#not that luther scares me or anything i just think he's very cute and trying to accurately depict his beauty is a lot of pressure
declankat · 11 months
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I'm slowly getting the hang of drawing in PC again!
sorry for no Luther u_u I'm not mentally prepared to draw him yet.
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rubysunnday · 4 years
Broken Hearted
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Y/N Hargreeves had cut herself off from the world. 
She’d deleted all her social media apps off her phone, ignored the concerned messages and voice mails from her siblings and locked herself away in her apartment.
Heartbreak was never easy. Especially when you’d been cheated on. 
Y/N was suffering. The endless empty cups and bags of chocolate strewn around the house told as much. She had no energy to do anything other than watch crappy daytime tv and eat pot noodles.
And she was happy for it to remain that way until she felt a little better.
Unfortunately for Y/N, she had six very stubborn siblings - seven if you include Ben. 
The knock on her front door went ignored, Y/N turning the volume up on the t.v to drown out the sound. The person behind the door knocked again, slightly harder. Y/N turned up the t.v even more.
An even louder, slightly more frantic knock.
Y/N turned the t.v up even more.
They knocked again, so hard Y/N thought they were going to knock the door down. 
“Y/N Hargreeves, if you don’t open this door in the next five seconds I’m breaking it down!”
Y/N sighed at Diego’s yell and reluctantly turned the t.v back down, untangled herself from the numerous blankets she’d cocooned in and stomped over to the door.
She unlocked it but didn’t take it off the chain, opening it just wide enough to see out of. “What?”
Diego sighed, trying not to show the relief he had at seeking her in one piece. He’d even having countless horrible thoughts running through his mind ever since she’d ignored all his messages and phone calls. 
“What is going on with you?” Diego asked, raising an eyebrow as he took in her make-up free face, wet hair and tired eyes. 
“Nothing, alright?” Y/N said, moving to shut the door. Diego stuck his foot in the gap, stopping it. Y/N sighed, resting her head on the door. “Diego, just go... please.”
“I didn’t get soaking wet walking to your house for you to say no to pizza,” Diego said, leaning his head on the door to look at her. “I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
Y/N sighed, her eyes burning at the simple gesture. “Diego..”
“Y/N if you don’t let me in, I’ll let myself in,” Diego warned.
Y/N sighed again but unlocked the chain, swinging the door open as she plodded back to her nest of blankets on the sofa.
“Wow,” Diego said, letting out a whistle at the state of his sister’s apartment. 
“Don’t,” Y/N muttered, burying herself in her nest. “I don’t see the point in anything.”
Diego set the pizza and beer down on the table and sat down next to Y/N on the sofa, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around himself. “What happened?”
“They fucking cheated, that’s what,” Y/N muttered, blinking away her tears. “And I found out very twitter.”
Diego sighed. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, putting a hand around her shoulders.
Y/N leant into her brother, resting her head on his shoulder. “I just... feel helpless. And it sucks.”
“I know,” Diego replied, kissing her head gently. “Feels like the weight of the world is trying to crush you.”
“I feel like I'm drowning,” Y/N said softly. “And no one can hear me screaming.”
“Oh, is that pizza and beer?”
“No,” Vanya said, following Klaus inside.
“Klaus, you are not allowed to get drunk,” Allison warned as they stepped into the apartment. She looked over at Y/N and sighed sadly. “Hey, sis.”
Y/N felt her face fall as the tears suddenly overcame her and Allison came running over, taking a very grateful Diego’s place as Y/N sobbed into Allison’s shoulder.
Vanya perched herself on the sofa behind Y/N and rubbed her sisters back as she cried, silently taking the beer Klaus offered her.
“Oh, I know,” Allison whispered, stroking her sisters hair. “What can we do?”
“I want alcohol,” Y/N mumbled, sniffing. “And to get tipsy.”
“Woo hoo!” Klaus exclaimed, walking over with several beers and flopping down next to Y/N. He handed her one and looked her in the eye. “Listen, if you need me to scare them, I will do.”
“I’ll stab him,” Diego added as he helped himself to pizza.
“I can rumour him to punch himself like I did Diego,” Allison said, smirking as Diego began to protest. 
“I mean, I can throw him through a window,” Luther said as he finally arrived, carrying the rest of the pizza. “I got stuck in the staircase,” he explained at his siblings questioning looks.
Y/N let out a snort of laughter. “Did you leave a dent?”
“No,” Luther said quietly, setting the pizza boxes on the table. “I may have broken a light.”
Y/N giggled quietly. “When I first moved in, Diego punched that light because he smacked his head on it.”
“It got in the way,” Diego replied, sitting down on a chair next to the t.v. “I remember you laughing so hard you fell down the stairs and broke your ankle.”
“I also remember you having to carry me to the e.r and having to stay with me all night because I was high on pain relief,” Y/N replied, grabbing a slice of pizza. 
“Neither one us comes off well in that story,” Diego muttered.
“So, are we killing them?” Klaus asked, looking at Y/N.
“No, god no,” Y/N replied, shaking her head. “I mean... I do have an overwhelming desire to burn shit.”
Klaus nodded, pulling out a lighter and flicking it on. “Good, where do we start?”
“I don’t know whether to be concerned or frightened at how ok you are with that,” Allison said, staring at Klaus in slight concern. 
Vanya shrugged from behind Y/N. “At least she isn’t going to stick them full of knives like I did.”
“Don’t tempt me,” Y/N warned, looking up at Vanya. “The idea has crossed my mind.”
“OK, so, three of my siblings are psychopaths, one is basically a giant ape, the other is a housewife. Am i the only normal one here?” Diego asked.
“Diego, hun, you got shanked by our Father, you’ve been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald and your girlfriend tried to kill you,” Y/N deadpanned. “If anything, you’re the most fucked up person here.”
“I think that goes to me,” Five said, suddenly jumping into the room.
“Jesus!” Y/N exclaimed, dropping her pizza in surprise. “You made me drop my pizza, Five,” she said, pouting.
Five sighed, handing her a fresh piece. “And if i said that I may have just gotten your ex arrested...”
“I’d hug you so hard your cold dead heart might actually warm up,” Y/N replied. “I don't care how you did it, just that you did it.”
Five smiled at her. “Improper use of a firearm. Don’t ask,” he added quickly.
Y/N stood up from her nest, the blankets falling down around her feet as she hugged Five tightly, ignoring his noise of protest. “Thank you,” she muttered.
Klaus sighed. “Aw, you're so cute.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Y/N warned, pointing a finger at Klaus.
Klaus pouted, sitting back down. “I thought we were getting tipsy?”
“We are,” Y/N said, snatching a beer of Klaus and putting her feet on his lap. “It’s just a matter of who goes first.”
“Luther,” Diego said, pointing at him.
“Why me?” Luther asked, frowning.
“Because you’re the most innocent member of the family,” Y/N replied, shrugging. 
“What about you?” Luther asked, pointing at her.
“Oh, honey,” Y/N said, smirking as she took a sip. “I’m the least innocent person here.”
As an argument ensued about who was the most innocent in the family, Diego and Klaus silently raised a beer to each other, happy that their mission to cheer their sister up had been a success.
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no one helps but you ~ klaus hargreeves;the umbrella academy
word count: 1288
request?: yes!
“Hi I love your writing so much! I've had this idea in my mind for a request and its with Klaus from Umbrella academy. It's basically the reader gets a panic attack or anxiety attack and klaus is the only one that can calm her down. Idk maybe like ben or Diego try to help calm her down while waiting for klaus but it doesnt help. Klaus gets there and she starts calming down. Just something really cute and fluffy and cute kisses and that. You dont have to I just think it would be cute. Thank you 🖤”
description: the only person who can calm you down during panic attacks was always your boyfriend, so when he’s not around, things get hard
pairing: klaus hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, anxiety, panic attack
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Everything was fine. I was spending the day at Klaus’ and I had left his room for the first time when he went out to grab us some fast food. I was grabbing a glass to get a drink when my heart suddenly began to race.
No. No, not now. Not here.
But it was too late. My breathing was starting to become more shallow and I could feel my body beginning to shake. The glass slipped from my hands and smashed on the floor. The sound caused me to cover my ears and exclaim in fear.
Diego ran into the kitchen first, knife raised and ready. He looked around before his eyes landed on me. “(Y/N), are you alright? What happened?”
I couldn’t respond. It felt like I had no control over my body. I was trapped in my own head, unable to do anything besides stand there.
Realizing what was going on, Diego shoved his knife into his belt and approached me slowly. “(Y/N), I’m going to touch you, but it’s just so I can sit you down at the table. Is that okay?”
I managed to nod. Diego gently took hold of my shoulders and sat me on a chair. As he did, Ben entered the kitchen next, the same alarmed look on his face. “What’s going on?”
“Can you clean that glass up?” Diego asked him.
Ben noticed the distant look on my face and also realized what was going on. As he began to clean my mess, Diego tried to talk me down from my anxiety attack, but it was no use. There was only one person who was ever able to talk me down in moments like this, and he was out.
As if on cue, the sound of their front door opening and closing alerted us that someone had arrived. A familiar voice calling out my name caused my body to slightly relaxed as I looked up in the direction where his voice was coming from. Noticing my less tense reaction, Diego called for Klaus to come to the kitchen right away.
He appeared in the doorway and his eyes immediately landed on me, looking at me with concern. “Baby, are you okay?”
“I’m not sure what happened,” Diego explained. “Ben and I have been trying to calm her down, but it’s no use.”
Klaus crossed the kitchen and knelt down so he was eye level with me. He took hold of my hand and I felt my entire body relax. It felt as though something had been lifted off of my chest and I could finally breathe again.
Klaus looked up at his brothers. “Would you guys mind just giving us a moment alone?”
Diego and Ben nodded and left the kitchen without another word. Klaus sat on a chair next to me and continued to rub soothing circles with his thumb on my hand. I slowly felt myself coming back to normal. I had stopped shaking and my heart was starting to slow to a normal speed.
It took a few minutes, but finally I felt as though I had control over my body again. I looked up at Klaus and knew he could see in my face that I was okay again.
“Let’s get you in bed for a while,” he said, his voice soft. “You can take a short nap. I’ll heat up your food when you’re awake and feeling better, we’ll eat then.”
I nodded and allowed Klaus to help me up and guide me to his room. He laid me down on his bed and covered me up. The moment my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light.
I woke up about an hour later. I felt better than I had when I fell asleep. Any feelings I had after my anxiety attack felt like a distant memory.
I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My movements caught the attention of Klaus, who was sitting on the floor reading a comic book. He looked up at me and smiled. “Hey you. How are you feeling?”
“Better,” I responded as I stretched my arms out. “A little embarrassed.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Why are you embarrassed?”
I sighed and rested my head in my hands. “I can’t believe that happened in front of Diego and Ben. God, they probably think I’m insane or something.”
Klaus stood and sat next to me. “No, baby. You don’t have to worry about that. There’s nothing wrong with what happened, they just didn’t know what to do to help you. They were just worried is all.”
I rested my head on Klaus’ shoulder. “I just...I know it’s not easy to deal with me when I’m like that. I’ve had...so many people come and go from my life because they weren’t sure how to deal with me when I had anxiety attacks. You make me feel so comfortable, just hearing you when you came home helped to calm me down, and I don’t want anyone in your family getting frustrated with me when they try to help because it looks so easy when it’s you, only for me not to come out of that state for a long time. Does that make sense?”
Klaus wrapped an arm around me and held me to him. “It makes sense, but it’s not a concern you need to have. Diego and Ben weren’t frustrated, they were just worried something bad had happened that caused you to have an anxiety attack. They’re just happy you’re okay, and so am I. I was worried when Diego called for me and I saw you sitting there looking dazed.”
I sighed. “I don’t know what happened. I was getting a drink and suddenly I just felt anxious for no reason.”
Klaus held me in silence for a while. He kissed the top of my head, also a very comforting gesture, as I thought over my earlier anxiety attack.
It was hard to maintain any sort of relationships when there was always a chance I could fall into another anxiety attack for no reason at all. I had boyfriend who broke up with me because they thought my anxiety attacks were for attention, friends who dropped me because I didn’t feel up for going out to parties or to super crowded places like they did, and even family that claimed my anxiety “didn’t exist” and that I was making it all up.
I was lucky to have Klaus. He understood what I went through, and he was really my rock when I had bad anxiety attacks. And with Klaus came his family, more specifically his six siblings, who quickly became like my own family. I didn’t feel as alone when I had them, but it also scared me to no end thinking I could lose that little family I had in seconds if they thought my anxiety was too much to deal with, like everyone else in my past had.
As if sensing my thoughts, Klaus gave me a squeeze. “My family love you. We’ve been through some shit together, they all know what it’s like to struggle. No one is going to judge you for what you go through. And if they do, I’ll beat them up.”
I giggled. “You’re no match against Luther.”
“You don’t think so? Look at these guns.”
I laughed as Klaus flexed his muscles, which were nothing compared to Luther’s body. I cuddled into him again as we both laid back on the bed.
“Thank you for always being there for me,” I told him.
He kissed my head again and held me tightly. “I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). I promise.”
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Hypnagogic | Luther Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Luther Hargreeves x Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.1k
✦ soulmate AU
✦ summary — you always assumed you weren’t meant to have a soulmate.
✦ warnings — angst, mentions of alcohol, fluff
✦ a/n — I love Luther!!! I hope I did him justice.
Anybody at that bar could’ve been your soulmate and none of them at the same time.
You traced your forearm where a soulmate mark was supposed to be. The lack of mark had never intrigued you, but you often wondered what it would say if you had one.
Everyone was meant to find someone. That was how human beings were conditioned to live, that was how humans had lived since the beginning.
Soulmate marks were dreaded by some, and others saw them as the only thing helping them cling to life. You were torn.
You still remembered the day your mark was supposed to appear on your skin, the first thing your soulmate would say to you when you met them.
You had expected something sweet — in your defense, you were fifteen — but you found nothing more than a scorching sensation and a blank arm. Your mom cried a lot that day, looking for the mark all over your body.
You had been confused, scared. Were you meant to be alone for the rest of your life? How could someone you weren’t meant to be with ever look your way? Would you ever meet more people without marks?
You had tried to rehearse reactions to finding out you weren’t the only one without a mark, but soon you grew out of that habit. Everybody you had ever met had a mark.
You weren’t meant to find anyone. It was useless to cling to hope that anybody out there was in the same situation.
The red-haired woman in the corner didn’t look like someone who wouldn’t have a mark. None of her friends did either. They were having fun, though, laughing and drinking while she told them a story.
You knew the bartender wasn’t your soulmate because he invited you to her wedding with her soulmate. Neither was the man at the end of the bar — you had shared a couple of shots together a few times, he was nice and very respectful, his soulmate had died years ago and he would often talk about them.
Forgetting about it was the only thing you could do. But not with alcohol, that would be stupid. And it wouldn’t work.
You paid your tab and wished the bartender a good night, zippering up your jacket.
Your apartment wasn’t far away. That was the main reason why you frequented that place. You felt safe around those three blocks.
Crossing the street, you could hear the lady down the street yelling for her kids to get in already. She always did that, and they never listened — you liked that she never seemed to mind, it was as though she enjoyed it.
She probably did. People were supposed to enjoy seeing their children happy after all.
Reaching your building, you bumped into a scarily tall and muscular man. Lowly apologizing, you walked past him and continued your path toward the stairs.
“Excuse me, ma’am...” he trailed off, walking behind you.
You found yourself glued to your spot the moment he spoke. You craned your neck to look at him, making sure he was talking to you.
“May I help you?”
The words sounded familiar to him. It felt like he could taste them, they sounded sweet, caring, with a hint of fear.
Although taken aback by your tone, he nodded frantically. “Do you know where I could find someone able to wrap a gift?”
Turning around, you stared up at him. He looked familiar, you felt as though you had known him your entire life. “In the middle of the night?”
“My niece’s birthday is tomorrow, technically today, and I wanted to surprise her in the morning.” Explaining himself further on, he fiddled with his hands, “I would do it myself, but...”
You shook your head. It was a really sweet gesture, but he should’ve thought about that way earlier. He looked like a lost puppy, staring down at his hands.
“I’m (Full Name).” You offered your hand.
He shook it delicately, giving you goosebumps. He enjoyed the difference in size, how warm your palm was, the fact that you hadn’t complained because his weren’t soft like yours. “Luther Hargreeves.”
You gaped. You used to have the biggest crush on him back when you were obsessed with the fact that superheroes were real.
“Well, Luther,” you tested his name on your tongue. “I believe I could help you as long as you bring the wrapping paper.”
He stood there for a moment, only staring at you, relishing on the way you had said his name. No one, not even Grace, had ever uttered his name with so much emotion.
Convinced that it was his loneliness getting the best of him, he made a gesture with his hand for you to wait for him.
You did so, trusting him. If you were to be killed that night, which you doubted because superheroes didn’t tend to be serial killers, at least it would’ve been by someone who used sweet excuses to prey on people.
God, you needed to learn how to trust people without putting yourself in danger.
He came back with a doll, balancing the toy on his open palm in his attempts to not crush it, and a roll of wrapping paper curled on his fingers. The doll was cute, you would have liked to receive it as a gift when you were a kid.
You motioned for him to follow you upstairs, rummaging through your purse in search of your keys.
Your apartment was cozy — warm, like he imagined home was supposed to make someone feel. He sat down on the couch at your cue, smiling to himself when a photo of you and your parents caught his eye.
You disappeared for a moment, not before offering him something to drink. He liked how nice you were.
Scissors and tape in hand, you came back. Placing them next to the doll on the center table, you sat down.
Unrolling the paper, using the tape dispatcher to hold it open, you observed he kept his coat on no matter what.
Yes, the city wasn’t warm at night, you understood that, but your apartment was not cold at all. You would’ve broken into a sweat already if you hadn’t shed your jacket.
“You live alone?” He asked, dragging his eyes away from the photos of your graduation to your face.
“Yeah. I used to live with a friend,“ you started saying as you measured the box before cutting the paper, “but they found their soulmate and moved out.”
“You haven’t met yours?”
You lifted the scissors, sighing. You weren’t looking forward to the pity in his reaction, but you told him anyway, “I don’t have one.”
“Everybody has one.”
“I know you’re trying to be nice,” you assured him, tugging on the tape to cut a piece, “but I don’t have a mark.”
“Oh.” His voice lowered. There wasn’t pity there, only sadness. “I don’t have one either.” Something inside him told him he could trust you, that you wouldn’t judge him or laugh. “I used to, but I had an accident once — my mission was to stop a biochemical threat.”
You gave him your full attention, holding the edge of the paper with a piece of tape so you could let go of it.
His voice got sadder, “It didn’t end pretty. Dad saved my life with a serum, but my body changed so much that the mark disappeared. Now I’m part ape.” He tilted his head to the side for emphasis. “Kind of.”
Luther often found himself staring at his forearm. He would never be able to read the words etched on his skin again. Every hope he once had of finding his soulmate, the person he was destined to love and protect forever, had died the day his life was saved.
He knew his place, understood he had responsibilities. He didn’t mind paying a high price for doing what was right. It simply stung.
He should’ve written down the words his soulmate would tell him. But what for? How could he have known he would never be able to look at his them ever again?
With his siblings gone and his hopes to one day build a proper family decimated, he had accepted the mission his father gave him with no complaints.
The moon sounded like a nice place, and he would be able to indirectly protect his soulmate from there.
It had been enough for years. He found comfort in the fact that he was doing an amazing job, following orders, sending reports frequently.
That comfort was crushed when he found out his reports had never been read. His siblings pitied him, he could tell — or maybe he hoped they would.
What was his soulmate doing? Were they having a better life than he was? Had they temporarily found someone?
He longed to find them. There had to be a way. But who could he ask? Pogo didn’t know about those things, and mom... mom was malfunctioning.
Was he meant to lose everyone he loved and everyone that could ever love him back?
“I remember,” he said, extending his arm, “that it was right here.” He pointed at his forearm, making an up and down motion. “But I can’t remember the words. I just know they were nice.”
“You’ll find them one day,” you told him, incapable of hiding how sad your voice had turned. “Soulmates are meant to be, and you know yours exists.”
You finished wrapping the doll in silence, wishing you hadn’t offered to help him. You were entertaining the most absurd things now, things that only a child would find feasible.
He didn’t mention anything about jumping to the same conclusions. It had sounded like he cared, but perhaps he cared so much that he expected something else. You were scared to ask.
You didn’t want him to leave, his company was soothing even through the silence.
Why was it that when you had decided to stop caring you were stuck in such a situation?
Surely you were getting ahead of yourself because there were too many coincidences. Nothing else, nothing more.
Standing up, you showed him the final product. His smile didn’t reach his eyes, but he tried, extending his hand so you would place the gift on his palm.
“I think it’s admirable, by the way,” you told him honestly, placing your hand on his forearm, “that you still—“
His eyes widened, searching for yours. Confused, you felt him press his free hand on your forearm.
A gasp slid past your lips.
You had heard multiple stories about how it felt to meet a soulmate for the first time, and you had always assumed you would never experience anything like that.
Yet there you were, whole body tingling as you felt that familiar scorching sensation that doomed you when your mark was supposed to appear.
“D–did you feel that?”
Luther rasped, “I felt something right where your hand is.” Clearing his throat, he continued explaining, “I don’t feel most things so it’s a big deal.”
Of course it was. You looked down at your forearm, where his hand still rested. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, the scorching had simmered down to mere tickles.
“Does this mean we...?” he trailed off, unsure as though how to approach the subject.
You nodded, unable to hide your smile. He looked so handsome, lively blue eyes slightly damp as a smile of his own broke through the now long gone frown.
Luther put the wrapped gift down in order to crush you into a hug. Hugging back, as tightly as you could, you prayed even though you hadn’t done it for years that this wasn’t a dream.
So many years you had thought you were meant to be lonely, believed to be an anomaly. Being in the arms of your potential soulmate was hypnagogic. It felt too real to be a dream, and too good to be true at once.
