#now I'm just ready to head back inside and maybe watch a movie/draw or something n unwind
hellishgayliath · 1 year
been at a block party basically all day long
I'm mentally checked out and buzzed ヽ( ´¬`)ノ
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 7 months
Wreckless - Pool Adventures
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*Warning Adult Content*
I wasn't sure what to expect when I came out... there could have been a work of art on the concrete or what I got which are some very well done scribbles.
I tell him dinner is in the oven and he hands me a triceratops.
I'm not sure exactly how to hold it because the lake is done from above and the trees and mountain, no wait, it's a volcano, are done from the side.
I decide it doesn't matter.
He has the T-rex in one hand and is flying the pterodactyl around in the other.
"So what's the plan? I don't want you to eat me," I tease.
"No, that's mean. I won't eat you, Emmett."
"Good. Maybe we should be friends and go on an adventure."
Aren't we already?
He's looking to me and I have not watched a dino movie in quite awhile.
Um, a mission.
A dino-friendly mission.
"How about we go searching for something?"
"Like what?"
He perches his pterodactyl in the tree and walks his t-rex over towards me.
"How about a special tree with a surprise?"
I grab the same colors he's used for his other tree and make a new one a few feet away.
"It has two trunks, that's how we'll find it and a treasure box inside."
"I love it. There should be a river to cross," he says, drawing one between us and the goal.
We've found the treasure box and I've given him a riddle to solve when my phone beeps.
"Dinner time, let me check on it and then we need to finish our adventure quickly so we can eat."
"Okay, we can do it."
He's so excited... I love his Finn voice.
He doesn't sound child-like really, even though his words sometimes are.
He's not faking a voice or anything.
He just sounds happy and excited and he's thinking hard about the riddle, I can tell.
I pull the chops out of the oven, cover them with a towel and put the veg in the microwave.
"I'm thinking about the riddle, Emmett," he says when I come back out
"But I need a hint."
It's a good one, one my mother taught me ages ago.
A hint, eh?
"Okay, it's usually white or brown."
Too much of one, really but dinner is ready and I know he wants to solve it.
"So something you can't use until you break it," he repeats.
"Something white and brown."
"Yep. White or brown," I stress.
"It doesn't change colors, it only comes in two. Wait, they have blue ones sometimes now, I don't know. At the store they come in two."
"Another hint," he says.
"You buy it at a store?"
"Yep. And dinosaurs had them."
I'm actually amused at that one and the look on his face is priceless.
"Dinosaurs don't have stores, Emmett."
"I know."
He laughs and jumps up.
"Eggs. You break an egg to eat it and you buy it at the store and dinosaurs lay eggs."
"You got it. Let's go eat dinner and then we can swim afterwards."
"What's our prize?"
"I'll give that to you after we swim, grasshopper. Looking forward to it."
I get a wry smile in return.
After dinner on his new plate we get changed.
I spray his shoulders and he does his nose and cheeks because even though there is no way he can get burnt right now, I refuse to risk it.
He complains but does it anyway.
I bring out some drinks and the lube because I definitely plan on taking him out here once it's dark and blow up the two extra toys.
He jumps right in and uses two to float, one under his knees and one behind his head.
"Feels great, Emmett. Come in with me."
"Rather come in you," I mumble just loud enough for him to hear me before jumping in.
"Naughty Emmett."
"It's not my fault you make me crazy, Finnegan."
We swim around for awhile, play a game of Marco Polo, play a weird net-less version of beach volleyball and then he hops out and opens his bracelets.
He puts three together and makes me a necklace, does the same for himself and then asks me to put a bracelet on each of his wrists.
"We look very snazzy."
He decides to repurpose his bracelets as dive toys and spends fifteen minutes collecting them from the bottom of the pool over and over.
When he's tired I put them back on for him but don't let him escape.
I pull him against me and hoist him up and he wraps his legs around me and his arms around my shoulders.
"Hi Emmett."
I answer him with a kiss, trailing down his neck until he giggles and then stops giggling and starts breathing hard.
"I'm going to fuck you out here in the open. What do you think about that, Finnegan?"
"You... what?"
"I..." I repeat slowly.
"Am going to fuck you out here, bent over that table. I'm going to muffle your screams with a towel so the neighbors don't hear you begging for more or begging me to stop, either way works for me, babe."
I sneak my hand right down the back of his trunks and tease his bud with my fingertip.
"How does that sound?"
"Oh. I... I think it sounds fun, Emmett."
He hops out and I'm right behind him.
I drape one towel over the table to cushion him a bit and he folds one up for under his head.
As soon as I get his trunks yanked down I bend him forward, step out of mine and sink to my knees so I can work him open.
He yelps and then sighs as I caress him with my tongue.
A few minutes later I'm sinking into him, working him open with my cock instead.
It's much less gentle but he's taking me beautifully and managing to stay fairly quiet.
I reach around and stroke him and he's hard and almost as desperate as I am and I have gotten over my fear of asking for too much when he's been working.
No, he's right, he needs this and so do I.
He comes right after I do, squeezing me hard as he shudders.
We both stumble inside and through a quick shower and soon we're in bed.
His head is on my shoulder as I try to read one-handed.
After our chapter, he kisses my neck.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Finnegan. Think you can sleep now?"
"Yeah. I was up so early. This morning feels like yesterday. I don't know how to explain it."
I know exactly what he means, it feels very distant and I guess it is.
Physically and mentally.
"I understand. Get some rest, we'll have a good day tomorrow."
"I can't wait and Emmett?"
"I love you, lots."
He's waiting for me to say something but I'm sort of choked up and having a hard time breathing.
"Love you too, darling."
"Night night."
"Sleep tight, Finnegan."
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
hello can i request a chamber x agent!reader who tried to surprise chamber with a cheesy candlelit dinner date in his apartment after they both have returned from a mission. However the mission went far more hectic than expected and now both agents are too exhausted to cook. also the reader may or not be a selective mute and a male cOUGh CougH
from a totally unfamiliar, not all suspicious anon who may not be under your bed
I absolutely adore you but enjoy fighting my cats for the space under my bed <3
Change of plans ship: Chamber x M!Reader Rating: General, mention of injuries. Fluff Length:963 words
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Soreness crawled itself across his body as he climbed the stairs to his apartment. It was absolutely awful that the elevator had to be down now of all times but he would manage like always. The recent mission he had been assigned on was hectic to say the least. He was using his abilities past their limits and had been on the receiving end of far too many concusses, his ears still ringing. At one point he had even come face to face with Breach's mirror. The large Swed easily overpowered him but Vincent managed to escape before a bullet found its place in his head. Instead his shoulder has been dislocated and it had to be popped back into place in the vulture, Yoru doing so quickly as if he was an expert in the matter. His body wasn't the only thing in near tatters. The normally crisp suit was bloodied and ripped in several areas which caused him some displeasure. Even his glasses had been cracked on one of its lenses, a black eye already evident on the eye that shared it. To say he was exhausted was an understatement, he was entirely done with this day. The cherry on top was the fact his tattoos were irritated due to the over use of his abilities. They itched and burned like the worse type of sunburn but there was little he could do about it besides take a cold bath. Arriving at the much needed door to his apartment he found it unlocked. Opening the door without a moment of caution he pulled himself inside, throwing the duffle bag he carried near his shoe rack. A glow from the living room alerted him that the homes other occupant had arrived although earlier than he had. "Chaton, (kitten)" he called out as he removed his shoes and vest, draping the ruined fabric over his arm. His boyfriend was an agent much like himself, the two of them keeping their relationship quiet to avoid unwanted prying. Both had been sent on separate missions with barely enough time to bid their farewells. Typically such short notice wasn't bad for the duo, but his boyfriend seemed slightly irritated as they boarded their separate vultures.
A loud groan alerted him to his loves place on their couch, the other man's lack of proper words being something normal. Vincent made his way to him, finding them still in their gear laying with an arm covering their face. "Is something wrong?" he asked with a raised brow. His partners other arm quickly shot out and pointed at their kitchen, drawing his eyes towards it. To his surprise there sat their nicer table settings, two unlit candles place neatly in the middle. Glasses, silverware, and empty plates sat ready awaiting their meal. Looking back to their boyfriend he had uncovered his face, it sporting a severe pout. "It was meant to be a surprise but then the missions happened and I'm too tired" He signed quickly, Chamber being just barely able to hang onto his words as his hands moved with ferocity. The mutism itself was enough to tell him that his partner was upset if not overwhelmed but the frustrated expression painting the other man's feature only made it more obvious. As tears peaked in his love's eyes Vincent dropped his vest to the floor dropping himself to their side. "It's okay (Y/N), It's okay" Large hands found warm cheeks while thumbs wiped away warm tears. Vincent kissed the corner of his dear sweet boyfriends eyes, speaking softly. "We can order some take out and watch that new movie you were going on about. Does the bakery down the street sound alright? Or maybe the italian place we had a few months ago?" As he listed off option after option he found that the man in his arms was vibrating. Upon further inspection he realized that you were curled in on yourself giggling through your tears. With a smile finding his face he gave your cheek a squish, "Now what do you find so funny?" It took a few moments before the other man moved, pointing to the space around his eyes. Reaching a hand up, Vincent found that he currently only had half of a pair of glasses on. In his haist to comfort his boyfriend the other half must have finally given out and fallen to the floor. Pulling the remains of his glasses off his face, placing them gently onto the coffee table, he turned back to his partner. His face was still red and wet with tears but seemed to be in far better condition that his own, something the designer was grateful for. With a single large breath he started attacking the other mans face, placing fluttering kisses across it. Much more audible giggles arose, echoing off the walls. Vincents own would join them as he wrapped his arms around them, resting his forehead against their own as he stopped his assault. "Better?" All he got was a small nod followed by a head being buried in his shoulder, that was more than enough for him. "Okay then, lets get you to the room so I can get everything sorted, yes?" Not even waiting for an answer he scooped (Y/N) up, earning a small sound of surprise from the other man. Despite how sore he was and how utterly exhausted his body felt he would always have the strength to tote the other man around. Ascending the stairs and finding their bedroom door he sat the man down on their shared bed, handing him his phone. "Order what you'd like then I'll join you after I change." With another nod he was off to get into some much more comfortable clothing.
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kacchans-cockslut · 3 years
Brother's Best Friend
Tadashi Yamaguchi x fem!reader
Warning: MDNI 18+, nsfw, smut, handjob, slight blowjob, dry humping
Word count: 2k
a/n: this is just a fantasy of mine and it's my first attempt at writing smut so please enjoy. :)
Synopsis: You have an unusual way of telling Tadashi you like him.
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It’s 11 at night. You can’t stop thinking about Tadashi’s fingers inside you instead of your own. They’d be so much longer and thicker than your own small ones. He’d probably even be able to reach that part inside you that makes you scream.
You want to run your hands on his body and making him a whimpering mess beneath you almost as bad as how you want him to destroy you and claim you as his own, but there’s no way he sees you like that.
Coming down from your high, you realized you shouldn’t be thinking about your brother's best friend the way you are. But you just can’t help it. Tadashi Yamaguchi is attractive and being how he is your brother's best friend, he’s always around. You guiltily get out of bed and take a cold shower to calm you down.
Tomorrow is Saturday and that means Tadashi will be over at your house hanging with Tsukki all day and probably even staying the night. Maybe he could stay in your room. C'mon, what are you thinking he wouldn’t want to do that you're his best friend's sister. But maybe he would…
The sun shines through the window in your room. You roll out of bed and head to your attached bathroom. Brushing your teeth and doing what you need to get ready for the day. Quickly changing clothes into a tank top and mini skirt you head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Walking out of your room you see Tsukki and Tadashi sitting on the couch watching a movie. Your cunt heart flutters seeing him sitting on your couch all relaxed and natural. You blush and walk past them, eyeing Tadashi the whole time to the kitchen. You can see the back of their heads and the movie playing from the kitchen.
"Are you boys hungry?" you ask sweetly and they nod. With your parents traveling for work so much, you take care of your brother a lot, even if you only are a year older than him.
Being quite the good chef you are, you whipped out some fluffy pancakes, cut some fruit, and even poured them drinks. Walking towards the couch, you handed them their plates, making sure to look Tadashi in the eyes the entire time and even after.
"Thank you y/n," Tadashi says as he takes the plate of pancakes from you.
You go back to the kitchen and stand over the counter while you eat your food, watching the movie with them. Once you finish eating, you collect their dishes and clean up. You’ve been staring at the back of his head for so long you don’t know how he hasn’t noticed yet.
Their movie ends and Tsukki asks if you want to hang out and pick the next movie. You flip through the TV for a while and then you put on a movie if you like. You plop down on the couch next to Tadashi, almost touching thighs, while Tsukki is on the other side of him. It’s so hard not to stare at him with you being so close. All you want to do is reach over and touch him and make him whine under you.
Several movies and shows later, you see him shiver out of the corner of your eye.
"Are you cold Dashi?" This is the perfect opportunity you realize. You get up and grab a blanket sitting back down on the couch next to him and throwing it over both of you. You scoot closer to him so now you’re definitely touching. His heart rate picks up once he sees how close he is to you. He’s always thought you were so pretty and kind but you were Tsukki’s big sister he couldn’t date you, Tsukki would hate him.
With the both of you under the blanket, you snuggle up closer to him laying your head on his shoulder, Tsukki oblivious to what’s happening next to him. You take your hand and push your hair behind your ear so you can see the movie better. Shoving your hand under the blanket letting it fall on Tadashi’s upper thigh, he flinches hard enough to make Tsukki look over then glance back at the screen. You creep your hand up until it’s on top of his crotch.
He lets a shaky breath and looks to you as you palm him through his jeans, “Y/n what are you doing?”.
You let out a quiet chuckle looking up at him, "Let me make you feel good”. With one hand you deftly unbutton his jeans then slowly unzip them. Reaching down into his pants you rub him over his boxers. He lets out little whimpers at your ministrations. Once you feel a little wet spot of his precum, you venture into his boxers and pull his cock out. He looks at you as if he is afraid to move and will wake up with sticky pants from the dream he never wants to end. You bring out hand out from under the blanket and up to your mouth. Bending your head slightly down, you let all the salvia drip out of your mouth and onto your hand. Carefully bringing it under the covers and stroking him slowly and he lets out a low, shaky groan.
“Oh, Tadashi you’re so big mmmm.” He lets out another sigh as you stroke his throbbing cock. You tilt your head up smirking as you whisper in his ear, “C'mon Dashi you wouldn’t want him to find out what’s happening over this blanket, do you?”
He barely glances down at you, not wanting to draw attention to himself, and shakes his head.
Still stroking him, you pick up the pace. Tadashi is biting his lips so he doesn’t accidentally moan or make any noise. You want to hear him though, so being the little brat you are go even faster to try to get a big reaction out of him. If you listen well enough you can hear the wet slap of your hand against his pelvis.
He’s so close. His legs are shaking and he’s trying so hard to be a good boy for you, but it’s getting to hard. You’re making him feel so good. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to touch himself again because nothing will ever feel as good as his crush’s hand wrapped around his cock.
“Y/n I’m about to c-cum please do-don’t stop I’m gonna gonna cum” he whines quietly in your ear. Smirking you start stroking him even faster. Glancing at Tsukki, you pretend you can’t find your phone and put your head under the blanket. His pretty pink, leaking cock staring at you. Licking your lips you dive right in. Slowly, to not get any unwanted attention, you lean down and give the tip kitten licks. You don’t think he can take much more of this, so you stretch open your mouth to accommodate for his large size and take him in fully. Once he’s to the hilt deep in your throat, he thoughts his head back onto the couch, lets out a groan, and cums in your mouth. The look on his face makes you so wet you could cum just from the sight. You quickly swallow and bring your head back up, so Tsukki doesn’t suspect anything. He just gives Tadashi a side-eye for being weird and goes back to the movie.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t taste gross. You wouldn’t mind doing that again. With both hands, you gently put him back into his pants, careful not to overstimulate him. Leaning back onto his shoulder, you kiss his neck and look up at him with your pretty smile. He’s still panting but gives his best attempt to smile back at you.
You need him to touch you. Any kind of stimulation would be great. He’s a shy boy; he’s too afraid to touch you in fear of hurting you or you think he’s a pervert and never talking to him again. You reach down in between your pretty thighs and feel how wet your panties are, whimpering at the need for any contact. Luckily for you, your fat ass of a brother is hungry. You, however, could live off of Tadashi’s cum for the rest of your life.
"Are you guys hungry cause I'm starving?" Tsukki blurted out.
"Yeah I could go for something to eat" you say as you glance at Tadashi as he nods to Tsukki. After Tsukki leaves to go to pick up the food you get a great idea. You’re going to get off on Tadashi.
The second Tsukki is out the door you grab Tadashi’s face and starting desperately kissing him. He’s shocked at first but then gets in the rhythm of it. If only he could feel how drenched your panties are. Breaking the kiss, you kiss down his neck and nip at his sensitive spots. He lets out quiet groans. Swiftly you swing your legs over Tadashi and straddle him. Your dripping cunt is hovering over the zipper of his jeans. Kissing him again, you grab his hands and set them on your waist. You lower yourself so you are touching his jeans with your panties. You both let out little moans at the feeling.
Breaking the kiss again, you leave kisses down his neck and travel to his ear, “Dashi please touch me”.
He nervously looks at you then down to where you're sitting on his lap. You can tell he’s scared to do it, so you grab his hand off your waist and move it onto your stomach slowly lowering it down until you reach the waistband of your skirt and you let go. He looks up to you hesitantly.
“Go on Tadashi don’t be scared, please” you whine “I need you to touch me.” He looks back down and slowly moves his hand towards where you want him the most. Making it easier for him, you lift the edge of your skirt up so he can see the large dark spot on your panties. He groans at the sight. “‘m all wet for you Dashi please do something,” you say as you drag your cunt over the crotch of his jeans. You let out a breathy moan as he just sits there in awe staring at your cunt. He could have never imagined how beautiful you looked while grinding on him. Picking up the pace of your grinding, you could feel him get harder. He started bucking up into you and meeting your thrusts. The zipper of his jeans got caught on your clit making you scream in pleasure. It only spurred Tadashi on to go faster and make you scream his name.
Lust taking over him, he quickly dragged you back and forth with his hands on your ass, and you were a moaning mess for him.
“All for you Tadashi. You make me feel so good.” With one last thrust of his hips you screamed out his name, “Tadashi I’m cumming I’m cumming don’t stop please Tadashi please”. He groaned and cummed in his jeans while you came undone on top of him.
You fell limply onto him and he hugged you, pulling you closer. You whined as your sensitive cunt rubbed against his jeans. Both of you are panting and holding each other, just sitting in comfortable silence.
“Yeah Dashi?”
“I really like you. I hope this wasn’t a one-time thing.”
“Oh sweetheart,” you said pushing his hair off of his sweaty forehead, “This can happen as much as you like.” You kissed him gently yet passionately and pulled away lying your head on his shoulder. You started giggling.
“What’s so funny” he chuckles out.
“Tsukki would be so mad if he found out we were together.”
“Wait you wanna be my girlfriend?” he gasps out and pulls you up to look at him.
“Of course I do silly, I wouldn’t have sucked you off otherwise” you smile widely and laugh.
Maybe after tonight, he would be your Tadashi instead of your brother’s.
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sugako · 4 years
pairing: college!kuroo x gn!reader synopsis: you realize your feelings for kuroo after he takes you to a party and you have to look after him  warnings: alcohol use, lots of hand holding and some cuddling a/n: uhh did i make the reader a little too much like kenma...probably..this is really mostly just a bunch of fluffy mutual pining and bad writing
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you couldn't believe he had dragged you here. well, dragged was a strong word. you had willingly agreed to come to this party because his normal party friends were busy and he thought it would be fun. the loud shitty music, swarm of sweaty bodies, and intermittent yelling was not for you though.
it wasn't all bad. it was kind of fun to watch kuroo in his element. he could chat with almost anyone and he seemed to know most people here. you admired how easily he could weave through the crowd. how at ease he looked in this unfamiliar apartment. you almost wished you could be more like that.
on the other hand, you were getting tired of the people and the noise. about three hours in, you got separated from your human security blanket. a little defeated and not nearly as drunk as everyone around you, you slumped against a corner and waited. and waited. it wasn't like he was hard to miss with his messy bed head that towered above most everyone. still, you hadn't spotted him once in nearly twenty minutes.
you really didn't want to be a drag, but you were tired and drained from all the energy around you.
to 🐔kuroo: hey i think im gonna head out im pretty tired
as soon as you shoved your phone into your back pocket it buzzed.
from 🐔kuroo: wait up meet u by the door!!1!
you typed with one hand as you slipped through the crowd. when you heard his rowdy cackle you knew he wasn't far away.
to 🐔kuroo: you don't have to leave now if you don't wanna im good to go home
from 🐔kuroo: nahh I'm already there anywayy I'm ready to go
you smiled lightly at your screen. while you hadn't been paying attention you feelings of admiration for the man had slowly morphed into infatuation. it crept up on you slowly. you hadn't realized all at once, but it was starting to make more sense now as you stared at the little screen.
