#now I have the voice of Sebastian from the Little Mermaid stuck in my head saying “You've gotta pucker up your lips like dis.”
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downtherabbitholewithlucy · 2 years ago
Somethings never change🦆👄
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mermaidmelodyedits · 2 years ago
Melody's Beginning Ch.3
Author Notes: This fanfic is a SEQUEL to my Return to the Sea AU Fanfic where Melody is 19 instead of 12. This story is a retelling of The Little Mermaid 3 with Melody as the protagonist. Previous story has 24 chapters and a prologue.
Chapter 3: How Things Are Done
Melody had been in the expansive throne room once in the past, under very different circumstances. Before she was sneaking in as a servant to steal, now she was swimming in as a princess.
She could hear her grandfather’s voice echoing long before she saw him or even entered the audience chamber.
“Well? Anything to report?”
A voice she was less familiar with replied, “Unfortunately the sprat and the smelt are still squabbling…” the speaker cleared his throat.
As the seven Princesses entered Melody could make out a small red crab riding In a adorable tiny sea shell chariot pulled by two little gold fish. The youngest princess stifled a giggle.
“But not to worry your majesty. I threatened you’d sic the salmon on them.”
King Triton gave a deep hearty laugh, “Oh Sebastian, what would I do without you?”
Sebastian ungracefully disembarked from his chariot to his spot at the King’s side,
“You’d be stuck negotiating with the sprat and the smelt, that I can assure you.”
The mermaids had been unable to stop giggling and chattering all morning, but as they entered the grand hall each fell uncharacteristically quiet.
They lined up before their father one by one in what seemed to be a specific order, one Melody was unsure of. She decided to stay in the middle only for her Aunt Andrina to pull her down to the end. That’s when she realized they went in order of age, Attina first as the eldest, then Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina, and herself. 
In unison they spoke, “Good Morning father.”
Melody’s “Good Morning Grandfather” started too late and awkwardly threw off her Aunt’s synced voices.
Triton cleared his throat before speaking, “Today is perfect for Melody’s first day,”
The teen beamed as the King continued, “Every Saturday we assign the week’s royal duties.” Her smile fell away immediately.
“Let’s see, Attina… I expect your alliance plans to be drawn up soon?”
Melody peeked at her eldest Aunt, noticing her face very visibly falter. “Y-yes father, they should be done soon…”
Her other Aunt’s shifted uncomfortably.
Triton noticed nothing, and continued down the line.“Wonderful, Alana how are stables looking?”
Alana sighed, “The sea horses and dolphin training is taking longer than usual, and this year’s breeding season went… not well.”
Triton sighed, “I wish it was better but no one is more experienced than you Alana.” Alana’s eyes couldn’t meet her father’s. “Adella, how are the reserves looking?”
Confusion and a look of intense thought took over Adella, “Well uh I think the new recruits should balance out the retirees. And umm…” she began counting on her fingers,  Attina gave the slightest shake of her head. Adella continued to struggle, “There are currently uhh..”
Attina spoke up, “There are only 4 generals at the moment, we should have 7…”
Triton shot his eldest a disapproving look, “I believe Adella is in charge of that.”
Attina’s response was swift, “Sorry your majesty.”
Adella looked even more frazzled than before.
“Aquata, how are the sea games coming together?”
Aquata kept a stone face, “Teams are being selected now.”
The approval was evident on Triton’s features, “Yes and how about the upcoming balls?”
“Invitations were sent out yesterday.”
“Wonderful, now then, Arista…”
Aquata boldly spoke up again before her dad could move on. “Father, relating to the sea games, I was hoping to compete on behalf of Atlantica? Prince Thor is competing on behalf of Olympia.” 
Triton ran a hand over his beard, “I will consider it then. Could be a good opportunity…” A small smile danced onto Aquata’s lips, one Adella took careful note of.
The King cleared his throat, “Ahem, now then Arista, how are the gardens doing?”
Arista gave her biggest smile, but the awkwardness made the fakeness evident.
“Coral is doing great this year, no problems there! Barnacles are totally in check, and there are no snapping clams infesting the seaweed beds!” Triton raised an eyebrow.
“Why would there be snapping clams in the sea beds?”
Arista quickly shrugged, “Not sure, but there aren’t any!”
Alana interjected, “Father, the coral is in bloom and I thought maybe we could go for a walk there instead?”
Arista’s smile vanished, and she shouted “No!” Before her dad could even answer.
Everyone shot her a surprised look, and Triton spoke up. “It’s for the best, I have a very important meeting with Marina today. The number of magic artifacts being confiscated inside the city are staggering.”
Alana seemed devastated, “It’s only in bloom once a year.”
Her sisters shushed her, one even whispered to her to clam it.
Sebastian replied on behalf of the king, “Your father said, no.”
Attina gave Alana a harsh message, just loud enough for only them to hear. “Nice job Alana.”
“Let’s see, that just leaves us with Andrina. How has the castle staff been? Anything to report?”
Andrina sighed, “Nothing, as usual…” She whispered the last part quietly enough that only 
Melody heard.
“Perfect, then let’s begin our morning swim. Shall we?”
King Triton rose from his golden throne and each of the girls bowed as he passed them. Melody knew how to curtsy as a human, but her attempt at bowing as a mermaid looked and felt completely awkward.
One by one the mermaids lined up behind their father and followed him out, Melody last in line all the way at the back.
They silently glided through the main halls, and exited the palace through the ornate front entrance. A golden path extending from the castle into the city, completely surrounded by the royal gardens.
Hundreds of merfolk lined the path, and as the royal family appeared there was an uproar of cheers.
Melody overheard her Aunt Andrina whisper to Aunt Adella, “There hasn’t been this many in… like ever.”
Adella whispered back, “Duh, this is the first time anyone in Atlantica has ever seen the human princess…”
Some of the spectators threw purple flower petals as they went by, the tide slowly making them fall like rain. Alex had once told her purple was the family's royal color, and anyone associated with them, like the castle staff, had to wear living lilac flowers. Melody wondered where Alex was right now, was he in the crowds watching her? Or back inside the castle working with the other staff? Was he even in the city at all right now? As usual, her lack of information about him released an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Especially since he and the rest of Atlantica knew more about her past than she herself did.
The procession diverged from the main city road into the private royal gardens, where the public could not follow and a more private portion of their walk could begin. Just before the family disappeared from the public, Melody noticed Adella giving a completely telling look. When she followed her aunt’s gaze she saw the subject was a merman in the crowd, wearing a shark tooth necklace. Melody couldn’t stifle her smile and giggles this time.
