#not surprised vera wouldn't treat others how she wants to be treated
hwestil · 2 years
Mmmm, this chapter solidifying my dislike of Vera. Like. Didn't she go off on Nicholas about not taking her things (an inkwell) but she's out there going through and reading Sonya's papers on Sonya's table.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! It's gossip girl 🥰 That super wired with your blog! I saw some of your others posts to the tumble staff and I hope it gets fixed soon! I think tumblr is just broken to the max sometimes and takes the wrong things away:/
My Sunday was good! I actually went to like and Airshow today and got to see some really cool planes with my friends! The Thunderbirds were there and they can do some cool stuff! The only down side was I forgot sunscreen and I burn quicker than rubbing alcohol on a candle😂 But hey if I wanted to be Two Face /Harvey Dent for Halloween I wouldn't have to worry about getting red face paint😂😂 But it was a cool show and we spend most of the day there! I hope your Sunday went well🥰 How'd the walk go with the puppy?!!🥰🥰
Yes! She is a very good sister even though we are polar opposites personality wise we never really had any big fights😂 Other than when she "Borrows" my clothes and forgets to give them back😂😂 She really is great though!! I've probably also done similar stuff to her and my mom too though😂 I'll borrow a sweatshirt from my mom and eventually she'll get it back😂
Lol it's totally fine how long it takes you to reply! I don't mind🥰 It's kinda fun because I think if it like a surprise and the waiting is part of the fun!❤️ And ohh no no no! Tumble doesn't need any more ideas except maybe for a bid to get rid of a few😂
And I absolutely agree with you on the autocorrect and like writing things that don't makes sense (even if it was like unintentional)!
I haven't lost any of my stories but there have been a few close calls with papers and then one event where word totally screwed me over on a final project and wouldn't let me save a 30is page final group project (it had like pictures and charts ) and it wouldn't let me reopen any of the old entries or send it to someone else as a word doc🥲 I could only save it as a PDF but then you can't go into word again and edit a pdf (or it wouldn't let me without paying a bunch to convert it) But my teacher was great and helped me get it back because she did have a program bough already to convert it and another on of my team members was able to find his old copy too! I'm so it worked out in the end but it was pretty stressful at the time😂
And I haven't heard that saying for the weather but I think I love it😂🥰 It fits me well to because I usually like having a bag full of random things possibly (but not usually) needed😂
College is going pretty well! I've been pretty busy with work and trying to get ready for tests (I have one the day after Halloween and one the day after that🥲😂) But overall it's pretty good! How's your work (or college?/both? i actually am not sure if you're in it🫣, I can't remember if you've mentioned being in college) but basically how's life for you been going?! I hope it's been treating you well!!!
Thanks for the love!! Sending some your way too💕💕
I’m finally free!!! As you may have noticed ☺️ Tumblr said it was a mistake (😒), but let’s focus on the good part I got my main tumblr back, so now I think most of the accounts banned is because of this. Thank you for your kind messages during that time! 💝
Oh wow! That sounds like something super exciting to see! Hope you enjoyed it a lot! Oh no!! I’m a sunscreen freak now and I won’t leave the house without it, hope you got some aloe Vera for that sunburn (but after dressing up as Two face for Halloween) 😝 it went good! Pups are the best ♥️
And now I feel terrible because I think I’m keeping you for long periods of time waiting, but I hope in the mean time you got a bunch of nice things to do so you can share them later on here 🤗 haha who are you trying to get rid of? 😂 🤔
Yeah like sorry! Like, I didn’t mean to say that oops 🤭
Oh you can turn a pdf into a word again, just look for a tutorial, and I’m sure there must be some options to make it for free, but I’m glad your teacher and friend were able to help you! Phew 😮‍💨 saved by the bell!… you know I was pretty new to my current job and I had this massive archive full of formulas and tables and such, and the one who was my boss back then comes to the file and starts moving things and he crashed the excel-> freeze-> lost file. I couldn’t get it back 😨🥺 I had to re-start from the last one I saved, so now I’m extra cautious with the files (and of course my stories) and I’m always saving and I actually have like version 12, final version etc 😂
If you could only see my Mary Poppins bag 😅😆 I recently turned one of those empty cosmetics bags they sell with a bunch of goodies, into my “if I ever need…” so I have this mini hair brush, pills, sunscreen, like most of the mini products for travels, hoping that one day someone might need and I will say hang on, got it! 😂
How did the test go?????? Hope you got a good grade! Work is good, thanks! Haha no college for me, I suffered of a lot of stress during my college days I swore I would take some time out (and it’s been a loooong time since I graduated, probably it would be a good time for a master or something. I had plans to go to study somewhere else right before the pandemic started, luckily I didn’t make any move on that back then. But in general it’s been good 😊 finally Friday I can have some rest, need to do a lot of stuff around and write write write.
