#now let's go hand in hand not one before the other; cedric inspo
Mother Knows Best
Blaise Zabini x Hufflepuff!Reader
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Warnings: (angst, fucked up family dynamic)
A/N: This is the dress I had in mind in case my description doesn't do it justice. All credit to the artist here. and hair inspo (top right). Also I'm not sure why I keep writing that Blaise hates yellow but it feels right, idk.
Summary: With your parents abhorrent views you doubt they could choose a decent partner.
Word Count: 5.6k
The wizarding community was small which meant that Hogwarts was even smaller. Thankfully you had been able to slip under the radar, which in hindsight was easy since your classmate was Harry Potter. Either way, people wrote you off as timid and boring but the truth was far worse. 
Growing up everything seemed fine you came from a prestigious family that was more than respected. With that came expectations as you were told but understood, you made sure your magic was comparable to no one. You had practiced so much that there were cramps in your hand and wrist regularly. However, the expectations that your parents meant were far more nefarious than being a prefect. 
For your sorting ceremony, you had come from a family of Ravenclaw’s and Slytherin’s so when the hat called out Hufflepuff it seemed a slight pause was taken. There wasn’t explicit disappointment written on your father’s face but you knew what he would have preferred. But in his words at least you weren’t Gryffindor.
Motivation thrummed through your body to make up for less than adequate house. You’d managed to become quite knowledgeable on many subjects, even things as taboo as muggle studies. You’d never dared to take the class but had read a few books out of morbid curiosity. There was never anything explicitly anti-muggle spoken about in your household but deep down you knew better. The kind of family you were born into would never be outspoken about that sort of thing, it’s unbecoming in your mother’s words. 
After the death of Cedric Diggory, more talks of he who shall not be named permeated the community. Some believed it was an unexplainable tragedy while others were in complete denial. Not only were you disgusted by what they did to him you also felt sad for Harry, it was crystal clear what happened. Your parents on the other hand seemed unaffected, that should have been the first sign but you were too busy giving condolences to Harry. 
Next was the stream of people they contacted in the coming months. At first, none of them rang any alarm bells but more and more suspected Death Eaters would permeate your childhood home. A small riff formed between your parents and you, the seemingly loving people who raised you held such nasty views. Visits to your childhood home soon became limited to mandatory holidays under the guise of you studying for your O.W.L.s.
Soon enough you could see exactly where they stood and it terrified you. There wasn’t anyone you could turn to without fearing it would get back to your parents. 
On your scheduled visit home you were indifferent to finding certain members of the Ministry leaving your parent's home. However, as your father stood before you in the foyer expectantly you couldn’t help but wonder why. Usually, it would just be your mother receiving you due to the constant stream of ‘meetings’ your father held. No words were exchanged between you two before he gestured for you to follow him to his office. 
The once warm memories that this house provided now gave way to shivers down your spine. It felt like the closer you were to approaching his office the harder your heart thundered in your chest. Uneasiness settles within you because of your father’s seemingly cold nature. 
Inside his office, he gestured to the seat across from his chair and your heart sank. Although you didn’t feel at home anymore, you didn’t have the heart to fully distance yourself. For so long all of your work was due to upholding the family name and reputation and if you let that go there was nothing else. Your mother gave nothing away while she stood off to the side. 
“As you know darling a war is brewing, and now is the time that our Dark Lord needs his loyal correspondents.” His hands on your shoulders send a cold shiver over you. “And it worries me that my daughter seems to sympathize with mudbloods.” Even though you couldn’t see his face you could only picture the defeat on his face.
“I-” Before you could attempt to defend yourself you were interrupted.
“I thought I had made my expectations for you obvious child.” Your father’s fingers dug into you causing a grimance across your face. “Only for you to embarrass me after I put all of my hopes and dreams into you.” Tears well in your eyes from the pain of both his words and his harsh grip. 
“Have I not given you everything?” In spite of how you’ve felt about his purist ways, his words cause you to scramble to reassure him. After all, you didn’t put in as much work as you had to disappoint him.
“You have and I-” The words become stuck in your throat because of how much you are trying to say at once. “I’m so sorry.” Shame has your head hanging low while your tears wet your pants. “I saw Cedric as a friend and I let my judgment get clouded.” Sobs wrack your body and your father lets his death grip go to comfort you. 
“It’s okay darling sometimes we become a little misguided. As long as we find our way back that’s all that matters.” The same hands that caused your breakdown are now nursing you back with slow circles. Your breathing begins to even out and your father takes that as his cue to continue with what this meeting is really about.
“Now that we’ve taken care of that, I wanted to talk about what we are gathered here for.” His hands clap together in what you assume is excitement, and a glance at your now-smiling mother confirms it. “Tonight we are celebrating your impending nuptials.” 
Never has your head swiveled so quickly, you weren't privy to any marriage conversations. As far as you knew you weren’t promised to anyone but you knew better than to question anything in this moment. From the corner of your eye, you see your mother leave the room and the thundering in your heart amps up once again.
“And what better family to be joined with than the Zabini’s?” Your mother is the one to drop the name of your future husband as she glides into the office again. Behind her, you see the infamous Zabini’s. Everyone is familiar with the Zabini’s, more specifically the rumored black widow Domenica Zabini. Her track record of 7 dead husbands speaks for itself. There was nothing short of perfection about their appearance, not that you expected less.
The joy on your mother’s face feels like you’re in an alternate universe, one that involves a happy family. Somehow you didn’t see the gilded cage that had slowly been closing until it was too late. If there was food in your stomach it would have been thrown up by now. 
“Don’t play coy darling, they’ve come all this way to meet you.” As if your breakdown didn’t just happen your mother ushers you out of the seat before urging you closer. “This will be good for you, for us.” The low tone of her voice leaves no room for opposition. 
Domencia’s keen eyes take you in and you almost can’t believe this woman killed her husbands. There’s nothing overtly cunning or evil-looking about her presence as one would think. Her son, on the other hand, had a menacing demeanor for someone who you’d never heard utter a word. Since Hogwarts was small his best friends Theo and Draco more than made up for his silence. 
His brown eyes are calculated while he takes you in and your heart betrays you by skipping a beat. 
“You’re even more breathtaking in person.” Were the first words you ever heard him speak and you hated to admit how your whole body fluttered. The low register of his voice made it feel like only the two of you were in the room despite your parents lurking off into the corner. 
“So the mythical Blaise does speak?” You keep your voice low like his.
“Considering you are my future wife I’d say it’s imperative.” And just like that the reality of your future comes crashing back to you. 
Blaise gently grabs your hand and brings it to his lips before running his thumb across your knuckles. His eyes never leave yours and you can’t help but wonder if he’s trying to disarm you. Either way, you remember to keep your guard up around him. 
“Is there anywhere for us to talk, privately?” Although you doubt your parents can hear you he still goes the extra mile to bring his lips to the shell of your ear.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Your eyes dart around the room in an attempt to get out of the situation you’ve landed in.
“Afraid you’ll actually come to like me, sweetheart?” Blaise, as observant of ever, notices your hesitation to him despite his very convincing charm.
“No.” Even you weren’t convinced by your answer however, you refused to give him the satisfaction. 
An amused smirk plays on his face and he finds himself more than pleased with this arrangement. The air between you was thick with undeniable tension. 
“You know,” Your mother places her hands on your shoulders gently but that doesn’t stop the small wince on your face, “You should show Blaise around the grounds since he’ll be around a lot.” 
“That would be lovely.” His award-winning smile splits his face in agreeance with your mother. 
Seeing no way out of this you tell him, “Stay close to me.” 
