#not sure where it was it was a bedroom maybe his
techwrecker · 21 hours
Handful of Roses
Summary: It’s you and Logan’s anniversary and he can’t even be bothered to show up. You’re left alone, wondering where he could possibly be.
Genre: Angst ⇒ Fluff
Tags: SFW, minor swearing, angst & fluff (duh), fem!reader, no use of y/n, reader calls logan bub sarcastically, logan is still a mutant, sickeningly sweet ending,
Word Count: 1.6k
Request: "Logan forgets a special event? Angst to fluff. Maybe a birthday, anniversary or special date night."
A/N: Tysm for the request! I really hope you enjoy it!
Other: dividers by @moosgraphics & @saradika (tysm!)
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The congealed pasta slid into the trash bin with a solid thud. Hours of your hard work gone to waste.
Tonight you and Logan were supposed to be celebrating your one year anniversary. When you suggested the idea to Logan, he wasn’t too keen on going out to a fancy restaurant, so you compromised by promising to fix him something at home. You had made him swear he would be home by 7 to eat. You wanted him for the evening— all to yourself.
And yet.
You checked the time on the stove— 8:45 p.m. You had half a mind to lock Logan out. If he was going to break his promises, you were going to make him pay the price for it. Your heels clattered against the floor as you made your way to the front door. Just as you were about to turn the deadbolt, a tiny piece of your heart shot a plea of forgiveness through you. You hesitated, weighing the pros and cons.
On one hand, Logan deserved exactly what he had coming. You wanted to drive home your frustration. If he wanted to act like an animal, then he could sleep in the dog house.
But then again, staying in the house alone made you nervous. The house you shared was out in the middle of the woods and your mind tended to run wild with dangerous scenarios at the slightest sound. Usually, Logan was home before dark to protect you from your overactive imagination.
You decided to be nice to him. Especially since the rain was really coming down outside and storms made you nervous. And despite how angry you were with Logan, you didn’t want him to come down with anything.
You withdrew your hand from the door. The figure-hugging dress you had put on just for him was starting to scratch at your skin. This was the last straw. You let the plates clatter into the sink, not caring if they shattered or not and stormed off to the bedroom to find your fuzziest pajamas.
You gathered the pajamas and a towel and headed to the shower, turning the temperature gauge as hot as you could stand. You hoped the boiling temperature would take your mind off the disappointment Logan left you alone with.
Unfortunately, as soon as the water had saturated your hair, and turned your skin a flaming red, you burst into tears. You sat down in the bottom of the tub, wrapping your arms around your folded body to console yourself. Salty tears mixed with the water for some time. You weren’t sure exactly how much time had passed since you had gotten in, but your fingers had already pruned by the time you calmed down enough to stand up again.
You knew Logan cared about you, so why did he have to forget stuff like this? It was important to you— you wanted it to be important to him, too. Your life was sucky before he came into it. Was it really too much to ask for him to acknowledge the wins with you? For a man who had walked the earth for over 200 years, a one year anniversary is probably just a drop in the bucket. But to you, it meant the world.
You turned off the water and toweled off. The vibrations of the front door slamming closed shook the walls.
“Hello?” You heard Logan’s voice call out. “Y’home, darlin’?”
You nonchalantly dried your sopping hair a few seconds longer before pulling on your pajamas. You wanted to make him sweat a little. Logan’s footsteps were thudding about the house, looking for you. You waited in the bathroom, arms crossed.
After a few more minutes, a gentle knock sounded against the door.
“You in there?” His voice was soft and tender. It was the voice he used whenever he pleaded cutely for hugs and kisses. Your expression softened out of habit. Not fair.
Your mind brought you back to reality. His manipulative tactic only fueled your anger. You ripped the door open. “Yes, Logan. I-“
Logan’s appearance cut your spiel short. He was filthy. Sloppy mud was splattered from his boots to the chest of his t-shirt, his jacket was soaked through, and his face was covered in dark grease— a giant, walking contrast to your soft, pink appearance. He extended his arm to you, a wilted and nearly bare bouquet of roses in his fist. His forlorn expression reflected the misfortune of his appearance. You almost felt sorry for him.
“Before you say anything,” he rushed out. “I want to tell you that I can’t apologize enough, darlin’. These are f’r you.”
“What the hell happened?” The hot tears threatened to well up again. “You were supposed to be here hours ago,” you said, shakily.
“I know, I know. The goddamn pickup quit on me after work tonight. Nobody in town had the part I needed.” He paused, expecting you to cut in. You kept silent and let him continue his excuse. “I had to walk home in the friggin’ storm.” He raised his arms in exasperation.
It explained why he was late, but not why he was absolutely covered in mud. At most, his boots would have been caked.
You jutted your chin out, gesturing to his mud-covered body. “And that? You’re gonna be late and track mud through my clean house?”
“You’re gonna laugh at me.” He looked down at the floor, avoiding your eyes.
You crossed your arms and set your expression in a slight frown. It was difficult to be intimidating in pink, fuzzy pajamas and slippers, but you did your best anyways. “Try me.”
Logan rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, clearly embarrassed. “I slipped.”
“What do you mean, ‘you slipped’?”
“On the walk home. Tripped on a tree root and fell face first. I tried savin’ the flowers but…” He let the twiggy bouquet speak for itself.
You thought for a moment. It was difficult to imagine your stoic Logan tripping on anything, much less falling into mud and trying to save delicate roses in the process. A tiny smile crept onto your lips. You took the few flowers that were left out of his hands and took a whiff. Logan visibly relaxed his shoulders as you accepted his gift.
“I figured once my truck is up’n’runnin’, we could go out to celebrate instead.”
You lit up, eyes jumping from the roses to meet his gaze. “Oh, Logan! You mean it?”
“‘Course, darlin’. How else ‘m I supposed to make it up to my favorite girl?”
How were you supposed to stay mad at him when he looked at you like that? His deep hazel eyes contained nothing but devotion for you with a smile sweet as honey.
“I guess I’ll make an exception— just this once,” You gave in to his appeal.
He made a move to envelop you in a hug, but he was met with your index finger pressed to his chest before he could wrap his dripping, disgusting arms around you.
“Nuh-uh. I don’t think so, bub. You gotta get cleaned up before you come any closer.”
He looked down at the clothes sticking to his body. “Oh— right.”
You sidestepped around him, giving him a wide berth trying to avoid touching the mess of a man. He left the door open as he peeled the clothes from his body. He had no shame about his body and you didn’t mind one bit. Making your way to the kitchen, you found a delicate glass vase under the sink. It fit the handful of roses nicely. Despite the rough journey, the roses that did make it out were somehow still perfectly picturesque.
The roses reminded you of your relationship with Logan. It’s not exactly like he was the easiest person to live with. In fact, you had bought more sheets in the past year than you ever had in your entire life. His nightmares could get awfully terrible. You would hop out of bed and run to the other side of the room— not because you were scared of him. But because you knew he would never forgive himself if he hurt you, even unconsciously. It was one of the little ways you were able to try and protect him— by protecting yourself.
But when you were with him, it was hard to imagine being anywhere else. Logan adored you. Every fiber in his being did everything it possibly could to please you. You knew he would always love you.
The shower shut off, hazy steam rolling from the bathroom into the hall. You pulled out a bag of popcorn to make while Logan got dressed. As the kernels began to pop, you heard his heavy footsteps carry him to the bedroom. The opening and shutting of drawers told you he was about finished up.
You were monitoring the popcorn when now-clean Logan wrapped his arms around you from behind.
“Hiya, darlin’.” His voice was low and relaxed. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and nuzzled into your neck. His soapy scent somehow made him more attractive.
“Hi baby,” you said, bringing your hand up to caress the side of his head. His hair was still damp, but you didn’t mind. “I’m glad you’re home. I missed you today.”
“I miss you every day,” he said into the crook, his warm breath brushing against your skin. He lifted his face to meet your gaze.
You tilted your head to give him a gentle kiss, lips tenderly pressing together. His scratchy facial hair grazed your face. The sensation kept you grounded— reminded you that he was real and he loved you.
He cupped your face, turning you toward him slightly. He searched your eyes and found only love in them.
“Happy anniversary, sweetheart.” He pulled you tight against his chest, letting his strong arms swathe you in his adoration. “I love you.”
You melted into him. What would you ever do without your Logan?
“I love you too, Logan.”
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Taglist: @arthurcerverogf @gdsvhtwa vwa @rosiahills22 @lonewolflupe
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pretzel-box · 2 days
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tags: I don't know how to tag this? Painter exposes Allison?
words: 4k
authors note: I am not happy with how I wrote it, I blame the lack of a laptop.
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In the span of three weeks, moved five individual people in five individual places.
Sebastian was the first,
After Allison had exposed his roommate a week ago, he was confused, angry and somewhat surprised. The man found himself glancing at everything that was connected to you, the bedroom door, the empty work desk, the chinese takeout shop and most importantly the second helmet for his bike.
This particular helmet wasn't really yours but you wore it so much in the past that it was basically owned by you.
Those little things conflicted him dearly, since he was sure, even with your weird love-hate friendship, did you both co-existed pretty well.
Yet, even as those small reminders tugged at him, Allison's words kept looping in his mind.
They set you up, you know that, right? she had said, her voice laced with feigned concern. All this time, they’ve been playing you—just so they could stay close to Solace. You're just a pawn.
Sebastian couldn't shake it off. The idea that you, the person who had shared his space and a fragile, weird friendship with him, might have been using him gnawed at him. He hated how much it made sense. Allison had laid it out perfectly—too perfectly, in hindsight—but in the chaos of everything, it sounded believable.
The constant replay of that accusation left him uneasy, and now every memory was tainted with doubt. The late-night laughs, the casual banter, even the tension that always bubbled beneath the surface. Was all of that staged? Was your connection to him just a ploy? He didn’t want to believe it, but Allison’s words had already planted the seed.
And then there was the part that unsettled him the most.
According to Allison, you loved him, in a way that bordered on obsession. She had claimed that every time you looked at him, it was with a deeper attachment than he’d realized—something beyond friendship, beyond even the regular crush. It was an unhealthy fixation. He was the center of your world, and it had all been hidden behind the mask of your chaotic yet comfortable interactions.
Sebastian felt conflicted. He hadn't noticed anything like that before. Sure, you had your quirks, but it never crossed his mind that it went that deep. Maybe he missed it because he'd never seen you in that light.
But that’s where the real problem lay—what he didn’t know was that Allison’s words were a lie, carefully crafted to make him doubt everything. You didn’t love him in that unhealthy way, and you’d never set him up. But the damage was done. The seed of doubt had been planted, and Sebastian was starting to wonder if everything between you had been a game all along.
Sebastian only found comfort in a single person right now, his best friend.
He swung his leg over his bike, secured his helmet, and drove off to visit his friend once more.
The second was Mama Solace.
Sebastian’s mother had finally found the time and money for a much-needed vacation, and it just so happened to be close to her son. A coincidence? Perhaps not. She loved Sebastian fiercely, more than life itself, and it was time once again to remind him of that with one of her unexpected, affectionate visits.
The last time she had dropped by was when you first moved in, becoming Sebastian’s roommate.
Oh, how she adored you from the moment she laid eyes on you. You had all the qualities she dreamed of in a partner for her son—sweet, caring, and just the right amount of fierce. She saw the connection between you two right away, even if Sebastian refused to acknowledge it. In her mind, you were already the perfect match for her precious boy. You had no idea just how often she'd drop hints, trying to nudge Sebastian toward you, much to his exasperation.
But that was Mama Solace—she loved to meddle in the most loving way possible. This visit would be no different.
She sat in the comfort of the plane, ready to depart from her home country to meet you two again.
The third person was Allison.
She darted around a local clothing store, her father’s credit card clutched in her manicured fingers like it was a divine gift. Her gel nails clicked against the plastic as she browsed the racks, the shopping spree a temporary balm for the simmering rage she felt toward you. Her irritation with you had long passed the point of tolerable, and only the thrill of buying something new could calm her nerves.
How dare you disrupt her carefully laid plans? All you had to do was stay in your lane, accept your role, and everything would have gone smoothly. But no—you had to get in the way, threatening the perfect web of control she thought she had spun. The plan had been flawless, but now, with every step you took, you were messing it all up.
Sebastian, thankfully, was still in the dark about everything. He was too distracted, too wrapped up in his own confusion to see the truth right in front of him. But that was fine with her. Allison believed she held all the cards. She had you, Sebastian, and the whole situation under her control—or so she thought.
She smiled to herself, picking up a striking red dress—perfect for her next date with Sebastian. The fabric would hug her in all the right places, showing off her figure. In her mind, it was only a matter of time before he saw her the way she pretended to see him, and this dress would be another step toward that.
As she stepped up to the cash register, her confidence faltered when the cashier swiped her card and it declined. Her father was still furious with her, apparently. She gritted her teeth in frustration, but quickly smoothed over her expression. She wasn't about to let this minor inconvenience ruin her day.
Without missing a beat, Allison pulled out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen like it was second nature. She knew exactly how to handle this.
"Hey, handsome," she texted, her words dripping with flirtation. "Mind helping your favorite girl out?~"
It was easy—too easy, in fact. She had gotten used to manipulating situations to her advantage, and she was confident Sebastian would give her money. He always did.
Then there was Painter.
While Allison paid with Sebastian’s help and strolled out of the shop, Painter quietly entered his own—at the other end of the city center. Today, the usual sleek black suit made from expensive cotton was left in the closet. Instead, he wore a casual outfit: thrifted brown pants, a simple white shirt, and a green checkered vest that his mother had picked out for him years ago. He never liked it at first, but eventually, he came to admit—green was definitely his color.
Dressed like this, Painter looked like any other trendy, laid-back guy. You'd never guess he was the heir to Urbanshade, one of the most powerful companies around. His father had been grooming him for years to take over, especially after Painter managed to graduate from Yale with top honors. He was the pride of the family—a model Ivy League student, exactly as his parents had always hoped for.
But unlike his friend Sebastian, who lived by his own chaotic set of rules, Painter was always one of those people who excelled in everything, effortlessly. To the outside world, he was the golden child, the genius destined for greatness.
Yet for Painter, it was all a curse. His intelligence, his success—it only weighed him down, shackling him to a future he didn’t want. His heart was never in the world of business, but his family couldn't see that. To them, he was the prodigy who would continue the legacy. To him, it was a prison. The more success he achieved, the more trapped he felt.
It was why he enjoyed days like this—disappearing into the city, blending into the crowd where nobody knew or expected anything from him. Just for a little while, he could pretend to be someone else, a simple tech shop owner that tries to raise his own money to open up a small art studio instead.
While he worked, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the keys of his laptop, his thoughts inevitably drifted to you. He had seen you a few times with Sebastian in the city, always from a distance. Yet, despite never formally meeting you, he knew more about you than you could have imagined. Sebastian had talked about you often, and though Painter stayed in the shadows of your life, observing from afar, something stirred in his chest whenever he thought of you.
It was ironic, really. He was so familiar with the details of your existence, while you didn’t even know he existed. You were unaware of the person quietly watching your story unfold, aching from the sidelines. There was something about you that captivated him—perhaps it was the way you seemed to bring a kind of life to those around you, or maybe it was simply how you existed in Sebastian’s orbit.
But there was one thing that bothered him more than anything: Allison.
It pained him to know how she had manipulated your life, how she had sunk her claws into Sebastian’s world and, by extension, yours. Painter had known for some time what Allison was up to, and unlike Sebastian, he could see right through her facade.
Just like Allison, Painter had developed his own plan.
But his wasn't born out of selfishness or jealousy. It was something else—something more complex. While he hated to admit it, he wanted to find a way to cross paths with you, to help you in a way that would loosen the hold Allison had over you. And maybe, just maybe, he'd get closer to you in the process.
Though Painter’s mind was sharp, his heart was tangled in emotions he didn’t yet fully understand.
The last person who could understand Painter’s feelings was you.
You were navigating the city streets, your hands busily typing on your phone, trying to figure out where exactly you needed to go. With your streaming account temporarily banned, you had decided to get your laptop fixed—the keys were loose, and the screen was slightly cracked. The device had been with you for years, but it was clearly on its last legs. Maybe it was time for a new one, but for now, fixing it seemed like the easier option.
Eventually, you spotted it: a neat little shop with good reviews online. It seemed like the right place, and with a deep breath, you stepped inside.
Immediately, the smell of coffee greeted you. The shop had a warm, comfortable atmosphere, far cozier than you’d expected for a tech repair spot. There were shelves lined with new devices, a small selection of popular games, and a table for waiting customers. Despite the welcoming vibe, the place seemed empty—except for a young man at the counter.
He caught your eye right away, dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit that seemed effortless. His name tag drew your attention next, and you noticed something curious: an elegant name had been crossed out with a dry black marker, replaced with a word scribbled hastily over it—"Painter."
You weren’t sure what to make of him, but something about him seemed different. And without knowing it, the moment you stepped into the shop, you had walked into his world.
"Uhm, hi?" you greeted, your voice breaking the silence.
The young man behind the counter stared at you, caught off guard as if you had walked in at the worst possible moment. His eyes lingered on you for just a second too long, making the situation feel a bit awkward. There was something about the way he looked at you—almost like you had thrown him off balance. The way his gaze fixed on you, wide and a little too intense, made you wonder if you’d interrupted something.
"Oh, h-hello! Welcome, greetings. How can I help you today?" he stammered, clearly flustered. His response was a mix of polite and awkward, as though he hadn’t expected anyone to walk in. Maybe he wasn’t used to customers, or perhaps he was just an intern still getting the hang of things. Either way, he seemed utterly unprepared.
You smiled politely, deciding not to dwell on his awkwardness. "I’m here to get my laptop fixed," you explained, pulling the device from your bag and setting it on the counter. "It's been acting up—some of the keys are loose, and the screen's a bit cracked."
He nodded, though you noticed his hands were a bit shaky as he reached for the laptop. "Right, of course. I’ll take a look."
As he started inspecting the device, you took a moment to glance around the shop again, feeling oddly comfortable despite the rocky start to the conversation. There was something about him, though—his nervous energy, the way he seemed to be trying so hard to maintain a professional front. It was endearing in its own way.
What you didn’t know was that Painter wasn’t usually like this. Normally, he was calm and collected, able to handle even the most difficult situations. But the moment you walked in, something shifted. He had seen you before, from a distance, but never this close, and he wasn’t prepared for the rush of feelings he hadn’t even realized were there.
A small, unspoken crush had quietly crept up on him. He didn’t know why, but there was something about you that drew him in. And now, standing there with your laptop in his hands, he was doing his best to keep it together.
"I can take a look at it later. I’d say you can pick it back up… in like a week?" Painter offered, casting a polite smile your way. His expression was calm and professional, but beneath that exterior, his heart was racing.
You nodded, accepting his answer. After settling some details, you left your beloved laptop in his care, trusting him with the task. It felt strange to part with it, but the shop seemed reliable enough, and Painter—despite his awkwardness—seemed competent.
As you exited the store, you had no idea what you’d just set in motion.
For Painter, this wasn’t just a simple repair job. When you left your laptop with him, you unknowingly handed him exactly what he needed—the tools to execute the plan he’d been carefully crafting. Allison had been manipulating both you and Sebastian for far too long, and now Painter had the opportunity to expose her for what she truly was.
Your laptop would be the key to unraveling her schemes, and he was determined to set everything right, even if it meant crossing a few lines along the way.
Five people had already been moved. Now, it was Painter's turn to move them again, or at least some of them.
