#nothing much to say about the assclass one lol
pissfizz · 1 year
ik nothing abt assclass but please elaborate on your au if you would like to👁️👁️
OK YES OFC!!!!! Sorry for late response I was waiting until school got out lol
Ok so the premise of assassination classroom is as follows: kunugigaoka junior high is a private college prep school notorious for having an extremely hard curriculum and extremely smart students. It is a school of the elite minded, and all the students are faced with an aggressive pressure to excel. The school has a class for third years called 3-E, dubbed the “End Class”. If your grades drop too far, or you show behavioral problems, or disobey school protocol even, you will be shipped off to this class, which is located in the old rickety school building up a mountain and surrounded by forest, just off the main campus. These children can’t participate in extracurriculars, are given no facilities or accommodations, and are faced with intense discrimination and bullying from other students and teachers. They are used as a threat to keep the other students motivation high. You don’t want to end up in E class. And then one year, the moon explodes. The next day, class 3E’s teacher is gone, and replaced with a giant yellow octopus. This is korosensei, the being who blew up the moon, and can travel at Mach 20 speed, can regenerate limbs, and has plans to blow up the earth in exactly a year. His one request was to the teacher of this class for unknown reasons. The government allowed this, since they would then have tabs on him for most of every weekday. They want to kill him before his deadline, and so they tell the kids that since they’ll be around him every day until then, they will be tasked with the job of killing him. However, his teaching and the assassination motivation gives these kids hope and they actually begin to grow and progress. He genuinely cares about these kids and is an amazing teacher. With help from government agent tadaomi karasuma and assassin irina jelavic (aka professor bitch), these kids attempt to assassinate their teacher all while balancing their hellish school life and trying to overcome hardships.
My au is about toya if he were in this class. He is just beginning his rebellion against his father, and is just learning how to navigate it. He begins to do whatever he can to defy his father, and so he purposefully starts failing classes to distance himself from the image of what his father wants him to be. A lot of his personal development comes from realizing that he is his own person, and he doesn’t have to sacrifice things that he loves or that is a part of him just because it’s related to his father.
Also I am going with that white hair from stress hc I saw awhile ago because I LOVE it, so as the year goes on his hair lightens a lot until it’s almost at the point it is in canon by the end of the year. And also. Toya is interesting. Especially in middle school and as a child. I think his time with tsukasa and saki is very formative to him, and he really internalizes a lot of what tsukasa says since he idolizes him so much. He’s very… pure of heart for lack of better term. He believes at first that they can convince korosensei not to blow up the earth by showing him love and friendship, and is almost optimistic in a lot of ways. He clashes a lot with the more realistic and pessimistic members of the class due to this. Also, at one point the class learns parkour to aid in their assassinations, and I like imagining toya because of his fear of heights lol. I think he’d be really good with both knives and guns, but is a sucky sniper because he gets scared when he’s up on the perches. He has relatively weak bloodlust, at least when compared to someone like karma or nagisa, but he’s very talented at channeling what he does have. He can think of spectacularly creative assassination plots but a lot of them aren’t very… realistic and thus are near impossible to pull off. He’s one of the smartest in the class, but stays as one of the lowest ranked for a very long time until he finally decides to put his father behind him and not let him ruin his future like that.
I have. A lot more thoughts but they’re kind of everywhere and hard to explain without the context of the show lol
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Happy New Years!! 🎉🎉
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This year has been such a rollercoaster for everyone, I’m sure. A lot of things happened, but I’d say my experience with AssClass and the fandom has been one of my favorite parts of 2020! I’m so glad I joined the BigBang and met lots of new creators, eventually gaining the courage to make my own blog. And now here we are! I love this blog and interacting with all of you so much ❤️
I’ve been a bit messy lately lol...a lot actually omg. This month was packed with a lot of family and school stuff. My biggest New Years resolution is to improve my organization for sure. The next month, I want to empty out my inbox. And I’ll get to posting all the now-late Christmas fics hahaha.