Many would say that your familial land is almost as grand as Hogwarts, but that only applies if you enjoy greenery. The house is incomparable to the vast amounts of land you can explore and observe. Your mother favored her garden and maze, so much so that the familial home was inconsequential to the lands she demanded. 
“I take it you weren’t as up-to-date as your parents led me to believe?” Now that you two were truly alone Blaise saw no need to hold back. 
“I wasn’t but I can’t say I’m completely upset with their choice.” The truth is they went far beyond your expectations.
“So I still have a chance?” He pulls back before the two of you are more than a couple feet from the house. “I must plead my case.” His general nature gives you pause, you’ve never met someone so magnetic.
“And what exactly is your case?” Your curiosity gets the better of you.
“We could make this a long engagement, I don’t mind a wait. Frankly, I enjoy your presence and I wouldn’t mind growing from that.” His hands reach for yours, and somehow it doesn’t seem desperate. 
“You’re making this feel so easy.” As much as you wanted to reject any man sent your way through your parents, Blaise was different. Not to mention you weren’t in a position to bargain.
“I don’t want to force you, but I will promise absolute devotion.” This time when he kisses your knuckles there’s no prying eyes, making the moment much more remarkable.
Truth be told above all else you wanted someone exactly like Blaise, but your parent's involvement sort of ruined the moment. Emotionally you were still reeling from your father’s outburst, and you know it won’t be the last. If you could keep him off your back with this there would be less pressure surrounding any future mistake. 
But that does peg the question of how you’ll fare should this relationship get serious. Would you be the first of many wives for Blaise? The thought sent a chill down your spine and there’s no way you could outright ask. For the time being you decide being a team player is most important and string Blaise along until he tires of you. 
“I would love nothing more.” Maybe you laid it on a little thick but Blaise doesn’t seem to notice or care. 
With news of you and Blaise’s engagement spreading amongst the parents, you knew it wouldn’t take long for the gossip mill at Hogwarts to circulate. By the time you return from your visit whispers follow you through the corridor. 
“So you wanna tell me why everyone is talking about your engagement to Blaise?” Madeline, your closest friend, saddles up next to you as you barrel down the hall.
You slow down your fast pace to pull her into an empty classroom. “I knew my Father held some anti-muggle ideals but now he’s talking about doing the Dark Lord’s bidding. I went home this weekend to find out they had me betrothed to Blaise Zabini.” Your hands find their way to your face in an effort to rub the emotional distress out. “Not to mention he completely freaked out on me for expressing my sympathies for Harry. Mads I’ve never seen him like that, it scared me.” 
“Godric,” She made her way to stand beside you before rubbing your back in gentle circles. Madeline was first assigned as one of your dormmates, she took it upon herself to adopt you. She'd seen first-hand the immense pressure your parents put on you, and in turn the pressure you placed on yourself. “You know you’re always welcome around mine?” 
Although you did know that it would only prolong the inevitable with your parents. Nevertheless, you thank her and rest your head on her shoulder. 
“The worst part is the fact that I don't completely hate Blaise, I mean he would be perfect if my parents hadn’t been the ones to arrange it. Now it feels tainted you know?” Your eyes are glued to the floor while you pour out everything you’d had to hold in this past weekend. 
“Of course, not to mention his mother has an interesting romantic history.” You are glad that you’re not the only one who noticed. 
“But he’s so gorgeous.” You tilt your head away from your best friend with a whimsical sigh. 
“You’re preaching to the choir.” Her agreeance has you craning your neck to blink in surprise at her. 
“Not too much, he’s still my fiance.” Playfully you narrow your eyes at Mads before bursting into laughter with her joining you. 
With your spirits back up the both of you head back into the hall and make your way to the grand hall. Studying would help in taking your mind off of everything else, somehow it was relaxing. The table was decorated with textbooks as you and Madeline delved into your academics. 
“You look even more radiant when you’re focused.” That low drawl had your head quickly swiveling to meet Blaise’s eyes in surprise.
“There’s a lot I need to stay up to date on.” Your answer must have been enough for him to take a seat next to you. But you don’t let his presence deter you from your agenda. Madeline squirms in her seat across from you to get your attention only to give you a knowing look. 
“I’m sure there is,” He lets his eyes fall over your form, and warmth spreads throughout your body at his brazenness. He clears his throat before continuing, “ My mother’s hosting a party next weekend and I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of being my date?”
From the corner of your eye, you could feel Madeline’s widened eyes taking in this conversation. You’re not sure why you expected Blaise to ignore you once you returned to Hogwarts, but strangely you’re pleased he didn’t. Finally, you set your quill down to properly address him.
“I would love that,” You school your features to not look as giddy as you feel. “Any specific dress code requirements?” 
“If you don’t mind I got your measurements from your mother and had a dress commissioned.” He had the gall to look sheepish. 
“And what if I find the dress ugly? What if I had said no?” The questions fly out one after the other.
“Your mother promised me you had no shortage of beautiful gowns, and if you had said no I would have found another way to gift it to you.” His eyes peer down at you while you bashfully glance towards Madeline. Once he leaves you know you’ll never hear the end of this. 
“Well thank you,” For once you are truly rendered speechless and there is no other feeling more embarrassing. 
Blaise, as observant as ever, senses the end of the conversation and readies himself to leave. Before he completely takes off he places a folded piece of paper in your palm and closes it. When his back faces you you let your eyes wander after him with a stupid smile splitting your face. You realize too late that once he reaches his table his friends have already caught you grinning like an idiot. They proceed to clap him on the back and you quickly face Mads only to be met with a teasing grin. 
You resign yourself to laying your head on the table until the smile on your face calms down. When you unfold the piece of paper you find a rough draft of a fluffy green gown. His penmanship impressed you but his eye for detail on the various layers of dresses solidified your opinion.
The box holding the dress Blaise commissioned is sitting on the ottoman by the foot of your bed. It was a deep emerald green with a light green bow wrapping around it. Your mother delivered it with a bright smile as soon as it arrived in the morning. She was adamant about opening it but you wanted to wait, even if the anticipation was killing you too.
Your parents were attending as well but they had been rather agreeable lately. Just as you assumed once you showed interest in being with Blaise they seemingly backed off. The last thing you want is a repeat of what happened.
With the sun setting you begin taking down your hair, and the curls bounce as you rub oil on them. You deliberately save the front braids for last while you finish individually placing each curl. The front of your hair is parted to the right side, and you begin gathering half into a small ponytail. You decide to leave a small piece of hair out from the right side that is curled away from your face. 
A smile graces your face at the finished product and you turn to the box that’s been calling to you all day. The note attached to the bow was the first thing you read. 
I hope the dress is up to your standards -B.Z.
You place the note on your bed and untie the bow before lifting the top. A lavish hunter-green bustier greets you, before fully pulling it out you take note of the silver and black jewels lining the entire top. You carefully grab the strapless top to pull it out of the box and a gasp involuntarily leaves your mouth at the mass of the dress. 
Flowers made of sheer fabric litter the waist and sage green fabric lines the sides of the dress. Layers of tulle overlap with leafy designs that feature silver accents. You had never seen a dress as beautiful as the one in front of you, Blaise clearly had an eye for fashion. The drawing he gave didn’t do the dress enough justice.
Progressively you place the dress on the floor and step into it. Perfect is the only word to describe it as you gaze at yourself in the mirror. Even in low light, the jewels sparkle enticingly and you note that he used his house color on you. You do a spin before heading to your jewelry box, only to find that you missed a matching necklace and earring set at the bottom. The dangly earrings remind you of snowflakes and the necklace matches the gems atop your dress.
