. Clearly, Harley didn’t mind what scents went with each other and just went for whatever she liked most. Y/N faced into the closet as Harley wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into her body, her hands roaming under her shirt until they cupped each of her breasts.
“Harley, is there a reason why you’re completely naked?” Y/N asked as Harley started to kiss her neck.
“I just got outta the shower,” Harley purred into her skin and pushed her fingers underneath Y/N’s bra. “And I want to play with my girl.”
“Can’t I at least take my clothes off first?” Y/N said, her breath shuddering as she relaxed back into Harley’s body.
“But that’s my job,” she said as she caught her hard nipples between her fingers. “Taking the wrapping off is just as fun as what’s inside.”
Y/N whimpered and grabbed at Harley’s arms, feeling her soft, newly moisturised skin and she let her head fall back onto her shoulder as she nipped at her neck.
“C’mon, babydoll, let’s have some fun.”
She let go of Y/N and turned her around to lead her to the bed, making sure she got a good view of her body. When she noticed her staring, she twirled around and fluffed her hair, showing her pale skin and slender curves from all angles.
“Like what ya see, sugar?” Harley purred, taking note of how Y/N’s eyes were fixated on her, trailing from her legs, her hips, her perky breasts, and up to her face.
Y/N swallowed and nodded, her mouth too dry to say anything while the space between her legs started to throb. Harley sat on the mattress with her legs wide, her bare pussy exposed as she grabbed Y/N’s hand and guided her to stand between her legs.
“Can I take this off, honey?” she asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. Y/N nodded and let her pull it up and over her head, standing up again to throw it to the other side of the room before immediately removing her bra. “I definitely want this off.”
Y/N shivered slightly when the air hit her bare skin, her nipples hardening even more as her skin burned under Harley’s gaze. Harley bit her lip and groaned softly as she reached out to caress her breasts with both hands, rolling them in her palms and softly squeezing them before kissing each one.
“God I missed these girls so much,” she said, her voice muffled by the soft skin of Y/N’s breasts. “But you’re still wearing too many clothes.”
Y/N pushed her sweatpants down to the floor and wriggled her legs free of them without needing to move away from Harley, leaving her in just her panties. Just as Harley dipped her fingers into the waistband, she stopped and admired the cotton garment.
“These are so cute!” she cooed and grabbed her hips to turn her around so her back was facing her. “Bend over a second.” 
Y/N was confused but did as she was told, bending her torso down slightly as Harley sat down again. Just as she looked back to see what she was doing, she felt Harley pinch and smack her behind, making her squeak and almost lose her balance.
“Harley,” she whined impatiently as Harley rested her head on her lower back, caressing her behind and squeezing, just as she’d done with her breasts.
“You look good in these, baby,” Harley purred as she pulled away. “But they’ll look even nicer on the floor.”
Y/N couldn’t help how hard her pussy clenched at her words. For as distracted and silly as she could be in the bedroom, Harley knew exactly how to get her girlfriend in the mood. She said things that would sound corny coming from anybody else but that was exactly what she loved about her.
“C’mere,” Harley said and patted the mattress between her legs. “But leave those on.”
Y/N climbed into Harley’s lap, her legs on either side of her and her arms loosely wrapped around her shoulder. She could feel her cool breath on her warm skin, their faces just centimetres apart and their chests pushing together. Harley stroked Y/N’s back softly, tracing the notches of her spine with her fingertips and dipping them into the waistband of her panties.
“I really missed you, y’know,” she said softly. “Like, a lot.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said in return, smiling warmly. She squeaked in surprise when Harley closed the gap between them, her soft lips on hers, caressing and drinking her in as she pulled her body closer and closer until she fell back onto the mattress, Y/N still on top of her.
Y/N eagerly returned her kiss and cradled Harley’s face in her hands, her eyes fluttering closed as warmth spread throughout her body, starting at her core and ending at her fingertips. Her lips parted slightly to let Harley slip her tongue between them, tasting her sweet mouth as Y/N tangled her fingers in her hair. She moved her hands down further to cup her behind and dipped her fingers under her panties, feeling her pooling arousal. Y/N whined against her lips when she felt her fingers circle her throbbing clit and broke off the kiss to catch her breath.
Without missing a beat, Harley trailed her kisses down Y/N’s neck and collarbones and moved her hands to underneath her breasts, squeezing and pinching them to make her whine and moan.
“Lie down, honey,” she said. “I want to play with these.”
Y/N got up and shuffled up the bed to lie down, her head resting on the pillow and her legs spread wide for Harley to lie between. She watched her as she crawled up her body, a wolfish expression on her face as she laid her face on her sternum between her breasts.
“God, I really missed these girls,” she purred into her skin before kissing softly.
“More than me?” Y/N teased as she ran her fingers through Harley’s hair.
“Of course not,” Harley said and nuzzled her face into Y/N’s warm skin. “I missed all of you.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said, her breath hitching when Harley brushed her lips over her hard nipple.
She let her body relax into the mattress as Harley laved her tongue across her sensitive skin, teasing her nipple with the tip of her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Harley used her free hand to fondle the other breast, rolling it around in her palm and squeezing before teasing the nipple with her fingers. She could feel herself getting wetter as she played with her soft breasts and she had a good feeling that Y/N was too.
Harley switched her attention to Y/N’s other breast, leaving wet kisses and licking the nipple before taking it into her mouth and sucking again. She listened to how Y/N moaned softly as she played with her hair, running her nails through her roots and playing with the faded colours at the ends. Her hand trailed down Y/N’s body as she continued to worship her breasts, skimming over her stomach until it reached her sopping pussy.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Harley purred, her teeth grazing against Y/N’s nipple. “You’re gonna ruin these cute panties. How ‘bout I take ‘em off?”
