#not to bring shit to y'all's dashes but it made me laugh lol
sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
i was looking for an old ask i remember getting (couldn't find it, damn you tumblr) but i had to go through the absolute shithole that was my time in the lcdp extremely acephobic fandom...
But one ask that made me laugh was one anon saying that ace people are not part of the queer community because "your attraction makes you LGBT"... what did this person think asexuality is?! dfkjghdkfg
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Thoughts on (the apparently rushed) DC solicits?
Yeah, apparently Diamond used to put them together and now it's just some guy in the DC offices, hence why they've been screwy since the changeover.
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I Am Batman #1: "In the throes of Future State" just means those events coming about rather than this being set in the future, right? My impression is this is very much in the here-and-now, and I think this is gonna be really enjoyable with no more teasing out aspects of the premise and Coipel steadily on art. Killer title too. You're really gonna open this with the 'Anti-Oracle' though?
Batman #112-113: Glad to see Brandon Thomas but already miss the Ghostmaker backup.
Batman: Urban Legends #7: THE BOYS ARE BACK
Batman--Knightwatch: Bat-Tech Special Edition: I'm...not clear what this is?
Deathstroke Inc. #1: lol
Aquaman: The Becoming #1: shit I'm gonna like an Aquaman comic, and about a character who debuted on Young Justice no less, this sucks
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang. Kill Tour #1: Zero interest but glad to see Max Sarin getting work.
Suicide Squad: King Shark #1: Ditto except replace Max Sarin with the Defacer.
Are You Afraid of Darkseid? #1: This one's a maybe.
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Action Comics #1035: Excited for this, especially with the fairly long-teased 'event' arc with Janin starting in the next issue, but I can't help but laugh looking at that cover because it absolutely looks like Superman's doing a Brandon Routh to his poor family.
Batman '89 #2: Ah, so this and '78 are still miniseries, somehow missed that before.
Batman: Reptilian #4: The preview for the first issue was definitely not what I expected coming from Ennis's interview; I'm curious how he'll square apparently doing the "Punisher MAX but it's Batman" approach so many people will want with the comedy he inherently sees in the character and his world.
Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Two #4: I had thought I was probably out but dammit if you're bringing the Gray Ghost in you've got my attention.
Batman/Superman #22: This is ending to be relaunched to focus on Jace and Jon, right? Between it doing steadily sales-wise and the acclaim I can't fathom a reason to dump Yang the same month King Shark is getting a mini.
(My worst fear is that DC floated this as a test - put a dynamite creative team on their two biggest characters, but without any sense of 'importance', and see how much readers gravitate towards it relative to crap that's central to the sacred Continuity - and feels it got an answer.)
Hardware: Season One #2: Probably still getting this.
Infinite Frontier #6: Hate when I'm made the new de facto head of the DCU and people are so unenthused about the prospect of this that the solicit for the last issue of my event mini isn't even listed at the front among the 'big' books of the month, when the first issue hasn't even hit the stands yet.
Justice League #68: This is where Jon joins, right? Conceivably even Jace/Yara/Kaldur, though I think that full changeover will be the marker of the next 'proper' relaunch.
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Justice League Infinity #3: Moraaaaa. The premise of 'what if the Justice League cartoon did all the cool stuff?' loses something when it isn't actually the cartoon anymore - we're already used to seeing the cool stuff in this format - but I'm not gonna turn down good Justice League comics.
Legends of the Dark Knight #5: Cool, I'll get this.
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #5: Orion still looks like that?
Rorschach #12: Hurm.
RWBY/Justice League #6: I guess any plans to sell Rooster Teeth would be on hold what with the move from AT&T to Discovery, so hopefully the chances of a more character-driven sequel aren't 100% dashed.
Strange Adventures #12: So goddamn nervous until the very last moment it's gonna turn out to be "it was his wife all along!"
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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4: God, what a cover.
Superman '78 #2: Looking forward to seeing that Hitch variant, and Hackman's Luthor should be fun in this context.
Superman and The Authority #4: Right up to the end the solicits for this sound like an event lead-in mini circa 2007 or so except it's Grant Morrison so what is it really??? AND WHY NO QUITELY VARIANT
Superman: Son of Kal-El #3: I don't trust Taylor to do the ideal possible version of 'Jon Kent becomes a leftist in college' but the basic setup of this status quo is great and I think he'll do a fun version of it that's going to satisfy a lot of people.
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries #6: That's MY Scooby-Doo, y'all!
Wonder Woman: Black and Gold #4: God, Lotay.
Batgirl of Burnside Omnibus: I get why this is a collection that basically had to happen but that's not a new cover by Stewart, is that? Somebody please tell me that's something repurposed and they didn't give him new work.
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arteacactus · 6 years
Another Unoriginal Appreciation Post
Firstly, @underagecatnip , for being my best friend of five years and putting up with all my shit in those years. You've helped developed me as a person and for that I'm eternally grateful.