The young princess half expected everyone to relax once they were out of the public's eyes, but they stayed silent as ever in their perfect chronological order. If things didn’t loosen up soon Melody was going to go crazy, and wasn’t the point of a family walk to be together?
Melody broke from her place in the back and went up a few spots, “So Auntie Adella, who is shark tooth boy?” All of her aunt’s gave varying levels of laughter in response, some able to hold back their chuckles better than others.
“Uh boy? I think you mean man.” Aquata poked her sister in the side, Adella’s entire body was flushed a bright crimson red. “I’m going to kill you Aquata.”
Melody placed a gentle hand on Adella’s shoulders, “Don’t worry, you were looking at him so hard there is no way he didn’t notice… unless he traded his brain for the ability to enchant a princess.”
None of the mermaids could keep from laughing now, Adella’s face combined with their niece’s unexpected cheekiness was too much.
King Triton on the other hand was not amused, and the girls had been so distracted they hadn’t even noticed someone else had joined them.
The King cleared his throat, “Girls, say good morning to Marina.”
They all went silent and Melody saw an older mermaid beside the king. She was dressed in all purple, even her hair, jewelry, and makeup.
The princesses all bowed, “Good Morning Military Captain Marina.”
The woman seemed to have a very disapproving look etched into her features, one that didn’t seem to be changing anytime soon.
“The Captain and I have some important meetings to attend, you girls are dismissed.”
Another group bow, “Thank you father.”
The mermaids turned their backs to leave, and Melody went to follow them before her grandfather stopped her.
“Melody, could you stay behind? We have some very important issues to discuss.”
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
The Little Mermaid AU! - Sam x fem!reader part 2
Haha, nothing like procrastinating
Here’s part 1 as a refresher to whatever the hell I’m doing. 
(Y/N) slowly peaked her head out of the water, searching for treasures left behind. She had found a few things, including her new prized possession. It reminded her or her father's trident but had four of the pointy things instead of three.
To her right, a fish rubbed up against her side.
"Flounder, there you are." She smiled, running her fingers softly over his scales. She produced the fork from her sack she wore, "Look at this? Isn't it cool? I've seen the humans use these to brush their head hair. Or... It looked like that's what they were using. I'm gonna call it a dingle hopper."
Her fish friend look at her, then back toward deeper water, "Uhh, (Y/N)..."
"What is it?" She thought, trying to remember if she had anything to do today, "Oh no. Oh No!" She started swimming back towards her home, Flounder hot on her heels, "The ceremony!"
(Y/N) swam through the curtain to the throne room where her father at in his throne, flanked by her sisters.
"Well, look who the catfish dragged in." Pallas spat.
Ignoring her sister, (Y/N) bowed her head, "Father, I'm so sorry. I forgot-"
"Young lady, as a result of your behavior-" Father began.
"Reckless behavior!" The royal advisor crab, Sebastian piped in.
"The whole ceremony-"
"Was a disaster! I was the laughing stock of the reef!" Sebastian clicked.
"I had a courtship planned with the prince of the Arabian see but I dropped it all for you!" Triteia shouted.
"No wonder we were mother's favorites!" Pallas sneered.
"Enough!" Triton struck his trident on the ground, silencing the chatter. He moved him thrown to where she was, head still bowed. He lifted it up gently.
"My sweet child, you have such an amazing gift."
"I know," She sighed, meeting his eyes, "I have mother's voice."
"Then please, for her memory's sake."
"Alright, father. I promise." She smiled softly.
"It wasn't her fault really." Flouder bubbled up, "She couldn't have heard the call horns from shore-" He quickly shut his mouth, realizing what he had said.
"The shore?!" Triton bellowed.
"Nothing happened." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers.
"How many times must I tell you?” Triton boomed, “You could have been seen by those barbaric humans!” 
“Father, they’re not barbaric!” 
“They are dangerous. I will be long gone in the muck before I see my youngest daughter snared by some fisher-eater’s hook.” Triton crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I am not a child!” She called back. 
“Don’t you use that tone with me, young lady. As long as you live in this ocean, you’ll obey my rules.” He turned to go back to the throne. 
“But, if you would just listen-” 
“Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the surface again. Is that clear?” He didn’t even look at her, just tossing a glance over his shoulder. Tears pooled up in her eyes, she swam out of the throne room. Flounder came up behind her.  They both swam all the way to her secret cave where she had started collecting her human treasures. 
‘Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Flounder asked. 
She shook her head, “If only I could make him understand.” She sniffled, “I just don’t see things the way he does. I don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.” She swam to one of her shelves, motioning to the various items. 
“I mean, look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat?” She swept her arms out, “Look at this trove, treasures untold. How many wonders can this cavern hold? Looking around here you’re probably think that I have everything that I would need. I’ve got gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatzits. And thingamabobs, I must have twenty of those. But, I want more.” She grabbed a flimsy thin thing that had colored art of people near the beach. 
“I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see them dancing. Walking around on those...feet. Feet. Flipping my fins, I won’t get too far.” She motioned to her tail, “Legs are required for jumping, dancing, walking along down the...what was it? Ah, the street. Up where they walk, run, stay all day in the sun. Wandering free, I wish I could be part of that world.”
She sighed, “What I would give if I could live out of these waters. What I would pay to spend a day warm on the sand. And I betcha on land they understand, bet they don’t reprimand their daughters. Bright young women, sick of swimming and ready to stand.” Flounder only watched her rant, following her around the cave. 
“I’m ready to know what the people know. Ask them my questions and get some answers. Like what’s a fire and why does it...does...burn. I just wish I could be part of the human world.” She sighed, resting on a large rock. 
Suddenly a large crashing brought both of their attention to Sebastian who was scuttling around the cave. 
“Sebastian!?” They both shouted. 
“(Y/N), have you gone mad? How-what-what is all this?” He clicked. 
“It’s my collection. Of things.” She said.
“Ah your collection. Hmm.” He thought a moment, “IF YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT THIS HE’D-”
“You’re not gonna tell him are you?” Flounder swam up to Sebastian. 
“Oh please, Sebastian. He would never understand.” She pleaded. 
“Your highness. You are under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, I’ll take you home and get you something to help you feel better.” As he said this, the cave went black, meaning a ship was passing overhead. With an excited giggle, she started her way up towards the surface, Flounder followed while Sebastian called after her. She swam up until she was looking across the floor of the ship. It seemed the humans were having a little party. They were laughing and music was playing. One of these men was the most handsome creature she had ever seen. He was tall, his hair was longer and a brown color. He had the kindest looking smile. 
A short man with shorter came up to the tall man. 