“Please,” Y/N whined, pushing her hips into Harley’s hand.
Harley let go of her nipple and crawled back down her body, settling herself between her spread legs, her face eye level with her dripping cunt. She ran her fingers along the crotch of her panties, delighting in how her arousal had soaked through the cotton. Y/N moaned at the contact and her pussy clenched, as if it was begging Harley to fuck her.
“You really must have missed me if you’re this desperate,” Harley teased before kissing her clit over the wet fabric. She licked her arousal off of her lips and let out a short moan. “You taste good, honey. But I want the main course, not just an appetiser.”
If she wasn’t so pent up, Y/N would have made a comment about Harley being corny in bed. She’d been without a girlfriend for half a year so she was willing to let her be as corny and stupid as she wanted as long as it meant she’d get her pussy eaten.
It felt like an eternity had passed when Harley finally pulled Y/N’s panties down her legs and tossed them aside. She gently kissed along the insides of her thighs, teasing her until Y/N whined in frustration and tugged on her hair.
“C’mon, Harl, I thought you’d been waiting months for this,” she said as she tried to push Harley’s face into her cunt.
“Okay, okay!” Harley laughed before kissing her bare clit. “So impatient.”
Her tongue finally snaked out to run through Y/N’s wet folds, gathering her arousal as she made her way back to her clit. Y/N sighed in pleasure and let her head fall back onto the pillow as Harley worked wonders with her mouth, licking and sucking her sensitive skin at a leisurely pace. Pillow princess had never been an appropriate title, but Y/N was more than happy to let Harley call the shots and do anything she wanted with her body.
“You taste good, babydoll,” Harley mumbled into her pussy. “Definitely worth the wait.”
A moan crawled out of Y/N’s throat when she felt Harley tease her entrance with two of her fingers and slowly slide them inside. She kept her fingers still for a moment, letting her adjust to them before gently sliding them in and out of her, building up the pleasure and making her sweet spot swell.
Harley was getting wetter and wetter as Y/N’s arousal coated her tongue and fingers, the only thought in her head was being able to taste her and make her scream. She squeezed her legs together, trying to feel some friction, and watched as Y/N squirmed and moaned above her.
“You can’t be gettin’ close already, baby,” she purred as she started to curl her fingers into her sweet spot. “We’ve only just started.”
Y/N’s stomach was tying itself into knots as Harley worked her body into a frenzy, her clit twitching under her tongue and her pussy clenching around her fingers. A fire was spreading through her body despite the slow pace and she wanted nothing more than to trap Harley’s head between her thighs as she sucked her clit and finger fucked her pussy.
“Harley, I’m close,” Y/N said, her voice strained from keeping her moans at bay.
“Already?” Harley teased. She pulled her soaking fingers out and teased her clit with them as she lifted her head to watch Y/N writhe in frustration. Her mouth and chin were coated with her arousal, shining in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. “Want me to make you cum, sweet thing?”
“Harley, please,” Y/N begged, trying to push her head back down. Harley laughed and slid her fingers back into her desperate pussy.
“Anything you want, princess.”
Harley immediately set a faster pace, curling her fingers into Y/N’s sweet spot firmly and sucking on her clit harshly. She had planned on taking her time with Y/N and slowly bringing her to climax, but the way her body was reacting said otherwise.
Moans and cries flew from Y/N’s mouth as Harley stirred her body up, her nerves blazing and her climax fast approaching. She planted her hands on the back of Harley’s head and mashed her face into her dripping cunt as she begged her to keep going.
“Cum for me, baby,” Harley said, her voice muffled by her pussy. “Cum on my tongue, I wanna taste it.”
Y/N’s head fell back as pleasure washed over her, engulfing her and drawing all of the air out of her lungs. Her chest heaved and her hips bucked as Harley continued to draw her orgasm out of her, her breaths finally coming out in cries and moans until her body went limp and calm.
Once her body had completely calmed down, Harley pulled her fingers out of Y/N’s spent cunt and cleaned them off with her fingers, moaning when her taste hit her tongue again. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and crawled back up the bed to hover over Y/N and press her lips to hers, making her taste herself.
“I missed your taste,” Harley whispered against Y/N’s lips as Y/N cupped her perky behind with her hands.
“I wanna taste you,” Y/N said, her voice hoarse from moaning so much.
“You okay to stay where you are?” Harley asked. Y/N nodded, her body too boneless to do much else. “Good, cos I wanna sit on this pretty face of yours.”
Y/N swallowed and licked her lips as Harley placed her knees on either side of her head and lowered her wet pussy down onto her mouth. Her arousal immediately hit her tongue and flooded her mouth with her taste. Y/N ran her flattened tongue across Harley’s folds and clit, tasting her as if she was a sweet treat before paying more attention to her clit. She fluttered the tip of her tongue against the sensitive bud, making Harley writhe against her mouth.
“Don’t tease, baby,” Harley whined as she tried to smother Y/N with her pussy.
“You always tease me,” Y/N said, her voice muffled as she continued to pleasure her with her tongue. “It’s only fair that I tease you back for once.”
Harley huffed and grabbed hold of the headboard before grinding her core against Y/N’s mouth, making her flatten her tongue and keep her head still for her to ride. The bed creaked with every roll of her hips and the slack headboard knocked against the wall but neither of them seemed to care very much. They didn’t have neighbours to get mad at them and the bedroom was on an outside wall so they could make as much noise as they liked.
Harley certainly seemed determined to be as loud as she wanted. Moans and cries flew from her lungs as Y/N continued to lick and suck her, running her hands along her thighs and groping her ass as she drove her into a frenzy. She figured that Harley must have gone through her entire sentence without even touching herself since she could tell that she was already close.