And now to celebrate, here are some headcanons of what the AssClass characters’ resolutions are!
Karma: He tells everyone that he’ll try to be less prideful or whatever. But in actuality, he plans to get more creative with pranks and specifically make Terasaka’s life hell.
Nagisa: Wants to get out of the house and hang with his friends more, get space from his mom. Also wants to improve his sociability and speak up more for himself.
Kayano: Get revenge on that stupid girl who stole her role in- well, that’s a minor one hehe. Her biggest resolution is to honor Aguri and Koro’s legacies, and move on after everything, get her life back in order.
Okuda: Speak up more and get out of her comfort zone! Also take Karma’s advice and get a little wilder with her experiments. After all, science is all about possibility. Go big or go home~
Kanzaki: Beat up some punks with video games, as usual. Rebel against her family, fuck shit up. Basically, to embrace her inner badass all the way. Also start her own little flower garden.
Sugino: Practice his pitching! Also get his grades up because according to Shindou, “Jesus, Sugino, even my 97-year old grandpa could write this essay better than you.” Yeah...the boy needs to improve his academics if he wants to succeed jdhdjej
Gakushuu: Conquer his father of course! Be the best in his school. One-up Class E, although we know that’ll be impossible. Also he WILL adopt that Pomeranian he saw the other day.
Terasaka: He really needs to actually figure out what the politics are like in Japan lmao. He knows nothing, he just said it in the moment to screw with Koro and Karma. But yeah...the boy realizes now what he actually said lol.
Muramatsu: He’s gonna fix the ramen recipe. Damn his dad and whatever tradition they have, it’s so bad, he needs to. Also he’s gonna practice learning more fish recipes since he wants to do fishing more often.
Hazama: Try and stay away from her mom. Get that really nice witch book she saw in the store. Fuck it, she’s gonna go all out with the goth aesthetic and change up her wardrobe.
Nakamura: Thinking of dying her hair a cherry pink. Also will make it her goal to annoy Karma and Asano as much as she can. Tells everyone she’ll try to focus less on gossip and blackmail, but it’ll quickly be a broken promise lmfao.
Fuwa: Get her hands on an actual sword. Buy some more video game and manga merch, like keychains and such. Might tell herself to be more grounded but she knows it’s like impossible.
Kataoka: Improve her backstroke just a bit more, it’s been a little sloppy lately. Work on her self-control...specifically try to calm down the urge to deck Okajima whenever he’s being himself.
Hayami: Adopt a cat. Volunteer at a cat shelter. Pet more cats. Adopt another cat...Maybe try a new hairstyle. A deeper resolution would be to speak up more and make her opinions known. Also to relax a bit more.
Maehara: Maintain a steady relationship for once in his life. When that inevitably fails, his next goal would probably be to give more focus to grades and soccer. Wants to concentrate more on his future tbh
Okano: Working on her temper and insecurities. Will try and be more patient with others...mainly just the boys lmao. Gonna try to remember and stretch more often before she jumps into gymnastics stuff.
Korosensei: Be. Less. Of. A. Perv. This is what everyone assumes is at the top of his list. But no...his number one resolution is to honor Aguri and keep improving as a teacher and person, for the sake of 3-E. He truly wants to better himself for them, and do something meaningful for what little time he has left.
Irina: Do more online shopping. It’s way less work and she can just sit in bed, browsing through lingerie while eating ice cream and crying over Karasuma. Wait. That’s another resolution. Improve her love life. Also...be nicer to the students...I GUESS she yells loudly to nobody.
Karasuma: Eat less junk food, try to cook healthy actual food. That’s gonna fail though. Connect more with 3-E and make sure he’s doing the best he possibly can for them. Save the world. You know, the usual stuff.
This is all I can think of for now lol...hope you enjoyed. I mainly just did my faves jrhrhdjeke.