Hope you have a nice weekend! 🥰💖
Lots of love and good vibes back to you xx
0 notes
morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
Have you watched the documentary "Goodnight Sugar Babe"? I apologise for the length of this post, but there's nothing I can cut out. I will link the documentary below.
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Findlay, Ohio
March 26th of 2011-
24 year old Vera Jo Reigle was mentally slow, they say she had the mentality of an 8-12 year old child. She'd had a very troubled childhood, had been repeatedly abused, sexually, by both her biological father and mom's boyfriend. Of course this caused issues between she and her mother; when a 19 year old Vera met a boy, 13 year old Zachary Brooks, Vera was thrilled that his family took her into their fold. When Zachary's mother, Cheri Lynne Brooks, offered for Vera to move in, she jumped at the opportunity. Vera just couldn't see that these were terrible, evil people; they had been kind to her in the beginning, but they had ulterior motives.
So, first things first, let's get this out of the way. Cheri is the mother of 9; she lost her first 5 kids, one at a time, for blatant sexual abuse. Scottie (who is the product of consensual incest with Cheri's first cousin; he is mentally disabled), Michael, Maria, Joshua, and little Cheri were all taken away, one at a time, while they were young. Maria was only removed from the home after she was raped, she was one year old at the time; Little Cheri was thankfully spared her abuse as she was taken at birth. A few of the children who were taken did make their way back to Cheri when they were a bit older. For some reason, even though the first 5 were taken, the next 4 children were left in their mother's custody: Kevin AKA "Punky", Zachary, Garth, and Chuckie. Kevin Brooks Sr. is Cheri's husband and the father of most of Cheri's offspring.
The Brooks family is a well known crime family, their leader being mama Cheri, AKA Sugar Babe- a woman often rightfully compared to Charles Manson. Though Cheri looks harmless, she is disabled and in a wheelchair, do not allow that to fool you! This woman is a baby rapist, a sadist, a criminal, a sociopath, and a master manipulator who has proved again and again that she can convince people to do her dirty work at will. Cheri was sexually abused by her father, big Chuck, beginning when she was merely a toddler. Eventually she was taken away, and placed in the system, but she continued this sexual relationship with her father even after she married Kevin Brooks. When she began having children of her own, the abused became the abuser- the cycle continued, Cheri sexually abused them. Family and neighbors witnessed this, and DCF was called multiple times; it's difficult to understand why all of this deviant's children were not taken from her at once, authorities only took one baby at a time. The others were left in Cheri's custody until there was another complaint, and another, and so on. Since her own children were constantly being taken, Cheri began finding other women to give birth to babies for her; when her children were a little older, Cheri accomplished this by talking her teenaged son's various young girlfriends into getting pregnant. Cheri always hoped for little girls, though it's well known that she had no problem sexually abusing little boys.
It shouldn't be a surprise that the children raised by this pervert grew to become criminals and gang members; they all claim to be members of the Crips, there are even photos of the wheelchair bound older woman throwing up gang signs. Her son, Punky, was known to have been the town's leader of the Crips. Punky was very much feared in this town, until August 5th of 2010 when the 19 year old lost his life in a tragic accident. He and his girlfriend, Heather, had been walking down the road, on their way to score some heroin, when a vehicle slammed into Punky. Investigators determined that this was an accidental death; Cheri never could accept this, she needed vengeance. She told everyone that Punky's girlfriend, Heather, had been responsible for his murder; according to Cheri, Punky had been pushed in front of that vehicle by his girlfriend. This was a lie, of course, but Cheri made sure that the girlfriend paid the price; she asked one of Punky's friends to "beat the hell" out of Heather; Cheri sat and watched the fight. After Punky's death, Zachary took his brother's place as the town gang's new leader of the Crips.