"hey!!" he called over the heads of a group blocking the door.
you peeped up and waved, pushing your phone back into a pocket. he grabbed you by the elbow and practically threw you out the door. when you stumbled, he caught your hand and tutted obnoxiously.
"you are not 'good to go' alone. how much did you drink when i lost you?"
heat, not from the alcohol, seeped into your cheeks. you tried to pull your hand out of his iron grip, but it was impossible. not that you actually minded.
"only one," you huffed, "i think you're the one that needs help." you watched his roaming feet as you both shuffled down the street toward the bus stop.
"hmm, nah. i was worried for a bit when i lost you, were you okay?"
his fingers squeezed around yours. "i-uh, yeah, i was fine. i didn't really talk to anyone, but it wasn't bad. i know i'm kinda bad at parties, but did you have a good time?"
kuroo giggled and swung your arm with his as he leaned heavily against the bus station sign. in the middle of the night on this empty street, it felt almost like it could be an intimate moment between the two of you... if he wasn't sauced.
"a great time, only i wish i hadn't accidentally abandoned you like that. i know you didn't really want to go."
"no, no!" you said a little too fast. "well, i didn't mind it, i'm just not used to big crowds like that. or the music." you trailed off. "i had a pretty good time though. maybe except for babysitting you." you joked, lightly nudging him as the bus pulled up.
he kept his hand in yours even as you sat down in the empty space. it seemed like he was processing what you said and answered just a little too late.
"i am not the baby that needs to be babysat, baby."
"you're very drunk, tetsuro."
"maybe so..." he breathed out, leaning heavily against you.
your eyes fluttered from exhaustion, alcohol, and the heavy heating pack slumped against you. two stops later the bus had arrived at his place, but his hand was firmly laced with yours.
kuroo had been watching you closely as your eyes drooped. he looked down at where your warm hands were intertwined with his and he couldn't help the giddy feeling that courses through his body. maybe you were just being nice because he was drunk, he thought. still, it felt nice to just exist with you like this.
"hey," he jostled you a little rougher than intended. you startled out of your half sleep. "wanna spend the night?"
"mhmm..." you murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as he dragged you off the bus. around the corner you stopped at a tiny convenience store for a few overnight toiletries like toothpaste and deodorant. it wasn’t the first time you had spent the night, but you were feeling a little flustered under his gaze tonight. 
when his hand left yours, you felt colder and a little incomplete. 
you were still half asleep, but you listened as best you could as kuroo blathered on about his favorite tea. when you made your way up to the counter, he dumped a pile of snacks along with your things.
as he was attempting to slur out something along the lines of an argument for him to pay, you were already handing the sleepy cashier your cash. thanking the worker, you moved with him to the exit and he slipped his hand back into yours.
you couldn't help the dumb smile plastered on your face even as he sloppily keyed into his place. this time it didn't feel so bad when his hand left yours. in a flash, he had thrown out some sweatpants and an old t-shirt for you to wear to bed.
you quickly changed and headed for the couch where kuroo was already sprawled out, rifling through the snacks. 
“hey, movie?” he asked, glancing over at you as you settled in beside him. when your thighs brushed against one another neither of you made and move to part. you nodded and hummed, a little less tired now. while he clicked through dozens of titles, you reached for a small bag of chips on the low coffee table. “got those for you.” he mumbled before you could ask if you could have them. “you like those right?” 
“yeah...uh, yeah, i do.” you bit the inside of your cheek.
“this look good?” 
you looked up at the title card of some film you had heard good reviews on. truly, it didn’t really matter to you either way. “yeah, play it.” 
only about ten minutes in your eyes were getting heavy again. when your head knocked into something sturdy and warm you didn’t even stir.
kuroo sat back, trying to be as steady as he could as he leaned back on the couch, guiding you to lie on his chest. he knew if you kept your head cocked against his shoulder like it had been you would wake up with a cramp. although his knees were starting to get numb from the awkward half-laying, half-sitting position he was in, he didn’t dare to move. 
after a particularly loud noise from the movie, you stirred. you let out a small grunt as you tried to sit up. kuroo’s eyes were closed beneath you, but you weren’t convinced he was asleep. his arms were still wound tightly around your shoulders.
“kuroo?” you choked out hoarsely. his eyes blinked open and he flushed under your stare. “what are you doing?” 
“you fell asleep.” he muttered, sheepishly. you didn’t say anything back, but you didn’t make a move and neither did he. “hey, what was your first impression of me?” 
you chuckled, clearing the sleep from your voice. “you looked really cool and mysterious, but then you opened your mouth and i realized that you’re a dork.” he scoffed and ran his fingers soothingly up and down your back. 
“i can be cool.” he pouted. 
“you are cool,” you rolled your eyes, “you’re just also kinda a dork. you have a good balance.” you brought your hands up to more comfortable rest around his shoulders and shifted so your legs were on the couch. “what did you think about me at first?” 
“that you’re smart and quiet. you looked like you knew me. i also thought you looked really good in that sweater.”
you snorted, remembering the awfully cold night you had met kuroo through some mutual friends when the group of you went out to a bar. it had been so frigid you hadn’t bothered to dress nice even though you were going out, you put on the fuzziest, warmest sweater you owned. 
“hey.” he whispered. 
“do you like me?” 
your heart was pounding so hard you knew he had to be able to feel it against his chest. “are you still drunk?”
“only a little.” he answered honestly. “you let me hold your hand for a long time earlier and you seem pretty comfortable right now.” 
glad that you were tucked below his chin, you couldn’t help it that your face was heating up. “yeah, yeah i think i do like you.” 
“cool, you weren’t really trying to hide it.” you rolled your eyes at the smirk in his tone. your heart was still reverberating behind your ribcage. “oh, yeah, i like you too.” 
he groaned like an old man as he shifted under you to lay his legs out flat on the couch.
“did you...did you plan this?” 
“hmm, maybe.” he mused. “when you didn’t pull your hand away and dozed off on me on the bus i knew that i could tell you. didn’t expect you to snuggle up on me so fast though, buy me something to drink first.” 
finally, you completely relaxed into his hold. with your head nearly buried into his neck now you could faintly smell his woody soap. he tapped little rhythms into your shoulder blades with his fingertips, drawing small circles with his thumbs. 
“i bought you tea and junk food.” 
he laughed quietly, not wanting to shake you too much. “this is a pretty good sleepover, huh?” 
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 15 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (14)
Next part (16) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
There are seven holes. Seven. But they aren't seven different nests, they're tunnels, with seven openings to the surface of the Earth. You only know that because Eleven spent the whole night focused on finding them, seated in the living room of Joyce's place, a piece of fabric covering her eyes. The map from before remained on the floor beside her, and she reached out to draw where the tunnels reach. You barely had any sleep, just the pair of hours you slept with your head on Billy's shoulder, seated on the couch, but someone's voice woke you up.
Relief fills your heart when the morning comes. During the night, you could only think about those things lurking around. After a quick shower, and using one of Eleven's shirt, you go to the kitchen and decide to have breakfast there, where you can be alone. Eating a bowl of cereal, you run a hand through your hair, trying to understand how are you going back to the pool today and act like none of this is happening.
“Hey, princess,” Billy says, coming into the kitchen. Hair is still wet and wearing only his jacket. “Are you ok?”
“I'm trying to be.” Pushing the bowl away, you watch as he makes himself the same meal you had. “Wondering how am I going to work today.”
“Wanna stay here? I can tell Anthony that you're sick. If he even shows up.”
“No. It'll be worse if I stay.” You're confused, not sure what's the best or what's worse. But at least in the pool you'll have something normal going on.
“Hey, you two,” Joyce says as she comes in. Her voice gets your attention, and when you look at her after exchanging a glance with Billy, you see that Hopper is right behind her, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed together. “How are you two doing?”
“Uhm... Good.” It sounds like a question. Joyce sits at the table, with Hopper standing behind her. He has the chief face on, and you have no idea why. “Everything alright? Are we in trouble or something?” Gesturing at you and Billy, and cross your legs, an eye on the clock because you'll still need to stop by home to get the swimsuit.
“No, of course not. It's just that the kids were talking about something and–”
“Are you two living together?" Hopper speaks up, swallowing Joyce's words. She gives him a hard stare, and there's some kind of conversation going on through facial expressions that you can't understand.
“Yes.” You answer, not sure why you're in this situation in the first place. You feel like you're having the talk with Diane all over again. Diane. You have to call her, just to make sure everything is alright. “Why?”
“There were some rumors running around that–”
“That Billy Hargrove got some chick pregnant.” Hopper again. But this time Joyce slaps his arm.
“We agreed you'd let me do this.” She whispers.
“Then just get to the damn point.” He snaps back.
With wide eyes, you look at Billy. He doesn't seem bothered by this, peacefully eating his cereal. There's a smile on his lips that he tries to hold back, but you know him far too well now. You can see it. He's having fun.
“Look, guys, Uhm... These rumors started after I fainted on the pool, but it was from heat exhaustion, so...” Deciding to just end whatever this is, you speak up, kicking Billy's leg and whispering to him. “Say something.”
“(Y/N), honey, do your parents know about that?”
This makes you laugh, but then you remember Joyce doesn't know about your relationship, or better saying, the lack of it. “No, and I don't plan on doing that. But my aunt Diane does.”
“And she allowed it?” Hopper takes his time pronouncing every word as if this is absurd. “You're lucky you're not my daughter.”
“Hopper, just...” Joyce mumbles, her voice fading. “We just wanted to make sure you guys are... You know... Going somewhere with this. Living together is something really big and important to do.”
“I'll only say two things.” Billy finally makes his presence known, getting up and throwing his bowl in the sink. “First of all, I'm planning on marrying (Y/N). Second, we better go now or we'll be late. Again.”
There's a weird buzz in your ears as Billy takes your hand and starts pulling you with him. Joyce and Hopper have wide eyes, mouth half-open, in shock. You're not that different, and all your body is able to do is keep following Billy outside and to his car. You're silently looking through the window as he drives, but you're doing that on purpose, just to get back at him for saying that out of the blue.
“Aren't you gonna say anything?” He asks parking in front of the house.
“Absolutely not.” Stepping out of the car, you don't wait for him, heading inside. “If you really wanna do what you said, I'll patiently wait until you propose, Hargrove.” Turning around just enough to wink at him, you bite back a smile.
You're quick to get ready and manage not to be late. The song is blasting when Billy pulls over on his parking spot, and the moment the song is gone, you hear the chattering, noticing three police cars.
Your heart skips a beat when you leave the car, taking a deep breath. “Hey,” Billy calls, taking your hand. “Let's check what happened before jumping to conclusions, ok?”
“Ok.” Holding his arm, you move to the entrance, where a small crowd gathers. Hopper is here, and by the messy way of his clothes, he had to run over here. He immediately notices you and Billy, a sad look on his face. And that's when you see Monica, running a hand through her hair, tears glistening on her cheeks.
“Mon?” Calling, you let go of Billy and runs to her. Monica breaks a little bit when she sees you, and you're quick to hug her. “Mon, what happened?”
“It's Jason. My cousin is missing, (Y/N).” She cries on your shoulder, and you close your eyes tight because the first thing that comes to your head is probably what got him. The Demodogs. “He went out yesterday to buy dinner a-and his mom called mine saying he was taking long and...” You pull away, holding her hands. “...that was early evening yesterday. And he's still missing. The family spent the whole night looking for him and–”
“Mon, I'm sure we'll find him.” It's hard to lie. It's even harder not to break down in front of her. “Maybe he felt bad and fainted or something like that. We'll find him.”
“I hope so.”
“I'll drive you home, ok? Billy can keep the pools safe for one day.”
When she nods, drying off some tears, you make your way over him, who's talking to Hopper. He probably already knows, but you try to keep a straight face.
“Come here, princess.” He opens his arms and you don't even hesitate, hugging him tightly. “I'm so sorry. But we'll find him. The party is already aware of everything.” Whispering on my ear, Billy places a kiss on the top of your hair.
“I...” Getting rid of the single tear that escaped your efforts to hold it back, you pull away. “I'll take her home, she's very shaken. Can you just keep an eye–”
“Keep an eye on the kids, of course.” He bends over to kiss you, and your arms, almost automatically, move to be around his neck. “I'll pick you up after work, ok? I love you.”
“I love you.” It still makes you blush to hear those words, but you absolutely love to say it back. After one last kiss, you part ways.
Monica talks as you drive to her place, sharing memories with her cousin. Some of them you already know, but you don't stop her, laughing and making silly comments, trying to keep her mind away from the fact that Jason is missing.
Your mind also starts remembering. Obviously, you didn't have all the time around Jason that Monica had, but he was one of the first people you met when you got here. He's always smiling, carrying his siblings around, always complaining, but always happy to be with them. Jason is funny, even when he's the only one who actually gets his jokes.
Jason is missing.
Demidogs need a lot of food. An almost 6 feet tall male human has a lot of meat.
Shaking your head lightly, you push these thoughts away. No breaking down now. Monica needs you strong, to keep her strong too. Her family is either at Jason's or still looking, so you're alone. Both of you stay seated on her bed, and you give her your shoulder when she starts crying again. He's gone for one night and she's already losing it... If anything bad happens...
Her parents return home a couple of hours later, thankful to you for taking her back home. You drag her into the living room, turning the TV on this random movie and trying to convince her to pay some attention. You can hear her parents in the kitchen, making lunch, but you also hear when her mother cries, the low, cracking voice as she talks to her husband. It's getting hard by the minute to stay here, pretending you don't know what probably happened, but if you cry, if you start doubting Jason is ok, Monica will break apart.
A knock on the door, an unusually loud and frenetic knock, gets your attention. Looking over your shoulder, you see as Monica's father goes to answer it.
“Hi. Is (Y/N) here?” You hear a feminine voice, and you soon recognize it's Nancy.
Excusing yourself, you get up. “Yes, she's–”
“Hey.” You go to the front door, seeing Nancy and two cars in the sidewalk, many eyes looking at you. “Something wrong?”
“Sorry, but we need you. Uhm... Maxine is sick. We need to have a doctor check on her.”
“What?” You exclaim, running a hand through your hair. “Mon.” Calling her, you quickly make your way back to the living room. “I'm so sorry, but Maxine is feeling ill, I have to go. But I promise I'll call you later, ok?”
“Sure. Go help.” She says, nodding and clearing her throat since her voice is all clouded by her crying.
“Stay calm, honey. Jason is alright, I'm sure.” Another lie. You shouldn't make promises you don't know if you can keep. Giving her a quick hug, you run outside, muttering a goodbye to Mon's father as Nancy does the same.
“We'll go looking for him.” She says in a low voice as you move toward the cars. “We don't stand still when shit happens.”
Her choice of words makes you raise your eyebrows. You never heard her saying anything like that. “Thanks.” Muttering, you seat shotgun in Steve's car as she goes to Jonathan's. There are four kids on the back seat, fighting for some more space. You're happy to see Max is alright. For a moment, you thought she was really sick.
You park in the woods, and there are already some people here. Everyone but Hopper, because he has to be in the official search party, and Billy. God, you wish Billy was here.
“Alright, let's do this,” Mike says, and he freely starts separating you in groups. “Eleven and Will with me. Lucas, Jonathan, and Robin. Uhm... Max, Steve, and (Y/N). Joyce–”
“Why are you messing up the groups, man. I wanna go with Max.” Lucas complains and Mike rolls his eyes. “Groups of four, as usual.”
“Since when?”
“Alright, just gather in groups, c'mon, guys,” Joyce says, eyeing both her kids until they go to stand by her side, alongside Nancy.
You move to stand with Max and Lucas, and after playing rock, paper, scissors with Robin, Steve comes to your group. You raise your eyebrows at him, trying to get why they had to use that method to choose a group. “Nobody wants to be with these two lovebirds.” He says when he's close enough.
“That's something I can understand.” There's no doubt Max and Lucas are into each other, but they're constantly fighting. It's funny to watch, actually.
“Let's get started then, guys. Be careful, pay attention to the radios, and let's find Jason.” Joyce announces, taking over Hopper's role in this.
And everyone starts moving, each group in a different direction. You're going to the holes first, just to check, and then you'll cover a specific area. Max and Lucas are once again responsible for the map and walk a couple of feet ahead.
“Hey. Take this.” Steve gets your attention, taking the bat from his backpack and handing it over to you. “I know Jason was a close friend of yours. Sorry this happened.”
“Yeah.” You lay the bat over your shoulder, careful not to entangle your hair in the nails. “I really thought it couldn't get any worse but life proved me wrong.”
“I remember when Will went missing. I was a total jerk back then so I didn't really care.” You glance over to Steve, and he has an apologetic look on his face. “They found the body and there was a funeral. But the body was fake and Will was fine in the end.”
“Someone should make a movie out of that story.” You mumble, taking a deep breath. “Do you think Jason could be in the... Upside Down?”
“No. According to Eleven, no portals were open. The Demodogs just made these woods into their new home and are doing what it takes to survive.” Through the corner of your eyes, you see when he almost slips, opening his arms slightly to regain balance. “Don't laugh.” He says, but you're already chuckling. “Anyway, wherever he is, he's here.”
“Why don't we tell Eleven to just use her powers and find him. Wouldn't it be easier?”
“These woods are huge. And we usually just do that when it's the last resource.” Lucas answers.
“We don't like pushing her. It always brings back sad memories.”
That's something you can understand perfectly. “We do it the old way then.” You've seen how complicated it is. Eleven's nose wouldn't stop bleeding while she was figuring out the tunnels, and after while blood came out of her ears too. As much as you want to find Jason, you'd never ask her or the party to do something just so you'd feel better. They're in it far longer than you, so you trust them to make the decisions and set the pace. “I just hope he's alright. He's Monica's cousin, and she's worried to death.”
“Yeah, I get that.” It doesn't go unnoticed how Steve doesn't make false promises as you did with Monica. He doesn't say he's ok, that you'll find him. Running a hand through your hair, you take a deep breath, confused between having hopes or just expecting the worse. “So, changing the subject.” He speaks again. “You and Hargrove. I never thought Billy would actually fall in love.”
A smile comes to your lips, and you're thankful for having something else to think about. “Yeah. It took a while for me to believe that but he... He worked hard.” Involuntary, your hand goes for the necklace, fingers playing with the earring.
“Joyce and Hopper were saying something about marriage...” It sounds like a question, and you give Steve a glance, giggling. “They were trying not to let anyone hear them but Hopper doesn't really know how to whisper.”
By the heat spreading through your cheeks, you know you're blushing. Could it be real? Would Billy marry you? Is he really considering such a thing? “We spoke about it, Uhm... Twice, I think. But not a real conversation, he just spilled it out.”
“Holy shit, he's going serious with you then.” He playfully elbows your arm. By what you've seen and by what Max told you, Steve usually grows protective of everyone since he joined the party, and you think it's cute. He's like everyone's babysitter. “Send me an invitation, would you?”
“I will.”
Maxine's yell cuts him short, getting your attention as you notice you have fallen behind. Immediately, you and Steve start running towards then.
“Man, that's...” Lucas says as Max hugs him, eyes tightly shut.
You're about to ask them what the hell happened when you follow Lucas' scared stare.
It's a weird sensation when you're brain refuses to take in the information. When your eyes, focused on something, are blind. And your ears are deaf and the wind blowing doesn't touch your skin. It's like you're not there.
Jason's body is stuck between a big rock and a dead tree. His torso is opened up, and there's nothing inside.
As there's nothing inside Jason anymore. He's empty. Body and soul. There will be no laughter leaving his lips, no more jokes, no more arms to carry his baby siblings around. Nothing. Just flesh and bones, both ripped apart.
“(Y/N).” You're sure it's not the first time you hear someone calling your name, but you're not even sure where it comes from.
You only move when an arm pulls you, and you feel it around you. “We have to go. C'mon.” Steve says, and, far and distant, you hear static, and voices, coming from the radio. “(Y/N).”
“I need Billy.” It's the only thing that comes to your head, and you find a way to force the words out of your throat.
“Alright, let's go,” Steve says, and you're only set on motion because of his arm around your shoulders.
Everything is a blur. You notice people moving around, and some of them come to hug you as they start regrouping near the cars. Nodding and thanking their kind words, you remain silent, arms crossed, the image still burning in your brain.
Jason's rib cage broken open, the blood staining his clothes and the ground around him. His head twisted in an awkward way, neck probably disconnected from the body.
“Let's get moving. She wants to talk to Billy.”
“The pool will close in an hour. Take her home.”
“No, she's scaring me. We need to take her to Billy.” Max intervenes, and Steve pulls you to his car. You let Max seat shotgun, feeling better in the backseat where you can curl into a ball, knees pressed against your chest as the landscape passes by.