“I thought I would never find you,” he confessed, resting his chin on top of your head. “I’m sorry I took so long.”
Shifting so your cheek would rest on his chest, you told him, “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I didn’t look for you more adamantly.”
“We’re here now. We’ll make up for the lost time.”
The relief in his voice was everything you needed to dissipate every ounce of doubt you had left. You felt at peace upon hearing the changes in his tone, feeling his hard body slumping as he got comfortable.
Luther confirmed what he had only imagined earlier. This was what home was supposed to feel like.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
When I Look At You (Diego Hargreeves x reader)
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Summary: Diego shares a moment with Y/N while he’s hanging out with her at the park. 
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: When I Look At You x Miley Cyrus
Word Count: 940 words
Warning: fluff
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Diego POV
Y/N asked me if I was doing anything today, I told her nothing since the boxing gym was practically empty. She had invited me to go to the park to chill, maybe bring my siblings as well.
Allison and Vanya was very fond of her. They took Y/N in, probably loved her more than they love their own brothers. It was nice seeing my family bonding with a friend of mine.
Klaus and Luther didn't hesitate to come with, they loved Y/N as well. Five always acted as if he didn't really like Y/N but as soon as she walks through the front door the first person to greet her was him. I knew that he loved my best friend as well.
All of us walked a few blocks to meet Y/N at the State Park, where Luther brought some sandwiches to eat and lemonades to drink. For the first time in a lifetime, my brother did something smart.
We all sat down at the bench, talked and eat as we enjoyed each other's company. I always loved fighting criminals and putting them away but nothing beats hanging out with my favorite person.
After lunch, my siblings decided to play with a Frisbee Klaus brought. Of course they turned a friendly, relaxing moment of throwing a Frisbee at each other into a competitive "don't let Luther catch the Frisbee".
As much as I wanted to play against Luther, watching them play was much more entertaining. Five was practically everywhere using his powers, grabbing the Frisbee Vanya and Klaus threw as Luther struggled to catch up.
Y/N sat next to me a few minutes of playing Frisbee, 'I can't keep up with your siblings. I live for some competitiveness but even for me it's tiring.'
'Coming from me that lived with them my whole life, I get it.' I chuckled, 'It's funny if you watch though. That's the plus side.'
'Thank you for hanging out with me today. I didn't feel like being stuck at home all by myself.'
As I saw the smile on her face, I smiled back. 'I'm glad you invited me and my siblings here. It's been nice.'
'You can call me anytime too, you know? I'm always here if you need me Diego.'
I poked Y/N on her forehead, making a joke. 'Actually I deleted your number this morning.'
She giggled and started to tickle me on my side. 'I am your number one best friend! You better add that back on your phone.'
Trying to hold onto her arms, I started laughing. 'Now if you keep tickling me I might have to put you on my enemy list.'
She continued to tickle me, 'I'd like to see you try to stop me first!'
'Oh challenge accepted.' I grabbed her arm, pinning her down under me with no effort. It was quite cute that she thinks she can get away. 'I like how you think you're faster than me.'
Y/N laughed, trying to escape from my grip. 'That was easy, wasn't it?'
'Nothing is easy dealing with you and your craziness.' I joked, chuckling as I watch her still trying.
'Ah, I know you love my craziness.'
I didn't know why it was this moment that I felt something. Or maybe I always had some sort of feeling towards Y/N but now I finally realized it.
Why I loved her smile so much, how every time she came into the room I'd be happy no matter what. How every time I want to tell someone a big news about my day, the first person I want to share it is with Y/N. How every time she's sad about something, I just want to hug her forever and give her everything she deserves.
'Wow, I love you.'
I thought to myself as I stared at her giggling while I was still above her.
Her cute giggle immediately disappeared, her smile also fading away as she looked at me with concern. 'What?'
Furrowing my eyebrows, I questioned her back. 'What?'
'You just told her you love her, Diego.' Five replied back from behind us.
I turned around and saw all my siblings paused, the fun and competitive frisbee they were playing was on hold all because of the four words I accidentally blurted.
My cheeks felt warm, embarrassed about not only confessing this feeling I didn't even know I had to Y/N but also because all my siblings heard everything as well.
As I tried to get off from Y/N to walk away from all of this, she quickly grabbed me by my arm. 'This time, I'm faster than you.'
Y/N pulled me in, crashing my lips onto mine. I was confused, took me a while to comprehend the fact that she was kissing me.
'Kiss her back you fool.' Klaus yelled from behind.
We pulled away, Y/N instantly giggling about what Klaus had said to me. I turned around to my brother. 'If you don't shut up, I swear I'll hurt you!'
'I'm not scared of you! You're too distracted by love.' Klaus quickly ran away, knowing that I was going to chase after him.
'Well, Klaus just left. I guess that's your queue.' Y/N smiled.
'Damn right it is. I need to get him before he makes fun of me forever.' Her smile made me melt all over again, I couldn't help but kiss her.
I quickly pulled away, 'I'll be right back. Let me go get my brother first.'
She laughed, watching me run after Klaus. 'I'm not going anywhere.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
taglist; @seiraswriting​
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black-wolf066 · 4 years
TUA Season 2 Thoughts
Okay, I know I’m extremely late to the game here, and I’m sure a lot of people have already touched base on the good and bad moments of this season; so I promise that the bad points that I do touch upon, will be short cause I do want to focus on what I loved.
First and foremost, I want to say that I did love season 2 with my whole freaking heart! I was ooooooh so very wrong with a lot of my predictions (and right in others *cough* Lila *cough*) but as I continued watching, I couldn’t bring myself to care (not too much anyway, there were a few things I was mad at, but meh).
 I loved seeing Hazel and I loved that the big oaf at least got 20 years with Agnes before she finally passed on. While I wish we could have seen snippets of that life and love rather then just flash backs to them in season 1; I’m still happy that Hazel got to live his life the way that he wanted to live it. Sure, I wasn’t happy that they killed him off, but for plot purposes it made sense—but on a lighter note, at least he could cross over into the afterlife and be happy with Agnes again. Right?
 Elliott is a hoot and I feel so bad that he died. All that poor man wanted was validation that he wasn’t crazy (which he got) and for someone to eat his damn Jell-O (I love ambrosia btw, but even I wouldn’t eat that ambrosia he made… sorry Elliott).
The sibling interactions between ALL OF THEM!!! JUST AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It’s everything I could have hoped for and then some!!! The slap fight between Klaus and Ben on the street, Ben’s “You’re so independent, you fight your own damn battles”. Five and Luther reuniting “She’s too young for you” “Dad should have left him on the moon” (I snort laughed at both of these sentences). Then there’s Klaus and Allison reuniting, Allison not even hesitating to jump into the pool to hug her brother. OR THE WHOLE FAMILY REUNION!!! That Vanya and Allison hug! That hug as Klaus joined in and planted a kiss on the top of Vanya’s head!!!! The whole interaction between Allison and Diego “Can’t say Hi to anyone?” just omg, I could go forking on and on with this, because the banter and snappy comments from all of them are just total sibling culture and I relate sooooooooo much to it. (best believe I will jump on someone’s back like a damn spider monkey to protect my siblings, but I’d also sooner shank them too)
RAYMOND AND ALLISON!!!!! I’m ALLLLLLLLL FOOOOOOR THIS RELATIONSHIP!!!!! LIKE OMG!!!!!! WHY DIDN”T SHE TAKE HIM WITH HER!!!!! THEY ALREADY SCREWED THE TIMELINE UP ENOUGH BY JUST EXISTING THERE IN 1963 ANYWAY!!!! Like seriously, I’m actually upset that she didn’t take him with her, and now it looks like her daughter doesn’t even exist either… like omg Allison, sweet heart. Nooooooo.
I LOVE Luther’s development this season, the fact that he goes to apologize to Vanya, and actually takes blame for what happened, just makes me happy to know that the big lug is trying. Yea I know he took the gun with him, but honestly, I can’t blame him either. He was obviously scared and didn’t know what he would walk into, would she try and kill him again? Like we know the gun wouldn’t do sh*t to help him, but Luther wasn’t sure of that. Plus he never actually pulls it, his hand is constantly on it, but he never pulls it out, which shows that hurting her was not the end game. He wanted to actually apologize and he hoped that his sister would hear him out enough to allow him to do it.
I loved sissy and vanya. The friendship that turned to romance was cute, and while I’m still iffy with it because Sissy was married, I also understand to a small degree that Sissy truly felt stuck. Even without Vanya’s interference, I highly doubt Sissy would have been able to get a divorce and manage to keep possession of her son. Carl is an absolute bag of d*cks, and with Carl having a brother in the police force, who’s to say that they couldn’t spin something that would allow them to take Harlan away from her? I honestly can see a divorce between these two getting messy and none of the outcomes working in Sissy’s favor. She would have never been happy inside or outside of her marriage. But Vanya gave her the hope that she might actually find it. (IDK, I’m still really on the fence with it, and the infidelity, but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy Sissy/Vanya’s cute little moments while it lasted…)
Also, can I just say, Sissy blowing the scent of coffee into Vanya’s sleeping face, was truly and utterly adorable and such a dorky thing to do and I loved it.
Also, not going to lie, Odessa was a bad ass b*tch and I love and will protect that woman as much as I will love and protect Raymond Chestnut. I don’t even care that Odessa was only in a few episodes, that woman stole my damn heart and I truly would have loved to see more scenes with her and Allison and the friendship they had.
The elevator ride going up to the light supper, the freaking conch shell, and the siblings’ interactions during the whole thing (Allison rumoring Diego to punch himself, and Vanya’s cheeky “oops” after showing off her powers, just *chefs kiss*).
Ben and Vanya!!! I FORKING CRIED!!! I had to bloody pause the damn episode because my tears were getting in the way of me watching!!!! (trust me, there was a long moment of silence for Ben after that.)
All of them piling into Vanya’s car on her way to save Harlan. That entire scene was a masterpiece “Child get in the back” followed by Klaus just flopping on top of Diego and Allison, like OMG!!! And Luther… poor Luther “If I hear one fat joke, I’m out”
Everything to do with Five and Older Five was hilarious. I’m sorry call me immature, but the fart jokes were funny (even if they did start to get old after a while). Also, poor Luther, once more. We stan one lousy spotter but a brother who tried his forking best anyway.
Luther being a big (little) brother and covering Allison AND Klaus during the hail of bullets.
Klaus being observant and noting things long before anyone else. Like even at the end, when Vanya was taking her power back, everyone else was watching her but not Klaus. He kept glancing around himself while also taking in the scene periodically. There is something there, I can forking feel it. Between that pill scene in season 1, him looking up to the moon with no reason to do so, him spotting The Handler and Lila, him knowing/guessing that Lila can only mirror one power at a time—despite never actually fighting her himself—it all has to add up to something??? RIGHT???
I didn’t think I would like the Swedes… yet here I am putting them in this column. Still mad that they killed Hazel (but as Five told Lila, the job was a job, it was never anything personal). They hardly had any lines at all but their personalities alone and the little things we saw were just… what the hell but I still loved it. haha.
 I CAN”T WAIT TO SEE IF WE LEARN MORE ABOUT THE OTHER CHILDREN MYSTERIOSULY BORN!!!!! Like I wanna see the sparrow academy kids, but I hope we might learn about a few others too. Like how many of those kids didn’t make it? How many of those kids were born with a twin? Were their any triplets??? Like can you imagine that poor woman who had to give birth to not one child, but two that she didn’t have an hour ago??? (and possibly three even though I doubt there were any triplets… but what if there forking was!!!)
SPARROW BEN!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! I mean, I’m glad Justin is staying on the show, he’s awesome and I do like Ben, but I’m a bit sad that this won’t be the Ben we’ve seen in the last two seasons (I’ll still eat it up, don’t get me wrong, cause I’m curious to see this alternate Ben, but I’m still sad).
 Also that Vanya and Diego interaction at the end, neither of them having to say anything but still leaning on each other for support, just AHHHHHHHH
The sibling bonds that have begun to form between all of them is what really killed me this season and I loved each and every second of it!!!
 All the one-liners were pretty good too, like the “Ikea mafia” “Think of Batman than aim lower” “Is it too late to be un-adopted?” just efgjoiwengjowegnwrjngwe
Vanya actually using her powers to save someone, and Ben solidifying that fact by telling her she isn’t a monster. 
the music choices!!!! 
 I’m sure I will add more to all of this in another post, I’m still forking reeling over here and can’t get all of my thoughts straight, but goddamn I loved this season! Dysfunctional idiots—the lot of them. But at least they were making dysfunctional decisions together XD
Okay, now for the things I didn’t like…
Again, I’ll be brief cause I know that there are probably plenty of people who have touched on this already and I’m sure you all are sick of seeing or hearing it by now (so feel free to skip over it all together).
Klaus not telling his family SEVERAL TIMES that Ben was there.
Ben possessing Klaus without his consent (and Ben breaking the rules that Klaus had put into place as Ben nearly got frisky with Jill)---like I can’t even say I’m mad that he possessed Klaus at the light supper. I didn’t like it, it made me uncomfortable, but from Ben’s perspective I understood it. to Ben, he felt like he didn’t have a choice, Klaus had constantly taken Ben’s choice away by not telling the family he was there, so if Klaus wasn’t going to tell them on his own, Ben had no choice but to try and do it himself. I get that, I did. But the whole “Burrowed” scene in the elevator made me cringe something fierce.
The fact that we get Klaus looking badass in the first five minutes of the season, and then Klaus basically being useless the rest of the season, pissed me the ever-loving fork off. I mean, come on!!! EVERYONE ELSE FOUGHT LILA!! WHERE THE HELL WAS HE!??? I’m hoping this is all just setting Klaus up to be something greater in the next season, that maybe now that Ben is gone Klaus will have no choice but to relay on himself and tap into that “Potential” that Reginald had hinted at in season 1 (my fingers are soooo crossed that this is the case)
Not getting their reactions to Ben sacrificing himself (I needed more then just seeing Klaus lying forlornly on a bed, I’m sorry, but I definitely needed more than that). Klaus and Vanya’s interaction in the car did not make up for any of it either.
I don’t know where to put my thoughts on Lila and Diego. While I liked them in the beginning, their relationship kinda lost me the moment she spiked him and basically kidnapped him. I like Lila, don’t get me wrong, but that scene made me really uncomfortable too.
The interactions with the Handler and Five. Like okay, I get that the Handler isn’t treating him like a child because basically Five is supposed to be 58, but it’s still forking creepy to see her swaying her hips behind Five who is stuck in his 13-year-old body. Just… no.
The fact that we only see Allison mentioning her daughter 2 times. Like sure, she’s had 2 years to grieve, but I want to see that grief!!!!
How the show tied Sissy and Vanya’s story line up, and how they tied Allison and Raymond’s story line up… like nooooooo. How the hell would Sissy be safe in the past???? Carl’s brother was a forking police officer??? Does she seriously think his brother isn’t going to come after her when he learns his brother is dead????? Also how is Raymond supposed to explain that he suddenly doesn’t have a wife anymore???? These things don’t just fix themselves!!! Like I understand Five saying they couldn’t come, that it could change things beyond repair, but all seven of them existing in 1963 in the first place has already forked everything up enough as it was.
(Ignore me, I’m just salty that we won’t be get any more Raymond/Allison interactions…)
Anyway, negatives pushed aside, I can’t stress enough how i did love the season!!! And I can not wait to see where season 3 goes!!! I HONEST TO GOD CAN NOT WAIT!!! In the mean time, I will be attempting to write several things for season 2… fix-its, in between moments, whatever I can think of. Let’s see where that goes.
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jjdoggies-fanfics · 4 years
Aaaaa hi if you’re ever in the mood what about a benya/ fiveya fic but it takes place within the sparrow academy universe 🙈💕 something about just sparrow!ben and vanya ( that maybe ends with a slightly jealous n protective five ) is so undeniably cute n I didn’t know I needed this until now 🔥✨💕
I hope you like it Anon!! And I hope I did it justice!! 
~~ Isn’t What I Want ~~ Sparrow!Benya & Fiveya ~~
When they’d returned from 1963, narrowly avoiding another apocalypse, it is pretty safe to say they were not expecting this other version of Ben or the entirety of The Sparrow Academy in the place of The Umbrella Academy. Luther and Allison, soon after being told by their father, ex-father, that he didn’t want them in his house, split off on their own, leaving the house together. Allison saying she needed to see if Claire was in this version of the world or not.
Diego pulled Klaus out a bit later, when he wouldn’t stop pestering Sparrow Ben about how different he was from their Ben. Five had been talking with Reginald briefly, they’d been talking about what they’d do in this alternate timeline while Five worked out a way to get them to the right one, when he realized that the entirety of The Sparrow Academy and Vanya had disappeared on him.
Five quickly ended his talk with Reginald, already sick of hearing the old man go on about things he already knew about not fucking up the timeline. But it also wasn’t their timeline so, he really didn’t care. What he did care about, was finding Vanya, wherever the fuck she went. The longer he was in this new timeline his physical body seemed to be catching up to what it would’ve been in 2019 if he’d never jumped into the apocalypse like a dumbass.
As he searched through the many rooms of the house, each of them vaguely familiar but not quite the same, he was nearing the last sets of rooms in the house, being able to jump from room to room certainly helped in his search, all that was left were the rooms that were the furthest upstairs. Where his room was, or used to be.
He avoided the step that had always squeaked at the bottom, unsure if it would still squeak in this alternate world, as he made his way up the stairs. Five had already expended most of his energy with his earlier jumps and needed some more time to recover, especially without a snack. Once he reached the top of the stairs he heard a very familiar, yet slightly muffled, laugh. Vanya.
Following where he’d thought he’d heard the laughter coming from, his former room, he waited just outside of the door for a moment, listening. “Ben,” Vanya’s voice sighed, “why are you still here?”
Ben, Sparrow Ben, gave her a bit of a mocking laugh before returning, “Where else would I go?”
“Anywhere! Anywhere but here!” Vanya hissed back, “See the world? That was something you’d always wanted to do.”
“Vanya,” Her name falling from this Other Ben’s lips sounded, wrong, “that may have been what your Ben wanted to do, but I am perfectly content with staying here. With my family, so maybe it’s time you returned to yours.”
Five had been expecting one of the two to leave or storm out of the room by now, spot him and his now late teens body, yell at him or something. But that didn’t happen. Instead he heard Vanya huff in the room, imaging her rolling her eyes, arms crossed, nostrils flaring as they did when she got angry, “How can you be ‘content’ living with Dad? He’s an asshole.”
“That maybe so,” Ben replied, not sounding agitated in the slightest, instead he sounded enticed and a bit cocky, “but the world is full of assholes, so why bother with them?”
“You can’t generalize the entirety of the world based on the few assholes that unfortunately are there too!” Vanya snapped back.
Ben scoffed, “Why are you so passionate about this? Why do you care? What the hell do they mean to you?” his tone went from mocking to being far more aggressive with each question. Vanya tried to give him a reply, but only managed to stammer out a few syllables before Ben continued, “Maybe it’s because there’s something you want, but you can’t have. For whatever stupid reason you’ve conviced yourself of.” There was an audible thump before Ben continued, “I think, you’re still a scared little girl, desperately pinning after the attention of a boy, who will never give it to you.”
“You don’t know anything about me.” Vanya muttered back, all the fire she’d had before gone.
Five was readying himself to storm in there when Ben sneered back, “You are an open book, wear your heart on your sleeve, and let every single person in your life walk all over you.” Vanya started to say something back to him but Ben steamrolled right over her, “You have never been made to grow up. You are still living in a fantasy world where everyone can get their happily ever after. But it’s time for you to grow the hell up Vanya.”
There were no other words Five could hear through the walls or cracked ever so slightly door, but there were still a few noises coming from the room. Deciding to risk it, Five pushed the door open more ever so slowly, and when he looked in he was shocked and angry. Ben had Vanya pinned to the bed, presumably Ben’s now, as he peppered kisses along her neck, jaw, cheeks, and lips while Vanya pushed against him a bit, but not as hard as she could, even without her powers.
Five jumped over to them and shoved Ben off of Vanya, Ben muttered several expletives after he hit the floor, before grabbing Vanya’s wrists and jumping with her to just outside The Sparrow Academy’s front door. “Are you okay?” Five asked, eyes roaming over her, looking for any injuries, “He didn’t hurt you did he?”
“I’m fine Five.” Vanya hissed at him, pulling her wrists out of his grasp, “Ben didn’t do anything.”
“That’s not Ben. At least, not our Ben.” Five hissed back.
Vanya gave him a weird look, as if she was disgusted by him, “Why are you being so weird Five?”
“I am not the one being weird Vanya!” Five snapped, “At least I wasn’t making out with a Sparrow!”
Five internally winced at his obviously poor choice of words, timing, and just overall lack of sensibility. And Vanya, sensibly, glared at him before she began storming away from him. Five tried to jump in front of Vanya to stop her, but as fate would have it because the universe really just hated him today he was too tapped of energy to jump in front of her. 
“Vanya wait!” Five yelled after her, trying to catch up with her, which was much easier now that he had adult sized legs instead of child sized ones. Five quickly caught up to and stepped in front of Vanya, effective stopping her, “Vanya, please listen to me.”
Vanya crossed her arms, looking quite angry at him, “Why should I Five?” she asked him, which, was quite fair.
“About what Ben said-” Five started.
“I thought you just said he wasn’t Ben.” Vanya hissed at him, sounding angrier than she’d ever sounded towards him that Five could remember, “So is he Ben or is he not Five?”
Five, a bit stunned by Vanya’s bitterness, especially towards him, stammered back, “I, well, um, he’s not, exactly, Ben, but he also, is, Ben. I don’t know Vanya. But listen, what that Ben said to you back there about the whole ‘open book’ thing-”
“You were listening?” Vanya asked, no anger in her voice now, just filled with hurt, “You were listening that whole time? What the hell Five? You have no right to eavesdrop on people!”
“That’s not the point Vanya!” Five snapped back at her, “That fucking idiot doesn’t know jack shit about you. It doesn’t matter if you were like that before, now we have the opportunity to be whoever the fuck we want to be in this world.”