“Congrats, First mate.” He chuckled, patting his back, Here, I wanted to show you this.” 
The tall man took the picture, “The woman and white case. First picture of our first hunt together. Thanks.” 
“No problem. Bitch.” 
“Jerk.” He chuckled. That must be his name. Bitch. It sounded cool.
From up above, the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled in the sky. 
“SEA STORM! STAND FAST! SECURE THE RIGGING!” One of the man shouted. (Y/N) and Flounder swam a ways from the ship, the violent thrashing of the waves was too dangerous to be around.
 A large wave crashed into the ship, causing the Dean to loose his footing, falling and sliding across the deck, holding onto the bars of the ship top. 
“Dean! Hang on!” The Sam shouted over the wind. 
“WE’RE GOIN DOWN, LADS! GET TO THE BOATS!” The sailors made their way to the boats. Sam went to follow, but his life line to the mast was tangle around his feet. 
“I’m stuck!” He called, but the rest of the sailors had gotten to the life boats. 
“SAM!” Dean called. He was about to call back his brother’s name but the tallest wave he had ever seen crashed down on the ship, plunging him down into the depths. 
(Y/N) watched the ship go down, “Oh no!” She dived down, Flounder calling to her. 
“It’s too dangerous!” He bubbles fell on deaf ears as she swam down into the wreck, seeing the tall man. His eyes were closed and little bubbles came from his lips. She grabbed the sharp silver stick from his belt cutting the rope, grabbing him under his arms and pulling him towards the surface. When they broke the surface, she pulled him all the way into shore, laying him on the beach. The storm had gone as quickly as it came. 
(Y/N) looked over him, brushing wet hair from his face. He looked so peaceful. He suddenly turned his head to the side, coughing up water loudly, taking deep gulping breathes. She pulled away, then came back when he was back on his back, he eyes still closed. 
“Oh what I would give to live where you are. What would I pay to stay here besides you. What do I do to see you smile? Just you and me and I could be part of your world.” She spoke softly, tracing his face.  
Sam slowly opened his eyes a bit, the bright sun making it too hard to see. He could see the outline of someone above him. He could hear a soft, sweet voice humming, the same song that he had heard earlier that day. 
“Sam!” He heard a voice in the distance, the person above him looked in the direction and quickly moving away, followed by a splash in the water. He heard footsteps approaching, Dean kneeling down next to him. 
“Sam! Sam, can you hear me?!” Sam opened his eyes a little more. 
“Yeah, I can hear you. Loud and clear.” 
“You almost gave a heart attack, you know that?” It had been a while since Dean scolded him. 
“There was a girl. She rescued me.” Sam panted, happy to feel the air in his lungs, “She was singing.” 
“Did you drink too much sea water?” Dean raised an eyebrow at him, “Come on, up you go big guy.” Dean helped Sam to his feet, helping him back towards the others while medical helped arrived. 
(Y/N) watched them from behind a stone, Flounder and Sebastian at her sides.
“We just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened. The sea king will never know. You won’t tell him, I won’t tell him. I stay in one piece.” He clicked, snapping his claws nervously. 
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how.” She clutched the photo of the two humans to her chest, “But I know something’s starting right now. Watch and you’ll see. Someday I’ll be part of your world.” She said to herself, following after the crustacean. What she didn’t see, however, were the two eels that had been following and watching them. 
I definitely didn’t only now just make the sequel for this AU it’s fine. I think I’m afraid that these will never be as good as Beauty and the Beast AU
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated! 
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epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years ago
Weekly Recap | September 2-8
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It seems this week’s rec is making up for the short one I had last week XD Enjoy!
PS: if you’re a writer/fanartist and I’ve tagged you on Tumblr, but not Twitter (or vice versa), and you have an account on both platforms, please let me know! It’s probably because I don’t know your username(s) on every platform. 
This Bucky with This Steve by debwalsh/ @debwalsh​ (Actors AU | 1,8K | Not rated): Ascendant star Bucky with washed up but hoping for a comeback Steve...
💙 The Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue (for Magical Creatures) by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Shrunkyclunks, witch Bucky | 5,6K | General): In which Steve Rogers stumbles across the Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue for Magical Creatures, meets a witch named Bucky, accidentally adopts a unicorn, and never wants to leave.
💙 You be yours and I'll be mine by verzacefatale/ @verzacefatale (Post-CW |13K | Explicit): “Oh, god. We got married, didn’t we?” Steve sounds like he’s trying not to panic. “Seems that way,” Bucky says, before he bursts out laughing at the bewildered look on Steve’s face. “Come on, pal. It’s not the end of the world.”
Keep Me by dixons_mama (Evanstan RPF | 1,6K | Explicit): After working endlessly on interviews for Disney, filming 355, and now attending GQ's Men of the Year event, Sebastian is tired down to his bones. Yet, he he finds himself wanting to just be near Chris.
A Pal in the Hand is Worth Two in the Jacuzzi by dixons_mama (PWP | 1,7K | Explicit): Bucky asks for Steve's help getting off, being the good friend (that's also stupidly in love) he is, Steve obliges.
Quicksand's Got No Sense of Humor by paperstorm (Canon | 2,6K | Teen):  And Steve will be okay, because he doesn’t have any other option. It’s only a million tiny cuts all over his body, his heart, his soul, slowly bleeding him dry. How could be not be okay, when Bucky’s been through so much worse. (💙 Part 1 of Under the Dome)
Through the Monsoon by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Post-CW | 3,1K | Mature): Steve’s expression is blank, empty, except for his eyes. A hardened, cold, unfeeling look is in his eyes, as they stare unseeing into the space in front of him. Bucky knows how this goes. It isn’t a regular occurrence, it's only happened a few times in the last half-year, but it isn’t good. Steve is an expert at shaking things off – which is either fortunate or unfortunate, depending on who’s asked about it – so when he can’t, it means things went really wrong. (💙 Part 3 of Under the Dome)
A Lifetime is Never Enough by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Post-CW | 3K | Mature): Bucky reaches for him with his hand, eyes still closed, and Steve curls up against his side. Bucky’s arm goes around him, fingers sliding up to tangle in Steve’s hair. The sleep-warmed skin of his neck is a heavenly place for Steve to rest his forehead, tension going out of his limbs and greedily breathing in Bucky’s smell, his warmth, the safety his bed offers. (💙 Part 4 of Under the Dome)
Chasing The Light by paperstorm/ @paper-storm​ (Endgame fix-it | 7K | Mature): “The thing about you and me?” Bucky says, "is that the world isn’t as stubborn as we are. You’re right, I can’t promise it won’t separate us again. But I can promise we’ll find each other again if it does. Because we always do.” (💙 Part 5 of Under the Dome)
like rum on a fire by mcwho (PWP | 1,4K | Explicit): “You’re the one who wanted to see how far I could push you. You know how I like to follow orders, Buck,” Steve tells him, teasing drawl to his voice because Steve Rogers has never followed a goddamn order in his goddamn life up ‘til right about now.