It reminds you the first time you saw that thing. You were trying to beat Billy, driving back to your place. Maybe, if you had gone to the police station the next day, let them know something was out there, you could've avoided this. But who would believe you? You didn't believe it either. What are you going to tell Monica? After saying things would be ok, that they would find Jason alive and well when you knew being out in the woods all night long probably meant he'd become Demodog's meal.
You knew it, yet you lied. Vain hope is the worst kind of hope, and that's what you gave her.
“(Y/N).” Steve gets your attention, touching your shoulder. “We're at the pool.”
Blinking a few times to wake up from the stupor, you bolt out of the car, making your way to the entrance. It's crowded today, but you don't see faces, you just see obstacles.
It finally starts kicking in.
You went to find Jason, and you did. But instead of the dear friend you so easily grew to love, you found a dead, empty corpse. The tears threat to overflow as you rudely bump into people, making your way through the pool. At a distance, you see the moment Billy finally notices the commotion, his eyes quick to find you. By the way his face changes, the way he takes off his sunglasses and jumps to the ground, shoving people out of his way, you must be looking terrible.
But you don't care. Billy is everything you need, the only thing you see and you know you can break down in his arms. You just need to reach him, and when you do, you collapse against his chest, not able to hold back the tears anymore, the sobs building up your throat as you hold onto him.
“I'm so sorry,” Billy mumbles in your ear. He knows. How could he not?
You suddenly feel him lifting you up, and you hide your teary face on the crook of his neck. Seconds later you're at the locker room, and Billy screams for the other girls to get out as he puts you down, seated on one of the benches.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N).” He repeats, kneeled before you, thumbs coming to dry off some tears, just to make space for more.
“I saw him. H-he was all eaten, Billy. His body was-his body was wide open and everything was gone–”
“Stop, stop.” He begs, pulling you into a hug. “You don't have to tell me, not now.” Nodding, you take in his scent, feeling safe, secure, despite the terror creeping under your skin. “I'll take you home, ok?”
“No.” You mutter, pulling away just enough so you're foreheads are touching. You don't know what comes to you, but this has to be said. This feeling has to be let out. Not after, not tomorrow. Now. Maybe it's the fact that you saw death for the very first time. You just need to let him know “You're my home.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina @nope-thanks
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fic - Remember Me
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They'd been close before he was gone.
He'd called her his "princesa", his "pequeña estrella fugaz", and all sorts of of other cute nicknames delivered while she was swaddled in his arms or being given tickly mustache kisses by him.
He was the only person who ever seemed to be able to get her under control. Whenever she had too much energy and was bouncing off the walls, he'd give her some crayons and a pad of paper or ask her to help him with a project while making it sound like an exciting game. Thus, she was able to channel all her overexcitement into something productive. If she tried to do something risky, like play witch by jumping off her bed while holding a broomstick, he was able to talk her out of it and help her find a safer activity.
He was just as weird as she was. Where she was obsessed with magic and witches, he fawned over art. He talked her ear off all the time about famous artists, sculptors, and painters. He planned trips for him, her, and Mamá to go to museums, practically vibrating with joy at all the different works they saw. Anytime he didn't spend at his job at the auto shop was spent painting, drawing, and sculpting. She was always amazed whenever she saw his hands seem to almost effortlessly glide across a paper or through wood and turn an ordinary object into something extraordinary. It was like real magic and the first time she saw it, she begged him to teach her. Every Saturday became their art day where he would teach her his craft bit by bit, revealing to her the secrets of the magic he practiced.
More than anything though, he was her best friend. All the other kids were usually scared off by her intensity, so he was the only person willing to play with her. They'd read stories together, him doing funny voices and helping her sound out the hard parts. They'd eat massive ice cream sundaes smothered in peanuts, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. Before diving into them he'd wink and make her promise not to tell Mamá he fed her so much sugar. They made so many drawings, crafts, and paintings that they almost ran out of room to put them all. He was without a doubt the person she was closest to in her life.
Which is why it hurt so much when he left them.
She was 8 years old. It was just an ordinary day, specifically a Saturday. Their art day. The two of them had been working hard on finishing a family portrait that they'd been working on as a surprise for the upcoming Mother's day. Unfortunately, he had been called in to work, so she'd spent most of the day in the living room waiting for him to come back, their art supplies set out and ready to use the minute to get back.
Her heart filled with joy when she heard the sounds of her mamá coming down the steps, sure that she was about to tell her that he was on his way home and ready to start painting with her. She moved to hide their half-finished painting from view as her mamá came in, but her smile faded when she saw the hollow expression on her face.
She'd never forget what she said next.
"Luz....mija, I'm sorry. Your papá, he's....he's gone."
Mamá then began to tell Luz how papá had been driving home from work but, another driver hadn't been watching where he was going when they hit her father's car. But Luz could barely hear her, as the words "your papá is gone" repeated inside her head. She didnt even react when mamá bent down and gave her a tight, shaky hug.
Luz went through the next week and a half completely numb. She did things like eating and going through the school day on autopilot. Whenever anyone talked to her she responded with short answers in a monochrome tone. Even her dreams, which used to be filled with vivid magical adventures were now empty and black.
She finally started to come to her senses on the day of the funeral. Mamá put her in a new black dress and they drove to meet with her abuela on her papá's side. The two of them embraced each other tearfully, mamá rubbing soothing circles into her back as she thanked her for being in his life.
They and the rest of his relatives all rode together to the funeral home. Inside was the casket with Papá's body inside. Everyone took turns going up to it and saying their goodbyes. When Luz and her mamá's turn came up, Luz felt a sharp pain in her heart at seeing him laying in the coffin. She had the urge to kiss him on the forehead in the hope he might wake up like the princess in a movie they'd seen together once. But her mamá held her back.
Afterward they had a ceremony where people came up and talked about Papá and his effect on their life. So many stories Luz had never heard about him. Once the ceremony was over they went back to the cars and drove to a cemetery where they had one more speech before Papá's body was buried.
As she watched them lower his casket into the ground, it all finally seemed to hit Luz.
Her Papá was dead.
Which meant no more art Sundays together. No more movie nights with she, him and Mamá snuggled up on the couch, the two of them sneaking kisses while Luz groaned at their mushy romance. No more coming down to find him cooking breakfast, singing along badly to a song blaring from the radio.
He wouldn't be there for her 9th birthday, or her 10th, or 11th. He wouldn't see her graduate from Elementary school along with all the other kids. He wouldn't watch her grow up and become a famous painter like she'd told him she would. They'd never finish their painting for mother's day.
Slowly the sharp pain that she'd felt back in the funeral home came back with even greater strength. It was so intense, she gripped her chest in the hope that would make it stop.
Luz wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to leap down into the grave, bang her fists on the casket and beg her papá to come back to her.
She was seconds away from doing any one of those things or maybe even some combination of the three when she noticed the sound of sniffling come from next to her. She looked over and realized it was coming from Mamá.
For the first time since she'd told her about his death, Luz actually looked at her mamá. She saw the deep anguish on her face. Noticed the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. Saw the heavy stream of tears pouring from her eyes despite them already being extremely red. Even her usual bun was frayed and frazzled looking.
Luz gently tugged on the sleeve of her dress. "Mamá? Are you okay?"
She sniffled heavily and warbly replied "Si, Luz. I'm sorry Mija, I just....I can't....." And that was all she could choke out before breaking down into heavier sobs.
Seeing her crying like that, the pain that was in Luz's heart morphed into a deep twisting guilt.
She wasn't the only one who'd lost Papá. Mamá lost him too. She wouldn't be able to go on date nights with him anymore. She wouldn't be able to greet him with a kiss to the cheek when she came down to the kitchen for breakfast. Never get to have their "alone time" Tio Rosa said they had whenever they got Luz to watch her.
And here Luz was. Only thinking of herself. So caught up in her own feelings that she completely ignored how her mamá was feeling. How could she be so selfish?
Despite how tough it was, Luz stuffed all her pain and sadness down and took her mamá's hand. She gently rubbed circles into the back of her palm.
"It's alright mamá. I'm here for you."
She didn't have time to think only about herself. She couldn't be that selfish.
Someone else needed her.
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon 1 asked: okay, so i just read “family” and it’s a freaking masterlist❤️❤️🥰 could you write a fluffy family time imagine with coco , reader and letti, like a movie night or something
Anon 2 asked: may I request coco x reader public flashing, like their in a store or clubhouse and when no one around she just randomly showed him the goods
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: NSFW, smut
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Spend your free night at home, now that you feel you have one, is the best idea Coco could had have. By morning, Leti and you went to the supermarket to buy a lot of junk food. Pizza, nachos, guacamole, popcorns, candies, chocolate… Definitely, tomorrow you will not be able to move unless you roll. And beer. Too much beer actually. You also had to threaten your boyfriend to not forget the family night all week long.
But he's late. He's always late.
“Yo! 'Am home!”
Coco's voice finally interrupts the silence in the living room, whilst Leti and you are putting everything on point in the kitchen. The younger goes out to greet him with a soft hug and a palm on his chest, listening how she says “you're gonna clean it all”. Yes, that's the punishment for being late. The mexican chuckles, crossing the hallway and wrapping your waist with the tattooed arms, as your back meet his chest. Raising a hand to his mouth, you offer him one of the piece of jam you're using to make the big pizza. He takes it with the incisors, eating it before kissing your neck so gently holding you closer.
“I love you”. He whispers on your left ear so dearly your legs shake for a second. “Is gonna be the secon' best nai' of ma' life”.
“What was the first, ah?”
“The one I met ya'”. Using the same low voice, he rest his forehead on your shoulder having a deep breathe of your scent. “Tha' was the best nai' of ma' life, mami”.
He doesn't need some words like his back, he's pretty good and satisfied with the goofy smile your lips are drawing on. How couldn't you love him? That's impossible. Turning under his grip, you place your hands on both sides of his neck, standing on your tiptoe enough to reach his lips kissing them peacefully, taking your time and enjoying the taste of tequila on the other tongue. Seems like he has forgotten that Leti is around, setting up the table, when he cups your ass with his hands, squeezing it. And that's the sparkle that lights the wick. Your hands touring his abdomen under the shirt he's wearing, dragging your nails over his skin giving him some chills.
Leti's scream scared the shit out of you jumping for a second, aa your heart does, whilst she's breaking in laughs.
“It was her fault, givin' me that… jam so sensual. You're the devil, mami”. He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I didn' know you were into meat, I thought you were more into fish”. His daughter jokes on him, making you laugh covering your mouth with a hand before continuing making dinner.
“I didn' know I was livin' with a clown”. Your boyfriend palm her forehead, walking away to your room.
“All ready?” Leti ask then to you, looking around in case she's missing something else.
“All ready. The pizza will be in five”. You nod putting it inside the oven, turning after to her. “Beer is cold, and the rest is on the table. Netflix on point?”
“Netflix on point”. She replies imitating you.
“Cool”. You say highing five with her.
Of course, you two chose the movie. One of those that mix comedy with action. The night passes by, eating the whole pizza even if Leti said maybe it was too much, and all the junk' you bought as the empty beers were piled up along the table. The younger was lying down on the couch, while you were on Coco's top on the sofa. Your hands touring his chest under the shirt with smooth caresses, with his tangled in your hair. In a moment like that, you're already thinking about what happened before in the kitchen, trying to get somewhat comfy over his body. You're not gonna kick out Leti. You're pretty happy of spending some family time without nobody bothering you. But you has to recognize that you missed your boyfriend a lot today, waking up by morning with him already gone.
Saved by the bell.
Leti's phone rings on the table with Gabri's name blinking on the screen. She practically jumps off of the couch hanging the call and getting somewhat nervous.
“I'm sorry. It was amazing, but Gabri had a date with EZ an—”.
“Just leave, mija”. Coco chuckles moving his hand, no needing an explanation.
You wait impatiently for her to leave the house, feeling guilty for needing him so much that you're happy Leti is going out with her friend. When the door gets closed and you can hear her steps walking downstairs, you attack Coco's lips so hungry you can't handle it. His hands squeezing again your ass, pressing it down to make you notice the lump under the sweatpants he's wearing. And it's pretty delirious. You moan against his tongue, mixing your saliva and tasting the beer on them. Your hips moving looking for more friction with your panties getting somewhat wetted because of him. And you two are so focused on pleasing each other, that you don't hear the door.
“FUCK OFF, LETICIA!” Coco shouts, making her laugh.
“I'm stealing you fifty bucks fo' the new trauma. Bye!”
Licking your lips as you see how she disappears again crossing the door, your boyfriend bites your neck raising up a little his waist looking for more moves of yours, knowing he's too much needy.
“C'mon, mami… You've been provoken' me since I came hom'”. He almost sobs wit a scratchy voice, sucking your skin.
One of his hands pulls off your shirt, throwing it to the floor before catching one of your nipples with his lips. A soft gasp escapes from yours, touring your left hand to his hardness. You stroke him tightly above the pants, drowning his wailing and some curses against your breast.
“You wan'me to ride you, papi?”
“Fuck, stop playing!” He claims pulling down by your legs the panties you are on somewhat angry.
You love to tease him and seeing how fast he gets furious. Sitting up a little on top of your man, you throw away the only clothe you were wearing, before grabbing the waistband of his doing freeing himself. Licking your lips as soon as you rub your clit over Coco's sensible skin, he nails a hand on your ass and guiding his dick pushing it inside you without no more wait. You can't help but screaming out his name, needing a simple touch from him after being the whole day away.
Bouncing on top of him, spreading your legs and supporting one feet on the floor, you go deeper. Your nails dragging his chest as your moans flood the living room. You know how much he loves watching you riding his hard cock and your breasts jumping as if they were dancing. With his hands nailed on your hips, he forces you to dig his waist harder against your legs. And it's feel amazing.
“Fuck, mami… You drive me crazy…” His voice is hoarse and full of pleasure, closing the eyes and showing you his parted lips.
Leaning back your head a little, arching your back and placing both hands on his thighs, you move your body front to back. Fast. So fast. And you don't care if it's going to be quick, you're desperate and he's totally anxious for cum inside you, feeling the heat that emanates from your body. Coco is totally in love with you, since the first moment. And took him a little to recognize his feelings for you, but even if it's not all about sex, he wish he had done it before just to have seen you more times like this.
You lie down over his chest as he tangles a hand on your hair to push you closer. The mexican bites, sucks and licks your lips, sliding his tongue into your mouth to finds the other to take a pulse in a filthy and dirty kiss. Coco slaps your ass twice, making you growl because of the pleasure, squeezing it as his waist dance with yours needing to go faster thrusting you heavy. Your whole anatomy stirring under his hard grip, giving you shivers up your spine. And without expecting, he turns you above the sofa, putting your back on it without pulling away his cock. He pounds you harder, crashing his abdomen against your body making you move at time. Coco wraps you with an arm, placing the other on your throat.
“Who is your papi, ah?” He spit to your lips, almost touching them with his.
“You!” Screaming because of the thrust, you feel how he's pushing you to the limit.
“Who owns this wetty and delicious pussy, ah?”
“It's yours, daddy!” You almost sob arching your back because of an another hard pound. “Please… make me cum… I beg you, daddy… Please”.
Drawing a petty smile on his lips, he squeezes a little bit your throat under his fingers. Sinking his lips on your neck, pulling away his thumb enough inches to bite it and suck it, leaving a reddened bruise there. That's the magical move that makes you crash down into a delirious orgasm, with your shaky legs surrounding his body, pushing him deeper inside you with loud groans stuck in your mouth. He fills you with his seed, howling because of the pleasure above your skin, bristling it.
Some tired kisses trails up your jaw to your lips, drinking your air as he tries to recover himself.
“Fuck, mami… You're a fuckin' blessing”. He whispers with trembling breath and his heart racing, making you laugh low. “Wha'? It's true! I fuckin' love ya'”.
“I love you too, Coquito”. You mutter back, licking his salty lips with the tip of your tongue. “Mi papi…”
“Solo tuyo, mami”. He nods lightly caressing your cheek and pulling away some bristles of sweaty hair.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Hi! You're by far my favorite writer for the man himself so I wanted to ask you.. can we plleeasse get a super sweet and passionate morning sex smutty-fluffer with Mr. Washington? Maybe the two of them had a stressful week at work/school or something and they decided to drive up to the lodge to escape by themselves for a long weekend together?? I'm on a massive Josh kick right now, there isn't enough love for him 😫😫
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13. sleepy sex 14. being ridden
Another perfect place to answer two requests—I’m feeling accomplished! I love you all so much 💋
Also, this sucker is almost 3,000 words. I SWEAR I try to answer your prompts quickly on days like this, but sometimes, a story happens. Well, if this can even be considered a “story” 😆
* * * * *
Every year, Josh Washington hosted one hell of a summer-kick-off party at his parents’ lodge. He watched the weather like he was auditioning for a job on the local news, carefully choosing the warmest, clearest day. Despite the label of “summer,” the temperature in the Rockies at the lodge only ever flirted with anything near 75°F (23°C) yet Josh insisted, every year, that it was a “pool party” and that guests shouldn’t wear much more than a swimsuit.
At least that’s what your mutual friend, Chris, had explained to you.
It had been a stressful final month of school—exams, moving out of your dorm and back home with your parents, finding a summer job—so when Josh finally chose a date for the party, you requested the weekend off and offered to help him get things set up.
Josh eyed you suspiciously, considering that you and he had been engaged in a sort of “will they, won’t they” dance for the past few months. You were locked in a battle wondering if he just wanted to check you off his list as another notch in his bedpost, and he was wondering if you even liked him as more than a flirting buddy, considering you seemed to have quite a lot of those.  
“You sure?”
Josh took your phone and typed in the address for the lodge. “Can you come up Thursday? That way we have all day Friday to get ready.”
You nodded and plucked your phone out of his hand, but not before he tightened his grip, making you look up and smile at him as you tugged on it.
“Gimme. Or I won’t come up at all.”
Josh released his grip with his trademark grin before he schooled his features into a contortion of pain as he gripped his chest. “Call the medic! I’m wounded. My heart’s been plucked from my chest,” he exaggeratedly panted.
You tried to stifle your grin, knowing it only encouraged his antics, but how could you not smile at that adorable goof?
* * *
The drive up to the Washington Lodge was fantastic for your stress level—nothing but empty roads, gorgeous scenery, and all the cheesiest, upbeat pop music you could cram onto a playlist. When you finally parked your car behind Josh’s in the horseshoe driveway, you were humming the lyrics of the last song as you pulled your weekender bag from the backseat.
After you slammed the door shut and rounded the car, you looked up at the lodge and whistled.
“Jeee-sus.” You knew Josh’s folks were rich, but this was the kind of rich you had only ever seen on Instagram … or maybe on an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. It was so intimidating, it made you think twice about Josh.
He was just so … normal. Well, normal in a film-nerdy, goofball kinda way, but he never struck you as someone who grew up in a bubble of privilege.
It was close to 8:30 pm, but daylight still persisted and the pinkish sky lit up Josh’s face as he stepped onto the porch and looked down at you while you still stared open-mouthed at the lodge.
“Was the drive okay?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah it was great,” you said as you shook your head and climbed the stairs. “Josh—this place is … insane.”
“You’ve never been here?”
You shook your head no.
Josh frowned and thought for a moment. “I guess I forgot we haven’t known each other that long. You sure feel like an old chum, lil buddy,” he said as he slung an arm around your shoulders and walked you into the house.
“Chum? ‘Lil’ buddy?” you said with amusement.
Josh cleared his throat and removed his arm, nervously running one hand through his freshly cut hair. “What else should I call you?”
You bit your lip and looked up at him, a small smile on your face. “Guess we’ll see, huh?”
Josh grinned, his face lighting up as his white teeth flashed, and butterflies unexpectedly danced in your stomach.
“Let me show you around.”
* * *
The house was just as impressive on the inside, and when Josh finally showed you his room, you flopped on his king-sized bed and begged him to never make you leave. He laughed and made you promise not to move a muscle as he dashed out of the room, returning in about 15 minutes with food, drinks, extra pillows, and a stack of DVDs tucked under his chin as he tried to balance it all. He kicked the door shut, nearly spilling a bowl of popcorn he had tucked under his arm.
“Now you’re my prisoner,” he attempted to declare, but given the comical way he was shuffling toward the bed, you could do nothing other than laugh.
As he deposited everything onto the comforter, you asked, “DVDs? Is there even a TV in here?”
“Au contraire, lil lady. Behold!”
Josh walked over to the wall and slid the wooden paneling open, revealing a huge flatscreen. “Ta-da!”
“I really could stay here forever,” you mumbled as you kicked off your shoes and scooted to the top of the bed.  
“But don’t you think you’d be more comfortable in your PJs? Unless, of course, you sleep in the buff? And in that case, you would absolutely be more comfortable in your PJs,” Josh finished as he settled onto the bed next you, his elbow propping him up as he laid on his side to face you.
“If I came out of your bathroom naked, you wouldn’t even know what to do with yourself, Joshua Washington.”
“You’re right. I’d die of happiness,” he confirmed with a smile.