Vanya’s gaze had been focused on the sidewalk but shifted up to him as she asked, “We?”
“We.” Five said, hesitantly taking hold of one of Vanya’s hands then the other, “We can be whoever we want to be and do whatever we want to do here, but we’ll do it together.”
“Together.” Vanya repeated with a small nod and a smile on her face. Five moved his hands from her hands to Vanya’s shoulders, pulling her toward him as he planted a kiss on her lips. There was a moment of fear that spread through Five when Vanya didn’t kiss him back, worrying that he’d messed up everything, but all his worries melted away when he felt Vanya’s lips pushing against his own with equal force.
Vanya threw her arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he picked her up before jumping them from the midst of the sidewalk to an empty storefront, windows completely boarded up. After another minute of kissing, the lack of oxygen burning their lungs they pulled apart. “Five,” Vanya sighed, still trying to catch her breath, “I love you.”
“I love you too Vanya.” Five replied, relishing in the smile and blush that spread across her face at his admission. And just like that Vanya was pressing her lips to his again, and he lifted her back up, intending to do whatever he needed to do to make her happy for as long as he lives.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
things i think the Hargreeves should do post apocalypse:
Any adult shop classes because I genuinely love mechanic!Luther and have been slipping that into like, all my aus where I can.
Goes to slam poetry nights because he genuinely enjoys poetry (hello space poetry from episode one about the comet or whatever) and maybe one day is confident enough to share his with other people
Gets some gym bros who all enthusiastically support him in a bro sort of way who are constantly getting their minds blown by how much Luther can lift and constantly going “YOOOOOO” while Luther tries to downplay things bc he’s embarrassed 
I don’t know I just want Luther to have actual friends
Probably goes to every astronomy event where people have telescopes and is known in that scene so every time there’s some event at the observatory newcomers are like “what the FUCK” when this bigass bodybuilder comes in and starts gushing about which planet is visible I don’t know
Spearheads a lot of the family’s museum (that aren’t art museum) outings, especially if they have any exhibit that even vaguely relates to outer space or planets or the moon or anything. 
Probably gets up at godawful hours on the morning to go hiking and see the sunrise because he really liked doing that on the moon and even though it isn’t quite the same he still loves to do it. (If he’s not hiking he goes up to Grace’s roof garden to watch it)
He already does his fighting at the gym which is kind of cool I’m going to gently assume that he already has gym bros and if he doesn’t then he becomes somewhat more approachable after everything
(having your mother comes down to the gym and kiss your cheek or your teenage brother hop in to drag you away or you other very flamboyant sibling dance his way into the gym to fetch you doesn’t exactly do wonders for keeping a reputation going)
I do want to think that Diego takes up like,, whittling but I think he’d have to do it away from Vanya bc,, you know,, Leonard/Harold whatever was a woodcarver or something but idk maybe Vanya is cool with it - but just the image of Diego hunching over and carving at something and Klaus leaning over and trying to enthusiastically guess what it is while getting it super super wrong because Diego is a beginner and his starting pieces are all lumpy monstrosities makes me smile
Diego taking cooking classes so that he can surprise Grace by taking over dinner sometimes and letting her relax and do what she wants
I’ve said this somewhere before but Diego spearheading picnic events and forcing the family out of the house because he thinks it’s a nice thing for Grace to see the world and on god if any of his siblings fight him about it he will stuff their asses into a picnic basket himself because they are GOING
Gets dragged by Klaus into dumb ideas to “give ourselves a CHILDHOOD diego” more than any other member of the family. Which basically means that Diego is the one Klaus grabs to surf a mattress down the staircase and other dumbass ideas
Probably ends up redecorating the mansion and completely redoing it to make it more modern and also less the horrible hellscape with taxidermied animals on the walls that it is. Her and Grace squad up to plan everything and then Allison makes everyone help when it comes to things like painting and building all the nice ikea furniture she just bought
Takes parenting classes as sort of extra credit for her custody case for Claire. I feel like eventually she and Patrick genuinely talk to each other, maybe at some kind of joint therapy, and sort of clear the air between them. They might never get back together, but they at least become sort of friends again. Mainly because I like the Patrick I’ve built up for myself in my head tbh
Occasionally attends craft classes with Klaus when she has a spare moment, because he goes to like,, all the local craft classes. She likes to spend the time with him. Is probably the only sibling who willingly attends with Klaus, but others get dragged along as well.
Probably takes up scrapbooking? She wants to have something physical to give to Claire so decides to go through like,, all the camera footage of their childhoods and pick out good images (because goodness knows they didn’t have cute family pictures) and maybe Grace uploads some of her memories to a harddrive with cute shit and they scrapbook together let me have this
on a related note buys a camera and starts trying to catch her siblings doing cute things for her scrapbook with the sort of determined energy of someone who has realized that she’s having to do her scrapbooking from security camera footage because their childhoods were fucked up
(she has a bajillion pictures of herself - thank you paparazzi - but all she has on her siblings is like... what, one of diego’s fighting posters and the two pictures of Vanya from her book and from the newspaper on the fucked up apocalypse concert??)
Genuinely goes to any and all craft classes offered at the community center and random places around town. Usually sort of a disaster, always a disaster when he drags along his siblings, and always proudly brings home his third grader worthy creations that Grace proudly puts on the shelves. He gets better at things the more he goes to them though, so there’s a progression of skill level in his crafts. Allison goes with him when she has time.
Has a knitting circle that he attends that is primarily made of little old ladies who dote on him. Five occasionally goes with but it often conflicts with Five’s other extra curricular activities.
Bakes at home a lot, with Grace’s supervision after some certain incidents that should remain unnamed. Tends to get ‘creative’ with the recipes but now that Grace is present to make sure it won’t be a disaster everyone is more willing to taste whatever comes out. Has, on at least one occasion, insisted on decorating cookies or icing cupcakes or whatever as a ‘family bonding activity.’
Goes with Ben to the movie theater frequently even to the gross horror movies that Klaus hates and Ben absolutely loves. Klaus always insists Diego come to the horror movies so that Klaus has someone physically there for him to hold onto when he’s scared. Five comes sometimes as well, but tends to critique the special effects - especially blood and blood splatter - which makes other people turn around to hush them.
I genuinely want to say he does gymnastics lessons. Mainly because I feel like he needs to do SOMETHING physical and get rid of his excess energy, and also I think it would be hilarious for him to be tumbling and teleporting and shit at the same time what a wild ride. Absolutely refuses to allow his siblings to come to any competitions or whatever, but they all end up showing up anyway.
Starts learning instruments. Asks Vanya for lessons on the violin so they can play together, it’s very cute. I also wants to say starts learning the piano because someone sent me an ask once about it and it was super valid. And Five can learn both because I say so and he doesn’t go to school he has the free time
Is on first name basis with a bunch of scientists and mathematicians online where they all yell numbers at one another. Probably in a super technical group chat with a bunch of people with actual doctorates who don’t actually know that Five doesn’t have a doctorate. 
Actually you know what just let Five start actually going to college like let him go to the local community college or start taking college classes or something. He can get his GED or whatever. Let this boy get a DEGREE
Goes to art classes, first because drawing therapy was something Klaus suggested and he wanted to get his brother off his back. Later because he enjoys it. There’s a life drawing group he frequents - he’s the youngest there and new people always do a double take when he shows up but Five is very meticulous in his art and is actually pretty good. Grace goes with him as well because I say so and they deserve bonding time together
I mean he’s kind of dead but let him do things with his siblings as well!!
Like I said earlier, a total movie buff and loves going to see things in theaters. And by movie buff I just mean he sees a lot of movies. Bizarrely into horror movies for how sensitive a kid he always was. He goes to the theater with Klaus for the most part but likes to watch movies with the family as well. Klaus makes him watch every animated movie with him in return for Ben dragging Klaus to watch horror movies.
Probably ends up with a youtube channel?? does movie reviews and game playthroughs whenever Klaus has enough energy to manifest him. Is pretty popular but half his followers are because of the bizarre shit that goes on in the backgrounds of his videos. People figure out Klaus (who is a frequent guest) is The Seance and then Five jumps in to tell them dinner is ready or something and they’re like “wait is that the Seances brother with the portal powers who vanished when he was a teen and still IS a teen” and the fact that ben probably has a username that’s some shit like “bentacles” that klaus set up for him everyone is theorizing that the channel is just. Ghost Ben and Five who are being manifested by the Seance to?? play games? 
well. they’re half right.
it certain doesn’t help the rumor mill when Ben makes sarcastic comments about dying or how he can’t get arrested because he’s legally dead and shit like that.
“Yeah sorry I didn’t post yesterday Klaus’s knitting group ended up getting arrested somehow - I was there and I’m still not sure went down - so that’s why I didn’t manifest”
I mean obviously she plays the violin that’s her job. She also teaches Five how to play the violin when he expresses an interest!! She is very touched by the gesture
Swims to keep fit and is a frequent at the pool. Klaus once bugged her to let him come, but it’s really her thing that she just does by herself when she wants to get out of her own brain. She does promise Klaus that they’ll take a family trip to a water park one day though, which he enthusiastically takes her up on.
Attends a book club that she also half-shares with Ben. Ben doesn’t come with to any of the meetings, but she always buys two copies/borrow two copies from the library so that Ben can read along with them and he and Vanya discuss the books before she even goes to any of the meetings. Probably thought there would be more discussion of the books than complaining about their general lives, but keeps going because she lowkey wants an excuse to keep frequenting the bookstore where this cute girl works.
Her and Five steadily are making their way through all the coffee shops in the city (as well as through their menus) in search of the best cup of coffee. It’s just a fun thing they do together that the other siblings occasionally go with as well whenever they have time. Both Five and Vanya have notebooks where they record their ratings based on a variety of factors. Diego calls them pretentious and Klaus always gets the ones which are barely classified as coffee when he goes with (Five steals sips and makes faces but continues to do so)
Frequents art museums and galleries! Supports a lot of beginning and local artists by buying their art and has a lot of rotating paintings and prints in the house depending on her mood. She got rid of pretty much like,, all the old painting that Reggie had up except for a few of her favs which she relocates to her new room that Diego put his foot down on giving her
Goes with Five to his art classes at first because, as a minor, he needed an adult to go with him for nudity reasons (it’s a life drawing class man). Grace didn’t expect to actually draw herself but Five insisted because he felt awkward with her just standing there. She prefers abstract styles herself (so many people at this art class have a crush on Grace you have no idea)
(actually goes with Five to most things he’s beginning for himself for at least the first lesson to sign him up as an adult because Five loathes having to ask his siblings)
Commissions someone to come and paint a portrait of the family that’s for them, where none of them are stiff and they’re all happy. She tips the artist fabulously for it and hangs the new family portrait in the place of honor above the mantle where Five’s portrait used to hang (they all destroyed it as a family bonding activity)
Keeps bees on the roof after one of the kids showed her an article about saving the bees. She can’t get stung and genuinely enjoys hanging out up there where she ALSO started a big garden because I say so and Grace deserves to be surrounded by flowers and bumblebees and happiness don’t @ me
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 5
As usual I'm going to put all my reactions and live-blogging in this one post to avoid spamming.
1962, Cape Canaveral
So Pogo is from Congo?
Wait, is that Grace? is Grace some sort of biologist or scientist?
Is Pogo supposed to be one of the chimps for the space program?
I love this song. Oh look, there's Reggie!
Oh, that nod between Reggie and Grace... What are they up to?
Yep, definitely the space program.
Little astronaut Pogo... Wait, what's happening?
Who's the shady guy in the sunglasses behind Reggie?
Aww, poor Pogo...
SO THAT'S WHERE THE SERUM USED ON LUTHER CAME FROM! I figured but it's still interesting to see the origin.
Oh, there's the ancient Greek! Did Reggie read to the kids like this too? I doubt it but one can hope.
So Reggie and Grace basically treated Pogo like their child... And Reggie was actually a decent parent... ? Dude, you couldn't do that for your actual kids?!
Wait, does this make Pogo the seven's big brother? 😆
And there's the Magnificent 12. Oh, Pogo's drawing is so cute.
Five really is onto Lila... and he's right!
Diego onto Lila as well!
Hungover Klaus 😅 and Ben asking what we all want to know but it comes from a place of love and concern. Still sassy though.
Why won't Klaus just tell Allison that he is talking to Ben? Also, cowboy? Is that a comic reference? Or just a Texas reference?
Oh, I love Ben and Klaus banter. XD
Klaus does have a point, Allison.
*Allison throws the flask away* Ben: "attagirl!" Allison: "i have a blender and some much better booze" *cue Ben sulking*
"I love you so much!" Awwww, Klaus-Allison bonding! ❤️❤️❤️ this show is really giving me everything I want, huh?
Sissy and Vanya in bed together 👀😏 that's hot.
So she brought her coffee and then took the coffee away? XD
Is Vanya offering to take Sissy to the future? 👀
Oh no, Carl!
They have a point, Five. Everything starts taking apart at soon as you arrive. Repeatedly. I actually pointed this out yesterday.
You're burning the eggs, Luther.
"That boy stinks" poor Luther 🤣
Where exactly was Luther going? Chicago? Detroit?
Wait, is that the academy pre-academy? Wait, so it's not in Texas??? Then what about Argyle? What the hell? I'm so confused now. 😵
Luther, you need a bath.
Reggie in a party xD that must be an odd sight for Luther.
"The world's never going to end in such a cliché. Believe me. I know how endings feel" -what does it mean???? Does it mean he knows how the world ends? Or does it mean politically as a member of the 12? Is it a double entendre? Foreshadowing? Does he have some sort of prescient power?
Still want to know who the shady guy in the shades is.
"No, you're not" "no, you're not" "no, i didn't" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"I have a deep dislike of children" -yeah, we been knew. 😒😒😒
"your grotesque simian proportions"??? Those are entirely your fault, Reginald! 😠
"But...i took a bus" - oh, honey... Luther, you adorable, naive, sweet, innocent, awkward little dork... Let me hug you, i don't care if you stink! 😢
Man, Reginald is still such an asshole. (I'm glad for that though, I was afraid this season would try to play the 'he wasn't really so bad, just misunderstood' card and that would piss me off, you can show him actually caring for the children but no excusing goddamn child abusers in this house!)
"At least he didn't shank my ass" "no, bro, he shanked your heart" -awww, dudebro affection. Diego does have a sensitive side!
I didn't realize i needed Luther-Diego bonding this badly but i do. I really, really, really do.
"It's time to get the umbrella academy back together." "hell yeah, family meeting." -since when is Diego so happy to get the family together? 😆
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But hell yeah, let's get the family back together!!!
"you two still a thing? Do we need to talk?" (Diego's face though 🤣) "no, she's married." "Whoa, dude. That's rough."
Diego is the new Zuko, it all lines up!
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"I can handle it" he nervous chuckles while stress eating in a stolen robe, after ruining his own life and getting in trouble with the mob and getting high.
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"can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" - ouch 🤣
I'm loving the boys bonding.
Yikes, Sissy looks so uncomfortable with Carl...
"Harlan doesn't care" -oh, he does, he reeeeally does, you just can't read the signs, you clueless dumbass.
Oh, the powers... Oh, Harlan initiating touch with Vanya! Boy is more perceptive than they think.
Why does Sissy look so scared?
Sissy's reactions to Carl have been suspicious from the start. She's given a lot of red flags (the anxiety, the body language, the hoarding money in secret, the reluctance to speak up, the desperation to keep Vanya near her at all times, etc) and I've wondered if he's been abusive but he seems more pathetic than purposely malicious, he even showed vulnerability and admited to loving her and fearing that she doesn't feel the same, so I was starting to think Sissy's fear and paranoia had more to do with a fear of Carl leaving her (and thus taking away the only income and leaving her and Harlan with nothing).
However, I'm rethinking things and I'm starting to suspect abuse again (at least psychological, if not physical)... I think the only reason we don't see it yet is because Vanya is there and Carl won't act out on front of a witness.
I could totally be wrong though, I could be seeing signs that aren't there because of my own issues. We'll see.
Is... Is Handler actually a good mother?
Nevermind, she's gaslighting.
But she cares enough to give first aid and admit she lied so... Definitely a better parent than Reginald at least. I actually want her to be a decent parent, I'm tired of the narrative where villains all have to be abusive parents, villains can love too and that makes the story so much more complex and dramatic when people finally have to choose sides.
Felt, Diego's knife... what is she up to?
Sandpaper, steel wool, round metal parts, skewers, spray lubricant, and something cylindrical with the name of a plumbing service? Is she making pneumatic canisters? The ones the Commission uses to send messages?
Also, what's with Commission training and using plumber stuff? Five also used a plumbing company's van in season 1.
Elliot really likes Jell-O, huh? Very 50s housewife of him.
"how are feeling?" "Pretty shitty, to be honest" "Where would you say you are on a scale from one to ending all life on this planet?" 🤣🤣🤣 They are never going to let her live this down, are they?
I need more Vanya-Diego bonding. ❤️
Diego accepted Vanya's apology???😲 AWWWWWWWW 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Diego about to ask girl advice from his sister? So cute, why did they interrupt, I wanted to see that! 🥰
I miss Diego's nervous stutter though.
"you don't speak French" -doesn't he? If Allison can read seven languages, logically so can all the others, right? And Klaus is constantly using French and German, how are you telling me he doesn't know French? 😆
"did we all get sexier?" -pretty much and you're not done yet.
Aww, awkward Vanya-Allison hug... Let them bond! 💖💖💖
Klaus and Diego hugging!!! And Diego calling him out on being drunk like the overprotective brother he is 💖💖💖
Klaus hugging the girls! 💖💖💖
So much love. So much growth since all the bitterness from season 1. I NEED MORE OF THIS, DAMN IT!
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Who knew it took Vanya snapping and killing everyone for this family to finally bond?
OH COME ON, KLAUS! Just tell them poor Ben is there, that's so mean.
Ah! Allison and Diego with pure sibling banter. 💖
What is with the Handler family and red shoes?
Handler's style changed a bit, went from retro femme fatale on s1 to matronly debutante in s2... Interesting.
Don't hurt the kitty, you bitch! 😡
The Swedes have become crazy cat people. I'm starting to love these weirdos.
Is that their mama?
Pneumatic tube! CALLED IT!
Ah, I see. That's why she wanted Diego's knife. The Swedes are getting set up.
"oh my God, again?" ... "all of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the-- oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five, I told them we had until 2019!" -that's why you're the last one, Klaus, your priorities.
"is it Vanya?" "Klaus!" "What? It's usually Vanya." - one time. you end the world ONE TIME and nobody ever let's you live it down.
"find dad" "kill dad" -well, Diego learned from Five *shrugs*
"has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" -literally everyone except you, Vanya.
( well, unless saving Harlan with your magic lights messed up the timeline...)
Yup, here they go calling each other out. Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
"THANK you" - I love Ben 💙
Diego, you idiot, saving Kennedy is what wrecks everything! Stop being stubborn.
Aww, traumatized Five... Please just listen to him, he just wants to save you all because he loves you 😢
Five deserves more love from the family. PLEASE.
Wow, Luther is reeeeally bitter about daddy, huh? What is Lila doing?
"I've missed you all... So much" BEN! 😭😭😭😭😭
Ok, now I'm crying.
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Klaus, let your brother talk to the rest of the damn family, he misses them! 😭😭😭😭
Yay, more Luther-Diego bonding!
"since the last time I destroyed the world by overestimating my own importance" -I'm so glad he owns up to this, it's very important but he needs to get over his self-hate and gain some confidence again.
Diego, stop acting like you don't have daddy issues, you are riddled with them.
Diego's hero complex again... Which comes from the daddy issues. Luther is right.
"you are so goddamn big that sometimes I forget what a sensitive bastard you are." 🤣🤣🤣 He's absolutely right!
Brotherly bonding ftw!
Oh, they got daddy's attention!
AHAHAH! Allison bitching and rambling while doing Klaus's hair, Vanya miming shooting the bottles ("pew pew" 🤣). I'm sorry but this whole scene is adorable as fuck.
Girl's day!
"wouldn't it be weird if Five grew up all hot?" 🤣🤣🤣 Klaus asking the real important questions here!
Vanya confused by the Luther/Allison crush 🤣 "aren't we all related?"' -yes, honey, that's why it's weird.
"if you have to use the word 'technically' you're already in trouble" -THANK YOU, KLAUS!
Klaus's ENTIRE speech about their love lives is the most perfect thing EVER 🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌💯💯💯
Really alarmed Vanya finding out she dated a serial killer: "what?!" / Allison, whispering casually: "Later." 🤣
"the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin." 😂😂😂😂😂 The best part is- HE'S NOT WRONG
Vanya's weirded out face is priceless 👌👌👌
"the only thing the umbrella academy knows about love is how to screw it up" "cheers!" 💯👏👏👏
These babies really need a hug. Let me hug them!
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"how do you guys deal with this?" -look at them Vanya, they day drink.
"well, I get reeeeally high, Allison... Allison... Lies to herself. And you supress all your emotions deep, deep down until you... Blow shit up." -Klaus really is serving up all the wisdom in this little outing, isn't he? Maybe being a cult leader actually did him some good? Or maybe it's just that his family is FINALLY listening to him.
"yeah, I'd really like to not do that anymore" 😂 -ah! Is Vanya graduating out of the awkward dork sibling category and into the sassy queen one?
Omg, the drunk decisions...
"I just hate group backups, that's why I stopped dating twins" 😆😆😆😆
"this family is amazing" - DAMN RIGHT, VANYA! ❤️🧡💛💚💚💙💜
Awww, the HUG! The DANCING! MY BABIES! Fav scene, fav scene!
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I want to adopt this family so bad.
And here's the Swedes being set up...
There goes baby Swede! I kinda feel bad for them.
Uh oh, now they want revenge of poor Diego.
Gotta hand it to Handler, she played this one very well. Parallels Five tricking Hazel and Cha-Cha into fighting each other in season 1. Very cool.
BAD GUY! I like this version better than the original, great song and fits Lila perfectly.