He had you exactly where he wanted. You left the shop, your laptop in his possession. That was step one. Now, he had to breach your digital privacy. He’d never done anything like this before, and the thought of doing what Allison had once done left a heavy weight in his gut. Yet, as soon as you left, he got to work. The laptop was old, practically ancient, but logging into your profile was easy—there wasn’t even a password. Your naivety was almost charming.
Everything was there—passwords, emails, data, and every digital memory. It was essentially Jelly’s—no, your—entire identity, captured in one place. He could call Sebastian, expose the laptop, and reveal his nasty girlfriend’s secrets. But no, Painter was above that. He preferred to play god.
His personality was usually against it but he will gladly bend the rules for his best friend…and his own potential crush.
Step two was breaching the streaming website to reclaim your account. A task simple enough for a Yale student with the right tools. Allison thought she'd been 'Jellycatfished,' but now it was Painter in control.
The account was exactly as you and Allison had left it. He couldn’t resist clicking on one of the stream recaps, your voice filling the room through the laptop speakers. There it was—undeniably yours.
He snatched his phone off the counter and dialed a number.
“‘Delia, bring the camera and the good microphone. We’re shooting something at the shop.” Cordelia, another worker in the store and a small-time content streamer, was known for her quirky charm. He knew she was the perfect partner for what he had in mind.
“Painter? For what?” she asked.
“We’re about to make someone a star.”
Cordelia didn’t hesitate. She was on her way, gathering the equipment for a hidden camera setup along with a quality microphone."
Next, it was Painter's turn to text Allison. He still remembered her number from when he’d seen it on Sebastian’s phone. A plan began to form in his mind, one that required precision and just the right touch of manipulation.
'Hey, Allison, right? Sebastian left a gift for you here. Here’s the address.'
He included the shop’s address, carefully typing it out before hitting send. He imagined the moment her phone would buzz, her eyes narrowing at the unexpected message. Would she hesitate, wondering if it was real? Or would her curiosity get the best of her?
Painter smiled to himself. Everything was falling into place. He wasn’t just setting a trap—he was weaving a performance, a story in which Allison would play a crucial role. Now, all he had to do was wait for the show to begin.
It was evening, and the store had long since closed, lights were out, though Painter had left the door unlocked. Everything was meticulously arranged—candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow around the room; a bouquet of red roses sat elegantly on the counter. But the centerpiece was Painter himself, dressed in an expensive, perfectly tailored cotton suit. He had spent hours preparing, adjusting his tie, combing his hair, making sure every detail was flawless. As he caught his reflection in the window, he almost didn’t recognize himself. He had never looked better.
Then, the door creaked open, and Allison stepped in. She wore a tight red dress that clung to her in all the right places, her hair perfectly styled. She carried herself with an air of confidence, as if she expected something grand—but her eyes betrayed her surprise as they scanned the room. The soft candlelight, the roses, and finally, they settled on Painter.
For a moment, there was silence as their gazes met.
"Let me introduce myself," Painter began, his voice calm and formal, though inside, the sweetness of his own tone made him sick. He forced a charming smile, the kind that was too perfect, too practiced. "I’m Painter—it’s a nickname," he added with a soft chuckle, as if trying to break the ice. "And I’m the heir to Urbanshade Corp."
He let the weight of his words linger, watching her reaction. He could see the curiosity in her eyes, the slight confusion.
"You’re probably wondering why you’re here," he continued, his voice smooth and rehearsed, like this was a well-orchestrated play.
This wasn’t just a conversation—it was a performance, and she had walked right into his scene.
"Painter? What’s going on? Where’s Sebastian?" Allison asked, her voice laced with surprise, though Painter could see she was already caught in his web.
"He’s not here. Sorry, I lied," Painter admitted, his tone smooth, but with a playful hint. He took a slow step toward her, his eyes never leaving hers. "Can you really blame me for wanting to be alone with someone so beautiful?"
He took another step, closing the distance between them.
"So... funny."
He was closer now, almost brushing against her.
"And intelligent?" His voice dropped to a whisper as he stood chest to chest with her, his breath warm against her ear.
Allison's eyes flickered with realization. The heir to Urbanshade Corp, standing so close, so eager—was he asking her out? Maybe it wasn’t so crazy to consider. A man of his status, his wealth... she could have a little fun on the side. A side fling wouldn’t hurt, right?
She placed a hand on his chest, feeling the crisp fabric of his suit under her fingers, catching the scent of his expensive aftershave. "You’re quite charming yourself," she said, her voice laced with a fake giggle designed to make men fall at her feet. But Painter played along, his smile widening.
"Oh?" he murmured, his voice dripping with charm. "Maybe you’d like to show me just how much?"
Allison leaned in, rising onto her toes to meet his height, her lips brushing close to his own, not touching yet. The tension between them was thick, charged with unspoken possibilities. For a brief moment, Painter thought he had her, that she was playing into his hands.
But then she stopped.
His lips hovered just shy of her skin as he whispered, "How much... you’re lying."
The playful edge in his tone had vanished, replaced by cold calculation. He would love to slap her, simply for cheating on his best friend. But now was hardly the time, not like this.
“You are not supposed to be his girlfriend. You are not Jelly and you don't deserve him.” His words caught her in surprise before she seemed to laugh.
“What do you know? They stole my identity! Ask Sebastian! I am the victim!” It was a poor try to defend herself.
“A victim? Another brilliant lie, congratulations. You officially make me sick.” The words were enough to set off her rage and she raised a hand to hit him, a hand that he caught in the middle of the action. “Don't you dare.”
Suddenly, the ceiling lights blazed to life, flooding the store in harsh white light. Allison blinked, momentarily blinded, as Cordelia stepped out from behind the shadows, a sly grin on her face.
"And that’s a wrap!" Cordelia announced, her voice dripping with amusement. "Great work, everyone. So authentic, Painter." She shot her boss a playful wink.
Allison’s eyes darted from Cordelia to Painter, confusion overtaking her. A second ago, she had been in control—or so she thought. But now, the anger and seduction drained from her face, replaced by a wide-eyed, flabbergasted look. She felt like a deer caught in headlights, utterly lost.
"You see," Painter began, his voice smooth but laced with triumph, "43 thousand people just witnessed your grand confession. Live and in full HD." He let the weight of his words sink in, a twisted smile forming as he saw the realization dawn in her eyes. "You’re a star now, Allison. Just like you always wanted to be."
Cordelia had filmed it all—the near-cheating, the manipulation, the confession—and streamed it live on Jellycatfished, the very platform that had become Allison’s downfall.
Painter took a step back, admiring his work. His plan had come together beautifully, every detail falling into place like a carefully painted masterpiece. He couldn’t help but applaud himself mentally for the sheer brilliance of it all. Soon enough, the lawsuit would hit Allison—public shame was only the beginning.
Outside the store, Sebastian stood frozen, just out of sight but close enough to hear everything. His phone was clenched tightly in his hand, his knuckles white with the pressure. He had seen the signs but ignored them, convinced he knew the truth. But now, as the reality of what had unfolded hit him, it was clear.
He had been wrong. And he had lost.
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szynkaaa · 2 days
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Zhu Bajie: do you exercise Travel Companion: I like to run away from my problems and feelings
The dialogue is based off a scene from Doctor Who. I don't think that my OC would be going with Zhu Bajie and the Destined One into the rock for the final battle (probably cause she is not able to enter) so she has to sit outside and wait anxiously for them to return.
She is happy to see them return but then also immediately notices how the Destined One's whole demeanour and aura changed. She knew that this point was going to happen where he inherits everything and becomes the new Monkey King, but I also think that she has a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of reincarnation and struggles with accepting it.
So yeah, I imagine the moment after new Sun Wukong comes out of the rock, it's an angsty moment. He just wants to see his best friend and tell her what happened, and now that he is finally "whole" again be able to propely have conversations with her and ask her about all the weird things she says and does, but instead she looks at him like she is very unsure of everything.
Sun Wukong doesn't really have the temper imo or at least here things get a bit heated and he snaps and well, she does what she is best at in situations like this: fucking book it :)))))
Obviously SWK wants to chase after her but Zhu Bajie helds him back and says "ayo kiddo give the lassie some time to process everything, she will come around" he doesn't want to but he knows that is what she needs atm.
Where is Travel Companion hiding meanwhile? In the Zodiac village, the Yin Tiger offered her a spare bedroom, and in exchange she helps around, with the crops, bringing materials back and forth and also has some good times drinking and sharing stories with the villager. Maybe also crying about her woes, and I think that the villager sharing their stories about SWK and explain more about his backstory and stuff helps the her to come around more.
also SWK knows she is there and comes by every day to get his harvest and the free medicing from your local meth dealer Xu Dog. She is hiding in Yin Tiger's lil blacksmith hut everytime he is visiting, but she knows that he knows that she knows that he is there.
And then one day when he is visting Yin Tiger, SWK sighs and goes all "hey bud can you pass this message to Travel Companion," and inserts some very sweet and sappy stuff, knowing that she is there and can hear him. Just as he is about to leave she decides to come out of her hiding spot and go "Hey... let's go talk somewhere more private".
SWK is not showing any emotions but you can tell by the flicker of his tail that he is relieved to see her. Bit worried about the dark eye circle and how not well-rested she looks like, but he will make sure to fix that soon.
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itneverendshere · 3 days
omg omg i’m completely inlove with bartender reader and rafe!! what if the reader saves up her money to get rafe something special as a just because gift, something to show that shes grateful for him or maybe handmade some gift for him
it hits different 'cause it's you - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe) word count: 2.5k
thank you so much for loving them and for you request 🫂
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Between the country club, side gigs, and saving every extra penny, you’d finally done it. You had something for Rafe.
You turned the little bracelet over in your hands, the silver chain glinting in the dim light of your bedroom. It felt kind of ridiculous at first—getting him a gift. Rafe could buy whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. But that wasn’t the point. This was your first birthday together, and you wanted to give him something that came from you.
Something that showed him you were grateful for everything he’d done. Because even though you’d heard all the stories about how terrible he could be—and you’d seen flashes of it sometimes—he’d always been different with you. Softer, quieter, like everything around him softened when it was just the two of you. You didn’t need the flashy gifts or the five-star dinners, though he insisted on both.
You needed him. The Rafe you knew when it was just the two of you sitting in his truck by the beach, laughing over nothing.
A handmade bracelet, not flashy but personal. You’d saved up for the silver chain, a simple one but still nice. But the charms? Those were the important part. Tiny reminders of things you’d shared: a little compass for those late-night drives home where you’d just get lost on purpose, a wave for the time he dragged you out surfing (even though you had no idea what you were doing), and a tiny heart because, well, obvious reasons. 
You didn’t care if he thought it was dumb.
You’d spent weeks working on it between shifts, sneaking away to the little craft store on the mainland to find the perfect pieces. It wasn’t expensive, but it had you in it—your time, your memories, your effort. And you hoped that was enough.
You’d been nervous all day, counting down the minutes until you could finally give it to him. Rafe had picked you up after work, his grin lighting up the parking lot, and now the two of you were sitting on the hood of his truck, the ocean breeze cool against your skin. His birthday dinner had been perfect, of course—he'd made sure of that.
He’d insisted on this little restaurant by the beach, his favorite, and the sunset view had been unreal, like something out of a movie. But you’d been quiet.
He nudged you with his shoulder. “What’s up? You’ve been acting weird all night.”
You fumbled with the zipper of your purse, pulling out the small, wrapped box. “I… I got you something.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up. “For me?”
“No, for the other guy I’m sitting on a truck with,” you teased, nerves bubbling up. “Yeah, for you.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
Rafe carefully unwrapped the box, pulling out the bracelet. He held it up, the charms catching the light. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and your heart sank, wondering if he thought it was cheap or lame compared to everything he was used to.
But then he looked at you, his blue eyes soft and serious in a way that made your chest tighten. “You made this?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, twisting your hands in your lap. “It’s nothing crazy. Just, uh, little things that remind me of us.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, just turned the bracelet over in his fingers, tracing the charms. Then, without a word, he slipped it onto his wrist, the silver chain looking a little out of place next to his expensive watch. 
“You can wear as a keychain if you want— or, I dunno, maybe keep it somewhere. You don’t have to wear it,” you added quickly, the words tumbling out in a rush before you could stop them.
You felt stupid. Of course he wasn’t going to wear it, not with all his designer clothes and luxury watches.
But Rafe didn’t even flinch. He glanced down at his wrist, then back at you, “I want to wear it.”
You blinked. “You don’t have to just because I gave it to you.”
“Course I do.”
Your cheeks felt warm, and you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, not sure what to say next.
Rafe just grinned, like he could read your mind or something.
“What?” he asked, nudging you again with his shoulder. “You think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I mean…You wear designer everything. This is… it’s kinda cheap compared to that.”
He gave a small laugh, shaking his head. “Cheap doesn’t mean it’s not special. You made it, and that’s what I care about.” He paused, then added softly, “It’s from you. That’s what matters.”
Your heart did this little flip in your chest, and you had to bite back the stupid smile spreading across your face. “You’re serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. This is us.” He held up his wrist, the bracelet catching the fading light from the sunset. “Every charm means something, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, suddenly feeling shy. “I just… I didn’t want you to feel like I couldn’t give you something better.”
He turned fully toward you, his hands gently cupping your face.
“Better? Baby, no. This is perfect. No one’s ever given me something like this before.” He kissed your forehead, and you felt yourself melt a little bit. “I don’t need ‘better’ or more expensive shit. I’ve got enough of that. I need this.”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body, the steady rise and fall of his chest under your cheek. It was hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone like Rafe—who could literally have anything—wanted something as simple as a handmade bracelet. But he did. And it made your heart ache in the best way.
“I’m glad you like it,” you whispered, resting your hand on his chest.
“I don’t just like it. I love it,” he said, his voice soft. Then, as if he could feel how much this moment meant to you, he added, “And I love you.”
That did it. 
Your stomach fluttered, and you couldn’t help but smile, that big, stupid, giddy smile you only got when you were with him. “I love you too,” you whispered, like you were saying it for the first time all over again.
Rafe kissed you, slow and sweet, and it felt like time had stopped for a moment—just you, him, and the sound of the ocean in the background.
When he pulled back, he glanced down at the bracelet on his wrist again and smiled. “I’m never takin’ this off, you know.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Okay, let’s not get crazy.”
But he just smirked and kissed the top of your head. “No, I mean it. This? It’s a part of us now.”
“Not even when you shower?”
You could feel his shit-eating grin against your temple, “You thinkin’ about me showering?”
You rolled your eyes, but your cheeks burned as you tried to keep a straight face. "Shut up," you muttered.
“That’s not what you were sayin’—”
“Okayyyy,” You interrupted pushing his chest away, “We get it.”
You turned your face away, hiding your grin as he laughed, that deep, rumbling sound that always made your heart skip a beat. Being with Rafe was like that—playful and intense all at once, always keeping you on your toes but making you feel safe in a way you hadn’t expected.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to sound exasperated, though the smile on your face gave you away.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you tighter. For a moment, the two of you just sat there in comfortable silence, the waves crashing softly in the background, the air cool but not cold. Everything felt easy in moments like this. Just you and him.
“I’m serious though,” Rafe said, his voice quieter now, more thoughtful. “No one’s ever done anythin’ like this for me before. You don’t even know how much it means.”
His fingers absentmindedly traced the bracelet again, like he still couldn’t believe it was his.
Your heart swelled a little, knowing that something as simple as a handmade gift could mean so much to someone like him. Rafe had everything—money, cars, houses. But maybe, in some weird way, he needed something that couldn’t be bought. Something that came from you.
“I’m glad,” you whispered, feeling your throat tighten with emotion. “I just… I wanted you to know that I see you, you know? Not just all the surface stuff.”
Rafe was quiet for a moment, his hand finding yours and giving it a squeeze. “You do. You really do.”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his in the dim light. And in that moment, it hit you how much he’d become a part of your life, how much he’d broken down those walls you didn’t even know you’d put up.
“I’m not taking it off,” he repeated, more serious this time, like he needed you to believe it.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Okay, Rafe. Whatever you say.”
The bracelet, the moment, this night—it was more than just a gift.
“You’re still givin’ me birthday sex, right?”
You groaned, but you couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out, “Seriously? I pour my heart out, and this is where you go?”
He grinned that mischievous, cocky grin of his—the one that made your stomach flip even when you pretended to be annoyed.
“What? I’m just saying, it is my birthday, after all.” His voice dropped, teasing, playful, the way it always got when he was trying to push your buttons.
You shoved his shoulder, pretending to be all serious, but he just caught your wrist, pulling you closer until your forehead rested against his.
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, his lips brushing yours, “But you love me anyway.”
You smiled, your heart doing that stupid flutter thing again. “Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?” he raised an eyebrow, looking all mock offended, but there was that softness in his eyes again—the one he only ever let you see.
You kissed him before he could say anything else, slow and sweet, letting the teasing fall away for just a second.
And when you pulled back, you whispered, “Of course I love you. Birthday sex or not.”
Rafe chuckled, his hands slipping down to your ass, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You tried to glare, but the way his thumb was tracing circles on your lower back made it hard to keep up the act. “I don’t have to admit anything.” You leaned in close, your lips brushing his ear. “But maybe... if you’re lucky..”
Rafe’s breath hitched just a little, and it sent a thrill down your spine. You loved this—having him wrapped around your finger. He always lost it when you played the game right back.
"Now who's teasing’?" he murmured, his lips grazing your neck, leaving little kisses that made it hard to keep your thoughts straight.
"You started it," you whispered back, your fingers finding the edge of his collar, tugging him closer until there was barely any space left between you.
Your legs ended up draped over his, and you could feel his hands on your thighs, warm and familiar, as you settled deeper into his lap. His lips traced your jaw, slow and deliberate, like he was savoring every second of this, and your head tilted back instinctively, giving him more room.
God, he knew exactly how to make you melt without even trying.
Rafe’s hands slid down to your hips, his fingers digging into your skin. He always knew how to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered. “You’re gonna drive me insane,” he muttered, his lips brushing yours but not quite kissing you yet. 
You leaned into him, your hands sliding up to rest on his chest as he finally kissed you. His hand came up to hold the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek in that gentle way that made you flutter. He tilted his head slightly, angling the kiss, like he was savoring every second he had you this close. You kissed him back just as slowly, letting yourself get lost in it. 
The kiss was deliberate, slow, like he wanted to memorize the way your lips moved against his, the taste of you, the quiet sighs you couldn’t hold back. His hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you just a little closer, deepening the kiss as his other hand traced gentle circles along your thigh.
“Y’know I’m crazy about you, right?” he murmured against your lips.
You nodded, your heart doing that annoying thing again. “Yeah. Happy birthday, baby.”
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours, his fingers still tracing lazy circles on your leg.
Then, in the same casual tone he used when asking about what to eat for dinner, he said, “You know, you should make the same bracelets for our kids when we have them.”
Your brain screeched to a stop.
Wait, what?
You blinked up at him, your heart skipping a beat for a completely different reason now. “I’m sorry, what?”
He grinned like he didn’t just casually drop the most insane statement ever. “I’m serious. Like, one day when we have kids—you should make them little bracelets like this. It'll be a thing.”
You stared at him, trying to wrap your head around what he just said. “Rafe, we’ve been together, what… less than a year? And you’re already talking about kids?”
He shrugged, completely unfazed by the shock on your face. “Yeah, why not? I can see it, y’know? You, me, little mini-us running around—driving us crazy. It’d be fun.”
You blinked again, your mind still catching up.
Kids? Your kids? Together? You tried to picture it for a second—little versions of Rafe, with his mischievous ways and messy hair, running around. 
“Wait, hold up—you want kids with me?”
He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Yeah. A few. Maybe more.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “A few? Oh my God, you’re insane.”
He smirked, looking way too pleased with himself.