The room felt a lot hotter than it did a moment ago, so you sat up and looked down at Josh, his big green eyes bursting with affection.
“Let’s see how the night goes,” you promised with a sweet kiss to the tip of his nose.
* * *
As it turned out, the night passed chastely. You were a lot more tired than you had thought, and halfway through the first movie, your hand still sitting in the bowl of popcorn, you fell asleep.
When your breathing deepened and it became clear you weren’t going to wake up, Josh chuckled as he removed your hand from the bowl. He cleared off the bed and turned off the TV before snuggling into your side and quickly falling asleep.
Sunlight streaming through a huge window woke you up with a start. For a moment, you forgot where you were until you shifted under the weight of Josh’s arm. You smiled as you felt him stir, the arm wrapped around your waist tightening as he burrowed between your shoulder blades, probably trying to unconsciously hide from the sun.
Squinting, you shuffled out of bed and fiddled with the blinds until you figured out how to draw them. The room darkened to a greyish hue and Josh rolled over, seemingly still asleep. Since you were up, you went in to use the bathroom, and as you washed your hands in the sink, you looked at your reflection.
A slight blush colored your cheeks as you thought about how much you wanted to wake up like this again, preferably after figuring out if the big dick jokes the boys directed at Josh were because he actually was well-endowed or if they were just being idiots.
You had left your bag in here after changing last night, so you dug around for your toiletry case to retrieve your toothbrush.
After adjusting your tank top and sleep shorts, you gave your just-brushed hair a sexy tousle and glanced longingly at your lip gloss container.
“Too much,” you said with a dismissive shake of your head. You piled everything back into your bag, and exited the bathroom, hoping Josh was still asleep.
As you rounded the corner the bathroom was tucked into, you felt that familiar hot flush creep over your cheeks as you took in Josh’s form.
In your absence, he had sprawled out in the middle of the bed. He was on his stomach, his hands tucked under his pillow as he faced away from the window. His chocolatey-colored curls had lost their definition in the night and stood out against his light-grey pillowcase in a wild puff. The blankets were pushed down to his waist and the plain white t-shirt he had worn to bed was pushed up to his midback, exposing an expanse of light brown skin. His legs were spread, one foot sticking out from under the messy pile of blankets and you had to tamp down the temptation to see if he was ticklish.
You slid back into bed and settled on your side so you could face him. Tentatively, you reached out with your finger and ran it gently down his spine. His skin was smooth and the depression of his spine contrasted so deliciously with the strong muscles of his lower back that you wanted nothing more than to trace that indentation with your tongue.
Still touching him lightly, Josh stirred, his arms flexing as he stretched them before lifting his head and turning to look at you.
“Hi,” he said, his grin half-hidden by his bicep.
“Good morning.”
“Sorry. Forgot to pull the blind.”
“So you were awake?”
“Just waiting to see how much of me you’d touch if you thought I was asleep. Pervert,” Josh teased.
You opened your mouth in mock-offense and smacked his shoulder. “Rude.”
He chuckled and stretched again before he wriggled out from the blankets and stood, offering a mumbled, “Be right back,” as he made his way to the bathroom.
Josh wasn’t gone long, but it was long enough for your eyes to slip shut, a smile still on your face as you thought about him.
When you felt the bed dip, your eyes popped open.
“Sleepy girl?” Josh asked, his hand crawling under your tank top to rest on your bare stomach.
The heat radiating from his palm scorched through your body, a pool of arousal settling between your thighs.
“Not anymore,” you whispered as you looked at him, your eyes locked on his as you slid your hand along his arm, resting it on top of his.
Josh pulled his hand from beneath yours, off of your stomach and up to the side of your face. He cupped your cheek and slid closer, his body warm and connected with yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
In answer, you pulled him to you by the front of his shirt, causing both of you to softly sigh as your lips connected and began to move. You both tasted like the spearmint of Josh’s toothpaste, and when his tongue licked along the seam of your lips, you opened for him, the tips of your tongues touching before he dove into your mouth.
You kissed and kissed and kissed until you were both a panting mess, the blankets twisted around your legs, your once-sexily tasseled hair once again a mess, and Josh’s poof of curls even more wild than they had been against his pillow from you running your fingers through them, scraping across his scalp and around the back of his head.
Reaching for the bottom of his t-shirt, you tugged until he detached himself from your mouth so he could pull it the rest of the way off. You seized the momentary lull to push him onto his back, and as you sat up, you pulled off your tank top, Josh’s pupils dilating as he watched your breasts bounce.
Immediately, his hands reached for them, but you pulled back as you wiggled out of your shorts. Josh licked his lips and followed suit, pulling off his sleep pants. You glanced at the outline of his cock beneath his boxer-briefs and smirked.
“They weren’t just jokes,” you mused as you reached out and gripped him, pulling a mix between a moan and a chuckle from his throat.
It was your turn to control the kissing, so you straddled his hips and lowered your body to rest on top of his, once again relishing in the warmth of him and the masculine scent that seemed to be a mixture of expensive cologne and something that was just … Josh.
His hands roamed over your back and your backside, kneading and massaging as you kissed him—lips, jaw, neck, and when you sat up to catch your breath, he begged, “Ride me. Please.”
Again, that electric heat shot through your body and you knew your pussy was a mess for him. He reached up, finally able to wrap his big hands over your breasts, and you leaned back, grinding on his cock as he worked your nipples gently pulling on them before he leaned up to capture one in his mouth.
You shuddered as he sucked, his green eyes looking up at you, full of unabashed want and affection. He moved his mouth to your other nipple and you thought you might spontaneously combust if you didn’t slide his dick inside of your body within the next three breaths.
“Do we need protection? I’m on the pill.”
“Are you asking me if I’m a slut?” Josh said as he nuzzled between your breasts.
“Yes,” you answered, not caring if it sounded callous.
“I’m clean—and you?” he queried, laying back onto his pillows.
“Me too,” you answered before pulling down his underwear and moaning as you palmed his dick.
“Such a big boy,” you praised before looking up at him. “Tell me why we waited this long?”
“How about after we fuck?” Josh suggested, leaning up to tug at your panties.
With a huff of laughter, you slid your underwear off and returned to straddle him, sliding your soaking pussy lips over his cock until it glistened.
A whiny moan slid out from Josh as he watched and his strong hands reached up to grasp your hips and tilt them, the tip of his cock finally sliding inside your body. You adjusted the top half of him, sliding up and down a few times before taking him in all the way, both of you letting out a whoosh of breath once he was fully sheathed.
“Oh my god,” you groaned as your eyes rolled back at the sensation of his big cock. “Wow!”
Josh snorted and gave your ass a light smack.
“See what you were missin’ out on?”  
“Mmm,” you hummed as you began to ride him, slowly and purposefully, not wanting your first time together to be over in a flash.
“You feel so fucking good,” Josh stated as his hands slid over your body. “So good.”
The rhythm you settled into was natural, even lazy, like you had been fucking for years. It felt so right, to be here with Josh, to feel him moving inside of you as you locked eyes, both of you shedding your protective layers and letting yourselves feel exposed, finally knowing that all each of you would see in return would be a sweet tenderness, the kind that could easily turn into love.
“Touch me,” you breathed, leaning back to rest your hands on his thighs so he could have full access to your clit.
Josh’s fingers immediately went to work, stimulating your swollen clit. The sweat blossoming across his brow in tandem with the flush of red settling over his chest told you he was trying his best not to come before you did.
“Come, Josh. Come for me,” you commanded as you clenched your inner walls around him and swirled your hips.
His thumb stuttered across your clit until he couldn’t do anything other than grasp your hips, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass bruisingly as he cried out, his hot cum flooding your pussy while you rode him through his climax.
He looked beautiful as he came, his eyes widening before slamming shut as a series of gravelly groans fell from his parted lips.
Swallowing for breath and still hard inside of you, Josh flipped you onto your back and reached between your thighs, furiously working your clit until you came, clenching around his softening cock.
Josh said something to you, but you couldn’t hear him over the roar of blood in your ears. You shook your head and raised your hand, silently begging him to give you a minute.
Josh placed light kisses across the heated skin of your chest, before shifting slightly so his weight wasn’t crushing you.
“What was it you said?” you asked when you could finally form a sentence.  
Josh looked into your face, smiling. “That good, huh?”
You giggled and smacked his shoulder, again. “That was not what you said.”
His face turned serious as he nodded, clearly building his resolved to repeat his spontaneous emission.
“Will you be my girlfriend? I … I don’t want this to just be a one-time thing.”
You were speechless as your eyes roamed his face, your mind wondering how you got so lucky.
“Yeah. I wanna be your girl, Josh.”
“Fuck yeah!” he yelled, rolling over and pumping his fist into the air before he pulled you back on top of him, his hands tangling in your hair to pull you down for a kiss.
You pulled away after a minute to ask, “Can we cancel the party? Just do this instead?”
“And miss a chance to see you prancing around in a swimsuit for hours, knowing I get to tear it off of you at the end of the night?”
Your body flushed with a familiar warmth as you grinned. “Guess I didn’t think about it like that.”
“I can’t wait to show you off,” Josh whispered against your lips, both of you smiling as you exchanged sweet kisses.      
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hainethehero · 4 years
A big grin breaks Steve's face in two, glowing through his cheeks like a beautiful sunrise or something. He can hear the sound of Billy's Camaro rumbling to a stop in his front yard. His skin breaks out in goosebumps and his heart beats wildly, like an animal trapped in a cage.
It was movie night.
Nothing special, since they've been having nights like these since last Christmas. But tonight was different. Call him a stupid girl obsessing over shit that he shouldn't- but he really couldn't. Not after they'd done the Devil's tango for the first time about two days ago. Of course Billy had gone AWOL after that but he'd called earlier today... said he wanted to talk. It's been the only thing Steve could think about since that time... - that and the fact that he'd had sex with Billy for the first time! He stays replaying all the sounds and tastes in his head over and over again like a reel. He hoped to God that it had been as special for Billy as it had been for him.
His insides still felt soft, sore and mushy from where Billy had pounded into him, thighs burning with every movement of his legs. His pale hips sported several deep, purple, finger-shaped bruises and there were dark hickies colouring his alabaster neck like watercolours. And if he thought about it real hard, he could still feel Billy's hands in his hair, pulling and tugging and fucking yanking on it as he thrust into his tight hole.
God, he thinks, chastising himself for being so horny.
Get a grip Steve! Desperation was never a good look, on anyone.
Billy's suddenly at his front door, not even bothering to knock. No.
He just stands there looking all majestic and super chill in his aviators and leather jacket. Steve pulls the door open with shaky hands and just takes in the eyeful of glorious golden skin and Californian blue eyes. His heart flutters stupidly in his chest and Steve glares down at himself as if to berate his own goddamn heart. His cheeks become inflamed as Billy brushes past him, woodsy cologne filling Steve's senses. He tightens up involuntarily at the scent and slowly closes the door, biting at his lip with a nervous smile.
"H- hey," he mutters dumbly, craving the idea of rushing into Billy's arms but somehow restraining himself.
The blonde simply gazes at him; a kind of heat in his heavily hooded eyes. He's got on a white t-shirt under that black leather jacket, cotton pulled taut across his broad chest. God, Steve is going insane every minute his face isn't buried in Billy's chest. That's his safe place... and that white t-shirt is one of his favorites.
"We need to talk," Billy tells him in that raspy, low and smoky tone.
Steve goes molten between the legs and his heart does some weird kind of flip inside him. How the hell did Billy have so much control over his mind and body? Was that what sex with another guy was like? Or was this just a Billy thing? Because Steve has tasted the blonde once already- literally- ...and he wanted more.
"Yeah, we can," he nods with a grin, "but can we do it in my room? It's already warm in there and out here's like, freezing so-"
"Out here is fine," Billy interrupts, mouth drawn in a tight line and haw clenched tightly.
It's the first indication that maybe this was very serious and Steve hadn't noticed because he was too busy thinking about getting dicked down again.
"Wh- ...what's wrong?"
Billy stares at him, thick brows drawing over his darkened eyes. "I can't do this."
Oh God, Steve's gonna have an aneurysm.
He forces himself to keep his cool, to not instantly turn into some crying, shaking mess that just wants to go down on his knees and beg the other boy to stay. He keeps repeating in his head that it's all just some sick fucking joke on Billy's part and offers the blonde a pained grin but his heart falters when Billy's expression doesn't change.
"I'm leaving town. Tonight."
Steve feels the breath get knocked out of him and this time he takes a quick step forward. "Billy what's going on-??"
Billy takes a step back, growling. "I just told you, I'm leaving."
"That's not- ...What happened? Why are you leaving? Was it your Dad?"
"It wasn't my fucking Dad-"
"Well then tell me!"
"Tell you what?!" Billy shouts, getting in Steve's face now, a deep rumble in the back of his throat.
"Why are you leaving? Why now?" Steve snaps, the pit of his stomach hollowing itself. He's so fucking scared and hurt right now but all he can feel is the hot and cold running all over his damp skin. Hot tears prickle and sting his eyes but he doesn't dare blink for fear of missing Billy for too long.
"No!" Steve screams, "You tell me why you're suddenly moving out of Hawkins! Tell me why! Tell- wait, is it because of me?"
Something in Billy's expression shifts and he looks away, cursing under his breath, fists clenched hard.
"It's not you, don't flatter yourself Harrington."
And that particular statement puts Steve on notice. This couldn't have been Billy talking. His Dad maybe but he'd stopped calling him Harrington whenever they argued. Apparently it sounded too impersonal and not intimate at all. Which is the opposite of how Billy had been cooing and whispering his name the night they'd had sex. He'd even made sure to hold Steve through the worst of his first time, asking him gently whether or not he should pull out, or if he wasn't ready.
A tear slips down his cheek at the now sour memory.
"Then what was it? Is this town too small for you, Mr California? Not enough clueless hick town boys for you to fuck huh?"
Billy takes a menacing step forward and grabs him by the neck. "You're awfully close but no dice, " he snarls, "Unlike you, I actually got into college, so, I'm leaving. You think I want to stay stuck in this backwater town with some nobody who slings ice-cream for a living?"
Steve fights the strong grip, breaking it and taking a heaving step back, shudders wracking through his body. His breath comes out ragged, and pulls back in with a sob.
"What are you saying?" he mutters softly, too afraid to shout or even get angry, because that'll only make Billy leave faster. It always makes them leave.
Billy grunts, "Jesus Christ you want me to spell it out for you? I'm done, Harrington. We're done."
But Steve shakes his head, tears already falling silently from his eyes. His goddamn heart was in his throat.
"You can't do this..." he chokes, feeling sick to his stomach.
"Why can't I?" Billy growls, his face dry and emotionless.
"Because we-" Steve hisses but is cut off by an unexpected cry. He didn't have the strength to say those words right now- couldn't.
Too bad Billy had caught on anyway. "Because we what? Had sex a few days ago? Jesus Harrington, didn't take you for such a pussy. It was just a mindless fuck, didn't think you'd take it to heart. I'm not actually some fucking faggot like you."
Steve shakes his head, "Why are you doing this to me?" he sobs, feeling utterly betrayed.
Every part of his body felt betrayed right now- every single part of him that he'd let Billy touch, kiss and sink his teeth into. A sharp pain stabs him in the chest and then slowly sinks in all the way to his gut. It feels permanent, yet somehow like a terrible dream that he can't seem to wake up from.
Billy turns to leave and he doesn't have the strength to hold him back. Just watches him go through blurry eyes, body shaking with the massive effort it takes to keep from falling to his knees.
"Wheeler was right about you; you're bullshit Harrington."
Steve's knees only hit the floor when the Camaro rumbles off into the distance.
Hardened blue eyes glare back at him from the rearview mirror.
The only sense of accomplishment he felt was that he'd finally put some distance between the monster in his head, and the one thing he loved more than life itself.
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queenofgotham800 · 4 years
(Roman Sionis x Reader)
Requested by: @stardancerluv
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Warnings: Gramatical Errors, Swearing, OOC Roman, OOC Victor
Summary: Roman and (Y/n) have their 5th anniversary and (Y/n) would want to spend it only with Roman in their apartment. Roman is used to give her tons of gifts and take her into expensive restaurants. But this time he calls Victor for help.
(A/n): Sorry it took me so long to write it, but here it is. Hope you will enjoy it 💜
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Getting up from bed early morning wasn't your favourite thing. Today was a big day. It was yours and Romans 5th anniversary. Getting up from bed, you nearly tripped over a big gift packed in blue paper with little hearts all over it. Roman loved to give you expensive gifts, not just on anniversary but every day. And if you two had anniversary, or if it was valentine, birthday, christmas or any other festive day, Roman always nearly drowned you in gifts. Not just one... Many of them. On last anniversary he bought you car, dresses which matched with his suits, vacation in Paris and many more. You were always happy, but you weren't materialistic type so you always told Roman that he doesn't have to buy you such expensive things. He always explained that making you happy, makes him happy too. 
You already packed few gifts for him, but you were sure that he has much much more gifts for you. Not like it was an competition, you wanted to enjoy this day with Roman and only Roman.
As you opened the gift with big bow, you found inside beautifull dresses your favourite collor and high heels shoes matching with them, which were packed in box next to those dresses.
You smiled, becouse Roman also left a note on them.
My dearest (Y/n),
I bought you these dresses on our special day, hope you like them. Please meet me in club, at the place we first met. I'll be waiting.
You put your pajamas down, putting on fancy dress and shoes. After you dressed you went to have some breakfast in kitchen. Roman wasn't there but that was no surprise, he never ate breakfast, only if you made them for him.
He would never reject your delicious food.
On the counter was another gift, new mug with hearts in which was written in initals R+(Y/n). It was so cute that your heart nearly melted. The food was also prepared on it. That was probably Victor's job.
You took the dishes with mug and went to dining room.
"Hey, (Y/n)," Victor greeted you and sat next to you.
"Hey Vic, how are you?" you asked him, slowly sipping tea from new mug.
"I'm good, happy anniversary by the way," he smiled and pointed on the mug, "It's from Roman."
"Yeah thanks, this is so cute," you smiled at both, mug and Victor, "I just wish he... I don't know," you gasped.
"What's wrong (Y/n)," Victor watched your worried expresion.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful, but sometimes I wish he was romantic the other way," you said.
"How?" Victor asked, he was lost in these romantical things.
"Like...Something sweet, not big that would involve just the two of us," you said thinking, "I'm not saying that these gifts are not sweet. They are very sweet, but... You know what I have in mind."
"Yea-No..." Victor mumbled.
"Remember how he bought me tickets to concert?
"Yeah, it was nice," Victor smiled. He met somebody there, but didn't wanted to speak about it.
"But you know... Just for once. Tonight we will probably go to the best restaurant in Gotham," you smiled slowly collecting your dishes from table.
"And if I understand it, you don't want to go," Victor said.
"Well, it's not like I was ungrateful, but you are maybe right. I would like to spend the time with him here, watching movies together, cooking together, I don't know," you said.
"Yeah, I think I understood," Victor said, collecting his dishes.
"Okay, I have to go," you waved to Victor and left to club.
Roman was sitting on the couch you two first met years ago. He was wearing his best suit, smiling at you, like the first time he saw you. Little blush spread across your cheeks when you sat next to him.
"Hi babygirl, how you like these dresses," Roman smiled, pulling you closer to him.
"Roman, I love them, thank you! And thank you for the mug, it so cute," you hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"I have much, much more for you, don't worry," Roman laughed teasing you becouse he knew your oppinion on expensive gifts and you rolled eyes.
"Boss, I... Henry is here," Victor strolled across the club and tapped Roman at shoulder.
"Victor, I... We are celebrating something," Roman frowned on Victor.
"..." Victor was waiting on Roman, speechless.
"Honey, if it's so important I don't mind," you said and gave him kiss. You knew who was Henry, it was one of Romans bussines friends.
"Are you sure babe?" Roman asked and you nodded. Roman smiled and walked with Victor away to the main entry hall of club.
You stayed in club, looking at your phone in thoughts. This is probably going to take hours and hours.
Meanwhile in the entry hall, Victor and Roman exited the club, going to the stage doors back to apartment.
"Thanks for reminding Victor. I nearly forgot," Roman said opening the fridge and taking out of it food.
"She wasn't picking up the food in fr-"
"The fridge? No, I prepared it on the kitchen counter next to your mug," Victor said.
"Great, bring me the bag with projector and technical stuff," Roman said and closed the fridge, "And maybe some picnic basket for the food."
"On my way boss," Victor yelled and ran for these things.
Roman hoped that this idea, which Victor gave him few years back will go well. You were telling that he didn't had to be so generous towards you, that you are not materialistic person. But always when he gave you some gifts, he saw that your eyes sparkled and you were geniuenly happy. He loved seeing you happy.