Flaws by dixons_mama (PWP | 1,3K | Explicit): Steve catches Bucky scrutinizing his body, and while trying to reassure him, feels and smut ensue.
Recompense by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Endgame fix-it | 2K | Not rated): When Steve Rogers travels to Vormir to return the Soul Stone, he’s greeted with an unexpected choice that will change his life.
Warmth by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Modern AU | 5,3K | Mature): When Bucky Barnes receives the report that there is a guy lost on his mountain, he’s not prepared for the complications that ensue.
Wheels by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Modern AU | 2,3K | Not rated): Teacher Steve Rogers is ready to settle into a lounger and enjoy his neighbor Natasha’s pool when he finds himself staring at the most beautiful man he’d ever seen already lounging with intent.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? by debwalsh/ @debwalsh (Shrunkyclunks | 1,6K | Teen): Steve moves into an apartment with a Captain America impersonator, and Bucky is the building super, and gets them mixed up.
💙 it takes a lot to know a man by kittyandmulder, steebadore (Modern AU |39K | Explicit): Bucky flips to the next page, and the world around him grinds to a halt as his brain struggles to process what he's seeing. The noise of the train fades and static fills the inside of his head as he looks down at the sketches of the metal-armed guy without the mask. It's—that's him. It's Bucky's own goddamn face staring back at him from this stranger's sketchbook."What the fuck."
Double Trouble by HeroicPinups, kittyandmulder/ @kittyandmulder​ (PWP, Steve/Bucky/Steve | 2,7K | Explicit): Bucky finds himself stuck in a super soldier sandwich. How unfortunate.
💙 time on my hands (could be time spent with you) by thedoubteriswise/ @thedoubteriswise​ (Post-CW | 23K | Mature): There’s no reason to be nervous. Steve’s just going to go see his best friend. This is Bucky, for God's sake, what could there possibly be to be nervous about? It's only been a little over a month since Bucky went under. He'd practically seen him yesterday.
Reading in progress
💙 Servitum by justanotherStonyfan/ @justanotherstonyfan (canon-divergent, Shrunkyclunks | 43K | Explicit): Steve's affection can be huge, almost palpable. His desire to take care of James can be overwhelming. But James can't think of a point so far where Steve's been overwhelming that he hasn't enjoyed immensely - and if they can roleplay some lifelong memories out of a spanking session, a shibari tutorial, and a carefully lit table, he's pretty sure providing Steve with the opportunity to do something he may not even be aware of wanting should go down a treat, and make for a pretty awesome afternoon. ( 💙Part 28 of the Honey Honey series)
💙 Cakes & Balances by mambo/ @whtaft (POTUS Steve | 16K | 8/? | Teen): It’s kind of hard to date the cute baker from down the street when you’re the President of the United States of America. But Steve Rogers will make it work.
oh the glory of it all by hitlikehammers (Post-Endgame | 4K | 1/23 | Mature): They end up stumbling almost unexpectedly into the white-picket-fence, apple-pie life they used to dream of. Except it’s not like that at all.
💙 An Escort's Guide to Navigating Tricky Work Relationships by Hopeless--Geek (wuzzy90)/ @hopelessartgeek​, Mystrana/ @mystrana​ (Escort AU | 24K | 4/5 | Explicit): Steve is an outspoken leader of the fight for escort legalization. He wants to show the world that they have relationships just like everyone else, but hasn’t dated in the past five years because he’s been so busy with work. Bucky’s still not quite recovered from a bad relationship with a boyfriend who degraded his choice of work. And while he can define professional boundaries like it’s his job (it is), Bucky’s not great at handling his personal life. A story of navigating tricky work relationships.
💙 This Side of the Blue by notlucy/ @notlucy (Mermaid AU | 121K | 33/44 | Explicit): A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend. Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
💙 Political Animals by crinklefries/ @spacerenegades​, Deisderium/ @deisderium (Modern AU, politics | 29K | 4/9 | Explicit): Okay, so the real problem is that you shouldn’t fuck your arch-rival, political enemy, and the person you loathe the most in the world where you work. Or like, at least, you shouldn’t keep doing that.
💙 straight from your heart by luninosity/ @luninosity​ (Stucky in Wakanda | 10K | Explicit): Steve doesn’t mean to have the orgasm. Not exactly. Not the first time, anyway.
💙 Tinder Is the Night by rohkeutta/ @rohkeutta​ (Modern AU, Tinder | 7K | Explicit): It’s the quality that gets him first. The profile photo looks like it's been taken with a semi-professional camera: it's sharp and remarkably unposed compared to most people on Tinder. The guy in the photo is the size of a fucking fridge but with Marilyn Monroe’s waistline, accentuated by the way he’s standing half-twisted towards the camera. He’s also in the process of getting arrested.
💙 If Only In My Dreams by odetteandodile (Modern AU | 28K | Teen): Bucky is a highly successful cooking and lifestyle blogger, the gay New England Pioneer Woman if you will. He writes all about life in his Connecticut home with his D.H. (darling husband). Only problem? It’s all complete fiction. When his agent Sam informs him that he's been offered an exclusive sponsorship deal with Stark Media and a three book contract to go with it, Bucky's forced to fess up to Sam, who's predictably...displeased. But Sam's also convinced the deal is too good to miss—even if they have to put on a little bit of a show in order to get it. So Tony and Pepper descend on Bucky and Sam's fake home for Christmas with a devastatingly handsome War Hero in tow, and their already complicated plan quickly gets even more complicated as Bucky finds himself falling head over heels for Steve. Can he keep it together just for the holidays? Did he ever have it together in the first place?
💙 took my love, took it down by LaughsAtThunder (Post-WS | 31K | Explicit): The problem, Bucky thinks now that he has most of his memories back, is that his whole entire world has always revolved around Steve Rogers. Steve has been always been half of Bucky’s identity. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ best friend. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ wingman. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ teammate. And now, well, now Steve had other people to fill those positions. And of course, of course he’d always been a little bit in love with Steve. So when he overhears Steve telling Natasha that he’s finally found someone he’d like to date, someone with similar life experience, Bucky clings blindly to the hope that maybe, just maybe, Steve is talking about him.