“What, you can’t picture it? I bet they’d have your eyes. Or my attitude. Definitely my attitude.”
“Great, that’s exactly what the world needs.”
He chuckled, pulling you closer, “Not, like, tomorrow. But one day. You’d be a great mom, don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Okay, maybe once. Can we just get through your birthday first?”
“Fine, fine. But just so you know, when the time comes, you’re making all of them little bracelets.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I’ll consider it... if they don’t take after you too much.”
“Oh, they will. And you’re gonna love every second of it.”
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jflemingology · 2 days
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Breaking Point | Jessie Fleming x reader
In which: the stress concerning everything going on with the national team causes Jessie to lash out at you
Warnings: little bit of angst, if you can even call it that? Argument but they make up, fluff at the end :)
WC: 5.3K
A/N: Based on these two requests! Thought they were similar enough to be grouped together. Really enjoyed writing this, it's quite a long one too. Hope you enjoy! <3
Divider: @cafekitsune
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You were just downing the rest of your morning coffee when you heard a notification come through on your phone. The clock read 8am, which meant it was 5pm in France. If you remembered correctly, Jessie had a tactical meeting from 4:30 to 5:30 so it couldn't be her. You made your way over to the couch where you left the device earlier. Your eyes widened upon seeing the headline from CBC News.
"BREAKING: Canada Women's National Team Coach Dismissed From Olympics Amid Drone Scandal"
Your jaw fell slack. You had heard a little something here and there from the spying case, but you didn't know it had gone this far. Jessie hadn't told you much about it either. Despite being in the leadership group now she tried as much as possible to put it next to her – focusing on the controlables; her football.
Being away from Jessie was hard. Your schedules clashed quite frequently; her being away for games or for camps, you being away for business trips with your company. You knew what the downsides were going to be about dating your Canadian, but you wouldn't change it for the world. On moments like this, though, when you knew Jessie was going to be put under enormous loads of stress, you'd much rather be by her side in France than on the other side of the world in Portland.
Jessie was adamant you stayed home. Going with her to France would've meant you giving up on one of your projects you'd worked on the last couple of months, and as much as Jessie would've loved to have you by her side throughout the tournament, she knew that this was important to you.
So here you were, back in your shared apartment in Portland, sat on the couch not knowing what to do. You went over the options in your mind. You could call her, but you didn't know if she was free right now. Texting her seemed a safer option, but maybe she would want to come to you with the news instead of you coming to her about it. So that's what you did, you spent your morning dancing between trying to get some chores done and checking back with your phone if you hadn't magically missed a notification in the last 30 seconds.
After what felt like ages, just as you were about to take a shower – you'd contemplated it for a good 20 minutes, because what if she called while you were in there –, your phone rang. You sprung up from the side of the bathtub and knocked your elbow against the wall in the process, silently cursing while crossing your bathroom in quick strides.
You grabbed your phone and headed back into your bedroom, accepting the call once you made sure it was your girlfriend who was calling. "Hi," you breathed out as you sat down on the edge of your bed. "Hey baby."
Jessie sounded tired, and you noticed how her voice wavered – despite the effort to conceal it. A silence fell over your conversation, neither of you knowing what to say nor how to tackle the subject at hand. "How are you feeling?"
You tried your luck with an easy question. As far as she knew, you could be talking about how she was feeling after Canada's game against New Zealand yesterday – which they won 2-1. You had stayed up to watch her game, the bags beneath your eyes more than worth it seen as your girlfriend helped Canada win their game with an assist and a great performance.
If she remained silent any longer, you would've thought she had hung up on you, but right on cue Jessie spoke up. "Okay. Could be better. It's been a rocky afternoon," you hummed, acknowledging what she said.
"Is there anything I can do for you?", you knew she would probably say no, but that was Jessie's way of coping. She toughened up, built her walls a little higher than they already were. You had worked really hard over the past three years of your relationship to meticulously tear them down – and most of the time she kept them down around you –, but not everyone was that lucky. Especially in moments like these, stressful situations, you expected her to bring them back up.
"I'm fine," she quipped back. It came out quite harsh, and it left you a little taken aback. You bit back a disappointing sigh. "I know you are, Jess. You're strong and I know you can handle these situations. But that doesn't mean that you can't talk about it," you knew you were starting to push her, but you also knew that if you didn't, she'd never talk about it and bottle it up until one time it'd explode. You'd been the dupe of that a handful of times, and you knew that you were better off pushing her to say something than letting it get to that stage.
"Babe, I said I'm fine," she paused but you felt like she had more to say, so you didn't counter her. Jessie took a deep breath before she continued. "I'm fine." You felt like she was leaving many things unspoken. Even though you didn't feel confident in what she said, you decided to leave it for now and enquire her about the rest of her day.
You sensed an end was coming to your conversation. A glance at the clock taught you that Jessie would probably have to hang up soon, because she told you earlier that she had a couple media appointments to attend to that evening. She hadn't told you what for, but it was more than clear what the reason was. Still, after 20 minutes of conversation, the subject hadn't been mentioned directly. As much as you felt like Jessie needed this break away from the whirlwind that it had been this afternoon, you felt like she was excluding you and it wasn't a nice feeling.
Just as you were going to say your goodbyes to each other, you interrupted her. "Jessie, wait. I know you'd rather not talk about it but I just want to reassure you that if you're ready, I'm here for you, okay?", there was no malice intent to what you said. As you told her, it was just about making sure your girlfriend knew you were there for her if she wanted to talk to you. And maybe, just maybe, you were hoping you could pull something out of her – but you'd never expected the response you got in return.
"Please, for the love of God, I'm fine!", you could sense the irritability in her voice and went quiet. Jessie rarely ever raised her voice at you, so her tone took you by surprise. "I've told you I'm fine plenty of times, what don't you understand? I don't want to talk about it and especially not with you. I called you to get it all off my mind and not talk about the bullshit that I've had to deal with here but clearly you can't even catch a hint. Honestly I don't even know why I bother with calling you anymore, if you can't even give me a break from my football."
Before you could muster up a response, you heard the sound of the call ending. You slowly retracted your phone from your ear, remaining seated on the edge of your bed for a little while before you came back to your senses. You had nothing but good intentions with the way you handled the situation, although you could acknowledge that maybe you pushed her a bit too far. That aside though, you didn't feel like you deserved her lashing out to you like that. You fought back the tears that were threatening to spill when you thought back about the way she snapped at you, so out of character and something she'd never done before. Sure, you two argued from time to time but it never ended up like this. You sighed deeply before pushing the call and what your girlfriend said to the back of your mind, finally hopping in the shower and hoping she would come back to you sooner rather than later.
Jessie let her body fall against her mattress after she ended the call. Deep down she knew you were full of good intentions but it hadn't done her any good that you pushed, and she snapped. She'd never snapped at you before, not in the way she did now. She'd raised her voice, not often, but that was something that occurred from time to time. But it was different now. Especially the way the call ended, it wasn't just something that would pass overnight.
She rubbed her hands over her face and stared up at the ceiling as she fought back tears. Out of frustration or sadness – she didn't know. What she did know, is that an argument with her girlfriend was the last thing she needed to be added to the pile of growing worries.
Jessie's watch read 6:03pm now, which meant that she had to go down for dinner soon. She grabbed her keycard and left her hotel room, taking the elevator down to the dining hall. She rehashed the conversation you were having merely 5 minutes ago in her head while the elevator took her downstairs, thinking about where it went wrong and why she snapped at her. Jessie's frustration settled rather quickly after the call and insecurity settled in, the realization hitting her that she probably overreacted.
The bell of the elevator pulled her out of her thoughts. She dragged herself towards the noise, mentally preparing herself to plaster a smile on her face for the next couple hours.
As much as she did her best to conceal how she was feeling inside, her inactivity and lack of participation in conversations around the table had grabbed some people's attention. Janine, especially, could tell that Jessie was acting off. She knew Jessie liked to take a walk after dinner, so when she set off, Janine followed suit a couple moments later.
She jogged up to her Canadian teammate who was trudging along the hotel perimeter. "Jess!", Jessie's head turned to the side upon hearing her name, offering Janine a tight-lipped smile when she joined her. "You okay, bud?", she threw an arm around Jessie who shrugged and looked down at her feet.
"My girlfriend and I had an argument earlier," Janine hummed, allowing Jessie the space to explain herself further. "And I think I'm the one that caused it.", Janine sucked in a breath through her teeth and squeezed Jessie's shoulder. "Dog house?"
She shrugged again, seemingly the only appropriate response she could come up with as she didn't speak further. "Wanna tell me what happened?", Janine tried. Jessie took a deep breath before she recited the whole story of what happened when you two were on the phone earlier, while taking a detour of the path she'd normally walk – allowing Janine and herself a bit more time to talk about what was going on.
"So yeah, that's where we are at right now. I sent her a quick message to check in after dinner but she's giving me the cold shoulder – I got left on read. And I don't know how to go about things now."
Before she replied anything, Janine couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped her lips. Jessie frowned and looked at her friend, confused as to what she found funny. "You're one of a kind, Jeff. Honestly. You've got a caring girlfriend that's on the other side of the world right now, and all she wants is to check in. She can't physically be with you so the only thing you can do right now is be emotionally available.", Janine grabbed Jessie's shoulders and halted them both, turning their bodies towards each other. "I know you don't like speaking about your feelings, but this is a serious matter, Jessie. This is not a silly subject, it's about your job. Our job. It's okay to be insecure, to be in your head, to be annoyed at the situation and to not know how the future is going to ensue. And it's more than okay to voice those feelings to someone – especially your partner. You've gotta let her in sometimes, okay? I know you're reserved but if anyone deserves to be opened up to, it's her."
Jessie closed her eyes and sighed, and Janine physically felt tension escape her shoulders as she still had her hands on them. "How about you fly her out here? Things like that are better talked about in person. If I remember correctly, the project she stayed home for was presented two days ago. Is her schedule free for the rest of the week?"
Jessie quickly checked your shared calendar on her phone and saw your free – granted nothing had been planned that you didn't put in the calendar yet. "Yeah, she should be. There's nothing in the calendar that she can't miss."
When she looked up her eyes found Janine's, who were full of concern. "Make it up to her, okay? Fly her out, talk to her about it. Maybe it'll give you a boost on the pitch too. We're all tackling this issue together, but it won't work if you get yourself into precarious situations like these. I know you love her, then show her too."
Jessie nodded, Janine's words convincing the Canadian midfielder to make things right with you.
From: Jess 🤍 "Hi baby, I checked the calendar and as far as I can tell you don't have any obligations at work anymore. I remember them telling you if you wanted to come to the Olympics for a couple days you could, so here's a plane ticket. It's for tomorrow and you would arrive in time for our game against France. I'd love for you to be there and have you with me again, and for us to have a chance to talk about things. Please?"
You had just woken up from a nap to Jessie's message. It was quite late in the evening in France now, way past Jessie's usual bedtime which confused you. She wasn't one to miss her 9 hours of sleep, especially not during tournaments.
You had ignored her previous message when she checking in with you a couple hours ago. You knew you were probably being unreasonable, but you wanted to let her know in one way or another that you weren't pleased with the way she handled the situation – didn't matter if she was under a big stress load or not.
You typed out a couple responses, none of them which seemed suitable to you. In the end, you settled on something relatively simple, yet would probably settle her worries around you a little.
From: You Thank you, I'll be there. Kick ass. ❤️
You finished up packing the next day around 10am and set off, your flight departing at 2pm which left you enough time to grab an Uber to the airport and be comfortably on time.
You arrived 2 and a half hours early, giving you enough time to check in and go through bag checks, making sure your gate exists before settling down on one of the free seats. You tried to kill some time by replying to some emails before you officially made an "Out of office"-announcement for a couple days.
The flight went reasonably smooth. Jessie got you a business class ticket – you always assured her there was no need –, because she 'only wanted the best for you'. You slept through most of the itinerary and when you woke up you let Jessie know you were almost there. The jet lag was something you'd have to deal with later, but all in all you were very excited to see your girlfriend. Argument aside, you'd not seen her for 4 weeks now and it was weighing down on you anyway – missing her embrace, her touch, her smell, her kisses.
You had booked a night at a hotel not far from where Canada would play France tomorrow, but far enough from Jessie's hotel to not be tempted to go over. The team didn't allow any visitors on the day before a match, and you knew Jessie wouldn't appreciate that either right now. Considering the energy between the two of you was still tense, meeting you now wouldn't be a joyful conversation for her, it would only add more stress to the load that was already on her shoulders and you wanted nothing less than to be an extra burden.
You spent your afternoon exploring the streets of Saint-Etienne, an adorable city where Jessie and her teammates would face France in Stade Geoffroy Guichard tomorrow. Soon enough the evening came and you ordered takeaway in your room, not feeling comfortable enough to go to a restaurant by yourself in an unknown country. You spent your evening scrolling through the French channels on tv, quickly realizing that the little French you taught yourself was way less useful than you thought it was. You fell asleep quite quickly after a long day of traveling.
Jessie woke up the next day feeling much better than before she went to bed, a whole lot of pressure off her shoulders ever since she knew you got to Saint-Etienne safe and well, and especially since she knew she was finally going to see you again tonight.
The usual matchday routine started for Jessie and her teammates, trying to dance around the ongoing scandal allegations and trying to manage the team without Bev in place. They prepared themselves as best as possible for the game and tried to put everything towards the back of their minds and focussed on the task at hand; trying to beat France in their second group match. The points may have been deducted, but that didn't mean they wouldn't go full on and leave it all out on the pitch. There was little chance, but it wasn't lost yet. And as long as there was opportunity, Jessie and her teammates would rise to the occasion.
Breakfast, mobility sessions, pre-match walk, it all went smoothly. Jessie had to refrain from texting you and asking what you were up to, but she knew that was a place she wouldn't come back from. She had always taken it upon her not to text you on matchdays, she liked her own bubble and as much as she wanted to break it for you on this occasion, she had something more important at hand tonight.
It was only on the short bus journey from the hotel where the Canadian team stayed at to the stadium when Jessie started to get nervous. She'd done incredibly well to keep all the nervosity at bay throughout the day, but reality came crashing down on her on the bus and she couldn't help but get a little anxious. It was the first time the Canadians would step onto the pitch since the scandal escalated. What would the reaction of the fans be? How will it be received? How will it feel to play against the home crowd? Jessie tried to ground herself by playing her pre-match playlist through her headphones instead of listening to the songs that were being played on the bus speaker.
Arriving at the stadium, it was easy for Jessie and the team to just go through the motions. Entering the changing room, getting changed into the warm-up gear, getting massaged or strapped by the physios, having an energy gel or drink – it was a routine that was engraved into their minds, no one in that room had to think twice about anything they were about to do. Some things came easy in football, and this was one of them. It's things like this that ground the team; the routines, things they could hold onto.
When coach called it was time for the team to go out for warm-ups, Jessie called the girls into a huddle in the changing room.
"Let's do this, yeah? We're up against the home team and their crowd today, it won't be easy. We might also be up against a whole lot more people seen what happened the past couple days. But that's not our focus right now. Let's go out there and show that we're pretty damn good footballers, yeah? I believe in us. In every single one of you. If you believe in yourself, we have one hell of a shot at turning this situation around. Canada on three. One, two, three..."
"... CANADA!", you only caught the back end of what the stadium speaker said, but you didn't care. Jessie had just scored the equalizer for her team in the 58th minute of the game, bringing the score back level and giving Canada a second chance of grabbing something from this game.
Jessie's mum engulfed you in a tight hug in means of celebrating her daughter's goal together. You high-fived her dad and her siblings, who were also in the family box watching the game.
You'd made it to the game just in time, Saint-Etienne traffic taking you by surprise as a quick Uber to the stadium turned into a 30-minute start and stop journey. You'd rushed to the family box, greeting Jessie's family before your eyes scanned the pitch looking for your freckled Canadian. Warm-ups were long done and the players were just about walking on the pitch, getting ready for the anthems. You noticed Jessie singing along, eyes closed while she took everything in. Your eyes stayed locked on her figure, waiting until she opened hers again. When the anthem finished, Jessie looked up to her family box and you couldn't miss the little grin that formed on her face when she saw you. You gave her a small wave which she reciprocated eagerly, then quickly falling back into captain's duties and getting ready for the game.
So now you were here. You were sure you didn't have any nails left, your leg bouncing up and down as the clock slowly but surely ticked further leaving the Canadians with little time to score a potential winner. The fourth official held up the board that said there would be thirteen minutes of extra time, a wave of excitement being heard from the stands from both sets of fans who believed their team could score a second goal.
Then, everything seemed to happen so quickly. Janine made a wonderful defensive move before passing a through ball to Adriana. She laid the ball of to Jordyn whose shot got saved, but the keeper had nothing against Vanessa's rebound. It felt like ages between the ball leaving her foot and the net rippling, but they had done it. They had scored in the 103rd minute and they successfully saved their Olympic group stage, giving them a chance at qualifying for the knock-out stages of the tournament.
You jumped up and down, no longer trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill across your cheeks. You found yourself once again engulfed in a hug, a big family hug this time. "They did it!", you screamed to Elysse. You could tell she was having a hard time to keep it dry too, endlessly proud of her sister and teammates.
Not long after, the whistle blew and the game was officially over. The Canadians made their way around the pitch making sure to thank as many fans as possible for having made the long trip from Canada to France. They took pictures, signed jerseys, gave away boots, until they found themselves in front of the family boxes.
They all started climbing up and over the barriers and made their way to their friends and families, as you took a step back from the group to allow Jessie to talk to her parents and siblings first. She got engulfed in many hugs, accepting the congratulations from many other people around her. As captain, she had led this team to a historic win and you couldn't be more proud of her. When conversation died down with her family she slowly retreated from that group and tentatively made her way over to you, a slight smile creeping on her face once you noticed her coming up to you. She stopped right in front of you, locking her eyes with yours.
"Is it okay if we talk about everything later, please? I missed you and I really, really want to kiss you right now."
You hummed in agreement and couldn't stop the bright smile from spreading across your face when Jessie closed the final couple steps of distance between the both of you and wrapped you in a tight embrace, digging her face into the crook of your neck. "I missed you so much," you could just about make out the words she mumbled against your skin and you pulled her impossibly tighter against you. "I missed you too, Jess. I'm so proud of you," she retreated her head from your neck and you cupped her cheeks, looking her in the eyes. "You've done incredibly well. What you did tonight is amazing. I couldn't be more proud."
You leaned in closer to her and waited for Jessie to cross the final bits of space before you finally pressed your lips against hers. You couldn't hold back the soft moan that escaped your throat upon the feeling, Jessie chuckling and digging her fingers into your waist. In this moment it felt like you'd never ever been apart, her lips slotting perfectly against yours and bodies moulding together. Jessie deepened the kiss as you started playing with the baby hairs at the back of her neck, a shiver going through her body when she felt the soft touch of your fingertips on the sensitive skin. Before you could get carried away, you broke the kiss with a teasing bite on her bottom lip, smiling ear to ear as you locked eyes again.
"Go get a shower, you must be cold. I'll wait for you up here," Jessie nodded and pressed another chaste kiss against your lips, savoring the feeling of being together again and having you at arm's length, rather than on the other side of the world with a 9 hour time difference.
Jessie emerged from the changing rooms about an hour later, caught up in conversation with some of her teammates when she entered the family box. Her parents and siblings had already left, their journey to their hotel quite a bit longer than yours. You were waiting for your girlfriend while sipping on a drink you'd ordered, when she dropped her washbag next to you and put her hands on your shoulders, towering over you as you were sat down.