You were waiting in club, used to these things. Roman had to have some important things to do, that was his work. It came in unexpected times and you completely respected that. He was so bussy that sometimes he just came home at midnight and laid next to you on bed exhausted. He always woke you up, it was not becouse he wanted but his steps were echoing through the whole apartment. When he came exhausted like that, you used to pull him closer to you and play with his hair untill he didn't fall asleep in your arms. He looked so innocent when he slept in your arms.
Your thoughts were interupted with familiar man walking around in club. Where was Roman if Henry was here?
You put your phone back to bag and headed to Henry.
"Henry, welcome in club," you smiled, like nothing was happening.
"Mrs. Sionis," Henry smiled.
"Oh, I already told you to call me (Y/n). Romans friends are also my friends," you were still smiling, "Speaking of Roman, didn't he had some meeting with you today?"
"No, no we met yesterday. Why are you asking?"
You took a deep breath, "Nevermind. Enjoy your time here Henry," smiling, you took a drink from passerby waitress and turned to leave. When you turned away from Henry, your smile fastly dropped and on your face appeared wicked smirk.
It was time for preparations.
"Victor we have to prepare it fast. I don't like the thought of my dearest (Y/n) waiting on me in the club while we should spend that time together," Roman mumbled, walking up to the roof of Black Mask club. Victor was right behind him, taking the basket with food, huge case with projector, candles, radio and blankets. Roman took four pillows and that was all.
"Yeah, yeah boss," Victor nodded, carefully putting the stuff down on roof.
After he put it down, from somewhere sounded the song Everybody loves me-One Republic. Victor lifted eyebrows, while Roman serached for his phone.
Victor smirked, turning his head away from Roman's sight, so he wouldn't see Victors quiet laugh.
After Roman finaly found his phone, he picked it up.
It was you, calling him.
"Hey honey, I have to do also some work, I hope you don't mind. I'll be back as soon as I can. When you finish your job, you know, that appointment with Henry, call me or something," you said.
"Yeah, It's okay babe, I'll wait. Love you," Roman told.
"Love you too honey," you said and cancelled the call.
You didn't knew that somewhere above you are Victor and Roman. They also had no idea that you are under the building, next to the car ready to go for Roman's gift.
You had few gifts for him. Tailor texted you that you can go to pick up the gift for Roman.
Driving through the Gotham City you saw many couples which held hands, hugged and kissed. Your mind was on Roman, what was he doing if he didn't talked with Henry? Maybe something in warehouse... He just didn't wanted to tell you that becouse of the anniversary. Yeah, probably.
"No, Victor you have to put it like this!" Roman yelled on Victor, who was putting the pillows around the blanket on roof.
"Well, you can do it boss. Just land me over that projector," Victor said. Roman was preparing the projector and screen, but he struggled with it more than Victor with decorating.
"Yeah, sure," Roman nodded and placed few candles around the blanket, "You know what Victor... I'm gonna go for another blanket."
"Sure boss," Victor mumbled and whistled as he slowly build pieces of screen together.
Parking in front of tailor shop, you made sure you had sunglasses and cap. You were sorta famous in city, mostly becouse of Roman. Paparazzi were all over the city and you didn't wanted drawing attention now. Roman made sure these people with cameras wouldn't be following you all the time, but there was still more and more of them.
You entered the shop and came to counter.
"Mrs. Sionis," older man greeted you and waved at you.
"Oh- I hoped this would sorta..." you pointed on cap and sunglasses. Surprised that he recognized you.
"I expected you," said the man confused.
"Oh, right," you laughed, "So, I am here becouse of that suit, is it finished?"
"Yes, I wrote it in the text."
Well, this was an uncomfrontable comunication. You cringed at your previous words, but decided to continue confidently.
"Yes, can I see it?"
"Sure, sure," he slowly went to the back of the shop.
You were anxiously tapping with feet, looking at the expensive watches that you got from Roman last year.
"It's here," he told, putting the suit on the counter. It was truly magnificent.
"I hope you got the size right," you mumbled, sliding your fingers across the velvet suit. It was Roman's favourite collor, he didn't had suit like this and he still talked about how much he wanted it.
Your second gift for him was waiting in the trunk of your car.
"Victor, I found five blankets and I couldn't pick just one so I brought them all," Roman came to rooftop, putting those blankets and ground, looking on Victor. Roman was surprised, Victor actually builded the projector and the screen in such short period of time.
"How did you managed to build it so fast?"
"I had a good teacher," Victor smirked.
"Are you talking about the mysterious person from the concert?"
"Maybe," Victor mumbled and looked around, "You know that you need to have computer to play those movies."
"Sure," Roman said and pointed at doors, "Go and get it mister technician."
Running to the car, you put the velvet suit in already prepared big gift box in the trunk, next to the second gift. After closing the trunk you looked on the phone and texted Roman.
Hey honey, I'm going home. Everything is alright in fact great. I can't wait to see you soon <3
-(Y/n). S.
How you sent this message, you drove back to club, parking your car on the usual spot.
Roman looked on his phone and opened your message. He loved to see your initials under it. He also wanted to buy you gloves with your initials. Roman still wants, but not now, he may save that for later. Maybe christmas...
He texted you back.
My dear (Y/n) I can't wait to see you. I'm dealing with something now, but I'll be done any minute. Can't wait to see you too <3
"Boss, I found only this one," Victor came and brought Roman's old laptop.
"Yeah, my old laptop," Roman looked on it, slowly blowing the dust away from it's surface, "I hope it will work."
"I'll try it," Victor took the laptop from Roman, trying the it on the projector. It worked!
You were already in club on the way to apartment, taking those gifts upstairs to the kitchen. Kitchen, since Roman refused to go anywhere near it when you weren't by his side.
"Fuck, these things are not working," Roman broke the last match on the match-box.
"Those never work, that's normal," Victor mumbled, "Wanna lit up candles? You have to use the flamethrower for that."
"What?" Roman turned to Victor with terrified look.
Victor laughed it off and Roman bursted it laugh too.
"On a second I really thought you did it," Roman said.
"Yeah, few times. Nearly lit up the fucking place," Victor laughed and Roman stopped.
"Do we have some matches?" he asked.
"Yeah, they should be in kitchen," Victor told.
"Okay, this time I have to go for them I guess... Freaking pyroman" Roman mumbled, walking to the stairs, watching how Victor couldn't stop laugh at his remark.
You hid the gift boxes under the kitchen counter and heard how is someone walking through the hallway.
Those were Roman's steps, you knew them very well.
Hopefully he's not comming into kitchen, you thought.
Roman was walking to kitchen, anxiously fixing his sleeves. What if (Y/n) was already here, Roman thought. He entered the kitchen to found out that he was right.
"Roman, hey honey, so... How was the job?" you asked, blocking the kitchen counter.
"(Y/n)... Hey babe, it's- well," he laughed and nodded.
"Yeah? I met Henry in club," you said carefully, "You know that whatever happened you can talk with me."
You were both so anxious, it was obvious.
"Yes, yes... Ehm... Have you seen here some matches?" Roman asked you.
"No," you said.
"Or a flamethrower?" Roman smirked.
"What? No, that's not in kitchen. Actually I heard that Victor has few at his apartment," you said. Victor lived right next to your and Roman's apartment for safety reasons, becouse he was Roman's right hand and also becouse he was a great friend.
"So it wasn't a joke... Heh..." Roman lifted eyebrows and left. You turned back to the kitchen counter to check the gifts, but you stopped when Roman's hands touched your hips. His chest was on your back and his head on your neck.
"I love you, (Y/n). After the bussines I want to spend the time with you," Roman whispered in your ear and you smiled, giving him kiss.
After Roman came back to the rooftop, candles were lit and Victor was playing with his knife.
"What? Victor? How?" Roman pointed at candles.
"Oh, I forgot that I had a lighter in pocket," Victor smirked and Roman rolled his eyes.
"She is here Victor what should I do?" Roman asked Victor.
"Well, invite her upstairs. I'll go to take care of the club," Victor said and patted Roman on shoulder.
"Thanks," Roman said. Victor smiled and walked away.
You were still standing in kitchen, thinking if the place under the kitchen counter was good hiding spot for gifts. After you heard Roman's familiar steps echoing through the apartment again, you decided to get to him first. Walking on hallway, you locked the kitchen and put the key in your bag.
"(Y/n), I would love if you would follow me," Roman said, cupping your cheeks.
"Alright" you smiled and followed him to the rooftop.
He opened doors and you smiled in surprise.
"Oh my... Roman, this is so sweet," you turned to him to kiss him.
The scenery was truly romantic. Few blankets on ground, candles around the place, pillows, picnic basket, projector ready to play some movies.
"I cancelled the dinner in restaurant. I hope you don't mind," Roman said. You hugged him, "No. I love this," you smiled and looked at the rooftop.
"You do?" Roman lifted eyebrows.
"Yes I do," you looked up to him and he smiled. You had those sparkles in eyes.
"Let's party then," Roman smiled and poured you wine into glass.
"Alright," you laughed as Roman spilled the wine at himself.
"That is not funny (Y/n)," Roman said, but laughed too. He couldn't resist your sweet laugh. You then got a genius idea.
"Wait here," you smiled and ran to the kitchen, taking your bag with key.
After you came back to roof with box, you found Roman trying to wipe the wine stain away from his suit with napkin.
"Honeey," you smiled, gently shaking with box. He looked up to you, throwing the napkin aside.
You sat next to him and Roman unpatiently unpacked the gift.
"Thank you my dear," Roman looked on his new velvet suit of his favourite collor, "I'm going to get changed, I'm back in second," Roman said, but then his eyes drifted to second gift.
"And what is this?" he asked with smile, taking the second gift out.
"I hope you will like it."
Roman opened the second gift and pulled out of it small model of Rolls royce.
"I love it," Roman leaned closer and gave you small kiss, "I'm gonna go to dress this beautifull suit."
After few hours of spending time with Roman, he asked you, "What do you want to watch?"
You said the name of your favorite movie which Roman also liked.
"Okay babe," Roman gave you kiss.
The movie was running and you leaned on his shoulder. You smiled when you felt his hand gently rubbing your back.
"I love you my dear. Happy anniversary," Roman whispered in your ear and you felt how he put something around your neck. It was beautifull golden necklace with rose.
"When I first saw this, it reminded me of you," Roman smiled. The necklace was truly beautifull.
"Thank you Roman," you smiled and kissed him, "I love you too. Happy anniversary."
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bubblyani · 4 years
More Than Enough
(Rick x Reader)
A Rick (Knight of Cups) Songfic One Shot
Song Used: “More Than Enough” - Alina Baraz
Author’s Note: The more I listened to this song the more I was thinking of this character. So really wanted to write something for him. It was interesting trying to get that same artistic feeling Terence Malik made us feel in the movie with this. Enjoy!
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Your fingers slowly grazed over the phone screen as if they were in contact with the skin of a newborn. Swiping, tapping, you did it all silently. Finally giving the screen one last tap, you waited for the Bluetooth speakers to come alive. Except it did not. 
A wave of concern washed over you. Perhaps the connection was still pending, you thought. But you remained patient, with your eyes glued to the small screen that lay on the table. You gasped in the form of a soft inhalation the moment you felt Rick appear behind you, his head popping over your shoulder to glance.
“What is it?” He asked, with his gentle voice. Wearing a soft smile, you slowly turned to face him.
“You’ll see…” you said, with confidence. Yet, the music did not play. The only sounds your ears could grasp onto were the soothing sounds of the ocean nearby while the warm LA breeze caressed your body.
“It’s this song…” You began, looking down, “that I really like…” you continued, watching your right draw circles in the space between your feet and his. Though you did not show it, you wondered whether there was an error on your device. But that embarrassment quickly washed away, like a crashing wave over the sand the moment the melodic bass began to fill the atmosphere. It was slow but rhythmic, played to the time of a waltz.
“Truthfully it makes more sense now than it ever did before” you added, feeling his eyes watch you with the greatest fascination. There he goes, you thought. Doing that again. Playing the observer. But truthfully, you did not want him to be just that.
You noticed it even on the very first meeting. His eyes were what you could not get over. Never did you imagine to find a pair of eyes like his, in a place so superficial like an After party of your Dance Company’s seasonal recital. In the midst of eyes that had little to none souls left, you were refreshed to see a pair that brimmed in it.
A wealthy sponsor of your Dance Company surprisingly was your mutual acquaintance, introducing Rick as a “fellow brethren in the arts” to you and others that gathered around over chilled glasses of champagne.
“And Y/N? Our star dancer? Oh.. she’s simply the…” Compliments. You heard compliments pouring all over, you felt like you were in need of a raincoat. Even after all these years, You did not have the skin to take it all. Indeed, they were all good. A figurative pat on the back, but an overdose of anything could make anyone uncomfortable. And when your eyes met Rick’s through all the chatter. He truly did see you. So much so you swore you heard his eyes say, “I know…”
Nodding, smiling you were accustomed in sailing through the shallow waters of socialite conversation that was unavoidable. That was how it always went. But the need to escape it always lingered within you. Thankfully, with him around, it did not seem  insufferable. His eyes, they kept company throughout. To the point your eyes had a silent conversation with his. You both laughed, you both cringed, inconspicuously with just your eyes. And by the end of the party you knew in your bones you wanted to see him again. And when he came over to ask you for your number, you were relieved to know he wanted the same.
Only alone were the two of you finally felt liberated to let the conversations flow. Finally, you were not the star of a dance production, or someone’s poster girl. You were just yourself. Rick spoke less than you hoped he would. Or maybe you felt this way because of the secret admiration you possessed for his voice. It moved you. It affected you. It sent tingles down your spine that energized you to talk more than usual. You filled in those silent gaps. With Rick you were at the height of your freedom. Why? You did not know. It could be due to a mutual respect stemming between the two, along with an undeniable attraction. With that attraction also came patience. He had it in abundance, so did you. Yet, that did not hold you back when he politely invited you to stop by his place after your morning date.
Bringing you to where you were, leaning against the table in his living room. The melodic chill wave music brimmed in your ears, as it ushered the vocals to finally begin:
**You got a way with words** **It takes away the hurt** **And it's a blessing and a curse to feel it all**
Looking out to the distance, you took in every word. Every line was a clear reflection of your feelings for him. So coincidental, but true. You merely hoped he would listen intently and comprehend. Slowly, your eyes began to focus on him.
**You got a way with me** **You put me in my place when I'm petty** **Give me what I want when I'm ready** **Always hold it down…**
Sensing his eyes still remained warm, a rush of boldness came over you. With just a few inches between the two, your hand rose up, slithering its way over to his neck, making a turn to end in the back of his head, hoping your fingers would hold on to his hair. Those beautiful brunette locks begged to be played with. And your fingers complied with ease. Pushing your fingers in between, you lightly attempted to scratch his head. Confidence became you when he lowered his head, his eyes closed as if to indulge in the pleasure you provided him. Just the sight of him so peaceful, you suddenly lost track of the song altogether. The words seemed unclear about of the blue, fading into the background while your heart melted by the sight of Rick. You were pleased with your influence over him. With other hand joining in, ten fingers were in a trance of their own as they traveled from his head, running softly over his collarbone down to his chest through the thin, blue cotton shirt. The music may have faded into the background, but that did not stop the both of you from swaying from side to side. You heard him chuckle deeply, reacting to your feathery touch. Bowing your head in apology, you felt embarrassed, decided to rectify the situation by moving your hands away.
Except he stopped you from doing so, by taking your hands in his, only to place them back over his chest whilst finally gazing back at you with earnest. Only then the words of the came ringing back in your delicate ears once more:
**I get lost inside all the stars in your eyes** **It's a galaxy** It was true, you really could. His eyes told a thousand stories that you wanted to be part of. Whilst pondering on that, your own eyes widened slightly as face grew closer, surprising you as he lowered his head once again, brushing his lips against your extended neck.
**You control the tide like the moon in the sky** **Or the gravity**
His lips, they teased you, placing soft kisses on the crook of your neck, that deemed most sensitive. You were tickled by his facial hair, you were even aroused, especially when you sensed a throbbing in between your thighs. He was surely a magician, or at least he was for you. Tilting your head to his side, you brushed your nose against his right temple in sheer desperation, balancing yourself by the effect of his lips, finally listening to the pre-chorus with much clarity:
**Anybody else would be gone by now** **Does it really matter?** **All that really matters**
Desperation came up another level, when you lowered your hands, tempting his to follow. Guiding them over to your waist, you made sure they stayed there. But it seemed there was no need for convincing.
**Second I'm with you, all my love pour out** **Serve it on a platter, all that really matters**
For he pulled you close, standing straight so his eyes could capture yours again. He was like a magnet, you finally allowed yourself to admit. He always was, from the moment you laid eyes on him. Feeling intoxicated without a single drop of alcohol, you felt yourself give in. Your lips cried out in silent desperation, only growing silent the moment his mouth welcomed yours, in a long awaited kiss.
**All that really matters is you keep showing up** **Promise that I'll remind you** **that you are more than enough**
Your bodies kept swaying as the kiss continued, and the music progressed into a melodic vocalise. With his grip on you growing tighter, you felt body press against yours to the most satisfying degree.
“…this was definitely not a ruse to kiss you…i swear” You muttered softly against his lips, with genuine concern. Hands leaving your waist, Rick cupped your face with an expression that was akin to the ray of the morning sun.
“I don’t care” He breathed, assuring you with another kiss, that was longer and hungrier. Patience, had clearly worn thin between the two of you.
**More than enough, More than enough, More than enough**
As the last few repeated lines appeared and faded into the soft music, you paid no attention to what song played next, nor the sky accidentally falling. For being loved by him,  at that very moment, was simply more than enough.
@erika92pu​ @tealaquinn​​
Check my MASTERLIST for More :)
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Accidental Confessions!
Mr. Love Queens Choice boys overhear your thoughts on them. 
You're out for dinner with Anna, Kiki, Willow and Minor and they begin to grill you on your ideal man.
Minor starts it off with, “so, your single and not even looking for a guy. What's up with that?”
Kiki grabs your phone and starts scrolling through your contacts. All you have are Gavin, Victor Lucien, Minor and Kiro. Everyone else is female and they begin guessing who you like. When you hastily grab your phone from her you accidentally hit the dial and as you put it down on the table it happened to dial him....
“Hello MC?”It's then he hears the sound of music and the voices of teasing. 
“Come on MC i’ll bet you go for the tall handsome type am I right?” You turn bright red. “Oooo she is totally blushing. Who do you like?,”Kiki giggles
Victor looks at the phone in his hand and thinks about hanging up but he just has to hear your answer.
“I really do like someone but I could never do anything about it. We work together so it's unprofessional of me to think that way.” 
Victor feels his ears heat up.
“Is it that sexy professor you have who consults on our show? “
 “Nope, it's definitely not Lucien. He’s too sweet to be my type,” you sigh.
“Oh my GOD Kiro, is it kIRO HE TOTALLY HAS THE HOTS FOR YOU ALWAYS SENDING YOU SWEETS AND CUTE THINGS?’”Kiki is practically bouncing in her seat.
Victor is surprised to hear this and bothered by it as well. 
He hears your laugh, “Nope, he’s older than me, not younger.”
Minor pipes up, “I know, It's your high school senior, the one and only Gavin who gave you that charm bracelet you never take off. I mean why else would you always wear jewelry unless it's from a guy you like.”
 Victor is squeezing his phone now angry with himself for not thinking of jewelry as a gift. How could someone else beat him to it. He gave you a camel, who's the idiot now he thinks.
Your frowning, “No, listen guys, it's not Gavin either and the bracelet is for my safety not for love. It has a tracker in it so if I get taken by BS the STF can come get me. It's his job.”
Anna walks in. “What's up?”
“We are trying to guess MC’s crush…”Willow smiles.
Anna pipes up laughing “...and you didn’t guess on the first try? It is obviously Mr. tall dark and handsome himself. Only one man can make her jump through hoops and piss her off all at the same time while she hopelessly pines for him. Duh, it's Victor.” 
Everyone goes quiet looking to you for confirmation and your bright red and not saying a word. 
Minor pipes up “Wow look at how red she is!” 
The girls all laugh,”So MC if you could have him all to yourself what would the first thing you'd want to do with him be?”
Victor smugly thinks she’ll want me to treat her to a date of course!
“I want to spoil him, I feel like he may be the boss and CEO but no one ever really gets close to him. I'd bake him a cake on his birthday or treat him to dinner. Or maybe just curl up on a couch and watch a movie together...you trail off.” 
Victor is bright red now she is way too observant, as he goes to rub his face he accidentally hung up the call. 
The next day he’d be asking you to go see a movie, just the two of you.
“Oh my God MC we all know you like older men…”Kiki teases.
You're shaking your head, “No guys I actually like someone closer to my age.”
Kiro is waiting with baited breath. 
Willow riles you up with, “Officer Gavin take me now…”
Kiros heart drops, he’s met your officer Gavin and he knows just how manly he is compared to himself. He’s feeling pretty defeated. 