“Please tell me you’re rea-” Your mother bustles into your room but pauses mid-sentence at you. “My, you look stunning.” She slowly circles you before noting the jewelry in your hand and she gestures for you to face the mirror. She delicately takes out your stud earrings and replaces them with the one Blaise gifted you. When she reaches into the box for the necklace a gasp, much like your earlier one, leaves her red-tinted lips.
“When he asked me about your measurements I never expected this.” She circles her arms over your head to gingerly lay the necklace over your sternum. Her polished nails circle your shoulders for a gentle squeeze, “Let's finish up before your father storms in here.” 
She sits you down on your vanity chair before pulling out a brown lipstick and gloss. You tilt your head back to allow her an easier time and her sweet perfume fills your nostrils. Once she finishes she steps back to admire her handiwork with a smile. She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by your father’s call.
“We are now thirty minutes late,” The both of you share a silent laugh before heading downstairs to put on shoes and meet your father. 
Blaise is bored out of his mind waiting for you, he was surrounded by friends but it was clear he was anxiously awaiting your arrival. Although he thought you would like the dress he couldn’t be sure, maybe it was a bad idea to not consult you. 
“Oh cheer up Zabini your girlfriend’ll be here soon.” Theodore’s quip was met with laughter from Draco. 
“Not girlfriend, fiancee.” Malfoy corrects Theo before Blaise can open his mouth to say the same thing. While they laugh Blaise rolls his eyes before scanning the hall once more. Theodore could sense how his friend felt despite him trying to downplay it.
“Is there an actual ring or is this a vocal agreement?” Draco decided to push his limits 
“There’s plenty of rings but we aren’t there yet kind of like you and Astoria.” Draco rolls his eyes at the reminder of his love life. “And who knows when a woman will become agreeable to your presence Nott.”
Both boys exchanged looks of amusement at Blaise’s snappy tone.
Time seems to stand still when he spots you at the entrance of his mother’s grand hall. His heart thunders as he realizes you are wearing the dress he helped create. The low light of the room captures the shimmering jewels that line the dress and he can’t recall anyone as lovely as you. For once he is rooted in place unable to fulfill the greeting he had prepared.
“I think I understand now mate.” Theodore is stumped in place as well when he follows Blaise’s line of sight.
Everyone in the hall spares a glance at you, how could they not? The dress gives the illusion that you are gliding across the floor. His mother intercepts your family and focuses on you. It’s obvious she’s fawning over how alluring you are. Your eyes scan the crowd scantily and Blaise takes that as his cue.
“I’ll catch up with you two later.” He doesn’t spare his friends a glance as he makes his way through the crowd to you.
When your eyes lock with his he internally melts, the closer he gets the more you steal his breath away. A symphony with booming music plays in his head to match his beating heart. 
You straighten your posture when Blaise stands before you in a three-piece emerald green tailman suit. His hand collects yours before bowing to kiss your knuckles, and after he comes up you curtsey before him. Your dress pools around you in the most elegant way before you slowly come up again. It was nearly impossible to rip his eyes away from you but he had to greet your parents before whisking you off. 
“Would you mind excusing us?” Blaise’s polite manner brings joy to your mother’s face and approval to your father's. 
“Of course not,” Your mother and Domencia are quick to shoo you and him away. 
His hand glides around to the small of your back while he guides you to the refreshment table. The array of food makes it hard for you to pick anything and he senses your indecision. He hands you a plate to pick as much as you want.
“Thank you, for the dress it really is amazing. Your drawing was beautiful but I never expected anything like this.” The sparkle in your eyes is all he wanted to see. 
“Anything for you.” His declaration left you speechless once again so you focus on picking your food. 
He then leads you to your table to eat but you hesitate before moving to sit. Blaise angles your body and dress to sit comfortably in his lap. Your stomach flutters for the umpteenth time and you try to look anywhere besides his face. 
“This was your plan all along huh? Create this elaborate dress so I’m woefully dependent on you.” You begin trying the various foods on your plate while Blaise watches you. 
“If I’m being honest I wish I had come up with that, but I did want to see you in a beautiful gown. Maybe steal a dance or two.” His complete focus was on you enjoying your treacle tart. 
“Nobody else is dancing though,” You spare a glance around to find everyone mingling while the live band plays quietly. 
“So?” His head was being cradled by his large hand as he searched your eyes. 
“You must be the fiancee, we’ve heard so much about you.” Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott step into view on the other side of the table.
“I kind of miss Zabini when he was quiet and mysterious.” Theodore jokingly pouts his lips at Blaise before taking his seat. 
“Fuck off,” Blaise tries to look annoyed but everyone catches the slight crack in his face. 
“The only Blaise I’ve encountered is the lovesick puppy variant.” The boys roar with laughter at your one-liner. 
“As much as I love this conversation, I should probably do a couple of laps around the room,” He places his hands on your hips before addressing you, “You think you’ll be okay with these vultures for a couple of minutes?” 
“I think I’ll be alright,” The mischievous grin on your face convinced him and you stood up so he could fulfill his hosting duties. 
“That's the spirit,” Malfoy clapped his hands at your willingness to entertain them. “Shall we get you a drink to catch up with us?” 
“As long as it’s fire whiskey.” Your agreeance has them flagging down the nearest server for a round of glasses. 
Surprisingly talking with Draco and Theo is easy, mostly because they’ve been shit-talking Blaise. You keep your intake of whiskey to two glasses to keep your wits about you. This wasn’t that kind of party. 
They tell the story of how Blaise was knocked off his broom by an ex-girlfriend's spell. A re-enactment of how he flailed for 30 feet ensued but luckily the table was toward the back. You’d been breathing in short bursts for the past few minutes and you hope for a reprieve.
“Alright if you all don’t mind I’ll be stealing her for a dance,” Blaise’s hand stretches out to you before he calls, “M’lady.” 
One last giggle escapes from your lips when you place your hand in his and slowly rise from your chair. On the way to the middle of the floor, you realize the band is playing a much louder tune than before. Blaise’s steps slow and his hand guides you around to the front of him while your dress flows flawlessly. 
Each of you repeats the bow and curtsey from earlier but this time you keep eye contact. Once both of you are upright you wait for the musical cue to begin your first step. When the violinist begins their solo you step forward attaching one hand to his right shoulder and the other in his left hand. His hand envelops yours before sliding down to the small of your back, just above the flowers.
Just like you thought you two were the only ones about to dance, and people were quickly realizing that. 
“Don’t look around, I want to see those beautiful eyes aimed at me.” With warm cheeks, you gaze up at Blaise who smiles back at you taking the first step in the dance. Completely confident in your steps, you follow his lead while he guides you in circles.
“This dress is the best gift anyone’s ever given me and don’t even get me started on the jewelery, thank you.” You step back as Blaise raises his arm to spin you, showcasing the multiple layers of tulle whirling around you. 
“Does this mean I need to begin drafting another?” The moment you step back into each other’s space it feels as if the whole room is empty save for you two.
“If I could make a request, would you mind yellow?” The slight grimace crossing his face makes you laugh.
“And your very first flaw rears its ugly head.” You swallow the chuckle that wants to escape so that you can back away from Blaise once more. This time you both take a step to your left before holding your palms close but not touching. With your left hand behind your back, you keep your eyes on the only person in the room as you walk in a circle. 
“Where would I even wear another dress like this?” Events like this don’t exactly happen every week.
“I’ll plan another party for you.” His words cause your heartbeat to thunder in your chest you almost thought he could hear it. 
All playful banter between you ceased and all that could be heard were the strings of violins increasing in tempo. At the same time, you turn so that your right hand can hold a sliver of space between them. Something within his eyes made a jolt run through your body as if you took Amortentia.