“Y/N,” Harley moaned shamelessly. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Y/N wrapped her lips around Harley’s clit and sucked hard, her hands firmly holding her hips to keep her in place. She let her eyes drift closed and felt Harley grab her head, running her nails along her scalp as her arousal coated her face and her clit twitched in her mouth.
Breathlessly, Harley came into Y/N’s mouth, her cunt clenching and unclenching before her hips bucked wildly and she let her breath out in a loud cry. She gasped and panted as Y/N continued to lick her through her high, bringing her back down slowly and gently by stroking her skin and kissing her spent pussy until she’d caught her breath again.
With one final pleasured sigh, Harley lifted herself off Y/N’s face and moved around to flop down on top of her as she wiped her mouth clean, her face resting between her breasts. She could hear her thudding heartbeat through her chest and let herself be fully enveloped by Y/N’s warmth. 
They stayed like that for a moment, listening to each other breathe as the city continued to move outside. Y/N could have sworn that Harley was starting to fall asleep on her chest when she suddenly lifted herself up and shuffled up to kiss her. Harley’s lips were soft against hers, kissing her leisurely rather than crazed and desperate as she had when they first got home.
“I missed you,” Harley said against Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again.
“You already told me that,” Y/N said with a laugh. “Like, three times.”
“Well, that’s just how much I missed you!” Harley said as she pulled away.
“I missed you too, Harl,” Y/N said and pulled Harley back into her body, her arms tight around her as if she never wanted to let her go. “Just stay out of trouble this time.”
“I can’t make any promises, sugar,” Harley said. “But I’ll try for you.”
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idyllcy · 5 months
every time i look at you, i keep turning red
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word count: 7.0k || inspo: The Dismemberment of Zagreus
warnings: nsfw, smut
summary: shade or not shade? minor goddess or goddess?
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Past the gates of Hades and the river Styx, Elysium sits. An endless paradise of homes and greenery in a seemingly desolate land. It was always Zagreus' third stop. He hadn't paid much attention there, Asphodel previously wearing him out. Zagreus wonders not much about the land itself. The prince needed to get past it, avoiding traps he's lived through too many times to count and fighting past foes. He stops occasionally at safe spaces of people he's talked to and always leaves nectar behind as he knows he's going to return. He never makes it that far into the temple. It takes trials through hell and back to escape. It takes time, he finds. So sometimes, he rests in the fields, in a place he knows is far away from whatever traps of death within the realm of Hades himself may await him. A place where no dirt can cut into his skin and damage it.
It was a strange place. The shades wound him, though they didn't pierce the skin of the shades. Skin? The body. The souls, perhaps. The realm of Elysium was never meant to reside in as a godling for long. Though, he had seen multiple souls retain their human form here. It was amusing to him. It had been the closest he had ever been to talking to living people. He wonders if there are any new ones. It was weary, meeting the same people over and over again in the realm. He seldom sees people end up here anymore.
A sigh slips past his lips as he lays down in the green.
He resides in a paradise built for only the best of the best; people whom the gods favored heavily. Since the first three times he had visited his mother, he hadn't stopped to breathe in order to get back up. He fought, raced, and hurled in order to get to where he needed to be. He had to see his mother once more. She hadn't returned with him, and he had unanswered questions he needed answers to. Yet, as he finished with Asphodel, he supposes a quick rest in the grass could not kill him. Well, he wasn't exactly alive either. And, if failed, he would simply return to where he started. It was a cycle he had grown used to, though he fought tooth and nail to make it upward each time.
Zagreus is not expecting to meet someone new on the fourth.
He spots you in the distance, white chiton draping over your shoulders, wrapping snugly around your figure.
A young maiden. You looked no older than him.
He wonders by whom you were favored, but he pauses at the sight of the familiar color. It seemed you had received a blessing in the form of your hair. The streaks of color remind him of his own mother, and he wonders just what you've done to please the Queen of the Underworld so much. You don't notice his stare, but you notice the sword stuck to the dirt, reaching to pull one out of the ground. He wonders if you'll get cut by one. His eyes trail over your hands, and he takes note of how rough your hands seemed to be. They resemble those of his mother's. Perhaps you had been a farmer who worshipped his mother especially much.
The blade doesn't cut you, but you fail to pull it out. He watches newfound determination paint over your features, and his lips part at the sight. You pull the weapon out in two tugs, falling onto the ground as you do. The red on the surface of the blade cracks into green as you pry the sword out with your bare hands. Zagreus can only observe in a mixture of fear and awe. You, a dainty maiden, had pried a weapon out of the sod as though it were a pomegranate. You sat there, staring at the craftsmanship, enthralled by its beauty as he were enthralled with yours. You hear him shuffle, and he leans back into the grass.
Zagreus doesn't understand why you don't approach him nor run away, but he takes it as a greeting. He might see you more often. Perhaps he'll see you on his next quest upward. When he hears you shuffle out of range, he stands up, the wounds on his body healed to some extent. His exhaustion is rested, and he sets off to meet his mother again. Perhaps he'd ask her about you. It was strange to see hair that reminded him so much of his own mother. He wondered if the color had the same texture as his mother's. Ah, but it wouldn't be so kind to compare you to his mother, now would it? Perhaps he missed his mother. That's why he had stayed a little longer to pay attention to you. It would leave him with his next death. There was no other reason.
When Zagreus reaches the surface, his mother shakes her head at his questions. She had no favored child. There must've been something wrong. Perhaps he had seen things while hurt from battle. As Zagreus falls back into the Styx, he wonders if you really had been a desperate hallucination. It had been years since his father had ruled anyone into Elysium. If not blessed, then what was it? Perhaps you had done something during the time that you were alive.