You giggle, “Maybe for you Willow but sexy and blonde is more my speed. I am so in love with that sweet sweet voice and his deep ocean eyes, I just want to drown in him forever. The way he can shake his ass I want to grind that man on and off the dance floor. Kiro one hundred percent.”
Kiro had never heard you talk so dirty before he was on cloud 9.
“Ohhh spare some deets, We know you spent a whole week as his stand in manager, living together and all...so what happened?,” Minor pleaded.
You sigh wistfully, hand going to your new pendant. “We did kiss, but nothing else.”
 EEEEE all the girls squeal and Kiro drops his phone in shock hanging up. 
Tomorrow you get a surprise invite to a dessert shop from Kiro himself.
”Come on Kiro all the way,” yelled Kiki. 
“No. I am not actually sure he actually knows my real name and we've known each other for months and he still calls me Ms. Chips.” 
“Gavin because he was your highschool sweetheart right?,” pops Anna.
“God no he was so scary in school and he’s way too strict now. I need someone to treat me like a queen.” 
Lucien smiled at that thinking he knew just how you wanted to be spoiled. 
“Mr CEO himself could totally treat you right…”
Lucien thought he had this in the bag but he should not rule out Victor Li. 
“Yeah,” said Anna, “He does give you lots of presents and takes you out all the time. Dinner’ movies and even Paris, so romantic.”
Lucien had no idea Victor was pursuing you romantically. It made his fist clench and his demeanor crack. 
You scoffed at that, “He thinks i'm an idiot, not ever gonna happen.”
Kiki laughed, ”No guys, this girl likes to roleplay so who better than the illustrious Professor Lucien. I am sure he would play any games you asked him to MC.”
You gasped at Kiki’s blunt words, “Well…he will go comic shopping with me and take me to the most romantic getaways, he humors me all the time no matter how crazy or silly the request.” 
“What?,” Minor protested, “He's such a dork…”
You sighed, “but he's so good at teasing and subtlety and drawing out a slow burn, I want to know how that translates to physical intimacy with him.” 
Anna weighed in, “Teasing edging, maybe some kinky stuff…”
“Anna we are having dinner in public…”you chided.
“So,” Willow laughed. “If that's the case why don't you call him? See if he wants to play a little truth or dare? Maybe we can all go to your place after work. Ask him if he’ll play with us.”
Lucien abruptly hung up heart pounding a mile a minute waiting to see if you would call. 
About an hour later you were knocking on his door. He let you drag him to your place knowing you were putty in his hands as he joined you all for your silly little games.
“This is a prank call isn’t it?,” Gavin stated and when no one answered he was about to hang up but he heard Minor.
”MC we all know your dying to jump Gavin's bones, you can’t even look at him without thinking something dirty,”
Gavin gasped, turning red himself, helplessly listening for your response. 
Willow laughed, “Yup like the time you asked me if cops were allowed to take their handcuffs home.” 
Gavin's eyes went to his handcuffs and then his bed post, swallowing hard.
Kiki piped in “How about the time he saved you at the Kiro concert and you came back in a stupor and all you said was you wished you had the courage to tell him to take you right there?”
Gavin's jaw dropped. He had no idea you were thinking something so indecent.
Anna piped in with her own goofy memory, “or the time she fell asleep at her desk and started moaning his name….Gavin, oh Gavin please.”
God he was both dying inside and jumping for joy that she really liked him. 
Minor laughed “just jump his bones already so we don’t have to suffer with you two anymore.” 
Gavin was thankful he wasn’t there in person; he was dying on the inside. What he wouldn’t give to bury himself in your sweet hot….
Your sweet voice cut off his train of thought, “Gavin's really sweet and such a gentleman and he is so innocent I feel like I would really break him or at least his view on me if he knew I wasn’t so pure. I could never have the conversation with him about kinky sex or say stuff like Hey Gav will you **ck me in the ass tonight. 
Minor and Gavin choked at the same time and the girls giggled. 
“Usually when they are super sweet like that it hides a very different interior. Like you, maybe you're misjudging him before you give yourself the chance.” Anna mused.
Minor smiled “MC he’s so hot for you he would do literally anything you asked. He is already putty in your hands.”
Gavin was ready to throttle Minor so he hung up and dialed his phone. “Hey Minor what are you up to, I just got off shift and need to grab some eats, wanna grab a bite?
Minor laughed, “You got great timing man. Meet me at the hot pot stop.”
“Sure ‘ll be right over,” Gavin grabbed his coat and ran out the door thinking he needed to drag Minor away from you ASAP before he gave you any more crazy ideas. 
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ooohyou · 3 years
Submitted to r/nosleep by u/NemesisLuce
Please support the original author.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. Cute little bookstore in a quaint little town. I love helping customers find the right book for their mood. I love showing cute children’s books to curious kids. I love talking with sales reps and figuring out exactly which new releases to order from them.
I also fucking hate my job.
It was ten minutes past closing time, and I had my brightest, fakest smile on while trying to get the last customer out of my store. No sir, I cannot look up a book on the computer if all you know is the cover was red when you saw a poster for it 5 years ago. No sir, “I think it was about the cold war and a detective who drank too much but maybe it was something else” does not help me at all. Look sir, all my historical thrillers are on this shelf. Does anything ring a bell? No? Was it made into a movie? You don’t know? Oooookaaaay then, I’m sorry to inform you that we are already past closing time, here’s the store number, if you remember the title give us a call and we’ll order it for you if it’s still available. Thank you, good evening to you too sir, goodbye. Yes you have your umbrella, it’s right here in your hand sir. Okay bye bye.
I sighed and gave my cashier the biggest eyeroll I could manage before locking the door and turning over the sign that previously said ‘come in, we’re open!’. I heard the coins clanking in the coin counting machine (do these have a name? I don’t know. Coin counting machine is pretty self-explanatory and I’ve never bothered to check if they were actually called that), signifying that Alice had started to sort her cash drawer. I would only need to take out the profits of the day, make sure she had enough cash for tomorrow, and send her home. I went through the motions mechanically, only thinking about the nap I was about to have in the breakroom. It was going to be glorious. I really needed it if I wanted to be alert for the night shift.
Oh, yeah. We’ve got a night shift here. It’s my store’s most… peculiar aspect. We close at 6pm, but we open again at 11, up until 5am. Then we open again at 10am. So when I said ‘nap’ earlier, I actually meant the first half of my night, since I am working both shifts. Yes, I live in my store. Please buy books instead of reading stuff on the Internet, I would really love to be able to afford another employee.
So there I was, counting money fully on autopilot, daydreaming about drinking a nice cup of herbal tea and hugging my pillow, when Alice said something that ruined my plans.
“I forgot to tell you, something weird happened when you were on break.”
I snapped out of my daydream instantly and shot her a questioning glare.
“Yeah, this old lady came in, looking for something about fairy tales. I showed her the section but she didn’t want to have a look there apparently, and she asked me about something from the back. And I was like ‘do you think we’re hiding books from our customers or something’ so I just told her everything we had was on display in the store but we could order any book we didn’t have if she wanted. And she just shook her head and mumbled something and then she handed me this pamphlet and I was like ‘okay feel free to look around’ and didn’t even look at the pamphlet before shoving it in my pocket because a kid entered the store holding an open juice box and that was a disaster waiting to happen so yeah but that was weird right?”
She had actually run out of breath by the end of her sentence, and I wasn’t surprised. I was pissed though.
“Alice for FUCKS sake. Give me the pamphlet, don’t look at it. I’ll write that you were fired because of the store’s financial situation and give you a glowing recommendation.”
All color drained from the young girl’s face. I wasn’t mad at her, but I was still mad. She was supposed to know the rules. Hell, I even had her train the temps we hired to help around Christmas time. In retrospect, it was a miracle nothing bad had happened.
Okay, I was slightly mad at her. But I really didn’t want to be.
I saw in her eyes that it had finally clicked. She understood the gravity of what she had done, and handed me a crumpled pamphlet from her pocket, making sure to avert her gaze. God damn it. She had one momentary lapse, and it cost me a good cashier. Fucking hell.
“I’m sorry…” she started.
“It’s okay Alice, you didn’t mean to. You were alone on the floor, she was an old bat, it could’ve happened to anyone. You’ll be missed around here, but please don’t visit.”
She nodded. She finally remembered the rules, and she understood that there was no other way.
I put the cash drawer in the safe while she gathered the stuff she had left in the break room. I opened the back door to light a cigarette. She had tears in her eyes as she exited the store. I gave her a smile and clasped her hands in mine.
“You were a good employee, Alice. You’ll do great in a regular bookstore. Don’t doubt yourself and avoid this street for a few weeks. Call me if you run into any trouble, okay?”
“Thank you for the opportunity, boss. I really loved working here.”
“I know you did. Now hurry home. Don’t answer to anyone knocking on your door. Be safe.”
She nodded and scurried away, her backpack bouncing with her steps. I crammed my half-finished cigarette into the already-full-but-I-keep-forgetting-to-empty-it ashtray and went back inside.
The pamphlet was sitting on top of the safe, and as I grabbed it I felt the urge to read it. Nope. In the bin you go. I was accustomed to those old tricks. First rule of working with my clientele is to know when you can’t trust your instincts because something’s fucking with them. Second rule is to trust your instincts. Confusing? Welcome to my life.
So I ended up sitting at my desk typing furiously on my computer instead of napping. I still had a few hours until night shift, but I absolutely had to start interviewing prospective employees in the next couple days – in the meantime I just had to hope one of my part-time employees would like to work a few extra hours. I just have too much work to spend all my time manning the register and keeping the tables neat. While the store isn’t that big, it still is a lot for one person.
I obviously had to update the employee rulebook as well. Just emphasize that you can’t take chances with crazy old people. You never know if they’re truly crazy or something else.
“Never accept anything a customer hands you directly if it’s not (real) money. If they’re promoting something, make them leave any cards, pamphlets, posters at the register. If you end up accepting whatever they gave you, don’t look at it, and come to me immediately.”
Yes, it’s weird. I know it’s weird. Look, I pay my employees a fair enough wage that they make sure to follow the rules. I don’t care if they think I’m crazy. I probably am. It doesn’t matter.
I pressed enter and added:
“If a customer asks if they can see what we have in the back, politely decline and offer them to order whatever book they need. If they persist, come get me.”
God damn it, Alice actually handled this part well. But she grabbed the pamphlet, and I had to protect her.
I don’t write the rules to make my employees better workers. I write them to make sure they survive. The main reason any infraction is cause for termination is that, well, it could be the cause for the actual termination of their existence on Earth. Getting fired from a job is a way better alternative.
Alice accepted the old lady’s pamphlet. It could’ve been anything else. A tissue, a cigarette, a glass of water. She unknowingly made a bargain with whatever the woman was. ‘I gave you something, now I’m free to take something’. Entities like the old lady abide by archaic rules. In a store, this is what applies. I lost a regular day customer that way. The poor lady was watching over her kid, who was merrily making a mess looking through the 3-5 years old section, when a young girl came up to her. “Look miss, look I made a drawing”, she said. My customer grabbed the piece of paper and the girl ran off. A couple days later, posters popped up everywhere in town for a missing toddler.
I was obviously pissed. I’d been waiting to see that little girl again and tell her that business rules applied only between merchant and customers and she had no right to force an innocent, unaware person into a contract. My night clientele is well aware of that, and treasure having a place to find literature enough to not risk jeopardizing the fragile balance between both worlds. Nonhumans can be facetious little shits though, and I’ve never seen that girl again. Some entities enjoy chaos just for the sake of it. This one just danced around the rules, grabbed what she wanted, and ruined two lives. My customer sank into a deep depression and ended up gouging her eyes out during a manic episode. Her toddler was never found, but I don’t think he will grow up to be a respectable, human adult.
I checked the time and decided I could get 2 hours of sleep before having to get the store ready for night shift. So obviously I went to check out who – or what – was knocking on the glass window near the entrance because who needs sleep anyway.
It was an old lady, her wrinkled bloated nose pressed against the glass, her skeletal fingers tapping against it in a rhythmical fashion that was getting on my nerves. She had piercing, blood-injected eyes that were fixed on me and a grin so large it couldn’t possibly be natural.
I didn’t have time to be scared, but I still felt the fear creeping up on my stomach, slowly making its way through my body. No matter how hard I tried to reject it, I couldn’t. Stupid human nature. I adorned my best customer service smile and walked up to the old lady.
“My apologies, you seem to be a bit early. We will be open for business at eleven.”
I didn’t need to yell. I knew she could hear me clearly in spite of the glass separating us.
One… two… three taps on the window. Her already impossibly wide grin grew even wider, revealing rotten teeth sticking out of black, putrid gums. Thick, yellowish saliva was dripping down in strands from her non-existent lips. By the time the corners of her mouth reached her temples, I was sure I would lose my fake confidence and run in the opposite direction. No matter how many times you deal with unnatural entities, being mere centimeters away from a nightmarish mouth full of rot and decay will shake you to your core. I tried to breathe calmly, being secretly thankful for the glass that separated me from what was probably the foulest smell I’d ever submitted my nose to, hoping the old lady would see me standing my ground and respect the rules of business. I could deal with her inside my bookstore, where she would be a customer. I just needed to stay brave and meet her transfixed, unwavering gaze. Her eyes were more blood vessels than pupils, and I found myself focusing on those instead of whatever was moving in her mouth. I did not want to see her tongue, not after seeing the state of her teeth. And I sure as hell did not want to see whatever I clearly caught moving around her mouth if it wasn’t her tongue. No, her eyes were scary but I could deal with them, no matter how unsettling it was to see them bulge in and out of her head in a slow motion, almost as if they were breathing. The glass became foggier and foggier on her side due to her heavy, animalistic panting, but I kept my gaze straight, only catching glimpses of fog and movement in my peripheral visions. If I were to treat her like an animal, I needed to assert myself as the alpha. I don’t yield to rude, entitled customers, and I wouldn’t yield to rude, entitled nonhumans breaching the unspoken contract that allowed them to enjoy my store.
After what felt like forever, she stopped tapping on the window. Her grin reverted back to a normal, almost friendly smile. She blinked, soggy wrinkled eyelids covering those eyes I had stared at for far too long.
“I guess I’ll see you when you’re open, then”. In spite of the glass panel separating us, I felt her putrid breath against my ear as she whispered her parting words.
Just like that, she turned and left.
Understandably, I was not looking forward to seeing her during the night shift. My regular customers were unsettling enough, I did not want to add the batshit-insane-nightmarish-grandma to the list.
I’m a business owner. The customer may not be always right, but they are always my priority. I will have to open tonight, because while some may not consider books to be a necessity, I guarantee you that it is vital not only for my business, but for some of my night customers that I open every night. I complain about my life a lot, but some of them face issues they can’t simply look up on the internet nor ask a friend or even a therapist. They may urgently need something from the night inventory, and I will do my best to provide it for them. I’ve always loved being a bookseller, but helping nonhumans find whatever fits their very specific needs has given me a sense of purpose I’m not ready to give up just yet.
I will open tonight. And I will protect my business and its rules, to ensure that I can open tomorrow night.
(Note: edited some words to fit in with the location LOL)
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goldenavenger02 · 4 years
Peter Parker's Day Off
This story is for the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange and my giftee is @avengersincamphalfbloodstardis so I hope you like it!
Before anyone draws comparisons between this and the fic @marvelous-writer posted a few weeks ago, we've already gotten it worked out, so go read her fic after mine!
Editing and cover credits go to @clover-roseee!
And now, on with the story!
Peter groaned as he woke up, and tried to force himself awake as Morgan jumped the end of his bed again. "I'm up, Morg, I'm up," he replied as rubbed his eyes, forcing himself to sit up. His body and head felt heavy, and he had that general sick feeling, so despite how much Morgan's excitement tended to rub off on him, it didn't this time. In fact, Peter wasn't even sure how he could be excited when his chest was tight and his nose was so stuffed up.
Morgan didn't seem to pick up on how he was feeling, though. "Come on, Petey!" she instead insisted, before hopping off his bed and running out of his room. "Daddy's making blueberry pancakes before we go to the zoo!"
The trip to the zoo had been planned for weeks, and Pepper had even taken a day off to come with (which was a rarity in itself). May had gotten held up at the hospital, too, so it was perfect timing that he stayed with the Starks for the first week of spring break; but while he really wanted to see Morgan lose her mind over lions, tigers, and birds, he still couldn't shake the sick feeling from his body.
"Come on, Petey! Daddy's making blueberry pancakes before we go to the zoo!" She insisted before running out of his room, singing about the trip.
Grabbing his bathrobe off of his closet door, Peter wrapped it around his shoulders and tried to regain some body heat before shuffling down the stairs. The smell of pancakes hit him as he went into the hall, and he knew immediately that his senses were in overdrive.
When he finally made it to the dining room, Morgan was going over some facts she had learned about lions for a school project and Pepper was looking at the news on her phone, but looked up when she saw Peter sit at the table. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked, upon seeing his pale face, and the thin layer of sweat on his forehead.
Peter started to respond, but instead let out a harsh cough into his elbow. That was enough of a reason for Pepper to get up from the table in search of the thermometer. Meanwhile, Morgan got up from her chair and ran into the kitchen area. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, "Petey's sick!"
Flipping the last few pancakes on to the large serving plate, Tony cleaned his hands with a dry washcloth and turned the stove off. Then, once that was done, he turned his attention to Peter and, with Morgan tagging along behind him, made his way over. "See!" Morgan repeated. "He's sick!"
"Yeah, I definitely see what you're talking about." Tony ruffled Morgan's hair before placing a hand against Peter's forehead. "And that's definitely a fever." He sighed before looking down at his daughter. "Sorry, Morguna. Looks like the zoo is gonna have to wait for a few days."
"But we have to go, Daddy!" Morgan fought back. "Mommy took the day off and everything!" Just as it looked like that Tony would have to deal with a tantrum at eight thirty in the morning, Pepper came back in the room with the ear thermometer and gently inserted it into Peter's ear. "Mommy, we have to go to the zoo!"
"Morgan's right," Peter agreed, receiving an enthusiastic grin from her. "I mean, you did take the day off to go with her to the zoo…"
Pepper looked skeptical. "I don't know. I don't feel comfortable leaving you here by yourself."
"Then how about Mr. Stark stays with me?" Peter proposed, taking a moment to cough into his elbow. Pepper, in return, placed a hand on his back. "You guys can send us pictures, and it'll feel like we're right there with you."
Pepper looked to her husband. "Tony? Are you okay with this?" she asked, as the thermometer beeped. She took it out and sighed when the reading revealed Peter had a temperature of 101.8. "Staying here with Peter?"
"'Course. I've got the spider kid, you two go have fun," Tony insisted, before leaning forward and kissing his wife's cheek. "Like he said, just send us lots of photos. Maybe let Morgan feed a giraffe while you're there, too."
Pepper broke apart from the kiss, and went over to grab her tote bag with her sunglasses, camera and Morgan's change purse full of nickels and pennies. "Alright, try and have a good day," she said, after slipping her shoes on. "Feel better, Peter."
Morgan ran up and hugged Tony tightly, and did the same to Peter before heading outside to the car, with Pepper following closely behind. When the car pulled out of the driveway, Tony turned to the resident sick kid. "So, how does crashing on the couch and watching some Star Wars sound?"
"Can we watch something else? I'm regretting getting Morgan obsessed with it," Peter spoke as he stood up from the table, trying to force the sudden headache that was building behind his eyes.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want," Tony insisted as Peter shuffled over to the couch and grabbed the remote. "We should probably get you some Tylenol, though."
Peter nodded, starting to scroll through Netflix. Since Morgan preferred Disney+, he knew he would probably find something he wasn't sick of on there. But his vision was going in in and out, and starting to get spotty, and he was fighting every bone in his body in order to stay awake.
Suddenly Tony appeared beside him, and Peter distantly wondered how he did it. "Here," he said, pouring three white tablets into Peter's right hand, and swapping the remote for a bottle of blue Gatorade with the other. "Take that, and go to bed, kid. I'll find something to watch, you look exhausted."
Dropping the pills into his mouth and washing it down with a swig of Gatorade, Peter wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his bathrobe before doing what he was told. Tony's taste in movies was often better than Morgan's or Pepper's anyway, so he let himself relax and, feeling a blanket being draped over him, allowed the music of whatever Tony had picked lull him to sleep.
"So, what do you wanna see first?" Pepper asked her daughter, as the two climbed out of the car doors. They had spent a little over half an hour driving, and Pepper already had the online map on her phone all ready and set-up. Knowing her daughter, though, she'd probably want to see more of the cuddly animals first, before going to see the creepier ones.
"Hmm…" Morgan hummed and tilted her head as she thought. She definitely wanted to go see the lions, but she was also wondering if they had a penguin exhibit, and maybe a snake one, too. "I dont know! Can we go see the dolphins? Please?"
"Sure." Pepper smiled and gently grasped her daughter's hand in hers, before they made their way inside. "And then we'll go feed the giraffe, like your dad wanted to. Sound good?" She verbalized the plan, trying to make it stick in Morgan's head, but, in reality, she was just wanting to spend some much needed time with her daughter. It was always a rarity when she was able to take time off, and she wanted to make the most of it.