💙 Sex, Drugs, & Needles by OhCaptainMyCaptain/ @ohcaptainmycaptain1918​ (Modern AU, tattoo artist Bucky | 38K | Explicit): Bucky's a bit of a masochist in that sense – needles and the buzz of a tattoo gun have always turned him on... It’s even worse that this client is what they call a ‘needle virgin’. Doesn’t appear to have a piercing anywhere on him, and he’s already made it clear that he has no prior ink. Bucky’s always found something inherently sexy about being the first person to introduce another to that experience. He has absolutely no problem popping this guy's needle cherry.
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redhoodsjacket · 6 years ago
Splash - Tony Stark
Soooo... First time I’m writting a Tony Stark thing. Tell me what you think. Also this is a part of the mutant serie.
Mutant serie masterlist
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader
Genre: Comedy/bit of action
Word count: 2377
Warnings: The usual, y’know, language, attempt of murder by drowning, whatever.
Disclaimers: So this happens BEFORE the IW Nanotech suit
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"Where am I?"  You didn't even flinch when the startled gasp resonated on the stone walls of the cavern. Tony Stark looked frantically around until his eyes stopped on you. "Who are you? Where am I? And what in hell are you doing to my suit?"  You slowly looked up from the metallic boot on your laps and gave him a small smile. "I'm (Y/N), you're in a cave somewhere in the south of the Mexican Gulf and I am fixing your left thruster" You answered calmly. His eyes scanned the small space once again, still not reassured. You went back to your fixing. "How did I even get here?"  You weren't watching him, but you just knew he was trying to stand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" You warned. "You hit your head pretty badly on the coral reefs when you hit the bottom of the Gulf. You might be concussed"
He sat up anyway and you rolled your eyes. What else could you expect from Tony Stark? "How did I get here?" He repeated with a warning edge to his voice. You sighed and looked up once again, not threatened at all.  "Simple" You shrugged. "I brought you here before water entered the suit and drowned you" "Are-" He flinched, holding his forehead in pain. "Are you some kind of recreational diver or whatever?" "Do you see any diving equipment?" You raised an eyebrow with a sly smile. "I- I... There's none" He drew his eyebrows together in confusion. "Who are you again?" "I'm guessing that by that, you meant to ask me 'what' I am rather than who" You corrected, and the look in his eyes confirmed it. "Am I a bad guy? Did I kidnap you? Am I some sort of sea monster?"  "Yeah I'd like to know all of that" He nodded, then hissed in pain again.  "No to all three" You replied. "Well, more like not that I think of, definitely not and depends on your definition of sea monster really" "So, you live here?" He asked again.  You eyed him with humour, wanting to play with him a bit. "What would you do if I said yes?" His eyes went wide. "This is your lair? How long have you been away from society? How do you even have tools to repair a thruster?" You couldn't help but laugh at his questions, not able to continue on with your plan. "I actually live in a small house in Miami" You admitted. "This is just a cave I like to come to. My chill cave if you will. I've been away from society from approximately an hour, when I got back home to get these tools" He blinked slowly, then laid on his back again. "What the fuck" "You tell me" You scoffed. "You ain't the one who can turn into a freaking mermaid" "How does one even becomes a mermaid?" He mumbled in disbelief. "Apparently, by drowning" You said as you went back to the piece of mechanic. "I was a pilot in the army back then. It was a test flight over the gulf, until something went wrong with the engine. It sent me spiralling down into the water, and my ejecting seat was stuck. So I crashed into the water, and when I thought I was gonna die, surprise! I can breathe again" "Wow" He breathed. "That's... Unfortunate? Sorry" "Meh" You shrugged. "It wasn't bad, once the initial shock that I had grown a fish tail and gills passed. Beside, I'm like, super strong and fast when I'm in the water. Could sink a military ship, I tell ya" "Wait" He turned his head toward you. "Have you tried to do it before?" "No" You snorted. "But I wish I had. I only punched through the heavy steel of my jet to get out of there" "Why are you telling me all of this?" He frowned. "Usually people like to keep their special abilities a secret" "Who are you gonna tell?" You asked sarcastically. "The guy who turns into a giant green monster, or the guy that was turned into a super soldier back in World War 2 and survived 70 years in the ice?" "I could tell the press" He blurted out. "Oh sure you could" You grinned. "I can already see the headlines: "Tony Stark kidnapped by a mutant mermaid". That would be quite the news, wouldn't it?" "Stop being a smartass would you?" He snapped. "And also stop touching my suit! I doubt a mermaid is qualified to handle it" You playfully raised an eyebrow, lifting your hand in surrender. "You know that mermaid isn't my job right?" "Then what is it?" He pressed. "Mechanical engineer" Your smile widened. "For the army. I fix military jets for a living" He paused, his glare not leaving you. He understood that you might have been qualified to fix his thruster, after all. "... Is it just the thruster that was damaged?" "Not exactly" You said as you reached for his helmet and left blaster. "The blaster cracked and water got in. I drained it and cleaned the salt, and did my best to recalibrate it. I don't exactly have a lab here. Then your helmet wouldn't close, but that was because a piece of coral got stuck into the mechanism. That was easy to fix" "Wait" He sprung up again. "I was being chased by this psychopath-" "Yeah, I figured. They came for you but scattered when I showed up, mermaid style and all" You explained. "That's why I brought you here to recover, so they wouldn't find you" "Oh" He sighed in relief. "Uh. Thanks. I guess" "You're welcome" You chuckled. "It's not every day you get to save Tony Stark" "Saving?" He repeated, offended. "I didn't need saving" "Alright then..." You trailed off. "It's not every day you get to rescue Tony Stark" "That's worse!" He exclaimed as you busted with laughter. "No you don't get to say you rescued me!"  "Alright Mr. Big Shot, no rescue then" You said when you caught back your breath. "By the way, you really should have pressure released floaters in there in case you crash into the ocean again" You suggested. "You have a parachute, but that's not good in water now is it?" "Did you snoop around my suit?" He asked yet again. "No. I mean I did, but only because I wanted to check if there wasn't any more coral damage" You justified yourself. "Those fuckers are beautiful, but a major pain in the ass" "Alright whatever so is it fixed?" He asked hurriedly.  "Do I smell that much of fish?" You joked, but he didn't laugh. "Okay fine Mr. Grumpy Billionaire. Your suit is fixed"  You pressed the thruster's core back in the booth, and just like that it was functional again. He snatched the pieces out of your hands and he shakily stood up, making his way to the rest of the suit. He started to put it back on himself, careful not to slip on the humid rocks and moss. He was almost done, but then he paused before putting his helmet on. "Thank you" "You're welcome" You smirked. He put his helmet and looked down at the crystal clear water. You called after him before he jumped. "Hey Megatron! Don't forget me" "That will be very hard to, Ariel" You nodded with a laugh as he jumped feet first into the water, disappearing under the surface. ///// 1 Year Later ///// "You better speak little girl" A rugged man with foul breath crouched in front of you. You were tied on a chair in a humid room, with two armed goons at the door plus two flanking that annoying man. "Or you'll die a painful death" "Won't I die anyway?" You asked, feigning innocence. "Oh you will" He smirked. "But telling us where are your little friends will grant you a quick, painless death" "Okay" You nodded. "You can still go fuck yourself though. I ain't telling you a thing my good bitch" He chuckled dryly, looking away. Then his hand came into hard contact with your cheek. He gripped your jaw and forced it up so you could look at him directly. "What's even your power uh?" He asked. "Surely they wouldn't have sent a simple whore to do the job" You tried to smile through his grip. "Ih a ehhaid" You poorly managed to say, so he released your jaw. "Ah, thanks. As I was saying, I'm a mermaid" He stayed stoic for a second, before he and his good erupted in laughter. You joined in with your fakest laugh.  "Of course you are" He grinned wickedly. "So you won't have any problem with drowning, would you?"  You masked all feeling of smugness at managing your plan and forced your eyes to widen in fear. He nodded at his goons, who now flanked you. The man walked to the sink in the corner and started filling it while you were taken by the arms and lifted up easily.  "No wait!" You resisted, trashing around in their grip. "Please, don't do this" "Should have thought about it before playing all smartass, darlin" He mocked. "No! No please" You cried as the guards tightened their grip around your arms. They brought you to him, hovering your head above the water.  "Let's get this over with" He ordered, and your head was plunged under the surface. You trashed like you were truly choking and drowning. But you just allowed your gills to take their place on your neck and counted the seconds to move around the expected amount of time before going still. When you did, they released you and left you in the water. You vaguely heard them say they'd come back for the body, followed by the door closing. You waited another minute to be sure, but the room was dead quiet. You were alone.  You used your half shift strength to break the tie wrap with one hard tug, then retracted your gills and pulled yourself out of the water. You dried your face on your sleeve and grabbed the earplug in your pocket, turning it on and putting it in your ear.  "Ariel in position" You said with a satisfied smile. "Sebastian?" "Hell yeah baby" Tony exclaimed. "I can't believe you pulled that off"  "Of course I did" You huffed as you took off your wet shirt. Your shape shifting accommodating tactical suit was conveniently under. "Prince Eric?"  "Ready to go" Steve answered his cue, and you could hear the laughter in his voice at the nickname. "Wait, how does HE get to be Eric?" Tony spoke again. "I'M your boyfriend" "Sorry Tones, Rogers plays the part better" You teased. "Besides, you’re the one with the hard shell"  "We'll talk about this later" He grumbled. "Sure" You rolled your eyes. "Flounder? Scuttle?"  "In position" Nat confirmed. "You know, I'm really digging these codenames" Clint interjected. "Who would have thought?" "That's all Tony" You said. "And Triton? How are we looking?" "We are looking good" Bruce spoke, clearly entertained by these exchanges. "All paths are clear around your position" "Perfect" You nodded. "I'm going out in three, two..." You shut up and opened the door quietly, stepping outside in the hallway. You made your way out of the maze undetected and took the main staircase to go up. That ship was large, but it was similar to any other military ship you've been on before.  Steve, Nat and Clint were there to clear your path while you extracted the latest Peace Nobel Prize recipient from the hostage situation. Terrorists had taken him on a ship financed by shady organizations, but you were right there to intervene.  You managed to get to the room he was kept in, where two big guys were guarding the door. They noticed you and immediately pointed their guns at you. "Who are you?" One barked. You slowly held up your hands in surrender. "I'm Ariel" You said cautiously. "My father Triton has all the powers of the sea"  You hinted, and right at that moment the lights went off. You took your three seconds of darkness to cross the distance and disarm them. As the lights flickered back on, all that was left to do was to knock them out cold. "Thanks Triton" You huffed. "May I have the door now, please?" "Right away" Bruce replied, and the access pad flashed green in front of your eyes. "You're welcome"  You pushed the door open, to see the man you had to extract in poor shape and terrified. "I'm here to get you out of this hell" You nodded toward the hallway. "Come" He didn't hesitated as he followed you out. You took a second to grab the knocked out guard's glock, then guided the Nobel Prize up to the deck. Tony was already waiting for you there, securing the parameter. "Hi honey" He greeted, then turned toward the man. "Sir" "Hi babe. When is the chopper set to arrive?" You asked, shielding the man in between you and Tony, just in case.  "In twelve sec..." He trailed off as heavy footsteps approached your position. Soon enough, a small army was closing on you.  "We don't have that time! Take him!" You yelled, still facing the terrorists.  "But-" "I'll get out, now go!" You ordered, and he complied. You felt him take off with the man behind you, and you backed up until you hit the rail. Soon enough, you were surrounded. You dropped your weapon and kicked it overboard.  The man who ordered your execution pushed his way to the front of the crowd and looked at you with disbelief. "How the fuck did you survive?" "I told you" You smirked. "I'm a mermaid" "I'll make sure you don't survive this time" He grunted as he took one step forward. "Who said you'll get another chance?" You challenged.  "You're surrounded, little girl" He snorted. "How are you gonna even escape?" "You'll sea" You winked and you threw yourself overboard backward.  The last thing you heard before water ruined your earpiece was your boyfriend's discouraged sigh. "I'm in love with the biggest drama queen"
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docholligay · 8 years ago
Under the Sea
The commission for @yamadara87 this month! I hope you like it! If you’d like more of my writing, including a new Mystery and Shadow to be dropped tomorrow, check me out at my Patreon! 2012 words. 
Michiru Kaioh, whenever asked what she would like for her birthday, smiled and said she was too old for anything too dramatic, and that she would very likely go to dinner with Haruka, perhaps take in a play.
What she did not say was that mostly, she simply wished to be left alone.
The last party she remembered having was her 16th, thrown by her parents to fete her burgeoning womanhood, or so the story goes. It had been the same as all her parents’ other parties, with lavish decor, champagne flowing, a cake decorated in the most lavish and expensive way possible, floral arrangements with crystal details, live music, and all the empty fineries of the world.
The first party she remembered wanting was when she was four. She had wanted a Little Mermaid party, and her parents had agreed. For weeks, she had looked forward to seeing the bright haired singing mermaid atop her cake, with her loveable yellow and blue friend, and the grumpy crab that always made her laugh.