"You wanna get going? We're allowed to have a visitor to stay the night the evening after matchday. I've not been able to make use of that yet, so I'd like to do so now," you grinned at your girlfriend and nodded your head, excited about the idea of sleeping in her arms again tonight.
The ride to the hotel went smooth. Jessie came with the team bus so you had to get a taxi back there, which caused a dent in Jessie's wallet but you both went with it. The ride was silent, and as much as you enjoyed being in your girlfriend's presence, you could feel the air shifting. It grew tense upon nearing the hotel, unspoken words hanging between the both of you as you knew you'd have to talk about things later. You grabbed Jessie's hand that was in her lap and pulled it into yours, steading yourself with her touch.
Once arrived, you greeted and congratulated some of the other Canadian players who had also brought their partner back to the hotel. They were all mingling in the entrance hall as you moved past them, Jessie leading the two of you to the elevator and towards her room on the second floor.
Seen as the squad moved around the south of France for their games they didn't have a set hotel, which meant they couldn't really make it their own space. This meant that no home comforts were trickled around the room, something Jessie would normally do when she was away for multiple weeks for camps or tournaments. You let her unpack her stuff while you sat down on the bed, having quickly changed into something more comfortable and forgiving.
A few minutes later Jessie joined you in bed, ushering you both to lay under the covers as she claimed to be cold and tired, wanting to be in bed properly. You laid on your back as she cuddled up next to you, a big smile on her face as she finally felt the warmth of your embrace again. She pressed a kiss against your chest and let out a sigh of relief.
"How are you feeling, Jess?", you were well aware the last time you posed your girlfriend this question it turned out in a way no one wanted, but you were confident it wouldn't happen this time. Jessie shifted and positioned herself so that she could look up at you, a faint smile lingering on her lips. "I feel good. Genuinely. Better than I have been feeling the past couple days," you nodded, silently pushing her to go on. "It's been a lot but the game and you being here have helped me settle. Thank you," she pressed a fleeting kiss against your lips to accentuate her words.
You reciprocated the kiss, but pulled away rather quickly to not get lost in her affection. Jessie understood why you did and spoke up again. "I'm sorry about what happened the other day. I shouldn't have snapped at you," you soothingly rubbed her back when you sensed the nervosity that crept in her voice. "It had been a rough day and I wanted nothing more than to unwind and talk to you about other things, but when you started pushing I just couldn't bare with it anymore. I know you were just trying to do good, though. I talked about it to Janine and she made me realize that I'm not honest enough with you. I always try and bottle up my feelings, but that ends disastrous in ways like it did between us two days ago. I promise I'll try and be better for you. For us."
Her words were laced with emotion, her voice soft as she tried to keep the emotions at bay upon expressing how she felt about the situation. You wiped away a stray tear that had escaped her eye and was making its way across her cheek, pressing a tender kiss against her forehead. "Thank you, baby. I want to be there for you, but you need to let me. It's a two-way thing, okay? We both give, we both take."
Jessie nodded, shifting again and now burying her face in your neck, soaking up the warmth of being under the covers together. "Thank you", she mumbled barely audible against your skin. You let out a chuckle at her words. "What for?", you asked. "Just, for being you. For being the person you are and for dealing with my moods. I love you so much," she lifted her head from out of your neck and looked you in the eyes before she lowered her head and pressed her lips against yours. "I love you too," you mumbled against her lips before you two got lost in one another and made up in different ways for all the time you had missed out on together the past month.
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adoringhaikyuu · 10 hours
wait omg i love ur stuff, can u mayyybe do one of the “they think you’re pregnant” ones for terushima, iwa, suga and ukai ?? <3
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characters: iwaizumi + sugawara + terushima + ukai + (gn!reader)
warnings: none, but all of the boys are -for- having babies in this!!
notes: this is probably the last one of these i'll do + this has literally taken me so long (3 years) to find inspiration for the last 3 scenarios ahh
 part one / part two / part three / part four
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iwaizumi feels like you're hiding something from him. he doesn't know how to explain it, call it his intuition. but he feels like there's something you're not telling him, and for some reason––aka oikawa, he thinks you're pregnant.
"well if you ask me, iwa-chan, it sounds like y/n might be pregnant."
iwaizumi almost choked on air when his best friend uttered those words. was it true? was he really going to be a father? surely you would have told him, right? why wouldn't you? did you think he'd react badly? did you not want to raise a family with him?
oikawa went on, knowing his friend would get too caught up in his thoughts if they stayed in silence.
"took you long enough anyway, i've been waiting to be your kids' favorite uncle." he waved a hand playfully, "and yeah you'll be wonderful parents too, i'm sure."
that made iwaizumi's familiar oikawa-induced scowl return, earning the volleyball player a half-hearted smack on the back of the head.
iwaizumi's gait slows as he walks into your bedroom, noticing you snuggled in the covers, on your phone. when you notice him you quickly smile and greet him, opening your arms for him to give you a hug and he absentmindedly obliges, his body working on it's own through muscle memory. just the sight of you has him feeling tingly and warm.
you can tell he's not fully there when he pulls away, an almost distant look in his eyes that brings a bubble of concern to your stomach. "are you alright?"
you place a hand on his cheek and he leans into it, tilting his head, his eyes cast down as he sits next to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
his voice is small when he speaks up. "you know you can tell me anything, right?"
you frown, "of course. why?"
you tilt your head to catch his eye and he finally looks up, a hesitant and somewhat fearful look in his gaze. it's not that he was scared that you were pregnant, no. it's that he was worried you wanted to keep it from him.
his hand subconsciously drifted closer to your stomach. "are you pregnant?"
you froze and blinked once, your hand dropping from his face in shock. you don't know what you were expecting but it wasn't that. "wh––no? haji i would have told you if i was. where is this coming from?"
suddenly an embarrassed blush rose to his cheeks as his eyes widened. "uh i don't––" he sighed and let his head drop down, his voice stooping to a mumble. "shittykawa."
you raised a brow, letting out a breath of laughter that brought a smile to his lips. "trust me when i say i would tell you before oikawa if we were having a baby."
iwaizumi nodded, wanting nothing more than to hide his face. so he did, playfully tackling you, the smile on his face widening when you let out a surprised yelp mixed with a laugh as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.
you quickly melted into him, wrapping yourself around him, tangling your legs together in the bed.
his voice was partly muffled as he spoke up, "guess i'll have to tell crappykawa he won't be an uncle as soon as he thought. poor guy was excited too."
you paused, your hand mindlessly playing with his hair. "...i mean...maybe he could be."
iwaizumi's breath hitched and he raised his head to look at the sheepish smile on your face. "yeah?"
you nodded. "yeah." you shrugged, "i'm ready if you are."
his heart started to beat faster, swelling with love as he leaned in to give you a sweet kiss. "i've been ready, doll."
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sugawara has had an extra pep in his step all day. he woke up earlier than you to use the bathroom and when he slid back under the covers, you spoke up in your sleep, mumbling.
"mm need to tell...koshi...bout the baby."
his eyes widened, heart rate picking up as he stared at you. should he wake you up? should he call daichi? he was too excited he didn't know what to do.
he kissed you on the cheek and turned on his side to watch you with a smile on his face. he started thinking about what life was going to be like with a mini you with cute chubby cheeks.
he ended up not being able to fall back asleep, so he got an early start to his day. when you finally woke up later, he had already pretty much had a full day, prepping to be the best dad and partner during your pregnancy. he stocked up on all your favorite snacks and ingredients for your favorite meals, along with a bouquet with your favorite flowers. he was also wearing your favorite outfit on him, his softest hoodie for you to cuddle into.
he also made your favorite breakfast, you realized as you walked into the kitchen, a loving smile growing on your face. "kou what's all this for?" you immediately walked into his arms, nuzzling into the fabric of his hoodie. you looked up at him with hearts in your eyes.
"just wanted to remind you how special you are to me, and that i'll always take care of you."
"aw baby."
"so uh is there anything you wanna tell me?" he looked at you hopeful, a smile on his face.
you perked up and his smile widened. "oh, thank you baby, really. you're so sweet to me." you squeezed him tighter.
his smile faltered slightly. "anything else?"
you tilted your head. "um, i love you?"
"i love you too babe." he laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "nothing uh...nothing else?"
your brows furrowed, an unsure smile on your face. "i don't think so?"
"you know you can tell me anything, right? especially if it's about us?"
"yeah of course i do. but i don't know what you're talking about?"
"the...the baby?"
you blinked. "whose baby?"
he blinked back. "...ours?"
"we don't have a baby...?"
"i thought...i thought we were having one?"
"you said...in your sleep this morning you said you had to tell me about the baby." he smiled, embarrassed. "and now i'm realizing you were probably just mumbling nonsense." he laughed. "sorry babe."
"aw kou," you pouted, both at how cute he is and how thoughful he is to have done all this for you. "you seemed so excited."
he kissed your cheek, smiling "yeah, but i can wait."
you bit your lip. "hm, well maybe...you don't have to wait that long? if you're ready."
he beamed at you, eyes tearing up, heart swelling with love for you. "i've been ready, love."
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terushima was seeing signs everywhere. he had a strong suspicion that you were pregnant, and he always trusted his gut.
you'd been moody, clingy sometimes and then absolutely disturbed by his presence within a split second. and then there's the food––
he came tentatively into the room, slightly afraid. "yes, my love?"
"i'm really craving the sushi from that one place we tried last time."
"the place all the way across town?"
you started to pout, tears forming in your eyes.
"no no no, hey hey, it's okay! we can just order, yeah?"
smiling, you nodded and beckoned him over for a hug. "thank you baby."
he came into your arms, basically sighing in relief. nuzzling into your neck, he mumbled, "this baby's really putting me through the ringer, but i know it'll all be worth it."
you stiffened and he immediately tensed, holding his breath. he didn't mean to say that out loud.
he tried to keep you close but you managed to pull back and look at him. "baby?"
"well yeah..." he looked down to your stomach and back into your eyes.
your eyes narrowed, your left one starting to twitch. "i'm not pregnant."
slowly, he started to back up, eyes wide. "oh–i just..."
"i'm on my period, dumbass!"
he almost tripped on the rug behind him and ran for the door. "i'm gonna order your food baby okay! forget what i just said!"
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ukai wasn't a superstitious man. but something about his dream last night was making him think you were pregnant. mainly because you were pregnant in the dream.
he walked into the living room and leaned against the wall as naturally as he could, though he felt more awkward than ever for some reason, glancing at you on the couch and looking away again and again. how should he ask this?
"have you ever thought about what it'd be like if we had one of those little shits running around the house?" he cringed internally, probably not like that.
your brows furrowed in confusion, "you mean a dog?"
a flash of irritation crossed his face, moreso at the fact that he phrased his question so poorly. what was he thinking?
"n-no not like a dog. like...a little minion, you know?"
you tilted your head, even more confused. "a minion?"
he sighed, exasperated "yeah, you know. like...like a kid. our kid."
your brows raised in surprise. "oh––well..." you paused for a moment. "i mean, of course i have."
"i think you're pregnant." he facepalmed in his mind.
"...what?" you looked around, not quite knowing what to think.
he simply nodded, convinced.
"are you saying i've gained weight?"
his eyes widened in panic and he crossed the room in two steps, coming to sit next to you on the couch. "no! no, of course not babe."
"well...then why do you think that?"
"i uh..." he scratched the back of his neck, looking around. "i had a dream."
"a dream?"
"yeah." he looked at you, curious. "have you had any dreams recently?"
"not that i remember..." you looked at him weirdly, slightly concerned by your boyfriend's strangeness. "what happened in your dream?"
"you were pregnant."
you blinked at him. "okay..."
he simply looked at you like you should understand where he was coming from.
"and how did dream you react?"
he placed his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, looking up as he tried to recall. a small smile appeared on his face, "well, i was pretty happy, pretty sure i almost had happy tears." he laughed, almost fondly.
you couldn't help but let a little smile slip at your ridiculous boyfriend. "kei, did you ever stop to think maybe your brain's trying to tell you that you want a baby?"
his lips parted in shock as he looked back to you, eyes blank, blinking as his brain recalibrated. "well...huh, maybe you're right babe."
your smile grew, "i'm always right."
he rolled his eyes playfully, a smirk on his face. "yeah, yeah."
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©adoringhaikyuu 2024 please do not repost
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aliesbienish · 2 days
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Buddie x gn! reader (established) Domestic fluff
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"Boy's I feel like measuring the doorframe was something you two should have thought of. You are firefighters after all!"
"Babe, you clearly forgot you were suppose to be the smart one in this relationship," Buck declared, ready to admit defeat.
"Mis amores, stop laying blame where it doesn't belong,"
"And where does it belong Eddie?" You questioned.
"Obviously at the feet of the salesman who sold us this mattress in the first place. If we had gone with the cheaper option we would not be in this mess,"
"To be fair to the poor man, it would only fit because it was hardly thicker than a camping bed. You could probably fold it like paper. Maybe we should have just stuck with the old bed."
"(Y/n/n) honey, I love sleeping close to you I do. But I cannot face another summer in that queen bed, it's barely fit for two people let alone three. And everyone time Chris comes in, in the middle of the night, I'm the one who always ends up with an elbow to the face."
"Yeah I wonder where he got that from," Buck grumbled under his breath, rubbing the bruise he had gotten on his forearm from Eddie the previous night.
"Okay okay, you're right. We needed this. And I am determined we will get it into the bedroom. So step aside, let me have a go,"
"Honey if we couldn't get it in I'm not too sure what you expect to happen... but sure yep have a go," Eddie backtracked, catching your withering glare.
You backed up, confusing the boys, before breaking into a sprint towards the mattress jammed in the doorframe. With one mighty push, an impressive yell to go with it, the mattress finally gave and you were through into the bedroom. The momentum toppled the mattress over and you fell ontop.
"Success!!" You yelled, star-fished on top of the mattress. "You two better start reconsidering what you bring to our relationship cause it looks like I am the smart one and the strong one! I think I rule this relationship"
"And we bow down," Buck declares as they both tumble onto the mattress and start peppering you with kisses.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
My first foray into 911 fandom, hope you enjoyed. Feel free to shoot through any requests, but be warned I'm only a couple seasons in so can't yet write for Tommy, Ravi etc.
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pinkandgoldensoul · 2 days
CL#16 || living in vain || drabble
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If this is your first time here on this blog, please check the Disclaimers here.
pairing: charles leclerc x female!reader genre: extra angst, comfort !tw!: negative thoughts, mental breakdown. If any of the things above might trigger you, please DO NOT INTERACT. Take care of your mental health and stay away from triggers, please ♥ other notes: you can find the request here word count: 0.7k
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Cold spread from your fingertips onto your skin, printing shivers all over your arms as you braced yourself under the duvet. You trembled, hearing the howls of the wind shaking trees in the dead night, incapable of falling asleep. You curled on one side, trying to get small upon the mattress. That stone cold loneliness hardened your heart hit after hit. Gripping the hem of the sheets tighter and closer vainly seeking warmth, you let out a sigh. You felt like crying. As any other day. As any other week, month, year. Maybe bitterness and despair would eat your heart out and waste it gradually until you'd die, consumed; maybe tears would leave marks on your cheeks like acid rain digs holes on marble statues. Maybe you'd be left sinking into pain for the rest of your life, laying sleepless in your bed every single night.
You pressed your cheek harder on the pillow, almost burying half of your face. Thoughts popping up like your brain is a computer running with countless viruses. Where's the bug? Where's the bug in you? Where's the infected folder? Your own WannaCry malware? Where's the option to turn off everything, shutting down the engine, putting an end to it?
You whined against the pillow. You silently gasped, noticing Charles moving a bit by your side; you should've paid attention, instead of risking waking him up. His precious soul, his shining armor blinding you with its brightness, the mere thought of his perfect love for you brought you to tears. Again, you hid your shame, your guilt and sorrow against the pillow, and finally some warmth came through hot tears rolling down your cheeks. The air flowing quickly in and out your parted lips matched the rapid gusts of wind whistling outside the window; you had perfected the art of silently crying just so that you wouldn't ruin Charles' needed rest time. As not to ruin his life completely, at least. So selfish to drag him down to your level just for your own benefit, when he could choose anyone else and live the fulfilling life he deserved. Stuck with you. What a senseless waste of time. You covered your mouth with your hand, eyes shut in pain.
«Hey…» Your breath hitched, not sure whether you had misheard him mumbling to you. As his loving and warm touch sparked on your skin through the gentle grab of his hands, drawing you near his chest, surrounding you and creating a shelter of comfort, your sob cut through the silence of the bedroom. He shushed you with tenderness, reaching over to your ear and carefully putting rebel strands of your hair in place, with soothing movements dictated by sleepiness. «It's okay.» You sobbed louder and tried to retrieve from his embrace at his words, knowing their falsehood, but Charles' arms didn't let you escape his nestle of care. «Whatever is the matter, we're going to solve it together.» He then left a kiss on your shaking shoulder. «I'm here for you, okay?» His fingers, spreading open on your stomach, felt like a caress to the soul. And though your head ached - from crying, from hurting, from the weight and the darkness of its content -, you couldn't help but notice the muscles of your body relaxing a bit into his hold. «I love you.» Another hot tear crossed your cheek, but at his words you smiled. You took the arm draping over you and placed it higher, so that it would wrap over yours, shielding you completely; Charles complied right away. «You're freezing cold… Want another cover?» While Charles was about to roll over to get out of bed and grab another blanket for you, you caught his arm, silently pleading him not to leave you. Reading your will, he engulfed you back again, fully, wholly, unconditionally, affectionately, holding you with nurturing sweetness, resting his head next to yours. «Let’s sleep.» Such a simple sentence, yet breaking your heart into more sobs. So many nights you had wished for peace to come quick, in various shapes and forms; what a relief, what a moving joy, what undeserved luck to have it, at last, in the purest of its manifestations. Love.
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sazwritesstuff · 3 days
Late at Night (in the light of the tv screen) | Logan x afab!reader
Logan comes home early after being away on a mission. You're sleepy, maybe a little grumpy for being disturbed, but that doesn't stop you for welcoming him home safe. Pairing: Logan x fem!reader | Fandom: X-Men | Word Count: 2k | posted on AO3 here A/N: this started off as a cute short drabble and then it turned into smut (this is the first time I've written smut btw, sorry if it's bad) | minors do not interact! TW: sexual content/sexual references, swearing, unprotected sex, penis in vagina sex
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You had gone to bed hours ago, lying in bed all alone with Logan off on a mission. It wasn’t the first time that he had been gone for a few days but it never got any easier. The man was meant to return late the next day, most likely getting back by late afternoon or early evening if it had all gone according to plan.
You were always a little worried when Logan went on a mission. At least this time he had left as part of a team. Sure, you still worried about him but it put your mind just a tiny bit more at ease knowing that he wasn’t alone. But it hadn’t stopped you from being up for far longer than usual, tossing and turning with thoughts of all the things that could go wrong.
Anxious images of Logan bruised, bloody, with broken bones kept swimming around your mind.
No matter how many times he came back in one piece you couldn’t help but worry.
It never got any easier.
Trying to quieten the anxious thoughts in your mind you had put the TV on low, your bedroom dark except for the colour leaking from the screen. Providing a constant buzz that helped stop your racing thoughts for just long enough that you could actually sleep.
You weren’t sure if you’d been asleep for minutes or hours when your bed suddenly sank to one side startling you awake. Eyes flying open. Your body sliding towards Logan’s warm body where the mattress dipped. Stopping when your side bumped against his.
“Thought you weren’t getting back until tomorrow.” You grumbled, snuggling your head into Logan’s shoulder. Sleep still clinging to your mind.
He chuckled, his arms slipping around you cradling your body to his “Was meant to.” he mumbled into your hair.