You were a mortal goddess. One of healing, he supposes. He closes his eyes and hears someone shuffle toward him, pressing cold hands onto his skin, and a cooling sensation flowing through his body. When he opens his eyes again, the figure is gone, the wounds on his body mended. There's no ache in his body, and he notices the ambrosia left next to him. It was strange. Had you really been a goddess, you wouldn't be able to die. Perhaps you had fallen out of worship and grown forgotten by the people who once served you.
Zagreus keeps the ambrosia in his pockets. Maybe he'll give you one once he returns.
The fifth time he lies in the field, he doesn't have as many wounds, but he closes his eyes anyways. Perhaps he could catch you. When he feels as though he's waiting an eternity, he hears the grass rustle. Once the footsteps stop next to him, he grabs the hand that's pressed to his back. "Got you," He smiles. You struggle in his grip, and he can feel you grow warmer. "I won't hurt you," He sits up, keeping your wrist in his hand, taking note of how dainty you were compared to him. Your wrist seems small in comparison to his hand.
You blink at him owlishly, fear visible in your eyes. "Prince. M-my apologies. I didn't want to wake you, though I was worried the wounds would cause problems if left alone. Please don't send me to Tartarus..."
Zagreus sputters. "I assure you, fair maiden, that is not the case. I simply wanted to meet my savior. Perhaps you are a godling as I?"
You shake your head. "I am not. The blessing of Apollo's healing was simply placed on me. I am but a minor deity compared to the Olympians."
"So you fell out of worship?" Zagreus loosens his grip on your wrist. You don't seem like you'll leave if he does.
"No," You shake your head. "My mortal body was destroyed in a fit of rage from my father... My prince, how is it that you're able to touch me? I thought shades could not be touched."
"Elysium is a little different from such rules," He mumbles. "Thank you, for the ambrosia, fair maiden."
"It was but something expected," You mumble, standing back up. "My apologies for holding you back, my prince. I heard you are on your way to Olympus."
"That's not entirely correct," He stands up with you, towering over you almost. "But thank you for your healing, fair goddess."
"The Olympians wouldn't be happy with that title you call me," You mumble shyly as he presses a kiss to your hand. "Go on, my prince. May you continue on your journey with the blessing of a minor deity such as I."
Zagreus smiles gently. "I thank you for the blessing, little goddess."
Zagreus climbs back to the overworld for the fifth time.
On the sixth, he has no injury. He's growing better at climbing, yet he still stops by the meadow where you reside. He wants to see you again. Of the few shades that could touch him, he seemed to like you the best. Your fingers were cool against his skin, and he liked the way you warmed when he complimented you. He likes the way you turn dark from his touch. You were tiny compared to him. He was already short compared to both his parents, but you were even smaller. It seemed you were an even lesser goddess compared to him. He liked the feeling of your hand in his. Ah. He'd have to ask mother what that feeling was. His chest was warmer than the gates of the underworld.
"Lovely maiden," Zagreus presses your hand to his cheek, relishing in the cold of your fingers. You feel divine on his skin. As though Nyx herself had blessed you, your skin was cold as his foster mother's. He liked the feeling of your skin on his.
"My prince," you mumble. "What time is this? I feel as though you've climbed for centuries by now."
"Maiden," He whispers. "That is simply because there is no morning here."
"Ah," you mumble. "The days feel long, even in a paradise such as Elysium."
"I can see that," Zagreus smiles. "Well, I shall be on my way now."
"Yes, my prince," You bow. "Please stay safe. May the blessings of a minor deity as I assist you along the way."
"Thank you, little goddess," He presses your fingers to his lips. "I shall see you in my next run."
Zagreus finds himself heavily wounded on his seventh run. His mother had told him to consider talking to his father properly, and he had fallen dead to the overworld again. Ah, he had forgotten to inquire about the warmth from you. He recalls the words of his mentor, though, wondering if that was how his father felt around his mother. Would he have to move you forcibly to his room? No. That would make him the same as his father. He wouldn't like it.
Neither of you speak while he's injured, and you press your palm to his skin. The cold that spreads through his abdomen stings, though it brings him comfort as well. He has grown used to the cold from your hands, and he wonders if you could press it to his hands to heal them as well. Calluses and rough patches of skin from handling weapons have long plagued his fingers and palms. It was a strange feeling, though it has grown to be welcomed. There is something about your touch specifically. His hand reaches for your face as you start pulling away.
"Goddess," He mumbles, pressing his fingers to your cheek.
"Tis your seventh run, yes?" You mumble, leaning into his touch.
"Yes," He breathes, his breath catching in his throat.
"How many more, my prince?"
"I don't know," he presses his thumb on your bottom lip, swiping across it. Your lip seems small compared to his thumb, he can only imagine how small you would be compared to his hands once he lifts you. Ah. No. He couldn't afford such thoughts. He had barely known you, yet he held such affection for you. Perhaps you had treated him just as you treated everyone else. He didn't know a dead heart could race so fast. "Until my mother returns." He purses his lips. "Though it will only be temporary rest. I don't feel as though I belong here, you see."
"Mm," you hum gently, lashes fluttering to get a better look at the prince. "I'm sure you'd have fun, my prince."
"I do," He smiles. "And I get to see you, my fair goddess, each time."
"How flirtatious of you, prince," You mumble, skin warm again.
"Only with you, my fair goddess," He smiles. "This is for you to take," He places a bottle of ambrosia in your hands. "Until I meet you next time, goddess."
Your skin warms from his ministrations. "May the blessings of a minor goddess as myself keep you safe on your journey."
"A kiss, perhaps?" He smiles, cocking his head to the side gently. "If you don't desire it, then it is fine."
