#not y'all lettin my girl fall to the waist side
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homiesondaweb · 2 years ago
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submissivedjberry · 5 years ago
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Tagging: DJ Berry & Jo Fabray ( @jofabray )
Date: August 8, 2020
Location: Jo’s Suite
Summary: DJ goes to Jo after her scene with Nate &  Mateo.
Jo was worried. There was no hiding it, no getting away from it, and no distracting herself from it. The sort of scene that DJ had volunteered herself for was intense, and it would require proper aftercare and a lot of attention. She trusted Nate - but knew less about Mateo. Presumably, since he had two claims, he was a capable Dominant, but DJ was hers, dammit, and Jo had spent the night obsessing over all that could go wrong. The blanket in her hand was wrung until it was a knotted mess, and whatever she'd been watching on TV all night was a complete mystery to her. She needed her girl in her arms, and the chance to look her over and be sure that she was safe. Then would come kisses, and cuddles, and all the attention the submissive could stand. As she waited for DJ to slip in the door of her suite, Jo shut her eyes in an effort to clear her head. It wouldn't do any good to be rolling with jealousy and worry when her girl arrived, and so that needed to go.
The scene with Nate and Mateo had been amazing. She had enjoyed being pushed in completely new ways. She was aching, but she was so happy. She had done well, as far as she could tell, and felt like she had grown through that scene. Returning to Jo's room took no time at all and she was there in the blink of an eye. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, locking it as well. She moved further into the suite, smiling softly at the sight of her Domme resting on the couch. She dropped to her knees and then rested her chin on the Dominant's lap. She hoped that she didn't scare her.
Jo had half heard the door open, but she was comfortable and a bit lazy - so she simply waited for DJ to make herself known. Only when she felt a chin in her lap did she smile, hazy eyes slowly blinking open. "Hey, darlin' girl. Sorry, I just thought I'd shut my eyes for a few minutes. How was your scene?" Even though she was barely awake, Jo's attention was laser focused on DJ's face. She needed to be sure that everything was okay, and that the aftercare DJ might have needed had been on offer.
"Hi, my Miss. That's alright. You should rest if that's what you want." DJ mused softly, dark eyes focused on the Domme's face. She was so enamored with the blonde and she was so glad that Jo wanted her too. She didn't understand how Jo wanted her but she was so very happy and so grateful. "My scene was good. I'm a little sore, but they took good care of me." DJ assured the other with a soft smile.
"Not just yet," Jo shook her head. "We can rest afterwards, my girl, but first we give you a good once-over." She was glad to hear, though, that the scene had gone well and DJ had been looked after. "C'mon with me to the bedroom, and y'all can tell me more about it. You had fun?" She tried to keep her voice light, but it was hard to hide the little twinge of jealousy in her words. "Think it's somethin' you'd want to do again?"
"If you're sure." She wasn't going to push it or try to stop the Domme from looking her over. She may not officially be Jo's sub, but they were moving towards it. That, in DJ's mind gave Jo every right to want to look her over. "Yes, Miss. I had fun. I think it was a really good start to something that I could do more often." DJ said honestly, not wanting to lie at all. "I would like to do it with you at some point if you find someone you might want to do it with, my Miss." When they reached the bedroom, she eased off her clothes.
"Positive. There's no way I'd sleep now if I didn't at least give y'all a quick check. Need to make sure my girl's in good shape." She smiled as DJ described how much she'd enjoyed it, and that she'd like to do it again. "If I ever find anyone I'd trust with us both in that sort of scene, darlin' girl, I'll be sure and make it happen for ya." Once DJ was stripped, Jo kissed her gently on the top of her head. "Lie down for me, please. Anywhere you're feeling sore, or that I should look at first?"
"Keep me updated on that please, Miss?" DJ questioned, even though she knew there was a chance that she wouldn't get a chance to do it with Jo. She flushed slightly. "I'm mostly just a bit sore down below. They used a plug on me anally after Mateo opened me up with his fingers. But I really think it's okay, just not something my body has been used to in the past." DJ expressed honestly. "Other than that though, I'm feeling good."
"Of course, Dalia. I'd never consider bringin' someone else in to scene with us without a good long talk first. Our time is our time, and we'll keep that to ourselves unless there's someone I really think is worth lettin' be part of it with us." She nodded, taking that information in and wincing a little at the use of an anal plug. "Good girl. I'll just keep this quick, then, and you can tell me what you need - we can eat, if y'all would like, or rest first. Your choice."