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hamliet · 6 years
I left the TGre fandom about a month after it ended and haven't cared about it since then but when I read "uwu Kaneki" and "omg Touken" in your ask I started laughing because you described pretty much the fandom in a nutshell. They don't acknowledge there are other characters who are just as important to story (if not more interesting to analyse lol)... But this fandom's sense of fun is sending death threats because someone said Kaneki did some things wrong. I'm glad you found hxh and enjoy it!
Well, to be fair, there’s nothing wrong with uwu Kaneki and omg Touken, plenty friends love it, and I do think Touka and Kaneki were great characters up to a point, and even if I lost interest in them there are plenty of reasons others stayed interested in them. I ship Touken pretty hard and still really enjoy 125, just wish it’d… gone somewhere I found meaningful, but it went a place I didn’t like so *shrugs.* If Kaneki’s journey worked for people, that’s awesome, and I’ve been saying that for like… always, and yet people only hear what they want to hear, which is apparently me never shutting up about how I hate TG and everyone associated with it and wish Kaneki had been torn apart by everyone who once loved him when none of that is true nor anything I’ve ever said. Like it really felt today like that person is someone who has been nursing a grudge against me since last summer, which is just weird since I haven’t participated in the fandom in… so long. It was an old post I referenced. Six months old. I stand by it. I agree with that definition of the term, provided evidence why K meets that definition, and said it’s something I personally dislike. No one has to agree. It was just my thoughts. 
It’s also so, so strange to me that not even the toxic wasteland that is the SnK fandom is so opposed to critique. Like all my fandoms allow critique. Star Wars wasn’t planned in the OT and it shows and the PT has horrid dialogue and pacing. SnK’s pacing is atrocious. Banana Fish’s ending should have been better and comes across as cruel and insensitive. MDZS is pretty perfect narratively but one of its sex scenes has some weird issues with consent and alcohol–it’s not creepy nor framed that way, but it doesn’t come across well. The Promised Neverland has characters who are more ideals than characters. Hunter x Hunter hasn’t used Leorio well. BNHA is really sexist. Monster could have been clearer in Johan’s motivation. AssClass didn’t handle Itona or Nagisa’s abuse situations well. Black Butler forces its characters’ hands sometimes. ATLA bad victims Azula. Korra’s second season is boring. GOT doesn’t treat its women well and what even was that beyond the wall episode in the 6th season. Harry Potter doesn’t have good representation. 
See, I can do it for any story, and I have mentioned all of these critiques before. No story is perfect, and yeah, some of my critiques are influenced by my tastes but that’s normal. I give four of those stories 10/10s anyways. 
It’s so weird because like critique is… a job right. People are movie critics/art critics/play/books/restaurant etc. Like people, society, enjoys reading and writing critiques of anything so much there’s an actual job and career you can make out of it. Why is it strange fandom also includes critique? 
But, the TG fandom is basically this: 
I’ve seen gatekeeping ruin more than a few fandoms (namely, the Finnrey and Finnpoe fandoms from Star Wars), and it’s always sad to see a fandom cutting off its lifeline, because fandom thrives, like all art, on discussion, healthy respectful discourse, and the trading and dissection of ideas and representations of them (which fanfic and art are). But if you police it to the point where you have to past XYZ to be accepted and check off just the right boxes, then… your fandom always winds up dead. 
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irraydiance · 7 years
1. No specific fandom, do whatever you feel like 2. I just really like salt, you don't have to do all of them if you don't want to
It’s cool anon, I’m just pulling your leg. All in good fun!
I’ll stick to Assassination Classroom because it’d probably be too much salt if it was a fandom free-for-all.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I see why people ship Karma with Asano – it’s the same reason people ship rival pairs, which is something I don’t get – but to me, they’re always going to be the rivals who find one another insufferable and don’t get along. It’s a personality clash as I think they’re fundamentally different people.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Karma/Nagisa and even then, their friendship is just kind of…”meh” to me now. In the past, I would’ve called it a BroTP of mine but I’m just indifferent now. Yeah, they’re close and there was that schism/survival game arc and all – I recognize that, but I’m just tired of seeing it everywhere even when it’s actually presented as strictly friendship.