"If the prince desires it," you mumble, using his shoulder as leverage to pull yourself to his cheek. You press your lips to his neck for a moment, and Zagreus finds his skin growing red. He turns to stare at you, the blush visible on his skin. You stare up at him, doe-eyed and smiling. "Then I shall fulfill it."
Zagreus wants to defile you.
The thought comes up suddenly as he stares down at you, and his heart shakes erratically in his chest. Maybe it wasn't a heart. Perhaps it was the blood rushing to his head. Yet, as he watches you fulfill whatever he desired, he couldn't help but wonder if you'd give yourself to him. His hand reaches for your lip again, brushing the bottom lip. You stare at him, staring quietly. Ah. He's been staring for too long. Hopefully, you don't mind it.
"My apologies, little goddess," Zagreus lets go of your face gently. "I shall be on my way."
"May the blessings of a minor goddess as I protect you along the way," You bow, and Zagreus heads out to his mother again.
Zagreus pauses while in the colosseum, a recurring thought plaguing his mind. It would be nice to find you after the fights, though he would have to return again. He wonders how far your healing properties can go. Perhaps he could find you once he climbs the next time. He still needed to convince his mother to return to the underworld with him. Once he does such, he'd be able to leave much easier. His father being distracted would also permit him to spend more time with you while he climbed to the surface. Perhaps he could somehow convince his mother to let you roam around the underworld with him while he traveled upward. A companion along his way would be nice. You could heal him when he needed it as well. He'll talk with mother on the matter.
While on the surface, his mother follows him with more questions. Zagreus wonders if it would be possible to remain on the surface for longer. Perhaps he'd build up an immunity to the sun, and he'd be able to stay out for longer. He should bring you up sometime. Though, it seems you didn't exactly die, so you'd undoubtedly be capable of escaping from the underworld. His father would be greatly angered at such a thought. Letting a goddess that fell out of worship escape the underworld? How foolish of a thought.
"My prince," You stare at him as he steps toward you.
"Goddess," He smiles. "I've come to seek advice, since you seem to have seen more than I."
"A lie," You hum. "But let us see if I shall be of assistance to you."
"My father's chambers," Zagreus swallows, and he pauses. Should he be telling you of such a vulnerable room? No. Even if he were to keep it a secret, he wouldn't know the answer until his mother responded to him. "Do you know of the former queen? My mother?"
"The goddess Persephone?" You tilt your head. "It had been a legend, as many of the people believed you were the son of Nyx, but I suppose you wouldn't be escaping to leave if your mother were here."
"So you do know," He mumbles. "My father has a portrait of my mother hung up in his room, still. After so many years."
You tilt your head to hear more.
"I do not understand why."
"It is love," You smile. "For one does not go so far or so to keep a fragment of someone unless they are in love."
"Is that so," Zagreus mumbles. "Would you like to meet mother?"
"My body is supposedly bound to Elysian," You smile. "Unless the prince was considering abducting me?"
"I do not see why not," He shrugs. "Tis tradition in this house." He smiles cheekily. "As my father had abducted my mother."
"But you do not love me," You watch him as he presses the back of your hand to your lips. "As your father loves your mother."
"I would move you to the office of Hades myself if I could," Zagreus nods, and you press two fingers to his head.
"May the blessings of a minor goddess as I keep you safe on your journey once more," You bow as he steps off.
"Ah," He turns around. "Before I forget." He steps over to you, handing you a bottle of ambrosia. "Would you be willing to move to my chambers if I could move you?"
"We shall talk about that once the chance of such an event occurs," You smile, and Zagreus watches the faux wind brush your hair.
"Of course. Thank you, little goddess," He returns to the arena once more.
In such a way, he supposes Asterius and Theseus have grown tired of his attempts at escaping, though they go no easier on him than they always have. The metal of his weapons clashes against theirs, and he does wonder if his proposal to you could ever go beyond a fleeting thought. Though, as he defeats the heroes once more, he stands and stares at the drops. Perhaps he could bring that up once his mother returns. His father's mood might soften if that were to occur. But alas, pointless thoughts are worth nothing until they follow through.
Zagreus talks to his mother, questioning as to why his father would even begin to keep a portrait of his mother with him. His mother's response is the same as yours, and he pauses at the realization. His mother seems to catch on, and he curses himself as he falls to the river Styx again. He's wasting his time thinking about you while on the surface. His mother is considering it, sure, but gods, he's about ready to steal you for himself. He's sure you'd look much prettier under the sun. He's nearly jealous of your worshippers. Though, he wonders how a foolish thought as such could even plague his mind.
"I have been told," You start, fiddling with your fingers. "That this is not your ninth run, but perhaps your hundredth, my prince."
"That is an overstatement," He hums. "I have lost count as death is not new to me."
"It would seem so," You mumble. "For death is foreign to me."
"You had not passed?"
"The sleep reincarnate had quite the time trying to find my name," You smile. "Hades himself had to welcome me into Elysium since he could not send me back to the overworld."
"Would you like to join me?" He traces circles on your hand. "Since you are not bound there."
"I will be of no help in the arena with Asterius and Theseus. I shall simply wait for your next climb." You shake your head.
"No warrior experience?" He finds it almost baffling. "None?"
"I have fought," You swallow. "But I do not enjoy it, my prince."
"I see," He mumbles, staring at your robes. "Then I shall come find you in my next run."
"I see," You smile. "Please convey my words to your mother. I feel as though the underworld misses their queen, my prince."
"I see," He nods.
"May the blessing of a minor goddess as I," You grab his hand, pressing your lips to his knuckles. "keep you safe on your journey once more, my prince."