With the tempo slightly decreasing it was time for you to stand side by side, facing the fireplace and his hand guiding you backward. Now that the both of you are facing each other once again you circle the other in a figure-eight motion. If you were thinking about anything other than Blaise you would feel ridiculous but there was nothing else running through your mind. 
His mouth firmly remains in a smile and yours mirrors his if the strain in your cheeks had any say. Your dance comes to an end when you face each other before your last curtsey. Applause fills the room and you remember you’re not alone. 
“I think it’s time for a tour.” Blaise bends down to speak lowly into your ear and a shiver runs down your spine.
“I would love that.” You place your hand on his bicep and follow his lead out of the ballroom.  
The corridors are dim with only candles lighting your path. Your heels click rhythmically in time with Blaise’s steps, echoing off the walls. 
“You’re enjoying yourself I take it?” Even though he meant to sound sure you could hear the doubt in his voice.
“I love it, I love this dress, and spending time with you isn’t terrible.” Everything about tonight has been great and you were starting to come around to the idea of actually being with Blaise. Maybe the deal with his mother’s dead husband had a logical explanation. 
“That sparkle in your eye tells me it’s a little better than terrible.” He slows to a stop before sliding his arm around your waist. An alcove that has stained glass lets the moonlight shine through allowing the colors to reflect off your skin. 
“It would kill me to admit my parents are right.” Your whisper causes the biggest smirk to split his face and you almost retract your statement. 
“It would kill me if you were to let that stop you.” Both of his hands find themselves planted on your waist playing with the jewels.
After a moment of looking at you his thumb and forefinger lift your head so he can press his lips delicately to yours. You tilt your head to kiss him back while your hands find purchase on his biceps. The way his thumb caresses your cheek makes you lose all inhibitions. Suddenly your hand wraps around the back of his neck to bring his lips closer, your poor dress getting squished in the process. 
It felt like the two of you were molded together, if someone walked past they wouldn’t know where you end and Blaise begins. A groan sounds from him as he slides his hand from your face to the back of your neck, balling his fist full of your hair. When he pulls a gasp leaves your lips and allows him to slide his tongue in. 
“Godric, save that for the honeymoon.” Theodore’s voice and Draco’s laugh feel like cold water being poured over you. Blaise’s hand leaves your hair but stays around your waist while you keep both of your hands at your side. Lip gloss makes his lips irregularly shiny and you're tempted to wipe it but you're interrupted. 
“Your mother’s asking for the both of you, so we did you a favor and came ourselves.” Draco smiles before raising his glass of fire whiskey and tipping it back.
You and Blaise begin leading the long trek back to the ballroom. 
“They’re going to breed like gnomes.” There was no telling who mumbled that out but it resulted in laughter spilling out from everyone.
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kneelesssharks · 3 years
Kissing Other People
part two of How to Lose the Lottery
inspo: this song
requested: sort of
Cedric Diggory X fem!reader, mentions of past George Weasley x reader
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, most of this is pretty fluffy
“I don’t see why you’ve completely ignored the clear option for you,” Hermione states as she lies on your bed while you put the final touches on your outfit for your date tonight.
“What do you even mean?” She and all your friends had all been pestering you to start dating again after things ended with George and now that you felt ready she’s trying to tell you who to go out with?
“I mean,” she sits up and makes eye contact with you through the mirror, prompting you to turn around to look at her, “who was there when you were breaking up with George? Who has been there every night when you just want to hang out in your pjs and watch a movie? Who literally let you move in after your breakup? In the middle of the night?”
“You don’t mean Cedric, do you,” you sighed placing your hands on your face. 
“Of course I mean Cedric,” she exclaims making your eyes go wide as you shush her.
“Don’t say that so loud! He’ll hear you,” you whisper yell at her. You walk over to sit next to her on your bed, sighing. “Of course I’d like that to work, I mean he’s literally perfect and has quickly become one of my best friends, but it can’t. He broke up with someone too, not too long before me, and he has yet to go out with anyone since. That clearly means he’s not ready to move on yet. I don’t want to put the pressure on him of waiting and expecting him to want me when he is ready.”
“Can’t you see that he cares about you,” Hermione says quietly. “He drops everything to help you, he spends his free time hanging out with you rather than going out with other girls or even his friends. He always texts you to make sure you’re doing okay and just to talk to you. How can you not see how much he loves you?”
“He loves me,” you nod, “he loves me the way you love your best friend or your little sister, not the way I want him to love me. And that’s okay because I’m not going to force it.”
You stand up ready to head out the door for your date. Hermione stands and collects her bag before heading out with you.
“See you when you get home,” Cedric calls out, sticking his head out from the kitchen, with a charming grin aimed at you.
“Bye Ced,” you call back with a smile, “I’ll see you later.”
“Totally in love,” Hermione mumbles under her breath, so low that you couldn’t hear her. 
Your date went fine, it definitely wasn’t incredible, you told the guy that you had a nice time but you wanted to go your separate ways, and you parted separately from the restaurant. 
When you got home you walk in to Cedric lounging on the couch holding a bowl of buttered popcorn.
You walked in and tossed your jacket and bag on the counter before going over to slouch next to him. He glances over at the clock.
“You’re home early,” he stated. “How did the date go?”
“It wasn’t bad, but it’s not going anywhere.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath before turning to look at him. “How do you know you’ve really moved on from someone? Because I don’t know if I have. I don’t have any feelings toward George anymore, good nor bad. I’ve gone on dates and it doesn’t feel weird or wrong, so why do I feel like I’m not there yet?”
He lightly chuckles, sitting up to set the popcorn on the coffee table. “You’re really asking me,” he looks over at you, his wavy hair falling in front of his face. You simply nod, admiring him and hoping he can give you a semblance of advice. He leans back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “Well, I’ve heard that you know when you’ve moved on when you feel okay kissing other people.” 
He turned to look at you. Yours brows furrowed, hoping he’d explain further. He obliged, fully turning towards you. “Well think about it, you make friends and can even get small crushes while you’re in a relationship, so going on dates doesn’t really seem to mean much if you’re not really interested in them. But something some people like you and I don’t do a lot of when getting over a breakup is kiss someone. That’s something that you last did when you were in a relationship right, so in theory, this means that when you’re okay kissing other people, then you’re okay. Because you can get over that barrier of physical intimacy.”
You can’t help but let a goofy smile take over your face. “Why are you so smart?” 
He self consciously laughs. “I’m really not, I’ve just wanted to know that answer for myself before.”
“Don’t sell yourself short.” Your smile stays on your face as you scooch closer to him on the couch. “You know it might be that I am over George but I just haven’t wanted to kiss any of my dates because I don’t like any of them in that way,” you say lowly.
You can see him glance down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “That makes sense. See the girl I want to kiss simply hasn’t given me the opportunity,” he states, leaning in a little more.
“Well she must be an absolute idiot,” you look down at his lips before looking back up.
“Well to be fair she’s not the only one of us,” he smiles softly, bringing his hand up to brush your cheek with his thumb, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear in the process. 
You lean forward to press your forehead against his, enjoying the build up of what you both want linger a little longer. “I think you’re both just stupid for taking so long to figure out how you both feel.”
You feel a puff of air against your lips as he huffs out a laugh. “Probably.” Before you can respond any further he leans forward to press his lips against yours. 
You melt into the kiss. It feels comfy, like coming home after a long trip away. You really can’t understand why you hadn’t seen it sooner. Why you hadn’t tried it sooner. 
The kiss slowly ends, it was sweet and soft, ending with little pecks because neither of you wanted the moment to end. When it did your eyes were still closed, your foreheads pressed against each other’s and a goofy smile on your face. 
When you opened your eyes, you were met with his staring down lovingly on you. Your smile fell down to a comfortable one, as you just stared into his eyes. 
