#not to mention how many places I've had to drag myself back with my cane pathetically
grav3yardbb92 · 5 years
The Mark
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Micheal X reader. Also on my wattpad account. BVB-rebel25.
It was never a secret, what I am. More like a bedtime story told by my mother every night since I was born. But unlike most bedtime stories, it was true, proven by the mark on my wrist.
Now that, as I was told, needed to be kept secret. If people saw a burn mark in the shape of a pentagram, who knows what could happen. Not that I would get hurt or anything, Satan had a purpose for me. A true, dark destiny, one I am honored to accept.
The ultimate proof of my purpose were the dreams. They started when I turned 16. The night of my birthday, I had the dream. I saw a boy. Maybe six or seven. He pins a dead rat to a wall, watching it's blood drip stains of red. He giggles cutely before running away, into a bedroom, painted blue. I see him lay in his bed, a slowly drift to sleep. In only seconds. The dark night, becomes bright as the sun shines through the window, illuminating his face. The gorgeous, carefully sculpted features of not a six year old, but a teen, about sixteen. He is still sound asleep, but turns to his left side and his soft golden curls are stretched away from his ear. That is when I see it. The burn, similar to mine, but he's no demon. He's the Antichrist.
Night after night, year after year the dreams occur. But they aren't dreams. They are visions, his life. As his chosen guardian, soul mate and future Queen of hell, I get to watch from afar as he goes on his course. I have to be sure he finds his purpose and follows the plan.
According to the plan, I finally met the 'man' of my dreams through my next door neighbor and my mother's best friend and fellow believer in Satan. Mrs, Mead was the only  person, beside my parents and I who had seen the mark, she knew who I was and she addored me. When she was on her way home with him, she called my mother, who had me clean up and doll up, wanting to look the part. I've seen him, watched him, I know all there is to know about him, both sides, human and supernatural being. I know what he wants. I know what he needs. Me.
He simply smiled and waved. When we were introduced. But his expression changed to a smirk, when my mark was brought to his attention. He then took my hand, kissing my mark gently, before pulling me roughly, toward him. In his tight embrace, I could feel it, the tug at my heart, at my soul, and in his deep, blue eyes, I could tell he felt it too. We are one.
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It's been weeks since Michael and I joined the survivors in outpost 3. The familiar building where he lived for a short time, studying under the warlocks, where he used to sneak me in after dark, just so I can sneak back out into the woods, before he was called to begin his studies. The very same school building, where I joined him in slautering the warlocks.  Every. Last. One.
I am currently pacing the floor and rubbing my swollen, pregnant belly in his old room.the very same room where we spent many nights together. Where we made love, usually covered in our own blood,  after summoning his Father for advice and reassurance.  The same room where we chanted the satanic vows, bonding us in marriage under satan.
There is a party going on just downstairs. A party that I helped plan. The party that I so desperately wanted to observe. The party that is bringing the end of the few final lives here on earth.
I hear the familiar clank of a cane, signaling miss. Veneble and our robotic Mrs Meade approaching our room. They enter and miss. Veneble threatens mine and Michaels lives. I smirk and giggle lightly as Micheal's deep laugh thunders through the room. Moments later, veneble's body is laying in a puddle of blood on the floor. And Micheal takes a moment to clear the intentional fog that blocks Mrs. Meade's programing.
he finishes his explanation and Meade, pulls us both into a warm, familiar hug. The moment is suddenly disturbed by a feeling that I hoped to never have again. I steal a glance toward my husband, who doesn't have to read my mind, to know what's happening. " those damn witches!" +
********time skip*******
An evil laugh escapes my lips as I watch Micheal snaps the neck of that mouthy witch.  We haven't had this much fun since we slaughtered the survivors in the other outpost. He smiles at me, knowing what must occur next. I blow him a quick kiss, before following the other witches toward the bathroom. They think their plan is fool proof. But my Master has a backup plan. ME!
I find a spot in the hallway, just outside the bathroom, where Mallory soaks in the tub, awaiting her full power to appear. I hear Cordelia talking to Micheal from below me, I chuckle at our hidden joke. God isn't the only one who knows what's in the future. I close my eyes, sending a final ' I love you' through my mind. I know he got the message, and I begin my ritual.
I pull my dagger from my leather boot and slice my arm, just as I hear Cordelia curse at Michael before I hear her body thump to the ground. I paint our symbol with my blood as I chant the sacred mantra that I memorized as a child. Within seconds my eyes flutter shut and darkness consumes me.
I come to my senses and sit up, leaning against a tree, for support. I am feeling dizxy and weak, time travel and blood loss does that. And I know that I need to gather my strength for the next step. I rub my belly again, soothing my Antichrist offspring, and I take notice of my surroundings. Just to my left is the infamous murder house, which means Michael is just across the street. My attention turns toward the sound of a door slamming shut, revealing my Michael, well not mine, this one is a few years younger, much younger than I am now, but my spell will take care of that.
I stand up, but stay by the tree to brace myself for the inevitable events. I know what's coming and I also know that I can't stop it, they have to think they've won. I hear the loud roar of a car engine and fight back the urge to push my love out of the way. I know the plan. ' stay calm, it will work' I whisper to myself, my child kicks at the sound of my voice, reminding me I'm not alone as I watch in horror. Mallory slams on her breaks before backing up, crushing Michael not once but three fucking times. Constance notices, but remains still until the car is long gone. I remain in my place as she moves to attend to Micheal's mangled body. " go to hell" she seethes out, dropping him back in the road.
" you first bitch!" I shout as I make my way to him, dragging from the road. I then mumble a curse of sickness and painful death, before I turn my attention to the dying boy before me. I perch on the sidewalk, pulling his head into my lap." Time for rebirth, my love" I whisper, before I recite another incantation while I slowly move my hands across his body. I hear his bones snap back into place, and watch as bloody cuts and even small scrapes vanish.
He takes in a deep gasp for air, shifting slightly, before sitting up completely. He takes a short look at me, before hugging !me tightly. Oh how I missed this, it's only been a few hours since we last embraced each other, but it felt like decades. He pulls away, only now realizing he's hugging a complete stranger.
" who are you? What happened?" He rapidly fires questions at me. My name is Y/N. I saw what happened and needed to help." I respond, waiting for him to ask me how I healed him. " but, how did you? " there it is. " I promise. Everything will make since soon, just trust me, Michael " at the mention of his name, which I shouldn't know, his brows crinkle in confusion, but he doesn't question it " well, Y/N, you did just save me, so of course I trust you." " good" I say, pulling him to his feet. " one more thing" he only looks at me, waiting for me to continue. " you need to kiss me"
He is hesitant at first, but our lips soon connect. After that I feel the same electric pull of our souls that I felt, so long ago, in another life. The kiss ends, but continue to hold him close as the memories of our past life, floods through his head. His eyes widen and I close mine to summon all my strength for last part. Whispering some words, a poem of lost love, before opening them again. Instead of a young teenage boy, I see my husband before me, his long golden hair falling past his shoulders.
He looks down at my belly, and he lightly mesages it. Smiling widely at me, before pulling me into a tight hug. " oh. My demon girl, how ive missed you" he whispers as he ushers me down the sidewalk. I cant help steal glances at him, in all his glory.Now looking the proper age, to father the new Antichrist. I told you our MASTER had a plan.
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