Persephone entertains the idea of possibly returning to the underworld. The last words she leaves Zagreus with make his heart flutter at the possibility of his mother returning home with him. He's elated. Once he does, he's sure he'll be able to have her meet you and possibly move you around with him. The idea brings a smile to his face as he talks to Hypnos. The sleep incarnate grimaces and sends him on his way, napping once more as a result. Zagreus doesn't understand why his heart races as he opens his arms for you.
You crash into his chest gently, sighing gently at the feeling of his arms around you. Zagreus thinks you're a little cold, but it's a welcome contrast to his warm skin. His fingers press against your back, and you smile softly. It doesn't reach your eyes, but your body relaxes in his touch, and Zagreus can't help but wonder if something had occurred for you to touch him so willingly. He lets you rest on his chest, and he presses his fingers to the back of your neck. You squirm at the sensation, and he smiles. "Did you miss me, little goddess?"
"Yes," You mumble. "You took time this run, you see, my prince."
"My apologies," He presses a kiss to your hair, and you giggle.
"How was seeing your mother?" You peel yourself from him, lashes fluttering up at him.
"It was nice," He hums, letting go of you. "Are you still willing to reside with me in the main castle?"
"Perhaps once you accomplish your goal on the surface of the earth," You tap his chest mindlessly. "Will the queen return?"
"Perhaps," He closes his eyes, pulling your palm to his cheek. "Will you meet her with me this time?"
"Perhaps," You mumble. "Though, I can not return to the surface with you. It will be of no help."
"I do not mind bringing luggage with me," He lifts you from the ground, grinning as you yelp. You sit on his right shoulder as he rushes to the arena. "If you do not wish to fight, then there is no need for you to."
"I can fight," You swallow, the blade on your thigh.
"But you do not like it," He hums, pulling you to the side. "Just watch me and heal from the sidelines. Please, little goddess." He brushes your hair to the side, and your breath catches in your throat.
"If that is what you will, my prince." You mumble as he carries you off to the arena. A part of you were terrified of Hades's booming voice as the first time, yet Zagreus' arms keep you secure. He couldn't pass with you around. You hadn't passed away, and the healing you provided raised his defenses. You prayed that he would survive with you as luggage. The mere thought of having to battle on your own terrified you. The sight of blood was already a tightrope to walk on.
Your prince fights valiantly, the battle long engrained into his muscles, and he finishes his job with precision. The blood on his skin does not belong to him, but rather his opponents, and the good shade cheers. Your fingers drum against your skin nervously as the gate to the Temple of the Styx opens. The prince offers you his hand, and you follow him. You fear for your life. There were rumors that the gate to the surface was guarded by Lord Hades himself, and you did not wish to meet the god again.
Zagreus passes with you on his shoulder, and he finds that you are much lighter than he thinks. It was as though your bones could break at any moment. He didn't like it, though he was glad you hadn't complained about how quickly he was rushing through. He wanted to meet his mother. Perhaps he'd get his father's blessing along the way, though, he would most likely attempt to send you back to Elysium. He wouldn't let him. It wasn't any more of an act of defiance compared to escaping to meet his mother.
Zagreus reaches the gates to the surface with you still on his shoulder, and his father pauses at the sight. His son has a shade on his shoulder, and he contemplates letting his son out even at all. Though, he recognized the shade. It wasn't a shade, it had been a goddess who had just floated down the River Styx. He supposes letting him go would not hurt, though it would definitely cause a hit to the reputation of the underworld.
"Zagreus," Hades' voice bellows. "What is with the shade?"
"She is not a shade," Zagreus swallows, and he presses his hand to your trembling thigh. "She is a goddess."
"Goddess or not," The king of the underworld roars. "I can not let her escape."
"I am taking her to meet mother," Zagreus grumbles. "If you do not let me pass, we will fight as we always have."
You avert your eyes from the King, and Zagreus' grip on you assures you of your safety. You had not thought he would be so honest with his words. The heat creeps up your cheeks, and you attempt to tune out the King and Prince's conversation. You can feel the heat from frustration radiating off of his body, and you press your palm to the back of the prince's neck. You hope that'll calm him down to some extent. It works, and the prince starts negotiating. The heat at the gate lowers, and you whimper as Zagreus finally rushes out with you.
The overworld is much colder than the underworld. You had forgotten it was near winter, and you tap the prince for him to let you down.
"I promised father to bring you back," He mumbles, holding onto your hand instead. "So you must stay attached to me."
"Of course, my prince," You mumble, stepping onto the grass. "How long do you have?"
"Until I pass," He smiles. "You must return from the styx with me, though."
"I can return through the gates," You follow him as he rushes through the hill to his mother's abode. The snow crunches under your feet, and you glance at the burnt grass from Zagreus' feet. You hadn't paid much attention to the prince, yet it came as a surprise that his feet left ashes in the green. Perhaps his mother had cast a spell in her garden? You try not to think much as the prince leads you to his mother's home. You were undeniably a little worried for meeting the queen of the underworld.
"Mother," Zagreus lets go of your hand, and you stand there, glancing around the garden.
You space out for much of the conversation, rocking on your heels, staring around at the overworld. It has not changed much. You wonder how your people are doing, though they are far from the gates of the underworld. Your eyes linger at the edge of the cliff, and Zagreus' voice cuts you out of your trance. "Mother, this is a minor goddess that ended up in the river Styx," Zagreus pulls you to his mother, warm hands on your shoulder as you smile awkwardly.
"It's... a pleasure to meet you, goddess," You bow.
"Well, there are no need for formalities as such," The goddess smiles. "I remember you. I had visited your temple once."
"I am honored, your highness," You bow in embarrassment. "That you had received the help of a minor goddess as I."