Holy shit!!!!!!!!! We all knew Five had moves but THESE MOVES!!!!!! 😲
How did Lila do that? Is it with Handler's time stopping thing? I always wondered how she did that too.
Holy shiiiiiiiiit. This whole fight was FANTASTIC! 😲
Oh Vanya... 😢
Oh Sissy... 😩
Sissy has been so desperate to keep Vanya tied to her but the moment Vanya asks her to make the slightest sacrifice for their relationship Sissy balks and pulls away... Not a balanced relationship at all.
I understand Sissy's fear, it's not selfishness, it's literal fear of change, but it's still sad and it's going to wreck them.
Oh, so this is where the swedish cover of "Hello" comes in... Very fitting.
Viking funeral, huh?
Ok, I never thought I'd have feels for the Swedes but I do. 😢
Luther eating AGAIN. But hey, he and Diego didn't the whole day together! Why can't we see that too? I need more brother time between these two.
Oh Klaus, is so uncomfortable but he can't stand disappointing the cultists, can he?
Still shocks me how all those people just invaded his house while he was away and thought that was perfectly acceptable and cool, it shows they really don't respect him as a person, he's just an object to make them feel better and give them purpose... It's terrifying and really sad when you think about it.
"sit your ass down." -you go, Allison! Tell him everything!
This episode gave me SO MANY FEELINGS! It might read like (extremely good) fanfiction but it's exactly what we all needed and it might be my favorite episode so far.
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spacemilkies · 6 years
and the times keep turning
by the age of thirteen, ben learned to stop asking for things he wasn’t going to get
until he met you
word count: 8k+
a/n: I figured I’d just go for the full AU. Still a bit of canon angst but we’re in this for the fluff(ish)
Ben tells himself that he isn’t staring (even with Klaus snickering to his right). But he’s too fixated to bring up a complaint. So he raises a hand, wrist still angry red and marked with a curse shining fresh, under the dull light of the dingy donut cafe in dismissal. It would be so easy to walk over. For once, he’s not crowded in the center of the booth and free to move independently. Naturally, he won’t though. Even when the universe is working against his decision. The restaurant feels less ventilated than it ever has. Even with the help of inconsistent opening and closing of the entry door. The air feels humid and hot, the overall discomfort of it all creeping under his clothing like an itch. He knows he looks ridiculous, jaw slack and accompanied by a wide look of wonderment. He certainly knows he feels like it, the tempo of his heart beating against his chest rattling his bones. It’s so simple. Even when his conscious insists that it’s not. All because it’s you. 
 You’re with a friend.  Just one.  But he can tell you’re close from the way the two of you lean in together. Sharing laughter and smiles. If he had the capacity to feel any other emotion than infatuation, he might have felt envy. Not just because your friend was so near to you. But because of the obvious relationship the two of you shared. Friendship was still a foreign concept to all of them. He’d like to have friends. Maybe one day. After you. Klaus is back again and Ben barely registers the weight of his arm on his shoulder. Yeah, he might look like a creep. But he’s been a freak all his life, whats one more title. Klaus is close. So close Ben vibrates as he pipes up in his ear. “She’s cute.” And Ben wants to scoff. Argue. Come to your defense in anyway he can. Because you’re not just cute. You’re beautiful. Amazing. Ethereal. (yes he knows what that means. He read about it once.) Everything he wants, even though he doesn’t quite comprehend any of those words to their greatest extent. Though he’s certain you’d blow them all out of the water. “You should talk to her.” Ben is happy that Klaus is adopting a softer tone for once. He doesn’t need his theatrics drawing any attention to himself. “No.” “Why not?” “No, Klaus.” “She can’t be worse than the monsters you’ve seen.” It comes as a joke. But Klaus is so right. So so right. Ben is the monster. And monsters never get the princess in the happy ever after. “Oh, does Benny have a crush?” Five’s voice is chased by a sharp jab to his side. With a little less training, Ben might have doubled over. He still might as the rest of his siblings chime in as they catch on. “Who is it?” “Ben has a crush?” “That’s so cute.” “Father would never approve.” Father would never approve of your love for Allison, Ben wants to quip back. But then he thinks, maybe he would? Being grandfather of super babies might even get the old man to smile. Diego managed to make it around the table before Ben could catch up with his movements, throwing an arm around his neck and dragging him out of his seat. The little restaurant is never very packed, so its easy to draw the attention of the room. For now he’s safe though. A booth of rambunctious thirteen year olds draws more shakes of the head than shows of concern. Ben thinks he sees your gaze dart over briefly. “Bro …you hav-” Diego slips up briefly but manages to carry though with determination. “Go. Don’t be the last one waiting for your first kiss.” Ben blinks, before squinting at the challenge. As far as he knew, they were all of equal standing. “Guys, just stop. Please.” It’s a futile attempt. They continue egging him on, somehow bringing even Vanya into the mix. They get louder until Ben finds himself pressured out of premature mortification than anything else. They send him off with a cheer and he deems them all assholes. You don’t see him coming, but your friend does. They seem attentive in a way that Ben thinks they caught on a long time ago. Ben swallows thickly ready to embarrass himself and move on but they beat him to it. “Aren’t you from that academy ? Umbrella or something ?” Ben’s first instinct is to shield his tattoo. A modern day taboo on a child his age. But he’s too late because now you’ve seen it too now. Twisting in your seat, he finally sees more than a glimpse. In actuality, you’re not perfect. Up close you’re human. There is no celestial light or singling angels. But you do have an adorable button nose and dimples poking at your cheeks. You smile. And he mirrors it with a level of ease he’s never attempted. “Hey, dude- did you hear me?” He does. But now you’re opening your mouth to speak and he could care less about anyone else.  Your voice is an addictive timber as your eyes dart down to inspect his covered wrist. Recognition ages slowly on your features as you come to terms with everything. “You all were at that fire a few weeks ago.” Ben remembers it. Much more vividly because he had little to do with that day and he’s glad it’s your first recollection. You don’t remember him as the monster who easily tore men to shreds. You probably barely recalled his presence but that’s okay. It was a fresher start than he was expecting. “Uh, yeah sometimes we save people?” It sounds cheesy but you laugh and suddenly he understands the meaning of butterflies. You thank him even though you were no where in the vicinity and knew no one from the tragedy. He accepts your invitation to sit even when you both know he didn’t come alone. But he doesn’t care. You ask questions. A lot of them actually but they’re good ones. You ask about his favorite color. If he has any pets. What he thinks about 7th grade math. Later, you walk away knowing more than he’s told anyone ever. But he knows your name. And a chance to see you again. And he feels like the winner. 
It had taken three tries to successfully meet up for a proper meet up (a date). That fateful night had been a casual occurrence for the Umbrella Academy, but for you and your friend it had been a stretch on your own curfew.
At the age of thirteen, Ben was still very much under the thumb of his father. But as he later learned with Klaus’ help, it was much easier to sneak out as an individual rather than a group. 
What it really came down to were the missions.
For a moment, Ben was actually worried that his father had caught on. The alarm always seemed to go off just before he was meant to meet with you.
But tonight was different. He’d managed to make it onto the street without a problem.
When he found you were equally as nervous, toeing unsurely outside of the little cafe. Ben’s apprehension was slightly more geared to the tall individual looming just a few feet short of you, obviously taking him in all his entirety.
With a laugh you introduced the third wheel as your cousin, a necessary excuse to let you out alone. With a staged whisper, you’d promised him that he would keep his distance.
And he did, but his gaze apparently wasn’t part of the deal.
Ben squirmed uncomfortably while trying to down his milkshake without choking. He was happy to be sat by the window, relying on the distraction of passerbys at each polite opportunity. Sometimes impolite when necessary.
“So-um, you look pretty.” He felt silly mentioning now, more than twenty minutes into your outing but he’d been too scared to chance it with an additional set of ears. To think he’d taken down men twice his size and still managing to be intimidated.
Your head bowed, cheeks heating at the compliment. It was a subtle warmth, just barely adding color to your skin. But your gron was the real winner.
Shyly you poke at your straw, coaxing it into a slow circle. “You do too,” you add with a bit more confidence. “It’s different, seeing you out of your uniform.
He was less recognizable too. With his sleeves pulled taught to his wrists, he was just like any other kid on the street. Something he rarely got to experience, especially away from his siblings.
Ben’s returning smile is more reserved with a half shrug,” We don’t always have to wear it.”
“Are you really a superhero?”
His lips pull taut, and unrecognizable look on his face as he considered your question. Was he a hero?
Luther fit the look of a hero. Even Diego accepting the title with his own flair. Allison and Five had their own style but he-
It didn’t matter the mission.
No particular scenario.
Somehow he was always doused in blood.
His own cape.
Sometimes it felt more like the cloak of a villain.
He jumps at the touch of your hand, finding your gaze teetering between comfort and apologetic.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Ben thinks you’ll pull away. Leave it at that. But your hand stays, your fingers tapping a distracting staccato on his knuckles that he found himself craving. By focusing on it he managed to chase away the self depreciating thoughts.
“My mom always says everyone a hero as long as you make a positive change. And from what I can see you guys are helping a lot of people.”
It’s not enough, but it’s something to hold on to.
Ben can’t remember the last time he felt something reach out that wasn’t from within.
It’s three months after your first kiss that Five goes missing. 
He doesn’t tell you at first because he thinks his brother will come back. They all do. Because it’s Five. 
Reckless but reliable. He’s the smartest of them all, so of course he can find his way back to them. You’d only had the short pleasure of meeting him from odd occasions and late night donut excursions. So you believed it too. But a month goes by and Ben’s breaking. Nothing is getting better. His father doesn’t stop sending them on missions. So he cracks a little more. More people die. Most by his tact and phantom limbs. There’s blood and gore. And he finally shatters.
“How do you do it ?”
When you aren’t tempted by sticky donuts or overcrowded booths, the two of you sneak away to your peaceful oasis. You’re fifteen now with a little more freedom.
Autumn is your favorite time to visit the overlook. The whispers of winter creating a nice enough breeze to accompany the glittering lights of the city below.
You’re leaning back on your hands, your legs casually slung over your boyfriend’s lap.
Ben had been quiet when you’d brought up the question. But in truth he’d been wordless for weeks leading up to now. His touch was less too, as if he thought the briefest affection would scorch your essence.
For longer than you’d like, you had rolled with the change. Unable to do anything but allow the gap to get wider as you bid your time just trying to understand.
Klaus had been tight lipped about the subject, but it turned out that you didn’t need words for an explanation. You could see the haunting look in his eyes.
It was the first time you began to wonder, had Superman ever broken down?
Ben’s little finger twitches against your own it he doesn’t follow the urge. His gaze strays for a second,” Do what?”
No playful guess, or ticklish prodding. Just a dry response.
You try to fill the void, offering a timid smile that trembles. This was a deep dive for your relationship and he was so far under.
What happened if you couldn’t make it back to the surface?
Your hand clenched around the ground before extending, gaining just enough to brush his fingertips. He hesitates but doesn’t pull away yet.
“Do all the stuff you do ?” Biting the inside of your cheek, you feed off the pain to root your resolve. “You’ve been doing this so long but … Ben- does it hurt being a superhero?”
“Yeah, it hurts.” It starts off slow. A few pebbles sprinkling from above.
You don’t expect him to answer. To hear his voice crumble, rocks sliding together in a downpour of emotion.
“Were not invincible- except maybe Luther. But it doesn’t fucking matter because we’re kids. He forgets that we’re children who didn’t ask for this.”
Your hand hovers at his back, trying to find the right time to intervene with comfort.
“But he bought us fair and square so I guess it’s his choice, right ?”
Your legs slid against his as you decide instead to give him space. The stout pillar of sadness was degrading into a pile of salt.
But he catches you by the waist before you can move, your gasp heating his cheek as he drags you closer. This time your legs part to let him in, arms confident as the looped around his neck.
This is the closest you’ve been in weeks and it feels so good.
“No, Ben, it’s not okay. “
But you’re only fifteen and with all the power between you, you can’t change anything.
You’re brushing just above the waters of seventeen and not much is better. But you understand Ben more. Think you’re more equipped to help. It never escaped you that he may be touch starved. Such a tender gift that weighed heavily with social implications. But you wanted to give it to him. Because you loved him. And most importantly wanted to believe he loved you back. It was reckless but your parents were out and honestly you could give a damn about the rest. The kisses were too hot, the touch’s only providing more sparks to the flame. Ben moved the two of you from the doorway, to the wall until the back of your knees bucked against your bed. You were more focused on getting as many layers off as you could during the travel time. Swallow his little moans of protest when your actions blocked a kiss or the tangle of clothing halted his hands. But nor here you were at the meeting point, both goals accomplished in full. Lips swollen, bodies stripped to the bare necessities and flushed in anticipation.  Biting your cheek, you reached out to map out the plane of his abs. Dressed comfortably in hoodies and loose clothing, Ben made it hard for you to remember that you were dating a superhero. A boy being cultivated into a man with vigorous training. Gripping the single strand of boldness between the both you, Ben took your free hand, drawing it loser in exploration as his lips attached your neck. The two of you shared a mixed groan of appreciation: you at the suction against your throat and him moshing at the tentive palming of his bulge. The two of you weren’t strangers to the taste of pleasure. Buye this would be the first time that you forgo the limited trials and accepted the full package. The spontaneously of it all had been tainted by a bit of planning , necessary actions for privacy. But now it was finally here. The boy you’d fallen in love with at the age of thirteen, settled firmly if not a little anxiously between your legs. His hands ran along the length of them carefully as he voiced his concerns,” Are you sure about this?” You captured his wavering hands, threading your fingers together. You were both bound to be nervous. It was a first for you each. But not the first taste of fresh experiences for either. You’d been each other’s first kiss. First date. First significant other. First love. And now- Nor you were never more sure of anything in your life. “As long as it’s with you. I can face everything with you at my side. “ His lips quirk in that soft little smile and you knew the worst of his worries were settled. Letting him go, you brought him back into a kiss, encouraging him to lead at his own pace. You swallowed the urge to flinch at the first touch of his fingers curling under the band of your panties not wanting to reignite any anxiousness. Instead you encourage with a roll of your hips, expressing your consent. It’s not the first time he’s touched you there and the confidence is present, if not weighted down slightly from the added implications. But it felt food, and you made sure to let him know as much. Your lips quirk when the tips of his ears redder in response to your breathy call of his name. Moaning came easy when his string fingers dipped into you, his thumb not idle as it stroked you. “Hm, condom?” You remember thoughtfully, not too far gone to forgot common sense. You’re thankful when his fingers remain in you as he reaches over your head. From the new angle you award yourself with a kiss, humming and grinding down on his fingers. You’re no expert on what’s wet enough but you think you know your body enough to want to try. Rolling your eyes, you snatch the square before your boyfriend could attempt to free the rubber with his teeth. The last thing either of you needed was a tear. A soft gasp left you when his hand left you without warning, needing both hand to free himself of his boxers. When the condom was freed without injury you did the same to yourself, completely bare to one another for the first time. “So we’re really doing this?” With a deep breath you confirmed shyly,” Yeah. “ Getting the confirm on properly was a little awk arc and way too many hands were used. There were a few giggles here and there and ticklish touches to guide them. Timid glances. Accelerated heartbeats. One more deep breath. And a push. Your thighs quaked against your bodies internal battle to abort. It stung a bit but it wasn’t as bad as your friends made it out to be. Ben was Attentive as always, delivering wet kisses until you gave him the okay. Your nails bit into the meat of his arm but he never complained. When you looked up, his eyelids were wrinkled from the pressure of holding them together. Your grip loosened to a caresses as you checked in, “Ben? Are you okay?” One eye blinked open, his face a mix of s grimace and pure bliss,” This is going to sound really cliche but you’re sososo tight and I think I’m going to come.” You laughed, genuinely laughed at his ‘pain’, head thrown back in the act. Yeah, you two were going to be okay. 
High school isn’t a breeze but it gusts by like August wind. All too soon you’re ordering your cape and gown and wondering about college. Like everyone else you’re unsure, a little scared but somehow excited all at the same time. Ben is leaned in close, resting his head on your shoulder while you scroll through your emails. There’s nothing new there. Hasn’t been for the last half hour but you refresh every few seconds just in case. It’s the unofficial acceptance day and most of your friends know where they’re going, except you. Ben strokes your arm from your bicep to your elbow, dry lips scratching the underside of your jaw as he leaves a short kiss,” They haven’t forgotten about you,” he assures. You know they haven’t. Because they can just as easily reject you. But Ben, the ever consistent and loving boyfriend, is determined to distract you properly. His limber fingers plunk your phone away from you even as you complain. “I didn’t buy you a milkshake just to watch it melt. I’ll keep an eye on the mail.” You’re too weak to challenge him, especially when he’s kissing you in reassurance. So you huff and purse your lips fro the straw. Ben was right. It’s good and it brings you a little comfort. That and the way his hands absentmindedly play with your hair. As promised, from the corner of your eye you spot his thumb dragging across the screen of your phone every few minutes. You’re halfway down the strawberry bliss when he speaks. But it’s not with news. “You’re great whatever college you get into. You know that right?” You do, but that’s not the reason for your stress. It just so happened that the school of your choice came about to be one of the highest ranked in academics. But you weren’t chasing the prestige. You just wanted to stay. Rooted in the same city that brought you into the same life you couldn’t see yourself without. It just helped that schools status made your parents proud. They could look past you remaining for the sake of your boyfriend when they knew you were in a top tier university. But it was all riding on you getting in this one. Because your second choice was hundreds of miles away. Ben of course reassured you that the relationship would be fine. He never wanted anyone other than the girl he met at thirteen. It was sweet but the world was sour. And he had a dangerous life. Nothing was certain. And everything- Ben’s thumb stops. And you close your eyes knowing he’s hovering over the first unopened email you had in days. For a moment it’s quiet and then he’s kissing you. It’s a very Ben kiss. Slow encompassing. One he used to give and seek comfort. And it leaves you wanting to cry. “Baby..” You’d planned meticulously for your life to fold one way. Preferably around the two of you, shrouding each other from the rest of the world. His hands cup your cheek and you know he’s urging you to open them. But you can’t. “Baby, you got in. “
The soft click of your front door turning puts you on edge. Your hand tightening around the feeble defense of a wooden spoon. Edging against the shadows of the wall, you refrain from the urge to call out- because honestly, who the fuck does that? You’re perched, ready to strike- When Ben rounds the corner catching on to your intentions with a delayed widen of his eyes. “Really? A spoon. “ With a huff, you clamber off the stool a little put off that your boyfriend wasn’t nearly as confident in your skills as you were. You couldn’t all be super powered. “You could have at least texted asshole.” Since you’d reached the age of independence, you traded the comfort of your parents home for the benefit of living a bit closer to the university you were attending. At first they’d been worried, especially at the prospect of you living alone. You didn’t think assuring them that a superhero often took up lodgings and you weren’t in complete solitude. Of course they knew about Ben. But as far as the rest of the world knew, he was busy with the Umbrella academy. Except for the few times he wasn’t, and sought solace in the little pocket of peace you provided for him. You didn’t care when he showed up, granting him a key to emphasize your point. As long as he gave you a heads up. That was really the summation of your brief list of rules. The moment you got use to him just sliding in, was the moment the same went for anyone..
“Sorry,” his mumble came dry and not too apologetic. The sixteen year old you might have been more understanding. Young and still fresh in the whirlwind of love. But at twenty-one, now you finally caught up in the adult world. You had classes to worry about, grades to maintain to hold on to your scholarship. An assistantships to help pay the bills. In a position where you have so much, you’d earned  the position to ask. You would have been more willing to curl into his request of comfort, ready to mutually accept and give what you needed most right now. But his curt response edged with unconquered aggression only sparked the flint of your smoking irritation. “I’m sorry, did the big bad Horror show get his tentacles twisted ?” Dark eyes flash and you know immediately that’s you’re rousing a haggard beast. Too bad the comfort of knowing that same beast for some odd years belittled the warning. “I’m not in the mood tonight.” Bringing your hands to your hips, you show no signs of backing down. “Neither is the rest of the world- which surprise!- still manages to revolve with or without you.” His body shudders, or maybe it’s a quake? Either one brings flighty hands into a tight clench as he sways unhelpfully on his dark hoody. Another thing you weren’t looking forward too. Ben had adopted the habit of tossing his clothing in with your loads without warning. Often mixing colors or ruining them with stains. Squinting, you couldn’t make out any foreign material but it wouldn’t surprise you to find some blood disguised in the dark lining. “Not yours though.” His time is sharp but also something else. “Your world would stop, because mine would too. ” The fight was still there. You certainly had it in you to go quite a few rounds. Like a lot of things in your relationship. Fighting with Ben was easy. He wasn’t just a compliant punching bag that took the jabs and rolled with them. In fact he was worse. Having triple the amount of siblings push sparing with him quite a few notches  above your weight class. Unfortunately a championship belt valued for little and in the end you both settled separately in misery until the threads tightened and sew the two of you back together again. The stitching wasn’t always perfect but you were my ended and had something to look back on. So here you prepared yourself. Ready to swing through the motions and hopefully leave the one beaten but still standing. But Ben just stood there, nails digging into his palms. “Can we just-“ “Not?” You finished helpfully, hopefully. Nodding quietly, Ben left you standing there to drag himself into one of the chairs of the island counter. His sleeves dragged against the counter to leaning- yep definitely needed to use a detergent for blood tonight. The lack of a fight somehow left you more exhausted than an actual one but you still managed to work through dinner. It was over a fork full of pasta that you considered your boyfriend with a critical eye. It always occurred to you why he didn’t leave the estate. College had been a whim of an aspiration for him.  But if he wanted to could he really? You were all still so young, barely reaching the height of adulthood. But you were managing so far. There was no reason why he couldn’t as well. “Have you all though about moving out?” His fork freezes and you worry you’re about to ignite something. But his voice is quiet. “And go where ?”