“Verdict’s back,” you say in a quiet voice, not wanting to break the atmosphere around you. He tilts his head a bit. “Definitely moved on,” you smile as you peck his lips again.
Before your lips can leave his he grabs the back of your neck, cradling your head and pulling you further into him. His other hand slides to your thigh as he pulls you to sit across his lap. You smile against his lips as your hand goes to card through his wavy brown locks. 
He pulls his lips off of yours before putting his face into your neck. He leaves soft kisses where your neck meets your shoulders and you let out a carefree laugh. Not having felt this way in a really long time. You felt loved and young and free. You didn’t know exactly what was going to happen with you and Cedric, but you were excited to find out. 
When Cedric decides to just nuzzle his face into your neck while pulling you closer by your waist you ask the question that’s now been sitting on your tongue, “Do we want to talk about this in the morning?”
He huffs out a laugh against your skin. “I don’t know exactly what you want to talk about, but as long as we can do it while you’re wrapped in my arms then I couldn’t care less.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, bringing your fingers up to card through his hair. He let out a content sigh while you did. 
He hadn’t let you out of that position in five minutes, and to be honest you didn’t mind, but the outfit you wore on your date was far less comfortable than the sweats and t shirt he was in. 
You tapped on his head, only to get a groan out of him. “Cedric, I promise I’ll come right back, but I’d like to change into something a little bit more comfortable. He nodded his head but only made a move to grab the remote that was next to him.
He shut off the tv and the next thing you knew he scooped you up bridal style and carried you to your room. You laughed as he stood up, was he really this touch starved? But then again you couldn’t blame him, you didn’t really want to get out of his arms either.
He lets you down to your feet once you get to your room. Expecting him to either turn around or go back out to the living room you were a little surprised when he just made his way to your bed and laid down. He kept his tired eyes on you though. 
You go to your closet to grab your favorite thing to sleep in, which just happens to be a shirt of his that somehow ended up in your laundry rather than his, and you never wanted to give it back. Once you’ve grabbed it and a pair of boxer shorts you had gotten yourself, you turned back expecting him to have closed his eyes or something to give you a little privacy you just see him laying there eyes never leaving you. 
“Can you close your eyes or something,” you say, embarrassed to change in front of him. 
He gives you his charming smile and obliges, throwing his arm across his eyes for good measure. You smile at him, and work on getting changed. Once you’ve done that and gotten a makeup wipe from your bathroom to take off what was left you walk over and lay down next to him. He lifts his arm off and opens his eyes to smile down at you. 
His eyes move down to look at your shirt and his smile grows. “Nice shirt, seems a little familiar.”
Your face heats up at his words. “Sorry,” you
 mumble out, looking away from his face.
You hear him lightly chuckle before he grabs your chin with two fingers, pulling your face up to meet his. He leans down to place a light peck on your lips. “It’s okay, I gave it to you.” When he fully pulled back you gave him a questioning look. “I heard you and Hermione talking about how the one thing you missed about having a boyfriend was having an endless amount of big shirts to sleep in.”
Your eye went wide, “You heard that?” He nodded and just smiled at your worried expression. “Does that mean that you heard our conversation earlier, about...”
He just nods and kisses your forehead. Now was your turn to hide your face in his neck. 
He just laughs and pulls you closer to him to pull your blanket over the two of you. “Don’t be embarrassed, it worked out for the best, didn’t it?”
You couldn’t help but relax more into his hold as you smile against his skin before placing a soft kiss there. “I guess so,” you whisper, not really needing him to hear the answer he already knew. 
You fell asleep that night in his arms, his fingers playing with your hair as he felt your breath even out and your body relax into him. He was the happiest man in the world right now.
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
first off:Happy Birthday Percy!! And second:thank you to @percydarling for giving me the inspo for my first fic here! So here we go(also i set this in Percy's fourth year so yea) also TW in the tags
Penny walked into the empty Great Hall and spotted Percy sitting at the end of what is normally the Slytherin table,reading on of his many books on mythology.
"Hi Percy! What mythology sre you reading today?" Penny plumped down next to Percy
"Chinese." Percy simply replied,not looking up.
Percy has always been into mythology,ever since his Uncle Gideon brought a book on Greek myths when he was 4 and Percy read it while Gideon,Fabion and Molly talked downstairs. After that,the onky thing Percy wanted for his birthday and Christmas was a book on Greek mythology,before he branched out to other mythologies and muggle religions when he was 10. Then he asked for books on any myths and religion(Arthur got him an actual Bible on his 11th).
This year,Penny,Oliver and Marcus were planning to do more than that.
"Ooo,Chinese. You're so lucky your parents let you read mythology and explore other religions at home." Penny always complained about not being able to read mythology at home because her parent were over-religious muggles and it took her mother everything to not have her father disown her for being a witch. Penny also wasn't allowed to visit or write any of her friends over breaks either.
Out of nowhere,Oliver and Marcus sat down across from Percy and Penny.
"Hey Perce." Oliver took one hand away from Percy's boom and kissed the knuckles. Then he took the book away from Percy.
"Hey!" Percy cried out,reaching for his book,but Oliver,whose much faster,managed to keep it away.
"Na-ahhh. You're not getting this back until we're done." Oliver said,closing the book shut(but not before taking Percy's bookmark and putting it in Percy's place in the book)
"Done with what?" Percy asked,narrowing his eyes at his friends(and boyfriend)
"We have sonething to ask you." Marcus said
"If it's about me being tiebraker for whatever Quidditch match is coming up,the answer will always be no." Percy said,slowly sitting back down.
"What? No. The next Quidditch match is in November." Oliver said increduosly
"We wanted to ask you if you're ok with surprises." Penny tiredly said,already done with Oliver.
"Huh?" Percy asked,confused by this.
"Are you ok with surprises?" Marcus questioned,bored.
"Um,yeah I guess. I live with Fred and George so I got used to surprises pretty early on." Percy suspiciously said.
"Cool." Marcus said,before getting up and leaving,Oliver and Penny following behind.
Percy looked after them confused,before leaving himself.
A week passes,and Oliver comes into his and Percy's dorm,with two random people.
"Hello Penny,Marcus." Percy greeted his friends who are under the influence of Polyjuice.
"Come on." the boy on the right-who is Marcus-said inpatiently.
"Wha-"Percy didn't even get to finish his sentence before the girl on the left-who is Penny-grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs,followed by Marcus and Oliver.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked as he got dragged by Penny
"You'll see." Oliver whispered in ear teasingly,kissing his cheek.
"Can you save all that romantic sh!t for when you are alone?" Marcus asked.
"Oh shut up."Oliver said said
"All of you shut up!" Penny whisper-shouted,and ponted to Filch and Mrs.Norris up ahead of them.
"The h3ll are we doing?!" Percy whisper-shouted back.
"Shhhh!!" Penny shushed him,and threw out what Percy presumed to be a dungbomb at Filch and his cat.
The dungbomb exploded and Filch and the cat ran away,Filch yelling about who knows what,Mrs.Norris yowling.
"Ok,coast is clear." Penny gestured,and she,Percy(still being dragged by Penny),Oliver and Marcus went in the direction Filch was previously(covering their noses) and out the grand doors.
"Where are we going?" Percy choked out,struggling to get his inhalor out of his pocket*
"I said you'll see." Oliver offhandedly replied
The four of them were walking out towards...Hogsmead?
"Why are we going towards Hogsmead? It's not even close to December!" Percy asked Penny,who didn't give him an answer.
Penny stopped outside of the Three Broomsticks,the Polyjuice finally worn off.
Penny dragged them inside(but not after Marcus took another small dose of Polyjuice).