I’d rather read about the Nagisa/Sugino BroTP to be honest. Or better yet, the Karma/Sugino BroTP. Hell, give me some Sugino/Kayano friendship.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No, but that might also be because I generally only follow fandom-specific blogs. I also only follow one AC blog, so…
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Yes, I have a NoTP – it’s Karma/Nagisa, and yes, it’s the goddamn most popular pairing in the fandom no matter which side of the world you’re on. Just my fucking luck, right?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
A pairing that I actually liked? No. A pairing I was indifferent to at first? Yes.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Hahaha. No.
If I hated it to begin with, then I probably had a solid reason as to why, and my opinion wouldn’t change so easily.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Not a one.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Never. That might change after this. But I did get an annoyed anon one time when I said Karma and Nakamura aren’t actually close. They were actually pretty civil though so no offense taken. I never heard back from anon but I hope they read my response!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Takaoka, probably… Yanagisawa was a scumbag but as a villain, Takaoka was more annoying as far as motives go. Like a goddamn cockroach, he just won’t go away (see: Karasuma’s 2-page manga in Grad Album Time). He also felt like a cartoon villain…but I can’t complain too much as the target demographic for AssClass definitely skewed younger.
There aren’t really any characters in the series whose guts I absolutely hated though.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Oh hell. The space arc right after the schism/survival game arc. Yeah, it’s AssClass we’re talking about, but I can only suspend my disbelief so much. Also, the lull in-between that arc and the final arc where nothing really happened was kind of a chore to read. It was the calm before the storm, but not much happened.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
The fandom doesn’t hate him as far as I know, but Sugino doesn’t get nearly as much love as anyone that isn’t a member of Utatan, Nakamura, or Asano. Is it because he’s just a regular nice guy and people think that’s boring? Because he’s super ordinary and apparently heterosexual? I guess that’s Tumblr’s least favourite combination.
I’m kidding. Don’t kill me.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I enjoyed the baseball arc with Sugino. He’s just very likable to me. The themes of friendship and teamwork were recycled constantly, like in the sports festival (Isogai’s) arc and the culmination of Karma’s character development in the second semester finals, but it really began with Sugino’s baseball arc, and to me, that one really exemplified the themes best out of them all. They felt like a real rag-tag group of guys working toward a goal together.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Karma is not a flirt and he’s not a slave to his hormones.
Stop writing him this way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Outside of the Ace Attorney fandom, I’ve never been in a fandom that hates on het pairings so much. I’ve seen all the common ones insulted and just trashed in general for the most inane reasons, and the Nagisa/Kayano ship has it the absolute worst, but I digress. The only het pairing people don’t seem to shit on is Chiba/Hayami – probably because they mostly only ever interact with one another. Go figure.
Also, this is a thing in every fandom, but seriously, you’ll have two characters interact, and even if it’s a completely regular conversation, people suddenly just start shipping it. It’s like people will ship any character with another character as long as they have even some kind of small connection. “These characters hate each other? Yeah, let’s ship ‘em.” “This character complimented this other character in an offhanded way but they have no other interactions? Yeah, I ship it.”
I’m not saying “stop having fun, guys,” but it’s a mentality I don’t follow.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Some of the villains felt a little too cartoon-y/flat for my tastes, like Takaoka, but as I said earlier, I think AssClass skewed younger despite such a focus on assassination and the entire nature of “killing” – most of the time, not literally, of course. They had basically zero redeeming qualities as opposed to antagonists like the Asanos, who were ultimately sympathetic, or even Korosensei’s apprentice.