You hummed, feeling yourself beginning to fall back to sleep again. Your body relaxing finally.
That was until you felt Logan shift again besides you, moving you so that you were now lying on your back as he placed his head on your tummy. All the air flew out of your lungs in an instant. Your eyes flying open once more “Logan!” you hissed giving his hair a tug with your hand.
The man was heavy. You could’ve sworn that Logan’s big metal skull was getting heavier by the second!
“What?” he mumbled, pressing a quick kiss to a slither of skin peeking out from your t-shirt. Ignoring you struggling under his weight.
Wheezing you let out a “Get off!” giving his head a quick smack.
With a huff, Logan slipped his arms around you and rolled so you were now lying on top of him again. “There. Now, go to sleep, y/n.”
“I was about to until your heavy dumbass head nearly killed me.”
“I can think of a different kind of head that’ll make you choke, baby.”
“You’re such a pig!”
He hummed, placing a light kiss on the top of your head “But you love me anyway.”
“Yeah, when you’re not trying to kill.” You grumbled. Snuggling deeper into Logan’s embrace.
He let out a bark of laughter, jostling you as he told you to “Go to sleep baby.”
“I was until you woke me up.”
“I can leave if you want-” he said beginning to raise from the bed.
“Don’t you dare!” you say sitting up, your voice softening as you let out “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“Hmm. I’ve been thinking about you all day too.”
Making a split-second decision you let out “Fuck it. Take off your clothes.” Quickly pulling your t-shirt up over your head.
“I thought you wanted to go to sleep?” Logan said smirking up at you. His eyes quickly flicking down to your exposed chest before going back to your face.
Throwing a leg over Logan’s hips, you settle yourself onto his lap. You leant down, whispering against his lips “I changed my mind.” Pressing your lips to his in a demanding kiss. Searching. Yearning. Filled with pent up desire and frustration.
Lips wild and hungry. Both of you fighting for dominance. Logan’s tongue invading your mouth. One of his hands tanging in your hair as the other dug into the back of your thigh. Pulling you closer.
You could feel his hard length beneath you. Pressing into you.
Tugging at Logan’s tank top, you broke the kiss, pulling it over his head. His lips moving to kiss down your neck as you dropped the fabric to the floor. Leaving open wet kisses on your skin. He kissed and licked a path towards your breasts. Taking one nipple in his mouth, sucking, nipping, licking at the soft bud making the soft flesh hard and taunt under his ministrations. With his free hand Logan pulled at your other nipple between his fingers, ripping a moan from your throat.
“Logan.” You mewled, your nails digging into Logan’s shoulders.
“Tell me what you need baby.” He said looking up at you, flicking your nipple with his tongue before moving across to the other nipping at the bud with his teeth. Sucking, nipping, licking. Suck. Nip. Lick. Again and again. Building up a steady rhythm with his tongue.
“You.” You panted. Hips rolling against Logan’s hardness, your shorts and his boxers the only barrier separating the two of you “Please. I need you inside of me.”
He hummed, ignoring your demand, concentrating on your breast. Keeping up the pattern he’d created against your skin.
“Logan.” You whined rolling your hips on top of him. Causing a groan to escape Logan’s lips.
“Patience, baby.” Logan wrapped his arms around your body and rolled you onto your back. Leaning down he connected his lips to yours. Pulling your shorts to the side he quickly slipped a finger between your wet folds, gathering the wetness from your entrance and beginning to rub soft, slow circles on your clit.
Reaching one hand down you began stroking Logan over his boxers, feeling the hard, hot length of him under your palm, making him moan above you.
“Not yet, darling,” he grabbed your hand pulling it away “I want to watch you come on my fingers first.”
“But Logan-” you began to whine, stopped by the demanding kiss Logan placed on your lips.
“Be a good girl and come on my fingers, then you can have my cock baby.” Moving his finger over your clit just how you liked it, increasing the pressure just a little more and making you squirm. Rolling your hips to meet his hand, he smirked and asked “Does that feel good, baby?”
You nodded biting your bottom lip. Your eyes drifting shut as pleasure coursed through your body.
“Hmm. Keep your eyes on me, can you do that for me?” his voice coming out huskier, betraying just how affected he was.
“Feels- So good” you breathed, your voice breaking, hooded eyes latching onto Logan’s above you. “Please.”
“Please what?” you tried to chase his fingers, grinding your cunt even more on to Logan’s hand.
“Logan. Please. Please. More. You make me-” you gasped as you felt Logan shift above and insert two fingers inside “feel so good!”
“Fuck.” He breathed “You’re gripping my fingers so tight for me, darling.”
“Logan, I’m gonna, fuck-” you dug your nails into his shoulders “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me. Come on, baby, that’s it. Cum all over my fingers.” At Logan’s encouragement you came with a shout, chanting his name as you threw you head back in ecstasy. Logan’s fingers didn’t stop until you reached down and pushed his hand away as you began to feel overstimulated. Your body still shaking from your orgasm.
Logan brought his fingers up to his mouth, moaning as he sucked them clean. “You taste so good.”
You giggled, threading your hands through his hair and pulling him down for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his lips.
You felt Logan trail a hand down your body reaching down to pull your shorts past your hips and down your legs. Lifting you hips to help him slide the clothing off, kicking the offending fabric off of your foot.
From his head you racked your fingernails down his back, one of your hands going to the waist band of his boxers slipping them down his thighs. Freeing Logan’s cock from the confining fabric.
You felt Logan rub the head of his cock along your folds. Collecting the wetness there before placing it at your entrance and slowly sinking inside of you.
You moaned. Shifting beneath him, raising your hips to meet his. No matter how many times the two of you had sex you never got used to the thickness of his cock stretching you.
“Fuck, baby, you’re gripping me so good. So tight. So fucking good.” He pulled out, leaving just the tip inside, before thrusting forwards inching further inside of you. “Perfect fucking pussy.” Setting a slow, languid pace Logan thrust deeper and deeper inside of you.
Pressing kisses against his collarbones you ran your nails up and down his back. Leaving red scratches on his skin that vanished as quickly as they appeared.  
Gripping your legs Logan moved them up over his shoulders, pressing you deeper into the mattress, hitting a new deeper angle inside of you. His thrusts picking up pace. The sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room creating a symphony as you both moaned and panted.
You could feel yourself clenching around Logan’s cock. Tighter and tighter. Closer and closer. Your second orgasm so close.
Leaving one hand on his back, nails digging into his skin, you reached down and began rubbing your clit. Gasping as you sloppily tried to meet Logan’s thrusts with your own.
“Fuck,” Logan breathed feeling you tighten even more around his cock as he looked down at where you were joined, his cock thrusting in and out “Good girl. Rub that clit, baby. Rub your clit for me. Want you to cum on my cock.” Thrusting deeper and harder into you, hips slapping together.
“Such a good girl. Rubbing your clit as I fuck that pretty, little pussy. Such a good girl for me, aren’t you baby? You want to come on my cock?” you nodded, words escaping you, “Then cum. Cum for me pretty girl. Cum on my cock.”
The knot in your belly tightening, tightening, tightening… and then it snapped. Eyes rolling into your head. Body pulled taut. Scratching at Logan’s back. Fingers still rubbing your clit. Faster and faster.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He groaned above you. Pounding into you.
The grip of your cunt on Logan’s cock sending him over the edge. Logan’s thrust turning short and a little sloppy. Groaning your name as you felt his hot, thick cum flooding your insides.
Stopping after a few more thrusts before holding himself inside of you. Your body shaking with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
The two of you panting. Sweating and out of breath, Logan leant his forehead against yours. Keeping most of his weight off of you, his arms braced on either side of your head, he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Such a good girl for me.”
Looking up at Logan, the light of the TV screen illuminating his features, you smiled. Sleepy, happy, content. The two of you out of breath and sweaty. Your body felt like a limp noodle.
Whining as Logan shifted, pulling his cock out of your slit, moving to get off the bed.
You watched him as he moved off the bed. Your eyes straying to his naked backside as he left the room.
Seconds later you heard running water in the bathroom before Logan padded back inside your bedroom with a wet washcloth in hand. Kneeling on the bed beside you he quick wiped up the mess he’d made before throwing the cloth into the wash basket by the door and lying back down next to you. Curling his arms around you and pulling your body to his.
Pressing a kiss to the top of your crown he mumbled into your hair “Goodnight, love.”
“Night, Lo.”
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mandy-asimp · 23 hours
Safe and sound
Emily Prentiss x reader
Warnings: uhh some violence against Ian Doyle not too much tho, Emily's a bit delulu but aren't we all
Summary: emily begins to see your face around more, but it's impossible. You were dead. But when Ian Doyle is rumored to escape, you couldn't stay dead forever.
A/n: sum slight, sum sweet, sum short😋
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She was walking to the steps of her apartment when she first saw you. She at first thought it was the sleep deprivation catching up. You couldn't be here...you...you weren't there. She told her self that as she walked up the stairs to her apartment.
Unlocking the door and feeling uneasy. That couldn't be right. She hasn't thought of you in awhile...she avoided you in her memory. You were apart of a time she...she can't let the team find out about you.
How did you find her? The question ran in her head as she sat at her table. Head in hands as she just tried to wrap her head around it.
Sergio jumped into her lap. He was wet. "Were you out in the rain, buddy?" She pet his back, but then it dawned on her. She didn't check the house.
She moved carefully, trying not to alarm the intruder if there was one. Checking each room carefully before heading into her bedroom. Finding the window open and a little puddle.
Shaking her head she just scoffed. "You're crazy, Emily. She's not here...it's impossible." She took a few deep breaths.
But before she left the room she put her perfume on the lock, just in case. She followed her night routine still on edge. Eventually finishing and trying to catch some sleep.
A thud woke her from her sleep, if you could even call it sleep. She looked quickly to the window and finding it to be the closed still. But she was up...she might as well check the house once more.
"Serg?...Buddy you making a mess?" She called out. Hoping it was just the cat. Yet, he was asleep in his bed. Completely unbothered. Did she hear a thud? He would've woken up, right?
Emily ran her hands over her face, trudging back into her room. She didn't bother checking anything as she climbed back into the sheets. Closing her eyes and once again trying for sleep.
Her eyes slowly peeled open. The way she was laying had her facing her bathroom. And her body froze in terror. There you were. Standing. Looking at your reflection so casually.
Your head snapped over to her but it wasn't you. Your eyes were glowing red and you had this look of disappointment plastered on.
Emily shot up, sweat dripping off her body. Her head instantly shot to look into the bathroom. There was nobody.
Why? Why were you suddenly plaguing her thoughts? She was so sure it was over...you were lost in the case. One minute you were next to her, and then the literal next minute...tears were streaming down her face now.
Through tears she checked the time, she was already running late. So quickly, she pushed the day so far back into her memory and wiped her tears. Quickly working to get decent for work and dashing out the door.
It's been three days since she saw you...or maybe saw you. Her mind was all sorts of foggy and it was playing into her job now.
They were on a case somewhere. Derek and her were talking to a lady about some cab driver. They had just finished and watched her walk away.
Her blood ran cold as she glanced to where she could feel eyes on her. You stood on the corner, ready to cross, but you weren't looking at her. A car flashed by and suddenly you were gone. She couldn't think anymore.
"Prentiss?" Derek waved his hand in front of her. His eyes moved to match where she was looking, seeing nothing there. "Are you ok?"
She hummed and came back. "Huh? Yeah...sorry I just haven't been sleeping very well. I feel like I'm seeing things suddenly." She tried to joke around it, but Derek was a good friend.
He knew it was more but he wasn't going to push while on a case. Maybe back at the BAU where Garcia can also help figure it out. But until then, they had a case.
"Well, let's get this case over with and then you can take as much princess sleep as a possible." He lightly joked. Gaining a small smile from the woman.
She was back at the door to her apartment. There was this green box outside. Neatly wrapped. She knew that wrapping all too well. It made her stomach twist in ways she hasn't ever felt.
Her breathing picked up a little bit. Then her phone rang, she was quick to answer it. "Hey Emily!" Reid's voice came through.
He went on about a movie, but Emily was too busy clearing her house. Having to turn down his offer as she grabbed her files. Saying her goodbyes as she got back up, catching a glimpse of the mirror.
She met your eyes and immediately adjusted her hold on her gun. "What do you want?" She whispered.
"What?" Reid's voice was mere background noise.
Emily turned around and just saw the box from her door. "You don't scare me..." she called into her house. Her phone got thrown to her bed. "You're above this!"
She turned around the corner in hope to catch you. But then it dawned on her again, you can't be here. It's impossible. The paranoia is eating her alive.
Emily came back into her room, seeing her phone still on a call with Reid. "Shit.." she whispered as she picked up the phone. "Reid?"
"Sugar?!" Penelope's voice came loudly. "Are you ok?!"
"Emily?" Reid came in, Hotch close behind him.
Emily let a sigh out, "I'm fine...I'm just really tired. Sorry for worrying you guys." She was quick to hang up her phone. Giving them no space to continue to question.
She let her head fall back and groaned. Laughing at herself once again as she got ready to leave for the night.
The wrapping threw her off still. She wasn't going to let it be the reason something does happen. She knew how you wrapped your gifts. You gave her so many. You even explained why you wrapped how you did.
"It one, looks way cuter and is easy to unwrap. And two, it gives more precision to be precise and make sure it's perfect for the receiver. Come, I'll teach you and you can use it to become the second best gift wrapper. After me of course."
Your smile was huge that day. The two of you spent the day watching movies as you wrapped up your Christmas gifts for her.
The next morning, she walked into the bullpen. Confused as everyone was watching Hotch's office.
"What's going on?" Emily frowned. Coming up to everyone.
A few shrugged, but before anyone could answer Hotch came out. "Prentiss can I speak with you?"
She gave a nod and dropped off all her stuff. Walking into his office and seeing him and a file. "Sir?"
"This was left on my desk this morning. I was wondering if it meant anything to you?" He handed over the file.
She opened it and it was practically blank. The only thing in the middle of the paper was a picture of her and half another person who was kissing her cheek.
She tried not to freeze infront of her boss but it was too much for her to not. "Emily, do I need to be worried about your safety?" He leaned forward. "I can have cops outside your apartment if needed."
She shook her head. "Can I...can I keep this?" Her voice was shaky. Hotch had only seen her like this once before. With her friend awhile back.
"Are you going to make any irrational decisions if I say yes? The team can help you if you-" he stopped when she shook her head again. "Is everything all right?"
She took a big inhale, letting it go slowly and nodding. "I'll be ok...can I...um have the day though?" She asked.
It was easily granted to her as she recollected her stuff and left without much to say.
She wasn't going crazy...you were actually alive. But that would make sense on how you've been disappearing within seconds?
She tried to make it work, thinking all the possibilities that could explain something. Her thoughts carried her into her apartment.
It wasn't worth checking anything, if you were already getting in and out then...why can't you just come see her?
Why is it secrets?
An unwanted game of cat and mouse?
What is keeping you from her?
You know why, Em...you know why. Your voice rang in her head. She could hear how soft it still was. How much emotion you could hold within your words even just the word 'the'. You were her second half. The one who she could crumble against and it'd be ok. But she lost you. She might not get you back.
She flopped into the middle of her bed and cried. She was finally mourning you. In her own ball curled up. Staring blankly at the wall.
And on one blink, you were there. She could see you standing there. Head tilted just slightly to the left and smiling sadly at her.
"Are you even real..."she mumbled. Emily was tired of seeing you everywhere and it not being you.
So when you moved closer and placed your warm hand on her cheek she gasped. It didn't even take a second before she was latching onto you and crying heavily.
You held her back in silence. Just letting her get everything out. You didn't mind it though. It felt natural.
It felt like the first time you held her. And she could feel it too. That both hearts were full again, designed to be one with each other.
"But you're..."she sobbed into you. Clutching you tighter as she began to struggle to breath.
"Hey, hey...just follow mine." You led the deep breathing. "There you go hun, steady breathing ok?"
She pulled back from you and really took in your face. Holding your face and crashing her lips to yours. It made you laugh a little as you kissed back. It was well overdue.
"I thought you died?" She dragged you to the bed, neither of you thinking as you laid down and let her lay on top of you. Your hand finding its home in her hair as you detangled it.
You hummed softly, "it was my only way to protect you. Sometimes, we have to make choices for the better even if it means the worse for ourselves. Doyle...he..."
The name made her tense slightly under your touch, "what about him?..."
"He...he had bad plans and I found out about them. I told Sean and he pulled me out instantly. They killed me off and reassigned me....I watched you from afar recently because...he's escaped. He's been watching you and your team. And if I knew any better...we're the final two. I wanted to see you one more time." You explained to her. Hating that this is what was happening to you both.
She held you even tighter now. "How's everyone else?" She was scared to ask. More scared for the answer as you took a deep breath in.
"They don't know I'm alive, but they know Ian is out." You answered quietly. There was more to why you showed up and you knew she was avoiding asking you anyways.
She was silent as she laid with you. But in her own mind, she was a wreck. She didn't want to really think about why you were here. She already knew.
"Will you keep me safe...for just tonight?" She almost sounded afraid. "Even if you're not here when I wake up...just one more night?"
The moonlight made her eyes sparkle in a way you would be a monster if you said no. So you did all you could, you pulled her so incredibly closed and held her till she fell asleep.
However, you were wide awake. You knew you next move. You were sworn to protect Emily Prentiss ever since you met Ian Doyle. He was a man of secrets and you pulled apart each one just for her.
You both were at risk here, but you just wouldn't let the risk go far for her. That's why it pained you to leave her before her alarm went off. You placed a delicate kiss to her hairline before climbing out the window.
You didn't leave her with nothing though, that morning when she woke up she saw the small box on her nightstand. It had your signature bow o top and a small note next to it. Till we meet again, i promise.
It had been awhile. Rumors are Ian Doyle was dead, but nobody could confirm it. Nobody but you.
You had caught him when you least wanted to. When it was right there with Emily. Sitting across from her and threatening her team.
"I'm going to take the only thing you care about...your life."
That was the only thing that man had to say for him to become your only focus. You had followed him for days. Left him clues you were lurking. You knew your presence made him a bit uneasy. That's what you did best after all.
You noticed how his actions towards Emily moved slower than planned. He was trying to lure you out with her, but it didn't work as well.
You were in this man's home. That was his only warning you gave. After that everything was fair game. Especially once you heard he was continuing his plans. It made your blood boil and you felt no mercy.
So, you followed Ian on a motorcycle, it was easy and fast, just your style. He walked into a pub with a few guys, but that never stopped you.
You got a table to keep them in sight while you out of theirs. And when he got up and went to the bathroom, that was your opening. With a silent fire, you made him defenseless. You took your time in there with him. Making sure he felt the years of pain he caused. Then you left him there for someone else to find.
Leaving the state, the country, anything to distance yourself then. You left for a few years. Five in total (there was a lot to clear up before you could). Finally though, you'd get to be with her.
You wanted it to be a surprise so you figured, what better surprise then at work? You had gotten in as early as possible. Slipping a little note and little box on her desk before leaving unnoticed.
And by eight in the morning, you had received a text saying it can't be true. It made you smile as you texted her back that you promised her to come back.
As she read it she fiddled with the ring on her finger, bringing Penelope and JJ's attention to it. They were having lunch in Emily's office.
"Woah! When did you get that?" The blondes instantly grabbed for her hand. Inspecting the dark red gem. "They must really like you..." JJ joked.
Earning laughs in return, "I got it awhile ago...from an old friend." There was a distant tone in each word.
Neither blonde believing it was just a friend. They shared a look and rushed off. Hiding in Garcia's bat cave until the end of the day.
Emily was going to find it weird, but she didn't want to ruin her mood. She was excited for your next appearance.
