#not sure if i'd have portwell endgame or not though
skyeward-otp · 2 years
I miss Portwell they deserve so much better. If Rina really has been planned since homecoming then Portwell should of never been a thing because EJ doesn’t deserve to be heartbroken twice by a girl he really likes just for Ricky to somehow win her back in his life. I am so disappointed by the way the writers treated them there are other ways to make Rina happen that don’t involve EJ getting hurt in the end for putting his heart out there and to get nothing in return.
Goodness, I miss them too. they really did deserve better. they were just...so perfect. for being a teenage couple on tv on a disney show, you know? but like...they were so cute, and honestly, the heart eyes every time they looked at each other was magical.
honestly? i've learned over the years to not always trust every word that comes out of a showrunner's mouth, or that they'll treat my favorite characters/ship write. I've been burned too many times. a lot of them will bend truths and sort of stretch things done in the past to make it work for the narrative they're trying to create in the present. obviously not all of them are like that, but that tends to feel like the general vibe of a lot of showrunners. say whatever you need to say to make the majority happy and keep them watching your show, even if it alienates others.
also...how soon did they know that Olivia was gonna leave the show? i doubt they knew during the filming of s1 since she didn't really start taking off in her music until s1 was released (i'm pretty sure). and it definitely felt like the plan was to always make Rini endgame, no matter what else happened. and then they gave Portwell all of these beautiful scenes through s2, after setting up their rivals to friends to lovers arc so wonderfully, showing the both of them moving on from past relationships and focusing on themselves and finding that companionship and understanding in each other that they weren't finding anywhere else. something that wasn't intended as romance, in their eyes, but they were both happy to let it go there when the realizations hit them.
i really feel for EJ too, having two girlfriends that both ended up with Ricky in the end, proving to him, in his mind, that he's not good enough to have these two girls that he thought were amazing stick around or come back. that there's something he's lacking if he loses two girls to the same guy within the span of roughly a year, a guy that both girls already had some degree of history with.
if EJ is gonna be in s4, I need the writers to treat him better, like honestly. i will write his storyline if I have to. let the boy have a meltdown finally, or something, because of all the pressure he's always under (he should have had one in s3 and i will stand by that). let him find friends who will support him unconditionally and stand by him (like yeah, the wildcats are great, but they were all constantly bagging on ej during s3 [if i remember correctly, I've only seen it once] while he was trying to direct a show he didn't want to direct in the first place and it really didn't sit right with me). let him find a girlfriend WHO WILL STICK AROUND LONGER THAN A FEW MONTHS (as much as i love gina and portwell, my boy deserves some happiness too)
all in all. i love EJ the most. Gina is wonderful and amazing. Portwell will always have my heart. as much as i wish they hadn't broken them up, couldn't they have at least given them a better ending than that? like honestly. they all deserved better.
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