"There is no minor nor major," The queen helps you up, and she smiles. "For we all take care of people."
You flush with embarrassment. "Thank you, my queen."
Your skin warms as the two of them help you onto Charon's boat, and you listen curiously to the sounds of Orpheus and Euridice. The boat rocks rhythmically as you stare at the passing scenery. The green of Elysium is familiar to you, though the lands of Asphodel and Tartarus are foreign to your eyes. You note the screams, and you stare almost longingly at the ever-fading sunlight. Zagreus takes note of it, though he wonders if there were ever a chance you could remain in the overworld. Both of you know that is just foolish wishing.
As the boat stops at the gates of Hell itself, you pause to stare at the gates. They're a terrifying height to you, and as the queen of the underworld herself bellows for the opening of the gates. Zagreus squeezes your shoulder assuringly as he presses his palm to your back. You trail through the gates, next to the prince, swallowing unconsciously as Hades greets his wife and son. You reach for Zagreus' hand instinctually, shaking slightly as his hand clasps you. He rubs gentle circles on the back of your hand as you space out, thinking about your home in Elysium. Though, it seems as though Zagreus does not wish for you to return. Even as you return to the main hall with him, Zagreus does not let go of your hand.
"Goddess," He mumbles. "We shall be throwing a banquet for the olympians. Would you like to join?"
"There is no need," You mumble. "When shall I be returning to Elysium?"
"Do you wish to return to early?" The prince whispers sadly, and you whimper.
"I am worried that Lord Hades will grow angry," You try and explain yourself.
"If he does not, will you stay with me?"
"If it is my prince's will," You avert your eyes, and the prince smiles.
"Then by royal order, you are to stay next to me at all times."
"Even while my prince escapes?" You fiddle with your fingers, letting go of his hand.
"Even while I escape," He presses his hand to your hair and runs it down your back. "You are to stay with me."
"Yes, my prince," You don't know how to feel about it. Though, it seems to be an issue that only you worry about. The preparations for the party are done by Lady Persephone and you, adjusting the tablecloth and food. You help pick the wines, the queen herself growing the grapes, and the underworld quickly hurries to vitalize. It feels very alive, a place that seemed to be no more than death itself. You had never seen Hades work so much on things other than dealing with shades. You're almost impressed.
Zagreus helps his mother adjust the tables in the dining room, and the amount of preparation that goes into the welcoming of the Olympians is baffling. You help around when you can, organizing plates and tasting the food. Zagreus stops you from having a sip of ambrosia while preparing. You bat your lashes at him, and he shakes his head. "There is alcohol mixed into it, fair goddess." You listen, setting it onto the table as he rushes off to help his mother. You smile at the two; after all, he was a mother's boy. You wonder if you had parents of your own, but you brush the thought off. It did not matter.
Once the party ends, you don't complain as you clean up with the other servants, and you don't complain as you wash dishes in River Styx. You find it amusing that you were washing dishes in the river of the dead. The boon of Lady Persephone herself keeps you from decaying, and Zagreus helps you out, drying tableware as you finish the last of the mess. The rest of the castle is restored, and you collapse onto Zagreus' recliner, exhaustion worming through your body. You curl in the cushions, the exhaustion knocking you out. You could worry about other things later once you wake up.
The prince of the underworld steps back into his room, frowning when he couldn't find you after you rushed off to the kitchen. He wonders if you had been sent back to Elysium or attempted to flee. After all, you had looked sad when you boarded the boat to return. He's glad that isn't the case when he finds you on his bed. Your chest rises and falls, the fabric of your chiton barely doing anything to cover your body. It slides down your shoulder, and Zagreus bites his tongue as he shifts it back up your shoulder, covering you. He lifts you from the recliner, placing you in bed gently, as if scared you would break from his touch. Your skin is cool against his as he wraps his arms around you hesitantly, and he closes his eyes. It had been a while since he had fallen asleep.
You wake to warmth pressed against your back and a sweaty body. You don't recall Zagreus' room being so hot. Was Tartarus burning all of a sudden? Perhaps Asphodel had overflowed once more. Yet, as your eyes open and you stretch your arms, you find that you're in the arms of the prince, his head pressed into your shoulder. You pause mid-stretch, and you lower your arms, shuffling to face him. The sheets rustle as you press your ear to his chest, eyes closing again at the sound of his heart. Huh. You didn't know dead people had heartbeats in the underworld.
Zagreus wakes again, sighing at the coolness of your skin. He glances at your new position, and he lies there, staring up at the ceiling. His mind wanders as you lie on him, and he brushes your hair to the side. You look pretty in his arms, and you were all his. You stir in your rest, and you blink drowsily at the male. "Zag?"
"Good morning, goddess," He smiles. "Did you rest well?"
"Very much so," You mumble, tapping his chest gently. His eyes meet yours, and his lips pull into a grin. You look dazzling. He moves his hand to your cheek, tracing the bags of your eyes. Your lips part, leaning into his touch. You contemplate your words for a moment, the prince hanging on the apprehension. Your next words cause his smile to broaden."May... I have a kiss?"
"Yes, goddess," He whispers, lowering himself to press one to your lips lovingly. You wrap your arms around his neck, whimpering at the heat from his hands. His eyes stay half-lidded, and his tongue swipes your bottom lip. You part your lips, letting him press his tongue to yours, sticking closer to him. Zagreus leans further into you, heart ringing in his ears. He whimpers as you move your hands to press to his chest, and he pulls away, the coolness of your skin burning his. He pants, staring at you through his lashes. "What's wrong?"
"I want more," You whimper, squirming as he presses his hands to your waist. Zagreus' face lights up. You seldom asked for more. You must be tired, his pretty goddess. He'll take care of you properly. Anything for you, after all. He pulls the blanket from your shoulders and lifts you into his lap.
