#not to mention they're insistent on defining and labeling gay men in general
leatherdaddywendys · 8 hours
just coming in to say i appreciate you for coming back at anti-drag feminazis (terfs) -- as a drag artist it does the heart good to see someone who actually has a brain, i hope youre having a good evening
of course. drag artists are not privileged oppressors and enemies to women, but terfs really wish you were... terfs have absolutely idiotic takes about most things.
some of their beliefs are that anal sex is degrading, men are evil sex perverts and that's why AIDS spread, masculinity is ugly, drag is "womanface" - with all this combined, you just get run-of-the-mill homophobia. terfs are homophobic, no way around it. idk why they've done it, and for who's benefit (privileged white christian women who aren't promiscious, most likely), but they have invented conservative feminism.
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