What she didn't expect was it to be at the bureau. When you waltzed in with a 'delivery'. You made a beeline for her desk with a goofy smile as she tried to not laugh at your getup.
"Are you Emily Prentiss?" You tried to contain your smile, failing miserably as tears sprung to her eyes.
She didn't care anymore she just hugged you tightly. She had you again and it felt right finally. Nothing was getting her as long as you were there.
The room stared at you two. Who were you that Emily was crying the way she was? They could only see your lips move but couldn't hear anything.
"I know sweet girl..." you hummed. Holding her head in place as she cried heavily. "Just follow mine." And you led the breathing once again. Calming her down to get her to look at you. "Well look at you FBI section chief Prentiss." You eyed her playfully. Getting a strong wack to your arm. She aged beautifully.
"You don't get to joke after what you did." She frowned seriously now. "You've risked yourself too far." She was silent for a second, knowing she wanted to know. "What did you to him? Is he really dead?"
"The night he was in a pub... He went to the bathroom and I was gone before his guys could even think of the possibility. He didn't deserve mercy." You kept it short. There wasn't much to tell anyways, you moved quick in your line of work.
"So are you.." she let her question trail off, but you knew what she was asking.
"In a sense, yes. There is no real harm against me or you. Therefore I have no reason to stay moving." You bobbed your head, letting Emily's smile infect you.
She fisted your shirt and pulled you close, kissing you sweetly but fiercely. And when she pulled away she looked at you with a hopeful shimmer. "Move in with me then. Stay with me this time."
You easily agreed to her, not needing to even think twice about it. And that's when you both heard a throat clear.
Penelope was behind on everything as she watched the end of you and Emily's moment. "I want a name, now." She demanded from her spot in the couch.
The two of you laughed at her tone, but you stepped slightly back for Emily to take the lead. It was her choice if the team got to know more about you or not.
"This is Y/n." Was all she said, but that's all you needed to know there was still so much for you two to talk about first. "I'm gonna take a second lunch," she smiled at her colleagues before collecting her stuff.
There were many unanswered questions as you left hand in hand with Emily. Penelope and JJ began to share many possibilities on what could be happening. But they would all have to wait till they finally did get their answers.
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etclouie · 2 days
Hello, could you do a Phillip Graves X Reader? I noticed you didn’t have any ideas for him listed. Maybe where reader has a rough day at work and just wants to come home to relax and destress. Also it would be neat if she was a Veterinary Assistant but it’s okay if she has another job.
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to be loved, is to be cared for
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 summary: after a rough day at work, you come home to your husband and he helps you destress (Phillip Graves x !fem reader)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 warnings: fluff, taking care of each other, established relationship, soft love, soft!graves, readers job isn’t mentioned so can be whatever you want it to be, graves runs reader a bath but nothing explicit is described, eh i think that’s it??, lmk if i missed any
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 word count: 512
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 a/n: this gives me husband!graves vibes so we’re going with it
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 cod masterlist | main masterlist
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you’d had a rough day at work, nothing had seemed to go right and it simply annoyed you even more. 
all you wanted was to get home and relax, knowing your husband had the day off. 
fumbling with your keys to unlock the front door and pushing it open, sighing as you dropped your keys into the small bowl on the table in the hall before kicking the door shut behind you. 
wandering further into the house after kicking your shoes off and setting the rest of your things aside, finding Phillip in the kitchen cooking. 
“hey you” 
voice quiet and hoarse from the otherwise lack of use on your commute home, making sure he wasn’t holding or doing anything that could get either of you hurt before wrapping your arms around him. 
head resting on his shoulder while a contended sigh pushed past your lips, inhaling the familiar scent of his shampoo before he turned to face you. 
one of his hands on the back of your head to hold it to his chest, while his other hand soothed across your back. 
“hi darlin’, you okay?”
he asked softly, lifting his hand from your head to let you look up at him. nodding softly, his eyes searching yours and a frown etching itself onto his face. 
the tired look in your eyes, and your downturned lips a give away from your tired state. 
“rough day?”
nodding again and resting your head on his chest again, curling as close into him as possible and sighing deeply as he wrapped his arms around you again. 
feeling him bend down to press a kiss to your forehead before he was mumbling out to you, voice so soft and familiar. 
“let me take care of you sweetheart”
and that’s what he did. 
you both sat down and ate dinner together, one of your favourite meals. his hand on your thigh the whole time, and his thumb drawing circles. 
then he ran you a bath, taking care of you in every capacity of the word. 
sitting next to the tub and simply admiring you, his arms crossed on the side of the tub and his head tilted on top of his arms. 
“you’re so beautiful”
he murmured more than once, a constant reminder of his deep rooted love for you. 
being at your aid whenever you asked him for something, helping to wash your back before kneading the tension from your shoulders. 
pressing kisses to your shoulders and murmuring out soft ‘i love you’s. 
helping you out of the tub and wrapping you in a soft and warm towel, following behind you as you made your way into your bedroom before smiling up at him. 
“don’t deserve you sometimes, you’re too good to me”
voice soft but your words had him shaking his head, hands reaching for yours and pressing kisses to your knuckles. 
his voice soft and full of love. 
“you deserve all of me and my love, i’ll always be here to take care of you when your days been rough darlin’. i promise”
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requests are open here !
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asherraccoon · 2 days
Care- Radioapple- Hurt/comfort, fluff-Requested-ish?
(Anon didn't specify a plot, they only asked for Radioapple hurt/comfort)
Charlie was getting worried. Her dad hadn't left his room in several weeks. Not even to come eat. She had figured Lucifer was just busy, being a king and all, but he's been really quiet. More than usual. She had been bringing food for him and leaving it outside his door, and it was always gone when she went to check, but she didn't know if Lucifer was actually eating it. 
Vaggie looked at Charlie and set a hand on her shoulder. “Have you checked up on your dad recently?” She asked. 
Charlie sighed. “I tried too but he wont open up the door. The most I got was an 'I'm fine’ and 'don't worry’ but he didn't sound fine. He sounded… tired…” Charlie crossed her arms. “I think he's fallen into a depressive episode,” 
Vaggie cupped Charlie's cheek. “He'll be okay, I'm sure of it,” she said with a smile, attempting to comfort her girlfriend. 
Charlie leaned into Vaggie's hand and held her wrist. “I hope so…”
“Maybe you can get Alastor to check up on him? The two have been getting closer lately and sometimes it's easier to trust friends than it is to trust family,” Vaggie suggested. 
Charlie nodded. “Yeah, maybe…” 
After having been requested by Charlie, Alastor made his way to Lucifer's room. He hadn't admitted it aloud, but he was getting a bit concerned when he noticed Lucifer hadn't been leaving his room for a good few weeks. He stopped outside of Lucifer's room. The door was a golden color with a red apple and a white snake painted on it. He knocked three times. “Lucifer,” 
It was silent on the other side of the door. 
“Lucifer,” Alastor repeated, a bit louder. 
No response. 
Alastor's ears lowered. He merged into the shadows and teleported into Lucifer's room. 
Lucifer's room was messy. More so than usual. There were some dishes on his desk, none of them were empty. Some had half eaten meals on them, others looked as though they'd only had 3 bites taken from them. 
Alastor looked at the bed, where Lucifer was hiding underneath the blankets. Alastor approached. “Lu,” he said softly. He pulled the blanket away from Lucifer's face. 
Lucifer looked up at Alastor. He had bags under his eyes and tear stained cheeks. His hair was dirty and greasy. It looked like he hadn't changed his clothes in a while. 
Ah, so it was a depressive episode. 
Alastor sat down on the edge of the bed. “Lucifer, dear,” he ran his hand through Lucifer's messy hair. 
Lucifer let out a small whine and tightly squeezed the deer plush he was cuddling. He hid his face in the plush's neck. “Go away,” he said quietly. 
Alastor hummed and sighed. He stood up. 
Lucifer was a bit relieved when Alastor stood, thinking he was leaving. He wasn't expecting to be suddenly grabbed and lifted. 
Alastor picked up Lucifer, holding him bridal position in his arms. 
Lucifer squeaked as he was picked up. He leaned into Alastor and hugged his deer plush close. He didn't bother fighting. “Where're we going?” He mumbled. 
“Bathroom, you're filthy,” Alastor said, carrying Lucifer to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. 
Lucifer whined quietly. “I don't wanna shower,” he complained. 
“That's why I'm going to help you,” Alastor said. He entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He set Lucifer down on the edge of the bathtub and turned on the water, plugging the drain. 
Lucifer watched the water spill from the faucet. “Why?” He asked. 
“I'm not going to let you lay there in your own filth, Lu,” Alastor replied. He held his hand under the water, testing the temperature. When he decided it was good, he stood and walked back into the bedroom. Alastor removed the dirty bedsheets with his magic and replaced them with clean ones. Once that was done, he returned to the bathroom. 
Lucifer held his deer plush in his lap, playing with its ears. 
“Does it have a name?” Alastor asked, gesturing to Lucifer's deer. 
Lucifer looked up at him. “Uh... No… I just call him Deer,” he said quietly, a little embarrassed. 
Alastor hummed. “Is he your favorite?” He asked. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching the water fill up. 
Lucifer nodded. “Yeah,” 
“I would have expected a duck to be your favorite,” Alastor said teasingly. He chuckled softly. 
Lucifer blushed. “W-well, deers are cool too…” he fiddled with one of Deer's antlers. 
“It's 'deer’, not 'deers’, Lucifer,” Alastor corrected. 
“Uh- sorry…” Lucifer held the toy up to his face, attempting to hide his embarrassment.
“It's a simple mistake,” Alastor shrugged. He turned the faucet off. 
Lucifer's hand pet Deer's fur, distracting himself from the embarrassment he felt. 
“Bath is ready,” Alastor told him. He stood up and knelt in front if Lucifer. “Can I put Deer on the counter? He'll be right where you can see him,” he requested. 
Lucifer hesitated. He didn't really let other people hold his comfort items, but he felt Alastor could be trusted. He handed the toy to Alastor. “Just be careful with him,” 
Alastor took the plush and stood. He set it on the bathroom counter, giving it a pat on the head before returning to Lucifer. “Ready?” He asked. 
Lucifer fidgeted, but he gave a nod.
Alastor rubbed the soap into Lucifer's hair. He gently scratched and massaged his scalp, attempting to get the dirt and filth out. 
Lucifer sat in the water with his knees hugged against his chest. He wasn't used to having someone care for him. It felt weird. He spoke up after a couple minutes. “Why do you care?” He questioned, his eyes on the wall. 
Alastor paused for a moment. He then continued his movements. “Because I enjoy being with you, Lucifer,” he said softly. “I don't like seeing you so depressed and tired,” 
Lucifer stayed quiet after that. He allowed Alastor to wash his hair, feeling too tired to fight or argue. 
“Are you hungry at all?” Alastor asked him. 
Lucifer shook his head. “No. My appetite hasn't been very good lately,” he replied.  
Alastor tilted Lucifer's head back to pour water over his head, rinsing the shampoo away. “Well, is there anything else that you need?” He wondered. 
Lucifer shrugged. “I just wanna be left alone,” he muttered. 
“Well, that's certainly not happening,” Alastor said. He finished rinsing out the shampoo and started conditioning Lucifer's hair. 
“Why not?”
“Because isolation isn't a good way to deal with your depression, Lucifer,” the deer demon said. “You say that you're lonely yet you isolate and neglect yourself. You can't combat fire with fire, Lucifer,” 
Lucifer felt tears well up in his eyes. “I-I know…” he mumbled. 
“Then why do you do it?” 
Lucifer took a moment to gather his thoughts. “I guess it's just… I don't…” he sighed and bowed his head. “Whenever I go into these episodes… my brain likes to tell me that I deserve to be sad. I deserve to be alone,” he explained. “And I can't help but believe those thoughts are true. It feels like everything is my fault. It feels like I'm the worst… I don't know what to do in that situation other than isolate myself and let myself rot…”  
Alastor listened. His ear twitched as he heard a sob escape Lucifer's mouth. His ears lowered. Was he too hard on him? He did kind of pressure Lucifer into talking. Shit. Now he felt bad.
Lucifer sniffled. He wiped a tear from his cheek. “Fuck…” he whimpered. 
Alastor took a breath. “Look, Lucifer,” he spoke gently. “Isolation and self-neglect… Those aren't good ways to cope. And I know that it's hard to take care of yourself when you're down in the lowest, but you've gotta talk to someone about it so they can help you,” he rinsed the conditioner out of Lucifer's hair. 
“But it's hard to talk to people…” Lucifer said shakily. He sniffled again. “I-I don't want t-to b-burden them…” 
“You won't burden me, Lucifer. I'm here to listen to you and comfort you when you need it,” Alastor responded. He squeezed the extra water from Lucifer's hair and then reached for the drain to pull it. He shook his wet arm when he removed it from the water. 
Lucifer shivered at the loss of warmth the water had given. He hugged himself tighter. “Cold,” he spoke quietly. 
“We'll get you into some clothes in a moment,” Alastor said, grabbing a towel. He handed the towel to Lucifer for him to dry off and summoned some fresh clothes with his magic, making sure they were comfortable enough for Lucifer. 
Once he was clothed, Lucifer took his deer plush off of the bathroom counter and held it close. 
Alastor took a hair brush and stood behind Lucifer. He began brushing Lucifer's hair, making sure to get all the knots and tangles that hadn't been gotten rid of in the bath. 
Lucifer winced a little when knots were brushed out. “Ow,” he whispered.
“Sorry,” Alastor apologized. He set the hairbrush aside once he was done. “Do you want or need anything else, Lucifer?” He asked. 
Lucifer hesitated. He hid his face in the plush. “I-I don't wanna be alone… can you please hold me? Just for a little?” He mumbled shyly. 
Alastor nodded, his expression soft. “Of course, darling,” he said softly. He put his arms around Lucifer and picked him up.
Lucifer hid his face in Alastor's shoulder. 
Alastor carried Lucifer out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. He set Lucifer down on the bed for a moment. He sat down beside him and then pulled Lucifer back into his arms. 
Lucifer leaned on Alastor. He kept most of his focus on Deer, playing with the plush's ears. Being in Alastor's arms felt nice. He was warm. He made Lucifer feel safe. He closed his eyes, sighing softly as he pressed closer to Alastor. 
Alastor played with Lucifer's hair. A faint click was heard from Alastor's chest before a soft song began to play. He hummed along with it. 
Lucifer blinked at the sudden music, but he didn't say or do anything. He listened to Alastor's humming and the music. He let out a quiet exhale. “Thank you… for taking care of me…” he mumbled quietly. 
“Of course, mon cher,” Alastor replied, combing his fingers through Lucifer's hair. 
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writingbynova · 23 hours
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Hiromi Higuruma
I have to apologize for the delay, I'm only now adapting to my new schedule and finding time to write
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ⊹ : pwp (porn with plot) - mdni - Higuruma x fem!reader - rough sex- overstimulation - cowgirl - doggy style - squirting - fingering - oral(fem receiving) - slight edging - degrading - mind breaking - dirty talk - hate sex (kinda)
Word count: 2.2k
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Hiromi Higurama, 36 years old, of average height, dark hair, a nonchalant look always displayed, nice lips but oh whenever they curved into a mischievous smirk, you knew.
Marrying a lawyer was never in your plans, but being met with such a handsome man how could your even think to resist ?
You'd think being a lawyer he'd be a fair and just man? Wrong. Quite the opposite actually, he was an unfair manipulative man and he took full pride in it. Behind his nice, saving appearance the real him was hiding, acting all kind and pampering, saying he'd be nice and soft, luring you into his arms feigning sweet cuddle time, only to to tie your arms behind your back, put you in a full Nelson facing the bedroom mirror and have you beg him for the sole purpose of showing you just how weak and vulnerable you are next to him. Just your average lawyer.
You never ever saw it coming. He walked in the kitchen, slid behind you where you were, leaning on the counter, sipping on some red wine. A recipe for disaster. His white dress shirt emitting a nice musky scent. He wasn't particularly tall or big but oh how small you felt whenever he was around you, he just naturally knew how to keep you in check. Wrapping his arms around your waist his large hand cupping your hips, his bulge pressing into the back of your skirt "how was your day ?" He whispered, retiring to gnawing your neck, his cologne now intoxicating your senses. "Eh, It was okay, how was yours?" You asked, though focusing on what you were saying was difficult. You could feel his piercing gaze at the back of your head. Like he was analyzing your words. Good thing you were being truthful
Lying in his presence was equivalent to a death sentence. Or maybe you were being dramatic. Nu anyway he'd smell your lies from miles away and always made sure your mouth was too full and busy to solely think about trying again...
"...Oh yeah ? Mine wasn't so great I have to admit...How about you help me make it better ? This dress is so pretty, your thighs look so good..." You were fucked. Literally
Once he was away from his work place his favourite activity was rushing back home and spending time with you. Fucking you was not his intent. At least not always, it was just too hard to resist. Body con dress? Dinner's gonna have to wait. A new perfume ? How it called? Sweet innocence? Well he's gonna have to take that away with a heated session against whatever the closest surface he found is. Your waxer cancelled last minute on you ? No problem he'll cheer you up by eating that pussy like it's his last meal. Right, Just your average lawyer.
With good intentions though, the goal was to cuddle, smell you, feel you. Wholesomely, but once he did? Well those carnal desire always came running back.
The view was filthy, the feeling was another subject. Husband on his knees, face buried between your thighs, dress shirt ever-so-slightly opened so a few dark chest hair peaked from his collar. His entire mouth licking, sucking and lapping at your pussy. Palms resting on your hip bones and his thumbs spreading your lips open. "Fuckkkk"
He's shoving his entire face into it, his nose lightly nudging your hardened clit. He's like cemented onto you, aside from your delirious moans, you do try to pry his face away from your cunt but to no avail, actually he only buried himself deeper having you grip the counter. "Hiromi!Hiromi!Hiromi!" He's like deaf to your barely coherent calls, could he even hear you over the slurping noise ? Didn't matter. " 'm close, cumming f-fuck" your knees and elbows start to buckle, slowly pressing your cunt harder onto his tongue. You could swear you heard a faint chuckle at that, but you're too out of it to even think it through, he's lapping at your cum, groaning and huffing like a starved dog. While your chest rises up and down frantically, and you haven't yet regained your breathing pace when his eyes peak out for below your skirt..
His figure tall figure came up, quite literally creeping up you. His eyes never leaving yours, The look of sex. Desire colored his face, slightly blushing, his hand quickly came around roaming on your body before he settled for the nape of your neck and your waist. His mouth crashed over yours, his tongue sliding in and overpowering yours, light groans escaping the midst. It's almost shocking how skilled he his. "How about we go somewhere more comfortable?"
Who would have thought a lawyer, a perfect, professional, extremely skilled lawyer at that  could finger you like as good as he could plead a case. You didn't, but now you knew though. Because he was playing with your entrance like it was just another work case, however this was different there was a passion in it, like he'd been waiting. Waiting to hear you whine his name, waiting to have you beg him to fuck you stupid. Just your... What is it again ? Lawyer ?
You could feel the minty taste on his lips. His hand cupping your cheek, keeping your lips against his and by the time you're able to pull away you're gasping for air. Still he's holding your wobbly thighs apart, letting his digits rub and abuse your clit. "You're driving me crazy love" he breathes. You're kneeling over him and leaning on his shoulder, barely supporting yourself, even less with his finger working magic of your soaked pussy...
"You're- ah shit— you're the one making me c-crazy...wanna cum" you whisper in his ear, resting your arms on his shoulders. His fingers keep teasing you, sometimes toying harder with your sensitive bud. Lawyer? Sadist? At this point you don't know.