With Vera living at the Brooks house, her disability check was cashed by Cheri each month. Most of the people living at the Brooks home were on disability, it's how the family supported itself; welfare, disability checks, and criminal activity such as the selling of drugs. Soon Cheri began telling Vera her that she expected a baby from her. Vera wanted to make people happy, she obliged; this is when everything began to go down hill. Vera was no longer a girlfriend or a daughter in law; instead she was treated as the family slave, the walking uterus which housed the baby girl which Cheri so desperately wanted. Cheri claimed the infant as her own before it was even born, she even controlled the baby's date of birth! She was adamant that baby Willadean would be born on her own birthday, and Vera was forced to drink multiple bottles of castor oil to bring about early labor- 3 full bottles! Willadean was born on the day after Cheri's birthday, November 4th, more than a month early. Due to her early forced delivery, Baby Willadeen was not well enough to come home at birth, she had heart issues. The baby spent her first weeks of life hooked up to machines in NICU.
Vera dearly loved her daughter and there's little doubt that she'd have been the best mama possible had she been given the opportunity. Baby Willadean was taken from Vera by Cheri; very rarely was Vera even allowed to touch her daughter. If she did touch Willadeen, Zachary or Cheri would savagely beat her. Instead of tending to her motherly duties, Vera's days were spent cleaning the house, or on her knees while rubbing Cheri's feet; this was said to be her "job". She was secluded from anyone outside the family, not even allowed to speak to her own beloved sister. Vera attempted more than once to take her baby and leave, but Cheri wouldn't allow it. Someone was always watching, the baby slept in Cheri's room, and Cheri promised that if Vera ever did leave she'd murder baby Willadean, slash her throat. Vera had no reason to believe this an empty threat, so she stayed and endured the abuse. The more time went by, the worse she was treated. Vera was now the family's whipping girl; Cheri told people that she thought that Vera looked cute with her black eyes, like a little squirrel or a raccoon. Vera was forced to sleep in a closet with a pig; witnesses recount that she was even forced to eat the pig's feces as punishment! On another occasion Vera was beaten because she ate a KitKat bar which belonged to the deceased Punky; by eating the chocolate Vera had intentionally disrespected the dead man. Then there was the mace incident: someone set off a canister of pepper spray in an upstairs bedroom; Vera took the blame for this as well.
The mace story is particularly important because, at the time, Cheri had been trying to talk her son Michael's girlfriend, Shannon, into getting pregnant. There's proof that Shannon was telling people she was pregnant, though she now denies it, there are screen shots proving this. Since Shannon was lying about the pregnancy, she claimed that the fumes from the pepper spray brought on a miscarriage; Vera had caused the death of Shannon's imaginary baby, and Shannon told multiple people she wanted Vera dead for this. Everything and anything which ever went wrong with this family, it was all blamed on Vera.
Police and family services were called on Vera's behalf many, many times; these agencies knew exactly what was going on, they'd been inside this house of horrors! They were fully aware of the conditions in which baby Willadean had been living in, they knew exactly how filthy the home was. They were aware that Cheri didn't even bother using a toilet, she simply urinated in a bucket kept in reach of the toddler! They knew there were actual pigs living inside the home going to the bathroom all over the place! They knew that multiple children had been taken from the home due to Cheri's compulsive sexual abuse, and that baby Willadean shared a bedroom with Cheri! They were aware that Vera was catching beatings on the regular; when police or dcf came to question Vera on the way she was being treated, she was always questioned right there in front of Cheri! Vera was afraid to tell the truth; she was instructed to say that she had fallen down the stairs, or to give some other lame excuse which anyone with an ounce of sense could've seen straight through! During one of Vera's frequent hospital visits, this particular time for a broken nose given to her by Zachary, Vera was forced to say that a "black boyfriend" from the next town over was to blame. But anyone remotely familiar with the situation knew that there had been no other boyfriend, Vera was never permitted to have contact with anyone outside the home!
Now that the baby was born, Vera was a burden. Zachary didn't love her, he probably never did and he wanted to date other girls now. But there was a problem: if Vera were to leave the home, they knew that the young mother could easily gain custody of Willadean and that just couldn't happen. So, Cheri and her extended family began to openly plan Vera's demise. The family debated different scenarios such as overdosing Vera on drugs then leaving her on the railroad tracks for the train to hit her. Cheri had seen a corpse which had been hit by a train before, and she said that the victim's face resembled "hamburger meat". She said that was what needed to be done with Vera.