For awhile it calms down. Your second year of college was a smooth transition into your third. And now you have a better idea of how you plan to mold your life. The July sun is searing reminder that summer is almost over. Something you’re both excited about and dreading. You’d spent the last two months a few hundred miles away on an internship. It’d been the furthest you’d ever been from home. And equally the longest you’d been from Ben. With a clink, your front door opens and your luggage slumped against the entrance of your apartment. The end of your trip wasn’t your only relief. Coming back to see your apartment in one piece had been the greatest stress reliever. With another year still left under your belt, there had been no reason to let go of your lease. But with the internship, this was the first time you hadn’t occupied your home. You considered renting it out, a suggestion from your father to gain a bit of revenue. But that required moving your things out, which frankly defeated the whole purpose. Besides. Why waste the effort when you had a house sitter on call? “Guys?” Kicking your bags out of the way, you let the door close behind you as you ventured further into the flat. It was quiet in a way that made you a bit anxious. Ben had known you’d be in time around this time. You parents had insisted on picking you up so you had him forgo the effort of meeting you at the airport. It made sense for him to wait here for you but it wouldn’t surprise you to find him out with his family on some excursion. Or what was left of the team. From what he’d filled you in on, only Luther, Diego, Ben and Klaus were left. Allison’s disappearance spoke for itself. You’d come across more than a few promotional ads for her first role in an upcoming movie. It was shocking to say the least, to find out your childhood friend was on the cusp of a celebrity lifestyle. But as one of the Umbrella kids, you supposed they all were. With nothing but her academics, Vanya had been the first to move out to pursue. Very little was known about her personal progression. According to Ben, no one was concerned enough to pry. So in the revelation of the academy growing into their own shoes, it made sense for Klaus and Ben to enjoy a bit of freedom. One you were happy to give as long as it didn’t come at the price of a lost security deposit. For some reason you were hesitant to turn on any light, thinking it might ruin some indiscernible setting. The setting sun was still high enough to provide you some light, the soft glow equal to the glimmer of the bulb above the stove. Yet it was somewhat unsettling to think that they were here. Surely they would have picked up on your presence by now. The training they’d suffered through would have managed to hone their skills that much. The hunt of your small flat was short lived, coming short of your bedroom where your inconspicuous house guests lay scattered in your living room. Klaus managed to once again fit himself uncomfortably into the chair under the window. His head craned in a way that hinted he’d been chasing the sun until its descent. One of your throw bellow wedged under his arm instead of behind his back. You were almost urged to drape a blanket over him. But he was so quiet. You weren’t referring to the light scores rumbling against her throat of course. But the lack of shifting, the absence of mutters and heartbreaking screams. In the wake of everything you’d known about Klaus was the perfect image of peace. “Hey, sweetheart.” There was a shuffle of clothing as Ben rose from underneath the mounds of your knitted cover. He’s yawning around a languid smile, drawing you near with a lazy beckon. It’s the the welcome home you’ve been waiting all day for. His laugh warms you, curling around your body as you straddle his waist and bring your arms around him. The kisses are light and noiselessly, intentionally formed so not go disturb the still slumbering occupant. Ben’s lips brush your cheek as you take in the rare sight again. “He looks so at peace,” you comment quietly. Ben hums in agreement and you shift to accommodate as he slouch’s back into the cushions. Helpfully, you gather the blankets back around you. “Been like this all summer. ” He kisses your raised brow and tucks you closer,” I’ll explain in the morning. But this was a good idea for both of us.” You fall asleep dreaming about what it would be like if everyday was like this. 
Everyone has had enough, Ben tells you over the phone one day. You’re at the library, fumbling quickly with your things at the first sound of distress. You managed to escape to the outskirts, hidden between the shelves as he spoke. The last mission was bad. Too close for comfort and the consensus was to get out once and far all. He shares his fears. None of them are really ready to face the world alone. They’ve saved countless lives but it’s still not enough to conquer it. But Vanya managed, he scoffs, still agitated by it all. It became common knowledge by now that she’d climbed to the top of the class of the local university. Providing a rather vivid and compelling dissertation into the life of her family. 
Your offer comes easy. Maybe because you’ve been wanting to asks for years. “Why don’t you live in with me?” His resigned sigh isn’t exactly rejection. “What about Klaus ?”
Ben’s eventual decision lined up with the end of your lease nicely. After three years of seeing the same walls, you were experiencing the newness of indulgent arches and patio gardens. Klaus managed to come up with quite a few demands, even apartment hunting with you and Ben. “Nothing but the best for the most sickening sweet childhood sweethearts you’ve ever seen.” You’d wanted to interrupt him on more than one occasion but he just rolled into another tangent as you scouted out all imperfections and cried for justice. It had taken most of the week for the final decision to land on a quaint three bedroom townhouse downtown. Now you were six couches deep in the department store as you unsuccessfully corralled a disgruntled Klaus. You grimaced guiltily through a smile at the hovering employees expression their displeasure. Not that you blamed them. Klaus really taking the ‘try it yourself’ offer too far. Legs kicked up, swaddled in a blanket with one if the throw pillows under his arse- Because that was his money maker. Klaus was very much at home. Which would be great. If you were at home. Not in the center of IKEA on the verge of getting revoked for loitering. Scanning the store, you desperately tried to locate your boyfriend, uncertain of how you got out on babysitting duty two shops in a row. When no help was on the horizon you reluctantly settled into your role. “Klaus, honey..” You tried to start. “This is the fifth couch you’ve made your own. It’s just lounge ware not your final resting place. “ “You see that’s where you’re wrong my dear. “ Your body sags in defeat as he rolls into another speech. Somehow managing to belittle a billion dollar industry built on home economics in the process. A touch on your shoulder comes as more relief than surprise when Ben appears next to you. He takes in your exasperated state with confusion and inclines his head back towards the rest of the store,“I’ve been waiting by the beds. Why are we still looking at couches?” You gesture to his couch-ridden brother,“I think Klaus has an obsession. “ Ben seemed to have given up on comprehending all together and reached for his brother’s hands, dragging him to his feet. A quiet ‘thank god’ flitters behind you. “Dude, you can pick out the couch too. But you really need to decide on a bed before the ones on sale sell out. I really don’t want to fight a coupon obsessed mother. “ A perplexed Klaus loses all his theatrics. Its in his confusion that the most clarity is found for you. Throughout the course of the weeks, you’d noticed little things, but you’d never expected this kind of miscommunication. You hadn’t realize such a direct approach had been necessary. “You want me to pick out your bed too? I didn’t think you’d value my expertise so much. It’s rather refreshing “ You in Ben share a look. The tilt of his head cementing your conclusion. You say slowly “ We already picked up ours. Remember the sleigh bed ?” “Oh right. I take back my words. Shame one your distasteful cliche.” You resist the urge to scowl. You quite liked the woodwork if that choice. “Well good thing you get to choose your own,” Ben grumbles, equally as proud of the choice in the bed frame. He manages to get everyone on the walkway in route of the direction he’d come from. He takes on last look at Klaus’ calculating face before he gives up.“Oh for fucks sake Klaus. We want you to live with us.” “What?” Reacting to the softness in his voice, you reached around your boyfriend to twine your fingers,“Were just getting ahold of this adult thing. You thought we’d make you figure it out alone ?” You’re happy when everyone decides to ignore the obvious wetness pooling in Klaus’ eyes. The store had enough of a stage production and the last thing it needed were the three of you breaking down over the implications of growing up through childhood. Klaus thankfully just squeezes back in response, but there is an obvious crack in his voice.“You really want to live with me after 17 years ?” “I figured she could to suffer an equal amount of the trials of living with you before we could call it even. “ Laughing wetly, you pinch Ben’s side playfully “Yes, we want you to live with us.” “So the apartment ads?” “Yes, you’re getting your port side view because you asked for it. Not because we were just appeasing you. It’s yours.” “I don’t know what to say…” Ben perks up visibly as the three of you approach the more congested part of the store. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d exaggerated about the chaos of selection. “Can we discuss it after you pick a bed on this sell?. “ He was already trying to map about the best way to navigate through the masses. Frankly, you were already starting to miss the couches. And Klaus. Ben protested loudly when his brother ducked under his arm and pivoted in the opposite direction. Klaus barely managed to eade his grasp, snatching the waist length of us coat up like a victorian style dress. “Oh this is all wrong. We need to start all over. Honey, that kitchen table with those drapes? Not in my house.” With a flounce he disappears down an adjacent pathway. The feeling that settles over you, under the thick fog of irritation floating around Ben, is eased content. With a comforting hand, you drag you palm over the tense muscle of Ben’s back and counted to ten for him. 
Twenty five feels like a prime accomplishment, but in truth you’re so far from truly encompassing the progression of an adult. But you are a college graduate and a proper contribution to the workforce. Both Ben and Klaus were well on their way to understanding too. It had taken some effort, but with Ben’s help you managed to convince Klaus into seeking counsel. There would never truly be a point in his life that he would come to ignore the voices but perhaps channeling them would drive away the ache. At first, he’d been resistant of the idea of being diagnosed with ‘PTSD’, a symptom that he didn’t feel truly exemplified his ordeal. That was of course, all until a war ridden solider named Dave stumbled into a session. It was the first time Klaus had managed to manifest a spirit on pure will. Driven by the urge to comfort Dave with the news that his fallen brother wasn’t tormenting him and had indeed passed on with no regrets or grudges. It was Dave who had recommended Klaus to the community center for a position as an official consoler, taking with his own breakthrough. Neither you or Ben had commented how it had been the quickest Klaus had agreed to anything that wasn’t his own idea. Conveniently, Dave had also recommended a few good places for dinner.
“Oh shit. “ With a groggy groan you nuzzled unconsciously into Ben’s chest. It was too early for you to properly comprehend the tone of his voice but your body still provided comfort under the guise of apprehension. Ben responded to you gratefully, long fingers tangling in your hair through small loops eventually pulled taut when reality finally settled. His lips flapped, opening and closing around the truth that felt so much like a lie. A mirage. But certainly it really couldn’t happening- “Ding dong the wizard  is dead. Which is quite frankly sad news for me but wooo!” The two of you flinched, jumping to attention at Klaus grand entrance. Ben, the more awake and informed, relaxing first as he shared a look of disbelief with his brother. If two people believed the same thing, it was closer to the truth right? Still trying to swallow around the news, Ben cleared his voice shakily,” Can you see him?” Klaus managed to clear the low hanging haze of sleep from the room when he pounced, bed shaking under his weight as he made himself at home in the sheets. Ben vaguely registered your groan of protest as you tried to secure the sheets around your modesty. The act was for naught however, as the two umbrella children were preoccupied by a more pressing matter. Rolling his eyes, Klaus lounged back against the foot of the bed, forgetting his own modesty as his bathrobe slid around his body to accommodate. With lazy excitement he twirled the strings,” As if I’d willingly summon him. I just got him out of my life, Ben,” he scoffed, to which the others merely shrugged. It wasn’t like Klaus gave out invitations to his phantom visitors. “Can someone get me up to speed?” You requested disgruntled, a little put off from being left out. You almost regretted asking. “Dads dead.” The two answered with a mixture of excitement and barely aged disbelief. You were suspended between high fiving Klaus and stroking your boyfriend’s back out of comfort. You had your own thoughts about the man, some unjust and the others completely dignified. But in the same thought, he brought you these dysfunctional idiots and that was enough to pay your respects for. The underlying emotion, however, was relief. No denying that collective emotion. Thinking around Ben’s persistent and absent minded tugs against your scalp, you tested the waters. “Should you guys be preparing funeral arrangements?” “Oh! My inheritance!” With a squeal, a flutter of sheets and unmentionables you really shouldn’t be use to seeing, Klaus was gone. You didn’t expect much out of him anyway. Beside you, Ben’s shuddered with a haggard sigh. He leaned gratefully into your palm as it roamed the plane of his back. Breathing more easily at the touch of your lips between his shoulder blades. He sought out your hand still lost in the wrinkled sheets, bringing it to his lips. “Guess should check in with the others?” Ben found it strange. The man they called ‘father’ put them through so much turmoil. Put him through so many horrors. And for what? Just to call himself king of the castle? They called him the monster. But Ben had experience enough to point out the real ones. But it was all over. Finally over And yet… “Oh, Ben..” He blinked past the tears in disbelief, eyes shining as he curled into your offered embrace. He was still their dad. 
“Hey,  I could buy my own mansion with this kind of money. You think Dave would like that?” You vaguely registered his words over the thick haze. Snuggled close to Ben, you were still trying to properly dissect what all had happened in the last twelve hours. The funeral had been a small affair, exclusively tightening around you as the sole outsider, purely by your longstanding devotion to Ben. It had been jaring at first. Seeing all the siblings in one place. Even Vanya in attendance. They were all living out their own lives, so close yet so far out of touch. For the most part, you’d been able to follow Allison on the tabloids. Vanya was a distinguished professor at the college of music, often having promotional concerts around the city. Diego was a little harder to keep track of, but Luther. Luther was about as impossible as a feat as still coming to terms with the fact that he lived on the moon. In all honesty, it had been the first time you’d set foot in the mansion. Ben had never wanted you to experience the drab lifestyle he’d grown up in. Beyond all the luxury and schematics, you were beginning to realize how many secrets the shadows held. It would have been a quiet event. Meant to be placed in the courtyard. The mismatched cohesiveness of it all was abruptly interrupted by the alert of an uninvited guest. Diego had rolled into action first, donning his mask with efficiency that made you question its origin. Ben had instructed you to stay behind him, and you stepped back the agreeable amount of feet should an occurrence like this ever arise. The echo of footsteps was slow and calculated. A confident gait that traveled with a sense of knowing. They grew closer, each one coiling the muscle of tension a thread tighter. Until a single man rounded the corner. One unfamiliar, yet so recognizable from the curl of his scowl. A disinterested Five, rolled his eyes at his less than seasoned battle ready family, clad in a button up and linen pants with a loose ringlet of tropical flowers around his neck. He took everyone in with vague disgust before rolling his eyes and tossing the petals aside, muttering audibly about getting the show on the road so that he could return to his estate.
“ So we’re not going to talk about how our brother basically ran away from home and built his own starter company on a private island based on the exploits of time travel?” Klaus’ exhale backfired at the end, the smoke rushed out with a sputter and accompanying coughs. Another time you might have shown more concern, but the shock still took heavily dosed in your body to process another emotion. Ben was equally as unconcerned, his chest pushing you briefly into a sitting position as he reached out to snatch the smoking roll of paper from Klaus’ strangled grip. Eventually Klaus recovered, breathing shakily as he registered the theft. “No, we’re not going to talk about the little imp.” A thick cloud of smoke curled around you as Ben spoke,” Not so little anymore.” “Fucking family,” Klaus quipped. “I hope he got cut out of the will.” You responded to a light tug of your chin, turning into the gesture to welcome your boyfriend’s lips against your own. With a part of his lips, Ben emptied the second drag of weed into your mouth. You sink down further into his hold, hanging onto the hazy cloud before releasing it with a relieved sigh. It really was therapeutic in a way you couldn’t quite comprehend or explore on your own. The feeling radiated with a pleasant warmth that curled your toes. You snatched it back before Klaus could, bringing it to your lips for a slow deep pull like you’d been instructed. Klaus meet your gaze with a twinkle of pride, happy to corrupt you even just a little bit. “When are the two of you going to get married so I can ask Dave?” It was your turn to choke on an inhale, to which Klaus grinned victoriously. Ben’s hand massaged your back, patting firmly behind the lungs. It was careful and coherent, so unlike the visible shock you were feeling. “Why do you have to wait for us?” Klaus rolled his eyes as he took the burning paper with a frown,” It’s only out of courtesy. I don’t have to. But since you bought the ring first…” “Klaus.”  Ben’s voice was sharper and more aware. The conversation doing the the same to your consciousness. Turning in his hold, Ben only fought your attempts shortly before giving up. Both of your eyes were thinly laced but slowly gaining coherency. “You bought a ring?” Ben mumbled around the touch of your fingers against his lips, nibbling unintentionally with each word. “I really don’t want to bring this up high and on the evening of my father’s funeral.” “And brother’s resurrection. Hallelujah!” Klaus added unhelpfully. But you were determined, hands gripping his chin this time as you kept his gaze on you. “You want to marry me?” “Yeah, baby. I want to marry you.”
You’re twenty eight lying awake at 2 am on the day of your wedding. It wasn’t a restless sleep and neither of you were recovering from a bout of passion.
It was serene.
Much like it had been since Klaus moved out a year ago. Him and Dave had managed to sign on a townhouse just a few lots over. The prompt and wholly unexpected sighting of ghosts encouraging a hasty move from the last occupants.
They were engaged now, well into their own plans.
Everyone was back in town.
Allison with shared custody of Claire. They were staying with Luther for the weekend.
Diego has promised to show up in a proper suit for once. Bow tie and all. A cute detective ( who he definitely was not dating )as his plus one.
And then there was Five and his mysterious wife Delores.
No one was even tempted to unpack that enigma.
You roll onto your side and ride to your elbows. Ben’s eyes are closed but his breathing isn’t deep enough for sleep. You test your hypothesis with a short kiss that he lengthens with a smile.
The arm resting under you, curls up around your waist,” Still not sleepy?”
You hum in response, “it’s helping me remember this isn’t all a dream.”
Ben strokes your cheek with a laugh,” We’ve been living the dream for the last fifteen years.”
You weave your fingers together,” Fifteen huh?”
He buried his face into your neck and the two of you inhale together. There are less than six hours left before you’ll be separated for the majority of the day. Allison had been firm on her schedule, looping your mother and other bridesmaids in without complaint.
Five planned to pay for everything. Whether it was out of apology or simply because he could mattered not to Ben who agreed without a blink.
“It felt like a fantasy when I first saw you. Glad we never woke up.”
You go to kiss his nose and he turn in just the right way to capture your lips.Its a slow kiss, one to travel across the years and a few more for the future.
“I love you.”
After a decade of trials, the thirties certainly aren’t smooth but its a better set of challenges. You learned a new part of Ben’s heritage when your first pregnancy resulted in not one but two babies.
The two of you had been swept into a reasonable amount of panic. It was one thing for first-time parents to prepare for a single child, but twins?
Ben had been told to save his other hand for the second child during labor, he hadn’t expect to nearly lose both in the same day. But he’d been your pillar through the whole ordeal, stroking the wet cloth across your forehead and murmuring encouragement over your explicitness.
He was really really glad you weren’t Allison that day.
Thinking about it made him wonder what kind of hell erupted on Claire’s birth.
Raising twins wasn’t impossible but it wasn’t a walk either. More like a casual collection of jobs with a few stumbles along the way. In terms of proper parenting, there was a bit of a deficit between both of your experiences but there was a bold consensus to make up for misgivings on both sides.
Klaus turned out to be more of a help than either of you had expected. But then again, neither of you had anticipated Dave’s arrival into his life either. The two were well into their own marriage now and at the top of the uncle list.
You both watched them now, tucked under each other on the porch while your children drug their uncles through the snow. It was early enough for the snow to still be considered fresh and the coffee to be mildly ineffective. You watch the steam roll from your mouth, hissing on the inhale.
You decided to give the little group another five minutes before calling it in. It was all fun and games until you had a house full of sniffles and icky coughs. You were already thinking of whether to entice them with pancakes or french toast this morning.
“If I wasn’t so worried, I’d leave them out here with them and go back inside,” Ben grumbled lowly behind you. He’d returned back inside for a fresh cup of coffee.
You want to laugh but a yawn comes first,” Then we’d be taking care of four sick kids.”
“Daddy, come help me please!”
Ben tries to hide the smile, but that kind of grin is impossible to subdue. You know from experience. All fight leaves his body, and likely the rest of his warmth as he hands over his cup after one last long sip.
You’re pleased to still see half left as you steal a few sips for yourself.
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dbh-is-a-crime · 4 years
All Dbh Chapters
@kaydel your reply to my ask has inspired me to give my thoughts on each of the chapters.
Chapter 1: The Hostage
Is honestly a good first chapter, the tension and stakes are high, it pulls you in. There's a reason people who played the demo were hyped for the game. And regardless of what I think of Cage's writing, it's not the first time he's done a solid intro to a game. (Swiftly followed by garbage but I digress..)
We learn something about deviancy and how it starts, we get a sequence of dialogue based gameplay to set up how important it is to the story, and we get a taste of Connor’s somewhat underdeveloped investigation gameplay. 
I will admit that there are several lines I kind of like in this scene (’You can’t kill me, I’m not alive’ I’d like this even better if Bryan didn’t love it so much) And most of the outcomes are very cool! 
Chapter 2: Opening
Is not a chapter, it's the opening credits. It's not really interesting, but it's not as bad as Heavy Rain's, only because it's about half as long. Kara was robbed.
Chapter 3: Shades of Color
What a title am I right! And no, it's not just because of the paints. This chapter, title aside, isn't bad! We don't learn anything about Markus but it sets the world up nicely. It's one of the cooler open areas. It shows off the graphics nicely. 
And all of that is promptly ruined by the overly heavy-handed scene with the protesters. With the follow up of the back of the bus! Also the preacher guy is weird what was the point of that.
Chapter 4: A New Home
Easily one of the most (if not The Most) boring chapters in the game. Mundane QTEs? We all looooooove those! At the end of the chapter you get some exposition to a very nice composition (this game really would be nothing without the music) and that part is actually ok. But the mundane housework gameplay doesn’t get a pass, even if it is to give context for what the life of an android is like. Would be 100% better if there was 40% less housework.
Chapter 5: The Painter
A solid chapter! Learning about Markus through his interactions with Carl? An actual good narrative device? Unbelievable. At surface level their relationship is sweet and Carl is so supportive of Markus growing beyond his programming. Though there is a darker undertone that mirrors the caged android birds. And that it’s all a gilded cage. And I like both of those interpretations, they’re interesting. 
The music mini game is interesting the first time you do it but after that I’m never picking it again, chess it is from now on.
