#now i'm listenign to jenny nicholsons and vine comps
Ryoken/Specter + Stormy Night
requests: still open
   It was a dark and stormy night, with trembling hands and wide eyes. Spectre held his breath as he let himself be pinned to the bed. Above him, above them both, raindrops quickly lashed the windows and the roof, creating a white noise which encapsulated them so snugly with the lights off and the heater blaring.
   Ryoken’s lips on Spectre’s were desperate. His heart beat so eclectic and out of time, their movements mismatched but of adoration as their hands clambered across bodies, so hot and heavy. Deeply unfamiliar and yet known. Intimate, but in new and unexplored ways.
   Spectre bucked his hips to Ryoken, spreading his legs and allowing him closer still. With unexpected friction of fabric between them, buttons begging to be undone and zips begging to slide downwards. But not yet, they told themselves, not yet, as they let themselves be at each other’s passionate moment. Moaning into each other in such an absurdly warm room. 
   The darkness of it so smooth and formless, only come to distinct shape whenever lightning struck. Tonight was a ruthless night just beyond their reaches, too enamoured with each other to care, really. Yet, it seemed like a perfect night for them come to know each other in the carnal sense. After all, it had been a night like this one - so wet and wild and dark - which had allowed them to reunite after the Lost Incident.
   Spectre kissed back hard. Ryoken, enticed, hooked his fingers around Spectre’s belt loops and tugged slightly. He broke off the kiss, with mere millimetres, and breathily asked if Spectre wanted more; something that Spectre more than happily replied to.
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