16. If you could change anything in the manga/show, what would you change?
I’m terrible with these questions. My biggest complaint is that in a series with loads and loads of characters, most of them didn’t even get fleshed out so I really would’ve preferred there to be more alternate points of view – make it really feel like an ensemble cast because outside of maybe 2-3 characters, the rest of them only ever got one-and-done chapters. There are so many characters that I wish got more time in the spotlight, but alas.No offense to Nagisa and his fans – I like Nagisa, but especially in the second half of the story, it just felt like the scope narrowed way too much on him and/or Karma when Class E is actually supposed to be treated as a single entity where everyone feels equally important. Kind of like in the problem Karma solved for the final exam.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
I wouldn’t have had Kayano die only to be brought back to life right after. I get that it was a parallel with Korosensei not being able to save Aguri, and now being able to save her sister Kayano. Still, the whole she’s dead lol psyche! angle went beyond cheating death; Kayano straight up died and got revived.
At the same time, in the entire series where they had a death fakeout like what we got with Lovro, if Kayano ended up being the only one killed off for real, I would’ve been upset.
So I would’ve not had that happen at all. I would’ve settled for Kayano getting hurt, or being about to get hurt when she tried to help only to have Korosensei cover for her, but not have her literally dying.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Whether you ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a pairing is down to preference.
There are plenty of pairings in other series that have strong evidence behind them and even then, there will be a handful of people from the more popular ship that twist facts to suit their narratives because they don’t like opposing pairings. They’ll even bend fiction into fact to deny actual facts. That’s being biased, but I can’t even say these people are “in denial” because a lot of those people honestly do believe they’re 100% right. Even if you throw a fact in their face, they have some kind of warped excuse ready.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Obnoxious, toxic shippers.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
You’d think that on a salty ask list, the question would be what the most vile ship is, not the purest one.
Come on, guys. Karma/Okuda is obviously the purest. Sarcasm aside, I really do think Karma/Okuda is the purest. It’s very sweet and genuine. The very guarded Karma can completely drop his walls and open his heart to Okuda and in turn, she watches out for Karma and really wants what’s best for him.
Putting aside the deadly pranks they can unleash on others, Karma and Okuda’s relationship is definitely pure.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I don’t mind crack ships at all but I would prefer that there’s something logical that connects the characters involved, even if it’s a crack ship.
22. Popular character you hate?
I don’t hate any of the popular characters, but I find that I’m much more mild about Nakamura than a lot of people in this fandom. I like her, but clearly not as much as everyone else.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Sugino is one of my favourites. No love from the fandom, sadly.
He’s referred to as Nagisa’s “best friend” by official material but it seems the fandom completely buries this. He’s always written off as a goddamn third wheel to Karma and Nagisa no matter if it’s shippy or just platonic and that’s such a pet peeve of mine. Official material indicates that Nagisa/Sugino/Karma get along well as a trio, but noooo, fandom seems to have this perception that Karma and Sugino only see one other as a friend-of-a-friend (Nagisa).
I feel that they might not have been friends if not for Nagisa, but after they got to know each other, Karma and Sugino would still be good friends even if Nagisa’s not around.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
I’ll say yes. For a weekly Jump series, AssClass is a lot more off the wall compared to the usual stuff, but it has your standard life lessons/morals for not just kids, but anyone. Plus it’s short and sweet at ~180 chapters.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I wouldn’t change the ending. Korosensei had to die or else it would cheapen the meaning of the story.
26. Most shippable character?
The fandom would say it’s Karma, but I will say it’s someone with a welcoming and adaptable personality like Sugino. Isogai works too.
27. Least shippable character?
Outside of actual villains, probably Asano. This isn’t meant as an insult, but it’s hard to find a match for him because of his personality.
I didn’t have great answers, but I tried, lol.
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Hey if you can choose three 3e kids to be the protagonists of assclass, who would you choose? :D (does this count as tea ask idk lmao-)
Nao, you know how biased I am. 😂 There’s no one else I’d say besides my three faves: Sugino, Kanzaki, and Okano.
They’re a very balanced dynamic. Sugino and Okano are both comfortable with getting out of their comfort zone. Okano is direct and confrontational. Sugino is a moodmaker and connects to others easily. Kanzaki is a balance for both their strong personalities, but girl is a force of nature herself. She doesn’t take bullshit. She’s also the one to think things through and hold the other two back before they rush into stuff.