"Our time." DJ agreed with a smile. She knew that there was a chance that Jo would connect with someone else and want to claim them, but it was nice to know that Jo would be open if that happened. She had had dinner before the scene, knowing that she wouldn't be let go until eleven, but having some fruit might not be a bad idea. "Do you still have some fruit, my Miss?" The submissive questioned, stretching out to let the Domme look her over wherever she would like.
Jo smiled in response. "I do, in fact. There's some grapes and some oranges, so we can help ourselves after." She didn't make too big a show out of examining DJ, but her careful gaze went from head to toe before giving her a gentle nudge so that the Dominant could check her other side. There were no visible marks, at least nothing that looked fresh, and Jo let out a soft sigh between her teeth. Part of her had been sure that Nate or Mateo might have done something that she'd have to take them to task for, but apparently that hadn't happened. "Looks all good, darlin'. If y'all want to slip a robe on, yours is just behind the door there. We can get some fruit and sit up for a little - thinkin' in here, or out on the couch?"
"That sounds perfect. I really like that idea." DJ agreed with a hum. She could already taste the sweetness and she was excited for the before bedtime snack. As she was tapped, she giggled softly and rolled over so that the Domme could look over the other half of her. Once she was finished, she eased herself onto her feet. "I think in here if that's okay with you?" She suggested and then moved to grab her robe, pulling it on and tying it closed before moving to the Domme and slipping her arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck. "I had fun, but I'm glad you wanted me to come back tonight. I like falling asleep with you."
"That's just fine with me, darlin' - I'm very comfy in here with y'all, so it sounds like a really great plan to me." When DJ nuzzled into her, Jo's hands gently rubbed her back through the soft fabric of the robe. "I'm glad that you could - come back, I mean. I would have hated to have to wait until morning to see y'all after a scene like that. And I know just what you mean, because I very much like fallin' asleep with you too. I sleep better that way."
She was so glad that Jo felt the same way and that she wanted her here as much DJ wanted to be here. It caused a warmth to fill her up. "Did you do anything while I was gone? Have any company or anything?" DJ questioned, wondering if Jo kept herself busy at all over the last few hours. The feeling of the blonde's hands against her back was amazing, she felt so safe and so cared for.
Jo smiled, shaking her head. "Nah. I just curled up on the couch and had some tea, and that was about the extent of my excitin' evening until you got back." There wasn't a long list of people knocking down her door to spend time with her, and she didn't go out of her way to look for any either. "One intense scene between the two of us'll have to do for today."
“Sounds very relaxing, my Miss." DJ uttered gently, pulling back so that they could go get the fruit. "You don't have to scene with everyone you hang out with though, my Miss. Do you have anyone coming over tomorrow? Do I have to rush out at all?"
"It was, darlin' girl, thank you. A really nice evening, and the tea kept my mind off worryin' about y'all." Leading her out to the kitchen, Jo smiled an acknowledgement of DJ's words. "That's a fair enough point, my girl. But no, there's no one coming over - y'all can stay just as long as you'd like, we can get some extra sleep and take things easy." Opening the fridge, she found the fruit and set it out on the counter. "As much as you'd like, darlin'."
"You were worried about little ole' me?" Hearing that she didn't need to leave, she smiled softly. "Okay, Miss. But if that changes and you want to invite someone over, that's okay. I can leave so you can have someone other than me around." She teased, leaning over to kiss Jo's cheek. She reached in to grab some grapes as they were placed on the counter and she hummed. "So very good. Thank you."
Jo quirked an eyebrow. "I worry about you every time you're not here with me, Dalia. And that's not sayin' I don't want you to go other places or be with other people, but I will always worry until I see y'all again." She smiled as lips pressed to her cheek, reaching out to gently tousle dark hair. "I know you're teasin', but I'd never do that. Our time is our time." Jo put the grapes in a bowl along with a couple of oranges, reaching for DJ's hand. "You're welcome. I know how much a scene can take out of you, so fruit is a good idea."
"I'll always come back to you." DJ promised, meaning the words with every fibre of her being. She was Jo's. They may not have been at the point of a trial claim, but not that they were trying out the rules, it felt like it was becoming more and more real. And she loved that. "I know. But I also know that I just seem to claim your weekends and I can give you Sunday if you want to see someone else...like Tina." The Domme had been texting her earlier so she didn't know if she wanted time with her. "So delicious."