Daniel Bixler was a cousin who had only been out of prison for 3 weeks at this time, he'd just finished serving a 3 year prison sentence. Cheri was pretty close to Danny, considering his father was the first cousin with whom she'd had that incestuous relationship with; technically Danny and Cheri's son Scottie are half brothers, and their father is in prison for attempting to murder Danny's mom. So, Danny was already a self professed killer, he even had a teardrop tattoo on his face. He and his new girlfriend, 17 year old Nicole Peters, had been staying at the Brooks home in recent weeks. Nicole was curious about what it would feel like to kill someone, and she wanted a teardrop tattoo to match her boyfriend's. Cheri had struck gold, these two were perfect for solving her Vera problem. She told them that it hadn't been Punky's girlfriend who had been walking with the gang leader on the night of his unfortunate death; it had been Vera! Vera was the one who had pushed Punky! Then Vera disrespected her victim by eating his candy bar, and she'd sprayed mace which forced Shannon to miscarry, and Vera abused baby Willadean when no one was looking! Vera needed to die for all that she'd done! Danny and Nicole readily agreed to do Cheri's dirty work.
4 days before Vera was murdered, the worst of the torture began; she was beaten intermittently throughout those days. One of Cheri's sons, Chuckie, tied a padlock to the end a of belt and the family took turns just beating the hell out of poor Vera with this homemade weapon; a paddle was also used, and Vera's head was stomped. Witnesses, including Cheri, have stated that this sort of thing turned Nicole on, sexually. She and her boyfriend would take breaks from the beatings, go lock themselves in a bedroom for a while, then they would come back out and beat on Vera some more. The beatings occurred in Cheri's bedroom, and she was egging Nicole and Danny on the whole time: "Hit her again Nicole! Vera is a whore, Nicole, she wants to sleep with Danny! Hit her again". Considering baby Willadean slept in Cheri's room at night, you know that poor baby was present throughout it all; you gotta wonder how much of her mother's torture 18 month old Willadeen witnessed.
After nightfall on March 26th of 2011, Zachary, Danny, and Nicole demanded that Vera put her shoes on, they were going for a walk. Witnesses who were present that night say that they believe Vera knew she was going to be murdered, she didn't want to go but eventually she did as she was told. They walked to the railroad tracks near the family home, and when they arrived at the predetermined spot, they began to stab Vera with a kitchen knife. The weapon was so dull that it would barely even penetrate Vera's skin, so they forced this poor woman to strip naked- you know, so they didn't have to work so hard at killing her. Vera was stabbed repeatedly and when they thought she was close enough to death, they laid her sideways on the tracks, and left her alone in frigid temperatures to die. After leaving the scene of the crime they threw their murder weapon into a local body of water. The killers knew that a train would be coming around 2 am; they assumed that if Vera was hit by the train, she'd look like "hamburger meat". This would render Vera unidentifiable and they believed that much of the evidence would be lost. Poor Vera, after she was left alone that night she used the very last bit of strength she had to remove herself from the rails; she curled up in a fetal position in the middle of the tracks and died.
When the 2 am train came through, it did pass over Vera's deceased body. The train conductor spotted the body immediately, and he called the police. Amazingly the train did not hit her; Vera's body stood exactly 12 inches off the ground- the train's clearance was 13 inches! The victim was not turned into hamburger meat, as intended; she was identifiable, and the evidence had not been destroyed. Matter of fact, a person who had recently dealt with Vera after a beating yet had done nothing to help just weeks before was the one who identified her corpse.
Autopsy proved that Vera had been stabbed 21 times, her throat had been slashed from ear to ear, and that nearly every bone in this poor woman's face had been broken from that beating she'd received just before her death. She'd been tortured.
Police went to the Brooks home to question the family; again, while the police removed everyone from the home so they could interview the family members one by one, Cheri was allowed to be present throughout it all. It's evident that everyone, literally everyone is terrified of this woman to this very day. Cheri originally tried to blame the murder on someone outside the family, said that Vera's boyfriend must've killed her, but Vera's only boyfriend was Zachary! Police found evidence inside the home such as Nicole's bloody sweatshirt, the paddle, and the belt and lock Vera had been beaten with. Police arrested Danny and Nicole, who confessed; they stated that they'd been given drugs by Cheri, and talked into killing Vera. Cheri even told them how to do it!
