#now that i've got a few iwtv mutuals
cannibalspicnic · 1 month
Back around the time when IWTV premiered (but before I'd had a chance to watch it) I ended up on the L train to Brooklyn with Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid.
I'm a good New Yorker so I didn't bother them or say anything, but when my stop arrived, I had to essentially shimmy past Sam Reid to get out the door, and we made eye contact, and I almost lost it, and I'm certain that he knew that I knew who he was, and he kinda stared into my soul for a second, and I got off the train like, "OK YEAH THAT GUY IS FUCKING LESTAT."
A+ experience.
Also Jacob and Sam seemed to be having a blast together. It was very cute.
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idontwikeit · 11 months
I'm fascinated with your iwtv haunted house video, what inspired you to put the images in the order that you put them in? What made you choose that poem to set the video to? I just want to know the whole artistic process behind this video, I've watched it like 10 times now, its so good!!!
Thank you!! I’m sorry I reply this late but this is a long answer. The poem is actually not a poem but “tapes” audio tracks lifted from the horror game Anatomy by Kitty Horroshow (itch.io// full gameplay link with no commentary // all tapes // tape transcripts for your reading pleasure) the rue royale one is based around the “final” one towards the ending. It’s one of my favorite horror games and it features one of my fave concepts with the house as a living breathing being
the idea of the amv is based around “louis as a haunted house” which I saw on a tumblr post/tag (i got zero clue where i saw it but it is probably from my trusted mutuals), aside from a few scenes that are based around claudia (since simply there are no ldpdl scenes close to the dialogues) they should all revolve around louis
Pretty easy from there since scenes are chosen based on the monologue, so I first chose the key scenes to feature first, then I usually edit the first and ending first so to get a vibe I want for the amv. You can see from my draft which I posted before when I missed the deadline oops
But to deliver the horror tm, I prefer building up quiet tension and interrupting with action or cut (like my other amv rip selfpromoting here but its less intense), so lots of the cut evolve around the key scenes, with the under layer a long scene preferable steady wide shots which led to this:
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you can see the third track is filled with short clips, cut scenes that interrupts the longer scenes which I put underneath, and you can see there are more cuts in the middle part here so to make the amv getting more chaotic before metaphorically dying out, matching the "lie in wait" "hungry". the cuts around the key scene will either be parallel or contrast: like the one with them in the living room(?) sitting but the cuts are all actions: lestat throwing louis across the room, or them in the garden etc? the common themes will be the room they are occupying/ the object in the scene so there is transition but also not? just some discordant added
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there are cuts that are like 1-2 frames only (like them dancing around the incinerator/far shot of them burning the evidence/hand) but I put them there for my own fun mostly and to disorient vision so if you are lucky and pause you can actually get those frames lol
This is similar to what I did for Part 1 dubai, I used the scene with louis controlling daniel's hand almost throughout, interspersed with cuts to amplify the panic, but since that one is FILLED with lost temper, there are much MORE cuts i was insane for that 50sec tape
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love the fact that i've curated my dash such that people i've been following for years who got into iwtv just a few months ago are now obsessed with it in the exact same way as i am . we're not mutuals and you'll never see this post but know that your taste is impeccable
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