Chapter 6: Partners
Connor’s return after 5 chapters. I think that might be the longest break between appearances for any of them. Anyway this chapter is mostly fine. It sets up Hank and Connor’s troubled partnership and shows us what most of Connor’s gameplay is going to be. (Detective work and trying to reason with Hank) It would be interesting if there was an option to let Ortiz’ android go, seeing as there if a version of the scene where you don’t find him. But I guess it’s too early for Connor to be disobeying.
Chapter 7: Stormy Night
Classic David Cage has women being abused by men! Unfortunately this is one of Kara’s best chapters. The tension from the very first moment if real, and as soon as Alice runs up stairs, you just know what’s going to happen. Without fail, every person I’ve ever watched, immediately tries to follow her. Honestly? Solid way to make me care about the kid. 
I know some folks have problems with showing child abuse on screen, but my opinion is that they kept the worst of it as implied, like in the failed ending of the chapter, you don’t see it actually happen. So I’m personally okay with it, but I can understand why some may disagree.
10/10 for the chase/escape scene. It’s stressful as hell but honestly the music just makes it...like idk the moment Kara deviates? I nearly, literally screamed the first time. The build up to it is so good, and you as the player are determined to protect Alice and will fight through the programming to do it.
Chapter 8: Broken
Gonna be honest, Markus’ deviating scene falls a little flatter for me. I’ve watched several people play for the first time and actively not want to break programming and retaliate. Which makes the fact that its a scripted event you can’t avoid frustrating to them. I guess we just haven’t seen any anger from him yet so it doesn’t feel like the reaction you expect? (I get that it’s supposed to be him finally cracking, the story just...doesn’t convey that very well.)
Also the fact that you get punished for staying silent with Carl dying is shitty.
Chapter 9: The Interrogation 
Talk about fucking tense! This scene is a real challenge, in either difficulty. Unless you don’t care about the android self-destructing? 
I don’t have much else to say, it’s not a bad scene but there’s not a lot of substance to it. The ‘the day will come when we will no longer be slaves’ line is...the start of the truly terrible writing choices in this game.
Chapter 10: Fugitives
Not a bad scene. Getting to choose to steal a bunch of stuff is fun, and the fact that you can steal all this shit and then go and sleep in the car is pretty funny. I don’t like the house or Ralph, just because it’s another chance to put a female character at risk from a male character. 7/10 I’m never picking the house. (Also did you know you can fail to steal from that guy in the laundromat and he wakes up lmao)
Chapter 11: From The Dead
Ok this is going to be kind of a controversial opinion...but I’m tired of this scene. While it’s true that no scene in the game holds up on the 20th watch/play, this scene lost most of it’s shock value on the 3rd watch. Now that being said, the sound design in the scene is brilliant. And putting the audio processor back in does still give me chills, but the rest of the scene? I mean, I guess cannibalising other androids is a pretty powerful story action. But the fact that you can take all of the things you need from dead androids if you search hard enough kind of ruins that for me. 
Also idk why but everyone collectively thinks that Markus screams when he reaches the top of the slope and I have no idea why.
Chapter 12: Waiting For Hank
Boooooooring. Ok, getting beat up by Gavin after refusing to make him coffee is mildly interesting. But the fact that Hank just hates you in the scene is honestly quite tiring. Like, his opinion of Connor will inevitably go down at least once, you can’t avoid that. Also there’s nothing to explore in the office so...
Chapter 13: On The Run
Both versions of this scene are very tense. And not in...a super fun way. Like ok, Kara has that empowering woman moment where she cuts her hair, great, but the rest of the scene isn’t that good. (And the version with Ralph is downright disturbing.) 
Chapter 14: Jericho
Oh god let’s players cannot do this part. And the amount of time I’ve spent watching people run around clueless because they weren’t paying even the slightest attention or follow the obvious path, makes me hate this chapter. I also hate it because the gameplay isn’t very interesting. Markus’ precog is mildly interesting, but that’s really it. (The end of this chapter has some pretty stunning visuals tho)
Chapter 15: The Nest
Ok, the opening conversation with Hank is cute if Connor is trying to be nice. Though the actual chase is pretty tense. The music is on point as always, because the composers for this game were very overqualified for the job. Also the fact that you get punished for not saving Hank both amuses and vexes me. You don’t catch the guy because you were a shitty partner. But what was the point of taking the risk with Hank if there’s no reward? (Yes I know he still ends up in evidence lock up but that’s hardly reward enough for risking your partner’s life)
I mean okay the pigeons flying through the roof is pretty funny, but the investigation in the apartment isn’t all that interesting. Also I’ve just realised I haven’t mentioned the Zen Garden once but honestly most of the scenes there aren’t that interesting anyway.
Chapter 16: Time To Decide
Wow where do I start on how uninteresting this chapter is. You learn very little about Markus’ companions, you get to have a conversation with a magical minority, and you get a line about an android being dragged behind the back of a car. (After reading the wiki about James Byrd I feel genuinely sick and could not be more disgusted that this was used so clumsily in the game.)
Chapter 17: Zlatko
His name sounds like a brand. Also this is my least favourite Kara chapter. They go to his place for almost no reason (just so they can get caught) and we get a 20 minute scene of Zlatko being a cartoonish monster of a man. Also this has been pointed out and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Why is Kara scared of Luther when she sees him? Like...??? Anyway re-finding her memories is boring, finding Alice is also boring, and hiding from Zlatko is just stressful. Nothing interesting to the story happens here, except that Luther joins Kara and Alice.
Chapter 18: Russian Roulette 
Perhaps the shortest chapter in the game. It’s not like...super boring, but it’s not interesting either. Also don’t forget to notice the picture on the table or you’ll have no chance of getting the good ending later! Seriously, they should have made it a requirement for the scene to move on if it’s going to be that important.
Chapter 19: Spare Parts
The whole freerunning thing at the start is lame. And the fact that you have to grab the android and then release him to get the best outcome is confusing as hell. (I have seen many folks fuck this up.) The part where you sneak around in the guard house is actually kind of cool. Also North go down if you’re nice to people....I love this game.
Chapter 20: The Eden Club
Pity the lesbian sexworker androids!!! In all seriousness though this is a chapter I do not like. The endings are unfulfilling, the whole storyline is gross, poorly written and very Cage-esque. (Also why would you make the two android lovers the same model?! Just make one of them one of the other 8 female WR800 models you have!) I mean I guess I can say that the glowly design of the sexclub is nice or whatever.
Chapter 21: Pirate’s Cove
Ok this is a personal one but I don’t like this chapter. Something about the family dynamic between the three falls flat for me and so the whole scene being about them makes it...ehh. Also Kara under threat again! Woohoo! The scene on the carousel is kind of cute and the scene composition is nice, but the fact that all the Jerrys are standing around watching is a little weird. Also bait us with rA9 crap why don’t you! we’ll just never learn anything about this i guess
Chapter 22: The Bridge
I like this chapter to be honest. I know Pirate’s Cove is meant to be relaxed but I find this chapter more relaxing. Even if it ends with a gun to Connor’s head. I mean it’s not that hard to not get shot really. And seeing Hank start to care and question their mission is interesting. I don’t know, I guess I just like the visuals of the snow and the bridge. (Anyone notices that it goes from raining to snowing like three days later, wtf)
Chapter 23: The Stratford Tower
Now this one is complicated. Because I like the breaking in and getting up to the broadcast department part, I even like the pre-speech tension. Markus carrying the weight of history and knowing his words will shape what people across the world think of androids. 
The music as he gets ready to start the speech is....just so good. But then he starts talking and.....mmmmm press x for civil right yes please! Press square to end slavery? Absolutely! God...the writing in this scene is Bad. Which is a shame! Because it squanders the carefully crafted tension built up until this point. I like the energy going into this scene, the idea that they’re about to take a stand, make history. But it is unfortunately ruined for the sake of a poorly executed racism allegory.
Chapter 24: Public Enemy
Ok, going to investigate the crime scene of what you just did as Markus is pretty good. Its not an original idea, that was the opening sequence for Indigo Prophecy, but it still works I’m not going to lie. Also the cop from the Hostage showing up to thank you if you saved him is cute. The fact that Hank is starting to question Connor and look for signs of deviancy in him is also nice! Also I hate it but going after Simon gives you a more cohesive storyline if you’re going for a deviant Connor route. (Can I get an F for Simon? He can die so many different ways)
Chapter 25: Midnight Train
Can’t believe that the chapter about the underground railroad is literally called Midnight Train. Yeah the dialogue in this? Shocking, terrible, absolutely unforgivable. Rose I am so sorry this happened to you. Also a cop arrives to....put Kara in peril at the hands of a male character again! Can’t go a chapter without that!
Chapter 26: Capitol Park
Hmmmmmmmmm. ‘We have a dream’? ‘I can’t breathe, but I’m still alive’? Hi, yes, hello? David Cage is doing it again, yeah he’s co-opting black history for his story about androids, somebody needs to stop him. Why did no one stop him.  
Ok, most of this chapter other than that is ok. It’s not particularly good, but it’s ok. (wiLL yOu bE gOoD oR eViL?!?!1)
Chapter 27: Meet Kamski
Ok this man is so creepy and emotionally manipulative and as a narrative tool I’ve actually come to love it. Like the tone of this chapter is such a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s just the fact that they added a new character after such a long time and that he knows more than he ever lets on. rA9 baited again...
Also this is Connor’s turning point in a way. You can still choose to change your path later on, but this is the real moment of truth where a character pushes him to reveal where he’s at. (Also the fucking MUSIC)
Chapter 28: Freedom March
Oh no. I’m so sorry Markus you deserve better. I hate this chapter if you can’t tell. The combo of the black history slogans and the jesus music is too much for me. Also the good ending is locked behind Simon being alive/Spare Parts success route??? Also F for that random android who’s name is John that we hear about twice.
Chapter 29: Last Chance, Connor
I usually keep a low profile with Gavin so I miss out on the beatdown unfortunately. But having the option is hilarious. If you don’t sacrifice at the march, Simon is alive, interrogation bad end, Rupert and the Tracis escape....can you even find Jericho?
Just a thought, anyway this is short but tense chapter. Don’t hate it.
Chapter 30: Crossroads
Kara’s part of this is dumb as hell. The Alice twist literally destroys the storyline but anyway...
Markus has very little to do until the end. His version is ok, but Jesse’s line delivery leaves something to be desired. (You’re one of us....)
Connor’s is easily the most interesting of the three concurrent stories at this point. Going in to capture Markus/North, chasing them through the hold if ur a machine..very good. 
And....going deviant. Okay yes that still gets me, I did actually shout YES!! out loud the first time I witnessed it. The music’s slow build in the scene, and most of the dialogue (if you choose carefully) swells to this point and...and..it happens!! 
Like idk I’ve only been slowly building up to this for 9 hours, sue me.
Chapter 31: Night Of The Soul
I like this chapter! Or Markus’ version anyway. Connor’s...well the Hank version is just sad. The Jericho version is fine.
But Markus? Visiting Carl’s grave or the man himself is such an emotional moment for the character. And the single humanising moment he’s had in several chapters. The conversation is so weighted with his doubts and fears and Jesse Williams gives a beautiful performance! (Also as I’ve said, the alarm system saying ‘welcome home markus’ kills me on impact)
Chapter 32: Battle For Detroit
Is a good chapter. What, did you expect me to say it isn’t? Cause it is. Or some versions of it are.
The tension in all three characters stories, regardless of which version, is perfectly hit at this point.
Kara’s....ah fuck idk I mean the border version is ok? The others....kind of suck? The guy letting them through with high public opinion and Markus doing a peaceful demonstration is kind of cute and sort of makes sense in a way.
Markus’ versions (both in which he is alive) are pretty cool. The revolution is hard, and I do like that it ends with him saying that they haven’t won, they’ve only started a war. The demonstration is kind of dumb, and I actually prefer them getting shot and then the news anchors suggesting that maybe androids are people in their own right that humans refused to acknowledge. (Feels more real, ya know?) Also black folk song!! Why??
Gonna be real, most of Connor’s versions of this scene are pretty good. Cyberlife tower is tense as hell but he’s a fucking badass. Machine Connor on the roof gives us the best line in the game. ‘What’s up lieutenant, ran out of whiskey so you came here looking for trouble?’  
So that’s some of my thoughts on each of the chapters of dbh, I could go into more depth but my eyes hurt and I’ll probably hit post limit soon.
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peachywise · 5 years
A Conflict of Truths
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader
– one shot
– synopsis: You needed to tell Klaus something. You needed to tell Klaus you loved him, but the idiot decided to just up and walk through your door all cut up and bruised, evading your questions like this is all some infuriating game of detective. You’d get it out of him though. You always do.
– notes: hello!! okay so this is a simple little one shot, around like 3.2k words or something. hope you like it!!! as always, reader pronouns are they/them. 
link on ao3
He was late.
You couldn’t believe he was late. Well, actually you could believe it, it was Klaus after all, but that was the fucking problem! Maybe you had been a bit brash in your phone call earlier that day. He’d all but picked up and said hello when you rattled, “meet me at my house at six,” adding in an apparently ignorable “don’t be late,” just before you hung up. But Christ, any normal person would have taken that abruptness at least a bit seriously and not have let a little more than forty-five minutes pass without a call or a text.
It was a shock to you that you loved the idiot.
Yep. You loved the eccentric maniac, and you pretty bloody annoyed about it. It had hit you all of a sudden— the realization. Hit you like a sucker punch that knocked out all your teeth and rattled your brain so much that you couldn’t even make a single coherent thought. Must be what Klaus’s head was like. You’d just been out to lunch with your boyfriend who droned on and on about inconsequential judgments of his coworkers and work and you just… snapped. Broke up with him on the spot. Looking at him felt like looking into a void. He didn’t make you laugh, not anymore. He didn’t seem to hold a particular kind of empathy that pushed you. He just simply coddled you and then dropped your concerns as if that inconsequential bit of validation was enough to justify them and actually seem like he gave a shit.
Klaus was different. Infuriatingly so. You’d been friends for a while, if that’s what you would call it. You had met him through Ben, since where Ben went, Klaus seemed to follow, and the man all but latched himself onto you. Said he liked your spirit. Maybe that’s because the first time you met you knee’d him in the nuts after he jump-scared you from behind a door. But God, did he make you laugh. You felt alive with him in a way you’d never experienced before, a certain vivacity being brought out in you from your constant rapport. He challenged you in ways you’d never been challenged before, and you did the same for him. You’d called him just after breaking up with your boyfriend in your flurry of full realization that you loved Klaus. And then the bitch had the audacity to be late.
You weren’t even fully inclined to go out of your room to greet him when he finally burst through your door— no knock or anything— hollering dramatically, “honey, I’m home and I have a surprise!”
“How nice!” you gritted out, stepping out of your bedroom door to your apartments main area. “Is the surprise you being late? I swear to—” Lifting your head as you rounded the small corner, you finally came face to face with your friend, in all his bloody nose, split lip, bruised glory.
“What the hell?”
“Surprise,” Klaus said, giving pathetically weak jazz hands.
Rushing over, you lifted your hand to gently grasp his chin, tilting his head slightly to inspect the mess. Klaus flinched so slightly you barely noticed it. “What happened?” You questioned, dropping your hand and taking a step back, crossing your arms over your chest.
He just strolled on over to your couch and plopped himself down, grabbing one of your throw pillows and cuddling it to his own chest, tilting his head so it rested on his shoulder. He gave you an innocent puppy dog look, but as cute as it was, it didn’t work on you. You might not have powers like the rest of them, but shit, you’re immunity to that look came in handy on multiple occasions.
“Well you see, there was a certain spirit who couldn’t move on until we recreated the scene from Ghost. Next thing you know, the pottery wheel is spinning out of control, the clay flying in all directions, and my face is slamming down on the table,” he went on. It was obviously a lie; for one, he never was the most particularly believable storyteller, no matter how weird and actually outlandish his life was. Second of all, the moment your eyes landed on his hands as they absentmindedly played with the tassels on the pillows, you noticed those were bruised and slightly split too.
So it was a fight then.
Of fucking course.
Rolling your eyes, you walked out of your common area into your tiny kitchenette area without so much as a word in reply. Klaus sputtered a bit as he stood back up from his spot, rambling out, “now I get that your mad, but it was unavoidable! Here I was thinking you’d be understanding, maybe even help a poor guy out with his wounds, and—” as you walked back into the room with a bag of frozen peas and a wet washcloth, he closed his mouth.
You quirked your eyebrow up, asking plainly, “you finished talking to yourself, or do you just need to hear your voice for a while more?” He shook his head no, and wordlessly sat back down on the couch. “well look at that, seems like some brain cells still remain,” you mused under your breath teasingly. Klaus gave a sarcastic laugh in return, adding a small quip of, “cute,” as you made your way to stand in front of him.
Handing him the frozen peas, you muttered a small, “for your hands,” already more focused on cleaning the blood off his face to see if there was anything more serious to it. “Someone’s feeling bossy today, I like it,” Klaus commented as you cleaned off the dried blood from under his nose. You leaned back slightly only to give him a serious look that hopefully read ‘shut up and let me work.’ He gave you a shit eating grin in return. You delightfully chose to ignore it.
“I don’t think it’s broken but you’re probably going to end up with a black eye,” you assessed, moving to his side to look at his nose from a different angle. From the front, you had always noticed his nose looked just slightly tilted to the right, nothing anyone would really notice had they not heavily observed it. But from the side, it looked just as normal as well.
“So why don’t you tell me who you got into a fight with and why?” You continued, leaning back up to peer down at him inquisitively.
“A leprechaun. Stole all me lucky charms.”
“Try again.”
“Found a coat I wanted at goodwill, but as I went and grabbed it, so did this seventeen-year-old girl. The moment we locked eyes the showdown began.”
Hmm. “So where is the coat?” You questioned, and Klaus pouted as he replied, “she won.”
You couldn’t stop the snort that escaped you as you shook your head, adjusting the frozen bag on his hands. “You were close with that one, but how about we try one more time?” You tightly smiled, and Klaus huffed out a small little breath.
“What a relentless creature you are, but alright, I’ll tell you.“ He Leaned back deeper into the chair as he looked you dead in the eye. A serious look befell his face, one you hadn’t seen many times before, and your heart seized up for a moment. Was it that bad? Usually, he evaded just to be funny and to annoy you— both of which he accomplished, but what the hell was he keeping from you? It had to have been pretty serious.
“Luther was jealous that my face is more beautiful than his, so the big old brute just attacked me out of nowhere. It isn’t going to scar, is it doc?”
Well. Never fucking mind, then.
Picking up your pillow, you smacked him with it over and over, punctuated only by your words of “don’t,” smack, “be,” smack, “dumb!” smack. He lifted his hands to defend himself from your attack, dropping the pea bag that had been resting on them to the floor.
“Hey!” he cried out, cracking a wide grin and a laugh as he tore the pillow from your grip, tossing it across the room to get it away from you. “Am I not already wounded enough for you? Not that I’m against rough love and all.” You huffed out in your defeat.
“Whatever,” you muttered, picking back up the washcloth and leaning down to his sitting height again. Klaus had split his lip open once more, probably from smiling like a damned Cheshire cat. “Tell me or don’t tell me, I don’t care.” You totally did. “You’re still late and I’m mad about it.”
“I’m sorry, but it couldn’t be avoided,” Klaus commented back, as you wordlessly wiped the blood from his lip, not bothering to offer a reply in return. His hand moved up to smoothly grip your wrist, tugging your hand away so he could speak again, catching your gaze and holding it so you were unable to look anywhere else. “I really am sorry,” he spoke, his tone so sincere it kind of jarred you. “But I’m here now, and very interested to know what your rushed phone call was about.”
Mmm, right. That.
You had been so ready to blurt it out and get it over when you had first made that call, that now when he was actually here, it was like you had lost that superhuman nerve. What’s the worst he would do when you told him, though? Make fun of you? He did that already. It’s not like he would get mad or anything about your profession. If anything, he would just be a little shocked. You could always brush it off as a joke. Not like he knew you broke up with your boyfriend earlier in what was clearly your mind snapped crisis.
Still. Now you just couldn’t fucking say it. You wanted to slap your own self.
“It’s nothing,” you murmured as heat flushed your cheeks, admittedly sounding a bit defeated. You leaned forward to press the cloth to his lip once again in hopes it would stop him from replying. It worked, but his intense charcoal lined gaze was heavy as it studied you. You just tried to ignore it the best you could, reoccupying yourself on your work yet again.
Unlucky for you, you were a dumbass in thinking that fixating on his lips would in any way be less of a god damn distraction.
Taking the cloth away yet again, the bleeding thankfully stopped, but you couldn’t stop yourself from lightly resting your hand under his jaw and swiping your thumb so gently over the cut to make sure it wasn’t badly split enough that it would start bleeding again. At least, that’s why you told yourself you did it. Slowly you began to subconsciously lean forward, enough that you didn’t even realize you had. That was, of course, until Klaus’s voice cut through your near absorption with a knowingly soft-spoken, “what did you want to tell me?” his eyes still just as penetrating.
You sucked in a breath.
And then your phone began to ring.
Stumbling back a bit as the full realization of what was happening hit you harder than that one-time Ben threw a frisbee at your face, you fumbled for your cell in your back pocket as Klaus stood from his seat, a funny little panicked look crossing his face as he said, “don’t answer that!”. Giving him a questioning stare followed by an oh so eloquent, “what?” you finally peered down at the screen to see your ex’s name flash across. Weird. As you accepted to call and held it up to your ear, Klaus behind you made a half sigh-half grumbled noise of failure that had you turning around and sticking your tongue out at him before you offered a simple “hello?” to the man on the other end of the phone.
“Look, I don’t know why you broke up with me but I’m pretty sure you didn’t need to also have your fucking friend find me and sucker punch me in the face. You proved your point enough at lunch, don’t you think?
Your friend? What the hell was he going on about, you didn’t send anyone—
Turning back around to face ‘your friend’, you gave him a hard look as you replied back into the phone, “I’ll deal with it,” Klaus audibly gulped before he started a sprint towards your door. “Sorry,” you grunted back into the phone before ending the call, running after him before he could reach the door handle and jumping right on his back, tackling him down to your carpeted floor. You both struggled against each other’s grip for a moment until you won, pinning him to his back as you held him down by straddling his chest.