Both Danny and Nicole took plea deals; Danny was sentenced to 40 years to life for Vera's death, and Nicole received 23 years for a conspiracy charge. Not murder, but conspiracy; somehow Nicole was the only one who received that charge! How does that happen? Did she conspire with herself? The father of Vera's baby, Zachary, was sentenced to 4 years in prison for obstruction of justice. It doesn't matter that there's security footage, actual video proof that Zachary walked with Danny, Nicole, and Vera to the train tracks that night, it doesn't matter that he was present and likely actively helped stab Vera to death, he was merely prosecuted for obstruction. Cheri's husband, Kevin Brooks Sr. and another of her sons were charged with selling prescription drugs. In 2014 Cheri spent 10 days in jail for inappropriate contract with an unrelated minor, just ten days. As far as Vera's murder, Cheri the ringleader was only charged with obstruction and drug trafficking; in 2015 she was sentenced to 40 months. Cheri was freed earlier this year, and if what I'm hearing has any truth to it, another of her son's baby daughters is currently living with her!
This is the justice Vera Jo Reigle received for her torturous murder. The only good thing about any of this is that baby Willadean was taken away from the Brooks family and adopted out. Cheri threw a huge fit over that; she claimed she had custody of the child.
Vera has been laid to rest in Knollcrest Cemetery; she's recently received a beautiful new headstone which reads "Vera Jo Messersmith". This is a big deal as Vera always hated the last name of Reigle, since her father had sexually abused her.
*This is the most confusing case EVER. I tried my very best to keep names and details straight, and it's taken me more than a week to write this. If I got a name or some other detail wrong, forgive me. Personally I'm just glad to be done with it, I've cried, like ugly cried multiple times over this case. Vera's abusers, her killers are mostly still at large. The woman who planned her murder, a known pedophile, is still out there! Look her up on Facebook, Cheri Lynne Brooks! She even frequents fb pages where Vera is honored! Those interviewed in the documentary admit that they are afraid of this woman, and they all admit that this murder was openly planned. I can't understand why she's not been charged with conspiracy at the very least, or why she's still permitted to have contact with children! And why have the other players not been charged? It seems a dozen different people participated in the abuse, knew of the plan to murder this young mother yet nothing was done! Are the police, the DA, all of those organizations, are they afraid of Cheri too?
* If you haven't seen the doc "GOODNIGHT SUGAR BABE" it is available on Amazon Prime or, here's a link. Tell me what you think.
Goodnight Sugar Babe:
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Oh my God. So now people in Hollywood are threatening Darren and Chris's families if they don't comply? Tinhats are saying they wouldn't be surprised if someone died in a freak accident to put Darren and Chris in line. How long before they bring up Chris's mom and start getting suspicious?
Anonymous said: Damn it’s real dramatic over in CCLand today. Abby’s “anons” are talking about how someone must have threatened to kill Darren or Chris’s family if Darren didn’t get married. And then we have Abby saying that no matter what happens she won’t abandon them. Yeah, she is definitely setting the stage for claiming someone threatened to kill Chris if Darren didn’t have a baby with Mia. She knows a baby is coming eventually and she can’t let go of her CCThrone.
It’s da Mafia, my friends! 
They are so full of themselves-and so dramatic- it’s terrifying. 
I keep saying that Abby is writing a Telenovela and damn does she love the drama. She’s also desperate to keep her storyline going and there just isn’t a logical reason WHY Darren would be in the closet and married to Mia at this point unless you go for “big threats”. Abby has suggested this vague“threat” theory before but nobody else picked it up so we never had such scary-hilarious promises of allegiance to Criss and Colfer. This is exactly the kind of pithy, over-the-top emotional digging into a cause that social media was made for- the kind in which you have no actual impact but you blog the hell out it like you matter.  
One of the biggest issues with the CrissColfer storyline is why should we be sympathetic to ccDarren and/or ccChris? They are both successful, famous, wealthy, powerful men. Abby’s never-ending criticisms of ccDarren are becoming a problem. While she always blames it on “his team”, most people don’t find it so obviously his team’s fault as evidenced by her Nonnies who then get a lecture on HOW it IS his team’s fault. Of course, nobody is controlled by their employees and ccDarren and ccChris aren’t victims or children. 
Abby delights when she can claim that ccDarren is treating Mia abhorrently because it fulfills her hatred of Mia but nobody else feels so delighted. For instance, she claimed he was trying to pull her in the water during a New Year’s Eve embrace. 
I’m guessing, and we are missing the moment inbetween d goes to dip her so she things she’s getting her kiss but in fact tries to throw her in the water.(X)
The sane among us are disgusted by a claim that he would try to drown his wife. The same goes for ccChris when he publically bullies and shames Mia on social media and his books. Abby’s love of hating Mia often overshadows her need to keep ccChris and ccDarren as victims. 