Her heart swelled a little in her chest, and she couldn't resist stealing a kiss. "And I will always be here waitin' for you," she promised. "Every single time." She led DJ to the bed and settled in, propping up the bowl between them. "If you claim my weekends, darlin', it's because that's what I want." She hesitated, considering her next words carefully. "I don't think Tina would have much fun over here. I know how much she struggles with the little things about the system, and there are things I can't let her get away with not doin'. Like kneelin' at the door." She popped a slice of orange into her mouth, chewing slowly. "I think she could use the company, but I'm still workin' on the best way to let her have it." Swallowing, she shook her head. "But this weekend, I'm all yours. Until classes Monday, if y'all want to stay that long."
The kiss was so welcomed, just like any other kiss she had ever received from the blonde. They were always perfect. She followed her to the bed, getting very comfortable. "I understand, Miss. Sorry." She breathed out, not wanting it to seem like she thought she could get Jo to do something she didn't want to. She hummed softly when she said that she wasn't sure if Tina would have fun over at Jo's, thinking over the dilemma that her Domme seemed to be facing. "I think she may be more willing if you ask her to do so nicely. You guys have been talking a bit right? So it's not like you're just hopping into asking something of her? Is there a lot more than that that you think she might be against?" She paused, biting on her bottom lip. "Sorry, I don't mean to overstep or anything."
"No apologies necessary, sweet girl. I knew what y'all meant, I just wanted to remind you that I always want you here with me. As many days of the week as we can. And it's not like y'all just show up and expect to walk in, we always talk first if I want you over, or if it's your request. So I just don't want ya to have to have to worry about it," she promised. Jo quickly shook her head. "You're not. I appreciate the advice, darlin'." She thought over DJ's words for a moment, considering what she had to say. "You've got a point there. I don't think it'd be out of the blue if I asked her to kneel." She considered the question. "Titles. She doesn't like those at all. But other than that, I don't think there's anythin' that would come up if we had some time in private."
"You could always just talk to her first and see if they were things she could get behind to spend time together. It's not like you don't have the right to ask for those things, my Miss." DJ expressed gently, resting her head on her shoulder. "You are amazing and I don't know why anyone wouldn't agree to things that would let them hang out with you." She realize she was essentially pushing Jo to hang out with another submissive and part of her was a little uneasy about that but she needed to trust in what she and Jo were building, otherwise she would go insane. Plus, she wanted Jo to make connections.
Jo nodded. "I do, you're right, but I try to be careful about pushin' people who have no interest in the system. It's not my place to change their minds, after all, or to try and...I don't know, fix them." Jo gently rubbed her back. "I don't think there'd be a lot of people out there who'd share that opinion, darlin' girl, but it means the world to me that y'all think of me that way." Her opinion of herself wasn't low, but her time in Lima had shown that she didn't seem to be very compatible with a lot of her fellow students.
"I get that, Miss. But just expecting a few things as a means of respect isn't really pushing is it? You're just setting up your expectations and if Tina doesn't like it...she doesn't have to come over, right?" The rubbing of her back caused a content sigh to fall from her lips. She cared about the Domme so much and felt so very comfortable in the Domme's arms. "If they looked around properly, my Miss...there's no way they wouldn't think the same." DJ argued lightly.
"No, darlin', that's true. I don't think that I ask for a lot, or that I'm a particularly demanding Domme. I guess what I worry about more is pushin' her away, because I really don't know how many people would be willin' to spend time with her if she can't do the basics. But in the end I guess all I can do is try." DJ's words pulled a little smile from her. "You're very kind to me, my girl. Thank you."
"All you can do is try. And I don't think you'll push her away, Miss." DJ said, though she did feel a little bit of something churn within her that Jo seemed preoccupied with not wanting to push Tina away. She swallowed, keeping herself nuzzled against Jo so that she couldn't see her face. "Just the truth, Miss."
Jo nodded. "We'll just have to see." She rubbed DJ's back in small circles again. "My darlin' girl." She pressed a kiss to DJ's head. "Still feelin' good about having a new rule? I mean I know it didn't change anythin' in your scene, but is it working for you to know that you have one.”
The kiss to her head had a bright smile forming on her lips. Jo always seemed to know what she needed, even if she didn't know why the submissive needed it. "Mmm, yes, Miss. I feel very good about having this rule. It's making things...what we are aiming for...feel more real."
