#not when i'm trying to roll say hannibal or someone like that but... y'know
mcchipisfried · 5 months
I'm watching Hannibal for the first time and I'm not gonna lie I had my doubts. (Currently on Seaon 2 Episode 11)
(ALSO SPOLIERS BELOW though I think I'm the last person on tumblr who HASN'T seen Hannibal)
My forefathers forgive me, I had doubts. So so many doubts. I wanted to go into this show decimating everyone's reasoning that Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham would work as a couple (romantic or otherwise). I wanted to be fed a story about murder, deception, manipulation, betrayal, and maybe even a little but of cannibalism. And don't get me wrong I have gotten this, but I've also been fed a romantic comedy.
I went into this show not wanting to find reasons to want these two together, I wanted to think "Oh the people of tumblr probably pieced a bunch of subtext together and I probably will as well but it'll hardly be anything that I could write about to my friends who haven't seen the show"
I was so fucking wrong.
Really it should have been the moment where Alana and Hannibal were having a ✨️moment✨️ while Will and Margot were also having a ✨️moment✨️ so the way the whole scene played was very. Well. Not what you would expect from a guy that should have every reason to shoot Hannibal on sight. The fucking framing and cinematography got me to send a 3 minute long vm at 2 am to my friend who really doesn't care about Hannibal.
Or maybe it should have been every single time tweddle dee and tweddle dum are even remotely alone together and decide to start eye fucking each other while also making death threats.
But no what got me was when Alana described what was done to Freddie Lounds' body the second time around as a demonstration of a courtship (best way I can phrase it without just explaining the plot that led us here)
Really, its such a small moment.
But the way the two idiots are standing there looking at each other and Alana shouldn't have been as funny as it was nor should it have instantly reminded me of an early 2000's movie where the couple is secretly dating because they just can't help it and some third party, maybe even one the main couples friends discovers them while trying to NOT make it a Big Deal™ because they are in public except y'know, this is happening over the body that Person A burned to a crisp and sent rolling in a wheelchair while Person B got said body after the funeral and made it into an effigy.
Anyways TLDR: I thought the Hannibal x Will stuff was all very insignificant subtext but actually it was just text and it was screaming. I would also like to thank my film, cinematography, scriptwriting, lighting, and storytelling college classes because as it turns out you did do something for me. You made me realize that whatever is happening between Hannibal and Will is not platonic and I will be consulting AO3 to further expand my understanding of these characters as soon as I finish watching the show.
Also yes I know at some point someone says Hannibal is in love with Will. But now I'm starting to believe that.
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coe-lilium · 4 years
Oh, I didn't know you played JP Coe! Any favourite Servants you like to use, or stuff like that?
I have like... *a lot* of favorites and as a results my parties tends to rotate a lot (which is why after 5 years I only have 4 bond CEs...).
Some particular picks... oh, yeah, I like to use Shirou (Ruler) a whole lot as a main damage dealer, no matter how technically badly suited he is. Slap Aerial Drive or LB Black Grail on him, flank him w Waver and Merlin and have fun watch him blast... well, nearly everything :D  
Kagetora too, I love her (and unlike Amakusa she is built to deal damage ^^’).
Tomoe may not be “the” 4* ST Archer and from a gameplay pov I have better options but I don’t care, she’s the 4* Archer of my heart and nearly always with me (in general, if one of my favs isn’t the best/very good at damage I’ll go build the team so they become one bc fuck the meta, love the character).   
QSH is a relatively new addiction and I probably haven’t wholly figured out the best way to use them yet but they’re incredibly fun and satisfying to use too saved my ass many, many times in Olympus.  
Og Arturia and Gilgamesh get fielded so many times that they’re probably going to need a dream fire thingy soon bc they’re huge favs too, churn out some lovely damage and their latest sprites and animations are amazing and I’m never going to stop using them even when I hit max bond.  
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