#not that this memory has anything to do w the episode i'm currently on; just a fond thought
firstdove15 · 1 year
I think one of my favorite Princess Tutu memories is my friend A watching my DVDs on the lounge TV in college. When I walked in, she was on the episode with the girl who loved watering and talking to the flowers.
Freaking season two.
Granted, there are only 26 episodes of the whole show but still. She meant business and I was happy that she checked it out on a whim and was clearly having a good time.
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amiizuki · 3 months
I was rewatching Judgemental Critter's RWBY Beyond review, and while watching the part about Somewhat's episode I realized something
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so this is Ambrosius' portal. that's pretty obvious, with the whole blue and yellow aesthetic that all the relics have
now, considering that it seems like Somewhat's episode takes place shortly after V9's end (since that market place, is still being repaired I think), this means that, at the moment of that episode, our "heroes" haven't gotten the relics back yet, since the Boba episode mentions that the gang have been back for weeks already – Ruby's quote: "by the way Yang, you promised we'd go shopping weeks ago" – and yet there was no mention anywhere of the relics somehow being back in their possession (because they prioritize drinking tea and doing Naruto run around the overcrowded, underresourced kingdom over saving the world. lol, lmao even). meaning that Salem's group still has both relics at this point, if not three, considering they fucking nuked Vale offscreen
so here's the thing...
the ONLY characters who were in Everafter and came back out with the knowledge of it (in or close to current time) are RWBYJ. and, if we assume that she's somehow still alive and somehow on Salem's side (somehow), then possibly also Summer.
Neo should most likely still be in her dumbass tree, and even if she isn't and she's back on Remnant, she wouldn't be able to tell (literally) that info to Salem or her gang of failures, because she should remember jackshit about being part of them or them in general, since ascension erases all of your pre-ascension memories. and considering that Neo chose to ascend willingly, I doubt she'd just go "nah, I'm actually pretty good the way I am", then come back with no changes, like Ruby did, and run off to, like, write a lengthy letter to Salem about Everafter or something.
Salem herself can't know about Everafter, because she never had any of the relics in her possession and so never went there. what, did the Brother Gods just randomly roll up to her at some point, after she already turned into Grimm, said "yo, there's this cool Everafter place, we were both born there. here's how you can get to it", and then dipped out? or did she summon Ambrosius and he just started dumping exposition on Everafter onto her unprompted? honestly wouldn't put it past the writers, but let's assume for this that they're not that dumb.
Cinder, Mercury and Tyrian have even LESS chances of knowing about Everafter being real
RWBYJ and anyone from their side have no means of getting there, due to not having relics, like I pointed out before
the ONLY person who could at least somewhat logically come back to Everafter is Summer (again, assuming she's still alive... somehow). she knows how to get there and have already been there, since her weapon is in Blacksmith's workshop. but even if it IS Summer then:
why the hell would she wanna go back there, considering there's nothing for her to get? what, does she suddenly want to help out with the fight against Salem by enlisting a small baby mouse, a deerhare, partially cracked Red Prince and random lads from the market, who don't even know how to fight?
how in the fuck would she even get her hands on the staff if it's with Salem? I doubt she stole it while Salem was too busy monologuing and glaring into the distance or something like that
and if we go with the logical option of Summer still actually being dead, then it doesn't change anything and we're still in the same spot we were if we'd assumed she was secretly alive
so really this final portal thing just makes zero sense. and it's clear why this makes zero sense – because Kerry just wanted to shove some big, cool cliffhanger at the end of the episode to bait people into giving them more money on their show with worse than mediocre writing. "oooooooh, you wanna see who the fuck entered the Everafter at the end there? well, ya gotta give us more money first! pretty pleaaaaaaaaase🥺🥺"
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fowlfics · 7 months
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This year's @fandomtrumpshate browsing period is open!
One Piece has 18 offerings from 13 creators! You can see all of them RIGHT HERE or have a look at the sparknotes below!
Bidding runs from 5th March 2024 8 am EST, to 9th March 2024 8pm EST. You can help raise money for non-profit organizations - you can see the full list of those HERE!