The basis of CrissColfer is that both men want to be famous and work in Hollywood for the big money and they can’t tell their truth without fear of losing everything. After ten years, both men are no longer the “inexperienced, naive, innocent young men who made bad choices when fame was flashed in their faces” and Abby needs a new spin in order to keep her followers emotionally invested. Throw in a storyline where both men are just trying to stay afloat after their families were threatened and WHOA man, you have two very compelling characters with sympathy through the roof.
Anonymous asked: Let's not forget that with the wedding being the lesser of two evils, one of the threats could have gone far beyond you or C would never be working in this industry again, like you said, the people in power will do anything to hide their sins and there really is no limit, who knows a threat on his (or C's or other family) live could have been made. It sure as hell wouldn't be the first time someone dies in a freak accident because they have dirt on someone (Chris already lost his mom in a freak accident. I can’t imagine he would ruin his entire life over the fear of losing someone else when he understands that life is precious and you can’t control what happens to family members. Or the other argument is why would he allow someone to control his life when the easy solution is to go off to NYC and become an author.  Leave Hollywood behind for the man he loves and living an authentic life. It doesn’t seem like that hard of a tradeoff to me)
ajw720 answered: Nonnie. I’m really starting to question. And m has her family and SS on her side. That’s a lot of power and ruthlessness. (I'm always fascinated by the power that Abby imagines Mia’s family has. If Chris and Darren are powerless then why is the head of Vera Wang’s company so powerful? Mia’s dad owned a small chain of small music venues. He’s likely loaded but not in the BIG powerful world of movers and shakers. As for Sunshine Sachs- they are very powerful and healthy but there is little incentive for them to risk it all by getting involved in little unknown Darren’s love life by closeting him).    
I’ve decided. No matter what they throw at us, while i may not be able to watch as closely, I’m not abandoning them unless there comes a point I think it’s willing. I don’t see that happening. What is happening is not about straight. (What “they throw at us”? This isn’t about you, Abby. Nothing about CC is about you. You’re just a lonely, unstable fan sitting in her living room all alone obsessing about Mia and fabricating outrageous stories about a family you don’t know and a man who doesn’t care about you. I’m curious, what would convince you that he’s willing? You already said you wouldn’t believe him if he told you he loved Mia.  You’re destinated to come out the loser because you refuse to see or accept reality.)    
It’s about hiding sins. If it were just straight as I have repeatedly said it would be done better and with someone that actually makes d look good. (So she’s twisting the story to be about hiding sins.  I’m not sure how forcing the farce to continue is a good strategy to ensure you don’ get caught. It seems like a cut and run strategy is better- preferably with big payoffs. Lots of us DO think Darren does look good. It’s only the people obsessed that he’s gay who don’t like him).
I just hope they have finally aligned with the right people to help them (How would this work? Either Ryan and Sunshine are terrified of their role coming out, all-powerful and threatening his family to keep it quiet OR there are people to align with who can help but not both because people who threaten others' lives for their own interests aren’t going to show up at the negotiation table willing to work out and deal).
flowersintheattic254. @ajw720 I’ll state publicly that I’m with you on that. I’m not going away unless I see it’s willing. Right now it doesn’t seem to be and frankly the more I learn about Holly/wood and how people are manipulated and abused the more I think it isn’t a choice or a very unwilling one. (Why would Darren and Chris stay there if it is that bad?  If Hollywood is one big cesspool then reasonable people would get the hell out of dodge, do something because living in that environment will turn you into that kind of person.  Also, I just have to add that the Catholic Church has an abysmal record on sex abuse of women and children so if anyplace is manipulative and abusive, it’s Abby’s church)
leka-1998 Totally agreed.
I feel like every day I get more repulsed by what the people in that awful industry are capable of.
notes-from-nowhere If it is possible, the more I know, the more I feel compelled to stand up against this habits and fight back. (How exactly will you do that? I’m fascinated and can’t wait to hear)
Nothing will change overnight. Not D’s life, not the ones of the others in his same situation but we can do something. And as much as we could, I’m sure, we will. (No shit sherlock, you’re 10 years  inand no end in sight)
I will accept defeat the day D will show me, without a doubt, that this is what he wants for his life and not matter if right or wrong, I will respect his choice. To date, I don’t think we are even close to that. Time will tell. (Again, what can Darren do to prove to you? He married the woman he’s dated for 8 years, he opened a business with her, he gushed about the wedding, and he travels with her everywhere. When he tells you how he feels about her you all instantly dismiss his words as being contracted or “Mia wrote them”.  You refuse to SEE what is so plain in front of you. I cannot imagine what he could do that would convince you.)  