Morgan nodded, but the period of silence was broken by her stopping in front of the snake exhibit. "Mommy, look!" she shouted, bouncing on her heels giddily. "Can we look at these first? Please?"
"Of course." Pepper nodded, took her camera out of her bag, and watched as one of the exhibit employees, per Morgan's request, placed a boa constrictor around her shoulders. "Say cheese on three, sweetie!"
When Peter woke up on the couch, he felt like he could barely breathe through his nose, and could feel the intensity of the pressure in his head. Then, sitting up, he glanced around the room, before trying to peer into the kitchen. "Mr. Stark?" he asked, the stuffiness having apparently spread to his voice with how nasally he sounded. "Are you here?"
"In the kitchen!" the stay at home dad called back. Sighing and flopping back on to the couch, Peter re-covered himself with the blanket Tony draped over him, before he heard a "Shit, that's hot!" and the man himself appeared in the doorway. "Okay," he announced, as he walked over to his sick kid, "I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
Peter smirked. "What's the bad news?"
"Bad news," Tony explained, as he set a plate of soggy charcoal-coloured toast on the table, "is that I burnt your toast, and put too much butter on; so, it's kinda ruined now, kid."
Peter chuckled, as he sat up and, despite how terrible the toast looked, took a bite from it. 'At least Tony tried,' he thought. "And the good news?" he asked.
"The good news is that I ordered soup for later—don't look at me like that!—and that I did manage to make sure your Gatorade stayed cold," Tony said, as he set the half-full Gatorade on the coffee table, right beside where the plate previously was. Then, he had taken a seat near the sick teen's feet and patted his knee. "But, it doesn't matter now. How're you feeling, Pete?"
Peter sat up a bit to place the soggy toast beside the Gatorade, and laid back down against his pillows. "My head still hurts," he muttered, trying to warm himself up as he buried himself beneath the blanket, "'nd I've been kinda feeling sick. There's no other medicine I can take, right?"
Tony shook his head. "'Fraid not, kiddo. And, even if there was, I don't wanna give you mixed medications and have to take you to a hospital, so it's not gonna happen."
Peter groaned.
"But, what I can do is let you see all the pictures Pepper sent me of Morgan." Tony smiled as he pulled out his phone, and swiped on over to his 'Messages' section. "There's even one of her holding a boa constrictor, if you wanna see it."
Peter shook his head, remembering his very bad experience with a snake from years ago. "I think I'll pass on that," he said, before sitting up and glancing over Tony's shoulder. "But is there one of her with a penguin? Or a giraffe?"
Tony nodded, as he passed the phone over, and adjusted the two of them, so Peter was leaning against his side, with his head on his chest. "Oh, yeah," he replied. "Third and fifth one in. My personal favourites, though, are the ones with the sloths and otters."
In response, Peter yawned, and, after scrolling through all the photos, gave the phone back to Tony. He was getting exhausted again, and assumed, as he buried his head into his mentor's chest, that Tony had moved on to watching the videos Pepper had sent him, so he shut his eyes and allowed Morgan's excited squeals to lull him back into a peaceful sleep.
"Alright, honey," Pepper said, smiling, as she fished Morgan's change purse out of her tote bag, "you can pick one thing out from the gift shop, and then we're going to head home." She held her daughter's hand as they approached the small gift shop, located back at the entrance. She was thankful she hadn't lost her daughter when they were visiting the exhibits, but if there was one place where she would lose her, then it was definitely the gift shop.
Morgan took her change purse from her mother's hand, and looked up at her, pleadingly. "Can I get something for Petey, too?" she asked with her adorable, wide eyes. "He's sick and we can get something to make him feel better!"
"Nothing fragile," Pepper negotiated, "and nothing made of glass. Otherwise, you can go nuts and get whatever you want. Deal?" She held her hand up for a high five.
"Deal!" Morgan exclaimed excitedly, as she returned the high-five. Unfortunately, Morgan was five, and that meant she was still rather small, so the high-five ended up being one of those off-beat ones, where they missed each other and ended up mostly slapping the air instead. Pepper still smiled, though, and watched as Morgan made a B-line for the stuffed animals.
'That's a good idea,' she thought to herself. 'Peter would probably prefer cuddling one of those instead of a rubber snake, anyway.'
"Daddy, Daddy, we're home!" Morgan announced, a little over forty-five minutes later, before she slipped off her shoes and bright yellow leather rainjacket at the door. Then, she had resumed running into the kitchen, where she wrapped her arms around her dad's legs. "Mommy and I saw penguins, and sloths, I got to hold a snake!"
Setting down the knife he was using to chop up the peppers and celery, Tony had then dried his hands with a washcloth, before turning and giving his full attention to his daughter. "That's great, Morguna," he replied, as he kneeled down to her level and planted a small kiss atop her head. "But you'll have to tell me everything when Peter wakes up, okay? He still doesn't feel so good, and he needs a lot of rest to get better."
"Okay!" Morgan agreed, happily, before she pulled a grey and white ovaloid object out of her little purse. "We got him a penguin!" She exclaimed, enthusiastically bouncing on her heels once more. "Do you think he'll like it? I hope he likes it!"
Tony nodded, as he ran his hand through his daughter's messy brown hair. "I'm sure he'll love it, Morguna."
"Now, go wash your hands, okay?" Pepper said, as she came up behind her daughter and gently nudged her towards the bathroom. In response, Morgan did as she was told, and Pepper took that chance to heave the groceries up on to the counter, and started putting them away. "Morgan insisted we get juice pops for Peter," she explained, as she opened the freezer and stuffed the box of popsicles inside. "How did things go at home today?"
"Pretty good. He's gotten a bit better since you guys left, but he told me he was feeling sick, so we'll have to keep an eye on him tonight."
"Alright." Pepper smiled and put up the last of the groceries before turning to her husband. "I'm gonna sit in there till dinner is ready." She planted a quick kiss against Tony's cheek before sitting in the armchair that was beside the couch Peter was asleep on, and started to go through some files on her laptop. Days off were always a rarity for her, so she wanted to transfer the photos to her phone, so she could look at them while she was at work.
She looked up when she heard a rustling noise, only to see Morgan come in with the stuffed penguin and put it under Peter's right arm before climbing on the couch and curling up next to him. Watching as Peter unconsciously wrapped his left arm around Morgan, Pepper smiled and waited until her daughter's eyes closed to take a picture.
She'd be thanked, later.
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 15: Fright-day Night
(Halloween Special - from the Flatmate Trilogy: Two Hearts, One Home)
…in which they play treasure hunt on Halloween again.
Word count: 7.1k
Chapter 14: For Better Or Worse - Harry and Niall have a guys night, Y/N starts showing, and Layla loves her wedding dress.
What to expect in this chapter: Baby’s gender (finally) AND the biggest crossover since The Avengers!!! (Jk)
For this chapter, the Flatmate characters will meet Eddie from My Girl (Bambi’s boss). If you want to read the alternative version in which they meet Thea (Bambi in the Wattpad version), CLICK HERE
Harry used to hate the smell of the hospital.
It reminded him of germs and sickness, and that one time he nearly died in a jet ski accident. But now that he was there so often, he'd gotten used to it. He thought he might even like it, because every time he and his wife were there, they would walk out with good news.
"I think it's a girl," Harry blurted while anxiously picking lint from his sleeve, his other hand was squeezing Y/N's. They were in the hospital's waiting room, but he already had a feeling that this might be the best day of his life.
"Why do you think so, baby?" she asked with a smile.
"Mum said if you were more into salty food, you were having a boy, and if it was a girl, then you ate lots of sweet things." He chuckled and nudged her nose with his own. "I just filled your snack drawer with sweets a few days ago, and this morning when I looked at it, it was almost empty!"
"The snack drawer was your idea!"
"Yeah, because you either woke me up at 3 AM asking me to fuck you, or to go out and buy you some sweets. Now that you have your snack drawer, I will only lose sleep for sex."
"God, you're such a teenager." Laughing and shaking her head, Y/N threaded a hand through his hair and said, "guess we'll find out if you're right in half an hour."
Half an hour felt like half a century to Harry. But once it was finally their turn, he thought he might just pass out. He didn't know it was possible to get more agitated than the last time they'd been there, but when he took the same seat and watched his wife lie down on the same examining table, his insides were on fire. It didn't matter what his baby's gender was, because he loved them and his wife, anyway. Still, he was holding his breath and couldn't ignore the shakiness in his limbs.
"Congratulations," said the woman who was rolling the scanning device on Y/N's tummy. "It's a girl."
Those three words coursed through Harry's ears like Adrenaline through his veins. He tingled from his head to his toes, wanting to jump, but he was glued to the chair and his feet were as stiff as a rock.
It's a girl, said the voice in his head. I'm having a baby girl.
Y/N was saying something to him, but all he heard was white noise, while the name was bouncing inside his head. It felt as if there was an explosion in his brain, the good sort, and it took him a few seconds to come back to reality.
"That's Asteria, baby," Y/N said, tears streaming from her eyes though she was laughing.
Harry sniffled as he brought her hand to his mouth to kiss her knuckles a few times. "Hi, Ria," he said to her baby bump. "Your dad is here."
"Congratulations! You are the lucky ones who got invited to our joint bachelor/bachelorette/Halloween party!" Layla raised her glass as if she was making a toast at her wedding, when in reality, she and her friends were sitting in a small cafe. "Thank you, my dear future husband, for coming up with this brilliant idea."
"I came up with it, actually—"
"Shut up, Harry," she snapped at the poor guy and shushed everyone who dared to snicker. "Anyway, where was I? Ahhh, the party. So this year, I'm—"
"We're bringing back our favorite tradition—"
As Layla immediately corrected herself after Niall had corrected her, the Irish man smugly wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, who looked slightly offended for the opposite reaction he'd received. Meanwhile, everyone else was already yawning.
"If she wrote a whole speech about the Halloween game one month prior, imagine how long her wedding vow would be," Louis whispered and fist-bumped Liam while Trix and Y/N were trying not to laugh.
Layla, however, was so passionate about her special party that she just kept going, "our annual Halloween game is back!" she exclaimed and clasped both hands in front of her chest. "It's called 'Fright-day Night'. And Louis will be the host!"
As everyone turned to Louis, who did a tiny bow as if he'd just won an Oscar, Layla added, "in case anyone else's wondering why I didn’t pick one of you, well, y'all fucking sucked."
"I guess I'll...take that as a compliment!" Louis uttered as the corners of his mouth turned up. "We'll have a Halloween party after the game, so make sure you have your costumes ready."
"Yes!" Layla chimed in before Louis could steal her spotlight. "Niall and I will also participate in the game, so we know nothing about the clues or the prizes or where the party will take place. Louis will take care of that. Our only job is to follow his rules and have fun!" She tapped her finger on her lips as the chatter began. "I guess I'm done. Anyone wanna add something?"
Harry raised his hand. "I have something important to announce."
"Put your hand down, Harold. Nothing is more important than my—"
"We've just found out the baby gender."
"Oh my God, what?!" Layla shouted and everyone in the cafe snapped their heads to look at her. She appeared as if she'd seen gold when she turned to Y/N. "Bitch, you should've told me first!"
"Sorry, I was afraid you'd tell everyone else." Y/N smiled. "We wanted to tell you guys ourselves."
"Just tell me now, am I an uncle or an aunt?!" Niall blurted and quickly shook his head when everyone gave him questioning looks. "No, I mean—God! You know what I mean!"
Harry puffed out his chest and cleared his throat. "It's Asteria!"
"Yes!" Layla jumped out of her seat and smacked Liam on the back. "You owed me twenty."
"You made a bet on our baby girl?!"
"Yes!" She giggled despite the look on Harry's face and took the money from Liam, who seemed pretty bitter about losing. "I'm not surprised that I won though. I knew it all along that it was Asteria. I'm her Godmother after all."
"Godmother. Deal with it." She gave Harry the finger and went on, "by the way, I'm calling her Teri. It's gonna be a special thing between Godmother Layla and baby Asteria, so none of you bitches is allowed to call her that."
"Did she just call dibs on our daughter?" Harry whispered to Y/N, who simply laughed and told him Layla was just kidding.
Fall went as quickly as it had arrived. There was only one more day until Halloween.
Layla had gathered the whole group at the same cafe, "so Louis could briefly give us instructions about the game," she had said. But everyone knew it was only an excuse for her to open a discussion about what everyone was going to wear so no two of them would show up in the same costume, "for the group aesthetics," she reasoned.
"Niall and I will be Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday," she cheerfully said, sitting with her back straight and arms crossed on the table, as if she was really princess Ann in the movie. "That means none of you losers can be Audrey Hepburn or a princess. Except for Y/N."
"Why?" Trix pouted.
"Because she's pregnant with my Goddaughter."
"Harry and I will be Flynn Rider and Rapunzel," Y/N said and Trix was smiling again.
"Ooh! The other day I was just telling Liam that you two reminded me of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel because—"
"Um, I have a question," Harry cut her off, raising his hand. "What are Jack and Gemma doing here?"
"What?" He flinched as his wife swatted at his chest and everyone was laughing.
"I'm one of the bridesmaids. Why can't I be here?" Gemma gave him a shrug, arching an eyebrow.
Jack, who was sitting next to her, spoke fast, "Layla told me to come. I have no idea what's going on."
"Well, young Johnny Depp, you are invited to my bachelorette/bachelor/Halloween party because we need an even number of players to play the Halloween game."
"Or we can just not include Gemma." Harry lifted his shoulders in a half shrug and this time it was Gemma who swatted him.
Niall suddenly leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Layla is obsessed with Gemma, so if I were you, I'd shut up before I got uninvited to the wedding."
"I can't get uninvited, I'm the best man."
"Maybe we don't need a best man," Layla said, and Harry gasped, turning to Niall.
"Sorry, mate." Niall pursed his lips unapologetically. "You've chosen Y/N over me many times before."
"You're kidding."
Y/N shushed the boys and started stroking Harry's hair, knowing it'd turn him to a quiet little puppy.
Now that peace had been restored, Louis turned to Jack and Gemma. "Okay, I'm just going to explain again. Every year back in college, we would get together on Halloween for a game of treasure hunt. Each year, we took turns being the host who would come up with clues, the prizes, and the rules of the game. This time, I will be the host. The game is pretty simple. I'll divide you into two teams, and—"
"Wait, we don't get to randomly draw out our team?"
"No, Liam. Harry would cheat again so he could be with Y/N."
"I didn't cheat!"
"Yes, you did," Layla chimed in. "Liam saw you!"
"I did." Liam confirmed. "But I shipped you two so I didn't say anything."
"See? Cheater!" Layla grumbled as Harry flashed a peace sign at her, unapologetically.
"Okay guys, let me finish and you can roast Harry later," said Louis who rolled his eyes in frustration. "So where was I? Aaaah, the teams. Yes, there will be two teams, four persons each. You will find out which team you're in tomorrow night. And I will give each team different clues, the treasure this year is the Halloween party. You find the party, you win."
"Sounds simple." Y/N leaned back in her chair, hands on her belly. "Where are we going to play the game this year?"
"I don't wanna spoil the surprise," Louis told them with a mischievous smile.
"The cemetery?!"
Folding his arms, Louis chuckled at the way Layla's jaw fell open as she looked around the spooky graveyard. Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence, and in this starless misty night, the place looked like a sea of the dead. This could be the opening scene of a classic horror movie, in which a group of stupid people got murdered in a graveyard for playing a stupid Halloween game.
"If I'd known we would play in a cemetery, I would have dressed up as something else to match the aesthetic!" Layla huffed as she smoothed down her skirt.
"What's the point? You're gonna lose, anyway."
"Shut up, you stupid alien!" she glowered at Liam, who couldn't look more offended by the name.
"I am not an alien!" he objected, pointing to his hat. "I'm a space cowboy!"
"Guys, don't yell. Ria has ears now," Harry said as he hugged his wife from behind, hands on her tummy.
Appalled, Trix pointed to Y/N. "If you're Rapunzel then where's your wig?"
"It was itchy, so I took it off," Y/N explained as she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at her pink dress. "But you could still tell that I'm Rapunzel, right?"
"You look just like her," Jack said with a smile, and instinctively, Harry held his wife closer, not even giving her boss the second glance.
Jack was dressed as Jack Dawson, but Harry knew it was him who was the original Jack Dawson. In fact, he was Jack Dawson when he won the game with his wife. This wasn't a competition but Harry thought he'd already won.
"I'm Red Riding Hood," Trix said. "In case anyone's wondering."
"No, we're not wondering. You're literally wearing a red cloak, Trix."
"Layla, don't be mean to Trix," Louis spoke, turning all heads back to him.
"What are you supposed to be?" Liam asked.
"Alastor Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter," he said proudly and adjusted his fake eye. "Probably the coolest costume here."
"You wish," Layla spat, rolling her eyes. "No one could beat Audrey."
The group chatted for a bit while waiting for Gemma, who showed up last. She apologized for being late because she'd had to clean pumpkin guts from her car window. "Typical Halloween prank by the kids in the neighborhood," she said.
"Princess Leia!" Liam exclaimed, pointing to Gemma's space buns.
"Um, yeah." The older Styles chuckled. "Sorry, Layla. I got this costume before you said—"
"No, no, it's totally fine!" Layla shook her head quickly. "That iconic hairstyle totally suits you!"
"Wait, why do all the girls get to be princesses except for me?!"
"Don't worry, Trix," Harry said, pointing to her heart. "Every woman is a princess in here."
"Okay, can Princess Leia or the space cowboy shoot Flynn Rider right now?"
Harry extended his middle finger toward Layla and everyone dissolved in laughter.
Clearing his throat loudly, Louis got all eyes back on him and pulled out a little box from his leather satchel. The box contained eight pieces of paper, each folded in half, on which a player's name was written. "Take the one with your name," he said. "Okay, now open it. Those who see the word 'red' go to my left. Those with 'blue' go to my right."
Harry, Layla, Gemma, and Liam went to the left. Y/N, Niall, Jack, and Trix went to the right.
"Yay! We're on the same team!" Layla squealed as she saw Gemma, who gave the girl an awkward grin, not knowing why Layla was so obsessed with her.
"Harold!" Louis shouted, making Harry and Niall flinch. "Do not switch with Niall this time! I know what color you are!"
"What?! I wasn't gonna do anything!"
"Then step away from the Irish boy!"
Groaning, Harry shoved both hands in his pockets and took a few steps back, frowning at Y/N and Jack on the opposite side. Louis then handed each team another piece of paper. "This is your first clue. It will take you to the next place where the second clue is hidden. Get your cars ready and I'll see you at the party."
As soon as Louis wished them good luck and walked away, Y/N opened her team's first clue and read the riddle aloud to the other members. "There's a man with a crooked smile, his round face is scarred with a knife."
It only took her two seconds to snap her head up to look at Jack. "Jack-o'-lantern!" they said at the same time.
"That one's easy! Let's go find one."
Niall grabbed the hood of Trix's cloak before she could run off without them. "Hold your horses, Red. Every house has one of those, it's Halloween."
Jack nodded to agree. "Maybe it's not an actual Jack-o'-lantern. Louis did say'a place', didn't he?"
"Right!" Y/N exclaimed as she tugged at his sleeve. "There's a small Halloween night market for tourists called Spooky Pumpkins. It's only a five-minute drive from here."
"Great! Let's go!" Trix said as she skipped ahead, and the others quickly followed.
"They're leaving!" Layla whined, stomping her feet like an angry little girl, but nobody on her team paid attention to her.
"Help us think and we'll be able to catch up with them!" said Liam while Harry and Gemma were still analyzing the riddle.
"It's Halloween, we're all afraid. Take your time, but don't be late," Gemma read it aloud once again as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"What the hell does it mean?"
Harry shushed Liam immediately and turned to his sister. "Gem?"
"Take your time," Gemma mumbled as she scrunched up her face. "Take your time, but don't be late. Take your time...don't be—"
"A clock!" Harry snapped his fingers. "This must refer to a clock."
"How are we gonna find a clock in a cemetery, genius?"
"Not here, genius." He glowered at Liam. "Louis said this clue would take us to another place."
"So...clock...Big Ben?" Layla asked.
"No, too far from here." Gemma shook her head. "It has to be somewhere near because it's only the first clue. We have to think smaller."
"There's a vintage clock shop near here. It only takes five minutes to drive there," Liam said and the others all agreed with him.
"Come on, let's go!"
As Harry motioned everyone to follow him and walked ahead of the group, Gemma gave Layla a nudge. "This is about Jack, right?"
"Yup." Layla nodded. "He becomes a dictator when he's jealous. But hey, we can always kill him after we've won."
"I heard that!"
Laughing, she shouted back at Harry, "I wanted you to!"
Y/N hated night markets.