“Klaus, you can’t go beating people up!”
“Oh, really?” His mockery ran thick. “You might be more convincing if you hadn’t just tackled me to the floor!”
“Boohoo, does baby need a bottle?”
“No, baby needs a far more… typically natural food source, if you know what I mean.”
Okay, boob joke, that was funny. But you had to keep being mad or he’d take the opportunity to weaken your vigour.
“Take this seriously!” You bit out, pushing yourself off his chest and standing up, running your hands through your hair in frustration. You turned back to look at him as he managed to get himself off the floor as well, plucking a piece of lint off of his swirly, brightly colored shirt. “Why did you do it? And no more stupid stories. Tell me the truth.” You hoped it wasn’t because Klaus found out about your break up and actually thought it was him breaking up with you.
Klaus was silent as he thought, rubbing a hand down his face and then wincing when he realized it was still banged up. He was stalling. For once in his life, he was stalling, and your stomach dropped in concern. “Klaus?” You pushed, your voice dropping lowly as you took a few steps closer to him. He looked at you with eyes that didn’t pity, but eyes that were empathetic nonetheless. “I was at the bar and I saw your boyfriend with someone else. At first, I thought well hey! Could be a coincidence or even a co-worker, but then they started to play a stumbling, virginal looking version of suck face and I just got up and punched him.” Standing back up off the ground, he advanced towards you and closed the remaining distance between you as he continued, “I think that called for a bit of violence don’t you think? I know you’re mad, but if you look at it my way, really it was a favour. You’re welcome! I was defending your honour, a true knight in shining armour, if you will and—”
“Klaus, I broke up with him.”
He paused at that. “On the phone just now? I didn’t hear that part.” Ugh.
“No, idiot, earlier today! He seriously didn’t say anything about it after you just up and attacked him?” You groaned, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him an exasperated look.
“I think he was too busy trying to scratch my eyes out,” Klaus replied before he let out a singular small laugh. “You finally broke up with him though, yeah? Good for you. Don’t think he ever liked me much.”
“You’ve stolen his money before and tried to steal his cat once,” you reminded him, “I don’t think you liked him much either.”
“Well, he’s boring. All I can ever hear come out of his mouth are the words taxes, bills, and brunch,” he stated with a small shudder of his body.  
“Is that why you punched him?” You interrogated, “I understand you thought you were defending my honour or whatever the fuck, but even if we hadn’t broken up, you could have just told me to my face and let me deal with it.” Klaus was silent at that. Whether it was because he felt like a chastised child or he was holding something else back, you didn’t know. “Why did you do it, Klaus? Really?”
“You really want me to answer that?” He questioned back slowly, taking another step towards you.
You kept your arms crossed against your chest. “No, I asked because it was clearly the polite thing to do in this social context.” Klaus blinked at your attempt at sarcasm, and you sighed harshly, uncrossing your arms just to shake your hands, “just tell me!”
And tell you he did.
Kind of.
In a blur of motion, Klaus bridged the remaining space between you, resting a hand on the small of your back as the other cradled your face, his lips smashing into yours, no warning and no gentleness, simply just a craving and desire that rivaled even your own. Pressing yourself against him, you couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped you, breath against breath, heat against heat, tongue against tongue. You tangled your hands into his soft brunette curls, and he released his tight hold only to pick you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Breaking apart, he tugged slightly on your bottom lip with his teeth before letting go with a smile, gently bumping his nose with yours. You had to take a moment to fully catch your breath, but he filled the silence. “I showed you mine, now show me yours,” he smirked, leaning into the crook of your neck to murmur into your ear, “I punched that walking sweater vest cause I couldn’t imagine someone wanting to give this up with you. I love it. And you.” Fuck. Cue that ‘it’s getting hot in here’ track. “He was also drinking vodka mixed with water. What offensive barbarian does that to vodka?”
You laughed at that, shoving his shoulder with little force before wrapping your arms right back around his neck. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” you chuckled. “It’s probably why I broke up with him at lunch. Ordered the same thing, and I realized, now how can I love a man like that when I have Klaus who freely breaks into my apartment when he pleases and beats up men I never asked him too? I only feel like I need to throw a punch at someone of your choice to prove I love you too.”
Klaus hummed at that, swiping a gentle thumb across your cheek as he moved his head to the side. “I thought you were against beating people up?” he mused.
“I’m not opposed to getting a little rough sometimes,” you shrugged with a sly grin. Klaus’s own smile matched in return. “Clearly. You can tackle me to the floor again if you like?” He offered, just before he brought his lips back down towards yours, sliding you down to the ground along with him as you let a squealed a delighted laugh.
“Well if you’re offering, want to give monkey boy a bit of a smack next time you see him? I really do think he’s intimidated by my beauty and will attack me any day now.”
“Klaus,“ you warned, "shut up.”
And then you kissed him again, and never wanted to stop.
Well. Never wanted to stop until you moved on to an activity that was a little bit better. 
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b-rainlet · 5 years
i really loved reading what you wrote about allison and luther so how about alluther again for the new ship q&a? :D
This is years late but I just wanted to give y’all some sweet hcs while I am battling this monster of a Luego WiP!
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
Okay have you seen Luther? Luther tries to dance and accidentally wrecks havoc across his room (which is very relatable) while Allison is a Queen who is able to flawlessly fight in heels. 
Luther will try to be a gentleman and open the door for Allison in this one fancy restaurant he invited her to on their first serious Date - because she is a movie star, she’s probably used to expensive food and champagne and guys who can talk about politics instead of scared boys who still write poetry - but he’s so fucking nervous, he pulls the door when he should push. 
And normally that would be a little hiccup for an otherwise perfect night but not with Luther. Luther accidentally pulls the door and tears it straight out of the frame. 
“Uhhh…, sorry?”
(They don’t eat at the restaurant. He isn’t allowed to set foot there anymore. He also has to pay for a new door).
(Luther is terribly sorry he ruined the night but Allison is to busy doubling over laughing to say anything).
(They eat at home, pizza and leftover pasta from dinner. Allison drinks beer instead of champagne and laughs some more when Luther spills juice on his shirt).
(Allison also thanks him for such a nice Date before kissing him, hands on his face, so maybe it wasn’t ruined after all). 
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
Both! Have you seen them as kids, making love eyes at each other over dinner? You can bet that both of them have a bunch of notebooks that are just full of ‘A+L’ or ‘A.H. + L.H. = Hearts’ 
Allison has an old doodle she made as a kid of them on their wedding day and she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. 
She shows it to Luther once, joking how hopelessly in love she was as a child, how childish!
And Luther looks at her for a long moment, all serious, before getting up and fishing something from under his bed. 
A box.
A box full of poems. 
More precisely, a box full of poems about Allison, some from back when they were 13 and some from only a month ago. 
Luther refuses to read them out loud - face all pink and biting his lower lip - but Allison trades them for the picture she drew. 
Once they live together, the picture somehow ends up on the fridge, along with some of Allison’s favourite poems. 
They don’t talk about it but both smile every time they enter the kitchen. 
Who starts the tickle fights
Allison is a ticklish little thing and Luther has used that to his advantage since they were kids. 
(All of them used that to their advantage, especially Klaus who liked to raid Allison’s room for nail polish and skirts). 
And ever since she was kid, Allison had hated it. 
Which is only normal, who enjoys having hands all over their body, tickling her sides?
So Luther doesn’t do it often. 
But sometimes…..
Sometimes when Allison is in a bad mood, he knows he just needs to trail his finger over the underside of her foot and she’ll be a giggling mess. 
“C’mon, cheer up a little? For me?” - “No.”
“Well, okay then.” *starts to wiggle his fingers under Allison’s shirt, scratching his nails over her stomach* Allison, immediately giggling: “Stop iiiiiit.”
“If you give me a smile.” Allison: *trying her best to smile while also trying to wiggle away from Luther’s gentle touches* “And a kiss.”
(Maybe, if Allison is honest with herself, she doesn’t hate being tickled as much when it’s Luther doing it, less because he likes how she squeals, but more because he’s earnestly trying to stop her from being moody).
(And maybe Luther touching her simply isn’t the same level of awful as anyone else touching her). 
(Maybe she likes being tickled when it’s big hands doing the tickling, touching her as gently as possible despite their size). 
Who starts the pillow fights
They rarely have pillow fights because Luther is afraid he’ll get carried away
(And do you have any idea how awful that was as a child? He once hit Klaus with a pillow hard enough he got thrown against the opposite wall and had a concussion. Luther rarely participated in any ‘rowdy’ games after that). 
But sometimes, Allison will throw a pillow at him when she wants him to pay attention to her or when she’s too lazy to move and tries to sweet talk him into getting something so she doesn’t have to stand up. 
And Luther will throw the pillow back - gently - and they’ll just try to hit each other with pillows and blankets and shirts and whatever else that’s soft enough to be flung at each other. 
They rarely do the typical ‘jumping around on the bed, hitting each other with pillows’ though, because Luther jumping on a bed? You want the bed to survive a few years, right?
He used to be more bummed about this kinda stuff as a kid anyway, no need to be sad about it as an adult. Allison still tries to get him to play wrestle with her a little, tries to pin him to the bed or just slumps down on top of him like they’re still 13. It’s cute. 
(It also leads to kissing 90% of the time now, so Luther is good). 
As teeny tiny children, Allison felt bad for Luther not being able to play with their brothers without accidentally breaking their bones, so they always played together. Baby Alluther playing house together, colouring pictures, telling each other fantasy stories and going on made up quests…...Luther would’ve followed Allison anywhere. 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
Depends on who falls asleep first, lmao. In a world where Skype exists, they probably facetime each other whenever Allison can’t be home, murmuring things back and forth already half asleep. And sometimes, one of them will actually fall asleep, softly snore as the other either keeps talking to them (Luther) or softly sings for them (Allison). 
They never end the calls, btw, they just watch the other sleep, peaceful expression on their face before slowly falling asleep themselves, dreaming about being able to reach out and touch. 
Who mistakes salt for sugar
This is something that could happen to both of them. Like, maybe they’re at a diner and Luther accidentally salts his pancakes so Allison feeds him bits of hers, or Allison is cooking at the mansion and after all those years she isn’t sure about which shaker contains what anymore and just grabs the one she thinks has the sugar in it. 
Although Allison would probably be thoughtful enough to check which is which first, whereas Luther lives a dangerous life. 
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
Luther. He tries to prevent it but he’s sluggish and slow when he’s tired so he never manages to. 
Allison rarely wakes up from it though, which Luther is very grateful for because he feels a little bit embarrassed about his nightly food cravings. 
(He eats...weird stuff at night. A lot of it covered with melted cheese, whether cheese should be on that dish or not. Allison stops commenting on it once she figures out how guilty Luther feels for it). 
She does try to get him to talk about things instead of stuffing his feelings with food but it’s a long journey. 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
Allison likes to make Luther blush by stepping next to him and saying things like “What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?” even though they’re only standing in the living room. 
Luther tries to retaliate by coming up with his own pick up lines but he spectacularly fails each time. 
“Are you from Tennessee? Because I got lost in your eyes.”
Allison thinks it’s cute though, so that’s alright. 
(Diego’s the one who tells him all the pick up lines and face palms when he gets them wrong. And then mentally yells when Allison still kisses Luther and proclaims herself ‘swooned’ because HOW?
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
Allison doesn’t mind but Luther gets really peculiar about where certain books should be. 
He has different shelves for crime novels, for romance stuff and for books that have multiple installments (“Because they belong together, Allison!”). 
He also gets upset when Allison sets down a book upside down because that’s not good for the back of the book and in Luther’s words “It hurts the books.”
Also, Luther is the kinda person who tries his hardest not to dog-ear paperbacks, not holding them open too wildly so there aren’t any crinkles on the back. 
He got Allison rainbow coloured bookmarks for Christmas because Allison is the kinda person to just use whatever as a bookmark - even another book. 
(Allison also writes into books, highlights her favourite paragraphs or just scribbles down her thoughts on something next to the dialogue. Luther kinda hates it but sometimes he’ll turn a page and just see Allison’s elegant handwriting, spelling out “I love you!” or “Hey Handsome ;)” and he can’t help but smile. 
(Sometimes he goes to Allison and tries his best to burrow into her lap without crushing her when he finds a note like that. Allison kisses his forehead and makes space for him on the couch). 
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
Luther is a little boy who just so happens to be 6’5 (Fun Fact! I did not make that up, Tom Hopper actually is that tall). 
So he’ll help Allison and Grace bake and hope he gets the empty bowl with the leftover cookie batter. 
He has to fight Diego over it though. And most of the time Five gets it anyway, simply because they can dial up the puppy eyes whenever they want to). 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
He is a big sappy romantic who buys flowers for his beloved whenever he walks past a flower shop or he sees some pretty ones outside and he absolutely won’t have dinner without lighting candles. Especially when he’s the one doing the cooking (which he does a lot simply because Allison is a very busy woman and Luther likes providing for her). 
He also prepares bubbles baths for Allison with loads of candles and scented bath bombs and stuff and they don’t fit into the bathtub together, but Allison talks him into at least dipping his feet in too. 
And more often than not, Luther will rub over Allison’s back and wash her hair while Allison idly plays with her hands or tries to get her hands on Luther’s arms or his face. 
(Allison is grabby and Luther enjoys that but not when he’s trying to wash her hair). 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
Allison isn’t a big artist but she likes doodling, especially when she’s stressed. And Luther never complains when she draws a little heart on his arm or his cheek. 
And it’s also a nice way of being intimate? Allison holding one of Luther’s hands with her own, his arm gently laying on her thighs as she leans over and draws on it, her hair tickling him when she moves. 
Luther actually considers getting some of her drawings done as tattoos but Allison always shakes her head, claims they’re silly little things. 
Luther loves them either way. 
(Sometimes Allison writes her name on Luther’s wrists and Luther’s name on hers. Pretends they’re in one of her romance novels, the ones she read as a pre-teen, daydreaming about Luther being her soulmate. Still does apparently. 
Luther kisses his arm when she does it, kisses her name on it and then his name on hers). 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
She’s the one who comes around loads, be it because she’s going on vacation with Claire or because she’s on a promo tour for her upcoming movie. 
Luther….feels better just staying home. Safer. 
Allison doesn’t push him but she does remind him that he’s always welcome to join her. Luther nods everytime, puts the magnet on the - slowly overflowing - fridge, but never takes her up on the offer. 
They have time. 
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Luther does every single survey he can. What kinda boyfriend is he? Does he fall for bad boys too easily? Is he trapped in a loveless relationship? What Hogwarts House does he have? What kinda Girl is he? 
He does them all. And he always shares his results with Allison very excitedly. 
Allison humours him by doing the surveys with him but she isn’t as obsessed. 
(She also doesn’t believe in astrology and horoscopes, not the way Luther does, but she still checks his horoscope daily and send him those ‘The signs as…’ posts).
She thinks they’re doing quite well, no matter what the survey results are. 
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Connor x Markus || Apologies
Top! Connor x Bottom! Markus
Warning: Serious talk of Simon's death (freaking Sean..). Possessiveness. Suicidal thoughts. Also Connor is always bottom? Why is that? Let's switch it up! ~
The caramel skinned male sat on the edge of the long metal plank that had been connected to the building that he climbed onto. Those mix matched eyes looked up to the sky letting the sunset show the sparkle in them. He'd been up here many times after Simon's death. It just gave him time to think of his old lover. He wanted to say he didn't hate Connor for killing him but it was hard to do so.
First it was Carl, his father he liked to call him, the man nearly died.. he was still dying but the android was scared to visit. Scared that the man would be upset seeing the face of the being that killed his son. After Carl it was North. He wouldn't lie, they had always been on Rocky terms. Everything that he seemed to do and everything he thought was right would always upset her. She wanted blood and hatred and that was something that he didn't want himself nor his people to give. She had stolen his heart and even though he couldn't get hers he couldn't manage to steal it back.
After the two had gotten into a fight she walked out on him. She never liked to hear other peoples opinions so he knew she didn't care for his.
He sat placed himself back in his chair, rubbing the temples of his head when the glass door opened again. He glanced up with tired eyes and Simon gave him a cute warm smile that he couldn't help but smile back to a little.
"Yes Simon?"
"Let's talk Markus."
Eventually they ended up in a relationship one that he thought would last forever considering androids didn't die by old age. They did everything together. The accident still shook him up. Simon never came back after the Cyber life tower incident. North eventually told him that it was likely that he was just late coming back even when she knew better... Josh said and promised that he would even though he doubted it. He left in the darkness of night and made up back up to the roof top only to find his lover dead. Cold blue blood splattered against the wall and his lifeless body laid on the ground.
Markus wasn't sure what he did after. He wasn't sure if he yelled or cried but he did remember picking up the one he loved before the doors came open again as Connor, hank, and some other guards came through. His eyes looked at the other Android and Connor froze at the action.
He suddenly felt stiff and felt as though he couldn't move upon seeing the Robo Jesus holding his Robo Mary (I'm sorry I had to..). Even though he didn't necessarily need air he felt like he couldn't breathe watching as heavy tears soaked Markus' face. The android ran for it and the guards put up their guns to shoot.
Markus leaped off the roof after Connor let out a loud command. Markus wasn't sure what it was but he couldn't allow himself to think about it. His mix matched eyes looked down at the dead love and for a second he had to struggle with pulling the cord and gliding to freedom. They had decided to bury Simon. They didn't mind.
Markus jumped lightly hearing his name before slowly looking back. His eyes widening as he stared at Connor who stared back before sighing.
"Markus..You're crying.."
The detective android spoke and Markus blinked lightly only then feeling the droplets fall down his cheeks. He hadn't even noticed he was doing it. Carefully he looked to the side using his coat sleeve to wipe his face.
Even though Connor had once been a tame machine he was now a deviant. At the time Simon has died he didn't know better..well more like he couldn't help it. He was a slave to humanity... He remembered it as clearly as the dark skin male did. He remembered being on that roof and watching the scene. How Markus carried Simon with the greatest or cares he had ever seen.
Markus was more human than a lot of humans were.
And that once thought was something that snapped something inside him. He wanted to speak, to apologize but the man had ran to jump off the roof and Connor's eyes had widened. Not to the fact he had jumped, he was sure the male would survive especially with the parachute, no, not for that but for the fact that even with thousands of bullets chasing him... to kill him.. he didn't stop clinging to his dead partner.
Connor at the time didn't understand the vibrating and drumming in his usually cold chest, didn't understand why he breath had felt as though it had been taken away, or why he himself had tears filling his eyes. Only deviants felt such thing and he wasn't that! Or so he claimed..
But here he is now, standing with the "enemy", or some still called them. Even though most or society came to accept them there were still people who wanted them dead. However, that was just life.
The simple word made him jump, his thoughts vanishing for a bit as he looked down at the male who had still been sitting at the edge of the plank, legs dangling as he turned to look at the other with a small smile. Connor didn't understand why the male apologized. He didn't do anything wrong.
Markus was a good man.
"Sorry for what?" Connor asked lightly as his heartbeat started to beat once more. He took light steps to the edge of the building looking down at the sturdy base of the plank just to make sure. He didn't want Markus to fall even if there was a low chance of dying.
"I don't know.. I'm just sorry." Markus spoke once more and Connor frowned slowly at how broken the other had felt. Markus was too good of a man, society had taken so much from him and even now he was still pushing. Just barely though. Connor didn't notice he had brought his hand up to clutching the fabric over his heart but it still happened. He hated the world sometimes for what it had done to not only Markus but his kind in general. It just happened that Markus was the one that affected him the most.
He loved him. With all of his being.
He didn't want the other to apologize for something that wasn't his fault.
Connor believed that sometimes he himself was the one to blame.
Markus stood up swaying a little making Connor focus once more, becoming anxious rather quickly but calmed down when the man turned and started walking back over.
Markus gave a small smile and stuck his arms out at his sides as he lowered his head, the snow and sunlight matching him quite perfectly and Connor gently bit his lip. Markus could have been born an angel.. and that was something Connor refused to doubt.
Markus carefully walked over before letting his arms fall. He gave a small smile once more as he stood on the end of the plank in front of the detective.
Connor spoke without thinking, his lips forming movements before he could stop them.
"Don't apologize Markus, you did nothing wrong. Please don't cry anymore... I-I love you too much to see you like this."
In Connor's mind he had only thought those words not realizing they actually came out until he looked up at the other who's beautiful eyes had been blown wide. Slowly realization dawned down on his face and he felt his eyes grow wider as well. Suddenly he turned away, the hand clutching the fabric of his gray hoodie tightened and he believed he started to panic. His breath picking up as he covered his mouth.
How could he say such a thing to him. How could he confess when the man was still mourning. He guessed he didn't understand himself enough to understand when to not say something..
Markus jumped down, trench coat flowing in a breeze of wind that surrounded them. The stood of his boots hitting the metal roof of the building made Connor flinch just a little. Markus' voice made him jump. While the hand on his shoulder made him warm...
Markus spoke softly, he was confused and it clearly showed. He never knew Connor felt anything for him but he guessed he would have saw it if it wasn't for how depressed he had been. He would have noticed the long stares, or the light touches, or even the cute but small blushes.
Connor sighed forcing himself to turn around again and look Markus in the eyes, it was out now and even if the other hated him he had to let it out. He couldn't keep holding it in. In times like this he'd have to ask Kara or Luther for guidance because he himself.. wasn't used to all of this. He sighed once more looking away from the man that let him go to wipe at his eyes once more.
"I-I know Simon meant a lot to you.."
"You do?... When did you learn his name.."
Markus spoke back rather quickly and Connor looked at his hand for a second. He heard enough stories.
"Josh and North told me... Don't be upset with them please. I..I just wanted to make sure."