"Hello,Madame Rosemerta!" Penny gleefully greeted
"Hello,youngsters. Your room is ready,and so are your guests." Madame Rosemerta said,vaguely gestering upstairs,before retreatingto the back room.
"What does she mean by that?" Percy asked,fed up with them keeping these secrets. No one gave him an answer,instead they went upstairs and went all the way down the hall to the very last room.
Marcus went up,the Polyjuice now officially worn off,and knocked some sort of special code.
A little boy with light brown hair and big brown eyes opened the door.
"Hey! We've been waiting!" Cedric Diggory held the door open,and Percy saw birthday decorations,a cake on the table in the middle and a bunch of presents in a corner.
"W-what?" Percy asked quietly.
Penny,Marcus,and Oliver went up and joined Cedric and Adrien Pucey around the table,and they alk started singing "Happy Birthday".
Percy just stood there amazed and confused.
"But-but it's not my birthday?" Percy dazedly said
"We know its not you birthday,which is why we did this!" Adrien said
"We wanted to do something for you because we can't celebrate with you." Cedric said excitedly
"So,you all snuck out of the castle and risked getting expelled,for 𝘮𝘦?" Percy asked
"You act as if we haven't done it before." Marcus snorted
"Yeah,but that's different. Penny and I know which rules to break and how to break them. This is breaking who know how many rules,and Cedric is only a First year,he can't get expelled already." Percy protested.
"Just sit your cute a$$ down and eat some cake." Oliver grabbed Percy by the wrist and sat him down around the table.
"Madame Rosemerta said she'll cover us,as long as we pay for the Butterbeer." Cedric said
"What about this room?" Percy asked
"Madame Rosemerta said we could use it anytine we wanted,no charge unless we damage something." Penny said
"So you and lover boy over here can do what you want behind closed doors." Marcus added
"We have a dorn for that." Oliver countered
"Ew!" Adrien and Cedric exclaimed at the same time
"This is a private room Percy,no one except us and whoever we want to invite can come in." Penny quickly explained
"So,this is some sort of late birthday treat-for me?" Percy asksd quietly
"Yes for you." Oliver said,kissing his boyfriends cheeks
"Can you not do that while I'm here?" Adrien asked,while Cedric stuck out his toungue in disgust.Oliver rolled his eyes.
All of them had a good time eating cake and drinking Butterbeer.
"Here." Oliver handed a gift to Percy.
"What is it?" Percy asked after opening thebpresent which turned out to be a sort of old book.
"It's a Qu'ran. It's another muggle religion book." Oliver explained. Percy's pale,icy blue orbs widened in excitement,almost childlike.
"Here! Here's mine!" Pennt excitedly gave Percy another book-shaped present. Percy opened it,and it turned out to be a empty notebook,with a dark purple cover.
"I put a charm on it,so we can all communicate without having to tire our owls! And I can talk to you all over breaks!" Penny was practically jumping on the tips of her toes in excitement
"Perfect!" Percy exclaimed,and looked up to see everyone pulled out colorful notebooks;Marcus had a dark red,Oliver's was bright green,Penny's was a cheerful yellow,Adrien's was a deep pink and Cedric's was a dark blue.
Percy opened up the rest of the presents-Marcus got him two books,one on how to get away with mûrd3r and the other on how to hide a body.Cedric got him a book on how to speak Latin,a book on how to speek Greek and a book on Russian folklore. Adrien had gotten him a book on Italian myths and superstitions.
"Thank you. Thank you guys so much."
"Don't mention it." Marcus wrapped his arm around Percy,giving the ginger a small grin.
"No,seriously don't mention this to anyone. We can't let the whole castle know that us Slytherins are hanging out with the all of you." Adrien said in a serious yet still sad tone.
"And Fred and George would go the extra 10 miles to make Percy's life even more miserable than the already do." Oliver said grimly
"Enough of this sadness! It's Percy's late birthday and we are going to celebrate it happily!" Penny stomped.
Everyone murmered their agreements and went back to celebrating Percy.
They stayed for another hour before they decided to leave.
As Cedric and Adrien downstairs,Oliver,Percy,Penny and Marcus stayed behind.
"Soo,you wanna do a slumber party?" Marcus asked
"Ok!" Percy exclaimed giddily.
"Who's turn is it?" Penny asked.
"I think it our turn." Oliver gestured to him and Percy
"Ok." Marcus said simply and went downstairs,Penny following him. Leaving Percy and Oliver alone.
"We should-" Percy was cut off by Oliver smashing his lips onto Percys. Percy was at first in shock,but quckly melted into the kiss. The two boys stayed like that for what felt like forever before Oliver slowly pulles away,not really wanting to let go.
"Happy birthday,Percy." Oliver said,putting his face into the taller boys chest.
"Thank you." Percy murmered into the Keepers soft,brown hair.
"Ahem." Oliver and Percy quickly jumped away from each other at the sudden sound,but relaxed when it was only Madame Rosemerta leaning against the doorframe.
"I know you two have hormones and stuff,but please not in my private rooms." She said
Both boys muttered their apologies and quickly walked out
"You forgot your presents!" Madame Rosemerta called out. Oliver quickly ran back up the stairs and ran back down with Percy's gifts.
"Thank you for letting us use this room!" Percy called up to Madame Rosemerta
"Of course! I know what it's like having to hide a relationship!" Rosemerta called down from inside the room.
Percy and Okiver walked the rest of the way back down the stairs and met Penny and Marcus outside.
"What did you think,Perce?" Penny asked,now her and Marcus back to their Polyjuice forms.
"It was great. Honestly,thank you." Percy said gratefully.
"No problem. We know ever since Fred and George took the spotlight,your birthday has been forgotten about." Marcus said grimly.
"What did I say about sadness today!" Penny stomped her foot angrily in the ground.
The four walked back to the castle in a comfortabke silence,snuck back in with no problems and manage to get into Gryffindor tower with out a hitch.
"Here." Percy handed Penny and Marcus some spare pajamas that they all kept in their dorms for whenevr they have sleepovers.
After Penny and Marcus changed and brought out the blow-up matresses that they also keep in their dorms,they all stayed up late and talked and ate some junk food and got drunk off of Firewhisky and Brandy that their House Elf friend Dottie had brought. They stayed up and laughed and had a great time. They all eventually fell asleep at different times(Marcus being the lightweight he is fell asleep first).
Percy will never forget that day.
*Ok so i headcannon Percy to have allergic asthma(if u dont know what that is look it up,i aint google) and that he has like a crap ton of allergies bc who else doesnt like torturing their comfort character? Also before anyone asks,i do have a headcannon that a student that was way before Molly and Arthurs time,much less Percys,also had asthma but couldnt bring her inhalor bc it was muggle technology,so she petitioned for muggle health devices be allowed into hogwarts,and evetually they were allowed but only for health purposes. Im not telling you who that student is tho hehe.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY WEASLEY! And once again thanks to @percydarling for giving me this suggestion!
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soughtout · 5 years
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i’m almost me again, she’s almost you ..... ....  i laugh like me again, she laughs like you
Merlin’s beard, what is ( CHO CHANG ) doing out at this hour? For a ( HALF BLOOD ) who is ( 17 ) years old, ( SHE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE ORDER ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that ( SHE ) is ( CIS FEMALE ) and a ( RAVENCLAW ) alumni though. They’re very ( RESOLUTE ) and ( KIND ) but also quite ( RUTHLESS ) and ( DISTANT ), which could be why they remind of ( FALLING ASLEEP UNDERNEATH THE STARS, SLOWLY REALIZING THAT THE WORLD HAS NEVER BEEN KIND, A GLIMMER OF HOPE IN THE DARK AND THE WAY YOU ALWAYS SMILE, EVEN THOUGH YOU’VE NEVER FELT MORE ALONE THAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW. ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( MING XI ), but I’ve never heard of them. 