When the day came, her 4th birthday party varied precious little from her 16th, the only nod to Michiru’s request the decor on the cake, mermaids singing on the shoreline and even they invoked Waterhouse in smooth lines and soothing colors, with none of the technicolor glow that entranced Michiru’s little heart.
And so, on that day, she learned that birthday parties were never for her, and always for others, and she dropped them as soon as socially permissible.
“Anyway that’s why I’m not throwing her a birthday party,” Haruka said, weaving some version of the above tale, “I never do. She hates it.”
“Okay, but I love an excuse to use Michiru’s black card,” Mina leaned over on the couch and grabbed a chicken strip from Haruka’s plate, “you never do what I want to do.”
Haruka withdrew her plate. “Get your own!”
“All this lesbian selfishness.” She shook her head as she gnawed on the chicken strip. “So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know,” Haruka dipped her strip in ketchup thoughtfully, “You know, Michiru’s the reason I stopped hating my birthday. I wish--I wish I could do that with parties for her.”
“Ah well,” Mina slumped back into the couch. “She’ll like whatever you do.”
Haruka shrugged, disappointed. “Yeah.”
One of Mina’s finest strengths was her own control of her element. Other people might not have said this of her, but, then again, others were not available of what her element really was. But she had seen it clearly the day she began to swing a chain made of other people’s hearts, and few people realized that Rei was not the only one with a deft skill and a subtle hand at her trade.
A normal person might have simply bought festively colored plates, commissioned a cake, and set about buying invitations. But Mina had often observed that most people did not live with the idea of a challenge, and, in any case, perhaps the greatest act of kindness she could bestow upon Michiru was not forcing her to thank Mina for anything.
Also she couldn’t see any of the senshi helping out of the goodness of their hearts, unless she played it off just right.
Luckily, again, her element sparkled.
And so it took her very little time to set the events of her triumph in motion.
“Did you know Michiru’s birthday’s coming up?” Mina looked over at Usagi halfway, then turned back to her magazine.
“Yes!” Usagi answered brightly, and then puzzled. “Wonder what we should get her.”
“Yeah,” Mina turned the page disinterestedly, “Just gotta find a good time to give it to her. Because she never has parties, she got too disappointed when she was a kid. Broke her heart.”
“I’m not sure I think that’s physically possible, Mina.” Ami did not look up from her homework.
“Oh Ami, it’s an expression! She doesn’t mean her PHYSICAL heart!” Usagi laughed brightly, but Ami did not correct herself, and Usagi turned to Mina. “What happened when she was a kid?”
“Oh, she never talks about it,” Mina set down the magazine she had never been reading, “But when she was a little girl, she adored the Little Mermaid. It makes sense, doesn’t it, each of us remembering our past lives, each remembering how we would be drawn to you? It was something she didn’t know yet but her heart must have seen,” she touched her fingers to her chest, her eyes far off, and Rei huffed heavily and rolled her eyes, “must have known she was connected to the water. She was promised this party. Oh, she was so excited, Usagi! Imagine little Michiru, clutching a stuffed Flounder, waiting for her own magical tale under the sea!” She gripped Usagi’s hands in her own, as Usagi’s eyes grew wide.
“But?” Usagi nodded
“The day came,” Mina’s voice grew sad, “and for all the glitter and glitz...it was never meant to be her party. No Ariel, no Sebastian, No Flounder. They didn’t even invite any of her friends, just her parents associates and Michiru, poor little Michiru, OUR OWN little mermaid, was so filled with anguish that she cried under the stairs, HER OWN OCEAN against her cheeks.”
If she could have seen the look the other three girls were giving her, she might have been ashamed.
But probably not.
Usagi snapped to attention, the perfect soldier Mina knew she could be, when the battle was aligned to her unique abilities. “Mako!”
Mako looked up, already knowing her fate.
“Your food is the best! I know it’d make Michiru so happy if you made a Little Mermaid cake for her, so that’s your job!” She nodded crisply, and then leaned toward Mako and smiled as if apologizing for becoming the terrible general. “I’ll let you pick the flavors, because everyone knows you know flavors best, and everyone will love it but especially Michiru, I know you’ll do great!”
It was impossible to disappoint Usagi in the face of such a compliment, and so Mako simply nodded, and could not help herself from mentally arranging a perfect party spread.
“Minako!” Usagi whirled and pointed to her. “You know parties, and drinks! You get all the punch and maybe a little champagne but not too much!”
“Aye aye, captain.” She saluted, with every intention in her mind of getting too much champagne.
“Genius Ami!” Usagi jumped toward her, bursting with excitement. “You figure out a SUPER clever way to get her to come to Mako’s apartment!”
“Are we using Mako’s apartment?” She asked cautiously.
“Of course we are!” Usagi smiled brightly. “Where else would we go?”
Ami did not answer, simply shrugged and shared a knowing glance with Mako.
“And Rei!” She was most excited now of all. “You know Michiru really well, so you can help me decorate elegantly!”
Rei crossed her arms. “Then you should just let me do it, Usagi, you think elegance is tinsel scattered all over the tables with a bunch of fake rose petals.”
“Michiru loves roses, REI!” Usagi scowled.
“Not ugly fake ones from the craft store.”
“You’re so mean to me and I’m just trying to do something nice for Michiru!”
“I’m trying to help you do it RIGHT.”
“I know things Rei! It’s supposed to be a Little mermaid party not a fancy thing, didn’t you hear Mina’s story!”
Mina smiled and leaned back against the wall of Usagi’s room. All according to plan.
Michiru was not easily touched. The sea was a cold thing, she had often reflected. She wondered, often, if she had been born this way, or if she had built this this stone wall around the garden of her heart, brick by brick, protecting herself from the many slings and arrows of a fortune so outrageous Shakespeare knew not of it.
And yet. With the brightly colored banner, Usagi’s renderings of Flounder and Sebastian framing Michiru’s name, the imprints deep in the paper from where she had pressed so hard as she drew, putting such effort into it. The food was beautiful, dumplings arranged beautifully with thematic fillings, a cake with her technicolor mermaid, no deep oil colors to be found, framed in the middle of the table.
Usagi set a rhinestone tiara on her head, glittering with teal and purple jewels, a purple glittering cameo set in the middle of it, framed by enamel shells.
“It’s the fancy Little Mermaid crown! I went to DisneySea to pick it up for you, Michiru!” Usagi clapped her hands together with delight.
“I’m sure that’s the only reason you went, and not to get pizza spring rolls.” Rei snapped, a glass of teal fizzy punch in her hand.
“It was!” Usagi protested loudly.