For One Piece fanfiction:
Less than 5k:
CaptainSupernoodle (@scribble-dee-doo) - Charity specified (Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to M rating •
ShadowSpires (@shadow-spires)- Any Charity • Up to M rating • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty."
Between 5-10k
ladybug114 - Any Charity • Up to T rating • "I can write for either the anime or live action, with the caveat that I've seen about 250 episodes of the anime. I won't write anything that ships Luffy with anyone. I won't write any sexual content."
altokiwi (@altokiwi) - Charity specified (Bellingcat *, Life After Hate, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to M rating • "for pairings, I'm more familiar with Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi, though, I'm super down on writing for almost any f/f ship or rarepairs as well. For gen fics, I'm more familiar with the Strawhats, the Vinsmokes, the Revolutionary Army and the Marines."
juurensha (@juurensha) - Any Charity • Up to M rating • "Zoro/Sanji, Luffy/Law, Robin/Franky, Nami/Tashigi, Zeff/Garp, Crocodile/Mr. 1, Crocodile/Mihawk, Shanks/Mihawk, Yamato/Hiyori"
Emily Fowl (that's me!) - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "I love exploring the themes of brotherhood between Ace, Sabo and Luffy. Additionally, I like making Ace meet Roger and/or Rouge, having Sabo recover his memories early or stretching Luffy's luffiness to its absolute limit. Other characters I'd be happy to write about as the main characters of the fic are the Strawhats, Nika, Law & Rosi, the OG Hearts (Bepo, Shachi, Penguin), Dragon, Roger, Uta, Crocodile & others (feel free to ask!)"
Thursday - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Especially interested in: poly ships, lgbtq+ characters and identities (especially trans and non-binary characters), found family (or just family) dynamics. i especially love to explore how relationships change and i'm a big fan of queerplatonic and just platonic relationships in general!! i love to include the hurt/comfort trope a lot. i also really love to world-build and i enjoy doing non-traditional things for a lot of different dynamics."
Between 10-20k
Trinipedia - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Luffy/Zoro, Helmeppo/Koby, Sanji/Zoro, Mihawk/Zoro, Luffy/Sanji
For One Piece fanart:
facethestrange - Any Charity • Up to E rating • "I'm offering colored digital art. Anything between 1-4 characters in one picture. The scope and style is going to be similar to the art in my AO3 profile, no matter how high the winning bid is. (To see representative examples of what you'll be getting, please only look at works from the last 1-2 years - some older ones are a very different style and lower quality.)"
PYRZQXYL - Three offerings; Two are both Any Charity • Up to M rating • Unwilling to address: hard 'no full frontal' rule, erotica otherwise v. negotiable; One is Any Charity, Up to T rating • All are: "PORTRAITURE(S) (up to a triptych) // ILLUSTRATION (of a scene, up to three (3) characters), fanfiction scenes (w. & only w. author's blessing)"
Arandin (@arandin-art) - Any Charity • Up to T rating • "For a book cover with a fully illustrated background 10$ must be added to the minimum amount. Each additional characters represent 5$. My favorite pairings: LuSan, ZoSan or LawSan... But I'm open to your ideas nonetheless."
For One Piece fan labor:
ShadowSpires (also in Section 1) - BETA • Any Charity • Up to E rating • 10-20k range • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty. Open to most other things, though, including Crew Feels!"
altokiwi (also in Section 1) - CULTURE PICKING, SPECIALIST EXPERTISE, TRANSLATION • Charity specified (Bellingcat *, Life After Hate, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Never Again Action *, Any/all listed environmental orgs) • Up to E rating • "Depends how much the bidder contributes.. For translation - 1k words per $4 bid. Expertise and Culture - 1k words per $2 bid. Fan labor details: Culture picking - Mexican culture (everyday life, food, language, etc) Specialist expertise - Medical equipment/devices (particularly in a clinical setting). Engineering in general. Translation - Spanish <-> English. If the text is not your own, please make sure you have the author's permission! (or public blank permission works too)"
For One Piece fan audio & video:
ShadowSpires (also in Sections 1 & 3) - PODFIC • Any Charity • Up to T rating • Less than 5k • "For One Piece I'm currently only up to Zou, so I want to focus before that. My main ships are ZoLu, LawLu, and ZoSanLu, with a focus on devotion/loyalty. Open to most other things, though, including Crew Feels!"