She hated being surrounded by too many strangers. She hated it when someone bumped into her or stepped on her feet and didn't apologize. She hated the distinct voices and laughter as they gave her anxiety and a headache. Being at a night market on its busiest night was a Halloween nightmare coming true. It wasn't really a phobia for Y/N, but it was close, and so she didn't want to be obvious about how uncomfortable she was. She had scared Jack enough when they were stuck in a lift last year. Unfortunately, it wasn't hard to tell that something was bothering her as she was walking so close to his side, basically attached to him.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." She looked up to give him a reassuring grin and changed the subject, "don't you have other plans on Halloween night?"
"I don't even have plans on regular nights."
His answer made her snort. "I mean, working plans. I know you don't hang like the rest of us."
"You said it like it's a bad thing." He chuckled, shaking his head. "But I'm hanging with the rest of you now, aren't I?"
"Yeah, why is that, I wonder?"
"I have a soft spot for you, not gonna lie," Jack answered without thinking, and when he noticed the look on her face, he laughed it off and added, "you're like a little sister to me. That's what I meant."
"Oh? Should I take that as a compliment?" She smiled, and he gave her a shrug.
"Many people would kill to be considered my sister. You're lucky."
Y/N let out a slight laugh as she playfully pushed his shoulder. Before either of them could say anything else, Niall jumped out from nowhere and walked right in the middle. "So..." He threw an arm over Y/N's shoulders, grinning. "What were you talking about?"
Y/N was trying her best not to laugh. "Harry tell you to—"
"Guys?" Trix's voice cut her off. All three of them paused and turned around to find Trix panting as she finally kept up with them. "Shouldn't we stop and look for clues? Why do we keep on walking?"
"We are looking for clues," Y/N said. "We need to find a pumpkin-carving knife."
"Oh, that's very specific."
She immediately shot Niall a glare. "If I want sarcasm, I would rather have Harry on this team."
"Yeah. I miss that sarcastic asshole." Niall sighed.
"Hey, where is Trix?"
Jack's question got both of them to turn their heads, but Trix wasn't there anymore. It was like she had vanished into thin air.
"Trix? Where are you?!"
"Calm down, Y/N. She's probably—"
"Trix?!" Y/N ignored Jack and called louder.
"I'm here, Y/N!"
"Trix!" Y/N let go of a harsh breath and dashed toward the girl. "Where were you going?! Stay close to us, okay?"
"Look what I've found!"
Everyone jumped back when Trix pointed a knife at them.
"Woah! Be careful with that!" Niall hissed, making the girl giggle.
"Chill. I'm not gonna stab you! I'm not Layla! Look!"
Y/N was the one who stepped forward and took the knife from Trix. She peered at the shiny blade to read the tiny words written in permanent ink.
"The paper monsters under your bed, come from the lands inside your head."
Niall's eyes brightened as Y/N handed him the knife. "Our second clue!"
"Well done, Trix!" Jack said, giving Trix the thumbs up. The girl was so proud of her achievement that she couldn't stop bouncing up and down.
"I was just following the guy in the pumpkin mask with the Harry Potter scar and I asked him about the second clue."
"Okay, that was smart. Louis was dressed up as a character from Harry Potter, so it must've been a hint. But it was also dangerous to follow a guy in a mask," Y/N said as she held onto Trix's shoulder. "Do not follow guys in masks, okay? Not when it's night and you're alone. And definitely not on Halloween."
"Oh, okay." Trix batted her eyelashes and gave her an innocent smile.
"Guys, our second clue?" Niall spoke as he waved the knife to get the others' attention. "Any idea what it's trying to say?"
"Should we look under a bed?"
"I don't think 'bed' is our keyword, Trix," said Jack as he took the knife from Niall and reread the riddle a few more times. "Hmm, paper monsters from the lands inside your head..."
"How did Lou come up with these clues!" Y/N cried out, making Niall cackle.
"The dude literally makes a living from designing computer games so..."
"I used to have monsters under my bed," Trix suddenly spoke. "My mother had to read me Alice in Wonderland every night to chase the monsters away."
"Wait, that's it!" Jack's whole face lit up. "Books! We need to find the closest bookstore."
"Paper monsters from the lands inside your head!" Y/N gasped. "Why didn't I think of that? This must refer to horror fiction."
"Yup, horror or fantasy," Jack said with a small smile. "What's the closest bookstore here?"
"I know one! Let's go!" Y/N gestured with a thumb, and the rest hurriedly followed her.
Harry blew out his cheeks as he read the text from Niall and put his phone away. "They've solved their second clue," he told the others.
"Have you been texting with the enemy?" Layla, who was in the backseat with Liam, grumbled at him.
"It's just Niall."
"My husband and your wife are our enemies now. Stop communicating with them."
"Guys, we're here," Gemma announced as she parked the car on the side of the road, in front of their first stop.
The clock shop was so small it blended right in with the rest of the street, probably the reason Harry had driven by it plenty of times yet he had never once noticed it before. He was the first to enter, and the rest followed him in a line because the door wasn't big enough for them to walk through at once.
The place had that spooky charm, it was dull and quiet, no other sound but the chaotic ticking of the clocks. It was exactly how Harry imagined inside a madhouse would sound like.
"Hi, may I help you?" an old lady greeted them at the entrance. In this terrible lightning of the place, her teeth looked yellow and crooked and her face was as pale as a corpse. Layla and Liam were quick to hide behind the Styles and let them do all the talking.
"Hi ma'am..." Harry stepped up to shake her hand. "This may sound stupid but...we're playing this game and we have to solve riddles to—"
"Are you friends with the short skinny boy Lewis?"
"Yes." The lady smiled and adjusted her small glasses. "I love that boy, he comes over to keep me company whenever he's free. Who knew his friends were also such beautiful people. You, young man, look just like a prince."
"Thanks, ma'am." Harry chuckled nervously as she pinched his cheeks. "D-do you mind if we...um...look around?"
"Not at all, dear. Go ahead," said the old lady.
The four of them split to search for their next clues. They checked every corner of the store, and the lady let them do whatever they wanted and take as much time as they needed. When Layla found the piece of paper attached to one of the clocks, the old woman had already fallen asleep in her rocking chair.
"The witch has got a brand new nose, look where she would keep her clothes."
Harry raised an eyebrow. "A witch? Does any of you happen to know a witch?"
"Or someone with a brand new nose," Liam chuckled.
"And a lot of clothes..." Gemma said.
And all three of them turned to look at Layla, whose mouth fell open. "What?! I'm not the witch!"
Liam immediately took a step back to keep a safe distance from Layla before he said, "you got a nose job last year and you'd rather die than be seen wearing the same dress twice. So, yeah..."
"Do you guys call me a witch when I'm not around?"
Layla shot Harry a death glare and his mouth immediately snapped shut.
"Do you live near here?" Gemma asked, and Layla shook her head. "Then it can't be Layla. We don't have much time until midnight so these places must be close to each other."
"Layla's shop is just two blocks away," Harry said as he rolled up his sleeves. "I don't think the clue refers to her closet, because Louis couldn't have broken into her house and hidden stuff in her closet, right? It must be her clothing shop."
"Fuck!" Layla suddenly raised her voice and had to double-check if she'd woken up the lady. Turning back to them, she whispered, "yesterday he told me he was there to buy clothes for his sisters! That sneaky son of a bitch!"
"Okay, that's it! That's our next clue!" Harry said as he checked the time on one of the clocks. "Let's go! If we don't hurry up, Jack will win!"
"Did he say 'Jack' instead of 'they'?" Liam asked, watching Harry bolt to the entrance without waiting for anyone.
"Yup, get used to it," Gemma and Layla said at the same time.
Y/N had been to this bookstore twice with Harry. It wasn't so far from where they used to live back in college. Coming here tonight, she was expecting to see the old lady who always gave her discounts because she adored Y/N and Harry's relationship, but sadly, the lady wasn't there anymore. Instead, they met a young man who looked like he could still be a student.
"Sorry, we're closed," he said, about to turn off the last light when Jack stepped in anyway.
"It says 'open until midnight'." Jack pointed to the chalkboard by the entrance, but the employee gave him a shrug.
"Well, I've got only two employees, very lazy ones, and they didn't even bother to show up tonight."
"Wait, you're the owner of the store?" Trix asked.
"Why's it a surprise?"
"You look like a teenager..."
"Trix," Y/N warned her friend before turning back to the angry man, looking at his name tag. "Eddie, can we just look around for a minute? Um...it's kind of important. Please?"
Eddie seemed reluctant as he eyed them up and eventually drew in a long breath. "Fine. Only because you're polite."
Y/N happily thanked Eddie and followed him into the store. As he turned all the lights back on, Jack and Y/N hurried to the fantasy section while Niall and Trix went to the horror section. Dust collected everywhere as far as they could see. Jack and Y/N had to cover their noses and mouths as they looked through the dirtied shelves and stands.
"How can you work in a place like this?" Y/N asked, glancing at Eddie, who was watching them with his arms dangling at his sides.
"Well, I don't have a choice. It's family business." He hung his head and mumbled, "if only I'd stayed in college..."
"There's a book called 'I have sex with an alien'?" Jack said, making Y/N laugh as she took it and checked the front and back cover.
"I think one of my two employees hid it at the back so no one could see and buy it," Eddie said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyway, do whatever you want, I need to make a phone call."
When he was gone, Jack immediately turned to Y/N. "I would really love to meet those girls," he whispered, and Y/N nodded.
"Me too."
"Hey, guys!"
"Jesus, Niall!" Y/N smacked Niall with the book, causing him to jump away. "Stop doing that!"
"Sorry!" Niall rubbed the sore spot on his arms, his face contorted. "I just wanted to say Trix and I found the clue."
Trix showed up, holding a book and an iPhone 5. "We found these on the top shelf."
"The Haunting Of Hill House," Y/N read the title before looking up and beaming at her friends. "Good job, guys! We're so gonna win!"
"Well, what's on the phone?" Jack asked, and Niall gave him a half shrug.
"Don't know. It requires a passcode to unlock."
"Wait, there's a bookmark." Y/N ranked her fingers through her hair, tucked it behind her ear and then opened the book to where it was marked. On the page was a highlighted sentence that said, 'Journey ends in lovers meeting.'
"That's Shakespeare," Jack pointed out.
"Maybe Shakespeare is the passcode."
"No, it's numbers, Trix." Niall exhaled as he rubbed his chin. "Try Shakespeare's birthday or death day."
Y/N was about to pull out her phone to go on Google, but Jack already entered those numbers.
"No, it's not it," he said, shaking his head and looked up to find the other three gawking at him.
"You know Shakespeare's birthday and death day?" Y/N questioned with her eyes wide.
With a cheeky grin, he smirked. "Well, don't you?"
"Please marry me," Trix blurted, and Jack's startled reaction to her 'proposal' sent both Y/N and Niall into hysterics.
Meanwhile, the other team had just found their third clue in one of the coats in Layla's store.
"Well done, Liam!" Gemma said as she unfolded the piece of paper and read the riddle aloud, "There's a princess in disguise. To find your next clue, just follow the light."
"A princess in disguise?" Gemma raised an eyebrow at Layla. "That's you, right? Princess Anne was in disguise so she could walk around Rome freely."
"It can't be Layla twice. The host is Louis, not Niall," Harry commented, making Layla roll her eyes.
"If Niall was the host, I'd be the princess and Louis would be the witch," she grumbled with her arms crossed over her chest. "Well? If the princess in disguise isn't me then who?"
"Who else could be the princess?"
"A princess but not in disguise," Gemma corrected Liam.
"Princess Leia was disguised as Boush once."
"I'm not wearing a Boush costume, aren't I?"
As the two continued to argue over Star Wars facts, Harry was still mumbling to riddle and trying to solve it on his own. "Follow the light..." He pinched his bottom lip, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "The light...I see the light...and at last, I see the light! Yes!"
Everyone looked at him as he punched the air. "Tangled! It's Tangled! The princess is Rapunzel!"
"Y/N?!" Gemma smacked her forehead.
"Yes!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes sparkled with joy. "My wife is the motherfucking princess in disguise. She is our clue!"
"But she's on the other team," Liam said, shaking his head.
Layla thought for a moment before she raised a finger. "Maybe Louis wants us to meet."
"Yes! We have to go now! Let's go!" Harry was about to run toward the entrance when Gemma grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back to them. "Not so fast, Eugene. We don't know where she is."
"Oh, shit! You're right!" he said and pulled out his phone. "I'll text her."
Gemma gave him a nod to approve. "But don't tell her she's the next clue. Not until we get there."
"Harry just asked me where we are."
"Why are you texting with the enemy?" Niall asked when she showed them the message. Jack, on the other hand, straightened at once.
"Journey ends in lovers meeting." He stared at Y/N intensely. "That's it. You're supposed to meet Harry again and Niall is supposed to meet Layla. That's how this game ends. We're supposed to meet the other team."
"Maybe Harry got a similar clue and he knows we have to meet," Niall said.
Trix gave a slight shrug. "Or he just misses her."
"No, Harry's very competitive," Y/N said, shaking her head. "Jack's right. He wants something from us. Should I let him know we're here?"
"Do it," Jack said and stepped closer to watch her type down the message. "But don't let him know anything about our clue. Wait until they get here."
"When did this place become the tourist attraction?!" Eddie cried out as he watched another group barge into his bookstore.
Harry walked straight toward his wife and gave her a hug. And when Eddie saw him, his eyes went wide. "Hey, has anyone told you that you look like—"
"We don't have time for meet and greet!" Niall interrupted the man and pulled Harry and Y/N apart, pointing a finger to his best friend's face. "No touching until you tell us why you're here."
"He's right. Show us your clue."
"Wow, so this is how it's gonna be, huh?" Harry chuckled as his wife extended her hand toward him, palm up.
"We're still playing the game. Hand me your clue," she demanded.
Harry shoved his hand into his pocket, but Layla stopped him right away, pulling him to the side by his elbow. "Show me yours first," she said, her nose stuck up.
"Guys, I don't know what this is about, but you have one hour until midnight," said Eddie, who patiently checked his watch and blew out his cheeks.
Given no other choice, Y/N pulled out the phone. "We found a phone which requires a passcode. And the clue is a Shakespeare's quote: 'Journey ends in lovers meeting.'"
"Can I have it?" Harry asked and Y/N handed him the device. Everyone went silent as they waited for him to enter the passcode.
"It worked!" He cheered, raising a fist. "I'm in!"
"It worked?!" Layla slapped a hand over her mouth as Niall jumped in joy.
"Holy shit! What?! What's the passcode?"
"Y/N's birthday." Harry grinned at his wife. "Our clue was a princess in disguise and it told us to follow the light."
"Ha. I see the light. Classic." Y/N giggled and pulled Harry's head down to kiss him on the cheek. "My husband is so smart."
"Skip the sentimental bits. We don't have much time left." Layla smacked Harry on the arm, causing him to hiss and jump away. Stealing stole the phone from her brother, Gemma quickly went through the few apps on the home screen.
"Okay. The photo roll is empty. Messages. Empty. Notes. Empty."
"Try recording," Layla spoke, and Gemma tapped on the recording app.
"There's one recording!"
"Yes, wife!" Niall wrapped his arms around Layla and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You're the best!"
"Is this the 'I love my wife' club now? Can the rest of us leave?" Liam joked, making everyone laugh as Layla shot him a death glare.
Gemma immediately shushed them all so she could play the recording. The first few seconds were nothing but silence, but then they heard Louis' voice. He said, "you're almost there, just look for white. Enter the room and claim your prize."
And it ended.
"That was it?" Layla scoffed as she exchanged looks with Y/N. "Look for white?!"
"Yes, that's the keyword," Gemma breathed. "White. What does the color white remind you of?"
"It's Halloween, not Christmas, Liam!"
"You haven't watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, haven't ya?" Eddie spoke and Layla yelled at him to stay out of this.
While everyone was arguing with each other, Y/N subtly pulled Niall aside and whispered to him, "go get your car and wait for us outside."
Though confused, Niall trusted Y/N, so he didn't question her and just snuck out when nobody wasn't looking.
"White, hmm..." Layla trailed off as she shuffled her feet, one arm folded, the other rubbing her chin. "Treasure?"
"Treasure?" Harry chortled. "Our cat?"
Liam and Trix snickered at her answer, but Gemma and Jack were poker-faced.
"No, Layla's got a point," Jack said. "Louis did say the treasure is the party."
"Shit!" Harry cried out, holding his head. "Treasure is with Nam and Nam told me he'd taken tonight off to be with Ben. Treasure is at Ben's place! That's where the party is!"
Gemma groaned as she stomped her foot. "Why didn't I think of that? He gave us the final clue right from the beginning!"
Harry's team hadn't had time to react to the big discovery when his wife and her team shot right through the door. Niall's car was waiting outside, and they drove away in a matter of seconds. It took the others a moment to realize what was happening and all of them dashed off, not accepting defeat.
As the door fell shut in front of his eyes, Eddie was frozen, completely flabbergasted. He needed a minute to process everything and quickly pulled out his phone to make a call.
"Mum? Can you pick me up? I think I just met a cult."
"If we lose because we couldn't find a parking spot, I'd be so pissed," Layla panted as she chased after the others into the building right when Y/N's team was heading toward the lift. The two sides only shared one hostile look as the door opened, and the old lady in the lift was horrified when they all ran toward her. Harry was much faster. He almost got there when he heard Niall shouted, "stop! You're hurting Y/N!" which stopped him immediately.
"Which one of you fucking pushed her—"
"Sucker!" Niall pushed Harry aside, took Y/N's hand and pulled her into the lift with Jack and Trix. It took Harry nearly a second to realize he'd been fooled, but by the time he and the others got to the lift, it had gone to the next floor.
"We can just press the emergency button to stop it!" Liam said, looking frantically from left to right. "Is there one out here?!"
"Don't be fucking crazy. Y/N is afraid of small spaces!" Harry glowered at Liam as he crossed his arms and took a deep breath.
"Now what?" Gemma asked.
"Well, now we...wait for the lift."
"Niall James Horan!" was the first thing Layla shouted when she burst through the door into Ben's flat. She stormed right past the party guests who were clapping for her and grabbed Niall by the arm. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!"
All eyes followed Niall as he was dragged away, until Louis got up on a table and screamed, "party!" And everyone was cheering again.
"Let's hope they won't break up before the wedding," Trix said, but Liam only laughed.
"The only thing that they'll break tonight is a bed."
"Ew, gross!" Gemma cringed, pushing him away.
"Hey, there's a bar!" Jack exclaimed, making Gemma squeal in elation.
"Wanna get a drink?" she asked.
"Yes, please." He tossed his head back and sighed in relief.
The music was earsplittingly loud. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colorful. Harry guessed Ben wasn't kidding when he said he'd go all out with parties. Pushing his way through a room full of people, Harry finally got to where his wife was sitting with Ben and Nam on the couch. Treasure was lying on her lap. The cat was wearing a party hat that said 'I am the Treasure.'
"Punny." Harry chuckled, shaking his head.
When Y/N looked up and saw him, she was overjoyed. She handed the cat to Ben and got to her feet to give him a passionate kiss.
"I'm sorry you lost, baby," she said, nudging his nose with her own as she held his face.
He secured his arms around her waist, smiling against her lips. "Liar, you're not sorry."
"No, I'm so not," she admitted, kissing him. Again, and again, and again...
It was an exciting night, a great party, but it was over too soon for the married couple. They had decided to leave early because they feared loud music would affect their baby girl. The others were way too tipsy to see them sneak out, anyway. Layla and Niall were dancing on the table, apparently enjoying their last night before being married. Liam and Louis were hitting on some girls while Gemma and Jack were karaoke-ing with Nam and Ben. What a beautiful ending for the longest night ever, Harry thought.
"I can't believe the prize was 'friendship'! The only thing this game did was tear us apart!" Harry grumbled as he carried the cat to the lift and pressed the down button. "Baby?"
Turning back, he found Y/N standing still and staring at the door to their old flat. "I miss it, H," she said, smiling at him.
"Yeah, so do I..." He walked over to where she stood, sucking in a breath. "It's been so long."
"I wonder who lives here now."
"Wanna find out?"
"Wait!" She grabbed his wrist before he could ring the doorbell. "We could just ask Ben!"
"What's the fun in that?" Harry said and pressed the doorbell, anyway.
"What the hell, Harry?! We don't know them!"
"Relax, babe. We can just say we got the wrong flat number."
Harry had just finished the sentence, and the door creaked open. The first thing they saw was a face as white as a sheet. They both screamed, causing 'the face' to scream, and the two of them screamed again as they sprinted to the lift the second it arrived.
Breath busting in and out, the woman peeled off her sheet mask and cursed at the crazy couple now that they were gone.
"Aunt Lynn? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. It was just some Halloween pranksters," she said to the person on the phone. "Anyway, tell your boyfriend I said hi."
*Ending explanation for those who don’t read My Girl*: The woman who’s living in the flatmate babies’ old flat is also a character from My Girl - The MC’s aunt. :)
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