"My love is making requests ? Mhm, I can't make you cum so soon though. Wouldn't it be too easy ? A good lawyer takes his time working on a case, especially one as passioning as this ..." Yeah sadist. Definitely. His words only make you crave him harder. You just want to grind everywhere. His fingers, his face, his thigh, his cock. All of it. But still you're reduced to being teased dripping wet over him. "Hiromi— you're n-not fair with me" you squeel. But weirdly enough he stays silent. Almost as if you just said it. It, the thing to not say, it's not like you called a lawyer unfair ? Right ? Yeah you're fucked.
"Oh am I now ?"
His fingers slowed down. The time probably did too because it felt as if you looked at him for an eternity and as if he did just the same. His eyes dug into yours, and his expression changed. He looked like he had just been, challenged ? You couldn't think about it further because in a split second his fingers filled you up. Rubbing and curving around your sensitive walls. His movements ripped long awaited moans from you "ah! Fuckkkk it's good, so— fucking good !" You cried,
A soft smile adorned his face, nodding and whispering "I know, I know, I'm only trying to be fair to you my love" Your moans muffled by his mouth, hungrily capturing your lips, before rutting his fingers along your spongey walls. His fingers replayed the same actions. Again and again. Playing with your soft spot, like a routine. You felt high tension build in your stomach, using with each thrust he made. "Hiromi ! I'm cumming! F-fuck" you cried your hand gripping his hair. Your thighs slowly gave  up, having you resting on his thighs.
"Come lie down. Face down, ass up." 7 words and you still blinked like an idiot, it's not like you juste cummed like a whore. Though you obviously got up as best and you could and executed his orders. It's not like you'd say no to dick, and seeing how hard he was you wanted it just as bad as he wanted to dick you down.
He stood behind you, hand groping and massaging your ass. He brought his cock up against you hole pressed up against it, his precum leaking over you already sensitive pussy. Your second name must be oblivious.
His cock slowly sinks into you. You immediately start throbbing at small amount of his length you've been able to feel. He pushes in deeper until the base of his cock is against your ass. The heat in accumulating on your face, it's hard to think straight, or even just to breathe clearly. His hands grab you hips. Hard. His thumbs dig into your lower back and before you're able to even think about speaking up, his thrust start. Start shaking you, knocking the oxygen out of your lungs. "Ah ! Hiromi! Ah-" you yelp. Eyes wide open, tears slightly pricking your eyes, your walls are clutching around his thrusts. "I was being unfair no? Now it's Ah, it's my duty to break you" he grunts, his speed picking up. Oblivious
"Ah! S-shit, I didn't...mean it like that" you cried, tugging on the sheets. If there was one thing he hated more than anything, it was definitely being called unfair. And by that he meant when you called him unfair, I mean he never denied it though but it didn't mean you had the right to say it. "Ah, I'm unfair ? Fuck, I'll show you unfair" he said, watching you crumble below him.
His hips rutted into you, again and again, with so much strength you could feel it in every angle of your body, occasionally using spikes of energy to lift your head up and breath before he shoved your face back into the mattress, muffling your screams. Your shaky fingers pathetically gripping and pulling on the sheets. Still he slammed himself deep and what seemed like even deeper into you, your high pitched moans still resonating through the foam. "No... Ah, this isn't unfair enough, tell me, ah, am I being fair enough?" He purred, right next to your ear, slowing in his tracks. Waiting for you to answer him. But you were too busy relishing in finally being able to breath and think. Well not clearly enough obviously. Too busy until his veiny hand wrapped around your neck, pulling you up close to him. Not tightening around your neck, not yet. Just lifting you upwards so your back was against his chest. His spare hand held both your wrists being your back. Giving you no control. Entirely at his mercy.
His cock only seemed to dig deeper and further into you, while his hand tightened around you throat. "I said, am, I, being, fair, enough?" He grunted, each word spaced by a breath snatching thrust. His hands finally let go of you and your upper body instantly fell forward, you barely attempted to save yourself. You inhaled short sharp breathes against the mattress. Your lower half completely dismissing your distress. Your legs going numb. F- ah! Fuck, m-mean, being mean" you cried, fat tears blurring your eyelashes as your felt your orgasm hitting you.
"Oh so now you're calling me mean ?" He asked, his thrust only doubling in intensity, dolling you around. You could feel each and every inch of his cock, stretching, filling you. His grunts deepened, potentially signaling he was close. Truthfully you couldn't tell. The dick was too good. You voice overpowered his, your pathetic "ah!ah!ah!" Ringing through the slapping noise of his hips on your ass.
"Oh fuckkkk, there we go" he slowly pulled out, letting his ropes of cum seep from your hole as you laid there, fucked out.
His arms came lifting you up, making you straddle his lap. "No honey we don't waste around here." Three thick fingers easily slid up your pussy. "truthfully my love, you're right. I am an unfair man, so now you're gonna ride it" Through your state of euphoria his voice seemed so far away and so close and loud at the same time. Regardless, you grabbed his cock and pressed the tip to your entrance. Your weak moans only amused him to lengths as he guided you down. "there you go, just slide all— the way down, just like that." You could barely speak, moans rolling out of your mouth non-stop. "P-please ? S' too f-fucking- ah! D-deep—" you whimpered shuddering up and down his shaft. "You're doing great darling, fuckk- don't you mind me... I'm just a very mean and unfair man after all" one of his hand rested on your hip directing you down his length over and over.
A mischievous smile of please sprawled on his face his thumb pressed downing your clit. Hard, pressing down circles on the hardened bud. A horde of butterflies flew straight to your lower stomach and you feel your climax hit you. Fast. His eyes stared you down, relishing in watching you convulse over him. Okay. Definitely not your average lawyer. "I'm about to cum- ah f-fuck, Hiromi!" You cried throwing you head back. Your nails scratching his back, as you feel yourself spiking and squirting down on him. Your eyes fly shut the intensity knocking the wind out of you. You were quite literally speechless. His hands come around to grab and support you. Rubbing you lower back 
"Hope I wasn't too unfair my love"
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knivestothroats · 1 day
In The Woods Somewhere + Professional//Victim Crossover AU
@victimeyez and I like to play with our OCs together like dolls. We came up with a number of ways Tommy ends up with Fletcher but this is a "my mom sold me to one direction" type AU where Fletcher buys Tommy to basically replace Buck.
CW: long term captivity/human trafficking, withholding food (in past), physical violence, burning, dubious consent sort of, guns in places they shouldn't be
read In The Woods Somewhere here || read Professional//Victim here
Scene 1
Tommy hadn’t experienced a thunderstorm in years.
It rained sometimes when he was on his way to a client, but having lived in a basement for the last five years, he had forgotten their intensity. How loud the incessant, arrhythmic rainfall echoed down from the roof. How lightning could suddenly illuminate the whole room in a flash. How he could feel the house shake with the roar of thunder. Or maybe it was just him shaking. He felt like a dog on the fourth of July. 
It was stupid, after everything he’d been through, to be afraid of the weather.
A bright flash through the window again, followed shortly by a crack of thunder that he could feel in his chest. They were getting closer together. 
There’s no way Tommy could sleep. He was sitting up in his bed in his new home, knees to his chest with his arms wrapped around. 
As much as he loathed Caius, he did provide comfort at times. It was twisted, but it was something. Fletcher… he wasn’t sure about. They had been more reserved so far, treating him with a sort of casual amiability. But Tommy was well aware how Fletcher reveled in inflicting pain. He just hadn’t figured out yet when and why they shed the wool to become the wolf.
Another flash. Tommy tried to brace himself, but he still jumped at the thunder.
Tommy swung his legs off the bed. He stared at the door for a second before going through into the hallway. It was still strange to not be locked in.
He walked gently down the dark hallway. He knew where Fletcher’s room was - they had pointed it out on his first day with a strict do not enter.
Tommy stood outside Fletcher’s bedroom door. He rubbed his hands over his arms. 
This was ridiculous. Going to Fletcher for comfort? Like a child waking up their parents after having a bad dream? During a thunderstorm of all things. He should just go back to - 
Flash. Crack.
Tommy knocked on Fletcher’s door. He tried to listen for movement over the sound of the rain. They probably hadn’t even heard him over the din. Maybe he should knock again, or maybe he should go back - 
Fletcher opened the door, wearing just a t-shirt, gym shorts, and bed head. They squinted at him in the dark.
“I’m sorry,” was the first thing out of Tommy’s mouth. “I, um. I can’t sleep and, um…”
Fletcher was silhouetted as their room lit up. The thunder followed so quickly behind, rumbling through the house, that Tommy didn’t have time to count. 
Fletcher saw Tommy flinch hard, drawing his shoulders up by his ears.
“You’re scared of thunder?”
Tommy felt his face redden, in spite of himself. He should be incapable of embarrassment at this point, after all the humiliation he was put through, but he just felt childish.
“Alright, come in,” Fletcher said with a yawn, moving aside to make way. “Don’t try to kill me in my sleep.”
“Really?” Tommy asked, perking up. He took a hesitant step into the room. “Can I, um, do you mind if I share the bed?”
“Yeah I assumed that was what you were asking,” Fletcher grumbled, shutting the door behind him.
Fletcher took their side first, and Tommy took the other. He laid stiff in the bed, making sure they had a gap between them. Tommy had wondered if sharing the bed would come with a cost, putting himself in a vulnerable position within Fletcher’s grasp. But Fletcher had turned their back to him, sleeping on their side.
He was still on edge. Was sleeping beside Fletcher really better than being alone?
There was a flicker of lightning, followed by a grumble of thunder. Not as loud this time, but enough to make Tommy nervous. 
Tommy turned on his side as well and carefully scooted over until his back was brushing against Fletcher’s. He held his breath, but they didn’t react. 
Tommy could feel their warmth seep into him. He let out a slow breath. It was definitely better than being alone.
Fletcher had managed to tune out the storm into white noise, but they were a light sleeper, forever on edge. They opened their eyes in the darkness, listening to Tommy murmur and shift in his sleep.
Fletcher rolled over and draped their arm over Tommy’s middle.
“Shhh,” they hushed gently.
Tommy’s shirt had ridden up, and he whimpered when Fletcher made contact with his skin.
Fletcher tensed up at the noise. Tommy was definitely asleep, but that whimper was perfect. They wondered if he practiced it for his clients. It was difficult to resist the urge to wrap their arm tight around him and squeeze, trying to elicit the sound again. 
Fletcher moved their hand over Tommy’s bare torso. They could feel his ribs too distinctly beneath his skin. Caius and the others probably had him skipping meals. Whether to keep up his waifish victim aesthetic, to keep him weak, to punish him, or just from neglect.  Fletcher figured he would put on weight quickly here. He was going to need to, if he was going to keep up with the work Fletcher had for him to do around the lodge. 
“Get up.”
Tommy gasped awake as a hand jostled him from his sleep. He looked around quickly, getting his bearings, and saw Fletcher leaning over him.
“I’m getting up, you can’t stay in my room alone,” Fletcher said.
“Oh,” Tommy rubbed his eyes. “Right. Okay. Thank you… for letting me sleep here.”
“Uh huh,” Fletcher said. “I’m making breakfast.”
“Do you want me to help?”
“Mm, I’ll let you know.”
“Okay… do you want me to make your bed?” Tommy offered, trying to show his gratitude.
“No,” Fletcher said flatly. They gestured to the door. 
“Right, sorry.” Tommy hurried out of the room. “Um, would it be alright if I took a shower? Or do you want me to wait?”
“All yours, bud,” Fletcher said, closing the door shut behind them. “Just don’t take too long. You want to get the breakfast while it’s hot.”
Tommy turned the water up as hot as he could stand. It staved off the chill that seemed to linger in the lodge. He allowed himself a few moments to just stand under the stream after he had washed, but Fletcher had told him not to take long, and he didn’t want to push it.
Tommy dried and dressed quickly, scrunching his hair with the shirt he had slept in and finger-combing it out of his face. He made his way to the kitchen, which was already calling his name with rich, savory smells.
Fletcher was standing at the stove, stirring one pan with a spatula while another sizzled away next to them. 
“What smells so good?” Tommy asked, trying to peer into the pans.
“Onions and bacon, mostly,” Fletcher said.
“Do you need any help?” Tommy offered.
There was a pop, pop as a pair of bagels sprung up from a two-sided toaster.
“Yeah, grab those bagels for me and add butter and cream cheese. There’s plates in that cabinet, silverware in that drawer.”
Tommy moved swiftly to do as he was told. 
When he had plated them, Fletcher carried over the first pan.
“Okay, get out of my way.” 
It was said lightheartedly, but Tommy still leapt back.
“Just take a seat,” Fletcher nodded to the kitchen table. “It’s ready.”
Tommy sat down and watched as Fletcher assembled the plates, but their body was blocking his view. It wasn’t until they set his breakfast down in front of him that he was able to take it in. 
Scrambled eggs with multicolor peppers, strips of bacon, a sausage, and the bagel he had prepared.
He couldn’t believe how much his mouth was watering.
“It’s veggie sausage,” Fletcher said. “I only had a couple left. Oh - you want coffee?”
Tommy looked up at them wide eyed. Fletcher had told him on the first day that he could help himself to food in the kitchen, but he had been too afraid to touch their coffee maker. Even when there was a pot already made, he had been too anxious that he wasn’t supposed to take any.
“Yes, please.”
“How do you take it?” Fletcher asked, getting a mug from the shelf. It was designed to look like a can of Campbell’s tomato soup. 
“A lot of sugar and cream,” Tommy said. “Please. If you don’t mind.”
Fletcher heaped two spoonfuls of sugar into the mug and then looked in the fridge. 
“Mm, I just have oat milk right now.”
“Okay, that’s fine, thank you,” Tommy said, even though he had never tried it before.
Fletcher splashed some into the mug before pouring the steaming coffee on top. They gave it a stir and set it down in front of Tommy.
Tommy hadn’t touched his food. He stared at the spread before him, not quite believing it was really for him.
Fletcher settled down across the table with their matching meal and began to eat.
“I don’t know where to start,” Tommy said in a small voice.
“Eggs,” Fletcher provided.
Tommy scooped up a forkful of the scrambled eggs and took his first bite. 
It wasn’t just peppers, there were onions and cheese mixed in as well. The texture was perfect - they weren't dry or runny. 
“Wow,” Tommy said. He followed it with a long sip of coffee. It wasn’t as sweetened as he would have made it for himself once upon a time, but it was hot and rich and maybe the best cup he’d ever had.
He might actually start crying. 
“The secret is cream cheese,” Fletcher said, gesturing to his eggs with their fork. “And to scramble it in the pan. How’s the coffee?”
“So good,” Tommy said. “Thank you.”
“Mhm.” Fletcher started to pile their eggs and bacon onto the bagel. “How often were you being fed before?”
“Um, twice a day, usually,” Tommy said. “Sometimes… less.”
Fletcher nodded. “Figured. You need to start increasing your caloric intake. I need you to do work around here and I don’t want you passing out after an hour in the garden.”
Tommy took a bite of the bagel. The layer of butter under the cream cheese felt so indulgent. 
“If it means I get to eat like this every day, I am more than happy to oblige,” Tommy said.
“Well, I’m not cooking every meal for you,” Fletcher said. “But I want you to eat.”
I want you to eat.
Even if it was to work him like a dog, it was so much better than being worked like a dog on an empty stomach. Despite Fletcher’s generally cold aloofness and passing threats, despite having been the victim of their bloodlust in the past, Tommy felt oddly cared for.
He took another bite of the eggs and hoped he could get Fletcher to teach him how to cook like this.
Scene 2
Fletcher had their sleeves rolled tightly up above their elbows. On their hands they wore black disposable gloves. Tommy watched as those hands deftly sectioned the chickens into pieces, their well-sharpened knife effortlessly cutting through the flesh. 
Tommy had to let his eyes drift away. He watched Fletcher’s arms instead. They tended to hide their form under layers, but every time they rolled up their sleeves, it revealed their muscle tone. Tommy wondered why they didn’t show it off - most people would. He noticed as well, as he watched, that Fletcher had some lighter lines on their skin - old scars haphazardly slashed into their arms. He imagined them getting into knife fights. He imagined them holding someone down by the throat with both hands, arms tensed, as their victim clawed at their skin to no avail.
Fletcher moved the chicken pieces into a bowl of marinade. Spice bottles were cluttering the counter around it. 
Fletcher covered the bowl and set it aside. They cleaned up, discarding their gloves and disinfecting their work space. 
Tommy had been tasked with washing the potatoes he and Fletcher had harvested from the garden. Fletcher had asked him to take his time, making sure each one was free of dirt in the divots, as they wouldn’t be peeling them. He was worried, when Fletcher turned to him, that they would be angry he hadn’t gotten through the whole crop, but they merely began to take from the clean pile and start cutting them into chunks. 
“When you’re done with that can you go through the green beans and just make sure to snap all the stems off?” Fletcher asked.
Tommy nodded. “Sure.”
They had picked the beans together as well. It felt nice to be doing something actually productive for a change. 
When they were done, Fletcher dumped the potatoes into a big pot of water but didn’t light the stove. They sighed, looking at the clock and chewed their lip a moment.
“I should’ve started this earlier. I’m already starting to get hungry,” Fletcher said. “I just want everything to be done at the same time.”
Fletcher shook their head like they were hoping the thoughts would fall into place. They took a baking sheet and returned to the chicken, laying the pieces out.
“I’m done,” Tommy said from his spot at the table with his bowl of beans. He swept the stem pieces into his hand and got up to dump them in the trash.
“Ah-ah!” Fletcher waved their hand at him, causing Tommy to stop abruptly. “Compost.”
“Right, sorry.” Tommy ducked his head.
“Just give the beans a rinse and then you’re done for now,” Fletcher said. “I’ll call you back when it’s ready.”
It was a while later when Fletcher called Tommy back into the kitchen. He was sitting out on the back deck, just feeling the sun on his skin and listening to the birds, when Fletcher opened the door and leaned out.
“I need your help,” they said.
Tommy jumped up and followed them in.
“I forgot to make fucking gravy,” Fletcher growled. “I just need you to mash the potatoes for me while I whip this up. And just shake the pan with the green beans occasionally to move them around.”
The kitchen was hot now, and Tommy quickly shrugged off his sweatshirt before taking over the potatoes. Fletcher was mixing ingredients when there was a thud above them, followed by an indiscernible shout, followed by, “Fletcherrrrr!”
“Jesus Christ,” Fletcher rolled their eyes. “Okay in like two minutes you need to take the chicken out of the oven and check it. 165. Don’t forget to shake the pan.” They rattled off instructions as they marched out of the kitchen. 
Tommy kept an eye on the clock, rolling the beans in their saute oil. They looked kind of brown? He looked closer, not wanting Fletcher to come back and find them burned. Hm, no, he was pretty sure it was whatever they were being cooked in. Balsamic maybe? There were chopped onions in with it as well, and those similarly looked a little brown but not burnt. 
He checked the clock again. Okay, two minutes. Tommy looked around the counter, seeing the thermometer but no oven mitts. There was one pot holder laying out, and he folded the towel hanging off the oven door to go with it.
The tray was heavily laden with the chicken, heavier than Tommy expected it to be. He tried to adjust his grip so it didn’t tip backwards, but his adjustments shifted his fingertips off the towel. 
Tommy quickly pulled his hand away from the heat. Now holding the tray with one hand, it began to go sideways. Instinctively he tried to catch it, only serving to touch the hot metal again. This time, his brain - desperate to keep him from making the same mistake a third time - drew back his hands completely and the tray clattered to the floor, scattering the chicken. 
Tommy’s heart leapt to his throat. He dropped to his hands and knees and picked up a piece of chicken, dropping it immediately.