"On top or on the bottom, darling," He mumbles, and you reach for his wrist.
"Bottom, please, Zag."
The prince spreads you on the bed, pulling your thighs apart as you ease into the pillows. You chew your bottom lip nervously as he presses his fingers into your legs. You grow embarrassed from his actions, skin flushing.
"Don't do that," You whisper.
"What's wrong?"
"It's embarrassing," You hide your face, and the prince smiles.
"There is no embarrassment," He pulls you to his face by the thigh, and he presses a kiss to the inside of your leg. "You are the lover of the prince of the underworld. There is no shame in a place as this." He lifts the cloth from your legs, scrunching it up. "I'll make sure that you are aware of this, goddess." His fingers trace the outer lip of your labia, thumb meeting your clit to get you wet. You grip the sheets, desperate to cum not squirm. Zagreus is making it increasingly hard for you, your breath quickening as he slides a finger into you. Your thighs squirm to close, and he uses his arms to keep you open. Your struggling falls on deaf ears. He stares in curiosity at the way you coat his fingers. "You're gorgeous, darling." He mumbles, kissing your clit gently. You flush with embarrassment.
"That's embarrassing," You whine again.
"I told you, darling," Zagreus presses his lips to your pussy, pulling his fingers out to keep your legs apart forcibly. "There is no embarrassment to being my lover." He can't see you, but he drinks in the sounds you make as he goes down on you. The room fills up with your gasps, and he moans lightly as your fingers thread through his hair. He presses his tongue flat again, and you whimper as he bites on your clit. You're not sure what happens next, but as the prince goes back down on you in a blur, your legs are tightening around his head, your orgasm crashing down on you. Your lips part, a silent sob slipping past your lips as Zagreus pulls from you. He swipes his fingers across his chin, collecting the slick from your cunt.
"Still embarrassed?," His face drops, and he leans into your face.
You whimper. "N-no."
"Do you want to go all the way?" He stares at the mess on the sheets, and you whimper.
"Yes," You whisper. "I... feel as though I've made you wait long enough."
"Do not think that you are required to satisfy me," He whispers, staring into your eyes. "Never. This is about your comfort."
"I am sure, my prince," You mumble, fingers pressing onto his chest again.
Zagreus pulls his robes to the side, and he gives you one last stare, only pulling you to him as you nod. You're nervous, understandably so, and the prince eases into you, lashes fluttering to stare at you while you stare at where he was sliding into you. He's glad you're wet enough, and he pauses once he's inside of you, rubbing comforting circles onto your waist as you reach for his hand. He entwines his fingers with yours, letting you play with his fingers as you adjust to his size.
You're full. You feel yourself filled to the brim, stretched beyond how you've ever felt with your fingers alone. You fiddle with the prince's hand, the heat from his body warming yours. You wrap your arms around his neck to feel closer to him, and he leans onto you, hands caging you to keep his body weight off of you. You take the moment to stare at his arms and pecs, biting your bottom lip as he shifts himself in you. You exhale, curling upward to his collar, biting quietly. The prince cocks his neck to the side to give you more access, and you bite down, the male moaning. You suck quietly. You wonder if you could ask him to play with his chest another day. He might think it's too much for the first time.
Your lips let go of his neck, and you lower yourself back onto the mattress. "You can move now, my prince."
Zagreus moves slowly, worried that he would break you if he were to move roughly. You can feel him with every drag, sweating. "You're, hah, so dazzling, goddess," The male moans, hissing at the feeling of your nails rake down his skin. You whimper as he drags himself inside of you again, and your eyes are glazed over with tears. Zagreus finds that you look divine like this. The mixture of sweat and spit on the two of you causes your skin to glisten, and his half-lidded eyes flick over your body. You look ethereal. Ah, not even the skies of the overworld could rival your beauty. He can't believe he gets to have you like this.
You gasp and writhe under him, broken sobs cracking out of your throat as he thrusts into your repeatedly. You feel his sweat build up under your nails, yet you don't mind. Every inch of your body is on fire, and you whimper at how full you feel. You feel every inch of him drag through you at each thrust, and your toes curl behind him. It's drunkening. Your body is a mess from him, the cum staining his sheets, yet Zagreus doesn't stop. Your arms fall above your head, Zagreus entwining his hand with one of yours. You feel embarrassed, trying to muffle your voice in his pillows. "Zag... Zag... Ah, Zahg" You gasp as he presses his chest to yours, forcing your eyes to meet his. "I'm going to... hah... cum... please..."
Zagreus presses a kiss to your collar, his thumb moving down to meet your clit. You were calling his name so sweetly, how could he not comply? Your back hits the bedding again, nails digging into his shoulders. You moan and babble incoherently as he speeds up, and you cry as your orgasm hits. It jolts down your spine, your pussy clenching on him, causing the prince to curse on your skin, fucking you through your orgasm. You cry from the overstimulation, and the prince strings apologies into your ears as he chases his own orgasm. "Zahg... nn," You cry. "It feels weird... a-ah," Zagreus presses his lips to yours, finally feeling himself cum as your nails dig back into his skin. He doesn't think much as he forces himself into you deeper so that his cum stays, and you finally relax onto the pillows, tear stains visible on your cheeks.
"Sorry, darling," He mumbles, pressing a kiss to your cheek, licking the salt curiously. "Are you alright?"
"Yes," You whimper as he pulls out. "I'm fine. Thank you, my prince."
"Rest again, my goddess." He mumbles, kissing your forehead. "I shall take care of you."
"I'm sorry," Your eyes shut. "My prince."
"There is nothing for you to apologize for," He pulls the covers over you once more, and you drift off.
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