Michiru was ever so grateful for their bickering, which kept her from thinking too deeply on the subject of all the effort that had been laid out for her, that kept her from dwelling too much on the tiny girl inside of her that jumped for joy at seeing the green tulle and fake fishnet against the wall, the brightly colored party hats on the table, of feeling as if someone had listened.
Haruka put an arm around her, and popped a crab dumpling in her mouth. “Shebashtain’s delischious.” She swallowed. “This is really great, guys!”
Michiru looked up at her. “You didn’t do this?”
Haruka shook her head. “I rented us a sailboat for tomorrow afternoon. There’s cake there too, though.”
Michiru looked up again, unable to imagine that these girls who were quite stuck with her more than anything, by an accident of fate, had pooled together their resources and wherewithal simply to make her happy. She had never been overly expressive with them--she was a creature
who lived by the checkbook more than the heart, she often thought, and that was all she knew how to do.
But somehow these girls had seen what she meant, when she offered them concert tickets or dinners out.
“Thank you so very much.” She looked around, pretending to survey the party once more, but pointedly meeting no one’s gaze. “I,” she adjusted the tiara on her head, “I am not certain what I should say.”
“Do you like it?” Usagi asked, for a moment seemingly worried she might not.
“It is the birthday I’ve always wanted.” She gratefully took a cup of punch from Mako’s hand. “I cannot believe the effort you put it.”
“Well, you’re one of us, Michiru!” Usagi grabbed a plate from the table. “So we had to make sure you had a good birthday!”
She smiled honestly, a small band of white showing at her lips. “I cannot express how grateful I feel. Truly.”
She made a note in the back of her head, however, that Mako seemed to need a new stand mixer, that Usagi would very likely enjoy a box of the fine imported chocolates her parents got, and Rei seemed to be in need of a fine evening out.
She would simply tell Haruka to go have fun with Mina, on her credit card.
She sat at the table as a lit cake was put in front of her, and somewhere deep under the sea, Michiru felt warm.
In the corner, Haruka grinned brightly and poked Mina in the shoulder. “You did something nice for miiiichiiiiruuuuuuu.”
Mina looked away from her and sipped her punch, which was mostly just champagne, by her own pour. “The fact that we managed to separate your heart crystal from the talisman itself is really inconvenient for me, have I mentioned that?”
“You did something nice for miiichiiiiiruuuuuuuuu.” Haruka leaned onto her shoulder.
“I did something nice for you, you homosexual ingrate. Michiru was just my pawn.” She swatted at her face.
“I love you too, Mina.” Haruka leaned against the wall and popped another dumpling in her mouth.
“Fucking lesbians.” She shook her head.
But she smiled, just shaded enough so no one could see, at the glisten of Michiru’s eyes in the candlelight.
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discoverthevibe-blog · 7 years ago
Music and My Family
My family’s music tastes and experiences have definitely influenced me, especially now that I’m in college with what some people call a “music god complex.” Below are just a few of the many examples of that!
My dad really got me interested in classic rock, which I really appreciate, despite my lack of knowledge about the genre! (He still teases me about the fact that I don’t have a favorite Eagles or Bruce Springsteen song!) When we still lived in North Carolina, back when I was in preschool, I remember him playing the popular Beatles’ album 1 in the car, and it’s still one of my favorite albums of all time all due to my emotional attachment to it! Now, when we’re in the car, he often plays the Sirius XM radio station, 70′s on 7. It’s definitely interesting to hear what he listened to back when he was a teenager, but it’s not so entertaining to hear his singing voice. It’s endearing to a certain point, but my dad’s not hosting any concerts for his amazing singing voice in the future!!!!
My mom wasn’t around as much as my dad because she’s a doctor and a bit busy saving lives all the time, so while I wasn’t introduced to as much music from her like I was with my dad, I still have many fond memories about being with her and listening to music. She really likes Carole King and the musical The King and I, and she sings songs from them a lot while at home! As a young lass, she’d play a lot of Disney soundtracks in the car for me, like The Little Mermaid before swimming lessons and Aladdin while going to the store! When I’m in the car with her nowadays, she plays Sara Bareilles a lot, and we sing “Kaleidoscope Heart” at least 3 times in a row because she really likes hearing all of the acapella parts!
My sister listens to the Top 40 hits a lot of the time, which I don’t quite understand because I don’t really like it. However, on the rare occasion when I actually like a song that’s super popular at the time, I’ll totally dance around the room and sing the lyrics with her until we fall on the floor from running out of breath! (She’s actually gotten “Despacito” stuck in my head more times than I can count because that’s all that she sings nowadays, despite my protests!!!)
My brother is sort of a wild card when it comes to music taste. He doesn’t really listen to the popular music of the day like most 15 year olds (and no he’s not a weird hipster like me, surprisingly!) He really listens to a lot of 70′s and 80′s music! A song that I hear often emanating from his room is “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley, it’s not even ironic!!! He genuinely enjoys the Rick Roll song, guys, how crazy is that?! He also really likes it when I play La La Land on my record player, so we like to hang out in my room and hum/ sing along to the music. The only problem with that is that my sister cries every time we play the epilogue to that movie because she still thinks (SPOILER ALERT) that Sebastian and Mia are meant to be!
My family is very big on going to concerts and seeing musicals live, so I’ve been very lucky to see and meet some incredible musicians! My mom’s interested in Broadway like me, and we’ve seen Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Avenue Q, Beautiful, The Book of Mormon, and tons of other shows together! In Dear Evan Hansen, we cried a total of 15 times, combined! (Okay, I cried 13 times, don’t judge...) She’s also taken me to see Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson, which have been completely amazing experiences! Now with my dad, he’s a bit more picky with what people we see together, but most recently we went to go see Michael Franti and Spearhead together! I got to hug Michael Franti during the concert, and overall, it was the most feel-good concert I’ve ever been to in my life! I couldn’t stop smiling the entire time, even though I didn’t know much of his music!
I’m super lucky to live very close to my grandparents, and that helped spark my interest in instruments, especially piano! My grandma learned to play piano when she was young, and she can still sight read incredibly well! I remember being little and having her play “Somewhere Out There” from the movie American Tail; I’d sing along to the music, and I became enchanted with music right from that moment on. My siblings and I actually began learning the piano when I was in middle school, and they were in elementary school. While my sister quickly gave up on mastering the instrument, my brother and I would practice often, and we actually became semi-decent piano players! In some recitals, we would even play duets together, and although we argued a lot about who had more room on the piano bench, we had lots of fun doing it! Neither of us take piano lessons now, and while my brother has kinda given up on learning music in its entirety, I’ve continued by learning guitar and ukulele!
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