It’s hot, it’s all fucking hot, he berated himself. He started using the towel to scoop up the chicken. He didn’t know what to do with it, so he piled it back onto the tray. His heart was beating so loudly in his ears he didn’t hear Fletcher’s footsteps. It wasn’t until he saw their boots that he looked up.
As if they had materialized before him, summoned by his fuck up, Fletcher stood glowering down at him. They held a bloody rag in their hand from whatever they had been dealing with upstairs.
“I’m sorry,” Tommy said. “I’ll… I’ll…” Fix it? How was he going to fix it?
Fletcher closed their eyes and dug the heel of their palm into their temple. 
“Do you have any idea the amount of effort that went into this dinner?”
“I know, I’m sorry-” Tommy started again.
Fletcher cut him off. “You don’t know. I had to drive an hour and a half just to get these chickens. Every time I have to leave the lodge it’s a fucking ordeal. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but there’s not much around here. I can’t run to the grocery store without making a day of it. I can’t order fucking take out to fix this. You do know how long this took me today to put together.”
“I do, I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
Fletcher reached down and slammed Tommy’s head against the cabinets. 
“Stop fucking saying you’re sorry! I know you’re fucking sorry! What happened?”
Tommy held his head, trying to blink his vision back after it whited out.
Fletcher crouched down on their haunches and grabbed Tommy by the front of his shirt, giving him a quick shake. 
“Hey! What the fuck happened?”
“I, uh, I burned my hand…” Tommy said, keeping his eyes low. He held back another “sorry.”
“You burned your hand?” Fletcher repeated unsympathetically. “Where?”
Tommy glanced up at them and hesitantly opened up his hand to them. Fletcher grabbed his wrist with more force than necessary.
“You think this is a burn?” They snarled. “I’ll show you a fucking burn.”
Fletcher took Tommy’s hand and pressed it down against the still hot metal pan.
Tommy screamed and Fletcher allowed him to jerk his arm away. He cradled his hand to his chest, tears escaping from his eyes.
Fletcher stood again, looking down on him.
“Don’t bother getting up. You’re going to be scrubbing the floor.”
Fletcher turned around to storm off, only to see the three trainees leaning around the doorway to observe.
“The fuck are you looking at?” Fletcher snapped.
One held up their hands and made themself scarce.
“Does this mean there’s no dinner?” Another asked.
“There’s potatoes,” Fletcher grumbled. Then they suddenly turned back and dashed to the pan of green beans, taking it off the heat. They inspected the vegetables, ignoring Tommy sniffling on the ground, trying to scoop up the chicken with one hand. “Yeah, these are fine. There’s also green beans.”
Scene 3
Tommy had experienced more types of pain than he could count, but burning was usually off the table to clients. Too much deep tissue damage. It was scary to think that his hand may never be the same. And if it was to recover, it was going to do so at the slow, agonizing crawl of natural healing. 
Tommy did his best not to flinch as Fletcher applied the cream to his burns. He just had to suck air between his teeth and not complain. 
“How’s it feel?” Fletcher asked once they had finished wrapping the gauze. 
“It stings,” Tommy said pitifully. “It feels like I’m still being burned. Do you think… do you think it’s going to be okay? Eventually?”
“Well, if you want to give me the information of that doctor you used to see, I’m sure he can give you a magic healing potion or whatever the fuck. Once I decide you’ve suffered enough.”
Tommy’s stomach flopped. He would take a burn any day of the week if it meant he never had to see Sam again.
“Please don’t take me back to him,” Tommy begged softly. 
Fletcher raised an eyebrow, but said no more on the subject. They peeled off their gloves.
“Then here’s how it will go. It’ll hurt, and then it will blister, and then the blisters will pop. You have to keep it clean so it doesn’t get infected. If you find yourself unable to do simple tasks because you can’t use one of your hands, you can come find me…” Fletcher took his chin in their hand. “And beg for my help.”
Tommy slept with his hand cradled against his chest. There was a brief moment of peace when he awoke before he began to feel the throb of the burns. 
He kept his arm close to his torso as he walked to the kitchen, trying to think of what he could make for himself. Surely he could manage a bowl of cereal with one hand.
The box was easy enough. Tommy got the milk from the fridge. Oh yeah - oat milk. He held the container between his arm and his side, twisting the cap off with his good hand. Looked like milk.
He thought about pouring some into a glass to try, when Fletcher walked in, carrying dirty dishes to the sink.
They glanced in Tommy’s direction, then away, saying nothing. 
“I can-” it came out quiet and hoarse. Tommy cleared his throat and tried again. “I can wash those.”
“Can you?” Fletcher asked without looking back at him. 
“Um, I can, well, I can try…” Tommy offered. 
Fletcher turned to face him now, leaning back on the counter. “If you drop something, and it breaks,” they said, “I am not going to be happy.”
Tommy paled. “Is there - is there something else you would like me to do?”
“Not really,” Fletcher said. They walked out of the room. 
Tommy wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. They hadn’t told him not to do the dishes, just not to break them. And if he misinterpreted their response as a no, and they came back to find that he hadn’t washed them, they might be angry.
His strategy for washing dishes with one hand was to lay them in the sink, scrub them there with one hand as best he could, and then move them into the stream of water.
It took longer, and was more awkward - they kept sliding around - but he was able to do it.
When Tommy found Fletcher next, they were out behind the lodge chopping wood. He watched them raise the axe over their shoulder and swing down on the log, cleaving it easily in two. 
“Do you want any help?” Tommy called out, keeping his distance.
“No,” Fletcher called back, setting up the log again.
Tommy hesitated. “Is there anything you would like me to-“
“What the fuck did I just say?”
Tommy left them alone the rest of the day. He kept to his room, trying to give Fletcher space now that they had made it clear they didn’t want him around. For a while he tried to read, but he struggled to find a comfortable way to both hold the book and flip the pages. He ended up pacing the floor, filled with anxious nerves that urged him to do something.
He had been having such a… if not good, unquestionably better time here than he’d had with Caius and the rest. This was a bad turn. It didn’t have to be like this. He just had to make it up to Fletcher somehow; get back in their good graces
He had tried to make himself useful around the house without much success. It was true that what he could do would be limited while his hand was injured. Which meant he had to rely on other skills to make himself useful.
Everyone else had gone to bed. It was just Fletcher sitting on the couch, illuminated only by the fluctuating light of the TV screen. They had a beer in one hand, resting on the arm of the couch.
Tommy approached slowly, tugging on the hem of his shirt with anxiousness. Fletcher didn’t acknowledge him, even when he was standing in front of the couch. He kept to the side enough not to block their view.
It was only when Tommy lowered himself to his knees that Fletcher said, “What?” without taking their eyes off the screen.
“I’m really sorry about the dinner,” Tommy said. His stomach rippled with anxiety.
“I know,” Fletcher said flatly. “You’ve said.”
Tommy swallowed. He hesitantly leaned in and nuzzled his cheek against Fletcher’s leg.
Fletcher finally looked down at him.
“I would like to make it up to you.”
“How’s that?”
Fletcher said it flatly. Disinterested, still annoyed. There was no flirtation nor cruel amusement in their voice. 
Tommy swallowed. Was this a bad idea? Or was he not making it obvious enough? Most people would jump on him at the mere suggestion. 
Tommy put a hand on Fletcher’s knee and ran in gently up their thigh. Not far, not overstepping. Just trying to give them the right idea. He looked up at them with his best wet dog expression.
“Okay,” Fletcher said. 
They set their beer down on the end table and shifted their pose, spreading their legs a little more. Tommy dutifully shuffled in between.
Nothing you haven’t done before, he told himself. It’ll be better afterwards. 
“Close your eyes.” Fletcher said. And once he had, “Open your mouth.”
Tommy opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out a little. He waited, listening to Fletcher shift on the couch. Probably opening their pants. A click, that must’ve been their belt buckle. 
What entered his mouth was too big, too hard, too metallic. 
Tommy’s eyes flew open as the barrel of the gun forced his jaw wider. He tried to pull back, but Fletcher snatched a fistful of his hair and held him in place. 
Tommy whimpered that beautiful whimper, but it was more rounded, more frantic.
“Breathe through your nose,” Fletcher said.
Tommy squeezed his eyes shut and followed the order. He tried to breathe deep and slow through his nose. He tried to keep his tongue down as far as he could, to not gag and to not taste the oiled metal.
“I want you to look at me now.”
Tommy slowly opened his eyes. Fletcher was staring down at him impassively.
“Don’t try this shit with me again.”
Tommy couldn’t nod, so he did his best to make an “Uh huh” noise. 
Fletcher withdrew the gun. Tommy doubled forward and hacked. His mouth was left with an awful taste.
“Don’t spit on the floor,” Fletcher said. They picked up a magazine from the cushion beside them and slid it back into the gun. “Go.”
Tommy clamored to his feet and ran off. He managed to get to his room and close the door before fully breaking down into sobs, sliding down to the floor.
He had just been trying to make things better.
Tommy cried himself to sleep. Nothing new. He had just hoped to break the habit. 
He shuffled into the kitchen in the morning, and froze when he saw Fletcher sitting at the table, nursing a mug of coffee.
Tommy dropped his gaze quickly. He tried to decide quickly whether he should leave now, or grab some food and then leave. 
“Hey,” Fletcher said. It was softer than Tommy expected. “Sit.”
No running now. Tommy drew out the chair across from them and sat down, still avoiding their gaze.
“I recognize… that I have been harsh,” Fletcher said.
Tommy slowly lifted his eyes towards them, trying to read their expression. Was this a trick? Was he supposed to tell them he deserved it all? Was he supposed to believe them, and be lulled into a false sense of security?
“I didn’t give you a concussion, but, you know, the head can be tricky. And your hand…” They looked for the words. “I try to - I want to keep you in working condition. Nothing that’s going to really put you out of commission for a while. So that probably won’t happen again. Not to your hands. And the gun…” Fletcher ran a hand over their face. “The gun was a lot. That was uncool of me because, you know, gun safety rules.”
Tommy’s mouth was hanging slightly ajar. Was this an apology? At least, as close as Fletcher could get to one? He had expected something closer to, I recognize I’ve been harsh, but if you behaved I wouldn’t have to do these things.
“I know how it feels to have a gun on you,” Fletcher continued. They were the one to look away now. “And I… forget, I guess. That most people aren’t used to it. Can’t shake it off.
“Look, I’m not… not gonna say it will never happen again, but it probably won’t be this bad most of the time. Plenty of days will go by without incident, I’m sure. But I am… a violent person. I have violent tendencies, and I get angry. And I’m not trying to curb these tendencies because I enjoy indulging in them. So…” They tapped their knuckles on the table and shrugged. “That’s the situation. We’re square, for now. So you don’t need to be skulking around anymore. And… nevermind, I was going to say something mean.”
Tommy shifted uncomfortably. “About last night?”
“What, I’m not your type?”
Fletcher chuckled. “I was going to say when I want to take sexual advantage of you, I’ll let you know; you don’t have to initiate.”
“Right,” Tommy muttered, looking down again.
“I’m joking,” Fletcher said. “You can tell from my lighthearted expression.” They pointed at their face, purposely putting on a grumpy look. “Anyway, I’m planning my lesson for today. Might have to throw you around a bit for the demo. Nothing personal.”
“Oh,” Tommy said. “Okay, um…”
Fletcher was already up, carrying their coffee out of the room. “Get some breakfast,” they reminded him. “Three meals a day.”
hm i kind of thought our taglists would overlap more. good luck everyone.
@suspicious-whumping-egg @whumpyourdamnpears @generic-whumperz @lonesome--hunter
@whumplr-reader @theelvishcowgirl @sunshiline-writes @dont-be-gentle-please @galesgallery
@2in1whump @sparrowsage @apokolyps @whumpinggrounds
@morning-star-whump @leviiio @alexmundaythrufriday
@defire @jumpywhumpywriter @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
@light-me-on-pyre @slighlydisturbedbeans @dislexiher @paperprinxe @desert-dyke
@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @whatwasmyprevioususername @cursedandtired
@whump-only @misspelledwitch @redstainedsocks @thehopelessopus @im-just-here-for-the-whump
@thatsthewhump @aqua-blogging  @utopian819 @whumpinggoodtime @pretty-face-breaker
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skrrts · 9 hours
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Home Is ✧ yunho version (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x jeong yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, romance ✧ word count: 1,2k
You have found the love of your life, and now the two of you are ready for the next step in your relationship: moving together. Neither of you can wait to finally be able to spend every day together but it's out of the question ... the whole progress looks a lot more casual and aesthetical on social media than it actually is. Chaos. You can't wait to finally be done with unboxing the last pieces of clothing and get comfortable in your new bedroom but then there is Pudeongie, who had been banished to now spend his days in the armchair in the corner of the room. Why do you feel so judged and how come Yunho is so cute about this?
a/n: #3 of the little mini series and can't believe we already wrap it up next week, September really passed by so quickly. it just made sense to give this plushie some screentime, he's very loyal with his life on yunho's bed
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Did you always own that many sleeping shirts? You sighed as you looked at the box, still trying to somehow shove them all into the corner of the wardrobe. Yunho had been humble, just as always and he owned so few clothes that you wondered how he always looked so fashionable while you had so many and still failed to ever put your mind on outfits. Maybe you should have bought a larger wardrobe after all.
You loved your new home and after weeks of hard work, there really only had been a few details left until the two of you finally settled. The apartment belonged to one of Yunho's relatives and thanks to that, instead of being forced to rush and get all done in a weekend, the two of you took the time, setting all up and making tonight the first one where you would sleep here.
The stunning new large bed was the highlight of the bedroom and your amazing boyfriend had given in to your wish for one of those bed canopy decorated with fairy lights.
Everything was perfect, if not for the judging glances of a plushie that was now sitting in the small armchair in the corner of the room.
The plush dog had been the very first thing you noticed when you stayed at Yunho's place for the first time. Your boyfriend had been more of a minimalist and allergic to colors, so the brown plushie had been a hard contrast to all the greys and black of his room. Yunho said that it was a gift from a good friend, handmade and based on a silly design he came up with.
The plushie had been there from the beginning of your relationship, it napped in bed with you but after moving, it felt natural that it received a new place. Now, why did you feel so watched and judged? He shared years with Yunho, it was time to grow up!
You blushed, clearing your throat for your silly thoughts when the door opened and Yunho, came in, balancing a tray with cups. The smell of pumpkin spice latte and fresh brownies from your favorite bakery immediately made you smile as you only moved a little. Your boyfriend sat down by your side, smiling.
"You stored in clothes all afternoon. I thought it was a good time for a break. I made sure to take a photo of those cat cups so Wooyoung would stop texting us if we finally tried out his gift," Yunho laughed as he offered one to you. Ah yes, your friends had the most interesting presents to celebrate how two of their closest friends finally moved together after more than five years of dating.
You carefully sipped on it: "Thank you, this is so nice... I never really had carpet before but I can see the benefit now."
You chuckled and Yunho smiled, moving closer so he could hug you from behind, eyes wandering over your bedroom.
"Mhm, not that cold flooring will ever stop me from kissing you just at every corner and spot in our little home."
His words were full of pride, you loved how domestic Yunho was. He really embraced building all of that furniture together with your dad and starting to cook for you, making little snacks, and taking over chores you didn't like.
"Our home is almost perfect," you mumbled placing the cup down. Yunho blinked, tilting his head: "Almost? What's missing, love?"
You pouted a little: "Not missing, it's just him. He makes me feel so guilty."
You pointed toward the plushie and Yunho's gaze followed, blinking before laughing.
"Pudeongie? What has he done?" that cute little smile already hinted he knew it was just a silly moment.
"He judges me, look at him! He has been kicked out of bed and I am not sure if he will ever forgive me," you pouted again and Yunho couldn't stop himself from smiling.
Your boyfriend stood up, picking up the plushie to move over, sitting by your side again.
"I believe, this is just his resting face, like Woo. Look at him! He's all soft and loving!"
Yunho pouted cutely as he hugged it tightly and you couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes playfully, giggling.
"Of course, it hasn't to do with you being biased at all."
He loved that plushie and so did you. Of course, it had been part of many fond memories of your relationship.
"I am sure, it will be a change but he will get used to it. In fact, maybe all he needs is company!" Yunho winked and tilted his head slowly. You sipped on your cup again, before placing it aside.
"He is very handsome. So fluffy and tall, maybe I should take him to bed with me tonight, for the best cuddles!"
Now it was Yunho who was pouting: "Hey! The first night in a new home is important... I am very fluffy as well."
You couldn't hold back a laugh, placing a kiss on his cheek and then on Pudeongie's. "I think, you might be right and it's a draw. So what do we do about it?"
Yunho smiled at you, before slowly standing up and placing the plushie carefully back on the armchair. Then, he walked over to one of your wardrobes and pulled out a big body pillow, taking a marker and drawing an adorable face on its cover before placing it next to his plushie.
"There, all he needed was the perfect one by his side. I am very knowledgeable of just how that is what one needs," he insisted. You joined his side and he hugged you without hesitation.
"Very true. Maybe we can get it some fluffy ears too, so they match better," you looked up to Yunho who looked fondly at you.
"I am very blessed that I am loved by a person who accepts my fond former roommate," he whispered and kissed you. This was silly but you'd not want to have it any other way.
You sat down again, this time on his lap, offering him a few bites from the cookie he brought.
"Mh, the bakery at the corner of the street is really nice. We should invite Seonghwa next time, they sell really delicious-looking slices of strawberry cake."
Yunho was comfortable, he rambled on, and shared his explorations with you and what he liked about the new neighborhood. It warmed your heart to see him getting used to living here with you as quickly now.
"If we do that, he might come over often to visit," you chuckled.
Yeosang and Yunho had been living together since starting college and just remained that way long after picking up their jobs. When their contract had come to an end, it made sense for them to move on and it must be quite a change for them.
You intended to give Yunho just as many special memories in this place.
"Now then," you whispered, grinning.
"Shall we go on and give them some privacy? I feel, there is quite a long list of things I always wanted to do in our first home together," you teased and Yunho looked at you, winking.
"Well, since the list is so long, we better get started."
He took your hand and pulled you along, the bedroom door falling shut behind you.
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therethatstar · 1 day
pondphuwin au where they go mattress shopping for pond’s new bedroom and pond can’t fucking make up his mind and it’s been like an hour in there. one of the sale associates keeps trying to make small talks with pond and asks pond what kind of sleeper he is to which phuwin answers for him “well when he sleeps by himself, he sleeps on his back. but with me, he sleeps on his sides.” just in case it wasn’t clear to the woman that pond, as a matter of fact, already has someone in bed with him.
they’re down to 3 mattresses now and before pond can take another hour to decide, phuwin drags him to the first one, pushes pond onto it before he follows. in a beat of a second, phuwin’s lips are on pond’s, pressing him into the mattress as he kisses him. keeping it as pg as they can in a family friendly business department store. he doesn’t let pond get in any word before he pulls him to the second mattress and repeat the same move, then to the third one. then phuwin drags him to the second mattress again, kisses him once more before he pushes pond back and up on his feet in no time, pulling pond up with him. “this one. it’s more comfortable to kiss on.”
pond stands there completely stunned and in daze. he should be used by phuwin’s random shenanigans by now but even then, he still stands there breathless and brain dumb. he thinks he might be going through a minor cardiac arrest, he’s not sure. but like someone should check on his heartbeat and maybe call the paramedic just in case he passes out or something. because perhaps maybe pond will never get used to it, to phuwin, the way sunlight catches his eyes when he smiles at pond, with the little wrinkles kissing his skin. it makes pond feel like he’s knocking right into the sun each time.
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