Cho was born in Kinsale, Ireland, to a muggle father and a witch mother. They divorced when Cho was four years old, but remained on amicable terms, for Cho’s sake.
Her parents originally came from China, but they came to the UK during the 1960s as children (along with Cho’s grandparents) due to the economic regression and the famine that took place. Cho has visited her parents’ birth place a couple of times, but she has never lived there herself. Cho’s parents also never met while living in China.
They lived in a small cottage in the middle of the town. Her father was a shopkeeper, selling herbs, antique books and candles to the locals. Her mother was a mediwitch as well as a registered nurse, and tended to both the muggles and the wizards of their little town.
Cho is an only child, technically, but her mother was in the habit of taking in foster kids when Cho was growing up, so their house was always full. Cho considered and considers some of the ones that stuck around for longer periods to be her siblings, and refer to them as her sisters and brothers. If anyone asks if she has any siblings, she will say yes.
She spent a lot of time playing Quidditch growing up, and was always careless, reckless. Bruised knees, scratched skin and black eyes were common occurrences. Cho was always ‘one of the boys’, and was eager to prove herself. Often a little too much. She’d push herself too far, and have to run home to her mother, to get stitched up.
She shows up at Hogwarts and gets immediately sorted into Ravenclaw. No one in her near vicinity is surprised. It makes sense, and she’s relieved. Cho likes when she can make sense of things, when she can understand. When things add up.
But the truth is, Cho would have done just as well in any other house, like  a true chameleon. 
During her second year at the school, she joined the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, as their seeker. From that moment, she lived and breathed Quidditch. It was her lifeblood, the thing that motivated her. She constantly pushed herself harder than she ought to, and kept ending up in the hospital wing. But she played a good game.
Was very popular while at the school. Cho was known as easy going, and kind. She was sweet-natured, bright, optimistic, always smiling, never went looking for a fight, softness personified. So what if she was slowly becoming a walking, breathing stereotype of a girl? She was all too aware of that, too. But it was a comfortable thing to be ---- well liked, well protected, well looked after. 
She would change, during her fifth year at the school. It would be the best and worst year of her life ---- she’d fall in love, but she would also let other people to destroy her, piece by piece, little by little. 
So, Cedric Diggory was her first love ----- and like all first loves, it was intense, electric. Cho would have done anything for him.
But would never be allowed to. And his death left a hole in her heart, a sliver of ice in her soul. Some of that inherent kindness, that warmth that came so naturally to her, was extinguished that day. 
She went home for the summer, spent most of it in despair. Refused to leave the house. Not even Quidditch excited her, anymore.
But Cho Chang had always been a girl of determination and resolution -- so she picked up the pieces, tried to put herself back together. Went back to the school for the autumn. To find out that everything had changed.
The people who she had thought were her friends, the people who were supposed to have her back, be there for her ( like she had always been, for them ), barely seemed to notice her, anymore. They stopped saving her a seat in the cafeteria. Made plans without inviting her. Whispered behind her back ( ‘ why is she still crying, like all the time? ‘ ). Pretended not to see her when she waved at them from across the room. A few people remained in her corner, but her former girl gang (most likely NPCs) wanted little to do with her, now that she was such a downer.
So Cho sought comfort elsewhere. Tried to find new friends. Buried herself in books. Wondered where the hell her popularity went. 
So she entered a relationship with Harry Potter. Her feelings for him were chaotic, tumultuous. Unsorted. Throughout their short relationship, her feelings were clouded by guilt, by sadness, by the way other people whispered behind her back, confirming all her worst fears. 
Mostly, Cho just longed for closeness, for comfort. For hope. 
During her sixth year at the school, her grades and her Quidditch performance suffered terribly. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t concentrate. But she pulled through, by the skin of her teeth. 
She still joined Dumbledore’s Army, mostly for Cedric’s sake. And in the room of requirements, she found some of that hope she had been looking for, so desperately !!!!! She came alive again, little by little.
But then someone who had remained loyal to her, throughout everything, was thrown out. And everything was turned on its head once again.
So she came back for her seventh year, right? At this point, she was kind of bitter, and less trustful of people. She kept everyone at an arm’s length. She no longer cried, no longer woke up screaming from nightmares. So her old friends let her back in, as if nothing ever happened. As if Cho could ever forget, what they did to her.
That year, Cho was mostly just fueled by a silent rage. She had never played Quidditch as well as she did that year, and she had never been quite as ruthless on the court ( or off the court, for that matter.... ) as she was then.
She had learned something about loyalty the year before. It’s earned. So Cho didn’t feel particularly bad about backstabbing several of her classmates, that year. If they’re cheating on their exams, that’s hardly her fault. Or if she just happened to know who’s cheating on who, and somehow just happened to have that leaked to someone she knew couldn’t keep their mouths shut. But who would suspect Cho? She had always been a shoulder to cry on, a sweet voice, a warm hug.
Was kind of.... fucked up..... by the way she was frozen out during her sixth year at the school. Refused to cry at anything. Was always smiling and laughing, trying to emulate the old Cho, the trope that she had once been unable to shake, but was now desperate for the comfort of. 
Cho graduated with good grades and with talent scouts from two major Quidditch teams showing interest in her and her talents. So on graduation day, she signed with Tutshill Tornadoes, and became their new aspiring seeker.
She moved into a flat in London and adopted two cats and a toad.
Spends a lot of time painting, and probably isn’t particularly good at it, but she finds it peaceful. It quiets her mind, makes her less tense.
Joined The Order on a whim. It’s not really the type of thing one should do on a whim, of course. But Cho has always had a bleeding heart, one that’s made of gold, and as the war became more and more imminent, Cho could hardly sit by and do nothing. So despite her reluctance towards using violence, Cho is now a member of The Order. 
Let’s talk about the duality of Cho Chang !!!! On one hand, she is so so soft, so sweet, so kind. One of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. But then there’s the other side, that probably shouldn’t be there. The determination that had once been selfless has been poisoned, become entirely selfish, entirely self serving. Cut throat. Ruthless. She has been thrown under the bus enough times to know how to do it right.
On the one hand, Cho is loyal to a fault. The ride or die kind of loyal. The would die for you if you asked me to, kind of loyal. But only if you return the favor. If not, she’s fickle. 
Knows that she has a pretty face and a sweet demeanor, and isn’t afraid to use it to get what she wants. 
Kind of in the bad habit of keeping people at an arm’s length these days. Reveals little information about herself that’s of any real importance and is always questioning other people and their motives, even if she technically knows, deep down, that she can trust them. A seed of distrust is rooted deeply within her.
So so brave, but also so so tired of having to be !!!
Has never killed anyone and suspects that it would ruin her, if she had to. Cho always tries to disarm, disarm, disarm. 
Her patronus is a swan and I love that for her !!!!!!
Hasn’t cried in almost a year !!!!! Just can’t !!!! Do it !!!!
Bad at visiting her parents but thinks of them a lot and sends them weekly owls !!!
Feels the most alive when she’s up in the skies, flying.
Would fight a man for her friends.
Mostly finds comfort in books and art. Finds equal comfort in poetry and pretty words as she does in facts and knowledge.
Very bisexual !!!!! Has also found that she prefers girls to boys, these days.
Kind of sarcastic? 
Pitch black humor. Gallow’s humor always.
Speaks with a slight Irish accent !!
sansa stark, izzie stevens, meredith grey, every song written by hozier tbh, taryn duarte, willow rosenberg, queenie goldstein, elena gilbert. 