@an-anxious-acquaintance , both thank you and I'm sorry that you're the first relationship I've ever been in, haha. Sorry for the awkwardness, but thank you for helping me figure it all out. You're an amazing friend and datemate and I'm very very happy that you don't hate my guts for thirsting over other people lol
@fandergecko ,my very artistic and talented friend that I don't talk to often but I cherish just the same. Thank you! You're the reason why I'm doing the stuff I do. If it weren't for you and your mermaid au, I would have NEVER continued drawing people; I would have given up, and I wouldn't have been able to accomplish the things I have. Thank you for the encouragement and the love.
@ebony-wolf one of my friends that I don't really know a lot of, but I know one thing for sure, and it's that you're so, so amazing. You're so sweet and kind, and that in itself has helped me so much, self esteem wise. You've really done a lot in helping me remember my worth.
@allimeraine the Mom Friend™, thank you sm. You improve my mental health with every word you say, damn near lol. Your compliments help with my self esteem as well. Your advice lets me see another side to some things, such as my feelings, from an outsiders view, and it's incredibly helpful, and I can't thank you enough.
@skaiaabelleth @nightsofdragondreams and @littlehumansthings , I don't talk to you guys a lot, and I apologize for being weirdly socially anxious lol, but thank you for being there anyway; I really couldn't imagine myself without y'all.
@iamvegorott thank you a whole bunch for creating your server and allowing me to meet and make friends, and thank you for your writing! If it weren't for the fics you wrote, I wouldn't have found you, and become friends with you. You're such a talented, wonderful writer, and I'm so glad I found your content. I don't know why, but I can absolutely picture you becoming a published author some day.
@lum1natrix @markired , I don't really talk to you, but your gifs are always such a lovely thing to see on my dash, and I appreciate you so much for bringing that liveliness to my Tumblr feed! Thank you!
@huffletrax @turquoisemagpie @piligy @spacejellybeans @van-arts @luci-morningstar812 and way more artists I can't remember the URLs of- thank you for making art! I see art on my dashboard constantly, and it always brings a smile to my face! You bring life to these characters by drawing them and you have helped me personally with your art just by inspiring me to get off my lazy ass and draw something. Thank you!
@fear-is-nameless - I see theories made by/reblogged by you all the time, and I thank you for that! You've helped me put my brain to use and astonishingly, your theories have even helped me with my school, because you kick my brain into gear all the time. Thank you!
@wiishu thank you for your videos AND your art. I love watching your videos when I need to relax, and they're perfect to have on in the background when I read or draw, and your art is beautiful and inspires me every time I see it. Thank you 🖤
@pixlpit and @crankgameplays - two people who I don't watch nearly enough of! Thank you for giving me laughs and providing your amazing videos. You're always who I go to when I need something to giggle about.
@markiplier and @therealjacksepticeye , thank you both for filling my life with laughter and tears. Inspiring me and helping lift me up when I'm beaten and broken on the ground. I'll always be grateful to you both for not only being a source of light in my life, but for also letting me into your communities, and helping me make friends and learn about myself.
And lastly, thank you to everyone reading this! Whether you're a follower or friend of mine, or you have no idea who I am and just stumbled upon this post in the tags; thank you! You fill all the tags with your own type of content, and supporting others'. Original posts, or even likes, reblogs, replies; you make these communities what they are, and I'll always, always be grateful to you all for it.
Sappy time over! Time to kick 2019 in the ass.
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Year End Reflections (No, I'm not dead)
This year... hasn't been an easy one.
At the beginning of this year, I found out that my body wasn't working right. It was a relief, because I had felt for a while that things weren't right, but it was also scary, and upsetting, and overwhelming. Fast forward to the end of the year, and while some things have gotten better, we still don't have my Graves Disease under control. According to my doctor, if upping my medication for the third time doesn't help, we may have to look into killing my thyroid altogether with radioactive iodine, making me hypo for the rest of my life. I've known this was a possibility from the moment I was diagnosed, but I had been hoping that if it came to that, it would be my choice, not something I'd be forced to do.
I haven't tried to stay healthy in all this, even thoough with my health on the line, it would totally make sense to. I've been stressed, I've reverted to old habits, and consequently I've gained... much more weight than I would have preferred. I'm not where I started, but I've gained back at least half of what I've lost. And part of me hates myself for it, but another part of me is just trying to remind myself that I need to love and forgive myself, because that's the first step to being genuinely happy with myself again.
So, this year has been... a bit of a dumpster fire. Yes, there have been good things - I got to go to JAPAN, for god's sake, and that was fucking amazing - but it feels like everything outside of that has been a bit of a wash. But I'm ready to make a change. I'm ready to start over, so to speak. I'm ready to love myself again. And if I'm honest, I'm not sure if that means I'm ready to be back on here 110%, because I know it's gonna be hard, and I know I'm gonna slip up, and I have a really hard time feeling guilty when I do, like I'm letting people down. But I will try to check in, I will try to be more present.