In the meantime I will keep doing what I do now. (which is lie, twist facts, post Glee photos as CrissColfer, make stupid comparisons, and blow some up Abby’s ass).   
Anonymous asked: I agree about HW and who knows what kind of nefarious shit goes on. The problem I have is his parents not intervening in this . I get there is probably blackmail at this point but surely his parents can see this can’t go on. I’m afraid it’s affecting his family at this point and I would think his dad would take the reigns at some point and say enough. This is the only thing that tells me it’s short term and there is an escape date. I don’t see his parents accepting something permanent.
Do they have a choice though nonnie? That’s the question. How are they more powerful then the heavy weights he’s up against? What has been threatened? I have an idea of where I think this is going but I don’t know and I’m firm there’s 2 distinct paths, one is freedom. The other is too horrifying for words. And I think by the end of the year we will know. (She is sure they will be divorcing after the anniversary and Hollywood airs.) 
Because no doubt this has gravely hurt d and his spirit. And between c and his parents, i’d think they are doing everything to help him win. All parties on his side have to be petrified. Because even if there’s a positive plan in place, what’s to stop it from changing? Because I reiterate. D was going to come out tied to ACS and it went nightmarishly wrong. And he’s well being and safety are at stake for as long as she is tied to him. (She reiterates God Damnit! She KNOWS she was right!!!!!!! WTAF? No, he wasn’t going to come out. He’s told you he’s straight and there is no reason to suspect he’s lying. I love the comments about his safety as long as Mia is around or his image as long as his team is around-He’s fucking thriving. When is the shit going to hit the fan? He won the top four awards, has his own show on a new platform, has a big Broadway show coming, has a Ryan Murphy Netflix show that he helped co-create, Elsie is amazing, StarKid had a very successful year, his wedding is all over the “top celeb weddings” lists, he was busy AF this year and he just bought a $3 million house. It’s been a decade-when will this bad stuff start? ). 
Anonymous asked: I do fear D is in this for the long haul unfortunately. It has slowed down for her a bit post-nuptials but unless this show with RM is serving as an out, I don’t see how D will ever get out of this. We also need to remember she knows too much too at this point. It’s not that easy to get someone with the amount of info she has to just go away. If she’s intent on riding coattails, there may be little D can do to get rid of her. I hope I’m wrong. I want to see him win. But it doesn’t look good. (What does ccMia know that she can use against him? That would mean he’s done something wrong but according to cc lexicon, it’s all done against him, he’s the victim. If anything he would have dirt on her to use) 
I can’t believe how naive I was to think it was as simple as d&c saying no. I doubt that was ever an option and they learned that, after months of fighting post encagement, in the cruelest manner. Honestly I’m feeling almost more heartbroken today then on feb 16 because I’m finally seeing the horrifying reality of HW.Nonnie. Despite the fact that I don’t trust him, I’m praying that RM saw that it serves his agenda and reputation to help d as it would rehabilitate his character much more than to continue to hurt him, because at this point I think he’s the only person that has the power to get him out. Now we wait and see. (I don’t see how Ryan Murphy can serve as both Mafia boss and his savior but I understand that he’s the only one that could possibly play that role right now. There are no other gay Yoda’s in Darren’s life with enough cloud to be the “savior” so by process of elimination, Ryan is the one). .   ’t see how Ryan Murphy can serve as both Mafia boss and his savior but I understand that he’s the only one that could possibly play that role right now. There are no other gay Yoda’s in Darren’s life with enough cloud to be the “savior” so by process of elimination, Ryan is the one).    