Alistair_Nightly - PODFIC • Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Depends how much the bidder contributes. $10 - up to 10k words; $5 per 1k words after that, capped at 50k words. Stuff I'm especially interested in working with: - Found family - Soulmates - Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers - AUs / Cross-overs / Collabs - Non-hetero relationships (I'm especially indulgent of boy-love & bara, but all flavors are welcome. including hetero) - Adventure stories - Horror/Thriller/Slasher - While I love good mimetic fiction, I am especially fond of speculative fiction"
aaronantium - VIDEO • Any Charity • Up to E rating • "Video details: I will make a music video with a song of your choosing. It can be multi-character, focused on a single character, or a shipping vid. I'll do a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 5 minutes (I can do a section of larger songs, but five minutes is the max length for the final vid). [For] One Piece I'm good to work with either live action/animated or both, but if it is a ship vid I don't want to do anything that is incestuous or underaged."
If you're interested in bidding for a One Piece offering, but can't find something you'd like among the ones listed above, don't fret! Plenty of creators picked "any fandom" on their offerings!
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fifteensjukebox · 6 months
tagged by @amidalleia tysm!!💖
last song: winning by emily haines & the soft skeleton has been in my head and i have whatever a photographic memory but for music is called so i think it counts. i was trying to figure out the change in timing starting about a minute into the song and my memory wasn't good enough to figure it out, and i think the last song i actually listened to was wet blanket by metric (emily's band) in the car yesterday. what can i say i love her! (the update is that I tossed this post into my drafts earlier and i have now actually listened to winning and almost figured out what she's doing but i'll have to discuss with my music theory-knowing brother)
favourite color: turquoise/mint/teal/sage/cool amethysty purples/the denim blue VW car colour (my beloved first car was a vw beetle we called lulu so that colour is now lulu blue in my house à la dodie yellow)
currently watching/reading:
rewatching btvs and angel mid s4/s1 respectively while showing it to my mom and brother for the first time! it's taking ages but we're having the best time
gilmore girls - (late mid s3) first watch w my parents! there's so much i know from here and so much i don't but i know i love jess
grey's anatomy - watched s1-17 with my family a few years ago (begrudgingly at first bc i so did not want to watch a medical show. and sooo long! but it really is that good (sometimes)) & have been watching weekly as it airs since, but we just caught up on the first bit of the current season yesterday bc i didn't realize it was back. and i love the new class of interns so much we are SO BACK
not dead yet - the only show i'm currently watching by myself week to week as it airs and of course my favorite character is the white man i hate it here... i do love the women too though!!
doctor who 12th doctor rewatch but i stopped like a month ago in the middle of the episode before the cybermen plot starts bc it's just going to break my heart to lose bill for a third time. but i miss them! missy most of all so i will get to it soon
i'm not really reading anything at the moment but i have a couple audiobooks on hold at the library (yeah this is jenny's answer exactly but it applies!)
relationship status: single and i don't go out enough so i doubt it'll change anytime soon
sweet/savory/spicy: i want to say sweet bc i loooove sugar but i add salt to everything lately, i even added it to a rice krispie square the other day, so....
current obsessions:
also still nancy drew forever and always, but honestly i don't have a fandom hyperfixation atm! it's all about furniture shopping.... i'm looking for a small chair/stool for my bedroom desk, and a bigger table to go with my living room big chair so i can have my laptop/food/whatever else i want bc i seem to spend most of my time here
and emily haines/metric music (lately i haven't been listening to much me after 2007, but i love the more recent stuff just as much!
last thing you googled: something about the st vincent rock&roll hall of fame exhibit bc i'd seen a clip about it on someones story but i couldn't find the full video (still haven't)
no-pressure tags: @redheadedbrunette @apolloamy @godofsmallthings @jemhowling @acafemmeic @electrictouchfeaturingfalloutboy @coldnightairinmylungs & anyone else who wants to! i love these sm
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