I will learn to love myself again. That is my goal for 2018.
I'd also like to connect with people on here again, because while I myself haven't been super active, I log in multiple times every day and read so many stories y'all share, and I'm rooting for you, even when I don't say anything at all. So for that reason, I'd like to give a few shoutouts to the people I've been following, who have inspired me, who I've been silently cheering for. I hope y'all see this; if you don't, it's not a big deal, but I do hope you know how much you mean to me (and I'm sure to a lot of other people in this community).
@fatmaninalittlesuit - Dude, I don't even know what to say. I've followed you for years and you have always been such an inspiration, but this year you have absolutely killed it. You've worked so hard, and it's paid off tremendous dividends. I saw your ten selfies of 2017 post today and literally said out loud, "Holy shit, John, you don't even look like the same person - you look awesome!!" You look happy, you look strong, and you always have kind words of encouragement to share with us. Thank you for all you do in this community, and may your 2018 be rad as fuck.
@curvymommy70 - You have been so sweet to me. It seems like every time I've made a post complaining for crying about my circumstances, you've always been there to pat me on the back and reassure me things would be okay. You have been a rock for me in this community throughout the year, and I don't feel like I've done enough to convey how much I appreciate you. Thank you so much for everything, and I cannot wait to see what 2018 brings you (I hope it's only good things). :)
@plussizeadventure - I haven't really said two words to you, but I followed you earlier this year and I'm so glad I did. I know 2017 has been shitty for you too, but I can't tell you how much I love seeing your smiling face on my dash. You are funny, and smart, and determined as hell, and I find myself cheering you on in the face of your challenges, whether it's shitty advisors or cancer. The fact that you can still smile at the end of the day puts things in perspective for me, and if you can find things to smile about, then I sure as hell can too. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story with us - I know I don't always talk often, but I am always rooting for you!!
@mystoryfortheaudienceoftheworld - Another person who I only just started following this year, and now I look back and ask why??? You are such a delight, I love seeing your smile, your passion for life, even when things are rough, and your dancing gifs and videos make me wanna get up and shake it too! You are Hayden are PRECIOUS together, and I am so happy for the next phase of life you two get to embark on. I love seeing you on my dash. Also - and I hope this isn't too weird - you're only about four-ish hours away from me and I wanna be like, let's get brunch sometime! I feel like that would be an awesome meal. :)
@sweetiefiend - I know we haven't chatted in a hot minute, and I'm not in the GG fandom like I used to be, but I just love seeing you on my dash. You are gorgeous and kind and encouraging, and it seems like you've always reached out to me when I needed it the most. Thank you for that, and I hope 2018 is fucking awesome for you.
@sahraylia - My wifey until I die~~ You are always there for me, you are encouraging, kind, loving, patient, and you're not afraid to call me out when I need it - all of which I love you for so, so much. I hope I can be as supportive to you as you've always been for me. You always encourage me to be myself, especially when I need the reminder, and I can never express to you how much that means to me. I love you so, so much, and I hope 2018 is better than your 2017 was. <3
@dysfunctionalkitsune - I'm gonna see you tonight, it's probably inane to but this here, but girl. I am so grateful for you in my life. I never would have guessed all those years ago when we met in middle school that we'd be as close as we are now, but I am so glad we are. You are the fire that keeps me going, keeps me pursuing my dreams, even when I fall off the wagon multiple times per week. You helped us get to Japan this year, you always take me on fun adventures, your thirst for excitement and life is contagious and I'm so glad I know you for it. Having you as a friend means life is never boring, and I love that. I love you so much, and I can't wait to see where our next adventure takes us!
@starfieldeyes - I don't even know what to say to you, because words seem meaningless. You have been there for me in my worst times, when I sobbed on the phone, when I felt like everything was lost. You've been there to lift me up, wipe my tears, and sometimes slap me in the face and tell me to get over myself - all from hundreds of miles away. You always seem to know what I need when I need it, and I literally cannot express how much I love you & how lucky I am to have you in my life. The college we met at was not a good match for either of us, but I will always be grateful that I met you (and Brittany) there, and I wouldn't change a thing about going there if it means I get to have you both in my life. Thank you. I love you.
@mynameisbirdie - I feel like putting a shoutout here is silly, because you're my sister and all, but I don't know if I tell you enough how much you mean to me. You have become one of my very best friends, and I'm so happy that we are as close as we are. I'm so grateful that I can literally tell you anything and I know you won't judge me. I love that we share our interests with each other and drag each other down into our respective fandoms, I love that we laugh over rip vine compilations and quote John Mulaney to each other, I love everything about us and our relationship. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much.
I know there are people that I'm missing, but this has gone on too long already, lol. Here's hoping for a better 2018 than 2017 - for myself, for all my followers, and to whoever might be reading this right now. Let's make 2018 our bitch.
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