I can’t believe how naive I was to think it was as simple as d&c saying no. I doubt that was ever an option and they learned that, after months of fighting post encagement, in the cruelest manner. Honestly I’m feeling almost more heartbroken today then on feb 16 because I’m finally seeing the horrifying reality of HW. (So basically, the original cc storyline isn’t holding up anymore after the end dates passed for coming out- Glee ended, the 8-year contract expired, Hedwig ended, ACS started, filmed and ended, Awards season came to a finish and now you’re hoping the anniversary is the lucky date.  But you need to explain why Darren and Chris have so much power and still are not together so you’re going for something bigger and more sinister.  The problem is that while Hollywood has a seedy underbelly, you can’t take one person’s story and extrapolates it to everyone. Judy Garland may have been drugged but they didn’t know the effect of drugs back then like we do know and the military gives the pilots “go” and “no go” pills to help them perform to this day under close medical supervision)  
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syxhenry · 7 years
THIS ISN'T A MEME but i want a solo about henry and jaewon meeting how henry first realized they probably wouldn't get along super well LMAO
late 2510
there are certain meetings that never get erased from your mind. for henry, meeting jaewon was one of these moments in time. truly meeting the man, of course, not just catching a glimpse of him passing through the ship like a whirlwind of warrior with too many things to do to fit into the time given to him.
it happened a few months after he’d come into serenity’s service. vera had introduced the two of them to each other. mentioned something about the previous engineer being captured but having stumbled upon a younger but capable man. she’d told henry’s name to the combat boots and henry had been given jaewon’s name in return.
admittedly it had taken him a solid twenty seconds before he’d been able to tear his gaze away from said black footwear, but eventually (cargo pants, brown coat and gun strap further upwards) his eyes had met those of the golden eyed youth with his brooding gaze and seemingly permanent judging expression. it had taken him all but a heartbeat to decide that this was the type of person he had been trying his best to stay far away from for the last couple of years.
“pleasure,” was all he’d muttered, half under his breath, ducking his head into a nod and allowing the soot on his face to hide his true age from this new acquaintance as it had done with vera too. he didn’t think she’d noticed yet that he was actually older than twenty. and despite the way the younger male’s mere presence made him feel like he should prove himself somehow, the fear of entering a confrontation was enough to keep his head low and his entire stance unassuming. the less memorable he was to anyone out there, the better.
there had been no reaction to speak of before the black combat boots had turned away and henry had been able to see them put more distance between him and the young man without further ado. he’d lifted his gaze again lightly, only to see vera’s almost fond smile as she looked after mister too-good-to-say-hello for a moment longer before walking along.
it had taken only a few weeks for henry to hear the stories of war and how it was not going well for the browncoats’ side. jaewon became the main subject of all the whispered conversation bubbling around him and henry took it all in with feigned inattentiveness. he soon learned that the stoic attitude of their new companion was a result of the stress and disappointments the war brought with it.
then learned that it most definitely was not.
instead it was just jaewon’s general way of behaving around people. most people. there were surprising exceptions like the feisty and grim-looking mina, and of course vera herself, but most people got treated the same way henry had been. like distasteful things that the younger male wished would just stop talking in his near vicinity.
indifference he could’ve dealt with just fine, he had no problem staying out of the way and not having a proper conversation with the brooding youth. it was the rudeness that grated his nerves. a rudeness which prevailed even after the war ended and jaewon became another fixed face aboard serenity.
early 2511
“i don’t think i asked for your opinion.” jaewon, with that same brooding expression as henry had gotten to know him with. eyebrows furrowed, judging gaze resting upon the engineer. although he’d gained back most of his health and quite a bit of muscle, henry had not yet given up his disguise as being less strong and aged than he really was. and he was hesitant to pick a fight with vera’s beloved charge.
but there was something about jaewon that just seemed to ruffle his feathers the wrong way, poking at him, nudging him to speak, to contradict.like an annoying little brother you wish you could throw out the window but when it came down to it were still going to protect with your life. because he was family.
he wondered if that was how whitney had felt about him.
not that jaewon was family to him, per se, but serenity’s crew was as close as he got to one, and he was slowly starting to appreciate their presence around him. mostly the fact that they hadn’t betrayed him yet in the months he’d been there.
“you did not.” for the first time since they’d met, henry’s words had been spoken clearly, in a normal tone of voice. not softer, not trying to be almost unheard, but simply being spoken. from one man to another. “but vera is currently out and i figured you’d be the next best person to say this to considering we really need a replacement for that piece and i do not have the credits necessary to acquire it.”
a short look. possibly mutual distaste. definitely from henry’s side. then he’d added a belated “sir” which, admittedly, had probably sounded more mocking than genuine.
looking back, he’s pretty sure that’s the moment where they both decided they were not going to like each other very much. then again, he’s also pretty sure jaewon decides that simply upon meeting a person. any person. no matter who they are. except, perhaps, when they’re innocent little girls.
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