#not that the Pokemon fandom hasn't been talking about how to cook and eat Pokemon since forever
chuthulhu-reads · 3 months
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[ID: A panel from Dungeon Meshi. Laios, with a downcast expression, is saying, "Ducks don't come along carrying leeks on their backs, you know." Marcille, looking even sadder, says, "I'm sorry. You're right." End ID.]
...God, the carnage that would be unleashed by letting Laios loose in the Pokemon World, tho. He'd make the BDG video look extremely sober and hinged. Professor Oak would ask how his pokedex is coming and he'd hand over a cookbook he's writing. He'd find Mew under the truck and roast it whole like a chicken. AO3 has zero crossovers so far and I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved
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