#not trying to vague on specific things ive seen just didnt want to derail other people's takes with my replies
veryloovy · 5 months
Cyn is the administrator of every Disassembly Drone, and Cyn (the Solver?) also has backups of them should they die. Uzi is also a Solver-user and she is now the administrator of N and V.
I feel like Uzi could have backups of our N and V, which is only important should they die. Granted, Cyn's backups come with a body (likely produced from the mass the Solver has consumed) and Uzi's backups would likely only be able to copy their mind into another body. Which I guess makes our clone N and V able to be Workers again should the opportunity present itself (something that, should it happen, would probably only happen towards the end of the show). Otherwise, I assume that "Tessa" brought unused clone bodies for N and V with her in one of the other pods, which could be used in case Uzi needs to put her backups into a body too (and prevent Cyn's backups from going in).
I think this the main reason for bringing up the whole adminship thing with Disassembly Drones. So far it's mostly been used to stop memory wiping and block out memory access on them (ep5 and ep7, the only exception to the adminship memory stuff is Cyn blocking AS on N in ep1). It's definitely seems memory-tied, and backups also tie into that since they capture memories.
(I'm super congested rn hoping this reads soundly)
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