SOME CONNECTIONS ( i’ll elaborate on this tomorrow ).
a roommate !!!!!
quidditch rivals???
old quidditch team mates!!!
a couple of best friends !!
ex girlfriends !!!
enemies !!!
ex friends !!!
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kneelesssharks · 3 years
How to Lose the Lottery
Hi! This is my first actually story post on tumblr so please give me feedback! :) 
George Weasley X fem!Reader (Muggle!au)
Inspo: this song
Summary: You’re remembering the night that you broke up with George Weasley. Looking back at your relationship you’re missing the good, but you can’t forget the last day you were together.
Warnings: Angst
If you have to go on one more ridiculous date you’ll scream. Ever since you and George broke up your friends had been insistent that you find someone else, or at least try and break out of your slump. 
You had been with George since your second year at university. He had already graduated and was working on becoming a computer sciences professor. He was in grad school, and you were a beautiful, fresh faced sophomore. It seemed simple, he had a decent enough job that he had a nice apartment close to campus. You were just nineteen, he was twenty-three. It made sense, guys your age were focused on partying, rather than being responsible young adults. 
Your first couple dates were fun, he’d taken you on the London Eye, and taken you for some really amazing food after. He was really sweeping you off your feet. A couple weeks into your relationship you started to spend more and more time at his apartment. You’d stay over on weekends and spend the week at your dorm to get your work done. Every Saturday morning you’d make pancakes in one of his old shirts he’d let you sleep in. You always woke up before him, used to your classes being earlier in the day, while he scheduled his for after ten am. He told you how much he loved waking up to you making breakfast in his shirt while playing music quietly as to not waking him up. 
Every morning he’d walk up to you half asleep without a shirt on and wrap his arms around your waist, placing a light kiss on your temple before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. He used to love hearing you giggle. Used to. 
About a year into your relationship he’d asked you to move in with him. Obviously you were excited. This is the first long term serious relationship you had ever been in. You really felt like George was the one for you. You really loved him.
Then everything sort of... stopped. The hugs from the back, the sleeping in his t shirt, him waking up to drive you to class. Being together all the time made all the niceness of being together fall to the wayside. There wasn’t any excitement in your relationship, even when you’d tried to surprise George with dinner and a tight dress, with a beautiful and delicate lace lingerie on underneath, he’d be working late at the library. You’d changed out of your dress and into one of your pj sets and packed up the food into the fridge by the time George got home.
Then Angelina entered the picture. She was a transfer from Oxford that George had been assigned to show around the Comp Sci department. She was brilliant and beautiful, and closer to George’s age than you were. You were a little jealous of how perfect for George she seemed. She was tall and into computers too. Her and George even started to work on their projects together. Your first reaction was to worry, but you’d convinced yourself that you were being paranoid. That it was good for George to have a friend outside of Lee and his brother Fred. That you and George had built a relationship on trust, that there is no way that he would ever be willing to throw what you had built away.
Then it happened. One night in the heat of the summer, he came home really late. You were awake, waiting for him. Sitting in your pjs watching one of your favorite movies. You had already eaten your dinner and put his in the fridge to reheat if he was hungry when he got home. So when he came back at two in the morning, you were surprised to say the least. 
“Hey babe, are you hungry? Do you want me to heat up your food,” you asked tiredly. 
He dropped his bag on the ground and huffed, causing you to look over at him. He looked utterly defeated. You immediately stood up and went over to him. Your hands went to hold the sides of his face, but he gripped your wrists before you could touch him. 
“George what the hell is going on,” you asked in a quiet worried voice. His face looked so guilty, he wouldn’t look into your eyes, your worry dropped, replaced by a sinking feeling in your stomach. “George, what did you do,” your voice was eerily calm as you pulled your hands from his grip.
His eyes finally meet yours. He looks teary, but not sad, not sorry for whatever he doesn’t want to tell you. “Y/N...” he started. 
“Don’t bullshit me George just tell me what happened.” Your eyes started to fill with tears, dreading what he would tell you. He stayed quite as you quietly yelled, not wanting to wake the neighbors. His back slid down the door until he sat on the floor. 
“I found someone else,” he said barely above a whisper. But you heard him. You wished you hadn’t.
Your jaw dropped and you backed against the wall that sat across from the door, the one that separated the kitchen from the living room in your shared apartment. You slid down as your throat felt like it was closing. You tried to blink back the tears, not wanting George to see them fall, but they slide down your cheek silently.
“I’m sorry,” he says, finally looking up from the floor to look at your stunned and hurt face. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“Is that supposed to make it better,” you ask, your voice betraying you and cracking. “Is that supposed to make all of this shit better? That you didn’t mean to ‘find someone else’ after we’ve been together for almost three years? When we live together,” your voice starts to raise, as tears fall down your face with reckless abandon.
“You have to know I didn’t mean to hurt you,” his voice is raised a bit now, his head squared as he finally has the courage to make eye contact with you.
“Oh,” you ruefully laugh, “well then it’s all better then isn’t it? I’ll tell you right now that it’s a little too fucking late to say that. To say that like you haven’t been hurting me for the last year of our fucking relationship.”
“It’s not my fault that you stopped trying for us,” he stood up. 
“I stopped trying,” your feet launched you up. “I’m the one who cooks for you every single day. I’m not the one who won’t even get up to take my girlfriend to school when it’s five minutes away. I’m not the one who spends all of their free time away from their house as to avoid their girlfriend. No George, that was all you.”
“Oh don’t blame all of our issues on me. We both had a hand in the end of this relationship.”
You stormed into the bedroom to start packing some of your things to leave. You can’t stand to look at him for one more second, much less to stay in the same apartment with him for one more night. 
“What the fuck happened to betting everything on us? You swore to me that you wanted to be with me for the rest of our lives. You told me that meeting me felt like winning the lottery. What happened to that? What? Some girl comes all the way from Oxford and all of a sudden all of that was bullshit?”
“Don’t bring Angelina into this, you know we were falling away from each other before she ever came into the picture,” George grabbed your arm to get you to look at him. His face morphed from his angry excuse making mug to something much softer, showing the small part of him that still cared at all for you. When he saw your tear stained face and the pure and painful hurt in your e/c eyes.
“Get the fuck off of me George,” you shoved him with all your strength. He didn’t even fight back as he fell to sit on the bed behind him. “I’m getting as much of my stuff as I can right now.” You wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I’ll stop by tomorrow when you’re in class and get the rest of it. I’ll leave my key on the counter. Then I never want to hear from you again. I don’t want to see you if I even hear your name anywhere close to me I’ll walk away.”
“You don’t have to do all that. It’s three in the morning you have nowhere to go. I’ll leave and you can stay here for tonight,” George sighs.
“I can’t stand to be anywhere that reminds me of you right now,” you glare at him over your shoulder. “I can stay at Cedric’s for the night and figure things out from there tomorrow.” George scoffs. You roll your eyes and turn to him. “What?”
“Of course you’re running to Cedric,” he bites.
“The hell do you mean by that?”
“Nothing,” he rolls his eyes, “just seems convenient that you know you could go over to his place at this time of night. He always had a thing for you and you know it.”
You finish zipping your suitcase and stand up, looking at him. “Well it doesn’t matter now, does it? Because one of us already chose someone else.” You felt too calm. You knew you shouldn’t feel as relieved to leave as you do. That you should feel a little more crushed by the ending of your relationship. That you should be screaming and begging for more of an explanation. That it shouldn’t be as easy as it was to walk out on what you thought was going to be the rest of your life.
“Whatever, just go,” George’s eyes looked just as detached as you felt right now.
God, this is really ending, isn’t it.
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