"I'm glad to hear that. I feel very much the same - it's tough sometimes, I think, to remind ourselves while we're in separate rooms taking separate classes, or having nights apart, that we're still makin' progress toward the same goal. We're going to get there, and by the time we do we'll have some rules that we're both comfortable with." Jo thought for a moment. "For our next one, I'd like to propose something. A rule that would make you feel more grounded in a claim. Think y'all can do that for me?"
"I agree." She was glad that the blonde felt similarly to her. When Jo brought up having an idea for the next rule, she pulled back from the Domme and turned to rest on her back so she could look up at Jo, head now resting in her lap like it had been before she had gone for her scene. This time though, instead of on the long couch, her legs were hanging off of the bed. "Yes, my Miss. What do you have in mind?" Her eyes were wide, eager to find out what Jo might have planned next for them both.
Jo loved just how domestic, how loving and relaxed it felt as DJ laid in her lap. Brushing some fine hair away from her face, her smile at her submissive was soft and bright. "How would you feel about changing the way you address me? I think once you're mine officially, even in a trial, I'd like something more than Miss. That said," she hesitated. "I'm not sure that I like Mistress. So I was hoping you might have a better idea."
"Something more than Miss but not Mistress." She mused, biting down on her bottom lip thoughtfully. "I think I'll have to think about it, my Miss. I can slip a new one in every once in a while and then see how we both feel?" She didn't want to just choose, she wanted it to be perfect.
Jo nodded and smiled. "I think that's a very smart way to go, darlin' girl. We'll try them out and find somethin' that feels right to us both. My girl's so brilliant." Resting a hand on her forehead, Jo just took the sight of her in. "Also, I was going to ask: did you want to come up with some rules as well? I won't necessarily agree to them, but if you have ideas of what would make you more comfortable in a claim I think we should talk about those. No hurry, of course, but if anything comes to you."
When Jo asked the next thing, she hummed softly. How did she feel about coming up with some rules that she might feel comfortable with? It wasn't a bad idea, because she knew that at the end of the day, Jo would still be in charge of what rules she actually ended up having. "I think I like that idea too, Miss Jo." DJ agreed, reaching out to grab Jo's other hand and like their fingers as their hands rest over her stomach.
"Wonderful," Jo nodded. "I'll look forward to hearin' what y'all think of, darlin'." She gave their joined fingers a little squeeze. "How are you feelin'? Did you get enough fruit?" They'd likely sleep before too long, once the adrenaline of the scene had left DJ's body, but Jo wanted to be sure that she had eaten and got some fluids in her before that happened. It would help prevent any drop and hopefully allow DJ to rest.
"I'll definitely do some thinking. Promise." She would take this seriously. "Yes, Miss. I feel good. Just content. I'm with you, I'm very happy." DJ assured her, smiling up at the Domme. "I just want to make sure you are happy too." The submissive expressed, biting down on her bottom lip with a shrug of her shoulder.
"I never doubted you'd do otherwise, my girl." Jo tilted her head curiously. "Darlin', as long as y'all are here with me I'll be happy. I'm so proud to be lookin' to the future with you, and I know we're going to have a great trial claim. Then I can keep y'all here with me all the time, and that's going to make me happier still. I don't need more than you."
Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she felt tears well up in her eyes, turning her head to nuzzle into Jo's stomach and take a breath. She wasn't sure why she was so emotional, bur she felt it deeply.
Jo worried at the tears, but she trusted that if she'd said something wrong then DJ would tell her so. Instead she scratched gently at her scalp, giving their still-joined hands a little squeeze. "I've got you, darlin' girl. You're right here with me. And you're not goin' anywhere."
She took a few moments and then pulled back to look up at her. "I'm so happy you want me." She breathed out. She never would have imagined that she would have someone who wanted her this much so soon, or ever.
Nearly overcome with the wave of emotion that DJ's words caused, Jo had to blink a few times to clear her eyes. "Darlin' girl, I'm the lucky one. You're going to be so wanted, by so many people, and for some reason I can't fathom y'all want me."
When Jo sent the words back in her direction, she smiled widely. Jo was just so perfect. She breathed out slowly and leaned up to press their lips together, unable to stop herself in that moment. She didn't need anything more than that, just wanted the intimate touch.
Jo took her hand from DJ to cradle the back of her head, leaning down to make sure that the other woman didn't need to bend too far. She let the kiss linger for as long as DJ wanted it to, ceding control in the moment so that they could both get what they needed.
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