How I imagine their friendship to go:
- The girls still have beef like in canon. And it makes both of them very uncomfortable, and they avoid each other.
- SUGINO...bless this boy...is the one to connect both of them.
- He becomes friends with Okano first, getting to know the other athletes of the class, including Maehara and Kimura. While they’re all a good friend group, he gets especially close to Okano.
- They just vibe easily, and Okano appreciates how proactive he can be, but still so friendly and nice to everyone. Sugino likes teasing her about everything and he likes seeing her soft side since she’s a little prickly most of the time.
- They also very much connect on the experience of having been kicked out from a sport club they were crazy passionate about. Sugino recommends her to join a local team, since she still loves it. Nothing’s stopping her. “Screw those bastards at school” - Sugino. Her cheers up Okano, and yeah...very sweet friendship.
- But while he’s been befriending Okano...boy has also been getting closer to Kanzaki since they’re in the same friend group. His crush on her dissipates fast in this AU...he liked her at first because of how prim and perfect she seemed.
- But then he gets to know her and gains a platonic appreciation for the other parts of her, like her love for video games, rebellious attitude, etc. His crush leaves quickly, and they become friends. Kanzaki really likes how dorky he can be, and how he values her who she is, not what she likes look.
- How do they all join together?? Well, Sugino of course picks both of them to be his partners in a PE game. They’re both pretty talented so why the hell not?
- It’s incredibly awkward...Okano loses her temper and snaps at both of them a few times. Kanzaki goes off and does things on her own. Sugino suffers.
- But...at the very last moment, they somehow all accidentally coordinate together in this super badass moment, and they win whatever PE game the class was doing.
- And in the midst of cheering, Sugino grabs both of them in this bear hug, and Okano and Kanzaki smile at each other. Beginnings of change...
- They unconsciously make more of an effort to talk or interact more in class, especially since Sugino pulls them together a lot too. He just wants both his friends to get along 💜
- Eventually the more they do...the more they find out about each other. Kanzaki admits her 2nd year lie and everything. Okano talks about how much she’s struggled being accepted for her tomboyish attitude. They realize how much they have in common...both of them are judged for who they are.
- After realizing that, they both cry...and hug. Because damn, how much had they misjudged each other? How long were they beefing when really they could’ve connected?
- The dynamic strengthens, and the trio becomes a very tight friend group. Soon the girls don’t need Sugino around, they connect and hang out too 💜
- Boy is beyond happy to see them getting closer and becoming friends
General strengths as a trio:
So I think we can all agree that RGB trio is OP. But this trio...they’re very strong but in a reasonable, realistic way.
Okano: by far the strongest. She’s the top fighter of the class, with her immense speed, strength, and high skill in gymnastics. She specializes in offense. She’s also skilled in intelligence gathering, being able to scale tall trees, high walls, unstable ladders, etc. Her small stature also makes it easy to hide in places and collect information. Her night vision is the top in the class, and she’s especially needed for night missions.
Sugino: boy has a TON of physical strength and mobility, being a fairly fast runner. He has a lot of raw energy, and high stamina, being able to endure physically stressful scenarios more than most. His upper arm strength is one of the most defined in the class. He’s also very skilled in diplomatic situations, being able to persuade others. He’s a good infiltrator, putting his nice attitude and ability to blend in to good use.
Kanzaki: she doesn’t seem strong compared to the other two, with her delicate, slim stature and graceful attitude. Well...surprise surprise. She’s the most hardcore. Her proficiency in long-range is one of the best in 3-E, gained from all her shooting game experience. She’s an extremely skilled strategist, able to make plans on the spot. Combine that with the usual image she gives to the class...no one expects her to attack so viciously.
To sum it up: Strengths
Okano: close-range, offense, intelligence gathering
Sugino: close-range, defense, politics and negotiations
Kanzaki: long-range, both, strategy/planning
What a balanced, powerful, amazing trio.
This is getting too long but I put the basic facts lol. Will def make headcanons and more on this AU because now I’m in love with it UwU. Thanks Nao 😭
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