"I'm not upset, they had known him longer than I had..I'm just confused... Connor, I don't think you should fall in love with me. Everyone gets hurts when they love someone and I-"
Suddenly Connor grabbed the male's hands trapping them between his very own. Markus jumped at the shock he felt but before he could speak Connor did. He bit the inside of his cheek before stepping closer to the point were their bodies had maybe about three inches between them. He didn't expect for Markus to love him instantly but that didn't mean he wouldn't try.
He looked deep into those beautiful eyes as their breath started the mingle. Puffs of smoke filling each other's face as Conner spoke softly, rubbing his thumbs over the male's darker hands who literally seemed shocked.
"I-I know that Simon meant a lot to you and after his death you were shattered. I see it everyday and it's been almost two years.. p-please Markus, I want to make you happy. I want to see a real smile on your precious face. If your heart is shattered let me be the one to build it back together."
He spoke before kissing his hands before letting them go to kiss the male's forehead, holding his face now. Markus didn't want to cry but it really did hurt him, he wanted to be happy again as well.
He could feel the promise and warmth coming off of Connor and he hummed. He moved his head making the other sadly let him go, assuming he had been rejected not ready for when the leader lightly kissed his lips.
Connor was shocked but so happy he felt like he would combust. He couldn't help how he kissed back placing his hands on the other's sides pulling him closer until they were pressed flush together. His heart drumming as well as Markus'. He began to move walking the other to the wall before picking him up and kissing his harder putting all his yearning into it as he went between the other's legs causing them both to blush deeply.
Markus slapped his shoulder lightly a couple times but managed to get Connor to calm down once again. The detective quickly pulled away, hands cupping Markus' bottoms to hold him up as Markus held his shoulders light pants coming from him.
He spoke lightly before carefully placing the male down who shook his head. Markus didn't want that right now but he assumed it was understandable considering Connor had been pining for him for almost two years but he saw that the detective understood his reason for pushing him away.
"It's ok Connor, I except your feelings and trust your words. Please take care of me."
He spoke and there it was, a genuine smile even if it was small it still shined brightly and Connor nodded looking away.
Markus, you're so beautiful and bright.. sometimes I must look away. I promise to take cases of you.
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mieczyhale · 5 years
throwing together some of my recent/ish hc posts/tags for @hellomyguru bc its a thing, babey (i have no idea what you’ve seen and what you havent bc tumblr really just suck like that so lmao)
my tags on this post::  #HELL YEAH HELL YEAH #more pride hcs!!! noice!!#i love these sfm#like klaus always taking part no matter how bad shit is bc HIS PEOPLE!!! and ben trying to punch picketers and homophobes is fucking adorbs#and i would kill (whoop) for the day klaus makes ben corporeal during pride and ben can punch all the people and then disappear#vanya’s is cute. come to the light darling!!#and diego fksgjf okay listen whether one hcs him as bi or not this is 1000% something he’d do either way#he’s supportive!!! and he has lgbtqa+ family!!! and nobody gets to be mean to his family but him!!#see also:: the first year after the apocalypse is avoided five decides to tag along when klaus saying he’s taking dave to#his very first pride. he not only enjoys himself but he learns a lot and either then or over the course of the following weeks figures his#own labels out - bc i hc five as asexual and i just have a thing for klaus being the all knowledgeable one about something for once#and his siblings learning about gender and sexuality from him and maybe discovering something new about themselves along the way!#except luther. he’s a cis hetero and we all know it#but maybe he learns to be a good ally. maybe#i mean probably not but whatever#allison is the only other person in the family who i’d even consider calling straight#bc there’s nothing wrong with being straight and i just.. dont have another label that i think fits her really well#so yeah ive got gender and sexuality hcs for them all flgkscndn happy pride month bitches
my tags on this post:: #’you’re telling me this happens every year?? for a whole month??!’ #actually i need every possible concept of dave experiencing pride month and seeing how far things have come for gays#like rainbow shit everywhere#and of course the legalization of gay marriage#out and proud gay politicians and gay people in positions of power#the amount of support that comes when homophobic shit happens now#homophobia isnt the accepted norm anymore#another thing i like is the concept of - either during pride or just in general - dave being excited to learn about the community as a whole#his boyfriend is a nonbinary pansexual and klaus has explained before what those words mean but dave wants to really understand#we stan a supportive and loving couple#dave has a lot to learn in 2019 but i think this stuff would be the most important and have the most effect on him yknow??#shit isnt perfect but its better and now he can work on getting passed the environment he was raised in#so he can hold klaus’s hand in public and kiss him around other people without panicking and eventually he proposes because HE FUCKING CAN#HE CAN DO THAT. HE CAN JUST.. ASK HIS BOYFRIEND TO MARRY HIM. LEGALLY.#good fucking shit
my tags on this post:: #did you see the state of the sky in the apocalypse?? there’s a chance he really wouldnt have noticed#i mean like yeah it could be a funny plothole#but there could also be reasons for why thats not something he noticed#or idfk man timeline shit#maybe the moon didnt explode the first time around#maybe it did and there’s just another moon somehow some way#maybe he didnt notice bc he was first too scared and then too frenzied and angry probably and then he had shit to focus on and math to do#and then dolores wanted to go on dates to the local wine cellars and flat empty areas that used to be parks and then there was spending days#in the library together like having a girlfriend is a lot of work okay#maybe five just didnt have the time to slowdown and consider things like space#maybe his headspace was too fucked#sometimes you just forget about the moon - i know i do!#so sfgksncjf okay y e ah
my tags on this post:: #YES!!! #yes yes yes #okay #so#everytime someone mentions or even hints at dave having anger issues i wanna fucking cheer bc thats one of my biggest hcs for him#like yeah he’s sweet and gentle and respectful and all that - genuinely a good man - our lil jewish gay#BUT#he did grow up in the 50s and 60s which as op said would have surrounded him with a lot of toxic masculinity. now i dont think he would be#a toxic kind of masculine AT ALL but it definitely would have forced him to hide his emotions and feelings and idk hobbies and of course his#sexuality. and i say hobbies bc there isnt a canon answer for it i dont think but i personally hc dave as being someone who loves art#specifically: drawing. dave keeping a lil sketchbook and some pencils under the pillow on his cot in vietnam?? yes please#so anyway yeah - he wouldnt have really had any good examples of how to properly take care of your anger - although he has enough#heart and common sense to know its really fucking wrong to take it out on women and children and people one is dating WHICH - another hc i#have that ties into this is that somehow his dad found out that he’s gay and beat the crap out of him over it. because unfortunately thats a#thing that happens. so his main male example was an abusive pos. and then he goes to vietnam which is fine because its not like he has#anyone stateside that will miss him - that will talk to him anymore - and its a warzone so there are a lot of ways to work out your anger#and yeah that of course includes bar fights. and he does - usually - try and keep a hold on his anger until he’s away from anyone who might#feel threatened - and he doesnt wanna end up taking out an innocent on accident - but he’s not actually perfect and so sometimes he fails#and it happens around klaus one time and seeing his love’s reaction - the making himself smaller - trying to hide - going quiet and so#clearly afraid - and not just afraid but afraid OF HIM - freezes him to the core where he stands because nobody has ever reacted like that#before. or if they have he never noticed or cared because they didnt matter. but this is klaus. his klaus. who he loves and would never do#anything to hurt him. his klaus who he protects and defends and knows he wants to spend his life with - no matter how impossible it is#he wants to go to klaus and apologize - try to undo the damage done simply by him raising his voice and lashing out - but he doesnt know#what to say or how to say it - he doesnt know what to do with the situation honestly. so he leaves the tent and goes to take his renewed#anger and frustration out on whatever he can find so he can calm down and hopefully get into the right headspace to have whats#no doubt going to be a really hard conversation with his boyfriend. because where do you even start??#but of course they talk it out and dave promises to work on his anger and on how he lets it out and yknow.. its dave so klaus trusts him and#it takes some time - there are some incidents - but dave works hard and learns a lot from klaus - including how to unlearn a lot of shit he#grew up with - and its rough but having a partner from the future who breaks all kinds of barriers definitely helps#so y eah. those are my brief feelings on it and i wanna marry op 
my tags on this post::   #!!!!!!!!!!!! #YES #i adore this post#i could never pinpoint why the introduction on the bus made me feel like That but this is it!!#its just so sweet and innocent - even surrounded by other soldiers in the middle of a warring country#the innocence and unbearable fucking adorableness of their first convo on that bus just… its so bright and lovely it makes everything else disappear#the only thing that matters is the two guys getting to experience that ‘o h’ moment for the first time in their lives bc their childhoods#never let them have that #i assume#bc like op said klaus didnt go to a regular school and he wasnt p much stuck in that house and then he was on the streets so#and for dave like.. i guess he could’ve had that moment in school? but it would’ve been one-sided and he never would have#told anyone. 1960s. gay jewish man. yeah.#they’re each others first (and only) loves and i just really fucking adore that and live off of posts about them 
my tags on this post:: #what if he wasnt dead-dead though???#bc like… the day five found them all dead was apparently the day the apocalypse happened right? so its not like they’d been dead for days#weeks or w.e yknow??#and the time between klaus dying and coming back is varying and undetermined - there’s no canon timing for the length of his deaths#so what if he came back to life??#like okay i know its not really possible in canon bc five buried them i think?? or is that a fanon thing??#i cant remembering #anyway#but still - in general klaus not being permanently dead in the apocalypse is another possibility#and five didnt know about it bc after finding them all he began his 45 year journey#and klaus wakes up alone and essentially has to learn to survive and he doesnt know five was ever there bc..well.. yeah#five is long gone#maybe klaus lives out his days in that wasteland#and he doesnt remember it where five does bc five time traveled back and klaus didnt. the klaus that got stuck in the#apocalypse is a different klaus - like a different timeline. the klaus from ep1 never got stuck in the destroyed future so#he’d have no knowledge or memories of it or anything#or - second thought - he kills himself at some point after waking up and either begs god to let him stay dead or he strikes some kind of#deal with her so he doesnt have to return to whats left of earth#oooo or something happened that put a lock on his powers?? like yknow those cuffs and devices and stuff in stuff in fantasy that freeze the#users abilities?? that’d be an interesting plotpoint bc then like who did it and why and what was the last day really like? yknow#vanya’s meds but More is the idea #just a thought#but anyway idk im just a big fan of klaus with the inability to die and all the possibilities that brings 
my tags on this post::   #i’ve actually never stopped to consider why he didnt notice them except for my v first tua watch-thru#which is odd bc like that seems like a thing one should notice after a few watches??#but w.e #anyway#my only other hc for that part of the episode isnt that klaus didnt notice them bc he’s used to guns#it’s that he didn’t hear them#or that they weren’t loud enough -to him- to register as gunfire initially#bc like one of my close hcs is that he has bad hearing. growing up with people screaming in your ears 24-7 365 can’t exactly be good for#his ears now can it? and with how loud some of them are and how close they can get to him - without touching him - that’s just.. a lot of#fucking volume okay#now add in the academy’s mission alert siren#how loud he listens to his music with headphones on when he’s trying to drown out some REALLY LOUD SCREAMING#and then being near gunfire growing up. those bank robbers had guns and weren’t exactly a big distance away#all the raves and clubs and parties he goes to?? places where music is played so loud the room shakes and you cant hear anything else and#the music itself can be heard from blocks away?? that’s an indeterminable amount of intense noise#and then of course the gunfire of vietnam#so like… boys ears have SUFFERED. whether they wanna acknowledge that in canon or not#so the shooting at the theater - the shooting thats IN the theater - which is large and meant to house sound#thats happening across a big city street from where they’re standing and they’re behind the food truck and if klaus was ordering when it all#started that was just another level of sound and he’s not exactly focused bc everything is awful yknow?? so either it takes him a second to#notice or register it on his own or maybe he doesnt and ben says something?? idk but that’s kinda the field i’ve landed on for that scene#not that im not here for op’s hc!!! bc it really is a good one and it makes sense. im just rambling my own theory here bc i like considering#the Ways for Things sometimes. esp with klaus involved. this does make me wonder tho… if his hearing somehow is -fine- in canon…. h o w?#bc like bitch who tf can take all that and have perfect hearing?? thats gotta be impossible. if they are fine is it related to his powers#somehow?? like.. does his casual passing between life and death all the time mean he doesnt have mortal ear weaknesses? its weird but im..#i’ve got theories. 
my tags on this post:: #probably in the massive fucking pockets of his fluffy coat#see also:: a dealer’s place #a boyfriend’s place#an ex-boyfriend who is also a dealer’s place#a girlfriend’s place #a partner’s place#all ex’s of course bc dave is the only valid romantic relationship#he made friends with the person who owns a nearby thrift store and they help him out#he has a locker at a public place like the ymca#he only has one outfit before returning to the mansion so he has nothing to carry - ever on the move#he thiefs off of people in rehab and crackhouses he stayed in that are dumb enough to leave their shit unattended#when he sees something he likes or he feels its time for an outfit change#he mostly sticks with his lace up pants as far as bottom pieces go bc its much harder to sneak away with skirts#and the kind of crazy pants he likes. there’s only room for one pair of pants for this pan disaster#after returning to the mansion he has access to the funky gay clothes he had managed to aquire before leaving all those years ago#bc like… i kinda hc that he got out of there fast and probably higher than fuck and had nothing packed#have you ever tried to pack while high?? it’s harder than it has any right to be#crack theory:: he had a bag - we just never saw it bc in the beginning he wore it under his floofy coat bc safety and he didnt need it the#rest of the time.#i have a lot of thoughts and headcanony opinions about klaus’s time on the streets so thank u#for giving me a place to dump some of them   
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imwcrkingonit · 6 years
Title: Protect You Summary: "Benji tries to protect Ethan and gets hurt and in Hospital Ethan tells Benji that he’s sorry and about his feelings for him and he thinks Benji can’t hear him but he does"
It had been five months since Solomon Lane had been taken down, five months since the remaining members of the Syndicate had scattered, leaving the newly reinstated IMF to locate them. It was nice for Benji to have something to focus on. While all of the men involved in his abduction were either dead or imprisoned, it felt good to be tracking down and dealing with those who aided them in some way over the years.
They had managed to locate a handful of agents in Europe so had split up in order to track them down and bring them in (or kill, as Hunley had ordered them - although he did was information from them, he did not seem too bothered by a few being lost along the way for what they had done). Brandt and Luther had gone to locate agents in Dublin, Jane was searching Krakow while Ethan and Benji had been sent to Moscow. Benji had of course cracked a joke about the last time they were in Moscow, with Brandt claiming to be shocked that Hunley thought it was safe sending Ethan there after his speech on their supposed involvement in the Kremlin bombing.
They had tracked the agent (or agents) down to a relatively small warehouse on the outskirts of the city, waiting until quite late in the evening to make their move. They made their way through the building as silently as they could, weapons at the ready, but something seemed off.
“Why do I have a feeling that they know we’re coming?” Benji whispered, glancing around. Everything was too quiet. If their Syndicate agent was here, he would have surely been making some kind of noise, going about his business or anything. But you could hear a pin drop in the building and that concerned the blond.
“Because they probably do.” Ethan replied, voice equally as hushed. Before either of them could say anything else, a figure rammed Ethan from the side, sending him tumbling to the ground. His weapon flew from his hands, skidding across the concrete floor as his head smacked into the wall, knocking him out cold. The man who had attacked him gripped a knife from his belt and swung it up to stab the agent, but Benji was quick to act, firing his weapon twice into the stranger’s chest. As he fell to the ground in a lifeless heap, Benji made to rush across to Ethan’s aid, but lurched forwards when someone slammed him from the back. The force caused his grip on his gun to loosen, sending the gun clattering to the ground and he stumbled, just managing to keep his footing before turning to face the second attacker. Positioning himself between the agent and Ethan’s motionless form, he took on a fighting stance ready for whatever was to come. Reaching into his jacket, the man produced a blade much like the one that their first attacker had intended to use on Ethan and gave Benji a smirk.
“Not fair.” the tech mumbled, taking in a deep breath before rushing towards him. He threw his fists out, first his left, fooling the man into dodging before giving a sharp right hook. The blow was hard and fast but the agent recovered quickly, headbutting Benji with full force. He stumbled backwards a little, his balance feeling momentarily off from the hit and while he was dazed, he felt a sharp pain in his left bicep. He cried out, immediately putting his hand to where he felt blood beginning to seep through his jacket. A quick glance up revealed blood on the blade that he was holding and there was a smug look on his face. Clenching his teeth, Benji was done with this. He couldn’t deal with this guy, not while Ethan was possibly hurt. With quick and precise movements, he sped forwards, gripping the man’s wrist in his. He then twisted, pulling his arm around before shoving the man’s own fist into his face. One last twist and shove and the blade pierced their attacker’s stomach.
There was a moment where everything went still, the man collapsing to the floor as blood pooled around him and after letting the previous few moments sink in, Benji rushed over to Ethan. Dropping to his knees, he saw that the older agent was beginning to stir.
“Oh thank fuck.” Benji breathed, smiling slightly as Ethan slowly sat up. “Are you ok?”
“Mmm… I think so…” Ethan looked around, spotting the two dead agents lying across from him. “Did I miss something?”
“You could say that.” Benji replied with a chuckle, however that soon changed. He winced, gasping in pain and Ethan’s face immediately became concerned.
“What’s wrong? Benji?” The tech pulled off his jacket to reveal the thin gash caused by the blade. What had been just a normal cut was now turning the skin around it a very sickening shade of grey and Ethan’s stomach turned.
“Caught me with a knife.” Benji replied, teeth gritting together to bite back a cry. Sweat was beginning to gather on his forehead and Ethan could see that his pupils were dilated. This was not a good sign.
“They must have dipped the blade in something…” Some kind of poison… Ethan’s heart was pounding as he saw Benji’s chest rising and falling slightly faster. “We need to get you out of here. Now.” Ethan reached out as he began to stand, pulling Benji up with him. He needed to get Benji to a hospital as fast as he could; he had no idea what kind of substance that blade had been laced with but it was clearly intended to cause trouble.
Ethan startled awake with Benji’s name on his lips, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He recalled seeing the moments before the doctors had whisked Benji away from him, how he had deteriorated on their drive to the hospital, how he had to carry the younger agent into the building bridal style because he was barely conscious. The nurses had insisted on checking out the cut Ethan had sustained to the back of his head, despite his protests. He wasn’t even sure what time he had last seen Benji but he knew that right now it was almost 9am.
“Mr Hunt?” He looked up and saw a man standing over him.
“Yes? Benji.” Ethan couldn’t quite get more than those few words out, the only thing on his mind being Benji. He needed to know how he was.
“Mr Dunn is going to make a full recovery.” Those were the words that Ethan had been longing to hear. His lack of sleep combined with the overwhelming relief of hearing that Benji was going to be alright caused him to zone out slightly, causing him to miss most of what the doctor was telling him, only catching words here and there. “-waiting for him to wake. Would you like to see him?”
“Yes. Yes please.”
“You scared me, Benj. You really scared me because…” Ethan trailed off as he spoke softly to Benji’s sleeping form. “I almost lost you once, that was once too many. Thinking that I could lose you again…” Carefully, he reached out and took hold of the younger man’s hand, leaning forwards as he took slow deep breaths. His outer shell, that hardened, seasoned agent exterior was beginning to fall away as he felt his emotions rushing forwards. “I was so scared when Lane had you. Seeing the empty spot where you had been, seeing that footage of them throwing you into the van… God, knowing that Vinter was the one who took you knowing what he was capable of. I was scared. I know if you were awake right now you’d probably laugh and say something about how I’m scared of nothing but no. I was scared that day. Because your life was in my hands and all I could do was hope that I didn’t get you killed.”
“Thing is… Benji, I’m more scared of losing you now because… Because you mean so much to me. So much. More than I think you could ever realise. I’ve wanted to let you know for a while now, since before Lane. There’s a reason why I turned to you over anyone else. I’d trust you with my life because I-” He paused, unsure of how to get the words out. Just before he could try to figure out his next comments, before he could figure out how to tell Benji how he truly felt, he felt a small squeeze to his hand. He lifted his head and saw Benji’s eyes were now open, those familiar blue eyes seeming tired yet still somehow holding that perfect glint that was so Benji.
“Benj… Are you ok? I mean, of course you’re not ok but how are you feeling?”
“Been better.” The blond’s voice was croaky but it was there. There was a soft smile on his face as he looked over to Ethan.
“Did, uh… Did you hear anything that I… said?” Ethan asked, wondering how long Benji had been awake before he had realised.
“You mean about you sounding like you were going to say that you loved me? Nope, didn’t hear a thing.” The response was delivered with a straight face before the corner of Benji’s lips twitched up into a smile.
“Ah. Yeah… About that.”
“Is it true?” Ethan paused at the question, running a hand through his hair.
“Yeah.” The word was almost a breath, Ethan’s green eyes meeting Benji’s gaze and searching for something that he hoped would be positive. “Is that ok?”
“Considering I’ve had to bribe a considerably large portion of the techs back at the lab to not mention the feelings I’ve had for you for a rather long time, yeah. I think it’s ok.” Benji laughed at Ethan’s expression, his wide eyes so out of place on his usually together face. “That’s cute.”
“What’s cute?”
“Kick arse IMF agent Ethan Hunt can predict how a highly dangerous criminal is going to respond to threats yet apparently didn’t see this.” Benji replied, a small smile on his lips and a slight hint of pink in his cheeks. “Honestly I thought Luther would never give up with his pushing for me to make a move.”
“I guess last night could be considered you making your move.” Ethan replied with a gentle smile, letting his thumb rub soothingly over the back of Benji’s hand.
“Hmm?” Benji’s head tilted to the side (which Ethan couldn’t help finding adorable).
“You fought those men while I was unconscious. You took them out and stopped them killing me, almost getting yourself killed in the process.”
“Not like you’ve never risked your life for me before.” Benji’s words were spoken matter-of-factly and he shrugged a bit. “You seem to do that on a frequent basis, actually.”
“Well, I guess it’s what you do for someone you love.” The confession was met with a warm grin from the tech and he returned it with equal genuineness.
“Yeah.” Benji agreed. “I guess that’s true.”
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